4 minute read
Andie Klisz American Girl HELP
by Will Road
American Girl HELP! Andie Klisz
Dear American Girl, I have such a bad habit of chewing my nails, and the other day, my crush told me he thought they were ugly! How can I stop biting them? Nail Chewer
Get your nails done or paint them a fun color yourself so you won’t want to ruin them! Also, don’t forget that anyone making fun of your appearance may not be the best person to crush on. Find someone that would appreciate you, for you!
Dear American Girl, I have two best friends, but we can never seem to get along together! One of us is always left out of what we are doing, and I feel sobad about it. The other day we had to choose partners for an activity in class, and we all got in a big fight because we couldn’t decide who should be together! Any tips for making a friendship triangle work? Stuck in the Middle
Having two best friends can definitely be tricky. It isn’t fun when friendship turns into a competition. First, talk with your friends and see how they feel. I’m sure no one is very happy with the current situation. Find ways where you can all be together as a group, like at recess or hanging out after school. When it comes to class activities, take turns being each other’s partners!
Dear American Girl, I write to you out of loneliness, perhaps even despair. I have a good heart, but I feel empty inside. I volunteer at my church and the soup kitchen, and I’m the youngest
person to do so, yet, I have no sense of identity other than that. I do things out of complete selflessness, but at the same time, do I? I’m not one to shy away from a camera when it’s there. For all I know, I am exploitative of others’ situations without at all acknowledging my own privilege. Am I a bad person? Lost
Dear American Girl, All my friends have cell phones, except me! I feel so left out when they all text each other, but my parents refuse to get me one. What should I do? Phoneless
Feeling like you’re missing out on something, especially, technology, is more common than you think. First, try to communicate with your friends and let them know how you feel when you can’t participate. Also, try to see where your parents are coming from. Sit down with them and ask about why exactly they don’t want you to have a cell phone, and maybe make some compromises. See if you could put your allowance towards the cost or put restrictions on what you would use it for!
Dear American Girl, Hello again. I’m not sure you’re understanding me. Being 7, I feel much too young and yet, much too old. I cannot connect with anyone my age even though to do so is my only option. I live inside my head and it’s starting to wear on me. I’m starting to question my faith. The existence of a higher power is the only thing ever on my mind. Lost
Try making some friendship bracelets! Check out the DIY later in this issue
where we teach the fishtail braid.
Dear American Girl,
My friend invited me to a sleepover, but I’m secretly crazy nervous about sleeping anywhere but my own house. I want to hang out with her and not be rude, but I’m so scared! What should I do? Scaredy Cat
It’s okay to be nervous doing something new! Don’t hesitate to communicate with your friend and her family about how you feel. Let them know that you are nervous so they can try and accommodate you as best as they can, so you’ll all have a good time! Maybe even try a sleepover practice-run at a trusted family member’s house!
Dear American Girl, My parents just told me that we’re going to be moving. I haven’t lived anywhere but here, and I don’t want to leave my friends! Help! Homesick Already
Moving somewhere new is never easy. Express your feelings to your parents so they can support you and help you along the process. Take your time saying goodbye and making lasting memories with your friends. Finally, research the new town you’ll be living in and see what fun new things there will be to do! Try to see the best in it.
Dear American Girl, Am I worthy of love? I know my parents love me, but will I truly ever experience the admiration of someone who isn’t required to do such? At recess, all I can do is hang on the monkey bars and look to my future. Anyway, I’m getting my ears pierced next week and I’m super afraid! What should I do? Lost