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Celebrating You
NEWS & EVENTS Speak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020LIFESTYLE CelebratingYou!
Celebrating you is a space for you guys to tell us what you’ve been getting up to and to share anything you might be really proud of. We love getting stuff from you, so please send in your poems, stories, pictures, jokes or tell us about something you’ve done, your favourite hobby or a new pet, and we’ll include it in the next issue of SpeakOut. membership@whocaresscotland.org – 40 Wellington Street, Glasgow, G2 6HJ Gabby’s Football Dream Team!
One day during lockdown I was a bit bored and I started speaking to a few of my friends about football. I have always loved football but not always had much chance to play and it turned out my friends felt the same, we were all keen to play but had had similar bad experiences of not being picked, feeling excluded and not fitting in.
So, we decided to start out own team, an inclusive team where young people with care experience or disabilities felt welcome no matter what level of ability they have. We started off having a kickabout outdoors one night a week. We had about 5 players initially and advertised for a few more and encouraged people to bring along their friends. As more people came we started meeting up more often, we now train 3 times a week and I plan the training sessions. I have also designed a kit and we are hoping to get a local sponsor so we can buy the strips and hopefully in the future we’ll actually be able to play against other teams in the area. I feel really excited on the days that we have training and I always look forward to it. The feedback from the team has been really good and everyone has a great time playing football together!
WC?S member, Bob, wrote a poem to mark this year’s Pride festival – a celebration of LGBTQ+ equality. He dedicated his poem to the LGBTQ+ members of the Who Cares? Scotland Family.

Pride Bob Hamilton
Love is love, Enough is enough, Be with who makes you happy, Do not worry, Laugh as much as you smile, Go that extra mile, Be yourself, Don’t hide, I wish everyone a happy Pride.