THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR is devoted to supporting activities and events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles, and spiritual/emotional well-being. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness.
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Calendar of Events in Southern California
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In This Issue
May: A Month to Celebrate Women and Politics by Linda Harmon 4 Seeding Prosperity by Sharon Hall 6 Following the Thread of a Millennial Woman by Tree Bernstein 8 The Way of the Happy Woman - an interview with Sara Avant Stover 41
45 46
The Whole Gardener by Randy Arnowitz WP Recommends 3 10 31 Everyday Services............................ 35 Future Events................................... May Events....................................... Ongoing Weekly Events .................. Books/Music/Media Counseling/Life Coaching Education/Training Gift Shops/Bookstores Health & Wellness Intuitive Arts Meditation/Spirituality Professional Services Travel/Retreats & more TM 2012
Typeset by Connie Kudura, Prototype, Eugene, Oregon
Issue 5
Women & Work
Many of us that grew up in the 60’s thought the fight for women’s rights was won; current political events have indicated that it is still ongoing. The presidential campaign has brought-front-and-center issues such as birth control, working mothers, and abortion. These topics greatly affect women’s intimate personal lives, the choices they make, and their future. This month, we have gathered information to inspire you to keep the fires burning both in the political, public realm and in your individual heart for personal freedom and empowerment. Linda Harmon states her case for an International Women’s Day which contrary to what you would think, has not yet been established! Close to home, we found a “Millennial Woman,” Shelly Gottschamer, who walks the walk and rides a bike to work when she is not traveling the globe sourcing raw materials for the eco-conscious company Patagonia. Sharon Hall discovered that The Whole Planet Foundation is on a mission to foster economic and social growth through microcredit loans to women. It turns out that women are more likely than men to pay back the loans. Communities all over the world are reaping the benefits of this program as women become self-sufficient. We worked hard to bring you these stories, all of which are written by women, with the exception of our lone male contributor, Randy Arnovitz, who has his own take on the role of the female in nature in his monthly Garden column. Here’s to all Millennial women. Enjoy the fruits of your labor this month. — The Whole Person Team ON THE COVER: ”Chula Tree” by Erika Carter. View more of her work at: www.erikacarter.com
The entire content of THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is copyright by Farris Design. The trademark, THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable its accuracy is not guaranteed. Photo reproduction and copying is prohibited.
PREREGISTRATION – FUTURE EVENTS – WEINTAHWAH, ANGELIC CODES FOR HEALING & TRANSFIGURATION: Level 1 takes place June 9; Level 2 on June 10. 11 am-5 pm in Glendora. Engage with powerful Angelic frequencies transmitted through Radiant Light and Symbology. Receive Transmissions, manual, certificate. Elevate consciousness, heal self and others and enhance other modalities. $250/day or $450/ both days. Info and registration: www.soundbodyarts.com. HONOR WOMAN, A Day of Celebrating the Vast Beauty of Woman. Preregister for this May 26 event, 9 am-11 am, no charge. Group Meditation & Satsang guided by Ma Bhairavi and Yogi Shivraj. Space limited, RSVP. Call 805/9903057, www.SiddhiCenter.org. SILVER BRANCH PERCEPTION, preregister for this June 1-3 event with Radhule Weininger, MD, PhD and Michael Kearney, MD, FRCPI. Silver Branch Perception describes a way of “seeing” familiar with mystics and indigenous peoples. Combined with the Buddhist concept of “mutual co-arising,” the Lakota concept of “all my relations,” and nature-based Celtic meditations, you will synergistically be initiated into seeing all as connected. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org or email RegisterB@lcdm.org. REIKI CERTIFICATION COURSES, preregister for upcoming courses, Level I, II, Adv & Masters. Learn this hands on healing technique from Gail Thackray, Reiki Master, only 6 generations from the Grand Masters in Japan. Traditional Usui
plus Tibetan. Gail is a powerful medium. Emphasis is on connection to spirits and psychic development. Level 1 $120, Level II $175, Adv/M May 5-6, $250. 818/890-6111, www.GailThackray.com. SAVE THE DATE! INTERFAITH PRAYER BRUNCH, a quarterly event hosted by Unity Church of Chatsworth, will take place on July 1. Includes prayer, meditation, music, brunch, workshop. 10:30 am-3 pm. Workshop with keynote presenter takes place 1-3 pm. At Porter Valley Country Club, Northridge. Visit www. unityofchatsworth.org. Love offering. 818/9141955. DEEP SPIRIT & THE FOUR GIFTS OF KNOWING, preregister for this June 22-24 workshop with Christian de Quincey, PhD. Do we create our own reality? Learn different ways of knowing and draw on revolutionary insights from quantum science to reveal how reality “bubbles into being” at every moment. Each of us gets to vote on the outcome through intention and choice. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org or email RegisterB@lcdm.org. PREREGISTER: KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION RETREAT, July 26-29. Unlock your true potential. Learn the liberating Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation tool. Discover the healing power of your personal relationship with the Divine. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. UPLEDGER’S INTRODUCTION TO CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, takes place June 25-26. Learn core concepts and effective hands-on
techniques from the leading provider of CranioSacral Therapy training. No experience necessary, 12 CEUs for MT, RN, OT, LAc, DCs. 9 am-5 pm, $275 using code WPC. At Crystal Fantasy Enlightenment Center, Palm Springs. Info: Upledger Institute, www.upledger.com; 310/376-0113; karen.axelrod@gmail.com; www. karenaxelrod.com. A SOUL CARE JOURNEY IN JOSHUA TREE, preregister for this May 31-June 3 event. Led by Joan Borysenko and friends. A new, fresh approach to Recovery and Mental Health Conferences. Spark transformational healing through generative soulful listening, group circles, ceremonies, drumming, meditation, medicine wheel and dreaming work, shamanic breath work and more. Renew yourself in Joshua Tree. Contact: Gretchen, 615/557-5245, www.SpiritRecovery. com. Rooms will be booked through Joshua Tree Retreat Center, www.jtrcc.org. SACRED PATH OF THE HOUSEHOLDER, preregister for this July 27-29 dynamic retreat for couples with Katherine and Roger Collis. Learn how to create a spiritual life as partners amidst the challenges and joys of daily life. The Collis’s have led retreats throughout their 40-year marriage. Their focus is to awaken the sacred in all aspects of human endeavor. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org or email RegisterB@lcdm.org. PRE-REGISTRATION FOR SELACIA’S DIVINE CHANGEMAKER SERIES forming now, an experiential 4-week course designed to help you move into your authentic self and be all you can (continued on p. 10)
May: A Traditional Month to Celebrate Women and Politics by Linda Harmon
s a mother, a grandmother, and a woman, there are things I can’t help but think about as we move into May. Traditionally, it opens up the season of birth and rebirth, a time associated with women and nature. It is also a political month worldwide, home to May Day, the International Worker’s Day. May Day traditions celebrating rebirth go back to the ancients. Recently commandeered by western society in the modern-day concept of “Mother’s Day,” the practice of honoring of motherhood is rooted in antiquity. Participants in older cultures celebrated goddesses and symbols rather than actual individual mothers. Both the Celtic festival of Beltane, in the British Isles, and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night* celebrated magical forces beyond human control, an attempt to merge the human and supernatural worlds into one, if even only for one night, honoring the power of fertility. Later, when many of our ancestors moved to cities and took up commerce, mass industrialization began to take place. Many people no longer had direct ties to the land, and the social change and unrest which followed led to a whole new incarnation of May Day. In the 19th century, May 1st became the date around the world to celebrate a day of international working class solidarity. People united for human rights, rights that were being trampled in the economy of the cities and towns around them. Trade unions, revolutionary parties, and governments organized demonstrations from Africa to Asia, across South and North America, and Europe to celebrate the struggle of the international working class laboring in our fields, our factories, our restaurants and even in the halls of our hospitals and universities. In 1889 Paris, May Day was officially adopted as International Workers’ Day at a meeting of the Marxist International Socialist Congress, where the hardfought battle for the eight-hour work day we enjoy today began.** Taking a closer look at the long history of the labor movement in this country, I was surprised to learn that Susan B. Anthony, the mother of the suffragette movement, actually championed the eight-hour work week almost thirty years earlier. I found out that in her paper, The Revolution, she also called for equal pay for equal work, advocated for a policy of purchasing American-made goods and was pro-immigration. Anthony was truly a woman of broad vision. According to the United Nations, the idea of an International Women’s Day first grew from the activities of these twentieth century labor movements and the first National Woman’s Day was observed in the U.S in 1909.*** It took until 1975 for the United Nations to establish an International Women’s Day, now celebrated as the United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. Unfortunately, as this event is observed on different days worldwide, it’s a moving
target. When is the last time you heard of an International Women’s Day? Since it grew out of organized labor’s May Day movement, I say let’s bring it back to a May date worldwide and make it count for something. I can’t see a down side. According to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), empowering women fuels thriving economies, spurring productivity and growth. Unfortunately their facts indicate, whether in political bodies or corporate boardrooms, women still have a limited say in the decisions directly affecting them. They also lag far behind men in access to credit, land, and decent jobs. The U.N. urges inclusion of women in public planning as a “jumping-off point” to build the range of public services and policies that citizens expect from government. Public planning means getting into politics locally, regionally, statewide, and at the federal level. I may be cranky but I’ve had enough of the romanticizing of sexism, from the glorification of “Mad Men” to the fortunately short-lived run of a “Playboy” fantasy on prime time. The media and the pop culture PR machines need to get a grip on reality. There is nothing romantic about turning back the clock on human rights, here or anywhere.
We need to make this another international year of the woman.
Here are three concrete reasons to get involved and get political: - Women still face unequal pay for equal work, earning on average only 77¢ for every dollar. With the squeeze on every household these days, that extra 23 cents is no small change. Our families need it and women deserve it. - Women’s ability to control their reproductive lives and health is under merciless attack. The internal vaginal probe made news for a week, but Roe v. Wade is in serious danger of being overturned by Bush/Reagan appointees to the Supreme Court. - Basic access to birth control is also under attack. Cuts to family planning programs, pharmacists being allowed to refuse to fill birth control prescriptions, and the FDA’s three-year delay of prescription-free morning-after pills are only the tip of the iceberg. If you think there are too many women out there to see these rights go away ponder this: According to the National Foundation for Women Legislators, women held only 89 of 535 seats (16.6%) in United States Congress and 23.3% of state legislators in 2011. Even scarier, according to Southern Connecticut University statistics, the U.S. now comes in at 69th in their ranking of countries with the highest percentage of women in government (behind Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Uganda.) (continued on page 39)
Seeding Prosperity by Sharon Hall
The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world. Muhammad Yunus
hy is a Fortune 500 Company such as Whole Foods Market on a global mission to create seeds of prosperity through supporting microlending programs? It’s the right thing to do, and it’s working to change lives, all over the world. When Muhammad Yunus received the Nobel Prize in 2006, the idea of changing lives with very small loans to the poor at low or zero interest rates, was a startling, even revolutionary concept. In 2012, with the financial crisis hitting the 99% worldwide, there’s never been a better time to help. Better than welfare, micro-lending gives people who would never qualify for credit cards or bank loans a real chance at entrepreneurship. By lending small sums and not making it impossible to do what most honest people want to do anyway — pay them back — this simple idea has spread like wildfire; offering hope and a new life to those most in need. My interest in the Whole Foods Market’s micro-lending program and their non-profit, The Whole Planet Foundation, began at the checkout line. The nice young woman at the register asked if I’d like to donate to their prosperity campaign,
Nagamma, A Microcredit Client of Microcredit Initiative of Grameen (India) Nagamma is a microcredit client in Kerala, India, where Whole Foods Market sources cashews. She is 55 years old and on her second loan. Her first loan of $100 was to start a tea shop and her second loan of $160 is to raise goats and chickens. Now her husband is working in the tea shop but her son is still a day laborer. Nagamma’s hope is to see her family in better condition in the future. She heard about the opportunities of microcredit from other members in her village.
helping to empower women by rounding up to the next dollar. Why not? What’s 40 cents or so? When I asked where my money would go, she handed me a beautiful brochure with colorful photos of smiling women from many countries. I ended up talking to an enthusiastic and inspired store manager named Brian. It turned out that the month of March is when an international fundraising push takes place for The Whole Planet Foundation’s micro-lending program. Currently operating in more than 40 countries, and recently launched domestically, I thought The Whole Person’s readership should definitely learn more about this. The definition of a micro-loan is a small amount of money given without collateral or contract. This enables the “poorest of the poor” to borrow without punitive effects. And, the loans are now focused completely on empowering women. To learn more, I sat down with two of WFM’s Southern California Marketing Manager Supervisors at the beautiful Tarzana store; Lena Pereira, and Ashley Eaton. These two young women cover a wide territory: Lena oversees their marketing initiatives and organizes sponsorship and fund-raising events for WPF, from Venice Beach to West Hollywood. Ashley does the same thing in stores from Pasadena to the San Fernando Valley, up to Ventura, and Santa Barbara. These are two busy, committed women. And they are passionate about the mission of the Whole Planet Foundation. I was surprised and pleased to learn all of Ashley’s staff at the stores she supervises and supports are women and both have been involved with the Whole Planet Foundation since they came on board. They consider themselves ambassadors. “We make sure the fund-raising takes place and there’s awareness of it in our communities.” The Whole Planet Foundation was born out of Whole Foods Market’s desire to give something back
to those who have helped them succeed while focusing on the persistent problem of world poverty and hunger. The foundation was formed with the entrepreneurial spirit of Whole Foods Market in partnership with Professor Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank, co-recipients of 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.* It seems every employee — from the CEO to the cashiers — gets involved with getting the word out about the Whole Planet Foundation’s mission: Poverty alleviation through microcredit in communities worldwide that supply the Whole Foods Market stores with products. When we sat down to speak, Ashley and Lena told me that all the stores, national and international are involved in raising money for the project and, in LA alone, over 30 contribute. Ashley gave me the specific stats: the program operates in 46 countries. This year their Annual Prosperity campaign, via the stores, raised 5.3 million dollars. Their region alone — Southern California — has raised over $500,000. The average domestic loan is a few thousand, compared to international loans that range from $150 to about $300.
By helping one woman become more self-sufficient, you help not only that person and that family, but the community as well.
Usually, admin costs can be as much as 90% of the funds raised. The larger the organization, the higher the costs are to put on a fundraiser. To manage to put 100% of the money raised into direct services means more funds available for loans. When Whole Foods Markets raise over 5 million dollars in one year, it represents a lot of women being helped to create entrepreneurial ventures. That translates to better living conditions, healthier children, and the pride that comes from being self-sufficient and an asset to one’s greater community. The stores that get involved with fund-raising use everything from cooking classes to book sales to bake sales. The girls explain that, “it’s not just asking for money at the register.” And, they get creative. For example, there was a poker night — and wilder ideas: “Like with our kiss-the-fish contest,” Lena says. “People donated to see the seafood guys kiss a fish.” Ashley added, “We even had our executive coordinator who had really long hair cut it and donate the money from that to the Whole Planet Foundation. We want to make it really fun; team members can get really competitive.” Both feel the Annual Prosperity Campaign is one of their favorite times of the year. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s a real good feeling to be part of it.” I was curious about the domestic micro-lending programs. As of this writing, loans have been given to women in a few American cities, with plans to soon increase domestic lending. As it continues to get bigger, WFM is already looking to do more domestically. And, all the loans are given to women, both domestic and international. Ashley: We discovered that the women were more likely to pay back the loans. Particularly in (continued on page 44)
Vanaja, A Microcredit Client of Microcredit Initiative of Grameen (India) Vanaja is a client of WPF partner Microcredit Initiative of Grameen in Kerala, India, where Whole Foods Market sources cashews. She is on her fourth loan for her weaving business. Her first loan was $120, her second was $180, and she used them for purchasing the thread needed for weaving. Her next two loans were larger and she invested them in her loom. Her husband assists her in weaving and her 32-year-old son is a day laborer. Vanaja and her family hope her weaving business continues to prosper now that they have their own loom.
Following the Thread of a Millennial Woman by Tree Bernstein spinner in Texas, to the knitter in Mexico, your shirt has traveled the world. And so has Shelly Gottschamer.
The back, the yoke, the yardage. Lapped seams, The nearly invisible stitches along the collar . . . — from “The Shirt” by Robert Pinsky
t least twice a week Shelly Gottschamer hops on her super light, sleek road bike and rides down the bike path from Ojai to Ventura to her office at Patagonia in less than an hour. It’s a 17-mile trip. Sometimes she rides the bus (with her bike on the rack) back up the hill for the return. When she’s not commuting to work by bike, she travels the world sourcing factories to make apparel for Patagonia, the eco-conscious corporation and purveyor of fine sportswear based in Ventura County. Gottschamer is a Millennial Woman who talks the talk and rides a bike. Trained in the art of couture tailoring, Gottschamer knows the business inside and out, from sourcing raw materials for Patagonia’s well-made clothing line, to how each item actually gets made, from thread to cloth to manufacturing. Recently, she has focused her considerable skills in management on sourcing organic cotton. American and Mexican “Legacy Mills” — reliable companies that Patagonia has been doing business with for decades — provide some of the organic cotton required, but most of the resources must be culled globally. In March of this year, her travels took her to China, Thailand, India, and Mexico, where she assessed factories and supply chains. Then she puzzles the information into the grand scheme of making something as useful — and ubiquitous — as a simple t-shirt. This year Gottschamer initiated an agreement with a Texas farming co-op to provide organic cotton, which will ultimately be shipped to Mexico to be knitted into t-shirt fabric. That fabric will then be shipped to another factory to be fashioned into that t-shirt in your gym bag. “The most interesting thing about my job,” says Gottschamer, “is the Corporate Social Responsibility aspect. How do you
Shelly Gottschamer at work in the recycling cotton mill, Indore, India. make sure you are following the best practices of human rights and environmental responsibility in a factory the size of a football field?” Patagonia notes that, “Mistreatment of garment workers is not just the result of global competition for low-price products, greed or malfeasance. It can also be the result of inefficiency, not only at the factory but also on the part of the company buying the goods. Last-minute changes to orders, unreasonable price demands and hurry-up delivery times can exacerbate already difficult conditions on the factory floor.” Gottschamer is a tad exasperated that casual observers so often view garment manufacturing simply as exploiting workers in sweatshops. “I’m working to change that, to provide a decent living for our workers, as well as an excellent product for the consumer.” Which naturally brings up the question: what are our “best practices” as consumers? Take the common t-shirt for instance. Comfy and versatile, it is a staple in most everyone’s wardrobe. A well-made t-shirt, one with “lapped seams” and “nearly invisible stiches,” as Robert Pinksy’s poem exalts, can serve you for years. Stop a moment to consider where it actually comes from. That $35 t-shirt you are wearing is a souvenir from places you’ve never been to — from the cotton grower in the Carolinas, to the thread
Yet, there is another “other worldly” side to Gottschamer that has not yet reached the full scope of its potential. A talented seamstress and designer, she thought it “would be fun” to design the costumes for the summer musical Hello Dolly at the Ojai Art Center last year. Her designs won recognition from the Four Star Theater Alliance for Outstanding Costume Design at the Ojai Art Center Theater 2011. That wasn’t just beginner’s luck. This summer she returns as costume designer for The Sound of Music at the Ojai Art Center. Her avocation for creating something original out of fabric transcends recognizable creatures from our world. Recently this took the form of what at first glance looked like a child’s stuffed toy. The prototypes came about originally as a gift for a newborn baby. “I call my creatures ‘Monsters,’ and made the first for my newly born god-son. My husband Devon named it Chickenpead. It looked more like art to me than a baby’s toy, which inspired the other Monster, Mr. Mouth,” explains Gottschamer. The surprising whimsical combination of color and shape has inspired more ideas. “If I had the time and the inclination I would make the Monsters the size of a room so you could walk under them. I hope more Monsters are on the way.” If not more Monsters, something creative, inspiring, and well-made is sure to spring into a new form from this creative young woman’s imagination. Athlete, advocate, businesswoman and artist — Shelly Gottschamer is her own prototype of the Millennial Woman. Tree Bernstein a.k.a. Ms. Metaphor (AskMsMetaphor.com), is a graduate of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University, where she learned her peas and cues and earned an MFA in Writing & Poetics.
Photo by W.J. Kim
10 be. Info: 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com. Selacia is an author, intuitive healer and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening.
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������������������������� “I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found your congregation. It is truly odd for me to actually look forward to going to church. It makes my week. Thank you for being so great at what you do!!” –N.M.
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WRT WATER RELEASE THERAPY® PROVIDER TRAINING, preregister for May 19-23 training held at Healing Waters in Santa Barbara. 36 hrs CEU credits. Contact Diane Feingold, 805/5697047, dianefeingold@gmail.com, www.dianefeingold.com. THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN®, preregister for The Basic Workshop, May 26-27. Shamanic Journeying, Power & Healing. In Santa Barbara. Info: Mujiba Cabugos, mujiba@heartwaymusce. com, 805/966-4465. PREREGISTER FOR: CLEARSIGHT’S INTRO TO CLAIRVOYANCE. This first module of the larger Clairvoyant Program can be taken online or in-person at Clearsight. This powerful 4month program teaches you to unleash your human potential through the development of your innate psychic abilities. Learn the skills of grounding, centering and learning to see energy. $199/month. Instructor: Judy Nelson. Visit www. clearsightaura.com/intro-to-clair-online to request an interview. COMPASSION: A JOURNEY INTO THE HEART OF GOD, preregister for this Aug. 3-5 event with Patricia Fresen, PhD. Through presentation, prayer and reflection, you will explore compassion, drawing inspiration from Gospel texts and the writings of extraordinary mystics such as Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, HH the Dalai Lama, and Karen Armstrong. Patricia is a leading voice in women’s spirituality. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/9695031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org or email RegisterB@lcdm.org. AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION WEEKEND with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT, Fri-Sun, June 22-24. Learn to read the Akashic Records (your Soul’s energy-archive) for yourself &/or others with Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer Process. Weekend training includes Past Life Healing tools. Info: 818/415-3479, AkashicLA@gmail.com, www.YourLifeandSoul. com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA.
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EXPERIENCE SUNBURST: Meditation, Community, Service. Preregister for the 2-week program June 17-July 1 (ages 18-30), and July 1529 (everyone). Activities include organic gardening and landscaping, harvesting and preparing food, as well as hands-on instruction in the cob natural building technique. Camping available. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. REGISTRATION NOW FOR: BASIC WATSU, June 9-10, 16 hrs CEU credits. Held at Healing Waters in Santa Barbara. Contact Diane Feingold, 805/569-7047, dianefeingold@gmail.com, www.dianefeingold.com. JOHN OF GOD, BRAZIL TRIP with Medium Gail Thackray, June 19-30. Gail will be taking a small group to Brazil to see the amazing healer John of God (recently featured on Oprah). See website for more details: www.GailThackray.com. $1800 all inc. plus air. Distance healings available, $150. Info: 818/890-6111. GET CERTIFIED: BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR, preregister for this May 25-27, 9 am-
6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. (Free intro May 9, 7 pm.) DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991. PEOPLE & PET COMMUNICATION & HEALING FAIR, next event is Sat., June 2, 2-4 pm. Everyone welcome. Free Aura Healings for people and pets. For comfort and safety, please bring your pets in on leashes or in pet carrying cases. If they can’t come in, bring a picture. People without pets are welcome too. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. PROSPERITY 2012, preregister for this June 2 event. A “timely update” on prosperity, from joyful and peace centered living! A fun and empowering 1-day seminar at the beautiful Double Tree Hotel, Claremont. $95 preregistration. Call 951/990-5483 or email thelighthousefoundation2012@gmail.com. CELTIC SPIRITUALITY: AS IT WAS, AS IT IS, preregister for this Aug. 24-26 event featuring Fionn Tulach. Immerse yourself deeply into this ancient path of the Ceile De, the oldest spiritual lineage in the Celtic countries. Engage in story/ myth, meditation, silence, Christ consciousness, deep connection with nature, sacred chants. Info: www.ceilede.co.uk. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/9695031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org or email RegisterB@lcdm.org.
TUESDAY, MAY 1 T.M. HEALING CLINIC, everyone welcome, 7:45-8:45 pm, $10 suggested contribution, everyone welcome. The cleaning of energies that would interfere or inhibit the natural ability of the spirit to heal the body. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. FREE ENERGY HEALING CLINIC, Tuesday meditation & free energy healing at 7 pm. At 1710 Hillhurst Ave. #203, LA 90027. Limited seats. RSVP to 818/339-4641 or www.Meetup. com/HealingArtsCircle. Presented by Direct Mindpower, www.DirectMindpower.com.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 PROSPERITY CLUB, 7:30 PM. Meets on 1st Wed. of each month. Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita. Inclusive, Christ centered. Call
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12 for location and directions, 661/645-9503, www. silentmiracles.net. AURA CHAKRA READINGS, available 2:30-7:30 pm. With Mary Delano Otis. $35, includes CD of reading and 12-page report. Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4103, www.thehealinglightresourcecenter.com. CONTEMPLATIVE HOUR is a spiritual spa for your heart’s concerns. Give yourself this soothing gift in a safe, loving space. 7 pm. SpiritWorks serves Spiritual Refreshment every Wed. at pm and Sun. at 10 am. Free talks available at www. spiritworkscenter.com. SpiritWorks Center for Spiritual Living, 260 N. Pass Ave., Burbank 91505. 818/848-4158. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit website at www.agatheringofmiracles.com. AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE – HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, Wednesday Spiritual Healing Services, 8 pm. Listen to profound spiritual teachings and meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd. #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy, 323/8505422. CRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Are you drawn to crystals? Chances are you’re one of Mother Earth’s healing angels. Join us to test the waters, learn and grow in the magic of restoring energy with crystals. Crystal Healing Circles on May 2 & 16, 6-7:30 pm. $15 offering required. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. MEDITATION WITH REV. SUZANNE COMMONS, 6-7 pm, in the Library of Yale Hall. Join Rev. Suzanne as she shares the many methods of meditation she has learned from her years of study. Please enter quietly if you are unable to arrive promptly at 6 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org.
THURSDAY, MAY 3 THE FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC STUDIES ���������������������� ���������������������������� ��������� ������������������ ����������������� ����������������� �������������������� ����������������������� ��������������
SOUL DANCE EVENING, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Do you love to dance? Join us for a free-style dance evening with great music in a beautiful setting, and spiritual moments interspersed connecting us with our heart and Soul. It’s fun, outrageous, sacred. No dance expertise needed. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. For more info visit www.SoulDanceLA.com, or call 323/737-4055, ext. 1137. THE SPONTANEOUS FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE, by Deepak Chopra. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org.
IPSB OPEN HOUSE—FREE TO THE PUBLIC, at LA’s most innovative body therapy school, come meet the staff, see a demonstration and learn about opportunities in the field of bodywork. Starts 7:30 pm sharp. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com.
FRIDAY, MAY 4 HOW DOES LIFE QUESTION US? A video seminar screening featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/7374055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ…LIVE MUSIC! Open house and tour. Complimentary dinner with delicious desserts. Enjoy live music (jazz, acoustic, rock, alternative) throughout the evening until midnight. Open Mic so come and share your music. 7:30 pm-midnight. 818/846-1083. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504 (entrance and parking in rear). ONCOLOGY MASSAGE CLASS. One in 4 Californians receives a cancer diagnosis. Massage and bodywork therapies are increasingly being used for symptom control and to improve the quality of life during treatment and recovery. This class provides specific and tangible information for therapists wanting to address the unique and changing needs of an oncology clientele. Day 3 includes an oncology client massage. Presented in association with Greet the Day. Prerequisite: Massage Technician level training. Fri-Sun, 9 am-6 pm, $450. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. FULL MOON MEDITATIONS: TAURUS. The evening opens with meditation followed by prayer, readings, journaling, sharing and intention work. Words of Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith’s Life Visioning Process will be shared. Bring pen, journal, your amazing consciousness and begin the lunar cycle with positive intention. 7-9 pm, $10. With Joshua Darnall, MA. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 5 SHAMANIC SOUND HEALING RETREAT, May 5-6 at the Integratron in Landers, CA. Join Master Sound Healer and Shamanic Practitioner, Phyllis Douglass, and guest artist, Scott Shepherd, for ceremonial drum circles, an evening spiritual journey within the alchemy of the pure and sacred sounds of Himalayan Singing Bowls, Gongs, Voice and more. Investment: $125/person. Info/registration: www.soundbodyarts. com.
The Church of Truth A CENTER FOR
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Church of Truth “Let your light so shine”
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• 150-hour Massage Technician • 550-hour Massage Therapist • 250-hour Package
MASTER MANTAK CHIA TEACHES QI GONG and Taoist Philosophy in Santa Monica May 5-8. Join Master Chia for a weekend workshop in the Healing Sounds, Inner Smile, Microcosmic Orbit and Intro to Healing Love. Mon-Tues: Fusion of the Five Elements–Emotional Transformation. For info and registration contact Dr. David Twicken, www.healingqi.com or info@healingqi. com. WOMEN’S GROUP, meets 1st Saturday of each month, 10 am-12 noon. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. DVD: EXPLORING THE FRONTIERS OF THE AFTERLIFE with Robert J. Grant. 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. ONLY THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE…can one realize the Greatness of the Universe. Guided Meditations by Ma Bhairavi. Saturdays & Sundays, 7 am-8 am, $10 suggested donation (for newcomers). Space is limited, RSVP. Call
805/990-3057, www.SiddhiCenter.org. WRITING FROM THE SOUL: A Class of Initiation and Calling with author Cynthia Waring Matthews. A writing workshop on how to weave environment and feelings into a rich tapestry of self discovery. Through writing exercises we find that though we may not have initiated by wise elders, we in the West have been initiated as well, and these initiations have pushed us towards what will most fulfill us. 2-6 pm, $45. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. REIKI ADVANCED & REIKI MASTER CERTIFICATION courses, May 5-6, with Master Gail Thackray, only 6 generations from the Grand Masters in Japan. Traditional Usui plus Tibetan. Gail incorporates the outdoor natural beauty of Indian Springs Ranch and is a powerful medium. Emphasis is on connection to spirits and psychic development. Sylmar, CA. Advanced ART May 5, $250; Masters May 6, $250. 818/8906111, www.GailThackray.com. WESAK FESTIVAL CELEBRATION. At the 1st full moon in May, Wesak is the one day of the year when Buddha returns to Earth to pour out a spiritual blessing on humanity. Today’s ceremony consists of guided meditation, silent meditation, a round of Sanskrit chanting and sharing a drink of blessed water. With Tracey Boyer, www. TraceyBoyer.com. 5-6 pm, $10. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.humminghoney.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the
NEXT ���� OPEN ���� HOUSES ������ 1& Feb ������ March ������1 ������� 7:30 PM Approved by the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education and Department of Rehabilitation. C.E. credit available to RN’s.
ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. TAI CHI meets every Saturday at 2 pm with Lotus Chan. She has been teaching in the U.S. for more than 10 years and also teaches Chi Gong, Meditation, and the Tai Chi Fan Dance. $7/class or $25/month. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details.
SUNDAY, MAY 6 5 EASY PIECES TO PEACE with Shannan Powell, MIT. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. DETACHMENT & FREEDOM WORKSHOP, 2-5 pm, free, donations welcome. Learn how at-
Call now for information & registration: (323) 655-7781
tachment to a point of view, old habit or behavior can lock us into something that no longer serves us. Experience the freedom that resides within you. Feel free to come early to walk our labyrinth and gardens. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact PALG Registrar at 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, visit www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. 2012: A POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE, 7-9 pm. While some people are focused on 2012 and its dire consequences, Unarius presents a refreshing and positive perspective. Discover why we have much to look forward to this year and beyond. Visit or watch the class streamed live. Unarius Academy of Science, 145 S. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, 800/475-7062, www.unarius.org. LABYRINTH WALK follows our 10 a.m. Celebration Service with Dr. Harry Morgan Moses, who encourages us to “Get Available to Life!” The labyrinth is an ancient, sacred tool for reflection and inquiry. Participants are immersed in an atmosphere of personal sanctuary embellished by
visit www.wayneperry.com
tones of sacred gongs and bowls. All welcome. Sunday service also streamed life at www.myspiritworks.com. SpiritWorks Center for Spiritual Living, 260 N. Pass Ave., Burbank 91505. 818/848-4158, www.spiritworkscenter.com. CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL HEALINGS, 7:308:30 pm. Intuitive Energy Guide Dominic Moore uses Crystal Singing Bowls for fine tuning individuals to recognize their soul’s purpose. These bowl vibrations have the power to shift consciousness from alpha to theta waves in the brain. Held 1st Sunday of each month, $10. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FREE CONCERT: LATIN AMERICAN GROOVE at 3 pm with Brentwood Westwood Symphony Orchestra. Join us for our “Music of the Americas” concert at the University Synagogue, 11960 Sunset Blvd, LA 90049. Our season finale tours through numerous geographic regions from Argentina to Brazil and Puerto Rico. Composers include Bernstein, Yalil Guerra, Piazzolla and Villa Lobos. Free admission and free parking. 310/940-9876, http://www.bwso.org. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAYS AT 6, Sunday nights at Clearsight, 6
pm. Deepen and expand your Meditation Practice with this one-hour Weekly Meditation session. 45 minutes of guided meditation and 15 minutes of open questions about spirituality. $10. Instructor: Judy Nelson. All levels welcome. Please check our calendar at www.clearsightaura.com/calendar to verify the dates of this event. To reserve your seat please email clearsightaura@gmail.com. Clearsight, 310/3951170. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. ONENESS MEDITATION SERVICE, 11 am-1 pm. Oneness is the ultimate vibration of harmony and light. Join us to harmonize mind and body with spirit and soul. Receive new energy and divine guidance for your journey, restore peace and serenity to walk in confidence with clarity and light. Guided meditation led by Lightworker Metaphysician, Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry. $10 donation. (This month: May 6, 13 & 20.) The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Ev-
ery Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112.
MONDAY, MAY 7 ENERGY HEALING & CONNECTION, free selfimprovement class, 7-9 pm. Experience how your thoughts and beliefs affect your own energy field and see how the body’s energies are the key to health, vitality and well-being. With a few simple techniques you can increase the flow of energy through your entire body. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes to register online. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome), every Monday. Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. SPIRITUAL SELF MASTERY CLASS, meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. With Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. LYMPHATIC MASSAGE I CLASS. The lymphatic system is a key part of the immune system. This course provides an introduction to lymphatic massage with simple protocols for the head,
neck, face and upper/lower body to bolster the immune system and enhance fluid flow. No prerequisite. Mon/Thurs 6:15-10:15 through May 17, $240. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com.
Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney. com.
CIRCLE OF LIGHT, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates a weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, 7:30 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY I CLASS, a system approach to the study of the human body with specific focus on the effects of massage and bodywork. Includes tissue study, myology, osteology, immunity, and the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Tues. 6:30-9:30 pm through Aug. 21, $630 plus text. Institute of PsychoStructural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www. ipsb.com.
FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MONDAY NIGHT MEDITATION, a deeply soothing and refreshing experience for your mind, body and heart (May 7, 14 & 21). Leave feeling lighter, more centered, and with a new “reservoir” of peace and strength to carry you through the week. 7:30-8:45 pm, $10/class. With Rob Brookler (www.Meditations2Go.com). The
NUMEROLOGY CLASS begins today, 4 Tuesdays, May 8-29, 7-9 pm. With Sheila Tanenbaum, $30/class. Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4103, www.thehealinglightresourcecenter.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teach-
er-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. CIRCLE OF LIGHT, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates a weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 FREE INTRO, BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR, seminar takes place May 25-27, 9 am-6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. Free intro tonight, 7 pm, call to reserve and for details. DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991. INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION NIGHT, 7:308:45 pm, please RSVP. 1-1/4 hour Intuitive “Rose Reading” Communication. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. UFOs & THEIR SPIRITUAL MISSION, 7-9 pm. Hear evidence that UFOs are real, and learn where they’re from and why they’re here now in ever-increasing numbers. Free presentation. At The Living Temple, 15061 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach 92647. Info: 714/891-5117. www. share-international.org.
FREE WEDNESDAY RETREAT DAY: A SPIRITUALITY OF HOPE. We humans are blessed with an indomitable hope no matter how bad things get. We can increase our spiritual optimism by a freedom from fear of what may happen and a trust that we will handle it and grow from it. David Richo, PhD, MFT, is a psychotherapist and teacher who combines Jungian transpersonal and mythic perspectives. Donation requested, reservations helpful. If you wish to purchase lunch for $14, please reserve in advance (or you may bring your own lunch). La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org or email RegisterB@lcdm.org. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE – HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, Wednesday Spiritual Healing Services, 8 pm. Listen to profound spiritual teachings and meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd. #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy, 323/8505422.
THURSDAY, MAY 10 HOW TO READ KARMA CARDS with Mr Anthony, May 10 & 17 (2 weeks), 6:30-8:30 pm. $25/
class. To RSVP: Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/2524103, www.thehealinglightresourcecenter.com. FINANCIAL HEALING CLASS presented by Kali’s Temple of Inner Knowing. A 6-week class starting today. Why is it that life is so easy for some people? And so difficult for others? What do they know that you don’t? Is your personal money-making machine broken? In North County San Diego. Visit www.kalistemple.org. PATHOLOGY CLASS FOR BODYWORKERS, a survey of issues such as musculoskeletal conditions, traumatic injuries and neurological disorders most commonly encountered in a massage practice. Also dermatological conditions and infectious disorders with emphasis on hygienic measures. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training + Anatomy/Physiology I & II or equivalent. Thurs 6:30-9:35 pm through Aug. 9. $420 plus text. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. THE SPONTANEOUS FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE, by Deepak Chopra. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org. ADVANCED ASTROLOGY. Lunar Cycles, Mercury retrograde, the Spring Ingress and the outer planet hard aspects are some of the topics that will be discussed. 7-9 pm, $20/class. With Maxine McMartin. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com.
FRIDAY, MAY 11 LINDSAY WAGNER, RENOWNED ACTRESS, energy medicine facilitator and Oneness Deeksha (Blessing) Trainer, will lead an experiential workshop on “Quiet the Mind and Open the Heart” at the Center for Spiritual Living, 880 Hampshire Rd., Westlake Village 91361. 7-9 pm. Public is invited, $30. www.cslWestlake.org. Info: 805/495-0105. UFOs & THEIR SPIRITUAL MISSION, 7:30-9 pm. Hear evidence that UFOs are real, and learn where they’re from and why they’re here now in ever-increasing numbers. Free presentation. At The GATEWAY, A Portal for Growth and Wellness, 2503 S. Barrington Ave., WLA 90064. 818/785-6300, www.share-international.org. THE POINT OF SALVATION, a video seminar screening featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/7374055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. REIKI HEALING NIGHT, Glendale (La Crescenta), 6:30-9:30 pm (call to confirm). Come explore this healing energy. Meditative, powerful evening (weekend class follows). $10 suggested donation, please call to confirm. Reiki Master/ Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. Held at 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214. COMMUNICATION FOR BODYWORKERS, learn verbal skills that allow you to guide a client to resolution. Learn energetic principles with techniques drawn from NLP, Gestalt, Bioenergetics and Ericksonian Trancework. Emphasis is on integrating verbal work with bodywork and exploring the energetic meaning of physical postures, movements and responses. Fri-Sun, 9:30 am-5:30 pm through May 20, $650. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. 2012 SHAKTI FEST, A CELEBRATION OF THE DIVINE MOTHER, May 11-13, presented by Bhakti Fest. 2nd Annual Spring Ommersion. 44 hours of kirtan, 36 yoga classes, 30 hours of workshops. A 3-day music festival celebrating devotion through chanting, music, yoga, movement, meditation and community. Featuring a diverse selection of today’s spiritual leaders and artists including Jai Uttal, Shiva Rea, Donna De Lory, Saul David Raye, and many more. At Joshua Tree Retreat Center. Mention promo code of “thewholeperson” for $25 off. 866/992-4258, www.bhaktifest.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
Go take a look. If you can’t see him or her, maybe you’re on the wrong life path. Maybe you’ve never met your true self. Subconscious beliefs control your life. I can help. First one hour session free. Dean Opseth, Theta Healing, 310/6330790, speakunderheaven@aol.com. ONLY THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE…can one realize the Greatness of the Universe. Guided Meditations by Ma Bhairavi. Saturdays & Sundays, 7 am-8 am, $10 suggested donation (for newcomers). Space is limited, RSVP. Call 805/990-3057, www.SiddhiCenter.org. REIKI 1 & 2 CLASS, May 12-13. Amazingly powerful, easily learned energy healing. Promotes relaxation and healing in oneself and others, including across distances. Experimental, casual atmosphere. 9:15 am-7 pm, $350. Register on website. Nursing and NCBTMB CEs. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214 (near Glendale). A SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT THE LABYRINTH, 12-4 pm, free, labyrinth instructions offered. Receive a complimentary journal. Take time to relax, breathe and explore your Soul, unwind walking the labyrinth, reflect in the meditation garden beside water fountains. Experience peace, leave recharged. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. PRAYER WORKS: ARE YOU WORKING IT? With Dr. Margie Ann, 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. SPIRITUAL HEALER, PSYCHIC, CLAIRVOYANT, CHANNEL…Transform old patterns into new horizons today! Call me for a free chat and see if this is right for you. Together let’s make this the year your dreams come true! Truly anything is possible. You are more powerful than you can imagine. Call Kenton David Bell today, 928/274-2026, www.kentondavidbell.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. COMMUNICATION WITH SPIRIT GUIDES, 1:303:30 pm, Cody Workshop, everyone welcome, suggested contribution $25. We will be saying “hello” Spirit Guides so we can create an opportunity for growth by shifting our own knowledge and energy. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. HISPANIC WOMEN’S GROUP meets monthly, 10 am-11:30 am, for our Spanish speaking sisters. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
TAI CHI meets every Saturday at 2 pm with Lotus Chan. She has been teaching in the U.S. for more than 10 years and also teaches Chi Gong, Meditation, and the Tai Chi Fan Dance. $7/class or $25/month. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. GIA WELLNESS PRESENTATION on Anti-Aging Technology and Nutrition, with Caren Knott, free, 2-4 pm. RSVP: Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4103, www.thehealinglightresourcecenter.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net.
SUNDAY, MAY 13 MOTHER’S DAY SUNDAY SERVICE, “The Mother Side of God,” with Rev. Dr. Burns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. SUNDAY GET-TOGETHER, free, everyone welcome, 10:45-1 pm. Each month we celebrate a different spiritual perspective. Check our website for this month’s topic. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. MOTHER’S DAY TEA & READING TEA LEAVES, for moms, daughters and friends. Enjoy traditional English afternoon tea of scones, sandwiches and delights. Medium Gail Thackray teaches you to read tea leaves. A wonderful way for your whole family to enjoy Mother’s Day. At Indian Springs Ranch, Sylmar. $30 (under 18, $10). 818/890-6111, www.GailThackray.com. THE DIVINE FEMININE IN EVERYONE is honored on this Mother’s Day at our 10 am Celebration Service with Dr. Harry Morgan Moses speaking on “The Infinite Qualities of Love.” With musical inspiration by the SpiritWorks Choir. Sunday service streams live at www.myspiritworks.com. Free talks available at www.spiritworkscenter.com. SpiritWorks Center for Spiritual Living, 260 N. Pass Ave., Burbank 91505. 818/848-4158. INTRO TO MEDIUMSHIP, join Medium Rachel Wolf as she teaches how to communicate with
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the spirit realm by using their language of symbols, emotion, visual, telepathic and other sensory languages. Also guided meditation techniques for self grounding. $15, 1-2:30 pm. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. CELEBRATE MOTHER’S DAY at Unity West Church of Santa Monica. Honor your mother at our beautiful Flower Service on Mother’s Day, 9 am. Unity West Church meets each Sunday, for information and map visit www.unitywestchurch.org or call 310/577-0000. Unity West Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. ASTROLOGY 101 with Soul Centered owner Diane Silvester. Think you can’t learn astrology in an afternoon? Think again! In this fun workshop Diane will teach you the basics so you can begin exploring this ancient way of knowing. Please bring your chart if you have it. Class size limited, register now. $20 preregistered, $25 day of event. 3-5 pm. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAYS AT 6, Sunday nights at Clearsight, 6 pm. Deepen and expand your Meditation Practice with this one-hour Weekly Meditation session. 45 minutes of guided meditation and 15 minutes of open questions about spirituality. $10. Instructor: Judy Nelson. All levels welcome. Please check our calendar at www.clearsightaura.com/calendar to verify the dates of this event. To reserve your seat please email clearsightaura@gmail.com. Clearsight, 310/3951170.
SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400.
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SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome), every Monday. Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. RELATIONSHIP STRATEGIES, free self-improvement class, 7-9 pm. We will explore how much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood and how the subconscious mind plays a crucial role in choosing our relationships and why. Find out how to get
back to the “honeymoon” stage. Based on the E&P Relationship Concept at HMI. Hypnosis Motivation Institute. To register call 818/7582747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes to register online. BOOKSIGNING & WORKSHOP with Jeff Cannon, author of The Simple Truth: Meditation for the Modern World and founder of the Simple Truth Project. Includes meditation workshop. Learn to live the life you love by discovering your own Simple Truth. 7-8:30 pm, free. Jeff Cannon (www.jeff-cannon.com), The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. CIRCLE OF LIGHT, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates a weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, 7:30 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996.
TUESDAY, MAY 15 MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 TRUE INSIGHT FREE OPEN HOUSE, 7:30-9:30 pm (please arrive at 7:30 pm), everyone welcome, free. Learn about Intuitive Meditation, our Clairvoyant program, Trance Medium program, workshops and weekly classes. Meet our director, learn basic Intuitive Meditation tools, Q&As. Free Communication and free Healings tonight, plus we will be giving away a 1-1/4 hour Communication. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. Workshops and more! HYDROTHERAPY CLASS, introduction to the physiological effects of hot, cold and water treatments, plus safe, practical application of selected treatments for spa or private practice.
Dates: MAY 25, 26 & 27, 2012 Free Intro Night for Seminar: MAY 9, 7-9 pm
Time: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Location: 2210 Main Street, Suite 202, Santa Monica, CA 90405
Heal Your Past Free Your Spirit
Includes a survey of current spa treatments and techniques. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Wed. 6:30-10:30 pm and Sun. 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $180 plus materials fee. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
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AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE – HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, Wednesday Spiritual Healing Services, 8 pm. Listen to profound spiritual teachings and meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd. #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy, 323/8505422. MEDITATION WITH REV. SUZANNE COMMONS, 6-7 pm, in the Library of Yale Hall. Join Rev. Suzanne as she shares the many methods of meditation she has learned from her years of study. Please enter quietly if you are unable to arrive promptly at 6 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. CRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Are you drawn to crystals? Chances are you’re one of Mother Earth’s healing angels. Join us to test the waters, learn and grow in the magic of restoring energy with crystals. Crystal Healing Circles on May 2 & 16, 6-7:30 pm. $15 offering required. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. CHOIR PRACTICE. If you are interested in joining our choir, you are welcome to schedule an audition with our talented choir director, Dan Redfield, an accomplished musician, conductor and composer. Please call for a Wed. evening appt. Regular practice is Wed. at 7 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
Healing & Massage ��������������������������������
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PREREGISTRATION DISCOUNT: SOUND HEALING WEEKEND INTENSIVE workshop with Wayne Perry, Sound Healer, Toning Channel. Workshop takes place May 19-20, 10 am-7 pm both days. Only $275 with this ad if paid in full by May 17; $375 thereafter if not sold out. Sound Therapy Center, 323/655-7781 for info and registration; or visit www.wayneperry.com. THE SPONTANEOUS FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE, by Deepak Chopra. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org.
FRIDAY, MAY 18 SUFI DRUMMING & HEALING CONCERT with Adnan Sarhan. Adnan will do intricate rhythm that brings a new orientation to the mind and various centers in the body. Participant involvement brings depth of consciousness and the spirit. How to get into the moment of the time and extract the healing from the moment. 7-9 pm, $10. At Wheel of Wellbeing, 1575 Westwood Bl. #303, LA 90024. Adnan Sarhan, Sufi Foundation, 310/280-8510, www.SufiFoundation. org. RENEWING THE DIVINE SPARK, a video seminar screening featuring John Morton, Spiritual Director of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ…LIVE MUSIC! Open house and tour. Complimentary dinner with delicious desserts. Enjoy live music (jazz, acoustic, rock, alternative) throughout the evening until midnight. Open Mic so come and share your music. 7:30 pm-midnight. 818/846-1083. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504 (entrance and parking in rear). MOVIE NIGHT, 7 pm. Bring your own meal and eat with us at 6:30, the movie begins at 7 pm. Movie and popcorn are free. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
FREE INTRODUCTORY SOUND HEALING EVENING, introductory sound healing presentation including Q&A, discussion, demonstration and healing toning circle. Presented by Wayne Perry, internationally renowned sound healer. 7-9 pm, limited space, must RSVP in advance. Location: 1234 N. Hayworth Ave. #106, LA 90046. Info & registration: The Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles, 323/655-7781, www.wayneperry.com.
FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
HARMONY CIRCLE LUNCHEON, MEETING, 12 noon. This group has been in existence for 85 years and continues to have monthly luncheons and annual fundraisers to help support the Church and many outreach programs. All are welcome to attend; call to reserve. Regular luncheon only $4/person. Yale Hall, Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions,
ABRAHAM 101: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham. Learn to manifest through the power of your thoughts and feelings by learning to work with your emotional guidance system and learn to utilize the Abraham processes to shift your vibration. 7-8:30 pm, 3rd Friday of the month, $15. With Debbie Brickell, MA (www.enlightenedSOULutions.com). The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite
THURSDAY, MAY 17 ����������������
founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
23 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 19 SUFI WORKSHOPS WITH ADNAN SARHAN. Traditional Sufi techniques including whirling, drumming, movement, dance, meditation and chanting. Enhances peace, love and complete involvement in the moment. 10 am-4 pm, $60/ day or $100 for Sat. & Sun. At Wheel of Wellbeing, 1575 Westwood Bl. #303, LA 90024. Adnan Sarhan, Sufi Foundation, 310/280-8510, www.SufiFoundation.org. SOUND HEALING WEEKEND INTENSIVE workshop with Wayne Perry, Sound Healer, Toning Channel. May 19-20, 10 am-7 pm both days. Only $275 with this ad if paid in full by May 17; $375 thereafter if not sold out. Sound Therapy Center, 323/655-7781 for info and registration; or visit www.wayneperry.com. GRAND OPENING: CREATE AND EXPRESS, free, everyone welcome. Join us for an Open House for this welcoming Co-op of Artisans. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. SOUL CENTERED PSYCHIC FAIRE. Got questions? Consult Empaths, Mediums, Clairvoyants, Clairsentients, Tarot Readers and Numerologists at our psychic faire. $20/15 minute reading. May 19 & 20, Sat-Sun, 11 am-6 pm. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. GOD IS ALIVE IN YOUR BATHROOM MIRROR. Go take a look. If you can’t see him or her, maybe you’re on the wrong life path. Maybe you’ve never met your true self. Subconscious beliefs control your life. I can help. First one hour session free. Dean Opseth, Theta Healing, 310/6330790, speakunderheaven@aol.com. EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP, 10 am. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening and educational. With Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/7129400. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. ONLY THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE…can one realize the Greatness of the Universe. Guided Meditations by Ma Bhairavi. Saturdays & Sundays, 7 am-8 am, $10 suggested donation (for newcomers). Space is limited, RSVP. Call 805/990-3057, www.SiddhiCenter.org. MAY PSYCHIC FAIRE, 11 am-5 pm. $25/15 minute read or $35/30 minutes. Call Friday, May 18, after 10 am to set up an appt with the reader of your choice (please do not leave a voice message for appt time). Palmistry, tarot, numerology, astrology, runes, tea leaf reads, and aura reads available. The Hummingbird and the Hon-
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MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. The Soul is who you truly are; it is more than your body, your thoughts or your feelings. It is the highest aspect of your Self, where you and God are one. MSIA provides tools and techniques that allow you to experience your Soul and, therefore, your own divinity.
“All that you want to be, you already are. All you have to do is move your awareness there and recognize the reality of your own Soul.”
MSIA presents an approach that focuses on how to incorporate spirituality into your everyday living. We call it “practical spirituality”. Visit www.msia.org for more information on events and classes in your area.
FREE E-BOOK— Journey of a Soul Download your free e-book, Journey of a Soul by John-Roger:
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness www.msia.org
To request a print copy, contact servicedesk@msia.org or 800-899-2665 Print Promo Code: 702WP
ey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. humminghoney.com. WRT WATER RELEASE THERAPY® PROVIDER TRAINING, May 19-23 training held at Healing Waters in Santa Barbara. 36 hrs CEU credits. Contact Diane Feingold, 805/569-7047, dianefeingold@gmail.com, www.dianefeingold.com. BEGINNER’S HANDWRITING ANALYSIS with Donna Bernard. Your handwriting is more accurate than a lie detector test. Learn how to look at handwriting to determine what is going on in someone’s life right now and how to make changes in your own life by changing your handwriting. Handouts included. $20, 2-3 pm. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. TAI CHI meets every Saturday at 2 pm with Lotus Chan. She has been teaching in the U.S. for more than 10 years and also teaches Chi Gong, Meditation, and the Tai Chi Fan Dance. $7/class or $25/month. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E
Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For info contact 310/918-4700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details.
SUNDAY, MAY 20 TAKE CHARGE OF LIFE! Burdened by regrets over the past? Want to command your own life, conquer problems, end anxiety? Change your destiny; change your life with Vernon Howard’s powerful truths. Class Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www. anewlife.org. SOUL CENTERED PSYCHIC FAIRE. Got questions? Consult Empaths, Mediums, Clairvoyants, Clairsentients, Tarot Readers and Numerologists at our psychic faire. $20/15 minute reading. May 19 & 20, Sat-Sun, 11 am-6 pm. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. NO MORE I.O.U.’s, with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. WHICH OF THE 5 ELEMENTS ARE YOU? A 2 hr workshop with Sifu Alan Lamb, gifted energy
healer and intuitive from England, 12-2 pm. Participants will learn simple movements for maintaining optimum health. Chi Gung is a subtle means of working with the life force through breathing, meditation and gentle exercises. $20/person at door, wear comfortable clothing, bring mat or blanket. SpiritWorks Center for Spiritual Living, 260 N. Pass Ave., Burbank 91505. 818/848-4158, www.spiritworkscenter. com. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for info about class sessions, fees and a supply list. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS DOCENT TOURS and public visits, 12-4 pm, free, every Sunday (donations welcome). Visit our “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind walking the labyrinth, reflect in the spectacular meditation garden beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is present, leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018.323/737-4055,ext.1137,registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org. SUFI WORKSHOPS WITH ADNAN SARHAN. Traditional Sufi techniques including whirling, drumming, movement, dance, meditation and chanting. Enhances peace, love and complete involvement in the moment. 10 am-4 pm, $60/ day or $100 for Sat. & Sun. At Wheel of Wellbeing, 1575 Westwood Bl. #303, LA 90024. Adnan Sarhan, Sufi Foundation, 310/280-8510, www.SufiFoundation.org. 5TH ANNUAL INDIAN SPRINGS RANCH SPIRI-
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��������������������������������������������������������� TUAL DAY & PSYCHIC FAIR, over 70 healers and psychics, free lectures, workshops and live music. Crafts, crystals and gifts. Free raffle, spiritual prizes. $10 or call or email events@gailthackray.com for 2 free tickets. In Sylmar. 818/890-6111, www.GailThackray.com. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAYS AT 6, Sunday nights at Clearsight, 6 pm. Deepen and expand your Meditation Practice with this one-hour Weekly Meditation session. 45 minutes of guided meditation and 15 minutes of open questions about spirituality. $10. Instructor: Judy Nelson. All levels welcome. Please check calendar at www.clearsightaura. com/calendar to verify the dates of this event. To reserve your seat please email clearsightaura@gmail.com. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call
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tura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/ classes to register online.
FINANCIAL HEALING CLASS presented by Kali’s Temple of Inner Knowing. A 6-week Internet class starting today. Why is it that life is so easy for some people? And so difficult for others? What do they know that you don’t? Is your personal money-making machine broken? Info: Visit www.kalistemple.org.
CIRCLE OF LIGHT, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates a weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, 7:30 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome), every Monday. Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org.
FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SPIRITUAL SELF MASTERY CLASS, meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. With Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. THE POWER OF SELF-HYPNOSIS. Learn how to use self-hypnosis in a safe and easy way. It can be used to increase confidence, reduce stress and help you have a more focused and rewarding life. Learn 3 basic steps of Self Hypnosis to help you access the power of your subconscious mind to achieve success, prosperity and happiness. Free self-improvement class, 79 pm. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ven-
HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996.
TUESDAY, MAY 22 MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837.
28 A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. POWER OF INTENTION. Learn the basic foundational instruction on how to experience and manage energies, how to put out your intention and how to be able to drive that intention into reality. Learn to integrate mind, body and spirit through the Power of Intention. 7-9 pm, $20/ session. With Lynette Garron. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.humminghoney.com.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL MEDITATION with Ayamanatara, 7:30-8:30 pm, $20. Info and RSVP: Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4103, www. thehealinglightresourcecenter.com. USE EVERYTHING FOR YOUR UPLIFTMENT tele-workshop, 5:30-7 pm, free. Can’t make it to a location for a class? Try a tele-workshop from home via phone or Skype with interactive features connecting you with students from around the world. Learn ways to use every experience you have to lift yourself and learn and grow. Must preregister; use this registration link: http://www.msia.org/info/tele15. For questions or info, contact Debbie at DebbieRoth@msia. org, 323/737-4055. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE – HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, Wednesday Spiritual Healing Services, 8 pm. Listen to profound spiritual teachings and meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd. #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy, 323/8505422.
THURSDAY, MAY 24 THE SPONTANEOUS FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE, by Deepak Chopra. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org. TRUTH TEACHINGS with Hoberleigh Phreigh. Each evening is an independent lecture exploring a different topic with an emphasis on Universal Laws and how to apply them to better one’s life. 7 pm in the Library of Yale Hall at the Church of Truth. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR
LIFE, discussion of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book. Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org.
FRIDAY, MAY 25 SUFI WORKSHOPS WITH ADNAN SARHAN. Traditional Sufi techniques including whirling, drumming, movement, dance, meditation and chanting. Enhances peace, love and complete involvement in the moment. 7-9 pm, $10. At Wheel of Wellbeing, 1575 Westwood Bl. #303, LA 90024. Adnan Sarhan, Sufi Foundation, 310/280-8510, www.SufiFoundation.org. GET CERTIFIED: BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR, May 25-27, 9 am-6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. (Free intro May 9, 7 pm.) DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991. RENEW, RELAX, RECHARGE: CELEBRATE LIFE, May 25-27. Enjoy revitalizing yoga and meditation, group activities and garden-fresh meals. Hike or bike through pristine wilderness, walk the Hopi labyrinth, sit in the shade of majestic trees. Wilderness camping available. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. THE PATH OF THE SPIRITUAL WARRIOR, a video seminar screening featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, ext. 1137, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 26 HONOR WOMAN, A Day of Celebrating the Vast Beauty of Woman. 9 am-11 am, no charge. Group Meditation & Satsang guided by Ma Bhairavi and Yogi Shivraj. Space limited, RSVP. Call 805/990-3057, www.SiddhiCenter.org. THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN®, The Basic Workshop, May 26-27. Shamanic Journeying, Power & Healing. In Santa Barbara. Info: Mujiba Cabugos, mujiba@heartwaymusce.com, 805/9664465. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and
hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. PROSPERITY WORKSHOP: RIDING THE WAVES OF PROSPERITY. Join Intuitive Prosperity Coach Debbie Brickell, MA for a 4-hour fun, experiential workshop to help you tap into and utilize the Energy of Thriving. End the struggle for money, gain clarity. Become aligned with your full purpose. 12-4 pm, $55 at door, $45 preregistered. Debbie Brickell, MA (http:// enlightenedsoulutions.com/classes-events/. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney. com. SUFI WORKSHOPS WITH ADNAN SARHAN. Traditional Sufi techniques including whirling, drumming, movement, dance, meditation and chanting. Enhances peace, love and complete involvement in the moment. 10 am-4 pm, $60/ day or $100 for Sat. & Sun. At Wheel of Wellbeing, 1575 Westwood Bl. #303, LA 90024. Adnan Sarhan, Sufi Foundation, 310/280-8510, www.SufiFoundation.org. GROUP MEDITATION & CHANTING GATHERING with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, MA, Directors of Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of meditation and ancient Sanskrit chants. Includes brief talk on vedic teachings, guided meditation, 3rd eye opening by Professor Sasi, followed by Sanskrit mantra chanting and sound healing. Info: 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, visit www.vedichealinginstitute.com or www. professorsasi.com. CIRCLE OF ANGELS SUPPORT GROUP, 10 am-12 noon, lovingly facilitated by Practitioners (licensed spiritual counselors) who use spiritual principle, meditation and prayer to reveal the Truth and Wholeness of your being. Experience the power of affirmative prayer. SpiritWorks Center for Spiritual Living, 260 N. Pass Ave., Burbank 91505. 818/848-4158, www.spiritworkscenter.com. SOUL EXPRESSIONS, 10 am-1 pm, a monthly “Art Creation and Process” group facilitated by Amanda Sargenti, artist and registered art therapist. Explore the sacred process of creating art in a safe, nurturing and affirming environment. Freewill offering accepted, reservations required. Call the church office to reserve. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. DARE TO BE CREATIVE WORKSHOP. You don’t have to be an “artist” to be creative. This workshop will put you at ease and build confidence around the idea of creating. Whether you are looking to reconnect, enhance or discover your creative abilities, there is something for each in this workshop. 12-3 pm, $25 (includes all materials). With Nancy Caldwell (www.createhealingmandalas.blogspot.com/ or email contactus@paperarchitect.com. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. TAI CHI meets every Saturday at 2 pm with Lotus Chan. She has been teaching in the U.S. for
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Seriously Holistic
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more than 10 years and also teaches Chi Gong, Meditation, and the Tai Chi Fan Dance. $7/class or $25/month. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details.
SUNDAY, MAY 27 SUFI WORKSHOPS WITH ADNAN SARHAN. Traditional Sufi techniques including whirling, drumming, movement, dance, meditation and chanting. Enhances peace, love and complete involvement in the moment. 10 am-4 pm, $60/ day or $100 for Sat. & Sun. At Wheel of Wellbeing, 1575 Westwood Bl. #303, LA 90024. Adnan Sarhan, Sufi Foundation, 310/280-8510, www.SufiFoundation.org. ONLY THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE…can one realize the Greatness of the Universe. Guided Meditations by Ma Bhairavi. Saturdays & Sundays, 7 am-8 am, $10 suggested donation (for newcomers). Space is limited, RSVP. Call 805/990-3057, www.SiddhiCenter.org. IN THE FLOW OF LETTING GO with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. On the 5th Sunday of the month, we have an opportunity to ask any questions of
a spiritual nature and Rev. Donna teaches from her wealth of knowledge and years of training. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS DOCENT TOURS and public visits, 12-4 pm, free, every Sunday (donations welcome). Visit our “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind walking the labyrinth, reflect in the spectacular meditation garden beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is present, leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018.323/737-4055,ext.1137,registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. SUNDAYS AT 6, Sunday nights at Clearsight, 6 pm. Deepen and expand your Meditation Practice with this one-hour Weekly Meditation session. 45 minutes of guided meditation and 15 minutes of open questions about spirituality. $10. Instructor: Judy Nelson. All levels welcome. Please check our calendar at www.clearsightaura.com/calendar to verify the dates of this
event. To reserve your seat please email clearsightaura@gmail.com. Clearsight, 310/3951170. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400.
MONDAY, MAY 28 CIRCLE OF LIGHT, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates a weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, 7:30 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging,
La Casa de Maria Retreat & Conference Center
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������������ ��������������������� acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations, sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/823-1996.
TUESDAY, MAY 29 MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. TUESDAY NIGHT WISDOM GROUP. Join us as we study and discuss Wisdom in a small group format designed to facilitate in-depth dialogue. Look at Wisdom and develop ways to access it, including prayer, meditation, intuition and dreaming, listening to Masters. 7-8:30 pm, $10/ session with Patrick Murray. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.humminghoney.com.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 NETWORK FOR VISIONARY WOMEN, focused on women who are interested in moving their lives forward in a supportive environment. The focus is not only on promoting a business, but
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also on the woman and allows for a safe place to discuss and problem-solve ideas. 7:30-8:30 pm, no cost. With Diane Musselman. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney. com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE – HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, Wednesday Spiritual Healing Services, 8 pm. Listen to profound spiritual teachings and meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd. #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy, 323/8505422.
THURSDAY, MAY 31 A SOUL CARE JOURNEY IN JOSHUA TREE, May 31-June 3. Led by Joan Borysenko and friends. A new, fresh approach to Recovery and Mental Health Conferences. Spark transformational healing through generative soulful listening, group circles, ceremonies, drumming, meditation, medicine wheel and dreaming work, shamanic breath work and more. Renew yourself in Joshua Tree. Contact: Gretchen, 615/5575245, www.SpiritRecovery.com. Rooms will be booked through Joshua Tree Retreat Center,
www.jtrcc.org. THE SPONTANEOUS FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE, by Deepak Chopra. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org. THE INSPIRATIONAL READING GROUP has chosen The Creative Life: Seven Keys to Your Inner Genius by Eric Butterworth. His book is a tutorial for how to create a fulfilled life in seven “easy” steps. This reading group meets weekly, 7-8 pm, to explore and discuss a book selection. Love offering basis. For details: Unity West Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. IPSB OPEN HOUSE—FREE TO THE PUBLIC, at LA’s most innovative body therapy school, come meet the staff, see a demonstration and learn about opportunities in the field of bodywork. Starts 7:30 pm sharp. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com.
ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE – HOLLYWOOD BRANCH. Listen to profound spiritual teachings while learning “How to Think– Not What to Think”™ in your spiritual practices. 11 am Sunday, 3330 Barham Blvd. #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy, 323/850-5422.
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SUNDAY MEDITATION, 10:30 am. We invite you to join together in the Silence of Meditation with Rev. BJ Enright to experience the Living Presence of God, raise consciousness and prepare ourselves and the Sanctuary for the service to follow. Doors open 10:50 am for the regular service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. ONENESS MEDITATION SERVICE, 11 am-1 pm. Oneness is the ultimate vibration of harmony and light. Join us to harmonize mind and body with spirit and soul. Receive new energy and divine guidance for your journey, restore peace and serenity to walk in confidence with clarity and light. Guided meditation led by Lightworker Metaphysician, Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry. $10 donation. (This month: May 6, 13 & 20.) The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. ONLY THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE…can one realize the Greatness of the Universe. Guided Meditations by Ma Bhairavi. Saturdays & Sundays, 7 am-8 am, $10 suggested donation (for newcomers). Space is limited, RSVP. Call 805/990-3057, www.SiddhiCenter.org. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs and MP3s on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Classes are live streamed on the web. For more info on the Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. TAKE CHARGE OF LIFE! Burdened by regrets over the past? Want to command your own life, conquer problems, end anxiety? Change your destiny; change your life with Vernon Howard’s
powerful truths. Class Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www. anewlife.org. SPIRITWORKS SERVES SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT every Sunday at 10 am (and every Wednesday at 7 pm). Sunday Service also streams live at www.myspiritworks.com. Free talks available at www.spiritworkscenter.com. SpiritWorks Center for Spiritual Living, 260 N. Pass Ave., Burbank 91505. 818/848-4158, www. spiritworkscenter.com. SUNDAY SERVICES: New quarterly Sunday Services at Unity Church of Chatsworth include Prayer, Meditation, Music, Lesson, refreshments. Ordained Unity Minister is Rev. John Washington. 10:30-11:30 am at Porter Valley Country Club, Northridge. Upcoming 2012 services: July 1, Sept. 9 and Dec. 9. Love offering. 818/914-1955, www.unityofchatsworth.org. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for info about class sessions, fees and a supply list. SUNDAY MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Live spirit-filled music, inspirational talk and quiet meditation, followed by a delicious meal. Afternoon activities offered including a guided hike. Call for info and directions. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles N of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, contactus@SunburstOnline.org. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH. Fun, challenging lessons that are based on spiritual psychology. Children all ages share stories, music and artwork and talk about real-life situations and real-life solutions. 10:30 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. INTERFAITH PRAYER BRUNCH, held quarterly and hosted by Unity Church of Chatsworth. Includes Prayer, Meditation, brunch, workshop and more. Held at Porter Valley Country Club, Northridge. 10:30 am-3 pm. Workshop (1-3 pm) keynote presenters will be announced. 2012 events on July 1, Sept. 9 & Dec. 9. Love offering. 818/914-1955, www.unityofchatsworth.org. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered. 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321,
661/645-9503. www.silentmiracles.net. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS DOCENT TOURS and public visits, 12-4 pm, free, every Sunday (donations welcome). Visit our “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind walking the labyrinth, reflect in the spectacular meditation garden beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is present, leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018.323/737-4055,ext.1137,registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org. BURNING BOWL CEREMONY, held each Sunday after service at Unity West Santa Monica. This Unity tradition, started in the 1940s, is for release, a time for forgiving ourselves and others, so healing and the new journey can begin. Without peace in our hearts, there can be no peace in the world. Follows Sunday service that begins 9 a.m. Rev. Lee Lakso, minister. Unity West Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net.
MONDAYS FINANCIAL HEALING CLASS presented by Kali’s Temple of Inner Knowing. A 6-week Internet class starting May 21. Why is it that life is so easy for some people? And so difficult for others? What do they know that you don’t? Is your personal money-making machine broken? Info: Visit www.kalistemple.org. SPIRIT SOCIAL, 7-9 pm. Grow spiritually and meet like minded people. Join us for potluck, a movie and/or guest speaker. Topics include healing, psychic, manifesting, past lives, astrol-
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����������������������������������������������� ogy, orbs, spirit communication and more. Check site for upcoming speakers. $10. In Sylmar. www.GailThackray.com, 818/890-6111. BEGINNING TAROT. Watch the cards come alive as Wendy shows you how to interpret each individual card, how to ask a question and how to put it all together in layouts which she will demonstrate on student volunteers in class. 7-9 pm, $35/session or $93 paid in advance (classes May 7, 14 & 21). With Wendy (www.wendytarot.com). The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. humminghoney.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. FREE CLASSES at Hypnosis Motivation Institute-Tarzana, SFV. Self Hypnosis, Mental Bank, Relationship Strategies, Energy Healing, Hypnosis and Weight Loss, Therapeutic Imagery, Past Life Regression. Held every Monday at HMI-Tarzana, 7-9 pm, free parking. Call 818/7582747 to RSVP and for each week’s topic or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes.
POWER OF INTENTION. Learn the basic foundational instruction on how to experience and manage energies, how to put out your intention and how to be able to drive that intention into reality. Learn to integrate mind, body and spirit through the Power of Intention. 7-9 pm, $20/ session. With Lynette Garron. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.humminghoney.com. FREE ENERGY HEALING CLINIC, Tuesday meditation & free energy healing at 7 pm. At 1710 Hillhurst Ave. #203, LA 90027. Limited seats. RSVP to 818/339-4641 or www.Meetup. com/HealingArtsCircle. Presented by Direct Mindpower, www.DirectMindpower.com. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS, Tuesdays-Fridays 11 am-3 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden, beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018.323/737-4055,ext.1137,registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. ONGOING CLASSES FOR LIGHT WORKERS & MINISTERIAL STUDENTS, 7 pm. Call for titles and info about upcoming classes. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST, start a new career helping others. If you’ve ever been curious about hypnosis or interested in a career helping others, now is the time to start. Offering evening classes, on campus internship. Earn while you learn, start your hypnotherapy practice in 6 months. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
CIRCLE OF LIGHT, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates a weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org.
TUESDAY NIGHT WISDOM GROUP. Join us as we study and discuss Wisdom in a small group format designed to facilitate in-depth dialogue. We will look at Wisdom and develop ways to access it, including prayer, meditation, intuition and dreaming, listening to Masters, and more. 7-8:30 pm, $10/session with Patrick Murray. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney. com. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, extensions upon request. Requesters encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are. Mail requests to: gary91103@sbcglobal.net, or call church office. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
WEDNESDAYS FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by John-Roger, DSS to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. Free-form writing is described in his best-selling book, Spiritual Warrior. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1548, registrar@pts. org, www.pts.org, www.msia.org. CRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Are you drawn to crystals? Chances are you’re one of Mother Earth’s healing angels. Join us to test the waters, learn and grow in the magic of restoring energy with crystals. Crystal Healing Circles on May 2 & 16, 6-7:30 pm. $15 offering required. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs and MP3s on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Classes are live streamed on the web. For more info on the Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org.
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AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE – HOLLYWOOD BRANCH, Wednesday Spiritual Healing Services, 8 pm. Listen to profound spiritual teachings and meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd. #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy, 323/8505422. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION, 6:30-7 pm. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. PATHWAYS TO AWAKENING CONSCIOUSNESS CLASSES with Rev. Suzanne Commons, 7-8 pm, love offering. Come explore the steps of those who walked before us: pathfinders from the mystic, the poet, the prophet, the scientist; soul seekers from biblical times to modern times; from East to West and across all nations and religions. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. TAKE CHARGE OF LIFE! Burdened by regrets over the past? Want to command your own life; conquer problems; end anxiety? Change your destiny, change your life with Vernon Howard’s powerful truths. Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. CHOIR PRACTICE. If you are interested in joining our choir, you are welcome to schedule an audition with our talented choir director, Dan Redfield, an accomplished musician, conductor and composer. Please call for a Wed. evening appt. Regular practice is Wed. at 7 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions,
founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. INTERMEDIATE ASTROLOGY, this class puts together all the basics to interpret the natal chart and introduce how the transiting planets can affect your daily life. 7-9 pm, $20/class. With Maxine McMartin. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. humminghoney.com. SPIRITWORKS SERVES SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT every Wednesday at 7 pm. Free talks available at www.spiritworkscenter.com. SpiritWorks Center for Spiritual Living, 260 N. Pass Ave., Burbank 91505. 818/848-4158, www.spiritworkscenter.com. MEDITATION WITH REV. SUZANNE COMMONS, 6-7 pm, in the Library of Yale Hall. Join Rev. Suzanne as she shares the many methods of meditation she has learned from her years of study. Please enter quietly if you are unable to arrive promptly at 6 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org.
THURSDAYS FINANCIAL HEALING CLASS presented by Kali’s Temple of Inner Knowing. A 6-week class starting May 10. Why is it that life is so easy for some people? And so difficult for others? What do they know that you don’t? Is your personal money-making machine broken? In North County San Diego. Visit www.kalistemple.org. THE INSPIRATIONAL READING GROUP has chosen The Creative Life: Seven Keys to Your Inner Genius by Eric Butterworth. His book is a tutorial for how to create a fulfilled life in seven “easy” steps. This reading group meets weekly, 7-8 pm, to explore and discuss a book selection. Love offering basis. For details: Unity West Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. TRUTH TEACHINGS with Hoberleigh Phreigh. Each evening is an independent lecture exploring a different topic with an emphasis on Universal Laws and how to apply them to better one’s life. 7 pm in the Library of Yale Hall at the Church of Truth. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.
churchoftruth.org. ADVANCED ASTROLOGY. Lunar Cycles, Mercury retrograde, the Spring Ingress and the outer planet hard aspects are some of the topics that will be discussed. 7-9 pm, $20/class. With Maxine McMartin. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, discussion of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book. Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST, start a new career helping others. If you’ve ever been curious about hypnosis or interested in a career helping others, now is the time to start. Offering evening classes, on campus internship. Earn while you learn, start your hypnotherapy practice in 6 months. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
FRIDAYS TAKE CHARGE OF LIFE! Burdened by regrets over the past? Want to command your own life; conquer problems; end anxiety? Change your destiny, change your life with Vernon Howard’s powerful truths. Classes every Friday at 8 pm, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and
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������������������������������������������������������� amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAYS STRENGTHEN YOUR AURIC FIELD: Exercise & Meditation classes. Fortify your body, focus your mind, free your spirit. West Covina, 213/632-9707. Suggested donation $10. Ongoing class every Saturday. www.REIKIwellbeing. org. WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, Reiki Master, Teacher. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena and Santa Monica. 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery. com, email jess@ReikiMastery.com.
many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net.
EVERYDAY Bodywork / Massage AN EXCEPTIONAL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE combining healing and massage. While you are having a formal massage and get into relaxation, I will spiritually transfer to you a powerful energy that will help you reduce stress and emotional problems to enhance your life. The best gift you can give to yourself, your family and friend. 1 hour session, first time customers pay only $80 (reg. $100). By appt, 10 am-9 pm (last appt. 8 pm). Moses, CMT Cert. #23122, 818/943-7474, www.healingbymoses.com. PEACEFUL MASSAGE IN THE VILLAGE OF OJAI, come and receive! Life is a banquet, so come to the table with a clear mind, body and spirit. Laurel Felice offers Holistic Massage with a reverent and joyous balance of Hands & Heart. 805/886-3674, laurelfelice54@gmail.com.
Books / Music / Media
AFRICAN DRUM & CHANT CLASS with Ayo, a spiritual priest of Ifa, one of the oldest religions of mankind. 4:30-6:30 pm, $15, drum rental $5. At Motherland Music, 601 N. Eucalyptus Ave., Inglewood 90302. Info: Ayo, 310/713-4515, www.ayodrum.com.
30 DAYS TO PROSPERITY, A Workbook to Manifest Abundance. Created by author Gail Thackray after her very successful Manifesting workshops. People are reporting amazing results. You don’t need to believe in it. It just works! Guaranteed to increase abundance or full refund. Now on www.amazon.com. $12.95. www.30DaysToProsperityBook.com.
REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net.
FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIPS, The Subconscious Connection. How much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood? What role does the subconscious mind play in who we choose in relationships? Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.UnderstandMyRelationship.com. Info: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/4799464, www.hypnosis.edu.
PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown
FREE E-BOOK: JOURNEY OF A SOUL explores tangible ways to experience Soul Transcendence, an awareness of yourself as a Soul and as one with God. To download your free e-book, Journey of a Soul by John-Roger, visit www. msia.org/info/wpc. To request a print copy, contact servicedesk@msia.org, 800/899-2665.
GAIL THACKRAY’S SPIRITUAL JOURNEYS: Visiting John of God. Experience this miraculous Brazilian healer through the eyes of a medium. Spiritually empowering yet refreshingly funny. As you are drawn into the story you actually feel the healing energy of the spirits connecting with you. Now on www.amazon.com. www.GailThackray.com. FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: SUCCESS, HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY in Less Than 5 Minutes Per Day! Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.MyMentalBank. com. Introducing the Mental Bank Program, a dramatic demonstration of how all luck, good and bad, is a product of the powerful forces of your subconscious mind. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
Counseling / Life Coaching COMPASSIONATE COUNSELING. I quickly get to the heart of the matter and design sessions uniquely for you. I see individuals and couples. Some of the issues I work with are life transition, stress, self-esteem, relationships and grief. Laurie Levine, Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist. Offices in San Fernando Valley and West Side. For appt call 818/773-7685 or 310/284-3699. SPIRITUAL HEALER, PSYCHIC, CLAIRVOYANT, CHANNEL…Transform old patterns into new horizons today! Call me for a free chat and see if this is right for you. Together let’s make this the year your dreams come true! Truly anything is possible. You are more powerful than you can imagine. Call Kenton David Bell today, 928/274-2026, www.kentondavidbell.com. AURA-SOMA®, HEALING THROUGH COLOR. Aura-Soma is a holistic healing therapy utilizing dual-colored Equilibrium bottles. It is a non-intrusive, self-selective soul therapy. You are the colors you choose, they are a reflection of you. For info on Aura-Soma consultations, contact Yoko, 310/801-5690, yoko@office916.com. Visit www.office916.com. TOTAL LIFE CENTER: Coaching and Courses for Investing in Yourself. Eliminate obstacles in your way to achieving what you want and deserve. Find your voice & reconnect with your passions. 949/290-1728, 714/721-2376, www. total-life-center.com. MEDICAL INTUITIVE & HEALER, Sharon Joseph, PhD. DNA healer, channeler, spiritual advisor, life coach, psychic (clairvoyant, clair-
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sentient, clairaudient, empathy). In-person or phone consultations. Guidance in love, relationships, career, finance, spiritual growth, healing energy, illness, personal crisis. 818/912-2535. Visit www.thesoundofsoul.com. METAPHYSICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY utilizing principles of A Course in Miracles, rebirthing, crystals, hypnosis and other metaphysical spiritual systems. Individual, couples, substance abuse, relationship therapy. Call Allan Rosenthal, MFT for appt. 310/478-8994. www.allanrosenthal.com. BJ JAKALA, PhD, MFT, Marriage, Marriage Family Therapist (Lic. 23640). Explore your answers and restore your sense of purpose, of direction, of belonging. For more info call 818/3488837. SHAMANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY. Travel beyond ordinary states of consciousness to access inner worlds of soul and psyche. Get results where mainstream talk therapy fails. Randy Coleman, 323/254-0601. PSYCHIC GUIDE, SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT & LIFE COACH, advice and guidance on all matters. Specializing in spiritual cleansing and purification, removing all unnatural and negative energy. Angelica has the ability to call out names, dates and places surrounding your life without asking you a single question. Tarot readings also available. Angelica, 818/402-2750. AKASHIC RECORDS LIFE & SOUL COACHING with Barbara Schiffman. Tune into the wisdom of your own Soul’s Akashic Records for guidance, healing, creativity, conscious evolution. Private phone or in-person sessions; also Akashic Access workshops and Practitioner trainings. Call Barbara at 818/415-3479, www. YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA.
Education / Training REIKI CERTIFICATION COURSES, preregister for upcoming courses, Level I, II, Adv & Masters. Learn this hands on healing technique from Gail Thackray, Reiki Master, only 6 generations from the Grand Masters in Japan. Traditional Usui plus Tibetan. Gail is a powerful medium. Emphasis is on connection to spirits and psychic development. Level 1 $120, Level II $175, Adv/M May 5-6, $250. 818/890-6111, www.GailThackray.com. THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN®, The Basic Workshop, May 26-27. Shamanic Journeying, Power
& Healing. In Santa Barbara. Info: Mujiba Cabugos, mujiba@heartwaymusce.com, 805/9664465. WRT WATER RELEASE THERAPY® PROVIDER TRAINING, May 19-23 training held at Healing Waters in Santa Barbara. 36 hrs CEU credits. Contact Diane Feingold, 805/569-7047, dianefeingold@gmail.com, www.dianefeingold.com. GET CERTIFIED: BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR will be presented May 25-27, 9 am-6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. (Free intro May 9, 7 pm, call for details.) DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. CEU credits available. Info and registration: www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991.
INGS. Access your Soul’s energy-archive of all lifetimes for guidance, healing, conscious evolution. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself &/or others. Basic access workshops, weekend practitioner certification trainings, private readings and mentoring. Barbara Schiffman, 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA. BECOME A THETA HEALING MASTER. We offer all 8 Theta Healing seminars. Theta Master program scholarships available. Learn to look inside the body and heal it. School of DNA Theta Healing®, 2210 Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 310/358-2991, info@dnathetahealing. com, www.dnathetahealing.com. REGISTRATION OPEN FOR: BASIC WATSU, June 9-10, 16 hrs CEU credits. Held at Healing Waters in Santa Barbara. Contact Diane Feingold, 805/569-7047, dianefeingold@gmail.com, www.dianefeingold.com.
FINANCIAL HEALING CLASS presented by Kali’s Temple of Inner Knowing. Why is it that life is so easy for some people? And so difficult for others? What do they know that you don’t? Is your personal money-making machine broken? Offering a 6-week Internet class; or live in San Diego starting May 10. Info: Visit www.kalistemple.org.
BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST, start a new career helping others. If you’ve ever been curious about hypnosis or interested in a career helping others, now is the time to start. Offering evening classes, on campus internship. Earn while you learn, start your hypnotherapy practice in 6 months. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
TOTAL LIFE CENTER: SERIOUSLY HOLISTIC – Career & educational opportunities in Coaching, NLP, Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis, Reiki, Metaphysics, Esoteric Studies, Spiritual Counseling. 949/290-1728, 714/721-2376, www.total-lifecenter.com.
REIKI CLASSES in Glendale (La Crescenta) area, with Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training. Reiki 1 & 2, ART/Master, Karuna Reiki®, Japanese Reiki Techniques. Call 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery.com. See me on YouTube!
CLEARSIGHT’S INTRO TO CLAIRVOYANCE, ongoing registration. This first module of the larger Clairvoyant Program can be taken online or in-person at Clearsight. This powerful 4month program teaches you to unleash your human potential through the development of your innate psychic abilities. Learn the skills of grounding, centering and learning to see energy. $199/month. Instructor: Judy Nelson. Visit www. clearsightaura.com/intro-to-clair-online to request an interview.
COME DISCOVER WHAT’S IN STORE FOR YOU at the Mystic’s Altar. Products include Spell Kits, Energy Mist for Love, Energy Wash for Attraction, and lots of other new merchandise. Visit us at 1746 Westwood Blvd., LA 90024, 310/4469100. Also new location at 120 N. Maclay Ave., Suite D, San Fernando, 818/365-4400. Visit us at www.TheMysticsAltar.com.
ANIMAL COMMUNICATION COURSES with Pet Psychic Gail Thackray. Learn to connect with your pets. July 7/8 in LA, Sept. in Oahu, Hawaii. Plus dolphin swim. $225 weekend (dolphin & travel package additional). 818/890-6111, www. GailThackray.com. AKASHIC RECORDS WORKSHOPS & TRAIN-
Gift Shops / Bookstores
TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit. For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd at Sierra Bonita, West Hollywood 90046, 323/4365238, www.objetsdartandspirit.com.
37 NUTMEG’S OJAI HOUSE, a Super Natural Boutique. FUNctional art for heart and home, with an emphasis on spirituality and ecology. American made, Fair Trade, local, vintage, handmade. From Buddhas to crystals to doormats to tarot readers! 304 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023. 805/640-1656, www.ojaihouse.com. SOUL CENTERED METAPHYSICAL SHOPPE, set in the spiritual vortex of Ojai, it is more than a bookstore, but an invitation to explore. Browse through an extensive crystal selection. Come and experience our Geodesic Dome for a class or special event. Open 7 days, 10:30 am-6 pm. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. THE HEALING LIGHT RESOURCE CENTER offers crystals, books, meditation CDs, Angel cards, jewelry, candles, unusual and inspirational gift items, spiritual and intuitive readings, classes workshops, Reiki healing, yoga and more! Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4103, www. thehealinglightresourcecenter.com. THE IMAGINE CENTER in Tarzana offers intuitive readings, aura photographs/analysis, and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. Also books, candles, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot/oracle cards, plus an extensive collection of crystals and stones. Tues-Fri 10 am-7 pm; Sat & Sun 11-5 (closed Monday). Call 818/345-1100 for info and to schedule services. Walk-ins welcome. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. www.theimaginecenter.com. ALEXANDRIA II BOOKSTORE offers a great selection of new and used books, music, DVDs, altar items, crystals and stones, statuary, jewelry, incense and many unique gift items. Psychic readings offered daily. Hours: Mon-Sat 109, Sunday 10-7. 170 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena 91101, 626/792-7885. www.alexandria2.com, twitter.com/a2books, facebook.com/a2books. LEARNING LIGHT FOUNDATION ANAHEIM, offering a wide range of best-selling authors, lecturers, workshops. So. Cal’s largest psychic fair, mediumship demos and festivals. Serving Orange County. 714/533-2311. 1212 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim 92805. Website: www.learninglight. org.
Health & Wellness DIRECT MINDPOWER. Achieve your goals, reduce your stress and build your confidence with hypnotherapy. Cleanse your chakras and regain your balance by using energy healing. 10% off for Whole Person readers. Call 818/275-2238 or 562/265-8828. Email DirectMindpowers@gmail. com or visit www.DirectMindpower.com. GOD IS ALIVE IN YOUR BATHROOM MIRROR. Go take a look. If you can’t see him or her, maybe you’re on the wrong life path. Maybe you’ve never met your true self. Subconscious beliefs control your life. I can help. First one hour session free. Dean Opseth, Theta Healing, 310/6330790, speakunderheaven@aol.com. EILEEN DONOVAN: MEDICAL INTUITIVE IN OJAI. LMT, ARCB Certified Master Level Practitioner specializing in Integration of Body, Mind & Spirit. Medical Dowsing, nutritional supplements, cranial sacral, reflexology, hot stone therapy, massage/bodywork, energetic integration. Info/appts: call 805/317-1396, email
Call for free consultation, see if we are a fit! Channel • Healing • Psychic Workshops • Private Training Transformation • Coaching Mentoring • Corporate PHONE OR IN PERSON 928.274.2026 or 213.261.4259 www.kentondavidbell.com
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38 eileend7@prodigy.net, www.eileensreflexologyheals.com. SPIRITUAL CHAKRA BALANCING BY ANGELICA, specializing in chakra purification, creativity and positive energy, how to use your psychic abilities. Also available for Tarot and Psychic Insight readings. 818/402-2750, call for appt. TOTAL LIFE CENTER: SERIOUSLY HOLISTIC CARE. Including Hypnosis, Metaphysical Techniques, Reiki, Spiritual Counseling. Certified and proven effective practitioners. 949/2901728, 714/721-2376, www.total-life-center.com. DO YOU PASS THE SKIN-FITNESS TEST? Learn the secrets of healthy, vital skin the holistic way, free report, call the Vital Image, 310/8231996, or write 439 Talbert St, Playa del Rey 90293.
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BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental and whole body health, and utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity and body. Offering Digital xrays, removal of mercury fillings, and Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. Free Invisalign consultation. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/7166722, www.PearlZadehDDS.com. COLON HYDROTHERAPY is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine. We offer supplements and nutritional programs tailored to your particular needs as well as gentle, professional colon irrigations. Call for brochure and appointment, Nora Sierra, CCH, CNHP, Healthy Options, 310/202-1682. 4232 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230. Credit cards accepted. Se habla espanol. ANTONIO’S HEALING HANDS. Antonio is a practitioner of Paranormal Healing, Medical Intuitive and Distant Healer who heals emotional and physical illnesses including depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, fibromyalgia, trauma, AIDS, chronic pain, weight issues, and more. Testimonials, sessions and more info at www.antonioshealinghands.com. AURA-SOMA®, HEALING THROUGH COLOR. Aura-Soma is a holistic healing therapy utilizing dual-colored Equilibrium bottles. It is a non-intrusive, self-selective soul therapy. You are the colors you choose, they are a reflection of you. For info on Aura-Soma consultations, contact Yoko, 310/801-5690, yoko@office916.com. Visit www.office916.com.
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SHAMANIC REIKI HEALING SESSIONS with Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Master Lynda Skeen. Evening and weekend appointments available. To find out more or to schedule a session, contact Lynda by phone, 323/363-2040, or email at lynda@lyndaskeen.com. 7080 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 502, Hollywood 90028. www. lyndaskeen.com.
VIBRATIONAL ALIGNMENTS, DIAGNOSTIC VOICE ANALYSIS, vocal toning and overtoning training, pain & stress release, sonic meditation, sound healing CDs and DVDs. Available from Wayne Perry at the Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles. For details call 323/655-7781, www.wayneperry.com.
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• Men, Women, all skin types • 5 MUST-DO steps to great skin • 6 skin-care myths CRUSHED • REVITALIZE your skin • Get rid of blemishes, ACNE • How to test for damaged, aging skin, harmful creams, oils…
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You’ll always be glad you called today. Call now:
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AN EXCEPTIONAL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE combining healing and massage. While you are having a formal massage and get into relaxation, I will spiritually transfer to you a powerful energy
that will help you reduce stress and emotional problems to enhance your life. A unique treatment, the best gift you can give to yourself, your family and friend. 1 hour session, first time customers pay only $80 (reg. $100). By appt, 10 am-9 pm (last appt. 8 pm). Moses, CMT Cert. #23122, 818/943-7474, www.healingbymoses. com. A SOUL CARE JOURNEY IN JOSHUA TREE, May 31-June 3. Led by Joan Borysenko and friends. A new, fresh approach to Recovery and Mental Health Conferences. Spark transformational healing through generative soulful listening, group circles, ceremonies, drumming, meditation, medicine wheel and dreaming work, shamanic breath work and more. Renew yourself in Joshua Tree. Contact: Gretchen, 615/5575245, www.SpiritRecovery.com. Rooms will be booked through Joshua Tree Retreat Center, www.jtrcc.org. SCHOOL OF DNA THETA HEALING®, explore the most profound healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Join accomplished Medical and Emotional Intuitive Marina Rose for seminars in Basic and Advanced DNA Theta Healing, and DNA Theta Manifesting & Abundance. Private sessions also available. School of DNA Theta Healing®, 2210 Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 310/358-2991, info@dnathetahealing.com, www.dnathetahealing.com. INTUITIVE ENERGY HEALER SINCE 1993. Offering grandmother wisdom, love, guidance in the Ojai Valley. Relaxing & re-balancing body/ mind/spirit energies with crystals, stones and sound. Experience my unique crystal and stone healing/massage table. Phone Marilyn Salas for appt, 805/798-1448 or email ojaihealer@yahoo. com. Visit www.lovesblessing.com and www. ojaihealingevents.com. INTEGRATED ARTS OF SOUND & BODY, with Phyllis Douglass, CST, Master Sound Healing and Harmonic Therapist™, Akashic Records Practitioner, Energy Medicine Practitioner. Sacred Sounds Healing Concerts, Gong Meditations & Ceremonies, Akashic Record Readings, Reconnective Healing, Aka Dua Healing & Transmissions, workshops and retreats. For information, bookings, appts: www.soundbodyarts. com. HEALING SESSIONS WITH JESSICA, powerful, personalized sessions incorporating all levels of Reiki, plus breath and sound healing, affirmations, healing of situations and health, past, present and future. Includes discussion time. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, www. ReikiMastery.com. OJAI HOLISTIC HEALING CENTER offers a peaceful space available for business meetings, social gatherings, etc. Its tranquil energy is conducive for gatherings of up to 40 people. Available for rental on hourly or daily basis. Our local alternative health practitioners can also offer their services if desired to enhance your meeting. Ojai Holistic Healing Center, 107 W. Aliso St., Ojai 93023. 805/640-0211, www.healinginamerica.com. TOTAL LIFE CENTER: SERIOUSLY HOLISTIC – Reiki classes, Usui/Tibetan Reiki Level I/II, Advanced Reiki Techniques, Reiki Master Level, Karuna Reiki. For info and schedule of classes: 949/290-1728, 714/721-2736, www.total-lifecenter.com.
(May continued from page 5) We need to make this another international year of the woman. Three women are running on the Democratic ticket for the U.S. Senate; Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin, Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts, and Shelley Berkley in Nevada. Hawaii may have a contest between two potential female candidates, Democratic Mazie Hirono and Republican Linda Lingle. We may have lost the retiring Republican Olympia Snowe to the negative, partisan nature of politics but none of the above states have ever sent a woman to the U.S. Senate. If you think change can’t come, just remember what Susan B. faced before the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. She gathered petitions from 26 states with 10,000 signatures only to have Congress laugh at her. Yet, she continued to appear before every congress from 1869 to 1906. We finally won because she didn’t give up. Make May the month that you get political. As Margaret Meade said, “Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” * Walpurgis Night is actually named after a female first-century English missionary, Saint Walburga. **The first national Women’s Day was established by the Socialist Party of America to honor the women of the 1908 New York garment workers’ strike. ***In 1894, under the leadership of then-President Cleveland, who wanted to avoid being associated with the international holiday’s founding movements, the U.S. government began to celebrate Labor Day in September instead of the internationally recognized date. To find out more about the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women visit www. un.org. To find out more about Susan B. Anthony www.susanbanthonyhouse.org. To find out more about the early Labor movement read Labor’s Untold Story by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais. Linda Harmon is a freelance writer, artist, and community activist living in Ojai, California. Contact her at lhart412@ roadrunner.com or visit her website at www. highergroundart.com.
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40 CRYSTAL BED IN OJAI. 7 Chakras Balancing, developed by John of God. Healing on all levels, release stress, connect, clarity. Visit www. crystalclearmiracles.com. Also: Travel Guide to John of God in Brazil, June, Oct. 2012. For details contact Deb Court, 805/669-5643, www. guidetojohnofgod.com. HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION: ANTONIO’S HEALING HANDS. Antonio is a practitioner of Paranormal Healing, Medical Intuitive and Distant Healer who heals emotional and physical illnesses: fibromyalgia, trauma, AIDS, chronic pain, weight issues, blocks to success, anxiety, diabetes, and more. Testimonials, sessions and more info at www.antonioshealinghands. com. DR. SHARON WILL SCAN YOU FOR BLOCKED ENERGY, will connect your mental, emotional and spirit together to allow energy flow. Call 818/912-2535, email sharonjoseph111@yahoo. com. Visit www.thesoundofsoul.com. LEARN TO HEAL WITH YOUR HANDS THROUGH REIKI. Reiki Healing Classes in Los Angeles with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of American Reiki Academy. Classes include course manuals, instruction, initiation ceremony, and hands-on practice time. For the past 20 years Reiki Master Juliani has been involved with Reiki, training and initiating thousands of Reiki Practitioners and Masters. All levels of Reiki are offered. Students receive certification through the American Reiki Academy. Info: 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org.
Help Wanted WORK-STUDY FOR SANTA MONICA AUTHORHEALER. Are you on the path of spiritual transformation and interested in trading PT office computer help for healing sessions and workshops? Visit http://EarthsPivotalYears.com and contact us with your full name, email, phone, brief background and availability.
Intuitive Arts SHAMANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY. Travel beyond ordinary states of consciousness to access inner worlds of soul and psyche. Get results where mainstream talk therapy fails. Randy Coleman, 323/254-0601. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. AURA-SOMA®, HEALING THROUGH COLOR. Aura-Soma is a holistic healing therapy utilizing dual-colored Equilibrium bottles. It is a non-intrusive, self-selective soul therapy. You are the colors you choose, they are a reflection of you. For info on Aura-Soma consultations, contact Yoko, 310/801-5690, yoko@office916.com. Visit www.office916.com. SPIRITUAL HEALER, PSYCHIC, CLAIRVOYANT, CHANNEL…Transform old patterns into new horizons today! Call me for a free chat and see if this is right for you. Together let’s make this the year your dreams come true! Truly any-
thing is possible. You are more powerful than you can imagine. Call Kenton David Bell today, 928/274-2026, www.kentondavidbell.com. NEW AURIC HEALING CIRCLE. Know Your Aura, Heal Your Life. Learn about the various layers of your energy field and how to use intuitive awareness and various healing tools to shift energy for better health and greater wholeness in mind, body and spirit. Group meeting starts June 13, 6-7:30 pm. Led by Lightworker Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry. $15 offering. Register online at www.theimaginecenter. com or call 818/345-1100 to reserve your space. ANTONIO’S HEALING HANDS. Antonio is a practitioner of Paranormal Healing, Medical Intuitive and Distant Healer who heals emotional and physical illnesses including depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, fibromyalgia, trauma, AIDS, chronic pain, weight issues, and more. Testimonials, sessions and more info at www.antonioshealinghands.com. SPIRITUAL CHAKRA BALANCING BY ANGELICA, specializing in chakra purification, creativity and positive energy, how to use your psychic abilities. Also available for Tarot and Psychic Insight readings. 818/402-2750, call for appt. CLEARSIGHT’S INTRO TO CLAIRVOYANCE, ongoing registration. This first module of the larger Clairvoyant Program can be taken online or in-person at Clearsight. This powerful 4month program teaches you to unleash your human potential through the development of your innate psychic abilities. Learn the skills of grounding, centering and learning to see energy. $199/month. Instructor: Judy Nelson. Visit www. clearsightaura.com/intro-to-clair-online to request an interview. BOOK YOUR READING WITH DESERET TAVERES, this acclaimed psychic has a proven track record of foreseeing life-changing events. Equally renowned at energy healing and spell craft, she can tell you what’s in store for you and help you alter the way in which your life events are shaped. Save $25 off the price of a reading with Deseret, and for an additional $5 off reading, LIKE us on Facebook. The Mystic’s Altar, 1746 Westwood Blvd, LA 90024, 310/446-9100. New location: 120 N. Maclay Ave., Suite D, San Fernando 91340, 818/365-4400. Visit www.TheMysticsAltar.com. PSYCHIC GUIDE, SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT & LIFE COACH, advice and guidance on all matters. Specializing in spiritual cleansing and purification, removing all unnatural and negative energy. Angelica has the ability to call out names, dates and places surrounding your life without asking you a single question. Tarot readings also available. Angelica, 818/402-2750. INTUITIVE READINGS & COUNSELING by Jill Townsend at Nutmeg’s Ojai House. Tarot, Mayan Birth Charts, Empowerments. Available Thursday-Sunday and by appt. 805/640-1656. 304 N. Montgomery St., Ojai, www.ojaihouse. com. PSYCHIC ANGEL, love readings and effective love spells by Angelica. 98% accurate, past, present and future. Take my services seriously… love is not a game. Angelica, 818/402-2750.
energies serve humanity and the lower kingdoms. Groups meet weekly Sunday-Friday in Bakersfield, Culver City, Huntington Beach, Montclair, Newport Beach, San Diego, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Santa Paula, Van Nuys, Ventura and WLA. Free. Info: 818/785-6300, www.transmissionmeditation.org. PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH YOGI SHIVRAJ. Yogi Shivraj will lovingly guide you to Awaken to your Self…to Awaken to the Universe… Call 818/8821899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. INTERFAITH PRAYER BRUNCH, held quarterly and hosted by Unity Church of Chatsworth. Includes Prayer, Meditation, brunch, workshop and more. Held at Porter Valley Country Club, Northridge. 10:30 am-3 pm. Workshop (1-3 pm), keynote presenters will be announced. 2012 events on July 1, Sept. 9 & Dec. 9. Love offering. 818/914-1955, www.unityofchatsworth.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. FALUN DAFA, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient Chinese self-cultivation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Great for improvement of health and mental well-being. For info visit www.falundafa.org, http://falun.caltech.edu/. LEARN KRIYA MEDITATION at Sunburst Sanctuary, meditation, reflection, rejuvenation. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. A SOUL CARE JOURNEY IN JOSHUA TREE, May 31-June 3. Led by Joan Borysenko and friends. A new, fresh approach to Recovery and Mental Health Conferences. Spark transformational healing through generative soulful listening, group circles, ceremonies, drumming, meditation, medicine wheel and dreaming work, shamanic breath work and more. Renew yourself in Joshua Tree. Contact: Gretchen, 615/5575245, www.SpiritRecovery.com. Rooms will be booked through Joshua Tree Retreat Center, www.jtrcc.org. COMPASSIONATE COUNSELING. I quickly get to the heart of the matter and design sessions uniquely for you. I see individuals and couples. Some of the issues I work with are life transition, stress, self-esteem, relationships and grief. Laurie Levine, Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist. Offices in San Fernando Valley and West Side. For appt call 818/773-7685 or 310/284-3699. INTEGRATED ARTS OF SOUND & BODY, with Phyllis Douglass, CST, Master Sound Healing and Harmonic Therapist™, Akashic Records Practitioner, Energy Medicine Practitioner. Sacred Sounds Healing Concerts, Gong Meditations & Ceremonies, Akashic Record Readings, Reconnective Healing, Aka Dua Healing & Transmissions, workshops and retreats. For information, bookings, appts: www.soundbodyarts. com. LOOK FOR A BRIGHT STAR, VISIBLE NIGHT & DAY around the world. It heralds the World Teacher Maitreya’s recently inaugurated public
The Way of the Happy Woman An interview with author Sara Avant Stover
What is The Way of the Happy Woman? The Way of the Happy Woman is an ancient way of living in harmony with oneself and one’s surrounding as a feminine being in the modern world. This requires simplifying, slowing down, aligning with the rhythms and cycles of nature, and living from the inside out through the self-care practices of seasonal yoga, meditation, lifestyle, and nutrition. The Way negates the need to fix or perfect oneself and instead embraces radical acceptance and self-love. It leads women home to their essential natures — radiant, indestructible happiness. A lot of people are seeking, as well as talking and writing about, piness? happiness. How do you fit into this? How do you define hapAs a little girl, I remember blowing out my birthday candles every year. My one wish was always, “To be happy.” This longing is so universal, so intrinsic to the human experience; for happiness is our natural state. We all long to return to our essence, to who we truly are. Since women are natural nurturers, we’re so accustomed to making others happy. Plus, many of us grow up thinking that how we look, how much we weigh, who we marry, or how much money we make will make us happy. In pursuit of this, we’re always striving to be better, younger, thinner, more beautiful. All of this striving only brings us more suffering. The happiness I’m talking about is a stripping away of the belief that someone or something can make us happy. We’re the only ones who can do that. And doing so is a daily act, a practice that we must devote ourselves to regularly. Women need to know that we deserve to be happy; and we deserve to make that a priority in our lives. It comes in simple, ordinary ways, through how we show up for life each moment of each day. There’s nothing magical or mysterious about it. Happiness is then very attainable, ordinary, and tangible. You mention rhythms and cycles, what do they have to do with happiness? In modern society we’ve become so estranged from nature. Those of us who live in cities can go for months without stepping foot in a forest or breathing fresh air. Because of electricity our sleeping and waking cycles are no longer dependent upon the rising and setting of the sun; and our menstrual cycles no longer mirror the waxing and waning of the moon. However, we are creatures of nature. And, for women, this link is especially potent. As the centers of our families and communities, we’re the ones who preserve the sacred balance of all things. Our bodies, emotions, and spirits are tremendously sensitive to the rhythms of life. But we’ve forgotten this; and so we suffer. We can’t sleep, get cancer, become infertile, develop uterine fibroids and cysts, and more. Reclaiming nature’s rhythms, as they live in our own bodies and hearts, is what can heal us. They’re what can heal the world at large, too. It’s not sustainable to go full throttle day after day. We need cycles of blooming, maturation, decay, death, and rebirth. We need the full circle of life for true happiness to take root within us. Light is the other side of dark.
Birth is the other side of death. And happiness is the other side of sorrow. One can never exist without the other. You have had quite a personal journey leading up to writing this book. How did The Way of the Happy Woman come about? As the second oldest of four sisters and a senior at New York City’s all women’s Barnard College, I reached a crisis point in my life in 1999 where I realized I had no idea how to be a woman! I felt like I had no map and no role models. This plight culminated in my diagnosis of the early stages of cervical cancer. My wake up call summoned me to truly face myself —my unfelt and unexpressed emotions, my eating disorders, my me nstrual irregularities, and my low self-esteem. Shortly after that I moved to Thailand for a job. There, I embraced the tools and lifestyle I needed to heal: yoga, Buddhist meditation, detoxification programs, and traditional Chinese Medicine. I also found women teachers and mentors that I could look up to and learn from. Slowly, my health improved, as did my happiness. I was finally becoming the woman I had always wanted to be. Then, as I began teaching yoga around the world, I started meeting other women who were suffering in the same ways that I had; and I had the wisdom and resources to help them. That’s how The Way of the Happy Woman began. This book is now the culmination of everything I have learned and taught to countless women around the world over the past 12 years. All of this sounds really interesting, but then, as you know, women today are really busy with families, careers, and friendships. Not everyone can move to Thailand! You outline a map for one year of a woman’s life. How can women make time for this in their already full lives? I don’t believe in sugar coating anything. This path is simple. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy! First, a women need to find the courage, the guts, to face themselves. To really see and feel the parts of themselves that they’ve turned away from. They need to call these lost parts of themselves home. Only when a woman travels alone into the darkness of her own soul can she step back out into the light, empowered and sovereign over her own life. So, first, a woman needs to want to make this journey. She needs to believe she is worthy of being happy and of being the woman she’s always wanted to be. Then, once she knows it’s a priority, there’s always time. For some women this means waking up 10 minutes early to meditate before the kids wake up. For others it means watching 1 hour less of TV each day or powering down the computer 30 minutes earlier than usual to exercise, take a yoga class, cook a beautiful meal, or write in her journal. Look for ways that you spend your time doing things that lead you away from yourself. Cut those things out and replace them with things that lead you to yourself. It’s that simple. But, again, simple doesn’t mean to be easy. A woman needs to be a warrior of her own (continued on page 42)
(Happy Woman continued from page 41) happiness to do this daily. It’s a discipline. What are the essential ingredients that women need to start to live with more happiness? Most important are silence and solitude. Every woman needs pockets of these daily. Also mindfulness. This gets us to pay attention to what’s happening in each moment. It wakes us up to our lives and gets us out of our overly busy minds. You can combine both of these in a minimum of 10 minutes of meditation everyday; and by meditation I mean sitting quietly with your eyes closed and feeling the rising and falling of your breath in your belly. We also need sleep. If we’re not sleeping well or enough, everything starts to fall apart. About 8-9 hours is what we really need to thrive. We also need beauty and pleasure — adorning ourselves in nice clothes and jewelry, buying ourselves flowers, dancing, listening to music, making art, and appreciating what is exquisite around us. If a woman can make sure to have these things each day, she will dramatically improve her happiness.
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You combine a lot of different elements in the book — the seasons, yoga, meditation, and recipes. Why do you combine all of these? What’s the impact? As I mentioned earlier, the Way is about living from the inside out. We need tools and practices to connect us with our inner worlds, to bring our inner lives out and our outer lives in. So the yoga and meditation connect us inwardly. We experience ourselves as more than our thoughts and our outer roles and activities. We learn to trust our bodies and our intuition. Then we need nurturing foods to give our bodies the sustenance they need to heal and grow. All of these things, when adapted to the seasons, connect us to the changing rhythms of earth, and of our own hearts and lives. When we do this, we feel connected to ourselves and to all of life. We become more trusting of change and steered from an inner compass (rather than the compass of what others demand of us). Why do you address this book specifically to women? Can men learn from this, too? Men can certainly benefit from this, and I encourage them to read the book, too! I choose to address women specifically because I know women are the hubs of their families and communities. We’re the
ancient cook fire. We put the sustenance on the stove and gather others around to feast on it--whether that’s with food or with information. When we change and heal ourselves, we can’t help but share that with the people we love. We keep paying it forward. That’s how real change happens. And there’s nothing more inspiring and compelling than a woman who’s radiant, alive, and at home in herself. She’s infectious! What do you feel are the biggest challenges women today are facing and what are the effects of those? Without a doubt, stress is number one. Stress from working too much and resting too little. Stress from toxicity in our air, food, and water; and stress from denying our emotions, or at the other end of the spectrum, acting out from them unskillfully. All of these things weaken our connection to our spirits. They flood our bodies with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that leach precious vitality reserves from our cells that leave us depleted, run down, and, eventually, sick. We need to be diligent about both eliminating stress from our lives as much as possible and finding new ways to cope with the stressors that can’t be avoided. What do modern women absolutely need to know to stay healthy and happy? You deserve to be happy beyond your wildest dreams. And you’re the only one who can do that for yourself — not a knight in shining armor, a winning lottery ticket, or a magic pill. You have to slow down, simplify, do less, and let your guard down. You have to ask for and receive support. You have to say no more in order to say yes to yourself. It’s in the quiet, ordinary moments that you’ll truly meet yourself. It’s in weathering the seasons of your life with dignity and grace that you’ll find your true power as a woman in the world. Making yourself happy is not selfish, it’s the most altruistic act you could ever perform. Sara Avant Stover founder of the Way of the Happy Woman™, pioneered yoga teaching in Thailand and is a Yoga Alliance teacher trainer at the 500-hour level. She travels the world leading women’s workshops and lives in Boulder, Colorado. Visit her online at http://www.thewayofthehappywoman.com. Interview printed with permission from New World Library.
43 work. Info: 888/242-8272.
WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for appt, Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org. GOD IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR NEXT BREATH. MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Visit www.msia.org for more information on events and classes in your area or call 800/8992665. MEDITATION, REFLECTION, REJUVENATION at Sunburst Sanctuary. Enjoy solitude amidst 4000 acres of tranquil meadows and rolling hills on the Central Coast. Stay overnight in a cedar chalet, walk the labyrinth, tour an organic farm, hike, enjoy the fitness room. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
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I CAN HELP YOU FIND OR RECOVER YOUR SOUL MATE OR LOVER. I offer love readings and effective love spells. My powers allow me to see things that most people cannot. Contact me now and you and I will find a fitting solution. Angelica, 818/402-2750. 98% accurate, past, present, future. MAPLE STREET WEDDING CHAPEL. If you would like to infuse meaning and spirituality into your ceremony and do not have a home church, the Maple Street Wedding Chapel can provide that experience, no matter how much or how little you wish to spend. We can help you create Christian, spiritual and non-denominational marriage ceremonies, as well as renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, infant blessings and baptisms. 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica. 310/577-0000 or visit www.unitywestchurch.org. “BEST ONE-STOP SORCERER’S SHOP,” according to the L.A. Weekly: Objets d’Art & Spirit. Offering a large selection of magickal and decorative products, traditional and alternative spiritual art, gifts and toys for the soul. 7529 Sunset Blvd at Sierra Bonita, W. Hollywood 90046. 323/436-5238, www.objectsdartandspirit.com. A SOUL CARE JOURNEY IN JOSHUA TREE, May 31-June 3. Led by Joan Borysenko and friends. A new, fresh approach to Recovery and Mental Health Conferences. Spark transformational healing through generative soulful listening, group circles, ceremonies, drumming, meditation, medicine wheel and dreaming work, shamanic breath work and more. Renew yourself in Joshua Tree. Contact: Gretchen, 615/5575245, www.SpiritRecovery.com. Rooms will be booked through Joshua Tree Retreat Center, www.jtrcc.org.
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(Prosperity continued from page 7 ) developing countries, they discovered that the men would spend it on different things; females were more likely than the men to re-pay. Women have a 95% re-payment rate for the loans. When you think that so little money can help so much…that as little as $233 can do so much to help, it’s pretty amazing. In a Q & A session the women gave me more details. Lena: Domestically at this point, we’ve reached 75 clients totaling $150,000 in loans and we’re hoping to expand for sure. LA may be the next location for micro loaning. Sharon Hall: Because of the financial issues confronting so many right here in the US, were there any stories about how the micro-loans change lives here at home? Ashley: I remember the story of a girl in Queens who owned her own clothing shop. They gave her the funds to start — to buy clothes and the rental space, and see what she does with it. When she pays it back, they will give her another loan. SH: She’ll get more if she’s successful? That’s a great incentive. What can the international recipients do with just a few hundred? Lena: They can buy a sewing machine or a cow; start their own business, make clothes — the website is full of these stories and pictures. I wondered if they had ever met any of the women they support. Lena had a friend that got to go to India. “She said it was a lot of physical labor — it’s completely volunteer. She also taught English to children, and Lucia, A Microcredit Client of helped with a water system — digging a well or Grameen America (United something. It’s not just about the products.” States) According to Lena, Whole Foods Markets employLucia is a microcredit client of ees who wish to visit some of the places the micro Grameen America, WPF’s loans are offered can volunteer for one to three partner in the United States. weeks. They apply for the opportunity by creating a The mother of three grown video or writing an essay. children, she started a small SH: I’m struck — and this is what Professor Yunus business selling inexpensive discovered — that by helping one woman become beauty products eight years ago. more self-sufficient, you help not only that person With her loan, she expanded her and that family, but the community as well. Then, inventory to include perfume, other people get interested, and it just spreads like cosmetics and shoes. Lucia’s that. This is a powerful force for good in this or any dream is to sell handmade country for women who are at or under the poverty dresses in a store that also offers level. I wonder if you have any thoughts about that. babysitting services. Lena: It’s empowering. We’re giving these women a chance where maybe no one else would have. Ashley: There’s a story we heard at Vision Day. A woman spoke about the terrible relationship she had with her husband. It wasn’t until she felt empowered by having her own business that she had the courage to walk away. When poor women prove they can be self-sufficient; pay back initial loans and become eligible for another, their success benefits everyone. You don’t have to wait until next March to make a difference; Lena and Ashley urge everyone to donate year round. So, pay a visit to the Whole Planet Foundation website. Take some time to read the stories, and learn how you can get involved now with this remarkable program. *re-printed with permission from the WPF website www.wholeplanetfoundation.org Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty, by Muhammad Yunus Sharon Hall is a writer and managing editor for The Whole Person. She can be reached at: moreinfo@wholepersoncalendar.com
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Whole Gardener
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Randy Arnowitz If, on a game show, they asked the audience to choose the most common word to precede nature, I’d guess that the winner would be Mother. Mother Nature and, on a grander scale, Mother Earth, imply that she is solely and single-handedly responsible for everything in the natural world — that all is borne of her and all of nature is her doing. The Greeks nailed it when they referred to her as Gaia the primordial earth-goddess — the great mother of all. The delicate, coiling tendrils of a pea plant, polar bears, Big Sur, hummingbirds, lightning, a dewdrop precariously perched on the the lip of an orchid, and even Oreos are all her work. Folks often say that here in Southern California we don’t have seasons. Well, it isn’t New Jersey, but every February, for as long as I’ve lived and gardened here, I am astounded and excited when the garden begins to pop and growth starts. “Ain’t Mother Nature grand,” I think to myself. And when the squiggly monarch caterpillars arrive, and know that they have to eat the milkweed plants, and then they go into those magical little green changing rooms called chrysalises, only to emerge ten days later as a majestic orange and black butterfly — I ask myself, “Wait, who thought all that up?” “Mother Nature,” I answer. I’m fine with assigning the feminine to all things nature and giving
her top billing, but I think that the masculine should get first runner up — or an honorable mention at the very least. Apart from cloning sheep and rooting your Swedish ivy cuttings in a glass of water on your windowsill, I believe it requires the masculine in addition to the feminine to make more of the same. And contrary to what you may have heard, male seahorses do not give birth to young all by themselves, but merely house them in a pouch made especially for that purpose.
Kathleen Kenneally, L.Ac.
Acupuncture • Herbal Medicine
5/85/29 5/9 5/10 & 17
I’m not really keeping score and I’m not even saying that things have to be exactly equal, but a quick tally shows that we have Father Time and Father Christmas, Mr. Clean and the Pope. Then, you also have the aforementioned Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mrs. Fields and Oprah.
As far as who wins? I’d say that if you’ve ever made eye contact with a grey whale, really looked at a passionflower up close, or blown the fluffy, parachutes off of a dandelion after it’s gone to seed — we all do.
Randy Arnowitz is a gardener, horticulturist and writer. He particularly enjoys working with roses, orchids, and sharing the day with his golden retriever, Peaches, who faithfully accompanies him in the field. He has written for the Santa Barbara Independent, the Santa Barbara News-Press and is currently a garden columnist for Montecito Journal and Montecito Journal Magazine.
5/16 5/23
5/26 5/31
Aura Chakra Readings w/Mary Delano Otis, 2:30-7:30 pm, $35 includes CD of reading & 12-page report Numerology with Sheila Tanenbaum, 4 wks, 7-9 pm, $30/ class Celtic Faerie Magic (Class #2) w/ Ayamanatara, 7-9 pm, $30 How to Read Karma Cards w/Mr Anthony, 2 weeks, 6:30-8:30 pm, $25/class GIA Wellness Presentation on Anti-aging Technology & Nutrition w/Caren Knott, 2-4 pm, FREE! Community Reiki w/Kathleen Fletcher, RMT, 6-9 pm, $10 Donation Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation w/Ayamanatara, 7:30-8:30 pm, $20 Full Body & Breast Thermography w/Dr. Hillary Smith, by appt. Reiki Master Class w/Kathleen Fletcher, $350 + $45 materials fee Reiki Circle w/Terri Bell, RMT, 6:30-8 pm, $10 donation
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Whole Person
Shakti Fest - Celebrating the Divine Feminine May 11-13 Joshua Tree, CA Bhakti Fest, organized by the The Center for Spiritual Studies (CSS), a non-profit foundation created in 1973 to generate a united voice for yoga and chanting, kicks off their 2012 Festival season with Shakti Fest Spring Ommersion, a Celebration of the Divine Feminine, May 11-13 at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center in Joshua Tree, CA. This year, Bhakti Fest expands to three events, returning to Joshua Tree, CA in the spring and fall and premiering in Madison, WI this summer. Bhakti Fest events blend kirtan, yoga and conscious living into one uplifting weekend, offering attendees a sacred space to participate in in chanting, movement, meditation, ceremonies, and community.
Jaya Lakshmi
The 2012 Shakti Fest will offer two Yoga Halls with more than 36 classes suitable for all ages and ability levels. Inspirational teachers including Shiva Rea, Sara Ivanhoe, Saul David Raye and many others that will take your practice to another level. World-renowned Kirtan artists such as Jai Uttal, CC White, Donna De Lory, Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band, and Wah will perform from 9 am to midnight, every day; the music will be sublime, passionate, and transcendental.
Kristin Olson
There will also be a diverse selection of workshops from today’s spiritual leaders addressing topics of Aryuveda, Astrology, Asana (posture) Healing, Love, the Divine Feminine, Sound and Voice, Dance and more. Some of the presenters include Shiva Rea and Dimitri Velisarius, Lorin Roche, David Newman and Mira, and Mirabai Devi. For a full list of classes, performers and teachers, visit Bhaktifest.com
Visitors can shop the eco-friendly vendor village of more then 50 vendors offering unique crafts and clothing and delicious, high vibrational raw, vegan, and vegetarian foods and beverages. There will also be wellness enhancing products, clothing and art, body workers, breathworkers, massage therapists, and other unique healing modalities. Accommodation options include camping and RVs on site as well as nearby hotels. Bhakti Fest will offer two more opportunities to align with this divine energy and community this summer. Premiering June 29-July 21, Bhakti Fest comes to The Alliant Energy Center, at Willow Island in Madison,WI bringing this high vibrational energy to the Midwest. This is followed by Bhakti Fest’s marquee event returning to Joshua Tree September 6-9 for four days of non-stop kirtan, yoga and more.
CC White
In the spirit of Bhakti, CSS gives a portion of the proceeds from their events to the following charities: Food For Life, Seva Foundation, Love Serve Remember Foundation and Ramana’s Garden. Each of the charities embody the meaning of Bhakti, or devotion and encourages the community to come together as one to help one another. Bhakti Fest is not just for people who are into kirtan, yoga or meditation, this unique music festival inspires all people to unite as a mindful community and raise awareness. Come enjoy a vibrant, passionate, and creative community and join the heart-centered revolution at Bhakti Fest. For more information and tickets, go to www. bhaktifest.com. Call (866) 992-4258 or email info@bhaktifest.com. Nubia Teixeira
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OUR UNIQUE SANCTUARY IS AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS and Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows, in Pasadena. We have 5 ministers who can do ceremonies on-site or on location. Services and ceremonies can be done in English, Spanish, French or German. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org.
Personal Growth FINANCIAL HEALING CLASS presented by Kali’s Temple of Inner Knowing. Why is it that life is so easy for some people? And so difficult for others? What do they know that you don’t? Is your personal money-making machine broken? Offering a 6-week Internet class; or live in San Diego starting May 10. Info: Visit www.kalistemple.org. A SOUL CARE JOURNEY IN JOSHUA TREE, May 31-June 3. Led by Joan Borysenko and friends. A new, fresh approach to Recovery and Mental Health Conferences. Spark transformational healing through generative soulful listening, group circles, ceremonies, drumming, meditation, medicine wheel and dreaming work, shamanic breath work and more. Renew yourself in Joshua Tree. Contact: Gretchen, 615/5575245, www.SpiritRecovery.com. Rooms will be booked through Joshua Tree Retreat Center, www.jtrcc.org. TOTAL LIFE CENTER: Coaching and Courses for Investing in Yourself. Eliminate obstacles in your way to achieving what you want and deserve. Find your voice & reconnect with your passions. 949/290-1728, 714/721-2376, www. total-life-center.com.
ANTONIO’S HEALING HANDS. Antonio is a practitioner of Paranormal Healing, Medical Intuitive and Distant Healer who heals emotional and physical illnesses including depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, fibromyalgia, trauma, AIDS, chronic pain, weight issues, and more. Testimonials, sessions and more info at www.antonioshealinghands.com. SPIRITUAL ART, GIFTS & TOYS FOR THE SOUL available at Objets d’Art & Spirit. Visit us at 7529 Sunset Blvd. at Sierra Bonita, W. Hollywood 90046. 323/436-5238, www.objetsdartandspirit.com.
Products EMPOWER YOURSELF. Find the tools you need to protect yourself and achieve successful outcomes. Get expert guidance in using ritual oils, energy baths, candle magic, potions, talismans, crystals, incense and meditation to change your energy and change your life. At The Mystic’s Altar, 1746 Westwood Blvd, LA 90024, 310/4469100. Also new location at 120 N. Maclay Ave., Suite D, San Fernando 91340, 818/365-4400. Visit www.TheMysticsAltar.com. AURA PHOTOS REVEAL THE STATE OF YOUR ENERGY. Get a 4x6 photo of your aura in living color plus a 23-page report on your energy status, including chakras. Now you can get an aura report for your dog or cat! Report incorporates indicators for personality type, chakra balance, stress/relaxation levels, emotional reactions and more. Takes 5-7 minutes, costs $35. At The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. No appt necessary. 818/345-1100, www. theimaginecenter.com. TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit.
For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd at Sierra Bonita, West Hollywood 90046, 323/4365238, www.objetsdartandspirit.com. COME DISCOVER WHAT’S IN STORE FOR YOU at the Mystic’s Altar. Products include Spell Kits, Energy Mist for Love, Energy Wash for Attraction, and lots of other new merchandise. Visit us at 1746 Westwood Blvd., LA 90024, 310/4469100. Also new location at 120 N. Maclay Ave., Suite D, San Fernando, 818/365-4400. Visit us at www.TheMysticsAltar.com.
Professional Services INTERNATIONAL FAMOUS CELEBRITY PSYCHIC ROBIN ZODIAC conducts daily psychic readings as a Soulful Healer. She has been seen on TV and heard on radio as a psychic intuitive for decades. Sample her gift most weekdays between 11-11:30 am PST. http://CallPsychic. com/webcam.html. Call for a private consultation at 877/924-4783, which is (8PS)YCH-IQUE. Schedule an appt at RobinZodiac@yahoo.com. BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental and whole body health, and utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity and body. Offering Digital xrays, removal of mercury fillings, and Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. Free Invisalign consultation. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/7166722, www.PearlZadehDDS.com.
�������������������������������� June 17-July 1 (ages 18-30)���July 15-29 (everyone) Experience living with Spirit in a supportive environment during this two week program. Meditate and serve with community members amidst the beauty of nature. Learn to create vibrant, sustainable systems within and around you. Activities include organic gardening and landscaping, harvesting and preparing food, as well as hands-on instruction in the cob natural building technique. Instruction in the transformational Kriya Yoga meditation is offered during the program.
Upcoming Events Kriya Yoga Meditation Retreat Thursday, July 26 - Sunday, July 29, 2012 Unlock your true potential! Learn the liberating Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation tool – discover the healing power of your personal relationship with the Divine. Celebrate Life Weekend May 25 - 27 Embrace inner and outer sustainability. Enjoy revitalizing yoga and meditation, group activities and garden-fresh homecooked vegetarian meals. Hike or bike through pristine wilderness, walk the Hopi labyrinth, or relax. Camping available.
805.736.6528 www.SunburstOnline.org
Special Offers DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE until you read our free report about an Amazing Skin Care Breakthrough for men, women and all skin types. The Vital Image, 439 Talbert St., Playa Del Rey 90293. 800/414-4624 or visit us at www.thevitalimage.com. Report is free to Whole Person readers. $5 OFF COMBO OWNER/PET AURA PHOTO & REPORT. Reveal the unique compatibility between you and your pet in living color. Get 4x6 aura photos plus 23-page report on your energy status. Report incorporates indicators for personality type, stress levels, emotional reactions, energy projection range and much more. Takes 10-15 minutes, costs $65 for Combo Owner/Pet Aura Photo & Report. Same-day purchase required for discount. Call 818/345-1100 for appt or walk-in. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. www.theimaginecenter. com. 40% OFF FIRST-TIME VISIT or phone consultation. Energetic reading/healing for your body, mind and Spirit. Call Dr. Sharon Joseph, 818/912-2535 or email sharonjoseph111@yahoo. com. Visit www.thesoundofsoul.com. $25 OFF: READING WITH DESERET TAVERES, this acclaimed psychic has a proven track record of foreseeing life-changing events. Equally renowned at energy healing and spell craft, she can tell you what’s in store for you and help you alter the way in which your life events are shaped. Save $25 off the price of a reading with Deseret; for an additional $5 off the reading, LIKE us on Facebook. The Mystic’s Altar, 1746 Westwood Blvd, LA 90024, 310/446-9100. Open April 21: our new store at 120 N. Maclay Ave., Suite D,
San Fernando 91340, 818/365-4400. Visit www. TheMysticsAltar.com. COMPLIMENTARY DIGITAL X-RAYS available with comprehensive examination by Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. Services available include Invisalign, a metal-free alternative to traditional braces, digital x-rays, safe replacement of mercury toxic fillings with bio-compatible materials. We offer Care Credit, an affordable payment program. Call 818/716-6722. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, www. PearlZadehDDS.com.
Travel / Retreats PERSONAL RETREATS, enjoy the peace and beauty of the sanctuary in a private cedar cabin. If you like, treat yourself to the deep sweetness of early morning group meditations, walk the Hopi labyrinth, or hike a pristine trail. 4,000 acres of rolling hills and wooded trails to explore. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, visit www.SunburstOnline. org. JOHN OF GOD, BRAZIL TRIP with Medium Gail Thackray, June 19-30. Gail will be taking a small group to Brazil to see the amazing healer John of God (recently featured on Oprah). See website for more details: www.GailThackray.com. $1800 all inc. plus air. Distance healings available, $150. Info: 818/890-6111. PERSONAL RETREATS IN OJAI. Whether you are looking for a solo journey, romantic couples weekend, or a fun week in a house with your girlfriends, we will create the perfect package for you. Accommodations, food and 3 healing treatments included. Pick from a variety of healing
modalities (massage, crystal bed, tarot, far-infrared dry sauna, myofascial release, reflexology, medical intuitive, and more), your type of accommodations, food style and then relax, we’ll do the rest! Visit www.RetreatsofOjai.com for details. CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKENDS, held on the last weekend of each month (call for upcoming dates). Renew, relax, refresh. Enjoy a weekend of healing yoga, meditation, energizing exercises, satsang, nourishing meals and an evening devotional jam session. Participate in any or all activities. Call for more info and suggested donation. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org. A SOUL CARE JOURNEY IN JOSHUA TREE, May 31-June 3. Led by Joan Borysenko and friends. A new, fresh approach to Recovery and Mental Health Conferences. Spark transformational healing through generative soulful listening, group circles, ceremonies, drumming, meditation, medicine wheel and dreaming work, shamanic breath work and more. Renew yourself in Joshua Tree. Contact: Gretchen, 615/5575245, www.SpiritRecovery.com. Rooms will be booked through Joshua Tree Retreat Center, www.jtrcc.org. KRIYA MEDITATION RETREAT, July 26-29. Be the change you want to see in the world. Learn the liberating Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation tool. Discover the healing power of your personal relationship with the Divine. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.