Wisconsin Holstein News - August/September 2022

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Breeder Profile: Just-R-Mess Dairy 2022 District Show Results District Show Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Features Wisconsin shines at the National Holstein Convention
We have enjoyed the Registered Holstein industry for well over 40 years, earning many trophies and Premier Breeder banners. We again have a barnful of young cows, about 80, and pens full of youngstock (100) that encompass our breeding philosophy. Our official BAA in February of this year was 111.1. Our recent special classification of 43 cows added 13 new Very Good 2-year-olds, 7 new Excellents and 9 Excellents raised in score. We have three 3-year-olds that maxed out at EX-92: Willows-Edge Doorman Breezy, Willows-Edge Crush Kenni and Willows-Edge Diamondback Mimicry. WE WILL CLOSE OUR DOORS SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 AND PUT ALL CATTLE UP FOR SALE. We’re certain we’ll have something for everyone. Show cattle with deep pedigrees that they will enjoy and succeed with as much as we have. Cheers to our Grand Finale and your future. The Grand Finale AT Willows Edge September 7, 2022 • 10 AM • 917 140th Ave., New Richmond, WI 54017 80 cows and 100 youngstock SELL - ALL from deep-pedigrees! Henk & Bonnie Willows-Edge Bolton Flicker-ET 2E-94 EEEEE GMD Life: 1865 177,480 4.7 8294 3.2 5604 3rd 150,000-lb Cow, MW Fall National Holstein Show 2015 Grand Champion, Distrct 1 Holstein Show 2014 All-Wisconsin Dam & Daughter 2014 3 sons have gone to AI Willows-Edge Ad Mick-Red-ET 2E-94 94-MS EEEEE Life: 2227 194,250 4.6 8929 3.2 6209 HHM Junior All-American Red & White 5-yr-old 2012 Res. Grand Champion, MW Fall National R&W Show 2011 Many offspring from this family sell! © Lea Jordan © Cybil Fisher

Willows-Edge Glauco Leisure EX-94

Glauco x EX-91 Talent x VG-86 Mandelin

Recently scored EX-94 with a 95-MS! Due back in Dec. to Doorman.

Selling Jan. 2022 King Doc, Moovin Milking Yearling prospect, VG-85 at 2-00 Jordy, an EX Atwood 5-yr-old and King Doc fall calf granddaughter.

Rocklan Unix Jazzy EX-90 91-MS

Unix x EX-91 Golden Dreams x EX-93 Sanchez x Valleyville Lheros Jenn EX-94 12* AA Sr. 3Y 2008

1st Sr. 2-Yr-Old, HHM Int. Champ. MW Fall Nat. Holstein Show 2021 Sells with Admiral twin daughters and a June 2022 Diamondback.

Willows-Edge Marieke-Red Avalanche Lotto x EX-93 Atwood x Willows-Edge Ad Mick-Red-ET EX-94

1st Spring Calf, MW Fall Nat. RW Show 2021

From one of our deepest cow families!

From this family: VG-87 Diamondback Sr. 2-yr-old, VG-89 Rainy 3-yr-old and a RED Warrior winter calf.

Willows-Edge Crush Kenni EX-92

Crush x VG-85 Golden Dreams x Lovhill Goldwyn Katrysha EX-96

1st Jr. 3-Yr-Old, MW Fall Nat. Holstein Show 2021

Sells with June 2021 King Doc and July 2022 Atwood. A full sister to Kenni sells! Plus embryos from this family sell.

TK-Plain-View Ripley EX-96

Dempsey x EX-94 Outside x EX-93 Roy Uanimous AA 5-yr-old 2017

All-Canadian 5-yr-old 2017

Nom. AA Aged Cow 2018

HM Grand, Int. Holstein Show 2017 Grand Champion, WI Champ. Show 2018 Ripley’s Warrior summer yearling, Milksource Reaction-ET, 1st summer yearling at District 1 Show 2022, sells.

Ms D Angel Denisha-ET EX-94

Doorman x EX-94 Damion x KHW Regiment Apple-Red EX-96 Grand Champ. District 1 Show 2020 Has sold embryos to 9 countries! Has a VG-88 Jordy 2-yr-old selling. Also selling a RED Defiant just fresh 2-yr-old.

Willows-Edge Ar Massage-TW EX-92

Archrival x VG-88 Jasper x EX-90 Durham Due back in December to Sidekick! Her 3-yr-old EX-90 Defiant sells! Also selling from this family is a just fresh Addison 2-yr-old.

Willows-Edge Mimiked-Red EX-90

Diamondback x EX-92 Advent - 3x AA Nom. Mimiked is one of 5 Excellent sisters selling! A summer yearling Warrior, July 2022 Warrior, RED Diamondback fall calf and October 2021 Luxor sells from this group. ALL RED!

Auctioneers: Chris Hill : 202-255-7907

Willows-Edge Alt Mica-Red VG-88

Altitude x VG-88 Archrival x Willows-Edge Ad Mick-Red-ET EX-94

Nom. All-American Milking Yrlng 2021

6th Milking Yrlng, Int. RW Show 2021 2nd Milking Yrlng, MW Fall Nat. RW Show 2021 She sells just fresh and looks incredible! Also selling is her CEO summer yearling and July Warrior.

Lake-Breeze Def Careful-Red EX-92

Defiant x EX-95 Absolute x Kite Caramac EX-92

Grand Champ., District 1 Show 2019 Res. Int. & Res. Grand Champ., MW Fall Nat. Holstein Show 2019 Selling a VG-86-2Y Diamondback, October 2021 Altitude, Spring 2022 Warrior and an Applecrisp granddaughter.

Willows-Edge Golds Matilda EX-94

Goldsun x EX-94 Advent x EX-90 Integrity x EX-93 Stardust x EX-90 Charles Everyone loves how you can clip her with no halter on! She has a VG-87 Crush granddaughter that was 4th at the MW Fall Nat. Show. VG 2-yr-old by Altitude, a November bred heifer by Untopabull and a great granddaughter spring yearling by America. She has a multitude of family member that sell in addition to these!

David Crack: 819-352-1670

Tim Natzke, Cattle Preparation


The sale will start at 10 AM at the farm. Catalogs will be available at the sale.


include name, address, phone of advertiser, amount of space needed, color if desired, photos if any and where they are. The Wisconsin Holstein News and its employees do not verify the records, classification scores or any other information that is used in advertising that appears in the Wisconsin Holstein News. The advertiser is solely responsible for the accuracy of all information used in their advertising. The News shall not be held responsible for any loss due to inaccurate information appearing in the News. The employees of the News shall be available to help any member acquire verification for any information appearing in the News

Under federal law, photographer’s pictures are copyrighted and owned by the photographic company.



4 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022 Official Publication of the Wisconsin Holstein Association Published 8 times per year by the Wisconsin Holstein Association To advertise, call 1-800-223-4269 or email wisholsteins@gmail.com and the WHA staff can assist you. Features 8 Breeder Profile: Just-R-Mess Dairy 10 2022 District Show Results 23 District Show Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Features 27 2022 District Show Showmanship Results 30 Cow Camp Report 32 National Holstein Convention Award Winners WISCONSIN HOLSTEIN NEWS: (ISSN 0194-4401) (USPS 688160) is published monthly in March, October, November, and December and bi-monthly in January/February, April/May, June/ July & August/September by the Wisconsin Holstein Association, 902 Eighth Avenue, Baraboo, WI 53913. Periodicals postage paid at Baraboo, WI and additional mailing offices. Additional magazines may be purchased at $5.00 for the first copy and $2.00 for each additional copy. Price includes shipping and handling. Due to the uncertainties of the mail, the News cannot assume responsibility or prior delivery of issues carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 14 days after the issue date. Advertising is due
10th day of the month preceding publication, unless otherwise publicized. Advertising can be submitted by email, fax or over the phone. Ad information must
Prints sold are with a “single use” license and, in the case of the News, for use only in current
future issues
the News. Original photos must remain on site and may not be shared as prints or electronically without written permission of the photographic company through which the photo is copyrighted. POSTMASTER: Send address change to: Wisconsin Holstein Association, 902 Eighth Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913 Phone: 1-800-223-4269 or 608-356-2114. Departments 5 From the President 6 Wisconsin Holstein Updates 7 Obituaries Mooin’ with Maddy 28 Wisconsin Holstein Youth 37 District 10 Report On the cover: An artistic shot from Laura Wackershauser at the District 10 Holstein Show. Upcoming WHA Events August/September 2022 Volume 94 Issue No. 5 www.wisholsteins.com August 4-6 Wisconsin Junior State Fair, West Allis 13 WHA All-Breeds Futurity, West Allis 22-26 Wisconsin Summer Championship Show September 7 The Grand Finale at Willows-Edge, New Richmond 15 WHA Board Meeting, Baraboo October 2-7 World Dairy Expo, Alliant Energy Center Madison December 1 Wisconsin Winter Wonderland sale Cow Palace, Kaukauna January 2023 6-8 Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention Manitowoc 8: Breeder Profile 10: District Show Results Mark Your Calenders Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Sale Dec. 1 • Cow Palace, Kaukauna Have a consignment? Call Craig Krohlow: 920-639-5388

From the President - Steve Endres

Hello everyone!

is flying by, seems like it always does!

those of us who are football fans we don’t have to wait long for Packers training camp and Badger practices.

Instead of looking ahead, I first want to go back to report on district shows. Normally I am not someone who gets out much, but thanks to everyone on the farm covering for me, plus Kathy accompanying me, I made it to every district show. I did not see every class at every show, but I certainly caught most of them!

As I traveled around the state, I was able to check out the crops along the way. How are the corn and beans progressing? How do they look compared to other areas? What crop of hay is done? Is the wheat starting to ripen? These are the questions that go through my mind. My heart sank when we went through an area that had storm damage but at the same time, I was thankful for our own good fortune.

It was a great experience to meet breeders that I have heard of but had not had the chance to meet. I am now able to put a face with a name. It goes without saying that it is so great to see Holstein friends and acquaintances again!

One thing for sure is that there are great cattle in every district! It was amazing the strings that some farms brought out. There would be three or four really good heifers and then they would trot out several great cows as well! Across the board, there were many, many breeders who exhibited outstanding individual animals. Hopefully

our Championship Show entries are strong as there are many cattle that warrant being there. I am looking forward to seeing how they all line up at the show!

By the way, our judges did a great job placing the cattle, in my opinion. We had some well-seasoned judges as well as some young judges just starting to do District shows. All were impressive!

I want to thank the WHA staff, royalty, JACs and other volunteers involved, for they are essential to pulling these shows off. They all walk into a variety of situations and make them all work, which is especially challenging when there are six shows in one week!

It was surely my pleasure to take in these shows, meet breeders and chat with everyone!

State Fair is on the docket now. The WHA All-Breeds Futurity is on Saturday, August 13. As per usual, be sure and check the website and/or the News for more upcoming events!

Enjoy the remainder of the summer and take care.











August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 5 Wisconsin Holstein Association STAFF Laura Wackershauser, Executive Director | lauraw@wisholsteins.com Mara Budde, Director of Communications | marab@wisholsteins.com NATIONAL DIRECTORS Bob Webb - 920-377-1079 Tony Brey 920-495-2555 Serving Wisconsin Registered Holstein Breeders for 132 years The Wisconsin Holstein Association was founded in 1890 for the purpose of improving, promoting and securing the best interests possible for breeders and owners of the Holstein cow. WHA continues to provide a membership organization to promote the Wisconsin Holstein Registered breed and its breeders and owners. 902 8th Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913 • www.wisholsteins.com Phone 1-800-223-4269 • (608) 356-2114 • Fax (608) 356-6312
Endres, President (2023)* 608-279-5952 Ryan Weigel, Vice President (2025) - 608-434-4109 Erica Ullom, Secretary (2024)* 715-933-0477 Sara Feldmann, Exec. Committee (2024)* - 920-980-9704 Kurt Loehr, Exec. Committee (2023) - 920-602-0101
Adams (2024) - 262-374-0793
Halbur (2023)* 715-821-9672
Hildebrandt (2025) 920-253-7797
Krohlow (2024)* 920-639-5388
Luedtke (2025) - 920-779-0332
Miller-Speich (2025) - 608-289-0411
Petersheim (2023) 608-675-3893 *will have served two three-year terms, ineligible for re-election August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 5

Wisconsin Holstein Updates

Laura Wackershauser

The summer has flown by and we’re already gearing up for the last show of the summer, the Wisconsin Championship Show. I hope to see many of you in Madison, August 22-26 for the Summer Championship Show Series. Thank you to all those that made this year’s District Shows a success – the exhibitors who brought out almost 1300 head of cattle to the nine shows, the show chairs and committees that put in countless hours to organize the shows, the generous local sponsors that support the shows every year, and the great volunteers we had at each show. It takes a team to make each show run smoothly and I appreciate those that step up each year to help run each of the District Shows.

For those that have not heard, Charitee has taken another job and is no longer working for WHA. I’d like to thank her for all her hard work the past 2.5 years and wish her the best of luck in the new position. I’m sure you’ll see her around at ag events in the future! With that, we have an opening for a Director of Marketing and Membership here at Wisconsin Holstein. The position is responsible for maintaining our membership database, heading up our sponsorship and fundraising efforts and will be in charge of creating our social media marketing plan. If you think that sounds like you or someone you know, please contact me at the office. Applications are due September 1 and we’re hoping to have someone hired by late September.

Something we’re excited to announce is we’ve received a grant from DATCP to expand export opportunities for Wisconsin Holstein breeders. We’ll be working with International Protein Sires on a few projects to accomplish this goal, including travel to two foreign trade shows. We will have a booth at the two trade shows and will share marketing material from any interested WHA member. Breeders are asked to advertise in an upcoming issue of the Wisconsin Holstein News and extra copies of those ads, along with other WHA promotional pieces, will be handed out at the trade show. This is a great opportunity for breeders with genetics eligible for export to advertise to a new audience. If you are interested in more information, please contact me at the WHA office.

Upcoming Issues & Advertising Deadlines


ads needed by September 12

Featured District: District 5, State Fair Results, All-Breeds

Futurity Results, Wisconsin Summer Championship Show

Results, Midwest Holsteins with Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and Missouri

Planned mail date: October 3


ads needed by October 11

Featured District: District 7, Red & White Issue, Junior Convention information, WDE Results and Champion Articles

Planned mail date: November 1


ads needed by November 10

Featured District: District 6, Youth Issue, Post-secondary roundtable, YDJM and 12 & Under Articles, Princess Candidates

Plannned mail date: November 30

Those with questions regarding upcoming issues and advertising can contact Mara, marab@wisholsteins.com or 800-223-4269 ext. 2.



As always, if you have any questions or concerns about WHA programs or upcoming events, feel free to give me a call at the office or drop me an email at lauraw@ wisholsteins.com.

6 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
R Rickert Bros. LLC Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Barn Floor Grooving • Serving all states •All classes of livestock facilities •4 grooving options to fit your needs •Milk parlors •Holding pens •Feed Lots •Freestalls •Alleys 920.723.1557 Dave Schmocker 260.402.4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen. WHA Board Meeting Notice Thursday, September 15 • 10 a.m. WHA office, Baraboo, WI Items to be discussed: • Review of summer shows • Possibility of opening Wisconsin Championship Show to other states • Hosts needed for future conventions From the desk of...

Richard K. Towns, age 90, of Edgerton, passed away peacefully on July 6, 2022, at his home with family surrounding him. He was born in Janesville on May 24, 1932, the son of Malcolm Mayo Towns and Bernadine Margaret (Holden) Towns and graduated from Edgerton High School in 1950. He grew up on his family’s dairy farm in the Town of Porter and successfully farmed most of his adult life on the family farm after returning from military service. He was recognized in the dairy industry for breeding and milking a high-quality Registered Holstein herd. He served as President of the Wisconsin Holstein Association and was awarded as a Wisconsin Distinguished Holstein Breeder.

Dick was a man of faith. He was confident of his relationship with God. He married Ruth E. Sunby on October 4, 1953, at the Methodist Church in Edgerton. He loved his church in Fulton, which he attended his entire life. He volunteered to serve in many roles over his 90 years in the church including trustee, deacon and AWANA youth leader and building committee.

Rock County benefited from Richard’s willingness to serve his community. He served for 18 years on the Porter Town board and

18 years on the Rock County board. He was also active with county agriculture groups including Rock County Ag Business leaders and Rock County Dairy Promotion. The Edgerton Rotary recognized him as an Honored Citizen in 2008.

Richard and his wife of 68 years, Ruth, raised five sons together. He loved his family and supported and cheered for them in their various activities. He was also an avid Wisconsin sports fan and was happy to discuss the latest scores and trades. One of his greatest pleasures was to have the whole group together for a meal.

He is survived by his wife, Ruth; four sons: Steve (Debi), Mark (Pat), John (Lisa) and Scott (Nancy) and daughter-in-law Arlene; 12 grandchildren: Tamara (John), Rachel (Scott), Matthew (Betsy), Ben (JoLyn), Caroline (Clayton), Brian (Beth), Becky, Adam (Jen), Jason (Jessi), Danny (Nina), Travis (Emily) and Austin; and very proud of his 21 great grandchildren; sister, Helen Walker of Waupaca; sister-in-law, Mary Sunby and other extended family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; son, Bruce; sister, Ruth, mother-in-law, Velma Herrington, brother and sisters-in-law Ben Hippe, Joe Walker, Gene Sunby, Roger and Donna Sunby, and grandson-in-law Daryn Allen.

Hello, Holstein Fans! Wow! This summer has flown by, filled with fun activities and events. Elena and I spent most of June traveling to each of the WHA District Shows. We put on a lot of miles but created many memories in the process! It was an amazing experience to see the quality animals and exhibitors at each show. My favorite part of each show was watching the 10 & under Spring Calf Class. It was great to see the young exhibitors showing off their calves!

During June Dairy Month, I had the opportunity to attend many dairy promotion events throughout the state. I really liked the Hay Chopping Demonstration at Portage County Dairy Days hosted by Edgewood Dairy. It was very unique, and I enjoyed helping answer questions from attendees. I also had the opportunity to help educate

youth at Hickory Hill Academy’s Dairy Day in Madison. Local Royalty ran educational stations to help show the students what June Dairy Month is all about! I enjoyed teaching about ice cream and serving samples. It was also fun to meet other young women in Royalty positions. To end a long week of District Shows, I attended the Fond du Lac County Breakfast on the Farm at Dodger Acres in Rosendale. I enjoyed a delicious breakfast, then helped run games in the education tent.

Rounding out the summer, Elena and I attended Fond du Lac County’s Futurity and Dress a Critter contest. I am excited to meet junior exhibitors at Wisconsin State Fair, as well as experience the WHA All-Breeds Futurity! I will be representing WHA at the Dodge, Shawano, and Sheboygan County Futurity shows as well. I look forward to meeting the exhibitors at the Wisconsin Summer Championship Show, August 22-26 at the Alliant Energy Center. I hope to see you there!

It is hard to believe my time as the Wisconsin Holstein Princess is over halfway done.

I have had a great time so far this summer exploring Wisconsin and promoting the Holstein breed!

Rickert Bros.,

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 7
Obituaries B REEDER B USINESS C ARDS Doug, Linda, Clint, Corey & Tammy Hodorff N3832 Hwy. W, Eden, WI 53019 Tel: (920) 477-6800 • Fax: (920) 477-2520 E-mail: mail@secondlookholsteins.com Stop in anytime for a second look! R Rickert Bros. LLC Home of Rickland Holsteins Jim & Kelly, Greg & Laura, Andrew & Shannon, Don & Lila Rickert Eldorado, WI 54932 rickertkel@gmail.com • 920-960-9640 RHA: 1037 cows 31,221 3.9 1220 3.0 943 24 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Expanding Hoof-Trimming Business! Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Barn Floor Grooving • Serving all states •All classes of livestock facilities •4 grooving options to fit your needs •Milk parlors •Holding pens •Feed Lots •Freestalls •Alleys 920.723.1557 Dave Schmocker 260.402.4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen.
LLC Home of Rickland Holsteins Jim & Kelly, Greg & Laura Andrew & Shannon Eldorado, WI 54932 rickertkel@gmail.com • 920-960-9640 RHA: 1091 cows 28,285 3.8 1072 3.4 872 26 Year Progressive Genetics Herd


District 10: Just-R-Mess Dairy

Though Just-R-Mess may seem like it means something else, it is solely a play on the Mess family’s last name. Deb and Austin Mess’s passion for dairy cattle began on their home farms where they grew up. Deb grew up with Red and White Holsteins, both egistered and grade, while Austin was raised on a Registered Holstein farm. Since meeting while attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the pair have started their own herd, now working alongside their children Kaylee, Sam, and Leah in Rosendale.

The Mess family started their herd in 2005. It began with a mix of cows from both Deb and Austin’s parents’ farms; 40 were brought from Austin’s parents and a couple came in those first few years from Deb’s parents. Today, the 125-head herd consists of mostly Holsteins and Red and Whites, with a few Brown Swiss, Jerseys, and Linebacks in the mix. For the last 12 years, everything on the farm has been completely homebred. Kaylee, Sam, and Leah all own a cow family in the herd as well, being gifted a few calves when they started showing.

Building their registered herd has been a goal for the Messes since the beginning. The first animals they started with were grade, since Austin’s family moved away from registering their animals years prior to their departure. Since then, they have been working towards registering the entire herd and they plan to begin classifying in the near future.

Using higher type bulls first started when Kaylee and Sam began showing. The kids have been showing at the Fond du Lac County Fair and the Wisconsin State Fair for a number of years. Some of the family’s favorite cows have seen their fair share of county fairs.

Many of the cows in their current herd all go back to Short-Fuse Moe Cracker RC. Cracker came from Deb’s parents’ herd in 2007.

Though they didn’t start testing milk until 2009, Cracker made 118,000 pounds in her last three and a half years with the Messes.

One descendant of Cracker is Just-R-Mess Diamondback CupidET, who was Reserve Grand Champion this year at the Fond du Lac County Fair. Cupid is currently in her third lactation, having produced over 80,000 pounds of milk lifetime so far. Another descendant of Cracker is Just-R-Mess Usp Cobalt-Red, who also made an appearance at the fair. Cracker has made an impact on the herd, having produced daughters who milk well, have success in the show ring and last in the herd.

One of the family’s favorite cows is Licorice, a Maximus daughter, who has stood the test of time. At eight years old, she is an absolute powerhouse while still maintaining a sweet temperament. Some of Licorice’s highlights include being named Supreme Champion at the 2020 Fond du Lac County Fair and her 185,000 pound lifetime

8 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
The Mess Family at the Fond du Lac County Holstein Futurity. Left to right: Austin, Kaylee, Leah with Just-R-Mess Usp Cobalt-Red, Sam with Just-R-Mess Jim Snowy, and Deb Mess. Photo by Ana McCourt. Leah with Just-R-Mess Usp Cobalt-Red at the Fond du Lac County Fair. Photo by Ana McCourt. Kaylee is serving as this year’s Fond du Lac County Fairest of the Fair. P hoto by Ana McCourt.


Harley is another favorite that can be found on the farm. Harley gets her name from a close encounter with a motorcycle as a calf after escaping from her calf hutch. She will be 13 years old this September and is the family’s first cow to produce over 300,000 pounds of milk lifetime. She has faced many challenges, but her notoriety within the herd is well deserved.

The family’s breeding philosophy is much the same as many other dairy farms. Their goal is to breed for great feet and legs, high milk, and longevity. To do this, they use CentralStar’s mating program. They also purchase bulls from other stud companies. Some of the current bulls being used include AltitudeRed, Cheerful-Red, Ronald, and Moonraker.

Along with working hard on building their genetics, the Mess family works hard to keep their cows comfortable. In 2009, they switched their stall mattresses out for deep sand bedding and a slightly longer stall, which has not only increased cow comfort, but improved their SCC, staying consistently under 100,000.

Future plans of Just-R-Mess include Sam, who will be attending Fox Valley Technical College this fall in the Agribusiness Science and Technology-Animal Science programs. He hopes to return home and gain ownership of the cows. With that, the family also hopes to relocate in order to purchase more land and find a more sustainable facility. At the moment, they only own 10 acres and are

purchasing all of their feed.

Though Kaylee and Leah don’t see a future in returning to the farm, they are extremely active in all things agriculture. Kaylee is going to be a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, pursuing a bachelors in Agriculture Education. She hopes to become an agriculture teacher and an FFA advisor. Kaylee stays active in showing by being the dairy and swine project leader for Busy Bees 4-H. She is also the 2022 Fond du Lac County Fairest of the Fair.

Leah is going to be in eighth grade at Rosendale Intermediate School. She is involved in Busy Bees 4-H, dairy judging, and is a board member of the Fond du Lac County Junior Holsteins. All of the kids participated in quiz bowl and both the Fond du Lac County junior and senior teams took third this year at Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention.

Not only are the kids extremely active, but Deb and Austin are too. Deb is the leader of Busy Bees 4-H and is also on the Fond du Lac County Dairy Committee. Austin is president of the Laconia FFA Alumni, where he helps organize the tractor pull that is held each September.

There is no doubt that the Mess family cares not only about their dairy, but their community. Their key roles in numerous different clubs shows their dedication to the industry and their passion for helping kids succeed.

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 9
Calcium source and dissolving speed are key factors for getting calcium rapidly into the cow’s bloodstream to reduce the risk of milk fever. Ca3 BioFresh® delivers on those factors. Ca3 BioFresh Other Boluses Calcium Sources Calcium acetate Calcium sulfate Tricalcium phosphate Calcium chloride Calcium carbonate Speed of absorption quick moderate slow quick slow Ruminal bioavailability high high moderate high moderate Caustic to membranes low low low high low • Supplies consistent level of calcium through three forms. • 50,000 IU of vitamin D3 to enhance calcium absorption and metabolism. • Increases blood calcium levels and improves reproduction and SCC. • Safe calcium source, does not irritate mouth, esophagus or rumen. BioFresh® is a registered trademark of Agrarian Solutions. All claims, representations and warranties, expressed or implied, are made only by the manufacturer and not by CentralStar. 800.631.3510 • mycentralstar.comNow availble from your CentralStar team. A fresh way to address freshening cows. Sam hopes to take over the family farm. Here, he is showing Just-RMess Diamondback Cupid-ET at the Fond du Lac County Fair. Photo by Ana McCourt

2022 District Show Results

District 1 Holstein Show • Monday, June 13 Judge: Brett Hildebrandt

Barron County Fairgrounds, Rice Lake 125 head shown (71 heifers, 54 cows)

Spring Calf, exhibitors 10 and under (7): 1. (B&O) Triple-HH Movin Around Ally, Summer Hammann, Barron; 2. Nova Tatoo Encanta-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 3. (1JR) Willows-Edge Crush June, Evelyn Rose, New Richmond; 4. Willows-Edge Ln Mikaboo-Red, Claire Van Dyk, New Richmond; 5. Marshland Denver Jazzy Jazz, Marshland Farms, Cushing; (2JR) Oakfield Rdmr D Emissary-ET, Celia CarterThompson, Almena

Spring Calf (5): 1. (B&O) Triple-HH Movin Around Ally, Summer Hammann, Barron; 2. (1JR, JrB&O) Cook Kinda Moovin Karma, Reanna and Raina Cook, Barron; 3. Nova Tatoo Encanta-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 4. (2JR) Willows-Edge Crush June, Evelyn Rose, New Richmond; 5. Croixland Latenite Heartache, Lexi DuSell, Baldwin

Winter Calf (14): 1. Ms Woodmohr War MemoirRed, Apple Acres, Bloomer; 2. (B&O) Redline Tatoo Imperial, Steven Maier, Jim Falls; 3. (1JR) Redcarpet Db Cooper-ET, Raina and Reanna Cook, Barron; 4. Albedarn W Layla-Red, Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin; 5. (2JR, JrB&O) Triple-HH Adolph Diva, Brooke and Summer Hammann, Barron

Fall Calf (18): 1. (B&O) Redline Sidekick Iconic, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls; 2. (1JR, JrB&O) Nova Doc Lindi, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond; 3. Redline Belgin-Red, Steven Maier, Jim Falls; 4. Willows-Edge Kdoc Laurie, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond; 5. Albedarn Hanley Maya, Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin; (2JR) Kings-Vue War A Dare-Red, Frederick Ullom and Elsie Berlin, Bloomer Summer Yearling (10): 1. Milksource ReactionET, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond; 2. Blackjack War All That-Red, Cross-Town Dairy, Ellsworth; 3. (B&O) Randmar HD Gem, Charles and Sybil Thompson, Almena; 4. Albedarn Hanley Gemma, Vanessa Achterhof, Baldwin; 5. West-Croix Unix Shakira, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond; (1JR) Della-Sheen Waror Grace-Red, R Anderson and B & B Bechel, Ellsworth; (2JR) Synergy Amarillo Sky, Summer Hammann, Barron Spring Yearling (8): 1. (B&O) Redline Peanut, Alissa and Jacob Maier, Jim Falls; 2. Della-Sheen Altude Lava-Red, Eric Bechel, Spring Valley; 3. (1JR) Triple-HH Ralf Ring A Bell, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm; 4. (2JR, JrB&O) Triple-HH Tatoo Frostbite, Brooke Hammann, Barron

Winter Yearling (3): 1. (1JR) Redcarpet Undenied Tessa-ET, Macy Weyer, Woodville; 2. (2JR) Dunn-Brook Denver Madeulook, Brooke and Brody Hammann, Barron; 3. (3JR, B&O) Frisle-Vue Bootylicious-ET, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Fall Yearling (6): 1. Mayerlane Black Cat-ET, Ben and Brian Styer, Menomonie; 2. (1JR) Slattery 873 Tatoo 975, Makayla Meyer, Woodville; 3. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Frisle-Vue Denver Ecstasy, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm; 4. Hoesly Contender Nuance-Red, Cross-Town Dairy, Ellsworth; 5. Pauly-G Hot Daddy Get Some, Paul Grulke, Baldwin

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Nova Doc Lindi, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Redcarpet Db Cooper-ET, Raina and Reanna Cook, Barron

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Ms Woodmohr War Memoir-Red, Apple Acres, Bloomer Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Mayerlane Black Cat-ET, Ben and Brian Styer, Menomonie Junior Best Three: 1. Redline Holsteins, Jim Falls;

2. Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin; 3. Willows Edge, New Richmond

Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (8): 1. (BU) GoldenOaks Av Lacey-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Triple-HH Unstop Afterdark, Summer Hammann, Barron; 3. Hardscrabble America Vali, Hardscrabble Farms, Jim Falls; 4. Willows-Edge Side Mushy, Jordan Van Dyk, New Richmond; 5. Nova Artist Nattie, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; (2JR) DellaSheen Warior Diva-Red, Braeden Bechel, Spring Valley

Senior Two-Year-Old (9): 1. (B&O) DellaSheen Jacoby 291, Eric Bechel, Spring Valley; 2. (BU) Crisdhome Doorman Dinero, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond; 3. (1JR, JrB&O) Ms Nova Thundrstrm Labrynth, Sopha Kamm, New Richmond; 4. Willows-Edge Db Mezzinine, Claire Van Dyk, New Richmond;

10 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show; 2. Junior and Reserve Junior Champion of the Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show; 4. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show; 5. Senior and Reserve Senior Champion of the Show; 6. Senior, Grand and Reserve Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior Show; 7. Grand Champion of the Show; 8. Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5. (2JR) Ms Cooks Kinda Want Me-Red, Reanna and Raina Cook, Barron

Junior Three-Year-Old (10): 1. (B&O, BU)

Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond; 2. Ali-Star Prime Saige, Alison Grulke, Mayville; 3. Crisdhome Defiant Getalong, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond; 4. (1JR, JrB&O) Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron; 5. (2JR) Probert A Bree-Emma-Red, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

Senior Three-Year-Old (8): 1. (B&O, BU) Crisdhome Midnight Metalica, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond; 2. Our-Favorite Wicked-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 3. Nova High Octang Diviniti, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 4. Jim-Dandi Jasper Jo Jo, James Hauschildt, Ellsworth; 5. Redline Devour Ingot, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls; (1JR) Frisle-Vue Jt AshlynRed-ET, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Probert A Bree-Emma-Red, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Ali-Star Prime Saige, Alison Grulke, Mayville Four-Year-Old (6): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Marshland Demps Bridezilla, Hailey Lundgren, Cushing; 2. Budjon-Vail Dmnd Bck Sushi, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 3. Ms Nova Doorman Bazil-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 4. Hodglynn Unix LastChance, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond; 5. Flambeau-Manor Nutjob, Gary Van Doorn, Tony

Five-Year-Old (6): 1. Hodglynn Gold Doris-ET, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond; 2.(B&O) Nova Olympian Abilou-ET,Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 3. Our-Favorite Enshrine-ET, Todd and Mary Stanek, Fall Creek; 4. Crisdhome Atwood Countdown, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond; 5. (1JR) Errolea Doorman Baltimore, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond; (2JR) Wils Gold Dback Rochele-Red, Rachel Skinner, Glenwood City

Six-Year-Old and Older Cow (6): 1. (B&O, BU) Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond; 2. (1JR) Vriesdale Control Bethany, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond; 3. Crisdhome Gchip Everglade, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond; 4. Hup-Bro Casual P 1581, Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin; 5. Willows-Edge Glauco Leisure, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond 150,000-Pound Cow (1): 1. (BU) Arethusa Gc Valesca-ET, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron

Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior Show:

Vriesdale Control Bethany, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Marshland Demps Bridezilla, Hailey Lundgren, Cushing Senior Champion of the Show: Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Hodglynn Gold Doris-ET, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond Grand Champion, Best Udder and Champion Bred & Owned of the Show: Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

Best Three: 1. Crisdhome, New Richmond Dam and Offspring: 1. Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond; 2. Triple-HH, Barron; 3. Cook Family, Barron Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor: Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

District 2 Show • Monday, June 20 Vernon County Fairgrounds, Viroqua Judge: Brian Coyne 112 head shown (80 heifers, 32 cows) Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (8): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Firstglance Starstruck-Red, Sophie & Lexi Schaefer, Galesville; 2. RLS Doc Miracle, Bailey Larson, Alma Center; 3. (2JR) Firstglance Milli Vanilli, Sophie & Lexi Schaefer, Galesville; 4. (3JR) East-Colt Thunderstorm Jana, Coltan & Eastan Brown, Strum; 5. I-Rainbow Pep Igloo, Rainbow Dairy LLC, Richland Center Spring Calf (6):1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Firstglance Starstruck-Red, Sophie & Lexi Schaefer, Galesville; 2. RLS Doc Miracle, Bailey Larson, Alma Center; 3. (2JR) Hi-Lo-Springs Afsk Magical, Jaden Dreier, Norwalk; 4. Bert-Mar Jagger Aviita, Allan & Erica Lundberg, Osseo; 5. Ar-Line Analyst Waffles-Red, Ranae Holthaus, Bangor

Winter Calf (15): 1. (1JR) Crisdhome Master Axlrose, Kyra Bue, Alma Center; 2. Miesens First Crush Ariel, Neal Burken, Galesville; 3. (B&O) Lanecreeks Chief Teagan, Aaron Berg, La Crosse; 4. Lanecreeks Awsome Merry, Aaron Berg, La Crosse; 5. (2JR) West Wade Analyst Skyla Rae, Sophie & Lexi Schaefer, Galesville Fall Calf (15): 1. (B&O) Ar-Line Denver Andie, Randy Holthaus, Bangor; 2. (1JR) Wildpfaffs Leezas Legacy, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 3. Duckett Jagger Lynn-ET, FirstGlance Holsteins, Galesville; 4. Bert-Mar Latenite Antic-ET, Allan & Erica Lundberg, Osseo; 5. Driftless Unstp AinsleyRed, Justin Roberts, Sparta; (2JR) Linehan Belle of the Ball, Kyla Johnson, Tomah Summer Yearling (9): 1. (1JR) Danhof Warr Shakira-Red-ET, Sarah Burken, Galesville; 2. (B&O) Lanecreeks Doc Melody, Aaron Berg, La Crosse; 3. Ar-Line Denver Vida, Randy Holthaus, Bangor; 4. Duckett Chief Annie, FirstGlance

Holsteins, Galesville; 5. East-Colt Lxr Cherry-RedET, C & E Brown & S, V, L, R & R Wood & Kaydin Streit, Strum; (2JR) How-Law Warrior Pogo, Grace Schindler, Tomah; (JrB&O) Kontur-Maal Rager Ande-Red, Tahmara Hendrickson, Viroqua

Spring Yearling (8): 1. (B&O) Ar-Line Chief Aryanna-TW, Randy Holthaus, Bangor; 2. Ar-Line Chief Arya-TW, Randy Holthaus, Bangor; 3. (1JR) Ziems-Col War Kitten-Red, Nolan & Sarah Burken, Galesville; 4. Wide-Open War Katelynn-Red, Kyra Bue, Alma Center; 5. (2JR) Lanecreeks Tatoo Maryann, Macie Neumeister, Onalaska

Winter Yearling (10): 1. (1JR, B&O) Wildpfaffs

Sidekick Lime-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 2. Hi-Lo-Springs Undnd Nadia, Ashley Dreier, Norwalk; 3. (2JR) Wildpfaffs Skik Lemonade-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 4. Bert-Mar Doc Angelica, Allan & Erica Lundberg, Osseo; 5. Lanecreeks Jordy Marley-Red, Aaron Berg, La Crosse

Fall Yearling (9): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Hi-LoSprings Denver Misfit, Jaden Dreier, Norwalk; 2. Ms Ar-Line Denver Marianna, Randy & Reed Holthaus & Jody Hoyer, Bangor; 3. Flower-Brook Camo-Red, Sophie & Lexi Schaefer, Galesville; 4. (2JR) Lanecreeks Tatoo Harper, Macie Neumeister, Onalaska; 5. (3JR) Redcarpet Doorman Puma-ET, Dana Johnson, Tomah

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Wildpfaffs Sidekick Lime-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Danhof Warr Shakira-Red-ET, Sarah Burken, Galesville

Junior Champion of the Show: Wildpfaffs Sidekick Lime-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Hi-LoSprings Undnd Nadia, Ashley Dreier, Norwalk

Junior Best Three (5): 1. Ar-Line Holsteins, Bangor; 2. Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 3. Hi-Lo-Springs Holsteins, Norwalk; 4. Bert-Mar Farms, Osseo; 5. How-Law Holsteins, Tomah

Junior 2-Year-Old (6): 1. (1JR, B&O) Wildpfaffs Skik Lipstick-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 2. (BU) Bert-Mar Jolene-Red-ET, Allan & Erica Lundberg, Osseo; 3. (2JR) Wildpfaffs Sdkick Lashes-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 4. (3JR) Willows-Edge Add Massager, Barbara Dittrich, Alma; 5. (4JR) GBM Backflip Jayzee, Ty & Harlee Harbaugh, Westby; (JrB&O) Klinkner Drman Sunny Day-ET, Reagan & Garrison Klinkner, Viroqua

Senior 2-Year-Old (7): 1. (B&O, BU) Hy-Gro Drive Taylor, Kevin & Jody Hoyer, West Salem; 2. Liddleholme Lia-Red-ET, Loviisa Mackey, Osseo; 3. (1JR, JrB&O) Klinkner Rainy Honey-Red, Reagan & Garrison Klinkner, Viroqua; 4. (2JR) Klinkner Doorman Sundae-ET, Reagan & Garrison Klinkner, Viroqua; 5. (3JR) Kurthaven Bacardi Undenied, Cecelia Dittrich, Alma

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 11

Junior 3-Year-Old (0)

Senior 3-Year-Old (6): 1. (B&O, BU) Ar-Line Jdy Wisteria-Red-ET, Ranae Holthaus, Bangor; 2. (1JR) Wildpfaffs G Leadingedge-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 3. Ar-Line Mafia Trinity, Aaron Berg, La Crosse; 4. Ms-AOL Black DiamondET, Coltan & Eastan Brown, Strum; 5. O-Bridge Ammo-P 1214, O-Bridge Farm, Norwalk

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Wildpfaffs Skik Lipstick-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: ArLine Jdy Wisteria-Red-ET, Ranae Holthaus, Bangor

4-Year-Old (7): 1. (BU) Golden-Oaks Av IntegrityET, Allan & Erica Lundberg & Casey Olson, Osseo; 2. (1JR) Siemers Crsh Molly 29181-ET, Nolan & Sarah Burken, Galesville; 3. (B&O) O-Bridge Appleboy 1157, O-Bridge Farm, Norwalk; 4. Duckett Chill Frosty, FirstGlance Holsteins, Galesville; 5. (2JR) Wells-Holm Solomon 166, Addison Leis, Sparta

5-Year-Old (4): 1. (1JR, BU) Harbaugh Sirwood Angelina, Ty Harbaugh, Coon Valley; 2. Canary Aftershock Zoe, Coltan & Eastan Brown, Strum; 3. Indies-View-GW Legendary HP, Justin Roberts, Sparta; 4. (B&O) JKB-Dittrich Airlift Breeze, Barbara Dittrich, Alma

6-Year-Old & Older (2): 1. (B&O, BU) Ar-Line Armani Adele-ET, Randy Holthaus, Bangor; 2. (1JR)

Dittrich Dempsey Pepsey, Korlen Dittrich, Alma

150,000 lb. Cow (0)

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Klinkner Rainy Honey-Red, Reagan & Garrison Klinkner, Viroqua

Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Siemers Crsh Molly 29181-ET, Nolan & Sarah Burken, Galesville

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Wildpfaffs Skik Lipstick-ET, Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor Senior & Grand Champion and Best Udder of the Show: Golden-Oaks Av Integrity-ET, Allan & Erica Lundberg & Casey Olson, Osseo

Reserve Senior, Reserve Grand and Champion Bred & Owned of the Show: Ar-Line Armani Adele-ET, Randy Holthaus, Bangor

Best 3 Females (2): 1. Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 2. Klinkner Holsteins, Viroqua

Produce of Dam (3): 1. Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor; 2. Klinkner Holsteins, Viroqua; 3. Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor

Dam & Offspring (2): 1. Klinkner Holsteins, Viroqua; 2. Kole & Beau Trapp & Isla Mae Pfaff, Taylor

Premier Breeder: Ar-Line Holsteins, Bangor Premier Exhibitor: Anchorage Acres, Alma

District 3 Holstein Show • Thursday, June 7

Grant County Fairgrounds, Lancaster Judge: Austen Schmidt

182 head shown (137 heifers, 45 cows)

Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (12): 1. (1JR, B&O) GBM Analyst Reba-Red, Grant Moret, Prairie du Chien; 2. Kamps-Rx Apleb Alsah-RedET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 3. (2JR) Hartleys Crushabull Carrie, Cash, Brooks & Weston Braun, Soldiers Grove; 4. Gildale Warrior Lil-Red, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale; 5. (3JR) Road-View Addicted to You, Grant Yager, Mineral Point

Spring Calf (9): 1. (1JR, B&O) GBM Analyst Reba-Red, Grant Moret, Prairie du Chien; 2. (2JR, JrB&O) Nobland Showtime Koolaid, Macie Noble, Lancaster; 3. Kamps-Rx Apleb Alsah-RedET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 4. (3JR) Clear-I Mvn Magnolia-Red-ET, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville; 5. (4JR) Nobland An Influence-Red, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster Winter Calf (31): 1. Ala-Moo Smr Ruthann-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Weigland Tstrm Alexannie-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville; 3. (2JR) Kamps-Rx Appleb Adalynn-ET, Demi Kamps & Lauren Kishman, Darlington; 4. Kamps-Rx Appleb Adley-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 5. Tombeth Ella Twitch, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills

Fall Calf (31): 1. (1JR) Reyncrest A Go GetterET, Macie & Ainsley Noble, Lancaster; 2. (B&O) Kamps-Rx Ab Attatown-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 3. Synergy Shania-Red-ET, Darlington Ridge Farms LLC, Darlington; 4. (2JR, JrB&O) Weigland Doc Alexanns Alyx, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville; 5. Stjor Del Lambda Suzanna-ET, Powerhaus Genetics LLC, Fennimore

Summer Yearling (22): 1. (B&O) Kamps-Rx Aplb Archer-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps & Joe Casper, Darlington; 2. Tombeth Radio Esado, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills; 3. KampsRx Appleb Austyn-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 4. Stone-Front War Lancaster, Andrew & Lynette Buttles, Lancaster; 5. (1JR) Ms Freakout Headbanger, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville; (2JR) Hartleys Doc Adele, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove

Spring Yearling (15): 1. (1JR, B&O) Dridge Undenied Applejack, Demi Kamps, Mila Digangi & Payton Van Schyndle, Darlington; 2. Ms Gildale Avalan Stormi-ET, M, E & N Gilbertston & G & H Flannery, Hollandale; 3. Kamps-Rx-DB AftershowRed, Reggie & Krysty Kamps & Dennis Bowers, Darlington; 4. Nodolfland Hancock Sasha, Victoria Nodolf, Belmont; 5. (2JR) Wideopen-Vue Rve Sunami-Red, Keegan Weigel, Platteville; (JrB&O) Weigland Tstrm Alexeegin-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

Winter Yearling (12): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Weigland Chief Alexella-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville; 2. (2JR) Kamps-Rx Applb Aspen-Red-ET, D


12 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
& E
& P & M Van 1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior Show; 2. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Show; 4. Senior and Grand and Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champions of the Junior Show; 5. Senior, Grand and Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champions of the Show; 6. Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show 1 2 3 4 5 6

Schyndle, Darlington; 3. Hi-Lo-Valley High Oct Linda, Hi-Lo Valley Holsteins, Highland; 4. (3JR) Wideopen-Vue Reeve Alli-Red, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville; 5. (4JR) Kamps-Rx Appleb Alondra-ET, Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

Fall Yearling (5): 1. Tombeth Unix LovebugET, Hi-Lo Valley, Dennis Bowers & Greg Stumpf, Highland; 2. Welsh-Edge Jordy Hilton, Kelsey Chrostowski, Hollandale; 3. (1JR, B&O) RiverDivide Addison Bailee, Keaton, Lexi & Ivan Junk & Julia Searls, Cobb; 4. Road-View Tattoo Royalty, Road View Dairy, Mineral Point; 5. (2JR) Hy-View Diamondback Blu-Red, Aisja Achenbach, Eastman

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Dridge Undenied Applejack, Demi Kamps, Mila Digangi & Payton Van Schyndle, Darlington

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Reyncrest A Go Getter-ET, Macie & Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

2. (B&O) Kamps-Rx Apb Abercrombie-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 3. (1JR) Reyncrest Sidekick Moxie, Brady McConnell, Lancaster; 4. (2JR) JFD Chief Diana 1137, Ashley Carns, Fennimore; 5. (3JR) Brems Chocolate Chip Cookie, Trapper, Jarvie & Cyntanah Nafzger, Mineral Point

Senior 2-Year-Old (9): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU) KampsRx Applb Alivu-Red-ET, D & E Kamps & P & M Van Schyndle, Darlington; 2. (2JR) Nobland Denver Koolwhip, Macie Noble, Lancaster; 3. (3JR) Nobland Denver Wilbur, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster; 4. Kamps-Rx Appleb Allison-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 5. (4JR) JFD Doorman Tina, Ashley Carns, Fennimore

Junior 3-Year-Old (5): 1. (BU, B&O) Ms Gildale Door Styles-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale;

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Our-Favorite She Vintage-ET, M, E, N, J & B Gilbertson & L Jenson, Hollandale

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Ms Gildale Door Styles-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Kamps-Rx Applb Alivu-Red-ET, D & E Kamps & P & M Van Schyndle, Darlington

4-Year-Old (10): 1. (BU) Willswikk Doorman Athena-ET, Michael Maier, Stitzer; 2. (B&O) SR-TK Rocketcrush, Thomas, Elizabeth & Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills; 3. Stone-Front Kngdoc Ingelise, Andrew Buttles, Lancaster; 4. Probert A Bella-EllaP-Red, Victoria Nodolf, Belmont; 5. Gildale Gold Chip Hallie, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale; (1JR, Prod) Clear-I Ammo Ethel-Red, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville


Bred & Owned Heifer of the Junior Show: Weigland Chief Alexella-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville

Junior Champion of the Show: Ala-Moo Smr Ruthann-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington Reserve Junior Champion & Champion Bred & Owned Heifer of the Show: Dridge Undenied Applejack, Demi Kamps, Mila Digangi & Payton Van Schyndle, Darlington

Junior Best 3 (2): 1. Kamps-Rx Genetics, Darlington; 2. Weigland Holsteins, Platteville

Summer Junior 2-Year-Old (1): 1. (BU) Klassy-K Tatoo Parlor, Victoria Nodolf, Belmont

Junior 2-Year-Old (5): 1. (BU) Oakfield Jordy EdenRed-ET, Demi Kamps & Mila Digangi, Darlington;

2. Tombeth Doc Tropical-ET, Jason Kearns, Gays Mills; 3. (Prod) Sunny-Valley Ammo Firebird, Danielle Brown, Dodgeville; 4. Kamps-Rx Appleb Almond-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; 5. Sunny-Valley Armn Tally-ET, Leane & Jason Richardson, Monroe

Senior 3-Year-Old (8): 1. (1JR) Our-Favorite She Vintage-ET, M, E, N, J & B Gilbertson & L Jenson, Hollandale; 2. (BU) Ms Raps Ustp Rummy-RedET, Michael Maier, Stitzer; 3. (2JR, B&O) Clear-I Jacot Maple-Red, Ashtyn Martin, Platteville; 4. Holtland Atwood Tari-ET, Holtland Holsteins LLC, Fennimore; 5. Kamps-Rx Appleb AdeleET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington; (Prod) Double-D Awesome Punch-Red, Ashley Carns, Fennimore

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Kamps-Rx Applb Alivu-Red-ET, D & E Kamps & P & M Van Schyndle, Darlington

5-Year-Old (3): 1. (BU, B&O) Tombeth EnveleetaET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills; 2. (1JR, Prod) Nobland Monterey Kenzie, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster; 3. Miesens Mccutchen Brielle, Brianna Miesen, Belmont

6-Year-Old & Older (3): 1. (BU, Prod) Whitehead Doorman Liquor, Jason & Bailee Kearns, Gays Mills; 2. (B&O) Clear-I Montross Deli, Levi Martin, Platteville; 3. Weigland Doorman Agnessa-ET, Jeffrey & Melissa Flannery, Hollandale

150,000 lb. Cow (1): 1. (BU, B&O, Prod) StoneFront Corey Coolwhip, Andrew & Lynette Buttles, Lancaster

Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Nobland Monterey Kenzie, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster

Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Kamps-Rx

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 13
1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior Show; 2. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Junior Show; 4. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Show; 5. Senior Champion of the Junior Show; 6. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the Junior Show; 7. Senior and Grand and Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champions of the Show; 8. Champion Bred & Owned Heifer of the Junior Show 3 4 6 7 2 5 1 8

Applb Alivu-Red-ET, D & E Kamps & P & M Van Schyndle, Darlington

Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Our-Favorite She Vintage-ET, M, E, N, J & B Gilbertson & L Jenson, Hollandale

Senior & Grand Champion, Champion Bred & Owned and Best Udder of the Show: Tombeth Enveleeta-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Willswikk Doorman Athena-ET, Michael Maier, Stitzer

Best Three Females (2): 1. Tombeth Holsteins, Gays Mills; 2. Nobland Holsteins, Lancaster

Produce of Dam (2): 1. Kamps-Rx Genetics, Darlington; 2. Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale

Dam & Offspring (2): 1. Nobland Holsteins, Lancaster; 2. Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale

Premier Breeder: Kamps-Rx Genetics, Darlington Premier Exhibitor: Tombeth Holsteins, Gays Mills

District 4 Holstein Show • Friday, July 8 Clark County Fairgrounds, Neillsville Judge Molly Sloan 132 head (91 heifers, 41 cows)

Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (6): 1. (B&O) Miss Warrior Sunrise-Red, Tree-Hayven Holsteins, Auburndale; 2. (1JR) Lepak Aristocrat Sycamore, Madison and Brentley Omernik, Custer; 3. (2JR) Duckett Awesome Sally, Gracelyn Breitenstein, Ty and Remmy Jackowski, Plover; 4. (3JR, JrB&O) Ms Rob-Cri Ana Applepie-ET, Gracelyn Breitenstein and Ty Jackowski, Plover; 5. (4JR) Lepack Awesome Tansy-TW, Madison and Brentley Omernick, Custer Spring Calf (11): 1. (B&O) Miss Warrior SunriseRed, Tree-Hayven Holsteins, Auburndale; 2. Samway Denver Akaya, Wayne and Samantha Giese, Edgar; 3. (1JR) Lepak Aristocrat Sycamore, Madison and Brentley Omernik, Custer; 4. (2JR) Thorgy-Way Admiral Rumchata, Jenna Thorgerson, Sheldon; 5. D&D Genetics Raelove-Red-ET, Devin Lemanski, Marathon

Winter Calf (16): 1. (1JR) Ms Milksource JayceeRed-ET, Jazmyn and Chase Heeg, Colby; 2. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Forward Saphire, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield; 3. (3JR) Heeg Bros Air Max 4569, Jazmyn and Chase Heeg, Colby; 4. (4JR) Hornland Warior Roll-Red-ET, Olivia and Kaden Horn, Loyal; 5. D&D-Genetics Rae RaeET, Devin Lemanski, Marathon Fall Calf (14): 1. (1JR) Winright Doorman Eshanti-ET, Noah Bilz, Brynley Dejong and Brooke Hammann, Dorchester; 2. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Tree-Hayven Glimmer Girl, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale; 3. Tree-Hayven Slow Song-ET, Aaliyah Borchert and Ian Brown, Auburndale; 4. (3JR) Banowetz Analyst Copenhagen, Ella and Jacob Raatz, Loyal; 5. Joliam War Pepper 6177-ET, Selz Farm, Humbird

Summer Yearling (11): 1. (1JR) Miley Warrior Groovy-Red, Jazmyn and Chase Heeg, Colby;

2. (2JR) Ralanes Sager King Doc Goose, Noah Bilz and Brynley Dejong, Dorchester; 3. (3JR) Riverdown Tatoo Diago, Justin Giese, Edgar; 4. (B&O) Joliam War Prisoner 6127-ET, Selz Farm, Humbird; 5. Joliam Price of War 6129-ET, Selz Farm, Humbird; (JrB&O) Carlaton Applefree Roxie, Deagen Sandelier, Greenwood

Spring Yearling (13): 1. (1JR) Mile View Sidkik Rochelle-ET, Noah Bilz and Brynley Dejong, Dorchester; 2. (B&O) Tree-Hayven Radio Wave, Adam Borchert, Auburndale; 3. Winright Doorman Elle-TW-ET, Cory Mortenson, Birnamwood; 4. (2JR) Kiara Unstopabull Kylie, Bryce Crowley, Custer; 5. (3JR, JrB&O) Tails-Up Revere Shiver-Red, Kaiden, Paisley and Aspen Hagen, Spencer Winter Yearling (10): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Forward White Winter-Red, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marhsfield; 2. Samway Unix Acapella-ET, Justin Giese, Edgar; 3. (2JR) Samway Asw Denver Alexa-ET, Justin Giese, Edgar; 4. (3JR) Hornland Analyst Carpe, Olivia and Kaden Horn, Edgar; 5. Bur-Rodz Warrior Bertie-Red, Richard Sullivan, Abbotsford

Fall Yearling (10): 1. (B&O) Tree-Hayen Cerveza Dulce, Aaliyah Borchert and Ian Brown, Auburndale; 2. Hornland Moovin Kami-ET, Olivia and Kaden Horn, Loyal; 3. (1JR) Tree-Hayven Doc Josephine, Aaliyah Borchert and Ian Brown, Auburndale; 4. Ms Flanneryvu Gldn Sport-ET, Matthew Sullivan, Abbotsford; (2JR) Ez-Witt Sidekick Annabelle, Bryce Crowley, Custer

Junior Champion of the Junior and Open Shows: Winright Doorman Eshanti-ET, Noah Bilz, Brynley Dejong and Brooke Hammann, Dorchester Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior and Open Shows: Tree-Hayven Glimmer Girl, Aaliyah Borchert

Junior Best Three (3): 1. Tree-Hayven Holsteins; 2. Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst; 3. Red Blossum Holsteins

Junior Two-Year-Olds (8): 1. (B&O, BU) Hornland Moovin Kiss-ET, Olivia and Kaden Horn, Loyal; 2. Hoesly Jacoby Eloise, Selz Farm, Humbird; 3. (1JR) Forward Firefly, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield; 4. Exquisite Denver Carly-ET, Tucker and Connor Ledden, Auburndale; 5. (2JR) Ms Jimsu-Farm Jordy Izzy, Bryce Crowley, Custer

Senior Two-Year-Old (5): 1. (1JR, BU) Duckett TH Boomer Rang-Red, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale; 2. Danhof Sidekick Satin, Adam Borchert, Auburndale; 3. (B&O) Honey-Pine Gingeritis-Red, Neil Ledden, Auburndale; 4. (2JR, JrB&O) ThorgyWay Acrat Charlie, Jenna Thorgerson, Sheldon; 5. Swins-Valley Sky Rae, Richard Sullivan, Abbotsford

Junior Three-Year-Old (5): 1. (B&O, BU) Hornland Sidekick Cardi, Olivia and Kaden Horn, Loyal; 2. Joliam D-Lambda Rain 5603, Selz Farm, Humbird; 3. (1JR) Ty-Brueggen Airlift Jeteye, Wyatt Haumschild, Arpin; 4. Ty-Brueggen Back Off Please, Jacob Brueggen, Arpin; 5. Our-Favorite Avlnche Ava-ET, Richard Kroning, Abbotsford

1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior and Open Show; 2. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Junior Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Show; 4. Senior, Grand and Reserve Senior and Grand Champions of the Junior and Open Shows

Senior Three-Year-Old (6): 1. (1JR, BU) Raylore Diamondback Lacey, Oliva and Kaden Horn, Loyal; 2. (2JR) Heatherstone Carson-ET, Bryce Crowley, Custer; 3. (3JR, B&O, JrB&O) Tree-Hayven Tatoo Dejavu, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale; 4. (4JR) Forward Noel, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield: 5. Joliam Phoenix 5547, Selz Farm, Humbird

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Duckett TH Boomer Rang-Red, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Raylore Diamondback Lacey, Olivia and Kaden Horn, Loyal

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Duckett TH Boomer Rang-Red, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Danhof Sidekick Satin, Adam Borchert, Auburndale

Four-Year-Old (5): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O, BU) Tree-Hayven Solmn Mabel-TW, Aaliyah Borchert,

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Auburndale; 2. Joliam Dorman Fan 5300-ET, Selz Farm, Humbird; 3. (2JR) Neldell Henley 3896, Bryce Crowley, Custer; 4. Honey-Pine Solo Chivette-ET, Neil Ledden, Auburndale; 5. Oakfield Undenied Lexus-ET, Richard Kroning, Abbotsford

Five-Year-Old (6): 1. (B&O) Tree-Hayven Plutarcho Joy, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale; 2. Tree-Hayven Jacoby Devilyn, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale; 3. (BU) Glennlawn Black Paris, Katie Ledden, Auburndale; 4. Joliam M Pandora 5145ET, Selz Farm, Humbird; 5. (1JR) Woodmansee Crush Heloise, Bryce Crowley, Custer

Six Year-Old and Older (4): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O, BU) Forward Blossum, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield; 2. El-Lyn Corvette Evie-ET, Evan Schindler, Curtiss; 3. (2JR) TreeHayven Slmon Socialite, Bryce Crowley, Custer; 4. Joliam As Darla 4723-TW-ET, Selz Farm, Humbird

150,000-pound Cow (2): 1. (BU) Dar-Lynda Mccutchen 56402, Selz Farm, Humbird; 2. (1JR) Luck-E Absolute Bozo-Red, Olivia and Kaden Horn, Loyal


Bred & Owned of the Junior and Open Shows: Forward Blossum, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield

Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior and Open Shows: Forward Blossum, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield

Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior and Open Shows: Tree-Hayven Solmn Mabel-TW, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale

Best Udder: Forward Blossum, Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield

Best Three (2): 1. Tree-Hayven Holsteins, Auburndale; 2. Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield

Produce of Dam (4): 1. Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield; 2. Hornland Holsteins, Loyal; 3. Samway Dairy, Edgar; 4. Red Blossom Holsteins, Pittsville

Dam and Offspring (1): 1. Emma, Sara, Wyatt and Claire Dorshorst, Marshfield

Premier Breeder and Exhibitor: Tree-Hayven Holsteins, Auburndale

District 5 Holstein Show • Tuesday, June 21 Columbia County Fairgrounds, Portage Judge: Brooks Hendrickson 110 head (85 heifers, 25 cows)

Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & under (6): 1. (B&O) Hammertime Atltude Nora-Red, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette; 2. Mell-View Sidekick Dotsy, Mell-View Farms, Poynette; 3. KnH-Endres Artist Avocado, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg; 4. Genova Lauthority China-ET, GenOvations, Lodi; 5. WargoAcres Da Goat-Red, Wargo Acres, Lodi; (1JR, JrB&O) Boeld Moovin To Delphi-Red, B, O, E and L Dorshorst, Lodi

Spring Calf (9): 1. (B&O) Hammertime Atltude Nora-Red, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette;

2.Ladyrose Vision of Clarity-TW, Rosedale Genetics and F & D Borba, Oxford; 3. (1JR) Ms Fossum Anlst Marley 2152, Kelby Fossum and Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi; 4. Ladyrose Comma to the TopTW, Rosedale Genetics and F & D Borba, Oxford; 5. Heatherstone Whinny-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 6. Mell-View Sidekick Dotsy, Mell-View Farms, Poynette; (2JR) Riedel-Ridge Doodles-Red, Carter Murphy, Poynette Winter Calf (13): 1. (1JR) Rock-Riv Doc Leahla, Kelby Fossum and Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi; 2. (B&O) Rosedale Secret Oath, Rosedale Genetics, Oxford; 3. Adanndur Warrior Flare-Red, Kelby Fossum, Lodi; 4. (2JR) Stormy-Ridge Day Dream, Kelby Fossum and Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi; 5. (3JR) Hass-Acres Hanans Desire, Rebecca and Carter Murphy, Poynette; (JrB&O) L&L-Genetics Whizbang-Red, Lauren Jones, Prairie du Sac Fall Calf (25): 1. (B&O) Hammertime Sfest RallyET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette; 2. Exquisite Moovn Clarissa-ET, Ben Bruss, Gina Mittelstadt and Dana Powell, Markesan; 3. (1JR, JrB&O) Big Ten Summers Final Kiss, Rebecca and Carter Murphy, Poynette; 4. Walk-Era Doc Kazzie, WalkEra Farms, Wisconsin Dells; 5. Walk-Era Smrfest Journey, Walk-Era Farms, Wisconsin Dells; (2JR) Hahncrest Warrior Seren-Red, Kelby Fossum, Lodi Summer Yearling (13): 1. (B&O) Hammertime Journey Rhubarb, Callie Krohlow and Genavieve Knaup, Poynette; 2. Heatherstone RoyalRed, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 3. Heatherstone Glowing-TW-ET, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 4. Riedel-Ridge Moovin Adelle, Taylor and Miranda Riedel, Pardeeville; 5. (1JR) Le-O-La Analyst Danni-Red, Callie Krohlow and Genavieve Knaup, Poynette; 6. (2JR) Trent-Way Defeat Me-ET, Ryan and Derek Gehin, Baraboo; (JrB&O) Hasheiders Doc Burning Love, Colby and Elizabeth Hasheider, Sauk City Spring Yearling (6): 1. (B&O) Mell-View Unix Marilee, Mell-View Farms, Poynette; 2. KnH-Endres Artist Omaha, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg; 3. Kinyon Kingdoc Ravishing, Martin Kinyon, Lone Rock; 4. (1JR, JrB&O) A-Rod Sidekick PartyOn, Austin Rider, Prairie du Sac; 5. Opsal Addison Alaina-Red, Ben Bruss and Gina Mittelstadt, Markesan; 6. (2JR) Glenn-Ann-Ps R Phavorite, Jaxson Brewer and Paige Sweatt, Dane

Winter Yearling (6): 1. (B&O) Hammertime Tstorm Ribbon-ET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette; 2. Mell-View Tstorm Dolly, Mell-View Farms, Poynette; 3. Ms Reagan-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises and K-Manor Holsteins, Baraboo; 4. (1JR) Ms Unstop Rosebowl-ET, Ryan and Derek Gehin, Baraboo; 5. Riedel-Ridge RoxanneRed, Taylor and Miranda Riedel, Pardeeville; (2JR, JrB&O) Hashieders Blip Agnes, Colby and Elizabeth Hasheider, Sauk City

Fall Yearling (5): 1. (B&O) Walk-Era Sidekick Lucinda, Walk-Era Farms, Wisconsin Dells; 2. (1JR) Hahncrest Redlite Remis-Red, Kelby Fossum, Lodi; 3. KnH-Endres Jord Piccolo-Red, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg; 4. Heatherstone Relic-ET, Chelsea

Holschbach, Baraboo; 5. (2JR) Crescentmead Wishful, Lauren Jones, Prairie du Sac

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Rock-Riv Doc Leahla, Kelby Fossum and Kian & Ava Kelroy, Lodi

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Big Ten Summers Final Kiss, Rebecca and Carter Murphy, Poynette

Junior Champion of the Show: Hammertime Sfest Rally-ET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Hammertime Tstorm Ribbon-ET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette

Junior Best Three (3): 1. Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette; 2. Mell-View Farms, Poynette; 3. WalkEra Farms, Wisconsin Dells

Junior Two-Year-Old (4): 1. (BU) Cow-Palace Doppler 4123-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 2. Milksource Rhapsody-ET, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 3. (B&O) Kemridge Kendras Deva, Kemridge Farm 2, Westfield; 4. Rosedale Namaste, Rosedale Genetics, Oxford

Senior Two-Year-Old (3): 1. (B&O) Heatherstone Goldn Touch-ET, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 2. (1JR, BU) Schluter Atlanta-Red-ET, Evan Hathaway, Barneveld; 3. (2JR) Dorsland Alti Dorito-Red-ET, B, O, E and L Dorshorst, Lodi

Junior Three-Year-Old (2): 1. (B&O, BU) WalkEra Sidekick Ramona, Walk-Era Farms, Wisconsin Dells; 2. Rickhaven Solomon Polly, Heatherstone, M Kinyon and B Flannery, Baraboo

Senior Three-Year-Old (6): 1. (B&O, BU) Rosedale A Raving Beauty-ET, Rosedale Genetics, Oxford; 2. Ladyrose Vibrance-ET, Rosedale Genetics and F & D Borba, Oxford; 3. KnH-Endres Jacoby Oh Yeah, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg; 4. Brussbe Kingpin Delight, Ben Bruss, Markesan; (1JR, Prod.) WargoN-JD Undnid Dori-ET, Gavin Carncross, Lodi; (2JR) Luck-E Crushs Angie, Colby and Elizabeth Hasheider, Sauk City

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Rosedale A Raving Beauty-ET, Rosedale Genetics, Oxford Reserve Intermediate Champion: Ladyrose Vibrance-ET, Rosedale Genetics and F & D Borba, Oxford

Four-Year-Old (5): 1. (B&O, BU) Heatherstone Regal-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 2. Heatherstone Go For Gold-ET, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 3. Pierce-Vale Brady Trista, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg; 4. Walk-Era Dback Magician, Walk-Era Farms, Wisconsin Dells; 5. (Prod) Wargo-Acres Stranger Thing, Wargo Acres, Lodi

Five-Year-Old (2): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU, JrB&O, Prod) L&L-Genetics Dun Matilda-ET, Lauren and Lucas Jones, Prairie du Sac; 2. KnH-Endres Awesome Frany, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg

Six-Year-Old and Older (3): 1. (BU, Prod) Sellcrest D Cheeto-Red, Coltan and Easton Brown, Oxford; 2. (B&O) KnH-Endres Defiant Oakley, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg; 3. KnH-Endres Abso Pharoah-

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Red, KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg

150,000-lb Cow (0)

Champion Bred and Owned of the Junior Show: L&L-Genetics Dun Matilda-ET, Lauren and Lucas Jones, Prairie du Sac Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Schulter Atlanta-Red-ET, Evan Hathaway, Barnaveld

Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: L&L-Genetics Dun Matilda-ET, Lauren and Lucas Jones, Prairie du Sac Senior Champion of the Show: Heatherstone Regal-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Heatherstone Go For Gold-ET, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo Grand Champion, Best Udder and Champion Bred and Owned of the Show: Rosedale A Raving Beauty-ET, Rosedale Genetics, Oxford Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Heatherstone Regal-Red, Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo Best Three Females (1): 1. Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo

Produce of Dam (2): 1. Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo; 2. Rosedale Genetics, Oxford Dam and Offspring (3): 1. Rosedale Genetics, Oxford: 2. Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo: 3. Wargo Acres, Lodi

Premier Breeder: KnH Endres Farm, Reedsburg Premier Exhibitor: Heatherstone Enterprises, Baraboo

2022 District 6 Show • Friday, June 24 Stoughton Fairgrounds, Stoughton Judge: John Erbsen

196 head shown (152 heifers, 44 cows) Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (10):

1. (B&O) Rock-N-Hill-II Doc Cha-Cha, Michael & Chris McCullough, Juda; 2. (1JR) Mc-Country Baile Jovina-Red, Mallory Nifong & Jemma Obert, Orfordville; 3. (2JR) Heart&Soul Doorman LynziET, Madison & Melanie Sarbacker, Whitewater; 4. WI Fischerdale Moonshine, Elizabeth Sarbacker, Verona; 5. L-Millertyme Hiheels In-Red, Lexa Miller, Mount Horeb; (JrB&O) Hobby-Hill Moovin Gears-Up, Gracin & Chesney Speich, Orfordville Spring Calf (20): 1. (1JR, B&O) WI Fischerdale Boom Harvey, Payton, Braelyn & Reagan Sarbacker, Verona; 2. (2JR, JrB&O) Lars-Acres Artist Lantana, Ellie Larson & Luke Trustem, Evansville; 3. (3JR) Ocean-View Exotic In-Red, Dakota Brown, Deerfield; 4. Ms Zehr-JMK Diamond Bling, Daniel Zehr, Janesville; 5. Ocean-View Easy on the Eyes, Dakota Brown, Deerfield

Winter Calf (28): 1. (1JR) Redcarpet War 4 Freedom-ET, Sara Kronberg, Milton; 2. (2JR) Ocean-View Livin The Dream, Ellie Larson, Evansville; 3. (3JR, B&O, JrB&O) Diamondhead Stormy Day, Jacob & Jared Greidanus, Delavan;

4. (4JR) Cal-Denier-I Gldwn Hazel-ET, Mallory Nifong, Orfordville; 5. (5JR) Go-Sho Remedys Ruthless-ET, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

Fall Calf (32): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Rock-NHill-II Addisn Haddy, Brian McCullough, Juda; 2. Sonnenbrook Addison Kehlani, Ryan Sonnenburg, Belleville; 3. Ocean-View Stop Sassing, Ocean View Genetics, Deerfield; 4. (2JR) Jeffrey-Way Kng Doc Tierney, Emma & Ava Hendrickson, Belleville; 5. Siemers Tequila 033-Red-ET, Steve McDonald, Stoughton

Summer Yearling (15): 1. (1JR) Tree-Hayven Hancock Demi, Lauren & Brayden Breunig, Sauk City; 2. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) WI Fischerdale Shania Twain, Payton, Braelyn & Reagan Sarbacker, Verona; 3. (3JR) Go-Sho Remedys ReminisceET, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater;

4. Sonnenbrook Moovin Khloe-ET, Ryan Sonnenburg, Belleville; 5. Macland Select Juliet, Scott Culbertson & James McFarland, Stoughton

Spring Yearling (13): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) WI Fischerdale Speckles, Payton, Braelyn & Reagan Sarbacker, Verona; 2. NK-Stef A Sassy One, Niki & Kelsi Steffenhagen, Kenosha; 3. (2JR) Black-Tie Sinatra, Lily Jenson, Barneveld; 4. (3JR) Jeffrey-Way Deltalamb Rhoda, Emma Hendrickson, Belleville; 5. Sonnenbrook Kryptonite-ET, Ryan Sonnenburg, Belleville

Winter Yearling (14): 1. (1JR, B&O) Floydholm Kdoc Egypt-ET, A, C, P, B & R Sarbacker, Edgerton;

2. Borderview-I Tatoo Blexy, Madison & Melanie Sarbacker, Whitewater; 3. (2JR, JrB&O) GoSho Kings Empire, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater; 4. (3JR) Kamps-Rx Apb AleahRed-ET, Lauren & Brayden Breunig, Sauk City;

5. Floydholm Kdoc Ellarose-ET, Lauren & Brayden Breunig, Sauk City

Fall Yearling (7): 1. (1JR) Trent-Way-SD Rae Addie, Taylor Ferguson, Mount Horeb; 2. (B&O) Opsal Diamondback Rihanna, Joseph Opsal & Hayleigh Geurink, Blue Mounds; 3. (2JR) Lars-Acres Radio Live, Clifton & Rodney Syvrud, Mount Horeb;

4. Sonnenbrook Ashanti-Red-ET, Ryan Sonnenburg, Belleville; 5. Ziems Denver Adore-ET, Timothy & Leah Ziemba, Cambridge

Junior Champion of the Open & Junior Shows: Tree-Hayven Hancock Demi, Lauren & Brayden Breunig, Sauk City

Reserve Junior Champion of the Open & Junior Shows: Redcarpet War 4 Freedom-ET, Sara Kronberg, Milton

Junior Best 3 (4): 1. Jeffrey-Way Holsteins, Belleville; 2. Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater; 3. Payton, Braelyn & Reagan Sarbacker, Verona; 4. LaFollette Holsteins, Mount Horeb

Summer Junior 2-Year-Old (2): 1. (BU, B&O) Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET, Emma & Ava Hendrickson, Belleville; 2. Bur-Wall Denver Iowana, Wallace Behnke, Brooklyn

Junior 2-Year-Old (6): 1. (BU, 1JR, B&O, JrB&O)

16 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
1 2 3 4 5 1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior Show; 2. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Show; 4. Senior and Reserve Senior Champions of the Show; 5. Senior, Grand and Reserve Senior, Grand Champions of the Junior Show; 6. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the Show 6

Hobby-Hill Angler Giddy-Up, Gracin & Chesney Speich, Orfordville; 2. Opsal Denver Cheer Me OnET, Troy Opsal, Blue Mounds; 3. (2JR) Milksource Goldwn Trance-ET, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater; 4. Rock-N-Hill-II Shamrock, Michael & Chris McCullough, Juda; 5. (3JR) Rock-Edge Jordy Rita-Red, Nicole Broege, Janesville

Senior 2-Year-Old (6): 1. (B&O) Opsal Alt Cant Stop Me-ET, Joseph Opsal, Blue Mounds; 2. (BU) Jeffrey-Way Addisn Travolta, Jeffrey & Kate Hendrickson, Belleville; 3. Arethusa Jordy Zayne-Red, Niki & Kelsi Steffenhagen, Kenosha; 4. Jeffrey-Way Addison Sauna, Jeffrey & Kate Hendrickson, Belleville; 5. Ms Team Crush Mary Jane-TW, Mallory Nifong, Orfordville; (1JR) SunnyValley Hy Freckle-Red, Owen, Hunter & Dakota Day, Brodhead

Junior 3-Year-Old (2): 1. (BU, B&O) Opsal Bailey Sybilla, Joshua & Joseph Opsal, Blue Mounds; 2. Shiloh-USA Ustb Emma-Red-ET, Virhada Holsteins LLC, Mount Horeb

Senior 3-Year-Old (11): 1. (1JR) Duckett Denver Olivia-ET, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater; 2. (2JR) Sherona-Hill Ruffian-ET, Gracin & Chensey Speich, Orfordville; 3. (B&O) Trent-Way Tea Time, Trent & Kelsey Hendrickson, Blanchardville; 4. (BU) Hardwood Doc Mesayta, Brandon Flannery, Argyle; 5. Bluff-Ridge Demp Biaggi, Brandon Flannery, Argyle

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Duckett Denver Olivia-ET, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Sherona-Hill Ruffian-ET, Gracin & Chensey Speich, Orfordville

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Duckett Denver Olivia-ET, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET, Emma & Ava Hendrickson, Belleville

4-Year-Old (8): 1. (B&O) Trent-Way Devote-ET, Trent & Kelsey Hendrickson, Blanchardville; 2. (1JR, BU) Cow-Palace Furious 3595, Tessa &

Stella Schmocker, Whitewater; 3. Jeffrey-Way Hypnotic Gracie, Brooks Hendrickson, Belleville; 4. Trent-Way Tamera, Trent & Kelsey Hendrickson, Blanchardvillel; 5. Ziems Av Muddy Marvel-ET, Timothy & Leah Ziemba, Cambridge

5-Year-Old (3): 1. (B&O, BU) Rock-N-Hill-II Croisant, Rachel McCullough, Juda; 2. SheronaHill Applesnack-ET, Ziems Farms & Tim & Leah Ziemba, Cambridge; 3. Flannery-Vu Doorman Ardy-ET, Brandon Flannery, Argyle

6-Year-Old & Older (4): 1. (BU) Trent-Way-PB Domination-ET, Trent & Kelsey Hendrickson, Blanchardville; 2. (B&O) Rock-N-Hill-II CinnabonET, Rachel McCullough, Juda; 3. Rock-N-Hill-II Sid Winnie, Michael & Chris McCullough, Juda; 4. Y-Whisper Silver Royalty-ET, Trent & Kelsey Hendrickson, Blanchardville

150,000 lb. Cow (2): 1. (BU, 1JR, B&O) Go-Sho Like A Rolling Stone, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater; 2. Jeffrey-Way Brdnck Tulla, Breinne & Brooks Hendrickson, Belleville


Produce of Dam (1): 1. Kristina & Ana Mikkelson, Stoughton

Dam & Offspring (1): 1. Gracin & Chesney Speich, Orfordville

Premier Breeder: Jeffrey-Way Holsteins, Belleville

Premier Exhibitor: Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

District 7 Holstein Show • Thursday, June 23 Door County Fairgrounds, Sturgeon Bay Judge: Kevin Jorgensen

143 head shown (103 heifers, 40 cows)


Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Hobby-Hill Angler Giddy-Up, Gracin & Chesney Speich, Orfordville

Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Go-Sho Like A Rolling Stone, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Cow-Palace Furious 3595, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Duckett Denver Olivia-ET, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

Senior & Grand Champion of the Show, Best Udder & Champion Bred & Owned of the Show: Go-Sho Like A Rolling Stone, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

Reserve Senior & Grand Champion of the Show: Trent-Way-PB Domination-ET, Trent & Kelsey Hendrickson, Blanchardville

Best 3 Females (4): 1. Trent-Way Genetics, Blanchardville; 2. Rock-N-Hill-II, Juda; 3. JeffreyWay Holsteins, Belleville; 4. Opsal’s Ridge, Blue

Spring Heifer Calf, Exhibitors 10 & under (4): 1. (1JR, B&O) Forest-Ridge Rdlt Mambo-Red, Adella and Ainsley Loehr, Eden; 2. (2JR, JrB&O) Bella-Ridge Jump4fun-ET, J, L & M Harbaughh and A & A Loehr, Marion; 3. (3JR) Siemers Redhot Sheri-Red-ET, Nolan and Amelia Lambrecht, Kewaunee; 4. Ms Bert-Mar Warrior Tessa-ET, Allan, Susan and Erica Lundberg and Casey Olson, Osseo Spring Calf (11): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) BellaRidge Jump Start-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion; 2. (2JR) Zuck Un Gold Digger-ET, Karson and Klayton Krohlow and Grant Vosters, Black Creek; 3. (3JR) Forest-Ridge Rdlt MamboRed, Adella and Ainsley Loehr, Eden; 4. Zuck Un Goldschlager, Brandon and Cameron Gross, Lena Winter Calf (21): 1. Riverdown U Asparkle-RedET, T & S Krohlow, W Schultz and Y Preder, Black Creek; 2. (1JR) Redcarpet Doc Diffusion-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion; 3. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Betley Lightsout-Red-ET, Jacob and Claire Betley, Pulaski; 4. Milksource SuperstarET, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna; 5. Ms Milksource Jewel-Red-ET, Milk Source LLC and Laurie Fischer, Kaukauna

Fall Calf (26): 1. (B&O) Lyn-Vale Rumchata-RedET, T & S Krohlow and W Schultz, Black Creek; 2. (1JR) Redcarpet War 4 Mars-Red-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion; 3. (2JR) Exquisite Moovin Clara-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh and D & C Ryan, Marion; 4. Bella-Ridge Gins Ballerina,


Intermediate and Reserve

3. Intermediate, Reserve, and HM Intermediate Champions of the

diate Champions

4. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the

Show; 5. Senior, Grand and Reserve Senior, Reserve Grand and HM Grand Champions

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 17
Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior and Open Shows; 2.
of the Junior Show;
of the Show 1 2 3 4 5

J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion; 5. (3JR, JrB&O) Schuh-Vu Hanans Norma, Joseph Schuh, Freedom

Summer Yearling (20): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Bella-Ridge Doc Drama, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion; 2. Milksource Thndr Serndipity, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna; 3. Milksource Tstruck Actress, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna; 4. (2JR) Betley Crushtime Linda, Jacob Betley, Pulaski; 5. (3JR) Mead-Manor Movintoaruba-Red, Megan Moede, Algoma

Spring Yearling (12): 1. Ms Fames FortuneRed, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna; 2. (B&O) Ms Milksource Divinity, Milk Source LLC and Ransom Rail Farms, Kaukauna; 3. (1JR) Ryan-Vu Tropic Palace, Joseph Schuh, Freedom; 4. Sabofarm Folklor Magic-Red, Robert Sabo, Green Bay; 5. Golden-Oaks Long Shot-ET, Craig Krohlow, Black Creek; (2JR, JrB&O) Betley Analyst Symmetry-Red, Jacob and Claire Betley, Pulaski

Winter Yearling (7): 1. (1JR) Briccows Jordy Almighty-Red, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion; 2. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Betley LionlikeRed-ET, Jacob and Claire Betley, Pulaski; 3. Miss Selenas Storm-Red, M Linehan, L Holtzinger, T Borgardt and J Zoellner, Lena; 4. (3JR) SchuhVu Neon Camryn-TW, Joseph Schuh, Freedom; 5. Hilrose Denver Perfection, Brandon Smith, Pulaski

Fall Yearling (2): 1. (1JR, B&O) Mean-Manor Avalanche Ava-ET, Megan Moede, Algoma; 2. (2JR) Milksource Tanquray-Red-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh

and M & M Tauaalo, Marion

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: BellaRidge Doc Drama, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Ryan-Vu Tropic Palace, Joseph Schuh, Freedom

Junior Champion of the Show: Ms Fames Fortune-Red, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: BellaRidge Doc Drama, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion

Junior Best Three Females (3): 1. Harbaugh and Loehr, Marion; 2. Jacob and Claire Betley, Pulaski; 3. Matt Linehan, Lena

Junior Two-Year-Old (7): 1. (B&O, BU) RansomRail Alt Divine, Milk Source LLC and Ransom Rail Farms, Kaukauna; 2. Cycle Go Fast LightningRed, Evan, Alexa and Rosella Brey, Sturgeon Bay;

3. (1JR) Mead-Manor Doc Albany, Megan Moede, Algoma; 4. (2JR) Winright Doorman Jude, Caleb, Josiah, Helena, Adrian and Ella Olson, Lena;

5. Ryan-Vu Hancock Simple, Rolling Hills Dairy Farm LLC, Luxemburg

Senior Two-Year-Old (10): 1.(B&O, BU) TravAnnah Fantasy-Red-ET, Mead-Manor, William Schultz and T & S Krohlow, Black Creek;

2. Milksource Celebrity Impress, Milk Source Genetics LLC, Kaukauna; 3. Go-Make Dback Renegade, Ken Moeller, Seymour; 4. Cycle Duplo 1943 Atlas-ET, Brey Cycle Farm, Sturgeon Bay;

5. RI-Jul Worth A Million, Steven and Sara Schneider, Pulaski; (1JR) Ms Dinas Thdrstm Dancer,

Caleb, Josiah, Helena, Adrian and Ella Olson, Lena; (2JR) Ms AOL Unstopabull-Red-ET, Caleb, Josiah, Helena, Adrian and Ella Olson, Lena

Junior Three-Year-Old (1): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Synergy Smitten-Red-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski

Senior Three-Year-Old (7): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU)

Gaedtke Jordy Edna-Red-ET, H, A, K & A Gaedtke and M & J Kroll, Luxemburg; 2. (2JR) Gaedtke

Jordy Eloise-Red-ET, H, A, K & A Gaedtke and M & J Kroll, Luxemburg; 3. (3JR, Prod.) Gaedtke Jordy Edith-Red-ET, H, A, K & A Gaedtke and M & J Kroll, Luxemburg; 4. Car-Bon Doc Abbie, Steve, Sara, Adrianna and August Schneider, Pulaski; 5. Crystal-Oak Brigham Jackie, Shari and Dennis Christoph, Luxemburg

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Gaedtke Jordy Edna-Red-ET, H, A, K & A Gaedtke and M & J Kroll, Luxemburg

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Mead-Manor Doc Albany, Megan Moede, Algoma

Intermediate Champion of the Show: TravAnnah Fantasy-Red-ET, Mead-Manor, William Schultz and T & S Krohlow, Black Creek

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Ransom-Rail Alt Divine, Milk Source LLC and Ransom Rail Farms, Kaukauna

Four-Year-Old (4): 1. (1JR, BU) Ebert-Ent Jacoby Gabby-ET, E, A & R Brey and C & G Ulness, Sturgeon Bay; 2. (B&O) Go-Make Dmepsey Grace, Ken Moeller, Seymour; 3. Jauquet Solomon Dina, Jeff Jauquet, Luxemburg; 4. Bryersquart Ammo

18 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior Show; 2. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Junior Show; 4. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Show; 5. Senior and Reserve Senior Champions of the Junior Show; 6. Senior and Reserve Senior Champions of the Show; 7. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the Junior Show; 8. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the Show; 9. Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show 8 9

Dragon, Daniel Olson, Lena

Five-Year-Old (2): 1. (1JR, BU) Jolibois Fuzzy Adctn-Red-ET, Thayne, Bradin and Caylee Bjelland, Lena; 2. (B&O) Ke-Holtz-L Atwood Delight, Laura Holtzinger, Lena

Six-Year-Old and Older (6): 1. (BU) Moorclose Avalanche Whine, Brandon Smith, Pulaski; 2. (1JR, B&O) Synergy Armani Smolder-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski; 3. Milksource Doorman Chex-ET, Josie & Paige Kinnard and Aubree & Mason Fischer, Sturgeon Bay; 4. Duckett Doorman Tijuana, Brandon Smith, Pulaski; 5. (2JR) Synergy Anahm Marigold-ET, Chloe LaCrosse, Forestville

150,000 lb. Cow (3): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Synergy Anaheim Magnolia-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski; 2. Synergy Balisto Swirl-ET, Synergy Farm LLC, Pulaski; 3. Danielle-L Gold Elle-ET, Calista LaCrosse, Kewaunee

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Bella-Ridge Doc Drama, J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion

Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Synergy Anaheim Magnolia-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski

Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Ebert-Ent Jacoby Gabby-ET, E, A & R Brey and C & G Ulness, Sturgeon Bay

Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Synergy Anaheim Magnolia-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski

Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Gaedtke Jordy Edna-Red-ET, H, A, K & A Gaedtke and M & J Kroll, Luxemburg

Senior Champion of the Show: Synergy Anaheim Magnolia-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Moorclose Avalanche Whine, Brandon Smith, Pulaski

Grand Champion, Best Udder and Champion Bred & Owned of the Show: Trav-Annah FantasyRed-ET, Mead-Manor, William Schultz and T & S Krohlow, Black Creek

Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Synergy Anaheim Magnolia-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski

Best Three Females (2): 1. Synergy Family Dairy, Pulaski; 2. Rolling Hills Dairy Farm, Luxemburg Produce of Dam (2): 1. Rolling Hills Dairy Farm, Luxemburg; 2. Synergy Family Dairy, Pulaski Dam and Offspring (1): 1. Rolling Hills Dairy Farm, Luxemburg Premier Breeder and Exhibitor: Synergy Family Dairy, Pulaski

District 8 Holstein Show • Saturday, June 25 Jefferson County Fair Park, Jefferson Judge: Kyle Demmer 102 head (75 heifers, 27 cows)

Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (6): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Spoke-N-Four Mo So Fine-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo: 2. (2JR) Spoke-N-Four Mo Coffee-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo; 3. (3JR) Miss

Summer Tease, Landon and Mylie Wendorf and Christian Sachse, Ixonia; 4. (4JR) Ledge-Way Awe Twilight-Red, Kendra Kienast and Danica Schraufnagel, Mayville; 5. Big-D-Acres Gchip Becca 435, Dustin Melius, Slinger

Spring Calf (7): 1. Blexys Jagger Billie Jean-ET, Rocco Cunningham, Lomira; 2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Spoke-N-Four Mo So Fine-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo; 3. (2JR) Spoke-NFour Mo Coffee-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo; 4. Ms Lacys Limelight-Red-ET, G & L Wendorf and A, A & J Van de Pol, Ixonia; 5. (3JR) Ehrke Kiana Derby Nybrandi, Ella Falk, Grant Schneider and Callie Draves, Fort Atkinson Winter Calf (18): 1. (B&O) Blexys Thndr Bombshell-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira; 2. (1JR) Riverdown Chief Jellyroll, Matthew and Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford; 3. Blexys Thndr Betty White-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira; 4. Budjon-Vail Jagger Aanya-ET, Budjon and Heartland Farms, Lomira; 5. (2JR) LedgeWay Luxor Godiva, Kendra Kienast and Danica

Schraufnagel, Mayville; (JrB&O) Spoke-N-Four Movin Taffy-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo

Fall Calf (17): 1. Kress-Hill Snooky-Red-ET, Budjon Farms and Michael and Jessica Oliver, Lomira; 2. Blexys Chief Bloody Mary, Joey and Laurie Airosa, Lomira; 3. (B&O) Ms Sid Blexy Sandy Beach-ET, Budjon Farms, Lomira; 4. (1JR) Elmlo Thunderstruck Elixir, Jayden and Cora Schmidt, Richfield; 5. Crave Duplo 13924, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo; (2JR) Nehls-Valley Ts Lovestruck, Matthew and Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford

Summer Yearling (11): 1. (1JR) Riverdown Tatoo Diablo-ET, Kylie Nickels, Lomira; 2. (B&O) Crave Sidekick Leanne, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo; 3. Smith-Crest Hot Vision, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown; 4. (2JR, JrB&O) SS-Star HalabackgirlRed, Samantha Pitterle, Hartford; 5. (3JR) Clearfield Sdkik Apeal, Mya and William Digangi, Jackson

Spring Yearling (6): 1. Eastside Lambda Hattie, Dave Dyment, Lomira; 2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Miss

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 19
1 2 3 4 5 1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior Show; 2. Junior, Reserve and HM Junior Champions of the Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Junior Show; 4. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Show; 5. Senior and Reserve Senior Champions of the Show; 6. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the Junior Show; 7. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the Show; 8. Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show 6 7 8

Splash of Harmony, Landon and Mylie Wendorf and Christian Sachse, Ixonia; 3. Miss Brea, Alison and Cassandra Grulke, Mayville; 4. BohnValley Warrior Camille, Aaron and Marissa Bohn, Watertown; 5. Budjon-Vail Dlam Andover-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira; (2JR) Ehrke Jamela Tat Mazbola-ET, Ella Frank, Grant Schneider and Callie Draves, Fort Atkinson

Winter Yearling (5): 1. (B&O) Blexys Kngdoc Brilliant-ET, Budjon, Vail and Cunningham, Lomira; 2. (1JR) Crave Upgrade 13435, Sara Skalitzky, Waterloo; 3. Ruann Doorman Jean-A-ETN, R-John Holsteins, Lomira; 4. Bur-Wall Artisan Aubry-Red, Wallace Behnke, Brooklyn; 5. (2JR) Sddotte Drman Brandy, Isabelle Anderson, Fort Atkinson

Fall Yearling (5): 1. (1JR) Budjon-Vail S Dotty West-ET, Emma Paulson, Columbus; 2. (2JR) Vanity Dback Tijuana-Red, Matthew and Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford; 3. (3JR, B&O, JrB&O) Digangi Conclusion Grenade, Mya and William Digangi, Jackson; 4. (4JR) Ehrke Jamela Tat Lezola-ET, Ella Frank, Grant Schnieder and Callie Draves, Fort Atkinson; 5. Go-Big Warrior Envy Me, Benjamin Buske, Hustisford

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Riverdown Tatoo Diablo-ET, Kylie Nickels, Lomira

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Riverdown Chief Jellyroll, Matthew and Elizbeth Gunst, Hartford

Junior Champion: Blexys Kngdoc Brilliant-ET, Budjon, Vail and Cunningham, Lomira

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Blexys Thndr Bombshell-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira

Junior Best Three (2): 1. Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira; 2. Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo Junior 2-Year-Old (3): 1. (B&O, BU) Nehls-Valley Hancock Fidgit, Shawn and Seth Nehls, Hustisford; 2. Smith-Crest Denver Briley, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown; 3. (1JR) Northcrest Tatoo 3733, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo

Senior 2-Year-Old (3): 1. (BU) R-D-S D-Back Draconian, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown; 2. Voigtscrest Undenied Sky, Matthew Sternman, Hartford; 3. (B&O) Bohnview Defiant Bella, Daniel Bohn, Watertown

Junior 3-Year-Old (3): 1. (B&O), BU) Nehls-Valley Sidekick Sisco, Shawn and Seth Nehls, Hustiford; 2. Nehls-Valley Lil Love-Red, Gene Nehls, Hustisford; 3. (1JR) Sunny-Valley C Firecracker, Kendra Kienast and Danica Schraufnagel, Mayville

Senior 3-Year-Old (7): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford; 2. Warmka Dback 2895-Red-ET, Brant Flier and Andrew Buiter, Waupun; 3. Sun-Made Crave Jby Jazz-ET, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo; 4. Mar-Linda-K Anticipation-Red, Kayla Wright, Johnson Creek; 5. (2JR, JrB&O) Brand-New Jordy Pickles-Red, Katie Brandel, Lake Mills

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show:

Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Brand-New Jordy Pickles-Red, Katie Brandel, Lake Mills

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Nehls-Valley Hancock Fidgit, Shawn and Seth Nehls, Hustisford

4-Year-Old (7): 1. (B&O, BU) Milgene Diamond in the Rough, Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford; 2. Mar-Linda-K Diamond Rae-ET, Mar-Linda-K Holsteins, Johnson Creek; 3. Nehls-Valley Imac Secret, Shawn Nehls, Hustisford; 4. Rockycrest Unix Storm, Jonathan Held, Iron Ridge; 5. (1JR) Dcac Jordy Snow Princess, Abbey Tollakson, Janesville; (2JR, JrB&O) Digangi Defiant LuckyRed, Mya Digangi, Jackson

5-Year-Old (2): 1. (B&O, BU) Nehls-Valley Union Lookout, Gene and Seth Nehls, Hustisford; 2. Gold-Barbara D Bettina-ET, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown

6-Year-Old and Older (2): 1. (BU) Danhof Armani Shania-Red, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown; 2. (1JR, B&O) Milgene Just A Game-ET, Ariona, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford 150,000 lb. Cow (0)

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Brand-New Jordy Pickles-Red, Katie Brandel, Lake Mills

Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Milgene Just A Game-ET, Ariona, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford

Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Dcac Jordy Snow Princess, Abbey Tollakson, Janesville

Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford

Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Milgene Just A Game-ET, Ariona, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt

Senior Champion of the Show: Nehls-Valley Union Lookout, Gene and Seth Nehls, Hustisford Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Milgene Diamond in the Rough, Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford

Grand Champion, Best Udder and Best Bred & Owned of the Show: Nehls-Valley Union Lookout, Gene and Seth Nehls, Hustisford Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford

Best Three Females (2): 1. Nehls Valley Farm, Hustisford; 2. Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford Premier Breeder and Exhibitor: Nehls Valley Farm, Hustisford

District 10 Holstein Show •Wednesday, June 22

Sheboygan County Fairgrounds, Plymouth Judge: Michelle Upchurch

202 head shown (152 heifers, 50 cows)

Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (14): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) A-B-Royal Boomthereitis-ET, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville; 2. (2JR) A-B-Royal Mick Jagger-ET, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville; 3. (3JR) Vandoskes

Altitude Macy-ET, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland; 4. (4JR) A-B-Royal Black Pearls-ET, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville; 5. (5JR) L-Maples Ava Carribean-ET, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth, Plymouth

Spring Calf (18): 1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) A-B-Royal Boomthereitis-ET, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville ; 2. Burledge Handshake Kit Kat, Ray & Rae Nell Halbur, Fond du Lac ; 3. (2JR) Overland Ammo Gabby-Red-ET, B, K, K & G Pollack & C Coffeen, Van Dyne ; 4. Elm-Bee Doc Spanky, Austen Schmidt & Nicholas Schuster, Cascade; 5. (3JR) Tree-Hayven Tatoo Savage-ET, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland Winter Calf (36): 1. Kakouna Destiny Sexy, Cupid Cattle Company, Sheboygan; 2. (B&O) EZ-Witt Altitude Amy-ET, Taylor Wittmus & Eric Zwiefelhofer, Valders; 3. (1JR) Ryan-Vu Sidekick Solution, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac; 4. (2JR) Ms Dnvr Queen Elizabeth-ET, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville; 5. (3JR) Lakeshore Moovin Eva-ET, Natalie, Braxton & Jayden Mauk, Plymouth; (JrB&O) Vandoskes Cheers Holly, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland

Fall Calf (34): 1. (1JR, B&O) Ryan-Vu Doc Jazz, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac; 2. (2JR) Blackncherry A Hn Autumn-ET, C, K & G Grinstead & G & J Boyke, Fond du Lac; 3. Kings-Vue War Aurora-Red-ET, Katie Reineking, Plymouth; 4. Lyn-Vale Altude Celine-Red, William Schultz III, Waldo; 5. (3JR) Cal-Denier-I Kdoc Willow-ET, Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah; (JrB&O) A-B-Royal Lamda Olie, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville

Summer Yearling (22): 1. (1JR) Heart&Soul Dm Lace-ET, B & M Zillges, M Zillges & D & C Ryan, Larsen; 2. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Red-Brae T-Storm Toffee, Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah; 3. Redcarpet Bliz September-ET, Richard Breunig, Sheboygan; 4. (3JR) Ryan-Vu Delta Juniper, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac; 5. Woodbine War Kobra, B & S Ferry & A & M Schmidt, Hilbert

Spring Yearling (15): 1. (B&O) Lyn-Vale Warrior Peppa-Red, William Schultz III, Waldo; 2. (1JR) Kress-Hill Sci-Fi-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton; 3. (2JR) 2nd-Look Warrior Chessy, Kaianne & Kaydence Hodorff & Caitlin Neitzel, Eden; 4. Elmlo Tstorm Twister, Austen Schmidt, Cascade; 5. (3JR) Jollyland War Gumdrop-Red, Breya Pollack & Coltin Coffeen, Van Dyne; (JrB&O) Booth-Haven Fancy Lady-Red, Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth, Plymouth

Winter Yearling (9): 1. (B&O) Elmlo Backflip

20 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022

Kansas, Austen Schmidt, Cascade; 2. (1JR) Sunkist Doorman Zoo, C, K & G Grinstead & G & J Boyke, Fond du Lac; 3. (2JR) A-B-Royal Vic Tori, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville; 4. (3JR) Ms BPC Warrior Lois-Red, Bryce Crowley, Custer; 5. Heatherstone Silverngold-ET, Eric Haupt, Manitowoc

Fall Yearling (6): 1. (1JR) Dreamhaven Tropic Riviera, Maria, Brooke & Melanie Zillges, Larsen; 2. (B&O) Soukup D-Back Lucky Lady-ET, Brock Soukup, Reedsville; 3. EZ-Witt Sidekick AuroraET, Taylor Wittmus & Eric Zwiefelhofer, Valders; 4. (2JR, JrB&O) Clear-Lee Warrior Rylie-Red, Justin Ossmann, Greenleaf; 5. (3JR) Lyn-Vale Addisn Jazlynn-Red, Gabriel, Keyanna, Rylen & Titus Mentink, Oostburg

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Heart&Soul Dm Lace-ET, B & M Zillges, M Zillges & D & C Ryan, Larsen

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Ryan-Vu Doc Jazz, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

Junior Champion of the Show: Heart&Soul Dm Lace-ET, B & M Zillges, M Zillges & D & C Ryan, Larsen

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Kakouna Destiny Sexy, Cupid Cattle Company, Sheboygan Junior Best 3 (1): 1. Ryan-Vu, Fond du Lac Junior 2-Year-Old (8): 1. (BU, B&O) Fer-Crest Boomerang, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert; 2. Kress-Hill Scar-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton; 3. Vandoskes Crbul Cameron-ET, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland; 4. Oakfield Unix Zoom-ET, Austen Schmidt, Cascade; 5. Kleinsview Jdy Venus-Red-ET, Sunnyside Dairy Farms, Valders; (1JR) Golden-Oaks Ivyana-Red-ET, E, I & E Staudinger & L & L Kuester, Reedsville; (2JR) JT-Acres Tatoo Kookie, Nathan Piper, Berlin

Senior 2-Year-Old (11): 1. (B&O) Lyn-Vale

Tstorm Gabriella-ET, Amanda Schultz, Waldo; 2. (BU) Car-Bon Doc Abbysue, Kamphuis Farms LLC, Brandon; 3. Cow-Palace Doppler 4046, Royal Vista Holsteins, Pickett; 4. Ms Lockets Crshbull Love-ET, Steven Summers & Matthew Gartman, Sheboygan; 5. Chrisleacres Doc Paparazzi, ChrisLe-Acres, Leo & Chris Kramer, St Cloud; (1JR) Smilaire Haunt, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth; (2JR) Jamsar Mcc Petunia Phoebe-ET, Laney & Alyssa Neuser, Reedsville

Junior 3-Year-Old (3): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU) KressHill Saint-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton; 2. Fer-Crest Call the Police, Brandon Ferry, Hilbert; 3. (2JR) Vandoskes Tatoo Hai, Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske, Cleveland

Senior 3-Year-Old (9): 1. (BU) Budjon-Vail NY Skyline-ET, Nicholas Schuster & Colleen Hackett, Fond du Lac; 2. (B&O) Lyn-Vale Dempsey Bellatasha, William Schultz III, Waldo; 3. Jacobs Montross Barney-ET, Kamphuis Farms LLC, Brandon; 4. (1JR) Smilaire Bliss, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth; 5. Elmlo Doorman Tundra-ET, James & Austen Schmidt, Cascade

Intermediate Champion of the Show: BudjonVail NY Skyline-ET, Nicholas Schuster & Colleen Hackett, Fond du Lac

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Fer-Crest Boomerang, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

4-Year-Old (7): 1. (1JR, BU) Luck-E Devour Alexndr-Red, Natalie, Braxton & Jayden Mauk, Plymouth; 2. (B&O) Elmlo Gold Chip Dorthy, Austen Schmidt, Cascade; 3. (2JR) Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton; 4. Fer-Crest Lovestruck-ET, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert; 5. Mission-Bell Pety Oakly-TW, Erin Jens, Sheboygan Falls 5-Year-Old (7): 1. (BU, B&O) Fer-Crest Bradell Zara, Brandon Ferry, Hilbert; 2. Milksource Byway Amazon-ET, James, Ben & Nathan Gillett,

Rosendale; 3. Kampy Cairo Pansy, Kamphuis Farms LLC, Brandon; 4. (1JR) Smilaire Teal, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth; 5. (2JR) Valley-Drive Jacoby Tarawa, Emily Stumpf, Campbellsport

6-Year-Old & Older (4): 1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Smilaire Jill, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth; 2. Mission-Bell Pitbull Oneida, Erin Jens, Sheboygan Falls; 3. Kampy Atwood Izzy, Kamphuis Farms LLC, Brandon 150,000 lb. Cow (1): 1. (BU) Jo-Clar Outside Reese, Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Red-Brae T-Storm Toffee, Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah

Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Smilaire Jill, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Kress-Hill Saint-ET, Owen & Kendyll Kress, Newton

Senior & Grand Champion, Champion Bred & Owned and Best Udder of the Show: Fer-Crest Bradell Zara, Brandon Ferry, Hilbert Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Smilaire Jill, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: BudjonVail NY Skyline-ET, Nicholas Schuster & Colleen Hackett, Fond du Lac

Best 3 Females (2): 1. Fer-Crest Farms, Hilbert; 2. Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

Produce of Dam (2): 1. Kress-Hill, Newton; 2. Kress-Hill, Newton Dam & Offspring (1): 1. Kress-Hill, Newton

Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Brandon & Shianne Ferry, Hilbert

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 21
1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Junior Show; 2. Junior and Reserve Junior Champions of the Show; 3. Intermediate and Reserve Intermediate Champions of the Show; 4. Senior and Reserve Senior Champions of the Show; 5. Senior, Grand and Reserve Senior, Reserve Grand Champions of the Junior Show; 6. Grand and Reserve Grand Champions of the Show; 7. Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show 7

Crisdhome Doorman Dinero VG-87

VV+VV @ 2 03

2-00 2x 244 18,947 3.8 720 3.2 612

2nd Sr. 2, District 1 show 2022

D: EX-91 Sanchez with 128,220M lifetime

2D: VG-88 Lheros with 36,550M 1465F 1094P at 3Y

3D: EX-93 3E Durham with 231,880M lifetime

4D: EX-93 2E Juror with 134,930M lifetime

Followed by two more VG dams

Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red VG-86

+VVVV @ 2 07

2-00 2x 355 22,690 4.1 924 3.4 782

1st Jr. 3, Int. Champ. and Res. Grand champ., district 1 Show 2022

D: EX-90 Absolute with 27,780M 992F 903P

2D: EX-94 3E Advent with five records over 30,000M and 219,770M lifetime.

3D: VG-88 Rubens

4D: EX-94 3E Renita Ranger 4X All-American and Grand Champion R&W Show, WDE 1998

Followed by two more EX dams in Canada

Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry EX-94

EEEEE 2E @ 6-06

4-07 2x 365 32,970 4.5 1480 3.1 1028

5-11 2x 354 29,030 4.8 1383 3.6 1055

Sr & Grand Champ. and Champ. B&O, District 1 Show 2022 Sr & Res. Grand Champ. and Champ. B&O, District 1 Show 2019 D: EX-91 Shottle with 141,820M lifetime 2D: EX-92 Spirte with 138,700M lifetime 3D: VG-87 Durham 4D: EX-91 2E GMD Juror with 273,720M 11615F 8319P lifetime Followed by two more VG dams CRISDHOME FARM, LLC - The Kruschke Family 1471 220th Ave., New Richmond, WI 54017 Jake: 715-220-5364, kruschkejake@gmail.com | Jade: 715-977-2579 BAA: 113.4 | 69 EX and 32 VG | RHA 25,344M 4.1%F 1034F 3.4%P 850P Crisdhome Defiant Getalong VG-88 VEVVV @ 2-07 2-01 2x 301 25,047 3.1 780 3.0 742 | 3rd Jr 3, District 1 2022 D: EX-90 Gold Chip 2D: EX-91 2E Debonair with 131,090M lifetime 3D: EX-92 3E Advent with 185,660M lifetime; 1 of 6 EX full sisters 4D: EX-91 2E Rubens with 141,230M lifetime 5D: VG-87 then 8 EX dams back to Gray-View B D Crissy Crisdhome Atwood Countdown EX-91 EEEEE @ 4-03 3-04 2x 365 29,240 4.6 1336 3.6 1044 | 4-07 2x 135 14,058 4.2 589 3.2 450 Inc 4th 5-year-old, district 1 2022 Countdown is a 13th generation EX hailing from our Gibson Chris tine cow family that goes back to Gray-View B D Crissy She has four Doorman pregnancies due in March
Photos © Lea Jordan

Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Profiles

It’s often heard at shows from announcers on what an honor it is to receive Premier Breeder or Exhibitor of a show. These awards are a testament to the time and devotion put into breeding and developing a herd of cows and being able to reap those successes at shows. Each farm or breeder who received this honor this year was asked to share their breeding goals and information about their herd. Check out these mini-profiles on these outstanding breeders and exhibitors.

District 1: Premier Breeder and Exhibitor - Crisdhome Farm, The Kruscke Family

Family Members: Jake, Jade & Brantley Kruschke

Location: New Richmond, Wis.

Number of cows: 95 RHA: 25,389

BAA: 113.4 (69 EX, 32 VG)

Number Shown: 8 with 7 homebred

Sires used: Doorman, Doc, Tatoo, Crushabull, Sidekick, Gold Chip, Warrior, Lambda, Unix, Hancock, Thunderstorm, and Showtime

Breeding philosophy: We try to breed for balanced framed cows with wide square rumps, a strong front end, high wide rear udders and walk on a functional set of feet and legs. We have put less emphasis on stature recently and more emphasis on breeding medium sized cows with fewer faults that are more functional.

Comment on cows: Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry is a cow we have shown in the past with success as she was Senior and Reserve Grand Champion at the District 1 Show in 2019. Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red is a young cow we’re excited about. She’s a Junior 3-Year-Old that was just three weeks fresh at the show. Additionally Crisdhome Midnight Metallica is a Senior 3-Year-Old that has been a class winner for us back to back years in milking form.

District 2: Premier Exhibitor - Anchorage Acres, The Dittrich Family

Family Members: Don and Billie Dittrich, Jordon, Korlen, Barbara, Donniejo, Cecelia, Eddie, and William Dittrich

Location: Alma, Wis.

Number of cows: 100

Number Shown: 7 with 4 homebred Sires used: Alleyoop, Lambeau, Revere-Red, Doc, Warrior and Hanans

Breeding philosophy: Breeding for body composite and rear udder height and legs. Goals are to keep improving genetics and to have that champion cow. The herd started out 40 years ago as a grade herd and now the herd is over 90% registered.

Comment on cows: Dittrich Dempsey Pepsey was 2nd and 1st junior aged cow. JKB-Dittrich Airlift Breeze was 4th in the 5-year-old class and 2nd junior. She was also Reserve Champion Cow at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair this year. Willows Edge Add Massager placed fourth in the Junior 2-year-old class. Kurthhaven Barcardi Undenied placed 5th in the Senior 2-year-old class. Our kids take great pride in showing animals that they have ownership in. They work very hard with the animals year-round. Our herd has had numerous champions at the county fair. We take pride in showing animals as a project from calf to cow. Pepsi, the aged cow, our son showed at the Buffalo County Fair as a Farm Bureau Calf Grant project and now, nine years later, he still takes pride in showing her. Along with showing at the District 2 Show we have shown at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair and the Central Wisconsin State Fair along with the Buffalo County Fair. Our goal is to have our children show at the State Fair.

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 23

District 3: Premier Breeder - Kamps-Rx Genetics

Family Members: Reggie, Krysty, Demi, Elliot, & Alayah Kamps

Location: Darlington, Wis.

Number of cows: 30

BAA: 112

RHA: 24,500

Number Shown: 19 with 16 homebred

Sires used: Delta Lambda, Tattoo, Altitude, Cheerful, Luxor, Moovin, Thunderstorm, Summerfest, & Showtime

Management Goals: We breed for high type and red calves as everyone seems to want a red calf around spring time for sale selections. Each animal is mated individually based on her strengths and weaknesses. We are also putting in embryos from Apple B and putting her daughters on IVF where we’ve had interest. Our goal is to breed for heifers with great eye appeal but also longevity and milk production. We are always keeping our eye open for heifers in spring sales that have a promising pedigree and look like something that our program could help develop. We focus on making show calves but at the end of the day they have to make great cows. We look forward to developing our young herd as our oldest Apple B daughter just showed as a young 4 year old this year -Defiant x Apple B. Comments on Animals Exhibited at the Show: Kamps-Rx Appleb Abercrombie-ET VG-86, Denver x Apple B (2nd); Kamps-Rx Appleb Alivu-Red-ET VG-88, Ammo x Apple B (1st, Grand of JR Show, Reserve Intermediate Champ); Kamps-Rx Appleb Allison-ET VG-88, Undenied x Apple B (4th); Kamps-Rx Appleb Almond-ET EX-90, Raptor x Apple B (4th); Kamps-Rx Appleb Adele-ET EX-90, Diamondback x Apple B (5th); Kamps-Rx Appleb Ali-Red-ET EX-90, Defiant x Apple B (6th). We also had Junior Champ, Reserve Junior


District 7: Premier Breeder and Exhibitor - Synergy Dairy LLC, The Jauquet Family

Family Members: Jay, Heather, Mason, Carter & Evan Jauquet


Lambda, Doral-Red, Rompen-Red, Altitude-

Breeding philosphies:




24 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
Champion & Honorable
of the heifer show.
Location: Pulaski, Wis. Number of cows: 666 RHA: 32,942 BAA: 107.9 Average Classification Score: 86.6
Adjusted) Number Shown: 8 Sires being used: Delta
On Duty,
We breed for good udders, functional feet & legs, more strength than stature, low SCS, high DPR and as much high component milk as we can get. Comments on cows: Synergy Anaheim Magnolia EX-94 2E, 186,550 LTD, Anaheim x Fustead McCutchen Margo EX-91 x Fustead Goldwyn Mission EX-91 2E; Magnolia was 1st place Production Cow, Grand Champion of the Junior Show and Res Grand Champion of the Open Show. She has been Reserve Grand Champion at District 7 3 times. Synergy Ballisto Swirl EX-92, 195,700 LTD, Ballisto x Synergy Mogul Salma EX-94 2Ex Synergy Domain Sally VG-86; Swirl was 2nd place Production Cow. Synergy Armani Smolder EX-91, Armani x Synergy Always Smokin-Red EX-90 2E x Synergy Absolute Salute-Red VG-88; Smolder was 2nd place Aged Cow and HM Senior Champion of the Junior Show. Synergy Smitten-Red VG-87 Unstopabull x Synergy Always
EX-90 2E x Synergy Absolute Salute-Red VG-88; Smitten was 1st place Junior 3-year-old and HM Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show.

District 5: Premier Exhibitor - Heatherstone Enterprises Inc.

Family Members: Mike and Valerie Holschbach Family, Herdsperson Jessica Wigand and Summer Intern Sarah Hagenow

Location: Baraboo, Wis.

Number of cows: 30 RHA: 28,893

Number Shown: 10 with 8 homebred

Sires being used: Thunderstorm, Summerfest, Chief, AnalystRed, Journey-Red

Breeding philosphies: Since our herd dispersal, we have focused on our IVF and live calf programs, therefore working with only a handful of homebred cows. Our philosophy remains the same - Breeding our best better.

Comments on cows: Heatherstone Regal-Red EX-91, Senior & Reserve Grand, 2X AA nominee; her dam, Rhinestone-Red EX-94, is a 4X AA nominee. Heatherstone Go For Gold VG 88 at 2Y, Reserve Senior Champion; from 4 Generations of EX & GMDs with 40,000 lbs. of milk and all nominated AA. Heatherstone Golden Touch, 1st Senior 2-Year-Old, HM Intermediate Champion, 3rd Senior 2-Year-Old at Midwest Spring Show 2022; Artist sister to Go For Gold.

District 5: Premier Breeder - KnH Endres Farm, The Endres Family

District 6: Premier Breeder - Jeffrey-Way Holsteins, The Hendrickson Family

Family Members: Kevin & Heidi Endres with the help on the farm from Tyler and Mikayla

Location: Reedsburg, Wis.

Number of cows: 46 RHA: 22,500

BAA: 110.8 Average Score: 89.5 points

Number Shown: 11 head with 9 homebred

Sires being used: Ropen Red, Show Time, Artist and Doorman Breeding philosphies: Type has always been our breeding philosophy. Our herd goal is to produce quality show animals for all levels of competitions.

Comments on cows: KnH Endres Jacobo Oh Yeah, VG-88 3Y, 3rd in class; she is a 6th generation homebred in the “O family”. KnH Endres Artist Onyx (daughter of Oh Yeah), 5th fall calf. KnH Endres Defiant Oakley, EX-91, 2nd aged cow; she is a 5th generation homebred from the “O family”. KnH Endres Awesome Frany, EX-90, 2nd 5-Year-Old. KnH Endres Absolute Pharaoh-Red, VG-88, 3rd aged cow; she is a 3rd generation homebred.

Family Members: Jeff and Kate Hendrickson, Brooks and Riley Hendrickson, & Emma Hendrickson

Location: Belleville, Wis.

RHA: 29,000 BAA:112.6

Number Shown: 10

Sires used: Luster P, Dark Lustrous, Hancock, Hanans, Showtime, Tattoo, Traffic, and Jeffrey-Way Sporty

Breeding philosphies: We breed for high scoring, high producing cows that last a long time while emphasizing udders and feet and legs.

Comments on cows: Anchoring the show string was Reserve Intermediate Champion Jeffrey-Way Tavor, last year‘s nomination for All-American Summer Yearling and Junior AllAmerican Summer Yearling, along with Jeffrey-Way Bradnick Tulla, EX-92, 2nd place aged cow. Jeffrey-Way Addison Travolta, VG-86, 2nd Senior 2-Year-Old, and third place 4-YearOld Jeffrey-Way Hypnotic Gracie, EX-92.

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 25

Location: Whitewater, Wis.

Number of cows: 6 RHA: 23,206

BAA: 114.1 Average Classification Score: 91.6

Number Shown: 10

Sires used: Chief, Thunderstorm, & Thunderstruck. Breeding philosphies: Breed for sound, well balanced cows with great udders. All heifers are bred and owned.

Comments on cows: Rolling Stone EX-95 is always our homebred favorite, with six calves under her belt, she is always nice to have at the show or at home! Duckett Denver Olivia we purchased last year at the Duckett Sale, we love her wide balanced rear udder, straight lines, and her beautiful foot and leg - her pedigree packs a punch straight out of the Knoundale Jasmine EX-96 family. Milksource Goldwn Trance-ET is coming nicely into herself, she’s a VG-87 2Y Goldwyn from Strans-Jen-D Tequila EX-96. The fourth cow we brought to the show was CowPalace Furious 3595, aka Sunny, EX-92 who hails from the Roxy Family, a 4-year-old we acquired this spring.

District 10: Premier Breeder - Fer-Crest Farms

Family Members: Brandon, Shianne, Bryleigh, Ryker, Ledger and Corbin Ferry

Location: Hilbert, Wis.

Number of cows: 80 RHA: 25,500M BAA: 112.8 Number Shown: 10, 6 were homebred

Sires being used: Croteau Lesperron Unix, Walnutlawn Sidekick, Bons-Holsteins Boost, Mr. Blondin Warrior-Red, TrentWay JS Ronald, OCD Thunderstruck, Black Silver Crush Stan Breeding Philosophies: We breed for type, selecting bulls with sire stacks that complement each other while focusing on big front-ended cows with dairy strength, high quality udders, and sound feet and legs.

Comments on cows: Jo-Clar Outside Reese EX-94 (Outside), 1st & BU 150,000 lb. Cow; Fer-Crest Bradell Zara EX-92 (Bradell), 1st & BU 5-Year-Old, Senior Champion, Grand Champion, BU of Show, Champion B&O of Show; Fer-Crest Boomerang (Sidekick), 1st & BU Junior 2-Year-Old, Reserve Intermediate Champion; Fer-Crest Call the Police (Denver), 2nd Junior 3-Year-Old.

District 8: Premier Breeder and Exhibitor - Nehls-Valley Farm

Family Members: Gene, Janet, Brandon, Shawn & Seth Nehls and Emma Buska

Location: Hustisford, Wis.

Number of cows: 200 (140 Holsteins)

RHA: 26,627 BAA: 111.6

Number Shown: 6, all homebred

Sires being used: Hancock, Lambda, Chief, Cadillac, Alpha, Alligator, Sidekick, Luster P Breeding Philosophies: We try to breed for easy care, trouble free, profitable cows that can excel in both the show ring and bulk tank.

Comments on cows: Nehls-Valley Union Lookout, 1st 5-Year-Old; EX-94, 10th generation excellent from Valiant Lovella Family. Nehls-Valley Hancock Fidgit, 1st Junior 2-Year-Old, Reserve Intermediate Champion; VG-89 at 2-00, from Blackstar Raven Family. Nehls-Valley Lil Love-Red, 2nd Junior 3-Year-Old; EX-92 sired by Dopler x EX-93 Avalanche x EX-93 Redburst. Nehls-Valley Sidekick Sisco, 1st Junior 3-Year-Old; EX-91, Debutante Rae Family. Nehls-Valley Imac Secret , 3rd 4-Year-Old; EX-93.

26 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
District 6: Premier Exhibitor - Go-Sho Cattle Co.
Family Members: Dave, Nina, Tessa, and Stella Schmocker

Family Members: Tom and Beth, Jason and Bailee, Sarah Kearns

Location: Gays Mills, Wis.

Number of cows: 130

Number Shown: 9, 8 were homebred

Sires being used: Aflame, Rolex, Blexys Best

Breeding Philosophies: We use aAa mating on our herd, with an emphasis on positive component sires. We desire balanced cows to provide longevity, while doing well on our grazing and forage ration. We also favor A2A2 bulls.

Comments on cows: Of the nine head exhibited, four trace back to Tombeth Jolt Erin EX-94, including the Grand Champion, Tombeth Enveleeta-ET EX-92. She is Corvette x 94 Shottle Enhance EX-94 (2x Reserve Grand Champion at District 3) x EX-94 Durham x Jolt Erin EX-94. Tombeth Radio Esado, the second place summer yearling, is a Radio x EX-92 Crush x EX-92 Spearmint x Jolt Erin EX-94. Our winter calf, Tombeth Ella Twitch, is a direct daughter of Tombeth Linjet Elouise EX-95. We also exhibited two that trace back to a purchase of Tom and Sarah, from the Roxy family.

The District 2 Premier Breeder was Ar-Line Holsteins, the Holthaus Family. Tree-Hayven Holsteins was the Premier Breeder and Exhibitor of the District 4 Holstein Show. You can find photos of them on our WHA Facebook page along with shots from all District Shows. Congratulations to everyone who exhibited!

2022 District Show Showmanship Results

District 1

12 & Under

1. Raina Cook, Barron

2. Celia Carter-Thompson, Almena

3. Evelyn Rose, Albion, NE Junior

1. Braeden Bechel, Elmwood

2. Reanna Cook, Barron

3. Summer Hammann, Barron Senior

1. Justyne Frisle, Prairie Farm

2. Brooke Hammann, Barron

3. Riley Anderson, Ellsworth

District 2

12 & Under

1. Nolan Nordgaard, Osseo

2. Bryce Johnson, Tomah

3. Brennon O’Rourke, Tomah Junior

1. Kyla Johnson, Tomah

2. Addison Leis, Sparta

3. Kole Trapp, Taylor Senior

1. Dana Johnson, Tomah

2. Kendyl Hericks, Tomah

3. Ty Harbaugh, Coon Valley

District 3

12 & Under

1. Kayla Buttles, Lancaster

2. Keegan Weigel, Platteville

3. Leah Hoffman, Mineral Point Junior

1. Payton Calvert, Cuba City

2. Matthew Winch, Fennimore

3. Kenadee Weigel, Platteville Senior

1. Ashley Carns, Platteville

2. Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

3. Kaelyn Weigel, Platteville

District 4

12 & Under

1. Kylie Kearns, Auburndale

2. Bryce Hughes, Pittsville

3. Jacob Raatz, Colby Junior

1. Vanessa Hartwig, Abbotsford

2. Paisley Hagen, Spencer

3. Wyatt Dorshorst, Marshfield Senior

1. Jenna Thorgerson, Sheldon

2. Hannah Hensel, Pittsville

3. Abby Hovland, Colby

District 5

12 & Under

1. Carter Murphy, Poynette

2. Hadley Voegeli, Poynette

3. Callie Krohlow, Poynette Junior

1. Becca Murphy, Poynette

2. Paige Sweatt, Dane

3. Peyton Voegeli, Poynette Senior

1. Libby Hasheider, Sauk City

2. Sarah Hagenow, Poynette

3. Derek Gehin, Baraboo

District 6

12 & Under

1. Stella Schmocker, Whitewater

2. Brayden Breunig, Sauk City

3. Allyson Judd, Mount Horeb Junior

1. Ellie Larson, Evansville

2. Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

3. Emma Hendrickson, Belleville Senior

1. Dakota Brown, Cottage Grove

2. Nicole Broege, Janesville

3. Lauren Breunig, Sauk City

District 7

12 & Under

1. Madison Harbaugh, Marion

2. Adella Loehr, Eden

3. Chloe Zernicke, Bonduel Junior

1. Logan Harbaugh, Marion

2. Tyler Leuch, Waunakee

3. Jacob Harbaugh, Marion Senior

1. Chloe LaCrosse, Forestville

2. Ellie Nygren, Pulaski

3. Thayne Bjelland, Gillett

District 8

12 & Under

1. Sevanna Fairbank, Beaver Dam

2. Vivian Lichty, Beaver Dam

3. Aubrey Altreuter, Watertown Junior

1. Ian Spoke, Waterloo

2. Katie Brandel, Lake Mills

3. Marissa Spoke, Waterloo Senior

1. Tristin Bischoff, Hustisford

2. Liam Bos, Fort Atkinson

3. Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford

District 10

12 & Under

1. Natalie Mauk, Plymouth

2. Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac

3. Hayley Sleik, Omro Junior

1. Brianne Vandoske, Cleveland

2. Colton Grinstead, Fond du Lac

3. Katelyn Henschel, Elkhart Lake Senior

1. Ava Booth, Plymouth

2. Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

3. Caitlin Neitzel, Eden

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 27 District 3: Premier Exhibitor - Tombeth Holsteins, The Kearns Family

Wisconsin Holstein Youth

Wisconsin Championship Show - Junior Events

The Junior Holstein Judging Contest is scheduled to be held during the Wisconsin Championship Show Series. on Wednesday, August 24 at 1 p.m. at the Alliant Energy Center, Madison. This contest is open to all dairy judging youth. Registration will start at 12:30 p.m., with the contest starting at 1 p.m. There will be two divisions - junior (14 & under) and senior (15 & over). Cost is $12 per team or $4 for an individual.

The JACs will be hosting an Ice Cream Social on Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Youth from all breeds are welcome to join in the fun!

The State Showmanship Contest will be held on Thursday, August 25 at approximately 6 p.m. (no sooner than 1 hour after the completion of the Jersey show). Any youth that placed in the top 5 of the 12 & Under, Junior and Senior divisions at their District Show are qualified to compete at the state contest.

Contact a member of the JAC or WHA office with any questions.

National Convention Recognitions

The Wisconsin dairy bowl teams represented WHA well at the 2022 National Convention. The Brown County juniors placing 5th and took home the Sportsmanship Award. Team members included Madison Wiese, Evan Brey, Emily Ossmann and Tristen Ostrom and they are coached by Peggy Coffeen, Annette Ostrom and Rachel Gerbitz. The Sheboygan County seniors also finished in 5th place. Team members were Elise and Brady Bleck, Zoe Ertel and Jared Abraham. They are coached by Liz Gartman and LeaAnn and Jeff Bleck.

Alison Gartman from Sheboygan County excelled in the Dairy Jeopardy and Speaking contests, placing second in the junior speaking contest and being crowned National Champion for the junior division of Dairy Jeopardy. Congrats to Alison on a great convention!

Hannah Hockerman, Elise Bleck, Mac McCullough and Matthew Gunst were recognized as Distinguished Junior Member Semi-Finalists for 2022. Hockerman, McCullough and Gunst were also named DJM Finalists. Recognized as Young Distinguished Junior Members were Logan Harbaugh and Elizabeth Gunst. Brianna Meyer will be serving her second year on the National Junior Advisory Committee for Area III.

Juniors have also received awards for breeding and owning outstanding Holstein cows. For more information on each of these awards and the full list of winners, visit the Holstein USA website at www.holsteinusa.com/juniors/content/jr_award.html

• Junior Star Performer: Dylan & Cameron Ryan in in 3rd place

• National Cream of the Crop Award: Brianne Vandoske & Austin Radue in 5th place

• Junior Breeder of an Excellent: Aaliyah Borchert; Adella & Ainsley Loehr & Hunter & Bryce Crowley; Alek Krueger; Ashley Carns;

Bennett Borgwardt; Brianne, Brooklyn & Reid Vandoske; Brooke Hammann; Britney Boelk; Cathryn & Christopher Gunst; Chase & Willow Oehmichen (2); Colby Hasheider; Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth; Colton, Ashley, Katie & Justin Brandel; Dylan & Cameron Ryan (4); Elise & Brady Bleck; Emily Stumpf; Emma, Sara, Wyatt & Claire Dorshorst; Gracin & Chesney Speich (2); Grady & Lane Wendorf (2); Hunter Crowley (2); Jacob Maier; Jacob, Logan & Madison Harbaugh & Adella Loehr; Jared & Macie Abraham; Katlyn, Anna & Jacob Lindner; Matt, Elizabeth, Cathryn & Christopher Gunst; Matthew & Elizabeth Gunst; Nathan Cordes; Noah Bilz; Olivia & Kaden Horn (2); Payton, Braelyn & Regan Sarbacker (2); Reagan & Garrison Klinkner; Sydni & Samuel Mell; Trevor Christoph (2); Zoe Ertel

• Junior Breeder of a Multiple “E” Cow: Aaliyah Borchert, Alek Krueger, Chase & Willow Oehmichen, Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth (2), Hailey Gaedtke, Trystan Christoph, Brooke Hammann & Victoria Nodolf

• 150,000 lb. Cow: Karleena Battist, Hailey Gaedtke, Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Brian McCullough, Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Brooke & Shyanne Hammann, Frederick Ullom & Travis Dammen

• 200,000 lb. Cow: Trystan Christoph

Congratulations to all who qualified and competed at the National Convention!

Save the date!

The 2023 Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention is scheduled for Fri., January 6-Sun., January 8 and hosted by the Manitowoc/ Calumet County Juniors at the Holiday Inn in Manitowoc. Watch the upcoming issues of the News and the WHA website for updated information.

At this time, the convention schedule will be similar to last year’s with a couple small changes to based on room needs at the convention center.

• Friday - DJM Interviews, Dairy Jeopardy & Speaking Contests, Junior Forum & Caucuses, Evening awards meal & entertainment

• Saturday - Junior Dairy Bowl, Princess Luncheon, Senior & Rookie Dairy Bowl, Banquet

• Sunday - Awards Breakfast & Business Meeting, Dairy Bowl Finals, YQCA seminar

Junior Award Forms due in WHA office

by Monday, September 26

Junior awards are designed to recognize outstanding youth for their efforts in the Junior Holstein project. The following award forms are due IN OFFICE by Mon., September 26 (not postmarked). If you are mailing your application, please plan on sending it with time to reach the office. Award applications (PDFs only, less than 10MB) can be emailed to wisholsteins@gmail.com. Applicants must be a junior member of the state and national Holstein associations by August 15 in the year that the application is made.

12 & Under Member Recognition

Any junior member of WHA and Holstein USA who has been enrolled in dairy project work with Registered Holsteins is eligible to

28 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022

Wisconsin Holstein Youth

compete in this contest. Applicant must not have reached his or her 13th birthday by January 1, 2023.

Young Distinguished Junior Member Award

This award is given to those members in good standing of the ages of 9 to 16 in the year of application. Any junior member of WHA and Holstein USA who has been enrolled in dairy project work with Holsteins is eligible to compete. Youth completing this form have the option to compete at the national level. Applicant must not have reached his or her 17th birthday by January 1, 2023.

Distinguished Junior Member Award

Eligible applicants are any youth that have successfully completed project work with Registered Holsteins and who are a junior member in good standing. Applicants for WI DJM honors must not have turned 21 in 2022.

Interviews for Wisconsin Outstanding Boy and Girl will be held at the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention. If chosen for an interview, candidates must bring along a 1-page resume for the judges to review. Interviews take precedence over other Junior Convention activities, however applicants will be given the opportunity to compete in other contests.

The WI National DJM Representatives will be chosen through the interview process to represent WI for the National DJM contest.

Additional Award & Contest Entry Deadlines


All other award forms and recognition opportunities will be due November 15. This list includes Royalty applications, Essay Contest, WHY Leadership Merit, WHY Friend, Long Range Production, Junior Progressive Breeder, and Junior Farm Tour applications.

Entries to the Dairy Bowl, Dairy Jeopardy, and Speaking contests are due November 15. All entry forms are available on the WHA website under the junior contests & awards tab.

2022 Junior Raffle

We are excited to announce this year’s Junior Raffle calf is being donated by the Mark & Angie Ulness family of Ragnar Holsteins, Valders.

Raffle tickets should be available by the Wisconsin Summer Championship Show. If your county would like tickets to sell, please contact the WHA office at 1-800-223-4269. Each county will receive $1 for any tickets sold by their members.

Dairy Bowl Contest Deadlines & Resources

The Dairy Bowl contests will be held on Saturday, January 7 at the Junior Convention. There will be no seating exam for this year’s contest and brackets will be filled by a random draw.

The deadline to enter a team for the 2023 Dairy Bowl contest will be NOVEMBER 15. Entries must be IN OFFICE by this date with paid fees or entry fees will double. The fee to enter teams is $10 for Rookie division and $30 for Junior and Senior divisions. Remember, FEES WILL DOUBLE if the entry form and paid fees are not IN OFFICE by November 15.

All potential team member names must be submitted by the November 15 deadline. Official teams do not need to be named until registration at the Junior Convention. Your entry should include all possible team members, and there is no limit to the number of juniors that can be included on the list. Names must be included with the entry form to make a completed entry. All coaches and participating team members must be members of the Wisconsin Holstein Association.

Counties that have juniors wishing to participate on a Wisconsin team must submit their $5.00 entry fee by November 15. This has been put in place so we have a more exact number of teams prior to convention.

2023 Dairy Bowl Source List:

(Dairy Bowl questions may be obtained from articles and information going back three (3) years)

HA Identification Application

HA Application for Transfer

HA Fees for Programs & Services (website pricing will be considered most current)

HA Pulse (quarterly) www.holsteinusa.com

HF Understanding Genetics & the Sire Summaries (updated 4/21)

HF Pedigree Questions & Answers (updated 4/21)

HF Working with Dairy Cattle

HF Dairy Judging

HF Showring Ready

HF Dairy Cattle Reproducation

HF World of Dairy Cattle Nutrition (updated 11/21)

HF Milking and Lactation

HF Connecting with Dairy Consumers

WHA History Book (Ch. 1 & 2)

August 2022 Sire Summary (Red Book)

Dairy Bowl Rules Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard

2022 Hoard’s Dairyman (exception - no December 2022 issue)

2022 Wisconsin Holstein News (exception - no December 2022 issue) www.wisholsteins.com

Calf Care (Hoard’s)

Learning Linear (Hoard’s)

Manual of Foot Care (Hoard’s)

People and Parlors (Hoard’s)

We Need a Show (Hoard’s)

Virginia Dairy Quiz Bowl Study Materials (https://www.youth.dasc.vt.edu/ content/dam/youth_dasc_vt_edu/quiz-bowl/2021VADQBmaterials.pdf)

Holstein Foundation website

Additional Senior Sources:

WHA History Book (Ch. 1, 2, 12, 13, 14, pgs 99-119)

HA Cattle Merchandising & Advertising Policy Cattle Abnormalities A78861 CA

2022 Dairy Herd Management (exception - no December 2022 issue)

Progress of the Breed (Ch.1)

Dairy Cattle Fertility (updated 2020)

Hoard’s Feeding Guide, 4th Edition (updated 2018)

*WHA has copies of Hoard’s Feeding Guide, People and Parlors and the Manual of Foot Care available for sale. Please contact the office at 1-800-223-4269.

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 29

Cow Camp 2022 - Holstein Hoedown

Nearly 45 campers enjoyed a weekend at Mt. Morris Campground in Wautoma. Campers had the chance to meet new friends, take part in traditional camping activities and learn about the Registered Holstein cow, the dairy industry and more through educational sessions. Traditional activities like the campfire, ag olympics and shaving cream fight were also enjoyed by all. The Star Camper Award was given to Justin Brandel of Jefferson County.

Thank you to our guest speakers and volunteers for making this another successful event. Sponsors for this year’s camp included Emmi Roth, CentralStar Cooperative, Feltz’s Dairy Store and American Foods Group.

Dairy Judging - Red Group

We enjoyed learning about cow parts during this session. The leader, Angie Ulness, talked about the importance of knowing cow parts and how to compare them. We also appreciated her sharing tips for judging competitions and picking out calves to show.

Calf Nutrition - Green Group

In the TMR/nutrition session led by Jen Meyer we learned about what to feed our calves all the way up to cows. We also talked about the different parts of a TMR and got to make our own TMR snack to enjoy.

Calf Care - White Group

The most important thing we learned was how to take care of sick calves. We also learned about newborn calf care. This is important so when we are older we know how to properly take care of our own calves. This is also important because we need to set her up for the rest of her life. Thank you to Payge Dahlke for leading this session.

Barn Quilt Painting - Yellow Group

WHA Royalty led campers through painting wooden barn quilts with stencils. While waiting for paint to dry, campers played get-toknow-you games. Campers enjoyed being creative and making their own unique creations. Royalty chose a first and second place quilt for a prize.

Packing a Showbox - Teal Group

We really enjoyed listening to Ainsley’s presentation on how to be prepared and what to bring to shows. We especially liked learning about substitutions for the materials and supplies. We had fun talking about what everything is used for and how it can help us on show morning. Thank you Ainsley!

Farm Safety - Blue Group

At the farm safety station, we learned what happens when you get electrocuted, get impaled by an object, or what happens when you get a severe cut. We also learned how to react to these situations. We were able to see what happens to your brain when you wear a bike helmet compared to when you don’t. We would like to thank Molly Dorshorst for leading a great session.

Reproduction/Anatomy - Orange Group

We learned about reproduction and anatomy from Dr. Matt Dorshorst on Sunday. We really enjoyed being able to learn hands on and practice artificial insemination on reproductive tracks. The group learned where the egg develops and gets released, how a corpus luteum develops and the importance of its production of progesterone, where to find a cervix on a cow and how it feels, and the role it plays in protecting the calf during pregnancy. We greatly appreciate Dr. Dorshorst’s passion and knowledge that he shared and thank him for taking the time to teach us.

Dairy Products - Purple Group

JAC Lauren lead a session on the different dairy products. We got to try cheese from Feltz’s Dairy Store and guess what kind it was. We also got to answer dairy bowl questions. We had lots of fun!

30 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
Golden-Oaks Av -ET EX-92Integrity Avalanche x Pamprd-Acres Ab Ivy-Red-ET EX-94 Senior & Grand Champion and Best Udder, District 2 Show 2022 Integrity is owned by Allan & Erica Lundberg and Casey Olson Inquiries welcome! Thank you to everyone who helped us at the District 2 Holstein Show and made it one to remember! BERT-MAR HOLSTEINS Allan and Erica Lundberg W12976 Huskelhus Rd. Osseo,WI 54758 Erica: 608-317-6052 | Allan 715-450-1989 Photos © Andrew Hetke Follow us on Facebook!

Wisconsin Holstein members enjoy 2022 National Holstein Convention

Wisconsin Holstein members had another exciting National Convention with major award winners for the adults and juniors. Attendees enjoyed the many tour options offered by the Minnesota Holstein Associations in the Sioux Falls, SD area.

Junior contests were held early in the week and Wisconsin had several youth in the Speaking and Dairy Jeopardy contests. Alison Gartman of Sheboygan County excelled in both - taking home first place in the junior Dairy Jeopardy contest and second in the junior Speaking contest. Both of the Wisconsin dairy bowl teams placed fifth in their division and the Brown County juniors were also recognized with the Sportsmanship Award.

Receiving National Young Distinguished Junior Member awards were Logan Harbaugh and Elizabeth Gunst. Hannah Hockerman, Elise Bleck, Mac McCullough and Matthew Gunst were National Distinguished Junior Member semi-finalists, with Hockerman, Gunst and McCullough being selected as DJM Finalists.

At the Holstein USA annual meeting, Wisconsin’s Herds of Excellence were recognized. Other special awards were Budjon Farms with the Star of the Breed winner, Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal-ETS, Sandy Valley Farms being named Elite Breeder, and Mitch Kappelman recognized as Distinguished Young Breeder. Bob Webb was re-elected to a second term representing Region 5 on the Holstein USA board of directors.

Corey Geiger completed his term as HA USA President. Thank you to Corey for your years of service on the board.

Thank you to the Minnesota Holstein Association for hosting a great convention!

Sandy Valley Farms recognized with Elite Breeder Award

Perhaps one of the greatest compliments a Registered Holstein breeder can receive is seeing genetics from their herd be successful in other operations. The Bauer brothers of Sandy-Valley Farms in Scandinavia have accomplished this, and much more, through their wide-reaching breeding program.

The Registered Holstein® herd at Sandy-Valley Farms has achieved the sought-after balance of cattle with great production, desirable type and high genomic value. Their herd’s elite genetics have worked not

only at Sandy-Valley Farms, but also in barns across the nation and throughout the world.

The Bauer family’s commitment to breeding top-notch Registered Holsteins has gained them much respect from fellow breeders. Although they are no longer farming, the positive contributions Sandy-Valley genetics have had on the Holstein breed will leave a lasting influence for years to come.

Starting with a vision

The Bauer brothers first became involved with Registered Holsteins when they began farming with their parents, Frank Sr. and Patricia.

“Our parents had a herd of grade Holsteins,” Greg recalled. “They were good cattle, but soon after my brothers – David, Frank Jr. and Patrick - bought the farm, the decision was made to try to work with the best. We began to study pedigrees in an attempt to identify some of the great cow families in the Holstein breed.”

Sandy-Valley invested in their first high-end female in 1988. They purchased a Bell Rex yearling heifer from Plushanski farms at a 21st Century Genetics sale. They lost the heifer shortly after she calved, but this disappointment didn’t impede their efforts to work with the best in Holstein genetics.

“That was a bit of a setback, but we continued to buy into families we thought were among the strongest in the breed,” Greg says. “The ones that excelled for us we kept breeding from; the ones that didn’t became recipients.”

This strategy laid the groundwork for Sandy-Valley’s success. They flushed their high-end animals and used the rest of the herd as embryo recipients. When choosing sires they focused on udders, feet and legs, and milk yield with reasonable components. As more information became available in the industry on health traits, somatic cell and fertility also became important foci.

The brothers’ determination to improve the quality of their herd resulted in a uniform group of cows with flawless udders, sound feet and legs, and solid production. “Our goal was to breed a cow the commercial dairyman could respect and the type-oriented breeder could admire,” Greg stated. “We wanted to breed a balanced animal that fit the true type Holstein model.”

The brothers worked in unison to achieve their goals. While all worked together in general farm management and activities; each brother maintained a specific expertise. David and Patrick managed the milking herd. Frank oversaw farm projects. Greg handled genetics and marketing. Fieldwork was shared. As with most family farms the brothers’ wives, children, and children’s spouses played an integral part

32 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
National YDJM and DJM recipients: l to r - Hannah Hockerman, Logan Harbaugh, Elise Bleck, Matthew Gunst, Elizabeth Gunst and Mac McCullough HA USA CEO John Mayer (left) and President Jonathan Lamb (right) present the Elite Breeder Award to the Bauer family from Sandy Valley Farms - Greg and Kathy, Frank Jr. and Ruth, Tammy and Patrick. photo courtesy of HA USA

in the daily operations.

Stand out cow families

The family’s commitment to breeding and marketing high-quality genetics led to much success for Sandy-Valley Farms over the years.

Sandy-Valley Farms bred an impressive 107 Dams of Merit, 106 Gold Medal Dams, including 46 cows receiving both distinctions. They also bred 10 Gold Medal Sires and a total of 186 Excellent females and males. In 2019, Holstein International recognized them as number six on the “25 Most Influential Breeders of the Last 25 Years” list, as selected by their readers.

The Sandy-Valley herd became known for their uniform group of cows with strong production and impeccable udders. However, there were four cow families that made a mark for the Bauer brothers.

Sandy-Valley Plane Sapphire was the dam of two high-performing bulls, Sandy-Valley Saloon-ET and Sandy-Valley Sterling-ET. Saloon was a number one TPI proven sire, and Sterling ranked as high as number three on the proven sire list. The star of the Sapphire family was Sandy-Valley Rubicon Eternity. She held the title as the number one TPI cow for two runs and produced many high genomic calves for SandyValley Farms.

They also enjoyed working with the Rudy Missy family. The brothers especially admired Sandy-Valley Uno Paradise EX-94 for her conformation and extreme components, producing records over 4% protein and 6% butterfat on a number of lactations. Paradise was also the dam of Sandy-Valley J Pharo-ET, a strong type bull.

The Cosmopolitan family was another that performed well at SandyValley. The brothers described cows from this family to be strong, longlasting cattle with uniformly great udders.

Greg says the headline cow of the Cosmo family at Sandy-Valley was called Cokisncream. “A Silver daughter from an EX-90 Supersire, Cokisncream scored EX-93, EX(94)MS and is dam of Sandy-Valley Challenger. Challenger ranked as high as number seven on the TPI proven sire list and is transmitting outstanding udders.”

Rounding out the quartet of stand-out cow families was the Barbie family. Greg recalled that these cattle were “beautifully framed and highly marketable.”

Perhaps the most influential Sandy-Valley bull was Sandy-Valley Bolton-ET whose daughters were known for extreme milk yield, good type, and docile temperaments. Bolton was from a unique sire stack, and Greg noted that “he is a great example of what can result when a complimentary mating works like you hope it will.” Like Saloon, Bolton is a former number one TPI proven sire.

Long-lasting influence

The Registered Holstein cow remained central to the progress at Sandy-Valley Farms. In addition to helping keep the farm profitable, they provided the family a spark of enthusiasm and excitement.

Early in their dairy farming careers, the Bauer brothers formed a vision for their family’s farm and worked with integrity, persistence, and curiosity to achieve their dreams. It was the dedication and effort of the Bauer family and those they worked with, combined with the genetics and marketability of U.S. Registered Holsteins, that made them successful.

The Bauer brothers and the incredible genetics of the SandyValley herd are a true example of what is possible with a little grit, determination, and finding joy in the journey along the way. They’ll tell you while breeding a great one was always satisfying, the little moments along the way can be just as fulfilling.

Such fulfillment was seen in promoting family-focused effort in the role of dairy farming in America and working to elevate the value of the Holstein breed in the dairy industry in America and abroad.

The Bauer brothers and family are proud of the accomplishments they have made through the years and are thankful to all those who

supported and traveled that amazing journey with them.

Mitch Kappelman named Distinguished Young Breeder

On a spring day in eastern Wisconsin, Mitch Kappelman pulls on a sweatshirt and breathes in the brisk early-morning air. With a broad smile, he walks through the center alley of the freestall barn as a group of cows file back in after morning milking.

Located just four miles from Lake Michigan, his family’s Meadow Brook Farms near Manitowoc is in an ideal region for dairy production. Cooler summer temperatures and warmer days in the winter help keep animals comfortable and productive, along with dedicated management and care.

It’s a lifestyle that runs deep within Mitch’s family ancestry. The farm was established more than 150 years ago with a few cows, and rows and rows of potatoes. Today, Mitch is the fifth generation to farm on the family’s land.

“Farming is something I’ve always known,” says Mitch, the 30-yearold son of Pete and Shellie Kappelman. “Growing up here, it’s what we did every summer. It’s what we did before school and after school. So, farming was always clear.”

From a young age, he knew he wanted to be involved in the dairy industry — and now, he is living out that dream as he manages the herd at Meadow Brook Farms. Because of his enthusiasm for dairy farming and the Registered Holstein® cow, Holstein Association USA proudly honored Mitch with the 2022 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder award.

Finding his way

Through the years, Mitch says his passion for agriculture was ignited through the National Junior Holstein Association. Competing at shows and popular events like Dairy Bowl and Dairy Jeopardy, he made lifelong friends and connections.

“I grew up showing cows and attending national conventions,” Mitch says. “That transitioned in high school when I started taking on leadership roles with the Wisconsin Junior Holstein Activities Committee. I just tried to take the bull by the horns where I could.”

After graduating with a dairy science degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2013, Mitch worked as a herd analyst for Accelerated Genetics. After a couple of years, his passion led him back home to the farm.

“I loved the genetics side of things and working with other farmers, but there’s nothing like working with your own cows,” he says. Today, he is involved in all of the day-to-day activities at Meadow Brook Farms, caring for the herd of Registered Holsteins and a team of 11 employees.

“My biggest priorities are employees and cow health,” Mitch says. “I’m constantly going through and making sure everybody is healthy,

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 33
Mitch Kappelman received the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder award from HA USA CEO John Mayer (left) and President Jonathan Lamb (right) at the National Holstein Convention. photo courtesy of HA USA

employees and cows, to keep everything running smoothly.”

They milk around 425 cows, three times a day, in a double-nine parallel parlor. The rolling herd average is just over 30,000 pounds of milk, with 1,230 pounds of fat and 927 pounds of protein. Since their milk is eventually marketed as cheese, high components are key. They are currently at 4.1% fat and 3.1% protein, and look to continue raising the bar in the next five years.

Mitch also takes pride in maintaining a low somatic cell count (SCC), and the farm consistently has a SCC between 49,000 to 70,000. Meadow Brook Farms was recognized for their low SCC with a Milk Quality Award from Land O’Lakes in 2021. The farm also has a beef-on-dairy program and sells meat locally.

Mitch says a big part of his breeding philosophy is always striving for new genetic goals, while never losing sight of what keeps the herd grounded — keeping cows healthy and comfortable. Together, these practices lead to productive, long-lasting cows.

“The key to having success is setting your genetic ceiling high,” he says. “The majority of our herd is commercial. We’re looking for productive cows with strength, great health traits, with DPR and great components. I want cows that last forever.”

Harnessing technology

Mitch relies on several programs from Holstein Association USA to keep the herd moving forward, from registration to classification, and TriStar to genomic testing.

“We genomic test every calf with CLARIFIDE® Plus,” he says. “Using genomic testing, each string of cows within the herd is making leaps and bounds. With some of the herd bred for type and most bred for commercial production, having a focused goal for each animal is helping to achieve my goals.”

With a mind that enjoys crunching the numbers, Mitch used his experience evaluating sires to create his own weighted index for the herd at Meadow Brook Farms. Coined “Mitch Match,” he uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to analyze numbers to benefit each individual cow.

“I use it to determine which cows get bred dairy, which get bred beef, which get sexed semen, and which get embryos,” he says. “It is a great way to refine the female and male herds, and create the best combination from the two.”

Mitch says they also use the genomic data management tool, Enlight, from Zoetis, to stay up-to-date on herd genetics. Tools like this allow them to do more, with less.

After returning home to the farm, Mitch implemented the CowManager activity system, which he credits to helping him reduce their labor force and double the herd’s pregnancy rate. The attention to detail, both for cow care and breeding decisions, is paying off.

Meadow Brook Farms has been recognized with the Progressive Genetics Herd award for the past seven years, and they ranked within the top 25 BAA herds for their size in 2021. They’ve had seven Gold Medal Dams and 19 cows with lifetime milk production greater than 200,000 pounds.

At the end of the day, Mitch says he simply loves being with the cows, just as his family has done for generations before him. “I enjoy working with the cows. That is clearly my favorite part,” he says. “Seeing baby calves born, seeing a new heifer freshen, is exciting. And it’s exciting seeing them develop. Because I remember breeding her. I remember the granddam. I remember all of these things.”

New horizons

As inventive as he is entrepreneurial, there’s much more in store for the 2022 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder. Always eager for more knowledge, Mitch was part of class 10 of the Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI), following in his parent’s footsteps. His dad and mom were in class one and two, respectively.

He has remained involved in the Manitowoc County Holstein

Association, serving six years on the board of directors, including a term as president. In 2018, he organized the first Breeder’s Cup event in his home county. He was also chair for the 2019 Wisconsin Adult Holstein Convention.

In August, Mitch will marry his fiancée, McKenzie Beattie, and the couple looks forward to raising their family on the farm. He says receiving the Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award motivates him to keep moving forward.

“To win this award means that I’m on the right track,” Mitch says. “It means I’m doing good things, but that doesn’t mean I want to stop. I want to keep going, I want to do more, I want to be better. And I’m excited for where that future’s going to lead.”

Elite Breeder and Distinguished Young Breeder articles courtesy of HA USA

WHA seeks Director of Marketing & Membership

The Wisconsin Holstein Association is looking for a dairy enthusiast to fill the role of Director of Marketing and Membership. This position manages the association’s membership database and will be responsible for developing and executing social media campaigns and sponsorship programs. Additional details can be found at wisholsteins.com

Salary or Hourly: Full-time salary OR part-time hourly, depending on the candidate

Reports to: Executive Director

Location: based in Baraboo, WI with some remote work possible

Major Duties & Responsibilities:

• Maintain and update membership database to ensure accurate member information is recorded and provide necessary membership reports

• Coordinate WHA sponsorship efforts to include maintaining current sponsor relationships and assist in recruiting new sponsors.

• Develop and execute social media marketing plan with the goal of creating a stronger brand for the WHA and its members.

• Assist in event planning of conventions, shows, meetings, all of which may involve travel and attendance at after-hours functions to assist the staff for set-up and tear down at events.

• Identify guest speakers, arrange for appearances, and assist with exhibits to build awareness and enhance the brand of Wisconsin Holstein.

• Lead the Wisconsin Holstein Royalty program and serve as a mentor for the youth involved.

• Travel and attendance at events, some after hours, will be required in order to promote the Association and build strong relationships with members and partners.

• Provide excellent customer service to members by answering questions, filling requests and mailing necessary materials in a timely manner.

Preferred Knowledge and Skills:

• Excellent communication, organization and time-management skills.

• Strong oral and written communication skills with experience interacting with members or customers directly.

• Understanding of current social media tools and trends

• Ability to handle multiple tasks at one time with strong prioritization skills.

• Flexibility to adapt to deadlines and is a self-starter once briefed on a project.

• Strong knowledge of PC operating systems as well as experience in Microsoft Office, Access database management, and general office equipment. Education and Experience:

• A BS or BA degree in a related field or equivalent experience.

• 3-5 years of communications or customer service experience preferred.

• Dairy industry experience preferred.

Send your resume, cover letter and two letters of reference by Sept. 1, 2022 to: WI Holstein Association, 902 8th Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913; or email lauraw@wisholsteins.com. Please call 1.800.223.4269 with questions.

34 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022

Embr yo Transfer and Fetal Sexing

Dorshorst, MS,

715 340 7271

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 35 E mail: cybilfisher@hotmail com Associate P hoto gra pher: Lea Jordan Phone: 608 214 1845 E mail: leamccullough@gmail com O ffice: 920.465.3880 Cybil: 920 737 3050 Need your message to reach every WI Holstein member? Advertise in the Wisconsin Holstein News! Our magazine reaches over 2000 WI Holstein members each month Call today to reserve your ad space! 1 800 223 4269 • Embroider y • A wards • • Caps • Jackets • Shirts • Halter Bags/Saddle Bags • Director Chairs • Blankets/Hoods/Sheets Stock Designs Available “Personalizing One or More” Pat Gauthier W4987 County Rd B, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Ph: (920) 477 5062 • Fax: (920) 477 5061 e mail: pat@initial design com • www initial design com Nor th Central & Nor thwest: Jeremy Totzke , 715-316-8529 Easter n: Al White , 920 296 1482 Southwest: Rich Coulthard, 608-778-2347 Dane & Columbia Counties: Lindsey Kreier, 608 697 1153 David Kendall, Director of Genetic Development, 608 346 1605 STgenetics Representatives Ser ving Wisconsin Dair ymen mpions use MU-PRO www.alphageneticsinc.com 920 650 1631 Embr yo Transfer and Fetal Sexing We offer a full range of reproductive ser vices... ity • using Matthew Dorshorst, MS, DVM Phone: 715 340 7271 matt.dorshorst@gmail.com Marshfield, WI 54449 www ruralins com A Farm Bureau ® Ser vice Rural Mutual Insurance Company Statewide Ser vices , Inc 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 Office: 920 322 1194 Fax: 920 921 5834 Cell: 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com Brian Greenman Agent Commercial, Farm & Per sonal Insurance offic office 920 921 4168 fax 920.921.5834 cell 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 CLA S SIFIED ADVERTISING Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Bar n Floor Grooving • Serving all states • All classes of livestock fac • 4 grooving options to fit your needs • Milk parlors • Holding pens • Feed Lots • Freestalls • Alleys 92 260 402 4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen. Reproductive Ultrasound Fetal g 608/469-6100 arter.net m 880 050 d t h • Embroider y • A wards • Caps Jackets Shirts • Halter Bags/Saddle Bags • Director Chairs • Blankets/Hoods/Sheets Stock Designs Available Personalizing One or More” Pat Gauthier W4987 County Rd B, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Ph: (920) 477 5062 • Fax: (920) 477 5061 e mail: pat@initial design com • www initial design com Nor th Central & Nor thwest: Jeremy Totzke , 715 316 8529 Easter n: Al White , 920-296-1482 Southwest: Rich Coulthard, 608 778 2347 Dane & Columbia Counties: r, 608 697 1153 David Kendall, Director of Genetic Development, 608-346-1605 STgenetics Representatives Ser ving Wisconsin Dair ymen m Embr yo Transfer and Fetal Sexing We offer a full range of reproductive ser vices... • Fetal sexing by ultrasound • EU Cer tified Collection Facility • Embr yos available • Select non lactating donor housing office 920.322.1194 office 920 921 4168 fax 920 921 5834 cell 920 410 4533 reenman@ruralins.com 258 South Main St., Fond du Lac , WI 54935 A S SIFIED ADVERTISING Fall, CALL! g ving all states • All classes of livestock fac s o • Milk parlors • Holding pens • Feed Lots • Freestalls • Alleys 557 Da .4494 Pat Conroy ple helping dairymen IPPER Sales ohlow 5388 y Rd., WI 5410 12:23 PM Page 1 ultrascn@charter.net E mail: cybilfisher@hotmail.com Associate P hoto gra pher: Lea Jordan Phone: 608 214 1845 E mail: leamccullough@gmail com O ffice: 920 465 3880 Cybil: 920.737.3050 Need your message to reach every WI Holstein member? Advertise in the Wisconsin Holstein News! Our magazine reaches over 2000 WI Holstein members each month Call today to reserve your ad space! 1-800-223-4269 • Embroider y • A wards • • Caps • Jackets • Shirts • Halter Bags/Saddle Bags • Director Chairs • Blankets/Hoods/Sheets Stock Designs Available “Personalizing One or More” Pat Gauthier W4987 County Rd B, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Ph: (920) 477 5062 • Fax: (920) 477 5061 e mail: pat@initial design com • www initial design com Nor th Central & Nor thwest: Jeremy Totzke , 715 316 8529 Easter n: Al White , 920 296 1482 South t Rich Coulthard, 608 778 2347 Dane & Columbia Counties: Lindsey Kreier, 608-697-1153 David Kendall, Director of Genetic Development, 608 346 1605 STgenetics Representatives Ser ving Wisconsin Dair ymen Champions use IMMU-PRO www.alphageneticsinc.com 920 650 1631 E b T f d Fetal Sexing roductive ser vices... und acility Embr yos available • Select non lactating donor housing Matthew Dorshorst, MS, DVM Phone: 715-340-7271 matt.dorshorst@gmail.com Marshfield, WI 54449 www.ruralins .com A Farm Bureau ® Ser vice Rural Mutual Insurance Company Statewide Ser vices , Inc . 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 Office: 920 322 1194 Fax: 920 921 5834 Cell: 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com Brian Greenman Agent Commercial, Farm & Per sonal Insurance office 920 322 1194 office 920 921 4168 fax 920 921 5834 cell 920.410.4533 bgreenman@ruralins com 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 CLA S SIFIED ADVERTISING Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Bar n Floor Groovi • All classes of livestock fa • 4 grooving options to fi your needs • Milk parlors • Holding pens • Feed Lots • Freestalls • Alleys 920.723.1557 Dave Schmocker 260.402.4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen W4203 Shady Rd., Black Creek WI 54106 ve d g 00 ur message to reach I Holstein member? the Wisconsin Holstein News! gazine reaches over 2000 ein members each month y to reserve your ad space! 800 223 4269 • Embroider y • A wards • • Caps • Jackets • Shirts • Halter Bags/Saddle Bags • Director Chairs • Blankets/Hoods/Sheets Stock Designs Available “Personalizing One or More” Pat Gauthier nty Rd B, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 477 5062 • Fax: (920) 477 5061 ial design com • www initial design com Nor th Central & Nor thwest: Jeremy Totzke , 715 316 8529 Easter n: Al White , 920 296 1482 Southwest: Rich Coulthard, 608 778 2347 Dane & Columbia Counties: Lindsey Kreier, 608 697 1153 David Kendall, Director of Genetic Development, 608 346 1605 STgenetics Representatives Ser ving Wisconsin Dair ymen Embr yo Transfer and Fetal Sexing u Fetal sexing by ultrasound • EU Cer tified Collection Facility • Embr yos available • Select non lactating donor housi Matthew Dorshorst, MS, DVM Phone: 715 340 7271 matt.dorshorst@gmail.com Marshfield, WI 54449 man m & ce 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 D ADVERTISING E mail: cybilfisher@hotmail com Associate P hoto gra pher: Lea Jordan Phone: 608 214 1845 E mail: leamccullough@gmail com O ffice: 920 465 3880 Cybil: 920 737 3050 Need your message to reach every WI Holstein member? Advertise in the Wisconsin Holstein News! Our magazine reaches over 2000 WI Holstein members each month. Call today to reserve your ad space! 1 800 223 4269 • Embroider y • A wards • • Caps • Jackets • Shirts • Halter Bags/Saddle Bags • Director Chairs • Blankets/Hoods/Sheets Stock Designs Available “Personalizing One or More” Pat Gauthier W4987 County Rd B, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Ph: (920) 477 5062 • Fax: (920) 477 5061 e mail: pat@initial design com • www initial design com Nor th Central & Nor thwest: Jeremy Totzke , 715-316-8529 Easter n: Al White , 920 296 1482 Southwest: Rich Coulthard, 608-778-2347 Dane & Columbia Counties: Lindsey Kreier, 608 697 1153 David Kendall, Director of Genetic Development, 608 346 1605 STgenetics Representatives Ser ving Wisconsin Dair ymen Champions use IMMU-PRO www.alphageneticsinc.com 920 650 1631 Embr yo Transfer and Fetal Sexing W ductive ser vices... d ility g ousing Matthew Dorshorst, MS, DVM Phone: 715 340 7271 matt.dorshorst@gmail.com Marshfield, WI 54449 www ruralins com A Farm Bureau ® Ser vice Rural Mutual Insurance Company Statewide Ser vices , Inc 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 Office: 920 322 1194 Fax: 920 921 5834 Cell: 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com Brian Greenman Agent Commercial, Farm & Per sonal Insurance of 4 office 920 921 4168 fax 920.921.5834 cell 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 CLA S SIFIED ADVERTISING Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Bar n Floor Grooving • Serving all states • All classes of livestock fac • 4 grooving options to fit your needs • Milk parlors • Holding pens • Feed Lots • Freestalls • Alleys 920.723.1557 Dave Schmocker 260 402 4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen. BULL SHIPPER Semen Craig K 920 639 W4203 Shady Rd., Black Creek, WI 54106 Reproductive Ultrasound and Fetal Sexing Sandy Cur ran, DVM 608/469-6100 ultrascn@charter.net
We offer a full range of reproductive ser vices... • Fetal sexing by ultrasound • EU Cer tified Collection Facility • Embr yos available • Select non-lactating donor housing Matthew
DVM Phone:
matt.dorshorst@gmail.com Marshfield, WI 54449 www.ruralins .com A Farm Bureau ® Ser vic Rural Mutual Insurance Com Statewide Ser vices , Inc 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , Office: 920 322 1194 Fax: 920 921 5834 Cell: 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com Brian Greenman Agent Commercial, Farm & Per sonal Insurance office 920 322 1194 office 920 921 4168 fax 920.921.5834 cell 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Bar n Floor Grooving • Serving all states • All classes of livestock fac s • 4 grooving options to fit your needs • Milk parlors • Holding pens • Feed Lots • Freestalls • Alleys 920.723.1557 Dave Schmocker 260 402 4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen. Semen Sales Craig Krohlow 920 639 5388 W4203 Shady Rd., Black Creek, WI 54106 Sandy Cur ran, DVM 608/469-6100 ultrascn@charter.net E mail: cybilfisher@hotmail com Associate P hoto gra pher: Lea Jordan Phone: 608 214 1845 E mail: leamccullough@gmail com O ffice: 920.465.3880 Cybil: 920 737 3050 Send Her to Sunshine 3 Enhance the value of your elite donor cows and heifers with ET & IVF 3 Three veterinarians & a professional staff manage 200 embryo donors 3 Donor cow comfort and individual attention are our specialty 3 Donors are seen by many buyers of elite genetics 3 A full service AETA Certified Embryo Technologies company Give us a call to discuss your ET & IVF needs! W7782 Hwy. 12, Whitewater, WI 53190 • Phone: 262 473 8905 • Fax: 262 473 3660 E mail: sunshine@idcnet com www sunshinegenetics com Dane & Columbia Counties: Lindsey Kreier, 608 697 1153 David Kendall, Director of Genetic Development, 608 346 1605 www.ruralins .com A Farm Bureau ® Ser vice Rural Mutual Insurance Company Statewide Ser vices , Inc 258 South Main St , Fond du Lac , WI 54935 Office: 920 322 1194 Fax: 920 921 5834 Cell: 920 410 4533 bgreenman@ruralins com Brian Greenman Agent Commercial, Farm & Per sonal Insurance Embr yo Transfer and Fetal Sexing We offer a full range of reproductive ser vices... • Fetal sexing by ultrasound • EU Cer tified Collection Facility • Embr yos available • Select non lactating donor housing Matthew Dorshorst, MS, DVM Phone: 715 340 7271 matt.dorshorst@gmail.com Marshfield, WI 54449 Need your message to reach every WI Holstein member? Advertise in the Wisconsin Holstein News! Our magazine reaches over 2000 WI Holstein members each month Call today to reserve your ad space! 1 800 223 4269 Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Bar n Floor Grooving • Serving all states • All classes of livestock fac • 4 grooving options to fit your needs • Milk parlors • Holding pens • Feed Lots • Freestalls • Alleys 920 723 1557 Dave Schmocker 260.402.4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen Classified Advertising Help cows reach their genetic potential • Greater Milk + Type + Longevity • The secret: Unlock more herd health, feed efficiency and reproductive success for greater milk checks and profits • Gain over 80 cents more profit per cow per day • 3 of the 4 last world record cows fed Immu-Pro • Tremendous aid to calf health and growth • Immu-Pro improves your herd SCC • How much can you improve with Immu-Pro this year? To order or for more info: 920-650-1631 Alpha Genetics, Inc. | alphageneticsinc.comB REEDER B USINESS C ARDS BULL SHIPPER Semex Semen Sales Craig Krohlow 920-639-5388 W4203 Shady Rd., Black Creek, WI 54106 R Rickert Bros. LLC Home of Rickland Holsteins Jim & Kelly, Greg & Laura, Andrew & Shannon, Don & Lila Rickert Eldorado, WI 54932 rickertkel@gmail.com • 920-960-9640 RHA: 1037 cows 31,221 3.9 1220 3.0 943 24 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Expanding Hoof-Trimming Business! Please call Dave Schmocker, 920-723-1557 •15+ years of experience, references available •3 full-time hoof trimmers •Appleton steel Upright Comfort Chute •Large & small herds •Your satisfaction is our guarantee! •Serving a 200 mile radius of Madison, Wis. Don’t wait for them to Fall, CALL! Barn Floor Grooving • Serving all states •All classes of livestock facilities •4 grooving options to fit your needs •Milk parlors •Holding pens •Feed Lots •Freestalls •Alleys 920.723.1557 Dave Schmocker 260.402.4494 Pat Conroy Dairy people helping dairymen.

Calumet County

District 10 Report

The October issue of the will feature District 5: Columbia, Sauk, Marquette, Green Lake, Juneau and Adams Counties

2021 Adult Membership: 24; Junior Membership: 16

Adult Association Officers: President: Larry Meyer; Vice President: Adam Faust; Secretary: Angela Hoefler; Treasurer: Ashley Brantmeier

The CCHB organization kicked of 2022 with its 105th Annual Meeting held on January 13. Badgerland Nutrition sponsored lunch at Neighborhood Bar & Grill in Brant, and a business meeting followed. In March, the Rural/Urban Mardi Gras Banquet returned to Cobblestone Creek in Brillion. Gold Star Farms, David Geiser & Deb Reinhart, were honored as Farmers of the Year. Brianna Meyer was named the Outstanding Youth of the Year. CCHB Members helped organize a Dairy Foods Pop-Up Event at the Calumet County Fairgrounds in June. Artisan grilled cheese sandwiches, petting zoo, sundaes and milk were featured in conjunction with Chilton’s Summer Festival.

Calumet County Juniors attended Area Animal Science Days in June. The senior judging team- Brianna Meyer, Austin Meyer, Jordan Lemke and Brianna Lemke, qualified for state. Brianna Meyer placed fourth in oral reasons and fifth high senior. Juniors Abby Meyer and Bentley Brantmeier also participated. Bentley placed fifth high individual and qualified for the state contest.

Brianna Meyer is a second year National JAC and she placed fifth in Dairy Jeopardy this year at the National Convention.

Annually, the CCHB is proud to sponsors awards and monetary donations at the fair, Wisconsin State Fair and District Shows or various organizations.

We welcome you to join us at these future events: September 4, 7:30 p.m.: 7th Annual CP Feeds Futurity at the Calumet County Fair, Chilton. A memorial dedication will also take place to honor the late Donald Steege; January 6-8, 2023: Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention, Manitowoc being hosted by Calumet/Manitowoc Juniors; June 25, 2023, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Sundae on the Farm, Shiloh Dairy in Brillion.

Fond du Lac County

2022 Adult Membership: 69; Junior Membership: 41 Junior Association Officers: President: Kaylee Mess; Vice President: Emily Stumpf; Secretary: Sam Mess; Treasurer: Dylan Ryan; Directors: Leah Mess, Cameron Ryan and Miles Rickert

In April we hosted a judging, showmanship and getting your calf from pen to showring clinic at the Kamphuis Farm. We had a great turnout of 40 kids!

Fond du Lac County Juniors have been busy with summer showing. We had 14 juniors show at District 10 show.

At the Fond du Lac County Fair we held our annual corn hole toss and ice cream social. The ice cream was handed out by Fond du Lac Fairest of the Fair, Kaylee Mess. On Friday, the juniors hosted the first annual DressA-Critter contest. We had two age divisions and a great turnout for the first year! We also just finished up our Eatons Pizza Fundraiser.

Manitowoc County

2022 Adult Membership: 68; Junior Membership: 31

Adult Association Officers: President: Amanda Koener; Vice President: Taylor Wittmus; Secretary: Vanna Leichtfuss; Treasurer: Austin McCulley; Directors: Aaron Breunig, James Lepich, and Angie Staudinger

Junior Association Officers: President: Brianna Meyer; Vice President: Clarissa Ulness; Treasurer: Austin Meyer; Secretary: Garrett Ulness; Reporter: Laney Neuser; Advisors: Amanda Krahn and Nicole Breunig

The 2021 Manitowoc County Fair was held last August 24-28 in Manitowoc and was the highlight of summer for many adults and youth exhibitors alike. Winning Grand Champion Holstein of the Open Show was Milkinaire Dairy with their 5-year-old cow Milkinaire Deman Allstar. Winning the Culver’s Futurity was Siemers Holsteins with Siemers Avch


The association’s annual banquet concluded fall of 2021 by recognizing outstanding members. The 2021 Manitowoc County Distinguished Holstein Breeder went to Sunnyside Dairy Farms, The Borgwart Families. The Career Achievement Award was presented to Dr. Lyle Holschbach for his many years of service to the dairy farmers of Manitowoc County and beyond. Winning the 2021 MCHA Breeder’s Cup Award was Kress-Hill Dairy as they won both Best Herd and Top Cow.

Junior awards are also presented each year at the banquet. The Outstanding Junior Member award was given with the 2021 recipient being Whitney Ulness. Clarissa Ulness was recognized as Holstein Girl, for her many years of outstanding service to the junior organization.

At the 2022 Junior Holstein convention, Manitowoc had two junior teams and a rookie team compete in dairy bowl. For most of our junior team members, this was only their second time competing. We are excited to see them develop their knowledge over the coming years. In the dairy jeopardy contest, Brianna Meyer topped the Intermediate division. Laney Neuser was recognized as a Young Distinguished Junior Member. Clarissa Ulness will continue to represent the Northeast District on the Junior Activities Committee and was selected to serve as the committee chair in 2022. Brianna Meyer was elected to serve on the Junior Activities Committee to represent the Northeast District, as well.

In May, several junior members traveled to Wautoma to attend Cow Camp. Since then, they have been deep in preparation to host the 2023 Junior Holstein Convention at the Holiday Inn Manitowoc from January 6-8. They are excited to welcome everyone to Manitowoc County to help spread their dairy roots!

The Manitowoc County Holstein Association is also looking forward to hosting the 2023 District Show in Manitowoc.

Thank you to all the supporters and volunteers of our adult and junior associations who make all of the events that we do possible!

Sheboygan County

2021 Adult Membership: 64; Junior Membership: 38

Adult Association Officers: President: Jeff Bleck; Vice President: Chris Widder; Secretary: Michelle Schmidt; Treasurer: Ben Smith; Directors: Kara Abraham, Erin Jens, Brad Laack, Glen Ubbelohde, Bob Vandoske

The Sheboygan County Adult and Junior Holstein Associations have had an exciting and busy year. In September, 29 cows graced the showring for the 21st Sheboygan County Holstein Futurity, sponsored by Sartori. Serving as the official judge that afternoon was Ryan Krohlow. Top five winning animals were: First: Budjon-Vail Atomic Bomb-ET owned by Bleckview Farm; Second: Red-Brae Doorman Theresa-ET owned by Bleckview Farm; Third: Elmlo Vogue Ricki owned by Jim and Austen Schmidt; Fourth: Siemers Avch Monalisa-ET owned by Robert Vandoske; Fifth: BoothHaven Lanaii-Red-ET owned by Hanke Farms. Congratulations to all our exhibitors!

The annual meeting was held in December where new officers were elected, we received reports from the Sheboygan County Junior Holstein members and a state report from state Board member Sara Feldmann. We were also able to have a recap of her year as the 2021 Wisconsin Holstein Princess from Zoe Ertel, a Sheboygan County Junior. In June, Sheboygan County hosted a highly successful District 10 Holstein show where 202 animals were shown. Thank you to everyone that helped make this event possible! We wish everyone good luck with the remainder of the show season.

Many Sheboygan County juniors attended the Junior Holstein Convention in December. The junior quiz bowl team consisted of Audrey and Leo Gartman, Macie Abraham and Alison Gartman finished fourth out if 28 teams! The senior team consisted of Elise Bleck, Brady Bleck, Jared continued on page 38

August/September 2022 – Wisconsin Holstein News – 37



Index to Advertisers

Sarah Trapp



Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Crawford, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Iron, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Price, Richland, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix, Taylor, Trempealeau, Vernon, Washburn

Holstein Association USA Area Representatives

Chris Lyons 920-723-2406 clyons@holstein.com

Adams, Calumet, Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, Lafayette, Manitowoc, Marquette, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Rock, Sauk, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waushara, Winnebago

Mandi Kipp 920-530-5023 mkipp@holstein.com

Brown, Door, Florence, Forest, Kewanee, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, Oneida, Outagamie, Portage, Shawano, Villas, Waupaca, Wood

continued from page 37 Abraham, and Zoe Ertel that placed first and represented Wisconsin at the National Junior Holstein Convention. Our juniors also found success in dairy jeopardy. Jared Abraham placed second in the Senior Dairy Jeopardy contest, Macie Abraham finished fourth in the Intermediate Dairy Jeopardy contest and Alison Gartman placed second in the Junior Dairy Jeopardy contest. At the awards banquet, Alison Gartman received the Young Distinguished Junior Member Award, Royce Booth received the 12 & Under award and Elise Bleck received the Distinguished Junior Member award and was a National DJM Representative! The convention also marked the end of Zoe Ertel’s year as Wisconsin Holstein Princess and Elise Bleck’s two-year term serving on the Junior Activities Committee.

In June, a group of Sheboygan county juniors attended the National Junior Holstein Convention in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The senior quiz bowl team finished fifth in the national contest. Alison Gartman competed in junior dairy jeopardy and finished first! Elise Bleck was named one of the 12 National Distinguished Member Semifinalists.

Winnebago County

2022 Adult Membership: 18; Junior Membership: 15

38 – Wisconsin Holstein News – August/September 2022
Alpha Genetics 35 Bert Mar Holsteins 31 Cattle Traxx 35 CentralStar Cooperative 9 Crisdhome Farm 22 Cybil Fisher Photography 35 Go-Sho Cattle Co. ..................................... 35 High Sierra Distributing .......................... 35 Initial Design ........................................... 35 International Protein Sires ...................... IBC Koepke Farms, Inc...................................... 8 Origin Reproduction Services .................. 35 Rickert Bros., LLC ........................................ 7 Rural Mutual/Brian Greenman .......... 35, 36 Second Look Holsteins, LLC ....................... 7 Sugar Creek Dairy .................................... 38 Willows-Edge ............................................. 2
Olympian x Aria EX-92 x Apple EX-96 • Has a September Latenite sold to Canada
CRUSH ALWAYS RC EX-90 EX-MS VEVVE Crush x Arriel EX-92 x Aria EX-92 x Apple EX-96 • Daughter Sugar-C Warrior Trish-Red-ET VG-88-2Y sold to Canada • Warrior Trish’s December daughter by Latenite sold to Canada SUGAR-C EXCEED-ET EX-90 EX-MS at 3Y Her dam, Hypnotic Eve-ET EX-90 EX-MS, daugher of Arriel • Exceed’s December Latenite sold to Canada We would like to thank Dave Dyment of Dymentholm Holsteins for his interest in Sugar Creek Genetics! Rick and Marleen Adams N5633 Hwy O, Elkhorn, WI 53121 | Phone: 262-728-0702 Cell: 262-374-0793 | Email: marleenkayadams@gmail.com RHA: 640 cows, 32,500 4.1 1320 3.3 1050 BAA: 107.2 | 2017 Herd of Excellence | 17 years PBR and 14 years PGH Photos © Andrew Hetke
PO Box 157, 304 W. Broadway Rock Springs, WI 53961 U.S.A. WWW.IPSSIRES.COM 800-542-7593 or 608-524-8086 Fax: 608 524 6935 E-mail: contact@ipssires.com “Breeding Cows, Not Numbers” A Division of Our Help Inc *according to the April 2022 Holstein USA’s Red Books Plus Program World Record Sired By SireIPS R&W Milk Record A Current Red & White Leader in the IPS Line -Up: RINGLEADER-RED-ET CDCB PTAs 4/22 aAa 243165 DMS 126/123 +1503 Milk Type + 1.95 UDC +1.74 #9 Milk R&W S ire with +1503 Milk* Only R&W Genomic sire with +1500 Milk & +1.74 UDC* Swingman-Red x EX-90 S alvatore *RC x 10 of next 11 Generations VG or EX Maternal D ams 566HO1336 DEWGOOD BARBWIRE-RED-ET 54HO552 HYLITE A1A2 S c arlet-S ummer Mar tini-Red "EX-94" 3E 5-00 2x 365d 69,630 5.2 3629 3.3 2305 Life: 2076d 275,800 4.6 12,556 3.3 9215 O wner: S c arlet-S ummer Farm, PA Congra tula tions on this amazing accomplishment!
Let us do the work for you! The Wisconsin Holstein Association staff has the talent and knowledge to help you with your next marketing venture. Specializing in: • Ad design - print and online • Website Design • Social Media Consulting and Management • Logo Design • Photography Contact Mara for a quote! All ad design is FREE with the placement of an ad in the Wisconsin Holstein News. October 2021 Ad for Selz-Pralle Dairy Website for Ever-Green-View Logo design for K-Manor Holsteins Wisconsin Holstein Association Mara Budde: 800-223-4269 ext 2 marab@wisholsteins.com Laura Wackershauser: 800-223-4269 ext. 1 lauraw@wisholsteins.com Photo of Floydholm MC Emoji-ET for October 2019 Cover

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