WRR Oct 2010

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The Wicked Running Register OCTOBER 2010

Est. Jan 2010



QUOTES OF THE MONTH “In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed.” -Sid Caesar “The most important day in any running program is rest. Rest days give your muscles time to recover so you can run again. Your muscles build in strength as you rest.” –Hal Higdon

WICKED KUDOS TR Ramsdell continues to “Chase the Mouse” (as did Miles Fartlek, photo right) and ended up with a PR at the Disneyland Half Marathon in CA on September 5. TR’s Facebook post: “A little bit slower than I'd hoped for, but I PR'd my 1/2 in Disneyland, 1:34:57. They even said my name when I ran through Angel stadium. How cool is that?” Pretty cool! Tim & Nicole Short are 99.99% sure they will be welcoming a baby GIRL next February. Sounds like a valentine birthday to me, which is warning to all future boyfriends they better do it up big time! Wicked left their mark at the Run the Goose 7K in Gloucester on Labor Day. In photo left, Annie Rose Willis, battling a knee injury, still captured 1st place overall female, and Dave Long ran another strong race, finishing just 10 seconds behind the 1st place male to capture 3rd overall. John Gillis captured 1st place 40-49, and Elaine Ambrozaitis placed first in 20-29. Same place, same day, the Cape Ann 25k took place, famous for its 16 hills slogan. Wicked Fast John Ayers (right) finished 11 overall, and 2nd in his 40-49 age group. Perhaps Robert Guay summed up this race best, when he called it a “a hilly MF”, while he still pulled off a PR. Congrats to Wicked competitors in both races! For a complete list of finishers, check out coolrunning.com.

Photo left, Cape Ann 25k Wicked finishers: Rachael Somogie, Billy Shea, David Barrett, Dan Sullivan, Gail Gordon, Liz Touchette, Deb Touchette, Steve Touchette and Dan Barrett.

Page 2. Some Wicked runners picked up some bling at the International Race for Research 5k in Peabody on Saturday, September 11, including: Jason Barnes, 3rd overall, 1st Male 40-49 Age Group; William Jackson, 2nd in Male 2029 Age Group; Dan Sullivan, 3rd in Male 20-29 Age Group; Billy Prentiss, 2nd in Male 60-69 Age Group; Deb Touchette, 1st in Female 50-59 Age Group. Congrats to Steve Touchette (right) who ran 3:39:54 at the Clarence De Mar Marathon in NH on September 26, qualifying him for Boston. Woo hoo! His bride Deb who also ran, previously qualified, so they will be celebrating the achievement of their goals when they run Boston 2011! WRC members Liz Touchette, Kathey Moskal and Mara Mendelson also participated in the Clarence. This was Mara’s first marathon- congrats! Congrats to Moe Kelly, featured WRC member in the March edition, who was recently named co-director at Altman Vilandrie & Co., a strategy consulting firm focused on the communications, media, clean tech and related technology sectors. (Whatever that means… sounds very important!)

There was a plethora of PRs at the Lone Gull on Sunday, September 19, not to mention a sea of red singlets as you can see from this photo of some, but not all, Wicked participants. So many I’m afraid to list them as I may leave someone out. Check out cool running results for the full listing of awesome times! For prizes, Wicked Women Jacquie Washburn, Beth O’Grady and Deb Touchette picked up a first place Master’s prize of $200 in the club team category, and donated it back to the Lone Gull Charitable Organization which supports cancer related causes. Wicked women’s teams also won 2nd Place Open, and 3rd Place Seniors. Wicked Men’s Teams took 2nd Place Masters and 2nd Place Seniors. John Ayers picked up 2nd place in the 40-49 age group, while Billy Prentiss ran to a 3rd place finish in 60+ age group. Melissa Jaynes wins the most dramatic finish award, which she can tell you about herself. Let’s just say if I’m ever in a bad spot, I want Dan Barrett telling me bad jokes to take my mind off of how crappy I feel. At the start of the race, Liz Touchette s chasing Doug Bollen around with a dollar bill to pay her Wicked clothing fines, but alas his threats were empty as he refused the settlement. Perhaps his cousin WRC member Fred Bollen should be our new club clothing enforcer, as he posted on Facebook: “Not wearing your teams colors at a race will lead you to be summarily shot!” Now there’s some incentive to show that team spirit. And if thought our members raced fast, that was nothing compared to how fast we moved when we were given a goody bag with some leftover raffle prizes as a thank you for our generosity in supporting the race and donating back to the Lone Gull Foundation. Shannon Downey PR’d at the Komen Race for a Cure 5k in Boston on Saturday, September 25th. As Shannon said “The Komen was HOT! But I got a PR - 36:01. It's a very flat course and they changed it this year but I liked the changes - we ran a little bit along the waterfront which is always pretty.”

Page 3. From Tim Short: “Wicked Kudos to Kerry Phelan. She placed 13th in the Ocean State Invitational in Warwick RI. Kerry ran a 20:28 and was also the first runner from H.W. to cross the finish line!” Best of Luck to Tim Clarke who is taking on the Ford Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii on October 9, 2010! Rich Tabbut crushed his goal of sub 20 at the Rowley 5k on September 18, and set a new Senior PR of 19:40! Amber Woolfenden: “Thank you to Mike Toomey for putting on the running clinic. I had lots of fun and met alot of great people. Oh, and my running is improving!”

Congrats to the Salem Academy Charter School's Reach the Beach team, which included Wicked members Rachael Hunt, Colin Maclay, Bruce Campbell, Chip Tuttle, Mark Tuttle and Mark Meche. The Salem Academy Navigators finished 155th out of 430 teams over the 209 miles from Cannon Mountain to Hampton Beach last weekend to raise money and awareness for kids fitness programs at SACS. A note from Rachael: “We started at about 11:30 a.m. on Friday and ran through the night until Saturday at about 4:30 p.m. Highlights included Mark Meche and Bruce Campbell both coming back from injuries (which sidelined them for 5 months) to run the race. I was amazed that Bruce was pulling out miles in the 7-8 range with no training. Chip also ran very well and he was sick as a dog. Mark Tuttle was very fast and Colin is looking good going in to training for New York. The "Wicked" van ran from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., from 9:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. and from 7 a.m. to 12:30. We snuck in a few hours of sleep and some delicious snacks. Salem Academy has raised over $12,000 so far through the Reach the Beach effort which will go to promoting health and wellness at our school and in the community.” For more info see our interview of the month with terrible singer, Chip Tuttle. The Tache Realty Wicked Half Marathon on Saturday, September was unexpectedly HOT, but Wicked still had a huge turnout, with many members completing their first half marathon- yeah! Annie Rose Willis pulled in a $150 prize as the 2nd overall female- nice! See some photos from the race at the end of this newsletter.

Page 4. Congrats to Bill Morse who completed the Timberman Half Ironman, but was accidentally left off the list of Wicked finishers in last month’s newsletter (photo left). Bill also ran the Vermont 50k on Sunday, September 26, finishing 5th in his age groupimpressive! From Tim Short: “A group of Wicked Runners took on the Nahant 30K, billed as a great fall marathon prep race. With hills at every turn, runners abuse their quads and challenge their lungs over 18.64 miles. The North Shore Striders, who host the Nahant 30K, did a great job with the race. The course was well marked and there was plenty of water/Gatorade for all the runners.” Participants included: Tim Short, Gail Gordon, Beth Clancy, Melissa Jaynes, Billy Shea, Dan Barrett, Darla Johnson, Michele Campbell and WRC friend Marie Gesnaldo. From Darla Johnson: “To Michelle Campbell and Marie Gesnaldo, my-co “Sunshine Start Girls” on the Nahant 30k – I thought I was going to be pounding the pavement on my own that day, but ended up having a great time teaming up with the you too! Best of wishes in Chicago, you’re both going to Kick some serious asphalt!”

RUNNING AROUND… Upcoming Races & Official WRC Events Running Around is a listing of local races and running events that have been suggested by club members or emailed to the club by other groups to share with members. These are not necessarily endorsed or recommended events. Only the listings with the Wicked Logo are official Wicked Events or Grand Prix Races. For a more complete listing of upcoming races, see www.coolrunning.com. Monday, October 4, Wicked Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Salem Senior Center, Broad St. As always, all members are welcome. Questions about the meeting? Email Tim Short: tim.short1@gmail.com. Saturday, October 2, Landmark 5k, 9:30 a.m. Starts at Landmark Elementary, 167 Bridge Street, Manchester. Finishes at Landmark High School, Prides Crossing, MA. Register at Alice Ansara Athletic Center, 447 Hale Street, Prides Crossing, MA and pick up shuttle to the start no later than 9 a.m. $25 registration. www.landmarkschool.org/alumni. Saturday, October 9, Celebrate Pink 5k Road Race and Walk, 9 a.m., Portsmouth, NH. $20 in advance / $25 day of. First 300 people to register will receive a free T-shirt and event bag. The race will begin at Portsmouth Middle School, travel through downtown Portsmouth, go over the Memorial Bridge into Kittery, ME, and return to Portsmouth. Runners and walkers of all levels are encouraged to participate! Complete details and a course map can be found on www.celebratepink5k.org. Sunday, October 17, 1st Annual Fall Frolic 5k, 9:30 a.m. Beverly. Directed by WRC members Shari Hewson and Stacy Adams on behalf of the Beverly Elementary School PTO’s. The route is the same as the Beverly Homecoming race, starting at Lynch Park. $20 pre registration before September 30. www.fallfrolic5k.com Sunday, October 17, The 31st Annual Fall Foliage 5 Miler, 1:30 pm, Topsfield. Proctor School, 60 Main Street. Registration opens at 11:30am. 5 mile Certified Race. 1:30 pm start, $20 by mail/$25 day of race. Also 1.25 Fun Run, 1 p.m. and 3 mile Family Walk, 1:45 pm. Proceeds benefit local North Shore Food Pantries, community service and vocational charities in your neighborhood and beyond! Long sleeve T-shirts guaranteed for first 200 registrants who register by 9/24. Food and drink provided for participants. Adjacent ABC Masco Fair has food, games, and fun for the family. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Topsfield Boxford Middleton. For more info or to register: http://www.rotarytbm.org/fallfol.htm.

Page 5. Sunday, October 31, Devil’s Chase 6.66 Miler presented by Tache Realty, 8 a.m. Starts at Salem Willows. Pre-Reg through Sept 30th, $30 - Plummer Runners $40. Oct 1- October 31st, $40- Plummer Runners $50. Tech shirts for first 600 runners. Run like the Devil through the streets of Salem. This year’s race will feature a continuous “Thriller” dance number at Derby Wharf during the race with over 50 Zombies to entertain you. www.bnsfitness.com/events/devilchase.htm. This race is part of the Wicked Running Race Series. Sunday, November 7, 3rd Annual EBSB Fall Back Challenge, 5K Road Race/Walk, 9 a.m. EBSB, 67 Prospect Street, Peabody (Northshore Mall). Pre-entry - $15 (by Oct 29th) or Post-entry $20. New course and 11k race has been eliminated due to low numbers. http://ebsb.com/campaigns/campaign-detail.aspx?id=11, or register at active.com. Saturday, November 6, 10th Annual Stonecat 50 Mile and Marathon Trail Races, 6:15 a.m. Doyon School, 216 Linebrook Road, Ipswich. Organized by G.A.C., with proceeds to benefit Willowdale State Forest and Bradley Palmer State Park. Entry fee - 50 mile race $70 - marathon $55. There will be no race day entry. All double track, with some single track, trail in Willowdale Forest on a 12.5 mile loop. Applications available for download now! Contact Marty for more info via email at martin.t.sullivan@gmail.com. November 8, General Membership Meeting, 6:30 PM Senior Center- All Members are encouraged to attend! There will be pizza and soda available for all members who attend. Come and listen to those who have been nominated as they give their statements on why they would like to be on the WRC Board of Directors in 2011. Information about upcoming Wicked Running Club events and races will be also given out that night. Members will also get to ask questions of the current Board Members. Hope to see you there! Thanksgiving Day 2010, Thursday, November 25. The Wild Turkey 5 Mile Run! 8 a.m. Boys & Girls Club, Hawthorne Blvd., Salem. 100% of proceeds benefit youth programs at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem and Salem Park & Recreation. You know the deal- register early if you covet the popular race shirt as they go fast and sizes can’t be guaranteed! It’s also the final race in the 2010 Salem Park & Recreation Race Series, AND the Wicked Race Series. SCOOP: The race course is being changed slightly, and will be re-certified by USATF before Thanksgiving Day. Sunday, December 19, 2010, Somerville Jingle Bell 5k Run, Davis Square, 11 a.m. This fundraising race is limited to 5,000 and closes very early so sign up now if interested! I give this race 5 cats! It’s a little pricey at $31, but the proceeds support local charities and includes admission, food and a beer at local pubs in the area. Plus the finisher medal is a keepsake bottle opener. Dress up as Santa, an elf, or Rudolph and come on down! NEW for 2011: Sunday, March 6, BLACK CAT 10 & 20 Miler, 8 a.m., Salem Starts at Bentley School. 20 Mile Pre-Reg (ends February 20th) $65, Post Reg. $75. 10 Mile Pre-Reg (ends February 20th) $50, Post Reg. $60. Tech shirts for first 300 runners. Directed by B & S Fitness. http://www.bnsfitness.com/events/BlackCat.htm WEEKLY RUNS: 1) Monday nights, 6:30 p.m., Lynch Park, Beverly. Parking is free after 6 p.m. 2) Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 5:30 a.m. from Front Street, Salem 3) Thursday nights, 6:45 p.m. Salem Common near Hawthorne Hotel. Post socializing at the Engine House 4) Saturday mornings, 8 a.m. from Forest River Park, Salem Other local weekly runs, free or optional donation: *D5K, Wednesday nights, 7 p.m., rain or shines. 5K Timed Fun Run, Starts at Sweet William’s Garden Center, 141 Pine Street, Danvers. BYOB post party. Details: http://danvers5k.com/about. * “Run The Q” (a.k.a. Wakefield Lake), Wednesday nights, 6:45 p.m. Weekly 5K Hosted by the Mystic Runners. Starts at Lord Wakefield Hotel, 595 North Avenue, Wakefield. Very flat course around the Lake.

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WICKED 2011 BOARD NOMINATIONS From Peter Raymond, VP & Nomination Committee: “Hey Wicked Nation, That time of year is upon us: Board Member Election Time. If you or someone you know would like to hold a position on the Wicked Running Club Board here is how you nominate, and yes, you are more than welcome to nominate yourself! Because of rules and term limits there will be an abundance of available board positions and we would love some new blood (but old and wise is always welcome) to come and give us some exciting new ideas and input! Many of you have made great friends and running partners because of your membership in the Wicked Running Club. I can honestly say I am thankful for the club and for all the wonderful people in it. However, to maintain a running club with over 200 members, we need rules and regulations for the club to obtain the optimal experience for our members and charities we support. I know some of you just joined for your absolute “love of running” however if you would like to hold a position on the board it comes with many and serious responsibilities and I know many of you are up to the challenge. I look forward to hearing from you with all of your nominations and am excited to be a part of the election process. You will have from October 4th through October 15th to be nominated, or nominate yourself. If you are interested, you must send an e-mail to me at wickedelections@gmail.com and then we will have a General Membership Meeting on Monday, November 8th, where you can speak or present a letter regarding your intentions/campaign promises etc. why you would like to be on the board. (This is where true expectations of yourself and Wicked will be addressed and passed on to all other Wicked Members). ALL members are encouraged to come to this meeting to hear all the campaign speeches. The election will take place sometime in December and we look forward to as much participation from members as possible. Thank you for your attention, Peter.” A full description of board positions is available on the Wicked Running Website.

Related (AND SOME UNRELATED) events and SOCIAL ENGAGEMENTS From Kerry Phelan: “For anyone looking for a fun night, this is just a reminder that on October 7th from 6:30 to 8:00, Wicked will be walking in Salem's Haunted Happenings Parade! Come join members as Wicked walks from Shetland Park to the Salem Common in costume giving out candy and tattoos along the way. This is not only a great way to chat with your fellow members, but also a way to show Salem how awesome Wicked is! Families are welcome but we must meet at Shetland Park no later than 5:30 p.m. If interested or have any questions, please reply to me so I can have a head count. kphelan18@gmail.com.” Submitted by Tim Short: Y "YESS" Hosted by the Salem YMCA, Tuesday, October 12, 7 p.m. Salem Y, 1 Seawall St. A new quarterly speaker and social gathering series for endurance athletes Open as an information event for local sport clubs, activity groups and equipment providers. Educational and fun! Guest Speaker: Chris Troyanos, Director of Medical Services for the Boston Marathon. Yoga for Strength and Flexibility, Ages: 16+, Dates: Tuesdays, Session I: Oct 12 to Nov 23 (no class Nov 16); Session II: Nov 30 to Jan 4; Session III: Jan 11 to March 1; (No class Feb 15 or 22); Session IV: Mar 8 to Apr 12. Time: 6-7 p.m. Fee: $45 or $9 drop-in fee Place: Senior Center, 5 Broad St., Salem, MA. Instructor Mark Taylor, of Dover Yoga, will introduce you to Rasamaya Yoga. Rasamaya loosely translates from Sanskrit as "the illusion of a fluid" and is part of the broader "Hatha Yoga" family. This is a beautiful form of yoga that includes smooth flowing transitions. Please note that yoga in general, and Mark's Rasamaya Yoga class in particular, include lots of postures that stretch the feet, calves, hamstrings, gluts, back, and open the hips. These are great exercises to complement a serious running program and help avoid running injuries. Each class includes Sun Salutations, plank poses to strengthen the upper body, and core work. These allow runners to develop a good bit of muscle strength without a formal weight lifting program. The small group setting allows for individual attention. Please bring your own mat and dress in comfortable clothes. Both beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome.

Page 7. From John Mahoney (with his wife, left) : “Did you know there are quite a few vegetarians in the Wicked Running Club? I have told the ones I know about the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival but there might be other people that would like to know too. I am planning to go into town and check it out! Check out: http://www.bostonveg.org/foodfest. The 15th Annual Boston Vegetarian Food Festival, Saturday, October 30, 2010, 10 AM - 6 PM and Sunday, October 31, 2010, 10 AM - 4 PM. Free admission, free parking, free food samples! Reggie Lewis Athletic Center 1350 Tremont Street, Boston, MA.”

RUNNING PERSONALS From Sarah Carrier (right): “Hello Wicked Nation! I am seeking your kind assistance. I am looking for a few (or one?) good folks to take over the Monday night runs out of Beverly. My schedule has been such that I have been unable to attend more and more of these runs and I feel it's time to pass the torch. This is an important run to keep, as it's often one where many people new to the club attend. It is also a relaxing and enjoyable run, and I hope to attend them as much as I can, but am hoping someone else can become a more consistent presence here. If you are interested PLEASE let me know!! I can give you all the info you need. Thanks and hope to hear from you! All the best, Sarah saranneblue@hotmail.com” From Mia Poppe Mountain: “Thank you Wicked for the gorgeous fruit basket. I'm not sure who to thank exactly, although I know Michelle C. had a bit to do with it :) I'll be honest. Cancer's no fun. The treatment is exhausting and the side affects are awful. That said, I'm always being told that I look good (despite how I feel!). Yesterday, at my very first acupuncture session, I was told I had ‘the aura of a healthy person’. So there we are. I note these things here not to boast but because I have to say that the Salem community has been a wealth of support. I feel very *held* by all of your good vibes and I don't think I'd be doing so well emotionally if it weren't for all of you. I'll think of you and getting better as I consume all of these lovely nutritious fruits. You're all a bunch of dolls and I love you :) xo Mia Poppe Mountain” Mia was also spied Mia at the Wicked Half Marathon cheering on her Thursday night crew, so we all support each other ☺. For those of you who didn’t read my post on Facebook a month or so ago, I had a few unfortunate run-ins with some characters on the Salem/Marblehead running path. You may have noticed the walls and bridges have been tagged with graffiti, and for a few weeks when it was hot and the tide was high, there were some pretty big gangs (and I do mean gangs) hanging out at the entrance to the trail. I think they even scared the fishing people away! It was scary enough that I was asked by a few running friends to remind you that when we run off-road where we can’t easily be seen by passing cars, it is not only more fun to run with club members, but also safer. Darla Johnson post on In The Long Run dedication on PhiladelphiaMarathon.com: “This will be my first marathon. I've attempted to run a marathon the last two years. First time I had IT band issue in 2008. 2009 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. And training for the Oct 09 marathon was what kept me positive during radiation treatments. Complications from radiation caused me to drop out 3 days before the Newport RI marathon, my ‘sole’mate ran it for me....in a Nor'Easter no less! This year I celebrated my first anniversary of being Cancer Free, so I'm running and training because I can. Because I'm stronger than cancer, and because I want to give cancer the finger for those who are fighting it and those who didn't make it.” Did anyone else notice Dan Barrett’s festive 200 mile Christmas Jog, listed on our website as the final “bonus” race of the Wicked Race Series?

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CLUB ANNOUNCEMENTS & NEWS 2011 Boston Marathon Registration opens on Monday, October 18 at 9 a.m. As more people are qualifying, this race sells out faster each year, so if you qualified, don’t delay! Mike Toomey (left, eating an ice cream at the Derby Mile) and the fall running clinic, including Prez Tim Short, were interviewed for a new Salem website called The Patch. Check it out at http://salem.patch.com/articles/a-wicked-running-club-trains-in-salem. The official 2010 Lynn Woods Summer Series is over for the year. Thanks to the Bill Mullen and the great volunteers who donate Wednesday nights all summer to keep this event going! And of course thanks to Mike Fitzgerald for all the great memories captured in his weekly photo album.

SEEN & HEARD “ON THE RUN” Email from Tim Short: “It's my favorite time of the month. wahoooooo! A new WRR! ☺” Tricia Pini responding to being spied in her florescent turkey shirt exiting Giovanni’s pizza: “I remember! We were pulling an all-nighter at the school getting ready for the first day of school and I did go to Giovanni's for a spinach calzone w/red onion and feta! Busted!” Amber Woolfenden: “Did you know Susan Keezer is a biochemist and Mary Bruno (photo left) is a geophysicist? Wow!” Submitted by TR Ramsdell: “During the Rowley Poker Run, Annie Rose ran by the lady standing at mile marker 2. When she asked her for her time, the lady replied ‘Oh it's about quarter past 9’”. Robert Guay not only works at an in-town ad agency; he is also a music producer on the side with a studio in his home. John Mahoney’s wife took to calling him by the nickname “Morose Mahoney” as he worked to get his medications – and his mood – back on track. A male runner heading down Derby Street in Salem on a very hot morning was holding the bottom of his soaking wet short sleeve tee in his mouth, assumingly to get some air, or maybe he was hydrating? Gross! For those of you who sometimes get an upset stomach on long runs/races, Deb Touchette recommends Ginger Chews by Ginger People which she has found in the Beverly Shaw’s or online at www.gingerpeople.com. As I tried to track down Miles Fartlek to bring him to Wicked with me, I sounded like a parent looking for their kid as I sent messages like “Who was he with when you saw him last”… “Do you know where he is going and when he’ll be back?” Funny! Read on Facebook: "Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground". Kathey Moskal Facebook posting 8/28: "I just ran what was quite possibly the toughest run of my short running career - 7.1 miles of technical trails in Beverly - I was SLOW, but I finished! Thanks to Team T, Bill M, Alison, Natty, and Mary for hanging around for me to finish." Interesting to read that although Shalane Flannigan lives in Oregon, she can’t train at Hayward Field as every time she shows up, spectators also show up and start timing her laps. Tough to be that fast More age group alerts- Sue Keezer has moved up a notch to the 40’s (but you’d never guess it!) and Prez Tim Short is preparing to wreak some havoc in the 30’s category.

Page 9. After receiving his long awaited promotion to head groundskeeper- of his own yard- Steve Touchette claims he was immediately demoted after he outlined the Wicked Cat logo in the middle, or so he claimed on Facebook. Feeling good about our Northeastern Big Dog 5k run on the esplanade, Doug Bollen and I strolled back to the car parked at the Boston Herald, and decided to check out the festivities on the Boston Common only to find ourselves in the middle of a rally to legalize pot. Not surprisingly, the people at the rally were feeling good too! Seen at Panera Bread in Swampscott: a calorie count for every item on the menu. Do you really need a bagel with cream cheese for 610 calories?! I would like this on every menu, every item, every place! Because if I’m going to splurge, I want to know exactly how many miles I need to run to erase it. Amber E Woolfenden Facebook post: “Flight, hotel, & registered for Key West Half Marathon!” Scouring around Facebook, I came across photos of “Action Dave”, the mini me of running legend Dave Dunham. The story behind the story from Dave himself: “Action Dave was a gift from a running buddy and his kids. We celebrate ‘Festivus’ (like on the Seinfeld episode except in May) and he brought it over as a Festivus gift. AD has a screw in his foot, like me, a tail, a taped up ankle and wears the CMS singlet. I thought it was about the funniest thing ever, so I started taking AD with me on my travels. I hope to get interesting photos of him at various locations and hopefully meeting famous and infamous people. Cheers, dd” They look so much alike, you may have trouble telling them apart, so the answer is at the end of the newsletter. By the way, I suggested AD should meet MF (uhm, didn’t realize until now those were Miles Farlek’s initials… which is why all parents should research these things!) and he said perhaps they could meet at the Frosty Four race in January. Can Miles’ personal assistant please set this up and be sure he attends? Amber E Woolfenden on Facebook: “I am going to try this again! This will be better, I know! York Maine, Sunday, November 7, 10 a.m.: Maine Coast Half Marathon!”

WRC RACE SERIES UPDATE by Dan Barrett “After the Lone Gull, we now have 22 Wicked Runners that remain in the series. A reminder, that most of us, can not miss any of the remaining 2 races in the series: Sun 1/2 Marathon (or Baystate Marathon) and the Wild Turkey 5-Mile Run. Finally, when I heard TR was not running the Lone Gull, I was very excited to try and get my point average up and finally overtake him in my age group for first position. Unfortunately for me, Our lead runner for this Race “John Ayers” ran a blistering 5:35 pace. So my pace to top wicked pace ratio didn’t do thing to help me. Why do I have the feeling its going to come down to the last race in the series? I’m right behind you TR, “when you least expect it…expect it.” Then of course, we might both be in trouble, as Michael appears to be improving at a faster rate. Aaron took Brad at the end of 10K, but still not good enough. Aaron with still less than 1 (average) point away from position remains #2 in age div. So I wonder if Brad and TR are going to lay down on this, or put up a fight. I really would like to see a fight to the death at the end of all this. With that “Star Trek – Vulcan – fight song “ playing in the background. Happy Running, Dan”

Page 10. Brad Gate’s response: “I will never lay down. I am healthy again and plan on putting up a blistering pace at the sun half and wild turkey.” That’s the Wicked spirit!

WICKED REVIEWS Santarpio’s Pizza, Route 1 North Peabody. Reviewed by Beth O’Grady: “Same menu as the East Boston location (pizza, lamb tips or sausage… that’s it!), same long wait to get in. The pizza is absolutely delicious (5 cats) but seems to be short staffed and a bit disorganized. Still, the 5 cat pizza is worth it!”

Gourmet Garden, Swampscott. Reviewed by Fred Bollen: “Went there on two successive Saturday nights in September 2010. Service was quick and attentive, the chicken meals we ordered (General Gow and Paradise Chicken) had tender white meat and were very tasty. It seems that both the service and the quality of food has improved alot since our previous visits in 2009 and 2008. The interior has also been re-designed to include a Japanese style section where the chefs entertained various families sitting around them counter style. We will try that next. 4 cats!”

Dr. David Katz, DDS, Recommended by Amber Woolfenden: “I would like to recommend Dr. David Katz, DDS in Salem (Vinnin Square area) if anyone is in need of a dentist. I have been going to him for the past 5 years and have never had a better dentist. I have had multiple dental procedures performed by him and he has changed my smile. Also, he is a Wicked Frosty Four sponsor. 5 cats!”

Question of the Month – What was your biggest race mistake? Sarah Carrier: “Going out too hard at the start only to blow up. I would rather be passed in the beginning than at the end!” Rich Tabbut: “Bringing two different running shoes to a race. I ended up running the race with 2 different sneakers on.” TR Ramsdell: “Sometimes just showing up is my biggest mistake.” Tim Short: “Usually I’m pretty prepared for race day. I have most of my things ready to go the so that I can simply walk out the door and head to the race without the risk of forgetting something. Clearly I wasn’t thinking when I walked out the door to take off for the Bradford 5 Miler on July 5th of this year. Before leaving for the race that morning I had taken a check out to pay for the race and placed it next to the TV so that I would remember it on my way out the door. Big mistake! I started to bring my gear down from the bedroom and proceeded out the door and on my way. Driving to Bradford from Middleton was fairly simple and there wasn’t a lot of traffic on the roads. As I made my way to the registration table and started to fill out the form I reached for my wallet and looked for my check. It wasn’t there! Having no cash on me and not knowing where I could find an ATM I made a mad dash back to my car and drove quickly back to Middleton. I got the check and jumped back into my car and headed back for the race. Arriving with just minutes to spare, I signed up and handed over my check/registration form to the nice lady at the registration table and sprinted to the starting line where runners were already lined up and ready to go. So the moral of this story would be; don’t forget the registration money on race day!” Amber Woolfenden: “Being hungover and drinking diet Mountain Dew right before the race...not a good combination, however the night before was fun :)” Chip Tuttle: “Forgetting my socks.”

Page 11. Beth O’Grady: “It is, and continues to be, going out too fast on longer races and watching my time gradually get dragged down as the miles go on, and overdressing for the weather.” Darla Johnson: “Just recently at the Boston Run to Remember/May 2010, we had stayed at the Seaport Hotel and I had forgotten my normal allergy medicine, and I found in my luggage some old Benadryl capsules, and I took a couple about 4am, and then before the ½ marathon started I still had stuffy nose, so took 2 more….but forgot I had just taken those 2 and took another 2. (I didn’t admit I had done that) So I had basically had 3x dose in my system and it was not a good idea. It was a warm run and I ended up getting really dehydrated and not sure what was going on, ended up with the EMT’s at mile 11 trying to figure it out if I was just having a low blood sugar reaction or what….needless to say, don’t take anything before a long run that you haven’t tried before. Lesson learned, had a PD that day (Personal Disappointing run).” Fred Bollen: “My biggest race mistake was in March 2002. Debbie's son Jaret Seiberg invited me to run the "Hat Race 50k" trail race down in Maryland with him. The course was a two looper thru the woods, 25k each loop. I had originally planned to run just one loop. Having done that successfully, I got caught up in the excitement and started the second loop without informing Jaret (who finished the 50k in about 4:30). Not seeing me, he gets worried and traverses the course in his car. Finding me at mile 27, he gives directions to the finish then takes off. Being exhausted, I take a wrong turn and run 3 miles in the wrong direction. Realizing my mistake, I run 3 miles back and get lost again. I finally give up and hitchhike to the finish after over 8.5 hours on the trail. God knows how far I ran for a DNF. (my one and only DNF). The mistake was "RUNNING THE SECOND LOOP" without preparation. Getting lost was an indirect result of it.” Melissa Jaynes: “Underestimating a run. Never underestimate the importance of hydration and proper fuel for any distance. Just because it is no longer 85 degrees outside or a run is not 20 miles doesn't mean the run/race can't come up and bite you.” David Long: “In my pre-Wicked days, I once ate a cinnamon roll about 45 minutes before a morning 5K race. Not a recommended combo.”

REVIEW YOUR RUN Lake Winnipesaukee Relay Race, Saturday, September 25th, Review by John Mahoney “WRC had one team (The Wicked Miles) participating in the Lake Winnipesaukee Relay this year. It was sunnier and warmer than normal for this race but we had a great time! We were pleased with our results and astonished at how fast some of the teams were. Here is a list of the team members, the leg each ran, and their time: Leg 1: 10.7 mi Sarah Coffey 1:55:34 Leg 2: 11.0 mi John Paul Bosse' 1:43:08 Leg 3: 9.3 mi Tim Short 1:05:23 Leg 4: 4.0 mi Sarah Calland 40:46 Leg 5: 10.8 mi Meghan Porter-Mahoney 1:34:37 Leg 6: 6.4 mi Katy Porter-Mahoney 1:07:44 Leg 7: 8.5 mi John Mahoney 1:11:47 Leg 8: 4.4 mi Mike Toomey 30:55 Total Time: 9:49:54 Average Pace: 9:04 min/mi Place - Overall: 53/87 Place - Mixed Open: 17/32

It was great to see so many other teams at all levels, and their team spirit in supporting not just their own teams but the runners of other teams is special. After the race, some of us took a short, cold swim in Lake Winnipesaukee and most of us gathered for a "victory" dinner to celebrate the good time and team spirit. Next year you should plan to run this race. There is no other race like it. The race is great (5 cats) but instead of getting a nice cotton shirt each runner gets a collapsible lunch box - so, overall, I would give this race 4 cats.”

Page 12. Irish American 10k Road Race, Malden, Mass. Labor Day 2010 Reviewed by Fred Bollen I have never done well in this race. For some unknown reason, my racing pace is always at least one minute per mile slower here than in other similar races. I first ran here in 1987 when it was a tough half-marathon with the course traversing the hilly Middlesex Fells Reservation. The race changed to a 10k sometime in the mid 1990”s, and I have raced it here 6 times since that change. Today, I show up early at the IA club in Malden to register. I goofed by not registering earlier on-line for $20 instead of a $30 charge on race day. What the hell, all the dough is donated to the “Wednesday’s Child” program and there is a raffle for the “Jimmy Fund”. The race starts at 11 a.m., which can be murderous on a hot day. Today the temperature is about 80 degrees with a

slight breeze. All 137 runners take off up Route 28 and climb up a moderate hill during the first mile. Running up the hill, I spied a very attractive young woman wearing a “Wicked” singlet. She had headphones on so communicating with her was difficult. I did not get her name so we just waved at each other and I moved ahead. The second mile was downhill and I picked up some speed. At mile three thru five running became very difficult. Although the course is flat, these two miles are on the pavement (sans shade trees) through a boring industrial development bordering the railroad tracks. At mile three you run out one mile, turn around and come back the same way. Going out I got a chance to see everyone beating me running back. Not an encouraging sight and the sun was brutal. What do the Malden residents have against planting some mature shade trees??? Ditto Somerville??? I dunno. Finally, the last mile or so meanders thru the urban neighborhood until the finish line. My finishing time (certified tail-gunner), was 64:06. The race was won by John Goodwin, 50-59 years age group, at a brutal 6:04 pace. First Female was Laretta Bailin, 30-39 age group, at a fast 6:39 pace. What is the matter with young 20 something runners today?? Not taking anything away from Goodwin’s ability but; it is a sad state of affairs when a guy in his fifties wins this race. The post-race party at the IA club more than makes up for the difficult run. They give out free coke and hot dogs, and a pretty good Irish Band plays into the afternoon. They also gave me THREE beer tickets, which my buddy, EX Salem resident Brian Poli, greedily accepts. I happen to like urban races, even though they are hot, devoid of flora and fauna, and sometimes downright dangerous. One Thursday night in Somerville two years ago, the SSR ran their usual race dodging a crime scene of a recent shooting. My wife Debbie was with me that night and won’t go back. They must remind me of Lynn, Mass. where I grew up. Five of us lived in a small four-room apartment within a six-plex building at 177 Essex St., a real dump. Also, I like the 10k distance. There are way too many races at shorter distances. Oh yeah, 222 people ran the 5k race here today also, but who cares??? Finally, the post race party here is great. The IA club has many cop members who volunteered at the race and kept the party kinda subdued. I will give this race 3 and one-half CATS. RACE Song: “Wild Colonial Boy” sung by Tommy Makem. RACE Poem: “TREES” by Joyce Kilmer (1917). Poems are only made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree”.

I’m Also a Terrible Singer. This month’s member spotlight on Chip Tuttle started a bit backwards with Chip sending in some information on his Reach the Beach experience, and me bothering him with questions until it become our interview of the month. A bit about Chip in his own words: “I’m 47, from Salem. Wicked member since 2009 along with wife Leslie and children Libby, Annie and Will. Been running off and on since 1994.

Page 13. This was the second straight Reach the Beach for Salem Academy Charter School. We did it last year as well with a slightly different group. My connections to SACS are former student Annie, current student Will and Leslie is on the board. Rachel Hunt, Wicked member and Head of School for SACS, organized the team with her husband (and Wicked member) Colin Maclay -they are both RTB veterans. The school uses RTB as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of physical fitness and good health. The school threw a pep rally for the team on Thursday afternoon and followed our progress on Twitter and Facebook. On Friday, the students had hiking filed trips to Mount Monadnock and Wachusett as part of the program. Our team was: Van 1 Colin, me, Mark Tuttle, Bruce Campbell, Mark Meche and Rachel (The Wicked Van) and in Van 2 - SACS teachers Ana Brea, Andy St. Pierre, Greg Cate, Eleanor Corcoran, Beth O'Brien and Stephanie Callahan. Reach the Beach snakes 209 miles from Cannon Mountain in Franconia Notch to Hampton Beach. The route goes through Crawford Notch along 302, into North Conway, back west around the west side of Winnipesaukee and then turns Southeast across central NH toward the seacoast. There are 36 legs and everyone runs three sequentially (e.g., 1, 13 and 25; 2, 14 and 26; etc). The longest three legs total over 20 miles; the shortest 13-16 miles. We started Friday, 9/17 at 11:40 and finished Saturday afternoon at 4:20, finishing at an 8:13 pace. Results: Salem Academy Navigators 155 2-Men Open 51/117 8:13 28:40:43 (Because we were 7 men and 5 women, we didn't qualify as a co-ed team.) “ On the Reach the Beach, does the transport get as smelly as I imagine it might? The van gets a little rank by Day 2, especially with people drying their running clothes from the seat belt supports. What was your most memorable moment during the Reach the Beach weekend? Memorable moment was being awoken Saturday at 5:30 AM after 2.5 hours of sleep with the phrase, "Time to get back in the van." You and your family are great citizens of Salem and very involved in the community. Have you always lived here and what do you like best about the city? Born and raised here. Other than a couple of years bouncing around after college, I have lived here my whole life. We enjoy Salem -- the vibrancy of a small city, the history, the waterfront, the diversity -- and it's home. I've heard it said you guys live on a farm- is it a real farm... like with animals and stuff? Rumors of a farm are greatly exaggerated. We actually live in the historic district but we have dogs, cats and a handful of urban chickens that were an issue before the zoning board a few years ago so that may be the source of farm stuff. I know you work at Suffolk Downs, how did you originally get involved there? I split my time between Conover Tuttle Pace, an advertising and PR firm in Boston where I am a partner, and Suffolk Downs, where I am COO and have been part of the effort to bring expanded gaming to Massachusetts for the last few years. I was originally at the track in marketing from 1992-1997. You sound like you are a pretty busy guy... when do you squeeze in your running? Before 7 AM or whenever I can find a window

Page 14. You are fast! Did you run in school, or did you not start running at all until 1994? I played soccer and basketball in high school (St. John's Prep) but never ran until some friends introduced me to it after college. I've heard you have been to some pretty great places in the world, what are some of your favorite destinations? I've been fortunate enough to travel a little bit. I once went for a run in Hong Kong and had to dodge a poisonous snake. What is your favorite race and why? Not sure I have a favorite but I really enjoy the Lynn Woods series -- an amazing setting and great people week after week. What is something Wicked would be surprised to know about you? That I am motivated by the faint hope that I might one day catch up to my little brother Mark who ran Boston in 3:13. Is your birth name Chip, or is that a lifelong nickname? Lifelong nickname... I almost forgot the most important question, Fill in this blank, (In addition to a runner...) I'm also a___________________. Terrible singer. Who will be profiled next month? Maybe YOU!

WICKED TRIVIA A.) Northeastern University has an ambassador car that drives around to special events. The license plate is GVTONU (Give to Northeastern University), but the car also has a name. Can you guess what it is? B) What flower are Tim & Nicole Short naming their baby girl after? C) What is ‘Chip’ Tuttle’s birth name?

WHERE IN THE WORLD IS WICKED? Miles Fartlek (left) conducting a free speech rally in Falmouth, which is ironic for someone who hasn’t had a word to say since he was born! Miles goes for the ride of his life when he is the alpha male (cat) in a group of “Salem Wine Women” taking the trolley to Beauport in Gloucester on August 8th. Photo above right, L to R Kathey Moskal, Jenny McDaniel, Stephanie Hagyard and Marie Duignan. Other Wicked Women Julie Arrison, Rosemary Poppe and Ann Sousa. Feeling pressured to give equal attention to all the women as the only male in the group, Miles decided to just run away and hide until it was all over.

Page 15. Photo left, TR Ramsdell is Wicked patient as he waits for Disneyland to open. Wicked does Wicked! Sorry, just 3 cats from this reviewer. Right, Miles Fartlek leads the Wicked Miles team to victory from the deck of the Mount Washington. Why run when you can float?

RANDOM PHOTOS FROM WICKED HALF Far Left, Amber Woolfenden kicks it in on the final stretch of her first half marathon! Near Right, Robin Lemond smiles as she spied the finish line clock! Brian Chisholm and Sue MastromarinoWinchester looking glad it’s all over! Below left, Mike Higgins tries to outrun Doug Bollen before he fines him for not wearing Wicked. Near left, Steve Nickerson does Wicked proud as he speeds towards the finish line. Congrats to Kristine Capua, right, on her first half marathon finish! Below, Domenica Ruta finishes in style!

Page 16.

PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE by Tim Short Welcome to October Wicked Runners! What a great time of the year to be a runner in New England! Every weekend is jammed packed with great local 5K races all the way up to amazing ½ Marathon and Marathon events. October also happens to be the time of year when the Wicked Running Club starts the nomination process for club elections. I’m sure many of you have seen the email that went out recently from Vice President Peter Raymond concerning the nomination process. As Vice President, Peter will be collecting nominations starting on October 4th and going through October 15th. The nomination period allows for any Wicked Running Club member to be nominated, or you can nominate yourself. The Wicked Running Club will be celebrating its 7th Birthday in 2011! With so many great people from the North Shore joining WRC, the club needs strong leadership from the Board of Directors to guide Wicked and make sure that we can offer a great experience for all of our members. From the Wicked Frosty Four to the Mill Cities Relay and everything in between, the Wicked Running Club has certainly grown into an outstanding club and offers much to those who join. Back in my first Presidential Perspective column this year, I labeled 2010 as the “Year of the Wicked Runner”. It truly has been amazing to see the membership give their time to volunteer on some of the various committees or at many of the races around the state over the past year. As this is my last year as President of the Wicked Running Club and I will also be stepping down from the Board of Directors and not pursuing another position for 2011, I want to encourage everyone from WRC to become as involved as they can with the club. I know many of you have joined Wicked because you love running, but also because there is a sense of being part of a larger group of people that share the same excitement at the thought of going out for early morning Saturday long runs or trading stories about the best energy bar to munch on during a marathon. Many of us have made great friends since we have joined Wicked and we would have never found each other if it were not for this club. I also know that many of you have great ideas and talents that could help Wicked become an even better running club than it already is. All the positions on the Board of Directors from President down to Member at Large are important to the overall success of the Wicked Running Club. The Board of Directors performs a very vital task of keeping Wicked organized throughout the year. Though being on the Board requires a good amount of time commitment, energy and comes with many serious responsibilities, giving back to Wicked is a great feeling. Page 16. So starting on October 4, think about the direction that you would like to see the club take next year. Whether you nominate yourself or you nominate someone else for a position on the Board of Directors, please take part in this very important process. On a separate note, we’ve already had many members taking part in ½ marathons and marathons this season and I would like to congratulate those Wicked Runners who’ve taken on the challenge of running in either of these races. I also want to wish the very best to all members who have a ½ marathon or a marathon coming up over the next few months! Keep on Running Wicked Nation! Tim Short, President

Page 17.

The real Dave Dunham is pictured left, at the 2009 Frosty Four. The photo right is not really Dave Dunham, but an action doll created in his image. Unbelievable, isn’t it? Wicked Trivia Answers: A) MILES! B) Lilly C) Paul M. Tuttle, Jr. His mother gave him the nickname Chip very early on. SPECIAL BONUS FEATURE IF YOU READ THIS FAR…. Do you know where your 2010 goals are? The WRR posed this question to club members for our inaugural issue in January: What are your running goals for 2010? I checked in to see how the progress is going, and so far, so good! Goals achieved already are in bold italics, but many more are on the verge of being completed. Beth O’Grady: “To qualify for Boston 2011 in my new 50 age group. It won’t be easy for me to cut my 4:13 PR down to 4:05, but that’s what makes it a goal.” Stephanie Hagyard: “To run a half marathon and get my mile time to a 10-min mile from where it is now ☺” (Stephanie asked if running a 10 minute mile in the Derby Mile counts, and I say yes!) Kerry Phelan: “To get up for 1 of the 2 days for the 5 a.m. run in Salem at least till track season begins. Then get up both days during the summer till cross-country begins.” Darla Johnson: “To run in my first marathon, Philadelphia in November 2010.” (Darla is signed up and ready to run!) Shannon Downey: “I will run more 5 milers and better my time and run my first 10K.” Adam Fitch: “My goals are to improve my racing times and to (finally) complete the race series.” (Per Adam: “Well, it's hard to say at this point. I'm signed up for the rest of the races in the series this year but I haven't finished all of them yet. :) As for my time, the only repeat race I've done this year to compare to last year was the Harpoon 5M, which I did do a lot better in, but I don't know if one race counts. I have brought my lap time down though, so I guess I've sort of met that one.) Doug Bollen: “Lose ten pounds and improve on all times same races from 2009 by one minute each race.” (Doug’s update: “I lost about 5-6 pounds and still working on times.”)

Page 18. Sue Keezer: “I just registered for the princess half marathon in March. It will be my first half marathon. My goal is simply to finish it, hopefully smiling :-)” Kerry Gertz: “Sounds kinda silly, but my goal for 2010 is to PR at my first marathon back from child birth. Baby due in May, planning to break 4:45 at Marine Corp Marathon in October! YIKES!!!” (No marathon for Kerry this year, who is putting her energy into being a new mom ) Rich Tabbut: “Run the following race series and do well in each: Wicked Grand Prix, Salem Road Race Series, Saucony Road Race Series.” (Rich’s update: “I am doing pretty well with the goals I set. I have run 5 Wicked Grand Prix races, one to go (Thanksgiving). I have run in all the Salem Road Race Series Races. Completed my fifth Saucony Road Race Series Race Series on Saturday at Rowley where I met another personal goal of breaking 20 minutes for a 5K. I am an official finisher in that series for 2010. My times have been better than I expected at the start of the year and I have a shot of finishing in the top 3 in my age group in the North Shore YMCA (Saucony) series.”) Tim Clarke: “I hope to qualify (3:30) for Boston 2011 with a fall marathon. I am thinking Clarence DeMar or Bay State. Other hi-lights of the year will be the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon in San Francisco in May and Timberman 1/2 Ironman distance triathlon in NH in August.” (Tim got accepted into the lottery for the Ironman World Championships in October, so he traded he marathon goal for an even bigger one!) Chris Anderson: “To complete my first marathon. I'm signed up to run Hyannis with Chip and Karen.” Dave Long: “One of my goals this year is to complete a project I started last year: run all roads in Beverly. My one rule is that I must start running from my home, or else bike to a spot and start from there, but no driving.” (Dave said he’s about 85% there….) Mariko Weston: “My first goal is to complete the Frosty Four. My original goal was to complete my first 5K but figuring the FF is four miles....well I will be 1 mile over my goal....yeah!” Allison Rourke: “My goals this year are to break 2 hours in a half marathon, and to complete a marathon.” (I think her Facebook post says it all: “Allison Rourke is done making excuses. Bring on the Hampton Half Marathon and Stone Cat marathon!”) Debbie Shahidi: “All right-my goal is to run a half marathon in 2010. I hope I can do it! I figure that if I put it out there for everyone to see, then maybe I will be more likely to do it!” Melissa Jaynes: “My WRC resolution is to spread joy and happiness. I will put little cards in my wallet with WRC info. When someone asks me about hobbies, health, or running I'll give them a card. Spread the love baby! My 2010 running goal may as well go „out there for all to hear. I WILL break 4 hours on the marathon and PR for the 1/2 as well:)” (Per Melissa: Wow, what a little ray of sunshine:) Update: I do spread those cards out and even got Mr. Jaynes to run the Lone Gull race. I PR'd twice in the 1/2 and have my next full coming up on 10/10/10 where I plan to spread job and happiness to the 1.5 million spectators regardless of my time.”) TR Ramsdell: “I want to be sub 20 for 5K, I want to qualify for Boston, I want to make a difference. Okay, it's out there. Now I've got some work to do. :o)” (TR has been sooo close to his goal of breaking 20 for a 5k, but still working on it at press time.) Julie Arrison: “I have two goals for this year...the first is to complete my first 13.1 on 9/25 and the second is to get my 5K to a comfortable 10 minute mile. I also signed up for the race series and am looking forward to those races as well!” (Julie said her 5k’s are hovering around the 10-minute mile mark, so she’s working on the comfortable part!)

Page 19 Shari Hewson: “To complain less (may be tough), be more diligent about working out and training and maybe, just maybe, 2010 will be the year I do a marathon!”(Shari completed the Vermont City Marathon Memorial Day Weekend.) Jason Matulewicz: “My goal for the year is to beak 4:20 for a Half-Ironman.” (I checked in with Jason but didn’t hear back…let’s hope he’s on track!) Shawna Erps: “My goals for 2010 are be ready to race come springtime. My plan is to start with the SSC race and do the usual local races along with the Tufts 10k In Oct. You'll see me in the spring!” (I couldn’t find Shawna Erps to check in and spring came and went. If anyone knows her ask how she is doing!) Michele Campbell: “Keep shaving time off my races -- no matter the distance. Attend more WRC group runs. And, here it is people; I want to run a marathon in 2010. Yup. The big one!” (Michele is signed up for Chicago on 10/10/10!) I’m impressed with everyone’s accomplishments and efforts so far. If you are still chasing your goals, we have 3 more months to go before we set out 2011 goals! Once again I’m feeling like I may have missed some important/funny/inspiring news about members because I just didn’t know. In order for this newsletter to represent all of us, not just the people I see or bump into, we need everyone to contribute. As Fred Bollen posted on Facebook, “It ain’t braggin’ if you done it.” ☺ B. Happy October!

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