hen we decided to focus on creativity and the arts this month we didn’t set out to feature art that was rooted on the past, but there are no coincidences...
We are proud to publish the art and vision of Paul Heussenstamm, who has explored the ancient symbol of the mandala for many years — not only in his own work but in workshops all over the world, sharing his process and inspiring others. In his words, “Art reveals that which cannot be said and it makes visible the invisible.”
In This Issue
Mandalas: Language of the Soul - by Paul Heussenstamm
The Days After Death - by D.L. Burris The Art of Human Experience - Interpreting the Ramayana Mindful Business Strategies - by Mark Jacobs The Healthie Foodie - Goat’s Cheese Pizza The Whole Person Recommends
6 12 16 53 55 60
The centuries old epic, the Ramayana inspired Michael Ruccolo to organize ten artists to explore the classical yet timeless themes found in the Indian text. “The Art of Human Experience” is a one night art experience that should not be missed. Read about it here. Delores Burris explores the immediate time after death through creative writing. In an imaginary letter from a father to his son, she captures the essence of what it means to shed the human form and travel through time and space. As for the musically inclined, see The WP Recommends for several suggestions for listening and learning. Celebrate the artist in you this month. Paint a painting, write a story, sing a song. –The Whole Person Team ON THE COVER: Paul Heussenstamm, Orange Blue Mandala, www.mandalas.com
Calendar of Events in Southern California
P.O. Box 2667 Santa Barbara, CA 93120 800-962-0338 moreinfo@wholepersoncalendar.com
TM 2010
Typeset by Connie Kudura, Prototype, Eugene, Oregon
Issue 10
THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR is devoted to supporting activities and events in Southern California that promote health, green lifestyles, and spiritual/emotional well-being. Our intent is to inform, to help generate positive change, and to offer a forum for individual and community wellness.
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The entire content of THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is copyright by Farris Design. The trademark, THE WHOLE PERSON CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA is registered. Reproduction of contents in whole or in part is prohibited except with the written authority of this publication. Although the information in this publication is believed to be reliable its accuracy is not guaranteed. Photo reproduction and copying is prohibited.
Symphony of Life Spiritual Center Presents AN EVENING WITH MICHAEL BERNARD & RICKIE BYARS
T H U RSDAY OCTOBER 28, 2010 Matilija Auditorium 703 El Paseo Road Ojai CA 7 PM ( BOOK SIGNING TO FOLLOW ) Tickets: $45 Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of Agape International in person Symphony of Life Spiritual Center Spiritual Center, is an internationally known evolutionary Contempo Hair Salon Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe leader. In his presence, through the clarity of his words, we catch a glimpse of the divinity that lies within and of the by mail Symphony of Life Spiritual Center joy and immeasurable love that is our inherent nature. His P. O. Box 322, Ojai, CA 93024 message is clear and profound. on line www.solsc.org Rickie Byars Beckwith, Agape Music and Arts Director, has opened the floodgates of her own divine creativity, writing and singing original compositions that remind us of Event info Rev. Karen Wylie 805.640.3743 the oneness of all life. Her songs bring us to a place that sponsored in part by words alone will never reach. For more about the Beckwiths, visit: www.agapelive.com
A benefit for the Symphony of Life Spiritual Center
Mandalas: Language of the Soul by Paul Heussenstamm We are all circles on the great mandala, and by changing the intensity of color, we clarify the fullness of each circle. Every soul is a circle with a unique combination of color and intensity. Each circle contains two individual circles with a delicate membrane between them.
numerous life experiences before the pattern of an artist fully manifested in my conscious awareness.
his powerful dream voice came through me in 1992 while I was painting in Hawaii. It clearly symbolizes the essence of my work as a painter where soul patterns are colorfully manifested through the ancient symbol of the mandala. Mandala means circle or center and it has literally been around for thousands of years, although not well known here in the West. The mandala, for me, more than any other teacher in this lifetime, has opened the doorway into the symbolic language of the soul. Once this language is known, once the doorway into the unconscious has been opened, once the dynamism of intuitive pattern reading is understood, then life as it is known changes suddenly and dramatically. As I began to open up this ancient doorway, I received access to and understanding of a soul language that has powerfully changed my life and the lives of all those who come into contact with this level of intuitive knowing. One of the true gifts of this language is a deep understanding of the patterns, symbols, and currents in Nature and how they relate to my own souls unfoldment and development. These insights highlight my journey into the potential of full radiance of the soul. As I look into my own soul’s pattern. I have come to see the long body (a way of seeing the past) of my own soul’s unfoldment. My life as an artist truly began the moment the sperm hit the egg. I now understand that a pattern was struck within the core of my psyche, or soul, at the moment of conception. Of course, it took thirty-seven years and
* * * * What I have come to know is that my art, all art, is a litmus test of the soul. From the ego-mind level, paintings and art are beautiful and moving. From the perspective of the soul, or the mind’s eye, paintings reveal the energy currents and symbols of the painter’s unconscious, and in many cases, the collective unconscious. I use the word unconscious to mean that which we carry intrinsically as human beings, but do not know consciously. Therefore, the unconscious is limitless, vast and a life long journey of exploration. MINDala
The amazing thing about the unconscious is that it is known by few here in the West. Once you have discovered your unconscious, it is the beginning of the great journey of soul alignment and development. Through this work of exploring the soul, I have realized the essence of measuring the soul: the range of feelings and the sense of presence you carry. Paintings contain the intrinsic soul quality of the artist and intrinsic patterns of our collective intelligence. This is why art has such great value. It reveals that which cannot be said and it makes visible the invisible. From the soul’s perspective, all paintings are alive, breathing, pulsating, dancing, glowing, carrying the forces of the unconscious. (continued on page 8)
(Mandalas continued from page 7)
existence and you can have an intimate, loving relationship with the painting and with life.
Art As A Spiritual Path: Teachings from My Soul
Art as a Spiritual Path opens the possibility of being in love, in dialogue with the Divine.
Ultimately life itself is not very serious, and life is just an overflowing energy that seems to have no purpose. An Artist is to lead life purposefully and spiritually. Likewise, an Artist is living life as play and not as work. The so-called serious mind of our society, will in fact turn play into work and art into business. An Artist lives his life as a dream and has more or less renounced the society’s serious mind. An Artist struggles with the seed that lives inside him, which can grow into such heights that outward nonsense will automatically fall away. Once you have experienced through Art your creative inner riches, there will be nothing in life that is comparable. Once an Artist finds his creative bliss, the usual forms of enjoyment, entertainment, and possessions seem foolish, and also begin to fall away as you connect with your inner ecstasy. Ultimately, through the heart, an Artist has communicated something that cannot be communicated through words. The message is hidden in all works of art. Here are the keys to Art as a Spiritual Path; a painting is a visual mantra that is seen over and over in a particular way and felt over and over again in a feeling way; and an Artist has emphasized in his own way a heightened frequency that can transform your consciousness. An Artist creates a wavelength painting through time. Having a relationship with a painting creates waves that go deep into the psyche and penetrate into consciousness. The mind exists only when there is past or future. To enter a painting, you must not think because you can’t think in the present. The moment you think, it has become the past. The mind cannot exist in the present. It exists only in the memory of the past, or it projects into the future. It never comes into direct contact with the present; it is impossible. Without thought there is no mind, and no-mindness means a new awareness and an expanded consciousness. So many of the great paintings both in the West and in the East come from an essence that isn’t from the mind. There you have a chance, a moment of possibility, to enter the here and now of the painting. Then you begin to explore the reality of the painting, which may lead to an inner realization; or that reality may explode through your eyes into your heart. When you realize that paintings have an existence, you can create a bridge between you and the painting. When you see the life, the Soul, of a painting, there can be a dialogue with all
When one is studying a painting, the mind goes on and on. The mind will continue unless you become very aware. When entering a painting, there can be a miracle. The moment you become aware, there will be no past. Now you can enter the moment fresh, ultrasensitive, alert, and alive. In a painting you can truly be reborn into the current of the painting. The Upanishads called this “the inner space of the heart.” This space; I can only describe as a space of consciousness — the expression of awareness. Through art, the mind transcends above thinking, above the past, opens the vulnerability of your heart to depths of feelings and new dimensions. Art is a metamorphosis, a transformation of your own mind, an awakening transformation of the surface reality into an eternally living consciousness.
Art as a Spiritual Path transforms and changes your attitudes toward existence and opens you to the sky of consciousness. The whole of existence found in a painting becomes a flow of love, great feelings, compassion, and the experience of grace through the Divine. A celebrated Artist is loved and will be throughout time, through thousands of eyes and hearts. The Artist opens each viewer to a joyous celebration.
In India, the Hindu religion has created deities with a thousand hands in every direction. This means that everywhere there is a hand. Nowhere can you go where the divine hand will not be upon you. There is an embrace of the Divine everywhere. When you see the whole of the Art World through time, you will see a thousand armed deity in our world — the Artist as a hand of the Divine in all times, in all places, and extending out to one who has opened her/his heart through art, a painting, or thousands of other keys that unlock the direct experience of the Divine. When you become meditative through art, your body will become so sensitive. When the heart is opened, your eyes see deeper; you feel more; even your organs feel deeply. Ordinarily, we never really see, hear, or feel fully — just so-so. When your heart is opened — painting, like passing through a garden — awakens you to the glory of the moment. In Western life, our eyes have become insensitive, just like our feelings and our intuition... the body has also become this way. Our whole culture is against the Heart Awakening. The Artist gives us an opportunity to reawaken to our birthrights — our true gifts — where we are reborn into a life that connects us with the Divine and we have a powerful, moment-to-moment relationship with our Soul.
Art is outside of time and space and always will be. One of the great problems and really diseases of our modern society is a mind that is in a hurry. The new phenomenon of our society is time-consciousness, which has changed radically changed our awareness and our lives. We have become so time-conscious that not for a single moment can we wait, stay in the moment. It seems impossible these days. Therefore, art that is timeless is separated from our world, it’s out of reach. This isn’t so when you go to an ancient temple, in India for example, where the art has been meditated on and prayed to for 1000’s of years. For example, in the Ellora temples, just a few kilometers from Bombay, you can experience sacred paintings and stone carvings, meditated and prayed on for over 1,500 years. The whole place is consecrated to the Divine through the Spiritual values of beauty and Artistic creations. If you find any Artist or any art, just surrender to the universe. And the awakening may happen. The Artist in you may appear. When you are fully open, fully vacant, totally more or less empty, then the spiritual force rushes toward you and fills you. So always remember that whenever you feel like surrendering, do not lose the moment. It may never come again. Surrender to art and art will
Through the heart, an Artist has communicated something that cannot be communicated through words. The message is hidden in all works of art. Our society knows very little about the Soul and true art. It’s a miracle when an Artist creates a visual landscape of the mysteries of life. Our culture has interfered with our true nature. Opening the heart connects us with the wisdom of our body’s vast realms of experiences. We spend enormous amounts of money renovating and building museums ($4.5 billion in the past few years) and very little on the development of the Artist to fill the museums. The National Edowment for the Arts (NEA) has been severely stripped of both its freedom to create and the collective means of supporting the Artist. Our way of seeing and understanding art is old, and the mystery isn’t there. Art can penetrate into your innermost depths. Unless we transcend our present form of relating to art, there will be no direct Spirituality. Unless the Artist knows how to explode into the Soul of the viewer, then both the Artist and the viewer will not be reborn into the dimension of the Divine. If you can meditate on a painting and open to its mystery, then you are opening your own Soul to life’s hidden mysteries. Each day great change happens, and each day we are present for these changes in the body, in the mind, in the emotions, and in the heart. Without this meditation, civilization has a way of making us unconscious. This is the way we try to create or enter art. We must move to our Heart Center and open our hearts in order to awaken into the Divine quality of paintings and life. My experience is that Artist must be initiated either from a teacher or from life. In Buddhism, the term for initiation and for the one who is being initiated is Srotapanna, one who has come into the current. Great Art is flowering just like an enlightened Buddha and carries the same form of currents or energies. One who has been initiated and surrenders fully to it, falls into the current and starts flowering. You have only to find a favorite Artist, such as Monet, and you can easily see through your heart that he carried unquestionably this current. I recommend spending a day at Giverny where Monet created his true alter to the Divine goddess of beauty.
become a teacher to you. Many things will be revealed to you from art that no book or scripture can reveal to you. Surrender to a color, and the color may become a God to you, or the color will reveal things that no God can reveal to you. The Ultimate is surrender, which is the path of the Artist, the spiritual path of the Artist. This is the initiation and entry into the spiritual life through the creative process. An excerpt from “Divine Forces - Art that Awakens the Soul” by Paul Heussenstamm. Copyright 2009 by Mandalas.com Publications. Visit Paul’s website at www.mandalas.com.
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PREREGISTRATION – FUTURE EVENTS – MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND MAKE 6 FIGURES. On average, coaches earn $200/hour. With the right coaching and marketing skills, you can, too! Preregister for the Power of Happiness Coach training event, taking place Nov. 3-6, at a beautiful resort in San Diego. Learn how to help yourself, help others, make 6 figures and make a difference. Enroll today for the early bird special! Visit www.PowerofHappinessEvents.com. Get your free CD online. ADVANCED METAPHYSICAL HYPNOSIS COURSE takes place Oct. 23-24, 12-8 pm, $400. Preregister by Oct. 10 for this highly experiential course: past life regression, astral travel, spirit/angel contact, mediumship and more. Non-hypnotists welcome. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. PREREGISTER FOR SELACIA’S CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO PRESENTATIONS, Oct. 16-17, at LAX Hilton Hotel, LA (www.consciouslifeexpo. com/). Attend the Expo to meet Selacia and experience her healing work with The Council of 12. Booth: The Light Party. Panel: Ascension 2012. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. Sign-up & mailing list: www.Selacia.com. Follow on Facebook & Twitter. LEADERS CAUSING LEADERS, Nov. 6-7, in Long Beach. Be heard. Awaken the leader within. Presenting Leadership 2010: Anyone Can In-
spire the World. See ad on inside front cover of this issue. www.leaderscausingleaders.com, 310/246-1466. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST, $1995. 10-day Intensive and Weekend classes start in January. This is the official NGH 100 hour curriculum course. Upon completion you will be able to practice as a hypnotherapist! Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. LYMPHATIC WELLNESS THERAPY PRACTITIONER training, Level 1, taking place Nov. 12, 13, 14 & 20, with Donna Freaney, Lymphatic Therapist/Instructor. The student will learn to perform a basic full body Manual Lymphatic Wellness session as well as incorporating advanced technology. Ventura location. Info and registration: www.lymphaticwellnesstherapy. com or call 805/639-0447. PREREGISTER FOR: SACRED LIFE, a 4-day residential retreat with Swami Premodaya, Jan. 20-24, 2011. Let Swami Premodaya guide you directly into the heart of the sacred. Held at a luxurious mountain lodge in Idyllwild, CA. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net. DARSHAN WITH LOUIX DOR DEMPRIEY, Dec. 17, 6:30-10:30 pm (Louix’s birthday), by donation. At Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 North Sepulveda, LA. Receiving the blessing of this spiritual Master can have profound transformational effects, often evoking exalted states of bliss, kundalini rising, and even, at times, healing of physical ailments. For more info visit www.
Louix.org, or phone Samantha at 888/288-3735, email samantha@Louix.org. ADVANCE REGISTRATION THIS MONTH: NEW CLEARSIGHT CLAIRVOYANT PROGRAM begins October 16. Clearsight’s Clairvoyant Program is an intensive voyage of self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-awareness in which you learn to use your own life-force energy to create the life you want. For more information call Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com, email to clearsightaura@gmail. com. COME HEAR BROTHER ISHMAEL SPEAK on Nov. 7. Brother Ishmael Tetteh, Mystic from Ghana, West Africa, will speak at Agape Int’l. Spiritual Center. Come hear this Master Teacher’s message of Spiritual Evolution and the transformation of your soul and the planet through the teachings of nature. 6:55 am, 9 am, and 11:30 am. Come and let your spirit’s thirst be quenched. Agape, 5700 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City (310/348-1250). For more information on his upcoming appearances in So. Calif. visit us at www.conscioushumanity.com, 760/633-1033. YOGA TEACHER TRAINING with Mary Kay West in the Santa Ynez Valley. Preregister for this 9-month Yoga Alliance Registered program beginning Jan. 7, 2011. Graduates receive 200hour certification with Yoga Alliance. Open to those who intend to teach as well as those who want to deepen their personal practice. Immerse yourself in this training that upholds the highest standards of yoga training; in-depth study of posture, breath, philosophy, anatomy,
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Thought provoking celebration services and lessons every Sunday, 11 AM ������������� ������������� �������������� �������������
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“Celebrating Our Foundation”
Our 86th Homecoming/Anniversary Celebration Sunday, October 10 • 11 AM • Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns ������������������� ������������� �������������������
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Church of Truth “Let your light so shine”
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The Days After Death: A letter to my son by D.L.Burris From the editor: Though many fear death, no one alive really knows what happens when we die. The following is an excerpt from a longer piece that explores the time that passes after a life has ended. Join the writer in her imaginative journey; she writes from the perspective of a recently deceased man, Lewis, as he speaks in a letter to his son. At this point in his story, Lewis has come to terms with his death and recently discovered that he can manipulative his spirit — geographically and spatially. Join him in his exploration.
y spirit just seemed to wander off from my will. My will was growing weaker; my spirit wanted nothing more than to drift. I had no purpose, just the imperatives of my wishes. I now have a different feel for whatever that continuum is from life to death…to life. Can it be that we are the only creatures on earth who concern ourselves about an afterlife? Maybe we are the only ones that feel a need to do so. * * * * So then, I simply drifted. I drifted toward a scent that had always invigorated me, the smell of the ocean. How could it have reached me so far inland? It does not even matter. How could I travel from San Marino to the Pacific Ocean? I can only describe it as an unbelievably simple trip. I leveled out parallel to the earth and propelled myself toward my destination. There was no need to carefully plot my voyage. I didn’t even have to look ahead. I simply attached myself to the space before me. What a contrast to my college experiences when I was on the track team. I had always run thudding along, straining against seconds, against the meaningless records of other runners, never for the joy of running, just to place my sweating body ahead of everyone else. It was the same when I was on the swim team. I raced against the clock in chlorinated, lifeless water. It was nothing like the joyous journey I now took. I landed at the edge of the Pacific Ocean wandering, at first, just a tentative distance from the shore. From there I spiraled out in little eddies. Should I swim? Merely swim? Well, I was no longer a puny, limited human, with one foot anchored at the seashore. I quickly slipped beyond the coast into that part of the great, thumping ocean itself. With no concern about the physical parameters of my being,
drawn by some alien level of recklessness, I curled myself into wave after wave, hurling myself in pounding, flattening power against the shore. I sprawled out in an area roughly twenty times my size, alternating between swelling, milky foam, and salt-filled spray. I was now great slapping sheets of water. From all that whirling energy, I would return again to my distance from the shore and repeat it, every bit of it, but with infinite variations. My new being scraped happily back and forth across the sand. I was in my element. I was beyond enjoyment. I was taking my place in that very part of the universe which was central to other balances, other interlocking forces. I was the western ocean, come fresh from the clouds and the rainfall. My surface, heated under the sun, rippled with power and joy. And all this in the middle of the work week!
Can it be that we are the only creatures on earth who concern ourselves about an afterlife?
I no longer inhabited my usual fleshy casing. I traveled by becoming part of the sprays, droplets, and arching crests of the ocean’s surface. I could affect the shape of the foam, or was it affecting me? I rolled in it, blew through it, coursed back and forth with cold water crackling throughout my being. I was the exact size I needed to be with the precise amount of strength needed to roil my happy way across the vast Pacific. How long did this adventure last? Time was a blur to the remnants of my human mind. Time was now being measured by magnetic tugs, by changes in pressure and temperature. Those were the forces which told me what to do next. * * * * Off in the distance I suddenly heard high-pitched staccato clicks. A school of porpoises surfaced, each one arching its powerful way (continued on page 39)
13 and basic Sanskrit. Details and registration: www.pureheartyoga.net, 805/350-5047. MYSTICAL EXPLOSION RETREAT, join Brother Ishmael Tetteh, Spiritual Master, at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center, taking place Nov. 19-21, for a transformation of your Spirit. Using the principles of nature, learn how to heal the wounds of your past while reconnecting to your true God values. Discover the 7 levels of potentials and the additional Mystical Dimensions to your infinite good. Use the force field of Nature & Humanity to restore your spirit. Visit www. conscioushumanity.com, 760/633-1033. DARSHAN WITH LOUIX DOR DEMPRIEY, on Dec. 3, 7 pm, by donation. At Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas. Receiving the blessing of this spiritual Master can have profound transformational effects, often evoking exalted states of bliss, kundalini rising, and even, at times, healing of physical ailments. For more info visit www.Louix.org, or phone Samantha at 888/288-3735, email samantha@Louix.org. GET CERTIFIED: BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR will be presented Nov. 5-7, 9 am-6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Creative Source, chakra balancing, open psychic senses and how to ground your energy, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. Private sessions also available. nformation and registration: www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991. CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKENDS, held on the last weekend of each month. Next weekends: Oct. 29-31 & Nov. 26-28. Renew, relax and refresh. Celebrate life through song and dance, yoga classes, meditation, hiking, exercise, arts & crafts classes and wholesome meals at Sunburst Sanctuary. Please call for more info and suggested donation: Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. DARSHAN WITH LOUIX DOR DEMPRIEY, on Nov. 21, 5 pm, by donation. At Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, Orange County, 25782 Obrero Dr. Unit D, Mission Viejo. Receiving the blessing of this spiritual Master can have profound transformational effects, often evoking exalted states of bliss, kundalini rising, and even, at times, healing of physical ailments. For more info visit www.Louix.org, or phone Samantha at 888/288-3735, email samantha@Louix. org. LIGHT AND RENEWAL RETREAT, Thurs. Dec. 30 through Sun. Jan. 2, 2011. Project a positive New Year. Awaken to the divine light and presence within you. For details and registration: Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. NEW YEAR’S EVE RETREAT WITH LOUIX DOR DEMPRIEY, Wed. Dec. 29-Sun. Jan. 2, 4 nights and 5 days. At The Lodge at Torrey Pines, La Jolla. For the first time in 12 years, Louix’s traditional New Year’s Eve Retreat will be held in the U.S. Be transformed as you receive His darshan and drink of His ageless wisdom over the course of 5 intimate, engaging days with this spiritual Master. $2,295 includes retreat tuition, accommodation, meals, gratuities. Info: www.Louix.
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9th annual
Walk for Hope El Dorado Park, Long Beach 9am-12pm Saturday, Oct 16th, 2010 www.bethecause.org
The Walk for Hope is a reminder of the things that matter most in life. The purpose of the entire event is to spread more love in the world.
14 org, or call Samantha, 888/288-3735, email samantha@Louix.org.
FRIDAY, OCT. 1 RECONNECTIVE HEALING WITH ERIC PEARL, Level I/II Seminar, Oct. 1-3. This is new and different! Discover why researchers around the world are investing time and money in an attempt to understand these unprecedented healings, and how you too can master this extraordinary work. At Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City. Info: www.TheReconnection.com, 323/9600012. GO PINK! GET BREAST THERMOGRAPHY, Early Screening for Breast Cancer. $50 off this month. Where mammography looks for structure such as a lump, thermography looks for the body’s physiological responses to cancer cells. These changes can often occur 8-10 years before the cells are large enough to be seen by a mammogram. No radiation or contact with the body. Early detection saves lives! 310/775-3388, www.gopinkpreventcancer.com. SPONTANEOUS AWAKENING, bring your questions on psychic abilities and experiences, questions about various metaphysical topics, and discuss what is going on during your spiritual journey to enlightenment. Fridays (Oct. 1, 8, 15), 7 pm, $10. With Tracey Boyer. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
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SENSORY REPATTERNING I CLASS. In this advanced form of passive joint mobilization, the client’s body is moved, rocked, cradled and invited to let go, creating sensations of openness and freedom, fluidity and joy. SR-I explores principles of Timing, Gravity, The Skeleten, and The Wave. Students learn the “recipe” for a 50-minute Sensory Repatterning session. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Fri, Sat & Sun, 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $360 plus materials fee. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. CONVERTING TO MERCY, a video seminar presentation featuring John Morton, Spiritual Director of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), 7:30-9:30 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. John Morton speaks of the wisdoms of the spiritual heart touching on forgiveness, loving, understanding, and how we can “convert” ourselves into greater compassion and “mercy.” Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. REIKI HEALING NIGHT, Glendale (La Crescenta), 6:30-9:30 pm. Come explore this healing energy. Meditative, powerful evening (weekend class follows). $20 suggested donation, please call to confirm. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www. ReikiMastery.com. Held at Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214. THE RED BOOK AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www. gnosis.org. DREAMING DOWN HEAVEN, author Gini Gentry discusses and signs her book, 7:30 pm. Info: www.GiniGentry.com/dreaming-down-heaven.
html. Think Carrie Bradshaw meets Carlos Castaneda over cosmic cosmopolitans! Her revolutionary new take on the personal growth genre combines accessible nonfiction with illuminating fiction. Her story resonates with those searching for authenticity amid the demands of modern life. She is the former teaching partner of Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm. 15 minutes/suggested donation from $20; 45 minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. He also teaches the Spiritual Healing technique and offers Spiritual Healing at hospitals and in his private practice. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $1200 OFF INVISALIGN CLEAR BRACES, the nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/822-3833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 2 THE SINGING FIELD, free introductory session with international Naked Voice facilitator, Stella Davies. Explore the wisdom, creativity and healing power of our singing voices using sacred mantras from different spiritual traditions, sound and intuited song in a relaxed, supportive atmosphere. No singing experience needed. 1:302:30 pm, free (classes begin Oct. 4). Info: stella_ davies@theheartofvoice.com, 818/665-9840. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/4955824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. PEOPLE & PET COMMUNICATION AND HEALING FAIR, everyone welcome, free healings for people and pets. Bring your pets on a leash or in a cage so that they are safe and comfortable; bring a picture if you can’t bring them in. 2-4 pm. True Insight Clairvoyant Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. POWER OF WORDS, 4-6 pm, $40. Words are one of the most powerful parts of the Manifesting process, and most use them against themselves consciously or unconsciously. You will Remember. Words are indeed magical and creative. Learn to use your words to get what you desire and shift your physical well-being. House of Intuition, 2237 W. Sunset Blvd.., LA 90026, ph. 213/413-8300. Metered parking on Sunset
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The Art of Human Experience andinsky one said, “That is beautiful which is produced by the inner need, which springs from the soul.” On October 7th, 2010, LYFE Yoga Center is presenting a group art show, “The Art of Human Experience,” comprised of artists’ reinterpretations of the Ramayana. Written over 2000 years ago, the Ramayana tells the story of love and war, truth and ideals as well as fear and courage. In times of strained relations amongst community and individuals, art movements spontaneously respond to counteract these inequities. Ancient texts continue to provide guidance for today’s social dilemmas. People are looking to artists to lead the way into new realms of thought, or in this case, illuminate threads of thought that have remained illusive for centuries. In creating the show, the owner of LYFE Yoga Center, Michael Ruccolo and guest curator, Crista Riccio selected ten American artists to portray the classical themes of the Indian epic. They set out to explore these themes despite the cultural and historical differences. For the show, they focused on the fourth book, Kishkinda Kanda, because within its story, two different communities unite for one common goal. Each artist based their work upon selected chapters, not to retell the story, but to convey the common beauty and richness that unites us all. Ruccolo sat with Loyal Marymount Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology Christopher Key Chapple to discuss the story of the Ramayana.
MOUNTAIN LIONS © Mia Bosna, 2000 Gouache/colored pencil Mia Bosna is trained as a traditional illustrator and fine artist from Pennsylvania, but is mostly known for her ability to incorporate the intangible qualities of intuition and her spiritual life into her paintings. From The University of the Arts to the The Foundation of Shamanic Studies, she has been a student of many great institutional and indigenous teachers. Her paintings are created to inspire and motivate us to utilize our gifts and move towards our deepest desires. The symbology shown in “Mountain Lions” emerged from her shamanic journey for a client in Pennsylvania.
CHAPPLE: How might these paintings
inspire Yoga students to learn more about traditional Indian culture?
RUCCOLO:This Epic is such a beautiful
story and like the Bhagavad Gita, The Ramayana profoundly affected me. My hope in integrating an Indian text with contemporary art is to provide our yoga community yet another way to elevate our Human Spirit. The Ramayana is a classic tale of man meets woman, man overcomes obstacles to win her hand in marriage, happiness follows, interrupted by tragedy. Through adversity and with tenacity, man and woman are reunited and then live a happy life, but not without a taste of enduring irony and a bit of sadness. The Ramayana does not shy away from the emotional highs and lows of life. Ravana steals Sita from Rama. With Hanuman’s assistance, Rama rescues Sita, but harbors suspicions of infidelity (unfounded) until the very end.
How does Rama represent Everyman? Rama represents the preserver of Life. And with such an awesome responsibility man isn’t left with the rules for preservation, leaving him to suffer. But the source of power to over come all suffering lies within him. “The mind and heart always sway capricious but the Self unswerving is the greatest guide.” How does Sita represent Everywoman? On a universal level, Sita represents kindness, grace, beauty, restraint and awareness. Her [womanness] is metaphorically described in the story of Siva’s Bow. Siva arrived at his father-in-laws to kill all who disgraced his wife Sati; but, instead, Siva paused, reflected and observed the act he was about to commit and chose to forgive, laying down his bow. How does Hanuman represent the faithful servant and friend? Hanuman represents someone you can lean on — someone you know will be there when times are prosperous or challenging. With a steady clear mind, Hanuman doesn’t question either his monkey King Surgiva nor friend Rama. (continued on page 49)
Inspired by the Ramayana
TRACTION, 2008 30 x 30 inch Chromogenic Print Jeff Charbonneau and Eliza French are Los Angeles-based photographers whose collaborations have been featured in solo gallery exhibitions, international art fairs and museums since 2006. They have been featured in Photograph Magazine, American Photo Magazine and the catalogue for the exhibition “The Art of Caring: A Look at Life Through Photography” which opened at the New Orleans Museum of art in 2009 and is currently traveling throughout the U.S. Charbonneau attended the University of Wisconsin and UCLA where he studied music, anthropology and photography. French attended NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and UCLA where she studied dramatic writing and art history. The artists use large format film and traditional darkroom techniques to create narrative photographs that are a product of teamwork from conception to finish.
18 or free parking on Waterloo. www.meetup.com/ houseofintuition. REIKI 1 & 2 CLASS, Oct. 2-3. Amazingly powerful, easily learned energy healing. Promotes relaxation and healing in oneself and others, including across distances. Experimental, casual atmosphere. 9:15 am-7 pm (1 pm lunch), $350. Register on website. Nursing and NCBTMB CEs. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/9633533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214 (near Glendale). PET BLESSING, 10 am-12 noon. Rev. Carol Bliss will bless our pets. Bring your pet or a photo to be blessed. Free. At Sanctuary for Spiritual Living, a Science of Mind Community, 5446 N. Citrus Ave., Covina. Info: territhayer@verizon. net. OPENING TO YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES, seminar with Selacia, 7:30 pm. Attend this seminar to discover how to open more to your natural psychic abilities. Experience leading edge healing tools for psychic development including essential oils and DNA healing. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. Preregistration requested online. Signup and mailing list: www.Selacia.com (Free Seminar Signup). Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. At Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose, W. Hollywood 90069. Follow on Facebook and Twitter.
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“Would you like to heal from the struggles blocking relationships with yourself and others? Are you seeking personal growth in order to promote and nurture compassion and love in your life? My intention is to guide you in calming fears and accessing your strengths. I embrace and empower Creativity, Communication and Self-Expression.” ���������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������
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Friday Evenings at 8:00 PM, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 & Nov. 5, 12, 26 Free Will Donation
GNOSTIC MASS, Sundays 11 AM Weekday Mass: Wednesdays 8:30 PM Healing Service 2nd & 4th Sundays 5 PM Service to Holy Sophia 3rd Thursdays 8 PM
The Gnostic Society 3363 Glendale Bl., L.A. 90039 Ph. 323-467-2685 www.gnosis.org Free Samples of MP3 audio recordings at www.bcrecordings.net
LOVE YOUR BODY, LOVE YOUR LIFE, book signing and lecture with body image expert Sarah Maria, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor, Chopra-Center certified meditation instructor (www. breakfreebeauty.com), 1-3 pm. Do you struggle with negative thoughts and feelings about your body? If you are ready to break free from Negative Body Obsession and live and life you love, join Sarah Maria for this event. Info: Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. akashicbookshopandcenter.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. WOMEN’S GROUP, meets 10-11:30 am. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. DISCOVER YOUR MISSION, viewing of DVD featuring Mark Thurston/A.R.E. 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Profes-
sor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. THE WALK OF THE SUFI: A PATH OF THE HEART, workshop with Dr. Elham (Ellie) Zarrabian, 3-5 pm, $35. Info: 310/498-3573, www. CenterOnPeace.com. Are you drawn to Rumi’s poetry and other Sufi masters, curious about Sufism? Join Dr. Zarrabian for a workshop on the teachings of Jallaludin Rumi and the path of the Sufi. Workshop will follow a traditional Iranian Tea Ceremony as it relates to the Iranian culture and the philosophy of Sufism. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle stress reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners welcome. Starts 9 am, includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire Blvd. and Chelsea, 2 blocks W. of 26th St., alternate inside location when rains). Sifu Spraker has taught T’ai Chi internationally for over 38 years. Info and enrollment: 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Ev-
ery Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. ZENPROV is a unique creative movement class combining several acting disciplines, including improv, mime, clowning and mask work, in order to deeply explore spiritual principles. Experience more Presence and deeply feel how to be more in the NOW. Newbies to advanced all welcome. With John Medeiros who has extensive training in movement and martial arts, and is a leading member of the Ventura Improv. 4-6 pm, $10. (No class on Oct. 23.) Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com.
SUNDAY, OCT. 3 SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. STAYING THE COURSE with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS, 12-4 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth.
Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. YUEN METHOD – DEMO, 3 pm, Pain Relief on the Spot! Free yourself from pain caused by life issues: physical, mental, emotional, relationship, finance, career, future. Bring your issue, leave without it. At New School West, 12731 Venice Blvd., LA 90066, entrance in alley. Donation $10. (For Intro and Level One courses see listing Oct. 9.) Info: Peggy Fisher, Yuen Method Certified Practitioner and Instructor, 310/8223714. LETTING GO OF BAD HABITS: The Confidence to Change, presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Discussion and meditation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. Learn simple yet effective meditations we can use to shed the limitations that bind us as we strive to improve ourselves and be of greatest benefit to others. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FREE HEALINGS FOR ANIMALS, by Lori Spagna, 1-3 pm, at the front porch of the Bodhi Tree Used Books Store. Appts recommended, walkups also welcome. Info and appts: 866/3885115 or www.EfilsGod.com. Lori is founder of Efil’s God Spirit and Efil’s God. She is a professional intuitive, channeler, animal communicator, energy healer, motivational coach as well as a canine behavioral expert. Donations appreciated. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave,
20 West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com. MAKE YOUR MIND YOUR FRIEND: The Fine Art of Creating a Life Worth Living, 3-5 pm, workshop with Vaishali, $20 advance, $30 at the door. Info and registration: 310/228-0943, www. PurpleV.com. Learn how to have a “happier ever after” relationship with your mind, body and spirit. Vaishali combines the best of new thought with the wisdom of Indian and Tibetan ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Eastern philosophies and the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, 18th century scientist and mystic. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. ECSTATIC FORGIVENESS, workshop with Ana Holub, 7:30-9:30 pm, $25. Info: 530/925-1081, www.AnaHolub.com. Learn to heal your painful memories and come to peace with your past. Learn step-by-step how to use forgiveness as a healing tool. Holub is a Radical Forgiveness coach, mediator, and author of The Edges are Friendly. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. TRANCE-FORMATION CIRCLE. Stressed out? Feeling overwhelmed? Losing sleep? Attend this circle to find out how to feel more relaxed and in control, sleep peacefully through the night, and increase your confidence and motivation so you can reach your goals. Led by Mazda Lakpour, 2-4 pm, $10 donation. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for information about class sessions, fees, and a supply list. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer, and deepen your spiritual practice. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnline.org.
MONDAY, OCT. 4 SPIRITUAL SELF MASTERY CLASSES, on 1st & 3rd Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita. Inclusive, Christ-centered. Call for location and directions, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. ESSENTIAL OILS PASS IT ON CLASS, a series of Monday evening classes on the educational value, use and application of essential oils. Santa Monica location, first class free, thereafter $5 at door. Contact Selacia to RSVP/info: 310/9152884, Selacia@Selacia.com. Visit http://Selacia. YoungLivingWorld.com, www.YoungLivingPassItOn.com. Follow Selacia on Facebook and Twitter. INTERMEDIATE TAROT, hone your skills as a tarot reader. New layouts are introduced and demonstrated on student volunteers each night. Prerequisite: Beginning Tarot or a knowledge of the tarot cards. 7-9 pm Mondays (Oct. 4, 11 & 18), $34/session or $93 in advance, $8 materials fee first night only. With Wendy, Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. NLP AND HYPNOSIS, 7-9 pm, free. Learn how Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can be used in therapy, business and for personal achievement. NLP is a practical approach to human behavior. Coupled with hypnosis, NLP can help achieve your goals and overcome your obstacles. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, call Romy at HMI-Tarzana to reserve your seat, 818/7582747. www.hypnosis.edu. THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, with Kelly Morgan, 7-10 pm, workshop series, $385. Info: 310/839-3424, www.CreativeLife.com. Improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. An empowering program for established or aspiring artists, writers, poets, actors, painters, musicians and creative people from all walks of life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by Dr. John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Ph. 323/737-4055, email registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, or www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. MONDAY NIGHTS IN OCTOBER: FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com to book your appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170 for info. Visit www. clearsightaura.com. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexolo-
gy. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit us at www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
TUESDAY, OCT. 5 TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. Today: Full moon meditation and moon-mail. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. ECSTATIC KABBALAH: A Practice in Mystical Chanting, join in creating a sacred space for practicing ancient mystical chanting based on the book Ecstatic Kabbalah by Rabbi David Cooper. Learn simple chanting techniques easily incorporated into daily life. Anyone with a sincere interest in personal growth and spiritual development is welcome. 7-8:30 pm, $20/class. With Donna Ellen Diamond-Gelinas. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. akashicbookshopandcenter.com. ENTANGLED: THE JOURNEY BEGINS…, author Graham Hancock discusses and signs his book, 7:30 pm, www.DisInfo.com. Hancock has spent decades researching and writing some of the most ambitious and successful non-fiction investigations into ancient civilizations and wisdom. This book is the first in a trilogy relating the story of an unrelenting evil master magician determined to destroy humanity. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood
90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm (call for upcoming start dates). Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6 PROSPERITY CLUB, 7:30 pm, meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita. Inclusive, Christ centered. Call for location and directions, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. YUEN METHOD – FREE DEMO, 7:30 pm, Pain Relief on the Spot! Free yourself from pain
caused by life issues: physical, mental, emotional, relationship, finance, career. Bring your issue, leave without it. At Be The Change Energy Center, 22030 Clarendon St., Woodland Hills 91364 (Suite 211), free parking in back by alley. Info: Peggy Fisher, Yuen Method Certified Practitioner and Instructor, 310/822-3714. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by Dr. John-Roger to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. Free-form writing is described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-1534, registrar@pts.org, www. pts.org. INTUITIVE MEDITATION ADULT DAY CLASS, 11 am-1 pm, everyone welcome. Class held at Dockweiler Youth Center, 12505 Visa Del Mar, El Segundo 90245. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. A GUIDED HEALING SESSION & PSYCHIC CHANNELING with God’s Pure White Light, presented by Don Boland, 7:30-9:30 pm, guided healing, seminar, Q&A, $30. Info: 323/939-5216, www.DonBolandHealing.com. Boland is a certified hypnotherapist, channel, spiritual healer, psychic and clairvoyant. After his own miraculous experiences with the Divine, Don has helped others make powerful healing transformations through God’s Pure White Light Healing seminars. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
HYPNOSIS, PAST LIFE REGRESSION & SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CLEARINGS, claim your power by changing your DNA. You can become a new person just by changing your belief system and healing your subconscious mind. Personal teachings $75/2 hours (available 10 am-5 pm), 15-minute healing included. Classes available 7-9 pm, $35, includes 10-minute healing of your choice. Sanat Kumara and our new enhanced Reiki Healings are the most powerful initiations and healings available today. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/831-6534. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. BEGINNING ASTROLOGY, a 7-week course which teaches about the astrological wheel, horoscope symbols and their core meanings, an introduction to zodiac signs, planets, houses and aspects. 7-9 pm, $25/class, $150 paid in advance, and one-time $20 materials fee. Facilitator: Maxine McMartin. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
THURSDAY, OCT. 7 THE NEW MOON is the beginning for LUNA, An Ethereal Study Of The Moon. A metaphysical drama based on the universal theme that the cycles of life are Eternal. www.jasonartworks. com.
ing and offers a powerful new way. This is a unique and transformative vehicle for concentration and meditation. Explore and experience direct alignment with the universe and discover a whole new dimension of yoga. At Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City. Info: www.TheReconnection.com/yoga, 323/960-0012.
or just show up and join us. Visit www.quelindaboutique.com.
SOUL DANCE EVENING, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Do you love to dance? Join us for a magical free-style dance evening where you can dance to all kinds of music in our beautiful mansion setting, with moments interspersed reminding us God is our true dance partner. It’s fun, outrageous, sacred. No dance expertise needed. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018 (www. peacelabyrinth.org). For more info contact Alisha Hayes at Alisha@SoulDanceLA.com, visit www.SoulDanceLA.com, or call Judy Lange at 323/737-4055.
MOON POWER DAYS: Following the Moon to Happiness, a presentation by Mr Anthony of the Mr Anthony Astrology Center. Do you feel emotional during the full moon? Do you become confrontational? Or become more aware of your inner power? Find out how the moon affects you by following the cycles of the moon. This Astrological presentation shows you your monthly lunar power days in your personal horoscope. For info and details: Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Santa Clarita 91351. 661/252-4100, www.kenneallyacupuncture.com.
FROLICKING IN THE GARDEN OF PARADOX, Shamanic Kabbalah is an ancient body of Jewish wisdom that has been transmitted mostly orally. Employing sacred tools of ancient texts, chants, shamanic journeying, trance-inducing movement, and guided imagery, Rabbi Gershon Winkler and Rabbi Miriam Maron will challenge you toward heightened consciousness and inner-healing. 7-9 pm, $20. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
REINVENTING THE BODY/RESURRECTING THE SOUL, by Deepak Chopra. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org.
LYMPHATIC MASSAGE I. The lymphatic system is a key part of the immune system; fluid collection and stagnation of lymphatic flow can lead to toxic build-up, illness and advanced states of dis-ease. This course teaches an introduction to lymphatic massage with simple protocols for the head, neck face and upper and lower body to enhance fluid flow. 2 Wednesdays, 6:15-10:15 pm and Sun. 9 am-6 pm, $240. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com.
THE ART OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE, opens Oct. 7. Experience over 20 new works: artistic translations of the 2,000-year-old poem, Ramayana, through music, food and fine art. 7 pm, free. At LYFE Yoga Center, 1310 Pacific Coast Hwy. (at Pier Ave.), 2nd Floor, Hermosa Beach 90254. 310/374-5933 or visit www.LYFEyogacenter. com. INTRODUCTION TO RECONNECTIVE YOGA taught by Douglass Stewart with Kelly Woodruff, 7-9 pm, free and open to the public. Reconnective Yoga unites yoga with Reconnective Heal-
CRYSTAL SONIC MEDITATIONS, 7-8:30 pm, $20/person with Dominic Moore. Come be moved and transfixed by sound therapy through Crystal Sonic Bowl Meditation. Held at Que Linda Tu located in the Vortex of the Foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains: 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214. Call to reserve: 818/541-0096
THE VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org.
IGNITE YOUR FIRE: Utilizing Ashtanga Yoga and the Neurobiology of Change, introductory workshop with Greta Hassel and Amanollah Ghahraman, 7:30-9:30 pm, $15. Info: 310/8181473, 818/207-7697, www.Amanollah.com. Do you want full expression of your power, passion and purpose? Take an experiential journey through your mind, body and emotions based on Western psychology and the practical Eastern wisdom of yoga. Apply the Evaluation Wheel to create desired shifts and integrate changes in the body. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. UNITY WEST’S THURSDAY PRAYER AND SHARE, 7 pm. Currently the group is reading and sharing Joan Gattuso’s book, A Course in Love, a wise and poignant book on ways in
24 which we may meet and transform the challenges of everyday life. All welcome, love offering basis. Call 310/577-0000 for prayer requests and other information. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org.
and transformative new healing frequencies to children ages 4-7 and 8-14. Ages 4-7 session (parents welcome) 10 am-12 noon; ages 8-14 session 2-4 pm. Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City. Info: www.TheReconnection.com/yoga, 323/960-0012.
EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
THE PEACEFUL POWER WITHIN US, video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), 7:30-9:30 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. How do we let go? Relax. How do we let God? Be patient. In this seminar John-Roger explores a simple and direct approach to taking in God. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org.
ADOLESCENT SUPPORT GROUP, 4:30-6 pm, $30-50/session. A safe, loving and confidential environment for adolescents and young adults to express personal concerns, ask questions, share wisdom, find solutions, gather information, share grief and sadness, create a personal vision. Facilitated by Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed. Info: 818/345-2882, www.BonnieRose.com. Meets at 28310 Roadside Dr. #140, Agoura Hills 91301. Please call to confirm. WOMEN’S DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP, meets Thursday evenings, facilitated by Shoshana Levine, LCSW, C.Ht., Lic. #CSW 24340. Whether you are contemplating a divorce, going through a divorce, or still dealing with the aftermath of a divorce, this group is for you. Learn how to embrace your divorce and become empowered in the process. See divorce as a journey towards healing and wholeness. 310/9987253. In Santa Monica. Please call for appt as a (free) consultation is needed in order to insure compatibility with the group.
FRIDAY, OCT. 8 DARSHAN WITH LOUIX DOR DEMPRIEY, 7 pm, by donation. At Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas. Receiving the blessing of this spiritual Master can have profound transformational effects, often evoking exalted states of bliss, kundalini rising, and even, at times, healing of physical ailments. For more info visit www.Louix.org, or phone Samantha at 888/288-3735, email samantha@Louix. org. ACUPRESSURE FOR THE BODYWORKER. Incorporating acupressure points with massage, this course addresses common client complaint areas including headache, neck, shoulder, low back and knees. Learn to trace all 12 Major Meridians plus 2 of the Extraordinary Meridians. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Fridays 9:30 am-1:30 pm through Nov. 12, $360. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. RECEIVE A CLEAR LIGHT HEALING: Mielle Vietor, Founder of Clear Light Healing, has been a psychic spiritual healer for 38 years. She will give each person two “grace” healings, one with her activated hands and one with her activated third eye. She will also demonstrate a Clear Light healing with someone from the group. At Heaven on Earth Holistic Living Center, 7122 Beverly Blvd., LA 90036. 7:30-9 pm, suggested donation $20. Info and map: www.clearlighthealing.com, 310/652-6342. RECONNECTIVE KIDS! Workshops with Holly Hawkins. Reconnective Kids! is the newest program from The Reconnection®, created to teach children Reconnective Healing®. It engages children in a powerful and interactive play-workshop format designed to introduce empowering
HEALING GHOSTS, an evening lecture and demonstration how to use Reiki to heal ghosts and spirits. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/9633533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. Held at Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214. THE RED BOOK AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www. gnosis.org. SIDDHAR MEDITATION SATSANG, 6-8 pm. Join Tapasyogi Nandhi in an inner journey through breath, visualization and mantras of the mystical yogis of South India, the Siddhars. Cost: Heart’s offering. Info: www.nandhi.com/ events.htm, email vasini@nandhi.com, 310/4517377. DO YOU WANT TO BE YOUR ‘SELF’ or Do You Want To Be What They Want You To Be?” Reichian Therapy and Transactional Analysis, a Body/ Mind Approach. Lecture, film, and experiential self-actualization presented by Bond Wright, MA, CRT, 7:30-9:30 pm, $10. Info: 310/4503396. Each of us is a unique Being. The search for Self is a life-long journey. This workshop is targeted towards helping you to encounter and develop the unique potential of your Self. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm. 15 minutes/suggested donation from $20; 45 minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. He also teaches the Spiritual Healing technique and offers Spiritual Healing at hospitals and in his private practice. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Vic-
tor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 9 INTERPLANETARY PROCESSION & DOVE RELEASE, 2 pm. This event is a highlight of the Conclave celebration, 2-3 pm, at the Balboa Park Organ Pavilion in San Diego. The colorful procession will culminate in a proclamation for world peace and the release of 33 white doves. For more info: 800/475-7062, www.unarius.org. REIKI MASTERY class, Oct. 9-11. Taught by Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery. com. At Tree of Life, 3608 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta 91214 (near Glendale). Call for more information. PALPATION SKILLS. Through palpation, students explore the entire body, building tactile recognition of specific anatomical structures. Focus is on bony landmarks, muscle location and soft tissue textures. Knowledgeable palpation is an essential skill for the advancement of any bodyworker. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. Two Saturdays, 9 am-1 pm, plus Saturday 9 am-6 pm, $240 plus materials. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. EDGAR CAYCE STUDY GROUP, 10 am. Discussion of the latest information coming from A.R.E. Headquarters. Fascinating, enlightening and educational. With Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. Love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/7129400. FENG SHUI BASICS, Module 1. In this first course of The Foundation Series, you will be introduced to the essential building blocks of Chinese metaphysics. Includes discussions on energy (chi), the Ba Gua, the 5 Elements of wood, water, fire, metal and earth, principles of yinyang, the code of the Lo Shu and He Tu that unlock the secrets of the Universe, and how Feng Shui is used in everyday life. 10 am-1 pm, $98. (Module 2 follows on Oct. 10, see listing.) Info: 310/663-8238, www.RealFengShuiSOULutions. com, email info@RealFengShuiSOULutions. com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. YUEN METHOD: INTRO & LEVEL 1, Oct. 9-10. Learn how to relieve pain on the spot! Free yourself and others from pain caused by life issues: physical, mental, emotional, relationship, finance, career. At Be the Change Energy Center, 22030 Clarendon St., Woodland Hills 91364 (Suite 211), free parking in back by alley. Intro course 8:30-12:30; Level 1 course Sat & Sun, 8:30 am-5 pm. Contact: Peggy Fisher, Yuen Method Certified Practitioner and Instructor, 310/822-3714. SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright.
25 Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. A CIRCLE OF FRIENDS WITH MALACHI, Way of the Masters. Malachi will discuss the power of Mastery in the New World Consciousness and spend time exploring your state of inner empowerment as a Master. Mini-Messages to individuals will also occur. 10 am-1 pm, $55 if paid by Oct. 2, $75 at the door. Facilitator: Katherine Torres, Ph.D., D.D. (www.spicawayoflight.com, www.facesofwomanspirit.com). Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
Listen for the music of your own sweet nature calling. Live with the intention to be who you are. Open yourself to the beauty around and within, even when you are in pain. Pay attention and surrender to the beauty, the Mystery, that tells you who you are. Embrace life. I will help you remember where to begin, how to move, and how to live your life deeply
REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net.
compassionate. Let me guide you through challenging
YELLOW LUNAR SEED: Natural Time, A 13 Moon Calendar, Calendar Signing. The Natural Time calendar is a return to honoring the most primal archetypes of nature as well as the astronomical rhythms that invite us to be threaded each day to both the earth and sky. It is inspired by the Mayan calendars’ 20-day signs and sacred cycle of 13. Change your calendar and change your life. 2-4 pm, free, with Lisa Starr (www.resonanttruth.com). Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
Serving the communities of Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and the San Fernando Valley with offices in Agoura Hills, Encino, Malibu/Calabasas, Hollywood, and Ventura.
OPEN HOUSE AT UNARIUS, 4-7 pm. The open house will feature a performance by the Unarius choralliers, And the Angels Sing, an energy demonstration with a Tesla coil, and a visionary art exhibit and displays depicting Earth’s positive future. Open to the public. At the Unarius Academy in El Cajon. For info call 800/475-7062, www.unarius.org. FREE PSYCHIC READINGS FOR ANIMALS with Karen Gonzales, 11 am-2 pm, free. At the front porch of the Bodhi Tree Used Books Store. Appts recommended, walk-ups also welcome. Info & appts: 818/486-4737, www.BeyondThisWorld. com. What is your pet thinking? Find out with medium and pet psychic Karen Gonzales. She enjoys sharing messages from Spirit that provide a deeper understanding of the conscious mind of animals. She can also read for pets who have passed away. Donations appreciated. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. ACUPUNCTURE OF SACRED GEOMETRY, workshop with Joan Wulfsohn and Mariamne Wulfsohn, $25 advance, $35 at door. Check/ money order to: Joan Wulfsohn, 1861 N. Kingsley Dr., LA 90027. Info: 323/465-8054, www. CellularRecallTherapy.com. Joan’s lessons in state-of-the-art Touch Therapy and Micro Movement address the cellular memory that pertains to personal, generational and past-life history. Crystals will replace acupuncture needles. Joan will be assisted by Mariamne, a Feldenkrais therapist and creator of Shamanessence, unique
life transitions and personal awakenings.
MA, LMFT Licensed 818.345.2882 bonnierose.com
Sliding Fee Scale
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products for alternative healing. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. EMBRACING OUR HUMANITY: Writing Our Own Story, workshop with Linda P. Brown, 7:309:30 pm, $40. Info: 909/621-2816, www.LindaPBrown.net. Only when our inner world changes can we be truly free to write our own story. This workshop is for those who seek consciousness and clarity. The evening culminates with a guided meditation, facilitating the possibility of transformation for all who attend. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle stress reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners welcome. Starts 9 am, includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire Blvd. and Chelsea, 2 blocks W. of 26th St., alternate inside location when rains). Sifu Spraker has taught T’ai Chi internationally for over 38 years. Info and enrollment: 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. ZENPROV is a unique creative movement class combining several acting disciplines, including improv, mime, clowning and mask work, in order
to deeply explore spiritual principles. Experience more Presence and deeply feel how to be more in the NOW. Newbies to advanced all welcome. With John Medeiros who has extensive training in movement and martial arts, and is a leading member of the Ventura Improv. 4-6 pm, $10. (No class on Oct. 23.) Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com.
SUNDAY, OCT. 10 FENG SHUI FORM AND SHAPE, Module 2. This course covers crucial landforms surrounding a site, and negative interior and exterior forms that can cause illness, affairs, bankruptcy or divorce. You will learn how the shape of a building, road, mountain or water can indicate wealth, support in the world, fertility, career advancement, and more. 10 am-2 pm, $98. (See Oct. 9 listing for Module 1.) Info: 310/663-8238, www.RealFengShuiSOULutions.com, email info@RealFengShuiSOULutions.com. AURA PHOTOGRAPHY with Bonnie Marr, 12-6 pm. $25 for aura photo and $35 for aura photo with Reiki “scan” (by Bonnie Marr). Please do not wear any jewelry or metals when you have your aura photo taken. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. SELF-HEALING WORKSHOP, discover how through past-life awareness and personal responsibility you can experience peace of mind and see positive changes in your life. This interactive, self-healing workshop will be held at the Unarius Academy in El Cajon from 2-4 pm. Cost: $15. Info: 800/475-7062, www.unarius.org.
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HEALING SERVICE AND VESPERS, freewill offering only, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, 5 pm. Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis.org. SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. ECO-FEST IN ALTADENA, 2-6 pm. Come for fun, music, information on tree planting, Yoko Farming, composting, energy-saving devices, wireless radiation/magnetic fields and more. Sukyo Mahikari Centers for Spiritual Development, 860 E. Mariposa St., Altadena. 626/5294160, www.sukyo-mahikari.org. INTRODUCTION TO MSIA workshop with Laren Bright and Debbie Roth, 2-4 pm, free, donations welcome, refreshments follow. Discover more about the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), a nondenominational church founded by NY Times best-selling author, JohnRoger, D.S.S. Learn tools and techniques that allow you to experience your Soul and incorporate spirituality into your everyday life in a tangible, workable way. Feel free to come early and walk the labyrinth or reflect in the gardens. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. SIGNS, SYMBOLS & DESTINY CARDS with Lisa Osborne (www.lisa.fm). Discover secret signs and symbols hidden in the deck of 52 playing cards. Lisa introduces you to this easy-to-use system; she is an L.A. radio host and Destiny
Explore ways to make small improvements to your health and well-being that, when consistently applied, can make a big difference.
A Live Internet Webcast event with John Morton, MSIA’s Spiritual Director & Emmy Award winning actress Leigh Taylor-Young
S O , : PDT Or be a part of the live audience at 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica Registration starts an hour before the event. Refreshments will be served. This broadcast is based on the new book Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well-Being by John-Roger, D.S.S., with Paul Kaye - a book filled with practical wisdom that expands our spiritual awareness while taking us through simple steps to improve our health. Available for purchase at amazon.com.
For more information visit: www.msia.org, or call: 323-737-4055 or email: tonie@pts.org The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Visit www.msia.org/live to view past Internet Broadcasts on topics such as happiness, peace, prosperity, forgiveness, and loving.
Cards expert. Learn more about Lisa and Destiny Cards at www.goddessofdestiny.com. 34:30 pm, $15. At Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER WITH FENG SHUI, 34:30 pm. Willow Vietor, co-founder of American Feng Shui, has been transforming people’s homes and lives for over 10 years. With this easy-to-understand overview of American Feng Shui, you will learn how to implement simple changes in your home or office that will bring increased health, wealth and happiness. Suggested donation $10. At Heaven on Earth Holistic Living Center, 7122 Beverly Blvd., LA 90036. Info: www.AmericanFengShui.net, 310/8557584. BASIC ASTROLOGY: HOW TO READ YOUR BIRTH CHART with Mr Anthony of the Mr Anthony Astrology Center. Your birth chart or horoscope is usually shown on a wheel symbolizing the cycles of your life. In this workshop you will learn how to read your horoscope based on the planetary line-up. Learn what each sign represents and how your signs enhance your daily lives. Info: Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Santa Clarita 91351. 661/252-4100, www.kenneallyacupuncture.com. SUNDAY GET TOGETHER, free, 10:45 am-1 pm. This month we are celebrating Real Energy – Dancing with Everything. A different spiritual perspective is shared each month, followed by sharing whatever makes us happy in our lives. Everyone welcome. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com.
HOMECOMING: OUR 86TH ANNIVERSARY, “Celebrating Our Foundation,” with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. GO PINK! GET BREAST THERMOGRAPHY, Early Screening for Breast Cancer. $50 off this month. Where mammography looks for structure such as a lump, thermography looks for the body’s physiological responses to cancer cells. These changes can often occur 8-10 years before the cells are large enough to be seen by a mammogram. No radiation or contact with the body. Early detection saves lives! 310/775-3388, www.gopinkpreventcancer.com. SATSANG IN LOS ANGELES, 7:30-9:30 pm. This meeting with Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya includes profound meditation and deep de-conditioning work. By donation. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.theBODHIcenter.net. LETTING GO OF BAD HABITS: The Confidence to Change, presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Discussion and meditation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. Learn simple yet effective meditations we can use to shed the limitations that bind us as we strive to improve ourselves and be of greatest benefit to others. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MORE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE: A Healing
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness www.msia.org Playshop, 3-5 pm, $30, reservations requested. With Jennifer Waldburger and Mary Jo Kuehne. Info and RSVP: Mary Jo, 805/796-8014, www. SQ-Wellness.com. In the transformational playshop, a powerful healing vortex supports you to heal deep hurts, empower yourself and awaken a higher part of yourself. You will be guided on a personal journey with engaging stories, channeled meditations, inspiring music and ancient teachings. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. HEAL INSTANTLY WITH THE MAGIC OF THETA BRAINWAVES, workshop with Brent Phillips, 79 pm, $10. Info: 310/617-4857, www.ThetaHealingLA.com. After 7 years of conventional and alternative therapy, including surgeries, for his frozen, barely functional right arm, Brent found Theta Healing and literally watched his arm unfreeze in an instant. Theta Healing uses Theta brain waves to identify and change the subconscious core of illness, injury and unhappiness. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP
28 led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400.
ative Source, chakra balancing, open psychic senses and how to ground your energy, remote viewing, body scanning, and DNA activation. Private sessions also available. Info and registration: www.dnathetahealing.com, info@dnathetahealing.com, 310/358-2991.
TRANCE-FORMATION CIRCLE. Stressed out? Feeling overwhelmed? Losing sleep? Attend this circle to find out how to feel more relaxed and in control, sleep peacefully through the night, and increase your confidence and motivation so you can reach your goals. Led by Mazda Lakpour, 2-4 pm, $10 donation. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com.
THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, with Kelly Morgan, 7-10 pm, workshop series, $385. Info: 310/839-3424, www.CreativeLife.com. Improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. An empowering program for established or aspiring artists, writers, poets, actors, painters, musicians and creative people from all walks of life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for information about class sessions, fees, and a supply list. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer, and deepen your spiritual practice. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnline.org.
MONDAY, OCT. 11 IPSB MASSAGE TECHNICIAN COURSE, become a professional massage practitioner, learn holistic bodywork techniques, state approved, CE units for RNs. Meets Monday-Thursday 9 am-1 pm, ends Dec. 16. Advance registration required. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb.com. ESSENTIAL OILS PASS IT ON CLASS, a series of Monday evening classes on the educational value, use and application of essential oils. Santa Monica location, first class free, thereafter $5 at door. Contact Selacia to RSVP/info: 310/9152884, Selacia@Selacia.com. Visit http://Selacia. YoungLivingWorld.com, www.YoungLivingPassItOn.com. Follow Selacia on Facebook and Twitter. FREE INTRO NIGHT: BASIC DNA THETA HEALING SEMINAR, seminar will be presented Nov. 5-7, 9 am-6 pm, by Marina Rose’s School of DNA Theta Healing®. Intro today at 2210 Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405 (call for time). DNA Theta Healing is the most potent, profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Learn how to cultivate a Theta Brain Wave and connect directly to the Cre-
SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by Dr. John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. MONDAY NIGHTS IN OCTOBER: FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com to book your appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170 for info. Visit www. clearsightaura.com. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit us at www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for de-
tails, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
TUESDAY, OCT. 12 TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN FOR MORE JOY & HAPPINESS, Appreciative Living Circle is a structured group designed to bring more joy into people’s lives. This group uses the principles of Appreciative Inquiry and Positive Psychology as its theoretical base, a program developed by Jacqueline Kelm. Explore a simple 3-step process for creating what you most desire in any area of life. Meets Tuesdays through Nov. 2, 78:30 pm, $120 for four 90-minute sessions, includes materials. Facilitator: Dr. Lynn K. Jones (Lynn@LynnKJones.com). Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. FREE EVENT: CREATE YOUR HEALTH Alternative Health Networking mixer hosted by Peter Berdard, 7-9 pm, free. Join us once a month for a fantastic time building relationships, sharing referrals, and learning about alternative health/ medicine. Hang out with us as a healer or someone interested in alternative health/medicine. House of Intuition, 2237 W. Sunset Blvd.., LA 90026, ph. 213/413-8300. Metered parking on Sunset or free parking on Waterloo. www.meetup.com/houseofintuition. GROUP PAST LIFE REGRESSION, weekly group hypnosis, guided imagery, past life regression, healing and self improvement classes at Neon Venus Art Theatre. 7:30-9 pm, $33. Kima Holmes, C.Ht., 7023 Melrose Ave, LA 90038. 310/386-0761, events@theangelichour. com, www.meetup.com/with-your-health-inmind/. SUCCESS AND ABUNDANCE WITH THE ANGELS, workshop with Anna Jacobs, 7-9 pm, $25. Learn powerful land transformative techniques to bring your dreams into reality, with the loving assistance of Angels. Anna is a British certified Angel Intuitive based in L.A. and has presented Angel Workshops internationally. At Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice (310/399-7070, www.mysticjourneybookstore.com). Contact Anna at 323/570-2095, www.angeliccenter.com. DIVINE STRAIGHTENING, introductory workshop with Alexander and Carolin Toskar, free, 7:30-9:30 pm. Healing sessions by appt: Oct. 13, 15 & 17 at the Bodhi Tree (adults $180, children $90, follow-ups $100). For info & appts: Erika, loveall@me.com, www.Divine-Straightening.com. Experience an all-embracing spiritual
Is your life in balance, yet? People just like you have been
practicing this form of self-alignment with the positive energies of the universe for thousands of years.
Simple changes in the way
you live now will make all the difference in the world.
You will be happier and
healthier when you learn how to stay connected to the positive energy.
Please come to one of Always Free Never a Charge
Introductory Classes:
our introductory classes listed below to get a taste of what we are talking about..
If you like, you will be invited to more of our larger group meetings on Wednesday and Sunday.
7pm Monday & Friday The LA Sant Mat Meditation Center 7726 W. Manchester Avenue Playa del Rey 90293
For more info: please call Bob @ 310-930-2450 Victor @ 310-930-2452 or Pat @ 310-567-3265. Sant Baljit Singh, pictured to the right, is the teacher of the meditation practice we enjoy. He teaches this meditation to anyone who is sincerely interested in making their life better through living it better.
30 healing for complaints of any kind. Divine Straightening promotes healing through the spiritual straightening of the spinal column, including correction of scoliotic pelvis and leg length equalization. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm (call for upcoming start dates). Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13 READINGS WITH MR ANTHONY of the Mr Anthony Astrology Center. Featuring: Astro Dice, Karma Kards and Horoscopes. Focus is on creating emotional growth, positive thinking, love, self esteem, health, abundance, good karma, knowledge, beliefs and transformation. For details: Kenneally Acupuncture & Healing Light Resource Center, 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Suite 5, Santa Clarita 91351. 661/252-4100, www. kenneallyacupuncture.com. SOUL DANCE EVENING, 7:30-9 pm, free (donations welcome). Do you love to dance? Join us for a magical free-style dance evening where you can dance to all kinds of music, and experience God as your dance partner to boot. It’s fun, outrageous, sacred. No dance expertise needed. Sponsored by PTS at our Santa Monica location, 2101 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica 90403. For more info contact Alisha Hayes at Alisha@SoulDanceLA.com, visit www.SoulDanceLA.com, or call Judy Lange at 323/7374055. HYPNOSIS, PAST LIFE REGRESSION & SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CLEARINGS, claim your power by changing your DNA. You can become a new person just by changing your belief system and healing your subconscious mind. Personal teachings $75/2 hours (available 10 am-5 pm), 15-minute healing included. Classes available 7-9 pm, $35, includes 10-minute healing of your choice. Sanat Kumara and our new enhanced Reiki Healings are the most powerful initiations and healings available today. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/831-6534. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experi-
ences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. BEGINNING ASTROLOGY, a 7-week course which teaches about the astrological wheel, horoscope symbols and their core meanings, an introduction to zodiac signs, planets, houses and aspects. 7-9 pm, $25/class, $150 paid in advance, and one-time $20 materials fee. Facilitator: Maxine McMartin. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
THURSDAY, OCT. 14 RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN FOR MORE JOY & HAPPINESS with Dr. Lynn K. Jones, meets Thursdays through Nov. 4, 7-8:30 pm. The Appreciative Living Circle, facilitated by Dr. Lynn K. Jones, is a structured group designed to bring more joy into people’s lives. Participants learn powerful methods to transform difficult situations, and explore a 3-step process for creating what they most desire in any area of life. Each week structured homework activities will literally retrain the brain to create more joy and happiness. $120 for four 90-minute sessions, includes materials. Preregister: Paradise Found, 17 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara 93101, 805/5643573, www.paradise-found.net. THE PRINCIPLE: Deconstructing the Illusion of Attraction, workshop presented by True Indigo, $20, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: 907/687-3266, www. TrueBlueIndigo.com. Presenting a radical approach to “attraction,” True Indigo stakes his reputation as a spiritual writer that “attraction” is an illusory artifact of existence that has been misinterpreted and misidentified. The Principle is based upon one simple premise: Only gift produces abundance. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
Licensed. Info: 818/345-2882, www.BonnieRose.com. Meets at 28310 Roadside Dr. #140, Agoura Hills 91301. Please call to confirm. WOMEN’S DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP, meets Thursday evenings, facilitated by Shoshana Levine, LCSW, C.Ht., Lic. #CSW 24340. Whether you are contemplating a divorce, going through a divorce, or still dealing with the aftermath of a divorce, this group is for you. Learn how to embrace your divorce and become empowered in the process. See divorce as a journey towards healing and wholeness. 310/9987253. In Santa Monica. Please call for appt as a (free) consultation is needed in order to insure compatibility with the group.
FRIDAY, OCT. 15 HOW TO MEET YOUR KARMA, a video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), 7:30-9:30 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. John-Roger tells us how to meet our karma with compassion, forgiveness and lots of laughter. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. ECPAC BAD WEATHER SHELTER FUNDRAISER, “Gratitude,” starring Alison England, at the Pasadena Presbyterian Church, 585 E. Colorado Blvd. Ms. England has wowed audiences across America and France. Dessert reception and silent auction 6:30 pm; concert 7:30 pm. Tickets $25 advance, $30 at the door (checks payable to ECPAC, The Ecumenical Council for Pasadena Area Congregations). Info: Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. AN EVENING OF HEALING SONG & CHANT with Amy Sunshine and Judy Piazza, 7:30-9:30 pm, $15. Come and share an evening of love through music, rhythms, songs and chants. For info on Amy, www.spiritsongs.net; on Judy, www.resonanceandrhythms.com. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com.
UNITY WEST’S THURSDAY PRAYER AND SHARE, 7 pm. Currently the group is reading and sharing Joan Gattuso’s book, A Course in Love, a wise and poignant book on ways in which we may meet and transform the challenges of everyday life. All welcome, love offering basis. Call 310/577-0000 for prayer requests and other information. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org.
GO PINK! GET BREAST THERMOGRAPHY, Early Screening for Breast Cancer. $50 off this month. Where mammography looks for structure such as a lump, thermography looks for the body’s physiological responses to cancer cells. These changes can often occur 8-10 years before the cells are large enough to be seen by a mammogram. No radiation or contact with the body. Early detection saves lives! 310/775-3388, www.gopinkpreventcancer.com.
EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
THE RED BOOK AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www. gnosis.org.
ADOLESCENT SUPPORT GROUP, 4:30-6 pm, $30-50/session. A safe, loving and confidential environment for adolescents and young adults to express personal concerns, ask questions, share wisdom, find solutions, gather information, share grief and sadness, create a personal vision. Facilitated by Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT
THE L.A. CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO, Fall Conference, takes place Oct. 15-17 at the LAX Hilton, “The New Visionaries.” An extraordinary program filled with free events, keynote workshops and an exhibit hall with cutting-edge products and services. Discounted tickets go on sale. Featuring Dick Gregory, Nia Peeples, Alfonso De Rose, Filipo, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Emy Shanti, Vicki Gay, and David Icke. 800/367-5777 for discounted tickets. www.consciouslifeexpo.com.
31 FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR SPIRITUAL PEOPLE “If you desire to know where your spiritual work lies, look to your emotional pain.” —Alan Cohen
SATURDAY, OCT. 16 JOIN US FOR THE 9TH ANNUAL WALK FOR HOPE, 9 am-12 noon, El Dorado Park, 7550 E. Spring St., Long Beach 90815. The Walk for Hope is a unique, one-of-a-kind event; its main purpose is to unite the community by spreading more compassion in the world. The 2.2-mile route is graced with hundreds of carefully handmade inspiring quotes, interactive activity stations promoting global consciousness and various booths representing heartfelt causes throughout the world. Free. For info and to register for the walk visit www.bethecause.org. THE L.A. CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO, Fall Conference, takes place Oct. 15-17 at the LAX Hilton, “The New Visionaries.” An extraordinary program filled with free events, keynote workshops and an exhibit hall with cutting-edge products and services. Discounted tickets go on sale. Featuring Dick Gregory, Nia Peeples, Alfonso De Rose, Filipo, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Emy Shanti, Vicki Gay, and David Icke. Call 800/367-5777 for discounted tickets. www.consciouslifeexpo. com. ANNUAL CRAFT BOUTIQUE, 9 am-3 pm. Many types of crafts, art work, jewelry, candles, aromas, chair massage and more. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org.
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SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. READY FOR LOVE? BUILD THE RELATIONSHIPS YOU REALLY WANT. Discover ways to release toxic energy, break self-defeating habits and establish a strong foundation for growth. Facilitated by Sabina Mora, CPC, 2-4 pm, at The Village Interfaith Center, 343 S. Church Lane, LA 90049. $25. Reserve your spot by calling 310/403-0993 or emailing sabina@sabinamoralifecoach.com. Visit www.sabinamoralifecoach. com for more information. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. SUCCESS AND ABUNDANCE WITH THE ANGELS, workshop with Anna Jacobs, 7-9 pm, $25. Learn powerful land transformative techniques to bring your dreams into reality, with the
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MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. The Soul is who you truly are; it is more than your body, your thoughts or your feelings. It is the highest aspect of your Self, where you and God are one. MSIA provides tools and techniques that allow you to experience your Soul and, therefore, your own divinity.
“All that you want to be, you already are. All you have to do is move your awareness there and recognize the reality of your own Soul.”
MSIA presents an approach that focuses on how to incorporate spirituality into your everyday living. We call it “practical spirituality”. Visit www.msia.org for more information on events and classes in your area.
FREE E-BOOK— Journey of a Soul Download your free e-book, Journey of a Soul by John-Roger:
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness www.msia.org
To request a print copy, contact servicedesk@msia.org or 800-899-2655 Print Promo Code: 702WP
34 loving assistance of Angels. Anna is a British certified Angel Intuitive based in L.A. and has presented Angel Workshops internationally. Contact Anna at 323/570-2095, www.angeliccenter.com. Angelic Center is located in Beverly Hills, call for address. SPECIAL DELIVERY, a very special One Man Show, the Evolution of a young man and the many facets of his journey performed by Harry Hart Growne. 4-6 pm, $20/person, light snack included. Held at Que Linda Tu located in the Vortex of the Foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains: 3608 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214. Call to reserve: 818/541-0096 or just show up and join us. Visit www.quelindaboutique.com. SELACIA’S CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO PRESENTATIONS, Oct. 16-17, at LAX Hilton Hotel, LA (www.consciouslifeexpo.com/). Attend the Expo to meet Selacia and experience her healing work with The Council of 12. Booth: The Light Party. Panel: Ascension 2012. Selacia is a healer, author, gifted medical intuitive, channel for The Council of 12. Info: 310/915-2884, email Selacia@Selacia.com. Sign-up & mailing list: www.Selacia.com. Follow on Facebook & Twitter. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. SATSANG IN MALIBU, 2-4 pm. A genuine Guru comes to Malibu. Meet Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya. Bring your spiritual questions, life problems and thorny addictions, and get real answers. By donation. At Malibu United Methodist Church, 30128 Morning View Dr. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter. net. PSYCHIC FAIRE, 11 am-5 pm. $25/15 minute Psychic Read or $35/30 minute Psychic Read. Call Friday, Oct. 15 to schedule an appt. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www. akashicbookshopandcenter.com. NEW CLEARSIGHT CLAIRVOYANT PROGRAM BEGINS TODAY. Clearsight’s Clairvoyant program is an intensive voyage of self-discovery, self-empowerment and self-awareness in which you learn to use your own life-force energy to create the life you want. Info: Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com, email info@clearsightaura.com. REIKI 1 & 2 CLASS, Oct. 16-17, in Glendora. Amazingly powerful, easily learned energy healing. Promotes relaxation and healing in oneself and others, including across distances. Experimental, casual atmosphere. 9:15 am-7 pm (1 pm lunch), $350. Register on website. Nursing and NCBTMB CEs. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www. ReikiMastery.com. MASTERING DESIRE WITH VENUS RETROGRADE IN SCORPIO, workshop with Mark Springle, 3- 5 pm, $25, preregister with your birth date to get a discount. Info and preregistra-
tion: 305/401-8863, www.MarkSpringle.com. Retrograde Venus shows us where we need to work on ourselves, remodel our expectations and core beliefs, or where we should reinvent ourselves altogether. Scorpio we associate with deep, hidden desires. Venus and Scorpio make strange bedfellows, but the combination can create the fulfillment of our desires. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. KRISHNAMURTI FRIENDS OF LOS ANGELES presents a Program of Video and Dialogue, 7-10 pm, $10 suggested donation, for info call 310/650-5079 or email kdialogue@roadrunner. com. The evening includes a video of Krishnamurti (approximately 1 hour), then seeks to explore the topic of the video via the medium of dialogue. Focus is on “what is” rather than on ideas and opinions. This group has no affiliation with the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle stress reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners welcome. Starts 9 am, includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire Blvd. and Chelsea, 2 blocks W. of 26th St., alternate inside location when rains). Sifu Spraker has taught T’ai Chi internationally for over 38 years. Info and enrollment: 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. ZENPROV is a unique creative movement class combining several acting disciplines, including improv, mime, clowning and mask work, in order to deeply explore spiritual principles. Experience more Presence and deeply feel how to be more in the NOW. Newbies to advanced all welcome. With John Medeiros who has extensive training in movement and martial arts, and is a leading member of the Ventura Improv. 4-6 pm, $10. (No class on Oct. 23.) Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com.
SUNDAY, OCT. 17 THE L.A. CONSCIOUS LIFE EXPO, Fall Conference, takes place Oct. 15-17 at the LAX Hilton, “The New Visionaries.” An extraordinary program filled with free events, keynote workshops and an exhibit hall with cutting-edge products and services. Discounted tickets go on sale. Featuring Dick Gregory, Nia Peeples, Alfonso De Rose, Filipo, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Emy Shanti, Vicki Gay, and David Icke. Call 800/367-5777 for discounted tickets. www.consciouslifeexpo. com. SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org.
OJAI HEALER’S CIRCLE, are you looking for ways to increase your business, attract more income, and network with like-minded people? Join a workshop with serious intentions to increase business in alternative healing fields. Today’s guest speaker: Scott “Smitty” Smith speaking on “This Is Your Brain On Music,” an experiential group with dialogue, networking, refreshments and more. 1:30-3 pm, $10. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www. soulcentered.com. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS, 12-4 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth. Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. THIS IS IT! Solve problems, command events, heal life’s hurts! Vernon Howard’s proven methods are the powerful answers you seek. Class Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. NOSTALGIA FOR THE PRESENT, with Rev. Barbara Lee. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. BODHI CENTER REIKI CIRCLE, 3-5 pm. Join The Bodhi Center’s Reiki Circle, for all levels, from beginners to advanced. Experience the healing energy, $20. The Bodhi Center, 310/4971899, www.thebodhicenter.net. LETTING GO OF BAD HABITS: The Confidence to Change, presented by Kadampa Meditation Center, 10:30 am-12 noon, $12 donation. Discussion and meditation. Info: 323/223-0610, www.MeditateinLA.org. Learn simple yet effective meditations we can use to shed the limitations that bind us as we strive to improve ourselves and be of greatest benefit to others. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. TRANCE-FORMATION CIRCLE. Stressed out? Feeling overwhelmed? Losing sleep? Attend
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this circle to find out how to feel more relaxed and in control, sleep peacefully through the night, and increase your confidence and motivation so you can reach your goals. Led by Mazda Lakpour, 2-4 pm, $10 donation. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for information about class sessions, fees, and a supply list. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer, and deepen your spiritual practice. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara,
7:30 PM
805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnline.org.
Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by Dr. John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, or www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org.
SPIRITUAL SELF MASTERY CLASSES, on 1st & 3rd Monday of each month, 7:30 pm. Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita. Inclusive, Christ-centered. Call for location and directions, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. ESSENTIAL OILS PASS IT ON CLASS, a series of Monday evening classes on the educational value, use and application of essential oils. Santa Monica location, first class free, thereafter $5 at door. Contact Selacia to RSVP/info: 310/9152884, Selacia@Selacia.com. Visit http://Selacia. YoungLivingWorld.com, www.YoungLivingPassItOn.com. Follow Selacia on Facebook and Twitter. STOP SMOKING WITH HYPNOSIS, 7-9 pm, free. One of the most common reasons people seek hypnotherapy is to quit smoking. This class will help you understand how hypnosis can help you quit smoking by changing the subconscious motivations and automatic behaviors that underlie your smoking habit. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, call Romy at HMI-Tarzana to reserve your seat, 818/758-2747. www.hypnosis.edu. THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, with Kelly Morgan, 7-10 pm, workshop series, $385. Info: 310/839-3424, www.CreativeLife.com. Improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. An empowering program for established or aspiring artists, writers, poets, actors, painters, musicians and creative people from all walks of life. Bodhi Tree
MONDAY NIGHTS IN OCTOBER: FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com to book your appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170 for info. Visit www. clearsightaura.com. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit us at www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings,
Moving into
Qigong Classes & Retreats JSD Acupressure Sessions
your Health
Antoinette Rohner
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Channeling Classes & Private Sessions with Karen
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study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz.
TUESDAY, OCT. 19 TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. FREE ESOTERIC QABALAH CLASS, 6:30-8 pm. Learn about the spiritual system of esoteric Qabalah for personal development and selfmastery. RSVP required at either info.eogdisis. com or 626/502-7702. Temple of Isis, 13200 Brooks Dr., Ste. B, Irwindale 91706.
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MEDICAL INTUITION & ENERGY MEDICINE: From Ancient Spiritual Traditions to Modern Scientific Breakthroughs, free lecture by Dr. Liliana Cerepnalkoski, 7:30-9:30 pm. (Donation of any amount appreciated to Blue Heron Foundation supporting orphaned and abandoned children.) Info: 310/772-8270, www.DrLiliana.com, www. BlueHeronFoundation.org. Explore the merger of science and spirituality with Dr. Liliana, physician-scientist and clairvoyant medical intuitive and energy healer. Learn how medical intuition can support both personal and planetary transformation. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm,
WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 or visit www.allanrosenthal.com. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm (call for upcoming start dates). Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 “LAST PARADISE” FILM EVENT, 7 pm. Join the Santa Barbara City College Center for Sustainability for a fundraising event with the final cut film debut of “Last Paradise” by New Zealander Clive Neeson, extreme sports madman, filmmaker, and physicist (available for Q&A following the film). The film captures 45 years of stunning footage from places like Bali, Mexico, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, and explores alternative energy ideas and ways to recover what has been lost. At the Arlington Theater in downtown Santa Barbara. Info: SBCC Center for Sustainability, 965-0581, ext. 2177, msbushman@sbcc.edu. www.lastparadisefilm. com. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by Dr. John-Roger to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. Free-form writing is described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-1534, registrar@pts.org, www. pts.org. INTUITIVE MEDITATION I CLASSES begin today, 7:30-9 pm, everyone welcome. Intuitive Meditation is you taking the time to gently explore, awaken and recognize how your spirit and body communicate. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION, 7:30-9 pm, meets Wednesdays and Thursdays, please RSVP. 1-1/4 hour Intuitive Communication. True Insight Clairvoyant-Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. THE WONDERS: A CHANNELED EVENT, channeling and Q&A with Rene and Maggie Gaudette, 7:30-9:30 pm, $30 (a $140 value). Info and tickets: Terri, 619/456-8480, www.TheWonders. com. If you enjoy channeled sources or have never experienced one, come meet the broadest consciousness, the most loving and profound essence interacting with humanity, “The Wonders.” They are playful, insightful and real. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. HYPNOSIS, PAST LIFE REGRESSION & SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CLEARINGS, claim your
Transform Your Life at the Mystical Explosion Retreat ���������������������������������������������������
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power by changing your DNA. You can become a new person just by changing your belief system and healing your subconscious mind. Personal teachings $75/2 hours (available 10 am-5 pm), 15-minute healing included. Classes available 7-9 pm, $35, includes 10-minute healing of your choice. Sanat Kumara and our new enhanced Reiki Healings are the most powerful initiations and healings available today. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/831-6534. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. BEGINNING ASTROLOGY, a 7-week course which teaches about the astrological wheel, horoscope symbols and their core meanings, an introduction to zodiac signs, planets, houses and aspects. 7-9 pm, $25/class, $150 paid in advance, and one-time $20 materials fee. Facilitator: Maxine McMartin. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbook-
THURSDAY, OCT. 21 INTUITIVE COMMUNICATION, 7:30-9 pm, meets Wednesdays and Thursdays, please RSVP. 1-1/4 hour Intuitive Communication. True Insight Clairvoyant-Intuitive Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. HARMONY CIRCLE LUNCHEON, MEETING, 12 noon. This group has been in existence for 81 years and continues to have monthly luncheons (except July/August) and annual fundraisers to help support the Church and many outreach programs. All are welcome to attend; please call to make a reservation. Regular luncheon only $4/person. Yale Hall, Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. INTRODUCTION TO FOUR PILLARS. Chinese astrology is far more complicated than the animal associated with the year someone is born. This class introduces you to the Four Pillars method of Chinese astrology. We will determine 3 of your 4 pillars, discuss how they affect you, compatible animals and if time permits, touch on date selection. 6:30-8:30 pm, $40. Facilitated by Helen Arabanos. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. FREE 15 MINUTE TELEPHONE PSYCHIC READING today and ongoing Thursdays. Fourth
generation American Psychic Medium Michele Marz will give you a free telephone reading. Love, Health, Business, Court Cases. 6:30-9 pm, free. Michele Marz, Hollywood, 323/8514363. SERVICE TO THE HOLY SOPHIA, the feminine principle of the Deity. Freewill offering only. 3rd Thursday of every month, 8 pm. Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/4672685, www.gnosis.org. THE FIRST KEY: How to Remove Subconscious Sabotage, lecture and book signing by author Daphna Slonim, MD, 7:30-9:30 pm, free. Info: 310/652-1728, www.TheFirstKey.com. Ever wonder why you have yet to realize your wildest dreams for success and happiness? The First Key explains how you have been secretly standing in your own way and what to do about it. It is a simple, do-it-yourself manual showing how to detect if you have subconscious sabotage and how to remove it. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. UNITY WEST’S THURSDAY PRAYER AND SHARE, 7 pm. Currently the group is reading and sharing Joan Gattuso’s book, A Course in Love, a wise and poignant book on ways in which we may meet and transform the challenges of everyday life. All welcome, love offering basis. Call 310/577-0000 for prayer requests and other information. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural com-
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munity sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
you through an inner journey utilizing simple and empowering mantras along with advanced yogic techniques from the mystical yogic path. Event is open to all. Cost: Heart’s offering. www. nandhi.com/events.htm, email vasini@nandhi. com, 310/451-7377.
ADOLESCENT SUPPORT GROUP, 4:30-6 pm, $30-50/session. A safe, loving and confidential environment for adolescents and young adults to express personal concerns, ask questions, share wisdom, find solutions, gather information, share grief and sadness, create a personal vision. Facilitated by Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed. Info: 818/345-2882, www.BonnieRose.com. Meets at 28310 Roadside Dr. #140, Agoura Hills 91301. Please call to confirm.
I SEE YOUR DREAM JOB: A Career Intuitive Shows You How to Discover What You Were Put on Earth to Do, author Sue Frederick discusses and signs her book, 7:30 pm. Info: www.CareerIntuitive.org. In this first-ever book to combine ancient mystical teachings with current career knowledge, Frederick reveals how to read destiny cards, tap into your own intuitive guidance, and create a practical plan for moving forward. Free mini readings to several people in the audience. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com.
WOMEN’S DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP, meets Thursday evenings, facilitated by Shoshana Levine, LCSW, C.Ht., Lic. #CSW 24340. Whether you are contemplating a divorce, going through a divorce, or still dealing with the aftermath of a divorce, this group is for you. Learn how to embrace your divorce and become empowered in the process. See divorce as a journey towards healing and wholeness. 310/9987253. In Santa Monica. Please call for appt as a (free) consultation is needed in order to insure compatibility with the group.
FRIDAY, OCT. 22 T’AI CHI, QI GONG & ZEN, A MOUNTAINTOP RETREAT, Oct. 22-24. Sifu Lana Spraker and Roshi Charles Tenshin Fletcher teach this inspiring weekend of movement, meditation and selfrenewal. Cultivate serenity, internal strength and body/mind harmony through the wisdom and movements of Traditional Yang style T’ai Chi and Zen. This retreat is appropriate for beginning students; all experience levels welcome and receive expert instruction. At Yokoji Zen Mountain Center near Idyllwild in the San Jacinto Mountains above Hemet (120 miles east of LA). Complete weekend cost: $280. Info/reservations: 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com. THE WEALTH OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, a video seminar presentation featuring JohnRoger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), 7:30-9:30 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. Explore ways to create greater abundance, prosperity and riches, some of the qualities of the Soul. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/737-4055, email registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, or visit www. peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. THE RED BOOK AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES, lecture by Dr. Stephan A Hoeller, 8 pm, freewill donation. The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www. gnosis.org. CRANIOSACRAL UNWINDING I, an introduction to the craniosacral rhythm and its manifestation. Students acquire skills for palpation and evaluation of fascial restrictions and learn various sacral and cranial techniques for energetic release. Fri, Sat & Sun, 9:30-6:30, $360. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. FULL MOON FIRE PUJA SATSANG, 5-8 pm. Full Moon holds an auspicious moment when energies to Source magnify, and our mind and realities are transformed through the potent celebration of Source during this Full Moon gathering. Siddhar master, Tapasyogi Nandhi, will take
A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm. 15 minutes/suggested donation from $20; 45 minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. He also teaches the Spiritual Healing technique and offers Spiritual Healing at hospitals and in his private practice. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 23 THE SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH & WELL-BEING, live webcast with John Morton, Spiritual Director of MSIA, and Emmy-award winning actress Leigh Taylor-Young. Explore ways to make small improvements to your health and well-being that, when consistently applied, can make a big difference. Based on the book Living the Spiritual Principles of Health and WellBeing by John-Roger with Paul Kaye. Sponsored by the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), at 2101 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica 90403. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/7374055, tonie@pts.org, www.msia.org. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. THE FULL MOON’s mystery has engaged the human mind and emotions through the ages—
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� � � � � � �� � � � ���� � � � (Death continued from page 12) through water. Their voices were the sounds I heard, announcing their course, sounding distances, gauging mass and volume. How must it feel to be such a creature, to travel in smooth, grey muscle, to experience such powerful, cleaving travel? But then, could I simply leave the ocean’s domain and enter the body of the creature nearest me? Yes, easy as the thought itself, I did it. I swam alongside the porpoise nearest me, gradually stretching myself throughout its being. Twisting into its muscles…I was taut, supple, and unstoppable. Tiny creatures sluiced through my mouth. Movement alone was both my fuel and my propellant. Signals from the very core of the earth guided me. I moved for the sheer joy of doing so. I crashed through my domain, sending sprays of water through the air with each descent beneath the ocean’s surface. I did it for reasons governed only by my nature; it was my sustenance, my joy. * * * * I cannot say how long I continued. I know only that I went on as long as needed. Once spent, I slipped from the porpoise’s body and floated onward. How many days? How many nights? Does it matter? I finally came to rest on an unfamiliar shore; perhaps it was Catalina Island or Anacapa. It may even have been Belize. The names I had used as a human to designate places were, somehow, no longer of any use to me. What did it matter? The ocean mattered, the sun, moon, the air, all mattered. Naming a landmass was as of much importance to me as naming a passing cloud. Edging my way onto the shore I came upon a section warm with layers of dead leaves. It was there that I slept. * * * * My boy, I have begun wondering about all the beauty I have seen. What is to be my purpose here? Is it simply to develop increasingly
heightened sensitivities? Am I to continue voyages of adventure and discovery? I have arrived at a point where I have no interest in examining my purpose. Living in the “now” is all I care about. Sure, there are dim feelings of unease but only for brief moments. Those feelings are not strong enough to make me turn from all that my new world offers me. In fact, everything I have seen and experienced so far makes me greedy…no, makes me yearn for more. Greed has no place in my spirit now. I have taken on so many shapes and forms. Am I being presented with choices? I am no longer part of any “human” cycle but am I ready to leave this realm, this Earth? My whole being has been shattered and then reassembled. Do I remain here, hovering near and around Earth? For my days after death I had expected something so very different, something other than just living on the “other side” of my fleshy past. So far there has been neither stranger nor friend to greet me and yet I do not find it in the least disturbing. I have experienced little miracles as common as breathing but more awesome than halls of malachite. I am filled with wonder…I am, at last, at peace. Delores Burris has been on a journey of spiritual inquiry about The Days After Death for many years. As with many of us, relatives have slipped from our lives. Many dear friends were killed by the AIDS virus. At each loss, Delores wrote down wishes, hopes and fantasies about what she hoped everyone might experience on their spiritual journey. Those thoughts developed into a powerful vision of the amazing and joyous transformations that lay ahead. We all know we are so much more than our bodies. Our spirits, once released, will join the earth’s healing powers and cycles of wondrous energy even more glorious than those described in The Days After Death.
40 now dramatically presented in the film LUNA, An Ethereal Study Of The Moon on DVD. www. jasonartworks.com. USO: ONE FOR THE PETS, musical show, Lifeline for Pets benefit event, 7:30 pm. Help save the animals by attending this wonderful evening of music with a “USO” theme. Win raffle prizes! Admission only $10; raffle tickets $1 each or 6 for $5. Proceeds help support Lifeline for Pets’ work for dogs and cats. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. REIKI 1 & 2 CLASS, Oct. 23-24, in Santa Monica. Amazingly powerful, easily learned energy healing. Promotes relaxation and healing in oneself and others, including across distances. Experimental, casual atmosphere. 9:15 am-7 pm (1 pm lunch), $350. Register on website. Nursing and NCBTMB CEs. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller, International Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, jess@reikimastery.com, www.ReikiMastery.com. PSYCHIC FAIR & FULL MOON CEREMONY, 27:30 pm. For $1/minute, Healers and Readers will be available for Tarot Reading, Reiki Attunements, Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, Aura Readings and more. A special opportunity to have a variety of one-on-one sessions with amazing practitioners. Free to attend. Full Moon Ceremony follows at 8pm; join us as we celebrate the Full Moon and set our intentions. House of Intuition, 2237 W. Sunset Blvd.., LA 90026, ph. 213/413-8300. Metered parking on Sunset or free parking on Waterloo. www.meetup.com/houseofintuition. SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. ADVANCED METAPHYSICAL HYPNOSIS COURSE takes place Oct. 23-24, 12-8 pm, $400. A highly experiential course: past life regression, astral travel, spirit/angel contact, mediumship and more. Non-hypnotists welcome. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. REIKI ATTUNEMENT, 11 am-4 pm, with Tracey Boyer facilitating. Call for details. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. UNLOCKING THE TECHNOLOGY OF THE MIND, Live the Life You Dream Living, workshop with Denny Ashkenazi, 3-5 pm. Info: 818/6526111, www.NowNLP.com. Discover the FREE technology of YOUR mind. Ashkenazi, trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy, and hypnosis, will lead
you on a journey into the powerful world of your conscious-unconscious mind. Get insights into the techniques that unlock your inner technological device. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. LEARN TO READ YOUR PALM, with Dr. Sarah Larsen, workshop, 7:30-9:30 pm. Info: 424/9036633, www.DrSarahLarsen.com. Your hand is a map of your life and every part of the hand, from the fingertips to the wrist, contains important signposts created by your nervous systems. The wisdom you seek for deep insight and to make better decisions is in your hands. Dr. Larsen is a 3rd generation Palm Reader, Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive and Medical Doctor. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree. com. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle stress reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners welcome. Starts 9 am, includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire Blvd. and Chelsea, 2 blocks W. of 26th St., alternate inside location when rains). Sifu Spraker has taught T’ai Chi internationally for over 38 years. Info and enrollment: 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. ZENPROV is a unique creative movement class combining several acting disciplines, including improv, mime, clowning and mask work, in order to deeply explore spiritual principles. Experience more Presence and deeply feel how to be more in the NOW. Newbies to advanced all welcome. With John Medeiros who has extensive training in movement and martial arts, and is a leading member of the Ventura Improv. 4-6 pm, $10. (No class on Oct. 23.) Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com.
SUNDAY, OCT. 24 SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. UNMASKING THE TRUTH with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS, 12-4 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth. Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the
peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. TRANSFORM YOUR INNER STATE…TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE, a concert ceremony with Master Sound Healer Rafael Bejarano, 7:309:30 pm, $25 at the door, $20 prepaid. Rafael is a sonic shaman from Mexico with over 19 years of training in shamanism, indigenous healing modalities, and the psychology of personal transformation. This Concert Ceremony is a sacred space created especially for you to remind you of the infinite resources that live within you. For more info about Rafael visit www.soundsofcreation.org. Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. HEALING SERVICE AND VESPERS, freewill offering only, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, 5 pm. Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis.org. FAAN WALK FOR FOOD ALLERGY, free, 12 noon. A 2-mile walk with entertainment, facepainting, fire-trucks, to benefit kids/families with food allergies. Starts at Santa Monica Beach Park #1, Bernard & Fraser intersection. For info contact Claudia Lichtig, Mommie722@aol.com. FREE HEALINGS FOR ANIMALS, by Lori Spagna, 1-3 pm, at the front porch of the Bodhi Tree Used Books Store. Appts recommended, walkups also welcome. Info and appts: 866/3885115 or www.EfilsGod.com. Lori is founder of Efil’s God Spirit and Efil’s God. She is a professional intuitive, channeler, animal communicator, energy healer, motivational coach as well as a canine behavioral expert. Donations appreciated. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www. bodhitree.com. A MASTER’S PERSPECTIVE ON THE SPIRITUAL ASPECTS OF FENG SHUI, workshop with Jodi Brunner, Master of Feng Shui, 3:30-5:30 pm, $25. Info: www.FengShuiMaster.com.au. Join Australia’s foremost Feng Shui expert who is visiting L.A. to share what real Feng Shui is all about and how the spirits can bring abundance, prosperity, health and happiness into our lives. Bring a floorplan and a compass reading of your home for more personalized advice after the lecture. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE: Liberation From the Obstacles in Your Life, workshop with Earl J. Katigbak, 7-9 pm, $17. Info: 909/2039773, earl.katigbak@gmail.com. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EMT) is a process of tapping on certain energy points on the body while focusing and verbalizing a specific problem. EFT allows you to regain balance of your body’s energy system. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/6591733. www.bodhitree.com. SANSKRIT MANTRA CHANTING CLASS with Psychic Palmist of India Professor Sasi Velupillai and Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, Directors of the Vedic Healing Institute. Explore the benefits of sacred sound meditation through ancient Sanskrit chants from India for empowerment, manifestation, prosperity & spiritual growth. Includes instruction, manual, time working with mantras, video/audio recordings, and traditional vedic initiation into mantras. 310/397-2405, 310/842-6087, www.vedichealinginstitute.com.
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COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. TRANCE-FORMATION CIRCLE. Stressed out? Feeling overwhelmed? Losing sleep? Attend this circle to find out how to feel more relaxed and in control, sleep peacefully through the night, and increase your confidence and motivation so you can reach your goals. Led by Mazda Lakpour, 2-4 pm, $10 donation. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for information about class sessions, fees, and a supply list. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chi-
nese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer, and deepen your spiritual practice. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnline.org.
MONDAY, OCT. 25 HYPNOSIS AND WEIGHT LOSS, 7-9 pm, free. Losing weight is one of the difficult yet important self improvement goals you can tackle. Learn how hypnosis can enlist the power of your subconscious mind to help you achieve your weight loss goals with less struggle and greater ease. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, call Romy at HMITarzana to reserve your seat, 818/758-2747. www.hypnosis.edu. ESSENTIAL OILS PASS IT ON CLASS, a series of Monday evening classes on the educational value, use and application of essential oils. Santa Monica location, first class free, thereafter $5 at door. Contact Selacia to RSVP/info: 310/9152884, Selacia@Selacia.com. Visit http://Selacia. YoungLivingWorld.com, www.YoungLivingPassItOn.com. Follow Selacia on Facebook and Twitter. MEDITATIONS FOR MODERN MAN, 7-8:30 pm, a 4-week course in ancient Buddhist mindful-
ness, as interpreted and adapted for today’s fast-paced scientific world. Experience “the Profound” and “the Ultimate” directly through these unique and original one-hour guided journeys of contemplation and deep seeing. Ideally suited to the modern mind. Available exclusively at The Bodhi Center. Registration required, $99. 310/497-1899, www.thebodhicenter.net. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT THROUGH TODAY for: Mystical Explosion Retreat, taking place Nov. 19-21. Join Brother Ishmael Tetteh, Spiritual Master, at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center for a transformation of your Spirit. Using the principles of nature, learn how to heal the wounds of your past while reconnecting to your true God values. Discover the 7 levels of potentials and the additional Mystical Dimensions to your infinite good. Use the force field of Nature & Humanity to restore your spirit. Visit www. conscioushumanity.com, 760/633-1033. GO PINK! GET BREAST THERMOGRAPHY, Early Screening for Breast Cancer. $50 off this month. Where mammography looks for structure such as a lump, thermography looks for the body’s physiological responses to cancer cells. These changes can often occur 8-10 years before the cells are large enough to be seen by a mammogram. No radiation or contact with the body. Early detection saves lives! 310/775-3388, www.gopinkpreventcancer.com. THE ARTIST’S WAY WORKSHOP, with Kelly Morgan, 7-10 pm, workshop series, $385. Info: 310/839-3424, www.CreativeLife.com. Improve your artistic confidence, productivity and creative expression. This proven 3-month program
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THE WAY OF T’AI CHI CH’UAN: Gentle Exercise for Inner Peace 60 min. inspiring instructional DVD
www.alexandertaichi.com (310) 479-3646
integrates new habits with the spiritual path of the artist into your daily routine. An empowering program for established or aspiring artists, writers, poets, actors, painters, musicians and creative people from all walks of life. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. SACRED TONES WORKSHOP, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Experience an inner attunement to Spirit and your own divinity as you practice guided meditations taught by Dr. John-Roger, founder of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). A perfect way to practice meditation for the first time or to enjoy the support of meditating with others. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. MONDAY NIGHTS IN OCTOBER: FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com to book your appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/395-1170 for info. Visit www. clearsightaura.com. ANGEL CITY HEALING MONDAY SPECIAL: 10% off all products today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit us at www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com. HOLISTIC SKINCARE, you can beat aging, acne, dryness and other skin problems, call the Vital Image. Free demonstrations and sample facials held throughout the week. Call for specific days this week, 800/414-4624, 310/8231996. MOVING INTO PEACE, QIGONG & MEDITATION CLASSES. Qi-Gong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City, Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396, www. movingintopeace.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singing-
fromtheheart.com, CaroleGMoskovitz.
TUESDAY, OCT. 26 TUESDAY PRAYER & MEDITATION, 7:30 pm. Rev. BJ Enright facilitates the weekly evening of prayer, meditation, energy balancing and fellowship, in the main building. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION: STRUCTURAL CRANIOSACRAL. A fascial anatomy approach to Craniosacral Therapy, this course teaches precise manipulations of the membranes and fascia associated with the cranial, facial and sacral bones, to support a higher order of structural integrity in the body. Prerequisite: Massage Technician Training. 10 am-5:30 pm, $90. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/3427130, www.ipsb.com. T.M. HEALINGS, 7:30-8:30 pm, everyone welcome, free. The cleaning of energies that would interfere or inhibit the natural ability of the spirit to heal the body. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. ANGELS AND ELEMENTALS, weekly group hypnosis, guided imagery, past life regression, angel imagery, and self improvement classes at Neon Venus Art Theatre. 7:30-9 pm, $22. Kima Holmes, C.Ht., 7023 Melrose Ave, LA 90038. 310/386-0761, events@theangelichour.com, www.meetup.com/with-your-health-in-mind/. INNER ALCHEMY TODAY, workshop presented by New Acropolis, 7:30-9:30 pm, $5. Info: 310/975-9102, www.AcropolisUSAsw.org. Alchemy is the science of life. During this lecture we will try to answer the most important question of life, Who am I? We will explore and compare Inner Alchemy from the Egyptian point of view and from that of India (the Bhagavad-Gita). Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. MEN OVER 50 SUPPORT GROUP, with B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT (Lic. 23640). Explore how to bring about the future you want in the company and support of other men. 7-9 pm, limited to 8 men. Call for interview. B.J. Jakala, PhD, MFT, 21243 Ventura Blvd, Suite 224, Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 818/348-8837. A COURSE IN MIRACLES CLASS, 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Would you choose love or fear? Do you want a greater sense of peace and contentment? Learn the incredible power of your choices. Study A Course in Miracles with Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of the course for over 25 years. Call 310/478-8994 for more information or visit www. allanrosenthal.com. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm (call for upcoming start dates). Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 BE YOUR OWN INSPIRATION TELE-WORKSHOP, 5:30-7 pm, free (donations welcome), sponsored by Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). Join us from your own home via telephone or Skype (audio only). Experience your own Soul, your own inspiration at this fun and uplifting tele-workshop. For information on how to register and participate, contact Debbie Roth, 323/737-4055, x1179, DebbieRoth@msia. org, www.msia.org. HYPNOSIS, PAST LIFE REGRESSION & SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CLEARINGS, claim your power by changing your DNA. You can become a new person just by changing your belief system and healing your subconscious mind. Personal teachings $75/2 hours (available 10 am-5 pm), 15-minute healing included. Classes available 7-9 pm, $35, includes 10-minute healing of your choice. Sanat Kumara and our new enhanced Reiki Healings are the most powerful initiations and healings available today. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/831-6534. A GATHERING OF MIRACLES® offers A Course in Miracle inspired lecture-services by Allan Rosenthal, MFT, a student-teacher-lecturer of ACIM for over 25 years. Listen to real life experiences and how the ACIM principles and other spiritual/metaphysical thought systems can be applied in everyday life. Q&As follow talk. No previous ACIM experience necessary. 7-8:30 pm, WLA/Santa Monica area. Call 310/4788994 or visit www.agatheringofmiracles.com. WEEKLY GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Wednesday 8:30 pm, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: www.gnosis.org. BEGINNING ASTROLOGY, a 7-week course which teaches about the astrological wheel, horoscope symbols and their core meanings, an introduction to zodiac signs, planets, houses and aspects. 7-9 pm, $25/class, $150 paid in advance, and one-time $20 materials fee. Facilitator: Maxine McMartin. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com.
THURSDAY, OCT. 28 IPSB OPEN HOUSE—FREE TO THE PUBLIC, at LA’s most innovative body therapy school, come meet the staff, see a demonstration and learn
about opportunities in the field of bodywork. Starts 7:30 pm sharp. IPSB, 5817 Uplander Way, Culver City 90230, 310/342-7130, www.ipsb. com. THE VORTEX, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, a discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black. 11 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.ecchurchofcalif.org. AN EVENING WITH MICHAEL BERNARD & RICKIE BYARS BECKWITH, 7 pm, $45, at Matilija Auditorium, 703 El Paseo Road, Ojai. Book signing to follow. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, is an internationally known evolutionary leader. Rickie Byars Beckwith is Agape’s Music and Arts Director whose songs bring us to a place that words alone will never reach. A benefit for the Symphony of Life Spiritual Center. See full page ad in this issue or visit www.solsc.org for ticket information. Info: Rev. Karen Wylie, 805/640-3743. TRUE INSIGHT FREE OPEN HOUSE, 7:30-9 pm (please arrive at 7:30 pm), everyone welcome, free. Includes a brief lecture on what True Insight has to offer. Free Communication and Healings tonight. Come join us and have some fun. True Insight Learning and Healing Center, 111 Eucalyptus Dr., El Segundo 90245, 310/640-2211, www.true-insight.com. DARSHAN IN LOS ANGELES, 7:30-9 pm. A talk by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya, on the subject of spiritual awakening – how to achieve it, and how to apply it in daily life. By donation. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www. theBODHIcenter.net. REINVENTING THE BODY/RESURRECTING THE SOUL, by Deepak Chopra. Discussion led by Dr. Margie Ann Taylor-Black, 10 am, love offering. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. www.encinocommunitychurch.org. KARMA & REINCARNATION: Unlocking Your 800 Lives to Enlightenment, discussion and book signing by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis, 7:30 pm. Info: www.SpiritualArts.org. There is life after death and Barbara Y. Martin has seen it! In this practical handbook she and her co-author reveal the design of the afterlife based directly on personal clairvoyant experiences. It is a perfect guidebook for new or longtime spiritual students providing essential keys for spiritual development. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood
90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. UNITY WEST’S THURSDAY PRAYER AND SHARE, 7 pm. Currently the group is reading and sharing Joan Gattuso’s book, A Course in Love, a wise and poignant book on ways in which we may meet and transform the challenges of everyday life. All welcome, love offering basis. Call 310/577-0000 for prayer requests and other information. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. EVENING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 7:30-8 pm, free. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for evening meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. ADOLESCENT SUPPORT GROUP, 4:30-6 pm, $30-50/session. A safe, loving and confidential environment for adolescents and young adults to express personal concerns, ask questions, share wisdom, find solutions, gather information, share grief and sadness, create a personal vision. Facilitated by Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed. Info: 818/345-2882, www.BonnieRose.com. Meets at 28310 Roadside Dr. #140, Agoura Hills 91301. Please call to confirm. WOMEN’S DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP, meets Thursday evenings, facilitated by Shoshana Levine, LCSW, C.Ht., Lic. #CSW 24340. Whether you are contemplating a divorce, going through a divorce, or still dealing with the aftermath of a divorce, this group is for you. Learn how to embrace your divorce and become empowered in the process. See divorce as a journey towards healing and wholeness. 310/9987253. In Santa Monica. Please call for appt as a (free) consultation is needed in order to insure compatibility with the group.
FRIDAY, OCT. 29 KALANGI YOGA INTRO WORKSHOP, 12-6 pm. Be initiated into the ancient lineage of Siddhars, learn advanced yogic techniques and practice your own daily yoga. Awaken Mother Kundalini in a safe environment through a simple hatha yoga sequence. Includes a fire puja ritual to cleans the karmic past; initiation of Siddhar mantras; practice of Kalangi Yoga; and more. $207. Info and RSVP: www.nandhi.com/events. htm, vasini@nandhi.com, 310/451-7377. FIND YOUR OWN ANSWERS: Psychic Develop-
44 ment Workshop with Holly Mae Howard, 6:308:30 pm. Learn more effective meditation, move from your head to your heart to make sound decisions, stop mind chatter, know which way to turn, and learn how to give readings to others in several ways. Holly teaches people how to find their “True North” by connecting with their natural intuitive gifts. $40, preregistration required. Paradise Found, 17 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara 93101, 805/564-3573, www.paradisefound.net. CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKEND, Oct. 29-31, held on the last weekend of each month. Relax and recharge at this weekend retreat. Celebrate life through song and dance, yoga classes, meditation, hiking, exercise, arts & crafts classes and wholesome meals at Sunburst Sanctuary. Please call for more info and suggested donation: Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline. org. Email ContactUs@SunburstOnline.org. THE PEACE OF GOD TREATMENT, a video seminar presentation featuring John-Roger, Founder and Spiritual Advisor of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), 7:30-9:30 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. In this seminar, John-Roger reminds us we can handle any situation with anger or peace; we can choose. Then he tells us how. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact us at 323/7374055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www. peacelabyrinth.org, www.msia.org. WOMEN WITH A VISION CONCERT, featuring Jayla and special guests, 7:30-9:30 pm, $10. Info: 818/564-4098, www.JaylaMusic.com. Jayla is a positive and inspiring female pop rock acoustic duo. Come and enjoy an intimate and uplifting evening of music that moves you. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. A SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, healing sessions with Jude Unegbu, available 11 am-4 pm. 15 minutes/suggested donation from $20; 45 minutes, from $75. For info and appts, call 310/659-1733, ext. 114 or events@bodhitree. com. Website: www.JudeTheHealer.com. Born in West Africa, Jude Unegbu has been a spiritual healer for over 16 years. His training was with his Shaman grandfather and further enhanced by techniques from Sir George King, founder of the Aetherius Society. He also teaches the Spiritual Healing technique and offers Spiritual Healing at hospitals and in his private practice. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com. FIND THE CHANGE OF YOUR LIFE, find Peace, Security and Love. Begin a positive change of course in life by attending weekly gatherings, study and ultimately through meditation on the inner sound current known as the Word, Shabd or Naam. Always free. Intro sessions on Monday and Friday nights, 7 pm. Sant Mat Meditation Center, 7726 W Manchester Ave., Playa del Rey, 310/821-3321. Info: call Bob 310/930-2450, Victor 310-930-2452, or Pat 310/567-3265. Website: www.lasantmat.com.
SATURDAY, OCT. 30 OJAI PSYCHIC “BOOO”TIQUE & FAIRE, Oct. 30-31, 11 am-6 pm, free admission. Psychics, cool merchandise, discounted children’s toys,
things for the kids (costumes encouraged…seriously!). Also ghost stories, music, speaker’s forum (1:30-5 pm), theater games, demos and free Paranormal Research Group meeting with everything you wanted to know about ghosts but were afraid to ask, with Ginnie McGovern. Last faire for the year! Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. YANG STYLE T’AI CHI CH’UAN & QIGONG taught by Sifu Lana Spraker. Improve your mental and physical health by learning this gentle stress reducing Meditation in Movement. Beginners welcome. Starts 9 am, includes Qi Gong breathing and energy exercises, instruction in Traditional Long Yang form of T’ai Chi. At Douglas Park in Santa Monica (at Wilshire Blvd. and Chelsea, 2 blocks W. of 26th St., alternate inside location when rains). Sifu Spraker has taught T’ai Chi internationally for over 38 years. Info and enrollment: 310/479-3646, www.alexandertaichi.com. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday, Hermosa Beach, 7 am, 14th St. & The Strand. For information contact 310/9184700. Also at La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112 for details. ZENPROV is a unique creative movement class combining several acting disciplines, including improv, mime, clowning and mask work, in order to deeply explore spiritual principles. Experience more Presence and deeply feel how to be more in the NOW. Newbies to advanced all welcome. With John Medeiros who has extensive training in movement and martial arts, and is a leading member of the Ventura Improv. 4-6 pm, $10. (No class on Oct. 23.) Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered. com.
SUNDAY, OCT. 31 SUPER-CONSCIOUSNESS WAITS FOR YOU… Attain Enlightenment which is your birthright. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. OJAI PSYCHIC “BOOO”TIQUE & FAIRE, Oct. 30-31, 11 am-6 pm, free admission. Psychics, cool merchandise, discounted children’s toys, things for the kids (costumes encouraged…seriously!). Also ghost stories, music, speaker’s forum (1:30-5 pm), theater games, demos and free Paranormal Research Group meeting with
everything you wanted to know about ghosts but were afraid to ask, with Ginnie McGovern. Last faire for the year! Soul Centered, a metaphysical shoppe, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, visit us at www.soulcentered.com. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS & TOURS, 12-4 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth. Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. ASK REV. DONNA with Rev. Dr. Donna Byrns. Worship and grow at the Church of Truth with Christ-centered metaphysical teachings, 11 am service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www. churchoftruth.org. COURSE IN MIRACLES DISCUSSION GROUP led by Dr. Margie Ann Black, 9:15 am. Join the group for a journey of forgiveness that releases the flow of love into your life! Love offering. Encino Community Church, Garden Chapel, 7769 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park. For info call 818/712-9400. TRANCE-FORMATION CIRCLE. Stressed out? Feeling overwhelmed? Losing sleep? Attend this circle to find out how to feel more relaxed and in control, sleep peacefully through the night, and increase your confidence and motivation so you can reach your goals. Led by Mazda Lakpour, 2-4 pm, $10 donation. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. SUNDAY SERVICE WITH MUSIC, MEDITATION, INSPIRATION, Dr. Margie Ann Black presents Christ-centered, Scripturally based teachings with practical applications for everyday life that you won’t find anywhere else. Sunday School available. Love offering. 10:30 am, Encino Community Church, an all-inclusive circle of Love that seeks to make a difference just as we are. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for information about class sessions, fees, and a supply list. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer, and deepen your spiritual practice. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, For more information call 805/736-6528, www. SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnline.org.
ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAYS BECOME THE VISIONARY ARTIST YOU WANT TO BE through the development of your creative and clairvoyant abilities as taught in Unarius. Inspirational art classes are held on Sundays in El Cajon. Call Unarius at 800/475-7062 for information about class sessions, fees, and a supply list. FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Sunday at La Jolla Cove. For details call 619/280-3112. SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEDITATION SERVICE, all are welcome, 10:30 am. Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer, and deepen your spiritual practice. At Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org, email contactus@SunburstOnline.org. SUNDAY SERVICE, 10:30 am, with Rev. Lee, Church of Truth in Santa Clarita, inclusive, Christ centered, 22900 Market St., Newhall 91321, 661/645-9503, www.silentmiracles.net. THIS IS IT! Solve problems, command events, heal life’s hurts! Classes every Sunday at 10 am, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com, email professorsasi@earthlink.net. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com to book your weekend appt. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) Clearsight, 310/3951170. Visit www.clearsightaura.com. PSYCHOTHERAPY ON SUNDAYS, Christine Lustig Ortiz, MA, MFT, MFC 47918. Hopeful and strength-based approach to therapy for individuals, couples, families and adolescents. Confidential, non-judgmental environment. Specializing in eating disorders, depression, self-destructive patterns, anxiety, trauma, and relational and healthy communication. Insurance and sliding scale. 562/230-4932, www. clustigortizmft.com. ONENESS MEDITATION & ENERGY ATTUNEMENT offers deep breathing meditation and alignment of your personal energy field. An interactive Oneness group where each shares their gifts and holds the space for each other’s healing and empowerment. With Goddess Light and Ordained Metaphysician Tauheedah Shakoor-Curry delivering spirit messages to help
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46 clarify your calling. 11 am-1 pm, $10 love offering. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com.
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REIKI HEALING CLASSES IN LOS ANGELES with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of the American Reiki Academy. Learn to heal with your hands through Reiki. Class includes course manuals, thorough instruction, initiation ceremony to activate Reiki energy, and hands-on practice time. Students receive certification as Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters through the American Reiki Academy. All levels of Reiki offered. Info: American Reiki Academy, 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org, email reikiacademy@earthlink.net. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. Sunday classes are live streamed on the web. For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. EXPERIENCE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE…and then…Universal Love. Receive Sacred Mantra Initiation with Yogi Shivraj and experience the Divine within. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. Call 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. HYPNOTHERAPY 50% OFF Sundays and Mondays this month. Imagine how good you will feel to quit smoking without side effects, release weight effortlessly, reduce your stress, renew your self-confidence, improve your motivation, eliminate your fears, or study easier and more effectively. 424/229-9292 or www.taoofhypnosis.com. SUNDAY MEDITATION, 10:30 am. We invite you to join together in the Silence of Meditation to experience the Living Presence of God, to raise consciousness and to prepare our Sanctuary for the service to follow. Doors open at 10:50 am for regular service. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. BURNING BOWL CEREMONY, held each Sunday after service at Unity West Santa Monica. This Unity tradition, started in the 1940s, is for release, a time for forgiving ourselves and others, so healing and the new journey can begin. Without peace in our hearts, there can be no peace in the world. Follows Sunday service that begins 9 a.m. Rev. Lee Lakso, minister. Unity West Church of Santa Monica, 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica 90405. 310/577-0000, www.unitywestchurch.org. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT ENCINO COMMUNITY CHURCH. Fun, challenging lessons that are based on spiritual psychology. Children all ages share stories, music and artwork and talk about real-life situations and real-life solutions. 10:30 am. Encino Community Church, 7769 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Canoga Park, 818/712-9400. GNOSTIC MASS, celebrated according to early Gnostic tradition, every Sunday 11 am, freewill donation only, Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, website: http:// www.gnosis.org.
MONDAYS THE SINGING FIELD, in these sessions we explore the wisdom, creativity and healing power of our singing voices using sacred mantras from different spiritual traditions, sound and intuited song in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. No singing experience needed, just a desire to free your voice and sing your heart out. Led by international Naked Voice facilitator, Stella Davies (stella_davies@theheartofvoice.com, 818/665-9840). 7-8:30 pm, $20/class or $100 for 6 prepaid classes. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. MEDITATION & DREAMS. Meditation is so vital; it can save your life and assist you in the road to prosperity and abundance. Dreams: Grand Master Heidi Pinckard will assist you with the interpretation of your dreams. Personal teaching available daily 10 am-5 pm, $50/90 minutes, 15minute healing included. Classes 7-9 pm, $20 including 8-minute healing. The most powerful initiation and healing there is. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Grand Masters Bill and Heidi Pinckard, 818/831-6534. HYPNOTHERAPY 50% OFF Sundays and Mondays this month. Imagine how good you will feel to quit smoking without side effects, release weight effortlessly, reduce your stress, renew your self-confidence, improve your motivation, eliminate your fears, or study easier and more effectively. 424/229-9292 or www.taoofhypnosis.com. FREE CLASSES at Hypnosis Motivation Institute-Tarzana, SFV. Self Hypnosis, Mental Bank, Relationship Strategies, Energy Healing, Hypnosis and Weight Loss, Therapeutic Imagery, Past Life Regression. Held every Monday at HMI-Tarzana, 7-9 pm, free parking. Call Romy at 818/758-2747 to RSVP and for this week’s topic. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
TUESDAYS SEPARATION AND DIVORCE: WOMEN AND MEN IN TRANSITION, every Tuesday, 10:30 am12 noon, $30-50 per session. This group provides the safety, comfort and support necessary to move through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Learn from others’ mistakes and their triumphs in how they are moving forward in their lives and coping with divorce. Facilitated by Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed. Info: 818/345-2882, www.BonnieRose.com. Meets at 5535 Balboa Blvd. #206, Encino 91316. Please call to confirm. FIRST AID FOR THE SOUL, a healing circle for nurturing the soul. Join us to shift from highly stressful situations to a state of calmness and serenity, enabling wise choice. Through selfhealing with forgiveness, transformation, empowerment and well-being are restored. Meets bi-weekly (10/5, 10/19, 11/2), 7-9 pm. Led by Rosalba Fontanez, Theta Healing Practitioner and Hypnotherapist. $20/session with 15% discount on selected crystals and candles with paid reg-
47 istration (valid through end of month issued). The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. SILENT SERVERS AT THE CHURCH OF TRUTH, 9:30-10 am, minister’s office. Silent Servers confidentially prays for requests in our Prayer Box for one month, with extensions upon request. Requesters are encouraged to attend the group or join us in prayer wherever they are during this half hour. Mail prayer requests to: churchoftruth@sbcglobal.net, gary91103@sbcglobal. net, or call church office. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS, 11 am-3 pm Tuesday-Friday, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth. Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. TEACHINGS FROM RA’S MYSTERY SCHOOL, also from Lemuria and Atlantis. These teachings now come forth through deep meditation from the 7th and 9th plane by Master Teachers. Personal teachings available daily from 10 am-5 pm, $50/2 hours, includes 15-minute healing. Classes also available, 7-9 pm, $30 including 10-minute powerful healing. Offering the most powerful Sanat Kumara and Reiki initiations available today to advance your spiritual awakening and learning. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/8316534. ONGOING CLASSES FOR LIGHT WORKERS & MINISTERIAL STUDENTS, 7 pm. Call for titles and info about upcoming classes. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
WEDNESDAYS MEN’S YOGA CLASS, 7:30 pm. Focus on breathing and meditation for spiritual growth, fellowship, a perfect form of exercise in a nojudgment environment. $5 first class, $10 after that, free parking. Crenshaw Yoga and Dance, 5426 Crenshaw Blvd., LA 90043. 323/294-7148,
crenshawyoga@gmail.com, YogaAndDance.org.
SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS, 11 am-3 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth. Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. THIS IS IT! Solve problems, command events, heal life’s hurts! Vernon Howard’s proven methods are the powerful answers you seek. Classes every Wednesday, 7:30 pm, Neighborhood Church, 301 N Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, $3 donation. 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org. ANGEL CITY HEALING SPECIAL: 10% off all treatments on Wednesdays. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell). SPANISH-SPEAKING WORKSHOPS, 7:30-9:30 pm, free (donations welcome), refreshments follow. Enjoy these dynamic workshops based on the teachings of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA). This month: 10/6, Sacred Tones workshop; 10/13, What is Gratitude workshop; 10/20, The Spiritual Warrior video; 10/27, Finding Peace in Today’s World workshop. Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. Contact Tonie Schulz, 323/737-1534, email tonie@pts.org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. CREATE A POSITIVE AND PROGRESSIVE LIFE! Through your active participation in Unarius’ past-life therapy classes, your life can become more creative and meaningful. The Unarius Academy of Science offers books, CDs, DVDs on past-life therapy and other enlightening topics. (Sunday classes are live streamed on the web.) For info about Unarius teachings, call 800/475-7062 or visit www.unarius.org. FREE-FORM WRITING CLASS, 7:30-8:30 pm, free (donations welcome). Peace Theological Seminary (PTS) presents this class which focuses on an amazing, simple and effective technique taught by Dr. John-Roger to help clear the subconscious and unconscious levels. Participants get the support of practicing this technique together in class. Free-form writing is described in his best-selling book Spiritual Warrior. At PTS, 3726 W. Adams Blvd., LA 90018. Info: Tonie Schulz, 323/737-1534, registrar@pts.org, www.pts.org.
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48 CHOIR PRACTICE. If you are interested in joining our choir, you are welcome to schedule an audition with our very talented choir director, Dan Redfield. Dan is an accomplished musician, conductor and composer, and would be happy to meet you. Please call for a Wed. evening appt. Regular choir practice is every Wed. at 7 pm. Pasadena Church of Truth, A Center for Awakening Consciousness, inclusive of all World Religions, founded in 1924, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/795-6905, www.churchoftruth.org. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural community sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.
THURSDAYS SINGLES GROUP, 6:30-8 pm, $30-50/session. This group experience helps you cultivate your compassionate heart. Your sense of trust will grow, your feelings of safety and comfort will increase. You will feel more confident to seek out new experiences and create new opportunities for yourself. Meets at 28310 Roadside Dr. #140, Agoura Hills 91301. Facilitated by Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed. Info: 818/345-2882, www. BonnieRose.com. Please call to confirm. MIRACLES, 7-9 pm, $25/week. Facilitated by Tracey Boyer. Akashic Bookshop & Center, 1414 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks 91362, 805/495-5824. www.akashicbookshopandcenter.com. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS, 11 am-3 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth. Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org. METAPHYSICAL HOUR, explore and witness “Working with Crystals,” with host Mazda Lakpour, Master Hypnotist and Family Practitioner. 7-9 pm (Oct. 7 & 21). New topic in November. $25/session fee earns 15% discount on crystals and candles with paid registration (valid through end of month issued). $25/session. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. ALL DAY HEALINGS available today, from 9 am9 pm. There is no more powerful healing in this world than this, because we are only the instruments of the heavenly Master Teacher and the Saints working through us. All day healings (your choice): Attunements for Prosperity, Love, Health, Recharge your Spiritual Self. Sanat Kumara Initiations, Light Worker Anointment. Attunements $40/30 minutes, Healing & Attunement $75/1 hour, Healing on the table, $80/1 hour. Sanat Kumara and the enhanced Reiki Healings and Initiations awaken your spiritual being within. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/831-6534. MORNING GROUP MEDITATION SERVICE, 6:15-6:45 am. You are invited to our rural com-
munity sanctuary for morning meditation service. A tranquil time for reflection and rejuvenation each weekday morning. Free, call for directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expression while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, offers a professional training hypnosis certification program at no charge. If you have a desire and commitment to make a difference in the world, you can make your lifelong desire a reality as a Certified Hypnotist. Tues & Thurs, 7-10 pm, call for upcoming start dates. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 818/758-2720, www.hypnosis.edu.
sion while enjoying a supportive environment to explore the many levels of singing and communicating from the heart. For professionals and amateurs. 310/821-SONG (7664), www.singingfromtheheart.com, www.Linkedin.com/in/DrCaroleGMoskovitz. PEACE AWARENESS LABYRINTH & GARDENS PUBLIC VISITS, 11 am-3 pm, free (donations welcome). Visit our “Oasis in the City” and experience the subtle power of the labyrinth. Relax and unwind in our spectacular meditation gardens and let sounds of running water restore you. Tour our historic mansion. Tap into the peace that is always present, leave refreshed and rejuvenated. 3500 W. Adams Blvd, LA 90018. 323/737-4055, registrar@peacelabyrinth. org, www.peacelabyrinth.org.
SATURDAYS PSYCHIC SKILLS & TECHNIQUES with Corinne. This weekly practice circle will help you increase your intuitive abilities and strengthen your connection with Spirit. Focus is to clearly and safely receive and deliver loving messages from spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones. The goal is to relate messages that are for the highest and best good of each participant. 1-3 pm, $15 minimum donation. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com.
ALL DAY HEALINGS AVAILABLE 9 am-9 pm. Several different Attunements available (Prosperity, Love, Health, Recharge Your Spiritual Self). Initiate into the energy of Sanat Kumara and awaken your brain to connect back to your Mind and Soul which is all-knowing for your many lifetimes. Light Worker anointment available for those who wish to help others come into the Light. Offering the strongest and most awakening system today. Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/8316534.
OUR STAR WISDOM HUMANITY, workshop with Roger Weir, 10 am-12 noon, $30, DVDs $20, CDs $10 (special complete 52-set pricing, internet live feed fee). Info: 310/278-9668. This yearlong course of 52 lectures has 4 segments corresponding to the seasons. Each segment presents a pair of phases; together the set of 4 pairs or 8 phases constitute a traditional form of wisdom. From the Noble 8-fold of Buddha to the Eightfold way of Murray Gell-Mann and Yuman Ne’eman, and much more. Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood 90069, 310/659-1733. www.bodhitree.com.
THIS IS IT! Solve problems, command events, heal life’s hurts! Vernon Howard’s proven methods are the powerful answers you seek. Classes every Friday at 8 pm, New Life Foundation, 5785 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. $3 donation. Info: 714/899-9300, www.anewlife.org.
FALUN GONG (FALUN DAFA), a traditional Chinese self-cultivation practice, practiced by millions worldwide. Learn Falun Gong for free. Every Saturday at 7 am, Hermosa Beach, 14th St. & The Strand. Call 310/918-4700 for details. Also La Jolla Cove, 619/280-3112.
FREE PERFECTSENSE PARAFFIN HAND OR FOOT add-on with any facial or body treatment today. Angel City Healing is a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www. angelcity-healing.com. 818/988-9006 (spa), 310/927-8687 (cell).
WEEKEND CLASSES WITH JESSICA MILLER, Reiki Master, Teacher. Call for upcoming schedule. Also: private weekday classes available (if 2+ students). Classes in Pasadena and Santa Monica. 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery. com, email jess@ReikiMastery.com.
WALK THE HOPI LABYRINTH, achieve sacred balance by walking the Hopi Stone Labyrinth at the Sunburst Sanctuary, located on Hwy. 1, five miles from Hwy. 101 toward Lompoc. Call for an appt and directions. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. SINGING FROM THE HEART, private sessions with Dr. Carole Moskovitz, MA, DSS, professional performer, voice/performance and communication coach. Create a deeper connection with your authentic voice and creative expres-
PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com. EXPERIENCE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE…and then…Universal Love. Receive Sacred Mantra Initiation with Yogi Shivraj and experience the Divine within. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. Call 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org.
(Art continued from page 16)
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How might Sita, whose name means “furrow of earth” be seen as the ongoing movement and dance of life?
Kathleen Kenneally, L.Ac.
What a great question. Without Sita this Indian Epic would not exist. Rama lives for Sita and Sita lives for Rama. When Sita is taken by Ravana, he gives her a year to accept him, to fall in love with him. Every act or movement that occurs on either side of the sea is because of Sita, but some don’t necessarily consider her a source for life. Vibheeshana, Ravana’s brother, calls her out as the end of Ravana.
RAPTURE, 2010 Natural African Bubinga hardwood Abstract in form, the woven pieces of Charles Gardner represent a whimsical yet contemplative perspective of the energy that unites us all. This intertwined landscape initially presented itself to Gardner through a life-changing experience in late 1999. First appearing as separate strands, life’s infinite expressions gently merged into an interconnected woven fabric since then the motivation behind his work. It is simply the sheer joy of being another strand of expression in the weave of this continuous evolving tapestry of life. Carving ‘Rapture’ by hand out of a solid piece of African Bubinga hardwood in the open air of his Redondo Beach studio was both an internal as well as external process of discovery.
HOMAGE TO THE JOURNEY, 2007 21 X 18 inch Photographic print Victoria Sebanz is a muti-media artist based in Los Angeles, California. She expresses herself through poetry, photography, dance, mixed media and painted works. “As a dancer I learned to connect to others and play through the senses. Movement, texture, shape and shadow became the bones for my work. In the end, (If there is any) it is about holding a moment, a thought in time and allowing it space to stretch, to breathe.” Asked about “Homage to the Journey” she answered, “This is a perfect metaphor for the chapter I’ve been assigned. The key (the answer) is with us all the time, yet we often fail to recognize it as such. Instead we trudge through life heavily burdened and distracted from the truth.”
He acts with strength and courage, against all adversity. While others rage or lament, Hanuman is there to transcend the mind’s conditions. Whether he assures his King of no worry, reminds his King of a promise made or overcomes his own doubt, Hanuman is not only a faithful servant and friend, Hanuman is a teacher and warrior.
How might their union and reunion be seen as the ultimate connection of Self to Self? Are you asking if the individual Self is connecting to the Cosmic Self? Rama and Sita are human. They are affected by what they see, hear, feel, taste, smell and think but together their strength overcomes the powerful senses that distract us from our purpose. “The Art of Human Experience” opens October 7th from 7- 9PM at the LYFE Yoga Center, 1310 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach, 90254. The opening party includes a screening of an animated version of the story called “Sita Sings the Blues”, and a a performance of traditional Indian dance. RSVP by going to: www.LYFEyogacenter.com/contactLYFE.asp or email directly to: events@LYFEyogacenter.com.
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50 PSYCHOTHERAPY ON SATURDAYS, Christine Lustig Ortiz, MA, MFT, MFC 47918. Hopeful and strength-based approach to therapy for individuals, couples, families and adolescents. Confidential and non-judgmental environment. Specializing in eating disorders, depression, self-destructive patterns, anxiety, trauma and relational conflict. Explore ways to create inner peace, and nurture compassionate relationships, healthy communication. Insurance and sliding scale. 562/230-4932, www.clustigortizmft.com. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appointment only with students of The Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Please email us at clearsightaura@gmail.com to book your weekend appointment. Students will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See our back cover ad.) For more info: Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Visit www. clearsightaura.com. TEACHINGS ON CHAKRAS, HEALINGS & INITIATIONS for Sanat Kumara, Reiki and Light Workers, available 9 am-5 pm today. Chakra classes 7-9 pm, $25, with 10 minute healing of your choice included. Spiritual Teachings by Grand Master Heidi Pinckard. Sanat Kumara and enhanced Reiki from Mt. Shasta in 1996 are both powerful healing systems today. For more information: Sanat Kumara Sanctuary, Bill and Heidi Pinckard, Grand Masters, 818/831-6534.
EVERYDAY Astrology VEDIC MEDICAL ASTROLOGER, Dr. Larisa Gruer, N.P., PhD, European Institute for Natural Health, LLC. Dr. Larisa specializes in traditional herbology, Ayurveda, naturopathic endocrinology and homeopathy. She will analyze your Vedic Astrological horoscope to determine your vulnerabilities to diseases and other medical ailments. Info: 949/335-5812, www.planetaryweather.com, www.doctorlarisa.com. 1100 Quail St. #207, Newport Beach 92660.
Bodywork / Massage PAIN-FREE ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE. Effective and long-lasting results. Acupuncture can treat any kind of pain from head to toe, internal and emotional stress, and improve your posture. Other methods include: Cupping, Moxa and massage. Sha’ron, 818/206-4839. Body N’ Soul Studio, 3610 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta 91214. www.ShadowHillsAcupuncture.com. REIKI HEALING INTRO NIGHTS with Jessica Miller in Santa Monica, Glendora, Pasadena, Glendale/La Crescenta area, $20 donation. Stress reduction and relaxation through Ki healing energy. Relaxed, casual atmosphere, questions welcomed. See me on YouTube! www. ReikiMastery.com. For info call 626/963-3533 or email jess@ReikiMastery.com. ACUPRESSURE THERAPY, stress relieving, available from Antoinette Rohner, 818/3783396. www.movingintopeace.com.
Books / Music / Media JASON ARTWORKS presents photographic and literary creations celebrating the universal theme that the cycles of life are Eternal. www. jasonartworks.com. THE DAYS AFTER DEATH: A Letter to my Son, a novel by D. L. Burris, is now available at www. amazon.com and www.daysafterdeath.com. Join me in a journey that will take you through
those joy-filled days after death. Once released from the stunted world of flesh and materialism, the hero of this work takes the first step toward a transformation that is as amazing as it is healing. For more info contact D.L. Burris at burrisU@aol.com or visit www.daysafterdeath. com. FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: SUCCESS, HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY in Less Than 5 Minutes Per Day! Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.MyMentalBank. com. Introducing the Mental Bank Program, a dramatic demonstration of how all luck, good and bad, is a product of the powerful forces of your subconscious mind. Info: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis. edu. FREE SAMPLES OF MP3 AUDIO RECORDINGS from The Gnostic Society, with Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller. Visit www.bcrecordings.net. Info: The Gnostic Society, 3363 Glendale Blvd., LA 90039, 323/467-2685, www.gnosis.org. FREE E-BOOK: JOURNEY OF A SOUL explores tangible ways to experience Soul Transcendence, an awareness of yourself as a Soul and as one with God. To download your free e-book, Journey of a Soul by John-Roger, visit www. msia.org/info/wpc. To request a print copy, contact servicedesk@msia.org or call 800/8992655. FREE ON-LINE STREAMING VIDEO SEMINAR: UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIPS, The Subconscious Connection. How much of our behavior in relationships has been programmed from childhood? Nationally accredited College of Hypnotherapy offers this Streaming Video seminar for free at www.UnderstandMyRelationship.com. Info: Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu.
Counseling / Life Coaching LEAP AND THE NET WILL APPEAR (Zen saying). I can help you manage depression, reduce anxiety, address marital problems, find direction, get unstuck, cope gently with grief and loss, find love, and more. I welcome you to join in a journey of discovery. Heart-Centered Psychotherapy with Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed. Sliding fee scale. Info: 818/345-2882, www.BonnieRose.com. HEALING & EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SPIRIT, Spiritually based psychotherapy with Robert Cornell, MFT Lic. #42969. Offering spiritual counseling and direction, vocational counseling, men’s issues, mind-body-soul work, recovery issues. By appt, 626/398-5581, www.spirittherapist.com. PAST LIVES REGRESSION HYPNOTHERAPY with Thorance Tweten, CHt, 424/229-9292. 3-hr session only $250. Visit www.taoofhypnosis. com. Sessions in person or via Skype. PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS & FUTURE LIFE PROGRESSIONS. Deep within you are stored past life and current patterns of behavior including belief systems you were taught as a child and now use to make your life decisions. Using past and future life hypnosis techniques, you will uncover and release old blueprints of behavior that do not serve you and learn to create new ones that do. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com.
AUTHENTIC YOU, AUTHENTIC LOVE! Love does not have to be a struggle. You have the power to affect positive change and draw love to you. Attract the love you desire instead of struggling for it. For info call 562/947-4456 or visit www.HeartAspirationsCoaching.com. READY FOR LOVE? BUILD THE RELATIONSHIPS YOU REALLY WANT. Discover ways to release toxic energy, break self-defeating habits and establish a strong foundation for growth. Sabina Mora, CPC will be there to inspire, motivate and hold you accountable for all changes you’re ready to make! Attract the love you desire. Specializing in Relationships–breakups and new beginnings, Sabina will coach you every step of the way. Call 310/403-0993 or visit www.sabinamoralifecoach.com. PSYCHOTHERAPY: Christine Lustig Ortiz, MA, MFT, MFC 47918. Hopeful and strength-based approach to therapy for individuals, couples, families and adolescents. Confidential and nonjudgmental environment. Explore ways to create inner peace, and nurture compassionate relationships and healthy communication. Specializing in eating disorders, depression, self-destructive patterns, anxiety, trauma, and relational conflict. Insurance and sliding scale. 562/230-4932, www.clustigortizmft.com. SPIRITUALLY BASED PSYCHOTHERAPY with Robert Cornell, MFT Lic. #42969. Healing and Empowerment through Spirit. Offering spiritual counseling and direction, vocational counseling, men’s issues, mind-body-soul work, recovery issues. By appt, 626/398-5581, www.spirittherapist.com. LIFE COACHING WITH SPIRITUAL AWARENESS. Create balance, a heartfelt career, fulfilling relationships, and health and well-being. It’s time to shine! First session only $45. 310/5692733, www.TheAuthenticExpression.com. LET ME GUIDE YOU THROUGH CHALLENGING LIFE TRANSITIONS and personal awakenings. Open yourself to the beauty around and within, even when you are in pain. I will help you remember where to begin, how to move, and how to live your life deeply compassionate. Heart-Centered Psychotherapy with Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed, 818/345-2882, www.bonnierose.com. Sliding fee scale. JOIN A CENTER OF LOVE GROUP. Learn and practice the 3 secret keys to unlock the codes of love in you. Use these easy-to-do tools to attract more love, inner peace, health, wealth, and all the things your desire. Groups forming in Los Angeles and San Diego. 760/633-1033, www. conscioushumanity.com. PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR SPIRITUAL PEOPLE. Providing: Spiritual Assessment, Spiritual Direction, Removing Blocks on Your Spiritual Path, Depression, Anxiety, Relationships, Eating Disorders, Stress, Confusion. The Transpersonal Counseling Center, WLA. Call 310/460-9399 or visit www.transpersonal-counseling.com. Director: Catherine Auman, MFT, 25 years experience. OVERCOME FEARS AND PHOBIAS, release and integrate childhood memories, stop smoking, manage stress and anxiety, resolve relationship issues, experience age and past life regression. Heart Centered Hypnotherapy with Shoshana Levine taps into the subconscious mind which houses our emotions, feelings, habit patterns, creativity, intuition, as well as our spiritual connection. Shoshana Levine, Licensed
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Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certificate in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. 310/998-7253, www.bestheartcenteredtherapy.com. THE TRANSPERSONAL COUNSELING CENTER offers Psychotherapy for Spiritual People. Services include: Spiritual Assessment, Spiritual Direction, Removing Blocks on Your Spiritual Path, Depression, Anxiety, Relationships, Eating Disorders, Stress, Confusion. The Transpersonal Counseling Center, WLA. Call 310/460-9399 or visit www.transpersonal-counseling.com. Director: Catherine Auman, MFT, 25 years experience. FEELING LOST? STUCK? OVERWHELMED? I can help you. Stacey Osder, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Lic. LCS23503). My private practice provides professional therapy to individuals, couples and families, addressing issues such as depression, grief, life transitions, relationship, death and dying, hospice, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender. Call 818/745-1239, socialwork4u@aol.com. http://therapist.psychologytoday.com/61140. METAPHYSICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY utilizing principles of A Course in Miracles, rebirthing, crystals, hypnosis and other metaphysical spiritual systems. Individual, couples, substance abuse, relationship therapy. Call Allan Rosenthal, MFT for appt. 310/478-8994. www.allanrosenthal.com. BJ JAKALA, PhD, MFT, Marriage, Marriage Family Therapist (Lic. 23640). Explore your answers and restore your sense of purpose, of direction, of belonging. 818/348-8837.
ARE YOU STUCK IN POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS? Break your connection to the collective UN-consciousness of the “world financial crisis.” Heal and balance your negative beliefs, emotions, thoughts and behaviors that deny and sabotage your ability to thrive in every way. Call Magi (Mari Angelique Raphael) toll free for information and phone session appts at 800/397-9084 (24-hour voicemail), www.reconnectedsoul.com. STRUGGLING IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP or having difficulty attracting love? Get Support and Guidance for attracting the love you desire instead of struggling for it. For more info, call Ruth at 562/947-4456 or visit www.HeartAspirationsCoaching.com. LIVE WITH THE INTENTION TO BE WHO YOU ARE. Let me guide you through challenging life transitions and personal awakenings. Sliding fee scale, serving the communities of LA County, Ventura County and the San Fernando Valley with offices in Agoura Hills, Encino, Malibu/Calabasas, Hollywood and Ventura. Individual relationship and family psychotherapy. Bonnie Rose, MA, LMFT Licensed, 818/345-2882, www.bonnierose.com. SHAMANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY. Travel beyond ordinary states of consciousness to access inner worlds of soul and psyche. Get results where mainstream talk therapy fails. Randy Coleman, 323/254-0601.
Education / Training NEW CLEARSIGHT CLAIRVOYANT PROGRAM begins October 16. Clearsight’s Clairvoyant
Program is an intensive voyage of self-discovery, self empowerment and self-awareness in which you learn to use your own life-force energy to create the life you want. Clearsight, 310/395-1170. Email: clearsightaura@gmail. com. www.clearsightaura.com. MYSTICAL EXPLOSION RETREAT, join Brother Ishmael Tetteh, Spiritual Master, at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center Nov. 19-21, for a transformation of your Spirit. Using the principles of nature, learn how to heal the wounds of your past while reconnecting to your true God values. Discover the 7 levels of potentials and the additional Mystical Dimensions to your infinite good. Use the force field of Nature & Humanity to restore your spirit. Visit www.conscioushumanity. com, 760/633-1033. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST FOR NO CHARGE, Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) offers the professional Hypnosis 101 Course to qualified applicants at no charge (normally costs $495). If you’ve ever been curious about hypnosis or interested in a career helping others, now is the time to start. Hypnosis Motivation Institute, 18607 Ventura Blvd, Suite 310, Tarzana 91356, 800/479-9464, www.hypnosis.edu. REIKI CLASSES in Glendale (La Crescenta) area, with Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training. Reiki 1 & 2, ART/Master, Karuna Reiki®, Japanese Reiki Techniques. Call 626/963-3533, www.ReikiMastery.com. See me on YouTube! BECOME A CERTIFIED YOGA TEACHER through this Yoga Alliance Registered School with Mary Kay West. Pure Heart Yoga Teacher
All classes are RSVP only ~ Reserve early for discounts!
ADVANCED METAPHYSICAL HYPNOSIS COURSE $400 October 23rd & 24th / 12-8:00 / $400 / RSVP by October 9th Highly experiential course: past life regression, astral travel, spirit/ angel contact, mediumship & more! Non-hypnotists welcome.
BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST $1995 Oct10 day Intensive & Weekend Classes Start in January This is the official NGH 100 hour curriculum course. Upon completion you will be able to practice as a hypnotherapist!
Renée Starr, CH /CI
has over 15 years of experience & brings to you her expert skills as an intuitive spiritual life counselor, certified hypnotherapist, certified instructor of hypnotherapy & past life regression counselor. Offering services, classes & retreats in the US & throughout the world; she takes metaphysical healing to a new depth with her unique & powerful techniques. Heal yourself and change the world!
WHAT IS LOTUSTAR? The lotus flower grows with its roots deep in earthly mud & its blossoms grow upward towards the sky with the petals opening at dawn to receive our star, our sun. The lotus is my totem flower, always reminding me to rise from the mud & reach for the stars fulfilling the sacred work of our soul; healing as above & so below.
OCTOBER SPECIAL $50 Off Any Hypnosis Session!
Bodhi Tree Bookstore ����������������������������������������
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Mindful Business
Strategies by Mark Jacobs, RScP About a month ago, I decided to say “yes” to my soul’s yearning to leave everything behind for awhile and drive. I zig-zagged up the west coast deliberately soaking in the varied landscape along the way, staying in quiet monasteries, Buddhist houses or interspiritual retreat centers. It’d always been the demands of work that kept me from taking such a trip; ironically, those demands became the catalyst for me to go. I often gently push clients and friends, particularly those in the healing arts, to retreat from their lives for a few days whenever possible. Not only will such a sojourn recharge the inner battery, it will likely allow completely new ideas, directions or perspectives to emerge alongside a deeper, personal honesty about who we are and what we want once the toil of day-to-day life is set aside. I realize that many weeks away from personal and professional responsibilities are not doable for most, but it may be easier than otherwise thought. With a concrete intention, a little planning and making the emotional space for others to love and support you in your needs, a journey into the unknown is possible for almost everyone. Certainly, a week or two can be done and if still resistant, who can say “no” to three or four days to recapture one’s connection to the Infinite, to discover how our gifts can be used more effectively, to retrieve the passion for our life-work once so palpable. While driving through Montana on a cloudless day in early September, I was struck by the vast expanse of the blue sky. It reached down to the plains in every direction, out to the distant hills and up to the darker reaches of space. I stopped to appreciate the magnanimity of the experience, for the limitless sky reminded me just how limitless the possibilities are for me. I felt at peace with all I saw around me, one in the endless Source. For the first time in months, it seemed I could do anything. It was more than day-dreaming or vain imagining, it was the simple truth. Then and there, I understood what it meant to allow my life-work – my whole life actually – to unfold less from my head but through my heart, from the deepest guidance of my soul. The message was clear – “Let Love lead the way.” Many of you will undoubtedly ask, “How does love pay the rent, get new clients, keep gas in my car?” All I can offer are three observations: 1.If what you consider to be your life-work isn’t infused with love and performed for the love of Grace, perhaps it’s time to consider how your gifts can be better utilized. 2.How much time have you actually spent listening for the guidance you seek in spiritual practice such as meditation, prayer, chant or through the creative arts?
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3.The more you encounter the presence of stillness, the more adept you become at discerning your soul’s call. When you disengage from what you or others think is best and engage with what your inner voice nudges you to be, you will discover the infinite well of love, the love that will not lead you astray. Deliberate retreat from the daily responsibilities of business and life will produce unimagined fruits – true balance, uncompromised appreciation for the present moment and self-knowledge through honest evaluation. It’s an essential element that not only revitalizes the mind and body, but retreat from the world gives the soul a chance to finally have its say. Suggested reading: Entering the Castle by Caroline Myss Mark Jacobs, RScP is a licensed Practitioner with United Centers for Spiritual Living and guides business owners and individuals to integrate financial and spiritual principles through Conscious Business Resources. To find out more, visit markjacobsrscp.com. Send questions for future issues to mark@markjacobsrscp.com.
COACH TRAINING EVENT On average, coaches make $200/hr. With the right coaching & marketing skills, you can, too!
Nov. 3-6 San Diego PowerofHappinessEvents.com
Get your FREE CD online!
54 Training is located in the Santa Ynez Valley, a 9month program beginning January 2011. Program is open to those who intend to teach as well as students who want to deepen their personal practice. Ongoing weekly classes with Mary Kay West offer yoga for all levels of experience. Schedule and Teacher Training details at www.pureheartyoga.net or call 805/350-5047. SCHOOL OF DNA THETA HEALING®, explore the most profound healing paradigm on the planet at this time. Join accomplished Medical and Emotional Intuitive Marina Rose for seminars in Basic and Advanced DNA Theta Healing, and DNA Theta Manifesting & Abundance. Private sessions also available. School of DNA Theta Healing®, 2210 Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 310/358-2991, info@dnathetahealing.com, www.dnathetahealing.com. BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST, $1995. 10-day Intensive and Weekend classes start in January. This is the official NGH 100 hour curriculum course. Upon completion you will be able to practice as a hypnotherapist! Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND MAKE 6 FIGURES. On average, coaches earn $200/hour. With the right coaching and marketing skills, you can, too! Preregister for the Power of Happiness Coach training event, taking place Nov. 3-6, at a beautiful resort in San Diego. Learn how to help yourself, help others, make 6 figures and make a difference. Enroll today for the early bird special! Visit www.PowerofHappinessEvents.com. Get your free CD online. JOIN A CENTER OF LOVE GROUP. Learn and practice the 3 secret keys to unlock the codes of love in you. Use these easy-to-do tools to attract more love, inner peace, health, wealth, and all the things your desire. Groups forming in Los Angeles and San Diego. 760/633-1033, www. conscioushumanity.com. BECOME A THETA HEALING MASTER. We offer all 8 Theta Healing seminars. Theta Master program scholarships available. Learn to look inside the body and heal it. School of DNA Theta Healing®, 2210 Main St., Suite 202, Santa Monica 90405. 310/358-2991, info@dnathetahealing. com, www.dnathetahealing.com. LEARN TO HEAL WITH YOUR HANDS THROUGH REIKI. Reiki Healing Classes in Los Angeles with Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani, M.A., Director of American Reiki Academy. Classes include course manuals, instruction, initiation ceremony, and hands-on practice time. For the past 20 years Reiki Master Juliani has been involved with Reiki, training and initiating thousands of Reiki Practitioners and Masters. All levels of Reiki are offered. Students receive certification through the American Reiki Academy. Info: 310/397-2405, www.reikiacademy.org. ADVANCED METAPHYSICAL HYPNOSIS COURSE, $400, Oct. 23-24, 12-8 pm, please RSVP by Oct. 10. Highly experiential course: past life regression, astral travel, spirit/angel contact, mediumship and more. Non-hypnotists welcome. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. SELACIA’S WORKSHOPS, sign up now for workshops forming on DNA intuitive healing, the nonphysical realms, animal communications. Offered by Selacia, a gifted intuitive and pioneer
in DNA intuitive healing. Accelerate your journey to wholeness and health by participating in teachings that you can apply to healing of yourself, pets, loved ones, clients. In Santa Monica. Call 310/915-2884 about upcoming workshops or visit www.Selacia.com. Email for info, Selacia@Selacia.com.
Gift Shops / Bookstores JASON ARTWORKS presents photographic and literary creations celebrating the universal theme that the cycles of life are Eternal. www. jasonartworks.com. TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit. For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 323/436-5238, www. objetsdartandspirit.com. PARADISE FOUND, your peace, love & good vibes shop circa 1986. Intuitive readings available in-store daily. Paradise Found, 17 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara 93101, 805/564-3573, www.paradise-found.net. SOUL CENTERED METAPHYSICAL SHOPPE, set in the spiritual vortex of Ojai, it is more than a bookstore, but an invitation to explore. Browse through an extensive crystal selection. Come and experience our Geodesic Dome for a class or special event. Open 7 days, 10:30 am-6 pm. Soul Centered, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www.soulcentered.com. THE IMAGINE CENTER in Tarzana offers intuitive readings and retail merchandise for spiritual enrichment and personal empowerment. We offer books, candles, crystals, incense, jewelry, statuary, tarot and oracle cards. Beautiful Healing Room available for use by certified spiritual practitioners at attractive rates. Retail store hours: Tues-Fri 10 am-7 pm; Sat 11-5; Sun 11-3 (closed Monday). Call 818/345-1100 for info and to schedule services. Walk-ins welcome. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. www.theimaginecenter.com. ALEXANDRIA II BOOKSTORE offers a great selection of new and used books, music, DVDs, altar items, crystals and stones, statuary, jewelry, incense and many unique gift items. Psychic readings offered daily. Hours: Mon-Sat 109, Sunday 10-7. 170 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena 91101, 626/792-7885. www.alexandria2.com, twitter.com/a2books, facebook.com/a2books. LEARNING LIGHT FOUNDATION ANAHEIM, offering a wide range of best-selling authors, lecturers, workshops. So. Cal’s largest psychic fair, mediumship demos and festivals. Serving Orange County. 714/533-2311. 1212 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim 92805. www.learninglight.org.
Health & Wellness KIM MOISE, NATUROPATHIC PRACTITIONER, specializes in Applied Kinesiology and NAET allergy elimination. He has a 93% success rate in helping people eliminate their allergies and health disorders. 10801 National Blvd, Suite 607, WLA. Call 323/360-8366 or visit www.KimIanMoise.com. LEARN HOW LOVING HEALS YOUR BODY. Compassionate, understanding and supportive Life Coaching and Healing. A true gift to yourself. First session only $45. 310/569-2733, www. TheAuthenticExpression.com.
YOGA FOR ALL LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE, taught by Mary Kay West. Pure Heart Yoga in the Santa Ynez Valley. Ongoing weekly classes available. Also offering Pure Heart Yoga Teacher Training, a 9-month program beginning in January 2011. Class schedule and Teacher Training details available at www.pureheartyoga.net or call 805/350-5047. RELEASE TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS! A toxic relationship can wear you down and cause stress induced illness. Would you like to be energized and inspired in your relationships? If you are tired of suffering and ready to explore healthy relationships, it’s time to make that call. Contact: Sabina Mora, CPC, Certified Life Coach specializing in relationships. 310/403-0993, www.sabinamoralifecoach.com. KRISTE MESSAL, ALCHEMIST, MOON & MIST VIBRATIONAL ESSENCES, Vibrational Essence Practitioner, Energy and Massage body worker. “Engaging the transformative life-force energy of vibrational essences (flowers, gemstones, animal spirits, elementals, sacred locations and star elixirs) to enhance Subtle Energy and massage body work, Creative Visualization, Aromatherapy sessions.” For appts and personal vibrational essence blends created, call Kriste at 818/314-6407. POWERFUL ENERGY HEALINGS by Omnasztra (Stacey Osder). Healing sessions are on the Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Levels and can be in person or long distance. Also: Spiritual Counseling, Ear coning, Cleansings/Blessings/ Balancing for your personal or business space. 818/503-5896 (24-hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. COLON HYDROTHERAPY is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine. We offer supplements and nutritional programs tailored to your particular needs as well as gentle, professional colon irrigations. Call for brochure and appointment, Nora Sierra, CCH, CNHP, Healthy Options, 310/202-1682. 4232 Overland Ave, Culver City 90230. Credit cards accepted. Se habla espanol. HEALING SESSIONS WITH JESSICA, powerful, personalized sessions incorporating all levels of Reiki, plus breath and sound healing, affirmations, healing of situations and health, past, present and future. Includes discussion time. Reiki Master/Teacher Jessica Miller of the Int’l Center for Reiki Training, 626/963-3533, www. ReikiMastery.com. JIN SHIN DO ACUPRESSURE HEALING, private sessions available with Antoinette Rohner. For details call Moving Into Peace, 818/3783396. www.movingintopeace.com. DENTAL ALTERNATIVES, offering Laser Diagnosis, a breakthrough in diagnosing cavities. Detect cavities at an early stage so you can treat teeth conservatively. Mercury-free fillings, all porcelain crowns available. Arthur B. Schlachtman, DDS, 8635 W 3rd St #250, LA 90048, 310/659-0522. BIO-COMPATIBLE AESTHETIC DENTISTRY with Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. We understand the use of non-toxic restorative material is better for your dental and whole body health, and utilize materials that are most bio-compatible with your oral cavity and body. Offering Digital xrays, removal of mercury fillings, and Invisalign, an alternative to traditional metal braces. Free Invisalign consultation. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, 818/716-
Goat’s Cheese Pizza with Caramelized Onions
by Sharon Hall The Healthy Foodie Loves Goats Remember Heidi? As a child, I was enthralled with the book. I especially adored the description of her idyllic life with the goats; how every morning for breakfast, grandfather would give Heidi a brimming bowlful of the fresh, raw milk that made her rosy and healthy. The recent crackdowns on raw foods--(see August WP Where’s My Kombucha?) is disturbing to say the least. I recently learned of a woman who raises goats.This single mother is being harassed by the authorities, and no longer allowed to sell her goat’s milk products to restaurants or local farmer’s markets in order to provide for her family. What the heck is going on? Fellow foodie Joanie Blaxter writes: the raw foods movement is starting to generate a lot of consumers and that includes those who are getting more educated about the benefits of raw milk. In the simplest terms, milk is comprised of amino acids strung together like biochemical tinker toys. If you heat the milk, it’s comparable to smashing your hand down on the tinker toys – it flattens the amino acids to such a degree that the body has difficulty recognizing it as food. Furthermore, there are 15 very powerful anti-pathogenic agents in raw milk that are destroyed as soon as you heat it. The reason the dairy industry is so adamant about preventing anyone from even being interested in raw milk is because as an industry it depends upon mass production and you cannot mass produce, transport long distances or have a long shelf life with raw milk. Follow the money.
1 packet active dry yeast 2 cups unbleached white flour or 2 cups combination of white and rye 2 T olive oil 1 T salt 1 T honey 1 cup warm water Topping 1-2 cups sliced sweet yellow or red onions salt olive oil and/or butter 1 cup goat cheese or feta, crumbled fresh rosemary, minced In small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water; too hot kills it, too cold doesn’t get it going. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes. In a large bowl, combine 2 cups
Although you can certainly make this pizza with pasteurized goat cheese or feta, it’s great made with good raw milk goat’s cheese, if you can find it. While enjoying, give thanks to the brave men and women who are now, apparently, acting outside the law to bring raw foods. For more information about the benefits of raw milk and raw milk products, visit www.westonprice.org. Sally Fallon’s book “Nourishing Traditions”, is also an
bread flour, olive oil, salt, honey and the yeast mixture; stir well to combine. Beat well until a stiff dough has formed. Cover and rise until doubled in volume, about 30 minutes. While dough is rising, place onions in a saute pan with either the olive oil or a combination of oil and butter.At medium heat, heat the onions start to cook; move them around to avoid sticking, but let them set for a bit to brown--like a few minutes, then stir. Add salt after 15 minutes, then let the onions brown for another 15 to carmelize. Set aside. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Turn dough out onto a well floured surface. Form dough into a round and roll out into a pizza crust shape. Brush surface with olive oil, layer on the carmelized onions, and sprinkle with the goat cheese and minced rosemary. Bake for 20-30 minutes, preferably on a pizza stone, or until crust is golden brown. Serves 2-4
excellent source of valuable wisdom about the benefits of raw milk. WAPF has started the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, primarily to come to the aid of the many small farmers, many of whom are Amish, who are being put out of business as a result of raids and legal battles with the FDA. Be Healthy!
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DR. LARISA GRUER, N.P., PhD is a Russianborn third generation, bio-energetic healer and medical intuitive with a PhD in Holistic Nutrition. She will help you restore balance and prevent illness by selecting which of the natural healing systems is best for your condition, according to your personal Vedic Astrological horoscope. 949/335-5812, 1100 Quail St., Suite 207, Newport Beach 92660. www.doctorlarisa.com, www.planetaryweather.com. GO PINK! GET BREAST THERMOGRAPHY, Early Screening for Breast Cancer. $50 off this month. Where mammography looks for structure such as a lump, thermography looks for the body’s physiological responses to cancer cells. These changes can often occur 8-10 years before the cells are large enough to be seen by a mammogram. No radiation or contact with the body. Early detection saves lives! 310/775-3388, www.gopinkpreventcancer.com. SUFFERING FROM PMS, CANDIDA, ALLERGIES, DYSLEXIA? Natural Health Care is available from Kim Moise, Naturopathic Practitioner specializing in Applied Kinesiology and NAET allergy elimination. His success rate is 93% in helping people eliminate their allergies and health disorders. 10801 National Blvd, Suite 607, WLA. Call 323/360-8366 or visit www.KimIanMoise.com. HYPNOSIS FOR HEALING. Higher Self, Spirit Guide and Angelic Contact, Life & Soul Purpose Exploration, Intuitive Development, Guided Imagery, Inner Child, Stress related issues and more. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com. THERAPEUTIC NUTRITION AND NATUROPATHY are growing rapidly as preferred and natural family practices. We are committed to providing up-to-date scientific information and guidance to all those who desire good health. Dr. Larisa Gruer, N.P., PhD, European Institute for Natural Health, LLC. Visit our website at www.doctorlarisa.com, www.planetaryweather. com. 1100 Quail St., Suite 207, Newport Beach, 949/335-5812. WATSU/WATER RELEASE THERAPY with Diane Feingold, Lic., WABA, WRTB, AMTA, therapist and instructor. Private Watsu/Water Release therapy sessions available for 1, 1.5 and 2 hours and/or private WRT Intensives (6-12 hrs within 3 consecutive days). Monthly trainings also available: Learn Basic Watsu (16 hr CEU), Oct. 2-3, Nov. 13-14 and Dec. 4-5; WRT L-1 Wa-
ter Release Therapy (certification program 20 hrs. CEU), Oct. 4-5, Nov. 15-16, Dec. 6-7. For information and registration contact Diane Feingold, 805/569-7047, dianefeingold@gmail.com, www.WaterReleaseTherapy.com, www.dianeFeingold.com. I BEAT OVARIAN CANCER! Unresolved wounds, traumas and interferences by “the dark” can show up as “disease” in your Soul, physical body, chakras and auric field. Call Magi (Mari Angelique Raphael) toll free for information and phone session appts at 800/397-9084 (24-hour voicemail), visit www.reconnectedsoul.com, under my “I Beat Ovarian Cancer” section. WEIGHT PROBLEMS, DEPRESSION, INSOMNIA? Kim Moise, Naturopathic Practitioner, specializes in Applied Kinesiology and NAET allergy elimination. 10801 National Blvd, Suite 607, WLA. Call 323/360-8366 or visit www.KimIanMoise.com. HEALING SESSIONS WITH OMNASZTRA. Healing sessions are on the Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Levels and can be in person or long distance. Also: Spiritual Counseling, Ear coning, Cleansings/Blessings/Balancing for your personal or business space. 818/503-5896 (24hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. AFFORDABLE HOLISTIC & COSMETIC DENTISTRY, offering safe silver (mercury) filling removal, low radiation x-rays, minimal invasive dentistry microabrasion, non-surgical gum treatment, and invisalign clear braces. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/8223833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com. DO YOU PASS THE SKIN-FITNESS TEST? Learn the secrets of healthy, vital skin the holistic way, free report, call the Vital Image, 310/8231996, or write 439 Talbert St, Playa del Rey 90293.
Intuitive Arts PRIVATE CHANNELING SESSIONS with Karen. Channeled sessions will help remove fear from your career path and clear emotional and physical pain from your life. 818/257-0830, www. channelingthelight.com. PSYCHIC ANGEL, love readings and effective love spells by Angelica. 98% accurate, past, present and future. Take my services seriously… love is not a game. Angelica, 818/402-2750.
57 LAURA GERALYN KLINE, Healer, Spiritual Messenger, Twin Flame/Soulmate Reconnection. 773/354-6841, preciouspain4ever@comcast. net. Visit www.flameworkpartners.com. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM ALIEN ABDUCTION & MIND CONTROL IMPLANTS? Attacks and mind control interferences can be stopped. Never be abducted or implanted again! Call Magi (Mari Angelique Raphael) toll free for information and phone session appts at 800/3979084 (24-hour voicemail), www.reconnectedsoul.com. Read my post on Alien Abduction.
WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GET TENDER. Intuitive readings in-store daily at Paradise Found, 17 E. Anapamu St., Santa Barbara 93101, 805/564-3573, www.paradisefound.net. RECONNECTING WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES, a channeling class with Karen. This class is designed for beginners and intermediates. Four locations, visit website for more information. 818/257-0830, www.channelingthelight.com. CLEARSIGHT CLAIRVOYANT READINGS. If you’re wondering how to make sense of your life, how you’re going to get through our intense global situation, or you want to explore your psyche, try an intuitive reading from the professionals at Clearsight. It just might change your life. Visit us at www.clearsightaura.com, email clearsightaura@gmail.com, or call 310/395-1170 for info. I CAN HELP YOU FIND OR RECOVER YOUR SOUL MATE OR LOVER. I offer love readings and effective love spells. My powers allow me to see things that most people cannot. Contact me now and you and I will find a fitting solution. Angelica, 818/402-2750. 98% accurate, past, present, future. IS “THE DARK” INTERFERING WITH YOU? Examples of “the dark” are entities, psychic attacks, psychic & sexual vampires. Do you feel that something is interfering with your life and feeding off your life force, “hooking into” your Soul? Call Magi (Mari Angelique Raphael) toll free for information and phone session appts, 800/397-9084 (24-hour voicemail), www.reconnectedsoul.com. OMNASZTRA (STACEY OSDER) is available for powerful energy healings. Spiritual Counseling, Ear coning, Cleansings/Blessings/Balancing for your personal or business space. 818/503-5896 (24-hour voicemail). Email omnasztra@aol.com, www.omnasztra.com. COUNCIL OF 12 ENERGIZED CRYSTALS, surround yourself with the high-vibrational energies of The Council of 12, infused into crystals selected by The Council as part of their work with Selacia, intuitive healer and channel for The Council of 12. Use to increase connection with spirit, benefit from Tibet/Wesak blessings, accelerate DNA healing and more. Call 310/9152884. Visit www.Selacia.com (crystals), Selacia@Selacia.com.
Set in the Spiritual Vortex of Ojai, California, Soul Centered is more than a bookstore, it is an invitation to explore… Browse through an extensive Crystal selection–many unique and rare specimens. Local metaphysical artists, some well known, some waiting to be.
Ojai Psychic “Booo”tique & Faire – Oct. 30 & 31! For Class/Event/Workshop schedule, please go to www.soulcentered.com Come experience our 1,018 square feet Geodesic Dome for a class or special event.
311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai • www.soulcentered.com • 805.640.8222 ����������������������������������
INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL LIFE COUNSELING. Different from a reading, these interactive and proactive sessions do use natural clairvoyance, past life information, medium and medical intuition to support and hold space for your issues. You are in the presence of a sacred witness as you tell your story. An excellent adjunct to traditional psychotherapy or as a stand-alone modality for some issues. Lotustar: Healing As Above and So Below, 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com.
a metaphysical shoppe
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The journey begins... Open your mind... to a place where Heaven meets Earth
LOOKING FOR YOUR TWIN FLAME/SOULMATE? Contact Laura Geralyn Kline, Healer, Spiritual Messenger, specialist in Twin Flame/ Soulmate Reconnection. Call 773/354-6841 or email preciouspain4ever@comcast.net. Visit www.flameworkpartners.com. PSYCHIC PALM READING/EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS with Indian Psychic Palmist Professor Sasi. Experience transformation through the ancient science of psychic palmistry with worldrenowned, 7th generation Psychic Palmist/Spiritual Teacher Professor Sasi, one of the most loved psychic practitioners who has shown many individuals worldwide how to attain profound empowerment. By appt. Info: 310/3972405, 310/842-6087, www.professorsasi.com, www.vedichealinginstitute.com. PSYCHIC ANGEL LOVE READINGS and effective love spells. My powers allow me to see things that most people cannot, things that can help you make the right decisions in the present and future. Angelica, 818/402-2750.
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Healing & Empowerment Through Spirit
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LOTUSTAR: HEALING AS ABOVE AND SO BELOW, offers the following services on an ongoing basis: Ancestral Soul Healing, Shamanic Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy for Higher Self, Spirit Guide and Angelic Contact, Past Life Regression Parties, Intuitive Spiritual Counseling, Clairvoyant Readings. Call about our upcoming classes and retreats. 323/632-0947, www.lotustar.net, email lotustarr@hotmail.com.
Meditation / Spirituality AWAKEN TO YOUR TRUTH. Ascend to higher levels of consciousness and experience the Loving that you are in everything you do. Coaching and Healing. 310/569-2733, www.TheAuthenticExpression.com. TRANSFORMATIONAL INITIATIONS WITH YOGI SHIVRAJ. Attain your soul-fulfillment and purpose. Learn Ancient Hatha Yoga and Advanced Pranayama. Limited-time Introductory Hatha Yoga class offer. Group meditations available. 818/882-1899, www.SiddhiCenter.org. CALLING ALL COSMIC SPIRITUAL WARRIORS! A great cosmic call was made asking Higher Souls to volunteer on Planet Earth to battle “the dark” forces. Could you be one of these Souls? Call Magi (Mari Angelique Raphael) toll free for information and phone session appts at 800/397-9084 (24-hour voicemail), www.reconnectedsoul.com, under my “Calling All Spiritual Warriors” section. THE DAYS AFTER DEATH: A Letter to my Son, a novel by D. L. Burris, is now available at www. amazon.com and www.daysafterdeath.com. Join me in a journey that will take you through those joy-filled days after death. Once released from the stunted world of flesh and materialism, the hero of this work takes the first step toward a transformation that is as amazing as it is healing. For info contact D.L. Burris at burrisU@aol. com or visit www.daysafterdeath.com. PRIVATE SESSIONS WITH SWAMI PREMODAYA. Life-changing, one-on-one opportunity with a living Bodhisattva. You will never be the same. The Bodhi Center, 310/497-1899, www. thebodhicenter.net. TRANSMISSION MEDITATION FOR WORLD SERVICE & PERSONAL GROWTH. Transmitted energies serve humanity and the lower kingdoms. Groups meet weekly Sunday-Friday in Bakersfield, Culver City, Glendale, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Montclair, Moorpark, San Diego,
Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Santa Paula, Van Nuys and Ventura. Free. Info: 818/785-6300, www.transmissionmeditation.org. GOD IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR NEXT BREATH. MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality. Visit www.msia.org for more information on events and classes in your area or call 800/8992655. MEDITATION, REFLECTION, REJUVENATION at Sunburst Sanctuary. Enjoy solitude amidst 4000 acres of tranquil meadows and rolling hills on the Central Coast. Stay overnight in a cedar chalet, walk the labyrinth, tour an organic farm, hike, enjoy the fitness room. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. FALUN DAFA, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient Chinese self-cultivation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Great for improvement of health and mental well-being. For info visit www.falundafa.org, http://falun.caltech.edu/. LEARN KRIYA MEDITATION at Sunburst Sanctuary, meditation, reflection, rejuvenation. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. WALK THE LABYRINTH at the Sunburst Sanctuary, or enjoy the fitness room. Slow down, breathe and reconnect. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. LOOK FOR A BRIGHT STAR, VISIBLE NIGHT & DAY AROUND THE WORLD. It heralds the public mission of the World Teacher, Maitreya, inaugurated in December 2009 with his first U.S. television interview. Info: www.Share-International.org, 888/242-8272. QIGONG AND MEDITATION CLASSES. QiGong means Energy-Practice and is an ancient pathway to health and well-being. Utilizing the Universal Energy through easy and gentle movements, breathing techniques, practitioners become centered and balanced. Weekly classes offered in Canoga Park, Studio City and Sherman Oaks. Call for details, Antoinette Rohner, 818/378-3396. www.movingintopeace.com.
Other CUSTOM WEDDING CEREMONIES. Let me assist you in creating vows and an experience that will express your love and honor for each other as well as your beliefs in the best possible way. Call Rev. Doreene at 323/899-5757 (Mon-Sat 9 am-7 pm). Email spiritualarts@gmail.com. Visit www.weddingceremoniesbydesign.com. PRACTITIONER ROOM AVAILABLE. Beautiful, upscale sacred space at the prestigious Newport Beach European Institute for Natural Health. Ideal for Reiki, energy healers and private Yoga instruction. Only $30 for a full day. Call 949/3355812 or visit us at www.DoctorLarisa.com. MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND MAKE 6 FIGURES. On average, coaches earn $200/hour. With the right coaching and marketing skills, you can, too! Preregister for the Power of Happiness Coach training event, taking place Nov. 3-6, at a beautiful resort in San Diego. Learn how to help yourself, help others, make 6 figures and make a difference. Enroll today for the early bird spe-
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$50 Off
This Month
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Baseline thermogram showed a slight hyperthermic asymmetry in the upper right breast.
The follow-up study at 3 months showed the pattern had become more well defined. Mammography was inconclusive.
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Significantly increased vascular changes. Repeat mammogram showed a small calcification (1 mm) at 10 o’clock. A lumpectomy was performed confirming a malignant carcinoma (DCIS)
Whole Person
Recommends Here II Here October �vents in Southern California Redondo Beach CA - HIIH Guest Artists with Live Concert October 3rd - 9AM to 4PM – Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living Here II Here performs at both morning services, 9 & 11 AM, followed by an after-service lunch and 2PM love donation concert. Organized by Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living. Big Bear CA - HIIH Live in Concert
New Year’s Eve Retreat
October 8th - 7PM to 10PM – Big Bear Discovery Center Here II Here performs as part of the Annual Big Bear Woman’s Retreat. All genders welcome. $20 Details @ www.lovingliferetreats.com Information contact: Carol Treadwell 909-878-4388, seating is limited. Organized by Walk in Beauty & Brilliance Annual Women’s Retreat.
Wed., 29 Dec 2010 – Sun., 2 Jan 2011 Be transformed by Louix’s darshan and drink of His ageless wisdom over the course of five intimate and engaging days spent with this spiritual Master. Location: The Lodge at Torrey Pines La Jolla, California
Joanna Macy at �he Ojai Foundation The Ojai Foundation hosts Joanna Macy, a visionary and a leading voice in global movements for peace, justice and an environmentally-healthy world, will bring her powerful message and transformative practices to three separate programs. October 7th - 10th THE WORK THAT RECONNECTS -Joanna Macy “draws upon spiritual traditions and living systems theory to bring forth the powers” within each individual to be “renewed and deepened for the healing of our world.” The profound practices of this work will inspire vision, courage, and creativity and can be used by teachers, social and environmental activists, healers and more. Friday, October 8th, 7:30 PM in the Council House, “The Promise of our Dark Age” A public talk by Joanna Macy. *Seating is limited so tickets must be purchased in advance. October 10th - 15th A Unique Collaboration: Joanna Macy with the Awakening the Dreamer (ATD) Facilitator Training of The Pachamama Alliance.
For more information, please contact Samantha: phone: (888) 288-3735 e-mail: samantha@Louix.org All attending these events consent to having their names, voices, images, and likenesses recorded and used for commercial purposes.
For more information and to register for any of the programs, go to: www.ojaifoundation.org or contact Rebecca at program@ojaifoundation.org or 805-646-8343 Ext.101.
Chalk 4 Peace October 24th The Every Picture Gallery – 12-4 PM 1333 Montana, Santa Monica CHALK 4 PEACE is part of an international mission – with neighbors and professional artists drawing their visions of peace on our outdoor sidewalks. Live music, prizes, refreshments, and free chalk! Join us!
Tina Turner Sings from Love New Earth Records recently released the album Beyond: Buddhist and Christian Prayers featuring Tina Turner, Dechen Shak-Dagsay, and Regula Curti. “With the Beyond album we wish to share our vision that whoever we may be, whatever religion we may come to - when we pray and our prayers come from our deepest heart, a transformation takes place and we find ourselves 'Beyond right and wrong.' We experience the immense power of deep spirituality whenever we chant together, although each person is praying in his own tradition. On this CD, we have Tina Turner chanting three Buddhist prayers and imparting the overall spiritual message, Dechen ShakDagsay singing Buddhist prayers, and Regula Curti singing Christian prayers.” The Dalai Lama, writes “Bringing together corresponding pieces from Christian and Tibetan Buddhist traditions, as has been done here, will allow listeners to share in these prayers, stirring thoughts of deeper respect and peace in their lives.” For more information about the new release, visit the website at:
Expo Los Angeles
October 15, 16, 17 LAX Hilton www.consciouslifeexpo.com
The New es V isio nari
http://newearthrecords.com/web/pc/press_Beyond. asp
Beverly Hills Operanutz! Monday Evenings 6-9 PM Roxbury Park Community Center 471 South Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills Class fee: $115 Call to sign up: 310-285-6850 October 4th - December 20th Operanutz! is a one-of-a-kind, multi-media, operalicious extravaganza that covers all of the majors operas happening in Southern California from San Diego Opera, to Los Angeles Opera, to San Francisco Opera, and everything in between. Each 3-hour course dissects an opera prior to a performance by a major company by diving into the life and music of the composer, and the surrounding music and history – then structure, plot, and character analysis are discussed. Each session unfolds through state-of-the-art digital projection of historic video and audio, original animated PowerPoint slides, guest artist, live performances, group activities, and opera trips. Your class instructor is critically acclaimed, international opera, ballet, and symphonic conductor, Dr. Brian Asher Alhadeff (www.brianalhadeff.com). Be sure to visit the following youtube link in order to hear what other opera lovers have to say about the class: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9mR2ebJTWE
Dick Gregory & Nia Peeples Welcome to the October Conscious Life Expo. We are preparing another extraordinary program filled with Free Events, Keynote Workshops and an Exhibit Hall with cutting edge products and services. Tickets on sale now!
Last Paradise Film
October 20th, 7PM Arlington Theater, 1317 State St., Santa Barbara A Fundraiser for The SBCC Center for Sustainability International Eco-adventure film, by New Zealand film maker Clive Neeson, captures 45 years of stunning original footage from places like Bali, Mexico, Portugal, New Zealand, Utah, and Australia with young maverick sports pioneers exploring a world that no longer exists. Tickets are available through the Arlington Theater ticket office at (805) 963-4408, or online at TicketMaster.com. For more information, please call (805) 965-0581, ext.2177, or msbushman@sbcc.edu. Visit: www.lastparadisefilm.com
Call to exhibit or advertise in the 9th Annual Conscious Life Expo in February
Upcoming Events Celebrate Life Weekends Oct 29–31, Nov 26–28 Enjoy a weekend of healing yoga, meditation, music, food and fellowship. Light and Renewal Retreat Thursday, Dec. 30, 2010 - Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011 Project a positive New Year. Awaken to the divine light and presence within you.
Sunburst Sanctuary With life as short as a half taken breath, don’t plant anything but love. -Rumi
PERSONAL RETREAT Enjoy the peace and beauty of the sanctuary in a private cedar cabin. Renew yourself with early morning meditations; walk the Hopi labyrinth, or hike in pristine nature. Call ahead to reserve.
Strengthen your relationship with God in a peaceful environment with music, inspiration, meditation and prayer and deepen your spiritual practice. Join in our weekly Sunday meditation service at 10:30 am. Sunburst Sanctuary, founded by Norman Paulsen, direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, is located 40 miles north of Santa Barbara. Please call for reservations and suggested donation.
cial! Visit www.PowerofHappinessEvents.com. Get your free CD online. THE RIGHT GOLD AT THE RIGHT TIME AT THE RIGHT PRICE, 1% over dealer cost, investments and precious metal IRAs. Available through Merit Financial, Santa Monica. Call Mark Reynolds, 800/555-2631, ext. 227; or Ardice Faoro, 800/555-2631, ext. 212; email mark@meritfinancial.com or ardice@meritfinancial.com. OUR UNIQUE SANCTUARY IS AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS and Commitment Ceremonies, Renewal of Vows, in Pasadena. We have 5 ministers who can do ceremonies on-site or on location. Services and ceremonies can be done in English, Spanish, French or German. A Center for Awakening Consciousness, Pasadena Church of Truth, inclusive of all World Religions, 690 E Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, 626/7956905, www.churchoftruth.org. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Reiki Practitioners, massage therapists, reflexologists wanted to work with terminally ill patients and their families. Volunteers receive training, continuing education within hospice and the support of the hospice staff. For info contact Care Alternatives, 800/675-0232. THE DAYS AFTER DEATH: A Letter to my Son, a novel by D. L. Burris, is now available at www. amazon.com and www.daysafterdeath.com. Join me in a journey that will take you through those joy-filled days after death. Once released from the stunted world of flesh and materialism, the hero of this work takes the first step toward a transformation that is as amazing as it is healing. For more info contact D.L. Burris at burrisU@aol.com or visit www.daysafterdeath. com.
PRACTITIONER ROOM AVAILABLE. Beautiful, spacious room available to spiritual practitioners for one-on-one or small group sessions. Rental fee is $20/hour. Room seats up to 12 in theater or circle arrangements; padded table available for Reiki and other body work. Call 818/345-1100 for availability. The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Visit www.theimaginecenter.com. MAPLE STREET WEDDING CHAPEL. If you would like to infuse meaning and spirituality into your ceremony and do not have a home church, the Maple Street Wedding Chapel can provide that experience, no matter how much or how little you wish to spend. We can help you create Christian, spiritual and non-denominational marriage ceremonies, as well as renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies, infant blessings and baptisms. 1515 Maple St., Santa Monica. 310/577-0000 or visit www.unitywestchurch.org. AFRIQUE TRUCE SESSIONS. Enchanted Science, Fantanymph: Treasures, Adventures, Calling, Super Prayer for Talent & Health, Fatal Dream Biases. Available daily. Donation: oracles, omens, amulets. Elect Master, 2803 W. Arlington #414, Orlando, FL 32805-1107.
Products TOYS FOR THE SOUL at Objets d’Art & Spirit. For 2 decades, providing spiritual and religious art and artifacts, curious goods, crystals, singing bowls, candles, oils, limpias, baths and more. Traditional and alternative spiritual art and gifts. Objets d’Art & Spirit, 7529 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood 90046, 323/436-5238, www. objetsdartandspirit.com. METAPHYSICAL WORKS OF ART: DVD, LUNA,
805.736.6528 www.SunburstOnline.org An Ethereal Study Of The Moon; BOOK, THE SEASONS, Always In One Place…But Moving and PO-PICS (Poetry on Pictures). www.jasonartworks.com. BROWSE THROUGH OUR EXTENSIVE CRYSTAL selection. The Soul Centered Metaphysical Shoppe is set in the spiritual vortex of Ojai. It is more than a bookstore, but an invitation to explore. Come and experience our Geodesic Dome for a class or special event. Open 7 days, 10:30 am-6 pm. Soul Centered, 311 N. Montgomery St., Ojai 93023, 805/640-8222, www. soulcentered.com.
Professional Services KIM MOISE, NATUROPATHIC PRACTITIONER, specializes in Applied Kinesiology and NAET allergy elimination. He has a 93% success rate in helping people eliminate their allergies and health disorders. 10801 National Blvd, Suite 607, WLA. Call 323/360-8366 or visit www.KimIanMoise.com. EMDR: EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION AND REPROCESSING is an innovative clinical treatment that has helped individuals who have survived trauma, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, combat, crime, and phobias. EMDR unlocks negative memories and emotions stored in the nervous system and helps the brain successfully process the experience. Shoshana Levine, Certified Hypnotherapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is certified in EMDR. For info or for an appt call 310/998-7253, or visit www.bestheartcenteredtherapy.com. GREENSTUFF.BIZ, raised beds for edible vegetable gardens that add to the value of your home, provide free food and make you proud to show your granny! 1-661-265-9226.
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������������ PRECIOUS METAL IRAs & INVESTMENTS, available through Merit Financial, Santa Monica. “The right gold at the right time at the right price,” only 1% over dealer cost. Call Mark Reynolds, 800/555-2631, ext. 227; or Ardice Faoro, 800/555-2631, ext. 212; email mark@meritfinancial.com or ardice@meritfinancial.com. CHANGE YOUR LIFE WITH FENG SHUI! Looking for a way to manifest your intentions? A Feng Shui makeover will change your life! Willow Vietor, co-founder of American Feng Shui, has been transforming people’s home and lives for over 10 years. She focuses on clutter clearing and organization; her commitment is to help you move your life forward with immediate results. Available by appt: 310/855-7584, www.AmericanFengShui.net. HEART CENTERED HYPNOTHERAPY with Shoshana Levine, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certificate in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. Heart Centered Hypnotherapy helps tap into our subconscious mind and purge the body of old pain, anger, sadness, grief or any negative feelings you may be holding onto. Visit www.bestheartcenteredtherapy.com. 310/998-7253.
Special Offers 15% OFF ALL TREATMENTS on your first visit to Angel City Healing, a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Offering Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687.
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PRACTITIONER ROOM AVAILABLE. Beautiful, upscale sacred space at the prestigious Newport Beach European Institute for Natural Health. Ideal for Reiki, energy healers and private Yoga instruction. Only $30 for a full day. Call 949/3355812 or visit us at www.DoctorLarisa.com.
Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of our spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/9278687.
GO PINK! GET BREAST THERMOGRAPHY, Early Screening for Breast Cancer. $50 off this month. Where mammography looks for structure such as a lump, thermography looks for the body’s physiological responses to cancer cells. These changes can often occur 8-10 years before the cells are large enough to be seen by a mammogram. No radiation or contact with the body. Early detection saves lives! 310/775-3388, www.gopinkpreventcancer.com.
FREE 15-MINUTE PHONE CONSULTATION WITH MAGI (Mari Angelique Raphael), powerful multi-dimensional energetic, intuitive/oracle and shamanic healer. Magi is a pioneer in healing the totality of your Soul multi-dimensionally, all lifetimes simultaneously! Resolving your multi-dimensional unconscious, buried wounds and traumas of your Soul are mandatory to taking your power back. Call toll-free to schedule your free call at 800/397-9084 (24-hour voicemail) or email magi@reconnectedsoul.com.
FREE COMPLIMENTARY INITIAL DENTAL CONSULTATION. Dr. Pearl Zadeh, DDS. Services available include Invisalign, a metal-free alternative to traditional braces, digital x-rays, safe removal of mercury toxic feelings. With affordable payment program. Call 818/716-6722. 6325 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Suite 311, Woodland Hills 91367, www.PearlZadehDDS.com. PRECIOUS METAL IRAs & INVESTMENTS, available through Merit Financial, Santa Monica. “The right gold at the right time at the right price,” only 1% over dealer cost. Call Mark Reynolds, 800/555-2631, ext. 227; or Ardice Faoro, 800/555-2631, ext. 212; email mark@meritfinancial.com or ardice@meritfinancial.com. FULL MOON SPECIAL: 3 spa treatments for the price of 2 every fully moon, with the Full Moon Spa package at Angel City Healing. Also: 25% off all Angel City healing teas every New Moon. Angel City Healing services include Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective
SPECIAL THIS MONTH: $1200 OFF INVISALIGN CLEAR BRACES, the nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Call for a free consultation. Ray D. Partovy, DDS & Associates. Two locations: Marina del Rey, 310/822-3833, and Tarzana, 818/774-2121. www.makingusmile.com. 15% DISCOUNT ON CRYSTALS AND CANDLES this month with paid registration for Healing Circle or The Metaphysical Hour. At The Imagine Center, 18635 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana 91356. Register at 818/345-1100, or online at www.theimaginecenter.com. FREE! CLAIRVOYANT READINGS by appt. only with students of the Clearsight Clairvoyant Program. Advance registration necessary; call Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm to book appointment for readings (usually held on weekends). They will read your aura, your chakras, your Being-Body Connection and answer questions. (See back cover ad.) Clearsight, 1640 5th St, Suite 200,
Metaphysical Art & Poetry FROM THE 4 PHASES OF THE MOON ÍÍÍÍÍ
On DVD A Celestial Drama Starring LUNA MOON
Poems by Suesan Jason
With four color illustrations Book in its 2nd printing
www. jasonartworks.com
Santa Monica 90401, 310/395-1170. Email: info@clearsightaura.com. www.clearsightaura. com. DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE until you read our free report about an Amazing Skin Care Breakthrough for men, women and all skin types. The Vital Image, 439 Talbert St., Playa Del Rey 90293. 800/414-4624 or visit www.thevitalimage. com. Report is free to Whole Person readers. FREE 15-MINUTE PHONE CONSULTATION WITH SELACIA, gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. She will explain her method of healing and answer your questions about how this potent work could benefit you. Ask about why it’s vital to clear your past by energetically changing the DNA where your pain originates. 310/915-2884, www.Selacia.com (Home page/Session Inquiries & Private Sessions page). To schedule, email Selacia@Selacia.com. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 25% OFF ALL SERVICES & PRODUCTS on your birthday at Angel City Healing, a unique, boutique style, holistic spa where every treatment is a spiritual experience. Offering Healing Facials & Body Treatments, Waxing, Reconnective Healing, Sound Baths, Hot & Cold Jade Stone Therapy, and Reflexology. All herbs and flowers used are grown organically on the premises. For a full list of spa services, visit www.angelcityhealing.com. Spa 818/988-9006, cell 310/927-8687.
Travel / Retreats PERSONAL RETREATS, enjoy the peace and beauty of the sanctuary in a private cedar cabin. If you like, treat yourself to the deep sweetness of early morning group meditations, walk the Hopi labyrinth, or hike a pristine trail. 4,000 acres of rolling hills and wooded trails to explore. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. MYSTICAL EXPLOSION RETREAT, join Brother Ishmael Tetteh, Spiritual Master, at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center Nov. 19-21, for a transformation of your Spirit. Using the principles of nature, learn how to heal the wounds of your past while reconnecting to your true God values. Discover the 7 levels of potentials and the additional Mystical Dimensions to your infinite good. Use the force field of Nature & Humanity to restore your spirit. Visit www.conscioushumanity. com, 760/633-1033.
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“SACRED LIFE,” a 4-day residential retreat with Swami Premodaya, Jan. 20-24, 2011. Let Swami Premodaya guide you directly into the heart of the sacred. Held at a luxurious mountain lodge in Idyllwild, CA. The Bodhi Center, 310/4971899, www.theBODHIcenter.net.
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LIGHT AND RENEWAL RETREAT, Thurs. Dec. 30 through Sun. Jan. 2, 2011. Project a positive New Year. Awaken to the divine light and presence within you. For details and registration: Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org. CELEBRATE LIFE WEEKENDS, held on the last weekend of each month. Renew, relax, refresh. Enjoy a weekend of healing yoga, meditation, energizing exercises, satsang, nourishing meals and an evening devotional jam session. Participate in any or all activities. Sunburst Sanctuary, a community sanctuary for conscious living, 40 miles north of Santa Barbara, 805/736-6528, www.SunburstOnline.org.