May 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

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Wicked Running Club Board Meeting Minutes Date: May 10, 2010 Salem Senior Center Presiding: Tim Short Minutes: Alison Phelan Roll Call: Tim Short, Rich Tomlins, Alison Phelan, Annie RoseWillis, Shari Hewson, TR Ramsdell, Melissa Jaynes, Michele Campbell and Peter Raymond Special Guest: Kerry Phelan


Action Taken/Needed

Responsible Party

Previous Meeting Minutes Treasurer’s Report

Reviewed, amended and approved A Treasurer’s report was presented and reviewed @this meeting by Treasurer Melissa Jaynes. Melissa reported that she will be getting some checks from Annie Rosein the amount of $200. Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by Shari Hewson A Membership report was given by Annie RoseWillis. There are about 261 club members of which 70-80 people have still not renewed their dues. Recently, Tim sent out an email reminder to those individuals. More social activities needed to retain club members. Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by Shari Hewson. A Clothing report was given by Michele Campbell. Michele reported to the Board that she would be getting an order before Saturday – on schedule Motion to accept report by Tim Short, 2nd by TR Ramsdell. Just a reminder Spring Open House would be held on Sat., May 15 @9AM @Forest River Park. Details were talked about, who was bringing what and time of arrival. A run was also planned in conjunction with the O.H. Tim Short reported that we have 130 registered runners as of tonight’s meeting. Another meeting will be held on Thurs., May 27th /6PM in the Sr. Center. There is also a small online registration issue that is being dealt with and discussedat this meeting. The Race will be held on Sunday, June 20 – Father’s Day! The application has been posted on the website for scholarship applicants. Tim Short and Rich Tomlins will be sending out another meeting date for those interested in attending a scholarship meeting. Michele Campbell will also be writing up a press releasefor the scholarship. 2 applications had already been received and we are

Tim Short will post to website Melissa Jaynes


Clothing Report

Spring Open House

North Shore Cancer Run Update

Frosty Four Scholarship

Annie RoseWillis

Michele Campbell

Tim Short/Board Members

Tim Short

Rich Tomlins

Date Due

hoping for more before the deadline. The scholarship applications have also been distributed by Rich, Rich Tabbut, Doug and Kerry P. Membership Survey A discussion on hosting a membership survey online was brought up at this meeting. We would like to try to get something online by midyear. The feeling is that this is important for members to see where the Club is going and how it is perceived. We will probably use Survey Monkey and Michele Campbell will draft some questions to put out there. We also thought of encouraging people to participate in the survey by having a gift certificate raffle for NERC> By Laws Tim Short will post the By Laws on the website. Lake Winnipesaukee There seemsto be another conflict with this Relay and the Wicked Half Marathon on the same date/w-end. Rich Shari and Tim will coordinate the runners for this relay. The relay will be held on Sep. 25. We need to get the messageout that this if all about having fun, not as competitive as the Mill Street Relay Run in December Water Tables on Trails A discussion was brought up about putting water jugs/cups on the Bike Path from Forest River that WRCuseson their Sat. runs. It was thought that this would be a good idea esp. with the summer months coming up. Tim Short said he would put out the waters for the first week and hopefully would get some help in doing this. We will let people know about this new feature in our newsletters and thru the website. Stephen O’Grady Donation Tim Short shared with the Board a “thank you letter” from the letter Stephen O’Grady Foundation for our donation to the Foundation. Lottery A discussion was brought by up by Shari Hewson on creating criteria for getting numbers for when and if we get entries to the Mount Washington Raceand Boston Marathon. We will be drafting a list of criteria before those events occur in the future. MOTION TO ADJOURN by Shari Hewson 2 nd by TR Ramsdell @7:52pm Next Meeting; Monday, June 14, 2010, 6:30pm at the Salem Senior Center

Tim Short/Michele Campbell

Tim Short Tim Short/Rich Tomlins/Shari Hewson

Tim Short/The Board

Tim Short Shari Hewson

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