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UNO, Mercado Central Main entrance Mercado Central Tel.: 963 829 251 https://www.facebook.com/ unomercadocentral

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CERVEZATYRIS.COM Tfno: 961 13 28 73




MENÚ COMIDA entre semana ............. 9,90 € MENÚ CENA entre semana ....................12,90 € MENÚ COMIDA fin de semana ............ 11,90 € MENÚ CENA degustación ...................... 12,90 €

Y si no puedes venir TE LO LLEVAMOS A CASA www.pide-clectic.rest Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 63 (esq. Conde Salvatierra) / Tel. 96 322 77 48 · www.clectic.rest AUTHENTIC VALENCIAN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT WITH OVER 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. NEXT TO PLAZA AYUNTAMIENTO.


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UNO UNO is the emblematic new stand of the Mercado Central, a place to meet and sample food at the central market of Valencia. UNO fits right in at the Mercado Central, so enjoy a snack, and take the opportunity to re-discover local products. It is the project of the very amiable and experienced owner Rafael Valls. This is a place to get reacquainted with the culture of local markets, to grab a bite and try new items. Walk into the main entrance of the Mercado Central and UNO is right there, with a design by the renowned Jaime Hayón that aims to honour the essence of a traditional market experience but in a new way. It is the fresh ingredients that truly rule over the stand of ‘UNO’. Savour their delightful ‘bocados’, fresh © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia


Spanish sandwiches of the highest quality, a new bottle of wine, a spur-ofthe-moment coffee, a counter filled with succulent sweets and desserts brought by artisan suppliers. Here you’ll find the best of traditions, and there is always some new product to be surprised by. And everything in the best possible setting, you will find ‘UNO’ at the entrance of the Central Market!

comercio cercano desde una manera

UNO es la emblemática nueva parada del Mercado Central de Valencia. Donde el mercado encaja. Un tentempié, nuestras cajas para comer, aquellos productos locales que (re)descubres... Es el proyecto de Rafael Valls para revalorizar la cultura de ultramarinos, de 'picar', de probar novedades locales. Cuando entras por las escaleras principales, allí está UNO, diseñado por el prestigioso Jaime Hayón en una incursión que pretende ensalzar la mejor esencia tradicional del

sorprenderse. Y todo en el escenario

nueva. La materia prima es la reina en esta parada. Bocados de frescura y calidad intacta, una nueva botella de vino, un café repentino, un mostrador con dulces suculentos traídos por proveedores artesanos. Donde encajan las mejores costumbres, donde siempre haya un nuevo producto con el que más privilegiado de todos, en la entrada del Mercado Central.

UNO, Mercado Central Main entrance Mercado Central Tel.: 963 829 251 h t t p s: // w w w.f a c e b o o k .c o m / unomercadocentral

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Editorial FEBRUARY 17

















‘SHORT AND SWEET’ February is an odd month. In Valencia, the sun starts to seep out and it doesn’t really feel like glum winter anymore. This is a city that really flourishes with good weather. The terrazas start to fill up, dining out, going for long walks and clubbing and gigging all become viable options to pass the time rather staying in with the telly and internet. Of course, Saint Valentine’s Day gives the month that extra spark too… To celebrate the Chinese New Year, Helen Westwater has a ‘Dumpling’ recipe just for you. In restaurant of the month, we visit the long-established and newly refurbished Indian restaurant ‘Taj Mahal’. We also report on ‘UNO’, the latest welcome addition to the Mercado Central with its authentic and attractive selection of Valencian food, drink and desserts. Our drinks connoisseur, Riki Wigley, has a look at the growing trend for Valencian Vermouth. In ‘Valencia Music’, we have an exclusive interview with the Starlite Campbell band regarding their studio

out in the country, ‘Supertone’ record label and latest album release ‘Bluberry Pie’. In ‘Valencia Film’ we interview Jonathan Hall about his film ‘SOLO’, set in the mountains of a village in the Valencia region. You can also read all about the life of writer Blasco Ibañez as Valencia celebrates 150th anniversary of his birth this year… Check out our exclusive photos of ‘24/7 Valencia Party People’ and a ‘Clubland’ article about what’s going on in the nightlife world in Valencia during February. In ‘Valencia Shopping’ we visit Novedades Casino, which is a fascinating little shop in the old centre that specializes in old posters and books from the region and so much more. In ‘Valencia Comic’, we interview local legend Fedde Carroza about his work and his active life that combines illustration with sports, music and working in the Barrio del Carmen. Have a great month, keep on shining and see you all soon… Cheers! 24/7 Valencia team


editor: Will McCarthy. contributors: Altogringo, John Murphy, Owl, Helen Westwater, Víctor Aranda García, Julián Jiménez, David Rhead, José Antonio Marín, Adri Castellanos, Micael Kiernan, Tim Birch. distributed by: groovy cat Ltd. email: ed@247valencia.com móvil: 650 639 177 online: www.247valencia.com FOR PRIZES, INFO, EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS, DAILY UPDATES,... JOIN US WITH 'LIKE' ON...

24/ 7 Valencia

is the definitive English speaking guide to Valencia. 24/7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, The Guardian, Time Out, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let´s Go, CNN.com, Business Traveller magazine, Footprints, Ryanair... Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the editor. 24/7 Valencia does not accept responsibility for date/time/venue changes. According to copyright law any reproduction, either total or partial, is completely forbidden without written permission of the editor. All articles, past and present, printed in 24/7 Valencia magazine are copyright of Orange Skies © 2017 Legal deposit: D4562606

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All Photos © Víctor Aranda García / 24/ 7 Valencia 2017 Móvil: 693 704 520 / www.victorarandagarcia.es

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I seem to have changed streams quite a few times in my life. The early years involved a bit of doing up property in London (it was the early ‘80s, after all!), then lots of travel, then 10 years or so involved in cricket, as a semiprofessional player and coach. I also started a cricket bat-making company called Millichamp and Hall, which is still going to this day (though no longer anything to do with me) and which, though I say it myself, is a bit of a cult. When I sold that, I moved into writing (something I had always done). I am now in year 15 of my infallible, get-richin-three-years writing plan.

daughters – I think even at that age it seemed like some kind of paradise. Then I had a wild summer here, staying with another local family, when I was in my teens. We’ve found it pretty easy to fit in here (‘here’ being the village of Barx in Valencia province), specially by speaking a bit of Spanish and we are overwhelmed with how welcoming and accommodating the Spanish are. In fact, as Londoners, it’s taken more effort to adapt to village life than it has to living in Spain Without ruining the ending… could you tell us in detail about the film ‘SOLO!’

This is ‘SOLO!’ in a nutshell:

What brought you to the Valencia region and how does it compare to living and working in London?

When London busker Barney inherits a tumbledown cottage in a rundown Spanish village, all he wants to do is sell it, and go back home – before the villagers discover that he’s the son of the man who ruined the village in the first place.

I’d studied Spanish at university, so I guess there was always a chance I would end up here. I actually remember spending a summer in Gandía when I was 11, with a local family of seven

But to sell the house, Barney needs money to fix it up. So with help from local musician Paloma, and despite her ex-boyfriend’s interference, he sets about re-forming the village band, and

winning the prize money in an upcoming competition. However, when he stands in to play a trumpet solo at the funeral of the previous bandleader, he inadvertently reveals that he is his father’s son – their playing styles are indistinguishable. How will the village react? And what will Paloma do now?

This is the website, which has a little teaser on it, and which also has a blog of the entire process from conception through to Oscar win (ahem!): https://socialscreen.co.uk/films/solo

The idea came to me when I was sitting in the village bar wondering what to get my wife for her birthday, when the Barx band marched past. I thought: Maybe I should ask them to do a ‘Happy Birthday’ flash mob, which got me thinking... Has it been difficult to fund the film?

It’s always difficult to fund films, and – oddly – the lower the budget, the harder to fund. We simply couldn’t have made this film without the extraordinary generosity of everyone involved, all working for free or, in the case of the professional ‘heads of department’, for minimum wages. In the end, it felt like

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the whole village was involved, and not least the wonderful band. Nevertheless, we did need to fly people over from the UK, accommodate them, and feed them. There are also unavoidable things like insurance, hard drives (it’s not celluloid anymore!), music licences, etc. To fund that, we found a couple of private investors, and also my wife’s company, La Montaña, that makes scented candles inspired by our new life in Barx. The ethos of her business (nostalgic, feel-good) fitted perfectly with the film, so, in a way, the film is a kind of advert for the candle business.

in smaller independent cinemas – the kind where you can sit in a comfy seat and sip a glass of wine – or with an ondemand service like Netflix. There are even pop-up cinemas nowadays. The whole thing is becoming much more democratic.

And all of this was umbrella-ed under a UK tax scheme called an EIS (all perfectly legit!) which encourages investment into small businesses – movies included.

"On our mountain, at first light, there’s a heavenly fragrance in the air. Before anyone starts an engine, or lights a fire, the air is clear, and still, and silent. The first breath of the day carries the perfume of wild mountain herbs; fennel, rosemary, mountain pepper, and intoxicating rockrose. The alchemy of these fragrances, blended naturally on the breeze, weaves a magical spell… The inspiration for our first candle.”

What is the future for film, television and cinema with so much streaming on the Internet?

The future is pretty bright, as it happens. Yes, a lot more people are making movies, but there are now many more ways to get them in front of an audience. The key is to find the right way for your movie. Multiplexes may be fine for huge Hollywood blockbusters (franchises, superheroes, epics), but movies like ‘SOLO!’ probably don’t belong there – though I’m not ruling it out! Actually, it’s probably more likely to find a home

Could you and your wife Cassandra tell us about your ‘La Montaña’ product?

We didn’t move to Spain to start a business – far from it, we moved here to smell the roses. But even before the movie, Cass had already started a business: http://www.lamontana.co.uk.

In fact, before it was an inspiration for a candle, it was just a beautiful part of our new life, but when Cass became obsessed by trying to ‘bottle’ the fragrance, the candle business was born. The candles sell online, the business is now two years old, and is going from strength to strength – there

are now seven fragrances, stockists, distributors, etc. Hard work, but you know what they say: If you love your job, you never work a day in your life. Do you have any plans for the coming years?

For the film, it’s now a question of doing a great job in post-production (that means making the images look even lovelier and the sound even more amazing – a lot of work considering all of the music); we want to make the film as fabulous as we can, not least so that Barx can be proud. That whole process will take a few more months. We’re still hoping to have a cast-and-crew screening in Barx’s outdoor amphitheatre this summer. After that, we need to find a sales agent to take it around the world selling it. And with that come lots of trips to film festivals around the world to try to promote it. Sounds okay to me! Obviously, I already have a treatment for ‘SOLO! 2 (The Big Gig)’. All we need are a couple of investors… And for the candles… we’ll be introducing new products (e.g. reed diffusers), new combinations of products (sets of mini-candles) and a new (secret!) fragrance - Cass’s very favourite part of the business Interview by Owl

Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

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STARLITE CAMPBELL BAND Tell us something about both of your backgrounds in music and the name of your band…

Well, we are pretty seasoned songwriters and musicians and, following a whirlwind musical romance, we married on May 12, 2014 in Inveraray, Scotland. Suzy is a fine vocalist and songwriter plus plays fiendishly groovy bass, guitar and keyboards. She studied media & performance at Salford University and was a member of the folk-rock band Megiddo, who released an EP in 1994, followed by an album in 1996. In 2012, she formed the band Starlite and drafted in Simon on guitar. That year they played many gigs featuring all original material, including Mannifest, a three day festival on the Isle of Man. Simon is a guitar player, vocalist, songwriter and record producer. Following a number of original bands, he was signed to Polydor Records in the early ‘90s and released an album with his band Little Brother. After the band split, he went on to form the Disciples and released an album in

1994. In 2011, Simon was nominated in the Best Vocalist category in the British Blues Awards following the release of his debut solo album ‘ThirtySix’. 2014 saw Simon release his second solo album, ‘The Knife’, which reflected his increasing love of acoustic music from both sides of the Atlantic. We started the Starlite Campbell Band in January 2016, co-writing our new blues album ‘Blueberry Pie’ in just two weeks in April, and recorded it at Supertone Records over the next few months. How do you find living and working as musicians in Spain?

To be honest, it’s pretty tricky as we are full-time musicians with a session band from the UK and we all need to earn a living! The scene is pretty full of jazz and Latin-based music, rock, pop, etc… so we need to travel to play live. There are festivals over here, which we are planning to play over the course of this year. Hopefully, our agent can string all this together into a tour. Could you fill us in about your studio and record label in the Valencia region?

Of course! We run Supertone Records and operate a world-class vintage/ analogue studio from Estivella in the mountains near Sagunto, around 25 minutes’ drive from the heart of Valencia.

The studio is centred around a Trident Vector 40-channel mixing console with a great history from Bjork and Alvin Lee to Rammstein and the Manic Street Preachers, complemented by many vintage instruments, microphones, outboard and amplifiers including a Yamaha acoustic piano, Hammond organ and Wurlitzer electric piano. We principally set this up to record our own music but we do let it commercially for around 20 weeks a year. It’s a fantastic creative space. The new album was recorded and mixed there and is receiving fantastic reviews from all over the world from North America, Canada to Australia and everywhere in between. We also work with artists and release them on the label. Currently, we have world-class saxophonist and woodwind player, Javier Vercher, who just

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STARLITE CAMPBELL BAND released his duo album ‘Filantropía’ with Jorge Rossy. We also have Ales Cesarini featuring Payoh Soul Rebel, who recently released ‘Nyabinghi’ on Supertone Records. Would you take us through each track on your new album, ‘Blueberry Pie’?

Well, it’s a blues album with a feel centred around the mid/late ‘60s British blues explosion. This wasn’t intentional and happened organically as the recording techniques and sounds with which we wanted to paint pushed the record in that direction. We wanted to keep the album constrained to a four-piece, without additional instrumentation so it could be reproduced live. The lyrics also depart from the blues norm and are written about people and situations we saw during the course of early 2016. Many of the tracks started with a riff and “Walkin’ Out the Door” is no exception. Suzy started playing and the guitar just came naturally, informed by the groove. The build at the end happened during the recording process as much of the album was recorded live. “I Need A Light” started with a bass riff and the more major-sounding scale that was used in the melody kind of told us it needed a slightly psychedelic sound and hence the harmony fuzz guitar in the solo. We love the Wurlitzer part on this, great work by Jonny. We went through many permutations of lyrics to get where it needed to be in “You’re So Good for Me”. The solos really played off each other with Jonny really piling it on towards the end; the Hammond organ nearly caught fire! The lyric of “Cry Over You” really drove the melody and arrangement and used the guitar lines and chords to enhance its power. Even though wrapped in a Texas bluesstyle wrapper, “Say What You Want” is

a straight-up protest song. Jorge Rossy comment on Steve’s groove – “That is one mean-ass shuffle”. We love acoustic music and vocal harmony is something not found so often in the blues. “Blueberry Pie” is just the two of us and was done in one take. Clean as a whistle. Suzy is historically a folk singer and says she doesn't do blues. Well “Guilty” shows that she can and has been rightly quoted to sound like Dusty Springfield. The middle eight is Simon’s favourite bit of music on the album.

choice on drums and percussion due to his blues credentials! Jonny Henderson (Robben Ford, Matt Schofield, Otis Rush) was drafted in on Hammond organ and Wurlitzer electric piano following a pretty intense

Every album needs an “Empire”, one take of riffing complementing the angry lyric… Yes, we were pissed off. “Don’t Get Me Wrong” started life as a totally different feel and it was only when we came to record that we saw it as it should be. It features Simon on lap steel guitar. Guitar instrumentals are always fun and we wanted “Shimmy” to reflect that carefree ‘60s vibe. The final track “Thrill You” is the sort of thing you would have heard in an American smoky blues club in the early ‘60s. Many reviews say that the guitar is inspired by B.B. King, but actually it was Peter Green to whom Simon tipped his hat... Tell us about the story behind the distinctive front cover and the other musicians who recorded the album with you…

The cover was shot by Suzy in the late ‘70s as part of her school photography project which she developed herself. It’s of her Grandma Betty, who clearly was fed up of being photographed and a moment of joking was caught by the camera. We were very fortunate to be able to get ahold of the perfect musicians for the album. Steve Gibson (Van Morrison, Jack Bruce, Chris Farlowe) has known Simon for 25 years but only played in a band together briefly. He was the obvious

search for the right guy and he fitted in perfectly! And finally we have seen Danny Boy Sánchez play harmonica at many a blues jam and loved his style and articulation! What are your musical plans for 2017?

2017 will see us touring in Europe and the UK on the back of the amazing support we have received from the worldwide blues radio and magazine community!!! We have also started to write the next record which again will be based totally in the blues. Could the Valencia region be a new Nashville for musicians in the future?

We love the place and the Californian climate is very conducive to creativity. It’s also very inexpensive; this combination of factors could really make this happen with an influx of contemporary musicians from all styles and genres. There needs to be some political will from the local government to promote the region in this way to really make it happen. Interview by Owl

Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

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CELEBRATING THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BIRTH Novelist, journalist, politician, war correspondent, founder of utopian communes, publisher of books and newspapers, voluntary exile, tireless traveller, political prisoner, anti-cleric, duellist and womaniser; Vicente Blasco Ibáñez was born in Valencia in 1867. His novels have made him one of Valencia’s most celebrated sons. But, just like Valencia Football Club manager Voro, he always considered himself to be a man of action rather than words. Blasco Ibáñez is, after Cervantes, the most translated Spanish writer of all time and 17 of his books have been made into films. He wrote more than 20 novels but his best known works internationally are “Blood and Sand” from 1908, which was later brought to the cinema in a Hollywood blockbuster starring Rudolf Valentino. Even more famous was “The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse” from 1916, for which he

was awarded membership of the French Légion d’Honneur. These two novels in particular brought him great riches. “Horsemen” spent twelve months at the top of the US best-sellers list in 1916 and 1917. To Blasco Ibáñez’s great personal delight, it outsold even the Bible in the middle of the Great War. The novel has had four separate screen adaptations; the most famous was directed by Orson Welles. In Spain, he is better known for his earlier period of regional novels, which many critics claim to be vastly superior to his international best sellers. Titles like “Cañas y Barro”, “La Barraca”, “Entre Naranjos” and “Arroz y Tartana”, which were all written between 1894 and 1902, reflected the harsh life of the rural lower classes in the Valencia region at the beginning of the Industrial revolution. Progressive and social realist, they were highly critical of both the ruling classes and the closedminded, stuck- in -the -mud attitude of the Valencian peasants themselves. The money he made from the regional books gave him the freedom to spend the next two years writing his three darkest, almost Kafkaesque attacks on social injustice and the power of the church: “The Cathedral”, “The Intruder” and “The Hoard”. As the archetypal champagne socialist, the stark social

criticism of the novels contrasted sharply with his playboy lifestyle, with a harem of lovers in his luxury home (now a museum) on the French Riviera. This was far and away his least commercial but probably most personal period, and you’d be hard pushed to find any copies of his books from this period in Fnac or El Corte Inglés (and quite rightly so). He then, of course, followed it up with 11 consecutive international best-sellers including “Blood and Sand”, “Four Horsemen” and “Mare Nostrum”. Throughout his life, he was largely rejected by his literary peers and, in particular, the renowned group of intellectual writers of the time, collectively known as “La Generación del ‘98”, who considered him to be too commercial. Not that he was too bothered, with his palatial homes in the south of France, New York and Valencia, and to some extent he openly enjoyed the ostracism. When asked why he was never accepted as part of the ‘Generación’ his laconic reply was: “Because people actually buy my books”. As a politician, Blasco Ibáñez was what you might call a utopian and what you’d almost certainly call a maverick. He founded his own Valencian political party, the republican separatist Partido Federal in 1891, only to be expelled

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by his own former supporters five years later. He then joined the Partido Republicano Federal and served as an MP from 1898 to 1907. After falling out for the umpteenth time with his colleagues in 1909, he decided to found a party more in his own image, the Partido Republicano, known in the press as the “Blasquistas”. The party was based on three principles close to Blasco Ibáñez’s idealistic heart. “We are Valencian, utopian and staunchly anti-cleric”. He financed the party throughout with grand and somewhat eccentric gestures, like the time he paid for a plane to drop leaflets all over Spanish territory carrying his speech entitled “Por España y Contra El Rey”. As you can imagine, King Alfonso XIII wasn’t best pleased and called for his arrest. This type of thing was nothing new to Blasco Ibáñez, who throughout his life was arrested more than 30 times, both for political reasons and, more often than not, as a result of his womanising. He was well acquainted with local judges and never imprisoned for too long. He was never slow to say his piece and actively sought political controversy which, along with a long queue of offended husbands, meant that he was involved in more than 20 non-fatal first blood duels (life was too much fun to risk actually being killed). Amazingly, the Blasquistas outlasted even the man himself, until the party

was finally disbanded after a disastrous result in the 1936 election with Spain on the verge of civil war.

dollars each. That was a veritable fortune in those days, but then, you have to pay the rent somehow.

Blasco Ibáñez was fiercely Valencian but also a citizen of the world. He always kept his home on Malvarrosa Beach (where his dutiful long-suffering wife waited for him) but he lived at different times in his life in Mexico, Argentina, France, New York, Rome and Florence, and travelled to Mongolia and China, always surrounded by the trappings of his millionaire lifestyle. In 1909, he went to Patagonia in the south of Argentina where he set up two utopian communes named ‘Ciudad Cervantes’ and ‘Nueva Valencia’. The societies were to be cooperative and self-sufficient and incorporated Valencian farming methods, along with dozens of Valencian farmers that Blasco Ibáñez had brought along with him. The experiment was a financial disaster, but the towns he founded still exist and he came back to Spain virtually bankrupt but happy. We’re not sure what happened to the Valencian farmers…

Blasco Ibáñez died in Menton in France in 1928, having made many friends and enemies, made and lost a few fortunes, and lived a full and eventful life. His body was brought back to Valencia in 1933. His grave was neglected during the dictatorship (Franco wasn’t really a fan of his work) but since 1976 he has been given full honours and a big, brash, noisy avenue was named after him.

In 1916 he worked as a war correspondent all over Europe during the Great War. It was a labour of love as he didn’t exactly need the money. In 1920 he spent a year on a lecture tour of the United States, hosting conferences on El Quijote for which he earned 1,000

To visit the museum: CASA MUSEO BLASCO IBÁÑEZ C/ Isabel de Villena, 156 46011 Valencia Tel. 96 208 25 86 cmvbi@valencia.es

2017 marks the 150th anniversary of his birth. Valencia will be celebrating throughout the year with events and exhibitions in honour of Blasco Ibáñez, a person who Valencia mayor Joan Ribó very recently described as the “most universal Valencian citizen of the last few centuries.” You can visit the museum that was once his home near the beach in Valencia. David ‘Arroz’ Rhead and José ‘Tartana’ Marín

www.casamuseoblascoibanez.com Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

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TAJ MAHAL When we first arrived on these shores some 18 years ago, it was hard to find restaurants serving international cuisine and there were just a couple of Indian restaurants, as far as I remember. One of them was the Taj Mahal, which is still going strong and has just recently been completely revamped. Established in 1990, it has been serving Indian and Pakistani dishes for 27 years! We went just before Christmas - me, B and D. We went again last week to try the new menú del día. The refit is clean, very light and gives the whole room a very spacious feel. There are panels of brightly coloured photos of India as you walk in the front door and to your right there is a window waterfall which is very attractive. There are framed pictures on the white walls, more photos and some paintings and tapestries. All the tables

are laid with white linen and attractive crockery in muted colours. To the right of the main room there is a bar from where they serve drinks, not just wines, but I have it on good authority that they serve great cocktails and mocktails! We had a very nice Kir Royale on arrival.

jalfrezi and me the lamb rogan josh. We also ordered, to share dhal tarka (fried yellow lentils), palek paneer (spinach and cheese), pilau rice and naan bread. We snacked on poppadoms and pickles while we waited for our dishes and shared a red bottle of Acantus 2014.

It’s all a great improvement over its previous incarnation, I particularly liked the fact that there is a good deal of space between the tables. More and more often in restaurants lately, I feel like I might as well be sharing a table with the people next to me when we are seated so close together. I was also impressed with the acoustics, no straining to hear each other speak over a background of babble that crescendos to a peak as the evening progresses.

There are two menús de degustación (taster menus) on offer – one for two people priced at 35€ and another for three people at 55€. The first menu consists of two starters – pakora and chicken tikka followed by chicken tikka masala or lamb madras with basmati pilau rice and a cheese naan. The 55€ menu consists of three starters - pakora, chicken tikka and seekh kebab followed by a choice of chicken tikka masala, lamb madras or chicken Mughlai with basmati pilau rice and a cheese naan.

On our evening visit we decided to order á la carte. D went for the mixed grill, a large and sizzling dish of griddled king prawns, a kofta and lamb and chicken tikka. B ordered the mix vegetable

On our return visit, the menú del día offered the pakora starter and for the main a choice of vegetable curry or lamb madras. I chose the lamb and

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B the vegetable curry – we ordered a rice and a naan (included in the 10.95€ price). The pakoras were really good and came with a mayonnaise-y sauce and salad. My lamb madras was tasty and the lamb was very tender. B’s vegetable curry was good and quite spicy. Also included in the price was a very quaffable Acantus 2014 red wine and coffee, which represents very good value. The service, too, is great. Next door to the Taj is their supermarket and halal butcher. It’s a great place to get not just your Indian spices, rice and vegetables, but also foodstuffs from all over the world including odd little things you might miss from England - Branston Pickle and HP sauce, for example! They also sell beauty products from India and beyond. The Taj ‘empire’ also includes a warehouse-sized store, selling not just bulk to the trade but also to the public, just off the Pista de Silla in Catarroja. Tim Birch

Taj Mahal Calle Doctor Manuel Candela, 20 (Zona Avenida Puerto) Valencia Tel: 96 330 6264 http://restauranteindiotajmahal.com/

Open every day 13:00h-16:00h and 20:00h-00:00h Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

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By Helen Westwater The 28th of January saw the start of the

Chinese New Year, heralding the year of the Rooster, a sign associated with

wealth. Last year’s naughty Monkey seems to have left us with a certain

wealthy mad rooster creating havoc (!) so let’s hope that by the end of the year,

the true rooster will bring us wealth in health and peace of mind instead! With

that purpose, invite your friends and try these tasty little ‘Jiaozi’ dumplings that are traditionally made to welcome the New Year. They resemble shoe-shaped

gold ingots, an early form of Chinese

e filling. Finely chop all the vegetables and spices. Mix with the minced pork, stirring in the rice vinegar and soy sauce. Place a spoonful of the meat filling on the pastry circle. Wet your fingers in a jug of water and moisten the sides of the circle, fold over the meat and squeeze to neatly seal. Repeat until you have filled all the wrappers. Dust lightly with flour to avoid sticking. If you have a steamer, line the pans with non-stick paper. Alternatively you can boil the dumplings directly in the water, or bake in the oven, or fry. Steam for at least 10 minutes. The pastry will become slightly opaque. Open one dumpling to check it is well-cooked before taking them off the heat. While your dumplings are cooking, mix up the ingredients for the dipping sauce.

currency, and symbolize longevity and

Serve the dumplings hot with the sauce on the side.


恭喜發財, gung hei fat choy, we “wish you more wealth” (and more than anything, health)!


First make the wrappers. Place the

flour in a large bowl, make a well in

the centre and then add most of the water. Mix in the flour with a wooden

spoon to avoid burning your hand until

the mixture gradually comes together. Then knead well. The dough will need

to rest for between 15 minutes to 2

hours. When it has rested, divide into sections and then roll out roughly 25 round balls. Each ball should then be flatten

Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia / Photo by: Nicola Bingham

La Ola Fresca During February will be open: Tuesday – Friday 09.30h – 19.30h Saturday: 10.00 – 19.30 Sunday: 10.30h – 19.30h ‘Speak English’, informal language practice. Every Tuesday 15.00h: Lunch, 10€ Every Thursday

• 300 gm plain flour • 180 ml warm water (just less than boiling)

Filling • 250 gm minced pork • 200 gm Chinese cabbage • 1 inch / 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger • 1 tablespoon light soy sauce • 1 tablespoon rice wine, or dry sherry, or white wine • 1 tablespoon sesame oil • 2 finely chopped spring onions or Chinese chives • 1/2 clove garlic, chopped

Dipping Sauce • 1/4 cup soy sauce • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar • 1 teaspoon thinly sliced scallions • 1/4 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

20.30h: 'Meet and Speak', 5€ minimum cover charge. 18.00h: ‘Pancake Day and Story Time’, children maximum age 10 years old, 5€ Native English speakers also welcome at all events! More information: www.laolafresca.com www.benimacletentra.org

La Ola Fresca C/ Músico Magenti, 11 Tel.: 610 026 305 (For reservations) www.laolafresca.com Zona Benimaclet




CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA De la Gran Tradición al Modernismo: El Retrato Pinazo Hasta 5 febrero Los Recuerdos de Picasso Hasta 25 mayo CENTRO DEL CARMEN Ángulos del Vacío Carolina Ferrer / Encarna Sepúlveda Hasta 5 febrero Índia. Miradas Joves Desde 10 febrero Discursos Premeditados. Colección Fundació Caixa Mediterrani Desde 17 febrero CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Principe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) www.cac.es COLL EGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Bosquera, Geografía i Històries d'un Lloc Juanma Pérez Hasta 26 marzo ESPAI TACTEL Rock It Rosana Antolí Hasta 17 febrero ESPAI VISOR Bits and Fragments Dan Perjovschi & Lia Perjovschi Hasta 24 marzo FUNDACIÓN CHIRIVELLA SORIANO World Press Photos Febrero GABINETE DE DIBUJOS Des-Dobles Tania Abrile Febrero GALERÍA BENLLIURE Pintura Moderna y Contemporánea de los Siglos XIX y XX Permanente GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO Plasma Pool Folkert de Jong Febrero Tristes Tropiques Ting-Ting Cheng Febrero Boiler Room Why Animals Travel Fuentesal & Arenillas Febrero GALERIA PAZ Y COMEDIAS Ensayo Manuel Blázquez Hasta 31 marzo GALERIA ROSA SANTOS The Rise and Fall of Madonna Horiente Chiara Fumai Hasta 10 febrero Sustrato Dinamita Elena Aitzkoa Desde 10 febrero IVAM INSTITUT VALENCIÀ D’ART MODERN EXPOSICIONES IVAM Perdidos en la Ciudad Hasta 4 junio Afinidades Electivas. Ignacio Pinazo y las Vanguardias Hasta 17 septiembre

24/ 7 Valencia Testigos de la Ciudad Hasta 26 febrero Richard Hamilton Objetos, Autorretratos y Gente Hasta 26 febrero Círculo Intímo El Mundo de Pepe Espaliú Hasta 26 marzo El IVAM Produce: Cristina Lucas Hasta 25 junio La Presencia y la Ausencia Xavier Arenós Hasta 7 mayo Corpus Helen Almeida Desde 16 febrero hasta 18 junio INSTITUTO FRANCÉS DE VALENCIA Pixel, Obsession Malvina Sauvage Hasta 24 febrero LA BENEFICENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA Recorrido por la Prehistoria Valenciana, desde el Paleolítico hasta la Época Visigoda Exposición Permanente L’ IBER DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO Exposición Permanente: Guardias Españolas, Coleciones Valencianas, Almansa, Vida Cotidiana, Tirant y Serie Histórica MUSEU DE BELLES ARTES SAN PIO V Renacimiento Barroco Pintura Gótica La Pintura Académica La Pintura de los Siglos XIX y XX Colección Permanente Naturalia Piranesi en la Colección Permanente MUSEO DE PREHISTORIA DE VALENCIA Restes de Vida, Restes de Mort Exposición permanente MUSEU D'HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA Historia de Valencia en Ocho Periodos Exposición Permanente MUSEO VALENCIÀ D’ETNOLOGIA Huerta i Marjal El Secano y la Montaña La Ciudad Vivida. Ciudades Valencianas en Tránsito, 1800 – 1940 Exposiciones Permanentes Inventant la Tradició Indumentària i Identitat Hasta 30 abril Joan F. Mira, L’Ofici d’Observar i Escriure Hasta 9 abril MUVIM L’Aventura del Pensamiento Exposicion Permanente Torre Islámica Exposicion Permanente Valencia Según el Pare Tosca Exposicion Permanente Palpitacions i Art Gandul Messa Hasta 5 febrero Railowsky Hasta 5 febrero Mirar Aquello Visible y Invisible Massao Okinaka Hasta 5 febrero UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, LA NAU 30 x 30 Railowsky Underground Hasta 19 marzo Todo Está por Hacer Valencia, Capital de la República (1936-37)

FEBRUARY 17 Hasta 19 febrero El Triunfo de la Imagen El Daguerrotipo en España Hasta 23 abril La Falla Inmaterial Desde 20 febrero hasta 19 marzo Balance de una Trayectoria Wences Rambla Desde 20 febrero hasta 30 abril OPERA

PALAU DE LES ARTS La Traviata Giuseppe Verdi 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 22 y 23 febrero Sala Principal TEATRO

CIRCUITO CAFE TEATRO www.circuitocafeteatro.com ESPACIO INESTABLE Orán (teatro) 10 – 12 febrero Borders and Ports…Graneros de Creación (teatro) 10 – 12 febrero Exil Flyg Platsen (teatro) 16 – 19 febrero Martingala (teatro) 24 – 26 febrero Stratus/ Liminal Animal (danza) 27 – 28 febrero Relincho (teatro) 3 – 5 marzo SALA RUSSAFA Julio César de William Shakespeare 10 – 19 febrero Gloomy Sunday 24 – 26 febrero TEATRO OLYMPIA Por el Humor Al Arte (humor) Bertín Osborne y Paco Arévalo 2 – 26 febrero Gisela y El Libro Mágico (teatro músical) 4 – 26 febrero La Casa de Bernarda Alba (teatro) 13 febrero Impro 3 (mónologos) Jandro, Jesús Manzano y Miguel Moraga 17 febrero Tosca (opera) 22 febrero Cabaret (teatro musical) Desde 4 marzo hasta 9 abril TEATRO PRINCIPAL El Test (teatro) 1 – 5 febrero Historias de Usera (teatro) 16 – 19 febrero L’Electe (teatro 22 – 26 febrero Ricardo III de William Shakespeare 2 – 5 marzo TEATRO RIALTO Trio 9 – 26 febrero El Crèdit (teatro) 1 – 5 marzo TEATRO TALIA Cervantina (teatro) 1 – 12 febrero Anti San Valentín (mónologos) Pablo de los Reyes y Rafa Alarcón 10 febrero La Crazy Class (teatro) 22 febrero – 12 marzo’ Óscar Tramoyeres (mónologo)

24/7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Lonely Planet, The Guardian, Ryanair


© 2017 24/ 7 Valencia


Pablo de los Reyes y Rafa Alarcón 10 febrero La Crazy Class (teatro) 22 febrero – 12 marzo’ Óscar Tramoyeres (mónologo) 24 febrero Reubicando al Genio Toni Climent 25 febrero Women Comedy (mónologos) Patricia Sornosa, Patricia Espejo, Eva Cabeza y Carol Tomás 4 marzo FILMOTECA IVAC FEBRERO 2017

Vivir Para Gozar: La Edad de Oro de la Comedia Norteamericana Hasta 25 junio Homenaje a Stanley Cavell Hasta 26 abril Centenario Kirk Douglas Hasta 28 febrero Muestra de Cine Colombiano Hasta 8 febrero Básicos Filmoteca Diálogos y Filiaciones Hasta 30 junio 150th Aniversario Blasco Ibáñez Hasta 28 mayo Humans Fest Festival Interncional de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Valencia Hasta 17 febrero Estrenos Filmoteca: Nosotros y Yo 21 – 22 febrero Cine Polaco Contemporáneo 24 febrero hasta 8 marzo ADDRESSES MUSEUMS / GALLERIES

AGRUPACIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA VALENCIANA C/ BEATA, 8 TEL: 96 351 26 20 ALMUDÍN Pl. San Luis Bertrán, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4521 BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 CAFÉ BERLÍN C/ Cádiz, 22. Tel: 96 381 00 24 CAFE MALVARROSA / ESPAI PARAL.LEL Historiador Diago, 20 Tel: 96 320 50 56 CA REVOLTA C/ Santa Teresa, 10 Tel: 96 392 20 88 CENTRO CULTURAL BANCAJA Pl. Tetuán, 23 Tel: 96 387 58 64 CENTRO COREOGRÁFICO DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA Parque de la Granja, s/n, Burjassot Tel: 96 390 47 74 CENTRO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 192 26 40 CIUDAD DE LAS ARTES Y LAS CIENCIAS (L’Hemisferic, Museu de les Ciencies Princípe Felipe, L’Oceanografic) Av. Instituto Obrero de Valencia Tel: 902 100 031 COL·LEGI MAJOR RECTOR PESET Universitat de Valencia


© 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS Plaça del Forn de Sant Nicolau,4 Tel: 96 316 60 00 COMUNICARTE GALERIA BAR C/ Conde de Olocau, 3 ESPACIO SANKOFA C / Beata Inés, 10 ESPAI D'ART BOIRA C / Salvador Giner, 10 Tel: 96 205 82 67 ESPAI TACTEL C/ Denia, 25 Bajo Tel:96 395 88 08 www.espaitactel.com FNAC SAN AUGUSTÍN C/ Guillem de Castro, 9 - 11 Tel: 96 353 90 15 FUNDACION CHIRIVELLA SORIANO C/ Valeriola, 13 Tel: 96 338 12 15 GALERÍA AKKA C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 316 27 27 GALERÍA DUOMO C/ Luis Santangel, 18 GALERIA ESPACIO C / Carles Cervera, 38 www.galeriaespacio.es GALERÍA LUIS ADELANTADO C/ Bonaire, 6 Tel: 96 351 01 79

GALERÍA MR. PINK C/ GUILLEM DE CASTRO, 110 TEL: 96 391 33 34, 669 787 918 www.misterpink.net GALERÍA MURO Correjeria, 5 Tel: 96 391 19 03 GALERÍA PAZ Y COMEDIAS C/ Comedias, 7-2 Tel: 96 391 89 06 GALERÍA PUNTO Av. Baron de Carcer, 37 Tel: 96 351 07 24 GALERÍA ROSALIA SENDER Mar, 19 (Ciutat Vella) Tel: 96 391 89 67 GALERÍA SEGRELLES C/ Ciscar, 4 Tel: 96 333 21 97 GALERÍA TOSSAL Pl Tossal, s/n Tel: 96 398 18 03 GALERÍA VISOR C/ Corretgeria, 26 Tel: 96 392 23 99 GALERÍAS THEMA C/ Cirilo Amorós, 87 Plaza América, 4 IMPREVISUAL GALERÍA C/ Dr Sumsi, 35 Tel: 96 004 16 43, 685 827 523 www.imprevisual.es INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE VALENCE C/ Moro Zeit, 6 Tel: 96 315 30 95 INSTITUT VALENCIÀ DE LA MÚSICA C/ Barcas, 2 Tel: 96 318 44 53 IVAM C/ Guillem de Castro, 118 Tel: 96 386 30 00 JARDÍN BOTÁNICO C/ Quart, 80 Tel: 96 315 68 00 www.jardibotanic.org JOVE ORQUESTRA DE LA GENERALITAT VALENCIANA Tel: 96 318 44 90 / 93 KIR ROYAL GALLERY C/ Doña Germana, 24 Tel: 96 206 67 09

www.kirroyal.es KITSCH INTERNACIONAL ARTEDIVERSO C/ Covarrubias, 5 Tel: 607 636 012 LA BENEFICIENCIA CENTRE VALENCIA DE CULTURA MEDITERANEA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 79 LA CASA ENCESA ESPAI D'ART Plaza La Iglesia, 3 12594 Oropesa Tel: 96 431 37 26 LA GALLERA C/ Aluders, 7 Tel: 96 352 14 37 LA NAVE GALERÍA Nave, 25 Tel: 96 351 19 33 LA LLIMERA VALENCIA Pl. Pérez Escrich, 13 LA LLOTGETA, AULA DE CULTURA CAMESPAI D’ART Pl. Mercado, 4 Tel: 96 391 33 96 LAS NAVES, ESPACIO DE CREACIÓN

CONTEMPORÁNEA C/ de Juan Verdeguer 16, 46024 Valencia T 963 531 272 L’IBER MUSEO DE LOS SOLDADITOS DE PLOMO C/ Caballeros, 22 Tel: 96 391 86 75 www.museoliber.org LIBRERÍA RAILOWSKY Grabador Esteve 34 Valencia Tel: 963 51 72 18 http://www.railowsky.com LLIG LLIBRERIES DE LA GENERALITAT Pl. Manises, 3 Tel: 96 386 61 70 MONASTERIO DE SAN MIGUEL DE LOS REYES Av Constitución, 284 Tel: 96 387 40 13 MUSEO DEL ARROZ C/Rosario, 3 Tel: 609 877 956 MUSEO DE BELLAS ARTES DE VALENCIA C/ San Pío V, 9 Tel. 96 369 30 88 / 369 21 11 MUSEO DE LA CIUDAD Pl. Arzobispo, 1 Tel: 96 352 54 78 - ext. 4126 MUSEO DEL CARMEN C/ Museo, 2 Tel: 96 369 30 88 MUSEO FALLERO Pl. Monteolivete, 4 Tel: 96 352 54 78 MUSEO NACIONAL DE CERÁMICA GONZÁLEZ MARTÍ C/ Poeta Querol, 2 Tel: 96 351 63 92 MUSEO TAURINO Pasaje Doctor Serra, 16 Tel: 96 351 18 50 MUSEO VALENCIANO D’ETNOLOGÍA C/ Corona, 36 Tel: 96 388 35 65 www.museuvalenciaetnologia.es MUSEU D'HISTÒRIA DE VALÈNCIA C/ València, 42 Tel: 96 370 11 05 MUVIM C/ Guillem de Castro, 8 Tel: 96 388 37 47 OCTUBRE

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, El País, The Guardian, Lonely Planet...


24/ 7 Valencia

CENTRE DE CULTURA CONTEMPORÀNIA C/ Sant Ferran, 12 ( Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 315 77 99 www.octubre.cat PAZ TEJÓN GALERÍA ESTUDIO C/ Salas Quiroga, 1, bajo (Zona Jesús) Tel.: 654 363 829 www.paztejon.com POPOL VUH C/ Burriana, 13 Tel: 96 336 08 25 REALES ATARAZANAS Pl. Juan Antonio Benlliure, s/n Tel: 96 352 54 78 SALA PARPALLÓ C/ Corona, 36 SPORTING CLUB RUSSAFA C/ Sevilla, 5 Tel: 96 325 15 98 www.sportingclubrussafa.com TAMAR C/ Almudín, 16 Tel: 96 392 50 66 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA C/ Universidad, 2 UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA, FACULTAT MAGISTERI Avinguda dels Tarongers, 4 UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA Camino de Vera, s/n Tel: 96 387 70 00 WAYCO VALENCIA C/ Gobernador Viejo, 29 Tel: 670 295 762 www.wayco.es

www.titere.org Intimate music & puppet theatre in the artistic barrio of Ruzafa. Teatro-musical con automatas y musicos. TEATRE EL MUSICAL Pl. Rosario, 3 Tel: 96 367 31 95 TEATRE MICALET C/ Mestre Palau, 3 Tel: 96 392 14 82 TEATRO DE MARIONETAS LA ESTRELLA (LA PETXINA). C/ Dr Sanchis Bergón, 29 Tel: 96 371 73 84 TEATRO OLYMPIA C/ San Vicente Mártir, 44 Tel: 96 351 73 15 TEATRO PRINCIPAL C/ Barcas, 15 Tel: 96 353 92 00 TEATRO RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 00 TEATRE ROMÀ DE SAGUNT Pujada al Castell, s/n Sagunto THEATRE SALA MORATÍN Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 Tel: 96 353 93 0 TEATRO TALÍA C/ Caballeros, 31 Tel: 96 398 64 22


PALAU DE LES ARTS Autopista del Saler, 1 Tel: +34 96 197 58 00 Fax: +34 96 395 22 01 www.lesarts.com THEATRE

CARME TEATRE C/ Gutenberg, 12 Tel: 96 392 42 71 www.carmeteatre.com CARME TEATRE (EN LA PROTECTORA) c/ Maximiliano Thous 6. 46009 Valencia CENTRE LA RAMBLETA Bulevar Sur esquina C/ de Pío IX (Sant Marcel·li) www.larambleta.com ESPAI ATHENEIA C/ Guillem de Castro, 65 Tel: 615 578 344 - 657 857 792 www.xikanda.com ESPACIO INESTABLE C/ Dr. Sanchis Bergón, 5 Tel: 96 392 16 30 www.espacioinestable.com L’ALTRE ESPAI C/ Platero Suárez, 11 Tel: 96 353 92 00 OFF TEATRE C/ Turia, 47 Tel: 96 384 11 85 SALA ZIRCÓ C/ Joaquín Navarro, 11 Tel: 96 3 77 18 62 SALA RUSSAFA C/ Denia, 55 96 341 52 16 SALA TITERE C/Puerto Rico, 33 (Zona Ruzafa) Movil: 645 600 231 Email: salatitere@gmail.com


BABEL C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 10 Tel: 96 362 67 95

FILMOTECA (CINEMA INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFÍA) RIALTO Pl. Ayuntamiento, 17 YELMO CINES Espai Campanar Av. Tirso de Molina, 16 Tel: 902 22 09 22

LIVE MUSIC 16 TONELADES Calle Ricardo Micó, 3 Facebook 16 Tonelades New rock club and indie disco in the Campanar area, near the Rio Turia. BLACK NOTE (Zona Aragón) C/ Polo y Peyrolón, 15 Tel. 96 393 36 63 Top choice for music lovers who love it live jazz, blues, R’n’B, soul, funk, flamenco and rock. See listings. Jazz, blues, flamenco, world music, jam sessions and more… CAFÉ DEL DUENDE (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Túria, 62 Tel. 630 455 289 www.cafedelduende.com Great club specialising in authentic flamenco music and culture. See listings. CAFÉ MERCEDES JAZZ (ZONA RUZAFA) C/ Sueca, 27 Tel. 96 341 83 78 www.cafemercedes.es CAFÉ PUB MURNAU (Zona Blasco Ibañez) C/Impresor Palmert Lambert, 5 Tel: 96 0 093 67 84 Top notch live music with jazz, blues and more. One for real music lovers... CHARLAR (Zona Blasco Ibañez) Plaza Alcalde Domingo Torres, 5

FEBRUARY 17 Mobile: 627 01 68 32 New live music venue with quality jazz every Friday!

DELUXE POP CLUB (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Poeta Mas y Ros 42, Zona Cedro www.deluxepopclub.com EL ASESINO (ZONA PLAZA CEDRO) Plaza Cedro,1 Popular and legendary Rock bar that has been running for over 30 years! Live concerts, beers & spirits, good vibes. See the agenda at the back for the full live programme.ELECTROPURA (ZONA RUZAFA) C/ Pinto Salvador Abril, 20 See Facebook for more details Acoustic gigs at 19.30h with indie often being the flavour. EL LOCO (ZONA JUAN LLORENS) C/ Erudito Orellena, 12 Tel. 96 326 05 26, www.lococlub.org El Loco is a dynamic live venue with an eclectic choice of indie, funk, rock, fusion, blues and more. Check some music and dance later.





JIMMY GLASS JAZZ BAR (Zona Carmen) C/ Baja, 28 www.jimmyglassjazz.net Legendary and prestigious jazz club in the classic New York style with an authentic jazz atmosphere, integrated on the international live jazz circuit, where every week you can see famous international live bands from the modern jazz world. Mítico y prestigioso club de jazz de estilo neoyorquino, con una átmosfera auténticamente jazzística, donde pueden verse todas las semanas figuras internacionales del jazz contemporáneo. Consulta la web: www.jimmyglassjazz.net

KAF CAFE (Zona Benimaclet) C/Arquitecto Arnau, 16 961131706 - 663 702 960 lk kafcafe.blogspot.com Atmospheric, literary café-bar with regular live gigs and jams. La3 (Zona Puerto) C/ Padre Porta, 2 www.grooovelives.com Top-notch national and International bands every month with disco afterwards until past the dawn... LA BULERIA (City of Arts and Sciences)

“For an excellent overview of what's hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24/ 7 Valencia” - The Times


© 2017 24/ 7 Valencia


C/Obispo Jaime Perez, 24 Tel: 96 315 30 58 Live flamenco show & dinner. www.labuleria.com LA EDAD DE ORO (ZONA JUAN LLORENS) C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music every Thursday & Friday. LA RAMBLETA Bulevar Sur, esq Pío IX (Next to Parque La Rambleta) (Zona Jesús) Tel: 96 0011511 www.larambleta.com Fantastic new live venue with great programme of live music and original and alternative theatre. MONTEREY PUB (Zona Carmen) C/ Museo, 10 Jazz jam every Wednesday evening. PALAU DE LA MUSICA (ZONA RÍO TÚRIA) Paseo de la Alameda, 30 Tel. (+34) 96 337 50 20 E-mail: info@palauvalencia.com www.palaudevalencia.com Excellent classical music concerts in the Rio Turia gardens with musicians from around the world. See website for current programme.

24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS UNA COSA RARA (Zona Juan Llorens) C/ Villanueva y Gascons, 2 Tel: 96 327 06 72 www.unacosarara.com Some quality local bands to accompany your Mediterranean meal at this ‘Bistro Musical’ including Jazz, Flamenco, Blues, Fusion, World Music and more… WAH-WAH (Zona Blasco Ibáñez) C/ Campoamor, 52 Tel. 96 356 39 42 / 645 792 674 www.wahwahclub.com National and international indie-rock & pop in a student zone…

Zona El Carmen

BLANCO Y ROJO C/ Alta, 11 Deep house, gintonics, tapas, cocktails, friendly service. BOLSERIA CAFÉ C/Bolseria, 41 Tel: 96 391 89 03 Hot tropical vibe with swinging crowd at weekends. House, Latin, funk and pop. CALCATTA C/ Reloj Viejo, 6 One of the few discos in the Carmen to stay open all night, until around 8 am.

CLUBS Zona Blasco Ibáñez

AGENDA Avenida Blaso Ibañez, 111 Movil: 639 048 067 Sessions from Wednesday to Saturday. Open 01.30h to 07.30h Funk, disco, hip-hop, house. R’n’B, freestyle and more… Zona Ruzafa

PETER ROCK (Zona Plaza Cedro) C/ Expolrador Andres, 19 Tel: 96 091 43 04 www.peterrock.es Hard rock and blues bar/pub with live music every Sunday from 21.30h. PETER ROCK CLUB (Zona Carmen) C/ Quart, 26 Facebook: PeterRockClub Concerts, Live music in the Barrio del Carmen with the emphasis on ROCK! PUB OLYMPUS (Lliria) C/ Isabel de Villena, 14 Movil: 685 05 04 23 New! Live music every week. Owner is a musician too! SALA MATISSE C/ Ramon de Campoamor, 60 (Zona Plaza Cedro) www.salamatisse.es Live music in a student friendly zone SALA ZIRCO (Zona Canovas) Joaquin Navarro, 11 Valencia Tel: 963 77 18 62 Newish venue with quality jazz bands www.zirco.es TRANQUILO MUSICA www.tranquilomusica.com Bringing you the best local, national and international indie bands to Valencia. Keep up the good work!


© 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

GORDO C/ Carlos Cervera,23 Tel: 96 336 31 67 Underground electro and more in one of Valencia’s hippest barrios. LATEX C/Carlos Cervera, 23 Movil: 678 64 49 41 Electronica, Funk, House and more in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. NYLON C/ Germanias, 31 664 46 98 40 Valencia’s latest club. Electronica all night long in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. PICCADILLY DISCOTECA CLUB C/ dels Tomassos, 12. Barrio de Russafa. Valencia. (antigua Sala Sider / Excuse me!) One of the wildest and most fun clubs in Valencia now situated in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. PLAY C/ Cuba, 8 Tel: 96 3920570 http://playclubvalencia.tumblr.com/ Newish club in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Indie, pop and dance all night long. XTRA LRGE PLAYGROUND Gran Via Germanias, 21(esq Cadiz) New club with 600 metre multi-use floor. Electronica and indie, art exhibitions too. Theatre every week at 23.00h. See facebook.

GONG C/ Concordia, 3.(near C/Caballeros) Movil:663111717 www.facebook.com/pinballvalencia Subterranean spot in El Carmen to satisfy the underground explorer. Retro music bar with genuine atmosphere. One of the best hidden bars in the old town! Its music is simply too difficult to define. Small dance floor. Tropical drinks and absinthe. Open every Tuesday to Saturday. Uno de esos lugares ocultos en El Carmen que satisfacen al rastreador más underground. Bar de música retro con atmósfera auténtica y genuina. Uno de los mejores rincones escondidos del centro histórico. Su música es, simplemente, demasiado difícil de definir. Pequeña pista de baile. Bebidas tropicales y absenta. Abierto de martes a sábado.

IMMORTAL C/ San Dionisio, 3 Feel ‘heavy metal’ and like hard rock? Plenty of like-minded souls in a loud bar. Rock on! MONTEREY PUB C/ Museo,10 Jazz Jam sessions, rock & roll and more...

Zona Juan Lloréns

LA EDAD DE ORO C/ San Jacinto, 3 Tel. 649 255 048 Live music and its classic mix of pumping sounds…from rock & roll to house! Open 22.00h until 4.00h, Thursday to Saturday. MAGAZINE CLUB Pza / Perez Escrich, 18 Zona Juna Llorens Magazine has become an essential part of the rock’n’roll scene in Valencia.


650 639 177

ed@247valencia.com www.247valencia.com

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by Time Out, Let’s Go, Rough Guide...

24/ 7 Valencia


C/Jesus, 91 Movil: 625 347 087 Black Music Club specializing in reggae & funky DJ sessions. Open from Thursday to Sunday from 19h until 3.30am…

CHILL OUT Zona Plaza Ayuntamiento

RADIO CITY C/ Santa Teresa, 19 Tel: 96 391 41 51 A legendary club in Valencia's old town. Free, eclectic disco Monday - Sunday nights, live flamenco every Tuesday @23h. English language nights Thursday @20h with Britpop music till late. Funky and friendly club. Club legendario en el centro histórico. Flamenco en directo los martes. Intercambio de inglés los jueves. Discoteca gratis los fines de semana. SLAVIA Plaza San Jaime, 8. Slavia is a long-established classic of the Carmen scene. Open since 1996, with an ample selection of cocktails, gins and beers. ÚNIC Plaza Sant Jaume, 1 New! Set in the very heart of the centro historico. Cocktails, music, art & design, fashion, young urban crowd. Vintage sofas too. Watch the people of the barrio stroll by. Lovely terrace too. VIBORA SAVAGE ROCK’N’ ROLL CLUB C/ Quart, 47 Zona Plaza Cedro

FEDERAL C/ Embajador Vich, 15 Upmarket, elegant and spacious café-bar with plenty of magazines and healthy food and drinks. Tel: 96 0617 596 www.federalcafe.es SOFARTCAFÉ C/ Musico Peydro, 7 Movil: 684047434 Zona Cabanyal

LA FÁBRICA DEL HIELO C/ Pavia, 37 Set in the increasingly hip barrio of Cabanyal. Art space with café-bar, art exhibitions, live music and more. Zona Calle Jesús

Zona El Carmen

ANITA GIRO Pintor Domingo 7 (near the small garage next to the Quart Towers). Reservations: 961 133 418. Facebook anita.giro 'Off the beaten track. Near enough to the Quart Towers to be central; but far from the crowds

Zona Puerto / Playa

Zona Campanar

FRYDA Avenida de Las Cortes Valencianas, 58 Movil: 692 85 25 55 New! Disco & Restaurant with stylish terraza, 3 ambiences, house music and more… Zona Jesús


available everday. Salads, sandwiches, Snacks, Montaditos, Desserts. Fine choice of cocktails including Mojito, Daiquiri, Bloody Mary. Agua de Valencia, Sangria & Paella too. Warm interior and beautiful terrace. Un clásico del centro histórico, terraza amplio, interior relajado, tapas y cócteles. Bohemio, literario, y abierto a todos. CAFÉ MUSEU C/ Museu, 7 Tel: 960 72 50 47 Facebook Café-Museu Bohemia at its finest, with a mellow terraza in a tranquil part of the Barrio del Carmen. Breakfast, brunch, teas, coffees, beers, newspapers, magazines, acoustic concerts, exhibitions and more. "Esta original cafetería, con techos abovedados, ventanal ovalado y terraza, sirve desayunos, bocatas y tapas." CAFÉ DEL NEGRITO Pl. Negrito Tel. 96 391 42 33 Classic Carmen hangout. Liberal 30-somethings, arty crowd, lots of people wearing glasses! CAFÉ TERTULIA 1900 C/ Alta 4

CRACOVIA BAR C/ Alcira, 25 Tel: 963 287 456 www.cracoviabar.com Groovy café-bar with healthy cuisine, art exhibitions, live gigs, DJ sessions and more

TORNILLO C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 www.eltornillo.com INDIE scene. Electronica beats collide with guitar, loads of students partying, dancing. Look out for the distinctive huge nail outside! GUERNICA PLAYA Eugenia Viñes, 227 By the beach! Great Cocktails and music from around the world (Electronica, African, Arabic and more) LA3 c/ Padre Porta, 2 www.groovelives.com Indie & electrónica sounds on 3 floors


CAFÉ LISBOA Pl. Dr. Collado, 9 Tel. 96 391 94 84 An excellent café bar in one of Valencia’s most atmospheric plazas. Good mixed crowd of students, locals, visitors and a very popular terraza. Open 09.00h and all day until late. Lots of bocadillos, coffees and beers. Barça and Levante football on TV at the weekend. A legendary cafe-bar that is 36 years old. Set in the historic centre. Breakfast, lunch and dinner

CAFETÍN (Café.Cocktail. Bar) Plaza San Jaume, 2 Movil: 652 38 32 28 cafetin.valencia@gmail.com Situated in the heart of the barrio del carmen in Valencia with more than 30 years of history. This is a relaxing, agreeable and welcoming place where you can enjoy the best of teas and coffees. Specializing in AGUA DE VALENCIA, made the traditional way. Enjoy an ample selection of cocktails, sangria, spirits at good prices. Great to have a good time in good company with cool music soundtrack, a wonderful terrace to watch the world go by and the best service you will find in Valencia. Un lugar tranquilo,agradable y acogedor donde disfrutar cada dia de los mejores tes y cafés.Especializados en el AGUA DE VALENCIA (LA MEJOR) hecha de forma tradicional, con una amplia variedad de COCKTAILS, SANGRIA Y COPAS, AL MEJOR PRECIO , para pasar grandes momentos con la mejor compañia. Buena musica, una terraza privilegiada y el mejor servicio que puedas encontrar,¿Por que no vienes a conocernos?

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DANSET C/ de en Sendra,9 Tel: 655 93 25 40 New and friendly Bar-Tapas-Restaurant with terraza EL CAFÉ DEL MAR Plaza Lope de Vega, 4 Tel: 96 3 922 558 EL LABORATORIO (junto Pl. de la Virgen) Pl. Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3 Every Day 18.00h-01.30h Tel: 96 392 61 93 Young international staff and clientèle. The two coolest and cheapest bars to chill off the Plaza de la Virgen. Free tapas with drinks, international Beers, imaginative Cocktails and Gintonics, Mojitos at 4€. Fun food at fun prices: hamburgers, wraps, dimsum, samosas... Great terrace. Tuesday EnglishSpanish Language Exchange; Wednesday = German- Spanish Exchange and Cocktails 2x1. Also Exhibitions, Theme Dinners, Ethnic Fiestas, Art & Photography...Mixed drinks start at 3.50€!!!! LA CAVA DEL NEGRET C/ Calatrava, 15 Tel: 96 392 33 01 Open every day from 12.00h, great bar on Pl. Negrito with terraza and some of the finest agua de Valencia around. Friendly staff, superb terraza, next to fountain and a great selection of cavas and champagnes. Abierto cada día, muy buena selección de cavas & champagne con terraza encantadora. MAGAROTA C/ Zurradores, 9 Movil: 665 04 15 08 Friendly Spanish tapas & café Bodeguita bar with terraza and popular owners. MUEZ (CAFÉ-LIBRERIA GASTRONÓMICA) Plaza del Mercado, 26 Tel: 96 0067822 7 Movil:627406094 Hip and increasingly popular café bar with attractive terrace near Mercado Central and a bohemian clientele. www.muez.es RIVENDEL RESTO BAR C/ Hospital, 18 Tel: 96 392 32 08 www.rivendelrestobar.com

24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS one of the best terrazas in the city. Watch the characters stroll down C/Caballeros. Sant Jaume es un clásico del centro histórico con unas de las mejores terrazas en Valencia.

SOL I LLUNA C/ del Mar, 29 96 392 22 16, www.solilluna.net TETERIA TISANA C/Moret, 4 (just off C/Roteros) Music includes: Ultra-mod, ye-ye, Garage, Britpop 60s. Freak-Beat THE LOUNGE CAFÉ-BAR Estameñeria Vieja 2 (behind La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 80 94, www.theloungecafebar.com TROMBON C/ Moret, 10 (near Plaza del Carmen) Open since 1974, Trombon is one of the oldest bars in the Carmen. Table football, good music and local crowd. Friendly service. Open from 20h – 03.30h from Tuesday to Saturday and open to all. Zona Ruzafa

EL PATIO DE RUZAFA C/ Literato Azorin, 13 Spacious cultural centre with bar and tapas, rich variety of activities including talks, workshops, and more. Centro cultural amplio con bar y tapas, gran variedad de actividades como charlas, talleres y más. LA TAVERNAIRE C/ Dénia, 18 Tel: 605 838 299 Bohemian cafe-bar, vegetarian dishes, live music Wednesdays. LA PINÇA C/ Pintor Salvador Abril, 34 Tel: 96 3 25 05 82 / 693 593 037 Arty and welcoming café-bar. UBIK CAFÉ Calle Literato Azorín 13 
Valencia 963741255 www.facebook.com/ubikcafe Mon-Tues: 17h - 01:30h Wed-Sun: 12h - 01:30h Thurs: 12h - 02:00h Fri-Sat: 12h - 03:00h Emblematic of the buzzing barrio of Ruzafa. Wonderful, spacious and welcoming cafe-bar/ second-hand bookshop. Spanish & Italian tapas, beer, wine, bohemian crowd, friendly atmosphere. Closed Monday. Zona Plaza Xuquer

ROCAFULL CAFE Pl. Xuquer, 14 www.rocafull.tk A key meeting point of the ‘indie’ community. Zona Plaza Cedro

SANT JAUME C/ Caballeros, 51 Tel. 96 391 24 01 Valencia Café society par excellence. Set in what may be the best corner of the centro histórico, this long established café bar has a cosmopolitan crowd, lots of room upstairs and


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CAFE INFINITO C/ Poeta Mas y Ros, no 35 Tel: 617 27 20 42 www.cafeinfinito.net Superb! International multilingual staff with a friendly atmosphere and packed agenda including theme nights, language exchange, live music, quiz. Wednesday ‛Ruta de la Tapa del Cedro’. Good food too.

TORNILLO C/ Campoamor, 42 Tel. 96 392 55 27 A meeting point for faces from the indie and electronica scenes. Definitely worth checking.

Zona Plaza Benimaclet LA OLA FRESCA Calle Músico Magenti 11, Benimaclet Reservations: 610026305 A ‘cafecito’ with a big heart and a fabulous terrace • Speciality in brownies and homemade cakes • world food cooking Juice therapy • local artesanal beers • fairtrade tea and coffee workshops and special events • Sunday BRUNCH • Facebook: La Ola Fresca Valenbisi: 116 Comidas del mundo, servicio excelente, sabroso y actividades cada semana.

GAY / LESBIAN Codigo G Gay Discoteca & Club Carrer dels Tomassos, 14. (Zona Ruzafa) A Gay disco, next to Russafa market. 3 floors with House, Disco, Guateque, Pop, Petardeo. http://codigog-club.blogspot.com.es/ https://www.facebook.com/codigog CROSS C/ Juan de Mena, 7 (Zona Botanico) Facebook Cross Valencia WWW.CROSSVALENCIA.COM Just 2 minutes walk from Torres de Quart in the tranquil Botanico barrio. Cross is one of Valencia’s most popular Gay Clubs. Open each night from 22h to 03.30am with Wednesdays and Tuesdays featuring ‘get naked’ parties. Every Friday parties with Dj. Saturday show with Drag Queen. Closed Monday. Uno de los pubs gays más populares de Valencia. Lunes cerrado, jueves noche karaoke, viernes fiestas preparadas por Dj, sábado noche show de Drag Queen. LA BELLA DE CADIZ C/ Cadiz, 54 Facebook labelladecadiz54 Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa, this friendly café-bar has a terraza and an international vibe and an incredible collection of camp antiques in the very spacious interior. LA PECERA C/ Cadiz, 86 Tel: 639 517 703 Popular with lesbians in evenings. Open to all. Ni María Ni Virgen C/ Pintor Vilar, 1 Lesbian pub-bar in the Campanar area.

Zona Benimaclet

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24/ 7 Valencia FIESTAS TEMATICAS: Cada jueves fiesta "YEGUA" con barra libre de 18 a 23.00 Cada domingo fiesta en suspensorios con merienda de 18.00 a 23.00. SPARTACUS C/ Flassanders, 8 Gay sex shop TRAPEZZIO CAFÉ Pl. Músico Lopez Chavarri, 2


NUNCADIGONO C/ Turia, 22 The latest gay sex-club with rooms, showers, labyrinths, videos, slings, contacts, S&M, bears, fucking, sex, glory-holes, motor bikes. Fiestas ‛Sex’ every Monday (Slip or Naked) and Friday from 22.00h. Each month: ‘Fiesta Slip’ 1st and 3rd Thursday from 22h (jockstrap/ swimwear) ‘Fiesta Naturista’ 2nd & 4th Thursday from 22h. (naked) Free cloakroom service and free condoms and lubrication, ask at the bar. Every Friday Porno/ Live Show. Happy hours todos los dias. Open every day from 13.00 pm to 04.00 am. Gay sexbar. Cuartos, duchas, laberintos, videos, slings, valencia, contactos, gay, nuncadigono, bar, sm, bears, sexo, motos. PEKADO Pl. Vicente Iborra, 9 Tel. 96 392 41 39 The seven deadly sins are served after you enter the gates of hell of this restaurant. QART CAFÉ C/ Guillem de Castro, 80 SANT MIQUEL Pl. Sant Miquel, 13 Tel. 96 392 31 29

SEXBAR OHLALA C/Doctor Monseratt,28 Valencia Mas info: WWW.OHLALASEXBAR.ES Near Torres de Quart! This is a Gay Sexbar that is open from Thursday to Sunday 18h -23h. Theme night “YEGUA” every Thursday with free bar from 18h to 23h. Every Sunday ‘jockstrap and snack’ fiesta from 18h to 23h. Friday and Saturday from midnight until close Open Thursday to Sunday from 18h to 23h Abrimos jueves y domingo de 18 a 23.00 viernes y sábado de 00.00 a cierre

BEER C/ Salamanca, 4 Tel. 96 374 14 31 www.cerveceriabeer.com Facebook Cerveceria Beer. New & brighter interior and growing clientele! Open every day from 19:00 to 03:30. Great selection of beers, cans and bottles from around the world. Try 30 types of beer from Spain and abroad.

LOS PIKAPIEDRA (Zona Carmen) C/ Caballeros, 25 Tel: 96 3 919 876/ 681 215 545 www.bar-lospicapiedra.com Great! Definitive of the alternative Carmen scene. Highly popular with students, punks, hippies and adventurous tourists. It is a friendly, alternative hangout that is run by a multilingual, well-travelled owner and is open to all. Set on 3 floors with room for groups and couples. After 18 years of deserved popularity with locals and visitors, Los Pikapiedra is without doubt an essential part of the Barrio del Carmen scene. Easy to find too! Reasonable prices.They now have a wonderful selection of Spanish tapas. Ask at the bar for their carta. Special offers every WEDNESDAY! 1 litre Porrones 4,50€ (Cider, Beer, Calimocho, Tinto de Verano). Jarras 1 litro 8€ (Agua de Valencia, Sangria, Mojito). Cubatas 3,50€. Menu 6€ (Salad, Drink, Tabla Iberico of hams, meats & cheeses). Porrones 4.50€ on Thursdays too! Bar Los pikapiedra es un bar alternativo legendario, con gente bohemia, porrones, música ecléctica y tapas españolas.


650 639 177



BIRRA & BLUES BREW PUB VALENCIA Av. Maria Cristina, 12 Tel: 96 392 56 41 Zona Centro Valencia 46001 www.birraeblues.com At ‘Birra & Blues Valencia’ the prize is our homemade craft beer, and the great food that goes perfectly with your drink. In our restaurant bar, centrally located on Av. María Cristina, 12, in the very heart of Valencia, you can taste the ten ales that have won international awards and that we produce in our Patacona brewery. We combine this with quality cuisine, pizzas and tapas. Next to the Central Market, we have three different spaces with ‘bluesy’ decoration and an attractive terrace so that you can enjoy our understanding of good beer and good food. We have menus with beer included from 12.50€, homemade pizzas and the best tapas. FINNEGAN'S Pl. de la Reina Tel: 96 392 28 62 www.finnegansofdublin.es The legendary meeting point in the heart of Valencia for those who like a good pint. Excellent terrace with fine view of the Cathedral. A genuine Irish pub with big screen for sports lovers who like it live. Spacious and warm interior, good selection of beers and tasty traditional lunches. It is internationally famous for all the right reasons. Great for the craic in the evenings. A classic. New owners with more emphasis on food. Bar irlandés legendario en el corazón de Valencia, con buena selección de cervezas y comidas también. Gente con experiencia. Deportes en directo. SAINT MARTIN’S URBAN IRISH Calle Abadía de San Martin, 2 (near San Vicente) Tel: +34963942171 46002 Valencia info@saintmartins.es Saint Martin’s Urban Irish is our new pub right in the center of Valencia! Enjoy international beers & spirits and great snacks to fill you up not only with beer. Enjoy all major sports events through our 6 extra large FULL HD screens. You will enjoy like never before. Sky Sports on with all major events broadcasted! Our international atmosphere and our location manage to unite the tradition of an Irish pub with a young and relaxed atmosphere. (Find us between Plaza de la Reina and Plaza del Ayuntamiento, just off San Vicente street). Nuevo Pub irlandés moderno y céntrico donde disfrutar de todos los eventos de deporte, con cervezas de importación, snacks, copas... THE MARKET C/ Danzas / Cajeros (Near La Lonja) Tel: 961 054 050 Facebook: the market cerveza artesana The Market serves homemade beer in a warm setting with tostas & tablas to savour with your brown beer. Great music and experience owners. Open every day from 19h. Cervecería artesana, tostas y buena música. Cerca de la Lonja y Mercado Central. TYRIS ON TAP Taula De Canvis, 6 (near La Lonja) Tel: 96 1 13 28 73 Great! Just a stone’s throw from La Lonja and

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Mercado Central, you will find ‘Tyris on Tap’, which is the taproom of local Valencian brewers Tyris. All their cervezas are craft beers so you won’t find any commercial brands here, just lovingly brewed beer. Enjoy an ample terrazza and a hip yet relaxed interior of wooden tables & chairs and colourful posters lining the walls. On the wall, there is an attractively designed graphic explanation of the steps taken to brew beer. Tasty tapas, gourmet burgers and salads too. Cerveza artesanal, hambuerguesas gourmet en una terraza excelente. ZONA CANOVAS

PORTLAND ALE HOUSE C/ Salamanca 10 Yes! Valencia’s first true American pub, run by a friendly American team with draft beers available, sports and an increasingly mixed crowd of locals, visitors and English and Spanish speakers.

Zona Avenida Aragón

MANOLO EL DEL BOMBO Pl. Valencia Club de Fútbol, 5 Tel: 96 930 460 A traditional Spanish bar with a different interior - a football museum with photos of the legendary Manolo del Bombo, the chap with the massive beret and drum. Just across from Mestalla stadium, a Mecca for football fans from all over the world. Friendly atmosphere. Zona Plaza Xuquer

MAX MAX C/ Vinalopó, 11 (Pl. Xúquer) Tel: 96 362 68 67 http://maxmaxvalencia.blogspot.com ZONA PLAYA

SPAGHETTI & BLUES Restaurante Pizzeria Av. Mare Nostrum, 34 Tel: 96 355 04 74 Zona Playa de la Patacona 46120 www.spaghettieblues.com L'ELIANA

THE DRAGON (BAR INTERNACIONAL) C/ Virgen de Pilar, 12 (L’Eliana) British-run bar with good reputation for food. Popular with locals and the expat crowd from the area.


ST. PATRICK’S IRISH PUB Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69 Tel: 96 351 36 42 www.stpatricksvalencia.com “A true Irish pub” that knows the craic! Friendly helpful international staff who speak Spanish and English! FREE WIFI to all customers. Open every day from 4pm ‘till late! Cosy interior with 5 rooms and 2 bars. A good mix of Spaniards and expats. We have 5 big screen plasma T.V.s that show all the sporting events (football, rugby, cricket, golf, basketball, etc.)! We have pool, darts, a big terrace and good music (pop-rock from all the ages with Spotify)! Great selection of beers, whiskies, cocktails, including fresh fruit slush, nonalcoholic or you choose the mix! Great snacks, sandwiches, quiche, meat pies, fish&chips, etc. Lots of events: Live Music every Friday at 23h. Parties with prizes. Open Saturday and Sunday at 13:00h pm. Reservations at info@stpatricksvalencia.com See Facebook for more details! Pub irlandés famoso con pantallas para deportes en directo. Buena selección de cervezas y cócteles, música en directo los viernes, intercambios los jueves y más…


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BABALÚ C/ Manyans 17 (next to Plaza Redondo) Tel: 96 315 50 40 ¡Fiesta! An excellent restaurant-bar-club for those who love authentic Cuban food. AMERICAN

GOIKO GRILL C/ Martinez Cubells,4 Tel: 96 116 98 02 New! Quality Hamburguers, tasty fries,cocktails,friendly staff... ARABIC

DUKALA Dr Sanchis Bergon, 27 Excellent Moroccan cuisine with a beautiful interior and experienced owners. Set in the mellow barrio of Botanico by the Rio Turia gardens. SAHARA (ZONA CARMEN) C/ del Mar, 52 Tel: 96 394 32 76 Movil: 698 579 148 www.sahararestaurante.com ASIAN FUSION

98º DIM SUM EXPERIENCE C/ Roteros, 16 (a stone’s throw from Torres de Serranos) Zona Carmen Tel: 96 329 35 63 E-mail: reservas@lacomisaria.com Facebook: 98º Dim Sum Restaurante TAO TAO TABERNA ASIATICA C/ Cadiz, 37 Tel: 96 091 2915 / móvil: 615 725 320 Set in the hip barrio of Ruzafa… Authentic & Asian run fusion restaurant with Chinese, Thai,

Japanese, Vietnamese cuisine. FUSION RESTAURANT

SÉSAME C/ En Bou (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 391 30 62 Highly popular. The well-travelled French owner proposes a wide variety of creative tapas and dishes with an original Greek & Mediterranean/ Asian/ French and Vegetarian fusion using only fresh local produce. GREEK

EL RINCON GRIEGO C/ Conde Montornes, 23 (just off C/ Mar and corner of Poeta Liern) Tel: 96 394 4443 Mobile: 639608867 www.stratosm.es Zona Carmen Intimate and Greek owned and run, wellestablished restaurant in a quiet corner of the old town. Enjoy Greek tapas, fish and meat dishes, cheeses, yoghurts, pastries and Greek wine too! INDIAN / PAKISTANI

TAJ-MAHAL (ZONA AV. PUERTO) C/ Dr. Manuel Candela, 20, Tel: 96 330 62 64. One of the best Indian restaurants along the coast. Authentic Indian cuisine, chefs with 12 years Brit experience. Classic menu with all the favourites: Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Tikka, King Prawn Tandoori, Lamb. Variety of rices, attentive bilingual staff on hand to serve ‘English’ or ‘Spanish’ version of spicy. About 18€ per head. Taj Mahal now has home delivery until midnight for minimum price of 20€. Check out the British and Indian products at their shop next door! Curry powders, cornflakes, ketchup, tinned beans, and loads more. An expat’s dream! Uno de los mejores restaurantes indios en Valencia con comidas y cenas típicas del país. Muchos productos indios en su tienda a lado también. ITALIAN ZONA EL CARMEN

AL POMODORO C/ del Mar, 22 Tel: 96 391 48 00, www.viciositalianos.com Very popular, good value, great pizza. BACCO D.O.C. C/ Derechos 29, bajo (1 min from La Lonja) Tel: 96 391 19 65 Everyone welcome at this distinctive and very original Italian restaurant in an excellent location. CIAO BELLA C/Corona, 8 Tel: 96 105 65 81 Spacious & classy restarant, with historic interior with authentic Italian cuisine with experienced hosts from Rome. LA CARBONARA (tapas italianas, vinos y más) C/Alta, 28 Tel: 96 3 156 377 Hours: 12.30h -17 h / 19h tiill close.

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ʻLIKEʼ US ON LA PAPPARDELLA C/ Bordadores, 5 (next to Cathedral) Tel: 96 391 89 15 www.viciositalianos.com Popular Italian restaurant without pizza and emphasis on Piadinas and pastas. LA STRADA C/ Quart 17 Tel: 96 392 41 77 Excellent! Hip pizzeria and pasta restaurant just a brief stroll from Torres de Quart. 8€ daytime menus, around 15€ at night. Salads, antipasti, piadine, italian tapas, pizza, pasta, meat and fish dishes. Wines from many regions of Italy. Ensaladas, antipasti, piadina, tapas italianas, pizza, pasta, platos de carne y pescado. Vinos de diferentes regiones de Italia. ZONA CANOVAS

DON SALVATORE C/ Conde de Altea, 41 Tel: 96 334 13 04 www.donsalvatore.com Spot the Valencia footballer! LAMBRUSQUERÍA C/ Conde Altea, 31 -36 Tel: 96 334 07 53 lambrusqueria.wordpress.com/about.George Clooney did eat here! JAPANESE

KOKURA AUTOMATIC SUSHI Plaza Pere Borrego I Galino, 10 (C/Alta con Na Jordana) Tel: 96 3 911 102 www.kokura.es TORA (TABERNA JAPONESA) C/ Pedro III El Grande , 13 Tel: 96 311 94 29 Great! Finally, an authentic Japanase taberna in Valencia run by a Japanese & Valencian couple! MEDITERRANEAN

KAÑA MAKAN C/ Explorador Andres, 24 (Plaza Cedro) Tel: 96 0150 796 C/ Sueca, 61 (Ruzafa) Facebook Kaña Makan Smells delicious! Exotic and tasty Mediterranean tapas with Arabic influences and interior and friendly Syrian owner. ORIENTO (Tapas Bar & Mediterranean Food) Plaza Cedro, 16 Movil: 603 63 22 20 A mix of Syrian and Spanish food and Tapas. In Oriento you can find Mediterranean flavours along with a friendly service and a happy family environment. Good price for traditional dishes and Syrian desserts. Enjoy red and white wines with others types of drinks. Facebook: Oriento.VLC MEXICAN

AMEYAL Conde de Salvatierra, 39 Tel: 96 3205 837/ 96 3 236 153 www.ameyal.es Upmarket Mexican cuisine in a spacious and beautiful interior in a cosmopolitan zone. PERUVIAN

SIMALÚ C/ Caballeros, 10

Tel: 96 1 93 03 57 www.simalurestaurante.com Classy Peruvian restaurant of the highest quality in terms of product and presentation. This is authentic Peruvian cuisine with real flavours of the land. Lunchtime menu is 13.90€ with drink included. Dinner menu is 22€ with a wide selection of Peruvian dishes. Check out their ‘Pisco-Sour’, ‘cusqueña’ and Peruvian wines. Open Monday – Sunday from 9h -17h. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Open Wednesday - Sunday from 19:00 to 24:00h. Sabores de Peru, la autentica sabor de Peru. Con su mezcla de culturas en una solo gastronomía. Menu mediodia 13.90€ con bebida incluida. Menu degustación 22€ con una amplia carta de platos peruanos. Abierto Lunes –domingo: 9h -17h. Lunes y martes noche cerrado. Miércoles - domingo de 19:00 a 24:00h. PORTUGUESE

CAFÉ PESSOA C/ Literato Azorin, 2 Tel: 96 341 75 14 Great! An authentic Portuguese café bar with lovely cocktails and trendy interior.

LA CONSERVA Literato Azorin, 18 Movil: 697 95 52 94 Dig the trendy & kitsch interior and enjoy sardines, cod, 'vinho verde' and fado music in the hip barrio of Ruzafa. Wouldn't look out of place in Shoreditch! PORTUSCALE C/ Subida del Toledano, 6 Tel. 96 1 14 40 63 e-mail: geral@restauranteportuscale.es www.RestaurantePortuscale.es Authentic Portuguese restaurant with Portuguese owners. Next to the cathedral. SPANISH / VALENCIAN ZONA PLAZA AYUNTAMIENTO

ALKAZAR C/. Mosén Femades, 9 y 11 (Zona peatonal/ Pedestrian street) Just off Plaza Ayuntamiento 46002 Valencia · T. 96 352 95 75 · 96 351 55 51 tabernaalkazar@tabernaalkazar.com www.restaurantealkazar.com This is the real deal. Quality Valencian cuisine. With over 60 years of experience, Alkazar is perfectly placed right in the centre on a mellow & traffic–free street, very near to Plaza Ayuntamiento so easy to find. Mariscos y arroces auténticos con 60 años de experiencia. CARPE DIEM C/ Martínez Cubells, 4 (off Passeig Ruzafa) Tel: 96 342 77 80, www.carpediem-vlc.com A genuine Spanish restaurant right in the centre of Valencia, on a mellow side street, dead easy to find! EL COLMADO DE LA RIVERA C/ Ribera, 14 LOLAILO C/Pie de la Cruz, 8 Facebook Taberna anadaluza Lolailo Movil: 622 131 746 New! Spacious and beautiful Andalusian restaurant with tapas from the South of Spain and North Africa. Just a stone’s throw from the Mercado Central.

FEBRUARY 17 LOTELITO VALENCIA ROOMS & BAR C/ Barcas, 13 Tel: 96 206 78 52 Movil: (+34) 656 265 229 www.lotelitovalencia.com You can enjoy breakfast early in the morning, almuerzo around midday, lunch or dinner a la carta or menu as well as enjoy a wide range of spirits & cocktails. Tapas and platos to share are Lotelito’s speciality, which are notable for their tastiness and loving presentation. Bread & desserts are homemade & freshly produced daily. The head of the kitchen is Miguel Angel Mas who has had ample experience with a number of Michelin Star restaurants as well as having run his own restaurant for the last 7 years, which are both great signs of somebody who both knows all about cuisine and cares about it too. Enjoy Lotelito morning, noon and night! MON C/ San Vicente Martir, 23 (near Plaza del Ayuntamiento) Tel: 96 35 12 770 www.monvalencia.com Menú del día (Monday – Friday): 11.90€ (drink not included) Menú del día (Saturday – Sunday): 14.90€ (drink not included) Menú desgustación (tasting menu for two): 25€ (drink not included) Tapas (available all day): 1.80€ – 13.95€ ZONA EL CARMEN

ALMA DEL TEMPLE C/Almirante, 14 Tel: 96 315 52 87 www.almadeltemple.com Upmarket restaurant in beautiful setting with historic Arabic wall as part of the interior, reflecting Valencia’s Moorish past. Wide range of rice, fish and meat dishes. BAR ALMUDIN C/ Almudin,14 Near Plaza del Virgen. Tapas bar since 1932. Rice dishes, tapas, wines and spirits. Attractive and well-established. An old-fashioned interior with real character. No telephone number. You have to visit in person to make a reservation! DOS AGUAS C/ Marqués de Dos Aguas, 6 Tel: 96 251 64 26 Good value Spanish menu del días, great view. EL ARENAL DEL CARMEN C/ Calatrava, 4 Tel: 96 009 16 57 New & spacious Mediterranean restaurant in the old town.

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24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS mussels. Open daily midday to midnight just off Plaza Tossal, not hard to find. Now that’s what we call atmosphere... El bar de tapas más histórico en el centro de Valencia, especialidad en clóchinas, buenas habas y ensaladilla rusa.

9:00 - 01:30 todos los días EL BOTIJO C/ San Miguel s/n www.tascaelbotijo.com Spanish tasca in the Barrio Carmen! Great terraza & excellent service, great variety of delicious tapas, a top ensaladilla rusa and nice cheeses too. Good selection of beers & wines. Kitchen and bar is open everyday from 9h -01.30h. Clasica tasca situada en el Barrio del Carmen, cocina siempre abierta, servicio excelente, gran variedad de tapas, vinos y cervezas.

EL PONY PISADOR C/ Zurradores, 7 (Near Plaza Santa Catalina) Tel: 638 196 289/ 635 849 390 Homemade Spanish food, rustic interior and run by a friendly Spanish couple. Try their Croquetas de Jamón Ibérico, artichokes, baby squid with paprika, strawberry cheese cake. In a quiet corner of the Centro Histórico. Good selection of wines from 8€ to 16€. Menú del día 10€ including drink. Saturday & Sunday lunch 14€, drink extra. Dishes from 4.50€ to 7€. Authentic Spanish cuisine. Restaurante Español íntimo, rústico y con comida casera muy buena; rabo de toro, croquetas, jamón ibérico, calamares y más. KA'RAK (RAQUEL CERNICHARO) C/ Baja, 42 Tel. 96 315 45 88 Set in a quiet corner of the atmospheric old town. Run by a friendly and experienced owner, enjoy wonderful homemade Mediterranean cooking. LA CARME C/ Soguers, 2 Tel: 96 392 2532 30 years old emblematic restaurant of the Barrio del Carmen with Mediterranean dishes and cosy yet spacious interior. LA PITANZA C/ Quart, 5 Tel: 96 391 09 27 www.lapitanza.com

L'APLEC C / Roteros, 9 (near Torres de Serranos) Movil: 696 119986 Bar - restaurant to go for tapas. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 12 noon to closing. Closed Monday. Spontaneous atmosphere, friendly and fun. Home cooking. Drinks and hot tapas with a hint of fun. Easy to find as it is just a stoneʼs throw from the Torres de Serranos. Nice and spacious interior too! L' Aplec has a great terrace. Enjoy their homemade, fresh and authetic paella to order in advance for groups. Enjoy classic and original Spanish tapas. Gay & Lesbian friendly. Tapas caseras, divertidas, servicio amable y buenas paellas para encargar. Muy cerca de Torres de Serranos. Auténticamente español y abierto a todos. LA LOLA C/ Subida de Toledano, 8 Tel: 96 391 80 45, www.lalolarestaurante.com reservas@lalolarestaurante.com. This is ‘nueva cocina española’! Authentic live flamenco every week.

EL RALL Pl. Tundidores, 2 Tel: 96 392 20 90 Legendary paella restaurant, prime location by La Lonja and Plaza Negrito. Restaurante legendario de paellas y más arroces. Bien situado entre La Lonja y Plaza Negrito. Terraza encantadora. ESCALONES DE LA LONJA C/ Pere Compte, 3


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LA PILARETA C/ Moro Zeit Tel: 96 391 04 97 Every major Spanish city has a tapas bar regarded as ‘quintessential’. Established in 1917, this one is high up on the list in many guides. Veteran waiters serve excellent tapas: habas, ensaladilla rusa and the famous

LA VALENCIANA C/ Obispo Don Jerónimo, 8 C/ Juristas, 12 Tel: 96 3 153 856 Email: reservas@arrocerilavalenciana.com Highly popular with discerning customers and for all the right reasons. This is an authentic Valencian restaurant where you not only savour Valencia paella you can also take a certified course in order to become proficient in

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by Aer lingus, Business Traveller Magazine, Ryan Air...

ʻLIKEʼ US ON cooking your own paella! This includes a trip to Mercado Central to pick the ingredients as well as cooking with an expert chef in one of their 2 restaurants. Check it out! Paella auténtica valenciana con cursos de paella ofrecidos por expertos cocineros. LIGAZON C/ Arolas,11-bajo. 46001-Valencia Telefono de reservas: 961141112 MAR D’AVELLANES C/ Avellanas, 9 Tel: 96 392 51 66 www.mardeavellanas.com Classy cuisine near Plaza Reina. MARIA MANDILES Plaza Manises, 2 Tel: 96 04 60 57 info@maria-maniles.com MARIA MANDILES C/ del Padre Huérfanos, 2 Tel: 96 315 48 84 A wonderful choice. In the heart of the historic centre in a tranquil square by the church of El Carmen, next to a garden, you will find the restaurant Maria Mandiles. With an ample terrace, you can enjoy tapas, fondues, cheeses, salads, homemade desserts, a variety of sangrias, cocktails, and ‘Agua de Valencia’ too. Lunchtime menu from Monday to Friday for 10.50€ with everything included. Saturdays and Sundays at lunchtime has paella for 6.50€. Typical price for evening dinner is 18€. Open all day from 10am to 01.30am. MATTILDA C/ Roteros, 21 Tel: 96 392 31 68 Very near Torres de Serranos so easy to find. Creative cuisine with highly experienced owner and staff. Mattilda combines succulent tapas and quality cuisine with artistic presentation with a loyal and cosmopolitan clientele. Clean & attractive vintage style interior. OCHO Y MEDIO Plaza Lope de Vega, 5 Tel: 96 392 20 22 www.elochoymedio.com PICOFINO GASTROBAR Plaza Reina, 18 Tel: 96 3 155 020 www.restaurantepicofino.com Classy & classic Mediterranean cuisine and tapas on a beautiful terraza in the heart of Valencia. Enjoy exquisitely presented sardines, tuna tapas, quality mussels, salads, croquetas, artichokes, beautiful desserts, and a great selction of Spanish & Italian wines. Cocina mediterranea de mucha calidad con una presentacion equiseta. En el Corazon de Valencia… RACÓ EL FALLERET Guillem de Castro, 114 Tel: 96 064 28 72 REFUGIO RESTAURANTE DEL CARMEN C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 77 54 A warm and authentic Mediterranean fusion restaurant with touches of Asia and a new carta, too. See ‘Something Different’ for more details. RINCÓN 33 C/ Corretegeria,33 Tel: 96 4 910 952 Cuisine from the Mediterranean…

24/ 7 Valencia

FEBRUARY 17 Música en vivo, la paella, el servicio amable.

SAN MIGUEL C/ San Miguel, 7 Tel: 963921447/ movil 685893736 Facebook: Restaurante San Miguel Valencia Classy & authentic. In the heart of the historic centre, San Miquel has a tapas bar, a wonderful terrace and authentic traditional cuisine including paella and other rice dishes, quality mediterranean cuisine, warm interior and experienced staff. En pleno centro del Carmen, terraza estupenda, interior cálido, arroces, cocina mediterránea, sangría, vinos y más. SIDRERIA EL MOLINÓN C/Bolseria, 40 Tel: 963 91 15 38 Legendary Spanish / Asturian restaurant in the heart of the old town and highly popular with locals. Enjoy Asturian cider and hams, cheeses and steaks from the region. Set on 2 floors , so perfect for groups as well as couples. The real Spain. Restuarante legendario asturiano, español. Quesos, jamones, solomillos, sidra asturiana y más.

TINTOFINO ULTRAMARINO C/ Corretgeria, 38 Tel: 963 154 599 / 636 429 329 Like a fine wine? Oh, that’s superb! Tapas, cheese, and meat too! Tinto fino is a wonderful, classy tapas bar restaurant with an extensive collections of 50 wines from Spain & Italy as well as delicious tapas from the mediterranean. Live acoustic music every Wednesday. TRECE C/ Calatrava, 12 Tel: 667 719 897 www.trece.com Hip new restaurant with mediterranean fusion dishes and original, vintage interior.

VOLARE C/ Roteros, 12 Tel: 96 0 643 540 Mediterranean cuisine YUSO C / de la Cruz, 4 izquierda Tel: 96 315 39 67 The real deal. Valencian chefs and Valencian staff. Superb paella, arròs en fesols i naps, arroz a banda, patatas bravas, salads and more. Near Torres de Serranos. ZONA CÁNOVAS

COCO PAZZO Conde de Altea, 51 Movil: 717 12 22 35 Set in the cosmopolitan Canovas restaurant where you can enjoy Spanish / Mediterranean tapas and delicious & authentic barbecue ‘parrilladas’ with hamburgers to enjoy too. Good value prices too. MAMA RACHA TABERNA C/Ciscar, 15 Tel: 960 065 558 Tapas with soul with a welcoming interior. O'PAZO C/ Conde Altea, 21 Tel: 96 320 11 78 Galician bodega... ZONA CALLE JESÚS

PICA’P (FOOD & DRINKS) Plaza Pintor Segrelles, 7 Tel: 96 0 642 867 Creative tapas and traditional dishes with terrace, original interior, great pints and top Gin’n’tonics! ZONA BENIMACLET

TASCA EMBRUJO DEL CARMEN C/Juristas, 5 Tel: 96 0 014 584/ 695 478 914 Facebook Embrujo dl Carmen Delightful Spanish restaurant with warm and colourful interior, relaxed terraza and friendly service. Spanish and Andalusian cuisine to savour and just a stone’s throw from the Cathedral in a quiet spot of the centro historico. Live music, paella, friendly service. Cocina española y andaluza para saborear y sólo un tiro de piedra de la Catedral en una zona tranquila del centro historico.

PATA NEGRA C/ Barón de San Petrillo,3 Tel:96 389 09 54 Vintage-style interior, quality Mediterranean tapas and dishes, jazzy soundtrack... ZONA PUERTO

TABERNA LA PICONERA C/de la Peanya, 15 (near Avenida de Puerto) Off the beaten track, delightful Andalusian style taverna-restaurant that is family run. Valencian paella, squid, Gazpacho, Salmorejo, salads

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SOMETHING DIFFERENT BODEGA BAR VALERO C/Palleter, 51 (Zona Juna Llorens) Genuine Valencian Bodega off the beaten track with a bohemian atmosphere and popular with an alternative crowd of all ages and open to all. Run by 2 brothers for over 30 years…

24/ 7 VALENCIA LISTINGS crafts - drinks - Cineforum - conference banquet - taichi - environmental exposures. El Patio is all this and much more. LA CASA DI SOPHIA Plaza Joan de Vila-Rasa, nº6 – bajo izquierda Telf: 963113412 Healthy cuisine, vintage wallpaper. Arty crowd. MONTEREY BAR & DISCOS C/ Baja, 46B (Barrio del Carmen) Tel: 96 3917 929 www.montereydiscos.es info@montereydiscos.es www.facebook.com/montereybardiscos montereydiscos.bandcamp.com/ Monday –Friday 17h-01h Saturday 12h-15 / 18h-01.30h Sunday and holidays: 18h-01h REFUGIO RESTAURANTE DEL CARMEN C/ Alta, 42 Tel: 96 391 7754 The ‘Cooking Revolution’! Refugio is truly a restaurant of the Carmen. Run by a warm, bohemian Valencian couple with years of culinary experience this is now a Mediterranean fusion restaurant with International cuisine. Warm, wooden interior with intimate corners. TAPAS BARS

BUHOBIO C/ Murillo, 9 Tel: 96 205 73 69 New! Eco-cuisine! Wonderful mix of vegetarian & vegan dishes available, organic fusion, salad dishes and more. Friendly, cosmopolitan staff and arty events attract an open-minded clientele. Just a stone’s throw from Torres de Quart! ¡Nuevo! Eco-cocina! Maravillosa mezcla de platos vegetarianos y veganos disponibles, fusión orgánica, platos de ensalada y más. Personal amable y cosmopolita y eventos arty atraen a una clientela de mente abierta. Sólo un tiro de piedra de las Torres de Quart! CLECTIC OPEN KITCHEN Gran Via Marques del Turia, 63 (Zona Canovas) Tel: 96 322 77 48 clectic.rest Clectic is Open Kitchen. Every day from 9am to 1am. Whatever you want, whenever you want. Healthy cuisine without schedules nor borders. Lunch set 9,90€. Dinner tasting menu 16,90€. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, Brunch, from 4,90€. Every Wednesday night live music Clectic es Open Kitchen. Todos los días, de 9h a 1h. Lo que quieras, cuando quieras. Cocina saludable, sin horarios ni fronteras. Solución comida 9,90. Cena menú degustación 16,90€. Sábados, domingos y festivos, Brunch, desde 4,90€. Todos los miércoles por la noche música en vivo. DANIEL HORCHATERIA Av. De la Horchata, 41 Alboraya, Valencia Tel: 96 185 88 66 www.horchateria-daniel.es Legendary Horchateria on the outskirts of Valencia, in the traditional Alboraya district. EL PATIO DE RUZAFA Calle Literato Azorín, 13-Bajo DERECHA Valencia 666 76 64 12 www.facebook.com/elPatiodeRuzafa Restaurant -bar- paella - dinner - products -


© 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

AL CANTONET C/ San Tomas, 21 Movil: 677345510 Fantastic and very authentic little tapas/tasca bar in a hidden corner of the Barrio del Carmen, away from the tourist crowds. Enjoy ham, mushrooms, artichokes, potatoes, cheeses, beers, wines, cocktails and more. Great blues and jazz soundtrack too!


650 639 177

EL OLIVO TABERNA Plaza del Árbol, 4 (end of C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 70 87 Authentic Spanish tapas in the historic centre. Highly popular with alternative crowd and visitors. Amongst their many specialities you will find artichokes, homemade croquettes, grilled sardines, fried prawns, octopus, cured ham, a selection of cheeses and much more. All tapas are made in the moment, which means you can take your time over a glass of wine or beer. Auténtico bar de tapas español con dueño de familia andaluza con alcachofas, croquetas, sardinas, opciones vegetarianas y mucho más. Popular con gente alternativa, gente del barrio y visitantes. Excelente terraza. KAÑA MAKAN C/ Sueca 61, Ruzafa C/ Explorador Andrés, 24( Plaza Cedro) Tel: 960 15 07 96 www.kanamakan.com Open everyday from 19h - 00.00h Middle Eastern tapas fusion with attractive interior and friendly crowd. LA COMISARÍA (Zona Carmen) Tapas y copas ilegales Pl. Arbol, 5 (corner C/ Baja) Tel: 96 391 07 39 www.lacomisaria.com Price per person around 15/22€. Multilingual chef. Quality fusion cuisine. MAR CUATRO - Tapas & Burguers (Zona Carmen)

C/ del Mar, 4 Tel: 96 391 43 50 Great! Valencian owned and run. Just off Plaza Reina so really easy to find. A fresh, modern and relaxing space to enjoy a wide range of quality tapas, gourmet hamburgers, unique and top notch hotdogs, skewer recipes with different tastes and textures. Savour delish desserts in crystal pots that will surprise you for their delicious taste and lovely presentation. This is a vanguard Spanish tapas bar and open to all ages and backgrounds. Expect to pay around 20€. Tapas de calidad, hamburguesas gourmet, pinchos, postres deliciosos, muy cerca de Plaza Reina.

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Beautiful gourmet bakery that is cosy, with a cosmopolitan crowd and lovely terrace.Ideal for brunch, to read a book, be with family, friends and pets.Excedllent products include pancakes, cheeses,yoghurts, fruit juices, ZONA EL CARMEN

PICNICITY C/Calatrava, 2 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 960 099 900 Email: picnicityvlc@gmail.com Picnicity is a family-run, welcoming and very tasty snack bar with homemade and healthy food, fresh juices, delicious cakes and picnic packs available. Trendy yet warm interior and friendly and experienced staff. Eat in or eat out, this is a great addition to the Barrio del Carmen food scene. Modern yet warm, cosmopolitan & homely. With WiFi. Picnicity es un bar de tapas familiar. TABERNA ARANDINOS C/ de la Cruz, no 1 (Plaza del Angel) Mobile: 639259581 VIVA MASCARAQUE C/ Santo Tomas, 18 (Zona Carmen) Tel: 96 064 93 35 www.vivamascaraque.com Very classy tapas bar and restaurant in spacious listed building on 2 floors in the heart of the Carmen. Cuisine is Spanish and Mediterranean fusion with exquisite quality and with avant-garde presentation. Head chef has 30 years of experience working in Madrid Ritz Hotel and Harrod’s of London. Very friendly, helpful and informed staff. Ideal for groups and courting couples. Tapas 5€-18€, Midday rice dish 8€, Menu Degustacion: 22€-36€, Menu of the day (weekdays)15€, Children’s menu12€, El horario es de martes a sábado de 12:30 a 16:00h. y de 20:00 a 1:30. Domingo de 12:30 a 16:00 h. THAI

THAILICIOUS C/ Almirante Cadarso, 6 Tel: 96 3815181 WINE SHOP/VINOTECA

OLIVÍ (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Calatrava nº4 bajo 1º derecha Tel.: +34 637 17 03 03 / +34 961 05 06 43 Great! Oliví is set in the historic centre, just past Plaza Negrito and a stone’s throw from La Lonja so easy to find.


LA PEQUEÑA PASTELERÍA DE MAMÁ Calle Poeta Josep Grifol y cerverá 14 bajo 963 44 44 95 Facebook: LaPequenaPasteleriaDeMama

ALOE VERA Calle Martín Mengod, 6 bajo 46001 Valencia tel 963926183 www.labotigadelaloe.es Since 2001 we have been making natural cosmetic products that are certified Aloe Vera and with the highest standards of quality. Products without parrafin or petroleum derivatives or parabens nor are they tested on animals. Distribution available. Recently, we have incorporated Bach Flower remedies and Aromatherapy. Our philosophy is “be the change you want to see in the world.” Desde el 2001 creando productos de cosmetica natural con Aloe Vera certificado y 
con los mas altos estandares de calidad. Productos sin parafinas ni derivados 
del petroleo, sin parabenos y no testados en animales. Distribucion y venta al 
menor. En la epoca mas reciente hemos integrado las Flores de Bach y 
Aromaterapia. Nuestra filosofi­a es "Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo". Tienda de Aloe Vera con buen servicio.

AFRIC ART Avenida Maria Cristina, 4 Tel: 96 315 41 76 www.amilloatlante.com COLLA MONLLEÓ CERAMISTES Plaza Redonda, no 11 -12 Tel: 96 392 30 43 Facebook Colla Monlleó EL MONSTRUO Calle Calatrava 11 Vintage style and creative. KUPKA C/ Trench,15 & C/ de los Derechos,19 Tel: 96 105 76 99 Mov: 665 06 06 86 www.kupkacuero.com Art,design LA ROOM C/ Puríssima - Estamenyeria Vella, local 2 (Junto/ next to Tasca Angel) 46001 - (historic downtown) - VALÈNCIA Tel. 962.293.300 / 963.155.813 Mov.656.447.636 MADAME BUGALÚ C/Danzas, 3 Tel: 96 315 44 76


MANDALA (Espai Creatiu) C/ Calatrava, 4 Movil: 655 301 390 Facebook Mandala Espai Creatiu Spiritual shop run by a kindly couple… NEEDLES AND PINS C/ En Bou, 3 needlesandpinsvintage.com PANNONICA VINTAGE C/ Baja, 28 Tel: 696 95 10 55 Facebook: Pannonicavintagedeluxe A cosy vintage store where you can find all kinds of little treasures. From fine clothing and Antique accessories to a great selection of Import Jazz on Vinyl. SEBASTIAN MELMOTH C/ San Fernando, 17 Sebastian Melmoth is a unique design shop with objects collected from around the world by the globetrotting owners. Art exhibitions and acoustic concerts. Un lugar donde encontrar objetos únicos con diseño y tradición que recogemos por todo el mundo además de contar con un espacio polivalente donde albergar pequeñas exposiciones de artistas emergentes, recitales o conciertos acústicos. Estamos en la Calle San Fernando, 17 en Valencia de Lunes a Sábado de 11h. a 20:30h. Los domingos abrimos de 12h. a 14:30h. SOHO DEL CARMEN Calle Derechos 33, Valencia Tel: 96 391 2463 TRIXIE’S VINTAGE EMPORIUM C/ D’Ercilla, 1 (next to Plaza Dr Collado) Vintage, quality clothes.


SWEET HOME Plaza Jaime Roig, 1 Tel: 960 629 367 Email: sweethomeliria@gmail.com Facebook sweethomeliria www.sweethomeliria.com New supermarket in Lliria with quality British food including Quorn, Marmite, Golden Syrup, Linda McCartney veggie burgers, Yorkshire tea and so much more! There are Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian and French choices too. Nuevo supermercado en Lliria con comida británica de calidad, incluyendo Quorn, Marmite, Sirope, hamburguesas vegetarianas Linda McCartney, Té de Yorkshire y mucho más! Hay también productos polacos, rumanos, búlgaros y franceses. New opening hours. Monday – Saturday 10h-14.30h Friday 16.00h – 20.00h Lunes a Sábado desde 10h hasta 14:30h Viernes desde 16:00h hasta 20:00h.


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RE-READ LIBRERIA LOWCOST C/ Gran vía Ramón y Cajal, 45 Movil: 610 20 09 63 www.re-read.com Nearly new book at great prices in a number of languages...

English and Spanish spoken. Easy to find as it is very near to the famous Torres de Serranos! Arte y regalos y complementos. HAIR SALON


CASINO CIRSA VALENCIA Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas, 59 Tel: 96 3 175 199 www.casinocirsavalencia.com This casino is open 24 hours. With different menus everyday and at night! Live music, stand-up comedy, private parties and more…

Levante CC are a new cricket club based in Valencia that have regular league games with teams throughout Spain and also welcome touring sides to the city. The club train most Thursday evenings at the Camp de Beisbol in the riverbed, start time 8pm. New members welcome. www.levantecc.com Jason: 654071182 Barry: 652291897





C/ Santo Tomas, 24 Tel: 96 392 52 82 Fantastic hair salon that is renowned in the city where highly experienced professional experts get to the essence of each person’s head of hair for the cut you are truly looking for. Combining health, pleasure and imagination there are a wide range of services, cuts, colours, styles available. They are make up experts who have worked with a number of film directors, designers and photographers too. There is also an erotic corner for customers… “La Niña Los Peines mueve las tijeras y zapatea, afina el tono de los colores cuidadosamente, mima tu melena mientras te la modela al ritmo de tus deseos. Y en el gabinete de belleza te arregla de la cabeza a los piés. Calidad Schwarzkopf, trabajo cuidado y trato personal ¡Óle!” HEALTH

SMILEY BIKES C/ Rocas, 4 Movil: 654 61 44 16 Great! Very near to Torres de Serranos. Well-established bike shop run by a friendly, experienced and multi-lingual owner. You can hire a bike here for just 9€ and there are special rates for groups.


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© 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

CASA MONET C/ Serranos, 36 bajo izquierda Tel: 96 3127532 / Movil: 696 397 225 Email: casamonet@hotmail.com www.yessy.com/vkieski Looking for original presents over the festive season? Check out one of Valencia’s most original gift shops. Run by entertaining Londoner Vladmir Ksieski, a distinctive artist who also has his own paintings for sale at the shop. He has been based in Valencia for the last 35 years.

CENTRO URANIUM www.centrouranium.com uranium.sirio@gmail.com C/Quart 101, bajo, Valencia. Sirio Simó Calatayud Movil: 676 758 709 This is an alternative health centre with classes including Yoga, Chikung, Tarot, massage therapy Reiki. Run by the highly trained and experienced Sirio.

24/ 7 Valencia is recommended by The Times, El País, The Guardian, Lonely Planet...

24/ 7 Valencia




GABINETE DE MEDICINA NATURAL C/ Albacete 1 pta2 (next to Plaza España) Mari Trini Romeu is a specialist in treatment for physical, psychic, emotional & spiritual pain and mental illnesses. Natural therapies, Bach flower treatment, Massage. Mari Trini es una especialista en Bionoeuroemoción, Terapias Naturales, Flores de Bach, Masajes. Tratamiento por dolencias y enfermedades fisicas, trastornos psiquicos y emocionales. By appointment Tel: 96 2555727/ Movil: 625 799 330 Email. maritriniromeu@gmail.com www.gabinetemedicinanatural.com PILATES CLASSES Movil: 687605722 Personal Trainers specialising in Pilates techniques for single or double classes. Reformer in our studio or at your home. Marta & Mike. HOSTELS

HOME (Zona Carmen) Pl. Vicente Iborra Tel: 96 391 37 97 C/ La Lonja, 4 Tel: 96 391 62 29 www.likeathome.net Two of the funkiest hostels in town, set in the heart of the centro histórico. HOSTAL ANTIGUA MORELLANA (Zona Carmen) C/ En Bou, 2 Tel: 96 391 57 73 www.hostalam.com SINGLE/ INDIVIDUAL 40€ (IVA included/ Incluido) DOUBLE/ DOBLE 55€ (IVA included/ incluido) Lovely hostel in the heart of the old centre with comfortable rooms, good service and all modern conveniences. HOSTAL EL RINCÓN (ZONA CARMEN) C/ Carda 11 Tel: 96 391 79 98 / 96 391 60 83 Single: 10-13€, Double: 18-24€ QUART YOUTH HOSTEL C/ Guillem de Castro, 64 Tel: 96 3 270 101 www.quarthostel.com THE RIVER HOSTEL VALENCIA (Zona Carmen) www.riverhostelvalencia.com Plaza del Temple, 6 Tel: 96 391 39 55

ALKAZAR HOTEL C/ Mosén Femades, 11 (peatonal) Tel: 96 351 55 51/ 96 352 95 75 www.hotelalkazar.es HOTEL LAS ARENAS ***** Eugenia Viñes 22-24 Tel. 963 120 600 HOTEL MELIÁ VALENCIA PALACIO DE CONGRESOS***** Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 52 Tel: 902 14 44 40 LOTELITO VALENCIA ROOMS & BAR Rooms/ Apartments/Free Wi-Fi C/ Virues, 6 (corner C/Barcas) Tel: 96 306 09 30 www.lotelito.com NEPTUNO **** C/ Paseo de Neptuno, 2 Tel: 96 356 77 77 www.hotelneptunovalencia.com Petit Palace Germanías *** C/ Sueca, 14 Tel: 96 351 36 38 www.petitpalacehotelgermanias.com PURPLE NEST HOSTEL VALENCIA Plaza Tetuan, 5 Tel: (34) 96 353 25 61 www.purplenesthostel.com RED NEST HOSTEL VALENCIA Calle de La Paz, 36 Tel: (34) 96 3 427 168 www.rednesthostel.com SERCOTEL SOROLLA PALACE**** Av.de las Cortes Valencianas,58 46015 Valencia (ESPAÑA) Tel: 961 868 700 Fax: 96 186 87 05 www.hotelsorollapalace.com LANGUAGE SCHOOLS

C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8, Valencia 46021.

GLENBURN SCHOOL OF ENGLISH C/ Doctor Modesto Cogollos 6 y 8 Tel: 96 393 35 88 www.glenburnsch ool.com English school with welcoming atmosphere and experienced native staff offers courses at all levels for adults and children and prepares students for FCE, proficiency and E.O.I. exams. Offers Spanish for foreigners, French and German. Excellent translation. Academia inglesa de calidad con profesores nativos y cursos para niños y adultos a todos los niveles. También castellano, francés, alemán. Traducciones excelentes. Preparación exámenes. PHONE REPAIR

PHONE POINT Av. Tirso de Molina, 14 bajo Fixed: 96 205 4342 Movil:687 409 509 Email: phonepoint.valencia@gmail.com Next to the Turia Gardens and near Nuevo Centro. Get your mobiles, consoles and tablets fixed here within 24 to 48 hours.iPhone, Samsung, Sony, Blackberry, Nokia and more… PROPERTY


Tel: 622 230 597 www.thisisvalencia.com info@thisisvalencia.com We have a relocation and property service. Flats, houses and chalets for sale and to rent within a 30km radius of the city. Let us know what you are looking for, chances are we will already have something to suit on our books - but if we don’t we’ll find it for you.

EL CARMEN SPANISH SCHOOL Calle Santo Tomás,22 b (acceso calle Alta esq. Calle Ripalda) 46003(Valencia) Telf. 963 914 518 info@lcarmenspanishschhol.com www.elcarmenspanishschool.com Learn Spanish in a fun setting in the historic center of Valencia. Aprende español de una forma divertida, en el centro histórico de Valencia. Matrícula gratuita.

VALENCIA PROPERTY Tel: 96 166 28 92 www.valencia-property.com www.houses-for-sale-in-spain.net information@valencia-property.com Finding you more than just a home in Valencia. Get the lifestyle information too.

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TURIA ESTUDIO DE GRABACIÓN / TURIA RECORDING STUDIOS C/Hernán Cortés bajo, Alfafar (Valencia) https://m.facebook.com › turia.degrabacion Movil: 659084936-Jordi Email: Turiajordi@gmail.com VALENCIA WEBSITES

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The Times: “For an excellent overview of what's hot pick up a free copy of the English-language listings guide 24/7 Valencia” El País: “24/7 Valencia is a diverse magazine, covering a range of subjects from Valencia football to restaurants to leisure time…” The Guardian: “24/7 Valencia is a free magazine in English, available from many bars and shops across the city, which provides features and previews on local events, fiestas and club nights. Its comprehensive listings section covers bars, clubs, restaurants and shops and is reviewed every month to keep pace with the ever-changing scene. An invaluable guide for longweekend visitors looking to get the most out of Valencia’s nightlife.” Lonely Planet : “The freebie mag 24/7 Valencia is a fantastic guide (in English) to Valencia’s bars, clubs and restaurants.” Let’s Go: “For more info…check out the monthly 24/7 Valencia, available in most cafes and tourist booths, for new hot spots.”

Time Out: “24/7 Valencia is a decent free monthly listings magazine with articles on Valencian life, available from tourist offices... bars and restaurants.”

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ADRI CASTELLANOS PHOTOS 34 twentyfoursevenvalencia

twentyfoursevenvalencia 35

Adri Castellanos Š 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

36 twentyfoursevenvalencia

VALENCIA FOOTBALL de la Cerámica (formerly El Madrigal) was the highlight of the season for most Valencia supporters.

OUT ON A LIM Make no mistake about it, Valencia are in absolute turmoil both on and off the pitch and are well and truly in a relegation battle to maintain their La Liga status for next season. The club started their new year in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Manager Cesare Prandelli and then sports director Jesús García Pitarch resigned from their respective roles. The Italian’s decision to quit as manager in late December was not really a surprise. Despite only being in the position for 10 games, he had already developed a fractious relationship with Pitarch and both parties were frequently contradicting each other in interviews with the press. A summons by the owner Peter Lim to Prandelli to go to Singapore for ‘clear the air’ talks did not amuse the likeable Italian and, within days of the meeting he had moved on, citing broken promises for transfer funding and Pitarch’s interference as the major reasons. Pitarch’s position became equally untenable and he did not last much longer, leaving the management infrastructure once again ‘lim-less’. As always they called upon the club’s faithful servant Salvador González Marco, affectionately known as ‘Voro’, to sort out another fine mess that the club’s hierarchy had got us into. Born in the Valencia town of L’Alcúdia in

1963 on 9 October (Valencia Day), Voro first stepped into the breach after the departure of Ronald Koeman in 2008. Winning four of the last five games that year; he helped save the team from relegation before reverting back to his previous post of youth team coach when Unai Emery was brought in from Almería for the beginning of the next league campaign. More recently he has taken temporary charge after the dismissals of Nuno Espírito Santo and Pako Ayestarán. Previously, the former Spanish international, who was part of the 1994 World Cup squad, had stated he did not want the role permanently. So, once again, he was the natural choice to plug the gap for a while until another new face was found. According to Louis van Gaal, he was offered the post in midJanuary but rejected it, stating that the timing was all wrong. Shortly after the aborted attempt to prise van Gaal, the club issued a statement that Voro would remain in charge until the end of the season. Since then there have been a couple of bright spots on the field in what has been a very gloomy season for the Valencia faithful. A January victory at local neighbours Villarreal brought a smile to the fans faces and the addition of some of the Valencia Mestalla B players within the first team squad has given the fans renewed interest. The recent inclusion of local born talent Carlos Soler has excited everyone and his goal at Estadio

On the flip side, the more recent performances have been lukewarm at best and infuriating at worst. The remaining chance of silverware came crashing to a halt in the first leg of the Copa del Rey round of 16 against Celta Vigo. Inside 20 minutes the team were three goals down and effectively out of the tie. The white handkerchiefs were out earlier than usual, as a shellshocked Mestalla went down finally by four goals to one. Arguably, the most disappointing game of the season to date was the 4-0 drubbing at home by unfashionable Eibar. They have made good use of the La Liga lifeline, given in 2015 when Elche were punished for financial irregularities, by giving the Basque side a reprieve when they had actually finished in the relegation positions. Since then, they have continued to remain on an upward curve and gained many admirers along the way. The smallest club ever to play in La Liga, they are the blueprint for every aspiring local team. They stipulate players must live within close proximity of the town and most of the population of around 27,500 supports the team, although the ground capacity at Ipurua is just over 6,000. The players are wellintegrated into the community and the spirit this creates has been reflected on the pitch. No more so than in the game against Valencia at Mestalla. Eibar were everything Valencia were not. Working as a team, they fought for every ball and for each other whilst Los Chés huffed and puffed and ran around like headless chickens. A well-taken first goal by their energetic centre forward Sergi Enrich, a 2015 acquisition from second division Numancia, was no more than the visitors deserved. Just before half-time was the talking point of the game. From

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a corner, there was a fracas between Carlos Soler and Gonzalo Escalante. The Eibar player fell theatrically to the ground as the ball was in the air and the referee immediately blew for a penalty and reached to his pocket to give the Valencia youngster a red card. Replays seemed to suggest that Escalante had hold of Soler’s face initially and that he then reacted angrily by lashing out at the experienced Argentinian. The home side’s remonstrations fell on deaf ears and the youngster, who has been at the club since he was seven years old, trudged off inconsolably to the biggest applause of the day from the Valencia supporters. The loss of Soler was compounded seconds later when Adrián scored from the penalty with the last kick of the first half. The second half proved equally frustrating for the home fans as their team failed to produce a single telling effort on the Eibar goal. They in turn scored an additional two goals to give their cluster of travelling fans a very enjoyable evening. As Valencia trudged off disconsolately, the Eibar keeper Yoel (currently on loan from Los Chés) spent 15 minutes after the game talking and having photos taken with a visiting fans peña before joining his celebrating team mates in the dressing room. That epitomises the spirit of “the Gunners” and that is also

why they are many people’s second FOOTBALL CALENDAR favourite team in La Liga. Long may sábado 4 feb they continue punching above their Valencia – Eibar 20.45h weight. domingo 5 feb With Athletic Bilbao and Real Madrid the Levante – Nàstic 18.00h sábado 11 feb next opponents at the Mestalla, the six Betis – Valencia 13.00h point gap Valencia have over third-frombottom Sporting Gijón may be heavily Zaragoza – Levante 18.00h sábado 18 feb reduced by the time the club play fellow Levante – Almería 18.00h strugglers Leganés on home soil at the domingo 19 feb end of February. Valencia – Athletic 16.15h Happily, things are much more ‘hunky- miércoles 22 feb dory’ across the city at Levante. Proudly Valencia – Real Madrid 21.00h perched on top of the league, seven sábado 25 feb points clear of their nearest rivals Girona Alavés – Valencia 13.00h and 12 points clear of third place Cádiz, domingo 26 feb an automatic promotion spot looks likely Sevilla Atlético - Levante so ‘Los Granotas’ could well be back in 01 marzo Valencia – Leganés the big time at the first attempt. 05 marzo Finally, best wishes go out to Manolo, Atlético Madrid – Valencia Valencia’s number one fan and ‘El Levante - Elche Bombo’ for the Spanish national team, 12 marzo who has been in hospital recently after Valencia – Sporting coronary bypass surgery. The ‘24/7 Valladolid - Levante Valencia’ team wish you a speedy VALENCIA CF Mestalla stadium, Aragón/ recovery and we hope to see you back Facultats metro, lots of buses incl. 9, 10, at your Football Museum bar next to 12, 29, 30, 31, 32, 41, 79, 80. Tickets on Mestalla in the very near future. sale from the stadium, club shop (Plaza

John Howden

del Ayuntamiento), VCF website.

LEVANTE UD Ciudad de Valencia Information on tickets for Valencia and stadium, 11/70 bus, Machado metro, Levante games can be obtained from Estadi del Llevant tram. Tickets available their various websites. at ground on matchday and in advance www.valenciacf.com from club shop (C/Colón) and LUD www.levanteud.com website.

Levante UD Photo © / Valencia CF Photos © Valencia Club de Fútbol / Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

twentyfoursevenvalencia 39

All photos Julián Jiménez © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

40 twentyfoursevenvalencia


SHORT AND SWEET IN FEBRUARY The first month of the year has already flown by and you haven't had a decent night out yet? No big deal. Even if the last time you went out you had pesetas in your wallet! On the other hand, you’re might still be recovering from last weekend’s fun. I’m sure you’ll find something in this month’s post that will catch your eye. OK, let’s get down to brass tacks!

Akuarela Beach (C/ Eugenia Viñes, 152) is a club that was originally built as a spa on the Malvarrosa seafront and has become a ‘must’ on the Valencia night-life scene. To prove that, they are putting on one of the most exciting nights this month on 11 February. The main guest for this event is Eric Estornel, an American DJ and producer better known as Maceo Plex, who has recently been chosen as the 4th best artist of 2016 by the renowned electronic music platform Resident Advisor. With that snippet of information you can imagine the quality of the set that can be expected. He will be accompanied by local DJs such as Edu Imbernon, or Mike Gannu. Our next venue is Moon (C/ San Vicente Mártir, 200) formerly known as Mirror, Noise and Cormorán amongst others. This club’s agenda is a good example of the wide-ranging variety of events on

Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

24/ 7 VALENCIA but to wander around some of the livelier parts of the city at night, discovering the

offer this February. This space has been newly refurbished and equipped with a top sound system that will be put to the test on 24 February by the legendary disco band Boney M! Come along, it’s suitable for the general public. Just a week before and on a totally different note, the electronic duo Red Axes, who played at the latest edition of Burning Man festival, will be performing at the same venue. They will be bringing to us their unique audiovisual approach to house and techno music which was much commented on by the press last year.

Not too far away from the centre of Valencia is the trendy neighbourhood of Ruzafa, which has been transformed from a downtown suburb to an area highly populated with bars and with a thriving nightlife. One of the clubs that contributes to this growing scene and you might want to check out is XL Playground (Gran Vía Germanías, 21). Sometimes with an XL queue due to its popularity, it has three dancefloors to give you the chance to select kind of atmosphere that suits you. People from all walks of life congregate here sharing the same idea, to have a good time. Quite often the best way to enjoy a good night out in Valencia doesn’t have to imply going purposely to a beach club

atmosphere for yourself. I’d recommend El Carmen; this area is full of pubs, bars, restaurants and clubs all within walking distance of each other. So, you’re spoilt for choice! Nevertheless, after having had something to eat and few drinks, I’d suggest you round the night off at Radio City (C/ Santa Teresa, 19). This is a cultural centre offering all sorts of exhibitions, concerts and even flamenco shows during the week. At night it becomes one of the hot spots in the old town, with a great atmosphere, affordable drinks and eclectic sounds: you’ll be able to hear anything from a Smiths remix to drum & bass.

If you're more into the latest hits of EDM and mainstream music, then Café Bolsería (C/ Moro Zeit, 12) is the place for you. With punters from all over the world and a late closing time, this place located at the very heart of Carmen attracts young people who are looking for a good night out that may run into the early hours. That’s all folks, hope you find it useful. Hasta pronto! Micael Kiernan

twentyfoursevenvalencia 41



photographs from today and yesteryear.

This is the real deal. Check out this tiny

reflects the intense changes that the city

independent shop in the historic centre

of the Barrio del Carmen. Here is a place that gives you hope that not all

Mediterranean shopping in Valencia is

going to be engulfed and swamped by soulless multinational chains and lowcost tourist traps.

The idea of the shop was created by Pablo Casino, the informed owner who

can always be found here. He has put together old posters and books and

He pays special attention to Valencia

iconography that is both local and

popular, without forgetting material that has experienced in different epochs.

Novedades Casino C/ Bolsería, 28 (Zona Carmen)

You can really refresh your memory here

Tel: 629 932 498

whilst enjoying the display of old posters




as well as connecting to the present, and






books and the work of local artists. This

is a space that is a mixture of gallery, a curiosity shop and souvenir shop.

Only if you visit in person can you truly appreciate it.

novedadescasino/ casino/

Open Tuesday – Saturday (Call if closed)

Hours: 11.00h -14.00h, 17.00 h - 21.00h

Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

42 twentyfoursevenvalencia




What is the future for cartoonists in

evolving every day.

There is really not very much choice

whenever I could, learning my craft and


I always combined that with drawing


What are your inspirations influences as a cartoonist?






over time and include Mortadelo y Filemón (Mort & Phil), Marvel Comic

I have always been passionate about

superheroes, manga comics (‘Dragon

myself. Although I started working

Hobbes and the adventures of Tintin


within the Spanish comic industry compared








a great job for Spanish writers and

illustrators. Even so, we are still not at the same level as France or Belgium...

drawing ever since I could think for

Ball’) as well as Garfield, Calvin and

Tell us about your interest in sports

very young to help support the family,

and Asterix!

I play a lot of sports but basketball is

and music.

twentyfoursevenvalencia 43

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW FEDDE CARROZA one of my favourites due to my height (2 metres). I follow the Valencia Basket team. Regarding music, I’m a big fan of classic rock, including AC/DC, Queen, Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin to name but a few… What is a typical day for you?

I get up and I draw for assignments, do caricatures, illustrations for stories, drawings for my own projects as well as cartoons on current news stories. I then have something to eat and I also work at La Tasca (Escalones de La Lonja) as a waiter. It’s an emblematic place in the old town of Valencia, which you will find by the steps of La Lonja…

What are your projects for 2017? I have quite a few projects going on this year, including the presentation of ‘PLOC’, a comic about a very odd pet (Top Secret). I’m also working on a compilation volume of 12 years of 'Legión del Espacio’, which is a webcomic I do together with Alfredo Álamo that is humour in the science fiction vein. I’m also developing the fourth volume of my own ‘Runninmen’ as well as collaborations for cartoons, video game and so on... Nothing can stop Runninmen?

Click on the links for more of Fedde Carroza’s work: http://www.legiondelespacio.com http://runninmen.blogspot.com

44 twentyfoursevenvalencia


Bar Almudin


Valencia has long been the city of gin tonics! But now the trend for aperitifs has grown and vermut is making its way back. The bittersweet drink is on the rise and on the shelves of many bars in Valencia again. Historically, there used to be a vermut made in many village bodegas around the Valencia Region. It was as traditional and as common as mistela or rancio and today there are still some small bodegas making it. The origins of vermut belong, according to historians, in Italy (for vermut rosso) and in France (for white). Piedmont and Chambéry claim the respective garlands both back to the 18th century. But a drink which sounds very like vermut was being produced in Requena in Roman times so maybe the experts

are not entirely correct! Certainly there are examples made around the Mediterranean and the drink last went through a revival in the 1970s (remember the Martini adverts?) What is Vermut?

Well, strictly speaking it is a drink made with a wine base (either red or white), which is placed in a barrel or stainless steel tank into which the dry ingredients (bark, roots, herbs, spices, fruit peel and other ‘botanicals’) are added. Later, neat alcohol will be added to both increase the body of the drink and to stop fermentation occurring. There are many varied botanicals but the one which must be included is ‘wormwood’ or ‘ajenjo’ in Valencian. Others (there may well be over 20) are cloves, cinnamon, quinine, citrus peel, cardamom, marjoram, chamomile, coriander, juniper, hyssop, and ginger. The drink may have sugar added and in France, for example, where white wine is used as the base, caramel will be added to give a ‘red’ vermouth. In Valencia, the traditional bases are

moscatel or macabeo for white vermut or monastrell (mourvedre), garnacha , etc., for reds. It is a choice for the maker! Who Makes It?

Setting aside the traditional village cooperatives where it is still possible occasionally to find a vermut, it has been a product associated with specialist bodegas. Probably the most popular are the Vittore white and red vermuts from Valsangiacomo, both widely available in supermarkets. But others have been quietly making it for some time and are now receiving recognition for the quality of their product. In Alicante province, Primitivo Quiles in Monóvar even export their vermut to the USA. The coops of Xaló (Jalón) and Teulada both produce quality vermuts. In Valencia, Toni Arráez in Font de la Figuera produces ‘Piscolabis’. Alonso Sanz’s 4 Xavos is made in Aielo de Malferit, Belda in Fontanares and Cent Piques from Moixent are all examples of artisan vermuts. Baronía de Turís have just introduced their new ‘A La Hora’ vermut,

twentyfoursevenvalencia 45


have recently added a reserve vermut with a family recipe dating to 1904, which is equally good as a digestif to take after a meal. And a new vermut is shortly to be released from a bodega in Castellón, Mas de Rander. Where can I buy or drink it?

In almost all cases you can buy them directly from the bodegas or online. Alternatively, in Valencia, many of the small independent wine shops such as Bodegas Biosca (Ruzafa), Els Bodeguers (Cánovas, El Carmen and elsewhere) carry them and the main markets, El Corte Inglés, etc. Most bars and restaurants have a vermut on their list. Of course, vermut is also used in several cocktails so they are widely available in night clubs and discos as well. But there are also bars which specialize in traditional drinks. So try El Vermut near the Economics Department of the University, Bocatín in El Carmen or Bar & Kitchen in the Mercado de Tapinería and, of course, Casa Montaña in the Cabanyal amongst others.

What are the characteristics of a good Vermut?

What constitutes a good vermut is obviously a matter of taste but there are certain ‘rules’ which help. First of these is that the base wine should be well made but fairly neutral, that is to say that the wine should not overpower the botanicals. The second is that the ingredients should be of the highest quality and, perhaps to the point, should be natural products, not commercial flavourings, essences or other chemical substitutes! The alcohol used as described above should come from wine, i.e., be distilled from grapes. Industrial alcohol should not be used. Nor should the alcohol by volume take the vermut above 15 – 17% ABV. This alcohol adds to the body of the vermut and too much alcohol is … well, too much alcohol! On the nose, the botanicals should emerge slowly as the wine warms up and evolves in the glass. Not all the botanicals will show themselves straight away, one of the pleasures of drinking vermut is the emergence of different

aromas over a period of time! Vermut finally should be drunk over ice, with a slice of fresh orange or lemon and be accompanied by traditional ‘picks’. In Valencia these are considered to be olives, jamón, albóndigas de bacalao, snails and almonds amongst many others! So next time you are out and about give Valencian vermut a try, you will be pleasantly surprised! This article was prepared by Riki Wigley and Marian Darás whose VÍ vid project promotes Valencian wine and gastronomy. VÍvidBlog (http://vvidvinos.wordpress. com) reports regularly on bodega visits, launches of new wines, etc., and restaurant reviews.

This week has seen the publication of two blogs covering the wines of Bocopa, a bodega based in Petrer (Alicante) but whose wines are available throughout Valencia, and a restaurant review for La Plaza in Torrente. VÍ vid are also in Facebook…..have a look at our activities there for more information on Valencian Wine and Food! Article © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

3.00h & the WAH:

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46 twentyfoursevenvalencia



JIMMY GLASS: Tim Armacost Triad (jazz) 20.45h 15€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30h / Jamrock DJs 24.00h Gratis.


BLACK NOTE: Los 300 (groove –Latin) 23.30h 5€ / 7€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Elena Baraja, El Zaca, Tomás de los Cariño y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Combate Acústico con Lazy Lane + Yannick vs. Miguel Burden + Emili Gascón 21.00h 6€ / 8€. JIMMY GLASS: Bea Estévez Trio (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. PETER ROCK CLUB: Circuito Café Teatro 22.00h 6€ con consumición / Rhythm & Groove Jam Session 23.30h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Vadebo + Tesa 22.00h 5€ / 10€. WAH-WAH: Soledad Vélez + Manderley 22.00h 6€.


CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Elena Baraja, El Zaca, Tomás de los Cariño y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Travellin’ Brothers 22.30h 12€ / 15€. JIMMY GLASS: Valencia-London Connection (quartet, jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. LA3: Flux Pavilion + Beauty Brain + Qwert 01.30h. PETER ROCK CLUB: Black Circle (tributo Pearl Jam) 23.00h 5€. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. WAHWAH: Rusos Blancos + Moonflower 22.30h 8€ / 10€.


BLACK NOTE: Veva’s Band (swing –rockabilly) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Elena Baraja, El Zaca, Tomás de los Cariño y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Dry River + Systemia + Jardin de la Croix + Noah Histeria + Tavistock 21.00h 10€

Agenda © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

/ 15€. JIMMY GLASS: Baptiste Bailly & Matt Baker (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: DJs 01.30h. MOON: 7 Notas 7 Colores (hip-hop en español) 20.00h 16€. PETER ROCK CLUB: Empty Bottles (southern rock) 23.00h 5€. 16 TONELADAS: Wyoming & Insolventes 23.00h 12€ / 15€.


BLACK NOTE: Andragons (jazz fusion) 20.00h 3€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Elena Baraja, El Zaca, Tomás de los Cariño y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 20.00h. EL LOCO: Audacity 21.00h 10€ / 15€. RADIO CITY: Funk Time Jam Session 20.00h / DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Eté & Problems + Senior i el Cor Brutal 19.00h 8€ / 10€. MONDAY / LUNES 13

EL LOCO: Walking Dead on Broadway + Bostok + Every Second Lost 19.00h 12€ / 15€. RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.


RADIO CITY: Elena Barajas, Zacarias El Mahfoudi, Ricardo Bustamante y Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva


BLACK NOTE: Jam Black (jam session) 23.30h Gratis. JIMMY GLASS: Hugo Fernández Quartet (jazz) 20.45h 13€ Aforo Limitado. LA RAMBLETA: E con Thalia Zedek (rock) 21.00h 10€.


BLACK NOTE: Thunder Road (tributo Springsteen) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Combate Acústico con Olaya Alcázar 21.30h 6€ / 8€. JIMMY GLASS: Cristina Blasco & Luis Llario Duo (vocal jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. PETER ROCK CLUB: Circuito Café Teatro 22.00h 6€ con consumición / Rhythm & Groove Jam Session 23.30h

Gratis. RADIO CITY: Micro Abierto / Open Mic Night + DJ Session 22.30h Gratis. WAH-WAH: Lost River Bastards +Hora del Té 21.30h 5€ FRIDAY / VIERNES 17

BLACK NOTE: La Golfería (Latino) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Polina Zizak Quartet (vocal jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. LA3: Resident DJs + Las Bistecs + Ms. Nina + Eterno + Boccachico 01.30h. MOON: León Benavente en concierto 21.00h 16€ / 20€ // The Basement –Night Shift con Red Axes (electronica) 23.45h 10€. PETER ROCK CLUB: Still Morris 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Rebeldes 23.00h12€ / 15€. WAH-WAH: Chelsea Boots + Tres Hombres 22.30h 10€.


CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 23.00h. EL LOCO: Shennon & Lotton 22.30h 10€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz Session en directo (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. PETER ROCK CLUB: Rocket King (tributo Guns N’ Roses) 23.00h 7€ / 9€. RADIO CITY: DJs 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Corazones Eléctricos + Badlands 23.00h 8€ / 10€. WAH-WAH: Los Ganglios + Jordi Cassette 22.30h 9€.


CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Isabel Julve, Júlia Gimeno y Kike Naval (flamenco) 20.00h. RADIO CITY: Funk Time Jam Session 20.00h / DJs 23.00h Gratis. MONDAY / LUNES 20

RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis. TUESDAY / MARTES 21

JIMMY GLASS: Seamus Blake French Quartet (jazz) 20.45h 17€ Aforo Limitado. RADIO CITY: Yuli Gimenos, Paco Berbel, Paco Costa y Alba Díaz (flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva.

twentyfoursevenvalencia 47 (jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición.

Session 23.30h Gratis. RADIO CITY:


Micro Abierto / Open Mic Night + DJ

RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session

Los Guapos + DJ Ferro (‘80s rock –

Session 22.30h Gratis.

22.30h / Jamrock DJs 24.00h Gratis.

pop) 23.00h 5€ con consumición. 16


TONELADAS: Sex Museum + Tokyo


BLACK NOTE: Gambiters (blues – rock)

Sex Destruction 22.00h 12€ / 15€.


CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Christian García, Estela Alonso, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’,

23.30h 3€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa


Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón



‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco)

Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’

Valverde Quartet (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h

23.00h. EL LOCO: Combate Acústico

y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 20.00h.


con Tokan2 La Polla + El Trío Paraíso

RADIO CITY: Funk Time Jam Session

21.00h 23€. RADIO CITY: DJ Session

21.30h 8€ / 10€. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz

20.00h / DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Tributo

Session en directo (jazz) 22.15h –



00.30h 4€ consumición. PETER ROCK CLUB: Circuito Café Teatro 22.00h 6€ con consumición / Rhythm & Groove Jam Session 23.30h Gratis. WAH-WAH: Club de Río + Blue Caravan 21.30h 8€ / 10€.






DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco)




Miguel Rodríguez Trio (jazz) 22.30h – 01.00h 4€ consumición. MOON: Boney M en concierto + DJs Lucky, Nacho Rodríguez yVaro Vedrí 23.00h 50€ / 60€.




Symphonic Rhapsody of Queen 20.30h





(flamenco) 22.30h 15€ con reserva.


BLACK NOTE: Jam Black (jam session) 23.30h Gratis. EL LOCO: Black Lillies 21.00h 12€ /15€. RADIO CITY: Reggae Jam Session 22.30h / Jamrock DJ Session 24.00h Gratis.




Elche + Segunda Persona 22.30h 16€ / 19€.

Aforo Limitado. EL LOCO: Shiraz Lane


bandas 23.00h. WAH-WAH: Niño de

JIMMY GLASS: (jazz) 20.45h 10€

12€. RADIO CITY: En Clave de Clot

BLACK NOTE: One Wild Band (tributo



+ Verben Underground 20.30h 10€ /



RADIO CITY: DJ Session 23.00h Gratis.

Juan Debel y Juan de Pilar (flamenco)





(tributo Police) + Dr. Xtrangelove + Kaiko Vinilo DJ (pop – rock) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: (Christian García, Estela Alonso, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’, Juan Debel y Juan de Pilar flamenco)




Melody at Night Trio (vocal jazz) 22.15h – 00.30h 4€ consumición. LA3: DJs 01.30h. PALACIO DE CONGRESOS: Rosario




45€, DJ






Gratis. 16 TONELADAS: Ray Gelato con Barcelona Big Blues Band 23.00h

35€ y 40€. PETER ROCK CLUB: Los


18€ / 22€. WAH-WAH: Viva Suecia +

Walkers 23.00h Gratis. RADIO CITY: DJ

BLACK NOTE: Tarantintos (rock –soul)

Fanáticos 22.30h 6€.

Session 23.00h Gratis. 16 TONELADAS:

23.30h Gratis. CAFÉ DEL DUENDE:


Ray Collins Hot Club + Locos del Oeste

Christian García, Estela Alonso, Javier


23.00h 15€ / 18€. WAH-WAH: Mourn +

Calderón ‘El Tete’, Juan Debel y Juan

Cristina Blasco (pop – rock, tributo Amy

Tercer Sol 22.30h 8€ / 11€.

de Pilar (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY

Winehouse) 23.30h 5€. CAFÉ DEL


GLASS: Reggie Washington Quartet


(jazz) 20.45h 16€. LARAMBLETA: Toy

Alonso, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’, Juan

22.00h 12€ / 15€. PETER ROCK CLUB:

Debel y Juan de Pilar (flamenco) 20.00h.

Circuito Café Teatro 22.00h 6€ con

RADIO CITY: Funk Time Jam Session

consumición / Rhythm & Groove Jam

20.00h / DJs 23.00h Gratis.

CAFÉ DEL DUENDE: Rosa Sanz, Yolanda López, Javier Calderón ‘El Tete’ y Manuel Reyes (flamenco) 23.00h. JIMMY GLASS: Jazz Session in Directo








Agenda © 2017 24/ 7 Valencia

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