The Wicked Running Register January 2010
Est. Jan 2010
:(/&20(ÂŤ to the first edition of the Wicked Running Register, a monthly publication of the
W icked Running Club (also known as W R C). What we lack in creative layout, we will try to make up for with witty commentary, helpful information and fascinating insight into our members and our sport. As your 2010 Editor, my goal is to make this a team effort. Your participation and feedback will keep this newsletter Wicked interesting! In this first edition, check out some inspiring goals, read a review of the Somerville Jingle Bell race, and see which Wicked member is also an Inventor. We also have a bunch of wicked important dates, a contest of the month and some heartfelt words from WRC President Tim Short. Read on, friends! - (GLWRU %HWK 2Âś*UDG\ ORRNLQJ :LFNHG GHWHrmined in this photo).
QUOT E OF THE MONTH ³:KHQ \RX KDYH D JRRG GD\ LWV QR DFFLGHQW <RX FDQœW IDNH LW VXFK D GD\ UHSUHVHQWV \RXU WUXH FDSDFLW\ DV D runner. On the other hand, bad days are flukes. They happen to everyone, and mean almost nothing. Reward \RXUVHOI IRU \RXU JRRG GD\V DQG GRQœW REVHVV DERXW WKH EDG ´ -5XQQHUœV :RUOG
W I C K E D K U D OS A wicked big THANK YOU to the members of the W R C who donated toys and gift cards to members of the Boys & Girls C lub of G reater Salem ( serving Salem and Peabody. You helped to make some great kids very happy this holiday season. Submitted by K er ry Phelan: ³6KRXW RXW WR A llison Rour ke IRU VKRZLQJ XS WR WKH )URVW\ )RXU PHHWLQJV ZLWK QR YRLFH ´ $QG ,œP JLYLQJ D VKRXW RXW ULJKW EDFN WR K er ry Phelan for her poised reading of our election nominations at the December WRC meeting F rom K er ry Gertz ³3OHDVH ZHOFRPH A nnie Rose W illis as your new Membership Director. She will be awesome, and if you haven't had the opportunity to meet Annie yet, make it a point to do so, because not only is she a seasoned runner willing to share her experiences, but she also has a resonating smile and personality WKDW \RX ZLOO QHYHU IRUJHW ´ )URP %HWK 2œ*UDG\ ³7KDQNV WR WKH :5& PHPEHUV ZKR answered the call to go for an early morning run on Christmas day. In photo from left to right are Wicked elves: Doug Bollen, Alison Phelan (the merriest of all), Bob Grant, Darla Johnson and Frank Kilroy. A shout out to M ia Poppe for organizing the Thursday night runs from the Salem Common over the warmer months. I hear they may be hibernating for the winter, but hope to be back after the thaw! F rom F rosty Four Race Participant, C hris Reid: ³A BIG Thank You to the Wicked Board of Directors and Volunteers for another great well-run race. We came up from North Medford Club(Fitchburg) again this year and brought some other members with us this year, and hopefully more next year. The Shirts are great, and the food was fantastic!! ³ W I C K E D G O O D J O B by all the volunteers at the 3rd A nnual W icked F rosty Four New Years Day Race more to come on this event in the February newsletter VWD\ WXQHG
P A G E 2. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
5811,1* $5281' Upcoming Races and E vents Look for the Wicked Logo for official Wicked Events or Grand Prix Races. Monday, January 4, 6:30 p.m. W icked Running C lub Board M eeting, Salem Senior Center, 5 Broad Street. All members always welcome to attend! Saturday, January 9- O lde Salem G reens Snowshoe C lassic, 5kish. Our own Eileen Dunn is race director of WKLV LQDXJXUDO HYHQW DSSDUHQWO\ LWV DOUHDG\ D ³FODVVLF´ ZLWK D EUDQG QHZ FURVV FRXQWU\ FRXUVH 7KLV HYHQW ZLOO EH held snow or not (sorry Team Touchette and everyone else flying down to Disney that weekend). Check out for more info, and join Eileen in her hopes for a snowy course. (This just in- prayers for snow were answered!) G A C F at Ass F ifty: B radley Palmer State Par k, January 9, 9 a.m. 6.2 mile loop you can run 1 - 5 times. No entry fee or advance registration required. Just sign up from 8-9 am and bring food or drink for the refreshment table. (from Kerry Phelan) Registration for the hugely popular New C harles River Run (7.5 miler and 5k in Cambridge on June 28th) opens January 15th. II \RX GRQœW JHW LQ GRQœW VD\ , GLGQœW JLYH \RX D KHDGV XS Nike Sneaker Recycling through January 20: 6RPHWKLQJ VPHOOV IXQQ\ DW WKH 6HQLRU &HQWHU ZK\ LWœV the Nike Sneaker Recycling Bin, which our own Tim Short arranged to be in the front lobby of the Senior Center through January 20 or until we get 200 sneakers donated (whichever comes first). If your VQHDNHUV DUH RQO\ ³JHQWO\ ZRUQ´ \RX FDQ EULQJ WKHP DORQg to a Saturday morning run and T R Ramsdell will be happy to collect them on behalf of his parents (and TR) who do charity work with churches and shelters in the local area. Sunday, January 24- Der ry (N H) 16 M iler WKH UDFH ZH ORYH WR KDWH <HV LWV KLOO\ \HV LWV FROG \HV LWV ORQJ DK QRW VXUH ZK\ ZH UHDOO\ GR LW EXW VLJQ XS WRGD\ ,I \RXœG OLNH WR FRPPXWH DV D JUoup, drop me an email at New E ngland Running Appreciation Night, Wednesday, January 20, 7-9 pm. Guest speaker, food, discounts and Wicked bonding make this a night not to be missed! If you plan on attending, please RSVP to Tim Short no later than Monday, January 17 at Par k and Recreation Commission Awards Night, January 27, 7 p.m.- Senior Center, 5 Broad Street, Salem. The Wicked Running Club has been selected by the Park and Recreation Commission to receive an award for our outstanding contributions to the city of Salem in 2009- nice! All members are welcome to attend. Salem Par k and Recreation and M ike Toomey of the Sports Spa, 12 W eek M arathon C linic, Saturdays starting 1/30-4/17 (12 weeks), 7 a.m. Planning to run Boston or another Spring Marathon? This clinic may be just what you need. Participants receive a customized training program based on the time goal and date of their marathon. The group will be meeting one day per week, but everyone will receive a written training plan. $125 for 12 weeks. Contact Mike Toomey at or 928-607-9676 for more info W icked Running Holiday Party, Saturday, F ebruary 6 0RRVH /RGJH LQ 6DOHP 0$ :HœYH ditched the swap, but keeping the pot luck. Race series results and other surprises! Families welcome- see for more details. Sunday, F ebruary 7, 10 a.m. T he G reat Stew C hase 15k. Actually, the stew is not so great, DQG QHLWKHU LV WKH KLOO\ DQG ERULQJ FRXUVH EXW \RXœOO UHFRJQL]H DORW RI IULHQGO\ IDFHV IURP /\QQ :RRGV DQG RWKHU ORFDO UDFHV SOXV LWœV WKH ILUVW UDFH LQ WKH Wicked Grand Prix.
P A G E 3. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
5811,1* $5281'ÂŤ Upcoming Races and E vents (Con.) Sunday, F ebruary 7, 10 a.m. 3rd A nnual Super Sunday 5 K /10 K to benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation and other cancer charities. Doug and I did this Boston Seaport race the first year. Free and easy parking, the course is flat, and beer and Legal Seafood chowder post race. Good race for a good cause. This one has a limit, so sign up early if interested. Sunday, F ebruary 28, H yannis Racing W eekend- something for everyone from a marathon to a half marathon and a 10k. Word is there will be lots of Wicked sightings for all distances as well as at the pasta dinner. This race sells out each year, so sign up soon. Sunday, M arch 21, 5k at O lde Salem G reens FURVV FRXQWU\ UXQ RWKHUZLVH NQRZQ DV 'RXJÂśV Hilly Hell run. This is in the 2010 Park & Rec Race Series AND the Wicked Grand Prix , so you gotta suck it up! 2QJRLQJ :LFNHG *URXS 5XQVÂŤ Monday nights, 6:15 p.m. from Dane Street Beach, Beverly, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 5:30 a.m. from Front Street CafĂŠ, Salem, and Saturday PRUQLQJV DW D P IURP )RUHVW 5LYHU 3DUN 6DOHP 'RQÂśW VHH D WLPH WKDW \RX OLNH WR UXQ" )HHO free to send a shout out the Club for company.
Got info to share about an upcoming event or race for the February newsletter? Send it along to R U N N I N G P E RSO N A LS
Dion Snowshoe W icked Running C lub Discount O rder Submitted by Dan Barrett Attention Runners and aspiring (and perspiring) Snowshoe people. F riday, January 15th is the Deadline for the 2nd and final snowshoe order of the season. Snowshoes would be delivered by Monday, February 1st just in time for snowshoe races in NH from Feb 1st to March 21st. I am coordinating the order, which will be placed by Bill Morse on our behalf. WRC Members will receive a 20% discount on this group order, and the average cost ranges from $150 to $ 225, depending on what type you order (Racing / Hiking /Roaming Around). If you would like more information on how or what to order and/or an order form, email me at or call 781-589-3169. You may also email Bill Morse at Orders and checks must be received before January 15, and you must order through me or Bill to get this discount. For snowshoe model information, refer to Let it snow! -
Boston M arathon Volunteer Sign Up Submitted by John Mahoney, Wicked Running is gearing up to provide volunteers for the 2010 Boston Marathon which will be on Monday, April 19, 2010. Last year, the BAA asked if we could get 60 volunteers and we fell short but it would be great if we could get to that level this year. All of our volunteers do not have to be WRC members, so you can invite family and friends to volunteer with us. Note, however, that all volunteers must be at least 18 years old. The BAA will soon be opening their volunteer web page and you can sign up to be part of the Wicked volunteer group by using the following group name and pass code: group name: W icked Running C lub, pass code: go_wicked Finally, take a look at the BAA website where they print, "Special thanks to the following running clubs, whose members volunteer with us each year .. Wicked Running Club." More information to come!
P A G E 4. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
6((1 +($5' ³21 7+( 581´ From M ichele C ampbell VKRUWO\ DIWHU her husband G if was admitted to Mass General Hospital, the first bouquet with well wishes they received was from the Wicked Running Club -. Seems like Gif is on the mend, as he was spotted near Target by Tim Short on Christmas Eve in search of a Nintendo Wii. K aren G iroux recommended the website for some pretty hilarious running commentariescheck it out for a chuckle! K athey Moskal 5HDG RQ IDFHERRN ³0\ PRWWR , UXQ VR , FDQ HDW ´ PH WRR .DWK\ , OLNH IRRG WRR PXFK WR GLHW
M arie Gesnaldo is on the hunt for a flat marathon for 2010. Did she say M ARA T H O N? A lison Phelan thought it odd that %HWK 2œ*UDG\ was picking up doll legs from the ground during their Christmas run. The tradition dates back to 2003 when Beth trained for Boston during one of the coldest winters in history and her mother insisted that her doctor told her your leg can snap right off in cold weather. Judging from all the legs Beth finds on her runs, her mother was right! 2XU :LFNHG )URVW\ )RXU 1HZ <HDUœV 5DFH EDQQHU was seen proudly hanging across Washington Street in 6DOHP WKDW LV XQWLO WKH VQRZVWRUP KLW DIWHU ZKLFK LW ZDV VHHQ VDGO\ KDQJLQJ E\ D VLQJOH JURPPHW LQ D WDQJOHG ripped clump of red and white vinyl. Off to the banner hospital! If you want to make a 10 mile run go by fast, jog with Colin Doherty and ask him about diving with a great white VKDUN WKLV SDVW VXPPHU 6FDULHU WKDQ -DZV EHFDXVH LWœV WUXH It sounds like W icked Running will have quite a representation at Disney Race W eekend in January, including a SRVW *RRI\ ³EHHUV RI WKH ZRUOG´ UHOD\ UDFH DURXQG (SFRW &KHFN EDFN LQ )HEUXDU\ IRU WKH DIWHUPDWK WRC member Patty C arter is on the way to a career change as she finishes her studies to be a Personal Trainer. Seen at the finish line of the Frosty Four during our friendly group run- Steve Touchette trying to kick past K er ry Phelan at the finish line. In this case, experience did not beat youth In another Frosty Four kicking scenario, I asked Doug (Bollen) if he wanted to race it in as we approached the finish line. His response was ³Nah, IœP MXVW MRJJLQJ´ EXW D few yards later I heard the familiar sound of ¾kicking it outœ behind me as he passed me in the final foot. So WKDWœV KRZ \RX ZDQW WR VWDUW WKH 1HZ <HDU? Game on!
2010 W I C K E D E L E C T I O N R ESU L TS The WRC is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to fun, friendship and running. As of January 1, 2010 we have 242 members, 57% female and 43% male, which seems to follow the national trend of women outnumbering men at many races. The following members will be representing the WRC in 2010 as members of the board. Contact information for each one is available at the end of this newsletter. Club meetings are open to all members, so please join us! President: Tim Short V ice President: Rich Tomlins Secretary: Alison Phelan T reasurer: Melissa Jaynes M embership Coordinator: Annie Rose Willis Clothing Coordinator: Michele Campbell A t L arge: TR Ramsdell, Shari Hewson, Allison Rourke
Thank you to retiring 2009 board members: Doug Bollen, Kathey Moskal, John Mahoney, Mike Toomey and Kerry Gertz
P A G E 5. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
RE VIE W Y OUR RA C E TKLV PRQWKÂśV UDFH UHYLHZ LV IURP David Long who ran the Marathon Sports 5k Somerville Jingle Bell Run on Sunday, December 13 (18:12, 5:52 pace): ÂłWith well over 4,000 runners, the Somerville Jingle Bell Run 5K is quite the
spectacle. Davis Square traffic is shut down for the duration, making it easy to socialize and warm-up/down pre- and post- race. Holiday tunes fill the air. You'll see runners dressed up as Santas and Elves (cash prizes for top 3 finishers for both these categories), as well as possible sightings of reindeer, presents, candy canes, and even the Gingerbread Boy. With a crowd this big, a PR is unlikely, but not out of the question as chip timing comes into play. Packet pickup occurs conveniently all week prior at various area Marathon Sports locations and then, on race day, in Davis Square up to 1/2 hour before race start. Parking is actually not as big a problem as one might think if show up reasonably early, although if you can take the T, all the better -- no place to keep your stuff however, so pack light, or bring a spectator friend. The course is well marked with some rolling hills, the timing system is close enough. Expect plenty of spectators along the way and a water stop thrown in for good measure. The post-race scene might make the cost of admission ($30 this year, with cotton shirt) worth it. Harpoon and many local bars/restaurants historically sponsor the event which translates into free pints for an hour or two after the race. Rumor has it, Redbones puts out quite the food spread for the runners, but the line was too long to tackle for this sour Santa (read: I finished 4th among the Santas this year, argh). O verall, I'd rate this race 3.5 W icked C ats (out of a possible 1RW D ¾PXVW-UXQœ EXW ZRUWK H[SHULHQFLQJ RQFH ´
Thanks for the review Dave, and for inventing our new five cat rating system! Got a race to review? Send your review, a photo and your Wicked Cat rating to
Q U EST I O N O F T H E M O N T H : W H A T IS YO UR RU N N I N G G O A L F OR 2010? %HWK 2œ*UDG\ ³7R TXDOLI\ IRU %RVWRQ LQ P\ QHZ DJH JURXS ,W ZRQœW EH HDV\ IRU PH WR FXW P\ 35 GRZQ WR EXW WKDWœV ZKDW PDNHV LW D JRDO ´ Stephanie H agyard: ³7R UXQ D KDOI PDUDWKRQ DQG JHW P\ PLOH WLPH WR D -minute mile from where it is now :- ´ K er ry Phelan ³7R JHW XS IRU RI WKH GD\V IRU WKH a.m. run in Salem at least till track season begins. Then get up both days during the summer till cross-FRXQWU\ EHJLQV ´ , KHDU \RX .HUU\ LI , FDQ JHW XS IRU RU GD\V DOO \HDU ,œOO EH ZD\ DKHDG RI ODVW \HDU
P A G E 6. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
Q U EST I O N O F T H E M O N T H : W H A T IS YO UR RU N N I N G G O A L F OR 2010? (Con.) Sue K eezer ³, MXVW UHJLVWHUHG IRU WKH SULQFHVV KDOI PDUDWKRQ LQ 0DUFK ,W ZLOO EH P\ first half marathon. My goal is simply to finish it, hopefully smiling :- ´ K er ry Gertz: ³6RXQGV NLQGD VLOO\ EXW P\ JRDO IRU LV WR 35 DW P\ ILUVW PDUDWKRQ EDFN IURP FKLOG ELUWK %DE\ due in May, planning to break 4:45 at Marine Corp Marathon in OctREHU <,.(6 ´ Rich T abbut: ³5XQ WKH IROORZLQJ UDFH VHULHV DQG GR ZHOO LQ HDFK :LFNHG *UDQG 3UL[ 6DOHP 5RDG 5DFH 6HULHV 6DXFRQ\ 5RDG 5DFH 6HULHV ´ T im C lar ke: ³, KRSH WR TXDOLI\ IRU %RVWRQ ZLWK D IDOO PDUDWKRQ , DP WKLQNLQJ &ODUHQFH 'H0Dr or Bay State. Other hi-lights of the year will be the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco in May and 7LPEHUPDQ ,URQPDQ GLVWDQFH WULDWKDORQ LQ 1+ LQ $XJXVW ´ &KULV $QGHUVRQ ³To complete my first marathon. I'm signed up to run Hyannis witK &KLS DQG .DUHQ ´ Dave Long: ³2QH RI P\ JRDOV WKLV \HDU LV WR FRPSOHWH D SURMHFW , VWDUWHG ODVW \HDU UXQ DOO URDGV LQ %HYHUO\ 0\ RQH UXOH LV WKDW , PXVW VWDUW UXQQLQJ IURP P\ KRPH RU HOVH ELNH WR D VSRW DQG VWDUW IURP WKHUH EXW QR GULYLQJ ´ M ariko W eston: My first goal is to complete the Frosty Four. My original goal was to complete my first 5K but ILJXULQJ WKH )) LV IRXU PLOHV ZHOO , ZLOO EH PLOH RYHU P\ JRDO \HDK ´ A llison Rour ke: ³0\ JRDOV WKLV \HDU DUH WR EUHDN KRXUV LQ D KDOI PDUDWKRQ DQG WR FRPSOHWH D PDUDWKRQ ´ Debbie Shahidi: ³$OO ULJKW-P\ JRDO LV WR UXQ D KDOI PDUDWKRQ LQ , KRSH , FDQ GR LW , ILJXUH WKDW LI , µSXW LW RXW WKHUH¶ IRU HYHU\RQH WR VHH WKHQ PD\EH , ZLOO EH PRUH OLNHO\ WR GR LW ´ M elissa Jaynes: ³My WRC resolution is to spread joy and happiness. I will put little cards in my wallet with WRC info. When someone asks me about hobbies, health, or running I'll give them a card. Spread the love baby! My 2010 running goaO PD\ DV ZHOO JR µRXW WKHUH¶ IRU DOO WR KHDU , :,// EUHDN KRXUV RQ WKH PDUDWKon and PR for the 1/2 as well:)´ T R Ramsdell: ³I want to be sub 20 for 5K, I want to qualify for Boston, I want to make a difference. Okay, it's out there. Now I've got some work to do. :o)´ Julie A r rison: ³I have two goals for this year...the first is to complete my first 13.1 on 9/25 and the second is to get my 5K to a comfortable 10 minute mile. I also signed up for the race series and am looking forward to those races as well!´ Shari H ewson: ³7R FRPSODLQ OHVV PD\ EH WRXJK EH PRUH GLOLJHQW DERXW ZRUNLQJ RXW DQG WUDLQLQJ DQG PD\EH just maybe, 2010 will be the year I GR D PDUDWKRQ ´ Jason M atulewicz: ³0\ JRDO IRU WKH \HDU LV WR EHDN IRU D +DOI-,URQPDQ ´ Shawna E rps: ³0\ JRDOV IRU DUH EH UHDG\ WR UDFH FRPH VSULQJWLme. My plan is to start with the SSC race DQG GR WKH XVXDO ORFDO UDFHV DORQJ ZLWK WKH 7XIWV N ,Q 2FW <RX OO VHH PH LQ WKH VSULQJ ´ M ichele C ampbell: ³Keep shaving time off my races -- no matter the distance. Attend more WRC group runs. And, here it is people, I want to run a marathon in 2010. Yup. The big one!´
P A G E 7. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
³, 0 $/62 $1 I N V E N T OR ´ Wicked Member John McDonough lives in Nahant with his wife Suzanne, 7 year-old triplets (all boys), a dog and a cat. He also has 2 older children who live away from home. I posed a few questions to John to help us get to know him better.
I've never met anyone who was an inventor, what sort of things do you invent? Software and financial models and services. Many Wicked runners may use something called NetBenefits. I created that system almost 15 years ago, and it is used by over 6 million retirement account holders at Fidelity. Do you also make and sell the stuff you invent, or just think of cool ideas and let everyone else do the work? Both. Some of the inventions have been built, some not. Are you a gazillionaire? Not even close. Could you invent something to help me run faster? Not my area. You mentioned you just returned from vacation, but when I looked it up at I see you visited Aushwitz and Birkenau which may not be my fist choice for vacation. Why visit there, and what was that experience like? I wanted to go to Poland because I have had six polish au pairs DQG DOO WKH SHRSOH VSHDN (QJOLVK WKHUH LWÂśV D ZHOFRPLQJ SODFH 7KH GHDWK camps are an important part of history, and about 75 minutes outside of Krakow, so this time I decided to go. The size and scale of Birkenau is huge, movies do not begin to show just how big the camp was. ,ÂśYH QHYHU PHW DQ\RQH ZKR KDG DQ $X 3DLU LV WKDW OLNH $OLFH RQ WKH %UDG\ %XQFK" Not at all. They are all young, less than 27 and from Poland or Russia. We have mostly hired Polish girls. They all love coming to America and are great with the kids. And much prettier than Alice!
I heard that you have a bit of a reputation for having close encounters with cars when you run- fact or fiction? +D WKDWÂśV MXVW UXPRUV IURP VRPH ZLFNHG UXQQHUV What is your favorite race? The Montreal demi-marathon- I love going there every year for the race with the family. Anything else that might surprise us about you? 20 years ago I weighed nearly 200 pounds! Thank you to John for being our first victim, and a good sport.
1H[W PRQWK find out hRZ -DPHV 'H/XFD DQVZHUHG WKH TXHVWLRQ ³, DP DOVR D BBBBBBBBBBBB´ T he W R C told us to stuff it, and we answered the call! The Frosty Four bag stuffing was held a the Salem Academy and several students volunteered to help out.
Thanks Salem Academy!
P A G E 8. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
J A N U A R Y C O N T EST- N A M E O U R M ASC O T ,I \RXœYH UHDG WKLV IDU \RX GHVHUYH D FKDQFH WR ZLQ VRPHWKLQJ We are all familiar with the Cat on our Wicked Running Logo, and the controversy about why there is so much tension in the tail (is it the wind or something else?) but while our Club is now five years young, our mascot remains unnamed. Send in your suggestion, and if your name is selected by the Club to be the mRVW LQVSLUDWLRQDO \RX ZLOO ZLQ D VXUSULVH SUL]H , GRQœW HYHQ NQRZ ZKDW LW LV \HW Send your responses to by January 15, and the winning name will be selected by a Club survey and announced in February. Above is a photR RI RXU PDVFRW ³:KDWœV +LV 1DPH´ WR LQVSLUH \RX (7R WKH ULJKW LV WKH 3KHODQ IDPLO\œV GRJ -DFN VSRUWLQJ KLV ZLFNHG VLQJOHW +H VDLG KH ZRXOG EH KDSS\ WR WDNH RYHU
N E W 2010 W I C K E D G R A N D PR I X SE R I ES by T R Ramsdell 7KH UDFH VHULHV LV VXUH WR EH D KLW :HœYH PDGH VRPH FKDQJHV WKLV \HDU DQG FKRVHQ D YDULHW\ RI UDFHV WKDW ZLOO PDNH WKLV D ³WUXH UDFH VHULHV´ (DFK UDFH LV D GLIIHUHQW OHQJWK DQG GLIILFXOW\ 7KLV VHULHV ZLOO prove to be a little PRUH FKDOOHQJLQJ WKDQ MXVW D \HDU IXOO RI . URDG UDFHV :HœYH DOVR VSUHDG WKH UDFHV RXW PRUH HYHQO\ RYHU WKH course of the year, as well as cut down on the number of races in the series. For 2010, there are 8 races chosen on the schedule. You M UST complete any 6 of the races to be considered a series finisher. Only your top 6 scores FRXQW EXW \RX FDQ UXQ DOO LI \RX ZLVK <RXœOO QRWLFH WKDW ZHœYH DOVR FKRVHQ UDFHV WKDW ZLOO SXW :LFNHG UXQQHUV all over the North Shore in a variety of towns to gain exposure, and promote Wicked as the premier running club! 6R PDUN \RXU FDOHQGDUV DQG OHWœV JHW DV PDQ\ :LFNHG UXQQHUV RXW WKHUH DV SRVVLEOH 7KLV \HDU WKH *UDQG 3UL[ duties will be handled by T.R. Ramsdell (, and Dan Barrett (, so if you have any questions about the series or scoring, please direct your comments to their email.
2010 Wicked Running Club Grand Prix Series Month February March April July August September October November
Race Stew Chase Olde Salem Greens Chase Down the Gorilla Yankee Homecoming Derby Street Mile Lone Gull Sun 1/2 Marathon & Baystate Marathon Wild Turkey 5 Mile Run!
Distance 15K 5K 5K 10 mile 1 mile 10K 13.1 miles or 26.2 miles 5 miles
Location Lynn Salem Marblehead Newburyport Salem Gloucester
Date 2/7 3/21 TBA TBA TBA 9/19
Lowell Salem
TBA 11/25
P A G E 9. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
PR ESI D E N T I A L P E RSP E C T I V E by T im Short Here we are at the start of a new year and things are looking mighty fine for the Wicked Running Club. I would first like to WKDQN %HWK 2œ*UDG\ IRU GHYHORSLQJ WKH :LFNHG 5XQQLQJ &OXE Register Newsletter. The evolution from the Wicked Weekly Update to the WRC Register should be one that invites more Wicked Runners to participate in the development of the newsletter from month to month. With a more interactive feel and driven by the input of the membership of Wicked, I believe that the WRC Register is going to be a great edition to our fantastic club! 2QH UHDVRQ ZK\ ,œP VR WKULOOHG WKDW %HWK KDV FRPH XS ZLWK the new format for our Newsletter is this great section aptly WLWOHG ³3UHVLGHQWLDO 3HUVSHFWLYH´ ,W ZLOO JLYH PH D FKDQFH RYHU the next twelve months to express different ideas and thoughts about Wicked and where the club is heading. Coming back for a second term as President of the Wicked Running Club, one challenge that I would like to work on is making sure all of our 240+ members feel like they have a vested interest in Wicked and that they are part of D JUHDW H[SHULHQFH 0DQ\ SHRSOH PLJKW VD\ WKDWœV D FUD]\ WKLQJ WR WU\ DQG DFFRPSOLVK :LWK VR PDQ\ GLIIHUHQW YLHZV H[SHULHQFHV ZDQWV DQG QHHGV RI HDFK PHPEHU LW FDQ VHHP OLNH D GDXQWLQJ WDVN , WKLQN LWœV DOO DERXW listening to the members and making sure that they have a person to go to express an idea or share a story that PLJKW OHDG WR DQ LPSURYHPHQW LQ WKH RYHUDOO VWUXFWXUH RI WKH &OXE , ZRXOG OLNH WR WKLQN RI DV WKH ³<HDU RI WKH :LFNHG 5XQQHU´ 7KH &OXE KDV FHUWDLQO\ WXUQed a new page in its history, as it will be six years old this year. %XW KRZ GR ZH FRQWLQXH WKH VXFFHVV WKDW ZHœYH DOO EHHQ SDUW RI GXULQJ WKH ILUVW \HDUV DQG WUDQVODWH WKDW LQWR sustained growth and even more success for the next 5, 10, 15 even 20 years? By taking it one year at a time and getting to what made me fall in love with Wicked in the first place. :KHQ , ILUVW MRLQHG :LFNHG EDFN LQ WKH 0RWWR ZDV ³:H ZDON ZH UXQ ZH JHQHUDOO\ KDYH IXQ´ 6RXQGV DZHVRPH ULJKW" :KR ZRXOGQœW ZDQW WR EH DSDUW of something has cool and exciting as that! Yes, it was easier back then to organize social events to get members from Wicked together; then again there were only 50 or 60 of us! I would like to bring back that feeling this year and offer more ways for members of Wicked to meet up at different social events during the year. After all, Wicked runners are very friendly and would love to share a beer, pizza, or even some tofu with you. This month I would love to have as many people as possible attend our Wicked Club Night at New England Running Company in Beverly. It will be held on January 20th from 7pm-9pm. Our good friends from NE Running Co. will provide the food, drinks, entertainment and discounts. With so many newer members joining within the past couple of months, this is a great way to not only rub elbows with members you already know, but DOVR JHW WR NQRZ D QHZ :LFNHG 5XQQHU %XGG\ DQG SLFN XS D QHZ SDLU RI VKRHV DOO LQ WKH VDPH QLJKW +RZœV WKDW for a benefit of being part of the Wicked Running Club!?!? In February, Wicked will be hosting a Movie Night at the Moose Lodge in Salem. Stay tuned for more details on this fun event. ,œP YHU\ H[FLWHG WR EH WKH 3UHVLGHQW RI :LFNHG WKLV \HDU DQG ORRN IRUZDUG WR PHHWLQJ HYHU\RQH LQ WKH :LFNHG Running Club. ,WœV P\ KRSH WKDW WRJHWKHU ZH FDQ FRQWLQXH WR VWUHQJWKHQ :LFNHG WR PDNH LW WKH EHVW UXQQLQJ FOXE around! Go Wicked! Thank you,
T im Short, President P A G E 10. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
W R C N E W V O L U N T E E R O PPO R T U N I T I ES Tim Short put the call out for those willing to help the WRC coordinate our Volunteer Opportunities for races and otherwise, and Kathey Moskal and Paul McCabe stepped up the starting line! A word from Kathey Moskal: ÂłMembers will periodically be receiving emails from me and Paul McCabe with regard to volunteer opportunities for different races and events throughout the year that Wicked supports. We will be looking for people to jump in and get involved with some different races helping race directors with the many different tasks that it takes to make a race run successfully. Volunteering for races is important to help foster support for our races as well as to help out other clubs and charities within the North Shore running community. Please plan on helping out at a race if you can - it is a great way to get involved and not only meet other Wicked members, but also other runners in the community. We would love to see new members get out there and get involved!!! As an extra incentive, we will be keeping track of who volunteers for which races and the top volunteers will be in for a great surprise at the end of the year. I will keep you posted on races that we have chosen that need volunteers, but I can tell you now that the Stew Chase in Feb and Olde Salem Greens in March will be 2 that we will be looking for some help with. We will also be looking for some help with the Lynn Woods races over the summer! Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns about volunteering. Thanks, Kathey Moskal & Paul McCabe
W I C K E D C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N: There are about a million ways to stay in touch with Wicked, just a few options are below:
Got a question? You can e-mail the Board at: President: Tim Short, V ice President: Rich Tomlins, Secretary: Alison Phelan, T reasurer: Melissa Jaynes, M embership Coordinator: Annie Rose Willis, C lothing Coordinator: Michele Campbell, A t L arge: TR Ramsdell,, Shari Hewson,, Allison Rourke, Volunteer Coordinators: Kathey Moskal, and Paul McCabe, W icked G rand Prix: TR Ramsdell, or Dan Barrett, Snowshoe O rder : Dan Barrett, or Bill Morse, Boston M arathon Volunteer: John Mahoney, Newsletter Contributions: Beth OÂś*UDG\ W icked W ebsite:
Wicked is also on Twitter and F acebook so check us out! Did you see a comment from another W R C member youÂśG OLNH WR UHVSRQG WR" Want to send some encouraging words, or maybe car pool to a race? Drop Membership Coordinator Annie Rose an email and sheÂśOO IRUZDUG \RXU PHVVDJH WR the appropriate member.
P A G E 11. W R R, J A N U A R Y 2010
1(;7 0217+ÂŤ * The year is still young, and its not too late to send your 2010 goal to add to our list. When you achieve your goal, drop me a note so we can all celebrate! * Just how F rosty was our Four M ile Run? Find out next month when we wrap up our annual Club race. * Dan Cooper will take a quick break from his studying to give us some insight into the cross training craze of snow snowshoeing. * Team Touchette will review the Goofy C hallenge at Walt Disney Resort in Florida. All you have to do is run a KDOI PDUDWKRQ DQG D IXOO PDUDWKRQ RQ EDFN WR EDFN GD\VÂŤ <DK LW DLQÂśW FDOOHG *RRI\ IRU QRWKLQÂś * W here in the World is W icked? Send me photos of you in your Wicked finest and see if other members can figure out Where in the World you are. * Q uestion of the Month for F ebruary: W hat is your favorite Post Run/Race recovery T reat? Send your answer to
Thank you to WRC members for helping to make this first edition a Winner! Although I will send a mid month reminder for contributions for February, please feel fee to drop me a note at any time you think of something youÂśd like to add. With over 240 members, photos are always welcome to help us to get to know each other. Please forgive any omissions, errors, name misspellings and anything else I may have unintentionally done to offend anyone or embarrass myself or my family -. B.