Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

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IIndustry ndustry News News

Review & PIM Renewable Energy Volume 10 Number 52

2 Industry News

8 Eco Wave Power

10 Weltec Biopower

16 Events

Spring 2022 Sp Spr S p ing ng 20 n 2 022 22 Forest Fo FFor orres o eest sstt Bioenergy Biioener B oen oe o een neer erg rrggy Review Reev evi vviieew w


Industry News

Moving forward together in changing energy markets

success in changing energy markets. Based on our decades-long experience, we have the know-how to deliver the best solutions based on biomass, waste or on a mixture of different fuels. Valmet’s proven automation solutions help you to optimize your energy production and our network of service professionals is ready to recharge your competitiveness both on-site and remotely. Explore


Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

Industry News




his Spring’s issue of Forest Bioenergy Review arrives at a sombre time for all of us as Europe witnesses the largest refugee crisis since the end of the Second World War, the destruction of Ukrainian villages, towns and cities at great cost to the lives of their citizens and the consequential


Industry News



Valmet to supply an automation system to Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto

imposition of sanctions on the Russian economy. As the COP26 climate summit ended in November, 2021, governments around the world had pledged to achieve net zero for greenhouse gases and over 20 countries in Europe and South-East Asia had made firm commitments to phase out coal power entirely. In fact, according to Alok Sharma, President of the summit, the direction of travel was clear, adding that the end of coal was in sight! An oft-repeated quote by the American film director, actor and comedian Woody Allen is: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him of your plans”. Three months into the New Year, with Putin’s forces on what is called ‘a special military operation’ yet looks uncannily like a full-blown invasion to grab land from the

Eco Wave Power


Portugese ambassador, Jorge Cabral, visits EWP-EDF One Project in Jaffa, Israel

sovereign territory of another country, the use of coal has surged ahead to the detriment of green energy, which has fallen below the levels necessary to hit climate targets agreed at COP26. A significant effect of the invasion is that Europe, in particular, will certainly

INEOS at Grangemouth announces plans to construct a low-carbon hydrogen manufacturing plant

wish to reassess its import of energy through pipelines from the East. Writing on Twitter, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, has stated: “The EU must get rid of its dependency on fossil fuels”. In the short term, however, ‘Coal is King’, although Putin’s war has now provided a strong incentive to boost the transition to green energy. Finally, as someone with a Ukrainian friend of more than 30 years, who now spends her time helping women and children in the bomb shelters, “Slava Ukraini!”

Weltec Biopower


Greek Poultry Farmers Invest in Biogas Plants from Weltec Biopower

Vince Maynard, Publisher

Front cover picture: Valmet page 12


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Spring 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review


Industry News

Valmet to supply an automation system to Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto’s biomass-fired heating plant in Finland


almet will supply a Valmet DNA Automation System to Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto’s biomass-fired heating plant in Oriketo, Finland. The new system will replace the existing automation system that has reached the end of its life cycle. The system will also provide a remote-control connection to the central control room at the company’s Naantali power plant. With a full heat production capacity of 40 megawatts, the Oriketo bioheat plant is one of the largest of its kind in Finland. The order is included in Valmet’s orders received in the fourth quarter 2021. The value of the order will not be disclosed. The delivery will be completed by October, 2022.

Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto’s biomass-fired heating plant in Oriketo, Finland. “Our co-operation with Valmet goes back a long way, and Valmet DNA is the main automation system

at our Naantali power plant. It will be easy to integrate the new system into the Valmet DNA system in Naantali,

as well as use its existing operation, engineering and reporting stations,” said Maija Henell, Managing Director, Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto. “It is nice to continue our cooperation with Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto and upgrade their existing automation system in Oriketo to modern technology. The same stations and tools in Naantali and Oriketo will make running and maintaining the Oriketo plant easier. In addition to upgrading the automation system, the project aims at improving the operation of the plant,” agreed Arto Mäkinen, Sales Manager, Automation, Valmet. More information: Arto Mäkinen, Sales Manager, Energy and Process Industry, Automation, Valmet, tel. +358 40 549 2330

REA welcomes decisions to no longer recognise wood products from Russia and Belarus The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA) has welcomed the UK Pellet Council and Forest Stewardship Council decisions to no longer recognise wood products coming from Russia and Belarus, stopping their import for use in bioenergy systems. The decisions are expected to place pressure on biomass feedstock availability in the immediate term, especially for biomass heating systems, with total European production expected to decrease by 12-15%. The biomass heat industry will look to ensure that supply chains are quickly diversified over the Summer, in order to reinforce supply for next Winter when heat demand will increase again. The REA says that the Government must do more to help farmers and landowners to grow 2

Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

domestic biomass feedstocks, such as perennial energy crops and short rotation forestry, to both facilitate decarbonisation and help provide UK energy security. Chair of the REA’s Wood Heat Forum, Terence McCracken (Innasol), said: “The REA welcomes the commitments of biomass supply companies to urgently restructure their supply chains, ensuring that biomass feedstocks, such as wood pellets, will no longer be sourced from Russia or Belarus. Decisions by the UK Pellet Council and the Forest Stewardship Council to no longer recognise Russian wood products are to be

applauded, as the UK’s renewable energy and clean technology companies continue to insulate our energy demands from Russian supplies. “The UK biomass heat industry is keenly aware of the impact this may have on biomass availability. The REA is committed to working with our members of the Wood Heat Forum, their suppliers and broader sector stakeholders to help the industry diversify its supply chain and address the shortfall resulting from cutting Russian imports. As a result, it is essential that industry and government use the opportunity provided by lower heat demand in Summer to reinforce supply chains in time for next Winter. “Crucial to this is the Government taking the need to expand domestic biomass production seriously by supporting

the production of perennial energy crops and short rotation forestry products. The Climate Change Committee has previously highlighted the need to plant 23,000 hectares of energy crops a year if we are to meet our Net Zero ambitions. Current international supply constraints should be considered, yet there needs to be further impetus to ensure that farmers and landowners are rewarded for the growth of such crops and for the additional environmental benefits they provide, primarily through the Government’s Environmental Land Management Scheme. “The REA and its members stand ready to see biomass feedstocks supply chains appropriately diversified, so that biomass can continue to play its role in both delivering decarbonisation and future energy security for the UK.”

Industry News

UPM launches a new forest responsibility programme and biodiversity initiatives for sustainable forestry


PM has published a new Forest Action Programme, which will run until 2030. The global programme steers UPM’s global wood sourcing operations and covers its own forests in Finland and the United States, as well as its plantations in Uruguay. The programme goes beyond current standard requirements and its measures have a positive impact on the fundamental aspects of sustainable forestry: climate, biodiversity, soil, water and societal contribution. “Climate change and the loss of biodiversity are among the greatest challenges of our time,” said Jussi Pesonen, President and CEO of UPM. “For decades, we have been developing forest management based on the latest knowledge and best practices, and we have learned much along the way. Our Forest Action Programme spurs us on further. We want to be a pioneer in sustainable forest management and support responsible management of our own forests, but also support other forest owners in their sustainability goals. Through co-operation and concrete actions, we can make the 2020s a decade of sustainable growth,” stated Pesonen. UPM has been a frontrunner in the development of responsible

forest management. The biodiversity programme, launched in 1998, was the first in the industry. UPM was also among the first to commit to the UN’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C climate target and climate-positive forest management and to increase biodiversity in the company’s forests in Finland. The new programme extends the net positive biodiversity target to the Uruguayan plantations, where biodiversity indicators have been developed to reflect local conditions and context. In plantations, the net positive target can be achieved through the protection of natural habitats, nature

management and monitoring of the effectiveness of conservation measures. The development of forest biodiversity is also directly linked to management remuneration: a positive impact on forest biodiversity in the company’s own forests in Finland is included in UPM’s longterm incentive plan. The programme also includes new co-operation projects such as developing nesting territories for large birds of prey, including the endangered buzzard (Pernis apivorus) and honey buzzard (Buteo buteo) with the Finnish Osprey Foundation.

The population of these species has been declining, and with the project we aim to promote the co-existence of forestry and breeding territories and support population recovery. These actions will also reduce emissions from forestry, maintain forests as carbon sinks and adapt forests to climate change. For example, UPM has measured the carbon balance of Uruguay’s plantations in co-operation with the Natural Resources Institute of Finland. In Finland, the company has calculated the climate emissions from wood procurement operations to monitor the progress. We are developing forest management methods to adapt forests to climate change. It is are also committed to ensuring that our forests grow more than they are used everywhere we operate. As for soil, water and societal contribution, UPM will implement a number of projects and develop impact monitoring from 2022 onwards. Each wood sourcing area aims to secure soil productivity and good quality of water systems, and to ensure that it is a responsible actor throughout the supply chain. More information: Sami Oksa, Director, Stakeholder Relations, UPM, tel. +358 40 560 3474 Read more:

Andritz to supply another high-efficiency PowerFluid circulating fluidised bed boiler to Japan International technology group Andritz has received another order from the HITACHI ZOSEN Corporation in Japan to supply a 52.7-MW PowerFluid circulating fluidised bed (CFB) boiler on EPS basis. The boiler will be part of the biomass power plant in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan.

Start-up is planned for 2025. The Andritz PowerFluid boiler will be integrated into a biomassfired power generation facility that will be fueled by wood pellets, wood chips and palm kernel shells. With its high-efficiency and state-of-the-art technology, it is the perfect solution to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets

and contribute towards carbon neutrality in Japan. The biomass power plant will be capable of supplying power for roughly 110,000 Japanese households. The new CFB project is the thirteenth Andritz advanced CFB boiler for the Japanese market and demonstrates the excellent position Andritz has in the biomass power

plant market. This order once again confirms Andritz’s strong partnership with the HITACHI ZOSEN Corporation. Andritz is proud to be part of this remarkable project and make another important contribution towards the Japanese power industry’s move from fossil fuel to renewable energy resources. Spring 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review


Industry News

Andritz successfully starts up biomass boiler plant at Vattenfall AB, Uppsala, Sweden


nternational technology group Andritz has successfully started up a new biomass boiler plant, including a biomass receiving and handling system, at Swedish energy company Vattenfall AB for its Carpe Futurum project. The heating plant is located on Vattenfall’s existing combined heat and power plant site in Uppsala, Sweden, some 70 km North of Stockholm. This new plant supplies more than 110 MW of district heat to the Uppsala area and is also prepared for electricity production at a later stage. The fuel for the new plant comprises different kinds of wood-based biomass, such as recycled wood, bark, wood chips, and sawdust. The Andritz scope of supply included biomass receiving, handling and storage silos, a biomass-fired boiler with flue gas cleaning, and a flue gas condenser. The boiler is based on the ANDRITZ EcoFluid bubbling fluidised bed design, which combines high-efficiency with excellent environmental performance. Flue gas emissions are reduced to very low levels, with the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) method for NOx emissions and a baghouse filter, including sorbent feeding, for sulfur dioxide (SO2),

hydrochloric acid (HCl), heavy metals, and dust emissions. The flue gas condenser significantly increases the district heat output and, therefore, improves plant efficiency to beyond 110% when calculated using the fuel lower heating value. The Carpe Futurum project is an important part of Vattenfall’s goal of becoming CO2 neutral with their energy systems and its combined

heat and power plants by 2030. Vattenfall delivers district heat to more than 90% of the houses in Uppsala, providing heating for more than 180,000 people. Mattias Lindqvist, Project Director, Vattenfall AB, commented: “We are very satisfied with how we were able to complete and start up the Carpe Futurum project together with Andritz despite the challenges of the

COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful to the Andritz team members for their assistance during the project, which was carried out with a high level of professionalism and dedication”. This order from Vattenfall once again demonstrates Andritz’s strong global position in the supply of stateof-the-art and environmentallyfriendly biomass boilers and fuel handling equipment.

Green hydrogen from waste now a reality Protecting our environment involves significant challenges. Reducing the carbon footprint of energy production and the amount of waste we produce as a society are two of them. H2-Industries has embarked on a revolutionary project to create green hydrogen using proprietary technologies by using organic wastes as feedstock for its energy production while capturing CO2 and commercialising it, achieving carbon neutrality. Countries and major industries are increasingly recognising that one of the most promising 4

Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

routes to a zero-carbon future is the production and use of green hydrogen. However, creating green hydrogen has historically proven uneconomic. H2-Industries, using its proprietary technology, has developed a process to create large amounts of green hydrogen from organic waste at competitive costs.

The green hydrogen produced from that process can be transported and stored, using other H2-Industries technologies, and released on demand for use in industry applications. Following a multi-million dollar investment, H2-Industries is now poised to undertake several projects, which will convert organic waste, including plastic and agricultural waste and even sewage sludge, and turning same into useable hydrogen. That hydrogen can be transported into a ‘carrier fluid’ referred to in the industry as LOHC, which can be

transported and used to fill storage tanks much like diesel, but without the carbon emissions upon use. The waste heat from the H2-Industries’ process can be used to generate power with steam turbines and generators. Preliminary approval has been granted to H2-Industries by the General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SC°Zone) for the development of a 1GW LOHC Hydrogen Hub at East Port-Said, which will be the first project of its type in the world. The hydrogen plant will be fed with 4 million tons

Industry News

Valmet to deliver automation to the Baltics’ first biogas plant fired with household and commercial biowaste

of organic waste and non-recyclable plastic per year secured at the Mediterranean entrance to the canal. The Suez Project will produce

Image courtesy of BioWOIMA.


almet will deliver automation to the Baltics’ first biogas plant fired with household and commercial biowaste. Built by BioWOIMA Finland Oy in Tallinn, Estonia, it will produce biomethane for the natural gas network and fuel for compressed natural gas-powered vehicles. Biofertiliser for land improvement is also produced as a by-product. The order is included in Valmet’s orders received in the fourth quarter 2021. The delivery will take place in May, 2022, and the new biogas plant will be ready for operation in 2023. “The project increases the availability of renewable energy on the Estonian energy market. We chose Valmet as the automation supplier since it has a comprehensive automation system and a lot of experience with similar projects,” said Toni Hiltunen, Chief Technology Officer, BioWOIMA Finland Oy. “The Valmet DNA automation system supports high plant availability and safe operation. Our web-based user interface speeds up decision making and enables the operators to work outside the

control room, too,” agreed Arto Mäkinen, Sales Manager, Energy and Process Industry, Automation, Valmet. Valmet DNA Automation System will support high availability and safe operation at the Baltics’ first biogas plant fired with household and commercial biowaste in Tallinn, Estonia.

Valmet’s delivery includes a Valmet DNA Automation System and an information management system, as well as electrical, instrumentation, system, application and display engineering. Valmet DNA Automation System is equipped with a web-based Valmet DNA User Interface that extends the use of the automation

300,000 tons of green hydrogen per year at half the levelised cost of current green hydrogen production technologies, taking the cost

even lower than current levels for low-carbon and grey hydrogen production. Executive Chairman of H2Industries, Michael Stusch, said: “This is an exciting opportunity and one that will take the tons of waste that collects in Egypt and turn it into green hydrogen. The Waste-toHydrogen plant is a breakthrough in making green hydrogen economically viable, helping not only reduce global CO2 emissions, but also reducing the pollution and impairment of water resources in the country”. Green hydrogen so produced can be sold and transported for international use in 20th century infrastructure, such as diesel trucks

system beyond traditional remote operations. Built with the latest web technologies, it comes with secure web-based access that enables the plant teams to get relevant information whenever they need it, regardless of their location. Additionally, Valmet supplies two containers in which the automation system will be installed. carrying H2-Industries’ LOHC or alternatively, H2-Industries can create low-cost synthetic diesel (eDiesel) or sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), with the captured CO2, which is the only emission in this process, depending on international market demand for same. H2-Industries is also commercialising other green hydrogen products to meet the commercial needs of end-users with applications ranging from the transformation of coal-fired power plants to hydrogen power plants and transforming steel, cement and glass production making it CO2 free by using H2-Industries’ technology and green hydrogen. Spring 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review


Industry News

Sustainable fuels paper explores the various options for energy’s decarbonised future


he technology group Wärtsilä has published an important paper on the role of sustainable fuels in the energy sector’s transition towards decarbonised power generation. Future carbon-neutral fuels and the use of flexible engine power plants capable of utilising such fuels will be central to this transition. Along with the growing need to decarbonise engine power plants, Wärtsilä has invested heavily in the study of alternative future fuels at its dedicated fuel laboratory where a broad range of fuels have been tested. As part of the company’s new world-class Smart Technology Hub, fuel testing and the assessment of engine compatibility will uniquely be able to be carried out under one roof. “Wärtsilä has taken a leading position in the study of carbon-neutral fuels, made possible by our outstanding facilities, testing capabilities and expertise. This paper explains in great detail the options and likely future fuelchoice scenarios that will transform the way that energy is produced with assets such as grid balancing engines,” explained Jukka Lehtonen, Vice President, Technology & Product Management, Wärtsilä Energy. The fuel options are broken down into three categories, namely Powerto-X (P2X), Bio-to-X (B2X) and Waste-

Wärtsilä has invested heavily in the study of alternative future fuels at its dedicated fuel laboratory where a broad range of fuels have been tested. (© Wärtsilä Corporation). to-X (W2X). P2X fuels are produced through the electrolysis of water into hydrogen and its various derivatives. They can be considered ‘green’ only if the power used for the process is from renewable energy sources. B2X includes biofuels and biogas which, particularly as blends, will likely be used in certain areas of the world as a locally suitable solution. W2X fuels include plastic or tyre pyrolysis oils or gasified municipal waste. Since they support a circular economy, they have value for

sustainability and decarbonisation. Reetta Kaila, Director, Sustainable Fuels and Environment, Wärtsilä Energy, said: “The key outcome of our studies is that different fuels will be adopted depending upon location and availability. We feel that we must look beyond the concept of one or two fuels, be it hydrogen, ammonia or methanol, being the universal choice. We believe that multiple fuel options will be available, many of them very localised serving power plants within fairly short

distances of the fuel production”. Fuel flexibility and enabling the increased adoption of solar and wind power will undoubtedly be major factors in the industry’s path towards 100% renewable energy systems. The Wärtsilä paper is available on the company’s website sustainable-fuels. More information: Mirja-Maija Santala, Wärtsilä Energy Mob: +358 400 793 827

ACWA Power breaks ground on Uzbekistan’s first publicly tendered wind project ACWA Power, a leading Saudi developer, investor and operator of power generation, desalinated water and green hydrogen plants worldwide, today broke ground on the 100 MW Nukus wind project, in a formal ceremony attended by H.E. Shavket Mirziyoyev, President, Republic of Uzbekistan; H.E. Yousef Saleh Algahrah Al-Otaibi, Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Mohammad Abunayyan, Chairman of ACWA Power, and senior officials from the 6

Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

Uzbek government. The ground-breaking comes less than two months after binding project agreements were signed with the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and JSC National Electric Grid (NEGU), the off-taker. With an estimated total investment of US$108 million, the project is in the Karatau district, Karakalpakstan region, in the NorthWestern part of the country. It is expected to reach financial close by Q3 2022.

Industry News

Wärtsilä service agreement will provide power supply reliability major Italian industrial company


he technology group Wärtsilä has signed a ten-year long-term service agreement covering two industrial combined heat and power (CHP) plants in Italy. The plants operate with highly efficient Wärtsilä 31SG gas engines, and supply electricity, steam and hot water for industrial use. The agreement took effect in January, 2022, and the order intake was booked in Q4, 2021. The Guaranteed asset performance agreement covers altogether five Wärtsilä 31SG gas engines, and is designed to ensure the plants’ reliability and availability, which are essential for maintaining the customer’s production schedules. The full maintenance scope includes an availability guarantee that is implemented with a resident

engineer on site plus remote support from Wärtsilä’s Expertise Centre in Trieste. The high efficiency of the engine generating sets creates both energy cost savings and reduced levels of emissions. Furthermore, it opens the possibility to obtain the Italian White Certificate, which aims to promote

energy efficiency measures by final energy users and which is one of the most complete examples of baseline and trade incentive schemes existing in Europe. “Long-term service agreements are an integral element within Wärtsilä’s lifecycle services offering. They are based on utilisation of the

latest digital technologies combined with our extensive know-how and understanding of power generation installations, as well as their optimisation at system level. The bottom line is that we guarantee plant availability, which for any industrial company is critical. What is more, by ensuring efficient operations we are supporting global efforts to decarbonise operations,” said Pekka Tolonen, Energy Business Director, Europe, Wärtsilä Energy. Wärtsilä has a strong presence in Italy with a delivery centre and an Energy Expertise Centre in Trieste, and service offices in Genoa, Naples, and Taranto. To date, the company has delivered 1,411 MW of power plant capacity to Italy, of which 709 MW are currently covered by Wärtsilä long-term service agreements.


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Spring 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review


Industry Eco WaveNews Power

Portugese ambassador, Jorge Cabral, visits EWP-EDF One Project in Jaffa, Israel Eco Wave Power Global AB was pleased to host the visit of Ambassador of Portugal to Israel, Mr. Jorge Cabral, along with Deputy Head of Mission and the First Secretary of the Embassy, Mrs. Joana Espirito Santo de Araujo, to the EWP-EDF One wave energy project during an important milestone - the installation of the first floater of the project in the Port of Jaffa, Israel.


his visit has a significant importance for both parties, especially in light of Eco Wave Power’s clear interest and near future plans for expansion in the Portuguese market, which is emphasised by the 20MW Concession Agreement between Eco Wave Power and Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A (APDL) entered into during the year 2020, as well as Eco Wave Power’s recent announcement about securing the licenses for the first 1MW of the project by Eco Wave Power’s fully owned Portuguese subsidiary, EW Portugal-Wave Energy Solutions Unipessoal Lda. (‘EW Portugal’). During the visit, Ambassador Cabral said: “I hope to have this pioneering technology installed in Portugal soon. I was impressed with the simplicity of the concept and its modular design. Wave energy is extremely relevant given the wave climate in Portugal, as well as the


Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

European and Portuguese efforts to promote renewable energy and reach net zero emissions in the near future. I truly believe that wave energy should be a significant part of Portugal’s renewable energy mix”. This project is in line with Portugal’s National Energy and Climate Plan for 2021-2030, otherwise known as PNEC 2030, which has set an objective for Portugal to ensure 47% of renewable sources in its gross final energy consumption by 2030. Portugal has an immense wave energy resource, which, according to estimates by the Government of Portugal, can supply 3-4 GW of power capacity. Eco Wave Power’s project will be a significant milestone in the adoption of wave and ocean energy in Portugal and will contribute greatly towards the country’s goal under the PNEC 2030 plan, of implementing 70MW of wave power capacity by 2030. Inna Braverman, Founder and

Chief Executive Officer of Eco Wave Power, stated: “We were delighted to welcome Ambassador Jorge Cabral and the Deputy Head of Mission and First Secretary of the Embassy, Mrs. Joana Espirito Santo de Araujo. We wanted them to get acquainted with our innovative technology, which will hopefully soon become a reality in the Portuguese market. At the same time, we would like to express our gratitude to the Ambassador and First Secretary of the Embassy, and all the other parties who are involved in supporting this first-of-akind project in Portugal. We believe that the successful execution of this project will mark the start of a new and exciting era for the wave energy sector in Portugal and around the globe”. *Nasdaq Capital Market:WAVE, Nasdaq Stockholm: ECOWVE) (“Eco Wave Power” or the “Company”)

About Eco Wave Power Global AB Eco Wave Power is a leading onshore wave energy technology company

that developed a patented, smart and cost-efficient technology for turning ocean and sea waves into green electricity. Eco Wave Power’s mission is to assist in the fight against climate change by enabling commercial power production from the ocean and sea waves. Eco Wave Power is recognised as a ‘Pioneering Technology’ by the Israeli Ministry of Energy and was labeled as an ‘Efficient Solution’ by the Solar Impulse Foundation. Eco Wave Power’s project in Gibraltar has received funding from the European Union Regional Development Fund and the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 framework program. The Company has also received the ‘Global Climate Action Award’ from the United Nations. Eco Wave Power’s common shares (ECOWVE) are traded on Nasdaq First North and its ADSs (WAVE) are traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market. More information:

IndustryINEOS News

INEOS at Grangemouth announces plans to construct a low-carbon hydrogen manufacturing plant


NEOS is today taking the next significant step in its Road Map to deliver a sustainable, Net Zero carbon future at Grangemouth, by inviting major engineering design contractors to tender for the next stage of the design of a world scale carbon capture enabled hydrogen production plant and major associated infrastructure. Stuart Collings, CEO INEOS O&P UK, said, “We are progressing at pace with our commitment to deliver our Net Zero plans. This will see the displacement of hydrocarbon fuels used at Grangemouth, like natural gas, with clean, low carbon hydrogen to power our processes and manufacture vital materials used across a wide range of sectors. To achieve this, we are inviting bids from the best engineering companies to design both a state-of-the-art carbon capture

enabled hydrogen production plant and an extensive suite of related infrastructure projects. The carbon dioxide from this project will be routed to the Scottish Cluster’s Acorn CO2 transport and storage project, resulting in reductions of more than one million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year.” INEOS has already committed over £500 million on active projects across the site including investment in a New Energy Plant which is due to commission in late 2023. This power plant will employ highly efficient technology to supply energy to all our site operations and will drive down emissions by at least 150,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum. This new power plant will then be converted to run on hydrogen, which will further reduce CO2 emissions. Access to locally produced hydrogen

will have benefits for other assets at the Grangemouth Site, fuelling the existing Combined Heat and Power Plant, the KG Ethylene Plant and assets in the Petroineos Refinery. This will require a new hydrogen distribution network throughout the site and modifications to the existing fuel gas network, all of which are captured within the scope of the engineering design. The scope of design is also planned to provide capability to link the hydrogen production to third parties in the local area to support development of a local hydrogen hub. Underpinning our Hydrogen project will be access to the Scottish Cluster carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure. In excess of 1 million tonnes per year of CO2 from our hydrogen plant will be sent directly offshore through existing gas

pipelines to be permanently stored in rock formations deep below the North Sea. We are fully committed to the Scottish Cluster CCS project. We believe it will be an important part of both Scotland and the UK’s drive to Net Zero. Andrew Gardner, Chairman INEOS Grangemouth, commented: “The construction of a world scale low carbon hydrogen plant is an exciting development at Grangemouth and one that will deliver on our commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2045. It builds on the significant CO2 reductions we’ve already made at Grangemouth since we acquired the site in 2005. We are determined to reduce our own emissions to Net Zero, create products that will help others reduce their emissions and play a leading role in a clean hydrogen revolution”. Spring 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review


Industry Weltec Biopower News

Greek Poultry Farmers Invest in biogas plants from Weltec Biopower The German biogas plant specialist Weltec Biopower registers keen interest in its plant technology in Greece. In the past year, the company expanded its market leadership in the Southern European country by building four further projects and expanding three existing plants. Due to the great potential of organic residues to produce biogas and biomethane, especially in the North of the country, the climate-friendly energy source is playing an increasingly important role in the Greek energy transition.


eltec Biopower has so far been significantly involved in 17 of a total of 30 Greek agricultural and waste biogas plants. This is no coincidence, because Weltec Biopower is an established technology and market leader there. One of these AD plants has been built in Megara, 30 kilometres West of Athens, in 2015. In the past year, Weltc expanded this biogas plant and since March, 2021, the plant is in operation with a doubled output of one megawatt. Around a year after

the expansion, the operators‘ résumé is consistently positive: “The plant was already running very successfully before the expansion. An aboveaverage plant availability of 97 % confirms that the extension with Weltec was the right decision, ” says John Tetoros, the Greek Weltec sales partner, from a conversation with the owners. It was also crucial for the extension that a sufficient amount of substrates were available. The area around Megara is known for keeping chickens and the biogas plant is also on the

site of a chicken farm with 20,000 laying hens. As a result, some of the input materials are permanently secured. In addition to the chicken droppings, roughly equal amounts of olive oil pomace, cattle and pig manure, as well as whey, are used for energy production. Since the plant was enlarged, the daily amount of the substrate mix has risen to 190 tons. Originally, the plant comprised a digester made of stainless steel with a volume of 3,993 cubic metres, a 530 kilowatt CHP and a storage unit. For the increased input volume,

Weltec Biopower built another 3,993 cubic meter stainless steel digester with a height of 6.30 metres and a diameter of 28.41 metres. In addition, another pre-storage unit, a second 530 kilowatt CHP and an unpacking system for cheese and vegetables were installed. However, this unpacking system is only used in case of irregular deliveries of expired food. A solids feeder is not required since the pumpable substrates are brought into the storage units via a central pump block and then conveyed into the digesters.

The German biogas plant specialist Weltec Biopower registers keen interest in its plant technology in Greece. In the past year, Weltec expanded its market leadership in the southern European country by building four further projects and expanding three existing plants. 10 Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

Weltec Industry Biopower News

John Tetoros is proud of this special energy plant: “The plant in Megara is one of the most efficient biogas projects in Greece. Our many years of experience and knowledge, as well as the highly developed biogas technology from Weltec are two decisive reasons. The icing on the cake for the success of this plant is the strategically favourable location, the care of the operators and the use of the heat for stables and offices. So, it is hardly surprising that one of the two operators decided to build another biogas plant in Ritsona, 40 kilometres North of Athens. This is about to be completed and will go into operation in Spring. Just like in Megara, only organic residues are used to generate energy in Ritsona. These plant projects are examples of circular economy thinking and the consistent use of existing waste. Konstantinos Nikakis, board member of the Greek biogas operator association HABIO, emphasises the importance of such projects: “Wasteto-energy plants are urgently required

In the past year, Weltec expanded this biogas plant and since March, 2021 the plant is in operation with a doubled output of one megawatt. Around a year after the expansion, the operators‘ résumé is consistently positive. in the new energy age in order to minimise harmful carbon emissions and to achieve climate neutrality. In any case, the supply situation with substrates of animal and vegetable

origin is very good; the potential in Greece is enormous. In addition, there is also vegetable and other recyclable waste. In view of this amount of raw materials, agriculture has very good

prerequisites to make its contribution so that Greece can achieve its climate goals”. It is now up to the individual players to bring Greece into the new energy age.

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Valmet Industry News

High performance without interruptions Valmet’s Performance Agreement for a recovery boiler with Eldorado Brasil contributed to a 15-month campaign with no washing stops and significant savings. The agreement includes Valmet Industrial Internet (VII) applications with local and remote expert support.


n 2019, Eldorado Brasil, one of the largest pulp mills in the world, initiated a Performance Agreement with Valmet that included a Valmet Industrial Internet (VII) solution for production capacity to optimise 12 Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

recovery boiler production capacity and chemical recovery. The solution combines advanced process controls for sootblowing optimisation, combustion and green liquor quality optimisation, and remote services from Valmet’s Performance Center.

The agreement also includes local optimisation engineer support.

Complete optimisation solution for recovery boiler During 2020–2021, the scope of the agreement was extended

with Recovery Boiler Performance Monitoring to monitor the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) in the operation, and Dynamic Centerline Advisor for the recovery boiler to enhance the running models.

Industry Valmet News

The agreement model is based on selected key performance indicators and has been developed with Eldorado Brasil. Studies to optimise the consumption of blowing steam began in 2018, the year before

the actual installation. While substantial steam savings were identified in the initial study, the collection of more detailed data showed the possible benefits of implementing a complete optimisation solution for the

recovery boiler. The contract’s key performance indicators were agreed to be sootblowing steam economy, production stability and a 15-month boiler campaign without the need to stop the

boiler for washing, increasing the availability and production of the entire plant. In addition to the KPIs defined in the contract, efforts have also been made to improve performance as a whole, which generates actions to Spring 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review 13

Valmet Industry News

The Recovery Boiler Performance Monitoring application offers a quick view to the recovery boiler process and indicates if any action is needed in any of the sub processes.

this initiative with the improvements that already existed in the sector, without interfering with the safety of employees and the integration of the teams. “Even with such obstacles, we can say the contract has been a success. We trust Valmet because of their very qualified specialists and because we have experience of them as our supplier of boiler technologies. And Valmet is aligned with our values as a company – we know that even when the objectives have already been achieved, the quest for improvements will continue throughout the term of the contract,” said Oliver. “The results presented in the Eldorado agreement really show that co-operation between companies makes all the difference. On the Valmet side, we feel a lot of freedom and openness in addressing points for improvement, and the Eldorado team is always willing to debate, and once agreed, support the implementation of changes. When we work together, it doesn’t seem like we’re suppliers and customers, but rather a team working for a common goal. This close cooperation has also resulted in the further development of Valmet’s application,” adds Nathalia Leme, Application Manager.

Other potential areas for the Performance Agreement With the success of the APC implementation of the recovery boiler, Oliver also foresees the potential for this type of Performance Agreement with Valmet in other areas of the pulp plant in Três Lagoas. “We have some sectors that can benefit from such APCs – the evaporation plant, for example. It lacks advanced controls. So we see potential for this type of partnership with Valmet in other segments,” he added.

The Dynamic Centerline Advisor application points out the optimal ranges for main variables of the recovery boiler, based on historical best performance. control emissions and increase the degree of reduction, for example.

All goals achieved in the first stage According to the Chemical Recovery Functional Manager at Eldorado, João Vitor Oliver, all the goals were achieved in the project’s first stage. “We strongly believe in this work model, as it brings the supplier closer to our routines and allows operational rationalisation. In the case of the recovery boiler, as it is a strategically important area for increasing production capacity, we were able to increase the burning efficiency while maintaining employee safety,” said Oliver. 14 Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

Expert support on site and remotely Eldorado is a pioneer in combining advanced process control applications with support from local and Valmet Performance Center experts, who use analytical VII applications that provide information for running the production. “Having both a single supplier for all these solutions and an engineer in the field is fundamental for the optimal flow of information and greater agility, and assertiveness in decision making,” explained Oliver.

“The contract is a success” According to Oliver, one of the main challenges in implementing the project was combining

Valmet Customer Portal facilitates communication Another tool that has facilitated Eldorado’s routine is the Valmet Customer Portal, a collaborative platform and personalised workspace, which provides easy access to all the offered digital services. According to Oliver, the tool centralises the main information about the operation and facilitates communication between supplier and customer. “This is a trend that is here to stay on the market. Since the implementation, the Customer Portal has helped us centralise data such as KPIs, reports and order tracking, and has facilitated our employees’ e-learning,” he concluded.

Industry News Valmet

Important parameters such as NOx and CO can also be simply visualised with VII applications. Limits for each parameter have been defined together with the customer and Valmet process experts (left & below).

The collection of more detailed data showed the possible benefits of implementing a complete optimisation solution for the recovery boiler.

Recovery boiler team of Eldorado Brasil, with Valmet’s resident, Luiza Roim. Spring 2022 Forest Bioenergy Review


Events Industry News

Elmia Wood – The world’s leading forestry fair is finally back!


n June 2-4 the world’s leading forestry fair, Elmia Wood, will once again be held South of Jönköping, Sweden. Elmia is looking forward to welcoming exhibitors and visitors from various parts of Europe to experience the event, which will focus on innovative and sustainable forestry methods for the future. The fair will once again held in the fantastic and versatile forest at Bratteborg, in Sweden. Elmia Wood is an extensive fair and meeting place for forest owners, contractors, administrators and everyone interested in the forest. Visitors can learn about the latest products, discover innovations and gain new knowledge, and create opportunities for new business deals. “We are facing complex challenges involving forest damage and bark beetles plus an increased need for felling, while at the same time many

people are promoting standing timber as a carbon sink. As a result, many forest owners today are left

wondering how they should manage their forests in the future,”, Elmia’s Anders Roman explained.

“Recently, there has been a strong debate on the value of the forest and how it should be managed and cared for and we can clearly see that all the various forest stakeholders are in need of a meeting place. That’s why we’re also hosting on-stage discussions and panel debates.” The topics will include the EU’s taxonomy, the climate, biodiversity and fossil-free forest management. A moderator and various guests will hold on-stage debates that visitors can take part in. “We’re working intensively with the fair right now and are really looking forward to hosting Elmia Wood 2022, which will bring the products and know-how together in one place,” concluded Anders Roman. Tickets will soon be available at the Elmia Wood website: www.

Come to the world’s forestry fair – Elmia Wood 2022 On 2–4 June 2022 the world’s leading forestry fair, Elmia Wood, will be held in Sweden. Elmia Wood is organised in the forests outside the city of Jönköping, welcoming visitors and exhibitors from across Europe to southern Sweden. The 2022 event focuses on innovative, sustainable forestry methods for the future.

2-4 JUNE 2022

Elmia Wood is a meeting-place for forest owners, contractors, forest officials and other forest stakeholders. See the latest new products and innovations, and lay the foundation for new business and commercial relations. New on this year’s programme is the Wood Square, a forum where guests inform, discuss and debate on interesting topics, as well as the Wood Innovation LOOP.

16 Forest Bioenergy Review Spring 2022

Welcome to Elmia Wood. Secure your place and buy a ticket now!


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