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virtual teaching iVet 2013-2014 Vygotsky Team VOC 1, Session 2 1.10.2013

Pre-task The idea here is to create a Google Docs presentation in real time as a group by accessing this link :

https:// docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iWFgU0sQtFowcFvXCADgMg Please answer the question : Which E-learning tools have you used in your teaching or learning ?

How lecturing (and teaching) can be enriched using virtual teaching? Social learning and the new learning culture Some of the new media skills that are being utilized in this way are:

• Play • Simulation • Collective intelligence • Networking • Multitasking • Judgment • Appropriation • Transmedia Navigation (1)

Web 2.0 applications – Transmedia image source (1)

How lecturing (and teaching) can be enriched using virtual teaching? Transformative technologies for Pedagogy 3.0 (applying web 3.0 technologies in teaching)

• Internet-enabled mobile devices • cloud computing • cloud-based collaborative working tools

such as Google Apps • Moodle

Open source platform: http://moodle.com/ image source (2)

How lecturing (and teaching) can be enriched using virtual teaching? Helpful resources and apps for teachers and professionals: • http://www.google.com/edu/teachers/ • http://www.apple.com/education/ipad/resources/ • http://eduforum.fi/ • http://news.google.com

• http://padlet.com/ • Forums provide educational staff with an

alternative communication channel • Blogger, WordPress and Edublogs • Blended learning activities

image source (3)

How to make E-learning work? An orientating task: Evaluate the eLearning courses you have participated in. -> Please go to the Padlet wall and write your answers to the questions there Timo’s group: http://padlet.com/wall/l6ohyi5isj Alexandra’s & Virpi’s group: http://padlet.com/wall/k66bmzejhx Tiina’s group: http://padlet.com/wall/6h4ibm4jp8

How to make E-learning work? Benefits of E-learning: Flexibility, no strict limits of time and place Some aspects that can affect learner’s satisfaction: • Learner computer anxiety • Instructor attitude toward e-Learning • E-learning course flexibility • E-Learning course quality • Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of

use • Diversity in assessments

(Source 3)

image source (4)

Studies about educational games 1. Educational games are more

effective than conventional teaching 2. They should be supplemented with

other instructional learning materials 3. Better when played in groups 4. Active reflection 5. Surprising events 6. Learning content is more important

than design 7. Motivation: effect on motivation is not


(Source 4 & 5)

image source (5)

How to make E-learning work? Start from the learner

• Know what the learners know • Engage the learners • Make participation approachable

→ Facilitate

image source (6)

How to make E-learning work? As a teacher

• Make assessment criteria and

methods clear • Know the tools you are using • Collect course evaluation data • Set limits when needed

image source (7)

Coursera – The Future of Online Education (Yes, this is an advertisement, but at least it is non-commercial.) Coursera http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=3zYNsL9Oolw (4m15s) If you have time at home, watch also this bit longer (20m41s) presentation: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education by TED http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=U6FvJ6jMGHU

Extended Possibilities of Online Education • Education as fundamental human right • Access • Affordability • Scale

• Enables life-long learning • Continuous just-in-time education • Break-away from “one-size-fits-all-education”

• New Innovations • Networking • Unprecedented data on how learning happens

Sources (1) Jenkins, H., Purushotma, R.,Clinton, K., Weigel, M.,Robinson A.J. (2006). Building the field of Digital Media & Learning, Comparative Media Studies Program at MIT. Retrieved from: http://www.newmedialiteracies.org/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/NMLWhitePaper.pdf

(2) Dunn, J. (2010). The 100 Best ( And Free) Online Learning Tools, Edudemic. Retrieved from: http://www.edudemic.com/the-100-best-and-free-online-learning-tools/

(3) Pei-Chen Suna, Ray J. Tsaib, Glenn Fingerc, Yueh-Yang Chend & Dowming Yeha. 2008. What drives a successful e-Learning? An empirical investigation of the critical factors influencing learner satisfaction. Computers & Education. Volume 50, Issue 4, May 2008, Pages 1183–1202.

(4) Sitzmann, T. (2011). A meta-analytic examination of the instructional effectiveness of computer-based simulation games. Personnel Psychology, 64, 489–528.

(5) Wouters, Pieter; van Nimwegen, Christof; van Oostendorp, Herre; van der Spek, Erik D. 2013. A Meta-Analysis of the Cognitive and Motivational Effects of Serious Games. Journal of Educational Psychology Issue: Volume 105(2), May 2013, p 249–265.

(6) Hanover Research Council. 2009. Best Practices in Online Teaching Strategies. Retrieved from: www.hanoverresearch.com http://www.uwec.edu/AcadAff/resources/edtech/upload/Best-Practices-in-Online-Teaching-Strategies-Membership.pdf

(7) Hietala, P. 2000. Internet-pohjaiset oppimisympäristöt –seminaari. Retrieved from: http://www.cs.uta.fi/ipopp/www/ipopp2000/HeikkilaSaukko/sisaltoteksti.htm

Sources (8 ) Korhonen, V. 2003. Oppijana verkossa. Doctoral thesis.Retrieved from: http://uta17-kk.lib.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/67287/951-44-5658-0.pdf?sequence=1

Image sources :

(1) Web 2.0. Digital Image. Kastelein, R., 22 October 2012.Transmedia: Believe Entertainment Group Plans Original Series On Twitter, 'EpicEDM‘. Retrieved from: http://www.technationnews.com/2012/10/22/transmedia-believe-entertainment-group-plans-original-series-on-twitter-epicedm

(2) Moodle ladders. Digital image. Stephen, March 27, 2012. Engaging teachers with a Moodle VLE. Webanywhere Education Blog. Retrieved from: http://www.webanywhere.co.uk/blog/2012/03/engaging-teachers-moodle-vle/#more

(3) Blended learning. Digital image. Rashed, S., 2010, Blog: Blended Learning. Retreived from: http://friends2211.blogspot.fi/2010/12/blended-learning.html

(4) Benefits of E-learning. Digital image. Brown, J., May 12th, 2013. ATPLOnline.co.nz. Education. Escape Velocity. Retrieved from: http://escapevelocity.co.nz/benefits-of-e-learning/

(5) Game Changer Ahead sign. Digital image. Retrieved From: http://beforeitsnews.com/war-and-conflict/2013/09/syria-military-strike-will-be-a-game-changer-ziad-abdelnour-video-2448492.html

(6) Benjamin Franklin quote. Digital image. Retreived from: http://parentingcentral.com.au/benjamin-franklin-quote/

(7)How to make E-Learning work as a Teacher. Digital image.Kharbach, M., 2012. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning .Retrieved from: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/05/teachers-guide-to-creativity.html

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