March 2018 Wisconsin Holstein News

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March 2018

Volume 90 No. 3

Midwest Holsteins issue Junior Convention Results Barn Meeting Information Breeder Profile: Go-Sho Cattle Co.

Wisconsin Holstein Association 902 8th Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913 Phone (608) 356-2114 Fax (608) 356-6312

1-800-223-4269 Wisconsin Holstein News: Official Publication of the Wisconsin Holstein Association Published 11 months per year by Wisconsin Holstein Publications To Advertise: P.O. Box 49, Lancaster, WI 53813; Phone (608) 723-4933; Fax (608) 723-4973; e-mail: March 2018

VOLUME 90 No. 3

Features: 6 Junior Convention Results 12 2017 Outstanding Holstein Boy and Girl 16 Breeder Profile: Go-Sho Cattle Co. 18 Treasure Quest calf entries 21 #OneBlackandWhite: Todd Stanek & EDR V I Angie Melvina 22 National Director’s Report 24 Treasure Quest calf entries MW42 WHA Barn Meeting Information

Departments: 14 20 22 23 24 25 26

Wisconsin Holstein Briefs WHA Princess Allie Breunig Breeder Business Cards WHY Page Calendar of Events & Editor’s Comments Classified Advertising Index to Advertisers

On The Cover This month’s cover photo by Danae Bauer of Farmgirl Photography features the 2017 Outstanding Holstein Girl, Carley Krull of Lake Mills, and Outstanding Holstein Boy, Joey Opsal of Blue Mounds. Complete Junior Convention results start on page 6.

P.O. Box 49, Lancaster, WI 53813 Phone (608) 723-4933 Fax (608) 723-4973 e-mail:

WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION STAFF: Darin Johnson, Executive Director Laura Wackershauser, Editor/Advertising Manager Mara Budde, Communications Associate


Craig Carncross, President (2021)* - 608-592-2560 W13157 Co. Hwy. J, Lodi, WI 53555 Heather Jauquet, Vice President (2019) - 920-371-7511 W2285 County Rd. S, Pulaski, WI 54162 Erica Ullom, Secretary (2020) - 715-933-0477 5398 County Hwy. A, Bloomer, WI 54724 Steve Endres, Exec. Committee (2019) - 608-279-5952 7191 Hyer Rd., Waunakee, WI 53597 Bryan Stremcha, Exec. Committee (2019) - 608-790-1925 N4381 Prairie Rd., Bangor, WI 54614 Bob Cramer Jr. (2021) - 608-558-7775 W3224 Norton Rd., Juda, WI 53550 Sara Feldmann (2020) - 920-980-9704 710 Goldfinch Lane, Howards Grove, WI 53083 Joseta Halbur (2019) - 715-821-9672 120 E. Main St., Eden, WI 53019 Craig Krohlow (2020) - 920-639-5388 W4203 Shady Rd., Black Creek, WI 54106 Pam Selz-Pralle (2021)* - 715-334-3434 N4621 US Hwy. 12, Humbird, WI 54746 Sherry Siemers-Peterman (2020) - 920-946-0123 16021 Hwy. M, Cleveland, WI 53013 Ryan Weigel (2021) - 608-434-4109 5528 High Ridge Lane, Platteville, WI 53818 *WILL HAVE SERVED TWO THREE-YEAR TERMS, INELIGIBLE FOR RE-ELECTION


Paul Buhr - 608-606-3480, Viroqua Corey Geiger, Vice President - 920-650-0294, Mukwonago WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN NEWS: (ISSN 0194-4401) (USPS 688160) is published 11 times for $50 per year by the Wisconsin Holstein Association, 902 Eighth Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913. Periodical postage paid at Baraboo, WI and additional offices. Additional magazines may be purchased at $5.00 for the first copy and $2.00 for each additional copy. Price includes shipping and handling. Due to the uncertainties of the mail, the NEWS cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issues carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 14 days after the issue date. Advertising is due the 10th day of the month preceding publication. Advertising cannot be accepted over the phone, except by fax. Ad information must include name, address, phone of advertiser, amount of space needed, color if desired, photos if any and where they are. The Wisconsin Holstein News and its employees do not verify the records, classification scores or any other information that is used in advertising that appears in the Wisconsin Holstein News. The advertiser is solely responsible for the accuracy of all information used in their advertising. The News shall not be held responsible for any loss due to inaccurate information appearing in the News. The employees of the News shall be available to help any member acquire verification for any information appearing in the News. Under federal law, photographer’s pictures are copyrighted and owned by the photographic company. Prints sold are with a “single use” license and, in the case of the News, for use only in current or future issues of the News. Original photos must remain on site and may not be shared as prints or electronically without written permission of the photographic company through which the photo is copyrighted.

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4–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

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Midwest Holsteins Junior Convention results ads due February 7 Production Issue Adult Convention results District 4 feature ads due March 12 Calf Care issue District 2 feature ads due April 11 Midwest Holsteins WI Dairy Showcase results District 1 feature ads due May 9

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wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-5

Junior Holstein Convention Results Wisconsin Junior Holstein members gather for 2018 Convention The annual Wisconsin Junior Holstein 16 other Distinguished Junior Members, 11 Young Distinguished Junior Convention was hosted by the Wood County Member (YDJM) winners, and 12 Twelve & Under Recognition winners, juniors in Stevens Point at the Holiday Inn all of which excelled in their Wisconsin Holstein activities in 2017. Hotel and Convention Center, January 5-7, In addition to Opsal and Krull, 2017 Distinguished Junior Holstein 2018. More than 400 Holstein members, chaperones, and volunteers were Members (DJM) included Allison Breunig, Dane County; Jenna Broege, in attendance to help make the weekend a success. Rock County; Kelsey Cramer, Green County; Carmen Haack, Shawano Throughout the convention junior members participated in numerous County; Kalista and Kaianne Hodorff, Fond du Lac County; Rachel contests, including speaking, arts and crafts, photography, Dairy Jeopardy McCullough, Green County; Samuel Minch, Wood County; Austin and Dairy Bowl. The largest competition of the weekend was Dairy Bowl, Nauman, Monroe County; Dawson Nickels, Dodge County; Nicole Pralle, in which 36 junior, 19 senior, and 6 rookie teams competed. Clark County; Lindsey Sarbacker, Dane County; Ryan Smith, Green More than 50 volunteers helped coordinate Dairy Bowl matches, Dairy County; Brooke Trustem, Rock County; Alli Walker, Columbia County; Jeopardy contests, and the speaking contest. The Manitowoc/Calumet and Danielle Warmka, Dodge County. County team took first place in the junior The YDJM winners included Colton Dairy Bowl contest with Lafayette County Brandel, Jefferson County; Nicole Broege, coming in second place. The winner of the Rock County; McKenzie and Madison senior division was Polk County with Calvert, Lafayette County; Coltin Coffeen, Shawano County taking second. Team Brown County; Eliza Endres, Dane County; members on the junior Manitowoc/Calumet Matthew Gunst, Dodge County; Hannah County team include Clarissa Ulness, Hockerman, Marquette County; Drew and Garrett Ulness, Lauren Siemers and Brianna Ainsley Noble, Grant County; and SamanMeyer. The Polk County senior team tha Pitterle, Dodge County. consisted of Kristi Getschel, Mikayla Peper, Finally, Twelve & Under Member Marie Haase and Hailey Clausen. Recognition was awarded to Campbell Rounding out the top five for the junior Booth, Sheboygan County; Ashley Brandel, division were Polk, Dodge and Sheboygan Jefferson County; Payton Calvert, Lafayette counties, in third, fourth and fifth, respecCounty; Gina Frisle, Barron County; tively. Finishing in third through fifth place Cathryn and Christopher Gunst, Waushara in the senior division were Door County, County; Elizabeth Gunst, Dodge County; Outagamie/Calumet Counties and Iowa Kaydence Hodorff, Fond du Lac County; County. Macie Noble, Grant County; Dylan Ryan, All juniors at convention had the chance Fond du Lac County; Cole Sarbacker, Dane to compete in the Dairy Jeopardy competiCounty; and Kenadee Weigel, Grant tion. The top competitor in each of three County. age brackets has the opportunity to compete Of the exceptional youth recognized, 2017 Outstanding Holstein Girl & Boy: at the national level. Brianna Meyer of four representatives in the DJM and the Carley Krull & Joey Opsal Manitowoc/Calumet placed first in the YDJM categories were selected to submit junior jeopardy division with Maddie Hensel award forms to the national level with hopes of Wood County and Emma Paulson of Dodge of being honored at the National Convention. County coming in second and third, respectively. Samuel Minch, Dawson Nickels, Joseph Opsal and The top intermediate individual was Lauren Danielle Warmka were all chosen to represent Siemers of Manitowoc County. Marie Haase of Wisconsin as DJMs. The YDJM delegates include Polk County placed second and Coltin Coffeen of Eliza Endres, Matthew Gunst, Samantha Pitterle Brown County, third. Jake Siemers, Manitowoc and Hannah Hockerman. County, was the top senior individual with second The 2018 Wisconsin Holstein Princess and going to Dawson Nickels of Dodge County and Attendant were also crowned at the banquet on third to Summer Henschel of Calumet County. Saturday evening. This year, Allison Breunig of In the speaking contest, Wisconsin can send up Dane County will serve as the WHA Princess, and to three delegates in each division to compete at Brooke Trustem of Rock County will join her as National Convention. To compete, youth must the WHA Princess Attendant. prepare a speech on a topic related to the dairy Special recognition is given to youth leaders industry at a length assigned to their specific age that have been nominated by youth in the Junior division. Heading to National Convention this year Holstein Association and selected by the Junior in the junior division are Christopher Gunst, Activities Committee. This year’s WHY (WisconWaushara County, Sydney Gwidt, Shawano sin Holstein Youth) Friends were Angie Ulness of WHA Princesses County and Ava Endres, Dane County. In the Manitowoc County in the five year and under 2018 Princess Allie Breunig & intermediate division, top honors went to Mae division, and Heather Jauquet of Shawano Princess Attendant Brooke Trustem Buttles, St. Croix County, with second and third County in the more than five years division. going to Molly Olstad, Dane County, and Kaitlin Neu of Dodge County, Wisconsin Holstein awarded more than $16,000 in scholarships this respectively. Emily Steger, Crawford County, Allie Breunig, Dane County year, and an auction was held to raise funds for future awards. Donated and Mason Jauquet, Shawano County, took the top three for the senior items auctioned included UW-Madison Men’s Basketball tickets donated by division. Corey Geiger and Krista Knigge, another pair of men’s basketball tickets On Saturday evening, the annual banquet was held to honor donated by the Rob Rippchen family, a stay at the Dr. Daluge’s Ski House outstanding juniors in the Association. Joseph Opsal of Dane County and by Rick and Peggy Daluge, a session from Farmgirl Photography donated Carley Krull of Jefferson County claimed the most prestigious honor, by Danae Bauer, a Treasure Quest ticket donated by WHA, a pair of being named Outstanding Holstein Boy and Girl. These individuals Green Bay Packer 2018 tickets donated by Kevin Jorgensen, a pedal have excelled in their Holstein programs and have been an asset to the tractor donated by Farmers Implement of Mineral Point and a gift certifiAssociation and dairy industry as a whole. Also receiving honors were cate to Trans Ova. Funds from these items are put into the WHA 6–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

Young Distinguished Junior Members

Distinguished Junior Members

Front – Austin Nauman, Kelsey Cramer, Sam Minch, Joey Opsal, Jenna Broege and Ryan Smith. Back – Carley Krull, Lindsey Sarbacker, Danielle Warmka, Dawson Nickels, Carmen Haack, Alli Walker, Allie Breunig, Nicole Pralle, Kalista Hodorff, Rachel McCullough, Kaianne Hodorff and Brooke Trustem.

National DJM Representatives

Front – Eliza Endres, Colton Brandel, Ainsley Noble and Sam Pitterle. Back – Nicole Broege, Matthew Gunst, Hannah Hockerman, Drew Noble, Coltin Coffeen, McKenzie Calvert and Madison Calvert.

National YDJM Representatives

scholarship fund, and $3,925 was added this year. High school seniors, responsible for coordinating and overseeing all junior events within the short course, and two and four-year college students that are members of Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association. Selected this year for the southwest WHA are all eligible for these scholarships. district was Emma Buss of Lafayette County, Hannah Ullom of Chippewa Throughout the convention, youth were recognized for other County for the northwest district, Joshua Gerbitz of Rock County for the outstanding achievements, including Junior Progressive Breeder and Long southeast, and Mason Jauquet for the northeast district. These members Range Production animals producing 100,000 to over 200,000 pounds of will serve a two-year term as JAC members, and join second-year milk over their lifetime. Those receiving Junior Progressive Breeder Awards members Carley Krull of Jefferson County, Jessica Steger of Crawford include Colton, Ashley, Katie and Justin Brandel, Jefferson County; County, Caleb Hamm of Waupaca County and Samuel Minch of Wood McKenna Coffeen, Brown County; Nathan Cordes, Barron County; County. Matthew Kramer, Fond du Lac County; Riley Miller, Rock County; The contest room is a fun and great way to show off projects done by Courtney Moser, Vernon County; Geneva and Julie Nunes, Chippewa junior members throughout the year. In the advertising contest, members County; Joseph Opsal, Dane County; Brooke, Dane and Luke Trustem, submit advertisements they ran in the Wisconsin Holstein News or something Rock County; and Clarissa Ulness, Manitowoc County. they designed at home on their own. The winner from the junior division Long Range Production owners of cows include Allison Breunig of was Jacob and Logan Harbaugh from Shawano County with Kaelyn and Dane County, McKenna Coffeen of Brown County, Nathan Cordes of Kenadee Weigel, Grant County and Lauren Siemers, Manitowoc County Barron County, Matthew Kramer of Fond du Lac County, Riley Miller of coming in second and third, respectively. The Weigels also received the Rock County, Courtney Moser of Vernon County, Julie and Geneva Nunes People’s Choice Award. Cole and Clayton Mahlkuch, Green County, took of Chippewa County, Joseph Opsal of Dane County, Christopher and first in the senior division with Elise Bleck, Sheboygan County in second Cathryn Gunst of Waupaca County, Nicole Pralle of Clark County, Emily and Brooke Trustem, Rock County, in third. Trustem also received the Stumpf of Fond du Lac County, Brooke, Dane and Luke Trustem of Rock People’s Choice Award. County and Collin Wille of Barron County. In the photography contest's junior division of farm people photos, The Wisconsin Junior Holstein Association awards interested juniors Christopher Gunst, Waushara County took first. Second and People’s the opportunity to travel to an area Choice went to Kenadee Weigel of of the state to tour farms and learn Grant County, and third went to from their dairy operations. This Natalie Roe from Green County. Farm Tour award was given to 12 Joseph Opsal, Dane County, took recipients, including Geneva Nunes first, second and People’s Choice in of Chippewa County, Courtney the senior division and Paige Moser of Vernon County, Eric Nelson, Pierce County, took third. Wachtendonk of Chippewa County, In photography farm scenes Benjamin Kronberg of Rock category, Kenadee Weigel, Grant County, Summer Henschel of County, took first place, Gunnar Calumet County, Madelynn Gwidt Sperle, Jefferson County, was of Shawano County, McKenna second, and Katie Biese, Brown Coffeen of Brown County, Hannah County was third in the junior and Fritzy Ullom of Chippewa division. People’s Choice went to County, Kaianne and Kalista Ainsley Noble from Grant County. Hodorff of Fond du Lac County First in the senior division was and Claire Olson of Door County. Hannah Nelson from Pierce The convention concluded County with second and third Sunday morning with an awards going to Riley Anderson from breakfast and the annual business Pierce County. Paige Nelson, also 12 & Under Recognition winners meeting, where four new Junior from Pierce County took the Front – Ainsley Noble, Kenadee Weigel, Campbell Booth and Katie Brandel. Activities Committee (JAC) members People’s Choice award. Back – Christopher Gunst, Elizabeth Gunst, Cathryn Gunst, Payton Calvert, were elected. The JAC group is continued on page 8 Gina Frisle, Kaydence Hodorff and Dylan Ryan. wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-7

Junior Convention results, continued from page 7 Wrapping up the photography contest was the farm animals category. In the junior division Kaelyn Weigel, Grant County, placed first, Kenadee Weigel, Grant County, was second and third place and People’s Choice went to Lauren Siemers from Manitowoc County. Joesph Ospal, Dane County, took first, second and the People’s Choice in the senior division while Kelsey Cramer, Green County, placed third. The juniors got creative in the drawing and painting contest, and taking top honors in the junior division were Tahmara Hendrickson from Vernon County who also received People’s Choice, Sydney Gwidt from Shawano County, and Madeline Hensel from Wood County. In the senior division Amanda Gehrke, Wood County, took first; Jenna Broege, Rock County, placed second; and Hannah Nelson, Pierce County, was third. Also bringing out creativity were those in the crafts contest. First in the junior division was Katie Biese from Brown County, Randy Winch from Grant County took second, and Hannah Hensel from Wood County placed third. People’s Choice went to Macie Abraham from Sheboygan County. Courtney Moser, Vernon County, took first, second and People’s Choice in the senior division. Each county was encouraged to submit scrapbook pages of their activities throughout the year that will be used in the scrapbook submitted for the National Contest. Rock County earned first place and People’s Choice scrapbook page, with Waupaca/Waushara County and Manitowoc County placing second and third, respectively. The folding display contest was a huge success again this year. Individuals developed educational display boards to highlight activities or subjects within the dairy industry. In the junior division, Lydia Gwidt of Shawano County placed first and also received the People’s Choice award. Cathryn Gunst, Waushara County took second and Isaac Hamm from Waupaca County took third. Lauren Siemers from Manitowoc County received first and the People’s Choice Award in the intermediate division while Courtney Moser, Vernon County, took first and People’s Choice in the senior division. The annual essay contest encourages members to write about assigned topics relating to today's dairy industry. With another outstanding number of entries in this year's junior division, taking top honors was Kenadee Weigel of Grant County. Second was Cathryn Gunst of Waushara County, and a tie in third place went to Lauren Siemers, Manitowoc County and Kaelyn Weigel, Grant County. In the senior division, Brooke Trustem of Rock County took first place. One of the most coveted awards, based on participation throughout the year and enthusiasm, is the Spirit Award, which was given to Manitowoc/Calumet County. The Bell-R-Ring contest was won by Shawano County. For teams to be seated in the dairy bowl contest, they take a written exam on the first day of convention. Those individuals scoring highest are recognized. High scores in the junior division this year were Jared Abraham of Sheboygan County, Matthew Gunst of Dodge County and Clarissa Ulness of Manitowoc County. Recognized for high scores in the senior division were Mason Jauquet of Shawano County, Marie Haase of Polk County, and Dawson Nickels of Dodge County. The Wisconsin Holstein Association would like to commend the Wood County Junior Holstein Association members and chaperones, and extend a special thank you to all volunteers that helped make the weekend a success! The Association would also like to thank the following junior raffle sponsors: Sandy Valley Farms, the Bauer Family for the Registered Holstein heifer calf, Cargill, Boehringer Ingelheim, Animart, Holstein World, Bonnie Mohr, Country Today, Alta Genetics, Nasco, Cattle Connection, Jetstream Genetics, International Protein Sires, World Dairy Expo, Wisconsin Holstein News, UW-River Falls Dairy Club, Vita Plus, WMMB and additional baskets provided by the Junior Activities Committee and WHA Royalty.

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Scholarship Recipients

Front – Hannah Nelson, Mikayla Endres, Jenna Broege and Courtney Moser. Middle – Amber Dammen, Summer Henschel, Lindsey Sarbacker, Amanda Gehrke and Paige Nelson. Back – Logan Voigts, Kalista Hodorff, Paige Hoesly and Paul Grulke.

Junior Progressive Breeders

Front – Nathan Cordes, Geneva Nunes, Clarissa Ulness, Allie Breunig and Justin Brandel. Back – Joey Opsal, Riley Miller, Brooke Trustem, Ashley Brandel, Luke Trustem, Colton Brandel, McKenna Coffeen, Dane Trustem, Katie Brandel, Matthew Kramer and Courtney Moser.

Long Range Production

Front – Joey Opsal, Matthew Kramer, Dane and Luke Trustem. Middle – Nathan Cordes, Cathryn Gunst, Christopher Gunst, Allie Breunig and Courtney Moser. Back – Nicole Pralle, Brooke Trustem, Riley Miller, McKenna Coffeen and Geneva Nunes.

Friend of the JAC

Jen Wackershauser and Kent Wendorf

Photography Contest

Front – Kaelyn Weigel, Kenadee Weigel, Ainsley Noble, Hannah Nelson and Katie Biese. Back – Kelsey Hendrickson, Joey Opsal, Christopher Gunst, Lauren Siemers, Riley Anderson and Paige Nelson.

WHY Friend Awards

Heather Jauquet, Shawano County and Angie Ulness of Manitowoc County

Trip Award Winners

Front – Eric Wachtendonk, Hannah Ullom, Courtney Moser and Summer Henschel. Back – McKenna Coffeen, Kalista Hodorff, Ben Kronberg, Fritzy Ullom, Kaianne Hodorff and Geneva Nunes.

Essay Contest

Front - Kenadee Weigel, Kaelyn Weigel and Cathryn Gunst. Back - Lauren Siemers and Brooke Trustem.

County Scrapbooks

Left to right: Emily Bauer for WaupacaWaushara Co., Brooke Trustem for Rock Co., and Whitney Ulness for Manitowoc Co.

Banner Contest

Hannah Hensel for Wood County wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-9

Manitowoc/Calumet County Junior Dairy Bowl Team Front – Clarissa Ulness, Garrett Ulness and Brianna Meyer. Back – Lauren Siemers, coaches Amanda Smith and Janina Siemers.

Lafayette County Junior Dairy Bowl Team Front – Payton VanSchyndle and coach Kelle Calvert. Back – Madison, Payton and McKenzie Calvert.

3rd Junior Dairy Bowl Polk Co.

4th Junior Dairy Bowl Dodge Co.

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Polk County Senior Dairy Bowl Team

Front – coaches Patti Hurtgen and Cody Getschel (missing coach Gwen Dado). Back – Kristi Getschel, Hailey Clausen, Mikayla Peper and Marie Haase.

Shawano County Senior Dairy Bowl Team

Front –coaches Sara Harbaugh, Heather Jauquet and Mandi Ramsburg. Back – Carmen Haack, Ben Schmidt, Mason Jauquet and McKenna Coffeen

5th Junior Dairy Bowl Sheboygan Co.

4th Senior Dairy Bowl Outagamie/Calumet Co.

5th Senior Dairy Bowl Iowa Co.

Advertising Contest

Front – Elise Bleck, Brooke Trustem and Clayton Mahlkuch Back – Kenadee & Kaelyn Weigel, Lauren Siemers and Logan Harbaugh

Top Dairy Bowl Seating Exam Scores

Dairy Jeopardy

Front- Lauren Siemers, Marie Haase and Coltin Coffeen Back – Brianna Meyer, Jake Siemers, Dawson Nickels, Madeline Hensel, Summer Henschel and Emma Paulson

Folding Display Contest

Front – Dawson Nickels, Marie Haase and Mason Jauquet. Back – Matthew Gunst, Jared Abraham and Clarissa Ulness.

Front – Lydia Gwidt, Courtney Moser and Lauren Siemers. Back – Isaac Hamm and Cathryn Gunst.

Spirit Award - Manitowoc/Calumet County

Bell-R-Ring - Shawano County wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-11

2017 Outstanding Holstein Boy and Girl Joey Opsal Opsal’s Ridge, Blue Mounds

Being named the 2017 Wisconsin Holstein Association Outstanding Boy, was an amazing experience I will never forget. It is such an honor to have been given this prestigious title. I was able to achieve my biggest goal of my Junior Holstein career. I grew up on my family’s 440-acre dairy farm, Opsal’s Ridge Registered Holsteins, located in Blue Mounds. We are currently milking 80 cows with 150 youngstock. I am a full time employee on Opsal’s Ridge, milking the cows and feeding heifers before and after school. I am involved in all aspects of the farming operation, but especially focus on caring for the younger heifers to ensure a healthy and sound start to their lives for proper development. In addition, I manage and care for our show herd, making sure they look their best before they go to shows. I have had a love for the Holstein cow since I was born. Growing up on my family’s farm ignited my passion for the dairy industry. As soon as I could walk I was in the show ring exhibiting with my older siblings. As I got older I began getting more involved with my local and state Holstein associations by attending more shows, serving in many different officer positions in my county association, and participating in the many activities at Junior Holstein Convention. Showing has always been my biggest passion and I have exhibited at endless local, state, and national shows. My junior Holstein career has given me the opportunity to travel the Country to participate at National Convention and various national shows. After these many years of participating in Junior events, I knew I wanted to be even more involved with the state association. In 2016, I was elected to serve on the Junior Activities Committee. Serving as a JAC is one of my favorite memories from my Junior Holstein career. It truly has made me who I am today. It has helped me to break out of my shell and gain a lot of confidence in myself. I was given so many amazing opportunities as a JAC. It enabled me to travel the dairy state, attend many new events, and meet some amazing people! After graduation from Mount Horeb High School in 2016, I went to UW-Platteville to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Dairy Science. After some tough times at home on the farm, I left school to help my dad on the farm to keep it running. During this break, I found another passion of mine besides dairy, that is photography. I am now currently a student at Madison Area Technical College, where I was placed on the Dean’s list for the fall semester after receiving a GPA of 3.75. I am working towards an associate’s degree in commercial photography. After graduating in 2019, I am planning to return home to my family’s dairy farm and also have a small photography business on the side. I am looking forward to continuing my involvement in the dairy industry and the state and national Holstein Association in my future. I would not have been able to be where I am today without all of the amazing people in my life. First of all, my parents. They have always believed in me and supported me in everything I have done. They have both always pushed me to try new things and encouraged me to never give up. Second, I want to thank my siblings Emily, Megan, Felicia 12–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

(brother-in-law, Will), and Josh. They all are always at all of my activities and events I participate in, cheering me on as loud as they can. I also want to thank all of the advisors and mentors I have had. My Dane County advisors have always pushed me to do better and to go out of my comfort zone. Without them I wouldn’t have run to be a JAC and wouldn’t be where I am today. My JAC advisors, and all of the WHA staff have truly been a blessing. They are always a text, e-mail, or phone call away for anything I need. They also have helped me to vastly improve my leadership skills and pushed me to do bigger and better things. I want to give the younger members some advice I received when I was younger. No matter how introverted or nervous you may be, step out of your comfort zone. If I would’ve played it safe and never done anything that scared me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t have participated in any of the Holstein events, served as a JAC, and certainly wouldn’t have been Outstanding Boy. By trying new things and pushing yourself to do better, you can achieve things you never would have dreamed of.

Carley Krull Krull Farms, Lake Mills

People say that life’s sweetest moments come when you least expect them. This could not be truer, when I think about being recognized as this year’s Outstanding Holstein Girl. All my life I have dreamed of my name being called for this prestigious honor, but I never thought that dream would come true. It seemed so close, yet so far out of reach. I still struggle to find words to explain how much this honor means to me. It is truly humbling. I was fortunate enough to be raised on my family’s dairy farm, Krull Farms, located near Lake Mills. My love for the Holstein cow began to form as soon as I could walk. My parents, Cindy Krull-Begeman and the late Brian Krull, along with my sister Cassy and brother Bryce, all were a large part in developing me into the “crazy cow lady” that I am known as today! Many of you may know we as a red and white enthusiast, however my love for dairy cattle started with the black and whites! At Krull Farms, we are currently milking 45 Registered Holsteins, Red and Whites, along with a few Jerseys. Growing up, and now when I am home from school, my roles on the farm span across the board. And while I am away at college, I am still involved with advising in mating decisions and keeping our breeding records up-to-date. I graduated from Lake Mills High School in 2016, where throughout high school I was active in many clubs and organizations along with 4-H, FFA, and Junior Holstein. After graduation I ventured to Iowa State University where I am currently a sophomore majoring in Dairy Science and International Agriculture. On campus, I am active in the ISU Dairy Science Club, where I am currently serving as the co-chair for our Sponsorship Committee. Growing up, I was an active Junior Holstein member, participating in just about everything at least once over the years. I have now found myself

as Chair of the Junior Activities Committee. This is another dream that I never thought that I would even get close to achieving. The past year was the best year of my Junior Holstein career being able to serve on the JAC. I am excited to see what this year brings! As for my love for Holsteins… no one thinks about one certain cow changing your life, however for most of us dairy enthusiasts, it happens at some point! For me it was at age six, when my parents purchased a choice at the UW-Platteville sale in October 2003. Rocher Jordan Snow-Red-ET was that cow for me. She was the foundation cow for my growing herd, and beyond ribbons and giving me my start, “Snow” taught me many life lessons. From getting drug around the ring and being saved by many JAC members throughout the years, to not breeding back very easily or not being the most fun to milk. Like I said, I never thought one cow could change my life, but after having her around for most of my life, I realized just how much she did for me in her 12 years. I’ve had many mentors along the way who pushed me to get involved, and always do more! My dairy bowl and dairy judging coaches, industry professionals, board members, and so many more! Growing up in Jefferson County, I got to learn from some of the industry’s greatest leaders! I feel beyond blessed and fortunate to have been raised within the Wisconsin Holstein Association. Each one of the Wisconsin Junior Holstein members has impacted my life in one way or another and for that I am forever grateful. It is truly amazing the family that we have in our association. That was never more evident than when my father passed away in 2010. Seeing each and every one of those Wisconsin Holstein mentors come together for our family, was something that truly impacted the way I looked at my Junior Holstein career. So, thank you from the very bottom of my heart, to each and every single person and mentor that I have come across. You are the

Drawing and Painting Contest

Front – Amanda Gehrke, Jenna Broege and Hannah Nelson Back – Tahmara Hendrickson, Madeline Hensel and Sydney Gwidt

Junior Speaking Contest

Sydney Gwidt, Christopher Gunst and Ava Endres

reason I am the person I am today! We never say thank you enough to the people that mean the most! Thank you to the countless people who read over my applications and essays. To all of the Wisconsin Holstein Association board members and staff, past and present, you have all impacted my life more than you all know. Like I said, it is still hard to put into words how much this honor truly means to me, however I can easily say that each person that I have met or crossed paths with, has truly stayed with me and been a part of my journey. And last but not least, thank you to my entire family. You have all believed in me, especially when I did not. I can always count on each and every one of you to tell me I can do it! Especially to Cassy, Bryce, Mom and Dad. Siblings are always there to tell you “you can’t” so you only try harder to prove them wrong! Thank you both for your continued support and for always telling me to try harder and never give up. Mom, thank you for running me around all of these years to shows, conventions, and everything in between. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to love the Holstein breed and everything that it has to offer. You are an inspiration as you always defeat the odds and prove to everyone that you can do it. Thank you for giving me your strength to do and accomplish anything. And lastly, thank you dad. You taught me what it means to be a good and decent person. You instilled your love and passion for the Holstein cow in me. Thank you for watching over myself, the farm and our family for the past seven years. I always know you are right there guiding me in all my endeavors. To all of the Wisconsin junior members, farm kid or not, you have a family here within the association. Not just in your county, but throughout the state. It does not matter how you got your start, or where you came from. All that matters is that you get excited about the Holstein cow! I cannot wait to transition into my adult membership next year and see where that adventure takes me with the Holstein cow. Thank you again to each and every one of you. I am honored to be selected to receive this award, amongst the people that I looked up to throughout my Junior Holstein career!

Crafts Contest

Left to right: Hannah Hensel, Katie Biese, Randy Winch and Courtney Moser

Intermediate Speaking Contest

Molly Olstad, Mae Buttles and Kaitlyn Neu

Senior Speaking Contest

Emily Steger, Allie Breunig and Mason Jauquet wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-13

Wisconsin Holstein Briefs L Congratulations to Aaron and Nicole Breunig, Manitowoc, on the birth of their son Zander Cole on January 29, weighing 10 lbs. 3 oz. and 21.5 inches long. He joins big brothers Gavin and Ethan. I Lea (McCullough) and Steven Jordan welcomed daughter Cheyanna Marie on February 11, weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 19.5 inches long. Congratulations! U Congratulations to Kelsey (Fink) and Trent Hendrickson on the birth of their son Trevor Cornelius on February 16, weighing 6 lbs. 10 oz. and 20 inches long. J Best wishes to Sandy Larson and Mike Brugger who were married on Saturday, February 17. Congratulations to the newlyweds! K Our condolences to the families of Julie Mentink, William Hughes and Ray Potter who passed away recently. Full obituaries are below. The Wisconsin Holstein News encourages readers and members to submit information for the Wisconsin Holstein Briefs column. We are looking for news of a wedding, birth announcement, award winner or death that Wisconsin Holstein breeders should know about. High quality, submitted photos will be printed if space is available. Please submit your information to the Wisconsin Holstein News by mail at PO Box 49, Lancaster, WI 53813; or email to

Obituaries Julie Mentink

Julie Lynn Mentink, 27, of Waldo, passed away on Monday, January 29, 2018, at the Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice in Sheboygan Falls as a result of a snowmobile accident. Julie was born on March 21, 1990 in Sheboygan to Ron and Carol (Mentink) Meinnert. She was a 2008 graduate of Sheboygan Falls High School and a 2012 graduate of UW-Platteville with a Bachelor’s Degree in Dairy Science. On November 16, 2013, Julie married Jason Mentink at the First Reformed Church in Sheboygan Falls. Julie and Jason worked together on the family dairy farm. Julie was an active member of Gibbsville Reformed Church. She was currently serving on the Sheboygan County Dairy Committee; and formerly a member of the Johnsonville Hustlers 4H Club, and the Sheboygan Falls FFA. Julie was an avid reader, and enjoyed cross stitching, gardening and canning. Julie was passionate about showing dairy cattle, but most of all she loved spending time with her family especially their little boy, John. Julie is survived by her husband, Jason Mentink; her son, John Mentink; parents, Ron and Carol Meinnert; two brothers, Eric Meinnert and Tyler Meinnert; two grandmothers, Lorraine Mentink, and Jeanette Meinnert; parents-in-law, Joel and Brenda Mentink; grandparents-in-law, David and Patricia Scholten; three sisters-in-law, Rebecca (Eli) Brotzman, Kathleen Mentink, and Jolene (fiance Kyle Karnitz) Mentink; three nieces, Grace Meinnert, Harper Meinnert and Elizabeth Brotzman; and two nephews, Caleb Brotzman, Jacob Brotzman. She is further survived by aunts, uncles, cousins, other relatives and many dear friends. Julie was preceded in death by her sister-in-law, Samantha Meinnert; two grandfathers, Meryl Mentink and Norbert Meinnert; and grandparents-in-law, Howard and Ruth Mentink. A memorial fund is being established in her name for John’s education fund and Grace on Wings.

William Hughes

William G. Hughes, Bill, Grandpa, Papa GG (as his great-granddaughter calls him), 87, has come to the end of the trail on Saturday, February 3. He was born September 26, 1930 in Oshkosh to Richard and Emma (Spadtke) Hughes. Bill is survived by his loving wife of 67 years Gloria, children: Linda Friddell, Tomball, TX; Joe (Kathy) Hughes, Oshkosh, WI; Ben (Jane) Hughes, Pickett, WI; Tammy (Bruce) Blechl, Pickett, WI; and Tina Hughes (Mark Adamski), Oshkosh, WI; grandchildren: Jeremiah (Jennifer) Friddell, Carencro, LA; Joshua (Melanie) Friddell, Magnolia, TX; Leah (Devon) Dipprey, College Station, TX; Laurie Hughes, Oshkosh, WI; Joseph (Julie) Hughes, Nanticoke, PA; Jonathan Hughes, Lakeville, MN; Michael (Kimberly) Hughes, Pickett, WI; Courtney (Michael Halsey) Hughes, Chicago, IL; Oz Hughes, 14–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

Oshkosh, WI; Zach Lemmon, Becker, MN; 17 great-grandchildren; along with many nieces, nephews and cousins. He is also survived by two special families, the Prouds and the Kocks. He attended Red School, South Park School and graduated from Oshkosh High School in 1948. He met the love of his life, Gloria Ann Scheller in the Summer on 1948 at the VanDyne Free Shows. They married September 15, 1950 at the New Bethel E&R Church in the Town of Black Wolf. He started his herd of Registered Holsteins with a purchase of a 4-H calf. Bill & Gloria purchased a farm in the Town of Nekimi in 1950 when they created Dad & Lad Farm. He later delivered trucks for Badger Federal and was a bridgetender for 16 years. Bill and Gloria were foster parents for 15 children. Bill was very active with the Salvation Army, where he was a bell ringer for 14 years. In 2007, Bill received the Helen Lord Burr Award. Bill was a 4-H leader, lifetime member of the Winnebago County Holstein Association, which he served on the board for nine years. In 2012 he received his 50-year membership to the Wisconsin Holstein Association, was a member of the Nekimi Volunteer Fireman and a charter member of Bethany UCC Oshkosh. They loved to visit family in Texas and going to Branson, MO. Bill always enjoyed helping his sons on their farms, vacationing with friends in Eagle River and attending Wisconsin Holstein Conventions. Bill was preceded in death by his parents, son Rocky Lee Hughes, son-in-law Roland Friddell, brother and sister-in-law Dick and Elaine Hughes, brother-in-law and sister-in-law Chully and Bernie Hackbarth, brother-in-law Jake Scheller, brother-in-law and sister-in-law and Ray and Betty Schommer, brother-in-law Gerald Gerlach.

Ray Potter

Ray Potter 82, Milton, passed away peacefully with his family by his side, Saturday, February 3 at Mercy Hospital, Janesville, Wis. Ray died from complications following coronary bypass surgery. He was born in Ottawa, Illinois, on March 31, 1935, to Walter and Mildred Hamm Potter. Ray graduated from Milton Union High School in 1952. He was married to Mary Page in 1953, who predeceased him in 2010. He then married Sharon Rozelle in 2016. After a short stint of six months working at Fisher Body, Ray began his lifelong career working for Gene Acres, which eventually became Mulder Farms and was most well-known for breeding Gene-Acres Felicia May Fury. He retired from the dairy operation in 1995 but stayed on as their local land manager until the time of his death. Ray has been a contributing farmer all his life. During his career with Mulder Farms his herds were consistently among Rock County’s top milk producers. His pioneering efforts with embryo transplantation yielded award-winning herds of international proportions. He was named the winner of the Progressive Breeder Award by the National Holstein Association for 11 years running. For years he was a 4-H leader to many of us in the community teaching young people how to raise, show and judge cattle. He made significant contributions to the local “black and white” shows and Wisconsin State Fairs. Ray was an avid bird watcher who found and identified many North American bird species. In all he recorded 672 on his “Life List.” Running was another of his passions, whether it be a 10k or a marathon, his running career began in 1983 and his last formal race was in 2013. He ran around the world almost one and a half times, 44,285 miles in total. He completed nine marathons and over 700 organized races. Ray is survived by: his wife Sharon; children Kim (Linda Bessette), Rodney (MaryAnn), stepchildren Richard Rozelle (Brenda) and Deborah Rozelle (Link Decker); grandchildren: Nicole Johnson (Brandon), Heather Craddock (Gregory), Ryan Potter, Sean Potter, Brendan Potter and Emily Bessette; dtep-grandchildren Jackson Wildes (Liz) and Bernadette Wildes; great-grandchildren: Malyki, Zyaire, Alijah and Isabella Craddock, Layton and Arabella Johnson; and step-great-grandson Joseph Wildes.

Midwest Holsteins SPRING 2018

Illinois • Iowa • Michigan • Minnesota • Wisconsin


4 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

Midwest Holsteins INDEX



Badger Dairy Camp ...................................... 27

McLeod Co. Holstein Club ............................ 5

Saintville Holsteins ........................................ 57

Brenhaven Jerseys .......................................... 45

Michigan Spring Foundation Sale ................ 35

SDSU Dairy Club ........................................ 15 60

Sheeknoll ...................................................... 19

Char-La-Don Holsteins ................................ 38

Michigan State University Department of Animal Science........................................ 32

Crest-View-Acres Dispersal .......................... 26

Milksource Genetics ........................................ 2

South Dakota State University...................... 31

Glenmark Genetics........................................ 16

Minnesota Directory of Services .................. 58

Spring Selections at the Northern............ 22-23

Go-Sho Holsteins .......................................... 39

Minnestoa YAC Embryo Sale ...................... 50

Star Summit .................................................. 30

Gopher Dairy Club ...................................... 40

Mooville/Westvale-View Dairy .................... 18

Sunshine Genetics ........................................ 44

Gorentz Dairy .............................................. 15

National Holstein Convention ........................ 6

The Pursuit of Excellence Sale................ 36-37

Green Meadow.............................................. 14

Olmar Farms .................................................. 9

University of Minnesota.................................. 3

Hendel Farms ................................................ 50

Oneeda Farm ................................................ 52

UW-Madison .................................................. 7

Illini Golden Opportunity Sale .................... 38

Opsal’s Ridge ................................................ 17

Village View Farm ........................................ 27

Illinois PDCA Calf Sale ................................ 25

Our Favorite .................................................. 24

Vitality .......................................................... 25

Iowa State Sale ........................................ 28-29

Outagamie Spring Sale ................................ 56

Wargo Acres .................................................... 8

Kingstreet/Thistle Dew ................................ 41

RedFest with a Touch of Black .................... 56

Madson Dispersal .......................................... 34

Regancrest .................................................... 11

Waupaca-Waushara Show Opportunity Sale .......................................................... 12-13

Marathon County .................................... 46-49

Rod-er-Dic Farm .......................................... 59

Wildvale Registered Holsteins ...................... 53

Sherdale Farms.............................................. 51

cover photo by Krista Styer, Menomonie, Wis.

Wisconsin Holstein Association 902 8th Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913 Phone (608) 356-2114 • Fax (608) 356-6312 1-800-223-4269 To Advertise: P.O. Box 49, Lancaster, WI 53813 Phone (608) 723-4933 • Fax (608) 723-4973 e-mail: WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION STAFF: Darin Johnson, Executive Director Laura Wackershauser, Editor/Advertising Manager Mara Budde, Communications Associate WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBERS: Craig Carncross, President - Lodi, 608-592-2560 Heather Jauquet, Vice President - Pulaski, 920-371-7511 Erica Ullom, Secretary - Bloomer, 715-933-0477 Steve Endres, Executive Committee - Waunakee, 608-279-5952 Bryan Stremcha, Executive Committee - Bangor, 608-790-1925 Bob Cramer Jr. - Juda, 608-558-7775 Sara Feldmann - Howards Grove, 920-980-9704 Joseta Halbur - Eden, 715-821-9672 Craig Krohlow - Black Creek, 920-639-5388 Pam Selz-Pralle - Humbird, 715-334-3434 Sherry Siemers-Peterman - Cleveland, 920-946-0123 Ryan Weigel - Platteville, 608-434-4109 NATIONAL DIRECTORS: Paul Buhr - 608-606-3480 Corey Geiger, Vice President - 920-650-0294 MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 5

As the convention nears make your plans to join Holstein enthusiasts from coast to coast when we meet in the Cherry Capital of the world!


Friday June 29, 2018 • Lake Michigan Sportfishing Chartered Fishing Trip – Reel in the big one on Lake Michigan! Saturday, June 30, 2018 • Mackinac Island Tour – Drive across the five mile Mackinac Bridge to take a ferry to the island of no motorized vehicles and enjoy a carriage ride or a bike tour. Lunch at the Grand Hotel and a tour of the historic Fort Mackinac!


Sunday, July 1, 2018 • Tour 4 farms in the McBain area and see a Michigan Holstein Breeders Showcase of Michigan’s Finest Registered Holsteins. • Leelanau Peninsula • Sail on Tall Ships • Cruise Lake Michigan on a Catamaran • Play in the sand at Sleeping Bear Dunes • Float the Platte River • Enjoy a family fun night with the Holstein Block Party- Bounce houses, games and a Knocker-ball Tournament!


Monday, July 2, 2018 • Lighthouse at Brys Estate Tour Lavender Farm and Chateau Chantal Tour • Wine tasting • Shopping Downtown Traverse City


Design Kristy Roose

Enjoy a high energy program covering the hot button issues for the millennial generation heading into the workforce. Youth will find their way from the dairy cow to the dairy career while visiting with professionals in the dairy industry at the career fair style trade show. Headquarters Hotel – Grand Traverse Resort and Spa • 800-236-1577 or 231-534-6000 • promocode=NHC0618 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd., Box 404 Acme, MI 49610-0404. More rooms and condos have been added to the convention block. Make sure you call the hotel to make your reservation and mention the National Holstein Convention for the reduced rate! Follow us on the 2018 National Holstein Convention Facebook page for the latest information.

Registration will open soon! For all the convention information and updates visit:

6 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 7

Since we didn’t breed these cows to beef...

Wargo-Acres Manners EX-94

Regancrest Belara-ET EX-94 DOM

Wargo-Acres Blton Mopsie-ET EX-93

Wargo-Acres Doria-ET EX-93 GMD

Wargo-Acres Clay Entertain EX-92

Wargo-Acres Hummer EX-92

Wargo-Acres Guth Metalic-ET EX-91

Our-Favorite Denali Rae-ET EX-91 GMD

Regancrest Domain Cinder-ET EX-91

Wargo-Acres Guth Mankato-ET EX-90

Regancrest A Candice-ET EX-90

Wargo-N-JD Super Delux-ET EX-90 GMD DOM

...we have way too many 2-year-olds! Give us a call if you are looking for great young cows. All cows pictured have daughters in the 2-year-old pen. We also have a large supply of open and breeding age heifers. Gordon & Emily Carncross | Craig & Jen Carncross W13157 Co. Hwy. J, Lodi, WI 53555 | 608-592-2560 Craig cell BAA: 108.3% on 300 cows

8 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

RHA: 31,522 3.8 1196 3.1 981


Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle ~ Heifer Choices ~

$100 Ea

Morningview SPD Kia-Red

Hawkeye-JK MC Artic Snow-ET

Morningview Super Roxy EX-90 Morningview Holsteins 563.542.5590

Ms Arizona-ET EX-93 Hawkeye Holsteins 712.480.4410

Regan-Danhof P Cayla-ET

FARNEAR 31523 DYMO 38067-ET

OCD JACEY 2421-ET EX-91 Regancrest Holsteins 563.568.5257

Vision-Gen Sh Frd A12276-ET EX-90 Farnear Holsteins 563.599.9183

9-25-17 HHP +2398G Splendid P X Entitle X Mogul Pictured is 3rd Dam

12-4-17 +870NM +2744G Pinnacle X Jedi X Jacey Pictured is 2nd Dam

Thank You to these Donors! Your support is greatly appreciated! Select Sires (Mark Knudtson) Envision DCS (Pete Knipper) Dr. Justin Helgerson Farmers Union Coop Vita Plus (Duane Gibbs) ST Genetics Trans Ova Steel Cow Zoetis

3-4-17 APPLE FAMILY!! McCutchen X Defiant X Goldwyn Pictured is 2nd Dam

8-15-17 +896NM +2759G Dynamo X Delta X Shan Pictured is 3rd Dam

~ Raffle Prizes ~

1st Prize ~ Heifer Choice or $2500 Cash 2nd Prize ~ $1500 Cash 3rd Prize ~ Trans Ova Certificate & $500 Cash 4th Prize ~ $1000 Cash 5th Prize ~ 10 units of Kingboy Semen & $500 Cash 6th Prize ~ $800 Cash 7th Prize ~ 4 Transfers & $250 Cash 8th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $200 Cash 9th Prize ~ $500 Certificate from ST Genetics for Semen of Choice 10th Prize ~ $400 Certificate from Envision 11th Prize ~ Zoetis Basket & $100 Cash 12th Prize ~ Steel Cow Canvas Print & $100 Cash

Proceeds to the Iowa Junior Holstein Association & the Iowa Holstein Association

For tickets, please contact Shellie Volker 319.269.0318 or Carl Mensen 563.329.0876 10 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018


Offering Cashmere’s 12/4/17 Pinnacle Daughter at the Iowa Spring Sale REGAN-DANHOF P CAYLA-ET

GTPI+2746 PTA +2650M +69F +74P PTA +868NM +8.1PL 2.85SCS +3.1DPR PTA +1.80T +1.61UDC +1.99FLC PTA +170FE Cayla is one of the choices for the Iowa Holstein Heifer Raffle. If she is not selected as the Grand Prize, then she will be sold at the sale as one of the first lots. Don’t miss this opportunity!


GTPI+2898 PTA +2236M +86F +74P Dam of #2 GTPI Young Bull ~ REGAN-DANHOF GAMECHANGER-ET GTPI+3041 at GENEX Jedi x Jacey 2421


EX-91@3-08 GTPI+2620 2-02 3 365 33530 4.0 1325 3.2 1072 Jacey x Epic EX x Ramos Crimson EX-94 GMD DOM

1095 Hwy 9, Waukon, IA 52172 | 563.568.2055 Fax: 563.568.4331 | Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018 - 11

32nd ANNIVERSARY WAUPACA-WAUSHARA SHOW OPPORTUNITY SALE Saturday, March 17, 2018 • 12:00 Noon • Weyauwega, Wis. Fairgrounds





EX-95 4E EX-MS GMD DOM All-American Senior 3-Year-Old 2006 8-00 2x 365 44,810 3.5 1548 2.9 1291 An early Slater winter calf sells from Amy’s 2-year-old Golden Dreams. Tree-Hayven

EX-94 2E EX-MS 5-11 2x 343 55,424 3.5 1946 2.8 1560 Dare’s dam is Rubens Dori 4E-94 with 305,930 lifetime. A Crush fall calf sells from Dare’s EX Atwood. Opsal-Wilstar

EX-93 2E EX-MS 5-10 3x 365 39,510 3.9 1537 3.0 1191 Abilene is a daughter of Chief Adeen 2E94. Her Pulaski sells carrying a Brokaw ET heifer from Ocean-View Derry Joules EX-93. Moede

EX-90 EX-MS 3-04 2x 362 24,900 3.5 875 3.2 789 Hiccup is backed by EX-91, 4E-92 DOM and 4E-90 dams. A summer yearling High Octane sells from her VG 2-year-old Sid. Synergy





EX-90 2E 4-05 2x 365 25,370 4.9 1387 3.3 933 Take your pick of three Solomons due March 8 from this 8th generation EX. Bricco

EX-92 2E EX-MS DOM 4-04 2x 365 39,840 4.8 1782 3.3 1293 Beth’s dam was EX-90 with 216,720 lifetime. A January 2018 Slater sells from Beth’s GP-83 Bradnick. Westphal

EX-92 EX-MS 3-01 2x 365 29,940 3.2 969 3.1 919 Patio is a daughter of Peppermin Pati 2E93. Patio’s fancy Solomon winter calf sells. Tree-Hayven

VG-87 GMD DOM 4-08 2x 305 28,630 3.9 1113 3.1 874 Panzer and her many offspring have been sought after for embryo export. Panzer’s January 2018 Uno sells. Hintz





This *RC Gold Chip summer yearling sells from a show winning fresh Defiant. Next dam EX-92, then 3E-94 Rubens Indigo-Red. Pure-Pride

EX-93 2E 6-03 3x 365 42,700 3.7 1578 3.0 1266 Her fancy August 2017 Solomon sells. Next dam Gold Dish Rae EX-90 with 44,700 3.8 1717. 3rd dam Debutante Rae EX-92. Our-Favorite

EX-93 2E EX-MS 6-02 2x 365 31,840 3.2 1022 3.0 956 Pati has been a potent brood cow with numerous VG and EX daughters, including Patio pictured above. Pati’s spring yearling Byway sells. Cordes

EX-91 EX-MS 3-11 2x 365 32,860 4.3 1399 3.3 1071 Rain has daughters nominated All-American. A Solomon fall calf from Rain’s GP-82 2-year-old Archrival sells. Hilrose

More Exciting Offerings... • Gene Drought offers a special donation for the junior auction. Selling are two #1 DT Outside embryos from 4 generations of EX. • Front-Page sends a Kingboy winter calf from a GP-83 Guthrie with 22,410 4.6 1041. 2nd dam VG-86, 3rd dam VG-89 EX-MS. • Hardscrabble Farms offers a red Archangel fall calf from a VG Daniel with 29,670 4.4 1320 3.5 1032. A high lifetime pedigree. • Buy a Meridian winter calf from 4 generations VG. Dam is VG-88 with 33,680 4.7 1569, 2nd dam VG-88 with 32,280 3.5 1118. Steve Maier • Patrick & Paul Juckem send a fancy full-aged spring yearling McCutchen Kian from a VG Gold Chip. 2nd dam GP-84 with 32,280 3.8 1237. • Get a July 2017 Gatedancer from a VG-87 Gerard with 43,660M. Granddam GP-83 with 31,960M. Scott Munes

We will be having an auction to benefit the Waupaca-Waushara Junior Holstein Association.

Waupaca-Waushara Holstein Breeders will be offering a 5% rebate to any WI Junior Holstein member purchasing a calf at the sale. To qualify, juniors must be a state member by March 1, 2018. Watch for the catalog & sale updates on Facebook - KML

12 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

32nd ANNIVERSARY WAUPACA-WAUSHARA SHOW OPPORTUNITY SALE Saturday, March 17, 2018 • 12:00 Noon • Weyauwega, Wis. Fairgrounds





EX-90 3-09 2x 341 31,990 5.1 1621 3.9 1253 From this clone of Apple EX-96 comes a September 2017 red Lotus to carry on the family legacy. Milksource

EX-94 4-04 2x 363 37,880 4.5 1699 3.4 1299 Tanya was Nominated Red & White AllAmerican 4-year-old 2016. A summer yearling Diamondback sells from Tanya’s GP-83 Acme. Wilstar

VG-87 3-04 3x 365 38,490 4.1 1572 3.0 1163 Her dam is Glamor Shot EX-92, WDE Junior Show Supreme Champion 2002. A December 2017 Armani sells from Gossip Girl’s VG-86 2-year-old. Coffeen

EX-91 EX-MS *RC 5-01 3x 365 34,660 4.8 1678 3.2 1126 Athena is a 9th generation EX Enhancer Alicia. Her summer yearling Defiant as well as Absolute and Diamondback embryos sell. Ullom





VG-87 VG-MS 2-01 2x 365 32,279 4.2 1366 3.3 1048 Psalm’s September 2017 +2767G Samuri granddaughter sells. Dam is sired by the #1 Delta. Outstanding modern opportunity. Sandy-Valley

VG-85 DOM 2-02 2x 365 34,520 4.2 1443 3.4 1158 From this prolific A.I. family comes a December 2017 +2584G Mr Max. Dam is a fresh Wickham daughter of Milly. Luedtke & Ryan

EX-90 EX-MS DOM 3-11 2x 312 38,290 3.7 1420 3.0 1160 An October 2017 +2740G Modesty sells. Dam is a fresh Silver daughter of Glamour. Glamour has sons in A.I. Sandy-Valley

EX-93 2E EX-MS GMD DOM 6-07 2x 365 49,900 4.0 2015 2.9 1452 Fantasy is a 5th generation EX. A June 2017 Corvette sells from her GP 2Y Doorman granddaughter. 2nd dam VG-88. Opsal





EX-93 2E EX-MS 4-05 2x 365 30,040 3.7 1101 3.0 907 This family makes show winners. Her dam was Gabby EX-94. A December 2017 Sid sells from Gabriella’s EX Goldwyn. Vomastic

EX-92 2E EX-MS 4-01 2x 365 33,490 4.4 1484 3.2 1067 Roxbax’s dam was an EX Boss Iron from the Roxys. A summer yearling Sid sells from her VG Guthrie. Royola

EX-93 2E EX-MS 5-08 3x 365 41,560 4.8 2005 3.0 1232 Ava is a 9th generation EX Apple. A December 2017 red Anaheim sells from a GP-83 red Archive then Ava’s EX Alchemy. Potent red pedigree. Wilstar

EX-94 3E EX-MS 5-03 2x 365 38,650 4.1 1580 3.0 1176 Alexa Rae is an own daughter of the AllAmerican Debutante Rae EX-92. Her winter yearling Atwood sells. Mayerlane

More Exciting Offerings... • B-Long sends a full-aged Doorman fall calf from a VG 2-year-old Shot milking over 100 lbs./day. 2nd dam VG-87 with 38,000M. • A December 2017 Brady sells from a VG-87 Sabathia with 24,410 4.2 1037. Next 3 dams 2E-93, 3E-92, 3E-91. Craig-Kro • Ri-Jul offers a fancy fall calf by Airlift from a GP-83 Doberman, then a VG-86 EX-MS Hvezda. • B-Long sends a summer yearling Saloon from a GP 2-year-old Windbrook with 34,280M and 1305F. Next 2 dams EX. • Scott Munes offers a summer yearling AltaFlywheel from a VG-85 Planet. 2nd dam GP Amateur with 149,100 3.7 5487F lifetime.

SALE STAFF: Sale Chairman: Justin Hintz 715-851-0049 Jim Hoskens, Pedigrees 920-366-7153 Darrell Worden, Auctioneer 715-842-8098 Ringmen: Jay Jauquet 920-639-6408 Lynn Harbaugh 920-420-1524 Brandon Ferry 608-335-8861

For catalogs, contact: Dick Piechowski e-mail:; Ph: 715-258-2757 Watch for the catalog & sale updates on Facebook - KML

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 13

Green Meadow Kenzie-ET EX91 2E

Green Meadow Kasie-ET EX90 2E

Life 167,690 milk 3.5% 5503F 2.9% 4602P

4-08 365d 34,190m 4.5% 1539F 3.0% 1027P

Her daughter sells! Green Meadow Moonbeam-ET VG88

Her granddaughter sells! Green Meadow Carefree-ET EX91

Life 130,340 milk 3.5% 4513F 3.1% 4044P

Ad design Kristy Roose

Life 154,060 milk 3.9% 5971F 3.1% 4709P


A fresh Mogul 2-year-old out of Kenzie, granddaughter of Kasie


A fresh Pety 2-year-old x VG Observer x VG Shottle x Kasie


A fresh MardiGras 2-year-old with 3 generations of VG dams with 30,000 plus of milk and 3.6% to 4.0% butter fat behind her.

Her daughter sells! GREEN MEADOW DASHN JUNE

A fresh Dashawn 2-year-old x VG Shaman x VG AltaCynister x EX 90 Roy Lane Jordan


A fresh Shaman 2-year-old x Green Meadow Moonbeam-ET x VG Outside x VG Rudoph


A September calf by Delta out of Green Meadow Carefree-ET

“Where the Latch String is Always Out” Craig & Darcy Green • Velmar & Margaret Green • 6400 N Hollister Rd • Elsie, Michigan 48831 • 989-862-4291 14 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018


16- MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 17

14 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

! a n a i r A Transmitting High M


ilk, Type & Compone

Ariana EX-94

Reserve All-American Summer Yearling, 2011 3-01 356 38,546 4.5 1721 3.3 1287


Sheeknoll Beemer Charlotte 2577 VG-88@2yrs Photo by Han Hopman

Ariana’s Impressive List of Offspring Includes:


Uno Dream EX-91@3-06yr 3-06 365 35,421 4.1 1451 3.1 1110 With a April 2016 Beemer daughter due in April

Sheeknoll Uno Dream EX-91@3-06yr

Sheeknoll Beemer Charlotte 2577 VG-88@2yrs

Uno Diana EX-90 3-04 365 34,441 4.0 1390 3.1 1065 Diana’s milking daughters include: Doorman 2563 VG-87 2-00 352 26,226 4.4 1148 3.7 958 With an October 2016 Sid daughter (owned by Devlin Holsteins) and two December 2016 Sid daughters Doorman 2564 VG-88 1-11 307 22,962 4.3 989 3.3 757 Jacey 2573 GP-83 VG-86-MS 1-10 337 26,980 3.8 1036 3.0 802 Her Markley daughter sold to Select Sires Beemer Charlotte 2577 VG-88@2yrs As seen in Holstein International’s January 2018 issue (pictured at left and above on-farm)

The Sheehans • 4428 County Road 16 SE • Rochester, MN Home: (507) 289-4251 • Robert’s Cell: (507) 259-3477 • Connect with us on Facebook!

Beemer 2596 VG-86@2yrs With a November 2017 Crush daughter Beemer 2597 VG-85Can@2yrs Owned by Ferme Blondin and dam of Jacoby son: Blondin Thunder Storm 4.46 PTAT Atwood 2566 VG-87@2yrs With a May 2017 Gold Chip daughter Atwood 2562 VG-88@2yrs 2-00 365 29,922 3.7 1120 2.9 882 With a December 2016 Sid Daughter Atwood Empress VG-86@2yrs Atwood 2565 VG-85@2yrs Owned by Lida Acres–PDCA Breeder of the Year 566HO1252 Sheeknoll Doorman Andres 3.37 PTAT; Owned by International Protein Sires

Tang Named 2017 Illinois Holstein of the Year

Miss Pottsdale Dfi Tang-Red EX-92 3-05 337d 34,539m 4.3% 1492f 3.1% 1072 Gary Janssen of Golden Oaks Farm was presented with the 2017 Illinois Holstein of the Year award from Illinois Holstein President Ed Smith and Holstein Association USA President Boyd Schaufelberger

The Illinois Holstein Association continued the Illinois Holstein of the Year contest that recognized an animal that had great success in 2017. This contest accepted nominations and results were based on votes from the Illinois Holstein Association’s Facebook page. Receiving the 2017 Illinois Holstein of the Year award was Miss Pottsdale Dfi Tang-Red EX-92. Tang, sired by Defiant, is a daughter of

AL-N-Tine Debonair Tart-ET EX-92. She had an incredible year in the show ring in 2017! She was named the Unanimous All-American Red & White Senior 3-Year-Old. Her show winnings last year included: 1st Senior 3-Year-Old & Intermediate Champion of both the Red & White and Black & White shows at the Midwest Spring National, 1st Senior 3-Year-Old at the Illinois Championship Show and 1st Senior 3-Year-Old and Reserve Intermediate Champion at the International Red & White Show at World Dairy Expo. Congratulations to the owners of Tang, Golden Oaks Farm!

Bovre Receives 2017 Distinguished Service Award

Webster’s Dictionary defines service as the work performed by one that contributes to the welfare of others. This year’s Service Award winner has been actively involved in the Illinois Holstein Association for over 50 years. She began showing calves at the local shows and county fairs and found a fondness of the breed that has lasted a lifetime. In fact, you could say she lives and breathes the Holstein cow. From fitting clinics to employing youth, to serving as an official judge at a 4-H judging contest or writing questions for dairy bowl, she and her husband have been incredible mentors to youth while promoting the Registered Holstein breed. This Service Award winner was born and raised in Illinois. She attended the University of Illinois for a brief time, and even after leaving Illinois has been actively involved in the Illinois Holstein Association and a golden paid membership affiliate. She has donated countless hours to maintain the success of our State Holstein show as co-chairman and has assisted the Junior Show chairman for the past 3 years. Paula Bovre, our Service Award winner owns Great Northern Land and Cattle Company with her husband Rick for over 35 years and has managed over 850 sales. Paula is an agent for Merle Howard Insurance Agency that specializes in Livestock mortality. She has served as a World Dairy Expo Board director since 2012 and the International Junior Holstein Show Superintendent at World Dairy Expo from its inception in 2004. It is with great appreciation we acknowledge the numerous hours given to our organization as we present Paula Bovre with the 2017 Illinois Holstein Service Award. 20 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

2017 IL Holstein Distinguished Service Award Recipient Paula Bovre Pictured L-R: Illinois Holstein Association President Ed Smith, Paula Bovre, Sarah Butler, Holstein Association USA President Boyd Schaufelberger

Erbsen Awarded Senior Breeder Award

IL Holstein Senior Breeder Award Recipient Kevin Erbsen Pictured L-R: Illinois Holstein Association President Ed Smith, Delana Erbsen, Wendy Erbsen, Kevin Erbsen, Holstein Association USA President Boyd Schaufelberger, Sarah Butler, Payton Erbsen

This year’s Senior Breeder Award is known as a modest man of few words that possesses a great passion and unmatched work ethic. He has built a foundation herd breeding exceptional registered Holsteins with an emphasis on high type cow families. He is a successful longtime breeder that doesn’t follow the changing norm of the industry, but breeds for cattle he likes to look at as he milks. His standard has a proven reputation at the local and state level. His ability to see good cattle furnished him with a few judging trophies and a National DJM award. He has an extraordinary ability to remember good cows and their pedigrees. Starting out in the show ring was difficult as he didn’t immediately stand at the top, but after 30 years of breeding, he has champions at the state show, numerous Jr. AllAmerican nominations and bred a 2x All-American bull. This Senior Breeder is involved in his community by serving on the local insurance, Holstein and DHIA boards. In addition, he assists the local judging teams and has provided animals for the local judging contest for more than 25 years. Since the inception of the registered herd, which he has lead since 1994, there have been 165 Excellent cows, 340 Very Good cows, 20 Gold Metal Dams and 25 Dams of Merit. The farm has been named Premier Breeder at the Illinois Championship Holstein show more than 20 times along with receiving the Progressive Breeders Registry Award 28 times, possibly the most of any Illinois herd. The farm has had 20 Illinois Futurity winners, and is currently ranked 25th in the nation with a BAA of 112.6%. This Senior Breeder has devoted his entire life to the farm and has shared this passion with his wife of 20 years and two children. He is no stranger to the blue ribbon, but rarely is seen in the show ring or in front of an audience. Congratulations to this year’s Senior Breeder, Kevin Erbsen!

Carter Recognized with Junior Breeder Award Our Junior Breeder discovered a love for high genetic animals from his family, as they are no strangers to high-end cow breeding. He began showing and was determined to develop outstanding quality. His type herd and breeding really took off with the purchase of Mohrfield Supra Precious who has garnered a number of awards on the colored shavings in her own right. Our Junior Breeder has done a phenomenal job mating bredleading sires to Precious to develop many offspring that have gone on to make the Carters-Corner prefix synonymous with great breeding and outstanding quality homebred genetics. Our 2017 Junior Breeder is Tyler Carter! Tyler’s youth and great eye for cattle will continue to grow through the years, and it will be fun to watch the kind of cattle to come from Carters-Corner. Tyler is a graduate of Greenville High School and attended Kaskaskia College majoring in Dairy Science. During his time at Kaskaskia, he was a member of the KC Ag Club and KC Dairy Judging Team. Tyler’s collegiate judging career was highlighted by being named All-American at World Dairy Expo in 2011 finishing 8th and 3rd at NAILE. Congratulations to Tyler, our 2017 Junior Breeder! IL Holstein Junior Breeder Award Recipient Tyler Carter Presented by Holstein Association USA President Boyd Schaufelberger

Thank you to the Butler Family of Bluff-Ridge Holsteins for sponsoring the Distinguished Service, Senior Breeder and Junior Breeder Awards in memory of Bob Butler! MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 21

22 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 23

Unlimited Descendants Topping the Type Charts! • Unlimited Sons

Our-Favorite UnlIMITED EX-93 EX-95MS by Atwood

GTPI +2160 +3.61T +2.66UDC +2.15FlC 2-08 3x 303 27,460 4.5 1247 3.2 888 3-08 3x 365 31,990 4.5 1439 3.5 1125 Next dams: EX-93 Shottle x EX-93 Outside x EX-92 Convincer Conceited x EX-92 Emory x VG-89 Mascot x EX-93 Melvin Melvina

Unlimited’s ability to pass on her genomic type is impressive. She has had 10 daughters freshen, all VG as 2-year-olds and the one second calver is maximum scored EX-92. That group has daughters by Doorman, Tango, Kingboy, Beemer, and McGucci. She is also going to have daughters freshen by Capital Gains, High Octane, Diamondback, Hang-Time, Solomon, and Sid this spring and summer. The legacy of this family is just starting to unfold... watch for more chart topping descendants to come!

Our-Favorite Crush 49-ET, +4.53T, #1 Type bull of the breed & headed to STgenetics. Our-Favorite Diamondback 44 *RC, +4.27T, #1 Type *RC bull of the breed & headed to Select Sires. Our-Favorite Undenied-ET, +4.19T, #1 Type bull in Select Sires line-up, sired by Solomon. Our-Favorite VC Mafia-ET, +3.95T, the black, silky Solomon at Semex. Our-Favorite On Point-ET, +3.84T, Solomon son with all-around great numbers at IPS. Our-Favorite Union 142-ET, +3.54T, the flagship son from this family by Doorman & available at Select Sires.

• Unlimited Grandsons Our-Favorite Byway 28-ET, +4.25T, Byway x Beemer x Unlimited. No Doorman blood. Headed to STgenetics. Our-Favorite Immense-ET, +4.23T, +21Conf, #1 Conformation bull on Canadian system, Jacoby x Beemer x Unlimited. At Jetstream Genetics. Our-Favorite Vito-ET, +4.03T, Jacoby x Kingboy x Unlimited, at Semex. His dam, Voracious VG-87 2Y, is the #2 Type cow of the breed.

• Unlimited Granddaughters

Cade, Todd & Mary STanek E12600 Cty. Rd. JJ, Fall Creek, WI 54742 (715) 456-8718 Todd • (715) 577-5379 Cade e-mail: 24 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

Our-Favorite Exquisite-ET, +4.65T, #1 Type heifer of the breed (tied) on 12/17 US run. Jacoby x Beemer x Unlimited. Our-Favorite Velocity-ET, +4.50T, +22Conf, #1 Conformation heifer (tied) on 12/17 Canadian system. Jacoby x Kingboy Voracious x Unlimited.

70th Illinois PDCA All-Breeds Calf Sale

Saturday, April 7, 2018 Champaign Co. Fairgrounds Urbana, IL

SELLING -- Ayrshires -- Brown Swiss -- Guernseys -- Holsteins -- Jerseys -- Milking Shorthorns Superior Young Dairy Producer Training at 11am -- PDCA Spring Meeting at 12 pm -- Sale begins at 12:30pm

KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET EX-96-3E DOM 9/17 Doorman sells from a VG-88 Hero with over 31,000M. Next dam is Apple’s EX-93 Shottle maternal sister with over 172,000M lifetime. Oertel

Silvermaple Damion Camomile EX-95 6/17 Crush sells from an Atwood daughter of AllAmerican & All-Canadian Camomile. Golden Oaks

Luck-E Advent Kandie-Red EX-95 Kandie’s Red Carrier 12/17 Devour sells! Also, a 9/17 Bailey x EX Contender sells from the same family as WDE Res. Grand Champion Kandie. Engel

Partial Listing of More Exciting Consignments: Daughter of a Brokaw that traces back to EX-942E DOM Adeen. Dinderman

9/17 RED Ammo P x EX-92-2E Talent x EX-93-2E Advent x EX-94-4E Rubens. Sunshine Associates

3/17 Sid x EX-93-2E Dickey x EX-91 Roy. Golden Oaks

9/17 RED Rev-Me-Up x VG-87 Barbwire x EX90 Reality. Mil-R-Mor

9/17 Diamondback x Beemer x EX-94-2E Sanchez x VG-88 DOM Baxter. Janssen

RED Awesome x VG-88 Reality x VG-86 DOM Shottle back to the Roxys. Golden Oaks

Sale Contact: Gene McCoy 217.840.0157  Catalogs: Connie Gritton 815.745.2049 Sale Catalog will be online after March 15th on and  Bid online with:

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 25

Westby, WI • Saturday, May 5, 2018 • 10:30 a.m. 140 head sell

photos by Sarah Damrow

Crest-View-Acres D Suzi-ET VG-87 EX-MS at 3-09

Crest-View-Acres Impr Sandy VG-86 EX-MS

1-09 2x 365 24,860 4.0 988 3.0 738

1-11 2x 360 23,220 4.1 959 3.0 687

Suzi sells with her flush age Modesty daughter and a full sister sell that is also VG-86. Their dam is VG-88 by Supersonic, 2nd dam VG-86 Planet, 3rd dam EX-90 then Stripes herself!

Sandy sells with her September 2017 Union and they both are ready for your inspection. Her dam is EX-91 Windbrook then four more VG or EX dams back to Stripes.

Mark your calendar now for this very special day!! Schedule of Events Friday, May 4, 4-8 p.m. Open house/cattle viewing at the farm (Vernon County style) Stripes Allen Stars EX-91 3E

Sher-Est Rudolph Stripes-TW EX-91 2E GMD DOM

3-09 2x 365 29,140 4.2 1212 3.2 924

5-00 2x 365 32,960 3.5 1164 2.7 905

Stars is the Canyon-Breeze Allen daughter of Stripes. Numerous sell from this family; leading the way is her VG-85 Kingboy granddaughter that promises to be a favorite.

This very famous cow and name is the cornerstone of the herd breeding program. Stripes is the matriarch of nearly 75% of the herd.

Saturday, May 5, 10:30 a.m. Crest-View-Acres Complete Herd Dispersal

A celebration of a lifetime!

Sale managed by:

Steve & Kay Holte

E7166 Tri-State Rd., Westby, WI 54667 Ph: (608) 634-4545 Cell: 608-632-1598 e-mail: Herdsman: Mike Hall (608) 632-1509 Visitors Welcome 26 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

2564 Pole Line Road, Ridgeway, IA 52165 Office: 563.387.0035 Scott: 563.380.1318 Amy: 563.380.4571

Join Us!

Wisconsin Holstein Association Barn Meeting Thursday, March 22 • 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Featuring a Lely Astronaut Robotic Milking System

Village View Farm Kevin, RaeAnn, Cole & Kory Makos 1295 County Rd. C, Argyle, WI • 608-214-9682 RHA: 75 cows 27,936 3.9 1078 3.1 871 Directions to the farm: Take Highway 81 east out of Argyle to County C; left on County C to first farm on the right.

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 27

d of 60 Hea t Sell! s e n i F Iowa’s Fayette County Fairgrounds • West Union, Iowa • 11:30 AM • March 17, 2018

Iowa Spring Sale

KHW Regiment Apple-Red 3e-96

Sandy-Valley RobuSt Ruby EX-90

4-1 2X 365 35,750 4.7 1 687 3.7 1314 Timeless. . . No matter what sire, what color, or what generation, the Apples transmit and make $$$$$. We are thrilled to offer her high type daughters by 1st Grade and IMAC born in September, they have the cut and recognition for numerous marketing opportunities. Apple Partners

2-4 2X 305 29,450 3.2 950 3.1 916 The dam of Rubicon and from Planet Sapphire, then all the way back to Dellia 2E95. This high production family hits again and again. Selling is her 857NM Damaris great gr’dtr from a Kingboy then an Earnhardt back to Ruby. She sells open and ready to flush for her new owner. James Martin

View-Home Mrdian Iowa-ET VG-86 DOM


2-02 3X 365 35670 3.8 1342 3.1 1099 Brood cow extraordinaire IOWA is the dam of an early Samuri +2714G +901NM$ from Meridian Iowa then a VG-86 Robust out of a VG-87 Zenith, with six more generations of VG & EX dams from the Rudy Missy family. Eric Lang

4-04 2X 365 31900 3.8 1226 3.2 1036 From the heart of HENKESEEN breeding comes a fancy Archival summer yearling from an EX-90 Bradnick then Henkeseen Modest Sophie EX-93. Fancy calf ready for show season!! Henkeseen Holsteins

Sale Staff:

Scott Courtney 563-380-1318 • Jason Danhof 715-305-0522 • Kyle Demmer 563-451-5376 Carl Mensen 563-329-0876 • Scott Culbertson 507-923-1881 Bill Rauen 563-607-0694 • Jim Vierhout 712-439-2932 28 - Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018

60 Hea d of Iowa’s Finest Sell! Fayette County Fairgrounds • West Union, Iowa • 11:30 AM • March 17, 2018

Iowa Spring Sale

Miller-Ff Ssire Exotic-ET VG-86

Da-So-Burn Burberry VG-87

2-02 2X 365 27100 4.5 1211 3.4 913 Selling from Former #2 GTPI heifer of the breed comes an early Eldorado calf at +2810G +872NM$ from Peak Exotic Dancer then Supersire Exotic VG-86. Peak Genetics

2-03 2X 365 28250 4.5 1278 3.4 949 From the Uno Burberry family comes +900NM Jedi from a Delta sister to Uno Burberry! A chance to get in to the Barbies and make your own chart toppers!! Reuben Nolt

Morningview Super Roxy *RC EX-90

Peak Dinah 80123-ET

4-08 2X 365 44550 3.5 1537 3.1 1369 From the Roxy family comes an early red Apprentice daughter that is bred for the show ring!! She is from a GP Monterey then VG-88 Mogul then Super Roxy herself. Morningview Holsteins

Catalogs available online at or contact Shellie Volker 319-269-0318 or

Due 6/6/2018 Selling from Jedi Dinah comes an early Spectre daughter +911NM and 2756G from Defender Dijon then Day the great brood cow Four-Cal Day Darby GP-83! Peak Genetics

Managed & Sponsored by:

Iowa Holstein Association Midwest Holsteins, Spring 2018 - 29

30 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

32 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

Michigan At A Glance Explore the Shore at National Holstein Convention

Traverse City, MI -- Make plans to join Holstein enthusiasts from coast to coast in Traverse City, Michigan for the 2018 National Holstein Convention on June 29th -July 3rd. Sun, sand, sailing and a great cattle sale are just a few of the fun adventures that await attendees this year as they explore the Michigan shoreline and everything Michigan has to offer. Cars may be king in Michigan, but agriculture is the crowned prince as the second largest industry in Michigan. In addition, the Great Lakes State is second only to California in diversity of agricultural crops produced in the nation. Everyone will be descending on the Cherry Capital of the world to enjoy the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa. Golf, tennis, swimming and relaxing in a spa are all options available at the resort. The Host Day Farm Tours will include four dairies that are unique in their operation. Hidden Hills Dairy, Yonkman’s Dairy, Bosscher Dairy and Ber-Sher Dairy will be the featured farms in addition to a Michigan Holstein Breeder’s Showcase where breeders from around the state will send one of the outstanding individuals to be on display for convention goers. In addition, a tour to Mackinac Island, charter boat fishing, wine tasting, tall ship sailing and climbing the sand dunes are just a few of the activities included on a full tour schedule. The Juniors will enjoy a Cows to Careers event where they can glean information about the careers available and mingle with professionals in the industry. A Holstein Block

party will encompass family fun night where contests, tournaments, food and fun will fill Sunday evening, July 1st, at the resort. The convention sale will be held on

Monday, July 2nd in the hotel ballroom with the cattle housed on the resort grounds. David Rama and Daniel Brandt along with the convention sale committee are lining up an outstanding offering of cattle fit for the National Convention Sale. As the Michigan Holstein Association finalizes their plans for this annual event, you can prepare as well by making your hotel reservations at the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa. Rooms have been filling up quickly, so we advise you contact the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa at 800.236.1577 to make your room reservations. Ask for Holstein Association Room Rate - promocode NHC0618. Rates are available until June 1, 2018 - Subject to availability For complete details, updates and news about the convention visit and follow us on Facebook at the 2018 National Holstein Convention in Michigan. And we will see you this summer on the shore!

Michigan Juniors Plan a Unique National Convention Experience By Kristen Burkhardt The 2018 National Holstein Convention is quickly approaching us! Michigan is excited to be able to host such a prestigious event. The Michigan Junior Holstein Association (MJHA) has been gearing up to welcome youth from all over the United States to our very own home. And we are doing our best to make this a unique convention for all Juniors. First off, I would like to highlight how special our location is to the convention. The Grand Traverse Resort and Spa is located in a scenic area highlighted by Lake Michigan. Because of the hotel location, most of the convention events are either at the hotel or very close by. We will be hosting the first ever “Cows to Careers” on Monday, July 2nd. This event will tie in a career fair in a talk show format! This 60 minute talk show will address important topics such as dressing for success, working with millennials, social media presence, how to make the most of a ride-along, and interviewing tips. After the conclusion of the talk show, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, juniors will be able to walk around the career fair and interact with industry professionals. Youth of

all ages are encouraged to bring their resume to see what schools and dairy industry jobs are represented at this career fair. Our unique convention continues with a float down the river to the Sleeping Bear Dunes, highlighter junior mixer, and the sale location. Many states may have mountains or long beaches, but we have gigantic sand hills called dunes that you can climb or run down to get to the water. Not to mention, one of Michiganders favorite activities during the summer includes tying multiple tubes together and floating down a river. Also, the junior mixer will have a twist to it this year. Instead of having a regular dance, each junior will receive a white shirt and highlighter to see how many youth from other states they can get to sign their shirt! Lastly, the sale location will be right at the hotel. This means that juniors can decide between the sale or our hospitality option or both. There will be a pool party right at the hotel for the juniors so they can attend the sale and then enjoy the pool! Michigan is eager to host the 2018 National Holstein Convention! We hope to see you there for a week full of fun, networking, and the best unlimited dairy bar yet! MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 33

Madson Complete Herd Dispersal Friday, April 13 ~ 10:00 a.m. ~ Oconto, Wis. ~ 400 head sell

Okato Sympatico Brazil VG-88 EX-MS

Okato Equation Emmy Rae VG-88 VEVVV at 3-08

3-01 2x 363 29,210 3.9 1128 3.0 870

2-00 2x 357 17,510 4.7 831 3.3 584

Brazil sells! Her dam is an EX-92 2E Debonair and the 2nd dam is EX-93. Also selling is Brazil’s VG-85 Brekem daughter and she sells with her *RC Bandares that has GTPI of +2655.

Emmy Rae sells milking great and is a potential 10th generation EX! Her dam by Atwood is VG-85 and sells. 2nd dam is EX-94 September Storm and then Liberty Rae, EX-94 from the Roxys.

Okato Sympatico Dabby-Red VG-85 VG-MS

Okato Toronto Bailey VG-85 at 2-08

3-03 2x 365 26,410 4.2 1117 3.1 821

2-04 2x 332 14,290 5.3 758 3.9 557

Darby is due sale time with a Raiden heifer. Her Reality dam is VG-87, 2nd dam is EX-92, then seven more VG or EX dams.

Bailey sells milking well and looks great. Also selling are her Irwin and Casino daughters. Her dam is an EX-94 Vindication.

Freestall/parlor cows from deep pedigrees ~ 100 head of fancy Jerseys ~ 100 head of Red & Whites or RC ~ large selection of fancy project calves ~ Herd SCC 84,000

Madson Farms 34 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

Sale managed by:

Mark & Cindy Madson 8341 Willow Creek Rd., Oconto, WI 54153 920-373-5010 |

2564 Pole Line Road, Ridgeway, IA 52165 Office: 563.387.0035 Scott: 563.380.1318 Amy: 563.380.4571

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 35

36 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 37

Illini Golden Opportunity Sale

Craigcrest Rubies Rachelle-ET EX-94 HHM All-American 2016 Rachelle’s 9/17 Solomon is sure to turn heads! Oakfield Corners, NY 585-704-2501

KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET EX-96-3E DOM Apple’s Polled Red 9/17 Addiction sells! Apple Partners LLC, IL 815-275-4990 Several other Apple descendants sell as well!

EARLY HEADLINERS! April 21, 2018 10:30am Belvidere, Illinois

Golden-Oaks Line Em Up-ET Nom. All-American Fall Yearling 2017 Line Em Up is fresh and looks the part! Her 10/17 +3.78PTAT Kingboy sells. Next dam is the popular Goldwyn Locket EX-94-2E. Golden Oaks Farm, IL 847-224-7861

Sale Hosted by Illinois Holstein Association

Sale Location

Boone County Fairgrounds, Belvidere, Illinois

Sale Chairs

Holbric Destry Analiese-RC EX-94-2E 2x Nom. Junior All-American Analiese’s sweet 12/17 Ammo-P sells! Oertel Farms, IL 618-779-9060

Astrahoe Roberta Sabrina-ET EX-91 Sabrina completes 15 generations of EX back to Audrey Posch! Her 6/17 Gold Chip sells. Justin Irwin, IL 815-701-8090

Nate Janssen 847-224-7859 Brian Wesemann 414-803-7142


Scott Courtney, Courtney Sales, LLC 563-380-1318

Making Family Memories

Farnear-TBR American-Red-ET EX-94

359d 28,775m 4.0 1141f 3.5 1007p 2017 Winnings! Jr. All-American R&W Aged Cow Grand Champion IL State Fair Jr. Show Supreme Champion IL State Fair Jr. Show 1st Aged Cow Int’l R&W Jr. Show at WDE

Congratulations to Jake & Allie on their engagement! Wedding in February 2018. 38 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

Congratulations to Olivia on her High School Graduation! She's headed to Lakeland College for Nursing.

Char-La-Don Holsteins Don & Kim Telgmann and family 2946 E 1100 N Rd., Strasburg, IL 62465 217.644.3264 |

Shadow photo „ Sarah Damrow; Rolling Stone by Cybil Fisher

Holbric Dickey Shadow VG-86 2Y

Go-Sho like A Rolling Stone EX-91

Nominated Junior All-American Milking Yearling 2016 Junior Champion, WI Championship Show 2016

Reserve Junior All-American 4-Year-Old 2017 Grand Champion, Grand National Junior Show 2017 6th 4-Year-Old, Intl. Junior Holstein Show 2017 (2 weeks fresh!) Nominated Junior All-American Junior 3-Year-Old 2016

~ owned by Krohlow & Schmocker families

Sire: Ernlo Gold Lynn Dickey Dam: Holbric Destry Shadowing EX-91 EEEVE 4-04 2x 365 21,380 4.6 974 3.9 841 2nd Dam: Holbric G Shadow-TW VG-85 VG-MS 3rd Dam: Hobrick Red-Marker Shania EX-92 2E Next Dams: EX-90 2E, EX-92, NC, VG-88 GMD DOM, EX-94 3E GMD DOM

Sire: Pine-Tree Sid Dam: Go-Sho Alittle RockNRoll EX-90 Grand Champion, Mexican National Show 2015 Interm. & Res. Grand Champion, Mexican National Show 2014 HM All-Canadian & Nom. All-American Junior 3-Year-Old 2014 Member of Nominated All-American Produce 2014

2nd Dam: Go-Sho Bonvoyage Royale EX-94 3E

Shadow was fresh on February 6 and will make a great Senior 3-Year-Old for this summer!

Member of Nominated All-American Produce 2014

3rd Dam: Thal-View Milan Renee-ET EX-90 EX-MS

SHE SEllS on the Hammer Time at Heritage Sale -

Rolling Stone is currently being flushed - inquiries welcome!

Online Edition ending March 23.

Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Barn Floor Grooving • Serving all states

Dave, Nina, Tessa & Stella Schmocker Whitewater, WI • 920-723-9155

• • • • •

All classes of livestock facilities 4 grooving options to fit your needs Milk parlors • Freestalls Holding pens • Alleys Feed Lots

920.723.1557 Dave Schmocker 260.402.4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen.

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 39


Sign-up for Gopher Dairy Camp! June 10-12, 2018

The 2018 Gopher Dairy Camp, hosted by the Gopher Dairy Club in cooperation with the Minnesota 4-H Dairy Project Committee and the Minnesota Livestock Breeders' Association, will be held June 10-12 on the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus. Gopher Dairy Camp is a fun 3-day workshop for teens who want to improve their dairy cattle skills. The camp is open to all youth who have completed grades 6-9, but have not yet started 10th grade. Activities include Dairy Fitting and Showmanship Workshops, Dairy Showmanship Contest, the Gopher Gold Auction, Dairy Foods Workshop, and fun around the Twin Cities. Camp Fee: $70

Dairy judging is strong at the University of Minnesota,

so strong that its teams have placed first overall in six of the nine major contests in 2015, 2016 and 2017 held at: the All-American Dairy Show (Harrisburg, PA), the North American

International Livestock Exposition KY), and World Expo (Madison, WI). Registration: Registration for the 2018 (Louisville, camp will open inDairy March. Attendance is limited to the first 100 campersFurthermore, who apply. over the past 8 years in these 3 contests, the University of Minnesota has placed 1st overall in 12 of the 24 contests. No other university comes close to this

Housing: All campers will beof housed incredible record success. in Bailey Hall on the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus. Bailey Hall is located at 1458 N. Cleveland Avenue, St. Paul, MN. The dorm is within If you’re considering a career in dairy, consider the U of M. In addition to our walking distance of all activities.. Registration will be located in the Bailey Hall entry way. highly successful judging teams, you can be part of the Gopher Dairy Club, where more than 100 student members gain experience and industry contacts through activities

What to bring: Campers need to10-day bring following items: casual clothes, toiletry items, like an all-expense-paid tripthe to California in January for seniors. Both inside and towels, a sleeping bag, and showmanship clothes, clipping and fitting supplies. outside theclipping classroom, our dairy professors make teaching and working with students their top priority.

Questions? Contact Sierra Swanson, Camp Co-Chair, at 320-583-5522 or GO FOR THE Learn more today at Gopher Dairy Camp Website:

GOLD! 612.624.2277

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 41

2018 Barn Meeting info_Layout 1 2/19/18 8:23 PM Page 1

2018 Wisconsin Holstein Barn Meetings How can technology fit into management of your Registered Holstein farm? The Wisconsin Holstein Association invites all members and area dairy farmers to the 2018 Barn Meetings. We have two farms serving as hosts, and while they are very different in size and scope, both operations are utilizing new technologies to achieve herd goals and improvement management of their dairy. If you are considering adding a robotic milking system, automatic calf feeders, or any other tecnological advancement, we encourage your to attend one of these barn meetings and learn first hand how it can help you achieve your goals. The schedule for the barn meetings are: Thursday, March 22 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Village View Farm, Argyle (Green/Lafayette County) Kevin & RaeAnn Makos family 1295 County Rd. C, Argyle, Wis. • 608-214-9682 Directions: Take Highway 81 east of Argyle to County C, left on County C to the first farm on the right. Tuesday, March 27 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Alfalawn Farm, Menomonie (Dunn County) Randy, David & Dale Styer families E2850 St. Rd. 72, Menomonie, Wis. • 715-505-8161 Dave’s cell Directions: From Menomonie take highway 25 south to Downsville then go west 4.5 miles on State Highway 72. The dairy is on the south side and the heifer set-up is on the north side. All barn meetings are open to any interested Holstein breeder. For more information on the barn meetings please call the Wisconsin Holstein Association or the host farm.

Village View Farm Kevin & RaeAnn Makos family Kevin and RaeAnn Makos and their sons, Cole and Kory, will be hosting a Barn Meeting on Thursday, March 22 at their Village View Farm near Argyle. The Makos family has been milking their 75-cow Registered Holstein herd with a Lely Astronaut robotic milker since 2014. The current rolling herd average is 27,936 3.9 1078 3.1 971. They also crop 275 acres and feed out all of their bull calves as steers. Village View Farm was started in 1963 by Kevin’s parents, Martin and Barb Makos. The Makos family has owned Registered Holsteins for 45 years and have had a closed herd since 1993. Kevin and RaeAnn moved to the family farm after they were married in 1997 and began buying some of the cattle in 2001. By 2012 they had purchased the farm and were milking between 75-80 cows. Today, Kevin and RaeAnn handle the milking herd while Cole and Kory help with raising the youngstock. Martin also still helps with mixing feed and crops. Kevin makes all of his own breeding decisions and states, “I have always tried breeding for the complete cow. I don’t really like ugly cows!” But he also realizes they need to produce enough to pay the bills. He likes using bulls that offer both type and production and very seldom uses bulls less than +2.00 on Type. He also looks for bulls that are at least +500 on milk and positive on components. Kevin uses mostly proven bulls and is currently using Kingboy, Yoder, Pety and Kingpin, but also uses a few genomic young sires including Doppler, King Royal and Diamondback. Some of the best young cows in the herd are sired by Atwood and Gold Chip and there are several Bradnick daughters that are fresh and look great. While the Makos family has made many changes over the years, the real game changer came in 2014 when they built a new freestall barn 42 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

and began milking with the Lely Astronaut robotic milker. With their sons getting older and becoming more involved in activities, they had initially begun looking at robotic milkers back in 2010 and visited several farms that used the system. After seeing how other operations were run, they believed this was the way to go for their family farm. Each cow wears a transponder which is read each time the cow walks into the stall. The robot identifies the cow and reads where the cow is positioned in order to attach the milker. The computer also sends a message to Kevin’s phone if something has gone wrong or if a cow has not been milked recently. “The information the robot provides and keeps track of is unbelievable,” Kevin says. “From daily production to rumination to finding cows in heat through activity monitoring, we know our cows better than we ever thought possible.” The Makos family encourages everyone to join them for the barn meeting on March 27 to see how a robotic milking system can work for a small farm. Kevin and RaeAnn both agree that the addition of the robot was a great change for their family, allowing them to attend the boys’ games and activities regularly and it also freed up more time for other farm chores and crop work. Kevin stated, “We would love to have you come see the future of milking cows for small farms that don’t want to hire help but still love their cows!” Village View Farm is located at 1295 County Road C, Argyle. Along with being able to view the Lely Astronaut system in use, visitors will be able to view the herd and enjoy lunch.

Alfalawn Farms Randy, David & Dale Styer families The second barn meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 27 at Alfalawn Farm near Menomonie, Wis. The Styer families invite you to visit their farm and see the technological improvements they’ve made over the years that are helping with management of their dairy. Alfalawn Farm has had Registered Holsteins for over 40 years and is currently milking around 2000 cows that are averaging 83 pounds of milk on 3x/day milking. The rolling herd average is a little over 26,500 milk with 1058 pounds of fat and 847 pounds protein. Cows are milked in a 60-stall DeLaval rotary parlor and the herd maintains a cell count of around 80,000-90,000. All heifers are raised on site, utilizing robotic calf feeders for the first two months of age. After weaning, they are in group pens through five months of age and then moved to a freestall set-up until about 4-6 weeks pre-calving. The family raises some steers and has a variety of other livestock as well. Things have changed quite a bit over the last 15-20 years at Alfalawn Farm. Any improvements that were done were with the goal to try to become more efficient. They are always looking for ways to be better at what they do. The farm has added everything from GPS on the crop side to the rotary parlor with automated pre- and postdippers on the dairy side. A sand separation system was added which recycles 98% of the sand from the dairy. Milk weights are captured at each milking and the addition of the robotic feeders for the calves was a great addition for young calf management. Alfalawn Farm is owned by brothers Randy, David and Dale Styer. A true family operation, members from all three families help with the day-to-day management of the dairy. Randy manages the crops and youngstock. His friend Heather works with the young calves while Randy’s children Gavin and Brittney help with crops and youngstock. Gavin also has his own custom chopping business. Their youngest daughter Chloe helps with the young calves as well. David and his wife Karen work with the cows and manage the

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sandroom where the sand separation takes place. David also takes care of the farm’s financials. Their sons Ben and Brian help in the calf barn and work with the pigs, chickens and show heifers. Daughter Sarah is currently in her first year at med school at UW-Madison while Krista is currently attending college at the University of Minnesota where she is president of the Gopher Dairy Club and a member of the Dairy Judging Team. Dale manages the steers, hauls cattle and has night-time sandroom duty. His son Kade is in charge of the farm’s IT work including cameras, internet connections and sound systems, and also helps with the baby bull calves. Another son Reed handles the goats and helps with the steers, while stepson Zach works in the older heifer barn and helps with the steers and hauling cattle. Deric Wolf has been herdsman at Alfalawn Farm for 16 years and is also part owner of Pure Pride Show Cattle with Jim Gilgenbach. The Styer family is happy to see the success that Deric and Jim have had with their show cattle. Alfalawn strives to breed for cows that are going to have longevity

while milking well with high components. They look for cows with moderate stature, front end strength, balanced udders with correct teat placement, and extremely good feet and legs. Their true type cow is a cow that is going to stay in the herd for a long period of time while doing what she does best - milking, breeding back easily, and remaining trouble free. The Alfalawn team also likes to work with good cow families with a proven history. Bulls are selected for the traits that are most important to meet their breeding goals. First by selecting from strong cow families, while also looking at milk, fat, protein, somatic cell count, type and Net Merit dollars, all the while maintaining an emphasis on DPR. The Styers enjoy hosting tours and having other educational events on their farm. Dave says, “We strongly believe that we all have an obligation to promote our industry and to do what we can to close the educational gap that we have with the public. We know we don’t have all the answers, but are trying to improve every day and share our story good and bad along the way.”

2018 Jersey Spring Show April 27 • 10:00 a.m. 2018 Red & White Spring Show April 27 • 10:00 a.m. 2018 Midwest Spring National Show April 28 • 8:30 a.m. ALLIANT ENERGY CENTER, MADISON, WI

Entry Fee Schedule Hotel Information Clarion Suites at The Alliant Energy Center - 608-284-1234 2110 Rimrock Rd., Madison, WI 53713 Holiday Inn Express & Suites - 608-709-5050 610 John Nolan Drive, Madison, WI 53713

Pre-Order Supplies Prairie View Feed - 608-513-1315 ( Joel) Note: Joel will be on the grounds from 6 am – 1 pm daily; please have your nightly supply orders to Joel before 1 pm. Supplies Available: Large straw bale ($65), small straw bales, small hay bales, 18% complete dairy, beet pulp, 37% protein pellet, pine shavings bale ($6), full pallet of shavings ($5.50/bale)

$30.00/entry if made online or postmarked on or before 4/1/18 $50/entry if made online or postmarked 4/2/18 to 4/14/18 (may not be listed in the show book) $100/entry if made online or postmarked after 4/14/18 (will not be listed in the show book) Online entry system will be available after March 1; Entry form is available for download from the WHA website and entries can be mailed to: WI Holstein Association, 902 8th Avenue, Baraboo, WI 53913 All entries must be accompanied by full entry fees to be considered an entry - late fees will apply to those entries without proper entry fees.

WI DAIRY SHOWCASE CLASSES To make an entry, indicate the breed and class number. For example: J-1, H-1 or R-1. 1. Winter Calf - born December 1, 2017 - February 28, 2018 2. Fall Calf - born September 1 - November 30, 2017 3. Summer Yearling - born June 1 - August 31, 2017 4. Spring Yearling - born March 1 - May 31, 2017 5. Winter Yearling - born December 1, 2016 - February 28, 2017 6. Fall Yearling - born September 1 - November 30, 2016 7. Junior & Reserve Junior Champion (Junior Show) 8. Junior & Reserve Junior Champion (Open Show) 9. Junior Best Three Females (Fall Yearling & under, animals must be shown in their individual classes. All must be bred by the exhibitor & at least one owned, solely or in partnership, by exhibitor. Each exhibitor limited to one entry.)

10. Unfreshened 2-Year-Old - born March 1 - August 31, 2016 11. Junior 2-Year-Old Cow - born March 1 - August 31, 2016 (must be fresh) 12. Senior 2-Year-Old Cow - born Sept. 1, 2015 - February 29, 2016 13. Junior 3-Year-Old Cow - born March 1 - August 31, 2015 14. Senior 3-Year-Old Cow - born Sept. 1, 2014 - February 28, 2015 15. Intermediate Champion & Reserve Intermediate Champion Female (Open Show) 16. Four Year Old Cow - born September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2014 17. Five Year Old Cow - born September 1, 2012 - August 31, 2013 18. Six Year Old and Older Cow - born before September 1, 2012

19. Production Cow Class (Must bring proof of production to check-in; cows may only be switched from another milking cow class to this class with additional paid entry fee. Holstein cows must have 150,000 pounds lifetime. Red & White cows must have 125,000 pounds lifetime. Jersey cows must have a minimum of 10,000 pounds cheese yield and meet current breed average component levels of 4.8% Fat and 3.65% Protein)

20. Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show 21. Senior & Reserve Senior Champion Female* (Junior Show) 22. Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female* (Junior Show) 23. Best Udder of Show* 24. Champion Bred & Owned of the Show* 25. Senior & Reserve Senior Champion Female* (Open Show) 26. Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Female* (Open Show) 27. Best Three Females 28. Produce of Dam 29. Dam & Offspring 30. Premier Breeder* 31. Premier Exhibitor* 32. State Herd (6 animals earning points as in Premier Breeder/ Exhibitor)

For questions in regards to Holstein group classes, please consult Holstein USA’s National Show program. Jersey Show management reserves the right to cancel any classes due to lack of participation. MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 43

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 41


Ded-Dit Holsteins Thank you to Sandy-Valley for donating the calf for the Junior Holstein raffle! Newest Addition to the Ded-Dit herd: Sandy-Valley KRoyal 6568-ET

Doug Dittmar

Congratulations to our new Board of Directors: President: Mike Borchardt Vice President: Floyd Baumann Secretary: Wayne Giese Treasurer: Galen Schreiber Directors: Brian Fust, Tom Bunkelman and Hank Boschma

6006 - 3 Birch Street, Schofield, WI 54476 715-571-0843

Behling Family Dairy Home of

TRAVIS & BROOKE BEHLING R238 Lovers Lane, Athens, WI 54411 • 715-210-5138

Gary’s Dairy Good-Time registered Holsteins

Matt-Dari Mogul Dear-ET VG-87 DOM 6 of 7 daughters over parent average! Jebstarr PW DayDreamer P-ET, GTPI +2540 and polled!

Jebstarr - Family Farm Jim & Deb Ploeckelman & Family 5930 Silver Leaf Rd., Athens, WI 54411 715.257.9060 Joey - 715.297.5974

Gary Stankowski Owner Home: 3860 Sugar Bush Rd. Mosinee, WI 54455 (715) 693-3197 Farm: 543 Hwy. S Mosinee, WI 54455 (715) 693-0799

Family-Affair Holsteins Family-Affair Mogul Chica GP-82

1-10 360 38,536 1458F 1117P Dam: Four-of-a-Kind AW Charo-ET GP-84

Family-Affair SKB Jav Jingl GP-83

1-11 232 24,746 784F 685P proj. 32,270 1042F 904P 1st lact. Dam: Dream-Prairie Cl Java-ET

Housed at New-Day Dairy W/D Strack, Athens, WI • 715-257-7376

5117 CTH “N”, EDGAR, WI 54426 • 715-352-3656 Mike & Linda King Kevin & June King

Visitors welcome by appointment

The Best Things come in 92’s! Dal-Ski Toystory Pnutbutter EX-92 7-03 365 39,272M 1449F 1074P

Stetzerlann Toystory Bonnie Dream Team Sid Glamour VG-87 2Y Looking forward to the 2018 show year!

Dream Team Holsteins Don, Jenna, Malayna, Kendra & Kase Fahey Merrill, WI 715-537-0820 46 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

EX-92 2E EX-95MS ~ 7 calves at 10-00

DAL-SKI HOLSTEINS David & Paulette Lemanski

Devin, Alex & Danielle 715-352-3382 3475 Cardinal Lane, Marathon, WI 54448 Visitors Welcome



Moo-dy Acres

Heifer Raising

Galen & Marlene 2193 Wuerztburg Rd., Athens, WI 54411 715-223-4534 Cell: 715-316-1968

Bart, Brittany, Bailey & Brett 2213 Wuerztburg Rd., Athens, WI 54411 Cell: 715-721-6116

Mike, Barb, Madison & Abigail Borchardt W4370 Wien Drive, Edgar, WI 54426 715-352-2448

Call Milkyhill Cattle Sales for rates. 4 daughers of Har-Dale-Acres-JP-Pride-ET Peach +2568 GTPI Polly +2479 GTPI Prancer +2477 GTPI Pizza +2462 GTPI Pizza is now fresh and milking.

Fred, Lynne & Matt Harder

8470 Hwy. H, Athens, WI 54411 Phone/Fax: 715-257-7480 • Matt cell: 715-316-7332

Mark your calendars: Barron County Spring Sale Saturday, April 14 - Barron Pavillion Contact ED mielke 715-574-2931

Dan and Michelle Mielke

A Grass-Based dairy farm with Strong Cow Families

She is the core of our herd! An Armitage granddaughter of Apple

F2171 Huckleberry Rd, Colby, WI 54421 715-223-4371 Cell: 715-255-2356 email:

Just 2 of more than 100 good reasons to get up in the morning! • New-Day Denver Enero, +2494G +2.48T over +2.0T; sired by Denver 1426 from a VG McCutchen then a VG Ernie. Fresh at 1-09 in Nov. 2017, she’s milking over 100 lbs./day with 4.2%F, projected at over 27,000M & 1100F.

• New-Day Denver Cajun, +2447G, +1502M, +79F; sired by Denver 1426

Ms Brandys Bella now EX-92 DOM 3-06 2x 364 37,350 3.9 1471 3.1 1149 +2228 GTPI - 1st 4 milking daughters by Defiant & AltaJackman are all VG-85 or VG-86 Sam & Jenn Zimmermann Mason, Adelle, Neah & Garrison E2259 County Rd. Q, Ringle, WI 54471 Cell: 715-218-8619

from a Diamond then Ernie. Fresh at 1-09 in Nov. 2017, she peaked at 126 lbs./day and projected over 31,000M and nearly 1200F.

New Day Dairy

Robert, Kena, Emanuel & Evan Strack Athens, WI | 715-680-1668 | RHA: 108 cows 34,330M 1157F 1053P BAA:105.2% MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 47


November 2017 Classification Update 4 new EX cows 3 by Bradnick

30 new VG cows 16 by Bradnick, (8 were 2-year-olds) If you want to milk good cows, use some Bradnick!

View-Home Jo Amanda-ET VG-85 VG-MS at 2-07

Looking for project calves for this year? Give us a call!

2nd Dam: View-Home Mcc Alabama-ET GP-82 VG-MS 2-11 3x 305 26,210 4.1 1086 3.1 816 3rd Dam: Pine-Tree 2149Robst 4846 VG-86 2Y DOM 2-04 2x 365 32,000 4.7 1519 3.4 1098 - dam to Monterey, Powerball-P, Missouri & Cashflow


+2700G +2038M +93F +69P (by JoSuper) 2-04 2x 155 14,684 3.7 538 3.1 457 inc.

1751 Cherry Drive, Eland, WI 54427 2/18 RHA: 3x 29,278 3.83 1122 3.01 881 Chad & Andy Peterson, owners 715-302-0482 Visitors Always Welcome!

Floyd & Lloyd Baumann

Marathon, WI Ph: 715-443-3595 Fax: 715-443-3833

The “Big White Cow” Owned by: Thomas & Florine Bunkelman Brooke, Brent & Brodie As the show season comes to an end, we’re very happy with how it ended and can’t wait for this year’s show season!

Hearts-Ease Atwood Andie ~ will be scored in November

Matt-Dari Clark Daphne EX-90 2E 4-05 365 30,061 3.8%F 3.2%P Tomkins Raff Elegant 3rd & 1st B&O Winter Yearling, MW Fall National

Sire: Dool-Leigh Goldwyn Clark Dams: GP-83 2Y Shottle x VG-88 Durham x EX Outside x 3 more EX dams

This past October Daphne gave us a heifer calf by Hanoverhill Raider!

Oakfield Dback Lolita-ET 2nd Summer Yearling, MW Fall National

F4680 Walnut Rd., Edgar, WI 54426 Ph.: 715-581-6460 E-mail: 48 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

HOlSTEInS Hank, Shannon, Gabe & Jonah Boschma Athens, WI 715-205-7303


Young Bulls for Sale: • D.G. Charlie x Silver - +2694 GTPI +2.16T +848NM +86F +56P 2.6SCS • D.G. Charlie x Megasire x EX-91 Uno x Apple, he is *RC & +2434 GTPI

Lafonda’s Rubicon daughter Fustead Rubicon Lavon-ET +2749G

• fresh again in December & looking good • milking 114 lbs. at 57 days fresh • Her son by Frazzled, Fustead S-S-I Solution-ET, +2873G +2142M +101F +67P

• 4 red bull calves to pick from by T-Spruce Bretagne-Red & Captain-Red

Dam: Bosside Apple Alexa VG-86 2-03 2x 365 26,894 4.9 1326 3.6 970 - fresh in September with 2nd calf, milking 90 lbs. with 5.0%F and 3.4%P - Holstar RealTime x VG-88 Goldwyn x Apple

Lavon’s dam: Fustead Oak Lafonda VG-86 2-03 3x 365 41,540 3.5 1437 3.1 1305

John & Tineke Boschma H4370 Townline Rd., Colby, WI 54421 PH: 715-223-0534 Fax: 715-223-1114 E-Mail: RHA: 51 cows 24,723M 965F 817P BAA: 107.8%


2nd Dam: Glen-Toctin Bolt Lucille-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5-06 2x 365 43,110 4.2 1809 3.1 1325

FUSTEAD HOLSTEINS Tyler, Shannon, Sarah & Tanner Brian & Wendy Fust Adam & Jennifer, Aiden, Wausau, WI Bailey & Connor 715-842-5868/Ph; 715-848-0465/Fax

Now Excellent!!

Tree-Hayven GC Amaretto-ET EX-90 Gold Chip x Damion x Durham x Ashlyns Angel 3rd Senior 2-Year-Old, District 4 Show 2015 7th Senior 2-Year-Old, WI Championship Show 2015 We are thrilled to have the opportunity to add Amaretto to our herd and look forward to working with her for many years to come. Thank you to Adam for trusting us with this beautiful cow!

Wayne, Samantha & Justin Giese F1761 Huckleberry Rd., Edgar, WI 54426 715-352-2972 home 715-965-7147 cell

L-L-M-Dairy Camern Deeaz-ET EX-90 EX-MS 2-00 2x 365 29,940 4.3 1292 3.0 911 3-04 2x 365 38,800 4.2 1648 3.0 1182 Deeaz is from 3 generations of VG GMD. We are already milking 2 VG daughters from her and she has great-granddaughters over +2900G. Leon & Lyle Matthiae E916 Hwy. Q Ringle, WI 54471 715-297-8485 Leon 715-297-8483 Lyle Visitors always welcome MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 49

50- MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018


32 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

Queen of the Bulk Tank

Holbric-ML Iota Doris-ET EX-90 EEEVV

4-08 365d 3x 57,368m 5.4% 3081f 2.8% 1619p Nominated Illinois Holstein of the Year 2017 Backed by 12 Generations VG - EX with several GMD & DOM Her 10/17 Montross son is AVAILABLE!

Doris is our production leader and is due in April! Wildvale Holsteins 12838 N Hubert Road, Winslow, IL 61089 Kris & Theresa Wild Kris Cell - 608.214.3259 Theresa Cell - 608.214.3260 Robert & Shirley Wild - 815.868.2202 Cows, heifers and bulls available at most times!

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 53

CONGRATULATIONS TO 40- AND 50YEAR HOLSTEIN USA MEMBERS Earlier this month, Holstein Association USA shared their list of 40-and 50-year members. The members from Minnesota and South Dakota celebrating these milestone anniversaries are listed below. We would like to congratulate all of these members as they celebrate their membership anniversaries. 50-Year Members Lawrence J. Fischbach, SD R. David Larson, MN Normen Peterson, MN John R. Schroeder, MN Kerwin L. Siewert, MN

40-Year Members Belter Farms, Inc., MN Larry J. Dreier, MN Richard L. Hoen, MN Jeannette Hupf-Sheehan, MN Gerard J. Jennissen, MN Sapa Ska Farm Inc., MN Stelling Farms Inc., MN

Cow BroodContest 2018

VOTE X MINNESOTA Nominees can also be viewed online at and votes can be emailed to Details on the nominees in the Midwest Holsteins section.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Gorentz Matches Equate EX-92 pg 15 Sheeknoll Bolton Ariana EX-94 pg 19 Macland HF Josuper Recce-ET VG-86 pg 50 Watertown Golwyn Rena ET VG-88 pg 51 Saintville Shottle Masi 3E EX-92 pg 57

Place an “x” next to your vote for 2018 Minnesota Brood Cow. Only one vote per paid membership.

Mail ballot to the MHA office at: P.O. Box 475 Plainview, MN 55964 or email your vote to Voting ends April 1, 2018

Member Name: __________________ City: ________________________

54- MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

RULES AND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS This contest is open to all Minnesota Holstein members and any living or dead female is eligible. Minnesota Breeders have nominated their show winners, life-time production cows, huge index stars or bull mothers. A half page or larger ad must have been placed in the March 2018 issue of the Minnesota Holstein News to complete a nomination.

The winner will be notified early April 2018 and will be announced in the Minnesota Holstein News – June 2018 issue along with receiving a free full-page full color ad in this publication. Past award winners include Pine Shelter Lucy, D-R-A August and LidaAcres Juror Anne. Please take a look at each of the Brood Cow ads and vote for who you think deserves the title of Minnesota Holstein’s 2018 Brood Cow. A contest will be held in future March MHA News issues. If interested please feel free to call the MHA office at any time.



n early January, Holstein Association USA released the lists of the top Holstein Breed Age Average (BAA%) herds for 2017 classifications. A number of herds from Minnesota and South Dakota ranked in the list of Overall Top 200 BAA Herds for 2017.   The top herd from Minnesota was Esperanza Cattle Co. with a rank of 16 overall on the list and a rank of six on the list for Herds of 10 to 25 Cows. They recorded a BAA of 113 with 13 cows. Esperanza Cattle Co. is owned by Jay and Barb Morrison and located near Peterson, Minn. Willolea Holsteins of Underwood, Minn., came in the 19th spot with a BAA of 112.6 for 36 cows and a rank of 9 on the list for Herds of 26 to 50 cows. Several herds from Minnesota and South Dakota made the top 200 list and respective lists for herd size. Minnesota Holstein Association would like to congratulate all of these herds for this achievement.   The tables at right show the appearance of Minnesota and South Dakota Herds on the Top 200 List and lists based on herd size. To see the lists with all states included and also a ranking by region, visit: www.holsteinusa. com.   Holstein Breed Age Average (BAA%) value provides a way to compare the score of an animal (and herd average) to the average of the breed, taking into account age of the animal and stage of lactation. All animals receive an individual BAA value on the herd classification report, and herds participating in the Classic or Standard options of the Holstein Classification program receive an overall BAA for the herd.   In 2017, 1,303 herds had a BAA value eligible for inclusion in these lists. The average number of cows included in the BAA calculation for the entire group was 64, and the average BAA% was 106.5.   For the purposes of these lists, if a herd classified twice in a year (between 1/1/2017 and 12/31/2017) and received an official herd BAA for both classifications, only the most recent BAA was used. To appear on these lists, a herd must have at least 10 cows included in the BAA calculation.

2017 Overall Top 200 BAA Herds from Minnesota and South Dakota Rank 16 19 25 28 53 71

77 102 122 133 171 171 182

Herd Name Esperanza Cattle Co. Willolea Holsteins David K. Hoese Ryan Griffin Mikel L. & Daniel Brasch Circle Drive Holsteins Thomas & Lisa Hurley Loren & Luke Olson Dale & Sherri Rupprecht Andrew D. Stuewe Jim & Janet Kappers Anna Titera Steven & Debra Heuer Richard A. Schweer Iland-Acre Holsteins James M. Ripp Douglas Post Alfred & Mark Schmitt Dennis & Kalyn Buse Gregory B. Johnson


BAA 113 112.9 112.6 112.4 111.4 110.9 110.9 110.9 110.8 110.8 110.2 110.2 109.9 109.9 109.8 109.8 109.3 109.3 109.2 109.2

# of Cows 13 36 26 10 18 15 17 50 49 82 45 15 30 36 46 10 36 79 45 66 Source: Holstein USA

2017 Top BAA Herds from Minnesota and South Dakota 10 to 25 Cows Rank 6 8 16 21

Herd Name Esperanza Cattle Co. Ryan Griffin Mikel L. & Daniel Brasch Circle Drive Holsteins Thomas & Lisa Hurley


BAA 113 112.4 111.4 110.9 110.9

# of Cows 13 10 18 15 17 Source: Holstein USA

2017 Top BAA Herds from Minnesota and South Dakota 26 to 50 Cows Rank 9 12

Herd Name Willolea Holsteins David K. Hoese

State MN MN

BAA 112.9 112.6

# of Cows 36 26 Source: Holstein USA

2017 Top BAA Herds from Minnesota and South Dakota 76 to 150 Cows Rank 11 25

Herd Name Andrew D. Stuewe Alfred & Mark Schmitt

State MN MN

BAA 110.8 109.3

# of Cows 82 79 Source: Holstein USA


51ST OUTAGAMIE CO. SPRING SALE Saturday, April 21st • 11 a.m. • Cow Palace North, Kaukauna, Wis.




9-00 2x 365 36,750 4.3 1582 3.3 1211

5-07 2x 365 34,690 3.5 1223 3.3 1156

4-04 2x 365 39,480 4.5 1782 3.5 1368

Selling a September *RC Armani from Apple’s Malone granddaughter! Next dam is an EX-90 Destry. Greg Letter

Selling a fancy December 2017 Solomon from the EX-95 HotsyTotsy! Next four dams are EX-92, EX-91, T r a v i s EX-91, and EX-90! Krohlow

A sharp, young Durham sells from Beth’s McCutchen daughter! The Durham’s October 2017 calf by Gold Eric Westphal Chip also sells.

We will be selling everything from fresh cows to show calves! If you are interested in consigning or for a catalog, please contact: Sale Chairman, Skyler Buman - 920-660-2013 or email

Sale Sponsored by:

Find us on Facebook! Catalog will be posted to our Facebook page - Outagamie County Holstein Association. Juniors will receive a 3% discount on their purchase.

Holstein Breeders

SALE STAFF: Auctioneer - Darrell Worden Pedigrees - Ryan Krohlow Ringmen - Lynn Harbaugh, 920-420-1524 Brandon Ferry, 608-335-8861


with a Touch of Black

Saturday, April 14 12:00 noon at Crescentmead Farms, Ixonia Miss Apple Snapple-Red EX-94

Unanimous All-Canadian R&W 4-Year-Old 2017 All-American R&W 4-Year-Old 2017 Reserve Senior Champion, WDE R&W Show 2017

Selling is Snapple’s June 2017 full sister by Redburst. What an opportunity! Apple Partners - 608-207-0344

Sale hosted by The Wendorf Family W2444 Evergreen Rd., Ixonia, WI 53036 Directions to Crescentmead Holsteins - From I-94, go north on Hwy. 67 8 miles to Evergreen Rd., go left 1/4 mile to farm on right.

Sale managed by/Catalogs: Todd Wendorf 920-988-3323 or e-mail: Find us on Facebook - Redfest with a Touch of Black • 56 - MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018


Minnesota’s Directory of Services Dairyland Supply Phone: (605) 467-0812

Kory Bigalk D.V.M. 50 2nd Ave NW, Plainview, MN 55964

Specializing in TMR Mixers and Manure Handling Equipment

25438 County Road 25 Lewiston, MN 55952 (507)-523-3723

Hubbard Feeds Mankato: (800) 247-0730 Alexandria: (800) 892-8570 Worthington: (800) 533-5240

Looking for even more exposure? Advertise on our website for $25 for a whole month!

58- MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018

ADVERTISE HERE! Don’t miss your opportunity to have an ad for your farm in every publication. For just $35 an issue you can have a business card ad here! Call 507-221-4070 to reserve your space today.

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS, Spring 2018 - 41

Looking to start a website for your farm? • Professional Quality Web Design • Individual Farm Domain name • Initial set-up with 5 pages, up to 10 photos per page and monthly updates • Facebook promotion on Wisconsin Holstein page when breeder page is updated • Link on WHA website • Rates starting at $1000 for the first year with set-up and monthly updates • Call or email for a quote on a 1 or 2 page website - we will work with your budget! Contact Laura with questions or to start your new marketing plan! or 608-723-4933

Join Us! WHA Young Adult Milwaukee Brewer Outing Sunday, April 8 1:10 p.m. Brewers vs. Cubs Join Wisconsin Holstein’s young adults ages 22-45 for a day at the ball game! For $30, guests get a ticket, a bus ride to the game, and great camaraderie with fellow young Holstein enthusiasts! Attendees are invited to bring a dish to pass and must provide their own beverages. One bus will leave from the Oshkosh & Fond du Lac areas and a second will travel the western side of the state with pick-ups in Eau Claire, Tomah & Madison. Sign up for this fun annual trip soon - tickets go fast and we only have a limited number available! Give the WHA office a call at 1-800-223-4269 or email by April 1 to reserve your spot! wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-15


Go-Sho Cattle Co.: Developing kids and show cows by Mara Budde

n a small farmette near Whitewater, Dave and Nina Schmocker are raising show animals and two children, Tessa, 11, and Stella, 8. Here, they focus on breeding and caring for animals with high genetic and show potential as well as getting their kids involved in dairy and teaching them life-long skills. The Schmockers own 35 Registered Holsteins on their own or in partnerships, with 10 of those being milk cows. In total, 45 animals call the farmette home including a few Ayrshires, a Jersey and Waygu beef. Dave and Nina enjoy their time in the barn together and fully believe in caring for the show animals themselves. Nina grew up in the Whitewater area on a grade Holstein dairy, home to 100 milk cows and youngstock. Her parents, Ralph and Robin Goessling (now Goessling-Seamers), visited Gary Thalacker to purchase a few registered springing heifers, one of which that turned out to be extremely successful for her family, Trielm Park Hetty EX-91. Hetty would do well for the Schmockers with her Bellwood granddaughter, Black-Lion Haleys Commet becoming an EX-91 4-year-old after starting out as GP-82 at two years. Commet’s daughters had welded-on udders and good frames and her highest scoring daughter was Black-Lion Complete Chaos EX-92. After the visit to Thalacker’s facility and falling in love with the beautiful heifers, Nina went back and purchased three heifers including Thal-View Milan Renee EX-90. Renee only had one daughter, Go-Sho Bonvoyage Royale EX-94 3E. Thalacker invited Nina out on the show trail following the purchase of these animals. Dave grew up north of the border in Ontario, Canada with a 45-cow Registered Holstein herd, Black-Lion Holsteins. His family emigrated there when he was 5-years-old. He got hooked on the show world thanks to a little inspiration from Roger Turner. “I was in 4-H at the Leeds County Black and White Show and Roger was there clipping,” Dave says. “I went home and tried to do what he did.” At 16-years-old Dave left home to be a fitter in Quebec. During his


Go-Sho Bonvoyage Royale EX-94 3E 16–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

Stella and Tessa Schmocker fitting career, he started to pick up on trimming feet while on the show circuit. He learned along the way and trained under Bruce McNaughton, one of the big-time fitters in Quebec. Dave would become a field rep for Ayrshire Canada and eventually meet Nina in 1998 and move back to the U.S. to develop their own show cattle. Dave and Nina met in the way many dairy couples do, on the tanbark trail. What started with a stolen spot and some help on the wash rack at World Dairy Expo, became a partnership in developing those cattle that can compete at big-ticket shows. That morning, Dave says Nina’s barn crew decided not to show up, which put her in charge of washing, feeding and bedding the show string. So instead of Nina doing all the work by herself, Dave and his crew washed her string while she went to bed and feed. Thus, the Go-Sho prefix was born. While exemplifying their passion of working with high genetic cattle, Go-Sho is actually a combination of both Nina and Dave’s last names that Nina’s mother came up with. “Go” for Goessling, Nina’s maiden name, and “Sho” for Schmocker. At Go-Sho, Nina and Dave focus on providing the highest quality care for their cattle as well as breeding Holsteins for excellence as cows. But more importantly, they are teaching their daughters Tessa and Stella the value of hard work, passion and responsibility. “I always tell them to find something they love to do because then it’s not work. Find your passion and chase it,” Dave says. That passion for show cattle is being passed down to their children, who recently exhibited the

Tessa and Dave Schmocker celebrate Go-Sho Like a Rolling Stone’s Grand Champion title at the 2017 Grand National Junior Show Grand Champion of the Grand National Junior Show at the 2017 North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE), Go-Sho Like A Rolling Stone EX-91. Like A Rolling Stone, a 4-year-old Sid from a Goldwyn, comes from a breeding history the Schmockers are incredibly proud of. Her dam, Go-Sho Alittle RockNRoll EX-90, boasts impressive achievements in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Her granddam, Royale EX-94 3E, goes back to one of the original heifers Nina purchased. Royale has five Excellent daughters, four Very Good daughters and three Good Plus daughters (first score). Her highest scored daughter is Go-Sho Miss Independent EX-93, one of Tessa’s show animals. Rolling Stone has a July Dickey heifer, Go-Sho R-Stars and Stripes, that is due in June with a Solomon heifer. The family plans to flush Rolling Stone this February to Dempsey and then breed her back for the next year. The day before Tessa exhibited at NAILE she competed in forensics. Dave had already taken the animals down to the show where everyone was settled in and getting prepped for show day. Tessa arrived home around 8 p.m. from her competition and was on the road by 9 p.m. with Nina’s mother, who drove her to Louisville through the night. They arrived in time for Tessa to show her March calf as well as Like A Rolling Stone. As the day went on and a class winner became a Senior Champion cow, she entered the ring for the final championship drive. Dave says, “I could see her being Grand, it was so surreal, she could really do this.” When the judge finally tapped Tessa and Like A Rolling Stone, the family lit up. Nina, who had stayed home to man the home front, was watching the live broadcast of the show and was on the phone with her mother during that final drive. “I was screaming, cheering, laughing and crying,” she says. “It was the best day of Tessa’s life,” Dave says. “You can’t buy that. I just wish Nina could have been there, too.” Tessa is very active in the show ring competing at District Show, Midwest National Spring Show, Wisconsin Championship Show, the county fair, Wisconsin State Fair, NAILE and World Dairy Expo. She’s also active on her county dairy judging team. Stella will be 9 in August and will be eligible to show at World Dairy Expo, something she is very much looking forward to. To help support the family’s showing fun, Dave operates a hoof trimming business as well as CattleTraxx Concrete Grooving. Hoof care clients range from show animals that need a trim before a show to 3,000cow dairies. Dave has three full-time employees that service about 100 herds from Owattona, Minn, to Wausau, Wis., as well as in Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana.

Go-Show Like a Rolling Stone EX-91

wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-17

Wisconsin Holstein Treasure Quest 2018 Calf Entries


Burledge Mcctchn Hot Tamale Born 6-16-2017

Reg. #840003139904825

Sire: De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174-ET Dam: Burledge Aftershck Tantalize VG-87 VG-MS 2-01 2x 365 29,080 4.0 1155 3.0 864 2nd Dam: Burledge Jasper Trump VG-86 VG-MS 2-03 2x 365 24,710 3.7 903 3.1 768 3rd Dam: Mac-D Lheros Tango EX-91 4th Dam: Mac-D Spanky Tina VG-87

Owner: Ray, Rae Nell & Joseta Halbur, Fond du Lac

Mac-D Lheros Tango EX-91


Craig-Kro D Hanky Panky Born 6-4-2017

Reg. #840003145661210

Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Dam: Craig-Kro Durham HotsyTotsy EX-95 3E 5-07 2x 365 34,690 3.5 1223 3.3 1156 2nd Dam: Craig-Kro Linjet Hottie EX-92 2E 3-07 2x 355 25,730 4.0 1032 3.2 816 3rd Dam: Craig-Kro Reknown Hotlips EX-91 4th Dam: Craig-Kro Jct Hotsy EX-94 5th Dam: Craig-Kro Logic Holly-Twin EX-90

Owner: Austen Schmidt & Travis Krohlow, Black Creek

Craig-Kro Durham HotsyTotsy 3E-95


Crestbrooke Jacoby Tally Born 9-1-2017

Reg. #840003140284277

Sire: Cycle Doorman Jacoby-ET Dam: Crestbrooke Taleigha-ET VG-85 VG-MS at 2Y 2nd Dam: Raggi Durham Tobi-ET EX-93 2E 2-03 2x 365 33,820 4.6 1515 3.4 1141 4th Senior 2-Year-Old, Intl. Holstein Show 2009 Res. Senior & Grand Champion, MW Natl. Spring Show 2009 3rd Dam: Tobis C Lee Tonya EX-90 4th Dam: Ernest-Anthony SD Tobi-ET EX-96 DOM 5th Dam: C Alanvale Inspiration Tina EX-95 GMD DOM


Raggi Durham Tobi-ET EX-93 2E

Gildale Defiant Melania-Red Born 12-3-2017

Reg. pending

Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Dam: Gildale Absolute Mercy-Red EX-90 2nd Dam: Gildale Advent Melody VG-86 5-00 2x 356 27,340 4.0 1105 3.1 844 3rd Dam: Gildale Fabulous Model VG-88 VG-MS 5-07 2x 352 25,750 3.9 1000 2.8 731 4th Dam: Gildale Storm Maire EX-93 5th Dam: Paradigm Formation Mint EX-90


Owner: Kyle Natzke, Fond du Lac

Owner: Gildale Holsteins, Holandale

Gildale Storm Maire EX-93

Hilrose Absolte Dre-Red-ET Born 9-6-2017

Reg. #840003141071403

Sire: Apples Absolute-Red-ET Dam: Wilstar Adixie Diana-Red-ET EX-90 2E 6-03 2x 358 37,050 3.8 1422 3.2 1172 2nd Dam: Farmdale Integrity Dixie EX-94 3E 5-00 2x 365 38,220 4.1 1564 3.0 1158 Nom. Junior All-American 5-Year-Old 2002 2nd 5-Year-Old Mideast Fall National 2002 Junior All-Wisconsin Aged Cow 2003 18–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

Owner: Andy & Jeff Brantmeier, Sherwood

Wilstar Adixie Diana-Red-ET EX-90 2E

Wisconsin Holstein Treasure Quest 2018 Calf Entries


Kampy Corvette Gretchen Born 9-2-2017

Reg. #840003143974785

Sire: Sonnek GC Corvette-ET Dam: Bella-Ridge Game Over-ET VG-87 VG-MS 2Y 2-02 2x 104 8,092 345F 279P 2nd Dam: Rosedale Go For Gin-ET EX-93 2E 5-06 2x 365 36,020 4.6 1661 3.1 1124 3rd Dam: Rosedale Lexi-ET VG-89 EX-MS 4th Dam: Rosedale Lea-Ann-ET EX-93 2E GMD 5th Dam: Stookey Elm Park Blackrose-ET 3E-96 GMD DOM

Owner: Derrek & Darren Kamphuis, Brandon

Bella-Ridge Game Over-ET VG-87


Ms Bee-Bow Doormn Hollie-ET Born 9-2-2017

Reg. #840003013272438

Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Dam: Hazels Gldwn Halle-ET 5-02 2x 365 34,030 1596F 1221P 2nd Dam: Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 2E 3-04 2x 365 36,490 3.7 1353 3.0 1088 All-American 5-Year-Old 2008 All-American Junior 3-Year-Old 2006 Res. All-American 125,000 lb. Cow 2011 3rd Dam: Quality-Ridge SS Heidi EX-90 2E


Owner: Nicholas, Ivan & Mary Schuster, Fond du Lac

Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 2E

Ran-Rose Goldwyn Astaire-ET Born 9-3-2017

Reg. #840003132383228 Owner: Corey Geiger, Reedsville

Sire: Braedale Goldwyn Dam: Ran-Rose Blitz Allstar EX-93 3E 8-02 2x 365 34,620 3.1 1057 2.8 957 Lifetime: 2679d 205,600 3.1 6352 2.9 5986 2nd Dam: Ran-Rose Durham Aweding VG-85 2-07 2x 293 22,020 3.3 727 3.2 696 Ran-Rose Blitz Allstar EX-93 3E


Ryan-Vu Doorman Satori-ET Born 9-3-2017

Reg. #840003142482774

Sire: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET Dam: Pyramid Goldwyn Shimmer-ET EX-94 3E 10-03 2x 305 36,010 4.5 1628 2.9 1032 Lifetime: 2441d 211,650 4.8 10,244 3.2 6695 1st 5-Year-Old & Reserve Senior Champion, MW Spring National Show 2012 2nd Senior 3-Year-Old, MW Spring National Show 2010 Next Dams: VG-85, EX-92 3E, EX-90 3E


Owner: Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

Pyramid Goldwyn Shimmer-ET 3E-94

Our-Favorite Enshrine-ET Born 6-2-2017

Reg. #840003136617248

Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Dam: Our-Favorite Endless-ET EX-92 2-00 3x 353 24,790 4.6 1143 3.7 914 2nd Dam: Our-Favorite Unlimited EX-93 EX-95MS 3-08 3x 365 31,990 4.5 1439 3.5 1125 3rd Dam: Our-Favorite Obvious EX-91 Next Dams: EX-93, EX-92, EX-92, VG-89, EX-93, EX-91

Owner: Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

Our-Favorite Endless-ET EX-92 wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-19

Wisconsin Holstein Treasure Quest 2018 Calf Entries


Overland Defi Gravity-Red

Born 3-8-2017 Reg. #144180606 Sire: Scientific B Defiant-ET Dam: Overland AJ Graffiti-Red VG-86 VG-MS 2Y 2-04 2x 311 21,403 829F 645P Nominated Junior All-American Red & White 2016 2nd Dam: Jimdandy BW Glimmer-Red EX-93 Nom. Junior All-American Red & White 2016 Nom. All-American Red & White Dam & Daughter 2016 3rd Dam: Jimdandy Ad Glitter-Red-ET EX-90 4th Dam: Jimdandy RS Glamor Shot-Red EX-92


Overland AJ Graffiti-Red VG-86

Sunny-Valley Dbk Fire-Red

Born 3-6-2017 Reg. #840003126025148 Sire: Mr D Apple Diamondback Dam: Sunny-Valley D Fortune-Red EX-93 4-02 2x 314 26,860 4.4 1170 3.4 908 2nd Dam: Sunny-Valley A Favor-Red-ET EX-91 2-02 2x 365 28,020 3.7 1050 3.1 876 3rd Dam: Sunny-Valley Fever-Red-ET EX-91 Res. All-American Red & White Fall Yearling 2003 4th Dam: Sunny-Valley Rbns Flame-Red EX-90 2E Next Dams: VG-87 DOM, EX-92, EX-95 5E GMD


Owner: McKenna & Coltin Coffeen, DePere

Owner: Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie

Sunny-Valley D Fortune-Red EX-93

Wildpfaffs Liberty Bell-ET

Born 9-4-2017 Reg. #840003143410011 Sire: Stantons High Octane-ET Dam: Pfaffsway Bltmr Lyrical-ET VG-88 VG-MS 3Y 3-01 2x 289 32,571 4.22 1374 2.83 923 inc. 2nd Dam: Tumbleweed Goldwyn Leeza-ET EX-90 3-00 3x 320 29,150 3.5 1016 3.0 860 3rd Dam: Ridgedale Leanna-ET VG-86 4th Dam: Ridgedale Leann EX-94 2E DOM Next Dams: 2E-91 DOM, 3E-93 DOM, 2E-92 DOM, 3E-94 DOM, 2E-93, VG-88, VG-88, VG-87

Owner: Kole & Beau Trapp & Olivia Pfaff, Taylor

Tumbleweed Goldwyn Leeza-ET EX-90

For more information on the WHA Treasure Quest, pleave visit our website at Drawing will be held on Saturday, April 28 during the Midwest National Spring Show. Tickets can be purchased from any WHA board member or from the state office by calling 1-800-223-4269.

Breunig’s Bovine

BUZZ Hello Holstein friends, As the 2018 Wisconsin Holstein Convention came and went this past weekend, I was so excited to represent our organization as the Wisconsin Holstein Princess for the first time. Seeing old friends, and meeting many new ones as well, was a fantastic way to spend the snowy weekend. Sharing stories and laughs between some of the industry’s leading names that are proud to call Wisconsin home and the next generation is an experience that is truly unique to our association. When we get opportunities to hear insights on our industry from different people, like those on the panel Saturday morning of convention, we need to take advantage of it and learn from each other. Our “team mentality” of sharing what works, 20–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

and maybe more importantly what doesn’t, will help us all to survive this stretch of challenging years. Innovation and technology can sustain our industry into the future years, and create flexibility in a time where good, reliable work is hard to come by. Robots are a fantastic representative of how innovation changes how people manage their farms with innovative ideas. In the cases of our panelists, they were so gracious to be able to leave the farm for a day and not have to worry about someone who may not show up to milk their cows. Things are constantly changing in the world of Registered Holsteins, and together we can do our best to stay ahead of the curve. I am so proud to be a part of the next generation of Holstein breeders, and cannot wait to see how today’s juniors grow into the role of leaders in the future. But, in the words of our newly retired president Kevin Jorgenson, “We are stronger together than we are individually.” As always, I am looking forward to the spring and the beginning of our show season. Good luck to all with March calf season! Buzz you later, Allie Breunig 2018 Wisconsin Holstein Princess

by Laura Wackershauser

Todd Stanek and EDR V I Angie Melvina EX-93 GMD DOM Every Holstein breeder looks for that “one cow” that changes their breeding program. And for some, when they find that cow, the future is “Unlimited”. Todd Stanek is experiencing that once in a lifetime success and it all goes back to a purchase in 1992. Todd went to the Marsh family’s dispersal in 1992 with the sole purpose of taking home EDR VI Angie Melvina, an EX-93 5-year-old. He had not seen the cow in person but Melvina had made a name for herself in the show ring being named Reserve Junior All-American Senior 3-Year-Old in 1990, and Todd took notice. At the sale, he was impressed with how massive she was and never seen a cow with as high or as wide of an udder and he was not going to stop bidding until he owned her. At the time, Our Favorite Holsteins was about 90% registered, but they didn’t have a big pedigreed cow. Todd’s interest in Melvina stemmed from her show success, but also the fact that she was a high index cow at the time. His goal was to attract A.I. attention and he was looking for a high type, high index cow that could be bred to the high index bulls of that time and he felt her size and strength was perfect. Melvina’s first flush at Our Favorite was to Mascot which resulted in four daughters scoring VG-85, VG-86 and two VG-87 2-year-olds. Two generations later, Our-Favorite Conceited EX-92, was considered one of the best Convincer daughters in the country and brought many visitors to the farm. As interest grew, Stanek started to get bull contracts and market embryos. The cow family had some proven bulls early on, but nothing that hit it big. Changes with the shift toward more health and fitness traits and eventually the introduction of genomics slowed the family’s progress in the GTPI game, which led to a change in how Todd and son Cade bred the cow family. When genomics came along, they used all the really high GTPI bulls of the time, but didn't love the young cows that they saw coming in the barn. The Staneks like tall, dairy, good-uddered cows and changed their breeding to focus more on type with no idea that this choice would lead to producing three straight generations of the number one type female of the breed. Today, Our-Favorite Unlimited EX-93 EX-95MS, is producing offspring that are in high demand. Unlimited traces back to one of the Mascot daughters from that first flush and is a remarkable cow with an ability to pass on her genomic type and leave a mark on the industry. Male and female offspring from Unlimited are topping the charts and Todd is proud that these animals carry the Our-Favorite prefix for eight generations.

EDR V I Angie Melvina EX-93 GMD DOM

Todd Stanek milking Our-Favorite Unlimited EX-93 Three of Unlimited’s sons are currently over +4.00 on type and at the top of the charts. They include Our-Favorite Crush 49-ET, +4.53T, the current #1 type bull of the breed and headed to STgenetics; OurFavorite Diamondback 44 *RC, +4.27T, the #1 type *RC bull and heading to Select Sires; and Our-Favorite Undenied-ET, +4.19T, the #1 type bull in the current Select Sires line-up and sired by Solomon. One of her first sons to have daughters that caught people’s eye, Our-Favorite Union 142-ET, is still +3.54T and has daughters that will be fresh in 2018. Unlimited also has three grandsons over +4.00 on type, a Jacoby granddaughter that is tied for the #1 type heifer of the breed, and another Jacoby granddaughter that is tied as the #1 conformation heifer in the Canadian system. Todd says Melvina was one of the more remarkable cows he’s ever worked with. He remembers, “Melvina had calved and was milking hard. Curious, I decided to take her to town to weigh her and she weighed 2080 pounds and based on that, I would guess she spent most of her life at around 2400 pounds.” He continued, “Today, people seem to think cows are too big, tall, and uncoordinated. Melvina was not a box stall cow, she spent her life in a regular stall like almost every one of our cows. To this day, I would say that she was the most graceful cow I have ever worked with. I never saw the cow take a wrong step once.” While Todd has bought a lot of cows and heifers over the years, buying Melvina on that day back in 1992 still stands out one of the highlights of his life. He feels he owes a lot to Melvina, who has returned many times more dollars to the farm than what he paid for her. He concludes, “I congratulate the Marsh family on breeding such a great cow in Melvina. I hope today that they feel like the cow got a good home at Our-Favorite Holsteins. With all the high type sons in A.I., there is going to be a little of Melvina in a lot of cows all around the world.” wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-21

NATIONAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT Dear Holstein Breeders, As we near the end of winter, we can start hoping for more comfortable temperatures that will help us forget about the current sub-zero temps, ice and accumulating snowfall. Many states have held their state conventions by now and have recognized outstanding individuals for their amazing accomplishments. Congratulations to everyone! Holstein USA set a new record for the number of registrations and basic ID’s; the old record went back to 2016. Holstein enthusiasm is alive and well! The “State of the Association” report were first shared with the Holstein membership at the Iowa state meeting in February. The entire report can be viewed on the Holstein USA website. It is divided into several segments that can be viewed at your own time and leisure. Holstein USA was the subject of a documentary that aired on RFDTV. “Holstein America: A Tribute to the National Dairy Farmers” was shown several different times in February. Dairy farmers across the country proved to be excellent spokesmen for the dairy industry and for Holstein USA in particular. A common theme was how Holstein USA was

a contributing factor in their successful enterprises. It spoke of the hard work and dedication of their families in continuing to the improve the image and genetics of the Holstein cow. You can view this documentary on the Holstein USA website. Holstein Foundation recently graduated 51 from the YDLI Class 10. We encourage all young dairy famers to consider being part of this educational opportunity. Applications for Class 11 are due on August 1, 2018. The Judges Conference will be held in Madison, Wis., on April 26 as part of the Spring Show. Attendance is required once every five years for everyone who wishes to be on the National or Qualified Judge List. After attending the conference, one must complete an application due to Holstein USA in August 2018. The 2019 Judging Conference ill be held in Columbus, Ohio. As your national directors, we have all enjoyed visiting with you as you meet with fellow dairy farmers, family, and business associates. Hope to see many of you at the 2018 National Holstein Convention to be held in Michigan June 29-July 3. As always, feel free to contact us with your concerns or new ideas for improving Holstein USA. Paul, Mark, Dale, Boyd, and Corey

B REEDER B USINESS C ARDS Dwight & Shelly Mayer 4965 County Rd. E, Slinger, WI

REGISTERED HOLSTEINS & BROWN SWISS Breeding age bulls, heifers, calves and young cows available - we sell only from our best lines. Call Dwight’s cell: 262-224-6838

Rickert Bros. LLC Home of Rickland Holsteins

Doug, Linda, Clint, Corey & Tammy Hodorff N3832 Hwy. W, Eden, WI 53019

Jim & Kelly, Greg & Laura, Andrew & Shannon, Don & Lila Rickert Eldorado, WI 54932

Tel: (920) 477-6800 • Fax: (920) 477-2520 E-mail: • 920-960-9640

Stop in anytime for a second look!

RHA: 1037 cows 31,221 3.9 1220 3.0 943 22 Year Progressive Genetics Herd

Embryo Transfer and Fetal Sexing

Expanding Hoof-Trimming Business!

We offer a full range of reproductive services... • Fetal sexing by ultrasound • EU Certified Collection Facility • Embryos available • Select non-lactating donor housing Matthew Dorshorst, MS, DVM Phone: 715-340-7271 Marshfield, WI 54449 22–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

Please call Dave Schmocker, 920-723-1557 • 15+ years of experience, references available • 3 full-time hoof trimmers • Appleton steel Upright Comfort Chute • Large & small herds • Your satisfaction is our guarantee! • Serving a 200 mile radius of Madison, Wis.


Enter the 2020 WHA Futurity

Wisconsin Junior Holstein members have had outstanding success in recent Wisconsin Holstein Futurity shows. Don’t miss out on a fantastic opportunity to showcase your three-year-old in West Allis. $35 entries will remain open until May 15! Visit the website to deadline an entry form.

Midwest National Spring Show

Show season is upon us! This year’s Midwest National Spring Show will again be held during the Wisconsin Dairy Showcase at the New Holland Pavilions in Madison, Wis. The deadline for entries is April 1. Don’t forget to buy your Treasure Quest ticket and win the calf !!! A great way to start or improve your herd! Entries for spring show will be accepted online starting March 1.

WJHA Social Media

Be sure to follow the WI Junior Holstein Association on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat! The JACs will be hosting Trivia Tuesdays on the Facebook page as well as junior member features and other fun updates throughout the month. If you have a county event you would like us to promote on our Facebook page, please contact any of the JAC members or advisors.

A note from your JACs

Hello Juniors! Crazy to think that the last time we all were together was at Junior Convention which was already three months ago. In January, the Junior Activities Committee came together to plan an exciting year for your guys. If you are 16 or older at convention you learned about the new Holstein Association program called WHY Lead. The JAC’s are very excited for this new and upcoming event. This years theme is communication and learning how to be the best agriculture advocate you can be. This event will be held later this month on March 24-25 and the Wintergreen Resort in the Dells. It is also never too early to start thinking about Cow Camp registration. This year it will be May 19-20 at Mt. Morris campground in Wautoma. Unfortunately, this is a smaller campground and is only able to house 80 campers so be sure to get your registration in early. Due to the increased cost of renting Mt. Morris is was necessary to increase the cost of the camper fee to $55. Be sure to add us on Snapchat and like our Facebook and Instagram pages. We will keep you guys up to date on all things junior and holstein related. Emma Buss, Southwest JAC

Join Us for Cow Camp 2018! Mt. Morris Campground, Wautoma • May 19-20 This year’s Cow Camp will be held at Mt. Morris Campground in Wautoma, Wis., May 19-20. Our tentative schedule is for registration to start at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday and getting campers settled in. We will start the next morning with our morning walking trail adventures and breakfast. There are some exciting workshops in the works, including showmanship, calf care, hoof trimming and more! Remember that it is mandatory that youth and chaperones attending cow camp are members of WHA. Chaperones will also need to be approved prior to camp by the WHA staff. Finally, campers must be 9 to 13 years old as of January 1, 2018. We are very excited to have another great cow camp and see everyone at this year’s event.

Cow Camp Registration May 19 & 20, 2018 - Mt. Morris Campground, Wautoma Camp Fee - $55/person (Junior or Chaperone) Campers should age 9-13 as of January 1, 2018

Name: _________________________________________________ Age: ______ Adult or Junior (Circle one)

Boy or Girl (Circle one)

❏ Youth

T-Shirt Size: ______ ❏ Adult

County: ______________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________ Return to: WHA, 902 8th Ave, Baraboo, WI 53913. Registration deadline is April 30. All campers & chaperones must be WHA members; chaperones must be pre-approved by WHA staff. wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018-23


ACKY WPoint of View Editor’s Comments

It looks to be another busy spring with sales scheduled most every weekend of March and April along with the WI Holstein barn meetings at the end of March. Even if you’re not looking to add any animals at this time, I hope you’ll take a few hours to attend some of these events this spring to socialize with fellow Holstein breeders. At the WHA Convention this past weekend, one of the the things that people commented on was how nice it was to sit down, have a drink, and talk to Holstein friends in a positive setting when so many of our days are spent worrying about the state of the dairy economy. One of the features of the convention was our technology early-bird session on Saturday. We’ll have a review of that panel discussion in the April issue. But if you’re looking for more information, be sure to visit one of our Barn Meetings - March 22 at Village View Farm near Argyle or March 27 at Alfalawn Farm, Menomonie. These two very different farms have both found ways to make technology and innovation work for their farm. Details on both barn meetings can be found on page 42 of the Midwest Holsteins section. Next month is our Production issue and we’ll be featuring our Top Performer winners as well as our annual “Top 10” lists for milk, fat, and protein. If you have a production leader in your herd you’d like to feature, please give me a call by March 12. The WHA board voted to keep the $35 entry deadline for the 2020 AllBreeds Futurity open until May 15. If you would like to enter the futurity, the form can be found on the WHA website. Finally, we have 13 great calves entered for this year’s Treasure Quest. There are still tickets available. You have a 1 in 125 chance to take your pick of these 13 calves at the Midwest National Spring Show. If you would like to buy a ticket for the Treasure Quest, you can contact a WHA board member or the WHA office at 1-800-223-4269. Until next time... 24–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018




March 2018 Classifying in Brown, Calumet, Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Ozaukee, Sheboygan and Washington counties 3 UW-River Falls Falcon Premier Sale, UWRF Mann Lab Farm 3 Purple Ribbon Classic, Marshfield 17 Waupaca-Waushara Show Opportunity Sale, Weyauwega 22-23 Hammer Time at Heritage - Online Edition, Heritage Holsteins, Whitewater; online bidding available at 22 WHA Barn Meeting, hosted by Village View Farm, Kevin & RaeAnn Makos family, Argyle, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 24-25 WHY Lead conference, Wintergreen Resort, Wisconsin Dels 24 The Pursuit of Excellence, Great Northern Sales Arena, Fond du Lac, 11 a.m. 27 WHA Barn Meeting, hosted by Alfalawn Farms, Styer families, Menomonie, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. April 2018 Classifying in Dane, Green, Iowa & Lafayette counties 6 Spring Selections at the Northern, Fond du Lac, 11 a.m. 7 MilkSource Select Sale, Kaukauna 13 Madson Farms Complete Herd Dispersal, Oconto, 10 a.m.; managed by Scott Courtney Sales 14 RedFest with a Touch of Black, hosted by Crescentmead, Ixonia 14 Barron Spring Sale, Barron Pavilion 21 Outagamie County Spring Sale, Cow Palace North, Kaukauna, 11 a.m. 27-28 Wisconsin Dairy Showcase, Madison May 2018 Classifying in Columbia, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Jefferson, Kenosha, Marquette, Milwaukee, Racine, Rock, Walworth & Waukesha counties 5 Crest-View-Acres Dispersal, Steve & Kay Holte, Westby, 10:30 a.m.; managed by Scott Courtney Sales 19 Define Your Destiny, Budjon Farms, Lomira 19-20 Cow Camp, Wautoma June 2018 Classifying in Langlade, Marathon, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara & Winnebago counties 12 District 8 Show, Beaver Dam 15 District 1 Show, Menomonie 18 District 2 Show, West Salem 20 District 5 Show, Westfield 21 District 7 Show 22 District 10 Show, Plymouth 25 District 3 Show, Lancaster 26 District 6 Show, Monroe 28 District 4 Show, Wausau June 29-July 3 National Holstein Convention, Acme, Michigan Future Dates August 17-21, 2018 April 26-27, 2019 June 24-27, 2019 July 5-9, 2019

Wisconsin Championship Series, Madison Wisconsin Dairy Showcase, Madison National Holstein Convention, Appleton Wisconsin Championship Series, Madison




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Need your message to reach every WI Holstein member? Advertise in the Wisconsin Holstein News!

David Kendall, Director of Genetic Development, 608-346-1605

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INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Alpha Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CattleTraxx LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Cybil Fisher Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Go-Sho Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Great Northern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Holstein International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Initial Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 International Protein Sires/Our Help . . . . . . . . . IBC Koepke Farms, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Lodi Veterinary Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mayer Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 NorthStar Cooperative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Origin Reproduction Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Rickert Bros. LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 River Valley Vet Clinic, SC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Rural Mutual Ins./Brian Greenman . . . . . . IFC & 25 Second-Look Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 STgenetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 & BC Ultrascan, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

MIDWEST HOLSTEINS ADVERTISERS April-Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Badger Dairy Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Crest-View-Acres Dispersal . . . . . . . . . 26 Go-Sho Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Madson Dispersal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Marathon County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-49 Milksource Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Opsal’s Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Our Favorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Outagamie Spring Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 RedFest with a Touch of Black . . . . . . . . 56

Holstein Association Representatives Sarah Trapp W16080 Merlin Road, Taylor, WI 54659 608-525-2901 cell: 608-628-1978 e-mail: Chris Lyons W 5979 Lee Dr., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 920-563-1082 cell 920-723-2406 e-mail: Mandi Ramsburg 1510 Silverstone Trail #2, De Pere, WI 54115 cell: 920-530-5023 e-mail: 26–wisconsin HOLSTEIN news/March 2018

Spring Selections at the Northern . . 22-23 The Pursuit of Excellence Sale . . . . . 36-37 UW-Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Village View Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Wargo Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Waupaca-Waushara Show Opportunity Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13

#48 GTPI Genomic Sire

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