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2/14/11 11:53 AM
s are so many readers, spiritual seekers, and book lovers, The Whole Person is especially sad to see The Bodhi Bookstore close. Our original publisher, Leslie Snyder was herself inspired to start this magazine while working there over 30 years ago. The people who’ve past through The Bodhi Tree doorway — as lecturers and teachers, or doing book-signings — reads like a Whose-Who of the best and the brightest of our time. A short list includes: Lynne Andrews, Peter Bogdanovich, Gregory Braden, Julia Cameron, Frijof Capra, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Jean Houston, Laura Huxley, Jack Kornfield, Deena Metzger, Dr. Judith Orloff, Thich Nhat Hanh, Starhawk, Robert Thurman, Eckhart Tolle, and Marianne Williamson. Author and speaker, Marianne Williamson is interviewed in this month’s issue and talks about her current best selling book, A Course in Weight Loss. There is a list of book picks for your reading pleasure while relaxing and regrouping this summer. In addition, we recommend attending Selacia’s book signing at The Bodhi Tree on July 16th of her new book, Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years. We will return in September. Enjoy your summer reading! – The Whole Person Team THE
Calendar of Events in Southern California
P.O. Box 2667 Santa Barbara, CA 93120 800-962-0338 moreinfo@wholepersoncalendar.com
In This Issue
4 An Interview with Marianne Williamson - by Tree Bernstein 6 Summer Reading Picks - by the staff of the Mystic Journey Bookstore 8 Bon Voyage to The Bodhi Tree - by Sharon Hall
9 10 23 34 Everyday Services............................ 38 Future Events................................... July Events........................................ August Events................................... Ongoing Weekly Events .................. Astrology Books/Music/Media Counseling/Life Coaching Education/Training Fitness Food/Nutrition Gift Shops/Bookstores Health & Wellness Intuitive Arts Meditation/Spirituality Professional Services & more
TM 2011
Typeset by Connie Kudura, Prototype, Eugene, Oregon
Issue 7
THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR is devoted to supporting activities and events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles, and spiritual/emotional well-being. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness.
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The End of An Era: Bon Voyage to
THE BODHI TREE by Sharon Hall
n a quiet street in West Hollywood, three former Aerospace engineers from Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica, Stan Madsen, Phil Thompson, and Dan Morris opened a small, metaphysical bookstore. It was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Phil and Stan met at Douglas in the 1960’s. Both were interested in the mind, ideas and books. On the day he started at Douglas, Phil met another engineer starting that day, Bernie Glassman. He was into Zen and meditation. Soon other like-minded seekers became the nucleus of a group who’d meet to discuss ideas and books by people like Alan Watts, J. Krishnamurti, and D.T. Suzuki. Stan and Phil also became initiated into Transcendental Meditation during this time: “There was a group of maybe 10 or 15 of us at Douglas who’d get together. We’d have lunch at the luncheonette, or meet after work to talk...All these teachers and ideas that were coming from the East were sort of revolutionary. Between TM and Zen and the teachers, everybody started looking for answers — what was it all about; why are we here, and maybe there’s something better for us to do.” The future Roshi Glassman began to study with Maizumi Roshi in L.A., and Phil went with him on occasion: “Bernie was real serious about it. I love the fact he told his mother when he was in college, “One day I’m going to be a Zen monk!” Stan and Phil left the aerospace industry, and purchased the original property on Melrose Avenue in 1978. According to the owners, that time period saw a real interest in metaphysicals and
Phil Thompson and Stan Madsen
“I think the Bodhi Tree’s impact has been immeasurable, and at the center of it all were these two really great guys. If anyone in the world has good karma, it’s Phil and Stan.” — Marianne Williamson
The Bodhi Tree circa 1970
The Bodhi Tree today
spiritual development. Bookstores were a place where people of like minds could gather; they were a place where spiritual communities formed and strengthened. Now, after 40 years as proprietors of what may be the best known metaphysical bookstore in the country, the owners are retiring. The beloved Bodhi Tree is moving on to its next incarnation. The spot is surrounded by noise and high-end retail; traffic whizzes by, and it’s hard to find on-street parking. The original location, with its expansions and re-models over the years, has certainly changed from being a small store on a quiet, shady street. But in the back, the giant ficus religiosa, also known as a Bodhi tree, has grown 40 feet or more. Phil says that it came to them in a little pot from a neighbor, who’d grown it from seed. Now the girth of the trunk is bigger than two men. They don’t know what will happen to it, he says; the new owners may decide to chop it down. When asked about the future of the bookstore, the philosophical Phil and Stan are both likely to say the same thing: Everything changes. The two have no plans to open another, having recognized a long time back that such a project needs a certain critical mass of community to support a store like this. They are trying to sell their entire inventory; the location was sold over a year ago. Stan says they are in fairly strong negotiations with two or three groups: “It seems highly probable that it — the store — will go on in some form. We’d just prefer an actual space rather than just a virtual one.” I asked the two what their favorite time period was; did they have a sense when they were in the right place, doing the right thing? For Phil, it was from the middle 70’s on: “That’s when Swami Muktananda for example was getting a thousand people at Santa Monica Auditorium. People were sincere then; they were interested in serious things.” Stan added that it has been a lot of fun, and noted the right livelihood aspect of the experience: “Many people look for that. I kind of tripped into this by accident and it has all the elements of right livelihood. I enjoyed doing it, it created energy, and the social interaction was very exciting. We were fellow travelers; we felt that what we were doing, was worthwhile.” In the early 80’s, the business, according to Stan and Phil, was doing quite well. They were running out of space for their ever-increasing inventory and had a choice to either move or remodel: “We loved the location — it was ideal in those days; the whole neighborhood was open for parking.” They chose to remodel, more than doubling their original size. At that point, everyone thought the expansion was complete. But, as they have described on their website, a small event occurred that was to have huge consequences: “On a lazy Sunday afternoon in 1983, actress Shirley MacLaine wandered into the Bodhi Tree Bookstore and embarked on a journey that changed her life, the life of the bookstore, and the spiritual life of mainstream America.”* MacLaine had come to the Bodhi Tree on the recommendation of her mentor. According to Stan, “She came here to find the books because, in the early days if you were interested in this material, you couldn’t just go into any bookstore to find it. We had a monopoly in the Los Angeles area. We were the only game in town, initially.” An explosion of metaphysical bookstores sprouted up, triggered by the tremendous energy that was generated as celebrities began talking about these spiritual issues: “Carol Burnett was another celebrity visitor in the 80’s. She talked about reading the book, ‘The Initiate’, by Cyril Scott. Within 24 hours, every copy in the U.S was sold out.” They started having book signings with an amazing assortment of authors and (continued on page 40)
On a lazy Sunday afternoon in 1983, actress Shirley MacLaine wandered into the Bodhi Tree and embarked on a journey that changed her life, the life of the bookstore, and the spiritual life of mainstream America.
An Interview with Marianne Williamson:
A Course in Miracle Weight Loss by Tree Bernstein
“...Our deepest fear is not that we his passage, often attributed to Nelson Mandela’s inaugural address, actually comes from A Return to Love, by Marianne are inadequate. Our deepest fear Williamson, published in 1992. Williams is quite gracious about the misattributed quote. “As honored as I would be had President is that we are powerful beyond Mandela quoted my words, indeed he did not. I have no idea where that story came from, but I am gratified that the paragraph measure. It is our light, not our has come to mean so much to so many people.” Perhaps for Williamson, offering it up is just part of the ongoing A Course in darkness, that most frightens us. Miracles. Since the mid-seventies, Marianne Williamson has taught and We ask ourselves, who am I to be talked and written about A Course in Miracles. Referred to as The Course, or ACIM, the curriculum offers self-study in spiritual brilliant, gorgeous, talented, transformation in 365 lessons. Despite some theological detractors, ACIM continues to thrive in spiritual communities around the fabulous? Actually, who are you world. Since 1976, over two million copies of the book have been sold. In the introduction, the author Dr. Helen Schucman asserts, not to be? You are a child of God. “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” Your playing small doesn’t Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual My book is not written serve the world. There’s nothand author. Six of her ten for the person who wants to teacher books, including A Return to Love, ing enlightened about shrinkloose 5 or 10 pounds. have been on the New York Times Best Seller list. Four of these have This book addresses the ing so that other people won’t reached the top of the list. issue of seriously Williamson’s latest Best Seller is A feel insecure around you. We Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual compulsive behavior. Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight are all meant to shine, as Forever. Oprah selected A Course in Weight Loss as one of her Favorite Things in 2010. Other books include The Age of Miracles, Everyday children do. We were born to Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change. make manifest the glory of God Whole Person: A major component of your workshops hinge on that is within us. It’s not just in shared-support groups that, as you say, “. . .enrich your journey through the course, building community through discussion and some of us; it’s in everyone. And mutual support.” Could you please elaborate on the power of such support? as we let our own light shine, we Marianne Williamson: Just like 12-step meetings, when someone is dealing with a compulsive or addictive or destructive behavior, it is unconsciously give other people very helpful to have the support of others experiencing the same journey. It can make a tremendous difference. When you meet permission to do the same. As with a group once a week you get support and reinforcement. In a Course in Miracles, it says, “A idea is stronger when it is shared.” we’re liberated from our own WP: I noticed at your website (acourseinweightloss.com) you have fear, our presence automatically a tab to Start A Book Club In Your Area or Join A Book Club In Your Area. Is this a way to create your own satellite community? liberates others.” MW: It’s nothing formal; it’s simply that with a group of ten or — Marianne Williamson
more, when they get to lesson ten in the book, they can set-up a free teleconference with me. Some of the material is quite deep.
People may have questions. It makes me happy to think I can support the process. WP: In your new book, A Course in Weight Loss, you say you want to show how to understand the intersection between spirituality and weight loss. What is the connection? MW: My book is not written for the person who wants to lose 5 or 10 pounds. This book addresses the issue of seriously compulsive behavior. What happens when a person has a serious compulsion is that the compulsion overrides the self-discipline and rationality of that person, it overrides the brain circuitry of self-discipline, even self-will. However, while the compulsion overrides the brain circuitry of self-discipline, God overrides the compulsion. It takes a spiritual connection to get to recovery. When I was first writing the book, there was discussion that perhaps the book should just be about compulsive and addictive behavior. But I felt that while culturally there tends to be mainstream understanding while dealing with alcoholism or drug addiction that a spiritual experience is somehow called for. As a society we tend to view food compulsion — obesity — as simply a lack of will. I am disappointed by the lack of compassion. I felt that it would be helpful to move the conversation to spiritual, emotional, and psychological blocks to unwise eating patterns. WP: Why is forgiveness so important and why is it the path to inner peace? MW: From a spiritual perspective, there is only one of us here. There really is no place where your mind stops and mine starts. When I have attack thoughts, unforgiving thoughts towards another person, I’m really attacking myself. For the compulsive eater unwise eating is an act of violence towards oneself, it is an act of betrayal. Something happens in the brain circuitry that interprets overeating as comforting when it is actually self-destructive. At the deepest level this represents a place of lack of love towards the self, for whatever reason it has become an entrenched emotional pattern. Forgiving oneself and others becomes a profound component in dismantling these thoughts and behaviors of violence towards oneself. WP:Then how does the seeker of peace, or of love, or even of weight loss reconcile the high ideals and philosophy of spiritual practice versus everyday life? MW: Real spirituality is eminently practical. In A Course in Miracles, we say that at their peak religion and psychotherapy are the same. Nothing could be more practical than being released from compulsive cravings. What could be more practical than dismantling these blocks? Tree Bernstein, a.k.a. Ms. Metaphor (AskMsMetaphor.com), is a graduate of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University, where she learned her peas and cues and a MFA in Writing & Poetics.
Williamson will be teaching A Return to Love Workshop Practicing the Principles of A Course in Miracles, at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel in L.A. July 1-3. The website marianne. com has the details.
Summer Reading Picks from the staff of the Mystic Journey Bookstore
As you lie in the sun, sit by the pool, or ride your bike along the boardwalk, you may find yourself pondering life’s bigger questions. Search inside these books to help you on your journey towards the answers: The Angel Therapy Handbook by Doreen Virtue Doreen Virtue has helped thousands become certified Angel Practitioner’s. She has now compiled her teachings into one wonderful book, The Angel Therapy Handbook. This book will hone your skills to assist you with psychic readings, spiritual healings, and connecting with the angels and archangels all around you. Through readings, exercises, and other tools, this is a vital handbook to have in your spiritual toolbox. Spirited by Rebecca Rosen This down-to-earth book, tells the story of how author, Rebecca Rosen, went from being your average twenty-something to discovering her gift as a medium and psychic, with a waiting list for readings three years long. Her goal in writing this book is to make her job obsolete. She wants everyone to learn and hone their own skills to connect with their own spirit, spirit guides, and the higher powers. Through exercises, meditations, and intriguing anecdotes, she guide readers in discovering their own powerful intuition.
During long summer days you may find yourself yearning to discover a new path or revisit an old creative longing. These books are proactive steps to help you discover or rediscover your artist within: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron With the basic principle that creative expression is the natural direction of life, Julia Cameron and co-author Mark Bryan lead you through a comprehensive twelveweek program to recover your creativity. They identify a variety of blocks, including limiting beliefs, fear, self-sabotage, jealousy, guilt, addictions, and other inhibiting forces, and replace them with artistic confidence and productivity. This book links creativity to spirituality by showing how to connect with the creative energies of the universe. Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg The subtitle, freeing the writer within, says it all. This is a practical guide to writing which throws the rules of writing out the window to open readers up to the Zen of writing. Her exercises and anecdotes teach the writer to use free flowing form to open the body, mind, and soul up to creating great work.
And when you’re in need for inspiration to find a new path, try these: Whether you look up to the stars or within yourself, these books will enlighten and inspire: Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller This is the book that professional astrologers go to for their own guidance. Want your talents to shine, your desires to be released, and to let go of old negative energies? This book will show you how. It goes beyond your sun sign into your North Node, and teaches you how to achieve your greatest desires by giving you the keys to release all that holds you back. Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana This “nuts-and-bolts” guide to meditation will change your life, so be ready to dive in with both feet. The book guides you through the who, what, when, where, and whys of meditation and gives simple, straight-forward answers. Learn the fundamentals of meditation that will move you forward in leaps and bounds.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma This fable tells the story of a too-busy-to-care lawyer whose focus is on his work and material possessions until he is hit with a heart attack. With a new found respect for life, he sells all his possessions and travels around the world to the Himilayas in order to find enlightenment. This #1 worldwide bestseller, delivers pearls of wisdom at every turn during a search for meaning and enlightenment. The Map by Colette Baron-Reid This is a magical book that lays out the map of your life as an adventure. With playful characters such as the Gentle Gardener, The Bone Collector, and the Wizard of Awareness, this book makes unlocking your destiny and learning to break down your own road blocks fun and whimsical. Take back the power and find joy and purpose in your life.
Mystic Journey Bookstore 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd.,Venice, CA 90291, 310-399-7070 info@mysticjourneybookstore.com
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PREREGISTRATION – FUTURE EVENTS – THE ANGEL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (ACP), taught by Charles Virtue, son of Dr. Doreen Virtue, and Tina Marie Daly. Preregistration open. July 22-24, at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. Angel Training Program based on Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner® class. Learn how to see, hear, feel and understand angel messages for yourself or clients. Gain confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer and psychic. Info and registration: www.charlesvirtue.com. Cost: $644. 39TH ANNUAL CANCER CONVENTION will take place Sept. 3, 4 & 5 at the Sheraton Universal in Hollywood. Featuring lectures, movies, exhibits on alternative therapies including nutritional approach, Laetrile, Gerson, Hoxsey, Poly-MVA, enzymes and immunotherapy. Also chelation, DMSO, oxygen, herbal, cellular and electromagnetic therapies. For all diseases. $40/day for exhibits, lectures and movies; $20/day for exhibits only; $45/day for CEUs for nurses and dentists. Info: Cancer Control Society, 323/6637801, www.cancercontrolsociety.com. PREREGISTER FOR SELACIA’S BOOK SIGNING on July 21, discussing and signing Your Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, a new book about our future and the coming changes for Earth. Don’t miss this launch of Selacia’s new book at 7:30 pm, Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, West Hollywood 90069. Info: 310/915-2884, www.EarthsPivotalYears.com, www.Selacia. com, www.BodhiTree.com. Selacia is an author, intuitive healer and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK WORKSHOP, preregister for this July 23 workshop. As created by Stanislav Grof, MD, one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology. Venice area near the
beach, 8:45 am-9 pm. $150. (Work-study positions available to reduce cost if you are interested.) Email: michael@holotropicbreathworkla. com or call 310/477-4747 for more details, to register, or to be put on the mailing list for future Holotropic Breathwork workshops. ‘BEYOND SELF’ TRAINING PROGRAM, 7-9 pm. Now enrolling for our next section of The Bodhi Center’s ‘Beyond Self’ Training Program, a 13week Course in Consciousness. Registration required. Call or visit the website for more info. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net. TRANSFORMING LEADERSHIP: A Depth Psychological Approach, preregistration open for this Aug. 12-14 workshop. Dedicated to exploring the ways in which leaders and individuals who strive to make a difference can use concepts from depth psychology to succeed. Please visit the Public Programs page at www.pacifica. edu for information about pricing, registration and accommodations. Or call 805/969-3626, ext. 103. At Pacifica Graduate Institute. NEW CLEARSIGHT ONLINE CLAIRVOYANT PROGRAM now open for enrollment. “Introduction to Clairvoyance” is a powerful 4-month program that teaches you to unleash your human potential through the development of your innate psychic abilities. Through learning skills of grounding, centering and learning to see energy, you will begin to live the life you truly want. $199/ month. Instructor: Judy Nelson. Info: Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com, email clearsightaura@gmail.com. See our back cover ad in this issue. HEALING THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS weekend, Sept. 9-11, Friday-Sunday, in Burbank. With award-winning Akashic Records author/expert Linda Howe. Discover your soul’s perfection by using the power of your sacred wounds to heal patterns of self-abandonment. Find the
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Public Programs page at www.pacifica.edu for information about pricing, registration and accommodations. Or call 805/969-3626, ext. 103. At Pacifica Graduate Institute.
WOMAN’S MEDITATION GROUP. Connect with the beautiful strength that resides within You. Sundays 10 am-12 noon. Sincere Seekers only. Phone 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org.
THE HEROINE’S JOURNEY: Healing the Deep Wounding of the Feminine, with Maureen Murdock, to be presented Sept. 9-11 (Fri. 7:30 pmSun. 1 pm). Explore the stages in The Heroine’s Journey which redefines the heroic quest for women. Includes a presentation of the model of the Heroine’s Journey, discussion, storytelling, dream work, myth and ritual. $335 resident fee, $275 commuter. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org or register at registerb@lcdm.org.
THE ALIGNMENT™, Multi-dimensional Group Healing presented by Tuaca Kelly, 3-6 pm, $53, Special Edition Books $10. Info: www.LoveTheMessenger.com. The cosmic and divine intelligence of this loving light energy source will exchange information with your High Self to customize the appropriate changes for you upon initiation. Tuaca Kelly has 30+ years experience as a spiritual medium, medical intuitive, healer and channel. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
NEW CLEARSIGHT ENERGY HEALING PROGRAM starts this month. Learn to heal yourself and others using Clearsight’s clairvoyant healing techniques. Learn to “see energy” to scan and diagnose physical and energetic bodies for disharmony or illness. After completion of Energetic Medicine 1-6, you will receive certification, recognized by the State of California, as a Master Healer. Instructor: Wendie Colter. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com, email clearsightaura@gmail.com. PREREGISTER: UPLEDGER’S INTRODUCTION TO CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, to be held Sept. 18-19. Learn core concepts and effective handson techniques from the leading provider of CranioSacral Therapy training. No experience necessary. 12 CEUs for CMT, RN, OT, Lac, DCs. 9 am-5 pm, $250. Presented by Hands-On Medical Massage School, Redlands, CA. Info and registration: 909/793-4263 or email handsonmedicalmassage@verizon.net.
FRIDAY, JULY 1 FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ…LIVE MUSIC! Open house and tour. Complimentary dinner with delicious desserts. Enjoy live music (jazz, acoustic, rock, alternative) throughout the evening until midnight. Open Mic so come and share your music. 7:30 pm-midnight. (July 1 & 15, Aug. 5 & 19). 818/846-1083. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504 (entrance and parking in rear). FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, JULY 2 PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www. vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net.
SUNDAY, JULY 3 FREEDOM’S FOUNDATION with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org.
MONDAY, JULY 4 FOURTH OF JULY HOLIDAY. Please call to confirm that regularly scheduled Monday events are taking place today. Thank you. –WPC.
TUESDAY, JULY 5 MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 6 CRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Enjoy a casual, fun experience of learning & practicing how to work with crystals for healing mind, body and soul. Explore various rocks and stone applications for restoring, harmonizing and balancing the human energy field. Led by Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry, Ordained Lightworker Metaphysician, sacred energy healer. 1st & 3rd Wed. of month, 6-7:30 pm, $15. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by John-Roger, DSS to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1548, registrar@pts.org, www.pts.org, www.msia.org. ANCIENT KEYS TO ATTAINING SUCCESS & HAPPINESS, free workshop presented by Bharavi of Ananda LA, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: 310/3969900, www.AnandaLA.org. Are you happy with your job? Your life? Yourself? This class will help you discover a practical pathway to the spiritual, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. INTRODUCTION TO T’AI CHI, NEW CLASS taught by Lana Spraker. Gentle stress-reducing “Meditation in Movement” for improving your balance and coordination, posture and endurance. Master teacher Lana Spraker has been teaching T’ai Chi for over 38 years. Weekly in July, 7:15-8:15 pm (break in August, resuming in Sept.). 2900 S. Crenshaw at 29th St. (AADAP, Inc.), LA 90016. Fee for class. Info: 310/479-
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Church of Truth “Let your light so shine”
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• 150-hour Massage Technician • 550-hour Massage Therapist • 250-hour Package
3646. sprakerlg@earthlink.net, www.alexandertaichi.com.
THURSDAY, JULY 7 SOUL DANCE EVENING, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Do you love to dance? Join us for a free-style dance evening with great music in a beautiful mansion setting, with spiritual moments interspersed reminding us God is our true dance partner. It’s fun, outrageous, sacred. No dance expertise needed. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018 (www.peacelabyrinth.org). Contact Alisha Hayes at Alisha@SoulDanceLA.com, www.SoulDanceLA.com, www.msia.org, or call 323/7374055, ext. 1130. SOMATIC RESPIRATORY INTEGRATION WORKSHOP. For more information contact Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4100, www.kenneallyacupuncture.com. DISCOVER THE GIFT: It’s Why We’re Here, authors Shajen Joy Aziz, M.Ed and Cherif Aziz discuss and sign their book, 7:30 pm. Info: www. DiscoverTheGift.com. Their motivational book and feature-length inspirational documentary present a journey of self-discovery that will change your life. Eight fundamental steps to help you discover the gift within you. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
FRIDAY, JULY 8 BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR will be presented July 8-10, 9 am-6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source,
chakra balancing, open psychic senses and how to ground your energy, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991. HOMECOMING: INHABITING THE DOMAIN OF OUR SOULS, July 8-10. Using the metaphor of the “House of the Soul,” we will explore various rooms, each imbued with unique aspects and capacities we can call upon in our everyday lives. Through experiential exercises, guided meditation and reflective journaling, we harness our ability to bless, transform, regenerate & create greater wholeness. With Katherine Collis. Fri. 7:30 pm-Sun. 1 pm. Residential $325, commuter $225. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Rd, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. www.lacasademaria.org. BURBANK BUSINESS NETWORKING BREAKFAST, 8-9:30 am. We provide a great venue for business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals to get together and promote their business, exchange business cards, get referrals and more. (Also July 22, Aug. 5 & 19.) Held at 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504 (entrance and parking in rear). Info: 818/846-1083. JUNG, KABBALAH & GNOSIS, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, Fridays through Aug. 26, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www. gnosis.org. BASIC THETAHEALING CERTIFIED HEALING TRAINING, July 8-10. Learn to see inside the body and heal it. Learn to talk to Angels and do past life and future readings. Class is in Signal Hill, CA. Call Tamra, 805/506-9460, www.worldthetahealing.com. HEALTH IS LOVING WHO YOU REALLY ARE, a video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Move-
���� OPEN ���� HOUSES ������ Feb 1 & ��������� �������� March 1 ������� 7:30 PM Approved by the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education and Department of Rehabilitation. C.E. credit available to RN’s.
ment of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org. REIKI HEALING NIGHT, Glendale (La Crescenta), 6:30-9:30 pm. Come explore this healing energy. Meditative, powerful evening (weekend class follows). $10 suggested donation, please call to confirm. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www. ReikiMastery.com. Held at Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214. THE ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES TO CREATE A FULFILLING LIFE: Reichian Therapy & Transactional Analysis, A Body/Mind Approach. Lecture, film, experiential Self-Actualization with Bond Wright, MA, CRT, $10, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: 310/450-3396. For over 2 decades this 4th generation Reichian therapist has counseled people to find their undiscovered Self and enable that Self to become whole and empowered. An empowering Reichian Tool will be taught; and 2 Reichian Therapy “intensives” will be given to volunteers. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com.
SATURDAY, JULY 9 MEDICAL INTUITION & ENERGY MEDICINE: From Ancient Spiritual Traditions to Modern Scientific Breakthroughs, a free lecture with Dr. Liliana Cerepnalkoski, 3-5 pm. Info: 310/772-8270, www.DrLiliana.com. Explore the merger of science and spirituality with Dr. Liliana, physicianscientist, clairvoyant medical intuitive and energy healer. Ancient healing methods once labeled “myth” are now being researched as cutting
edge breakthroughs. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733, www.bodhitree.com. SPIRITUAL MOVIE NIGHT AT ARIVEN TEMPLE, 6-8:30 pm. Join us for “Brother Sun Sister Moon,” the phenomenal tale of St. Francis of Assisi, a Siddhar from the West. In the opulence of Rome’s Vatican, he dared to speak out against over-abundance to Pope Innocent III, risking his freedom. Open to all who wish to come, RSVP for address. $15, healthy and delicious snacks included. Email ariven@nandhi.com, ph. 310/4517377. www.nandhi.com/events.htm. INTUITIVE TAROT: FINDING YOUR INNER VOICE, booksigning with Gina Rabbin. Her book takes you on a magical, mystical journey through the tarot with straightforward and easy to understand exercises, plus a chapter on various tarot spreads and sample readings. Free, 1:30 pm. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. POWERTALK SHORT COURSE, Part 1, 9 am-1 pm. Gain a head start for a more confident future. Presented by Certified International Trainer, Maryann Wesson. Learn platform presence, body language and gestures, vocal effectiveness, technical and visual aids. How you deliver your message is as important as the content of your presentation. Freewill offering; register by July 5. (Part 2 Aug. 13, 9 am-1 pm.). Call 626/3327486 or email mpww@earthlink.net. At Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. FENG SHUI FOR THE GARDEN. In this class students will discover how to create an environment that invites beneficial Chi into the garden, home, business and goals. Barbara Pierce-Stalzer, Feng Shui Consultant. 818/800-2208. Info:
http://www.fengshuinews.com/directory.htm. 10 am-12:30 pm, $39. Register at www.pcclearn. org, 626/585-7608. At Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena 91106.
bird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com.
THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN or Basic Workshop, presented by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, July 9-10, in Sierra Madre, CA. With Amanda Foulger, FSS Faculty Member. For information and registration call 310/455-3758 or email afoulger@aol.com.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT THE LABYRINTH, 12-4 pm. Visits free of charge with lighter fare for sale. Receive a complimentary journal. Relax, breathe and explore your Soul at the Pace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. Labyrinth instructions available. Reflect in our meditation garden with its many water fountains. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/7374055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org.
BUDDHA IN THE CLASSROOM, book signing with author Donna Quesada, 7 pm. A handbook for bringing joy, wonder and patience to your teaching life, no matter how long you’ve been at it, by applying the teachings of the Buddha. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com. REIKI 1 & 2 CLASS, July 9-10. Amazingly powerful, easily learned energy healing. Promotes relaxation and healing in oneself and others, including across distances. Experimental, casual atmosphere. 9:15 am-7 pm, $350. Register on website. Nursing and NCBTMB CEs. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, Int’l. Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Bl, La Crescenta 91214 (near Glendale). SMILE AT FEAR, a DVD viewing featuring Pema Chodron, 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. THE DIVINE FEMININE IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE, a multimedia presentation with writings inspired by the recent journey of Stone Somerled and Raven Nalika Rose. Includes slides and videos of St. Maximin-la-St.Baume, Rennes le Bains, Rennes Le Chateau and the Seat of Isis. 11 am-12:30 pm, $7/sug. donation. The Humming-
REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and handson practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/3972405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. LEARN HOW TO WRITE YOUR LIFE STORY with Louise Cabral. Class series follows the guided imagery of her book, Islands of Recall. By observing the past, facing the present and imagining the future, you can write your story and rediscover parts of yourself you may have forgotten along the way. 2-4 pm, $20/class, first class free. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com.
14 Schumacher will be doing current and past life readings from 1-5 pm at Soul Centered spiritual store, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai. Come and reconnect with your power and wisdom. For info: 805/890-1246, mikeschu62@yahoo.com, www. whole-spirit.com. DESTINY CARDS WITH LISA OSBORNE. Discover this ancient science that blends astrology, numbers and the deck of 52 “playing” cards. You will be amazed how accurately Destiny Cards describe a person, based on the day and month of birth. Lisa is a radio personality and expert on the Cards. 1-2:30 pm, $15, please RSVP. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. ARE YOU RELATIVE TO YOUR RELATIVES? Do you feel like you don’t fit in with your family? Would you like to improve your family relationships? Gain insight through an interactive panel discussion and discover the past-life causes for family matters. Visit or watch the class streamed live from 7-9 pm. Unarius Academy of Science, 145 S. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, 800/475-7062, www.unarius.org. CHANNELING: Q&A WITH TORAH, as channeled by Shawn Randall. 3:30-6:30 pm, $35. At Tobias and Alysha Crystal Co., 122 Penn St., El Segundo 90245. For details call 818/888-2020, www.shawnrandall.com. “GOD’S SONG” with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christcentered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
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Friday Evenings at 8:00 PM, July 8,15,22,29 & Aug. 5,12,19,26 Free Will Donation
GNOSTIC MASS, Sundays 11 AM Weekday Mass: Wednesdays 8:30 PM Healing Service 2nd & 4th Sundays 5 PM Service to Holy Sophia 3rd Thursdays 8 PM
The Gnostic Society 3363 Glendale Bl., L.A. 90039 Ph. 323-467-2685 www.gnosis.org Free Samples of MP3 audio recordings at www.bcrecordings.net
Objets d’Art & Spirit ��������������������������������
MEDITATION FOR RELAXATION, CLEAR MIND & KIND HEART, presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Discussion and meditation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. An opportunity to learn how to meditate and how to use our experience of meditation to positively affect all aspects of our daily life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. BUDDHIST CHANTING TO INCREASE GOOD LUCK & REMOVE OBSTACLES, with Charlotte Steen (Vajracharya DeChan), 3-5 pm, $9+ (sliding scale). Info: 626/330-0921, steenc123@yahoo.com. Chinese Esoteric Buddhist spiritual healing as transmitted to Charlotte by Living Buddha Dechan Jueren, the 49th Lineage Holder of the Chinese Esoteric Buddhist School (Hanmi), the 47th Lineage Holder of the Linji School of Chan/Zen Buddhism in China, and the Golden Crown Dharma King. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. IF GOD IS YOUR CO-PILOT, SWITCH SEATS: Miracles Happen When You Let Go! Author BJ Gallagher discusses and signs her book, 7 pm. Info: www.RedWheelWeiser.com. This beautifully packaged gift book features words of wisdom from Norman Vincent Peale, Martin Luther King, Jr. Sam Ervin, Rumi, and many others. BJ Gallagher is a prolific author, storyteller, poet, and regular Huffington Post blogger. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
MONDAY, JULY 11 Traditional & Alternative
7529 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood
Spiritual Art, Gifts &
Toys for the Soul www.objetsdartandspirit.com
ONE-DAY INTRODUCTION TO PACIFICA GRADUATE INSTITUTE. This special program has been designed to give prospective students a comprehensive introduction and orientation to the unique educational features of the school. The is the final One-Day Introduction before classes begin in the fall of 2011. Please visit the
Dates: July 8-10, 2011 / Sept. 9-11, 2011 Free Intro Night for Seminar: August 24, 7-9 pm
Time: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Location: 2210 Main Street, Suite 202, Santa Monica, CA 90405
16 Public Programs page at www.pacifica.edu or call 805/969-3626, ext. 103.
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EXPLORE PAST-LIFE REGRESSION, free class, 7-9 pm. Are you curious about your possible past lives? Could unresolved conflicts in a past life be affecting you in your present life? Do you have re-occurring dreams or relationship patterns you cannot let go of? Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes. BEGINNING TAROT, easy, fun, insightful. Watch the cards come alive as Wendy shows you how to interpret each individual card, ask a question, and put it all together in layouts which she will demonstrate on student volunteers in class. Mondays through July 25, 7-9 pm, $34/session or $93 for series in advance, $8 materials fee. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
ASTROLOGY FOR FUN 101, a 5 week course, begins today. For information contact Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4100, www.kenneallyacupuncture.com.
“MESSAGES FOR THE WORLD” Concert and Retreat at the Integratron in Landers, CA
July 16 - 17, 2011 Beautiful encoded messages to the world with the capability of altering the physical and spiritual bodies on all levels, channeled and transmitted through vocal tones, harmonies, and chants. Crystal Singing Bowls will open Sacred Space. Held in an acoustically perfect sound chamber, sited on a powerful geomagnetic vortex in the Mojave Desert, participants will receive a powerful and healing vibrational energy transmission!
"Her voice was streaming forth on alabaster wings with grace..." For information and registration: www.SoundBodyArts.com
SPIRITUAL PROSPERITY, increase your understanding of the spiritual energy of prosperity and gain techniques to unleash your creative power and focus it to build your personal prosperity for a more fulfilling life. 7-10 pm, $75, with Judy Nelson. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Email: clearsightaura@gmail.com. Visit www.clearsightaura. com.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 WORLDWIDE ONENESS FORUM, 9-10 pm. Free live interactive webcast (online spiritual meeting) with Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya. Registration required, just email info@thebodhicenter.net. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by John-Roger, DSS to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1548, registrar@pts.org, www.pts.org, www.msia.org. LEARN THE POWER OF LIFE COACHING, free workshop with Keith Miller, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: 310/351-4820, Keith@iPECcoaching.com. Experience the fulfillment and rewards of being a professional coach. As a certified iPEC Coach, you can assist people to connect their inner purpose and passion to outer goals to achieve extraordinary results. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
THURSDAY, JULY 14 TRUE INSIGHT FREE OPEN HOUSE, 7:30-9 pm (please arrive at 7:30 pm), everyone welcome, free. Learn about Clairvoyant program, Trance Medium program, workshops and weekly classes. Meet our director, learn basic Intuitive Meditation tools, Q&As. Free Communication and free Healings tonight. We will be giving away a 11/4 hour Communication. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com.
SENSORY REPATTERNING I CLASS. In this advanced form of passive joint mobilization, the client’s body is moved, rocked, cradled and invited to let go, creating sensations of openness and freedom, fluidity and joy. Class explores the principles of Timing, Gravity, The Skeleton, and The Save. Learn a “recipe” for a 50-minute Sensory Repatterning session. Tues-Fri 9:30 am6:30 pm, $360 plus materials fee. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com.
THE ZODIAC GIRLS, workshop presented by Solaris, 7:30-9:30 pm, $30. Info: 818/508-5740, www.Zodiac-Girls.com. Finding true love should be natural, but when it’s not, you’ll need a little help from the supernatural. Harnessing their combined powers of Psychic Astrology, Angelic Healing, and Multiple-Life Regression, the 3 Zodiac Girls will shine a whole new light onto your love life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
NEW SCIENCE FOR LIVING AS A SOUL, workshop presented by Pete A. Sanders, Jr. & Free Soul, 7-9:30 pm. $50 individuals, $75 couples. Info: Terry Mostman, 818/360-7155 or Free Soul Sedona, 928/282-9425, www.FreeSoul.net. Get the latest Sedona discoveries without the expense of traveling to Arizona. Learn the latest in physics and brain science for helping you tap into the unlimited potentials of the Soul in all facets of your life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
BREATHING: THE FUNDAMENTAL RESPONSE TO LIFE, video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Bl, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, x1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org.
LISTEN TO TAMRA on Blogtalkradio.com.iamtamra. Tuesday nights at 6:30 Pacific time. Psychic reading, body scans, healing of emotions, physical and spiritual issues, DNA activation. Every week receive new learning from the Creator of all that is. For more info visit www.worldthetahealing.com.
LITTLE CERTIFIED HOLISTIC ANGEL PRACTITIONER©, certified 3-day course with Wendy Allamby, 10:30 am-12 noon. Psychic kids and their parents learn how to understand, nurture and develop their gifts while staying protected in this fun and powerful workshop. $33/day (paid in full). Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/399-7070. Visit www. mysticjourneybookstore.com.
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for physical, emotional and spiritual transformation, channeled and transmitted through vocal tones and harmonies. 4 pm Saturday through 11 am Sunday, $95/person. Presented by Integrated Arts of Sound and Body, 526 Route 66, Glendora, CA 91711. Info and registration: 909/9670246, www.soundbodyarts.com.
tual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www. vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net.
BASIC THETAHEALING CERTIFIED HEALING TRAINING, July 15-17. Learn to see inside the body and heal it. Learn to talk to Angels and do past life and future readings. Class is in Tustin, CA. Call Tamra, 805/506-9460, www.worldthetahealing.com.
PEOPLE & PET COMMUNICATION AND HEALING FAIR, everyone welcome, free healings for people and pets. Please bring your pets on a leash or in a carrying case so that they are safe; bring a picture if you can’t bring them in. 2-4 pm. Intuitive Communication & Healings for everyone. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com.
KARUNA HEALING NIGHT, Glendale (La Crescenta), 6:30-9:30 pm. What could be more powerful than Reiki? Karuna Reiki. Come explore this healing energy. Meditative, powerful evening (weekend class follows). $20 suggested donation. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery. com. Held at Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214.
SPORTS MASSAGE I, this hands-on class focuses on pre- and post-event massage techniques for various competitive athletes. Stretching techniques, cramp relief techniques, cryotherapy and hypo/hyperthermia are also discussed. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. 2 Saturdays, 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $240. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com.
KRISHNAMURTI FRIENDS OF LOS ANGELES presents a Program of Video and Dialogue, 7-10 pm, $10 suggested donation, for info call 310/650-5079 or email kdialogue@roadrunner. com. Includes a video of Krishnamurti (approximately 1 hour), then seeks to explore the topic of the video via the medium of dialogue. Focus is on “what is” rather than on ideas and opinions. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
LEADERSHIP & PURPOSE, interactive workshop with Ann Bradney, 7:30-9:30 pm, $10. Info: 800/996-7248, www.AnnBradney.com. The 4th of 5 interactive workshops. The Radical Aliveness process integrates techniques from Core Energetics, a body-based process that works with somatic energy. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
JULY PSYCHIC FAIRE, 11 am-5 pm. $25/15 minute read or $35/30 minutes. Call Friday, July 15, after 10 am to set up an appt with the reader of your choice. Palmistry, tarot, numerology, astrology, runes, channeled drawing, tea leaf reads, and aura reads available. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. humminghoney.com.
GURU PURNIMA/FULL MOON FIRE PUJA SATSANG, 5-8 pm. Full Moon is an auspicious moment when energies to Source are magnified. Siddhar master, Tapasyogi Nandhi will take you through an inner journey utilizing simple, empowering mantras from the mystical yogic path. Prasad meal provided after the ceremony. RSVP for location, $25. 310/451-7377, email ariven@nandhi.com, www.nandi.com/events. htm.
SATURDAY, JULY 16 MESSAGES FOR THE WORLD Transmitted Through Sacred Sound, concert and retreat at the Integraton in Landers, CA, July 16-17. Experience beautiful, encoded vibrational messages
PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiri-
SUNDAY, JULY 17 YOUR RICHEST INVESTMENT IN LIFE! Learn how to invest in yourself with Vernon Howard’s authentic help. Attend a Vernon Howard Happiness Class where you’ll be taught how to discover the real and lasting riches inside of you. Class Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: call 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. ON-SITE MASSAGE CLASS, learn to utilize massage skills for new environments. Chair and table work is taught to be done in public settings, or to introduce bodywork to people without the need for them to disrobe. Increase versatility, revitalize a practice and potentially build clientele. 9:306:30, $120. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. THE ART OF DEEP LISTENING: AN INTRO TO THE CLARITY PROCESS with Shannon Baker. 4-week class (Sundays, July 17-Aug. 7), 3-5 pm. Learn a basic theory of human behavior and
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www.malibumoviemusic.com practice that supports conscious personal growth and enhances relationships based on the core belief that when we are deeply listened to, we heal. At a private residence in Laurel Hills, LA 90046 (RSVP for address). Sliding scale, $10075 for full series; payment plans and some scholarships. Shannon Baker, 310/867-1420, shannon@cc4anw.org, www.cc4anw.org. NEW ‘BODY SPIRIT PROGRAM,’ everyone welcome, 3-5 pm. A very exciting and powerful 9 month program with no prerequisites. Each month we will study one chakra in depth and the matching endocrine gland, and explore the nature of the body spirit connection correlating wellness of mind to the body and spirit. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/6402211, www.true-insight.com. ARE YOU CONTAGIOUS? With Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. WOMAN’S MEDITATION GROUP. Connect with the beautiful strength that resides within You. Sundays 10 am-12 noon. Sincere Seekers only. Phone 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. MEDITATION FOR RELAXATION, CLEAR MIND & KIND HEART, presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30-12 noon, $12 donation. Discussion and meditation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. An opportunity to learn how to meditate and positively affect all aspects of our daily life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? Author Dr. Marga-
toll-free 888.887.0994
ret A. Cochran discusses and signs her book, 2:30 pm. Info: www.DrCochran.com. Things, people, decisions, actually life in general, will look completely different when you are not afraid and no longer controlled by those who use fear to manipulate you. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com.
MONDAY, JULY 18 ENERGY HEALING & CONNECTION, a free selfimprovement class, 7-9 pm. Experience how your thoughts and beliefs affect your own energy field and see how the body’s energies are the key to health, vitality and well-being. With a few simple techniques you can increase the flow of energy through your entire body, strengthen the immune system and create space for your own inner peace. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes. EXPERIENCE INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY. Experience life at Sunburst’s intentional community. Participate in projects, group meditations, and enriching classes in spiritual practice and conscious living. July 18-31 (also Sept. 2-16). For details: Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peace-
labyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
TUESDAY, JULY 19 HEALING & TRANSFORMATION ON ALL LEVELS, workshop and group healing with Dr. Irwin Fine, free, 7:30-9 pm. Info: 909/902-6064, www. FineHealing.com. Dr. Fine, D.C. is a renowned master healer, medical intuitive and counselor. He will speak about his life-altering encounter with the Virgin Mary during a childhood neardeath experience, and share spiritual insights and practical advice to help us lead healthier and happier lives. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 CRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Enjoy a casual, fun experience of learning and practicing how to work with crystals for healing mind, body and soul. Explore various rocks and stone applications for restoring, harmonizing and balancing the human energy field. Led by Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry, Ordained Lightworker Metaphysician and sacred energy healer. 1st & 3rd Wed. of month, 6-7:30 pm, $15. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Bl., Tarzana 91356. Register: 818/ 345-1100, online at www.theimaginecenter.com. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by John-Roger, DSS to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1548, registrar@pts.org, www.pts.org, www.msia.org. THE BOWL OF LIGHT: Ancestral Wisdom from a Hawaiian Shaman, Hank Wesselman, PhD dis-
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cusses and signs his book, 7:30 pm. Info: www. SharedWisdom.com. Dr. Wesselman is gifted with an enhanced perspective into the sacred knowledge of ancient Hawaii. You are invited to share in the sacred wisdom of one of the world’s most powerful indigenous traditions. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
from mystical South India, graced by the ancient lineage of Siddhars. Includes Kalangi Yoga techniques for all levels, beautiful Siddhar mantras, a fire ceremony to heal and empower. Guided by Tapasyogi Nandhi. Prasad meal provided after the ceremony. RSVP for address. $207. 310/4517377, email ariven@nandhi.com, www.nandhi. com/events.htm.
THE AESTHETIC IMAGINATION: GROUND AND GROUNDS, July 22-24. This unique workshop offers an introduction to James Hillman’s understanding of the “poetic basis of mind” and philosopher Martin Heidegger’s notion of “poetic dwelling” interwoven with tours of the gardens at Pacific Graduate Institute’s campuses. Visit the Public Programs page at www.pacifica.edu for information about pricing, registration, accommodations, or call 805/969-3626, ext. 103.
CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL MEDITATION. For information, contact Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4100, www.kenneallyacupuncture. com.
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SELACIA’S BOOK SIGNING. Selacia will discuss and signYour Guide to Earth’s Pivotal Years, a new book about our future and the coming changes for Earth. Don’t miss this launch of Selacia’s new book at 7:30 pm, Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, West Hollywood 90069. Info: 310/915-2884, www.EarthsPivotalYears. com, www.Selacia.com, www.BodhiTree.com. Selacia is an author, intuitive healer and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening.
FRIDAY, JULY 22 THE ANGEL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (ACP), taught by Charles Virtue, son of Dr. Doreen Virtue, and Tina Marie Daly. July 22-24, at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. Angel Training Program based on Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner® class. Learn how to see, hear, feel and understand angel messages for yourself or clients. Gain confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer and psychic. Info and registration: www.charlesvirtue.com. Cost: $644. COSMIC SPIRITUALITY with Barbara Marx Hubbard and David Richo, July 22-24. Enhance your spirituality and create an evolutionary relationship with Christ and the Divine. Learn new ways to mature spiritually and grow psychologically. Barbara is an acclaimed futurist and founder of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution; David is a well-known and popular retreat leader, psychotherapist and author. Friday 7:30 pm to Sunday 1 pm. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org, registerb@lcdm.org. SELACIA’S HEALING SEMINAR: “Open Your Intuitive Gifts & Accelerate Your Awakening,” to be presented today (& Aug. 13), 7:30 pm at Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, W. Hollywood 90069. Discover how to open your intuitive gifts and accelerate your awakening. Experience leading edge healing tools including essential oils and DNA healing. Preregister online. Info: 310/915-2884, www.selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup), www.EarthsPivotalYears.com, www. BodhiTree.com. BASIC THETAHEALING CERTIFIED HEALING TRAINING, July 22-24. Learn to see inside the body and heal it. Learn to talk to Angels and do past life and future readings. Class is in Westlake Village, CA. Call Tamra, 805/506-9460, www. worldthetahealing.com. WHAT HAS GREATEST VALUE? A video seminar presentation featuring John Morton, Spiritual Director of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), 7:30-9 pm. Free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. ARIVEN AWAKENINGS WORKSHOP, 12-6 pm. Transform your realities, cleanse karmic past, and empower your daily practice. A rare opportunity to receive stories, insights and teachings
SATURDAY, JULY 23 HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK WORKSHOP, as created by Stanislav Grof, MD, one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology. Venice area near the beach, 8:45 am-9 pm. $150. (Workstudy positions available to reduce cost if you are interested.) Email: michael@holotropicbreathworkla.com or call 310/477-4747 for more details, to register, or to be put on the mailing list for future Holotropic Breathwork workshops. MYSTICAL TANTRIC EMPOWERMENT INTRO at Ariven Sakti Temple, 6-7 pm. Learn potent, life changing secrets from the wisdom of South India Tantiram—the origins of Tantra, yoga and mantra. An inner journey experience with Tapasyogi Nandhi to awaken the roots of consciousness and allow ourselves to recognize the vastness of our being, aligned with Source. Cost: Heart’s Offering (donation). RSVP for address. 310/451-7377, email ariven@nandhi.com, www. nandhi.com/events.htm. CLOSE THE I CAN’T DOOR / Medicine Bundles for Health and Happiness. For details contact Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4100, www. kenneallyacupuncture.com. AKASHIC MUSE CREATIVITY WORKSHOP for writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers, entrepreneurs. Use the Pathway Prayer Process to partner with your Akashic Records for writing, creative projects or brainstorming. Burbank, 3-6 pm, $65. Info: Barbara Schiffman, author, script consultant and Certified Akashic Records Teacher, 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul. com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA. PENDULUM PARTY, 11 am-3 pm. Pendulums can be used to answer yes/no questions and determine the energies of people or objects so that you choose the best for you. It is a tool used to access the higher mind and read subtle energy frequencies. With Tracey Boyer. $30 + $10 materials fee. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Bl, #103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. EXTRACTION HEALING TRAINING, presented by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, July 23-24 in Santa Barbara. With Amanda Foulger, FSS Faculty Member. Prerequisite: The FSS Basic Workshop. Info and registration: 805/9664465 or email mujiba@heartwaymuse.com. EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP, 10 am. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening, educational. With Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Bl, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes
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course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and handson practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/3972405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. AKASHIC RECORDS BASIC ACCESS WORKSHOP. Learn about and experience the Pathway Prayer Process to access the Akashic Records (your Soul’s energy-archive) for guidance, healing, conscious evolution. Akashic Connection 101, 10 am-1 pm, $35, Burbank. Info: Barbara Schiffman, 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA. UFOS AND THEIR HUMANITARIAN MISSION, 7:30 pm. Behind the everyday events reported by the major media, a great spiritual story is unfolding. Learn how the emergence of the World Teacher, UFO sightings and crop circles are connected. Free talk. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave., W. Hollywood. Info: www.ShareInternational.org, 310/371-0420, 818/785-6300. THE PARAMATMIC DIVINE LIGHT TRANSMISSION, workshop with Jagadish, 3-5 pm, $5 donation. Info: 714/306-5392, www.Jagadish. org. Please join Jagadish as he transmits the Sacred Transmission of God and receive its powerful blessing of Divine Love. It is given freely to people from all spiritual traditions and all walks of life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com.
SUNDAY, JULY 24 SUNDAY SERVICE with Rev. Barbara Lee. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-
centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. PREGNANCY MASSAGE CLASS, geared for the practitioner who would like to offer safe and knowledgeable bodywork techniques for pregnant clients. Focus is on developing the therapist’s confidence with a thorough understanding of anatomy/physiology during pregnancy, contra-indications, basic complaints and pathologies. 9:30 am-6:30 pm through Aug. 21, $600. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. HEAL YOUR LIFE WORKSHOP, 9 am-6 pm, with licensed workshop leaders Maggie Cervantes and Linda Lee, based on the teachings of Louise Hay. Learn how to integrate the spiritual concepts you love to read about into your daily life. Learn how to find truth and healing within yourself. Learn to love yourself and be open to healing in all areas of your life through discussion, guided meditation and exercises designed to bypass your rational barriers. $90. For details call 805/630-6974 or email magcer1027@yahoo. com. A SPECIAL ONE DAY COURSE ON SPIRITUAL HEALING, 10 am-5 pm, workshop with Jude Unegbu, $150, $75 if previously attended. Info and registration: Bodhi Tree, 310/659-1733, ext. 114, events@bodhitree.com, www.JudeTheHealer. com. Learn the powerful and sacred practice of Spiritual Healing, how to lay your hands on a sick person and transmit healing energy, and how to send this energy over hundreds of miles to those
in need. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. AN EVENING OF SPIRIT COMMUNICATION with Medium Hollister Rand, 7-9 pm, $30-50. Info and tickets: HollisterRand@gmail.com, www.HollisterRand.com. Author of I’m Not Dead, I’m Different, Hollister provides specific messages from loved ones in spirit. Experience the peace of knowing that those you love remain close to you. Some audience members will receive messages from loved ones living in the spirit world. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
MONDAY, JULY 25 RELATIONSHIP STRATEGIES, a free self improvement class, 7-9 pm. How much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood? What role does the subconscious mind play in who we choose in relationships and why? Learn why opposites attract and how to get back to the honeymoon stage. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. Register: 818/7582747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes. MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN MAN, 7-8:30 pm. A 4-week course in ancient Buddhist mindfulness, as interpreted and adapted for today’s fast-paced scientific world. Experience “the Profound” and “the Ultimate” directly though these unique and original one-hour guided journeys of contemplation and deep seeing. Ideally suited to the modern mind and available exclusively at The Bodhi Center. Registration required. $99. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net.
Psychic Guide
SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
Spiritual Consultant & Life Coach Advice & Guidance on All Matters Specializing in spiritual cleansing & purification, removing all un-natural & negative energy. • Restores broken love affair by using spiritual ancient love potion remedies. • Can lead and direct you to your true soul-mate.
She has the ability to call out names, dates & places surrounding your life without asking you a single question.
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THE SCIENCE OF LIGHT / LIGHTING THE WAY TO WELLNESS with Wes Burwell, 7-9:30 pm. Join us for this free seminar and receive a free 20-minute session. At The Gateway Portal, 2503 S. Barrington Ave., West LA 90064 (1st floor with entry at the Outdoor Patio). Info: Peggy Sue, 310/822-3714 or Carol, 704/241-6103. To register: www.theavaloneffectpassion.com/events. php. For more info on The Avalon Effect Light Therapy visit www.TheAvalonEffect.com or www.TheAvalonEffectPassion.com. UFOS AND WORLD DISASTERS, free workshop with Brian Keneipp, Executive Director of The Aetherius Society, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: 323/4659652, www.Aetherius.org. Learn why UFOs were sited near the Japanese nuclear reactor in crisis. Brian Keneipp has worked over 20 years with The Aetherius Society founder, the late Dr. George King, to build the Society and perform Spiritual Missions for humanity. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 THE SCIENCE OF LIGHT / LIGHTING THE WAY TO WELLNESS with Wes Burwell, 7-9:30 pm. Join us for this free seminar and receive a free 20-minute session. At The Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood 90069. Info: Peggy Sue, 310/822-3714 or Carol, 704/241-6103. To register: www.theavaloneffectpassion.com/events.php. For more info on The Avalon Effect Light Therapy visit www.TheAvalonEffect.com or www.TheAvalonEffectPassion. com. STAR ENERGY READINGS. For details, contact Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Canyon Country 91351. 661/252-4100, www. kenneallyacupuncture.com. NEW INTUITIVE MEDITATION CLASSES BEGIN, Intuitive Meditation I, 7-9:30 pm. Everyone welcome, including beginners. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. SHAMBHALA HEALING TOOLS. Experience the profound benefits of the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools and Buddha Maitreya Pyramid Meditation. All welcome. 4-8:30 pm. No cost, open house and workshop. Facilitator: Shambhala Healing Tools. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. humminghoney.com.
THURSDAY, JULY 28 AWAKEN THE LIGHT WITHIN, July 28-31. Learn Kriya Yoga Meditation, discover a pathway to your own direct experience of the Divine. Explore conscious practices to ground your inner experience into daily life. Energize your spiritual journey in a gathering of like-minded souls as you refresh yourself in abundant natural beauty. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
FRIDAY, JULY 29 PSYCHE AND SOUL: Psychodynamic Diagnosis of Personality Disorder, July 29-31. This workshop is intended to introduce licensed practitioners and students of mental health disciplines to psychodynamic perspectives on personality formation as “strategies for selfhood.” Personality disorders are explored and defined, clinical strategies for dealing with each are described. At Pacifica Graduate Institute. For information about pricing, registration, accommodations, visit the Public Programs page at www.pacifica. edu or call 805/969-3626, ext. 103. FACTORS CAUSING DISEASE AND PROMOTING HEALTH, a video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, x1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. RECOVERING THE DIVINE FEMININE with Andrew Harvey, July 29-31. Explore the sacred wisdom of the Divine Feminine and learn powerful spiritual practices to connect at the core of your being and become empowered with passion, truth and peace. Andrew is an acclaimed mystical teacher, Oxford University scholar, founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism. Residential $375; commuter $275. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www. lacasademaria.org, registerb@lcdm.org. INTRODUCTION TO DREAM TENDING with Stephen Aizenstat, PhD, July 29-31. Stephen Aizenstat’s Dream Tending methods invite us to bring animation into practice—helping us host and tend to relationships with the living images of dreams. At Pacifica Graduate Institute. For information about pricing, registration, accommodations, visit the Public Programs page at www. pacifica.edu or call 805/969-3626, ext. 103. QUANTUM ENERGIES OF LOVE, The Bodhi Tree Bookstore and Dr. Karl R. Wolfe present a free workshop to the community, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: www.TrueSilence.com. Feeling emotional pain? Dr. Wolfe has followed ancient healing traditions of the Mystics for 65 years. His intuitive and energetic presence opens the heart and mind to self-healing. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com.
SATURDAY, JULY 30 LIGHTING THE WAY: A Basic Intuition Workshop for Parents and Youth, with Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD, Licensed Psychologist, Reiki Master, 1-3 pm. An interactive, hands-on workshop on the nature of intuition supporting self-care, practical guidance and awareness of health. Adults may attend alone or with their child; all children must be accompanied by their parent. $30/adult, $45 for one adult with one child. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. humminghoney.com. OJAI IMPROV GROUP PERFORMANCE, join the fun as Ventura County’s newest improv group hits the stage with hilarious improvisational comedy. $10, 8-10 pm. Uncensored and spirited. PG13. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. CREATE PERSONALIZED HEALING MANDALAS, 10:30 am-2:30 pm. Mandalas can be used as a tool to help us focus, giving a starting point to clear chaos and find inner peace. Two-part workshop (Session 2 on Aug. 6, 1-5 pm) introduces you to the world of mandalas. Today: their
history, various techniques and uses. With Nancy Caldwell (www.paperarchitect.com), $300 for 8 hours/2 day workshop plus $25 materials fee. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. AWAKEN THE SOUL, experiential workshop with Ani Patty and Ani Melanie, 3-8 pm, $15. Info: 877/444-7685, www.ShambhalaHealingTools. com. An introduction to and experience of the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools and Soul Therapy Music, both for meditation and self-healing. Learn how these healing tools and meditation result in regeneration, vitalization and increased wellness. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com.
SUNDAY, JULY 31 MASTER CLASS ON THE YOGA KORUNTA with Ren Yogamaya, E-RYT 500. Yoga Alliance RYS 200 and RYT 200. Experience the ancient teaching of all Yogas as One. Learn the missing parts of the Yoga Chikitsa, Primary Series. This level 2-3 Yoga Korunta master class is the foundation, the source of the Hatha, Astanga, Vinyasa Yoga methods. 2-4 pm. At Yoga Desa, 120 N. Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Topanga 90290. Call 760/567-5850, www.renyogamaya.com. ASK REV. DONNA, with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. On the 5th Sunday of a month we have the opportunity to ask questions of a Spiritual nature, and Rev. Donna teaches from her wealth of knowledge and years of training. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
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DRUIDS IN SPACE, THE FUTURE OF PAGANISM, workshop, book reading and booksigning with R. Merlin, free, 3-5 pm. Info: 310/276-9465 or JacqueMahoney@iondrivepublishing.com. This working Druid, laser artist, and occult initiate with a passion for the Eleusinian Mysteries, will speak on how contemporary pagan thought and practice will be affected by our migration into the planetary ecliptic. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. TAO, ART OF FLOW, workshop and booksigning with John Salat, free, bring friends, 7-9 pm. Info: 949/235-4847, www.TaoArtofFlow.com. Astonishing healing flow exercises and conversation regarding his book. John is a Certified Transformational Leader with over 25 years of experience in Chi work. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
MONDAY, AUG. 1 POWER OF SELF-HYPNOSIS, free self-improvement class, 7-9 pm. Learn how to induce selfhypnosis in a safe, easy way, a great tool to help you overcome personal and professional blocks or negative habits. This class will show you the 3 basic steps of Self Hypnosis to access the power of your subconscious mind. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA
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MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. The Soul is who you truly are; it is more than your body, your thoughts or your feelings. It is the highest aspect of your Self, where you and God are one. MSIA provides tools and techniques that allow you to experience your Soul and, therefore, your own divinity.
“All that you want to be, you already are. All you have to do is move your awareness there and recognize the reality of your own Soul.”
MSIA presents an approach that focuses on how to incorporate spirituality into your everyday living. We call it “practical spirituality”. Visit www.msia.org for more information on events and classes in your area.
FREE E-BOOK— Journey of a Soul Download your free e-book, Journey of a Soul by John-Roger:
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness www.msia.org
To request a print copy, contact servicedesk@msia.org or 800-899-2655 Print Promo Code: 702WP
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90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
TUESDAY, AUG. 2 MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com.
“The Psychic Psychics Go To!” ������������
CRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Enjoy a casual, fun experience of learning and practicing how to work with crystals for healing mind, body and soul. Explore various rocks and stone applications for restoring, harmonizing and balancing the human energy field. Led by Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry, Ordained Lightworker Metaphysician and sacred energy healer. 1st & 3rd Wed. of the month, 6-7:30 pm, $15 fee. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by John-Roger, DSS to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1548, registrar@pts.org, www.pts.org, www.msia.org.
THURSDAY, AUG. 4 LIVE A PURPOSEFUL LIFE WITH PASSION, book signing by Dr. Rod Pezeshki, 7 pm. His book is a collection of quotes and affirmations that were compiled after years of overcoming personal challenges by the author. Each quote has a positive message embedded within. The affirmations help convey the essence of the quote on a deeper level. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310/3997070. Visit www.mysticjourneybookstore.com.
Reconnect With Your Own Power and Wisdom Michael Schumacher
Intuitive Reader and Healer
Offering current and past life readings with an emphasis on helping clients clear energy blockages to allow greater awareness and personal insight.
805-890-1246 www.whole-spirit.com Mikeschu62@yahoo.com Readings done by phone or in person
SOUL DANCE EVENING, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Do you love to dance? A freestyle dance evening with great music in a beautiful mansion setting, with spiritual moments interspersed reminding us God is our true dance partner. It’s fun, outrageous, sacred. No dance expertise needed. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Bl, LA 90018 (www.peacelabyrinth.org). Contact Alisha Hayes at Alisha@SoulDanceLA.com, www.SoulDanceLA.com, www.msia.org, 323/737-4055, x1130.
FRIDAY, AUG. 5 JUNG, KABBALAH & GNOSIS, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, Fridays through Aug. 26, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www. gnosis.org. ON THE ROAD TO BECOMING: A Journey of Wonder & Blessing, Aug. 5 (7:30 pm) to Aug. 7 (1 pm). Using the classic pilgrimage journey, the Camino de Santiago, as a motif, we invite you to look at life as a journey and to walk your journey with passionate heart and open eyes. With Michael Fish, OSB Cam, a native of South Africa.
The wisdom, beauty and simplicity of his Zulu culture fuels his approach to life and ministry to people around the world. $325 residential fee, $225 commuter. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria.org. REIKI HEALING NIGHT, at Santa Monica College, 6:30-9:30 pm. Come explore this healing energy. Meditative, powerful evening (weekend class follows). $20 suggested donation, register at http://commed.smc.edu. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. PART-TIME DEVOTION FOR FULL-TIME PAY, a video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
SATURDAY, AUG. 6 REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and handson practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/3972405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD, DVD viewing featuring Neale Donald Walsch. 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www. encinocommunitychurch.org. CORE SKILLS MASSAGE CLASS. This course for new and seasoned massage professionals overviews the principles of IPSB Massage through movement explorations, hands-on bodywork and exercises in personal sensory awareness. Learn tai chi-based movements to integrate into your massage repertoire, as well as proper body mechanics, communications skills, professional boundaries. 9:30-6:30 Saturdays thru Aug. 20, $288. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. PEOPLE & PET COMMUNICATION AND HEALING FAIR, everyone welcome, free healings for people and pets. Please bring your pets on a leash or in a carrying case so that they are safe and comfortable; bring a picture if you can’t bring them in. 2-4 pm. Intuitive Communication & Healings for everyone. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com.
SUNDAY, AUG. 7 INTUITIVE READINGS/HEALINGS. Michael Schumacher will be doing current and past life readings from 1-5 pm at Soul Centered spiritual store, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai. Come and reconnect with your power and wisdom. For info: 805/890-1246, mikeschu62@yahoo.com, www. whole-spirit.com. SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS workshop with MSIA President, Paul Kaye, DSS, followed by a Summer BBQ in the Gardens. Workshop 2-5 pm; BBQ 5 pm. Workshop free, BBQ $12. Bilingual. Explore the spiritual principles that underlie creating greater
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How I Healed from Bipolar Disorder, Thyroid Disease & Became a Healer 13 Years ago, I was being treated for Bipolar Disorder and Thyroid Disease, taking 5 medica�ons a day. I kept hearing that I was here to help people heal their lives. Hearing this over and over for months, finally I said, “God, if you want me to be a healer, show me the White Light.” A friend of mine was taking photos of me. When we downloaded the photos, there was the White Light hi�ng me in the heart area. I became a hypnotherapist and was teaching classes on how to talk to your Angels. On December 3, 2004, I was $1,000.00 short on my rent and no money for Xmas. I said, “GOD, you want me to be a healer, then pay my rent.” Within an hour, one of my clients knocked on my door and handed me a check for $1,500.00, saying, Spirit told her boyfriend to give this to me. I a�ended a DNA ac�va�on workshop, and during this workshop I requested that I be healed. Within 30 days I was off all Bipolar medica�on. I went to school to become a Master in (NLP) Neuro-linguis�c-programing, then on to Thetahealing®. Within a few months of my ThetaHealing® Training, I healed myself of Thyroid Disease. Now I take no Medica�ons. Since then I have healed from Hemorrhoids and a Herniated Disc. I also healed my belief that if you work for GOD you’re broke. ..and MANY OTHER BELIEFS!! I am so thankful that I get to help many people heal their lives.
Tamra Oviatt, MNLP, MHt, COS
ThetaHealing® Master Instructor with Cer�ficate in Science, Master Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Success Coach and Akashic Records Advisor
I offer 9 cer�fied ThetaHealing® classes, PLUS Soul Mate, Remove Money Blocks and Weight Beliefs classes. Private healing sessions and Readings offered by phone and in person. Listen to me live @ www.blogtalkradio.com/IAmTamra for free healing, readings and DNA ac�va�on.
health, wealth and happiness. Based on the books Paul has co-authored with John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of MSIA. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/7374055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. HAVE YOU LIVED ON OTHER WORLDS? Discover if your past-life history includes on other worlds as you listen to individuals relate their own past-life memories of such lifetimes. We will explore tools used to learn about past lives and hear first-hand how to apply them to yourself. Visit or watch the class streamed live from 7-9 pm. Unarius Academy of Science, 145 S. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon, 800/475-7062, www.unarius.org. WOMAN’S MEDITATION GROUP. Connect with the beautiful strength that resides within You. Sundays 10 am-12 noon. Sincere Seekers only. Phone 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. A SUMMER BBQ AT THE GARDENS, 5 pm, $12, open to all. Enjoy a summer BBQ overlooking our labyrinth and gardens at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. Delicious food and wonderful camaraderie in a beautiful setting. RSVP. Feel free to attend a free workshop with Paul Kaye, 2 pm. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Info/RSVP: 323/737-4055, x1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. FINDING YOUR ANIMAL GUIDES with Jill Townsend, 3-4:30 pm, $15. We are guided by animal helpers. Learn how to find them and discover what they are telling us. Jill Townsend is a ceremonialist, grandmother teacher, and a pipe carrier, adopted by the Lakota. She is available also through the store for intuitive readings. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com.
A WORLD OF JOY with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
MONDAY, AUG. 8 EXPLORE PAST-LIFE REGRESSION, free selfimprovement class, 7-9 pm. Are you curious about your possible past lives? Could unresolved conflicts in a past life be affecting you in your present life? Do you have re-occurring dreams or relationship patterns you cannot let go of? Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/ classes. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
TUESDAY, AUG. 9 FIND YOUR OWN ANSWERS, Psychic Development Workshop with Holly Mae Howard, 7-9 pm, $40. Practical tools to open up your psychic mind including effective meditation, stopping the mind clutter, move from your heart to heart, get closer to your purpose in life. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Bl., Venice, 310/399-7070, www.mysticjourneybookstore.com.
LAILA DEL MONTE, Internationally Renowned Animal Communicator. Free talk and book signing, 6-9 pm. Author of Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing, Laila will be at The Imagine Center to share what she has learned about listening to and communicating with animals. Learn more about her work at www.lailadelmonte.com. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. 818/3451100, www.theimaginecenter.com.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10 AKASHIC RECORDS BASIC ACCESS WORKSHOP. Learn about and experience the Pathway Prayer Process to access the Akashic Records (your Soul’s energy-archive) for guidance, healing, conscious evolution. Akashic Connection 101, 10 am-1 pm, $35, Costa Mesa. Info: Barbara Schiffman, 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by John-Roger, DSS to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1548, registrar@pts.org, www.pts.org, www.msia.org. WORLDWIDE ONENESS FORUM, 9-10 pm. Free live interactive webcast (online spiritual meeting) with Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya. Registration required, just email info@thebodhicenter.net. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net.
THURSDAY, AUG. 11 REINVENTING THE BODY, RESURRECTING THE SOUL, by Deepak Chopra. A discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am, love of-
fering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org.
FRIDAY, AUG. 12 TRANSFORMING LEADERSHIP: A Depth Psychological Approach, Aug. 12-14 workshop. Dedicated to exploring the ways in which leaders and individuals who strive to make a difference can use concepts from depth psychology to succeed. Visit the Public Programs page at www.pacifica.edu for info about pricing, registration and accommodations. Or call 805/9693626, ext. 103. At Pacifica Graduate Institute. DOES YOUR LIFE HAVE THE VALUE YOU WANT? Video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Bl, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, x1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org.
SATURDAY, AUG. 13 POWERTALK SHORT COURSE, Part 2, 9 am-1 pm. Gain a head start for a more confident future. Presented by Certified International Trainer, Maryann Wesson. Learn platform presence, body language and gestures, vocal effectiveness, technical and visual aids. How you deliver your message is as important as the content of your presentation. Freewill offering. Call 626/3327486 or email mpww@earthlink.net. At Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. SELACIA’S HEALING SEMINAR: “Open Your Intuitive Gifts & Accelerate Your Awakening,” 7:30 pm at Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, W.
Hollywood 90069. Discover how to open your intuitive gifts and accelerate your awakening. Experience leading edge healing tools including essential oils and DNA healing. Selacia is an author, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Preregister online. Info: 310/915-2884. Info: www.selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup), www.EarthsPivotalYears.com, www.BodhiTree.com. MYSTICAL MANDALAS, 11 am-2 pm. Mandalas are designs used to create an altered state of consciousness. Learn about the different types and symbology of mandalas and spend time coloring mandala designs for you to display and use at home for meditation. With Tracy Boyer, $30, materials included. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com.
SUNDAY, AUG. 14 CARVING THE ROCK, with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org.
tails call 818/888-2020, www.shawnrandall.com. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069.
MONDAY, AUG. 15 STRESS REDUCTION FOR 2011, a free self-improvement class, 7-9 pm. Economy crisis got you down? Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Let us show you how to overcome negative stressors of life. Join us for some deep relaxation and very effective stress reduction techniques you can use every day to make 2011 the best year yet. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis. edu/classes. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Bl, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, x1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
FREE DINNER WITH DOC, enjoy free tacos and learn more about Upper Cervical Care with Drew Hall, D.C. A 30-minute presentation followed by a Q&A session. 6-7:30 pm. Held at Relax The Back, 19019 Hawthorne Blvd. #100A, Torrance 90503. Limited to 25 seats, please RSVP to 310/324-6172. Visit www.drdrewhall.com.
LISTEN TO TAMRA on Blogtalkradio.com.iamtamra. Tuesday nights at 6:30 Pacific time. Psychic reading, body scans, healing of emotions, physical and spiritual issues, DNA activation. Every week receive new learning from the Creator of all that is. For more info visit www.worldthetahealing.com.
SOLVING MYSTERIES OF YOUR PAST LIVES, a co-channeling event featuring Torah channeled through Shawn Randall, and Dr. Peebles through Athena Demetrios. Q&A. 3:30-5:30 pm. For de-
CRYSTAL HEALING CIRCLE. Enjoy a casual, fun experience of learning and practicing how to
Heal Your Past Free Your Spirit
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shamanic journeys Travel Beyond Ordinary States of Consciousness Explore the hidden depths of your soul and psyche. Get unstuck! Get results where mainstream therapy fails. Break through
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A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
THURSDAY, AUG. 18 TRUE INSIGHT FREE OPEN HOUSE, 7:30-9 pm (please arrive at 7:30 pm), everyone welcome, free. Learn about Clairvoyant program, Trance Medium program, workshops and weekly classes. Meet our director, learn basic Intuitive Meditation tools, Q&As. Free Communication and free Healings tonight, plus we will be giving away a 1-1/4 hour Communication. True Insight Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www. true-insight.com. Workshops and more! HYDROTHERAPY CLASS, an introduction to the physiological effects of hot, cold and water treatments, plus safe, practical application of selected treatments for spa or private practice. Includes a survey of current spa treatments and techniques. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. 6:30-10:30 pm Thursday and 9:30 am6:30 pm Saturday, $180 plus materials fee. Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB), 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com.
Access root causes
Private, individually-guided sessions for serious seekers only.
work with crystals for healing mind, body and soul. Explore various rocks and stone applications for restoring, harmonizing and balancing the human energy field. Led by Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry, Ordained Lightworker Metaphysician and sacred energy healer. 1st & 3rd Wed. of the month, 6-7:30 pm, $15 fee. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com.
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REIKI HEALING NIGHT, Glendale (La Crescenta), 6:30-9:30 pm. Come explore this healing energy. Meditative, powerful evening (weekend class follows). $10 suggested donation, please call to confirm. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www. ReikiMastery.com. Held at Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214. FREE: CENTER OF THE WORLD FESTIVAL, Aug. 19-21. Amateur playwright and songwriting competitions, Native American storytelling. At Pine Mountain Club in Los Padres National Forest at base of Mt. Pinos, Chumash, “center of the universe” where humankind and nature are in balance. Info, program, directions: www.centeroftheworldfestival.org, www.cowfestival.org. EXPLORING ‘THE POWER OF NOW,’ with Sam Young, Aug. 19-21. A weekend retreat to explore and experience key teachings and practices from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. The more we live in the Now, the more we experience peace, joy, creativity and contentment. Sam Young is from Ireland and is an experienced facilitator of workshops on contemporary spirituality. La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara 93108, 805/969-5031. Visit www.lacasademaria. org, registerb@lcdm.org. INTEGRATING YOUR SPIRIT INTO THE WORLD, a video seminar presentation featuring JohnRoger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018.
Is your life in balance, yet? People just like you have been
practicing this form of self-alignment with the positive energies of the universe for thousands of years.
Simple changes in the way
you live now will make all the difference in the world.
You will be happier and
healthier when you learn how to stay connected to the positive energy.
Please come to one of Always Free Never a Charge
Introductory Classes:
our introductory classes listed below to get a taste of what we are talking about..
If you like, you will be invited to more of our larger group meetings on Wednesday and Sunday.
7pm Monday & Friday The LA Sant Mat Meditation Center 7726 W. Manchester Avenue Playa del Rey 90293
For more info: please call Bob @ 310-930-2450 Victor @ 310-930-2452 or Pat @ 310-567-3265. Sant Baljit Singh, pictured to the right, is the teacher of the meditation practice we enjoy. He teaches this meditation to anyone who is sincerely interested in making their life better through living it better.
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������������������������������������������������������� 323/737-4055, x1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org.
Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com.
EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP, 10 am. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening and educational. With Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/7129400.
AUGUST PSYCHIC FAIRE, 11 am-5 pm. $25/15 minute read or $35/30 minutes. Call Friday, Aug. 19, after 10 am to set up an appt with the reader of your choice. Palmistry, tarot, numerology, astrology, runes, channeled drawing, tea leaf reads, and aura reads available. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. humminghoney.com. FENG SHUI FOR THE GARDEN, 10 am-12 noon. In this class students will discover how to create an environment that invites beneficial Chi into the garden, home, business and goals. With Barbara Pierce-Stalzer, Feng Shui Consultant. At Chaffey Community College, Community Education, 5885 Haven Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737. $30, register at 909/652-6093. Info: 818/800-2208, http://www.fengshuinews.com/ directory.htm. ARTIFICE OF ETERNITY: AGING & LONG-TERM CARE, Aug. 20-21 workshop. Focusing on psychological, biological, social and spiritual dimensions to the aging process, with special emphasis on psychodynamic and depth psychology perspectives. Visit the Public Programs page at www.pacifica.edu for info about pricing, registration and accommodations. Or call 805/9693626, ext. 103. At Pacifica Graduate Institute. OJAI IMPROV GROUP PERFORMANCE, join the fun as Ventura County’s newest improv group hits the stage with hilarious improvisational comedy. $10, 8-10 pm. Uncensored and spirited. PG13. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and
SUNDAY, AUG. 21 WHEN IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE, with Rev. Nicole Elliott Murray. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. WOMAN’S MEDITATION GROUP. Connect with the beautiful strength that resides within You. Sundays 10 am-12 noon. Sincere Seekers only. Phone 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. YOUR RICHEST INVESTMENT IN LIFE! Learn how to invest in yourself with Vernon Howard’s authentic help. Attend a Vernon Howard Happiness Class where you’ll be taught how to discover the real and lasting riches inside of you. Class Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. For more info call 714/899-9300, www. anewlife.org.
MONDAY, AUG. 22 MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN MAN, 7-8:30 pm. A 4-week course in ancient Buddhist mindfulness, as interpreted and adapted for today’s
fast-paced scientific world. Experience “the Profound” and “the Ultimate” directly though these unique and original one-hour guided journeys of contemplation and deep seeing. Ideally suited to the modern mind and available exclusively at The Bodhi Center. Registration required. $99. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net. TAROT TECHNIQUES, 7-9 pm. Facilitator Wendy presents different reading “shortcuts,” including timing, percentages, options, speed reading, comparisons. Previous knowledge of the tarot required. $35 plus $3 materials fee. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org. ENERGY HEALING & CONNECTION, a free selfimprovement class, 7-9 pm. Experience how your thoughts and beliefs affect your own energy field and see how the body’s energies are the key to health, vitality and well-being. With a few simple techniques you can increase the flow of energy through your entire body, strengthen the immune system and create space for your own inner peace. Hypnosis Motivation Institute,
18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356. To register call 818/758-2747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes.
TUESDAY, AUG. 23 MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24 FREE INTRO EVENING for Basic DNA Theta Healing Seminar which will be presented Sept. 9-11, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. 7-9 pm, 2210 Main St #202, Santa Monica. DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, open psychic senses and how to ground your energy, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by John-Roger, DSS to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get
the support of practicing this technique together in class. Free-form writing is described in his best-selling book, Spiritual Warrior. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1548, registrar@pts.org, www.pts.org, www.msia.org.
THURSDAY, AUG. 25 DARSHAN, 7:30-9 pm. Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya leads a talk on the subject of spiritual awakening: how to achieve it and how to apply it in daily life. Leave your cares behind and come join us for an evening of darshan—communion with that which has no cares—that which is love-light-bliss. By donation. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, discussion of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book. Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org.
FRIDAY, AUG. 26 AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION WEEKEND, Fri-Sun, Aug. 26-28, with Center for Akashic Studies Certified Teacher Barbara Schiffman. Gain practice reading for yourself and others (inc. non-humans). Deepen your Soul-connection for guidance, healing, conscious evolution. Burbank, $325 (inc. certification). Info: Barbara Schiffman, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, 818/415-3479. REIKI SHARE with Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller. 6:30-9 pm. Come receive a Reiki minitreatment. Healing attunement followed by time receiving Reiki relaxation treatment. Reiki practitioners preferred. At 3608 Foothill Blvd, LA Crescenta. For details: International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com.
LIFE, LIBERTY & THE PURSUIT OF PEACE, a video seminar presentation featuring John Morton, Spiritual Director of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
SATURDAY, AUG. 27 GROUP MEDITATION & CHANTING GATHERING with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi and Reiki Master Alexander Juliani, M.A., Directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of meditation and ancient Sanskrit chants from India in a powerful group setting. Vedic teachings, meditation, 3rd eye opening by Professor Sasi, chanting and sound healing experience. Info: 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, www.vedichealinginstitute.com or www.professorsasi.com. A SPIRITUAL SPA DAY & Q&A WITH JOHN MORTON, DSS, Spiritual Director of MSIA. Bilingual, English with Spanish translation, 10 am-3 pm. $15, includes buffet brunch. The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) invites you to a beautiful event to help you become more aware of yourself as divine. Explore the teachings of Soul Transcendence with John Morton and discover the blessings within and around you. Registration encouraged. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie Schulz, 323/328-1948 or Tonie@pts.org. www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
SUNDAY, AUG. 28 THE PROSPERITY TWINS with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth
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with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. ADDRESSING ENDOCRINE DISORDERS WITH CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY. This workshop explores the major organs of the endocrine system and how to address hormonal dysfunction using CranioSacral Therapy. Prerequisite: some training in CST. 9 am-6 pm, $150 (using code WPC). Karen Axelrod, BA, CST, www.karenaxelrod. com, 310/376-0113, email karen.axelrod@gmail. com. In Los Angeles.
MONDAY, AUG. 29 RELATIONSHIP STRATEGIES, a free self improvement class, 7-9 pm. How much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood? What role does the subconscious mind play in who we choose in relationships and why? An eye opening seminar based on the E & P Relationship Strategies at HMI. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, #310, Tarzana 91356. To register: 818/7582747, or visit www.hypnosis.edu/classes. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by JohnRoger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www. msia.org.
TUESDAY, AUG. 30 MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 31 A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com.
ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS YOUR RICHEST INVESTMENT IN LIFE! Learn how to invest in yourself with Vernon Howard’s authentic help. Attend a Vernon Howard Happi-
ness Class where you’ll be taught how to discover the real and lasting riches inside of you. Class Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. For more info call 714/899-9300, www. anewlife.org. DREAM WORK GROUP, 7:15-8:15 pm. Learn to interpret your dreams on an intuitive and spiritual level in this weekly one-hour group dream workshop. $5. Instructor: Judy Nelson. All levels of students welcome. Please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com to reserve your seat. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura. com. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. NON-DENOMINATIONAL SUNDAY SERVICES, all welcome, 11:30 am. Different topic each week. (July’s topics: Man’s Search for His Soul, The Ultimate Truth, Man’s Relentless Search, Hope of Man. August: Ideal State of Being, Getting to Know Yourself, Magic Triangle, Communication is Life.) Light refreshments. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504 (entrance in rear). 818/846-1083. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs
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and MP3s on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Classes are live streamed on the web. For more info about the Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS DOCENT TOURS & PUBLIC VISITS, 12-4 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind exploring the labyrinth; relax and reflect in our spectacular meditation garden beside the many water fountains. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. (Note: Closed June 30-July 4; reopened July 5.) SUNDAY SERVICES AT UNITY CHURCH OF CHATSWORTH include meditation, music, lesson, refreshments and more. Ordained Unity Minister is Rev. John Washington. Love offering. 10:30-11:30 am service. Held at 10038 Old Depot Plaza Rd., Chatsworth. 818/914-1955, www. unityofchatsworth.org. ONENESS MEDITATION SERVICE, led by Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry. Expanding Light means expanding abilities. Step into your vaster self. Give, receive higher light. 11 am-1 pm. Each participant receives a higher light reading. $10 min. donation. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100,
or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. (Note: Group does not meet on 4th Sunday of the month.) BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for info about class sessions, fees and a supply list. SUNDAYS AT 6, Sunday nights at Clearsight, 6 pm. Deepen and expand your Meditation Practice with this one-hour Weekly Meditation session. 45 minutes of guided meditation and 15 minutes of open questions about spirituality. (The last Sunday of each month also features a Chakra Clean-out.) $10. Instructor: Judy Nelson. All levels welcome. To reserve your seat please email clearsightaura@gmail.com. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer, and deepen your spiritual practice. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnline.org. HEALING SERVICE AND VESPERS, freewill offering only, held on 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, 5 pm. Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis. org.
GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Sunday 11 am, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: http:// www.gnosis.org. BURNING BOWL CEREMONY, held each Sunday after service at Unity West Santa Monica. This Unity tradition, started in the 1940s, is for release, a time for forgiving ourselves and others, so healing and the new journey can begin. Follows Sunday service that begins 9 a.m. Rev. Lee Lakso, minister. Unity West Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/5770000, www.unitywestchurch.org.
MONDAYS FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/823-1996. T’AI CHI BY THE SEA, Tai Chi at Sunset! Annual Monday evening summer class taught by Sifu Lana Spraker, 6:30-8 pm. Intermediate and advanced level students of Yang Style T’ai Chi Ch’uan. At Burton Chase Park in Marina Del Rey. Class meets July 11-Aug. 1 (no class July 4). Info
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and fee: 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi. com. MEET OTHERS INTERESTED IN REBIRTHING and exchange information with them in an informal setting. No charge, 8-9:30 pm. Call Dr. Eve Jones, 323/461-5774 for directions. Visit www. RebirthLA.com. INTERMEDIATE TAROT, new layouts will be explained and demonstrated in class. A great opportunity to gather additional resources to help you tune into various questions. Previous knowledge of tarot deck required. Aug. 1, 8 & 15, 7-9 pm, $34/session or $62 paid in advance, plus $8 materials fee. Facilitated by Wendy. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. Visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell).
TUESDAYS LISTEN TO TAMRA on Blogtalkradio.com.iamtamra. Tuesday nights at 6:30 Pacific time. Psychic reading, body scans, healing of emotions, physical and spiritual issues, DNA activation. Every week receive new learning from the Creator of all that is. For more info visit www.worldthetahealing.com.
PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS, Tuesdays-Fridays 11 am-3 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind exploring the labyrinth; relax and reflect in our spectacular meditation garden beside the many water fountains. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, ext. 1130, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org. (Note: Closed June 30-July 4.) MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), visit www. singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/ in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
WEDNESDAYS A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. SPANISH-SPEAKING WORKSHOPS, 7:30-9:30 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. Enjoy these dynamic workshops based on the teachings of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). Call for upcoming topics. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie Schulz, 323/737-4055, ext. 1534, email tonie@pts.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs and MP3s on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Classes are live streamed on the web. For more info about the Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. INTRODUCTION TO T’AI CHI, NEW CLASS taught by Lana Spraker. Gentle stress-reducing “Meditation in Movement” for improving your balance and coordination, posture and endurance. Master teacher Lana Spraker has been teaching T’ai Chi for over 38 years. Weekly in July, 7:15-8:15 pm (break in August, resuming in Sept.). 2900 S. Crenshaw at 29th St. (AADAP, Inc.), LA 90016. Fee for class. Info: 310/479-
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3646. sprakerlg@earthlink.net, www.alexandertaichi.com. YOUR RICHEST INVESTMENT IN LIFE! Learn how to invest in yourself with Vernon Howard’s authentic help. Attend a Vernon Howard Happiness Class where you’ll be taught how to discover the real and lasting riches inside of you. Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org.
ANGEL CITY HEALING SPECIAL: 10% off all treatments on Wednesdays. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell).
SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), visit www. singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/ in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
TRUTH TEACHINGS WITH HOBERLEIGH PHREIGH, 7-8 pm Thursdays. Each evening is an independent talk with an emphasis on Universal Laws and how to apply them to better one’s life. Free-will offering basis. CD’s of each talk may be purchased. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org.
WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP presented by Kelly Morgan, 7-10 pm, $385/11 week series. Info: 310/839-3424, www.creativelife.com. (Meets July 11, 18 & 25; call for August dates.) Dramatically improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. An empowering program for established or aspiring artists, writers, poets, actors, and creative people from all walks of life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
UNITY WEST SANTA MONICA BOOK GROUP, meets every Thursday 7-8 pm. Currently we are reading and sharing Eckhart Tolle’s book, “A New Earth,” his best-selling spiritual guide inspiring millions of readers to discover true freedom and joy of a life lived in “the now.” Group is ongoing, you may drop in any time. Love offering basis. Unity West Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, discussion of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book. Led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. THE WISDOM WHEEL, 7-9 pm, every Thursday in August. In this class we use the Wisdom Wheel
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for our own self-discovery, problem solving and life path development through the archetypes of the Teacher, the Nurturer, the Visionary, the Warrior and the Sage. $30/week, with Tracey Boyer. The Hummingbird and the Honey Bee (formerly Akashic Bookshop & Center), 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Suite 103, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.humminghoney.com. REINVENTING THE BODY, RESURRECTING THE SOUL, by Deepak Chopra. Join us for a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Bl, Canoga Park, 818/7129400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. SACRED HEALING FOR MEN AND WOMEN, facilitated by Shoshana Levine, LCSW, C.Ht., Lic. #CSW 24340. Come on a journey of healing your sacred wounds and give yourself the gift of empowerment. In an atmosphere of support and safety, you will gain the knowledge needed to participate in meditation, guided visualizations and affirmations. Learn how you can manifest Your Heart’s Desire. Call for an appt as a (free) consultation is needed in order to insure compatibility with the group. 310/998-7253. In Santa Monica. www.bestheartcenteredtherapy.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), visit www. singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/ in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
FRIDAYS DRUMMING MEDITATION, 7 pm Fridays, Tuesdays and Sundays. African Djembes. Private
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Drum Therapy. Seasons, 1021-A Montana Ave., Santa Monica. For details call 310/395-1965, email buddhyhelm@gmail.com, www.buddyhelm.com. YOUR RICHEST INVESTMENT IN LIFE! Learn how to invest in yourself with Vernon Howard’s authentic help. Attend a Vernon Howard Happiness Class where you’ll be taught how to discover the real and lasting riches inside of you. Classes every Friday at 8 pm, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. JUNG, KABBALAH & GNOSIS, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, Fridays, July 8-Aug. 26, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www. gnosis.org. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), visit www. singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/ in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ…LIVE MUSIC! Open house and tour. Complimentary dinner with delicious desserts. Enjoy live music (jazz, acoustic, rock, alternative) throughout the evening until midnight. Open Mic so come and share your music. 7:30 pm-midnight. (Dates: July 1 & 15, Aug. 5 & 19). 818/846-1083. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504 (entrance and parking in rear).
For a subscription or advertising rates
Read us online anytime at: www.wholepersoncalendar.com
A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, 15-minute healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am4 pm, suggested donation from $20; 45 minutes, from $75. For info/appts, 310/659-1733, x 114 or events@bodhitree.com. www.JudeTheHealer. com. (No clinic July 8; call to confirm Aug. dates.) Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 20 years. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. BURBANK BUSINESS NETWORKING BREAKFAST, 8 am. We provide a great venue for business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals to get together and promote their business, exchange business cards, get referrals and more. (Upcoming dates: July 8 & 22, Aug. 5 & 19.) Held at 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504 (entrance and parking in rear). Info: 818/846-1083.
SATURDAYS REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal
with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and handson practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/3972405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. GUIDED MEDITATION & SATSANG. Come and experience Guided Meditation & Satsang with Yogi Shivraj. 10 am-12 noon Saturdays. Sincere Seekers only. Phone 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health as you “play” this gentle, stress reducing “Meditation in Movement.” Beginners welcome, 9 am, Traditional 108 move Long Yang Form, Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises. Individualized attention to improve posture, balance and coordination. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire Blvd. & Chelsea, 2 blocks W. of 26th St.). Sifu Spraker has taught T’ai Chi internationally for over 38 years and is a teacher of the Alexander Technique. Info, fees & enrollment: 310/479-3646, www. alexandertaichi.com. SCIENCE FICTION VISION presented by Roger Weir, 10 am-12 noon, workshop, $30, DVDs $20, CDs $10 (special complete 52-set pricing, internet live feed fee). Info: 310/278-9668, www. RogerWeir.com. A year-long course offering an expanded view of a century of prophetic genius from the 1890s to the 1990s. Each lecture is streamed live with free access through Roger’s website. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. ZENPLAY: IMPROV FOR THE SOUL is a unique class dedicated to the study of creating stories and scenes in the now. Combines acting disciplines such as improv, mime, clowning and mask work. Explore spiritual principles such as: being in the now, relationships, creative living, group mind, being open to receive, saying yes, and above all, humor! 2-4 pm. First class free, after that $10 for 2 hours of fun. Soul Centered, a Metaphysical Shoppe and Event Center, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www. vedichealinginstitute.com.
EVERYDAY Astrology LOCALITY READING. Would you like to know where you can be attractive and others are attracted to you? I can help you find places to explore. Virginia, 949/240-4204, email koolwmn@yahoo.com.
Books / Music / Media AUDIO STUDIO SERVICES. Professional audio and music projects in a competent, clean, ener-
39 getic facility. Spoken Word, Audio Programs, Sound for Media, Music, Ambiences, Sound Therapies. Legacy format recovery and restoration: records, wire, tape, etc. Latest hardware and software, over 30 years professional experience. 16 and 35MM film/sound transfer to digital formats with editing and remixing available. Sound in Service to Light, 888/887-0994, www. malibumoviemusic.com.
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THE POWER OF UPPER CERVICAL is a documentary short featuring Dr. Drew Hall, Upper Cervical Chiropractor. View a teaser clip on YouTube. For more information on Upper Cervical Care, contact Dr. Hall at 310/324-6172, www. drdrewhall.com. THE HUMAN MACHINE: A Trouble Shooter’s Manual, by Phil Selinsky, N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor). Now available: Volume III, “Learn How the Hiatal Hernia Syndrome Epidemic Results in Aches, Pains and Degenerative Conditions.” In his new book Dr. Phil explains the mechanics of the body and the “mystery” pain. Visit www.thehumanmachine.com. 626/963-5023.
Counseling / Life Coaching PSYCHIC GUIDE, SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT & LIFE COACH, advice and guidance on all matters. Specializing in spiritual cleansing and purification, removing all unnatural and negative energy. Angelica has the ability to call out names, dates and places surrounding your life without asking you a single question. Tarot readings also available. Angelica, 818/402-2750. LIFE MANAGEMENT WITH VAL. Personally trained and officially authorized by Swami Premodaya to provide independent guidance to others, The Bodhi Center’s Executive Director, Val Nathan, is offering guidance in any and every area of daily living: financial, relationships, work, decision-making, emotions, physical fitness/ sports, anger management/assertiveness training, effective communication, small business, spirituality. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net. INTUITIVE CONSULTATIONS WITH DR. LILIANA, medical intuitive, energy healer and lecturer. Consultations available on Soul/Life Journey, Relationships, Business, After Death Communications, Animal Communications. Lectures, courses and private mentoring available. Call 310/772-8270, www.DrLiliana.com. SAY BYE-BYE TO BELIEFS & HABITS that keep your goals at bay. I offer transformative tools that allow my clients to take action in their lives right away. Call me, Tracy, 818/279-1735, email Tracy@13degreez.com or check out my website at www.13degreez.com. Package discounts available. Live it now, you can do it!. PSYCHIC ANNIE – Gifted psychic reader, energetic healing. Discrete, confidential telephone readings and spiritual journeying. Transform your energy to its most positive direction. 1-323466-3684, www.MyHeartIsADrum.com. QUESTION AND ANSWER INTRODUCTION TO REBIRTHING and Rebirthers’ Get-Together. Free for clients, $10 for others. For info and to make appts for private dry or wet rebirths and body sessions, or for team rebirths, contact Rebirth Associates of LA, Dr. Eve Jones, 323/461-5774. Visit www.RebirthLA.com. OVERCOME FEARS AND PHOBIAS, release and integrate childhood memories, stop smoking, manage stress and anxiety, resolve relationship issues, experience past life regression. Heart Centered Hypnotherapy taps into the subconscious mind which houses our emotions, feelings, creativity, intuition, as well as our spiritual connection. Shoshana Levine, Lic. Clinical Social Worker, Cert. Hypnotherapist, Cert. in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. 310/998-7253, www.bestheartcenteredtherapy.com.
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(Bodhi Tree continued from page 5) spiritual leaders: “Some of these people were really popular they would fill the place. It was very high energy. At one time, we had about 100 people on staff. We were open from 10am to 11pm.”** Stan: “We were like a small super-store.” Phil: “When the first story came up about us closing, we started getting so many letters and emails. How their parents first brought them here when they were 10 and 11, and now they’re parents and grandparents...so many changes. Not to namedrop, but when Jerry Brown was governor the first time, he used to come here by himself or with his girlfriend. Nobody would bat an eye. He was an ex-Jesuit and he’d buy all these great books....and he read all them.” Here you were doing your own thing, and you’ve got this place, and it just began to touch more and more people. You saw that as the energy started to come back to you; how it was effecting so many people, in so many ways. Stan: “People would come by and say, “You don’t remember me, do you? I used to work here!”
I read you were closing. I am happy this is profitable, but I would like to let you know how powerful your energy is (or your store). I used to be a straight ticket Republican from the Northeast. The Bodhi Tree introduced me to other religions, vegetarian foods, meditation, and wonderful tea that is free. Whenever I had a bad day I would go to the Bodhi Tree, sip on some tea, and pick up the latest self-help book. I also picked up some Oracle cards and a fabulous string of Mantra Beads that I get comments on still when I pull them out. I always tell everyone who asks to go to the Bodhi Tree. This is truly sad. — A Fan of the dilemma.” Stan: “The problem is that we have been watching our part of this market deteriorating for a long time; maybe a few percent per year for 10 years. When the economy went sour in 2008, all of a sudden sales dropped —18% the first year; another 18% the next year, etc. We’re doing almost 50% less business than we were 10 years ago. Phil and I are in our late 70’s. We’re old time book
I am SO sad to hear that you are closing after so many years of such wonderful and special service to our community of readers. Just last night I was talking to a friend about picking up a book on building ‘dreaming skills’ and I said, “Where am I going to go for these books if the Bodhi Tree goes away?” It made me sad and hopeful that someone can come along and carry on the unique traditions that the Bodhi Tree started for so many of us. I’m grateful for you who planted this spiritual landmark in LA and I hope retirement treats you all well - you certainly earned it. — A Fan Phil: “It would be interesting to even track our ex-employees; where they went, what they are doing now.” One past employee was Leslie Snyder, the original owner and publisher of The Whole Person Calendar of Events in Southern California. Ms. Snyder started the magazine as a way to let the spiritual community of Southern California know more about the events in and around the area — including the events and happenings at the Bodhi Tree. And now? Phil: “Well, the area has turned into a really high end retail space. So, that’s part
people — we’re primarily interested in books. What is needed now are people to whom books are important, but who are interested in the social contacts, social media, the events — the nonbook activities. It needs new energy.” Changes in the book business have affected them as it has every retail book outlet, and the industry as a whole. We talked about how, as of this week, Amazon reported that its E Books had outsold books in print. But, we all agreed — we love the feel of books — and bookstores. Phil: “If you’re in a bookstore, and you
want to talk to someone, you can. Or not. That’s always a good feeling. People used to tell us the store was their little cathedral, their safe haven. I used to think that was kind of presumptuous, but now, I realize we don’t have many of those; we’re losing them. And other things — just the social interaction. People getting together, before the Internet. This has always been considered one of the 10 most romantic places to meet someone in Los Angeles; it was safe, it wasn’t just a singles bar. Things change. There’s the possibility that new energy will take it in new directions — positive energy. There’s such a change in the world these days with the Internet and communications...even the New Age isn’t the new age anymore. If you believe like I do, that evolution is on an upward path — it’s hard to see sometimes — but things do progressively get better.” I asked about the social gatherings— the events and book-signings that have contributed so much to the sense of creating community at the Bodhi Tree. Are they going to continue? Stan and Phil: “We hope so. People still need the “soul” of it; the social interaction. Humans are social animals. We can’t do it all online.” Stan said he feels like Phil, “Change is important and it’s inevitable. It would be nice if things went on forever, but they don’t. Certain good things are disappearing, or changing into something else. But, what is out there is also quite exciting and new.” What about the need for community, for places to gather and share ideas with others face to face? The two agree that’s important, but noted that these days cities have become difficult to get around in. Phil: “Thirty years ago it was a lot easier. People used to come every weekend from
40 or 50 miles away; it wasn’t hard and they would come to go book shopping. Nowadays it’s hard for them to come from 5 miles away.” Stan: “The fabric not only of the cities but also of countries and how they interact with each other — has really changed. For example, when a group meditates together, it’s very different then sitting alone; it’s an amplification. People will eventually understand that there’s something about “a shared presence” that’s vital to our consciousness. Without that shared presence, we are not going to evolve properly. Were in a funny, materialistic state right now, but there are people aware of this and making changes. If it doesn’t happen, then I think our civilization will fail. The computer doesn’t seem able to do it. It’s the electromagnetic presence that we share that does it.” Phil: “We have to feel that we are not alone. People need connection that’s more than a face on a screen. We need family — husbands and wives and children — we need the basic structure of the tribe. One of the most gratifying things is that people have come back and say things like, ‘you saved my life.’ Our staff tells this still happens.” After our talk, I took a few moments to walk around the property. The store was crowded; people were coming from everywhere to visit the bookstore one more time. Like the bustling days of the 1980s, the place was full of life and energy. The pictures on the wall — of Gandhi, of the Buddha and Christ, and other well-known spiritual teachers past and present — gazed benevolently down from the walls as I browsed the shelves. There was a special feeling in the sunlit
rooms, and a sense of peace. Tea is still offered, and one can still spend the entire day there, just reading. For the time being, events and book-signings will still take place where teachers and seekers can meet to share information and good vibrations. If you get a chance, roll on down to 8585 Melrose Ave. and say hello to Stan, Phil and the staff of the Bodhi Tree. Grab a cup of tea, and browse the many shelves filled with esoteric and practical magic, and the world’s perennial wisdom. Be sure to visit the giant ficus religiosa in the back parking lot whose wide branches reach out — for the moment — beneath the LA sun. As Phil and Stan are fond of saying, everything changes. But it’s all still here for now.
Sharon Hall is the Associate Editor of The Whole Person Calendar. For more information about the store visit: www. bodhitree.com *MacLaine’s book about her experiences in the bestseller, “Out On A Limb”, gave credit to the store as having played a crucial part in her spiritual awakening. **The people who’ve past through The Bodhi Tree doorway — as lecturers and teachers, or doing book-signings — reads like a WhoseWho of the best and the brightest of our time. A short list includes: Robert Aiken, Lynne Andrews, Peter Bogdanovich, Gregory Braden, Julia Cameron, Frijof Capra, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Jean Houston, Laura Huxley, Sam Keen, Jack Kornfield, Deena Metzger, Dr. Judith Orloff, Thich Nhat Hanh, Starhawk, Robert Thurman, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson. Some presentations have been transcribed and can be accessed at www.bodhitree.com under lecture transcripts.
The store has been my library, a portal into other worlds. The books and products, and their placement, are imprinted in my mind’s eye and on my hands and fingertips. You’ve helped many of us expand into kindness and carry the peace we want to see in the world ... and dare to still hold tender the magic of our dreams. Thank you, thank you, thank you all. The Hermit from The Bodhi Tree Book Review.
The journey begins... Open your mind... to a place where Heaven meets Earth
— A Fan
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Education / Training THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN or Basic Workshop, presented by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies. July 9-10 in Sierra Madre. With Amanda Foulger, FSS Faculty Member. For information and registration call 310/455-3758 or email afoulger@aol.com. NEW CLEARSIGHT ONLINE CLAIRVOYANT PROGRAM open for enrollment. “Introduction to Clairvoyance” is a powerful 4-month program that teaches you to unleash your human potential through the development of your innate psychic abilities. Through learning skills of grounding, centering and learning to see energy, you will begin to live the life you truly want. $199/month. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com, email clearsightaura@gmail.com. HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK WORKSHOP, preregister for this July 23 workshop. As created by Stanislav Grof, MD, one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology. Venice area near the beach, 8:45 am-9 pm. $150. (Work-study positions available to reduce cost if you are interested.) Email: michael@holotropicbreathworkla.
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com or call 310/477-4747 for more details, to register, or to be put on the mailing list for future Holotropic Breathwork workshops. AKASHIC RECORDS WORKSHOPS & TRAININGS. Access your Soul’s energy-archive of all lifetimes for guidance, healing, conscious evolution. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself &/or others. Basic access workshops, weekend practitioner certification trainings, private readings and mentoring. Barbara Schiffman, 818/415-3479, visit www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA. THE ANGEL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (ACP), taught by Charles Virtue, son of Dr. Doreen Virtue, and Tina Marie Daly, July 22-24, at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. Angel Training Program based on Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner® class. Learn how to see, hear, feel and understand angel messages for yourself or clients. Gain confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer and psychic. Info and registration: www.charlesvirtue.com. Cost: $644. MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND MAKE 6 FIGURES. On average, coaches earn $200/hour. With the right coaching and marketing skills, you can, too! Learn how to help yourself, help others, make 6 figures and make a difference. Call about upcoming trainings. Visit www.PowerofHappinessEvents.com. Get your free CD online. NEW CLEARSIGHT ENERGY HEALING PROGRAM starting. Learn to heal yourself and others using Clearsight’s clairvoyant healing techniques. Learn to “see energy” to scan and diagnose physical and energetic bodies for dis-harmony or illness. After completion of Energetic Medicine 1-6, receive certification, recognized by the State of California, as a Master Healer. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com, email clearsightaura@gmail.com. EXTRACTION HEALING TRAINING, presented by The Foundation for Shamanic Studies, July
23-24 in Santa Barbara. With Amanda Foulger, FSS Faculty Member. Prerequisite: The FSS Basic Workshop. For information and registration: 805/966-4465 or email mujiba@heartwaymuse. com. GET CERTIFIED: BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR, July 8-10, 9 am-6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. Also offered Sept. 9-11. (Free intro evening on Aug. 24, 7-9 pm.) DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST, start a new career helping others. If you’ve ever been curious about hypnosis or interested in a career helping others, now is the time to start. Offering evening classes, on campus internship. Earn while you learn, start your hypnotherapy practice in 6 months. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/4799464, www.hypnosis.edu.
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Gift Shops / Bookstores
Health & Wellness
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39TH ANNUAL CANCER CONVENTION will take place Sept. 3, 4 & 5 at the Sheraton Universal in Hollywood. Featuring lectures, movies, exhibits on alternative therapies including nutritional approach, Laetrile, Gerson, Hoxsey, Poly-MVA, enzymes and immunotherapy. $40/day for exhibits, lectures and movies; $20/day for exhibits only; $45/day for CEUs for nurses and dentists. Info: Cancer Control Society, 323/663-7801, www. cancercontrolsociety.com.
REVELATIONS YOGA VEDANTA BOOKS & MORE, Wellness & Education Center, offering spiritual books, music, yoga, yoga therapy, Reiki sessions and attunements, meditation and more. 3580 Santa Anita Ave., Suite C, El Monte 91731. 626/442-9642, yogam.vedanta@gmail.com, www.revelationsyoga.com. TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit. For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 323/436-5238, www.objetsdartandspirit.com. ALEXANDRIA II BOOKSTORE offers a great selection of new and used books, music, DVDs, altar items, crystals and stones, statuary, jewelry, incense and many unique gift items. Psychic readings offered daily. Hours: Mon-Sat 10-9, Sunday 10-7. 170 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena 91101, 626/792-7885. www.alexandria2.com, twitter. com/a2books, facebook.com/a2books. LEARNING LIGHT FOUNDATION ANAHEIM, offering a wide range of best-selling authors, lecturers, workshops. So. Cal’s largest psychic fair,
ONGOING YOGA CLASSES. If you are having health issues like arthritis, asthma, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues and other ailments, yoga can complement your medical care. Yoga session $12/hour. Yoga Therapy $50/hour. Package rates available. Call Aneetha Reddy, 626/4429642 or email yogam.vedanta@gmail.com. 3580 Santa Anita Ave. Suite C, El Monte, CA 91731. SAFE MERCURY (SILVER) FILLING REMOVAL under rubber dam and HEPA filter. Available at Flintridge New Image Dental Group, Mike M. Sagarian, DDS. Open Saturdays, most insurance accepted, affordable payment plans. 1035 Foothill Blvd., La Canada Flintridge 91011, 818/952-6000, www.FlintridgeDental.com. ENERGY HEALING WITH JOSEPH. Lightwork healing sessions to remove deep blockages in your life. Help with relieving your emotional and/ or physical pain. Private sessions by phone or can come to you. I am an expert on distance healing. Call for free 30-minute consultation, 818/842-5244 (please do not call after 8:30 pm), email lightworkerjoseph@gmail.com, or visit www.lightworkerjoseph.com. MEDICAL INTUITIVE CONSULTATIONS with Dr.
805.736.6528 www.SunburstOnline.org Liliana Cerepnalkoski. Dr. Liliana is a medical intuitive, energy healer and lecturer. A gifted clairvoyant and physician-scientist with a diverse background of study in general medicine, cancer and AIDS research, intuition, spirituality and metaphysics, she easily bridges the realms of Science and Spirit. Office and phone consultations: 310/772-8270, www.DrLiliana.com. AFFORDABLE BIOCOMPATIBLE & COSMETIC DENTISTRY by Mike M. Sagarian, DDS. Open Saturdays, most insurances accepted, affordable payment plans. A mercury-free facility. Tooth decay and gum disease prevention, nonsurgical gum treatment, oral cancer screening, and safe mercury filling removal. Flintridge New Image Dental Group, 1035 Foothill Blvd., La Canada Flintridge 91011, 818/952-6000, www.FlintridgeDental.com. ENERGY HEALING WITH ANNIE. I work with energy bodies (auras), chakras and meridians to help balance the energetic flow of an individual. I use my intuition, spiritual wisdom, and healing knowledge under the guidance of my healing guides. Healing is wonderful for everyone. Email annieenergyhealing@live.com to schedule an appt. www.annieenergyhealing.com. BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental and whole body health, and utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity and body. Digital x-rays, removal of mercury fillings, and Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. Free Invisalign consultation. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/716-6722, www.PearlZadehDDS.com. OMNASZTRA: Powerful and transformative healings, addressing blockages, issues, and the alignment of energy on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels. Also: Spiritual counseling,
44 guidance, house blessings. 818/503-5896 (24hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. DO YOU PASS THE SKIN-FITNESS TEST? Learn the secrets of healthy, vital skin the holistic way, free report, call the Vital Image, 310/823-1996, or write 439 Talbert St, Playa del Rey 90293. HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK WORKSHOP, preregister for this July 23 workshop. As created by Stanislav Grof, MD, one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychology. Venice area near the beach, 8:45 am-9 pm. $150. (Work-study positions available to reduce cost if you are interested.) Email: michael@holotropicbreathworkla. com or call 310/477-4747 for more details, to register, or to be put on the mailing list for future Holotropic Breathwork workshops. EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR NATURAL HEALTH in Newport Beach, a warm, supportive atmosphere in a beautiful setting. Over stressed? Not sleeping? Interested in Natural Weight Loss? Ask about our gentle detox Summer Special. Call 949/335-5812 or visit us at www.DoctorLarisa.com. COLON HYDROTHERAPY is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine. We offer supplements and nutritional programs tailored to your particular needs as well as gentle, professional colon irrigations. Call for brochure and appointment, Nora Sierra, CCH, CNHP, Healthy Options, 310/202-1682. 4232 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230. Credit cards accepted. Se habla espanol. MERCURY-FREE DENTISTRY at Flintridge New Image Dental Group. Offering porcelain or composite crowns, filling & restoration (with no metals), digital low-radiation x-rays, and all-natural biocompatible cosmetic dentistry. Mike M. Sagarian, DDS, Flintridge New Image Dental Group, 1035 Foothill Blvd., La Canada Flintridge 91011, 818/952-6000, www.FlintridgeDental. com. DENTAL ALTERNATIVES, offering Laser Diagnosis, a breakthrough in diagnosing cavities. Detect cavities at an early stage so you can treat teeth conservatively. Mercury-free fillings, all porcelain crowns available. Arthur B. Schlachtman, DDS, 8635 W 3rd St #250, LA 90048, 310/659-0522. HEALING SESSIONS WITH OMNASZTRA. Powerful and transformative healings, addressing blockages, issues, and the alignment of energy on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels. Also: Spiritual counseling, guidance, house blessings. 818/503-5896 (24-hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra. com.
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FREE CONSULTATION & EXAM AVAILABLE at office of Dr. Drew Hall, at Upper Cervical Health Centers of America. As an Upper Cervical doctor he specializes in finding out why your body is not working and then fixes it, understanding that the human body is designed to heal itself. 550 E. Carson Plaza Dr., Suite 122, Carson, 310/3246172; and 3600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 932, LA, 213/494-7441. www.drdrewhall.com.
Intuitive Arts NAVIGATING THE SOUL’S JOURNEY, Medical Intuitive Consultations with Dr. Liliana Cerepnalkoski. Dr. Liliana is a medical intuitive, energy healer and lecturer. A gifted clairvoyant and physician-scientist with a diverse background of study in general medicine, cancer and AIDS research, intuition, spirituality and metaphysics, she easily bridges the realms of Science and Spirit. Office and phone consultations: 310/7728270, www.DrLiliana.com. PSYCHIC GUIDE, SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT & LIFE COACH, advice and guidance on all matters. Specializing in spiritual cleansing and puri-
fication, removing all unnatural and negative energy. Angelica has the ability to call out names, dates and places surrounding your life without asking you a single question. Tarot readings also available. Angelica, 818/402-2750. JULY/AUGUST WEEKLY CHANNELING CLASSES with Shawn Randall and Torah. 10 weeks. For personal growth and learning to channel. July class forming now. 818/888-2020, www.shawnrandall.com. AKASHIC RECORDS LIFE & SOUL COACHING with Barbara Schiffman. Tune into the wisdom of your own Soul’s Akashic Records for guidance, healing, creativity, conscious evolution. Private phone or in-person sessions; also Akashic Access workshops and Practitioner trainings. Call Barbara at 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul. com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA. OMNASZTRA: Powerful and transformative healings, addressing blockages, issues, and the alignment of energy on the spiritual, emotional and physical levels. Also: Spiritual counseling, guidance, house blessings. 818/503-5896 (24hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. SHAMANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY. Travel beyond ordinary states of consciousness to access inner worlds of soul and psyche. Get results where mainstream talk therapy fails. Randy Coleman, 323/254-0601. PSYCHIC ANGEL, love readings and effective love spells by Angelica. 98% accurate, past, present and future. Take my services seriously… love is not a game. Angelica, 818/402-2750. THE ANGEL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (ACP), taught by Charles Virtue, son of Dr. Doreen Virtue, and Tina Marie Daly, July 22-24, at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. Angel Training Program based on Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner® class. Learn how to see, hear, feel and understand angel messages for yourself or clients. Gain confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer and psychic. Info and registration: www.charlesvirtue.com. Cost: $644. PSYCHIC ANNIE – Gifted psychic reader, energetic healing. Discrete, confidential telephone readings and spiritual journeying. Transform your energy to its most positive direction. 1-323466-3684, www.MyHeartIsADrum.com. INTERNATIONAL CELEBRITY PSYCHIC ROBIN ZODIAC is available daily for a live telephone psychic reading for $3/minute special by mentioning this ad. Credit cards accepted over the phone. Email RobinZodiac@yahoo.com or call 877/963-4220, ext. 701 to schedule an appt. today. www.CallPsychic.com. I CAN HELP YOU FIND OR RECOVER YOUR SOUL MATE OR LOVER. I offer love readings and effective love spells. My powers allow me to see things that most people cannot. Contact me now and you and I will find a fitting solution. Angelica, 818/402-2750. 98% accurate, past, present, future. MEDICAL INTUITIVE CONSULTATIONS with Dr. Liliana Cerepnalkoski. Dr. Liliana is a medical intuitive, energy healer and lecturer. A gifted clairvoyant and physician-scientist with a diverse background of study in general medicine, cancer and AIDS research, intuition, spirituality and metaphysics, she easily bridges the realms of Science and Spirit. Office and phone consultations: 310/772-8270, www.DrLiliana.com. ENERGY HEALING WITH ANNIE. I work with energy bodies (auras), chakras and meridians to help balance the energetic flow of an individual. I use my intuition, spiritual wisdom, and healing knowledge under the guidance of my healing guides. Healing is wonderful for everyone. Email annieenergyhealing@live.com to schedule an appt. www.annieenergyhealing.com.
Meditation / Spirituality AWAKEN THE LIGHT WITHIN, July 28-31. Learn Kriya Yoga Meditation, discover a pathway to your own direct experience of the Divine. Explore conscious practices to ground your inner experience into daily life. Energize your spiritual journey in a gathering of like-minded souls as you refresh yourself in abundant natural beauty. Sunburst Sanctuary, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. THERE IS MORE… Yogi Shivraj will guide you on your spiritual path until you are ready to merge with the Infinite. Guided meditation, Pranayama, Sacred Mantra Initiation, Connection with Higher Self. Sincere Seekers only. Ph. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. FALUN DAFA, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient Chinese self-cultivation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Great for improvement of health and mental well-being. For info visit www.falundafa.org, http://falun.caltech.edu/. MESSAGES FOR THE WORLD Transmitted Through Sacred Sound, concert and retreat at the Integraton in Landers, CA, to be held July 1617. Experience beautiful, encoded vibrational messages for physical, emotional and spiritual transformation, channeled and transmitted through vocal tones and harmonies. 4 pm Saturday through 11 am Sunday, $95/person. Integrated Arts of Sound and Body, 526 Route 66, Glendora, CA 91711. Info and registration: 909/967-0246, www.soundbodyarts.com. THE ANGEL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (ACP), taught by Charles Virtue, son of Dr. Doreen Virtue, and Tina Marie Daly, July 22-24, at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. Angel Training Program based on Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner® class. Learn how to see, hear, feel and understand angel messages for yourself or clients. Gain confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer and psychic. Info and registration: www.charlesvirtue.com. Cost: $644. PSYCHIC ANNIE – Gifted psychic reader, energetic healing. Discrete, confidential telephone readings and spiritual journeying. Transform your energy to its most positive direction. 1-323466-3684, www.MyHeartIsADrum.com. GODDESS TAUHEEDAH’S ENERGY MAINTENANCE FOR WELL-BEING. The state of your energy field determines your health and wellbeing. Goddess Tauheedah’s energy work clears, aligns and rebalances your electro-magnetic energy to bring you openness, self-healing and security. Appt includes auric reading, auric cleansing, release of blocks, chakra rebalancing and more. $50/half hour. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Book appt at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. REVELATIONS YOGA VEDANTA BOOKS & MORE, Wellness & Education Center. Offering spiritual books, music, yoga, yoga therapy, Reiki sessions and attunements, meditation and more. 3580 Santa Anita Ave., Suite C, El Monte 91731. 626/442-9642, yogam.vedanta@gmail.com, www.revelationsyoga.com. LOOK FOR A BRIGHT STAR, VISIBLE NIGHT & DAY AROUND THE WORLD. It heralds the World Teacher Maitreya’s recently inaugurated public work. Info: www.Share-International.org, 888/242-8272. PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH SWAMI PREMODAYA. Life-changing, one-on-one opportunity with a living Bodhisattva. You will never be the same. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www. theBODHIcenter.net. TRANSMISSION MEDITATION FOR WORLD SERVICE & PERSONAL GROWTH. Transmitted energies serve humanity and the lower king-
doms. Groups meet weekly Sunday-Friday in Bakersfield, Culver City, Huntington Beach, Montclair, Newport Beach, San Diego, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Santa Paula, Van Nuys, Ventura and West LA. Free. Info: 818/785-6300, www.transmissionmeditation.org.
Other AUDIO STUDIO SERVICES. Professional audio and music projects in a competent, clean, energetic facility. Spoken Word, Audio Programs, Sound for Media, Music, Ambiences, Sound Therapies. Legacy format recovery and restoration: records, wire, tape, etc. Latest hardware and software, over 30 years professional experience. 16 and 35MM film/sound transfer to digital formats with editing and remixing available. Sound in Service to Light, 888/887-0994, www. malibumoviemusic.com. PRACTITIONER ROOM AVAILABLE. Beautiful, upscale sacred space at the prestigious Newport Beach European Institute for Natural Health. Ideal for Reiki, energy healers or other uses. Only $30 for a full day. Call 949/335-5812 or visit us at www.DoctorLarisa.com. THE ANGEL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (ACP), taught by Charles Virtue, son of Dr. Doreen Virtue, and Tina Marie Daly, July 22-24, at the Beverly Garland Holiday Inn. Angel Training Program based on Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Practitioner® class. Learn how to see, hear, feel and understand angel messages for yourself or clients. Gain confidence in yourself as a spiritual teacher, healer and psychic. Info and registration: www.charlesvirtue.com. Cost: $644. MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND MAKE 6 FIGURES. On average, coaches earn $200/hour. With the right coaching and marketing skills, you can, too! Learn how to help yourself, help others, make 6 figures and make a difference. Visit www.PowerofHappinessEvents.com. Get your free CD online. AFRIQUE TRUCE SESSIONS. Enchanted Science, Fantanymph: Treasures, Adventures, Calling, Super Prayer for Talent & Health, Fatal Dream Biases. Available daily. Donation: oracles, omens, amulets. Elect Master, 2803 W. Arlington #414, Orlando, FL 32805-1107. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Reiki Practitioners, massage therapists, reflexologists wanted to work with terminally ill patients and their families. Volunteers receive training, continuing education within hospice and the support of the hospice staff. For info contact Care Alternatives, 800/675-0232. MAPLE STREET WEDDING CHAPEL. If you would like to infuse meaning and spirituality into your ceremony and do not have a home church, the Maple Street Wedding Chapel can provide that experience, no matter how much or how little you wish to spend. 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica. 310/577-0000 or visit www.unitywestchurch.org.
Products TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit. For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 323/436-5238, www.objetsdartandspirit.com.
Professional Services FENG SHUI. Barbara Pierce-Stalzer, Feng Shui Consultant, Reiki Master, Space Clearing, Residential and Business Consultations. Barbara has had a Feng Shui practice since 1997. While studying at the Forbidden City, Summer Place, and other ancient sites in China, she joined Master Raymond Lo for an on-site study of Hong
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Live Free Livepain Your Life Pain Free
Kong. She is a student of Master Larry Sang, Master Gahle Atherton, Master Raymond Lo, Master Yap, Joey Yap and Eric Dowsett. She teaches Feng Shui at 3 colleges. 818/800-2208. AFFORDABLE BIOCOMPATIBLE & COSMETIC DENTISTRY by Mike M. Sagarian, DDS. Offering safe mercury removal services. Tooth decay and gum disease prevention, porcelain or composite crowns (no metals), non-surgical gum treatment, oral cancer screening. Open Saturdays, most insurances accepted, affordable payment plans. Flintridge New Image Dental Group, 1035 Foothill Blvd., La Canada Flintridge 91011, 818/9526000, www.FlintridgeDental.com. EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR NATURAL HEALTH in Newport Beach, a warm, supportive atmosphere in a beautiful setting. Over stressed? Not sleeping? Interested in Natural Weight Loss? Ask about our gentle detox Summer Special. Call 949/335-5812 or visit us at www.DoctorLarisa.com. AUDIO STUDIO SERVICES. Professional audio and music projects in a competent, clean, energetic facility. Spoken Word, Audio Programs, Sound for Media, Music, Ambiences, Sound Therapies. Legacy format recovery and restoration: records, wire, tape, etc. Latest hardware and software, over 30 years professional experience. 16 and 35MM film/sound transfer to digital formats with editing and remixing available. Sound in Service to Light, 888/887-0994, www. malibumoviemusic.com.
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EMDR: EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION AND REPROCESSING is an innovative clinical treatment that has helped individuals who have survived trauma, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, combat, crime, and phobias. EMDR unlocks negative memories and emotions stored in the nervous system and helps the brain successfully process the experience. Shoshana Levine, Certified Hypnotherapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is certified in EMDR. 310/9987253, www.bestheartcenteredtherapy.com. BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental and whole body health, and utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity and body. Digital x-rays, removal of mercury fillings, and Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. Free Invisalign consultation. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/716-6722, www.PearlZadehDDS.com. HEART CENTERED HYPNOTHERAPY with Shoshana Levine, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certificate in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. Heart Centered Hypnotherapy helps tap into our subconscious mind and purge the body of old pain, anger, sadness, grief or any negative feelings you may be holding onto. Visit www.bestheartcenteredtherapy.com. 310/998-7253.
Special Offers
“I will build you a raised bed garden so you can grow your own vegetables.” PATRICK WALL
Call or email today for a free estimate
PRACTITIONER ROOM AVAILABLE. Beautiful, upscale sacred space at the prestigious Newport Beach European Institute for Natural Health. Ideal for Reiki, energy healers or other uses. Only $30 for a full day. Call 949/335-5812 or visit us at www.DoctorLarisa.com. SPECIAL: INVISALIGN CLEAR BRACES $1200 off, with free consultation. A nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Mike M. Sagarian, DDS, Flintridge New Image Dental Group, 1035 Foothill Blvd., La Canada Flintridge 91011, 818/9526000, www.FlintridgeDental.com. DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE until you read our free report about an Amazing Skin Care Breakthrough for men, women and all skin types. The Vital Image, 439 Talbert St., Playa Del Rey 90293.
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Flintridge New Image Dental Group a MERCURY-FREE facility • Digital low-radiation x-rays • Safe silver (mercury) filling removal under rubber dam & HEPA filter • Porcelain or composite crowns, filling & restoration (no metals) • Invisalign – Clear braces, a nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth • All natural biocompatible cosmetic dentistry • Tooth decay and gum disease prevention • Non-surgical gum treatment • Oral cancer screening
AFFORDABLE BIOCOMPATIBLE & COSMETIC DENTISTRY OPEN SATURDAYS Most Insurances Accepted Care Credit • Affordable Payment Plans VISA / MasterCard / American Express / Discover
Mike M. Sagarian, D.D.S.
1035 Foothill Blvd. La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011
48 800/414-4624 or visit www.thevitalimage.com. Report is free to Whole Person readers.
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Set in the Spiritual Vortex of Ojai, California, Soul Centered is more than a bookstore, it is an invitation to explore…
Browse through an extensive Crystal selection–many unique and rare specimens. Local metaphysical artists, some well known, some waiting to be.
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For Class/Event/Workshop schedule, please go to www.soulcentered.com Come experience our 1,018 square feet Geodesic Dome for a class or special event.
15% OFF TREATMENTS on your first visit to Angel City Healing, a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Offering Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. Visit www. angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687. FREE CONSULTATION & EXAM AVAILABLE at office of Dr. Drew Hall, at Upper Cervical Health Centers of America. As an Upper Cervical doctor he specializes in finding out why your body is not working and then fixes it, understanding that the human body is designed to heal itself. 550 E. Carson Plaza Dr., Suite 122, Carson, 310/3246172; and 3600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 932, LA, 213/494-7441. www.drdrewhall.com. COMPLIMENTARY DIGITAL X-RAYS available with comprehensive examination by Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. Services available include Invisalign, a metal-free alternative to traditional braces, digital x-rays, safe replacement of mercury toxic fillings with bio-compatible materials. We offer Care Credit, an affordable payment program. Call 818/716-6722. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, www. PearlZadehDDS.com.
311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai • www.soulcentered.com • 805.640.8222
EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR NATURAL HEALTH in Newport Beach, a warm, supportive atmosphere in a beautiful setting. Over stressed? Not sleeping? Interested in Natural Weight Loss? Ask about our gentle detox Summer Special. Call 949/335-5812 or visit us at www.DoctorLarisa.com.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 25% OFF ALL SERVICES & PRODUCTS on your birthday at Angel City Healing, a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Offering Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. Visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687.
��������������������������� �������������������������� Exclusively at The Imagine Center “I have been to many energe�c healers over the years. Tauheedah is the clearest channel for divine energy that I have had the privilege to encounter. I thank her for the guidance, wisdom and energy she shares; and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking energe�c help.” –Sa�sfied Client, 2011 Goddess Tauheedah’s energy work supports you in clearing, aligning and rebalancing your electro-magne�c energy field to bring openness, self-healing and release of blocks and a�achments. $50/ half-hour. Call 818.345.1100 or book online at www.theimaginecenter.com.
18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana, CA 91356
Travel / Retreats EXPERIENCE INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY. Experience life at Sunburst’s intentional community. Participate in projects, group meditations, and enriching classes in spiritual practice and conscious living. July 18-31 (also Sept. 2-16). Sunburst Sanctuary, 805/736-6528, www. SunburstOnline.org. MESSAGES FOR THE WORLD Transmitted Through Sacred Sound, concert and retreat at the Integraton in Landers, CA, to be held July 1617. Experience beautiful, encoded vibrational messages for physical, emotional and spiritual transformation, channeled and transmitted through vocal tones and harmonies. $95/person. Integrated Arts of Sound and Body, 526 Route 66, Glendora, CA 91711. 909/967-0246, www.soundbodyarts.com. ANNUAL SUMMER RETREAT, July 1-4, 2011. Give yourself the gift of retreat, at Shree Swami Premodaya Ashram. High in the Malibu hills, with stunning ocean views, quiet and peaceful surroundings, yet charged with powerful spiritual energy you can fee. The Bodhi Center, 310/4971899, www.theBODHIcenter.net.
www.theimaginecenter.com for online sales & registra�ons
FIJI ADVENTURE TOUR, Dec. 24-31, 2011. A once-in-a-lifetime experience that will profoundly change you, open your heart, and immerse you in a magical new cultural reality. Full package/all inclusive 8-day tour: airfare, transfers, ground transportation, lodging and meals. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net.