September 2012
to excavate, elevate, illuminate
Michael Murphy Takes a Stand Against Chemtrails
Southern California
Learn to Live From the Heart
Are you empowered to live the life you’ve always wanted to live? Here’s your invitation to meet the friends you wish you’d grown up with at the
ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH with over fifty years of community enrichment, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are.
e are living in interesting times! Now is the time to hone our skills as a Spirit seeking a human experience. I call it living on the fulchrum...balancing the books of living in the world but not being of it. We not only are capable of doing this, we were designed especially for this purpose. Rather than avoiding our purose, let’s step up to the plate and call forth the powers invested in us as us to not only live in the world but to create a world worth living in. -Rev. Margie Anne Taylor-Black
9:15 AM Course in Miracles Discussion 10:30 AM Sunday Service/Sunday School Great Music!
10 AM: Wishes Fulfilled (Dyer) 11 AM: Change Your Thoughts/Change Your Life (Dyer)
UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, September 1st - 10 am DVD - BENEATH THE PYRAMIDS Saturday, September 8th - 10 am MAKING GRIEF LIVEABLE/DR. MARGIE ANN Saturday, September 15th - 10 am EDGAR cAYcE DIScuSSIoN GRouP
Encino Community Church Sunday Services, Classes & Events are held at: 7769 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Canoga Park (818) 712-9400
Visit our Website at: • Email:
See calendar listings herein or call the ECC office for more information on services, classes and workshops
The WHOLE PERSON Magazine is devoted to supporting activities and events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles and spiritual/emotional wellbeing. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness.
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Event Listings
Each event listed is $20.00. Please submit one listing for each event (typewritten copy preferred, 30 words or less). EACH LISTING must include an address and/or telephone number and may be mailed in or emailed in to our respective addresses below. CLOSING DATE is the 15th of the month prior to the cover date of the issue in which the listing is to appear. As this is a monthly publication, the cover date is the first of each month.
Subscriptions $25.00 / 12 issues
Please enclose a check or money order with your name and address to the address below. The current issue is sent to you FREE. Subscriptions start with the first of the following month. The trademark THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable, its accuracy is not guaranteed.
Full Page Namaste I’m Tony Camacho, another journeyer on the path. Perhaps I am someone you’ve bumped elbows with or one that has stood at the periphery of your world. I am deeply honored to step into the shoes of The Whole Person Magazine, to step forward in carrying the torch. They are sacred shoes in many ways. I thread the laces of these shoes with much humility, with great excitement and joy. Our goal is to extend the footprint of the magazine beyond the self-imposed boundaries, beyond the consensus beliefs we are often smothered by, to erase the line of demarcation. I extend my gratitude and deep appreciation, and presumably yours as well, to Monte Farris and Connie Kudura for their countless hours of giving in sustaining the magazine. They did a laudable job. Much thanks to the two of them. The Whole Person Calendar has been in existence for over 30 years. It was founded by Leslie Snyder and then the reins were handed over to Monte Farris. They each in their own unique way were visionaries who brought their gifts and talents to the publication and to each of us. As most of you know, the magazine had printed its last publication as of June. But it was not meant to be. Yes, we are back, here to be a pillar of support and a wealth of information to quench your desires to grow. We (Team Whole Person) are dedicated to creating a magazine which amplifies the recognition that the indelible prints we leave, that hold significance are the ones left on the hearts of the readers.
In these tumultuous times, the Magazine as well as the readers are called to change. We’re invited to pry open our often clenched hand, to release the old, the cherished, and the substances we’ve come to think is a component of our being. It is, I think, an invitation which leads to growth. We open the door to a cavernous space to see ourselves with new eyes. These eyes penetrate beyond the densely laden layers we’ve become accustomed to wearing. Change elicits the new, and the dynamic us comes forward. We are on a mission, a focused undertaking to bring you information, Tools to Excavate, Elevate, Illuminate and Love. We are a resource, a method and means to aid in cultivating a heightened sense of consciousness within each of you. Our intention is to build community, a cohesive family, a recognition of the oneness of which we all are. We invite you to become stewards. Your opinions are valued and desired. We’ll be addressing ways to bring you deeper into the sharing and the unraveling of your gifts and talents. We see everyone holding a part of the puzzle, a puzzle piece which glitters and shines. Each of them bursts from the beauty in each of you. Join the family, be The Whole Person you’ve always been. It is time for us to remember who we truly are. Tony Camacho Publisher
Learn to heal yourself and others with our comprehensive series and individual classes. Introduction to Clairvoyance Animal Communication Emotional Balance Healing with Crystals & Stones
Flower Essence Healing Tarot: Major & Minor Arcana The Power to Succeed Create Your Prosperous Life Now (310) 395-1170
LANA SPRAKER Yang Long Form T’ai Chi & Qi Gong Teaching internationally for 40 years
Group and Private Instruction
A Moving Meditation for health & peace of mind.
THE WAY OF T’AI CHI CH’UAN: Gentle Exercise for Inner Peace 60 min. inspiring instructional DVD (310) 479-3646
PREREGISTRATION - FUTURE EVENTS @The GATEWAY A TRIP TO MT. SHASTA WITH E.T. EXPERT ENRIQUE VILLANUEVA is in the planning process. More information at http://bit. ly/ORV3Gv : To get on the list, call (310) 4790430. Other trips too like Peru in April 2013, and also India and China down the road. Call to signup to go with us.
DELVE DEEPER INTO THE JAPANESE WORLD OF REIKI. Register now for Level III Shinpiden Reiki Teacher Course. February 22 through 24, 2013, in Los Angeles. Join renowned Reiki Teacher, author/researcher Frans Stiene from the International House of Reiki. Study and practice the Japanese pillars of Reiki. Perfect for existing Reiki Teachers & Level II practitioners! For more information or to register visit www. or call Tammy Britton (310) 7793576. AKASHIC RECORDS PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION WEEKEND with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT, Fri-Sun, October 24-26: Learn to read the Akashic Records (your Soul’s energy-archive) for yourself &/or others with Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer Process. Weekend training includes Past Life Healing tools. Info: (818) 415-3479, www.YourLifeandSoul. com, “ILLUMINATION OF THE HEART TOUR” SACRED SOUNDS HEALING CONCERT6:30PM @Live Arts LA, 4210 Panamint St. - LA, CA. The portal of
our hearts, which bridges the spiritual and manifest realms, is opening through this transformation to anchor our spiritual Light. Join Amaraene, a Shaman of Sound, on a journey within the channeled alchemy of the pure and sacred harmonics of Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, and Voice. $20. RSVP (909) 967-0246
- CALENDAR LISTINGS SATURDAY, Sept 1 @The GATEWAY NEW LOVE SOUND HEALING NETWORKING PARTY WITH MARGARET GRACE 6 to 9PM. Love and life are a gift for sharing thus a night of blessing your creations, birthing in the sacred geometry and the sound of New Love. Bring your cards, flyers, ideas and inspirations. $20. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 270-0555. DVD Beneath The Pyramids, 10am Encino Community Church. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca. 91304 (818)712-9400
SUNDAY, Sept 2 PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & DOCENT TOURS 12 to 4PM. (Every Sunday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Visit a “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden, breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace-leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.peacelabyrinth. org; Contact us at (323) 7374055 ext 1137; @The GATEWAY SANTA MONICA ECKHART TOLLE WITH MICHAEL JEFFREYS 7 to 9PM. We celebrate, explore and share with each other, ways to put into daily practice the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. The present moment is all there is! Learning to see, feel, experience and live as this present moment aliveness, your true nature, is what this gathering is all about. $10 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430
MONDAY, Sept 3 @The GATEWAY SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30 to 7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $15 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. (see Mondays) @The GATEWAY MAN UP, A WEEKLY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30 to 9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man and better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA
What in the1 World summer is Michael Murphy Saying About Chemtrails
When you meet Michael Murphy he looks like a regular guy. A husband, a father, a nice guy who just might coach the neighborhood little league team, or help an old lady across the street. You’d never suspect that he’s spearheading a movement to uncover one of the most nefarious schemes in history. Michael Murphy is an every man, who just happened to stumble across and then expose the purported truth about chemtrails/ geo-engineering with his widely talked about 2010 documentary, What in The World Are They Spraying? Whole Person Magazine sat down with the outspoken and surprisingly mild mannered Michael Murphy on the eve of the premier of his newest film, Why in The World Are They Spraying? WP: Why in the world are they spraying? MM:
There are many agendas associated with chemtrails/geo-engineering programs, based on our research weather control is one of the main components. Aerosols are required to be in the sky to manipulate and modify our weather. We investigated and spoke to meteorologists, and people who had worked in the defense industry and scientists about the interaction between aerosols from geo-engineering programs and how they relate to the droughts and severe weather conditions we are seeing today. Historically these were very rare and now we see these on a regular basis. Without question it’s related to the aerosols that are being sprayed into our skies.
WP: Why would the United States government want to control the weather? What would they have to gain or benefit? MM:
That was the question I first asked myself when I found out and I started investigating the reasons behind geo-engineering. When we looked into this, we found that weather control is very profitable for certain corporations. So if you control the weather, you can control every food supply and every political system. Again it’s a very effective way to consolidate and make a tremendous amount of money on the Chicago mercantile exchange where weather is actually being traded.
WP: What types of chemicals are being sprayed into our atmosphere? MM:
There are many, but in the first film we covered the primary ingredients of geo-engineering programs, which are aluminum, barium and strontium. What geo-engineers are proposing to do, though according to them none of these programs have been started, is spray 20 million tons of toxic aluminum oxide and other heavy metals into our sky for what is the stated goal of cooling our planet. Aluminum being reflective, the theory is that it will reflect sunlight back into space. Since we have started researching, we have found a number of studies showing that putting aerosols into our skies will only temporarily cool the planet
WP: What are the symptoms that someone might have if they are high in aluminum or some of the other chemicals used in geo-engineering?
in certain regions, after they spray on a warm sunny day the temperature will drop, but at night these aerosols act as a blanket that trap heat. We’ve seen an incredible increase in night time highs. Again, these are NASA studies, and University studies that are indicating this. So the question is, if it’s not about cooling the planet, then what truly is the agenda? And we came across weather control.
WP: What are the long term effects of spraying aerosols into our atmosphere? MM: There are a number of consequences that geo-engineers are very open about. Number one, is the fact that their programs will shred our ozone. We now have a huge ozone hole above the northern hemisphere. Our protective layer is being destroyed every time they spray. Geo-engineers are also open about the environmental consequences which are changes in PH soil around the world. Now our soils are changing to alkaline. The primary ingredients in the geo-engineering programs, aluminum, barium and strontium are now being found around the world which will change acidic soil to alkaline soil, that will destroy plant life, because it requires an acidic soil to grow. And of course weather pattern disruptions. Geo-engineers are open about the fact that their programs that disperse aerosols into our atmosphere will create drought. These particles act as what is called cloud condensation nuclei, so when water evaporates over the ocean, typically it will coagulate in the sky and it will combine with other particles and fall like rain. When aerosols, such as the main ingredients of geo-engineering programs are introduced into the sky, it’s devastating. We get the intense flooding in the midwest and on the east coast. Unless as they want it this summer, they want that rainfall to drift and create a drought. Again, it’s very profitable for certain corporations.
WP: What can an everyday person do to combat the toxic chemicals that are being sprayed into our atmosphere? MM:
Many things. On a personal level, our health needs to come first. We need vibrance. We need to be healthy when addressing this issue. So organic foods are very important, as well as undergoing various chelation methods. Many people now are high in aluminum and barium, the primary ingredients of geo-engineering programs. These metals are in their blood so obviously it’s going to effect their health. Meeting with a naturpathic physician and really learning how to chelate these out of our bodies is probably the first step.
Some of the other risks are that it will create droughts in Africa and Asia, and geo-engineers state their programs could disrupt the food supply for over 2 billion people. From rain tests, which are coming in from all over the world, we are seeing this geo-engineering footprint of aluminum, barium and strontium. These metals match a number of geo-engineering patents that were designed to specifically spray these metals into the sky. They also match what geo-engineers deny that they are spraying. However what we are finding in rain tests, and what we see in the sky, on a regular basis in terms of these long trails that do not dissipate, is that they spread out and block the sun. It’s the expressed goal of the stratospheric geo-engineering programs. Many people are now becoming aware of an issue called “Global Dimming.” Now we have 20% less sunlight hitting the earth than just a few decades ago. And again that’s an expressed interest of geo-engineering.
Many different things. There are acute symptoms on heavy spray days. People experience nausea, headache, irritability, dry mouth, high blood pressure, and the amount of heart attacks and strokes increase when we have a heavy canopy of chemicals. Long term effects with high levels of aluminum damages our neurological system. We now have documented cases of people in their 40s being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Barium lowers our immune system. So an increase in colds, other illnesses and even cancer. Some people are complaining of respiratory problems. Respiratory mortality has gone from 8 to number 3 in the last few years as the leading cause of death. We have seen a huge jump in coughing and hacking. I have spoken to several physicians who have told me that respiratory illness has gone up tenfold in the past few years.
WP: Is it possible that the side effects and ramifications of the Global manipulation of our weather could get way out of control?
Chemtrails/geo-engineering in the skies
The potential for monetary and political power being consolidated into the hands of a few, they are aware of that, but the consequences are drastic to the planet. Our eco system is being thrown off balance from top to bottom. We have fungal growth around the world which is destroying much of our plant life, forests are collapsing, and natural organic foods are not growing. MONSANTO now has a seed that can grow in these new conditions: heavy contaminated soils, drought conditions, and conditions where we have too much rain. Yes they are aware of the power that they are able to consolidate through the use of these programs, and oddly aware of the future implications of the planet. When people play God the outcome is never good. I think power is an addiction. Geoengineer, David Keith made a comment “Geo-engineering gives man God-like power.” Power and addictions can be blinding. Continued on Page 8
Continued from Page 7
WP: When I watched your first film, What in The World Are They Spraying? I was shocked to find the geoengineers so removed from the people they were affecting. Do they see it as just a scientific experiment?
1/3 col.
MM: It blew my mind, one of the issues which we included in Why in The World Are They Spraying? is the issue of equity. Geo-engineers state there will be winners and losers with our programs. How do you reimburse the countries that have lost all their crops? It’s very amazing to hear these people with this type of power. The best thing to call them is weapons. How do you deal with this issue of equity? It’s really concerning that they are trying to play God.
WP: Politically what can the average person do? MM:
I think awareness is key. We’ve taken many routes and certainly many of our officials at the upper level, most of them in the senate and congress, are supported by the very corporations that are benefiting from these programs. We have had success at the local level and at the county level. In Maui we started a street campaign. Awareness, while it’s growing, we are still moving towards getting critical mass. Why in The World Are They Spraying? we believe will get us to critical mass because it ties into weather control and the finances of the certain corporations that benefit from this. So handing out DVDs for free, YouTube clips of our film, and other information that is credible and prudent to move forward in getting our population not only aware but activated. I hand out DVDs for free, and I’ve started the coalition against geo-engineering with my co-producer of the first film, GW Griffin. We also do street outreaches where we share information about this issue and hand out DVDs for free. Right now awareness is a key factor that we have to focus on. Once we have this critical mass we can bring it to the county level, and state level. I’ve had a number of state senators contact me showing their interest in moving forward in getting ordinances passed. There are literally geo-engineering programs everywhere. With that said, we have to move quickly getting ordinances passed. In reviewing the geo-engineering conference footage, geoengineers spoke about public perception and how to sell this to the public. There are three levels of people that they classify. First level are people that have no knowledge of geo-engineering, and those were the people they were not concerned about. They had a middle level of people that had some knowledge but could be easily persuaded to accept these programs. Third classification were those that studied and were well aware of these programs. That was their area of concern. They stated that these were the people that would protest and speak out.
WP: But according to the US government they are not spraying?
summer 3
These programs are about consolidating an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of the few at the expense of every living thing on the planet. Period.
Yes, that’s right. There has been no admittance. Now they are talking about just doing tests in New Mexico and putting aerosols into the sky. Bill Gates has been a big funder into geo-engineering and he has a connection to Monsanto.
WP: On the topic of Monsanto, how do GMOs relate to geo-engineering? MM:
GMOs, Genetically Modified Organisms is a way to genetically modify a seed. They relate to geo-engineering in a couple different ways. Without question geo-engineering destroys crops, these metals are sprayed into our sky and they fall into our soil; heavy metals and contaminants are very toxic to our crops. Aluminum oxide, free-form aluminum is the primary ingredient in geo-engineering and is extremely toxic to plant life. Most plants and trees have a root system that will shut off when these toxic chemicals are introduced. The plant does not get it’s nutrients and it dies a very slow death. So geoengineering is toxic a couple of ways; through the contamination of our soil, but also through the drought conditions, through the flooding conditions, and through the overgrowth of fungus. Geo-engineering programs block our sun which creates an overgrowth of fungus, and that destroys plants as well. Monsanto has a patent on an abiotic stress resistant seed. What is an abiotic stress resistant seed? Abiotic stress is everything that geo-engineering creates. It’s the droughts, it’s the floods, it’s the heavy metal contamination in our soils. We are now seeing around the world that natural organic foods are declining.
In Why in The World Are They Spraying? we interviewed a farmers, and they are seeing between a 60% and 70% decline in their ability to grow their natural organic yield. So through the death and destruction of crops, the farmers have two choices, they can either sell their farm land at pennies on the dollar, where a company owned by George Soros comes in and offers them a very low price, and it appears to be a land grab. Or the farmer can go to this new abiotic stress resistant genetically modified seed. We go back to geo-engineers stating that “our programs might create drought in Africa and Asia” and that’s what they are telling the American people. Why wouldn’t they tell the American people that it could create droughts here? There’s nothing different and special about the geography in Africa and Asia, or America that would cause it to have droughts. When you saturate our atmosphere with metal particulates it will create drought, period. What they are doing if you’ve noticed is an excessive push by the Obama administration and Monsanto to bring their genetically modified seeds into those regions. And if a country is growing natural organic foods, why would they go to medically Continued on Page 16
Full Page summer 4
90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.. http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Mondays)
- West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays)
@The GATEWAY LUNCH BREAK LEAN AND LONG YOGA 12 to 1PM. RSVP required. Wear comfortably stretchy clothing and be prepared to be barefoot (optional but safer). You are welcome to bring your own mat, while we do have extras. By Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays)
w/The GATEWAY DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s 11755 Pico Blvd - LA, CA 90066. They do have nonmeat taco options but be aware, they mix lard with most everything. 5PM prompt or the wait list begins. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so (310) 479-0430. (see Wednesdays)
@The GATEWAY CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL, Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, and Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Each session is one hour. While adept from many years with energy work, Danielle currently follows universal guidance to offer it for $50. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430.
@The GATEWAY TRYST OF YARN CREATIVES, A CROCHET AND KNITTING LOVERS CIRCLE 6 to 7:30PM. Every other Wednesday. Bring your projects, needles, yarn…; sewers welcome too, with portable sewing machine and supplies. Let’s craft together in community, the way it is meant to be. By Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave-LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Wednesdays)
@The GATEWAY ANGEL READINGS WITH MARIBEL DE LOS ANGELES, DOREEN VIRTUE ANGEL THERAPIST® “…all of Heaven desires to assist you in any way possible, and all you need to do is ask.” Feeling your spirit ripe for breaking through something? The angels will facilitate. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Suggested $30 Donation for first 20 minutes, $20 per 15 minutes thereafter, totaling to $75 for an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100
@The GATEWAY READINGS WITH PSYCHIC JUDE 7 to 9PM. Past, present and future, relationships, career, finances, health, travel, education, any topic… for yourself, friends or family. Also a medium so Jude can contact those passed over, pets too; or delve into past lives, share from your spirit guides and also provide intuitive counseling. By Donation first 10 minutes, $20 per 10 minutes thereafter. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. TOGHWq (see Wednesdays)
@The GATEWAY QIGONG: AWAKENING AND MAINTAINING HEALING ENERGY 7:30 to 8:30PM. Every other Wednesday. All levels welcome. Empowerment, stress reduction, build stamina, strengthen the immune system, increase flexibility coordination and sensitivity to energy, improve cardiovascular respiratory circulatory and digestive functions. Suggested Donation $10. 2507 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. http:// (see Wednesdays) @The GATEWAY A COURSE IN MIRACLES WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30 to 9PM. Every other Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being and bring them into every day consciousness. Those new or in ACIM forever welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $10 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 476-9898. (see bi-weekly Wednesdays)
THURSDAY, Sept 6 @The GATEWAY SIVANANDA YOGA OF HAPPINESS IN A MEDICINE WHEEL + SOUND BATHING WITH MARGARET GRACE 12 to 1PM. A smooth sound bathing blend of Hatha and Iyengar Yogas, Tibetan eye movement exercises… Margaret teaching style invites surrender while restoring the healthy body mind connection so that healing willingly and abundantly occurs. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064.
10 Free Parking. (310) 270-0555. Info and registration (see Thursdays)
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@The GATEWAY BE YOUR OWN GURU: 6 LOCAL SPIRITUAL LEADERS, LIVE AND IN PERSON, 1 SPIRITED EVENING OF DISCUSSION AND COMMUNITY 6:30 to 9:30PM. Robert Burnham, Jim Dreaver, Michael Jeffreys, Michael Lennox, Rev. John M. McClean, Freeman Michaels, in a warm intimate setting as if in your own living room. $15. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 2860969. @The GATEWAY AMERICAN HOLISTIC MEDICAL WITH ELLANY T. AVELIN, MASTER HEALER AND C.Ht. 7PM. An opportunity for alternative holistic practitioners to network, speak and get support. Learn how to hold teleseminars as a great mode of advertising your practice and selling your products. $5. 2511 S Barrington Ave Ste 100-LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 8923108. @The GATEWAY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE: A WEEKLY THURSDAY SERIES WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Join in at anytime. A warm and loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential by guiding you to discover more of who you truly are and live your life purpose. $20 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (424) 9036633. (see Thursdays)
FRIDAY, Sept 7 @The GATEWAY ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. By appointment in advance only from 9AM to 6PM. Edward is also gifted as an Intuitive and treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles in the treatment depends on what is being called for and the receptivity of the patient, so those who are needle-weary, needles are not required. 20 minutes By Donation. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. Info and registration (see Fridays) @The GATEWAY THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY MASSAGE WITH REIKI FINALE BY MEIRAV LESHEM, CERTIFIED AND LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST AND REIKI MASTER 1 to 7PM. By Appt in advance only. One hour session for $49, $1 a minute thereafter. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. TOGHWq (see Fridays) Via The GATEWAY TWILIGHT HIKERS Free. Meet for carpool at Stoner Recreation Center specifically in its Parking Lot. We meet every Friday night, full, half or no moon at 6:45PM and then choose the hike, coordinate carpooling and we are off for our blissful hike, always in the glorious Santa Monica Mountains. Hikes are between 4 and 5 miles round trip and back in the parking lot around 9:30PM. Many of us go to eat to follow so you are also welcome to join in this further fellowship. We do not encourage flash-
lights as that makes the eye adjustment harder. Dogs are also not recommended as some hikes are dog friendly and some are not and the hikes are not predetermined to allow for them. Wear sturdy shoes, bring layers and water. 1835 Stoner Ave - LA, CA 90025 Parking Lot which is actually on the side of Missouri Ave. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. THE FIRST BLESSINGS, A VIDEO SEMINAR SCREENING FEATURING JOHN MORTON, Spiritual Director of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30 to 9PM. Free of charge (donations welcome). Refreshments follow. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137; Registrar@
SATURDAY, Sept 8 WORKSHOP-Making Grief Liveable/ Dr. Margie Ann 10am, Encino Community Church. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca. 91304. (818)712-9400 @The GATEWAY ACCESS BARS WITH CERTIFIED FACILITATOR KAYLA LEUNG 9:30AM to 5:30PM. Learn how to tap into over 40 energies to facilitate a body to change and transform and heal itself. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Inquiries to A SATURDAY AFTERNOON WITH PEACE AT THE LABYRINTH. 12 to 4PM. (2nd Sat. of month.) Free. In honor of the International Day of Peace we will be doing a “Peace Prayer Dedication� at 1 & 3PM. Labyrinth instructions offered. Receive a complimentary journal. Take time to explore your Soul and hold for peace. You can unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the meditation garden; tap into the peace--and leave rejuvenated. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; www.msia. org. Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137;
CREATE YOUR OWN MANDALA 2 to 4PM with Dr. Corinne Cunningham at The Healing Light Resource Center. $15. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103, “ILLUMINATION OF THE HEART TOUR� SACRED SOUNDS HEALING CONCERT6:30PM @Equilibrium Fitness, 2019 Foothill Boulevard - La Verne, CA. The portal of our hearts, which bridges the spiritual and manifest realms, is opening through this transformation to anchor our spiritual Light. Join Amaraene, a Shaman of Sound, on a journey within the channeled alchemy of the pure and sacred harmonics of Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, and Voice. $20. RSVP (909) 967-0246 www. @The GATEWAY CONSTELLATION HEALING INSTITUTE PRESENTS GARY STUART 7 to 11PM. Constellation Healing reveals and releases hidden (or not so hidden) entanglements that
A Metaphor for the Mystic path to Enlightenment The Matrix was one of the most popular and thought-provoking movies of all time. Viewers all over the world were captivated by the film’s primary message: People get into deep trouble when they mistake what they perceive for reality. What most viewers do not realize is that prior to the release of this groundbreaking film, western intelligence agencies were already using the term “the Matrix” to describe today’s world. This was in contrast to their work with remote viewers, who would “escape the matrix” to gather intelligence. Art truly does imitate life.
In the movie, the Matrix is an elaborate Artificial Intelligence computer simulation that’s so captivating that people mistake it for reality. People perceive they are walking about and interacting with others, but their physical bodies are actually submerged in fluid-filled pods, “plugged into” the Matrix, while their vital life force is harnessed to power the Matrix. After Neo (Keanu Reaves) learns the truth, with the help of Morpheus’s (Lawrence Fishburne) training, he is able to overcome his misconception that the Matrix is reality. Neo rebels against the machines that create his false reality and, eventually, he escapes the limitations of the Matrix. To others, he has developed superhuman abilities, but, “in reality,” he has merely recognized the truth. Escaping the Matrix is a metaphor for the mystic path to enlightenment. The Matrix can be defined as the world that we
by Edwin Harkness Spina
perceive, which includes the physical world, as well as higher planes of emotions and thoughts, which also affect us. Within the Matrix, are countless fear-based thoughts and emotions that condition us to accept limitations. We are taught that we have little power, and what little power we do have, we are advised to delegate to authority figures and experts. Swimming in a sea of negative thoughts, we are prompted to use our creative ability to imagine even more negative thoughts. Without introspection, the Matrix gets darker and more dense. Anyone who blindly accepts these prevalent, negative thoughts will have his or her life path dictated by the Matrix. But those who recognize that it is our collective thoughts and beliefs that power the Matrix will recognize the way out. When we incarnate on earth, we temporarily forget the higher truth of who we are. Our life mission is to remember, to connect with our innermost self, so that we may transcend the Matrix.
within each of us. As your negative beliefs are purified through regular contact with the “light” of your divine nature, unhealthy emotions, such as fear and anger, will naturally begin to diminish, and you’ll be free to transcend to higher states of consciousness. You will “download” more of your own true self, while simultaneously and automatically attracting others of similar vibration. Your world will become more synchronistic. You will repel angry, fearful people, and those who stick around will become calmer and more centered. You will radiate love. By simply being in higher consciousness, you will have a greater effect on the world than the most gifted orators and political leaders. The higher your consciousness and energy are vibrating, the faster your thoughts will manifest. When you align with your innermost self, you are aligned more closely with the Source of all creation. At the apex of your individual consciousness, you are connected with The One. You then have at your disposal the entire universe to help you manifest the highest good for all.
The reality we perceive with our senses is not the true reality, but merely a small portion of reality, masquerading as the whole. But, unlike the “alternate reality” that Neo must extricate himself from, in our “reality,” there is no need to rebel. Rather, our goal should be to transcend. We want to “be in this world, but not of it.”
In actuality, we are single points of awareness in the Oneness that is Reality. What we interpret as the physical world is the projection of this awareness, which is taking place in the Mind of God. We are, as Shakespeare pointed out, merely “actors” in a divine play.
The outer world is a reflection of our inner thoughts and beliefs, whether individual or collective, which have been conditioned by our experience in the Matrix. Consequently,
When we wake up to this knowledge, the play does not stop. We are free to act or interact, in bliss and peace, unattached to the Matrix. We have within us the power to create “heaven on earth” and escape the Matrix. WP
the Matrix is a learning environment, where we get feedback on how our thoughts manifest. Thankfully, our negative thoughts do not (typically) manifest instantaneously. Otherwise, we would risk the spontaneous destruction of our world by thinking negative thoughts. Clearing yourself of negative energies through daily meditation can provide a direct link to the “ultimate reality,” i.e., the pure consciousness residing
To prepare for your escape, please visit: Edwin Harkness Spina is the author of the awardwinning visionary thriller Mystic Warrior and Mystic Secrets Revealed, and the developer of Energy Center Clearing. For more information please visit:
Coleman (22)
“ ”
Moshe The Best Advice Ever
by Sarah Larsen, MD
I believe that every person has a purpose and the real work of our lives is to discover it! We become the person we are meant to be because every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware, awakened and be all that we are here to be! It is amazing how much fun it can be to discover who you were meant to be. Becoming myself has been filled with laughter, tears, connection, knowing, growth, mistakes, disappointments, indecision, embarrassment, reading, coaching, and deep meaning. It is a process!
One process you can adapt: 1. Embrace all that you are. Know that inside you is who you are meant to be! Trust that everything happens for a reason.
2. Notice that you are more than you recognize most of the time. You have buried under some false fronts this quirky, wild, marvelous you. My false fronts were people pleasing, submissive Asian, and approval junkie. Many of us have a suitcase filled with fronts that cover up the reason we chose to come to the planet! 3. Love the false fronts and let them go. For me my false frontscovered my deep insecurity about being lovable. When I loved me andlet my self talk reflect I understood why I said yes when I felt no to a request. I could eventually say no
We become the person we are meant to be because every human being has value and purpose.
and feel okay. We cannot not think our way into becoming ourself. We must love, feel, and take action! 4. Take time for recreation. Break down the word to re-create. Actively stop from time to time and drastically change your daily activity. Day dream while walking in a nearby town, swing in the park until a line of kids are saying “hey, those are for us! Smell all the flowers in the flower shop. Bird watch. In other words, try new things leisurely. It is in this time I revealed to myself what I really liked and what I didn’t and connected with a place inside myself that was still undiscovered, and unconditioned. It brought me into the ever
5. Build your letting go muscle. I actively started letting things go because I can’t do what I am meant to do if I am doing what I am not meant to be doing. I made space and time for the things that truly matter most! I stopped hanging out with some people. I let go of projects. I moved. I got comfortable being uncomfortable. 6. Feel! I had to take a look at what my behaviors were that kept me from really feeling. Sometimes the behavior was eating a pint of ice cream because I didn’t want to feel lonely. Sometimes it was shopping so I could feel like I was enough. I learned to sit with the feeling and to be okay in the moment. Breathing rather than doing. Like your breath something is always ending and another thing beginning. YOU are a miracle. What you seek is seeking you! WP Dr. Sarah Larsen can be reached through
DisCOvER ThE POwER wiThiN YOu!
The Church of Truth A CENTER FOR
Come ... experience a true spiritual community wherein everyone is encouraged to unfold their own unique spiritual nature with grace, elegance and ease, in their own time and space. Join us for Meditation at 10:30 am with Rev. BJ Enright
Thought Provoking Celebration Services & Lessons Every Sunday, 11 AM Sept 02 Sept 09 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 30
“Loving Our Planet” “A Healing New Thought” “We All Pray” “A Taste of Life” “Ask Rev. Donna”
Rev. Dr. Donna Bryns Rev. Dr. Donna Bryns Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns
Creative arts PlayshoP
Saturday, September 15th 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Facilitated by: amanda sargenti, Ma, atr, life Coach and sandi Duncan, Mt, health rhythms Facilitator In this “playshop”, participants will explore ways to release stress creatively using each of the five senses. This experiential day will include drumming, creating visual images, meditation and many other fun activities. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED Church office 626-795-6905 Affiliate Church:
THE CHURCH OF TRUTH 690 E. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91104 626-795-6905 • Sundays 10:30 AM Meditation 11:00 AM Celebration Service Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns, Senior Minister 210 Fwy. Exit Lake Ave., North to Orange Grove, turn left, south side of 1st block
Church of Truth “Let your light so shine”
22900 Market St., Newhall, CA 91321 661-645-9503 for information Sundays 10 AM Meditation 10:30 AM Celebration Service Rev. Lee, DMC, Minister
“God’s world and man’s world are thought created”
Kenneally Acupuncture &
1/3 col.
Healing Light Resource Center
Kathleen Kenneally, L.Ac.
Acupuncture • Herbal Medicine
Tuesdays Beginning Meditation 5:30-6:30pm
with Dr. Corinne Cunningham $15 9/8 “Create your own Mandala” w/ Dr. Corinne Cunningham 2-4pm $25 9/9- 10/7 (5 weeks) “HypnoBirthing Classes” w/ Jayne Rutledge C.Ht. 5:30-7pm 9/11- 10/23 (7 weeks) “ Tarot 1 “ with Sheila Tanenbaum $30/class or $175 up front 7-9pm 9/12- “Channeled Card Readings” w/ Ayamanatara 2:30- 5:30pm 9/13- “Healing Harp Meditation” with Aedan MacDowell $15 7-8pm 9/17-“Law of Success” with Dr. Charles Heydon $20 7-8pm 9/19- “Community Reiki” with Kathleen Fletcher RMT $10 Donation 6-9pm 9/26- “Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation” with Ayamanatara $20 7:30-8:30pm 9/27- “Reiki Circle” with Terri Bell RMT $10 Donation 6:30-8pm 9/28 & 9/30 “Sound Vibrational Readings & Healing Sessions” with Reverand Elizabeth Clare D.D. Call for appointment times 9/29- “The Body of Music- Tools for Transformation Through Sound Vibration” with Rev. Elizabeth Clare D.D. $75 12-3pm
9/23 Fall Seasonal Acupuncture & Healing Light Event 9-4PM Acupunture, Readings, Vendors & Music
Visit our Gift Store Meditation CDs, Crystals, Books, Inspirational Gifts Call for Store Hours 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 4 & 5 Santa Clarita, CA 91351
are obstacles to health, career and relationships. $10 General Admission, Constellation working fees for those worked. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 748-2052. Info and registration http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Saturdays)
SUNDAY, Sept 9 PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & DOCENT TOURS 12 to 4. (Every Sunday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Visit a “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden, breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace-leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; Contact us at (323) 7374055 ext 1137; @The GATEWAY SPIRITUAL HEALING SERVICE WITH ELLANY T. AVELIN, C.Ht. 1PM. Here, we create the loving spiritual experience we want, get all the healing we need along this journey, and receive the connection of this community. By Donation. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 892-3108.
MONDAY, Sept 10 LAZY WAY to Kundalini Activation with Master Sio. 6 to 7:30PM. Take a nap, experience tingling, mild electric currents, visions. $20. (424) 744-6439. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. classes-and-events/ @The GATEWAY SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30 to 7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $15 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. (see Mondays) SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:30 to 8:30PM. (Every Monday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by John-Roger, Founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.; Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137; @The GATEWAY MAN UP, A WEEKLY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30 to 9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man and better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA
90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.. http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Mondays)
TUESDAY, Sept 11
True Insight @The GATEWAY THE WORK OF BYRON KATIE WITH BYRON KATIE CERTIFIED FACILITATOR HANNA LEVINSON 7 to 9PM. Write it down, ask four questions, turn it around. If you have a nagging hurt in need of release, this process brings it about like no other. $15. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 562-1778.
@The GATEWAY LUNCH BREAK LEAN AND LONG YOGA 12 to 1PM. RSVP required. Wear comfortably stretchy clothing and be prepared to be barefoot (optional but safer). You are welcome to bring your own mat, while we do have extras. By Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays) @The GATEWAY EMERGING HIGHER SELF TECHNIQUE WITH ROBERT SHAPIRO, M.D. 7:30 to 9:30PM. Dramatically change your connection between you as a person and the life you want to live.Free demo to the entire group offered at session end. $20 Suggested Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (413) 478-2337. http://bit. ly/OVDCPI @The GATEWAY CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL, Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, and Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Each session is one hour. While adept from many years with energy work, Danielle currently follows universal guidance to offer it for $50. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430.
@The GATEWAY ANGEL READINGS WITH MARIBEL DE LOS ANGELES, DOREEN VIRTUE ANGEL THERAPIST® “…all of Heaven desires to assist you in any way possible, and all you need to do is ask.” Feeling your spirit ripe for breaking through something? The angels will facilitate. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Suggested $30 Donation for first 20 minutes, $20 per 15 minutes thereafter, totaling to $75 for an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays)
WEDNESDAY, Sept 12 CHANNELED CARD READINGS with Ayamanatara 2:30 to 5:30PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103 @The GATEWAY FREEDOM IS NOT IN A CONCEPT WITH DARRYL BAILEY, AUTHOR AND TEACHER OF NON-DUALITY 7:30 to 9:30PM. An invitation to see the vital shifting dance that life is. Be not distracted by the myriad perspectives of expressions of a great, indefinable, unformed happening. Know it. $15-$20. 2507 S.
1/4 Shiv single raj
Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (909) 793-4482.
THURSDAY, Sept 13 @The GATEWAY SIVANANDA YOGA OF HAPPINESS IN A MEDICINE WHEEL + SOUND BATHING WITH MARGARET GRACE 12 to 1PM. A smooth sound bathing blend of Hatha and Iyengar Yogas, Tibetan eye movement exercises… Margaret teaching style invites surrender while restoring the healthy body mind connection so that healing willingly and abundantly occurs. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 270-0555. Info and registration (see Thursdays) @The GATEWAY CREATING OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOCIAL CONNECTIVITY, PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING AND SOCIAL SERVICE WITH MARCY COLE 7 to 10PM. More info and registration at (310) 266-5705. 2507 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. http://
HEALING HARP MEDITATION with Aedan McDowell 7 to 8PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $15. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103 @The GATEWAY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE: A WEEKLY THURSDAY SERIES WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Join in at anytime. A warm and loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential by guiding you to discover more of who you truly are and live your life purpose. $20 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (424) 9036633. (see Thursdays)
FRIDAY, Sept 14 @The GATEWAY ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. By appointment in advance only from 9AM to 6PM. Edward is also gifted as an Intuitive and treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles in the treatment depends on what is being called for and the receptivity of the patient, so those who are needle-weary, nee-
dles are not required. 20 minutes By Donation. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. Info and registration (see Fridays)
sturdy shoes, bring layers and water. 1835 Stoner Ave - LA, CA 90025 Parking Lot which is actually on the side of Missouri Ave. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
BODY MIND & SPIRIT EXPO FRIDAY and Saturday Sept 15 in Pasadena for the 14th year, brings to life a positive, healing environment. Weekend admission of $12 includes all lectures and demos as well as admission to the exhibit hall. Visit our website, for a $2 off coupon!! Pasadena Masonic Temple, 200 S. Euclid Avenue. Sat 10AM to 6PM, Sun 11AM to 5PM. For more information call (541) 482-3722
THE CONSTANT REVELATION, A VIDEO SEMINAR SCREENING FEATURING JOHN-ROGER, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30 to 9PM. Free of charge (donations welcome). Refreshments follow. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137;
@The GATEWAY THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY MASSAGE WITH REIKI FINALE BY MEIRAV LESHEM, CERTIFIED AND LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST AND REIKI MASTER 1 to 7PM. By Appt in advance only. One hour session for $49, $1 a minute thereafter. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. TOGHWq (see Fridays) @The GATEWAY ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE FREEDOM: THE END OF BEING A VICTIM WITH BENTINHO MASSARO 7 to 9PM. $20. Precedes the 2 day Saturday/Sunday Retreat with him Sept. 15th and 16th both 11AM to 5PM and $75 each. No one turned away for the lack of funds. Come know experience as an effortless, translucent coming and going within awareness, as that no-thing that is truly always present. 2507 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. Via The GATEWAY TWILIGHT HIKERS Free. Meet for carpool at Stoner Recreation Center specifically in its Parking Lot. We meet every Friday night, full, half or no moon at 6:45PM and then choose the hike, coordinate carpooling and we are off for our blissful hike, always in the glorious Santa Monica Mountains. Hikes are between 4 and 5 miles round trip and back in the parking lot around 9:30PM. Many of us go to eat to follow so you are also welcome to join in this further fellowship. We do not encourage flashlights as that makes the eye adjustment harder. Dogs are also not recommended as some hikes are dog friendly and some are not and the hikes are not predetermined to allow for them. Wear
SATURDAY, Sept 15 Edgar Cayce Study Group - Discussion 10am, Encino Community Church. 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Canoga Park, Ca. 91304. (818)7129400 @The GATEWAY CONSTELLATION HEALING INSTITUTE PRESENTS GARY STUART 7 to 11PM. Constellation Healing reveals and releases hidden (or not so hidden) entanglements that are obstacles to health, career and relationships. $10 General Admission, Constellation working fees for those worked. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 748-2052. Info and registration http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Saturdays)
SUNDAY, Sept 16 HEALING THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS 5-DAY CERTIFICATION RETREAT, Sept 16 through 20, with Akashic expert/author Linda Howe. Learn to use your sacred wounds to discover your soul’s perfection. Includes Akashic Healing Practitioner Certification plus all accommodations. Glen Ivy Retreat Center (Corona CA, Inland Empire). Info: Barbara Schiffman (LA area host), (818) 415-3479, AkashicLA@, FINDING PEACE IN TODAY’S WORLD WORKSHOP 2 to 5PM. Free of charge (donations welcome). In honor of the International Day of Peace, this workshop explores those things that disturb our peace. Discover how this quality of peace is a state of being we can choose regardless of circumstances. Feel free to come early to
Michael Murphy continued from Page 8 modified seeds? Many of them are terminator seeds, which do not germinate. Traditionally farmers have been able to get seeds from their crops and use them to plant for their next season. Monsanto is coming in as a solution to this problem and selling these terminator seeds so the farmers have to keep coming back and buying these seeds over and over. We are dependent on natural seeds, rain and sunshine. Natural food is declining very quickly, and the concern we have is that within a year or two, we will not be able to be dependent on nature. Then we’ll be dependent on the stores. This is the shift of power that generations and generations have been talking about. They don’t have it yet. We still have the ability to grow from nature, but if we allow this shift to happen we will not have a future for us or for our children.
WP: How can people get a hold of your documentaries? MM:
You can go to our website, DVDs are for sale, but we encourage anyone who purchased them to copy, duplicate and hand them out for free. As a result we have had street campaigns all over the world and we are waking people up. So it’s a very effective way. The website also has some other information and links to credible sites.
WP: Spearheading a movement is an unusual job. How did you get into writing and producing documentaries on geo-engineering? MM:
I was told, “Just do what you love.” So I started creating videos addressing political issues that not too many people were aware of. Then somebody invited me to a geo-engineering conference, and reluctantly I accepted. When I returned home I wrote an article titled, “What in The World Are They Spraying?” Not expecting it to get much air time, I sent it into Counter Currents, ( an online publication, not knowing it would get any traction. I put my email address on it, and the next morning when I woke up my inbox was flooded. The article went viral and translated into 7 different languages. At that time people started asking me, if I send you a plane ticket will you come and document this by video? So that is how the first film got started. I never had planned on doing a documentary, but all the doors were open. The first plane ticket was to California, and when we were there, someone contacted me to go to Hawaii. When I was in Hawaii, people from Belgium contacted me. I literally just followed the doors that were open. From there we were able to put together a video that was considered to be groundbreaking for this issue. Now chemtrails/geo-engineering is known to most people by the first film. The response we are getting to the second film, Why in The World Are They Spraying? is that it will go mainstream, and this issue will have to be addressed. Getting these programs stopped is the main goal. It has to
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Without question geo-engineering destroys crops. These metals are sprayed into our sky and they fall into our soil. Heavy metals and contaminants are extremely toxic...
be the main goal and focus. What we have done is created a tool with these films to awaken the public so we can get these programs stopped
WP: What is your next film going to be about? MM:
Who in the Hell is Spraying? If the doors open. I only will do a film if I feel strongly, if their is a calling, and if the flow is there. I have thought of, “Who in The Hell is Spraying? Getting A Closer Look.” We kind of hinted at the corporations that benefit from these programs. So What in the world, Why in the world, and Who in the hell could be a film. A natural progression.
WP: There were quite a few screenings for your first movie in Southern California, tell us about the potential screenings for your newest movie. MM: Absolutely, screenings are a very effective way to get the word out into the community. I’ve seen county ordinances started, and action groups formed. Something happens when we get together and it’s positive when we adress these things. On our website, we have a section for screenings. We have artwork and tools that will make the screenings more effective. We had thousands of screenings around the world for the first film. It’s something I continue to push. Hopefully we will have a screening at the Gateway for Why in the World are We Spraying?
WP: Speaking of the Gateway, how did you get connected with them? MM: It was actually through social networking.
I was very reluctant to get involved with social networking, but I saw the power in it. When we bring the issues that are important to us out, even through an avenue that creates distraction from reality, we can also use those tools to bring truth and awareness into our community. It’s been an effective tool for us to use. And the Gateway does create great work and I’m very supportive. .WP:
Last, but not least, how and when do you think you became a whole person? MM: That answer would have to be somewhere in the future. I think we are always growing. The term of becoming whole, well I don’t think that goal has been achieved by any of us yet. But I think that is what living is, we are moving towards becoming whole. We are all growing in ways. And that’s the fun of life, looking back and saying, I’ve grown a little today, or over the past year. WP Michael Murphy is a writer, producer and political activist. You can find out more about chemtrails/ geo-engineering and his films at his websites: Alyssa Hamilton is a freelance writer/designer in the LA area.
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Wayne Perry is available for vibrational alignments, diagnostic voice analysis, vocal toning & overtoning training, pain & stress release, sonic meditation, sound healing CDs and DVDs & more!
You are cordially invited to a FREE Introductory sound healing presentation, including Q&A, discussion, demonstration & healing toning circle. Thursday, September 20th, 7:00pm-9:00pm at 1234 N. Hayworth Ave., #106, West Hollywood, CA 90046 Limited Space – must R.S.V.P. – (323) 656-6337 to hold your seat
The next Sound Healing Weekend Intensive Workshop: Saturday & Sunday $100 October 20 & 21 10:00am to 7:00pm (both days) Discount with this Ad: $275 – (regularly $375) if paid in full by September 20th
ECall now for information & registration: (323) 656-6337 E visit
Alchemy Wellness
walk the labyrinth and gardens. Refreshments served. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; www.msia. org. Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137;
better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.. http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Mondays)
@The GATEWAY MOVIE SCREENING WITH COMMUNITY POTLUCK to start at 6:15PM and Movie to begin at 7PM. $10 Suggested Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. http://bit. ly/MGdb4z
@The GATEWAY MEMORY THERAPY AND SUPPORT GROUP WITH ELLE SHLAES, MS, CCC. 4:30 to 6PM. To help normal adults who have some memory difficulties that arise in daily life. $15. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 5628309.
MONDAY Sept 17 LAW OF SUCCESS with Dr. Charles Heydon 7 to 8PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $20. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103 @The GATEWAY SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30 to 7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $15 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. (see Mondays)
SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:30 to 8:30PM. (Every Monday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by John-Roger, Founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.; Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137; @The GATEWAY MAN UP, A WEEKLY EXPERIENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 7:30 to 9:30PM. Embracing the masculine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man and
TUESDAY, Sept 18
@The GATEWAY TRAVEL THROUGH TIME PAST LIFE REGRESSION WITH ELLANY T. AVELIN, C.Ht. 6:30 to 7:30PM Lecture, Take a Past Life Quiz $10; 7:30 to 9PM Group Past Life Regression to find out who you were, your life lesson, your soul mission… $40. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 892-3108. @The GATEWAY LUNCH BREAK LEAN AND LONG YOGA 12 to 1PM. RSVP required. Wear comfortably stretchy clothing and be prepared to be barefoot (optional but safer). You are welcome to bring your own mat, while we do have extras. By Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays) @The GATEWAY CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL, Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, and Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Each session is one hour. While adept from many years with energy work, Danielle currently follows universal guidance to offer it for $50. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. @The GATEWAY ANGEL READINGS WITH MARIBEL DE LOS ANGELES, DOREEN VIRTUE ANGEL THERAPIST®. “…all of Heaven desires to assist you in any way possible, and all you need to do is ask.” Feeling your spirit ripe for breaking through something? The angels will facilitate. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Suggested $30 Donation for first 20 minutes, $20 per 15 minutes thereafter, totaling to
Wayne’s new book now available – only $21.95!
$75 for an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays)
COMMUNITY REIKI with Kathleen Fletcher RMT. 6 to 9PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $10 Donation. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103
THURSDAY, Sept 20 @The GATEWAY SIVANANDA YOGA OF HAPPINESS IN A MEDICINE WHEEL + SOUND BATHING WITH MARGARET GRACE 12 to 1PM. A smooth sound bathing blend of Hatha and Iyengar Yogas, Tibetan eye movement exercises… Margaret teaching style invites surrender while restoring the healthy body mind connection so that healing willingly and abundantly occurs. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 270-0555. Info and registration (see Thursdays) @The GATEWAY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE: A WEEKLY THURSDAY SERIES WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Join in at anytime. A warm and loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential by guiding you to discover more of who you truly are and live your life purpose. $20 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (424) 9036633. (see Thursdays) SOUL DANCE EVENING 7:30 to 9PM. (1st Thurs of most months) Free of charge (donations welcome). Do you love to dance? Join us for a freestyle dance evening in this beautiful setting with fun music and spiritual moments interspersed connecting us with our heart and Soul. It’s fun, outrageous, sacred. No dance expertise needed. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018. For information visit or call 323-737-4055 ext 1137.
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Awareness (MSIA). 7:30 to 9PM. Free of charge (donations welcome). Refreshments follow. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.; Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137;
Douglas SATURDAY, Sept 22
STAR ESSENCE FLOWER & GEMSTONE ESSENCE PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION COURSE Two-day FUNshop 9AM to 5PM, continues Sunday September 23 9:30AM to 4PM. Presented by Aquarian visionary and essence producer Star Riparetti in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. Please visit our website for more information. $277 for 2 day course. Contact Info: Star Essence Santa Barbara, CA (805) 965-1619 / (888) 277-4955,, www. @The GATEWAY TOUCHED BY ANGELS WITH ELLANY T. AVELIN, ANGEL THERAPIST 3PM. Embrace and invite the angels in your life. Learn how they can improve your life and advance your own psychic gifts. Includes spot readings, chakra analysis and energy healings by Ellany. $20. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 892-3108.
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@The GATEWAY CONSTELLATION HEALING INSTITUTE PRESENTS GARY STUART 7 to 11PM. Constellation Healing reveals and releases hidden (or not so hidden) entanglements that are obstacles to health, career and relationships. $10 General Admission, Constellation working fees for those worked. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 748-2052. Info and registration http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Saturdays)
SUNDAY, Sept 23 FALL SEASONAL ACUPUNCTURE AND HEALING LIGHT EVENT 9AM to 4PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 2524100/4103 www.thehealinglightresourcecenter. com PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & DOCENT TOURS 12 to 4. (Ev-
ery Sunday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Visit a “Spiritual Oasis in the City.� Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden, breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peaceleave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; www. Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137;
MONDAY, Sept 24 ESOTERIC ALCHEMY OF THE ANDEAN ORCHID FLOWER ESSENCES 12:30 to 4:30PM. Experience powerful esoteric uses of flower essences as tools for Higher States of Consciousness with essence producer Star Riparetti in Santa Barbara, CA. Please visit our website for more information. $88.00. Contact Info: Star Essence Santa Barbara, CA (805) 965-1619 / (888) 277-4955,, @The GATEWAY SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30 to 7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $15 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. (see Mondays)
culine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man and better contributing to the shift upon our multiverse. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.. http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Mondays)
TUESDAY, Sept 25 @The GATEWAY LUNCH BREAK LEAN AND LONG YOGA 12 to 1PM. RSVP required. Wear comfortably stretchy clothing and be prepared to be barefoot (optional but safer). You are welcome to bring your own mat, while we do have extras. By Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays) @The GATEWAY CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECTION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL, Certified by the founders of these energy modalities, Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, and Mielle Vietor of Clear Light Healing. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Each session is one hour. While adept from many years with energy work, Danielle currently follows universal guidance to offer it for $50. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430.
@The GATEWAY ANGEL READINGS WITH MARIBEL DE LOS ANGELES, DOREEN VIRTUE ANGEL THERAPISTÂŽ â€œâ€Śall of Heaven desires to assist you in any way possible, and all you need to do is ask.â€? Feeling your spirit ripe for breaking through something? The angels will facilitate. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Suggested $30 Donation for first 20 minutes, $20 per 15 minutes thereafter, totaling to $75 for an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. (see Tuesdays)
SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:30 to 8:30PM. (Every Monday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own Divinity as you practice these guided meditations taught by John-Roger, Founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. At Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.; Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137;
CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL MEDITATION with Ayamanatara 7:30 to 8:30PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $20. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 2524100/4103
ESOTERIC ALCHEMY OF THE ANDEAN ORCHID FLOWER ESSENCES 3:30 to 7:30PM. Experience powerful esoteric uses of flower es-
Book Review
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Harold Whitman
The Power of Personal Vibration Penney Peirce (Beyond Words Pub., 2009, 272 pgs., $15.00)
In Frequency, Penny Peirce writes: “As old forms dissolve, you might experience disillusionment. You may have
about who you are, what you can rely on, or why you’re here. The failure of old structures is a natural way that life is preparing you for your new self.” As many of us are experiencing as we go through “the shift” in 2012, a lot of the changes in our internal and external world are often confusing, overwhelming, and at times even quite physically and emotionally painful, as we try to make sense of it all. This is why it can be extremely helpful to have an experienced guide, someone who understands what you are going through, explain to you why you are feeling the way you do and, more importantly, how you can feel better.
The first step is to understand that everything is made of energy, and energy vibrates at different speeds. For example, did you know that low-frequency electromagnetic waves have a long wavelength and low energy, while high- frequency electromagnetic waves have a short wavelength and high energy? And what does this have to do with you? Everything! Because if everything is made out of energy, then that includes YOU! And so if you are only aware of lower density vibrations, then by default that’s where your attention will go, and that’s what you’ll experience! Says Penny: “I want you to feel and imagine yourself as a porous, vibrational being merged into a vast field of vibrations; we are not solid lumps on a rock of a planet, but a collection of energies penetrating and being penetrated by millions of other energies.”
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To fully wake up from the dream, you’ll need an everyday experience of the soul, of your own highest frequency state. Penny Peirce
So, how does one experience more peace, love, joy, happiness and bliss, as well as be able to tune into other people’s energy and become more clairvoyant (the ability to know things about other people/things intuitively), telepathic (communicate without words) or psychic (sensitive to influences or forces of a nonphysical or supernatural nature)? The answer is by becoming conscious of and tuning into one’s own highest vibration or home frequency.
Inside all of us is our own highest vibration that is totally unique to us, but most of us are not yet aware of this. How do you discover your home frequency? By tuning into what makes you truly, authentically happy. What gets you excited? What “floats your boat” big time? Forget what the world thinks, what do YOU think/feel? Nobody can tell you what your highest frequency is simply because, as Imentioned, it is unique for each of us. Therefore, no one can do this inner-work but YOU. Oftentimes something excites us, but we think, “Oh, I couldn’t make a living doing that…” and we immediately cut ourselves off from own inner- wisdom! This path is all about learning to trust your inner-knowing, higher-self (rather than the outside world/authority figures, which is what most of us have been programmed to do). First, find out what truly excites you, and then trust the details will manifest perfectly as you continue to hold onto this frequency with great love andexcitement. So let your great adventure begin knowing in your heart that what serves your highest good will also serve the planet’s. To help you re-program the mind, Penny also includes some empowering soul affirmations such as: I remember what I am here for and I want to get on with it! I am excited about my own destiny! I can easily hold my own frequency, even when other people vibrate at a lower level. I could go on and on about this book because, for myself, it was the perfect book at the perfect time. I say this because although I had figured out a lot of this stuff piecemeal, Penny lays it all out in a way that is understandable and easy to grasp (even the parts on quantum physics/science!). Frequency by Penny Peirce gets my highest recommendation. WP Michael Jeffreys is a Los Angeles based spiritual teacher/intuitive and author. His blog is
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From Crop Circles to Peace on Earth, or, Brother Can you Spare a Paradigm?
By Suzanne Taylor
here’s a breakthrough story waiting to be made public. It’s about an intelligence that has been visiting the Earth that uses crop fields to make artworks. Since the 1970s, when crop circles came under consistent scrutiny, there have been more than 5,000 occurrences spread over about 50 countries. The formations have been examined to the point where there are reports by science labs, published in scientific journals, which testify to sophisticated communications being sent by a non-human source. The science that has been done, however, has not been enough to crack a shell of skepticism that surrounds this paradigm-changing phenomenon. Cultures typically resist changes to fundamental ideas about their relationship with the universe, and the truth about the circles would provide the biggest leap our cosmology ever has made. I’ve been responsible for the two circle documentaries made with Hollywood production standards. I was the Executive Producer for CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth, a history of what has gone on. And I produced and directed What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery, to showcase the most interesting people in the crop circle community. Both have won awards, and The New York Times, which hadn’t mentioned crop circles for decades, gave What On Earth? a very good review! The media has done a poor job, however, of dealing with the circles. Programs made by cable stations in the U.S. have been short on accuracy and long on cynicism. But, hoaxes aside, whatever or whomever is delivering these artworks, it’s not us. It defies the imagination to foresee all that would happen if we accepted as fact that there is off-planet intelligence whereby we’d all be on the same side - a united humanity in relation to “the other.” As someone in What On Earth?, says, “That could be what saves this civilization.” Personal growth is a lifetime’s work, but shifting the worldview that holds all our societal problems in place could happen overnight. You wouldn’t find any disagreement today about the trouble the world is in. But, beyond cheerleads for us to be all that we can be, where eventually enough people will be evolved enough so that 100 monkeys will shift our worldview to a perspective based on oneness, we don’t talk about the need to address the sense of ourselves that gave rise to much of what challenges us. Is a waiting game the only option? With no sign we are near the tipping point, what else could we do? This is what I’m focusing on now. And I think I have a key. We need public conversation about the discrepancy between the quantum perspective that science has progressed to and our outdated worldview that’s based on Newtonian physics. Newton’s is a dualistic, mechanistic framework of opposing parts, encompassed by space and existing in time. But, in the quantum reality, which goes beyond space and time, everything is entangled. We are interconnected and interdependent. We are one. Where greed prevails and war is our method of mediation, we don’t have the platform for issues like global warming to best be addressed. Some new agreement, worldwide, has to take us over. Slo-
gans could be, “More for you is more for me,” and, “Whoever does the most good wins.” An ad campaign could help. But, until we educate humanity to what science has evolved to, we won’t come up with anything proactive to do. In a webinar series, Doorways to Another Reality, that I hosted this summer for Evolver Intensives, Stephan Schwartz tuned us into the basis for the quantum perspective. And Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon and founder of IONS, spoke eloquently to that subject. Although what they were dealing with was familiar to me, the combination of both of their bodies of thought had a profound effect on my thought process. I saw the substantiation for that next worldview, where being a caring, compassionate species trumps being a selfish, warlike one. Here are some excerpts from Needed, a New Perspective, a very good paper that Mitchell wrote. “Some 2,500 years ago modern religious stories and traditions were spawned from the efforts of a few inspired individuals from various cultures who endeavored to make sense of reality. Our contemporary world view, in large part, has remained pretty much the same since the days of those early thinkers…civilization’s understanding of the nature of reality and hence our survival and future wellbeing is entirely dependent upon the emergence of a completely different worldview, a new paradigm, one that properly addresses, in verifiable scientific terms, our collective relationship to each other, to the environment, to nature, and to the Universe… based on the concepts of inter-connectedness, cooperation, and interdependence in all human endeavors… “Science can support this shift by providing reliable and credible empirical data…Since the 17th century, science has been based on the belief that all phenomena are the results of blind but predictable interactions of matter. This orientation has led to a reductionist view of reality and a materialistic focus - one of consumption, competition, conflict and domination. However, by the end of the 20th century, new scientific evidence had emerged from the field of quantum mechanics and the study of
so-called supernatural phenomena that render the reductionist view of reality not only untenable but incorrect as well…Growing evidence suggests that myriad misunderstood phenomena in nature, be they physical, mental, or spiritual, may be best explainable by a new framework that treats events in the world as interdependent components of an inseparable whole... “Just as modern Homo Sapiens displaced Neanderthal man, so too must modern man evolve to the next level of further knowledge, sophistication and refinement…We must swiftly evolve to the next level by eradicating pervasive ignorance concerning who we really are and why we are here…Humankind’s next phase of evolution will be more an evolution in thought, knowledge, spirituality and consciousness than one involving our biology or physiology…the “every man for himself” paradigm fueled by greed will be supplanted by the “all for one and one for all” paradigm fueled by a new spirit of altruism and unity. Predicated on credible science, peoples of the world must come to understand that we really are only as strong as our weakest link, that what we do to others we do to ourselves, and that we are indeed our brother’s keeper.” To summarize, we need a new ideational framework in which humanity pulls together, superseding a value system where whoever has the most toys wins. Science has given us the underpinning for re-creating our story. A new science-based vision won’t take hold, though, unless people know it exists. And, when they do, there will be a natural swing to treating each other differently. So, the bottom line right here, right now, is to get conversation happening, educating us on TV, in print, and on the net; spreading to conferences, to classrooms, and to homes. Getting a new vision, a new story, a new paradigm, a new worldview should be priority number one. You can watch What On Earth? on iTunes, or get the DVD, with an hour of bonus material in addition to the feature film, at Spanish subtitles version is
Suzanne Taylor, Producer/Director of What On Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery, has been involved with films since she graduated Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude from NYU. Having been an actress, she crossed over to the other side of the camera as the Executive Producer of the 2002 feature documentary, CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth. The new film, which was well-reviewed in The New York Times, won the Award for Best Feature Documentary at the UFO Congress Film Festival, where the first film got the Audience Award. What On Earth? also got the award for Excellence in Paranormal Filmmaking from the Paranormal Symposium and Film Festival, and it recently had its TV premiere on CPT12, a Colorado PBS station. Suzanne is a crop circle authority on the Ancient Aliens television series on the History Channel. She has a license to produce a TEDx West Hollywood event, and s program based on Doorways to Another Reality is in the planning stages. As the founder of Mighty Companions, a non-profit dedicated to consciousness expansion, her Los Angeles home is a gathering place for forwardthinking activists. A fine arts post-impressionist painter, Suzanne had a one woman show. She is an accomplished chef, and author of The Anybody Can Make It, Everybody Will Love It Cookbook. She writes a blog, Making Sense of These Times,, where posts about progressive ideas include considerations of how consciousness might evolve and how instrumental the crop circle phenomenon could be in that regard. WP
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sences as tools for Higher States of Consciousness with essence producer Star Riparetti in Santa Barbara, CA. Please visit our website for more information. $88.00. Contact Info: Star Essence Santa Barbara, CA (805) 9651619 / (888) 277-4955,,
Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.; Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137;
Constellation working fees for those worked. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 748-2052. Info and registration (see Saturdays) SUNDAY, Sept 30
ESOTERIC ALCHEMY OF THE ANDEAN ORCHID FLOWER ESSENCES 9:30AM to 1:30PM. Experience powerful esoteric uses of flower essences as tools for Higher States of Consciousness with essence producer Star Riparetti in Santa Barbara, CA. Please visit our website for more information. $88.00. Contact Info: Star Essence Santa Barbara, CA (805) 965-1619 / (888) 277-4955,,
THE BODY OF MUSIC-TOOLS FOR TRANSFORMATION THROUGH SOUND VIBRATION with Reverend Elizabeth Clare, D.D. 11AM to 4PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $75. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103
@The GATEWAY SIVANANDA YOGA OF HAPPINESS IN A MEDICINE WHEEL + SOUND BATHING WITH MARGARET GRACE 12 to 1PM. A smooth sound bathing blend of Hatha and Iyengar Yogas, Tibetan eye movement exercises… Margaret teaching style invites surrender while restoring the healthy body mind connection so that healing willingly and abundantly occurs. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 270-0555. Info and registration (see Thursdays)
REIKI CIRCLE with Terri Bell RMT 6:30 to 8PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $10 Donation. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103 www. @The GATEWAY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE: A WEEKLY THURSDAY SERIES WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Join in at anytime. A warm and loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential by guiding you to discover more of who you truly are and live your life purpose. $20 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (424) 9036633. (see Thursdays)
FRIDAY, Sept 28 SOUND VIBRATIONAL READING AND HEALING SESSIONS with Reverend Elizabeth Clare, D.D. 12 to 6PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103 www. WHY THINGS HAPPEN THE WAY THEY DO, A VIDEO SEMINAR SCREENING FEATURING JOHN-ROGER, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). 7:30 to 9PM. Free of charge (donations welcome). Refreshments follow. At Peace
@The GATEWAY FREE HEALING CLINIC FOR THE HOMELESS All help welcome i.e. providing transportation, food and presenting to the homeless prior to cultivate trust and increase attendance follow through. 10AM-3PM. 2500 Broadway Avenue - Santa Monica, CA 90404 THE BODY OF MUSIC-TOOLS FOR TRANSFORMATION THROUGH SOUND VIBRATION with Reverend Elizabeth Clare, D.D. 12 to 3PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $75. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103 “ILLUMINATION OF THE HEART TOUR” SACRED SOUNDS HEALING CONCERT6:30PM @ The Sanctuary Wellness Center, 505 W. 1st St. - Tustin, CA . The portal of our hearts, which bridges the spiritual and manifest realms, is opening through this transformation to anchor our spiritual Light. Join Amaraene, a Shaman of Sound, on a journey within the channeled alchemy of the pure and sacred harmonics of Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, and Voice. $20. RSVP (909) 967-0246 @The GATEWAY CONSTELLATION HEALING INSTITUTE PRESENTS GARY STUART 7 to 11PM. Constellation Healing reveals and releases hidden (or not so hidden) entanglements that are obstacles to health, career and relationships. $10 General Admission,
PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & DOCENT TOURS 12 to 4. (Every Sunday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Visit a “Spiritual Oasis in the City.” Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden, breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace-leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; Contact us at (323) 7374055 ext 1137;
- ONGOING EVENTS MONDAYS Sept. 17 through Nov. 12, 2012 FENG SHUI™ DESIGN CERTIFICATION WITH PAT SENDEJAS (8 weeks) 4 to 7PM in Thousand Oaks, CA. Fun creative career earning $150.00 per hr. Impact lives by changing environments. Enroll Now SAVE ADDITIONAL $500.00 by Sept. 8th. For more details visit (805) 523-8488, @The GATEWAY SELF HELP SPIRITUAL DIVORCE OR BREAK-UP WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. 6:30 to 7:30PM. It is an empowering act to help yourself through a situation that at times seems unmanageable. This supportive meeting is an understanding environment that offers an important step in the recovery process. $15 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. (see Mondays) SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP 7:30 to 8:30PM. Free of charge (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit
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Beginning Meditation 5:30 to 6:30PM with @The GATEWAY CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNEC-
oney orders : POBox 4228, Crestline, CA 92325 MM ailail MM oney orders : POBox 4228, Crestline, CA 92325
and CA LA, your90064. own Divinity Free Parking. as you(310) practice 479-0430. these Mondays) guided meditations (see taught by John-Roger, Founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner SACRED TONES MEDITATION WORKSHOP Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice 7:30 to 8:30PM. Free of charge (donations welmeditation for the first time or to enjoy the supcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit port of meditating with others. At Peace Awareand your own Divinity as you practice these ness Labyrinth & Gardens, 3500 W. Adams guided meditations taught by John-Roger, Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018; www.peacelabyFounder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner; Contact us at (323) Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice 737-4055 ext 1137; Registrar@peacelabyrinth. meditation for the first time or to enjoy the suporg. port of meditating with others. At Peace Awareness Gardens, 3500 W.EXPERIAdams @The Labyrinth GATEWAY &MAN UP, A WEEKLY Blvd., LosMEN’S Angeles, CA 90018; ENTIAL GROUP WITHwww.peacelabyTONY; us the at mas(323) CHO, 7:30 to 9:30PM.Contact Embracing 737-4055 ext equally 1137; Registrar@peacelabyrinth. culine, while embracing the feminine org. A recipe for becoming more of a man and within. better contributing to the shift upon our multi@The GATEWAY MAN UP, A WEEKLY EXPERIverse. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA ENTIAL MEN’S GROUP WITH TONY CAMA90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.. http://bit. CHO, C.Ht. 7:30 to 9:30PM. Embracing the masly/TOGHWq (see Mondays) culine, while equally embracing the feminine within. A recipe for becoming more of a man and TUESDAYS better contributing to the shift upon our multiPEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS verse. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS Tuesdays through Fri90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.. http://bit. days 11AM to 3PM. Free of charge (donations ly/TOGHWq (see Mondays) welcome). Visit a “Spiritual Oasis in the City.� TUESDAYS Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden; breathe beside water PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS Tuesdays through Frithe peace that’s present-and leave recharged. days 11AM to 3PM. Free of charge (donations 3500 W. Adams Blvd. - Los Angeles, CA 90018; welcome). Visit a “Spiritual Oasis in the City.�; ConUnwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137; Registrar@ tacular meditation garden; breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace that’s present-and leave LEAN recharged. @The GATEWAY LUNCH BREAK AND 3500 W. Adams - Los Angeles, CA 90018; LONG YOGA 12Blvd. to 1PM. RSVP required. Wear; comfortably stretchy clothing and be prepared Contact to beus barefoot at (323)(optional 737-4055 butext safer). 1137;You Registrar@ are come to bring your own mat, while we do have extras. By Donation. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. @The GATEWAY LUNCH BREAK LEAN AND West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479LONG YOGA 12 to 1PM. RSVP required. Wear 0430. (see Tuesdays) comfortably stretchy clothing and be prepared to be barefoot (optional but5:30 safer). You are welBeginning Meditation to 6:30PM with come to bring your own at mat, weLight do have Dr. Corinne Cunningham Thewhile Healing Reextras. Center. By Donation. 2507Camp S. Barrington source $15. 27225 Plenty Rd,Ave. SuiteWest LA, Clarita, CA 90064. Free (661) Parking. (310) 4794 - Santa CA 91351. 252-4100/4103 0430. (see Tuesdays)
Dr. TION Corinne HEALING Cunningham WITH DANIELLE at The Healing DUVAL, LightCertiRefied byCenter. the founders of these energy source $15. 27225 Camp Plentymodalities, Rd, Suite 4Eric - Santa PearlClarita, of TheCA Reconnection, 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103 and Mielle or of Clear Light Healing. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Each session is one hour. @The GATEWAY CLEAR LIGHT + RECONNECWhile adept from many years with energy work, TION HEALING WITH DANIELLE DUVAL, CertiDanielle currently follows universal guidance to fied by the founders of these energy modalities, offer it for $50. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 Eric Pearl of The Reconnection, and Mielle Viet- West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479or of Clear Light Healing. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By 0430. Appt in advance only. Each session is one hour. While TAROT adept 1 Tuesdays from many September years with 11 energy throughwork, OctoDanielle ber 23 currently (7 weeks)follows with Sheila universal Tanenbaum. guidance7toto offer for $30/class $50. 2511 or S. $175 Barrington up front.Ave, TheSte Healing 100 - Light WestResource LA, CA 90064. (310) Plenty 479Center.Free $15.Parking. 27225 Camp 0430. Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 2524100/4103 www.thehealinglightresourcecenter. TAROT 1 Tuesdays September 11 through Octocom ber 23 (7 weeks) with Sheila Tanenbaum. 7 to 9PM. $175 up front. TheWITH Healing @The$30/class GATEWAYorANGEL READINGS MALight RIBEL Resource DE LOS Center. ANGELES, $15. 27225 DOREEN Camp VIRTUE Plenty Rd, ANGEL Suite THERAPISTÂŽ 4 - Santa Clarita, â€œâ€Śall CAof 91351. Heaven (661)desires 2524100/4103 to assist you www.thehealinglightresourcecenter. in any way possible, and all you com need to do is ask.â€? Feeling your spirit ripe for breaking through something? The angels will fa@The GATEWAY ANGEL READINGS WITH MAcilitate. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance RIBEL DE LOS ANGELES, DOREEN VIRTUE only. Suggested $30 Donation for first 20 minANGEL THERAPISTÂŽ â€œâ€Śall of Heaven desires utes, $20 per 15 minutes thereafter, totaling to to assist you in any way possible, and all you $75 for an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 need to do is ask.â€? Feeling your spirit ripe for - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479breaking through something? The angels will fa0430. (see Tuesdays) cilitate. Tuesdays, 7 to 9PM By Appt in advance only. Suggested WEDNESDAYS $30 Donation for first 20 minutes, $20 per 15 minutes thereafter, totaling to INTRODUCTION TO T’AI CHI - BEGINNERS $75 for an hour. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 CLASS taught by Lana Spraker 6 to 7PM begin- West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479ning September 5. T’ai Chi is a gentle stress-re0430. (see Tuesdays) ducing “Meditation in Movementâ€? for improving balance, coordination, WEDNESDAYS posture and endurance. It increases mobility and reduces chronic pain. INTRODUCTION TO T’AI CHI - BEGINNERS Master teacher Lana Spraker has been teaching CLASS taught by Lana Spraker 6 to 7PM beginT’ai Chi for over 40 years. Location: 2900 S. ning September 5. T’ai Chi is a gentle stress-reCrenshaw at 29th Street (AADAP, INC.), Los Anducing “Meditation in Movementâ€? for improving geles 90016. Fee: $85 for 8-week series. Info: balance, coordination, posture and endurance. (310) 479-3646. www. It increases mobility and reduces chronic pain. Master teacher Lana Spraker has been teaching T’ai w/The Chi GATEWAY for over 40 DINNER years. FELLOWSHIP Location: 2900 OVER S. Crenshaw at 29th Street at (AADAP, INC.), Los11755 AnGREAT $1.25 TACOS Don Antonio’s geles Fee:CA $85 for 8-week series. Pico 90016. Blvd - LA, 90066. They do haveInfo: non(310) www. meat479-3646. taco options but be aware, they mix lard with most everything. 5PM prompt or the wait list begins. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do
w/The so (310) GATEWAY 479-0430. DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER (see Wednesdays) GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s 11755 Pico Blvd - LA, CA 90066. They do have non@The GATEWAY TRYST OF YARN CREATIVES, meat taco options but be aware, they mix lard A CROCHET AND KNITTING LOVERS CIRCLE with most everything. 5PM prompt or the wait 6 to 7:30PM. Every other Wednesday. Bring your list begins. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do projects, needles, yarn‌; sewers welcome too, so (310) 479-0430. (see with portable sewing machine and supplies. Wednesdays) Let’s craft together in community, the way it is @The GATEWAY meant to be. By TRYST Donation. OF 2507 YARNS.CREATIVES, Barrington A Ave-LA, CROCHET CA 90064. AND KNITTING Free Parking. LOVERS (310) CIRCLE 4796 to 7:30PM. Every other Wednesday. Bring your 0430. (see Wednesdays) projects, needles, yarn‌; sewers welcome too, @The GATEWAY READINGS WITH PSYCHIC with portable sewing machine and supplies. JUDE 7 to 9PM. Past, present and future, relaLet’s craft together in community, the way it is tionships, career, finances, health, travel, edumeant to be. By Donation. 2507 S. Barrington cation, any topic‌ for yourself, friends or family. Ave-LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479Also a medium so Jude can contact those 0430. (see Wednesdays) passed over, pets too; or delve into past lives, @The from share GATEWAY your spirit READINGS guides and WITH also PSYCHIC provide JUDE 7 to intuitive counseling. 9PM. Past,Bypresent Donation andfirst future, 10 relaminutes, tionships, $20 per career, 10 minutes finances, thereafter. health, 2511 travel, S. eduBarrington cation, any Ave.topic‌ Suite for 100yourself, - West friends LA, CAor90064. family. Free Also Parking.(310) a medium so 479-0430. Jude can those passed Wq (see over, Wednesdays) pets too; or delve into past lives, share from your spirit guides and also provide FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS 7:30 to 9PM. intuitive counseling. By Donation first 10 minFree of charge (donations welcome). This class utes, $20 per 10 minutes thereafter. 2511 S. Barteaches an amazing, simple and effective techrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. nique taught by John-Roger, DSS, that helps Free Parking.(310) 479-0430. subconscious and unconscious levels. Wq (see Wednesdays) Participants get the support of practicing this FREE-FORM and other techniques WRITINGtogether CLASS in7:30 class. to Free9PM. Free of form writing charge is (donations written about welcome). in John-Roger’s This class teaches book, Spiritual an amazing, Warrior. simple Located andateffective PTS, 3726 techW. nique taught Adams Blvd., by Los John-Roger, Angeles, CA DSS, 90018; that www. helps clear subconscious; and Forunconscious information, contact levels. Participants Tonie Schulz:get (323) the737-4055 support of extpracticing 1548; Registhis and other techniques together in class. form writing is written about in John-Roger’s @The GATEWAY QIGONG: AWAKENING AND book, Spiritual Warrior. Located at PTS, 3726 W. MAINTAINING HEALING ENERGY 7:30 to Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018; www. 8:30PM. Every other Wednesday. All levels; For information, contact come. Empowerment, stress reduction, build Tonie Schulz: (323) 737-4055 ext 1548; Regisstamina, strengthen the immune system, crease flexibility coordination and sensitivity to @The GATEWAY energy, improve cardiovascular QIGONG: AWAKENING respiratoryAND cirMAINTAINING culatory and digestive HEALINGfunctions. ENERGYSuggested 7:30 to 8:30PM. Every Donation $10. 2507 otherS.Wednesday. Barrington Ave All levels - WestwelLA, come. CA 90064. Empowerment, Free Parking.stress (310) 479-0430. reduction, http:// build stamina, strengthen (see Wednesdays) the immune system, in
Let’s Talk Chakras!!!!!! 1/4 Levine single This is an ongoing series by Kenton David Bell, a Master Spiritual Healer, Clairvoyant, Channel, Life Coach and Published Author. email:
Everything is Energy…
Wayne Perry
Chakra is the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “turning.” These “chakras” are energy vortices that can be found supporting the human physical vessel. It has been my personal understanding from working with these vortices, and the teachings from spirit, that these energy centers support physical life from the non-physical or spiritual realms into the physical. These vortices when off balance, or not metabolizing fully, can create distortions in our reality. When a Chakra has been “out of balance” for some time it can and does lead to physical disease. All disease begins as an energetic imbalance, which stem from something within your internal landscape needing attention. When we begin to work and honor these naturally organic systems within the body, we truly begin to master our health as well as evolve into higher consciousness. Everything is Energy…
The First Chakra Color, Red; Location, Base of Spine.
The first chakra is located at the base of the spine. It points down towards the earth. Chakras 1 and 7 are the only chakras with only one aspect to them. Chakras 2-6 have two aspects to them. A front and back. The first Chakra reflects and metabolizes the life energies of survival, connection to our family of origin as well as our tribe. The First Chakra is also our grounding to the planet. When we experience “imbalances” in these realms, it is our Soul’s wisdom calling forth a time of growth. Instead of seeing these as imbalances, see them as opportunities for transformation. For every physical plane imbalance, there is an aspect of our soul ready to bring forth the wisdom, love and transformation. It is the exercising of our free will that calls this into being. It’s all yours for the asking!
Poverty Consciousness and the First Chakra Perhaps you’ve felt a poverty consciousness throughout your life. Having or not having money has little to do with the consciousness of poverty. One can have much money and still feel broke.
Here are some questions to probe the energies of poverty in the first chakra. Has your family or your tribe (cultural/societal) carried this consciousness in it’s lineage? Are you grounding enough of your own energy through you to manifest your own dreams and desires? Do you feel deserving of what you truly want?
Are you open to receive that which you desire?
Spiritual Evolution and the First Chakra How does your “security” feel when you think about manifesting the life you truly want? So often working with clients, I’ll notice they are powerfully assisting others in the manifestation of their dreams and desires, however at the cost of their own dreams. Often issues of security come up as one contemplates pursuing their dreams. You might ask yourself why? There is no ”good” reason that anyone needs to give up their own dream for the sake of another, other than to learn not to do it.
Ask and ponder these questions: “Will I be supported in the manifestation of my dreams?”
This can hold true often to the detriment of the individual’s evolution into greater self expression. As constantly evolving spiritual beings, it is important for us to recognize this balance of feeling safe and secure before we can launch ourselves into the higher pursuits of spiritual evolution. In order for you to powerfully manifest into the physical world you must be grounded into and through the root chakra. In order for us to raise families and communities that allow and support the individual to aspire to greater expressions of the self, we need to bring great awareness to our relationship within our first chakra. This awareness is the stuff that changes worlds!
“The Reward of Patience is Patience” St. Augustine
“Will others still like and love me if I pursue my own path?”
Patience is a quality that we can find in the first chakra. In order to manifest that which we are bringing forth into the physical it requires us to have patience and stability of vision.
“Do I manifest others’ dreams and desires, but at the cost of my own?”
Am I a patient person in general?
“Am I willing to sacrifice my desires and dreams for that of another”?
Nothing is more powerful than a Soul on Fire… Our familial and tribal energies often have us side on the condition of what is safe for survival. It’s the collective VS what is needed for the individual to evolve.
Questions to ask yourself: Do I have patience to manifest that which my soul longs to realize? Do I look for quick solutions, or fast “fixes” to problems or issues? Where does my courage, fortitude and steadfastness come from? Next issue… The Second Chakra
Astrological Full Page Psychology
2012 Jakala 36
Aries - 3/21 - 4/19 This month is a time to turn inward and contemplate, if you can stand the heat. The heat is the accumulation of life’s circumstances that have come and gone, except for the residual dust like energy, which surrounds you. While you have lots of support and once you break through, you will have tremendous awareness. The road requires some willingness to process. Many have talked about the dark night of the soul; like what Jesus and the Buddha went through. All of us take this journey at some point. The way you live your life, your morals and the hidden adventure you seek in the wrong places will come up. You will feel the burden you are carrying and would rather not see. You will become aware of the interference in your guidance, and supported by an unknown courage within, you will start going with the flow of what is, rather than giving in to the immaturity of youthful excitement and making a big deal out of it.
Gemini - 5/21 - 6/20
Your innocence is one of your greatest assets. How is that, some might say? Well, at the core of your being is an infinite innocence that deepens the more you know and experience. It is the essence of love and of humanity’s evolution. You are ripe now to step into your innocence and let it be. You are very ripe because there is a receptivity supporting you that you barely know. As you begin to step into the deeper recesses of your being, you will see and know.
Rosenthal 32 You have been focused on feeling like the outsider for way too long. This shift toward settling into your inner self will invite the feeling of being an outsider to vanish, and you will start discovering kindred souls all around you. Some of those kindred souls will be intimate partners and some will be intimate friends. Honor and respect yourself and surrender to the childlike innocence within and you will find your way just fine.
As you surrender to what is the exhaustion that is quietly there pulling you into old age will begin to lift. As you turn in many sorrows will reveal themselves. Simply notice what is without attempting to do anything about what is. Most of these sorrows are from the past and it is only the residual dust that is left. Now! There is a subtle guilt reaction to make up for past actions as well as a social stigma of carrying guilt; be willing to let it go, now! Guilt is way over rated, makes up for nothing and robs you of manifesting your potential. The guilt is all in your mind and you can count on the rebel within to catapult you into the clear. You will need patience to let all this go and the master within you will emerge with more clarity and certainty as you practice letting go. This is a journey into awareness. It is your job to do the work, to sit in contemplation and to observe what is being “ok”.
Your future is one of sharing with others, the blessings and gifts you discover within. Doing so will only unveil more and more gifts. The more you give the more you get. Enjoy!
Taurus - 4/20 - 5/20
Courage, courage and more courage will take you into the future of the new growth which you will find sprouting forth from and in the most unlikely places. That new growth comes on its own terms beyond place and time. Be ready to let it go as well, and see, be and move on!
Transformation is a process of utilizing many arms of your awareness at the same time. The perceived beauty and danger is accommodated simultaneously. There are chains that hold you in place and force you to follow beliefs that were given to you before you could think for yourself. You have a sword ready to cut through all that has run its course allowing you to step into the you that is uniquely you! The dream that you once saw emerges again in a mature way and you ask at first, “is it really possible?” Deep inside there is a force of goodness that has barely begun to flower and its flowering is the direction that manifests your dream. The master within is your guide into the transformation you are destined for. As you begin to walk your path of destiny, you learn to let go more and more of the trappings you were given and notice the real you growing up. Congratulations!
Cancer - 6/21 - 7/22 Get ready for the veils to come apart completely and step into the golden light of deeper awareness. The interference dissipates and the discerning intuitive golden light of awareness takes over so much more completely. Your new vision is the guiding force of the trajectory of your path. You will stand up into a new being-ness with wings of awareness that lift you from the mire of earth bound sense awareness, dissolving into the domain of love. The journey is a path of letting go, let it all go even the new vision. You will pass through the valley of despair, aloneness and isolation; so what, follow the light and notice the new growth right in your hand.
Leo - 7/23 - 8/22 Conditioning, conditioning and more conditioning: Please do an inventory on the conditioning you have been handed. You are covered with it, even though you are showing your true self, there is conditioning still strapped to your back and surrounding you. Please know that this is normal. However once you know, and if you have a desire to instead know your true self, and set that self free, you must remove the conditioning. Where you start is with concise examination of the conditioning. Make conscious choices on whether the conditioning really fits you, and if so, then choose it, if not, let it go. The field of possibilities is way open to you and for you right now. Once you begin to move on, it is normal to look
back a little, because you have lived with the conditioning for so long, it can be felt to be an old friend. And, now is the time for the deep you to breakthrough what has been painted on you and for you to choose your own colors. You are really ready to enjoy a deep flowering of the you that is there. You may note certain aspects of conditioning will fit, some will absolutely not. You must decide! In this coming of you and as you live more of your own life, you will be called to make more and more refined decisions about how you live, what morals and principles you value and choose for you. Let the innocence in the depth of your heart of hearts guide you, for it is there and a part of you. You will learn to be friendly in a new way with all sorts of people that are new to your way of thinking and how you show up in the world. Again let your heart guide you. Just be yourself deeply and you will know who to be with, who to be friendly with and what to do. You will intuitively know how to handle situations that formerly used to baffle you.
Virgo - 8/23 - 9/22 The master within is your greatest support right now. He/She is there for you, guides you and supports your expression of life. Some doubt that they have a master within, be assured, it is so very true. While it can take time for the master within to be fully present, you can begin now to cultivate that awareness. It is an awesome adventure, and as you take the adventure to mean that you are loved and supported, the master will show up in your conscious awareness sooner rather than later. What keeps you back is the quiet, yet lethal, conditioning. The conditioning is well intended from family, friends, society, culture etc., yet it is the greatest hindrance to you being your own person and finding ways to proceed toward deepening your purpose in life.
You must turn inward as often as possible in order to gain awareness of the impact that the conditioning has had, and to eventually move beyond it. Make a commitment to yourself, get into action and go within to discover just what needs to be let go of, and what you can integrate into the life you want.
Libra - 9/23 - 10/22 Courage, courage, courage is the mantra for you right now. Notice that there is a sprouting of new growth in the most unlikely places, yet what must come forth will come forth. Your notice of what is coming forth anew automatically causes a displacement of what is old, so it would seem. Some feel isolated and alone and others let go and bask in the sunlight. Behind the isolation is a thunderbolt that will break through to a new you; one that can let go. The tendency to postpone has gotten you where you are and if you are totally happy with the life, keep it up. On the other hand in order to complete your purpose you must take action allowing the field of possibilities to descend!
continued on page 28
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1/4 morton single
-%2#529 &2%% &),,).'3 !,, 0/2#%,!). #2/7.3 7E OFFER SAFE ALTERNATIVES
7E ALSO MAKE INSURANCE lLING EASY WITH DAVID SPETNER ACIM INSTRUCTOR 7:30 to 9PM. Every other Wednesday. Reach the deepest parts of your spiritual being and bring them into every day consciousness. Those new or in ACIM forever welcome. Reading or even having the book is not required. $10 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 476-9898. (see bi-weekly Wednesdays)
THURSDAYS @The GATEWAY SIVANANDA YOGA OF HAPPINESS IN A MEDICINE WHEEL + SOUND BATHING WITH MARGARET GRACE 12 to 1PM. A smooth sound bathing blend of Hatha and Iyengar Yogas, Tibetan eye movement exercises‌ Margaret teaching style invites surrender while restoring the healthy body mind connection so that healing willingly and abundantly occurs. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 270-0555. Info and registration (see Thursdays)
@The GATEWAY PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE: A WEEKLY THURSDAY SERIES WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Join in at anytime. A warm and loving course designed to help you grow to your full potential by guiding you to discover more of who you truly are and live your life purpose. $20 Donation Basis. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (424) 9036633. (see Thursdays)
FRIDAYS @The GATEWAY ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. By Appt in advance only from 9AM to 6PM. Edward is also gifted as an Intuitive and treatment styles range from very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles in the treatment depends on what is being called for and the receptivity of the patient, so those who are needle-weary, needles are not required. 20 minutes By Donation. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. Info and registration http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Fridays)
@The GATEWAY THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY MASSAGE WITH REIKI FINALE BY MEIRAV LESHEM, CERTIFIED AND LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST AND REIKI MASTER 1 to 7PM. By Appt in advance only. One hour session for $49, $1 a minute thereafter. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. TOGHWq (see Fridays) Via The GATEWAY TWILIGHT HIKERS Free. Meet for carpool at Stoner Recreation Center specifically in its Parking Lot. We meet every Friday night, full, half or no moon at 6:45PM and then choose the hike, coordinate carpooling and we are off for our blissful hike, always in the glorious Santa Monica Mountains. Hikes are between 4 and 5 miles round trip and back in the parking lot around 9:30PM. Many of us go to eat to follow so you are also welcome to join in this further fellowship. We do not encourage flashlights as that makes the eye adjustment harder. Dogs are also not recommended as some hikes are dog friendly and some are not and the hikes are not predetermined to allow for them. Wear sturdy shoes, bring layers and water. 1835 Stoner Ave - LA, CA 90025 Parking Lot which is actually on the side of Missouri Ave. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
SATURDAYS BUDDHIST MEDITATION CLASS, FREE: Reduce stress, improve health, & develop insight. Lu Mountain Temple also offers residential training in the authentic Chinese tradition of Chan Buddhism. 9AM to 12PM at Lu Mountain Temple, 7509 Mooney Drive, Rosemead, CA 91770. (626) 280-8801 YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG Taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. 9 to 10:30AM. Improve your mental & physical health by learning this gentle stress reducing “Meditation in Movement�. Beginners Welcome! Instruction Class includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises and instruction in Traditional Long Yang form T’ai Chi Ch’uan. Individualized attention given to improve posture, strength, balance and coordination. Location: Douglas Park in Santa Monica
(at Wilshire Blvd and Chelsea, two blocks west of 26th St.- alternate inside location when rains). Sifu Spraker has taught T’ai Chi internationally for over 40 years. For information, fees & enrollment call: (310) 479-3646. Website: @The GATEWAY CONSTELLATION HEALING INSTITUTE PRESENTS GARY STUART 7 to 11PM. Constellation Healing reveals and releases hidden (or not so hidden) entanglements that are obstacles to health, career and relationships. $10 General Admission, Constellation working fees for those worked. 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 748-2052. Info and registration http://bit. ly/TOGHWq (see Saturdays)
SUNDAYS UNITY WEST CHURCH IS MOVING! We couldn’t be more excited about our big move to 256 26th Street- across the street from Brentwood Country Mart. The Big Move is taking place in late September 2012. In the meantime we will continue to meet at our Maple Street location. As we get closer to the actual BIG day we’ll provide you with specific dates of the move and details about our dedication service for our beautiful new space. Please join us Sundays at 9:00AM. For more information call (310) 577-0000 or go to PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & DOCENT TOURS 12 to 4PM. (Every Sunday) Free of charge (donations welcome). Visit a “Spiritual Oasis in the City.� Unwind walking the labyrinth; reflect in the spectacular meditation garden, breathe beside water fountains. Tour the historic mansion. Tap into the peace-leave recharged. 3500 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018;; www. Contact us at (323) 737-4055 ext 1137; HYPNOBIRTHING CLASSES Sundays September 9 through October 7 (5 weeks) with Jayne Rutledge, C.Ht. 5:30 to 7:30PM at The Healing Light Resource Center. $15. 27225 Camp Plenty Rd, Suite 4 - Santa Clarita, CA 91351. (661) 252-4100/4103
Psychic Angel
Cancer 1/6 V
I oer love readings and eective love spells. I can help you ďŹ nd or recover your soul mate or lover. My powers allow me to see things that most people cannot, things that can help you make the right decisions in the present and future. Contact me now and you and I will ďŹ nd a ďŹ tting solution. Take my services seriously. Love is not a game.
Angelica 818.402.2750 98% Accurate – Past – Present – Future
Colon 20 4& )"#-" &41"Âş0-
HEALTHY OPTIONS NORA SIERRA, C.C.H., C.N.H.P. 07&3-"/% "7&/6& $6-7&3 $*5: $"
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- EVERYDAY - ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT @The GATEWAY REGULAR COMMUNITY POTLUCKS, CELEBRATIONS, FUN FIELD TRIPS, MOVIE SCREENINGS‌ 2507 S. Barrington Ave. - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. w/The GATEWAY DINNER FELLOWSHIP OVER GREAT $1.25 TACOS at Don Antonio’s 11755 Pico Blvd - LA, CA 90066. They do have nonmeat taco options but be aware, they mix lard with most everything. 5PM prompt or the wait list begins. If not RSVP’d online, please call to do so (310) 479-0430. (see Wednesdays)
- BODYWORK / MASSAGE @The GATEWAY ACUPUNCTURE WITH EDWARD GORDON, L.Ac. By appointment in advance only from 9AM to 6PM. Edward is also gifted as an Intuitive and treatment styles rangfrom very physical focused pain management to emotional blockages to soul journey facilitation. The use of needles in the treatment depends on what is being called for and the receptivity of the patient, so those who are needle-weary, needles are not required. 20 minutes By Donation. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. @The GATEWAY MASSAGE WITH REIKI FINALE BY MEIRAV LESHEM, CERTIFIED AND LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST AND REIKI MASTER 1 to 7PM. By Appt in advance only. One hour session for $49, $1 a minute thereafter. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. http://
- BOOKS / MUSIC / MEDIA @The GATEWAY COMING SOON A SPIRITUAL AND ECO-CONSCIOUS GOODS STORE Currently under renovation. We can hardly wait to have you come in. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, green goods, tea bar, outdoor patio to relax in... Free Wi Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
- COUNSELING / LIFE COACHING AKASHIC RECORDS LIFE&SOUL COACHING with Barbara Schiffman. Tune into the wisdom of your Soul’s Akashic Records for guidance, healing, creativity, conscious evolution. Private phone or in-person sessions; also weekend Akashic Practitioner Certification trainings. Call Barbara at (818) 415-3479,, www.Meetup. com/AkashicLA @The GATEWAY MYRIAD COUNSELING AND LIFE COACH PRACTITIONERS AT OUR SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT Peruse your options at : 2511 S. Barrington Ave,Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
HYPNOTHERAPY AND NLP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. MEDICAL INTUITION WITH SARAH LARSEN, M.D. Available daily by appointment. www. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (424) 903-6633. SACRED TRANSFORMATIONAL SESSIONS WITH KENTON DAVID BELL. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 4790430. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE AND MEMORY THERAPY WITH ELLE SCHLAES, MS, CCC. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. HYPNOTHERAPY AND NLP WITH TONY CAMACHO, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. TRAUMA RELEASE WITH MARGARET GRACE. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. ROBERT SHAPIRO, M.D. SPECIALIZING IN EHST and NLP. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. NUTRITION COUNSELING WITH SUSANNAH LACAGNINA, MPH, RD, CDE. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 581-9660.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION WITH ELLANY T. AVELIN, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 892-3108. HYPNOTHERAPY AND EFT WITH ANNA PANICI, C.Ht. Available daily by appointment. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 818-8658.
- EDUCATION / TRAINING AKASHIC RECORDS WORKSHOPS & TRAININGS: Access your Soul’s energy-archive of all lifetimes for guidance, healing, conscious evolution. Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself &/or others. Weekend practitioner certification trainings and mentoring; private readings also available. Barbara Schiffman, (818) 415-3479,, www.
- GIFT SHOPS / BOOKSTORES @The GATEWAY COMING SOON A SPIRITUAL AND ECO-CONSCIOUS GOODS STORE Currently under renovation. We can hardly wait to have you come in. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, green goods, tea bar, outdoor
patio to relax in... Free Wi Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
- HEALTH & WELLNESS @The GATEWAY MYRIAD HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRACTITIONERS AND MODALITIES AT OUR SERVICE DAILY BY APPOINTMENT Peruse your options at : 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. LU MOUNTAIN TEMPLE offers residential training in the authentic Chinese tradition of Chan Buddhism. 7509 Mooney Drive, Rosemead, CA 91770. (626) 280-8801 www. MASTER SIO: HAWAIIAN SHAMAN & KAHUNA HEALER, MASTER OF MEDICAL CHI GONG After studying with the following, he carries on the healing traditions of the Maori tohunga in New Zealand, kahuna in Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Rarotonga, Tahiti, Australia and Kiribas. (424) 744-6439. ; 1848 S. Elena Ave., Suite K - Redondo Beach, CA 90277. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE taught by Lana Spraker, AmSAT certified teacher. Back Pain? Poor Posture? Performance anxiety? For more than 100 years, performing artists and people in need of pain relief have used the Alexander Technique to improve their posture, movement and breathing. Recommended for chronic back pain by the British Medical Journal (8/18/2008). Taking Alexander lessons is an investment in lifelong skills for self-care! Call for information about private instruction: (310) 479-3646. See the website:
@The GATEWAY MYRIAD EVENTS OF WIDE RANGE OF FOCUS HELD EVERYDAY Peruse your options at 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
- HELP WANTED The WHOLE PERSON Magazine is currently seeking motivated, outgoing, high energy people in our advertising department. If you enjoy people and are passionate about helping others become more “whole� please call us at (800) 962-0338 to discuss available opportunities. Also seeking interns, equally motivated, outgoing and high energy, itching to learn about and participate in running a publishing magazine office. @The GATEWAY CURRENTLY SEEKING INTERNS earning hours to contribute to a spiritual growth and wellness office impassioned to help others bring what they want into their lives while being fulfilled with who they are. Learn new things and help grow inside and out while you get credited for your degree. Feel free to call in to find out what else may be available or if we’ve heard of other places seeking positions. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
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September 2012 ASTROLOGY continued from page 24
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A new vision is right there, is tied in to the courage that you have abundance of. Your commitment to yourself will take you beyond the isolation of self through the dark night of the soul into the full and complete integration of who you are on the inside expressing on the outside. Turning in to the dark night awakens your understanding that, in that darkness is the light, and in the light is the darkness: Integration!
against those around you for fear of losing can only cause you to get way less than is due you. The weight of your resolve to keep what you have is only slowing you down and causing you to trap yourself in a mind made prison. A complete about face is required. Become the lover. Find ways to love what is and to love those around you, at home, at work, on the street, on the highway etc. The love will begin an integration of unimaginable proportions. Elements will emerge from deep inside you, from love, that will bond with all that you see producing the success that you want. You will become a natural source of sharing the love that you are. A fulfillment of all that is important and all that is in your highest good will start manifesting. Keeping what you have will begin to be understood to be the result of a “letting go� in order to get!
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Scorpio - 10/23 - 11/21
While you can feel pulled apart with competing thoughts and feelings, this is only part of you coming into your own. You must slow down in order to notice the elements that are at odds with each other inside. Once you do, your experience in awareness will guide you through the rapids of change and personal growth. Awareness is the key to all aspects of how you show up, why you show up the way you are, what you are drawn to and why etc. Awareness is only that, awareness of what is, and how it is what it is! Awareness alone produces an instant softening, and yet it is only part of what is required for you to find the deep peace and happiness your soul is longing for. In the depth of our souls is a longing to return home that is buried so very deep in the fabric of our existence that few really grasp that subtle yet constant drive. Begin where you are, and start noticing the elements at odds with each other. Meditate on those elements and allow the natural course of discernment to be your guide.
Sagittarius - 11/22 - 12/2 Look behind, at the sorrow that is there, and you will find an opening into the field of possibilities. Most people bury their sorrow. If you consider opening the sorrow up you will find transformational relief. Once the sorrow is integrated, a natural intensity and fervor for your life path will become so much more available to you. So far most sorrow resides in the silence within and “seems� to be ok there. However, once you look at it, or another loss occurs, it heightens more than ever. It will accumulate and become overwhelming if left alone. It is up to you to ignore sorrow or to welcome what is behind the sorrow.
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Keeping the sorrow quietly away requires a tremendous force on your part. The force is an energy that is akin to fighting in a suit of armor. Take off the armor, start processing the sorrow by listening to your inner voice, and more courage than you ever thought you had, will come to assist you. This will happen because as you progress on your true path there is grace and support there. The future is a walk in the park of creativity in ways that you are barely beginning to know or suspect. Deal with what is up, feel what is there, and watch it move out leaving you in a loving space in your heart of hearts.
Capricorn - 12/22 - 1/19 Trust, trust and trust some more as you let go and fly over the burdens and the valleys of pain and suffering. In the field of possibilities resides all goodness and success. Hanging on to the past and its results can jade the present and obscure what is right in front of you! Fighting to keep what you have and being
Aquarius - 1/20 - 2/18 The lotus grows in mud and is able to let go of the mud. It is time for you to take a page out of the book of the lotus. Any and all mud is the result of clinging by the mind. As successful as you are, as successful as you appear to be, as successful as others think you are, wake up and get into action at a new and more intense level. Do you really believe this is as good as it gets? I don’t think so, or maybe you do think so. If you consider what is behind your doubts and why you are settling for what you have, you will probably find a subtle guilt about whether you really deserve! Once you accept these doubts, the guilt will dissipate into a transformational trust in the deeper recesses of who you are, and what is possible. You will have your mind blown in a good way. A new vision will emerge that will lead you into the abyss, where you will find the light that will attune you into a balance and open your heart in ways that you can hardly imagine.
Pisces - 2/19 - 3/20
Intensity is your friend and companion. You have become very comfortable being intense. When you are intense, those places in your life feel good in that you are clearly justified. All the rationalizations you manufacture serve to point you to your being balanced in participating in your way. To grow beyond that calls you to shift a notch up in maturity, and choose some of the other clubs in your golf bag. The driver is good for distance while a putter is good for short distances and delicate work. Your results of your tendency to use the driver reveals that it is time for you to examine more closely if there is another tool for the job that unfolds a more delicate approach and that may create more ease and less upset. It takes a lot of courage for you to closely examine the way you act, especially when you feel you are participating justifiably. It can be a mystery, life that is! So, given that we are living in a mysterious land and that we are making it up as we go, take a look into the emptiness, into the void. Set an intention to have revealed a deeper and more loving way of doing what needs to be done, a way that is easier on you and your surroundings. WP Swaha Ron Swaha@Discerning-Wisdom.Com
- INTUITIVE ARTS @The GATEWAY READINGS WITH PSYCHIC JUDE 7 to 9PM. Past, present and future, relationships, career, finances, health, travel, education, any topic… for yourself, friends or family. Also a medium so Jude can contact those passed over, pets too; or delve into past lives, share from your spirit guides and also provide intuitive counseling. By Donation first 10 minutes, $20 per 10 minutes thereafter. 2511 S. Barrington Ave. Suite 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. TOGHWq (see Wednesdays)
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@The GATEWAY MYRIAD INTUITIVE ARTS FACILITATING PRACTITIONERS ON LOCATION BY APPOINTMENT Peruse your options at : 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
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- MEDITATION / SPIRITUALITY @The GATEWAY QIGONG: AWAKENING AND MAINTAINING HEALING ENERGY 7:30 to 8:30PM. Every other Wednesday. All levels welcome. Empowerment, stress reduction, build stamina, strengthen the immune system, increase flexibility coordination and sensitivity to energy, improve cardiovascular respiratory circulatory and digestive functions. Suggested Donation $10. 2507 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. http:// (see Wednesdays)
@The GATEWAY MYRIAD MEDITATIVE AND SPIRITUAL EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Peruse your options at TOGHWq : 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
@The GATEWAY COMING SOON A SPIRITUAL AND ECO-CONSCIOUS GOODS STORE Currently under renovation. We can hardly wait to have you come in. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, green goods, tea bar, outdoor patio to relax in... Free Wi Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
@The GATEWAY WE CAN ALWAYS USE VOLUNTEER HELP Please call in to find out what’s available. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430 http://bit. ly/Lc4U7Q
@The GATEWAY COMING SOON A SPIRITUAL AND ECO-CONSCIOUS GOODS STORE Currently under renovation. We can hardly wait to have you come in. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, green goods, tea bar, outdoor patio to relax in... Free Wi Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
@The GATEWAY MYRIAD PROFESSIONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS SERVICES AVAILABLE. Peruse your options at : 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
- PERSONAL GROWTH @The GATEWAY MYRIAD PERSONAL GROWTH EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Peruse your options at : 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064 Free Parking. (310) 479-0430. @The GATEWAY MYRIAD PERSONAL GROWTH FACILITATING PRACTITIONERS ON LOCATION BY APPOINTMENT Peruse your options at : 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430.
- SPECIAL OFFERS @The GATEWAY COMING SOON A SPIRITUAL AND ECO-CONSCIOUS GOODS STORE Currently under renovation. We can hardly wait to have you come in. It’s Grand Opening will surely have special offers, raffles and free stuff for you to enjoy. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, green goods, tea bar, outdoor patio to relax in... Free Wi Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430
- TRAVEL / RETREATS @The GATEWAY A TRIP TO MT. SHASTA WITH E.T. EXPERT ENRIQUE VILLANUEVA is in the planning process. More information at : To get on the list, call (310) 479-0430.
Via The GATEWAY FREE HEALING CLINIC FOR THE HOMELESS All help welcome i.e. providing transportation, food and presenting to the homeless prior to cultivate trust and increase attendance follow through. 10AM-3PM. 2500 Broadway Avenue - Santa Monica, CA 90404 http://bit. ly/NA5xKC The WHOLE PERSON Magazine CAN ALWAYS USE VOLUNTEER HELP. Please call in to find out what’s available. 2511 S. Barrington Ave, Ste 100 - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (800) 962-0338 @The GATEWAY COMING SOON A SPIRITUAL AND ECO-CONSCIOUS GOODS STORE Currently under renovation and so welcome volunteer help at any level. We can hardly wait to have you all come in. The store will have crystals, art, essential oils, jewelry, clothing, books/movies, music, cards, handmade goods from areas all over the world, green goods, tea bar, outdoor patio to relax in... Free Wi Fi. 2503 S. Barrington Ave - West LA, CA 90064. Free Parking. (310) 479-0430 WP
Have a Workshop or Seminar Coming Up? List it here and Spread the Word. 30 Word or Less Listings $20 Each.
E xercise your power
CA Right to Know Unity West Engineered Food ACT Genetically
because knowledge is a good thing
by Linda Harmon
I as a Californian am not holding my breath for the FDA to act with the corporate lobbyists all over Capitol Hill. You may even ask why anyone would oppose the labeling movement, read on.
general, disclosure is a good thing for a consumer. It requires that a producer give you basic information necessary to make an informed decision. Proposition 37 on the November ballot is all about full disclosure. Think of those little stickers that say “Made in America” that tell you where a product came from. In requiring GMO labeling, producers would by law let you know “what” the product came from.
GMO products were first introduced over a decade ago by scientists, seed and herbicide companies to make large scale farming more profitable. They were engineered in the laboratory and grown out to produce seeds with bacterial genes inserted into their DNA. These manmade changes allowed the GM plants to survive otherwise deadly doses of herbicides. The GMO crops allowed farmers to spray their fields, cutting down on weeds, it also guaranteed the GMO producers continued profit and eliminated competition. These seeds were sold to farmers only after contracts were signed committing farmers to buy only the GMO producer’s brand of herbicide. Sell the seeds then sell the herbicide to spray on the seed.
If passed, a label will let you know more about that bread on the peanut butter sandwich in your child’s school lunch, that tomato in your salad on the family dinner table, or that popcorn you eat in front of a game on T.V. Is it a GMO or does it contain one? Right now we don’t know. What’s a GMO you might ask? A GMO is a genetically modified organism, sometimes referred to as a GE, for genetically engineered product. The agricultural and chemical companies who first introduced GMOs into our environment heralded their products as the easiest way to increase US profits and feed the quickly growing world population. Unfortunately, in the rush to “modernize” our food supply and the carrot of corporate profits, disclosure and the consumer’s rights to know were left in the dust. As it stands there is no regulation and the flood gates are wide open. Many consumers believe that the FDA as an independent ‘watch-dog,’ requires extensive research to determine if products in general, or GMOs in particular, are safe to consume or enter our environment. Unfortunately that is most certainly not the case for GMOs. If we look only at the example of GMO corn the ubiquitous corn syrup listed on ingredient labels as already infiltrated the processed food sector and entered the food market in a huge way.
Aquarian 37
According to the FDA Statement of Policy Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties, “It is the responsibility of the producer of a new food to evaluate the safety of the food and assure that the safety requirement of section 402(a)(1) of the act is met.” In other words the FDA is leaving the regulation up to the corporations, the same corporations that are selling the products and reaping the profits.
The first wave of GMO products sold to farmers that immediately entered the food chain included herbicide tolerant soy, corn, cotton, and canola plants. According to The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), a company can introduce a GM food to the market without even notifying the FDA, our federal agency that was created to ensure national food safety. The FDA does not require any safety evaluations or labeling of GMOs. Proposition 37 would allow consumers to vote with their pocket book each time they went to the market. With GMO labeling requirements, consumers will be able to make their own decision about what kind of food they put on their family table. Consumers who don’t want to take the risk can avoid purchasing GMO or products that contain them. California food activists are not alone in their concern about GMOs. In fact in March, 55 Members of Congress sent a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking the agency to require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods. Several states have already begun to consider their own bills to require GMO labeling or prohibit them entirely. In addition, nearly 50 countries including the European Union and other important United States trading partners have laws requiring GMO labels.
These first rounds of herbicide tolerant crops comprise about 80% of all GMO plants. They were later joined by the next generation of GMOs, GMOs that don’t need to be sprayed with herbicides because they produce their own pesticide, in every cell. (These corn and cotton varieties use a gene from a soil bacterium, called Bacillus thuringiensis or BT, which was inserted into their DNA.) These patented plants become factories producing a natural insect-killing poison called Bttoxin. .That may sound efficient but just imagine the rolling miles of farmland now sprayed with herbicides or occupied with GMOs that are deadly to insects for miles around. These insects carry on an important role in our ecosystem that is garnering new studies and incorporated into models of efficient self-sustainable farming. Should GMO producers and users hold rights that trump growers that depend on sustainable practices? Farmers who grow crops adjacent to GMO fields have been sued in federal court because their crops (through natural open pollination) infringed on the GMO held copyright of their neighbors’ fields and they refused to make payments to the GMO producers. You may wonder how such a thing could happen and the answer at least partially is the rush to
33 cooperate profits. According to IRT, Vice President Dan Quayle, chairing the 1992 trade-focused Council on Competitiveness, identified the growing GM crop industry as a way to boost US exports. Quayle announced “reforms” to speed up and simplify the process of bringing GM products to market without “being hampered by unnecessary regulation.” Three days later, the FDA policy on non-regulation was unveiled. The rush has led to what some scientific experts feel are dire consequences. The editor of the prestigious scientific journal Lancet called the FDA position and its refusal to change their stance on GMOs “astounding,” saying “Governments should never have allowed these products into the food chain without insisting on rigorous testing for effects on health.” The Royal Society of Canada has described substantial health worries linked to GM crops and “a range of collateral changes in expression of other genes, changes in the pattern of proteins produced, and/or changes in metabolic activities.” In other words they are seeing evidence that the inserted genes are having unintended consequences that are troubling and need further study. Even in 1992, FDA scientists evaluating GMOs described potential consequences. They acknowledged the possibility of unexpected, accidental changes in GM plants that may lead to higher concentrations of plant toxicants, increased naturally occurring toxins, and toxins which may produce allergens, carcinogens, or substances inhibiting assimilation of nutrients.
An excerpt from the 1992 FDA Statement of Policy gives a perfect example of where GMO labeling would make perfect sense illuminating possible life-threatening dangers to the public, “Examples of foods that commonly cause an allergenic response are milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, mollusks, tree nuts, wheat, and legumes (particularly peanuts and soybeans). The sensitive population is ordinarily able to identify and avoid the offending food. However, if the allergen were moved into a variety of a plant species that never before produced that allergen, the susceptible population would not know to avoid food from that variety.” Another concern is the possibility of protein transference once the GMOs enter the environment. The proteins added in the lab may be transferred into a new species out in the field and may be processed differently. A harmless protein may be transformed into a dangerous or deadly version. Some naturally occurring proteins in potatoes are slightly toxic but may have been found to be highly poisonous when combined into a new GMO. According to IRT this has already happened in another GM food crop previously under development, GM peas, which were destroyed before being commercialized. In the confines of the lab farms this can be controlled, out in the field not so much.
FDA scientists were also quite concerned about the possibility of inserted genes transferring into the DNA of bacteria inside our digestive tract. They were particularly alarmed at the possibility of antibiotic resistant marker (ARM) genes transferring. (ARM genes are used during gene insertion to help scientists identify which cells successfully integrated the foreign gene. These ARM genes are byproducts of the process but remain in the cell and continue to be cloned into the DNA of all the GM plants produced from that cell.)
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In other words the FDA is leaving the regulation up to the corporations, the same corporations that are selling the products and reaping the profits.
The FDA scientists stated that ARM genes could be “a serious health hazard” transferring to gut bacteria where they could “reduce the therapeutic efficacy of the antibiotic.” Although the biotech industry asserted that gene transfer from GM foods was not possible, the only human feeding study on GM foods later proved that it does take place. (The genetic material in soybeans that make them herbicide tolerant transferred into the DNA of human gut bacteria and continued to function.) That means that long after we stop eating a GM crop, its foreign GM proteins may be produced inside our intestines presenting a breeding ground for super-bacteria immune to antibiotics. Another worry expressed by FDA scientists was that GM plants might gather “toxic substances from the environment” such as “pesticides or heavy metals,” or that toxic substances in GM animal feed might bio-accumulate into milk and meat products as they move up the food chain. No studies followed. Herbicide use and herbicide residues have increased with GMO crops. The higher residue levels have caused many countries to increase their legally allowable levels-by up to 50 times-in order to accommodate the introduction of GM crops. USDA statistics show herbicide use accelerating, up by 383 million pounds in the first 13 years after the introduction of GM crops, and along with it increasing numbers of herbicide resistant weeds. This can’t be good. Nearly 1 Million Californians Signed the petition to get this initiative, CA Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act, on the ballot. If it succeeds the required “Genetically Modified” label will be prominent on the front or side of all food packaging sold in California. (It will not be included in the nutrient label, because of a previous court challenge launched by the industry claiming the ingredient label on food packages is the purview of the federal government, not the states.) WP For more information go to: Biotechnology/ucm096095
Could Your Child’s Bedroom 1/4thesingle Be Cause of their Academic Stress
hen it’s time to think about your student getting back into the rhythm of academic study there are important Feng Shui and environmental changes you can make in their bedroom to support the returning student. These suggestions apply whether it’s a returning student, a parent learn new skills, or a college student moving into a dorm room. A good night’s sleep is the key to health and good grades. The Chinese have often said: sleep is the most important ingredient for good health, and health is wealth. The better rest we have, the more energy we can exert for mental and physical activities during our waking hours. Be sure to position the head of the bed against a solid wall. That is particularly important with bunk beds that often have open ends that are not giving the head proper support. If the head of the bunk bed cannot be turned so that the head is against a wall, then be sure to place fabric or something solid at the end behind the head to create a solid closed end to support the head during sleep. It’s best if the bed or bunk bed already has a solid headboard. For example, a young boy had problems sleeping in his bunk bed because his head was not supported by any solid part of the bed. Each end had open railings. This child would wander at night and end up sleeping in the hallway, or in his parent’s room. He was once found sleeping in the bathtub! When the mother turned the bed to have her son’s head properly supported against the wall, he was able to sleep well in his own bed. Colors in a room are very important. Be sure to avoid red, purple, burgundy, or black colors on walls and in large areas of the room such as bedspreads. These colors are too intense and may cause irritability and agitation. A study was done on prisoners who were placed in a vivid pink room. For the first 20 minutes they became calm, after that they became extremely agitated. Pastel shades are the best colors to use in bedrooms. Using the child’s favorite colors is fine as long as the color is a pastel shade. Green stimulates learning, especially when creative energy is visiting in that area. February 5, 2012 through
by: Pat Sendejas, Personality Feng Shui™ Expert
February 4, 2013, the Feng Shui “yearly visiting energy” in all buildings in the East support academic studies and creative writing. Those who have been occupying the East part of a home may have seen an increase in academics and/or creativity. This energy also increases travel. Open shelves are very distracting. The horizontal lines of the shelves create energy coming directly at anyone sleeping or studying directly across from the open shelves. It is best to have doors covering the shelves reducing the feeling of clutter and distraction. Book covers and game boxes are often so colorful they create too much energy in a room when stacked on open shelves. It is best to place books and games in drawers or behind closed doors. For your child’s easy access to books and games, purchase plastic stacking containers in solid or frosted white, or clear. If the containers are in closets, use clear plastic to help identify the contents. If the containers are on the floor or on an open shelf in the room, label the contents and use a white or frosted white container, which reduces distractions in the room. Place books and other often used items near the floor in a nightstand below the head of the bed. Avoid having a mirror at the foot of the bed; it may interfere with proper sleep. If there are mirrored closet doors at the foot of the bed, sheer panels of soft pastel fabric on a curtain rod above the closet doors can be pulled across the mirrored doors at night. Eliminating clutter is critical to a peaceful environment. An orderly room increases concentration and learning and helps to reduce stress for the occupant. Avoid placing anything behind the entry door of the room. It is important that the door open completely, allowing a wide opening into the room. When a door is blocked from opening completely, it indicates a block in the ability to receive good things coming to the room’s occupant. Allowing the door to open and close easily with no interference indicates good, honest and open communication for the occupant. When selecting a home, avoid homes built with rooms that have angles. Angles increase the potential for arguing. If you are living in a home with lots of angled walls, it can be chal-
lenging to remedy without major remodeling. If your child has a desk in their room, avoid placing the desk against the wall. If a child has his/ her back to the room’s door, it compromises the them and creates distraction, and interferes with proper study. Never use a mirror on the wall to help a person see who is coming in behind them. The mirror is also a distraction for anyone who needs to concentrate. An leader would never sit with his back to a door and rely on a mirror to see behind him. Visit my website and access the button “Free Personality Feng Shui™ Profile” to determine the best direction for the bed and the best colors to support you. Once you know the proper colors, you can select sheets that would be supportive. For example: a teenage boy or girl born in 1997 would have the wood as their best supportive element in nature. The color associated with the wood element is green, and wood is also supported by water, which is represented by the color blue. For the best sleep for a “Wood” personality feng shui type, select bed sheets in the colors blue or green.
Remember to keep electricity at least 3-5 feet away from the sleeper’s head. That includes computers, electric alarm clocks, and televisions. Consider an air filter for the room, one that enhances the filtered air with a flow of negative ions (ions are charged atoms or molecules). Negative ions attach to airborne particulates and remove them from the flow of air. Negativeion technology is used extensively in air filtration products in Asia, particularly in Japan where scientists have long studied the relationship between negative ions in the air and human comfort. Be sure the filter you choose removes contaminants, and does not create by-products such as ozone, a poisonous gas, adding pollutants to the air. WP Pat Sendejas, B.A., CCIDC (California Council for Interior Design Certification), author. Specializes in Personality Feng Shui(TM) design.
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