Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: June 14, 2010 Salem Beer Works Presiding: Tim Short Minutes: Alison Phelan Roll Call: Tim Short, Rich Tomlins, Alison Phelan, Shari Hewson, TR Ramsdell, Melissa Jaynes, Michele Campbell and Peter Raymond Missing: Annie RoseWillis Special Guest: Beth O’Grady, Doug Bollen and Kerry Phelan
Action Taken/Needed
Responsible Party
Previous Meeting Minutes Treasurer’s Report
Reviewed, amended and approved A Treasurer’s report was presented and reviewed @this meeting by Treasurer Melissa Jaynes. Someline items were brought up and changed: “Charitable Endeavors” from $500 to $250, “Mktg/Advertising”, a new category will now be funded with $1000, “Other” is now $500. Melissa will show changesin next month’s report. Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by TR Ramsdell. A Membership report was given by Tim Short, Annie was not present. There are about 206 paying members, 9 new from Open House, but we have about 50-60 non-renewals. Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by Melissa Jaynes. A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. Michele reported to the Board that there is interest in ordering fall long sleeve tech shirt—not mock t-shirts. She will get prices on this item; She will also investigate the costs of jackets. An email on the item of sports bras was recently sent out w/feedback already on the item. Another item ordered are membership t-shirts – about 50 will be ordered, but first Rich will check into the costs. Motion to accept report by Shari Hewson, 2nd by TR Ramsdell. Beth O’Grady gave an elaborate and extensive presentation on an item often mentioned -- Lifetime Memberships. She passed out info on this, talked to the Board and asked for consideration of passageon the item. The Board will look over the info and meet on this subject at a future meeting. As mentioned previously, 9 new members signed on as a result of the Open House held in May. We also have new color WRCstickers The race was a success,but the organization of volunteers not so
Tim Short will post to website Melissa Jaynes
Clothing Report
Lifetime Membership
Spring Open House Run to Remember Recap
Annie RoseWillis
Michele Campbell
Beth O’Grady
Tim Short The Board
Date Due
great. We have decided not to participate in the volunteer position for next year since many of our WRCmembers either run this race or are unavailable to help out for various reasons. Tim will write a note to the RaceDirector of WRC’sexperience with the volunteer part of this race. South Shore Endurance Tim Short reported that he participated in this Expo. Our logo was Expo also on the race t-shirt as a participant in the Expo. He also told the Board that there is a potential of a North Shore Expo for next year. Marathon Relay Recap Great experienced had by all who participated. Feedback was very positive. Our time was 2:56:01, very worthwhile endeavor; will probably participate in this again. North Shore Cancer Run At this time there are 245 runners already pre-registered for the 5k Update run. Everything is pretty much on schedule. A report will be given on the outcome at the next meeting Wicked Kidz Posters The layout of the flyers/posters were drawn up by Michele Campbell and Doug Bollen took care of the printing them up. The Club will reimburse Doug Bollen $31 for the costs. The race has been advertised locally, race is on 7/17 at 9AM at Forest River Park. MOTION TO ADJOURN by Melissa Jaynes, 2 nd by TR Ramsdell @8:03pm Next Meeting; Monday, July 12, 2010, 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center
Tim Short
Tim Short
Tim Short
The Board