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C Task Performance Evaluation Form (Williamson Turn


Appendix C – Task Performance Evaluation Form – Williamson Turn


The instructor will observe the student in performing the assigned task with 5 to 7 minutes. Each task is score from 1 to 4.

Code Task

WT1R The student must articulate in a nutshell the meaning of Williamson Turn

WT2U The student expressed seriousness of the situation

WT3A The student display a calm but confident attitude

WT4A The student displayed presence of mind and is visually focused on the view at the bridge

WT5A The student pressed the simulator MOB button as acknowledgment of the situation

WT6A The student demonstrate correct control of the speed of the vessel

WT7A The student used the radar correctly

WT8A The student used the radio to communicate with other crew members for rescue operations

WT9A The student observed safe distance between the vessel and the man overboard

WT10Z The student used wisely a combination of navigational equipment to execute the Williamson Turn

WT11E The student assessed correctly the point where he should maneuver to be able to get back at the man overboard

WT12E The student was able to develop a strategy to successfully reach the location of the man overboard within the least time possible

4 Very Good

3 Good

2 Fair

1 Poor

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