JULY 2013
to excavate, elevate, illuminate
Dr. Eric Scott Pearl Recon necti ng Hu m a n it y
Healing Your Soul’s DNA Soul Mates & Twin Flames What’s Love Got to Do With It? (Everything!)
Southern California
Learn to Live From the Heart
Are you empowered to live the life you’ve always wanted to live? Here’s your invitation to meet the friends you wish you’d grown up with at the
ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH with over fifty years of community enrichment, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are.
lap your hands! Life is good! If this statement does not feel right to you….read on. Imagination is the birthmother of hell or heaven. Imagination is an activity of mind that has the power to form reality after reality. If you allow your mind to roam through the darkness of negativity, then hell is your reality. If you allow yourself to imagine happiness, health, abundance, then heaven is not only possible, it is inevitable. In the midst of the world, there is plenty of room for you to create your world of comfort, happiness and peace. Life is good if you see the good! There is a new wind moving, do you feel it? Rev. Margie Ann Taylor-Black., D.D.
WEEKLY SUNDAY SERVICE 9:15 AM Course in Miracles Discussion 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School Great Music!
THURSDAY WEEKLY CLASSES 10 AM: Wishes Fulfilled (Dyer) 11 AM: Your Faith Is Your Fortune (Neville) (Except July 18th )
Saturday, JULY 13th -10 am edgar cayce discussion group Saturday, JULY 27th -10 am DVD - Andrew collins Crop Circles - Signs of Transformation
Encino Community Church Sunday Services, Classes & Events are held at: 7769 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Canoga Park (818) 712-9400
e-mail HYPERLINK “mailto:enccom@sbcglobal.net” enccom@sbcglobal.net Visit our Website-Encino Community Church.org
See calendar listings herein or call the ECC office for more information on services, classes and workshops
The WHOLE PERSON Magazine is devoted to supporting activities and events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles and spiritual/emotional well-being. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness.
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Event Listings are 30 words or less for $20, $1/word thereafter. Please submit one listing for each event (typewritten copy preferred). EACH LISTING must include an
address and/or telephone number and may be mailed in or emailed in to our respective addresses below. CLOSING DATE is the 15th of the month prior to the cover date of the issue in which the listing is to appear. As this is a monthly publication, the cover date is the first of each month.
In This Issue: Dr. Eric Scott Pearl - Reconnecting Humanity by Tony Camacho..............6 Three Steps to Enlightment by David Spetner................................................16 The Spirits’ Declaration of Interdepedence byMediumHollisterRand................20 Transcending Normality, Embracing Diversity by Denise Maratos, Ed.M...........25 Healing Your Soul’s DNA by Steve Robertson.....................................................28
Crop Circles and Co-Creation: What’s Love Got to Do With It? by Shawn Randall....... 32 Foods, Moods & Diet Theories by Dianne Rini....................................34
Soul Mates & Twin Flames by Cherie Kalisher.............................................36
Astrological Psychology by Swaha Ron........................................................40
Calendar Event Listings Future Events............................................5 July Events................................................5 Ongoing Events.......................................19 Everyday Opportunities...........................24 Arts & Entertainment Bodywork/Massage Books/Music/Media Counseling/Life Coaching Education/Training Gift Shops/Bookstores Health & Wellness Help Wanted
Team Whole Person
Executive Editor & Publisher - Tony Camacho Administrative Manager - Heidi Wilkinson Art Direction & Production - Elissa Sturgess Transcriber - Karen Heins Cover Photographer - Elena Parsons Contributing Writers - David Spetner, Hollister Rand, Denise Maratos, Ed.M, Steve Robertson, Shawn Randall, Dianne Rini, Cherie Kalisher, Tony Camacho, and Swaha Ron Web Editing - Mark Wilkinson Distribution - LA Area: News To Go® www.NewsToGo.net 310-838-6397 Outside LA: Eve Kirchman Display Advertising/Listings - 800-962-0338 moreinfo@wholepersonmagazine.org Sales - Marie Towler The trademark THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed.
Intuitive Arts
Meditation/Spirituality Other Personal Growth Products Professional Services Share a Story Special Offers Travel/Retreats Volunteer Opportunities
From Our Readers Dear Whole Person Magazine,
In reference to “The Fat Blunder” article in the April 2013 issue: “The Eskimos mostly ate their meat raw. It is the cooking at high temperatures that makes meat bad for you (scientific explanation at www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/cooked-meats). High temperature is defined as 300 F, so cooking in a slow cooker or stew below that is okay. The book “The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability” by Lierre Keith is an eye opening discussion on meats and fats and how they effect health of the human and the planet.” --Frank W. “I have found your publication inspiring. Thank you for bringing it into the world. --Raja Michelle of www.greentreeyogameditation.org
We welcome your Letters to the Editor or other feedback and suggestions when submitted before the 18th of the current month for the following month’s issue. Please send to: editor.wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com
Articles We accept article submissions as well as proposals on a no prior authorization required basis and there is no guarantee of their publication. Articles must be under 900 words and in Microsoft Word, sent to editor.wholepersonmagazine@gmail.com. Content topics include: transformation, empowerment, holistic health, awareness raising, green, redemption, and stories on local heroes–how you came across them and how they impacted you. August 2013 Theme: The Fruits of Empowerment
Learn to heal yourself and others with our comprehensive series and individual classes. Introduction to Clairvoyance Animal Communication Emotional Balance Healing with Crystals & Stones www.clearsightaura.com
– PRE-REGISTRATION – - FUTURE EVENTS – UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MONICA’S LOYALTY TO YOUR SOUL®: THE HEART OF SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY WORKSHOP 1, August 2-4. The Foundational Experience in this empowering Workshop will demonstrate why Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick say, “Unresolved issues aren’t in the way, they are the way, to a transformed consciousness and a transformed life!” Tuition: $395 earlybird, $475 thereafter. 2107 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA. RSVP to 310/829-7402. www.UniversityofSantaMonica.edu CROP CIRCLE TOUR IN ENGLAND August 3-10. Crop Circles/Stonehenge/Avebury/Glastonbury. Magical Mystery Tour with Shawn, Torah & Friends. Stay at B&B in the crop circle countryside. Your tour guide, Shawn Randall, takes you into the miraculous crop circle formations. By being deep within your own experiences of the crop circles & sacred sites as a mythic personal journey you’ll find rich meaning & transformation. Let their Magic touch you! 818/888-2020. Tour Intro Video @ www. shawnrandall.com MAUI SPIRITUAL SINGLES SUMMIT Nov 15-17th. Connect with conscious singles in a luscious, fun, safe environment as you come to know the secrets of Divine Partnership. Location: Private North Shore Estate TBA w/registration. $444 Earlybird Pricing until Aug 30 (incl. bonus gift cert to Lotus Hearts Gifts), $497 thereafter. Contact: Judy Levy 808/269-7762. www. MauiSummit.com FROM THE GARDEN OF EDEN & VANISHED CIVILIZATIONS TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS WITH MICHAEL TELLINGER Wed Aug 14th 6:30-9:30PM. South African Author, Researcher, Explorer, Scientist, Stone Circle Aficionado presents this 2013 US Tour event on how to connect the origins of our species to the confusing world we live in today. www.michaeltellinger.com ; Louise@zuluplanet.com ; The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West
LA 90064. Free Parking. www.meetup. com/TheGATEWAYPortal/ events/125254822 CHANNELING SESSION WITH JOSEPH, A KIND, LOVING & HEALING TEACHER CHANNELED BY TOM BOLDUC Thurs Aug 15, 7:30-9:30PM. Inspiring, transformational & informative. Quotes from his students: “Leads you to & through the passage to who you really are.” “All his wisdom offered with a sense of humor - a joyful way to go within.” “He enlightens & informs without judgment, transmitting total acceptance & love.” By donation. 310/4738104. The GATEWAY 2507 Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.meetup.com/TheGATEWAYPortal/ events/125126282 5TH ANNUAL INTERFAITH WORLD PEACE PILGRIMAGE Sunday Sept 1. All faiths uniting as we walk, sing & pray together on this pilgrimage for World Peace upon Mount Baldy, CA, a sacred mountain. Free event other than the cost of the ski-lift for a portion of the ascent. www. worldpeacepilgrimage.com FIND BALANCE. FIND MEANING. FIND YOU. A fall Yoga Retreat with Vikki Taylor Oct 5-12. Wake to the serenity of the sea, meditate under moonlight, unplug from daily life & allow the rhythms of your body harmonize with those of nature. Yoga, organic gourmet dining, spa, lush grounds… Earlybird discount until Aug 5th. Present Moment Retreat Center on private Troncones Beach Mexico. www.healyourlifeyoga. com/retreat.html
– CALENDAR LISTINGS – MONDAY, JULY 1 T’AI CHI BY THE SEA at sunset next to the ocean! Annual Monday evening summer class taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. 6:308PM for intermediate & advanced level students of Yang style T’ai Chi Ch’uan. Class meets July 1, 8, 15, 29 (no class July 22). Location: Burton Chase Park in Marina Del Rey. Call for Info & fee: 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi.com
Flower Essence Healing Tarot: Major & Minor Arcana The Power to Succeed Create Your Prosperous Life Now (310) 395-1170
MAN UP, A WEEKLY MONDAY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30-9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man & better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. $20. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
TUESDAY, JULY 2 FEEL THE QI MEDICAL QIGONG WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH DEBBIE NAGATA, MQP 5-6:15PM. Join in at anytime. Medical Qigong combines gentle movement w/ natural breathing to correct Qi imbalances, & strengthen & increase the flow of Qi (energy) in your body, meridians & organs to help increase vitality & promote healing & peace. $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar) ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP GARO DORIAN 7:309:30PM. You may join us at any time. This is an experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts with a half hour guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 FESTIVAL & CONCERT 11AM-5PM, Concert 3PM. Enjoy mouth-watering BBQ, guided tours, & an inspirational classical concert. BBQ $10. MSIA’s Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens: 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018. 323/737-4055. www.peacelabyrinth.org “COMMUNICATING LIVING LOVE” WORKSHOP 7-9PM. Free of charge, donations welcome. Learn simple tools on how to communicate the spiritual quality
Dr. Eric Scott Pearl
Reconnecting Humanity
A glimpse into Dr. Pearl and an introduction to his new book (ten years since his previous), “Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life”, co-authored with Frederick Ponzlov. Dr. Pearl shares about the new information he has received as channeled by Mr. Ponzlov and how Reconnective Healing is expanding. Interviewed by Tony Camacho WP: Eric, your youth, will you share a bit with us about what was it like? EP: I was smaller. WP: [Laughs] Indeed. EP: God, I was trouble. WP: How so? EP: I wanted to do what I wanted to, and I did what I wanted to do.
WP: That must have been very traumatizing. EP: Yes, I remember, I was not happy and my mother said to me, “Well you said you wanted a little brother and a sister.” I remember until this day putting my hands on my hips and looking way up high at her because I was two and a half and I said, “I want a little brother or a sister. Take one back!” But she would not do it.
WP: Maybe two handfuls. EP: [Laughs] Yes, two handfuls and a spoon full of sugar.
WP: No. That is a cute story. May we jump to schooling, was that back East? EP: I grew up in mostly Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I went to schools there and when I graduated I wanted to go to school in California. We had a big loud argument about it. My mother did not want me outside of her control. But my grandfather had moved to Florida, so she let me go to school to Florida; big mistake. In Florida my grandfather told me that if I wanted to go to school in Israel for a year he would send me there. So I went to Israel which is much farther away than California. I got there not expecting anything, and that year turned out to be the most beautiful and exciting of my life.
WP: And family life, mom, dad? Were they the primary caregivers? EP: Yes I grew up with my parents. When I was two and a half my mother was pregnant again and gave birth to twins. When delivered, she brought one home and one had to stay in an incubator for about two weeks because she was a little smaller. So one was home and two weeks later another one came home and suddenly I felt that I wasn’t getting ALL of the attention that I was used to.
WP: Very nice. Whereabouts in Israel? EP: I was in Jerusalem, one year there, then I came back and I finished my third and fourth year of college here in the U.S. Then I came to California. I had no idea what I wanted to do. In not knowing what I wanted to be, I ended up being introduced to a chiropractor who explained its concept which is that when the brain and nervous system are not communicating properly with the body, those areas of the body function at less than 100%…there-
WP: Did you grow up on the East Coast or out this way? EP: New Jersey, South Jersey, and I was just a, just…. WP: …a handful! EP: To put it nicely, a handful.
fore people become sick or “dis-eased”; and when you remove the interference from the spine so that the brain and nervous system flows normally with the rest of the body, they become well again. So I said that makes so much sense, I think I will do that. I practiced as a Doctor of Chiropractic here for twelve years and then the healings had begun. WP: Let’s expand on this. I remember reading your earlier book “The Reconnection” in which you shared that you had your practice, and suddenly there you were in your office and magical things started happening. I’d like to come to that point because it was a revelatory place. People were saying it felt like you were working on them but you weren’t in the room, those kinds of experiences. EP: Yes, it all pretty much happened at once. I was upstairs here at my house. I was awakened in the middle of the night by a very bright light and I opened my eyes to see what it was. The lamp next to my bed decided to turn itself on. I figured it was electrical. But I felt as if I were being watched. I told myself that it was my imagination. One day when I went into my office, seven of my patients independently of one another, started telling me that they were feeling people in the room with them. That they were being watched and could feel multiple sets of hands simultaneously. Their eyes would dart back and forth; they were seeing colors, smelling flowers. That’s when I started reporting healings. People in wheel chairs, poor vision, people with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, could walk run and play, speak normally, not have seizures anymore not needing medications. A wonderful thing about Reconnective
Healing, is there are no adverse side effects. People started asking me to teach this. People in their families started having real dramatic healings from that also. So I decided I would agree to teach this. But I had discovered something prior to that which is what led to the book “Solomon Speaks”, and that part I was not really telling a whole lot of people. WP: Prior to that, had you considered yourself a spiritual man? EP: Not particularly. I like to go out and have a few too many drinks and tell some off color jokes. I was not planning on giving up my worldly goods, walking around in a loin cloth with a staff by my side and… no thank you! WP: So you had this experience, now people were healing…and then you decide to embark upon a strategy to begin teaching it. EP: Well, I was trying to figure out why it happened to me. I would not have picked me, except maybe for the fact that I discovered that I have an ability to talk about it. I was able to talk to the people on the beach wearing earrings and turbines around their heads, and I was able to put on a nice jacket and a tie, pull my hair back in a ponytail and talk to doctors and researchers. People can look at me and see their shortcomings and say, “If he could do it, I could do it.” WP: I always think that those individuals, who have these experiences, have the ability to look back over your shoulder and in the wake of whatever carnage might be there, use the enormous amount of wisdom from it all to bring to into your process then a wonderful gift that you get to share. This brings me to something you shared earlier that I would like you to touch on. The idea that there was some information that you came upon that you had not fully come forth in sharing before recently. EP:Yes. I have had this patient Fred Ponzlov who had gone out of town. Now somewhere during the time when he was out of town, the healings had begun. And I held my hands sort of near him to feel the healing frequencies that I started feeling. He did not know anything about them. His head jerked, his eyes rolled back up into his skull, his mouth open, arms were out to the side started moving just a little bit, started swaying. His tongue was moving in a way that was clearly forming vowels‒speaking except that I could not really hear him besides an air sound that escaped
through his mouth. Well I watched, and I played with that for a while. I was able to get the air sounding louder and softer, it was kind of fun.
You have been placed here to become a healer, not to master a healing technique, but to master healing yourself.
WP: [Laughs] You could turn up the volume as you chose. EP: Yes, but I could not hear the words. I realized that the other patients were waiting for me so I had to stop. So I said, “Fred, I think we are finished now.” He opened his eyes; I didn’t know what to say. WP: So you thought you were done, and next patient… EP: When he came in next, same thing happened. This time the air condensed itself into a voice. The voice said, “We are here to tell you to continue doing what you are doing. What you were doing is bringing light and information onto the planet.” Fred jumped up off the table, stood with his arms out and his back against the wall blocking the wall from me because he thought I was going to call the mental hospital. He explained this voice has been trying to come through him since he was young. So I thought alright. Three days later three other patients came in, eyes jerked, heads rolled, mouths opened, tongues moved, air came out. I knew that on their next visit they would speak also, and they did. WP: Did you interpret that as these individuals were channeling? EP: I don’t know whether I would have known that term. It was clear that the voice that was coming through them was not theirs. Because the three other voices said the same first two phrases that Fred said, “We are here to tell you to continue doing what you were doing. What you were doing is bringing light and information onto the planet.” Then two of them added, “What you were doing is reconnecting strands.” One of them added, “What you are doing is reconnecting strings.” Then Fred came back a few days later and confessed about some automatic handwriting. I asked what it wrote. He shared that they said “Do not underestimate the powers of Dr. Eric Scott Pearl. What he is doing is reconnecting strings.” Two of the patients said strands and one said strings. I knew already that strands had to mean DNA so I thought it was a mistake. So I asked Fred if he was sure it said strings. He said “I think so.” Half of the people were saying strands and half of the people were saying strings. Continued on Page 9
EETHE Sound THERAPY CEnTER oF LoS AngELES EE - Tele-Classes with Wayne Perry - NEW! FREE! voice Wayne NEW! PerryFREE! is available for vibrational alignments, diagnostic 1 Hour LIVE Class -The Principles of Sound Healing Tuesday, July 9th - 5 pm PST 2 Hour LIVE TELE-WORKSHOP Healing Pain with Sound Tues, July 23rd - 5 pm PST Call, or visit website for dial-in number and access codes. You are cordially invited to a FREE Introductory sound healing presentation, including Q&A, discussion, demonstration & healing toning circle. Thursday, July 18th, 7:00 pm to 9:00pm Limited Space – must R.S.V.P. – (323) 656-6337 to hold your seat
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Entrance is in rear. 818/846-1083.
QIGONG: AWAKENING & MAINTAINING HEALING ENERGY 7:30-8:30PM. Every other Wed. All levels. Empowerment, stress reduction, build stamina, strengthen the immune system, increase flexibility coordination & sensitivity to energy, improve cardiovascular respiratory circulatory & digestive functions. Sugg Donation $10. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar)
REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, & certification through the Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310/3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net ; www. reikiacademy.org ; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
THURSDAY, JULY 4 * Happy 4th of July *
PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/ EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience transformation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/ Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310/3972405 or 310/842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
FRIDAY, JULY 5 FREE YOURSELF FROM STRESS & ANXIETY CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM-6PM. 30 Minute Free Consultation. By Appt Only. Edward’s treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles depends on what is being called for & the receptivity of the patient, so those who are needle-weary, needles are not required. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays for just $50/session hour. 424/256-9108 ; www.nikitagupta.com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ 7:30-Midnight. Hear & join in with some outstanding music: Rock, Jazz, Rap, we have it all. All ages are welcome. Free, Open Mic, light buffet. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd Burbank 91504.
Wayne’s new book now available – only $21.95!
org ; Unarius Academy of Science, 145 S. Magnolia Ave., El Cajon ; 800/475-7062.
MONDAY, JULY 8 T’AI CHI BY THE SEA at sunset next to the ocean! Annual Monday evening summer class taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. 6:308PM for intermediate & advanced level students of Yang style T’ai Chi Ch’uan. Class meets July 1, 8, 15, 29 (no class July 22). Location: Burton Chase Park in Marina Del Rey. Call for Info & fee: 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi.com MAN UP, A WEEKLY MONDAY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30-9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man & better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. $20. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
SUNDAY SERVICE WITH GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org
INSPIRATIONAL WRITING FOR MEMORY IMPROVEMENT WITH ELLE, MS. 7PM every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month. Improve & stimulate your beautiful memory with an inspirational writing workshop. Elle is a language therapist, memory therapist & writer. $15. 310/562-8309 or ellejora@ earthlink.net. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com
WHERE WILL YOU GO WHEN YOU DIE? 7-9PM. What you can expect in the afterlife. Discover how to expand your consciousness & awareness, to continually life you onto that pathway to higher dimensions, where you learn & live when you are freed of the physical body. Visit or watch the class streamed live via www.unarius.
1/2 OFF MASSAGE WEDNESDAYS WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST & REIKI MASTER. Swedish, deep tissue &/or Reiki. By Appt in advance only. Instead of usual $75, one hour session for just $37.50+gratuity. If not
.FEJUBUJPO t $PNNVOJUZ t 4FSWJDF Sunday, July 14 – Sunday, July 28, 2013 Experience living with Spirit in a supportive environment during this twoweek program. Live, meditate and serve with Sunburst community members and fellow participants amidst the peaceful beauty of nature. Learn activities that promote Earth stewardship. The transformative Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation technique will be taught at the end of the two-week session. Camping available. Pre-registration required for all events.
Upcoming Events Kriya Yoga Meditation Retreat Thursday, July 25 – Sunday, July 28, 2013 Discover the healing power of your personal relationship with the Divine. Learn the transformative Sunburst Kriya meditation, or refresh your practive by attending again. Celebrate Life Weekend Aug. 30 – Sept. 1 Relax-Renew-Recharge! De-stress and experience a joyful weekend in the healing energy of Sunburst. Enjoy yoga, meditation, group activities, home-cooked meals, and devotional music. Camping available.
805.736.6528 www.SunburstOnline.org ERIC PEARL continued from Page 7
WP: Or they were synonymous? EP:Yes, synonymous is what I was thinking, and a few years later I found out about string theory’s simultaneous planes of existence. So now I go with DNA strands simultaneous planes of existence. Again years later, I found out about some research and I was privileged enough to listen to it and meet Lynne McTaggart who wrote “The Field”. WP: A great read and awesome info! EP: I started talking and looking at the research that she had been studying and found more on the work of Doctors Karl H. Pribram and Karl S. Lashley who show us that the brain does not work the way we were taught. We recognize today that the information in our brain is diffused throughout the brain and not sequestered into little circles of described areas. And we also access that information from what science calls Zero Point Field. The field of information that we are all in, and is within us. We are in the field of information. So people who are in the field…people who are geniuses…people who are psychic… and people who are healers…it is not all that different.
WP: Rupert Sheldrake comes to mind. EP: Yes, I know Rupert. WP: He’s done a lot of work at that level in terms of connecting. Someone is sensing that someone is staring at them or communicating with your pets and so forth. It has been remarkable information. EP: So strings and strands, later on we found out through a lot of research, I think six independent studies internationally so far, have shown that Reconnective Healing actually restructures, or as I like to say, reconnects our DNA, and changes the light emissions to a higher and more coherent vibration. So here we are in a few strands. Think for instance how a computer works. So if our brains are our hardware and our DNA are our software, what we are doing, which our studies demonstrate and confirm, is the equivalent of a human software upgrade allowing for better access to the information within the brain and more comprehensive access to that multidimensional Zero Point Field. We hen interacting with the Reconnective Healing frequencies, we are facilitating for others, and receiving for ourselves at the same time, this upgrade.
WP: How would you explain this being connected to our level of awareness or our expanded consciousness? EP: Well, by becoming more aware of the field our attention goes there and since we go where our attention goes then we are becoming more multidimensional beings in the process. It eventually gives us insight into it. I talk about this at the end of the book, that this shows up in the form of physical healings because that is what we allowed ourselves to recognize. It is like the smell of Mrs. Fields cookies when you walk by, because they leave their door open and they have a fan that blows the scent of the cookies out and a white chocolate macadamia nut grabs you by the nose and pulls you in. Get inside and they have other goodies too. The physical healings are what attracted us, and they are highly valuable but they are only one tiny, tiny, tiny micro percentage of the gift of this. They were the indicators of the gift like the dashboard is the indicator that the car is working, but the dashboard is not the car driving. The real gift is that I believe that we are standing as humanity on the precipice of the next level of human evolution, and that human evolution is us reconnecting to the truth and essence, purity and beauty of Continued on Page 11
Wednesday and it’s your first massage with Karen, she offers you a $49 One Hour Intro Massage (+gratuity). $1/minute above an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_heins.html FREE INTRO TO BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing® 7-9PM (opens at 6:30PM w/a free 1/2 hr of Pranayama Yoga). DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound & powerful healing paradigm on the planet. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave & connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balance, remote view, body scan & DNA activation. CEU credits. Santa Monica. Free Intros also Aug 7th & 28th. 310/358-2991 ; info@dnathetahealing.com ; www.dnathetahealing.com A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. www. meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside
TAI CHI CHUAN class 6:30PM. Last chance to enroll in our summer quarter. Certified instructors continue the legacy of Dan Lee in Pasadena. For details go to www.academyoftaichichuan.com or call 818/939-2078.
EXPLORATION 1: DISCOVERING & NAVIGATING YOUR PATH ON THE SOUL LINE. Check out this first class free! Learn to direct your energies toward greater personal empowerment through this 5-session, 2 1/2 hour per week course offered by Soul Line Discoveries. Connect more deeply with your lovingly authentic self. See my ad on pg. 38. 310/200-6583. Visit www.soul-line.com
SOUL DANCE 7:30-9PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy fun free-style dancing, great music & spiritual moments connecting us with our Soul & Divinity, all in our mansion’s living room! Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA): 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. 323/7374055x1137. www.SoulDanceLA.com
MOKSHA FESTIVAL July 12-14th. A 3-day celebration of wellness, spiritual expansion & conscious living through: Yoga, Ayurveda, Sacred Music & Healthy Lifestyles & Food. It is a pilgrimage to your soul! Topanga Community House: 1440 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd, Topanga 90290. www. mokshafestival.com
SOULFULLY GET OUT OF FINANCIAL CRISIS INTO FINANCIAL FLOW WITH UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE (UI) 8AM4PM. This one day workshop is presented by Daniel Rechnitzer (soon heading back to Australia), author of “The ALL KNOWING Diary”. We are ALL KNOWING beings, once we access this power, nothing stands in our way. Pre-Booking required at www. allknowingdiary.com/#section-187 ; help@ accessingui.com 206/291-3979 ; The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.meetup. com/TheGATEWAYPortal/ events/125417812
BODY, MIND, SPIRIT - WHO ARE YOU? 7:30PM. “You may have been taught that the mind, spirit & life are very difficult to know about. This is the 1st principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit & life.” - L. Ron Hubbard. Come to a lecture & gain understanding of who you really are & “what is life”. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank 91504. Entrance is in rear. 818/846-1083.
EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP WITH DR. MARGIE ANN TAYLOR-BLACK 10AM. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening & educational. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org
ERIC PEARL continued from Page 9
who and what we are. Call it our Godselves , call it love, call it the intelligence of the universe. What we tend to experience may be in-between life times. We are reconnecting with that…and learning how to bring that into our lives to manifest that here and now in physical form. WP: So many terms for the God part of us or our divinity. How do you, or do you see that correlating with the Kundalini energy in you? EP: Kundalini energy is really just an indicator that you are stepping into this space. Part of the problem that I found in the beginning when I did this work is that I would go asking the experts, looking outward, to explain what it is. I would share what was going on in peoples bodies moving around, voices coming through them; and the healings are happening and all of these different things and physical responses to it and what I noticed, was that everyone tried to fit this into their own box. They could not take it out of their own box. I went to the top people in the Kabbalah, they tried to fit it into the Kabbalah box. I went to the top Yoga and Yogis, they tried to fit into that box. People that work with chakras tried to fit it into
that box. People that work with Kundalini tried to fit it into that box. The thing is this is so huge, it is so immense, that all of those boxes fit into this. So it as if each of those were little tool boxes and they all had their little tools on how to do it and they kept looking at this and trying to and to figure out how this was another tool that can fit into their little tool boxes. What they don’t realize is that all of the tool boxes fit into this. And it took me so long to understand that. I just knew that people were not getting this. WP: What led you to that understanding? EP: Witnessing without judgment. Witnessing what it was without labeling what it was or defining what it was, it began to demonstrate itself as what it was. You see the healings, and people’s chakras spin. You see the healings, the Kundalini happens. You witness the Reconnective Healing and people tend to come out of saying I don’t know where I was, I was not awake I was not asleep I was somewhere so much more real‒saw red lakes, gold lakes and purple lakes, smelled the flowers and there is just more! WP: Yes, it is an amazing process. And
has it evolved into more than what it was 10 years ago? EP: It continues to expand because more and more of it is making itself present and accessible to us. Here is a sort of analogy. I’d like to find one that does not have the limitations of this, but if you will. It is like stepping into the pool that you are filling with water and the water is up to the ankles, but it keeps filling so then it comes up to the calves then it comes up to the knees and then it comes up to the waist, chest, so by that time when people step into the pool it does not start at the ankle level for them because there is just more in the pool. So people who learned this work in the 90’s, people who learned this work in 2005 and people who will learn this work in 2015 when they get there, they are going to step in and the pool will be higher and higher and higher so the people in 2015 won’t know necessarily have to start where the people in 2002 started. WP: Would you attribute that at some level to the notion of the whole frequency of the planet being elevated and in turn as a result of that the invitation that you or I, in the general public are also being invited to move into that space. EP: Time is expanding. As time expands, Continued on Page 38
12 GUIDED LABYRINTH WALK 12-4PM. Free, donations welcome. Find peace & unwind during this walking meditation at Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018. www. peacelabyrinth.org PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/ EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience transformation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/ Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310/3972405 or 310/842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, & certification through the Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310/3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net ; www. reikiacademy.org ; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
SUNDAY, JULY 14 EXPERIENCE SUNBURST July 14-July 28. Experience living with Spirit in a supportive environment during this 2-week program. Live, meditate & serve with Sunburst community members & fellow participants amidst the peaceful beauty of nature. Learn activities that promote Earth stewardship. The transformative Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation technique will be taught at program’s end. Camping available. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805/736-6528. THE CHAKRA GAME, A FUNSHOP HOSTED BY COMPASSIONATE ALCHEMY 79:30PM. Learn what Chakras do for you, explore ways to feel, clear & balance your Chakras. A lucky attendee will win a Reiki Session w/Chakra Balancing. $20. compassionatealchemy@gmail.com ; www. compassionatealchemy.com ; 626/8189380. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www. meetup.com/TheGATEWAYPortal/ events/122987762 PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/ EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience transformation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/ Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310/3972405 or 310/842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
MONDAY, JULY 15 T’AI CHI BY THE SEA at sunset next to the ocean! Annual Monday evening summer class taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. 6:308PM for intermediate & advanced level students of Yang style T’ai Chi Ch’uan. Class meets July 1, 8, 15, 29 (no class July 22). Location: Burton Chase Park in Marina Del Rey. Call for Info & fee: 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi.com MAN UP, A WEEKLY MONDAY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30-9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man & better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. $20. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
TUESDAY, JULY 16 FEEL THE QI MEDICAL QIGONG WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH DEBBIE NAGATA, MQP 5-6:15PM. Join in at anytime. Medical Qigong combines gentle movement w/ natural breathing to correct Qi imbalances, & strengthen & increase the flow of Qi (energy) in your body, meridians & organs to help increase vitality & promote healing & peace. $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar) ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP GARO DORIAN 7:309:30PM. You may join us at any time. This is an experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts with a half hour guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MONICA GRAD PANEL EVENING “YOU ASK, USM GRADS ANSWER” WHY USM? 7:15-9:30PM. This Special Event is your chance to ask USM grads about their experiences & how they are using their M.A. degrees in Spiritual Psychology. Location: 2107 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA. RSVP to 310/829-7402. www.UniversityofSantaMonica.edu QIGONG: AWAKENING & MAINTAINING HEALING ENERGY 7:30-8:30PM. Every other Wednesday. All levels welcome. Empowerment, stress reduction, build stamina, strengthen the immune system, increase flexibility coordination & sensitivity to energy, improve cardiovascular respiratory circulatory & digestive functions. Sugg Donation $10. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking.
310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar)
THURSDAY, JULY 18 THE POWER OF NUMBERS WITH CELEBRITY NUMBEROLOGIST MICHELLE ARBEAU 7-9PM. Feel blindfolded? Start living with clarity through the power of numbers. $45 includes 44 page CD manual. 866/757-9888. www.MichelleArbeau. com/workshopsevents : The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. L.A. EXTREME LONGEVITY ONCE A MONTH WITH MARTIN ETTINGTON 7:3010PM. Different topics each month to further learning/integrating this new holistic philosophy of long term health, greater happiness & extended longevity. $20 Suggested Donation. 310/388-6388. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www. meetup.com/TheGATEWAYPortal/ events/124810772 FREE INTRODUCTORY SOUND HEALING PRESENTATION WITH WAYNE PERRY 7-9PM. Includes a Q&A, discussion, demonstration & healing toning circle. Limited space so RSVP is required to 323/656-6337. www.wayneperry.com ; 1234 N. Hayworth Ave. #106, West Hollywood 90046. Also offers *Sound Healing Weekend Intensive Workshop Sat & Sun July 20 & 21 10AM-7PM for just $275 ($100 off reg. price) if paid in full by July 18th.
FRIDAY, JULY 19 SPIRITUAL SEMINAR SCREENING “SIGNS & SOUNDS ON THE INNER JOURNEY” 7:30-9PM. Free. Watch JohnRoger, Founder of Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) share wisdoms of practical spirituality. MSIA: 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. 323/7374055 ; Registrar@peacelabyrinth.org ; www.msia.org FRIDAY NIGHT CAFÉ 7:30-Midnight. Hear & join in with some outstanding music: Rock, Jazz, Rap, we have it all. All ages are welcome. Free, Open Mic, light buffet. 2101 N. Glenoaks Blvd Burbank 91504. Entrance is in rear. 818/846-1083.
SATURDAY, JULY 20 ZENSUJI’S 55TH ANNUAL OBON CARNIVAL July 20-21, 11AM-8PM. This family event is a cultural event of authentic ethnic food, entertainment & Zen Buddhist services. Tea ceremony, drumming & festivities are a great introduction to Zen in the U.S. Free. Location: Zenshuji Soto Temple in the Zendo (basement floor) 123 S. Hewitt St, Los Angeles 90012 (Little Tokyo). 213/624-8658 ; webmaster@zenshuji.org ; www.zenshuji.org
BECOME YOUR OWN INTUITION COACH WITH VOYAGER TAROT. 5 full-day sessions on Saturdays from July 20-August 24 with Certified Voyager Tarot coach/ teacher Barbara Schiffman. Learn Tarot basics & beyond, including Tarot games & creating your own spreads. Burbank location. 818-415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA LOS ANGELES SKYWATCH EVERY 3RD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH 2PM. This is a chemtrail geoengineering awareness discussion group. Meeting/video presentation. Learn what’s happening in our skies & what we can do about it. Contact: Bob 310/836-0257. www.LosAngelesSkywatch.org - Location: Unurban Cafe 3301 W. Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA. SOUND MEDITATION 7:30-9PM. Seven Chakra Crystal Singing Bowls, Healing Pipes, Ocean Drum, Rain Sticks, Chinese Flute, Indian Tanpura, Piano, Guitar. Join us to soothe your soul & rejuvenate! An enchanting evening of healing music & guided meditation in Westwood. Limited Seating. www.rainplay.org VEDIC PUJA/PRAYER CEREMONY WITH PSYCHIC PALMIST OF INDIA PROFESSOR SASI & REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, Directors of the VEDIC HEALING INSTITUTE. Join us for a group “puja”/purification ceremony based on the ancient Indian Vedic tradition, using Sanskrit mantras, meditation, prayers & rituals to move energies, creating positive change & manifestation. 310/397-2405 or 310/842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
SUNDAY, JULY 21 HEALING ARTS FAIR AT BLESSINGS CENTER. 11AM-4PM. Archangel Metatron’s Messages, Crystal Healing, Energy Healing, Health Product Demos, Psychic Readings, Reiki, Shamanic Practices & MORE! Location: 526 E. Rt. 66, Glendora 91740. 626/393-1573. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, & certification through the Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310/3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net ; www. reikiacademy.org ; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
MONDAY, JULY 22 T’AI CHI BY THE SEA at sunset next to the ocean! Annual Monday evening summer class taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. 6:308PM for intermediate & advanced level students of Yang style T’ai Chi Ch’uan.
Psychic Angel
Class meets July 1, 8, 15, 29 (no class July 22). Location: Burton Chase Park in Marina Del Rey. Call for Info & fee: 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi.com
90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. www. meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/
MAN UP, A WEEKLY MONDAY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30-9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man & better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. $20. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION RETREAT July 25-July 28. Discover the healing power of your own personal relationship with the Divine. Learn Sunburst Kriya meditation, or refresh your practice. Energize your spiritual journey among a gathering of loving, like-minded souls. Explore conscious practices to integrate & ground your inner experience in your daily life. Beautiful vegetarian meals, pranayama yoga, enriching classes & quiet time will be provided to support the transformative Sunburst Kriya Yoga meditation initiation. Camping available. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805/736-6528.
TUESDAY, JULY 23 I offer love readings and effective love spells. I can help you find or recover your soul mate or lover. My powers allow me to see things that most people cannot, things that can help you make the right decisions in the present and future. Contact me now and you and I will find a fitting solution. Take my services seriously. Love is not a game.
Angelica 818.402.2750 98% Accurate – Past – Present – Future
LANA SPRAKER Yang Long Form T’ai Chi & Qi Gong Teaching internationally for 40 years
Group and Private Instruction
A Moving Meditation for health & peace of mind.
THE WAY OF T’AI CHI CH’UAN: Gentle Exercise for Inner Peace 60 min. inspiring instructional DVD
www.alexandertaichi.com (310) 479-3646
LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Tues-Fri 11AM-3PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City”. Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden; breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; 323/737-4055x1137; www. peacelabyrinth.org HEALING PAIN WITH SOUND LIVE TELEWORKSHOP WITH WAYNE PERRY & SOUND THERAPY CENTER OF LOS ANGELES 5-7PM. Call, or visit website to pay and receive dial-in number and free access code. 323/656-6337. www.wayneperry.com INSPIRATIONAL WRITING FOR MEMORY IMPROVEMENT WITH ELLE, MS. 7PM every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month. Improve & stimulate your beautiful memory with an inspirational writing workshop. Elle is a language therapist, memory therapist & writer. $15. 310/562-8309 or ellejora@ earthlink.net. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 1/2 OFF MASSAGE WEDNESDAYS WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST & REIKI MASTER. Swedish, deep tissue &/or Reiki. By Appt in advance only. Instead of usual $75, one hour session for just $37.50+gratuity. If not Wednesday and it’s your first massage with Karen, she offers you a $49 One Hour Intro Massage (+gratuity). $1/minute above an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_heins.html A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA
THE LOS ANGELES BUSINESS EXPERTS REVOLUTIONIZING BUSINESS! 7-10PM. Free marketing event. 424/272-6373 ; www.TNBE.org/gia ; The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.meetup.com/TheGATEWAYPortal/events/125332472
FRIDAY, JULY 26 BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing® July 26-28, 9AM-6PM. DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound & powerful healing paradigm on the planet. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave & connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balance, remote view, body scan & DNA activation. CEU credits. Santa Monica. Also Sept 6-8th.310/3582991 ; info@dnathetahealing.com ; www. dnathetahealing.com AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION WEEKEND with Barbara Schiffman. July 26-28, LA/Burbank location. Access your Soul’s energy-archive for yourself & others with Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer Process. Includes Akashic Past Life Healing tools & Practitioner Certification. 818/415-3479 ; www.YourLifeandSoul.com ; www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA
SATURDAY, JULY 27 ELEMENTS GATHERING July 27-Aug 1, Morning-Evening. Spend time in a beautiful oak forest of Santa Barbara learning sustainable living skills of ancient cultures by day & enjoy live music by night. Price: Variable. Contact: ChrisMorasky@netidea. com ; 310/375-1671 : www.elementsgatheringfest.com DVD: ANDREW COLLINS WITH A.R.E. CROP CIRCLES, SIGNS OF TRANSFORMATION- 10AM. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/7129400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org SPIRITUAL SPA DAY 11AM-3PM. Enjoy an
AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY Learn to Heal with Your Hands – Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing modality that uses “universal life-force energy” to clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks for greater wellbeing and harmony. The American Reiki Academy holds weekly classes in which anyone can learn Reiki for self-healing and healing others. Classes include thorough instruction, class manual, private initiation, hands-on practice, and certification. Students also experience acceleration in their spiritual growth and intuitive skills.
Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy, is a gifted healer, teacher, and clairaudient channel in direct lineage of Dr. Usui, original Reiki Grandmaster. With 25 years experience in Reiki, Ms. Juliani has trained thousands of people worldwide as accomplished Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters, activating their innate healing abilities. • REIKI I, II, & MASTERSHIP CLASSES • REIKI HEALING SESSIONS • REIKI PRACTICE CIRCLES
(310) 397-2405 / www.reikiacademy.org
up close & personal Seminar with John Morton, MSIA Spiritual Director, a delicious brunch, plus take time to enjoy the meditation gardens & labyrinth. $15. RSVP to Antionette@pts.org REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, & certification through the Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310/3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net ; www. reikiacademy.org ; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
SUNDAY, JULY 28 MEDITATION & NEW THOUGHT WEEKLY SUNDAY SERVICE @ UNITY WEST CHURCH 9AM followed by Burning Bowl on the patio. All are welcome. 256 26th St, Santa Monica 90402. 310/577-0000. www. unitywestchurch.org PRANAYAMA BREATH CIRCLE WITH ELENA PARSONS Every Last Sunday of the Month 6:15-7:15PM. Breath work is a simple technique that clears stuck energy & can help you to access your spirit. This easy, rhythmic breath can be learned in a single session & the benefits will last you for a life time. $10 Sugg. Donation. 310/3844043 ; elena@wellbeingpractices.com ; www.WellBeingPractices.com ; The GATEWAY 2503 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430.
MONDAY, JULY 29 T’AI CHI BY THE SEA at sunset next to the ocean! Annual Monday evening summer class taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. 6:308PM for intermediate & advanced level students of Yang style T’ai Chi Ch’uan. Class meets July 1, 8, 15, 29 (no class July 22). Location: Burton Chase Park in Marina Del Rey. Call for Info & fee: 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi.com
MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:30-8:30PM. Free, donations welcome. Experience an inner attunement to Spirit & your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by John-Roger, Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) Founder. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018 ; www.peacelabyrinth.org ; 323/7374055x1137 ; Registrar@peacelabyrinth. org
TUESDAY, JULY 30 FEEL THE QI MEDICAL QIGONG WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH DEBBIE NAGATA, MQP 5-6:15PM. Join in at anytime. Medical Qigong combines gentle movement w/ natural breathing to correct Qi imbalances, & strengthen & increase the flow of Qi (energy) in your body, meridians & organs to help increase vitality & promote healing & peace. $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar) ANGEL CIRCLE WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH PHILIP GARO DORIAN 7:309:30PM. You may join us at any time. This is an experiential workshop designed to help increase your intuitive & psychic abilities. Starts with a half hour guided meditation, then in a circle sharing format, each person asks questions & opens up to the group for guidance. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 1/2 OFF MASSAGE WEDNESDAYS WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST & REIKI MASTER. Swedish, deep tissue &/or Reiki. By Appt in advance only. Instead of usual $75, one hour session for just $37.50+gratuity. If not Wednesday and it’s your first massage with Karen, she offers you a $49 One Hour Intro Massage (+gratuity). $1/minute above an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_heins.html
A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVIDSPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30-9PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness. Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. www. meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/
– ONGOING EVENTS – – SUNDAYS – MEDITATION & NEW THOUGHT WEEKLY SUNDAY SERVICE @ UNITY WEST CHURCH 9AM followed by Burning Bowl on the patio. All are welcome. 256 26th St, Santa Monica 90402. 310/577-0000. www. unitywestchurch.org COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION 9:15AM with Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org SUNDAY SERVICE WITH GREAT MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION 10:30AM. Rev. Margie Ann Talyor-Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION 10:30AM. All are welcome. Live spirit-filled music, inspirational talk, quiet meditation, fellowship & a delicious vegetarian brunch. Call regarding childcare options. Gate will be open by 9:45AM. Sunburst Sanctuary 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. 805/736-6528. www.SunburstOnline.org
Three Steps to Enlightment
by David Spetner
Making Your Spiritual Self Your Primary Identity
very person on the planet is born with both an egoic and spiritual identity. The egoic identity is the one most of us presume ourselves to be, while our spiritual identity often remains hidden, or even if it’s obvious to us, it is not the self we live through most of our lives. Experiencing our enlightenment – meaning our complete identification with our spiritual selves – is demonstrated by responding to every experience with love. Since this love (or God beingness) is already inside us, it means that each of us is born already enlightened. The key is finding a way to live through this expression of love in every moment we can. So with this uncovering of enlightenment in mind, here are three exercises to make our spiritual selves our primary identity while relegating our ego to a backseat position.
– Slow Down. Recognize that living with our egos is like driving a car 90 miles-per-hour, almost all the time. We are so accustomed to living our lives this way that things become a blur because we are moving so fast that we don’t realize what we’re consciously thinking
and doing. As everything races by, we miss the important details of life and instead are obsessed with our need to control our future and repair our past. In addition to our personal ego, we also share a group ego, and in our society this includes an inordinate amount of rushing. Our days are planned in advance and even our personal meditations are scheduled events with specific time periods. Our ego does not want us to slow down and allow us to identify with our spiritual center. Instead it wants to fill our time and mind every day and all day long. That’s why emptying our thoughts in meditation can be difficult. Our ego mind does not want to be quiet and just observe and be objective. It’s always got to be somewhere other than where we are now, but in reality, our Godly mind knows there is no such thing as time – and very little purpose in rushing. As long as our ego can prevent us from living in the present, it obscures who we really are and hides our enlightenment from us.
– Be more conscious. As we slow down, we experience that consciousness gives us the ability
to more objectively observe our thoughts, feelings, motivations, goals and actions, etc. Daily meditation, or the observing of our thoughts during a specific time period, is only part of this exercise, which many people find difficult. Indeed, daily meditation requires a leap towards enlightenment, but small steps can be more effective. One key concept is to always be observant of even the slightest negative feeling or upset we feel. Let’s say a co-worker or a mate says or does something that makes us angry. As we recognize the upset in our body, it becomes a signal to practice being conscious. The upset itself can be very slight but should be fully experienced as opposed to being pushed away. Then as our feelings subside, look at the situation and objectively ask, “What just happened?” This question allows us to move away from simply blaming the other person and instead allows us to observe what is going on inside ourselves. Remember… DO NOT FOCUS ON THE OTHER PERSON! Even the slightest negative feeling is to be carefully examined. We may feel only mildly annoyed but
In my experience counseling people, it’s almost universal that a person dismisses the idea that they’re experiencing any negative feeling unless it’s overwhelming. Instead of dealing with the dismissed feeling, they rationalize that the incident that caused their discomfort is so minor that it does not warrant a negative feeling (as if emotions work that way). However, when we do acknowledge the feeling, the result of our observation is incredibly liberating. Even if we’re not ready to forgive the person who disturbed us, we get a glimpse into our reaction and that opens the door to other possibilities. Just looking at other ways of reacting to a situation is a step towards loving ourselves, and the more we practice observing, the more layers of old patterns and ego are removed, bringing us closer to understanding and obtaining our enlightenment.
– Recognize that I am the light of the world. God, or whatever terms we might use to describe our spiritual selves, has created us in its own image and therefore we deserve respect and reverence. This Godly part of us serves as a light unto the world. This may sound highly egoic and
the opposite of humility, but in reality it’s just a fact. If we believe a divine force creates us, how can we not ref lect that divinity?
Recognizing God’s presence in the world means accepting who we truly are.
still must be honest with ourselves and look at the very deep and real feelings that lie beneath a minor annoyance, which might mean we feel belittled, not good enough, or unloved. Just considering these feelings, rather than simply moving on, means we are able to observe a situation in a way that we haven’t before.
Recognizing that we are God’s presence in this physical world means accepting who we really are rather than identifying with our self-created and constantly critical ego. This gives us greater meaning, respect and responsibility in our lives. Our true reason for being is to bring this divine light into the physical world, however we might express it. It doesn’t mean we have to give up our current lives and devote them towards saving the planet. Rather it’s as simple as doing all the things we are already doing, but acting with our new perception of reality. If we consider ourselves as a light unto the world, we move closer to recognizing our true, enlightened, spiritual self. There’s a Talmudic saying that as we walk down the street, angels walk in front of us, harking to the world, “Behold, here comes the creation of God.” Accepting this as who we are means remembering our true identity, and through this recognition, we peel back our egoic selves and reveal to us and the world, the enlightened being of God that we are, have always been, and will remain for the rest of our lives and beyond. WP David Spetner is a spiritual counselor and leads an all-level ‘A Course in Miracles’ study group at www.thegatewayportal.com in West L .A. Email: dspetner@beachnet.com
18 THE AETHERIUS SOCIETY SUNDAY DIVINE SERVICE 11AM with this worldwide non-profit spiritual organization also in Los Angeles since 1960 dedicated to help heal & uplift humanity. Also offer Twelve Blessing Power Circle Mondays 7:45PM, Operation Prayer Power Thursdays 7:45PM, Free Spiritual Healing by appointment only Tuesdays afternoon & evening. 6202 Afton Place, Hollywood 90028. 800/800-1354. paul@aetherius.org ; www.aetherius.org/la LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS 12-4PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City”. Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden; breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; 323/7374055x1137; www.peacelabyrinth.org AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings while learning “How to Think–Not What to Think”™ in your spiritual practices. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. CREATE A POSITIVE & PROGRESSIVE LIFE Wednesdays & Sundays. Through your active participation in Unarius’ pastlife therapy classes, your life can become more creative & meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs, MP3s on past-life therapy & other enlightening topics. Classes are live streamed on the web. 800/475-7062. www. unarius.org
– MONDAYS – T’AI CHI BY THE SEA at sunset next to the ocean! Annual Monday evening summer class taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. 6:308PM for intermediate & advanced level students of Yang style T’ai Chi Ch’uan. Class meets July 1, 8, 15, 29 (no class July 22). Location: Burton Chase Park in Marina Del Rey. Call for Info & fee: 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi.com MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:30-8:30PM. Free, donations welcome. Experience an inner attunement to Spirit & your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by John-Roger, Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) Founder. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018 ; www.peacelabyrinth.org ; 323/7374055x1137 ; Registrar@peacelabyrinth. org MAN UP, A WEEKLY MONDAY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30-9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man & better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. $20. The GATE-
WAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) THE AETHERIUS SOCIETY TWELVE BLESSING POWER CIRCLE MONDAYS 7:45PM with this worldwide non-profit spiritual organization also in Los Angeles since 1960 dedicated to help heal & uplift humanity. Also offer Sunday Divine Service 11AM, Operation Prayer Power Thursdays 7:45PM, Free Spiritual Healing by appointment only Tuesdays afternoon & evening. 6202 Afton Place, Hollywood 90028. 800/800-1354. paul@aetherius.org ; www.aetherius.org/la SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com ; www. Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz
– TUESDAYS – LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Tues-Fri 11AM-3PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City”. Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden; breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; 323/737-4055x1137; www. peacelabyrinth.org FEEL THE QI MEDICAL QIGONG WEEKLY TUESDAYS WITH DEBBIE NAGATA, MQP 5-6:15PM. Join in at anytime. Medical Qigong combines gentle movement w/ natural breathing to correct Qi imbalances, & strengthen & increase the flow of Qi (energy) in your body, meridians & organs to help increase vitality & promote healing & peace. $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar) SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY TUESDAY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30-7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $20. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) THE AETHERIUS SOCIETY FREE SPIRI-
TUAL HEALING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (afternoon & evening) with this worldwide non-profit spiritual organization also in Los Angeles since 1960 dedicated to help heal & uplift humanity. Also offer Sunday Divine Service 11AM, Twelve Blessing Power Circle Mondays 7:45PM, Operation Prayer Power Thursdays 7:45PM. 6202 Afton Place, Hollywood 90028. 800/800-1354. paul@aetherius.org ; www.aetherius.org/la 1/2 PRICE CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL. Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, & Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. One Hour Appt 8-9PM. Booked in advance only, just $25 + gratuity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com/home.html (Click Calendar) SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com ; www. Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz
– WEDNESDAYS – 1/2 OFF MASSAGE WEDNESDAYS WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST & REIKI MASTER. Swedish, deep tissue &/or Reiki. By Appt in advance only. Instead of usual $75, one hour session for just $37.50+gratuity. If not Wednesday and it’s your first massage with Karen, she offers you a $49 One Hour Intro Massage (+gratuity). $1/minute above an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_heins.html DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s with The GATEWAY 5PM prompt or the long wait list begins. They do have non-meat taco options but be aware, they mix lard with most everything. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so 310/479-0430. 11755 Pico Blvd, LA 90066. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar) EVENING YOGA & MEDITATION AT SUNBURST SANCTUARY. Yoga Class 67:30PM; Followed by an optional Quiet Meditation 7:30-8PM. Free. Feel alive & vibrant as you melt tension & free your spirit with the flow of healing energy. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA. 805/7366528. www.SunburstOnline.org
READINGS WITH PSYCHIC JUDE 7-9PM. Past, present & future, relationships, career, finances, health, travel, education, any topic… for yourself, friends or family. Also a medium so Jude can contact those passed over, pets too; or delve into past lives, share from your spirit guides & also provide intuitive counseling. By Donation first 10 minutes, $20 per 10 minutes thereafter. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS 7:30-9PM. Free, donations welcome. This class teaches an amazing, simple & effective technique for clearing the subconscious & unconscious levels (written about in JohnRoger’s book, Spiritual Warrior). Location: PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018; www.pts.org. Contact Antonietta 323/737-4055x1548; Registrar@pts.org A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:309PM Every Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being & bring them into every day consciousness.
Those new to, or in ACIM forever are welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $15 Donation Basis. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/476-9898. www.meetup.com/acourseinmiracleswestside/ SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE @ AQUARIAN FOUNDATION® OF SEATTLE - HOLLYWOOD BRANCH 8PM. Listen to profound spiritual teachings & meet people practicing Spiritual Healing, Truth, Beauty, Goodness & Justice. 3330 Barham Blvd #105, LA 90068. Easy access off 101, free parking. Call Kathy 323/850-5422. SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com ; www. Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz
– THURSDAYS – WISHES FULFILLED (Wayne Dyer). Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann TaylorBlack. Thursdays except July 18th, 10AM. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org YOUR FAITH IS YOUR FORTUNE (Neville). Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann TaylorBlack. Thursdays except July 18th, 11AM. Love offering. Encino Community Church 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park 91304. 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org LABYRINTH & GARDEN TOURS Tues-Fri 11AM-3PM. Free, donations welcome. Enjoy this “Spiritual Oasis in the City”. Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden; breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. 3500 W. Adams, Los Angeles 90018; 323/737-4055x1137; www. peacelabyrinth.org
The Spirits’ Declaration of Interdepedence Your Loved Ones on the Other Side are Still Part of Your World by Medium Hollister Rand
July 4th we celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, marching bands and picnics. An annual reminder and opportunity to appreciate the freedoms we enjoy as individuals and a nation. Conversely, the recent shooting rampages, bombings, and scandals regarding personal privacy vs. public safety are urging a dialogue about where the fears about domestic acts of terror begin and personal freedom end.
The spirits are aware that we are fearful people (which could be why they often use signs and signals to communicate rather than stun us with sudden appearances). The spirits also understand our human need to organize the world in a simplistic Sesame Street way: up–down, bad–good, life–death. However, rather than supporting the increase in polarization, the spirits continually suggest a third way. . . the middle road of interdependence.
Having spoken with thousands (and possibly millions) of spirits during my lifetime, I’ve come to understand that although we think that our thoughts and actions are completely our own, they’re not. The spirits are adding their communications to the barrage of wireless data streams moving through and around us at all times. Just because we don’t always receive the messages clearly, doesn’t mean that the spirit network and the information on it aren’t always present and available.
If we’re willing to consider that the spirit and body and heaven and earth aren’t polar opposites but can exist together at the same time in the same network, we can allow freedom and independence to coexist with responsibility and interdependence. It is this concept which inspired me to write The Spirits’ Declaration of Interdependence.
changes the path of those who come after you.
We hold these truths to be selfevident:
2. That we notice what you do for us in love: carrying a photo, lighting a candle, creating a charity, sharing stories with friends (and we’ll even allow you to exaggerate a bit). 3. That we hear you when you talk to us before going to bed and in the car while driving to work. We answer sometimes through a song on the radio or the inspired words of a stranger. 4. That we want you to laugh knowing that your returning joy is a celebration of our lives, and grief needn’t be the only expression of your love. 5. That when we come to you in dreams, it is a real visit and not your imagination. 6. That by healing the diseases of addiction, the betrayal of abuse in your own lives, and forgiving us for failing you and ourselves, wholeness touches us here and
Spirit and body, heaven and earth, aren’t polar opposites, but coexist with freedom and connection on both sides.
1. That we remain interested in the details of your life: noticing the new dress you bought for a special occasion, the “to do” list that needs to get done, the leak under the kitchen sink, the hobbies that we enjoy with you.
7. That although we won’t interfere with your free will or that of others, we can help guide your decisions and work from this side to bring harmony instead of discord (we can’t rewrite wills yet from the other side, so don’t ask for that one). 8. That we will be there for the holidays, the birthdays, the family reunions. We will walk you down the aisle at your wedding and share the joy when a baby joins the family. We especially like smiling at the babies who smile back. 9. That your love and thoughts don’t keep us from moving on, but give us wings to f ly to the farthest reaches of the universe while still keeping us close to you. We can be in two places at once, you know. 10. That no matter how we passed, even if we ended physical life by our own hand, we will be waiting for you. And, yes, we will be together again . . . someday.
Hollister Rand provides specific messages from loved ones living in the spirit world. Her book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different (Harper Collins 2011) is available in stores and online. You may contact her at HollisterRand@gmail.com or via www.HollisterRand.com WP
is as close to you as your
next breath
Soul Transcendence is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one
with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Your Soul is who you truly are; it is more than your body, your thoughts, or your feelings. MSIA provides tools and techniques for experiencing your Soul and your own Divinity. We focus on how to incorporate spirituality into everyday life in a workable way. We call it “practical spirituality.” It allows you to tune more and more to your Soul and to increasingly live from that awareness.
“All that you want to be, you already are. All you have to do is move your awareness there and recognize the reality of your own Soul.” —John-Roger
Download your Free E-book, Journey of a Soul at www.msia.org/info/wpc
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READING GROUP WEEKLY THURSDAYS @ UNITY WEST CHURCH 7-8PM. For new reading selection call 310/577-0000. 256 26th St, Santa Monica 90402. www.unitywestchurch.org PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE: A WEEKLY THURSDAY SERIES WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. 7:30PM. Join in at any time. A warm & loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential by guiding you to discover more of who you truly are & live your life purpose. $20 Donation Basis. 424/903-6633. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com ; www. Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz
IETY CLINIC WITH EDWARD GORDON, LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST & INTUITIVE 9AM-6PM. 30 Minute Free Consultation. By Appt Only. Edward’s treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles depends on what is being called for & the receptivity of the patient, so those who are needle-weary, needles are not required. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Fridays 2-5PM & Saturdays for just $50/session hour. 424/256-9108 ; www.nikitagupta.com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html TWILIGHT HIKERS HIKE. Free. Meet for carpool at Stoner Rec Center Parking Lot Fridays 6:45PM. 4-5 mi hike in Santa Monica Mtns. We do not encourage flashlights as they impede the natural eye adjustment. Dogs not recommended as not all hikes are dog friendly. Wear sturdy shoes, bring layers & water. Welcome to join us out to eat to follow. 1835 Stoner Ave, Los Angeles 90025 Parking Lot. 310/479-0430. We
also hike Sun morns at 9AM, contact in advance required. www.thegatewayportal. com/twilight_hikers.html SPIRITUAL SEMINAR SCREENINGS 7:309PM. Free. Watch John-Roger, Founder of Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), & John Morton, MSIA Spiritual Director share wisdoms of practical spirituality. MSIA: 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. 323/737-4055 ; Registrar@ peacelabyrinth.org ; www.msia.org SINGING FROM THE HEART PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH DR. CAROLE MOSKOVITZ, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance & communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice & creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing & communicating from the heart. For professionals & amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664). www.singingfromtheheart.com ; www. Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz HYPERLINK “http://www.Linkedin.com/ in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz”
– SATURDAYS – SILENT MEDITATION 6-9AM. Deepen your practice in the healing energy & peace of Sunburst Sanctuary. Come & go quietly on the hour. Please call ahead for gate code. 7200 S. Highway One, Lompoc, CA.
Sant Mat
www.SunburstOnline.org ; 805/736-6528. RESTORATIVE YOGA WITH NIKITA GUPTA, CYT 7:30-8:45AM. RSVP required. Based on the TriYoga system which combines breath, movement & meditation. Comfortable stretchy clothing, be prepared to go barefoot (optional but safer). Welcome to bring own mat, while some are available for borrow. Suggested Donation $15. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG Taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental & physical health while enjoying this gentle stress-reducing “Meditation in Movement”. Beginners class starts at 9AM & includes instruction of Traditional (108 move) long Yang form T’ai Chi Ch’uan & Qi Gong Health exercises. All students receive individualized attention for improving posture, balance & coordination. Sifu Spraker is an int’l teacher for over 41 years & also teaches the Alexander Technique. Location: Douglas Park in Santa Monica (@ Wilshire & Chelsea, 2 blocks west of 26th). 310/479-3646. www.alexandertaichi.com CONSTELLATION HEALING INSTITUTE PRESENTS GARY STUART 7-11PM. Reveals & releases hidden (or not so hidden) entanglements that are obstacles to health, career & relationships. $10 General Admission, Constellation working fees for those worked. The GATEWAY 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/7482052. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar) REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN
REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice, & certification through the Academy. With 25 years experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310/3972405; reikiacademy@earthlink.net ; www. reikiacademy.org ; www.vedichealinginstitute.com PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/ EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience transformation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/ Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310/3972405 or 310/842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com REIKI WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, REIKI MASTER, TEACHER. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena & Santa Monica. 626/963-3533. www.ReikiMastery.com ; jess@ReikiMastery.com
– EVERYDAY – – ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT – MOKSHA FESTIVAL July 12-14th. A 3-day celebration of wellness, spiritual expansion & conscious living through: Yoga, Ayurveda, Sacred Music & Healthy Lifestyles & Food. It is a pilgrimage to your soul! Topanga Community House: 1440 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd, Topanga 90290. www. mokshafestival.com REGULAR COMMUNITY POTLUCKS, CELEBRATIONS, FUN FIELD TRIPS, MOVIE SCREENINGS… 2507 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com
or Reiki. By Appt in advance only. One Hour Intro Massage just $49+gratuity, a 33% discount from usual $75; or 1/2 of Wednesdays @$37.50+gratuity. $1/minute above an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com/massage_karen_heins.html ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. & INTUITIVE. 30 Minute Free Consultation. By Appt Only. Edward is also gifted as an Intuitive who’s treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. Note: for the needle-weary, needles are not required. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com (Click Calendar) HEALING FROM A HIGHER SOURCE COMBINED WITH MASSAGE TO INTEGRATE WITH MOSES. For physical healing i.e. reducing neck/back pain, high blood pressure or migraine headaches, for emotional release, & for spiritual growth. 1 hour session, first time customers pay only $80, reg. $100. By appt, 10AM-9PM (last appt. 8PM). CMT Cert. #23122, 818/9437474, www.healingbymoses.com LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION OR MASSAGE WITH CERTIFIED THERAPISTS 1-7PM. By Appt in advance only. One hour session for $49, $1 a minute thereafter. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com (Click Calendar)
– BOOKS / MUSIC / MEDIA – “PERSONALITY & BLOOD TYPE: A GUIDE TO LOVE, WORK & FRIENDSHIP” by Wendy Watson, C.Ht. reveals secrets that can lead to greater happiness & harmony. See my article on pgs. 28-29. Available at alibris.com ; amazon.com ; barnesandnoble. com ; wendywatson.weebly.com & independent bookstores. 310/633-0751.
Transcending Normality, Embracing Diversity Peer Support and Mentoring Bring Down the Walls that Isolate
s a peer mentor, peer advocate and educator, I’ve worked with people aspiring to erase the stigma involved in mental health and realize their full potential. During the process, I have learned that to truly realize our highest potentials, we need to engage in transformative interactions with other people who share our aspiration to evolve. One way to do this is through peer support such as mutual support groups and peer mentoring. These are ways to bring down the walls that isolate us. Mutual aid means we listen to and support one another as a community of equals, without any professional trying to define who we are. Each of us is an expert on our own experience, and each of us is the center for our decisions… and we are not alone. In today’s “modern” world independence has become almost a religion and the idea that we need other people for anything seems like a “weakness”. The reality is that we are social creatures and our ability to co-exist with one another depends on our willingness to abide within a matrix of shared values and agreements about what is important, and most importantly, what is acceptable behavior. As individuals, we resemble the meadow flower in that though we are distinct as people, we are not separate. While our expressions of life fluctuate, we can still be a
part of the lustrous whole by recognizing our interconnectedness and inner beauty through self-awareness and community building.
People are like meadow flowers: distinct, but not separate, rather interconnected and part of the lustrous whole.
By Denise Maratos, Ed.M.
Self-awareness is having a clear perception of our personalities, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Selfawareness allows us to understand other people, to be aware of how they perceive us, to understand our attitude
and our responses to other people in the moment. It is through sharing our insights and understandings that we come to strengthen our community amid potentially alienating environments and circumstances, that we positively build on the self in the manner of spiritual alchemists who turn the lead of experience into the gold of realization and awareness. The alternative approaches to mental health, with peer support groups and peer mentoring, are growing today more than ever, with Vet to Vet, Recovery International, Wildflowers’ Movement, The Icarus Project, Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-Step groups, etc. These groups, or affiliations, are organically born out of deep, holistic understanding based on mutual experiences. They transcend accepted notions of normality in favor of the wild color that is diversity grown from compassion. In vast meadows thriving with life, flowers bloom as a natural consequence of the environment. While perhaps of the same species, each blossom retains its own nature, and opens its colors to the sky as if offering to the great cycle of existence. Let us embrace our diversity. Denise Maratos, Ed.M. is a Peer Mentor and Advocate, an Educator and Trainer. More about her work at www.mymindmentor.org or www.wildflowersmovt.wordpress.com
MauiofSpiritual Singles Secrets Divine Partnership Summit
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Featured presenters include Dr. Gary Stamper: author, “Awakening the New Masculine,� Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD: founders, “Talking Hearts Awakening Seminars,� authors, Romancing the Beloved,� Anyaa McAndrew: creatrix, “The Shamanic Priestess Process,�and many more!:
MauiSummit.com Presented by Lotus Heart Books @ Temple of Peace )BJLV 3E )BJLV -PUVT)FBSU.BVJ DPN For more info, bios, & to register. visit MauiSummit. DPN PS DBMM +VEZ -FWZ
BOOK - DEMYSTIFYING THE OUT-OFBODY EXPERIENCE: A PRACTICAL MANUAL FOR EXPLORATION & PERSONAL EVOLUTION by Luis Minero. May be purchased at IAC California 3961 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 207, Culver City 90230. 310/4820000. california@IACworld.org
rect your energies toward greater personal empowerment through this 5-session, 2 1/2 hour per week course offered by Soul Line Discoveries. Connect more deeply with your lovingly authentic self. See my ad on pg. 38. 310/200-6583. Visit www.soulline.com
GET CERTIFIED: BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta HealingŽ. DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound & powerful healing paradigm on the planet. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave & connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balance, remote view, body scan & DNA activation. CEU credits. Free intros, call for schedule. Santa Monica. 310/3582991 ; info@dnathetahealing.com ; www. dnathetahealing.com
PAUL A. CHAREST, PhD, CHt, NLP, DOA, Life Coach. Resolving your life’s issues, whether physical or spiritual, is what I do best (45+ years). Due to a near-death experience of my own, your questions including end-of-life matters, will be answered. No office visit required. For appointments call 949/340-7665. ANGELICA: PSYCHIC GUIDE, SPIRITUAL CONSULTANT & LIFE COACH. Advice & guidance on all matters. Specializing in spiritual cleansing & purification, removing all unnatural & negative energy. Angelica has the ability to call out names, dates & places surrounding your life without asking you a single question. Tarot readings also available. 818/402-2750. AKASHIC RECORDS LIFE & SOUL COACHING with Barbara Schiffman. Tune into the wisdom of your Soul’s Akashic Records for guidance, healing, creativity, conscious evolution. Private phone or inperson sessions; also weekend Akashic Practitioner Certification trainings. 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA
AKASHIC RECORDS WORKSHOPS & TRAININGS: Access your Soul’s energyarchive of all lifetimes for guidance, healing & conscious evolution. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself &/or others. Weekend practitioner certification trainings & mentoring; private readings also available. Contact Barbara Schiffman 818/415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul.com, www.Meetup.com/AkashicLA REIKI CLASSES WITH REIKI MASTER/ TEACHER JESSICA MILLER OF THE INT’L CENTER FOR REIKI TRAINING in Glendale (La Crescenta) area. Reiki 1 & 2, ART/ Master, Karuna ReikiŽ, Japanese Reiki Techniques. 626/963-3533. www.ReikiMastery.com
LEARN TO DOWSE WITH A PENDULUM AND GAIN INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH WITH SHARON MULLANE. A private class which includes programming your pendulum for accuracy and learning to use a graph. $35. 310/8278587 ; artofdowsing@cwo.com
BECOME A THETA HEALING MASTER. We offer all 8 Theta Healing seminars. Theta Master program scholarships available. Learn to look inside the body & heal it. School of DNA Theta HealingÂŽ 2210 Main St. Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 310/358-2991 ; info@dnathetahealing.com ; www.dnathetahealing.com
REIKI CERTIFICATION CLASSES IN ANTELOPE VALLEY BY FRED COLEMAN. Learn to heal yourself & others. Weekend classes. All levels: Reiki I&II $250, Reiki III/ Master $350. 562/301-6371 ; slothmander@gmail.com ; Bright Blessings!
REIKI HEALING CLASSES WITH REIKI MASTER ALEXANDRA JULIANI, M.A., DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN REIKI ACADEMY. Classes include course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation, hands-on practice & certification through the Academy. With 25 years of experience, Reiki Master Juliani has trained thousands of Reiki practitioners worldwide. 310/3972405 ; reikiacademy@earthlink.net ; www. reikiacademy.org ; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
DEVELOP YOUR PSYCHIC, INTUITIVE GIFTS, TALENTS & ABILITIES. Connect w/ Angels. Learn Numerology. Practice Telepathy with Animals. Use it to Improve Your Life & the Lives of Others. It’s Real & Scientifically Valid. Classes Forming Now. www.LoriSpagna.com ; info@efilsgod. com ; 866/388-5115. EXPLORATION 1: DISCOVERING & NAVIGATING YOUR PATH ON THE SOUL LINE. Check out the first class free! Learn to di-
– GIFT SHOPS / BOOKSTORES – AWAKENINGS CENTER FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 25260 La Paz Rd, Suite D, Laguna Hills 92653. Free Parking. www. awakeningscenter.com ; 949/457-0797.
PSYCHIC PALMIST OF INDIA–PROFESSOR SASI “Etched in your palms are clues to your character, goals and destiny. Once you understand these messages, you can fulfill your potential for a richer and fuller life.” Professor Sasi was born in India to one of the world’s most respected psychic palmists. Having inherited his father’s gifts, Professor Sasi expands on his family 7th-generation legacy as a Psychic Palmist and Empowerment Consultant. By combining psychic, intuitive and healing abilities along with ancient Eastern wisdom, Professor Sasi has assisted many individuals worldwide in attaining profound empowerment.
In studying the palm, Professor Sasi reads your total person, translating this information to help you achieve your greatest potential. “There are many who say they can deliver accurate predictions. This man actually produces results. Professor Sasi’s predictions have unfolded right before my eyes.”
–Dr. Jeff Duncan
(310) 397-2405 • (310) 842-6087
www.professorsasi.com • www.vedichealinginstitute.com COMING SOON @THE GATEWAY, A SPIRITUAL GOODS STORE Currently under renovation. We can hardly wait to have you come in. Keep posted for our Grand Opening. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, tea/snack bar, outdoor patio to relax in... Free Wi-Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www. thegatewayportal.com/home.html
– HEALTH & WELLNESS – WWW.A2ZHEALTH.NET MASSAGE SCHOOLS. Become Massage Therapist in just a few months. Save thousands of dollars. Flexible & affordable payment plans. Reseda & Thousand Oaks. For a free class call 888/317-2029. BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental & whole body health, & utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity & body. Offering Digital x-rays, removal of mercury fillings, & Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. Free Invisalign consultation. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/716-6722, www.PearlZadehDDS.com OMNASZTRA: POWERFUL & TRANSFORMATIVE HEALINGS. Addressing blockages, issues, & the alignment of energy on the spiritual, emotional & physical levels. Also: Spiritual counseling, guidance, house blessings. 818/503-5896 (24-hour voicemail). omnasztra@aol.com ; www.omnasztra.com SCHOOL OF DNA THETA HEALING®, explore the most profound healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Join accomplished Medical & Emotional Intuitive Marina Rose for seminars in Basic & Advanced DNA Theta Healing, & DNA Theta Manifesting & Abundance. Private sessions also available. 2210 Main St. Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 310/358-2991 ; info@dnathetahealing.com ; www.dnathetahealing.com
SPIRITUAL CHAKRA BALANCING BY ANGELICA. Specializing in chakra purification, creativity & positive energy. Also available for Tarot & Psychic Insight readings. 818/4022750. VIBRATIONAL ALIGNMENTS, DIAGNOSTIC VOICE ANALYSIS, vocal toning &overtoning training, pain & stress release, sonic meditation, sound healing CDs & DVDs. Available from Wayne Perry at the Sound Therapy Center of Los Angeles. For details call 323/6566337 or visit www.wayneperry.com HYPNOTHERAPY & NLP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/ hypnotherapy.html MEDICAL INTUITION WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Available daily by appointment. www. drsarahlarsen.com ; www.thegatewayportal. com/healer.html ; 424/903-6633.The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. INTEGRATED REFLEXOLOGY TO FEET, HANDS & EARS WITH CHARLES HAYWOOD, CRT. 25% discount on Introductory Session to this process that addresses the entire human body three times over via this refluxing touch technique administered over the skin of the feet, hands & ears, “verging” their nerve endings. By appointment. 310/4672232 ; www.reflexologyla.com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.thegatewayportal.com/reflexology.html LIGHT TOUCH NEURO-MUSCULAR RELEASE, ENERGY WORK, BODY RE-EDUCATION, COACHING WITH NIKITA GUPTA, MPH, CYT. Just $50 for one session hour. 424/2569108 ; www.nikitagupta.com ; The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/nikita_gupta.html
eat pray love meditate laugh If you have been wanting to connect more deeply with your spirituality but cringe at the thought of “church,” “dogma” and “religion” … If you enjoy the writings of Charles & Myrtle Fillmore, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Deepak Chopra, H. Emilie Cady, Eric Butterworth, Byron katie, Marianne Williamson, Emmet Fox, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and the like… Unity West Santa Monica could be just what you have been looking for!
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Healing Your Soul’s DNA R e -Tr ack the Needle on the A k ashic R ecords , Your S oul’s C osmic C loud M emory
S teve Robertson
ike a musica l note seeki ng u n ion w it h t he harmony of itself, t he sou l ret u rns to human form, to eart h, i n order to hea l and i nteg rate i nto a more perfect remembrance of t he d iv i n it y of love it a l ready is. T he sou l, on t h is plane of rea lit y, i nnocent ly expresses itself t hrough t he lens of t he body’s DNA. T h is cr ysta l l i ne prism holds t he harmon ic records of ou r sou l’s evolut ionar y jou rney toward en l ightenment. A l l t houghts, lov i ng or fearfu l, are arch ived onto t h is record. In Sansk rit, t he oldest recorded lang uage, t he H i ndus refer to t h is as t he A kash ic Records. Imag i ne t he A kash ic Records if you w i l l, as you r sou l’s cosm ic cloud memor y. Each and ever y t hought and experience is recorded and becomes i mpri nted onto ou r DNA. As our t houghts advance towards g reater love so does t he DNA hel i x, back and fort h, i n ref lect ion of t h is awareness. T he g reater our consciousness
of love, t he more d i rect and clear we receive and t ransm it i n a l ig nment w it h t he d iv i ne. Certa i n spi rit ua l texts rem i nd us t hat t he d iv i ne, or k i ngdom of Heaven, is w it h i n. T hey rem i nd us t hat we may not enter t h is k i ngdom of Heaven u nt i l we become as a ch i ld, a metaphorica l reference to a consciousness of i nnocence. In such i nnocence we are able to f i nd st i l l ness from wh ich we k now t he creat ive power of ou r God-self w it h i n. Toward t h is u lt i mate state of awareness, i mag i ne if you w i l l, you r sou l’s record is l itera l ly i mpri nted onto an old v i nyl record. From bi rt h, t he need le of ou r awareness is dropped ( gent ly or ot her w ise) on t he outer edge of t he sou l record of t h is part icu lar t i me and space rea l it y. T he need le bot h plays and records each note of ou r l ife’s symphony. L ike a l l records of t h is t y pe, t he need le t racks from t he larger/outer radius of our heart song toward
t he i nev itably sma l ler/center of our rad ica l en l ightenment. T hrough love and g rat it ude we become aware of t he rhy t hm ic f low of our sou l’s g rand melody. T hrough fear and judgment, we f i nd t he need le si nks i nto a g roove of d isharmony and u npleasant ness; d iscordant notes t hat pa i nfu l ly repeat over and over aga i n. In Sansk rit, such g rooves i n consciousness are ca l led “sanskaras”. St uck i n t hese self-created g rooves, t he need le of our awareness d igs ever-pa i nfu l ly and deeper i nto t he record of
T h is crossroads of u nconsciousness and joyfu l long i ng awakens our i ntent to rejoi n t he symphony of our l ife song. M i ndfu l of t he d isharmony of fear and lesson of g reater love, we drop t he awareness pebble of t he ho’oponopono (accord i ng to Wik iped ia, “an ancient Hawa i ian process of reconci l iat ion and forg iveness” ) i nto t he g roove to i nterr upt t he monotony of d iscordance and pa i n. At its myst ica l core are t he elements of menta l cleansi ng, putt i ng t h i ngs right, and rect if y i ng errors. Attend i ng w it h t h is awareness is t he recog n it ion t hat we are a lways 10 0 percent at cause and responsible for any problem. Si m i larly it is def i ned t hat we are a lso 10 0 percent capable of rect if y i ng any and a l l errors. In t he ho’oponopono, fou r short phrases act ivate t he process of t h is hea l i ng and release us from t he g roove of sufferi ng: “I’m sorr y. Please forg ive me. T hank you. I love you.” T hrough t he melody of t hese words we t ransmute and t ranscend t he error of t hought and now co-create an i nspi red new heart song.
“Four short phrases release us from the groove of suffering: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”
ou r subconscious. We become attached to d isharmony, beg i n to suffer and adjust to t he d iscordant notes as bei ng norma l. Attached i n t h is u nconsciousness and sufferi ng our heart ever-longs for t he melody of ou r sou l’s joy.
Now, as t he need le beg i ns to t rack back t hrough t he old g roove of u npleasant ness, t he pebble now ser ves to bu mp t he need le back onto t he record su rface. A new and evermore gorgeous melody beg i ns to play. Ou r heart feels l ifted, and we are i nspi red by a song of new possibi l it ies. Fra i l i n t h is new moment, t he need le r u ns ever-close to t he edge of ou r old g roove and t he ear is tempted by t he d iscord we were t ra i ned to f i nd so fam i l iar. If our resolve is weak, t he need le is pu l led back i nto t he g roove and its dept h and dark ness w i l l g row w it h st reng t h. If ou r courage is st rong, t he need le cont i nues to f loat on angel ic notes t hat procla i m ou r symphony of enl ightenment. “Consciousness is somehow a by-product of t he si mu ltaneous, h igh frequency f i ri ng of neurons i n d ifferent parts of t he bra i n. It’s t he messi ng of t he frequencies t hat generates consciousness, just as tones from i nd iv idua l i nst r u ments produces t he rich, complex, and seam less sou nds of a symphony orchest ra.” --- Francis Crick, co-d iscoverer of DNA
Steve Robertson is the Founder/CEO of www.ProjectPeaceOnEarth.org through which you may f ind out more about his work . WP
MASTER SIO, SHAMAN & KAHUNA HEALER FROM THE MOUNTAINS OF HAWAI’I & MASTER OF MEDICAL QI GONG. 424/744-6439. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. www.mastersio.com SPEECH & LANGUAGE & MEMORY THERAPY WITH ELLE SHLAES, MS, CCC. Available daily by appointment. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/5628309. www.thegatewayportal.com/ speech_language.html
!15!2)!. &/5.$!4)/.š OF 3EATTLE (/,,97//$ "2!.#( #%,%"2!4).' 9%!23 ). (/,,97//$ AM 3UNDAY 3ERVICE PM 7ED 3PIRITUAL (EALING 3ERVICE
ROBERT SHAPIRO, M.D. SPECIALIZING IN EMERGING HIGHER SELF TECHNOLOGIES (EHST) & NLP. Available daily by appointment. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/robert_shapiro.html PAST LIFE REGRESSION WITH ELLANY T. AVELIN, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/892-3108. www.thegatewayportal.com/ellany_t_avelin.html
HYPNOTHERAPY & EFT WITH ANNA PANICI, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington %ASY !CCESS OFF &REE PARKING Ave, Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Park#ALL +ATHY ing. 310/818-8658. www.thegatewaypor2.15.13 Whole Person 1-6 pp Vertical.r1:Layout 1 tal.com/hypnotherapy_anna.html 2
The AeTherius socieTy
The Greatest Yoga is Service.
ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. & INTUITIVE. 30 Minute Free Consultation. By Appt Only. Edward is also gifted as an Intuitive who’s treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. Note: for the needle-weary, needles are not required. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com/acupuncture.html MASSAGE WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST & REIKI MASTER. Swedish, deep tissue &/ or Reiki. By Appt in advance only. One Hour Intro Massage just $49+gratuity, a 33% discount from usual $75; or 1/2 of Wednesdays @$37.50+gratuity. $1/minute above an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. www.thegatewayportal. com/massage_karen_heins.html QUANTUM YOGA SEMINAR. Free. Learn how to manifest the life you desire & deserve, mind, body, spirit. 310/494-0180. Sign up at www.MyQuantumYoga.com
HEALING SESSIONS WITH JESSICA MILLER, REIKI MASTER/TEACHER. Powerful, personalized sessions incorporating
all levels of Reiki, plus breath & sound healing, affirmations, healing of situations & health, past, present & future. Includes discussion time. Int’l Center for Reiki Training. 626/963-3533. www.ReikiMastery. com
– HELP WANTED – THE WHOLE PERSON MAGAZINE wants motivated, outgoing, high energy people in our advertising department. If you enjoy people & are passionate about helping others become more “whole� please call us at 800/962-0338 to discuss available opportunities. Also seeking interns, equally motivated, outgoing & high energy, itching to learn about & participate in running a publishing magazine office. www.wholepersonmagazine.org THE GATEWAY IS CURRENTLY SEEKING INTERNS earning hours to contribute to a spiritual growth & wellness center impassioned to help others bring what they want into their lives while being fulfilled with who they are. Learn new things & help grow inside & out while you get credited for your degree. Feel free to call in to find out what else may be available or if we’ve heard of other places seeking positions. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com
– INTUITIVE ARTS – BOOK A SESSION WITH CELEBRITY NUMEROLOGIST MICHELLE ARBEAU to gain insight through the science of numbers. Clientele from Twilight, Big Bang Theory, Pirates of the Caribbean & more. 866/757-9888. www.MichelleArbeau.com INTUITIVE READINGS & HEALINGS WITH WALLACE GIBBONS. Rediscover the abundance & blessings of your life, your own answers. Clear old patterns, thoughts, blocked energies in mind, body & feelings, & create new life, love, & abundance. Remember yourself as the “Spirit You Are�. 818/720-6116. www.Spiritual-Reminders. net OMNASZTRA: POWERFUL & TRANSFORMATIVE HEALINGS. Addressing blockages, issues, & the alignment of energy on the spiritual, emotional & physical levels. Also: Spiritual counseling, guidance, house blessings. 818/503-5896 (24hour voicemail). omnasztra@aol.com ; www.omnasztra.com PSYCHIC PALMISTRY CONSULTATIONS/ EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with PSYCHIC PALMIST FROM INDIA PROFESSOR SASI. Experience transformation through psychic palmistry with world-renowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/ Spiritual Teacher from India Professor Sasi. Also offered: monthly meditation
31 gatherings; Sanskrit mantra chanting classes; puja prayer ceremonies. 310/3972405 or 310/842-6087 ; www.professorsasi.com; www.vedichealinginstitute.com
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Crop Circles and Co-Creation: What’s Love Got to Do With It? (Everything!) Part II - from Torah channeling through Shawn Randall
of the many primary reasons why the Crop Circles are here is to evidence, to demonstrate, and to express co-creation. And as a human you can be aware that you are part of it. There is such a wonderful wake-up going on! People are becoming more aware of the elements, working with the elementals, working with earth energies, oh so many wonderful energies, devic energies, unseen friends, etc. co-creating, co-creating. So here we can see that Crop Circles are functioning to show you co-creation in action.
There is a level of humility that true co-creation asks of you, and a level of wonder. Most of all true co-creation asks you to be in an aware level of love. You see…a certain level in your unified field functions primarily with the energy of love. The strongest attention and intention come essentially from that energy and consciousness – that is the dynamic, the movement, of love.
For us to say, ‘Well, there is a very physical thing that happens to make a Crop Circle happen. It’s a few little men that sit at a computer somewhere…’ would greatly limit the love, would limit the co-creation, would limit the unified field, and would make the phenomena so much less than what it truly is. But if you can begin to open to the nature of the true oneness of the universe and Universal Intelligence, then you can begin to see how you are a part of it. The collective unconscious goes far beyond planet Earth. The collective unconscious includes more than people. Now you are becoming aware that the collective unconscious is a part of a unified field that is co-creating a new paradigm of the future for humanity. You as an individual, as a human being, are a part of a universal intelligence and a universal love that makes miracles, beauty and magic.
The Crop Circles are a part of this evolution here with you as your intention and attention to grow. You are a co-creator of the Crop Circles collectively and individually in some cases. But that is not information for the small ego. That is meant to be part of the greater mystery, part of the wonder and part of the beauty. It is a truth. Co-creation is a truth which includes the other universal intelligences creating Crop Circles
“As a human being, you are one with the universal emotion that makes miracles.”
You are a wonderful species. There are a lot of other wonderful species too. There are so many intelligences within the unified field that you are now beginning to open up to, to expand, and to embrace. There is an otherness coming in. You’re not going to read about or hear about it in the media in the usual ways. You’re not going to see it in movies, on the Discovery Channel or the BBC. It won’t come that way for you to understand. It will come out of your experiences – maybe in a Crop Circle. It’s happening in consciousness, it’s happening in miracles, it’s happening in the fields, and it’s happening in some of the scientist’s laboratories. String Theory, get the book, read about it. Unified field, quantum physics. Instead of science getting farther and farther away from the sacred and the divine, it is getting closer to a new paradigm including them.
with you – though you are cautioned not to label and thus limit them (like calling them Mr. and Mrs. ET or Mr. and Mrs. Deva or some such thing). Remember every time you reduce co-creation (and co-creators) in this way by projecting limited images and human agendas upon them you are limiting your own thoughts, your own vision and your own possibilities.
So we recommend you stay in the wonder, in the love, in the mystery of it. Explore the many theories of the Crop Circle phenomena; explore your feelings, let yourself feel the miracles, the magic the mystery as you explore what co-creation might mean for you. You are a co-creator for your own life as well. How can you cocreate in your life more happiness, more joy, more fulfillment, more creativity?
How beautiful that you have Crop Circles to give you an example of the wonder of unified field, intention, attention, manifestation, and co-creation!
Edited by Shawn Randall [www. shawnrandall.com] is a channel since 1983 for the non-physical consciousness Torah who together conduct Crop Circle tours during the summer in England (Aug 3-10).
Foods, Moods & Diet Theories By Dianne Rini
is so important for us to be aware of how the foods we eat make us feel, how our moods change, our energy increases or decreases and why it should matter. When you start to ask yourself these questions after you eat scrambled eggs, oatmeal, fresh fruit, or a muffin and coffee, you will become more aware of which of these foods make you feel full of energy and which make you feel you have to “peal yourself off your chair” two hours later. Once we understand how our own body works, we will be able to consciously choose the right foods that fuel and satisfy our own unique body system. Do you like the idea of eating more and weighing less? Now that might seem almost impossible, but it really isn’t. Once you understand how this can work you will see that it’s true. The key is eating as much as you like of foods that are nutrient-rich and low in calories, while understanding Caloric Density or volumetrics. I will take an example from Joshua Rosenthal’s book “Integrative Nutrition: Feed Your Hunger for Health and Happiness” (free download on my website www.allwithin-
nutrition.com). One package of Oreos, which has 2200 calories. For the same amount of calories we could consume one pound of carrots, one pound of papaya, one pound of apples, one pound of onions, one pound of lettuce, one pound of kale, one pound of tofu, one pound of 2% cottage cheese, two pounds of cantaloupe, two pounds of celery and two pounds of cucumber. Are you starting to follow where I am going with this? You see, your body needs a certain volume of food each day. Its focus isn’t weather the bowl of cherries you are eating is 100 calories or 1000 calories, it’s the volume. So by choosing foods that have low caloric density, you can feel full without adding that love handle around your waist. Most diet theories out there have one common goal which is to lose weight. While some are out there to truly help you eat healthier or to heal a certain condition. They have a lot of ideas on what foods they think we should eat to reach these goals. You will see those you might be able to do, and others–not a
chance. No one diet theory is good for everyone. When you become more aware of what foods you like and which make you feel better, you are more likely to come up with a list of foods that are good for your unique body. So, try it for a week. One way Rosenthal’s book explains how to listen to the messages from your body is to for seven days, write down what you eat for breakfast each day and how you feel both right after the meal and then again two hours later. i.e. Breakfast Day 1: Scrambled eggs - (Right after eating I felt... Two hours after eating I felt...) Day 2: Scrambled tofu (or if you are like me -my body doesn’t tolerate tofu- you can replace it with tempeh, which seems to work better for me. (See http://www.fitsugar.com/ Difference-Between-Tofu-Tempeh1034188) Day 3: Oatmeal (Right after... Two hours...) Day 4: Boxed breakfast cereal (Right after... Two hours...) Day 5: Muffin and coffee
(Right after... Two hours...) Day 6: Fresh fruit (Right after... Two hours...) Day 7: Fresh vegetables (Right after... Two hours...) Once you get this rhythm down you can expand it and include your whole day’s food intake. You can also add in your water/liquid intake. Do it week by week, experiment, and eventually you will notice how your body feels and how each change of diet affects your moods and energy. Eventually, you will create the diet theory that works for you, eating the foods that you enjoy, that are satisfying and that make you feel good. And what else... oh yeah... those love handles disappear! To give you a better idea, below is the Caloric Density (CD) of several common foods. Caloric Density is the number of calories per pound for each food [©Integrative Nutrition].
While working physically with our food, to best balance that with our spirit, here is a Metaphysical Recipe for Prosperity (in which you are welcome to replace the word Creator with whatever word you resonate with):
Creator, that I already am prosperous and that this prosperity is materializing around me. I give thanks that it is so, and SO IT IS!”
– Announce the following affirmation to program the subconscious for prosperity, “I affirm in the Presence of the
– Repeat this affirmation (silently to yourself or out loud) and process of feeling it at least three times each day and regularly throughout the day (esp. in place of that “negative chatter” that plagues the minds of many of us). Each time you do, you are further influencing both your mind and spirit to attract physical and spiritual Prosperity.
Celery 65 Cantaloupe 140 Lettuce 65 /K ale 130 Berries 140 Cucumber 70 Papaya 180 Broccoli 130 Peach 200 Onion 155 Orange 210 Carrot 195 Pear 270 Corn 390 Apple 270 Potato 490 / Yam 525 Banana 420
Tofu 270 Oatmeal, plain 280 Black Beans 600 Buckwheat 420 Chickpeas 740 Brown Rice 500
– FEEL it to already be so; envisioning helps to feel it.
Notice the prosperity coming your way. Don’t let a single smidgen get by unacknowledged. Voila! And So Prosperity Is! WP Dianne Rini, founding owner of www.allwithinnutrition.com is a Holistic “Healthy Life” Coach, Clear Light Healer/Teacher and Reiki Master. Mention this article and get a free Health History at diannerini1@yahoo.com
Soul Mates & Twin Flames:
Human Mirrors of Divine Love
Reflections of the heights of affection and connection or our deepest pain and insecurity, but always providing life lessons.
have many soul mates. These are soul friends we’ve journeyed with in other lifetimes and often recognize in this one. We’ve loved them, learned our soul lessons with them, been their parents or children, held them while they’ve died, or made promises to them that reached through time. When we meet these soul mates today we often have an instant recognition, an instant bond. And though we may not have much time together, the connection is felt, often by both if they’ve reached a certain sensitivity of awareness. Sometimes they are our deepest allies in life, giving us comfort simply by their presence. Other times the lesson is far more difficult and interwoven into the soul connection as blueprints to be learned through separation and disharmony. The wonderful news is that if we learn the lesson with willingness and surrender, we can transcend the difficulty and transform the relationship into highest love and understanding. Either way, soul mates are our mirrors. We attracte them into our lives to draw out of us the lessons
our souls are seeking, and the unhealed aspects of ourselves we need to bring to the surface for our attention. The other –the soul mate– is only the catalyst, the mirror. While the twin flame, is the ultimate mirror. They reflect to us with greatest intensity both the heights of love and connection and the deepest pain and insecurity we hold within. Twin flames are two beings or individual souls who share the same soul essence. They once were one but chose to split into two at some time in their history. Whether it be due to trauma, soul lessons, or for the sheer joy of experience, they are now on different journeys. Twins can be in two different bodies here on earth, or they can be in completely different planes or dimensions of the universe. At the core of it, however, they are the same soul, with the same ancient issues buried within. And some future day, because they are the same soul, and like attracts like in the soul world, they will again be together as one. Though twin flames are of the same soul essence, it doesn’t mean they will have the same beliefs or ideals in this lifetime. Other aspects of being human also come into play such
as personality, life experience, ancestry, astrology, and biochemistry to name a few. And twins have likely been on different journeys for lifetimes, gaining different lessons and soul strengths. However beneath the outer layers, many of the core issues are the same, as are many of the preferences and gifts. Since at the root, the two are of the same, a sensitive friend or intuitive can look at the eyes of both twins and feel the same soul “fingerprint”. And looking into your own twin flames’ eyes is like looking into a soul mirror. We see love radiate out, experience deep intuitive and emotional connection, and can feel their unresolved issues as if they are our own. Twin flames can be at different levels of soul evolution, depending on where and how they spent their time. When they are united, however, their deep level of connection allows for lessons one learned to be transferred to the other with remarkable speed. If the twins allow it, they can bypass lifetimes of difficult lessons that the other already experienced. When asking for downloads of divine wisdom, it’s a good practice to ask that one’s twin flame also receive them, for their best and highest good, in accordance with divine light. When twin flames come together, the relationship can be devastating or healing depending on their journey and level of evolution. Usually it is some combination of both. When there is a thread of anger, fear or insecurity in one soul, that same thread exists within the twin, and when they come together they can mirror that unresolved issue back and forth with intense results. There are a few commonalities among twin f lame relationships. One is that there is a very close energetic
you may have been on different journeys for lifetimes, but many of your core issues are the same.
connection. It feels like there are absolutely no boundaries between twins, and what one feels, the other feels. There is no hiding feelings, hurts or grievances. You often immediately know if your twin flame felt slighted by something you said, and they can feel the same about you. Another is a feeling “of every particle in one’s being vibrating” when around one’s twin flame. When I touched my twin flame’s arm for a split second, only minutes after we met, I felt this electricity. It definitely caught my attention because I had never felt that with anyone before. It is incredibly healing and deeply nourishing for the soul. Such a high vibration also brings about the surfacing of deep wounds and soul traumas and if the two are ready, these can be processed lovingly and released. Another is seemingly infinite soul love and compassion… which can turn into emotional devastation if one twin is not as willing to do the work of the relationship. It often starts out where the offending twin can do no wrong in the other’s eyes. There is so much love and connection that one overlooks the warning signs that would usually call attention. When the offenses build up, hurt and anger enter the picture, but it often takes much more to reach that point. And when it does, it can be shattering and difficult to forgive because it centers on the deepest, most painful issues. Again, it depends on each one’s journey and level of evolution. WP Cherie Kalisher, Licensed Acupuncturist and Soul Mate Specialist offers Intuitive Lightwork, Cranio-Sacral, Nutritional/ Herbs Counseling, and Mud-Packing Therapy. You may contact her via www.soulspathhealing.com
ERIC PEARL continued from Page 11
we access more of what always exists in the universe. Let’s say all of this space all around us is the past and it is a multidimensional universe. We have existed in this little 4-dimensional bubble of height, weight, depth and time. So the cell is height, weight, depth and time. The interior is energy, so when we focus in with an energy technique, we focus on that portion or that subset i.e. Reiki, QiGong… But, step A, how to access more, is to transcend the technique then we access the entirety of that energy. Simultaneously time is expanding, moving faster in all directions at once. So our bubble is expanding and will encompasses more and more of what has existed outside of this bubble of time, so it is not old. It has been timeless. But now all that is within the bubble, so now it is near new. This is what the researchers are understanding about the Reconnective Healing as being new. And as time continues to expand, the water in the pool rises, you could say. So we are accessing more and more of this. WP: So in the sense of expanding and accessing more, is the process much more powerful now? EP: It has always been so highly efficacious anyway, but it is more expansive. So we move beyond the little subsets of energy like Reiki and QiGong. We are moving beyond the entirety of energy, outside of our bubble of energy comprised of light and information, but not just within what we consider to be the energy spectrum. So we are now accessing energy, light and information on a different level. “We are here to tell you to continue doing what you are doing. What you are doing is bringing light and information onto the planet.” Now, what would happen if we said yes I can access all of this now, now I want to do so better by adding a technique to it. But we would suddenly then reduce ourselves down to that little subset of the technique again, even though there is more here than
before. So the first step is we have to transcend, at least the techniques anyway. Then we access not just even the energy that was here before, but this new spectrum of energy, light and information. It is like training wheels on a bicycle. The training wheels help you discover your balance, but once you have mastered the bicycle with training wheels you don’t add more training wheels and try to master them too. That’s pretty silly. The true gift of the training wheels only comes once the training wheels are removed. It is the same thing with our energy healing techniques. We keep trying to get more tiny little subsets of energy; learn this technique and this technique and this technique. While the techniques help us to develop a sense of balance in the energy healing world, to make the discoveries we can say, but then they become the glass ceiling of limitation until we remove or transcend the technique itself. People will say well how do I honor my energy healing technique teacher if I transcend the technique? And I say truthfully, if you learn from a teacher, they will probably not feel honored because they want to teach you more and more. But if you learn from a master, masters don’t teach, they allow you to evolve. The master recognizes that the only true way to honor the master is to transcend the techniques. You have not been placed here to be a Reiki Healer or a Qigong Master. You have been placed here to become a healer, not to master a healing technique, but to master healing yourself. WP: You have really come here to connect with the all of you, which is far greater than we imagine or picture. Most only see ourselves as tiny little people. So it is really opening up a different mind-set for a lot of people, for most everybody. EP: Yes to step out of the approaches and into the manifestation into the full mastery. We are not that foolish on the physical plane when we can see the training wheels.
But on the energetic plane our egos attracts us to wanting to put up certificates on the walls, that say I have these training wheels and these training wheels and these training wheels…because we don’t allow ourselves to recognize that they are training wheels. WP: Well it diminishes us if we see them as training wheels; our egos would be upset. EP: Yes, some people, if viewing this concept through ego, will see the concept of referring to energy healing techniques as training wheels as minimizing. But if they allow themselves to step out of the ego for a moment; say if you have a small child who is set on learning the bicycle. Really, is there anything more valuable than a loving parent and a good set of training wheels so that your child can learn and develop his sense of balancing on the bicycle without coming home broken, bleeding and bruised? WP: Yes, your job as a loving parent is too support them. EP: Okay. So the training wheels are very valuable. But when does your child receive the true gift of the training wheels? WP: Once he has mastered it and he realizes that they are no longer needed. EP: Yes, so once the training wheels come off. That is the point. If you were looking at your child today of sixteen years old and you see him riding out on the street with his bicycle with eight sets of training wheels, would you say, “I am so proud of my son, he didn’t just master one set of training wheels he mastered eight.” That is silly. That is what we do in the healing world. WP: That is a nice metaphor, the eight sets of training wheels. What do you see Continued on page 42
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– SHARE A STORY – THE WHOLE PERSON Magazine Seeking stories about local heroes, redemption & transformation. Please submit your stories to editor.wholepersonmagazine@ gmail.com or 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. 800/962-0338. www. wholepersonmagazine.org
Rishikesh, Nainital, Agra, Ranthambor, Udaipur, Ajmer, Jaipur... 310/494-0180. www.AwakenIndiaTour.com 1/2 OFF MASSAGE WEDNESDAYS WITH KAREN HEINS, CERTIFIED & LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST & REIKI MASTER. Swedish, deep tissue &/or Reiki. By Appt in advance only. Instead of usual $75, one hour session for just $37.50+gratuity. If not Wednesday and it’s your first massage with Karen, she offers you a $49 One Hour Intro Massage (+gratuity). $1/minute above an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/massage_karen_heins.html 1/2 PRICE CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL. Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, & Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. One Hour Appt 8-9PM. Booked in advance only, just $25 + gratuity. The GATEWAY 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/4790430. www.thegatewayportal.com/home. html (Click Calendar) COMING SOON @THE GATEWAY, A SPIRITUAL GOODS STORE Currently under renovation. We can hardly wait to have you come in. Keep posted for our Grand Opening. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/ movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, tea/snack bar, outdoor patio to relax in... Free Wi-Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave, West LA 90064. Free Parking. 310/479-0430. www.thegatewayportal.com/home.html
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2013 Aries - 3/21 – 4/19 Your old friend ‘being in control’ has raised its head for a look around to find out if surrendering all, once and for all, is safe. While you know that it is a new vision of What Is, that will guide you. The old paradigm: your born, you live and you die has to go. Your inner voice has the path and teacher to follow and the activities to participate in, all indicated by a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ from within. Your inner voice is way more than what you think, or what you think you understand, it is a deep, perhaps subtle, visceral intuitive knowingness. It is the tallest lily in a field of lilies. While you are way more advanced than most, your ‘modus operandi’ is to do just enough to be comfortable. Don’t get stuck in the trap of comparisons, they are a waste of time, unfair and totally useless. It’s time to step up gears. When you were young you felt a special connection. This connection you know today as consciousness, spirit etc. So, what happened to the bright, unflinching, wide-eyed participant in the whole world? While you can see beyond illusion, which is remarkable and a gift, to answer this we are back where we started, you are held back by the NEED to be ‘in control’. Vast healing occurs with the awareness that your NEED to be ‘in control’ is merely the mind’s NEED to Understand. Now hold onto your receptivity to the flow of grace and blessings, as you let go of the NEED to Understand. Taurus - 4/20 – 5/20 Your creativity is screaming to participate. She is the sweetness of Mother’s milk, life-giving beauty, the softness of a dove talking to you, and a willing to participate with you. While aware of the void and the infinite possibilities within, are you ready? The Creator within is strong, bright and is undyingly patient and supportive of your pace and timing. Reach in a little more and know the experience beyond words! Your creativity is stifled some by your mind, in which there is salvation and/or damnation. The only hope to escape damnation is to discipline the monkey-mind. As the grace in life unfolds, release and surrender the cause of all grace and blessings immediately, or the monkey-mind will take credit. As you uncover more and more of your inner world, you will discover just
Astrological Psychology
JULY how lazy the mind is, while will organically enable you to implement even more discipline. Use more intuitive knowingness than ever to avoid mind desires and unfulfill-able expectations that it wants to hang onto. The Source within is your strongest ally, way more than all the outside support and love. Going within, way beyond what you know, will reveal an inner voice of the deepest and purest love. This is your salvation, your guide and your best friend. Gemini - 5/21 – 6/20 Trust is the central energy for you this month. It is how you have had the breakthroughs that you enjoy and want more of. Trust what your gut, your intuitive knowingness, tells you when you are not looking. Your inner voice has so many subtle layers of guidance; infinite. Also trust the delicate aspects of the chemistry in your life and notice that All is actually You. This will cultivate a deeper respect, love and even adoration to that Mystery; that You Are. Freely show that respect, love and adoration. This Is beyond Ego! In the depth of your trusting, your inner guidance will be moved to do some major breakthroughs. This means a new route (maybe even some traveling), same goal though. While this new route may appear solitary at first, hang on, there are many there with you. One moment…did you hear that quiet voice that said, “I can never do that!” Hang on and you will see! You are on your way to some beautiful maturity. Cancer - 6/21 – 7/22 Living moment-to-moment is the key and the expression of the current reality of you. Keep on keeping on. You are aided on your path in part by the wisdom you are gaining that compromise is MUCH more than a partial loss or distasteful acceptance. When truly seeing, compromise is most oft abundant with sweet compassion giving another an opportunity to have a win where you can ‘give in’ without any loss to you; a win for another and an expression of compassion and love for you. Wow! However, there is much work yet to do. You Cancers have quietly stored within and/or are picking up on so much anger and hostility in the world. Ghosts from the past, yours and others have caused you
to armor yourself in a silly and futile attempt to protect yourself. Begin to deeper than ever before, commit to letting go of all fear, and commit to the way of love. Love is born out of the place where ‘All Is In Diving Right Order.’ Embrace this like a drowning man clings to a life preserver, minus the fear. It is your conditioning that can distract you with what you ‘think’ you understand about circumstances along the way and what those circumstances mean. The ultimate meaning can only be found in the silence, in surrender. Go their often and be. In perfect time, you will let go of all thoughts, tendencies or even consideration to need to armor yourself, put on a show, to pretend you are busy, talented, to make noise/drama to be heard etc. Because in your deepest depth, love is what you ‘truly’ know. Leo - 7/23 – 8/22 Transformation is happening. Sometimes so subtle it is hard to notice or appreciate. This is why journaling can help gain perspective, so that you can relax into the process. Most try so hard, thinking effort always yields results. Grace is an unearned blessing, so sometimes just Be with What Is. Faith is more than efforting. This does call for patience, which you already have had lessons and tests about. Note that patience over an extended period of time can be difficult if you have been suppressing what is there to face, accept and process. Make a decision to face all that is important to face right now. Pray that you will continue to have exposed that within you that is in the way of your purpose. Ask and you will receive. It is your conditioning and karma that lead you to behave, show up, think and believe as you do; and it is your conditioning that has guided you to the transformations that you have experienced. Yet it is your conditioning that you must completely break free of to truly succeed! Your mind is the biggest hindrance and asset all at the same time. When it appears to be on fire, it is the closest to becoming the biggest asset and support. Apply the friendliness you have for others, toward your mind. Invite it to play, to be a loving partner, adore the divinity within and know that we are made in the image and likeness of G-d. Know this
and take the actions that your path and your tradition prescribe; then go beyond that. This may appear to be foolish to some, but instead it is an unrecognized (as yet) expression of the way things are supposed to be. That expression creates a way that is noway knowable through and from what is already known. Virgo - 8/23 – 9/22 Compromise can be grace as you see its benefit to another. The seeing required here to produce the grace is from, to and through the depth of your heart of hearts. Gracing compromise must be in the face of all the sorrow that is there, and then as the Master within knows, the success comes by itself on its own, as if the result of something. There is a debate within just below the surface of your attention with all sorts of faces participating from disappointed desires and dreams from the past. This is compounded by your habit to compare your process with others’. You are coming to realize that this is a waste of you as it ONLY yields faulty conclusions. When you notice yourself comparing, stop in your tracks and embrace “What Is” in the flow of your life. Being grateful for what you have will stop fueling the need to compare and give you the courage to see behind all masks. Your heart of hearts has only one desire, and that is to benevolently love and connect in (or share as called for) the fruits of knowing! Libra - 9/23 – 10/22 Now is the time to step out of the shadows, to carry flowers into open space, to see through the veils of what is possible. It is your innocence that carries you through the apparent danger to the Light. Be committed to uncovering that innocence within; for it has always been there regardless of what has happened to you or what you have done. As you find that innocence, you must trust it even when there is no reason to. This awakens an inner knowing of your divinity. This is maturity. Cease suppressing your Light under the guise that you are protecting yourself; when actually you are binding yourself all up and depriving yourself and others of you. To help this process along, from your innocence, practice being as friendly as you can be and enjoy the friendliness of others. Intimacy in the spirit is available to you from within and from within others. Scorpio - 10/23 – 11/21 In the middle of your third eye, the place where intuition and knowing evolve, is from whence you may see beyond illusion. Open to the flutters of energy there. Sit in
the center of centers of your being, and participate in all of life from that place. Let all things be as they must, as you do. The illusion is real to those that hold it to be so. Without regret, smile on any thoughts, desires and friends as you move on, or join with them without making them uncomfortable, no judgment. Share with those that can eat and just be with those that have no appetite. Even as you begin to see beyond the illusion there is still living that goes on within. Being receptive to those pieces that completely disrupt and shift all that you know and count on is one of the highest blessings coming to you. Let that be your grace and unbounded blessings come to you. Sagittarius - 11/22 – 12/21 Take off all masks and ask all guidance to take off all masks, and you will awaken to a light that will lead the way. The dream that you had as a child will emerge again in this light and you will know the way as you see it. The rebel within is the companion that helps you step out from behind all masks, the hero who will aid you in getting beyond the need to protect yourself. There is a misguided voice masquerading as the voice of reason suggesting you to: be safe, take it easy and slow, to be private etc. This is fear, which while it is certainly holding you back, it is what you know, so work with it. Knowing that you are holding yourself back, take a few extra steps that you would normally hold off on. Doing so will open to the great success that is awaiting you. The so called mistakes that are made are going to happen anyway because this is how we learn, and what you need to learn. The totality of All that Is, All that Was and All that Can Be is there for you once you let go. Capricorn - 12/22 – 1/19 Recognize your maturity. Embrace what Is. Enjoy the fruit of your labor, and notice that you are clinging to all that you have. This shuts doors. That is the case for all of us. The clinging happens so subtly and innocently, and until you notice, you are lost in ignorance. Not that there isn’t great success and joy as is, rather, that what you have is only crumbs compared to what is possible. The biggest piece that is available to you right now is creativity. Surrender all that you know, surrender all that you think you know, surrender all that you have heard is possible and just be open to ‘YOUR’ Truth, be open to ‘YOUR’ Creativity to come forth full force. Your maturity and ability to embrace what Is allows the clinging to what is known become so heavy and uncomfortable that you innocently back yourself into unloading this burden that is holding you back.
Aquarius - 1/20 – 2/18 You know the beauty and creativity of Spirit already. Sit in that energy and allow it to happen. The piece, ripe to come into your awareness now is an unconscious pocket of grief that calls to be lifted up into the Light. Use your gifts to open to that grief: insist, ask, beg it to come into the Light of your awareness so you can finish that which is blocking a lot more breakthroughs for you. Each time you address what is hidden, space opens up for grace and Light to come in. The thing that has kept you from completion is the suppression of those aspects of the circumstances of life that you think are bad, embarrassing, reflecting poorly upon you etc. The energy expended in suppression uses a lot of juice and causes you to think poorly of yourself, a self-perpetuating program shaped long ago. Realizing that is not you will allow you to plug into your inner guidance in a way that will re-wire this aspect where your knowing beyond doubt will prevail. Pisces - 2/19 – 3/20 Share what you have and more comes your way; it is the fruit. Innocence is the awe within, and as you reflect on life with that awe, your inner doors open. Begin to know that innocence in many and varied ways as there are so many known and unknown keys to the doors of liberation. Find it in nature and in others. The success of your life is knowing what is already there for you to know. Reflect deeply with what is right in front of you, and from there is a huge opening to success. It is your desire to participate in the Highest for All that balances what you give and what you keep, and the natural timing of that. One side is open, and one side is closed – a dynamic balance; this is Life. Meditate on the pattern to learn the inner workings. As you tap into that you will have to hold and let go of the collective sorrow of unfulfilled hopes and dreams. The only way to survive and to get past their sorrow is by your inner guidance. That will show you where your conditioning blinds you in the field of suffering. Remember, ‘It’ is all divinely choreographed for you to have the highest opportunity to spiritually progress. It is up to you to navigate your way through circumstances and to learn what those circumstances hold for you. There is gold in them and that gold is for all the people of the world. Buckle up to participate for the Highest Good for All. www.Discerning-Wisdom.com Swaha@Discerning-Wisdom.com
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happening, where do you see us going, relative to our evolution, the increase of our awareness, discovering our ability to do enormously fantastic things in terms of self-healing and so forth? EP: I believe we are here learning to manifest our God -selves. Now I just scribbled myself a note. Let me see if it applies and if it does I will read it to you. “These frequencies are our relationship to, and as source they are not separate from, us. When we learn to feel for it, find it and stretch it [which is a part of what I teach in the seminars], it is really us interacting with yet a further extension of ourselves.” WP: On the note of your teaching, I was reading, I am not certain if this number is accurate; that you have taught this process to over 70,000 people? EP: I think somewhere between 75,000 and 100,000 so far, in full weekend seminars. WP: And that is not just here in the states, it is abroad as well. EP: Yes, all around the world. I am on the road for about 45 weeks a year. I recently spoke at the United Nations. Very exciting! And then I taught a seminar in Vienna and one in Miami. Then off to Paris but first I stopped in Philly where I saw my family for a few days. WP: Oh, very nice. EP: The impetus to fly there at that time was to attend an Ester Hicks seminar. I love the work of Ester Hicks, the Abraham work. To me the Abraham work and the Solomon work are the two highest channels right now. They are the pinnacle work. WP: That’s exciting. I am curious, how
receptive to the whole process are people in other countries? EP: Highly receptive. WP: So they are very open to learning it and exploring it? EP: Oh, yeah. My seminars usually have anywhere from about 300 to 900 people for full weekend. We have got one teaching assistant for approximately every 18 to 22 people. So every small group has their own private teaching assistant while I am eagleeyes on the stage. WP: That’s great. So the launching of this new book “Solomon Speaks” is all about your connection and the information that comes through this channeling process, through Frederick Ponzlov? EP: Yes, and the unfolding. Fred didn’t always like channeling Solomon. Fred had this voice trying to come through him since he was young. But then the same voice, and the same what I call the “the six phrases” or initial six sentences, comes through over 50 different patients. Some of them were frightened some of them were angry and some left my practice. Some of these were patients of mine for 10 or 12 years, others were people who came on the very first visit. But I could gently coerce Fred into bringing the voice through him at times. Fortunately, I had the mindset to tape record them. The first time I tried the tape recorder broke. I kept the recordings and sent them off to a medical transcriptionist. I think the beginning of the transcriptions started around February of ‘94 or ‘95. Eventually we decided it was time to put it all together in a book to share the information. The information was also spoken specifically to me. Not to Eric Pearl the human being, it was spoken to me Eric Pearl who was sort of like the first doorway opening of bringing this infor-
mation through, to bring this level of healing onto the planet. I only had to teach them how to utilize it. You cannot teach it. You transmit it in an interaction, and then you teach how to utilize it. WP: Powerful stuff. EP: We are going to teach Reconnective Healing in Sacramento, I am going to give five seminars in North America, maybe six. The first Solomon workshop was on June 29th. We might do one in Germany and that is the only one there for this year. We will start regularly doing them in 2014. WP: Excellent. Our closing question, since the magazine is called the Whole Person, is Dr. Eric Scott Pearl a whole person? EP: I believe that we are all whole people, but do we always step into occupying or experiencing our wholeness? In other words, you could move into a beautiful villa or castle somewhere, but you also might find that you only live in three rooms. It is up to us, how much of ourselves we allow to come into our consciousness or our awareness to experience in our lives. We have to choose to step into the next room or the next room or the next. But everyone is a whole person. WP: Yes, a nice a description showing how we are just this little part of us, or we can occupy the all of us. Very appreciated. I thank you for giving your time, your energy, and sharing wisdom. It has been a delight. I feel honored to have met you. I hope we meet again. For more on Dr. Eric Scott Pearl’s work visit HYPERLINK “http://www.TheReconnection. com” www.TheReconnection.com and the website of his new book is www.SolomonSpeaks.com Transcribed by: Karen Heins