April 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

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Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: April 11, 2010 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Tim Short Minutes: Alison Phelan Roll Call: Tim Short, Alison Phelan, Annie RoseWillis, Shari Hewson, TR Ramsdell, Melissa Jaynes, Michele Campbell and Peter Raymond Absent: Rich Tomlins Special Guest: Doug Bollen Topic Previous Meeting Minutes Treasurer’s Report


Clothing Report

Movie Night

Action Taken/Needed Reviewed, amended and approved

Responsible Party Date Due Tim Short will post to website

A Treasurer’s report was presented and reviewed @this meeting by Treasurer Melissa Jaynes. Melissa deposited 3 checks totaling $194, then another deposit of $2647, and checks from K. Gertz totaling $375. After all transactions this month, we have a balance of $14,490. Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by Shari Hewson A Membership report was given by Annie RoseWillis. There are about 260 club members of which 100 have still not renewed their dues. A review of names will be done by Tim, then reminders will be sent out again. Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by Michele Campbell A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. She reported that Atlantic Sportswear does have “non-pilling” sportswear, but that it may be more expensive. She also reported we are out of stock on certain items and that she would be sending out an email detailing that to the Board members on her proposal of what to re-order. Motion to accept report by Shari Hewson, 2nd by TR Ramsdell. Just a quick update that movie night will be held on April 16 starting at 7PM at the Winter Island Function Hall. A motion

Melissa Jaynes

Annie RoseWillis

Michele Campbell

Tim Short

North Shore Cancer Run Update Frosty Four Scholarship

Wicked Kidz

Boston Marathon


2nd Annual Heritage 5k

was made to approve an expenditure of $50 for refreshments by Tim Short, 2nd by Melissa Jaynes Tim Short reported that we have 30 registered runners as of tonight’s meeting. Tim will be meeting with Roseshortly and then with the committee for an updated meeting on April 22, The application has been posted on the website for scholarship applicants. Tim Short and Rich Tomlins will be sending out another meeting date for those interested in attending a scholarship meeting. Michele Campbell will also be writing up a press releasefor the scholarship. It was noted that a small discussion was made about trying to do this earlier – getting out the application out to applicants by the fall rather than early spring. A reminder that our 2nd annual Wicked Kidz Racein conjunction with Salem Park and Rec will be held on Sat., July 17th . It was noted that we need more volunteers, should get refreshments, make up more shirts, and get the application out on the website. We should also spread the word by putting out applications at various locations like the YMCA. About 50+WRCmembers are going to be at the gel stop – Mile 17 – helping out at the Boston Marathon. There are about 5-6 WRCthat will be running the marathon. A motion was made by Tim Short to approve $70 for food/coffee to be bought by John Mahoney, organizer, to bring to the race for the volunteers. It was 2nd by Shari Hewson There is a new state representative for the RRCA,John Childs. He will be holding a 4m race and holding a South shore Endurance Expo on June 5th in Cohasset. Tim Short asked the Board if we would approve a $100 table rental for the event to promote the Club. On a roll call, we got 7 yes, and 1 no vote – passedon a 7-1 vote. Doug Bollen spoke to the Board about last year’s race and organizers. They had about 200 participants for their first year.

Tim Short

Tim Short/Rich Tomlins

The Board

John Mahoney

Tim Short

Tim Short

Tim added that he had received a request from the organizers for help – for bag stuffing, the day before the race and on race day. After some discussion, the Board decided to help out exclusively on race day, so Tim will let them know that we will help out with 5 volunteers at that race. Club Challenge Cup The Relay will be held on June 12. So far we have 16 WRC Marathon Relay participating, but still need more for a total of 26 runners/minimum of 24. Tim Short asked the Board if the Club would be willing to pay the fee for the participants $8/runner for a total of $208. A motion was made to pay for the relay out of Club funds, 2nd by Melissa Jaynes MOTION TO ADJOURN by Shari Hewson 2 nd by TR Ramsdell @8:00pm Next Meeting; Monday, May 10, 2009, 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center

Tim Short

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