2021-22 LS Program of Studies

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Library Media Center/Information Literacy

Kindergarten students continue to use the borrowing and return procedures of the LMC. They also learn to name two possible sources of information to answer a question and begin to work more formally in groups to pursue and generate information. As part of the coordination of LMC teaching with classroom curricular goals, the students experience “authentic learning” activities, such as acting out nursery rhymes. They continue to participate in both listening and interactive story times, drama groups, and individual consultations for book selection. Kindergarten students learn basic terms and functions of the computer, and acquire foundation skills such as how to use the mouse, log on and off a network, open and close folders, and start and quit programs. They learn the basics of keyboarding (left hand versus right hand keys, space bar, delete key, and shift key). They also create artwork in graphics programs, and begin to transfer skills between programs. With careful teacher guidance, students begin to explore the Internet as a source of information and means of communication, viewing selected web pages. The i-SAFE curriculum is used to teach Internet safety topics. Examples from past projects: • Students created poems and computer-generated artwork which wass celebrated in their very first e-books. • Students created a presentation and shared their knowledge of frogs.

First Grade Language Arts

First grade students continue First grade students to develop their decoding abilcontinue to develop their ity, reading fluency, and sight word recognition. Comprehen- decoding ability, reading fluency, and sight sion of written text develops word recognition. Comthrough setting a purpose for reading, implementation of prehension of written reading strategies, and discus- text developes through sion of story elements. In addisetting a purpose for tion, students’ understanding reading, implementation of new vocabulary words helps to strengthen their comprehen- of reading strategies, and discussion of story elesion. Students are exposed to various genres, both through ments. reading and in directed writing assignments. They also undertake their first research study, using library resources and preparing a final project. First grade is a year of tremendous progress in writing. First graders work on punctuation, grammar, and editing skills, as well as phonetic spelling and handwriting. Specific decoding objectives include using sound-syllable relationships, understanding word patterns and families, and a beginning structural analysis of words. 10


First graders focus on four critical areas: adding and subtracting numbers to 20; building understanding of the relationships between whole numbers and place value, with practice grouping into tens and ones; developing an understanding of linear measurement using non-traditional units; and exploring geometric shapes and their attributes. The use of ten frames, number bonds, and other pictorial tools is highlighted as a way to strengthen mental math skills.


First graders continue to build on the science skills learned in kindergarten. Students start the year studying monarch butterflies as part of a cross-curricular unit with Spanish, art, and the homebase classroom. In science, students observe the life cycle of a monarch, from egg to butterfly, wing coloring, and migration. The unit ends with students modeling monarchs as they travel the school “migrating” to Mexico as part of Day of the Dead celebration in Spanish class. Throughout the year, students continue to observe, explore, ask questions, and investigate other science topics. Past topics in first grade have included solids and liquids, plants, air, and parachute design.

Social Studies

Students in first grade use the theme of “Wants vs. Needs” as the focus for social studies. The year begins with a unit on the wants and needs of the class, the individuals in the class, and the school community. Students also begin to learn about the services that enable neighborhoods and cities to function. Through the study of cities in the United States, including Wilmington, and in Spanish-speaking countries, the students are able to recognize how cities are organized to meet the wants and needs of their citizens. First graders also take a close look at more rural and suburban areas in the U.S. and abroad to understand some differences between urban, suburban, and rural settings, as well as the different ways in which wants and needs are met. Throughout this work, students develop map and citizenship skills and an awareness of similarities and differences among individuals and communities.


In first grade, students build their Spanish language skills by practicing familiar vocabulary through games involving increased recognition and recall as well as activities that incorporate beginning reading in Spanish. They also learn specific content vocabulary such as shapes and features of the weather. They develop their skills in following oral directions and communicating in basic phrases with their teacher and peers. Using the first grade cultural focus on Mexico, students make comparisons and connections among various Hispanic cultures.

Computer Science

First grade students continue to build and transfer their programming knowledge using both physical and graphical programming environments. Math applications are also used to reinforce concepts taught in the homebase classroom.

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