YEMI - The Refugee Magazine

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JUNE 20th 2020


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SHE LEADS By Adhieu Achuil Dhieu


BORTOPRA GROUP By Eric Rugambwa Museveni

African Musings: “Refugees didn’t just escape a place. They had to escape a thousand memories until they’d put enough time and distance between them and their misery to wake to a better day.” | June 20th 2020 | YEMI | � |

— Nadia Hashimi

Editorial Director Foni Vuni

Copy Editor Musa Asubuhi

Creative Director Mary Mwangi

Design Director Wairimu Kioko Features Editor Olyvia Kimathi Contributing Writers

Foni Vuni, Adhieu Achuil Dhieu, Eugene Mbana, Jean Marie Ishimwe, Eric Rugambwa Museveni Advertising enquiries Editorial enquiries Š2020 by Wikitabu Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint or quote excerpts granted by written requests only.

Published by Wikitabu Publishers Ltd

contents editor’’s note


| June 20th 2020 | YEMI | � |


contents SHE LEADS By Adhieu Achuil Dhieu

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angaza africa By Eugene Mbana


By Jean Marie Ishimwe

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contents BORTOPRA GROUP By Eric Rugambwa Museveni

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Editor’s note:


Happy World Refugee Day (20th June) and Father’s day (21 st June). In our first issue of the YEMI magazine, we celebrate all the amazing people who fight tirelessly for refugees all over the world, we love you.

To all the fathers who ensure Day (20th June) and Father’s that their children have someone day (21 st June). to look upto, we love and respect you. We are excited to partner with Wikitabu Publishers in creating this magazine that will highlight news, trends, innovations, opinions and other important forms of expression by refugees and for the refugees. A Happy World Refugee


i n u V i n Fo

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Together we are determined to cause positive change and live by it. Welcome to the story of our lives, we hope to inspire you.

THE HUMAN ME I really tried to fit in but no one would give me the benefit of doubt. Each day, I had to face new challenges; new obstacles that would slowly eat me up. I really thought that I was the lowest of the lowest. By Foni Vuni

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ow could this be happening to me? How would I get past this? When would someone look at me as a human being? Someone with goals, ambition and endeavors to pursue their dreams. When would I find someone who really cared and wanted to listen to me? Someone

When would I find someone who really cared and wanted to listen to me?

who would just spare time to hear me out and acknowledge my victory without having to

remind me where I was from. Someone who would stop trying to fix me and instead treat me as the human me. These are some of the questions that forcibly displaced persons, and others in the community, have to think about every single day. Many times, we judge others based on where they are from, the experience we have had, and the perceptions that society has programmed into us. Many times, we have looked down on others to feel better about ourselves.

other’s needs. The human me is a weak, selfish being. However, the human me remembers that the same love I have for myself, I need to have for others. I need to go an extra mile to fight my strong urges to be selfish

and mind others too. I remember that I have been in bad situations and someone fought their I need to go an extra selfish urges to show mile to fight my strong me what it means to urges to be selfish and be human. I rememmind others too. ber that it takes one kind act to others to create more kind acts for others.

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Our humanity doesn’t need to be measured based on the approval we get after our acts of kindness, instead, our humanity needs to be centered around unconditional love. Our humanity needs to look past our own selfless needs and mind

At times, in the hopeless situations we all experience, all it takes to make a difference is to be human. All it takes, is one act to make an impact.

RESPONSE ON COVID-19 Covid-19 has affected many communities around the world, exposing the social and amenities gaps that these communities have. Refugees, who are vulnerable persons, have also not been spared, especially the refugees in the community who have various layers of vulnerability.

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o respond to this South Sudanese, Ugandan, Nigerian, challenge, refugee led Burundian and Ethiopian. organizaThe different refutions mobilized various gee led organizations resources that they had The different refugee were; Youth Voices and used it to assist 164 led organizations were; Of Nairobi, Kadana, vulnerable people from Youth Voices Of Nairobi, L’afrikana, Dream the community. The Kadana, L’afrikana, Magical Studios and following nationalities Dream Magical Studios YEMI. All these organiwere included in the and YEMI. zations worked together drive to ensure they had to ensure that the most a meal during the panvulnerable people in demic season; Kenyans, their communities had some food Sudanese, Congolese, Rwandese,

and essential protection items. We are grateful to everyone who lend a hand. The food distribution continues with the second phase happening during the refugee week i.e. 15-21 June.

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My name is Adhieu Achuil Dhieu. I am an entrepreneur, a girl-child education advocate, women and girl’s rights advocate. I am a South Sudanese. By Adhieu Achuil Dhieu

Education is like a ray of light in total darkness. Education acts

as a strong and stable foundation to most refugees. It’s no secret that a good education has power to change lives. After getting education, girls and women are able to gain valuable skills and knowledge which can assist in knowing and understanding

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moved to Nairobi for schooling purposes and I am currently a student at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).

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their rights. Hence, prevention soap and masks. So far, I have made of gender based violence (GBV) soap and masks that have been is possible. Also, it helps them distributed in the refugee camps. to be able to get good jobs, not I also conduct online learning only in the refugee camps, but sessions with girls to ensure that also in their countries of origin. they are not left behind in their Education also provides a great curriculum. I believe that we are opportunity to make a decent liv- the change we want to see. You ing. Most refugee girls can see some of the and women use their work I am doing in skills and knowledge the community by During the Covid-19 gained from different following my social pandemic, I am using fields to build their media handles. the skills I have to make own businesses which soap and masks. leads to self-dependency and improving of living standard. Some even go as far as being entrepreneurs and coming up with new ideas CONNECT WITH ME ON and producing new products in FACEBOOK - click the icon. the market. This is a dream come true to some dream chasers, surely, education is a ray of light in the dark. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I am using the skills I have to make

Connect with me on IG click the poster.

By Eugene Mbana Send me an email - click the icon.


esilience is built by being persistent

and keeping on until you reach the mark. Hi, I am Eugene Mbana and I am passionate about our beautiful Africa. Since 2015, I work tirelessly to see Africa’s stars shine bright by organizing memorable events within East Africa. Some of the artists I have worked with are:

2. Rwanda, Healing worship team, Alarm ministries, True promises and

3. Burundi, I have worked with Dudu and look forward to working with even more Burundian artists. I am also managing some artists, like: • Ndondo Museveni • Eugene Blessing • Bobo, Polo family • Rwanda peace voice I represent the voice of the East African and work to ensure that we have memorable afrocentric events that are meticulously prepared for and executed. Karibu Africa na Angaza Africa.

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1. Kenya, Kidum, Rosemary Njagi, Alice Kimanzi, Andy Mburu, Vicky Kitonga, Pst. Tumaini, Pst. Nikko, Mercy Masika and Ndondo Museveni among others.

Israeli Mbonyi among others.



uring these trying times when we are all dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, one important thing to have is a Sim card to be able to access Mpesa and communicate.

For most refugees however, this is a luxury they cannot afford. Some vulnerable members of the community are assisted by different NGOs, but since most have closed their offices, they can only get assistance/remittances through mobile money. However, a number will not be able to get this as they don’t have the sim cards. In the month of May 2020, some refugee led organizations came together and shared important information on the Sim card registration guidelines made in 2019. You can read more about it here:

15th May 2020


n response to your publication of new Guidelines for Registration of SIMCards, 2019, the refugee leadership

and the Refugee Led organizations wish to recognize the role played by the Communication Authority in Kenya and the role in making

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guidelines for sim card registration in Kenya. As you may be aware, according to Refugee Affairs Secretariat (RAS) and UNHCR, there are 494,585 refugees in Kenya as of end of March 2020, majority of

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whom are hosted in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps. RAS and UNHCR estimate that there are over 70,000 areas including Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and other peri urban areas spread across Kenya. Communication and access to information via mobile continue to be an everyday necessity. Mobile cash transaction has become part and parcel of each refugee in Kenya. Communication is an important part of response during the COVID-19 period. It’s essential in ensuring timely information is able to reach our community. Most members in the refugee community have been facing a lot

of challenges when it comes to registration of Sim card. Others have had their lines suspended while others turned down when looking to purchase Sim cards due to their documents. Documents are part of our everyday life and we can’t access public services or even Sim cards without documentation. Refugee documentation is issued by the government of Kenya through the office of Commissioner of Refugees and RAS. As a refugee leader and refugee led organizations, these are some of the recommendation, we would like to make regarding the guidelines for your consideration. 1. Validation of refugee documents can only be done if there is capacity strengthening on the various documents that refugees have. It’s also important to recognize that refugee IDs expire after five years, replacing them gives

them a new number meaning that the records that existed before would not be in synch causing inconveniences to them. Telecommunications operators and other stakeholders should consider expanding their list of acceptable refugee documents that are issued by RAS. They also should plan to ensure they are aware of the different refugee document’s refugee’s poses. They should also provide additional or regular training on the different types of documents refugees hold.

4. C urrently most humanitarian agencies including refugee service providers are resorting to cash transfers to reach the most vulnerable persons they serve in their community; however, most refugees don’t have access to mobile money because of documentation and registration challenges. It’s important to remember that refugees are part of the community as well and we can’t leave them behind. The refugee youth leaders and refugee led organization remain available for further discussion on the implication of the ‘Guidelines for Registration of SIM-Cards, 2019’ and how it impacts of refugee lives in Kenya.

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2. U nder monitoring compliance and enforcement of Sim registration it’s important to also have data on the percentage of refugees allowed to register as this will provide accountability and reinforce compliance to the guidelines. This should also include follow up with the population to hear directly from them if the guidelines are being followed.

3. T here should be coordination with other relevant stakeholders to establish processes for refugees to easily amend information concerning their documentation before suspending their Sim cards.

Signed by: Refugee Leader/Refugee organization Youth Empowerment and Mentorship Initiative (YEMI)

Name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Foni Joyce Hussein Hulufe Ogate Jean Marie Ayan Mohamud Yusuf Tut Michael Fred Birori Mukiza

Oromo Cultural Association Youth Voices of Nairobi Tawakal Youth organization Conflict transformation for development Refugee Youth Leader

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YOUTH VOICES OF NAIROBI Youth Voices Of Nairobi is a refugee based initiative whose main mandate is to globalize refugee issues-opinions, challenges and success stories through social media and other platforms such as events and engagement sessions with an aim of empowerment, giving a voice and also finding solutions to challenges faced by refugee youth and vulnerable local youth. By Jean Marie Ishimwe

to develop the youth in being self-reliant people in the society. We partner with other existing organizations that share our vision and those that are willing to bring to us technical support to see us succeed in our mission.


ur goals

a) Give a voice to refugees and find solutions to challenges faced by refugee youth and vulnerable local youth.

c) Building on the skills of youth through trainings, workshops and other relevant events so as

1. Jean Marie Ishimwe 2. Fashingabo Chocho IMPACT: Our impact can be drawn from the events we do, they give refugees youth exposure and motivation which translates to them feeling empowered. For example the #youthsonthemove initiative we had last year. This was done to appreciate refugee youth and locals who are positively impacting their communities. Secondly, by giving relevant platforms to refugees to talk about their challenges and solutions, they feel heard and are open to discussions to seek solutions for the problems they face. We also recently launched the #webelieveshow. This show

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b) To be a partner organization with UNHCR and other related organizations in sharing timely and important information.

The initiative is co-founded by:

provides refugees the platform to have conversations that lead to finding viable solutions. COLLABORATIONS: We partner with other existing organizations that share our vision and those that are willing to bring to us technical support to see us succeed in our mission. Some of our partners are refugee led/host community led organizations in Nairobi and also NGOs that work for refugees: • Bortopra music group, • Xavier project, • Gifting hands

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• The SED • Defyhatenow (that focus on having conversations around peace building • Oasis Mathare (A host community led organization that teaches youth how to create graphics art,

coding and IT skills) • Sahib (A host community organization that uses social media to share the stories of resilience of refugees and also educates the host community youth on how they can work together with refugees.).

Contact 0705008067 or +254 751 174248


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BORTOPRA GROUP Bortopra group was founded in 2016

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By Eric Rugambwa Museveni


ric is the current legal representative. We empower young people from both refugee and host communities to achieve their dreams. We have 4 major programs:

1. Life skills training 2. Youth empowerment 3. Inspiration talk 4. Children programs.

Each program has several activities and from of our programs, we have been able to grow to 100 active members representing both the refugee and host communities. We work with volunteers from the community, and have proactively created a partnership with refugee led organizations and host communities.

Contact: 0704662415 or 0753376379


Officially, we have a partnership with an NGO called Conflict Transformation for Development and have received grant funding from UNHCR partners like DANISH.

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We have a youtube channel called bortopra tv. The channel’s main purpose is to promote refugees in spreading their resilience stories and also give them a platform to showcase their talents. We also use the platform to inspire other refugees to work in order to achieve their dreams.

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