The 10/40 Reporter July 2010

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July 2010 Edition

Senegal: inside

Under Seige

Don’t Eat the Seed! Laos: Land of a Million Elephants 10/40 Window Watchman Pedophilia in the Window Senegal: Under Seige WindoWkids™ Myanmar PRAYER POINTS FOR EVERY 10/40 WINDOW NATION

Window International Network Board of Directors

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter Window International Network President:.....Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:........................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:............................................Leah Sahhar WindowKidsTM Contributer:.....................................Alysha Kageorgis WindowKidsTM Illustrator:.......................................Kayla Purcell Copy Editor:.................................................................Doreen Dressler Design/ Window International Network is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Chair:......................... Pastor Edward Smith President:.................. Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:................. Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:.................. Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:......... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:......... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:......... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:......... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network P.O. Box 49127 Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9127 Phone: (719) 522-1040 Fax: (719) 277-7148 Email: Website:

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : July 2010

Don’t Eat the Seed!


8 10/40 WindoWatchman




28 WindowKids™: MYANMAR

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Don’t Eat the


He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

The Bible, II Corinthians 9:10,11

Do you believe those promises? Will God really supply the seed and bread you need? Will He increase your store of seed and enlarge the harvest? Can you depend upon Him to make you rich in every way in order for you to be generous on every occasion? It all comes down to an issue of trust. Do you trust God? Is His Word faithful and true? Will He fulfill His promises? Each and every day, the world tells us that God will not take care of us. It tries to prove He doesn’t exist. It attempts to convince us He doesn’t care about us. The enemy comes to us with the same messages, impugning God’s character and accusing Him of being distant and unconcerned. 4 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010

Maybe that’s why many of us end up eating the seed instead of sowing it! As soon as our gaze wanders from Jesus, we’re in trouble! Like Peter walking on the water, we suddenly “see the wind” and panic. Abandoning our mission to take the Gospel to every nation and sow liberally into the 10/40 Window, we find ourselves worrying over our own needs. Convinced we are “going under,” we resort to stingily hanging on to the seed we’ve been given and even start to gobble it down in the fear that we may go hungry. That’s the spirit of poverty: the fear of not having enough. And it isn’t God’s plan or purpose for our lives.

He wants us to live in the abundance and freedom of His extravagant goodness, always depending upon Him for our daily bread, as well as for the seed we must have in order to fulfill the Great Commission. Are you eating the seed? Start sowing it today. Give generously so that God can make you rich in every way. The end result will be thanksgiving on the part of the nations – the lost and unreached will rejoice when they hear the Good News and celebrate as they enter into relationship with Jesus Christ. Sow into the Kingdom of God right now by visiting www.WIN1040. com/donate. Invest your seed in God’s work by supporting Window International Network. Then watch as He provides you with more seed and enlarges the harvest in the 10/40 Window.

Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.

The Bible, II Corinthians 9:13 July 2010

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Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the

lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts

and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the

10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire fulfilled?

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W O D N I 10/40 W


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July 2010

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 7

Land of the Million Elephants he nation now known as Laos was once part of the Kingdom of Lan Xang – the Land of a Million Elephants. This referred not to an abundance of pachyderms but to the size and power of the army that established the kingdom. It was reportedly a fierce war machine. The French united three Lao kingdoms into French Indochina in 1893 and it wasn’t until 1949 that Laos achieved independence. Civil war broke out in 1953 and lasted until 1975. At that time the communist Pathet Lao movement gained control. Today, Laos is one of the few remaining communist nations in the world. Along with the political oppression of a one-party socialist government, the people of Laos also suffer under the heavy darkness of Theravada Buddhism. Between 67 and 85% of the population practices this false religion (depending on the source of the estimate) with only about 1.2% following Jesus Christ. Theravada means “the teaching of the elders” and is considered the oldest of the Buddhist schools. It originated in India but is today the principle religion of not only Laos but Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand. One of the main beliefs in this brand of Buddhism is that suffering is the result of desires, which are produced 8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

by ignorant minds. Therefore, the answer to most problems lies in “enlightenment” – four stages that ultimately lead the Buddhist to Nirvana. Communism and Buddhism both play a role in the abuse of Believers in modern day Laos. The nation is ranked number eight on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of worst persecutors of Christians. Those who choose to put their faith in Jesus Christ become targets of intense discrimination and violence. When discovered, Believers are kept under watch by security forces. It is estimated that in 2009, 150 Christians were arrested. Some

of them are still imprisoned. According to Open Doors, most Laotian Christians are ethnic minorities who live in rural areas under the added pressure of poverty and inadequate healthcare. The good news is that God has not abandoned these precious Brothers and Sisters. He loves them and is strengthening them, adding to their numbers. “The Church of around 200,000 believers,” says Open Doors, “continues to grow despite persecution.” Sources: Open Doors, “The Compact Guide to World Religions” (Dean Halverson), Wikipedia

PRAY FOR the Church of Jesus Christ in Laos to stand firm against persecution and be strong in the Lord. Ask the Lord to be present with them and be their hope and joy. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10; Psalm 16:11)

Laos. Pray for warring angels to be dispatched and for the Spirit of God to be poured out, softening hearts and setting prisoners free. (The Bible, Psalm 89:9; 91:11; 146:7)

relief for all those who are being oppressed by communism. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders who will have mercy and compassion on the people, serving them in humility. (The Bible, Isaiah 66:2)

the spread of the Gospel throughout this nation. Pray for the strongholds of Buddhism, communism, and every other false philosophy to be torn down and for the Kingdom of God to come in great power. (The Bible, Mark 16:15; II Corinthians 10:5)

the Lord of Hosts to arise and do battle for this nation, ending the centuries old fight for control of

multitudes of Laotians to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4)

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010

July 2010

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Albania, officially known as the Republic of Albania, is a country in southeastern Europe. It borders Montenegro to the north, Serbia to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the west and a coast on the Ionian Sea to the southwest. Seventy percent of the country is mountainous and rugged, making that region often inaccessible. TERRORISM

administrator for terrorist financier Yassin

Albania pledged to increase its

Al-Kadi, was charged with hiding funds

contribution of troops to both

used to finance terror. This marked the

Afghanistan and Iraq, maintained

first criminal terror finance-related case

frozen bank accounts related to money

charged in Albania. A civil suit filed by

laundering and terrorism financing, and

al-Kadi to release his assets from seizure

aggressively worked with the United

was originally dismissed for technical

States and other countries to combat

reasons but was refiled in July 2007.

terrorism, according to Country Reports on Terrorism 2007. Albania made

Challenges for Christians

progress in identifying vulnerabilities at

Culturally, Albania is Muslim and a major

land and sea borders, but the government

target for Muslim countries to send

and police forces continued to face

missionaries, but most Albanians do

substantial challenges to fully enforce

not have much understanding of Islam.

border security and combat organized

In 1995. Albania was the most heavily

crime and corruption. In December

“evangelized� nation in Europe by both

2006, Hamzeh Abu Rayyan, the

Christians and Muslims.

10 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Š 2010 Window International Network

July 2010


Prayer Points Pray for Albania to continue to crack down on terrorism financing and work with the U.S. and other countries to combat terrorism. Albanians have suffered through some terrible times. Under communism, 700,000 people were killed or imprisoned and the country has struggled to regain a sense of peace and order. Pray that the country’s leaders will work for a lasting peace that is honest and fair. Pray for Albanians to meet Jesus and follow Him in a way that is culturally appropriate. Most ethnic Albanians are Muslims and live outside Albania in Kosovo or Macedonia. Pray that they would have opportunities to hear the Gospel. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on Terrorism 2007, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors

Albania, Southeast Europe ÌÌ Population: 3,619,778

ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ranked

ÌÌ Political Leader: President Bamir Topi

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 1

ÌÌ Religions Christians: 41.5% Islam: 38.8% Other: 19.7% July 2010

ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 51 ÌÌ Casualties: 6 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 74% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: 25%

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 11

Pedophilia in the Window pe·do·phil·i·a [pee-duh-fil-ee-uh or peˇd’ -fíl’e- ] – n. abnormal sexual interest in an adult for a child; a desire to engage in sexual acts with prepubescent children. e


Nevertheless, pedophilia is a problem throughout the world – especially in the nations of the 10/40 Window. Thailand, for instance, is a “destination country” for pedophiles (those who practice pedophilia). Known as “sex tourists,” these people flock to this nation to take part in what is thought to be the largest child sex trade in the world. UNICEF estimates that between 60,000 and 200,000 Thai children are involved in prostitution. Approximate 5,000 men visit Thailand each year solely to have sex with children. In Indonesia, instead of viewing children in the sex trade as victims, authorities often prosecuted them as “illegal sex workers.” The National Commission for Child Protection says that between 40,000 and 70,000 Indonesian children are caught up in 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Just reading the above definition is enough to make most people cringe. And for good reason. Pedophilia is something that breaks God’s heart. The Bible calls it sin (The Bible, Galatians 5:19-21). It also goes against common decency and morality, breaking the taboos of nearly every culture that has ever existed. Mental health professionals classify pedophilia as a psychological disorder. It is also universally considered a criminal offense.

the sex trade each year – “two-thirds of them trafficked abroad.” Cambodia is described as a “haven” for sex tourists. Despite a crackdown in 2004, a brothel village near the city of Phnom Penh continues to hire out children for sex. A human rights group reports that Cambodians actually make up a large percentage of the world’s pedophiles. “We don’t deny that Asian men like to have sex with children here,” the director of Cambodia’s Anti-Human Trafficking Department admitted. Japan is notorious for being the “world’s main producer of underage pornography.” The Philippines has an estimated 1.5 million street children, with more than 30,000 of them involved in prostitution. Despite these staggering statistics, the problem is not reserved to Asia. The Middle East is also plagued by pedophilia. “After living in the Middle East for more than 10 years,” a journalist explains, “I can now safely say that pedophilia not only exists in these windswept deserts but that it is rampant.” He goes on to list numerous examples – tragic stories of young children being abused by strangers and even family members. Most of these incidences are never made public, however, since this behavior is usually “swept under the rug.”

In Afghanistan, children are reportedly raped on a routine basis by members of the nation’s armed forces. “The sexual abuse of young boys by Afghan military and police personnel is so commonly known,” one writer says, “they call it ‘ManLove Thursdays.’” But pedophilia is not confined to Man-Love Thursdays, the Afghan military, or even this particular region. “The sexual abuse of children is common and, in many middle-eastern and eastern countries, officially sanctioned.”

Whether the spotlight is focused on Vietnam, Kuwait, or Senegal (dubbed “a paradise for pedophiles”), the story is the same: children are being violated emotionally and physically while the perpetrators often enjoy anonymity and impunity. The root cause of pedophilia is a perverted lust. But other factors are involved in and contribute to what is today a prosperous, growing industry. “Grinding poverty, poor policing and no shortage of demand,” explains one source, “ensure that exploitation of children for sex thrives….” Some children are kidnapped and forced into prostitution. Others are actually sold into sexual slavery by their families. Nearly all of the victims live in a constant state of fear, are beaten and tortured by both their pimps and clients, and are forced to endure appalling conditions. The sick and demonized individuals who solicit children for sex often assuage their guilt by telling

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010

themselves they are “helping the child and the child’s family to escape economic hardship.” If they don’t hire them to satisfy their sexual needs, pedophiles sometimes rationalize, the children will suffer even greater poverty and hunger. Inside the 10/40 Window, pedophiles are seldom arrested or prosecuted. Sex with underage children is tolerated and even accepted in parts of North Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. “Pedophilia is a horrendous crime,” notes one journalist. “[It] should be treated as such no matter the culture, tradition or religious beliefs. Rape of a child is a sin like no other.”


repentance on the part of “clients,” pimps, and those in authority who enable this business/crime to flourish. Ask the Lord to confront them, give them godly sorrow, and lead them to salvation. (The Bible, II Corinthians 7:10) governments in the 10/40 Window to take immediate action against pedophilia. Pray for those who are seeking out this perverted activity to be arrested, prosecuted severely and imprisoned. Pray for this to have a preventative effect, bringing an end to both availability and demand. (The Bible, Psalm 7:11) the hearts of the men who engage in pedophilia to be set free from this demonic bondage. Ask the Holy Spirit to move in their lives,

leading them out from sin and into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Galatians 5:1,19-24) the Lord of Hosts to arise and do battle on behalf of the children who are being exploited, violated, damaged and destroyed by this crime. Pray for the Lord to open doors and lead them out of this industry. Ask Him to minister deep and complete healing to their bodies, minds and hearts. (The Bible, Psalm 7:6) the underlying root of poverty to be dealt with. Ask the Lord to supply the needs of those families in the 10/40 Window who feel they must sell their children. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to provide for them, teach them how to increase their

income, and proclaim to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Proverbs 29:7) all of those involved in pedophilia – the perpetrators, the governments who allow it, the profiteers, and the victims – to hear the Good News that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and rose again. Pray for them to respond to the Lord’s invitation to eternal life. (The Bible, Romans 5:8) the Kingdom of God to come to the nations of the 10/40 Window – especially those regions where pedophilia is rampant – transforming them from dark strongholds of demonic perversity into sources of light and life where righteous, peace, and joy abound. (The Bible, Colossians 1:13, Romans 14:17)

Sourced: ABC News,, the Muslim Observer, Associated Content July 2010

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Points PRAYER July 2010


In May 2010 India test fired a mediumrange missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. This show of power may affect talks between India and Pakistan (both nations possess nuclear weapons) scheduled for July 15, 2010. Peace negotiations were suspended after India blamed a Pakistani terrorist group for the deadly 2008 attacks in Mumbai. Pray for the leaders of both India and Pakistan to exercise wisdom and patience as they attempt to restore and preserve peace in this region. Ask the Lord to reveal and defeat militant groups, protecting India from additional attacks and any attempts to derail negotiations. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout India to every people group, and for a great harvest of souls as they respond, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In May 2010, a man was found guilty of participating in a terrorist attack on four French tourists and received a sentence of six years hard labor. The murders were carried out by members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), a group affiliated with al-Qaeda. Pray for Mauritania and other nations where AQIM is 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

active to remain vigilant in fighting against this threat to the security of their people. Pray for the Lord to protect Mauritania from these evil men and their demonic plots to steal, kill, and destroy. Ask Him to root out every element of AQIM, set members free from their bondage to extremist Islam and draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the spiritual eyes and ears of the people of Mauritania to be opened to the Gospel. Invite God’s Kingdom to come in great power and glory to this nation.


President Omar alBashir was re-elected to office in April 2010, taking 68% of the votes. However, international observers questioned the accuracy of the results. The main opposition leader boycotted the election and was arrested in May 2010. The leader of the infamous janjaweed (the military force responsible for the Dafur genocide) also won a seat in parliament. Pray for this troubled nation. Cry out for those suffering violence and oppression in Darfur, as well as the mostly-Christian south. Pray for the Lord of Hosts to protect His people and to arise to defend the defenseless who have fled from their homes and are living in primitive refugee camps. Ask for physical, economic, and spiritual

healing to come to this nation. Pray for the hearts of the citizens to be open to the Gospel and respond to God’s offer of salvation and eternal life. Pray for multitudes to turn their backs on sin and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Afghanistan is responsible for 90% of the world’s opium. The illegal trade of this drug is a major source of funding for the Taliban and alQaeda. This year, however, half of the nation’s opium poppies have been infected with a fungus that could reduce opium production by as much as a quarter. Praise God for this development. Ask the Lord to continue cutting off the supply of this addictive, destructive drug, as well as the funding it provides for terrorist groups. Pray for the people of Afghanistan (many of them members of unreached groups) to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel in their heart language. Petition the Lord for an abundant harvest of souls in this war-torn nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Afghanistan, bringing righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA A journalist who has written books

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010

criticizing the emir of Kuwait and his administration has been detained on charges of “instigating to overthrow the regime.” He is currently being held in a secret location. “The constant hounding,” say watchdog groups, “makes a mockery of Kuwait’s much vaunted claim that they respect freedom of thought and opinion.” Pray for this and other issues of oppression to be exposed and used to open the nation to the Gospel. Pray for greater freedom of expression and worship. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to the many citizens who are living in bondage to Islam. Plead for the veil to be removed from their eyes and for their ears to be opened to the Good News. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Kuwait – and throughout the Arabian Peninsula – as it is in heaven.


The government of Bangladesh has placed a curfew on activity in the border region with India in hopes of ending deadly encounters with Indian patrols, as well as illegal smuggling, human trafficking, and terrorism. Since most of this activity takes place under the cover of darkness, the new ban on nighttime travel is expected to cut down on fatalities and crime. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Bangladesh wisdom and discernment in dealing with these difficult issues. Ask for the citizens to be protected from violence and evil, and to comply with the regulations set forth by their government. Intercede on behalf of the multitudes in Bangladesh who are being held captive by Islam and are waiting to hear the Gospel. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into this field and for many Bangladeshis to choose to follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. July 2010


The government of Japan recently began questioning the usefulness of western military bases and forces located strategically throughout East Asia. Japanese leaders even implied alliances with western powers might be unnecessary. As one journalist noted, however, “Japan has territorial disputes with all of its neighbors, including both China and Taiwan, as well as Korea and Russia.” The military presence is “there to make any belligerent country think twice before making an aggressive move.” Pray for the government of Japan to exercise great wisdom and caution in choosing friends and deciding how to defend its borders. Cry out for the Lord Himself to be their defender and to reveal to the people of Japan that He is responsible for the blessings they enjoy. Pray for a great awakening as the Kingdom of God comes to Japan and the Gospel is preached throughout the nation. Ask the Lord for a great and abundant harvest of souls in Japan.


In May 2010, the former chief of the navy in Guinea-Bissau was in court on charges of drug trafficking and attempting to stage a coup against the government. Guinea-Bissau is considered a principle transit nation for cocaine being smuggled from South America to Europe. Plead with the Lord for corruption to be rooted out of every level of government in Guinea-Bissau. Ask Him to expose greed and all demonic schemes to control and manipulate. Pray for the Lord to raise up men and women

© 2010 Window International Network

of integrity who fear God and will lead this nation forward into His plans and purposes. Pray for the criminal and immoral behavior of public officials to cause the people to become disgusted with sin and to seek the Savior, Jesus Christ.


As his nation took over the chairmanship of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation in May 2010, Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley “suggested a paradigm shift.” Instead of measuring a country’s success by the Gross Domestic Product, he said, it should be measured by the Gross National Happiness. “The Bhutanese are poor and backward but they love their king and are happy.” He credited much of their contentment to following the teachings of Buddha. Ask the King of Kings and the only source of real and lasting Truth to show Himself to the people of Bhutan. Pray for the lies of the enemy to be exposed and for minds to be awakened from the deceptions of false religion. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Bhutan, bringing eternal peace and joy as the Bhutanese put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The editor-inchief of Saudi Arabia’s most liberal newspaper resigned after the publication of an article criticizing Salafism (a sect of Sunni Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia). Although the newspaper has questioned women’s rights in the past, it was The 10/40 Window Reporter | 15

(Saudi Arabia continued)

taken to task for questioning “the essence of faith.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to remove the veil from the eyes, minds, and hearts of the people of this nation and cause them to begin questioning the essence of their faith. Pray for the light of Christ to shine into this dark Islamic stronghold, setting the captives free to know the Living God. Cry out for the Kingdom of God to come to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel available to every people, tribe, and tongue in this region and to bring multitudes to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Presidential elections are scheduled to take place in this West African nation on June 27, 2010. After a coup in 2008, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara took over, promising to hold elections and not to run for president himself. When he changed his mind in 2009, his own soldiers rebelled, wounding him and driving him from the country. The upcoming elections, which interim leader Sekouba Konate has promised will take place, are said to be Guinea’s first chance to emerge from “a history of authoritarian rule followed by an unstable military junta.” Pray for this politicallytroubled nation. Ask for the elections to be fair, peaceful, and for the Lord to lift up leaders who will serve the nation sacrificially. Pray for the people of Guinea to place their trust in God rather than in men. Petition the Lord for faithful witnesses who will share the Gospel throughout Guinea, and for an abundant harvest of souls. 16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


With violence erupting in Bangkok between Red Shirt protesters and government forces, citizens paused to remember the “grim anniversary” of an eerily similar event. It was on May 17, 1992 that the army cracked down on demonstrators in Bangkok demanding democracy. Hundreds were injured and 48 were killed as soldiers opened fire. Many fear another massacre unless an agreement can be reached and the Red Shirts appeased. Pray for the Lord to intervene on behalf of the people of Thailand – giving the government wisdom and compassion in dealing with protestors and also changing the hearts and attitudes of those who seem intent upon destruction. Ask the Lord to bring peace and guide dialogues between these groups. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Thailand in the midst of this political and social upheaval. Pray for the Thai people to hear and respond to the Good News and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Responding to the cries of 1.5 million citizens facing hunger and starvation, the government of Niger is preparing to provide them with 21,000 tons of food. When the last famine arose, five years ago, President Mamadou Tandja called it a ruse and expelled humanitarian agencies from the country. Tanja was removed from office by a coup in February 2010 and the new government and its

interim leader, Major Salou Djibo, see the current situation as a crisis. Thank God for this response to the needs of the people of this poverty-stricken nation. Pray for the Lord to supply food, clean water, medicine, and shelter to those who are suffering, and for Christian humanitarian organizations to be allowed to minister in both physical and spiritual ways. Plead for the salvation of the Nigeriens, for the Kingdom of God to come to this region in power, and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Street violence and general chaos continue to plague this Central Asian nation in the aftermath of an uprising in April 2010. Since President Kurmanbek Bakiyev was driven from power, the interim government has been unable to restore order. Supporters of the deposed leader stormed administration buildings in two cities in May 2010, firing on security forces before being dispelled. Pray for the Prince of Peace to move in this nation, bringing an end to the senseless violence and guiding Kyrgyzstan toward the special future He has in mind. Ask for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully during this time, using the turmoil to cause citizens to question their allegiance to political and religious institutions. Pray for them to hear the Gospel and understand that the God who created the universe desires to have a personal relationship with them. Ask the Lord for an abundant harvest of souls as the people of Kyrgyzstan meet and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010


Hoping to keep the United Nations from imposing a new round of sanctions, the government of Iran signed an agreement in May 2010 to send “low-enriched uranium” to Turkey. In return, Turkey would provide fuel for Iran’s nuclear reactors. Many believe, however, that Iran intends to continue the process of enriching uranium on its own. Pray for the United Nations and Turkey to use wisdom in dealing with Iran. Ask the Lord to expose any plans and active programs Iran may have that seek to secretly develop nuclear weapons. Pray for the sanctions imposed by the UN to effectively curtail the Iranian government’s desire to obtain weapons of mass destruction but not cause the citizens of Iran further suffering. Invite the Holy Spirit to move throughout this land, setting free those held captive by Islam and transforming the nation from a center of spiritual darkness into a place of light and life. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, His will to be done in Iran as it is in heaven.


According to a health ministry report, “a strain of meningitis that has rarely caused big outbreaks in Africa has killed more than 700 people in Burkina Faso so far this year.” More than 5,000 cases have been reported and there is no vaccine to combat this particular strain. Plead for the Lord to stop this plague, bringing healing to those who have contracted the disease and keeping those in high-risk areas safe and healthy. Pray for Christian July 2010

aid organizations to provide care for those who are sick, ministering to their physical and spiritual needs. Ask for the Holy Spirit to inspire the people of Burkina Faso to call out to the Lord for help and trust Him in this time of trouble. Pray for this to be the beginning of an outbreak of God’s Kingdom and for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In May 2010, the Malian military engaged in training with western Special Forces intended to prepare them for the mounting threat of terrorism in the region. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has been “mounting increasingly brazen operations in this vast region of porous borders and lawless tribes.” One intelligence report estimates that 400 heavily-armed AQIM members are hiding in northern Mali, training and planning terrorist attacks, as well as working with human and drug traffickers. Pray for the efforts of Mali and other governments to be successful in finding, defending against, and eliminating the AQIM and all other terrorist groups from this area. Ask the Lord to guide the military as they seek to counter the actions of these demonically-inspired groups, and to give them the discernment and strategies necessary to defeat them. Pray for the people of Mali to be protected from suicide bombings, guerilla attacks, and kidnappings (which are frequent in Mali), and to put their hope and trust in the Lord. Petition the Lord to be their refuge and strength, making known His love for them and drawing them into

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relationship with His Son.


The nation of Azerbaijan has been classified as a “poor performer” in terms of human rights by various watchdog groups. The ongoing trial of a journalist who wrote a series of articles “critical of government” is a good example. Though the European Court ruled in April 2010 that the writer had been falsely accused simply to silence him, the government of Azerbaijan has no plans to suspend the trial. Pray for the corruption, manipulation, and control being carried out in Azerbaijan to be exposed and dealt with swiftly. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will lead the nation in integrity, seeking to serve the people rather than abuse them. Petition the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on Azerbaijan, opening hard hearts and liberating those who are in bondage to Islam. Pray for a great awakening in this nation and for multitudes to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to the World Health Organization, preventable diseases are ravaging Benin. Work is underway to provide clean water, destroy mosquito breeding grounds and launch vaccination campaigns. But in the meantime, outbreaks of malaria, meningitis, and measles (which has killed almost 200 children in just three months) are rapidly moving through Central Africa. Pray for the Lord to provide the resources to fight against these preventable diseases. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Benin continued)

Ask Him to give understanding and direction to authorities in Benin and to ensure that the funds and supplies intended to combat diseases are used properly and reach the regions where they are needed most. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Benin as it is in heaven, bringing physical, emotional, and spiritual health as the people of this nation put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Indonesia entered into a new agreement with Russia in May 2010 aimed at fighting terrorism. The two nations held their first meeting in June of 2010. Indonesia has already launched similar anti-terrorism campaigns in partnership with such countries as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan. Praise God for the pro-active stance of this nation in seeking to protect its people from and eradicate terrorism. Ask the Lord to give them new and ingenious strategies for winning this battle against demonically-inspired extremist groups. Pray for this Muslim nation (the most populous Muslim nation in the world) to be transformed by the coming of God’s Kingdom. Petition the Lord to pour out the Holy Spirit on Indonesia, bringing godly sorrow, repentance, and salvation to multitudes. Pray for the people of Indonesia – no matter what false religion they follow – to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Already ranked number nine on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of worst persecutors 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

of Christians, the government of Laos continues to be diligent in its attempts to eradicate Christianity. In April 2010, several watchdog groups reported that authorities in Laos “fear the spread of Christianity” and are arresting house church leaders and detaining them without charges. In one case, a pastor was jailed for six months without a trial. Laos is described by Open Doors as a “Communistrun nation where members of the Christian minority (just over 1% of the population) are viewed by officials as ‘unpatriotic agents of Western political ideology.’” Ask the Lord to be present with Believers in Laos, especially those in prison for their faith, reminding them of His love and providing them with encouragement and hope. Pray for them to stand strong in the Lord and for their faithfulness to be a powerful testimony to authorities, judges, guards, and their fellow prisoners. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Laos, impacting every level of society and for the Gospel to be preached to every people group, bringing multitudes to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The more than 165,000 Saharawis living in refugee camps in Algeria are not only longing to return to their nation, they are longing to work. “For many... the biggest source of misery is not a lack of food or health care, but the soul-destroying inability to earn their own living.” Having been forcibly driven from their homes, they are now struggling to survive in a no-man’s land. When asked what his dream is, one Saharawi answered, “Go back to Western Sahara and recover my land.” Pray for the Lord to grant this

desire. Ask Him to open the political doors necessary to make this a reality. Petition the Lord to give the Saharawi favor with the government of Morocco (who controls the border and has annexed Western Sahara). Pray for food, clean water, shelter, and jobs to be provided for those who are languishing in refugee camps. Ask the Lord to lead the Saharawi to not only national, but spiritual freedom, making the Gospel known throughout the camps and leading them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.


In May 2010, Egyptian security forces arrested 16 members of a terrorist group known as the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). The goal of the PIJ is the complete destruction of Israel and the formation of a Palestinian state. The men were attempting to enter the Gaza Strip after visiting Syria. Praise the Lord for the capture of these terrorists and for Egypt’s vigilant efforts to guard their borders. Pray for members of the PIJ, Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and other extremist organizations to be found out and arrested whenever and wherever they are plotting acts of violence and evil. Ask for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in Egypt, revealing Jesus Christ to the mostly Muslim population. Pray for Believers to be bold in sharing the Gospel and for God’s Kingdom to come to this nation with signs and wonders.

UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA In May 2010, the Uzbekistan

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government continued its campaign to eliminate Christianity, this time by sending secret police, tax, and fire officials to raid a Sunday morning worship service in Tashkent. Bibles, offering money, and computers were confiscated and eight members of the congregation were arrested. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Uzbekistan to stand firm in the Lord and be courageous in expressing their faith in Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to speak to the hearts of the authorities – the president and his administration, as well as the security forces – convicting them of their sin, bringing repentance, and transforming them from “Sauls” to “Pauls.” Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in all of its glory and power, drawing multitudes of Uzbeks into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The “constitutional crash” predicted for Nepal has arrived. Faced with drawing up a new constitution before May 28, 2010, the government met with sudden and violent opposition from the Maoists. What started as a May Day (May 1) protest escalated into a nation-wide strike that lasted for six days. The government is now attempting to extend the deadline for the constitution and provide another year for it to be completed. Pray for the divergent political groups in this troubled nation to solve their differences diplomatically. Plead with the Lord to maintain peace in Nepal and prevent a civil war. Ask for the Holy Spirit to continue working in the hearts and minds of the people, bringing forth a great and abundant harvest of souls. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Nepal as it is in heaven. July 2010


In May 2010, the justice system of the United Arab Emirates revealed how biased Islamic law is against women by charging an 18-yearold gang-rape victim with having illegal sex. “U.A.E. authorities have charged her with violating the Islamic prohibition on sexual relations between unmarried men and women.” In a similar case, a woman who was gang-raped in 2006 in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to six months in jail and 200 lashes. Pray for an immediate end to the barbaric laws oppressing women in the UAE and throughout Islamic nations. Ask the Lord to arise and be the Champion for those who are being violently abused and unfairly treated. Pray for a change in the hearts of the men in power in UAE – for the Lord to reveal Himself in great glory and bring them into relationship with Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to bring His Kingdom to the UAE and set the captives free.


Members of the Socialist Party (SP), a group in opposition to the current government in Albania, staged demonstrations in May 2010. Thousands of people marched in the streets in protest of the June 2009 elections, which they claim were rigged. Pray for the Lord to restore order to this nation, ridding the government of corruption and also keeping those in opposition from resorting to violence in order to present their case. Ask for the Holy

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Spirit to use this time of instability to open blind eyes and deaf ears to the message of the Gospel. Pray for the people of Albania to seek something more significant and lasting than a political fix. Petition the Lord to move in great power, bringing His Kingdom to Albania with righteousness, peace, and joy.


In May 2010, Morocco released six Western Sahara activists on bail. The men were arrested after a trip to Tindouf – the headquarters of the Polisario Front movement – and accused of treason. Morocco annexed Western Sahara in 1975 and has repeatedly rejected “any notion of independence.” Pray for the Lord to speak to and soften the hearts of the Moroccan authorities. Ask Him to grant the Saharawis (citizens of Western Sahara) favor in their eyes and do a miraculous work in opening doors to allow the Saharawi to return to their homeland. Pray for a great awakening in Morocco and for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Terrorists captured by Allied forces in Iraq and later released have reportedly “rejoined al-Qaeda in senior roles.” According to Iraqi security forces, the detainees left prisons and quickly began planning and implementing deadly attacks. They also believe extremists are recruiting members inside prison facilities, leading some to call them “terrorist factories.” Pray for the Lord to give the Iraqi government

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(Iraq continued)

and the Allied forces wisdom and new strategies to fight against and defeat al-Qaeda and every other militant group in this nation. Ask for the Holy Spirit to “recruit” those who have been blinded by the enemy, are disenchanted, and are being tempted to engage in a life of destruction. Pray for both long-time terrorists and potential candidates to hear the Gospel, respond to God’s call to salvation, and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In May 2010, a new commission was formed in Sri Lanka to investigate the war between the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) and the government. The goal is to consider war crime allegations and keep this kind of deadly civil conflict from happening again. Pray for the Lord to direct this commission, bringing to light the guilty parties and guiding Sri Lanka toward justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Ask for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will result in a sweeping conviction of sin, national repentance, and healing between the still bitter groups. Pray for restoration and peace to blanket this land and for God’s Kingdom to come in great power, offering hope to the hopeless.


As they prepare for the possibility of war with Iran, the Israeli government is also considering a reoccupation of the Gaza Strip. Officials have proposed appointing a “military governor” to oversee a redeployment of forces into the region. Some members of the 20 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Israeli military are warning a war with Syria and Lebanon is likely and that terrorist groups in the Gaza will join the fight. Pray for the peace of Israel. Pray for the Prince of Peace to restrain violence in the Middle East, protect Israel from their many enemies, and give leaders in that nation wisdom, discernment, and insight into how to respond to the threats they are facing. Ask the Lord to open the eyes of the Israeli people to see and receive Yeshua Ha Messiah.


The polio outbreak in this povertystricken, former Soviet republic is the first in a “polio-free” zone. This has World Health Organization officials concerned. Tajikistan has reported more than 100 cases of the disease in the last two months and at least 12 children have died. Cases are now being reported in Russia and rumored to have begun showing up in neighboring Uzbekistan. Pray for the Lord to arise and stop this plague, keeping the disease from spreading and ministering healing to those who have already contracted it. Ask Him to give the government of Tajikistan the wisdom and resources to effectively fight this outbreak. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to be allowed to provide medicine and treatment, demonstrating the love of God to the Tajiks. Petition the Lord to bring His Kingdom to this poor nation, restoring and renewing the people as they accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.


China has agreed to support a new round of sanctions being

leveled against Iran by the United Nations. They joined Russian and several European and western powers in agreeing that Iran’s quest for nuclear power must be stopped. Thank the Lord for this surprising development. Pray for the leaders of China to continue to exercise good judgment in dealing with threats to world peace. Ask the Lord to soften their hearts and provide greater freedom of worship inside China. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in this nation who are facing fierce persecution. Petition the Lord to be present with them as they suffer discrimination, arrest, and torture. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to China with not just words, but great power.


Ongoing attempts to establish peace and set up a stable government in Somalia have been dubbed the “Djibouti Peace Process” because of Djibouti’s central role in negotiations. In a recent trip to meet with UN representatives, President Ismail Omar Guellah also stressed the “need of the international community to redouble its efforts to tackle the root causes of the problem of international piracy” that is largely centered in Somalia. Praise the Lord for Djibouti’s willingness to intercede on behalf of its troubled neighbor. Pray for the Lord to gift leaders with compassion and strategies for combating the problems of Somali terrorism and piracy. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout this tiny country. Ask for Christian humanitarian workers to be sent into this precious harvest field and for many to respond as they hear and see God’s Kingdom in action.

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July 2010


In May 2010, two Christian girls who had been taken hostage in the northern mountains of Yemen were rescued by Saudi Arabian forces. They are the daughters of a family kidnapped with four others in Saada, Yemen in June 2009. The girls – 5 and 3-years-old – were found in the border region between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, reportedly in good health. Praise the Lord for this unexpected good news. Thank Him for graciously protecting and preserving these girls. Pray for those in the group who have not yet been accounted for. Ask the Lord to be present with them, comforting and encouraging them and to give them opportunities to show love to and share the Gospel with their abductors. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this closed, Islamic nation. Plead with the Lord to pierce the darkness with the light of Christ and bring forth a great harvest of souls.


More than fifty percent of the Taiwanese people believe life is worse under the leadership of President Ma Ying-jeou. Two years after Ma was elected, most citizens see poverty growing worse and 58.6% of those surveyed said they are dissatisfied with his policies. Pray for the Lord to give President Ma direction in guiding the nation of Taiwan forward. Ask Him to provide new ideas and strategies for addressing the problem of poverty. Pray for the dissatisfaction the people are experiencing to motivate them to seek fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord for a great and widespread spiritual awakening that will lead multitudes into relationship with Christ as Savior and Lord.

and terrorism. Praise the Lord for enabling authorities to catch those seeking to commit crimes and engage in acts of violence. Thank Him for the technology, expertise, and opportunities to stop these activities. Pray for Bahrain to be an example to other governments in being vigilant in securing their borders and in apprehending international criminals. Ask the Lord to reveal to the people of Bahrain that He is the source of their security and safety. Pray for the veil to be removed from their eyes and for those enslaved by Islam to be set free. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Bahrain.


Security forces in Bahrain arrested 14 people attempting to enter the country on forged passports in May 2010. They also caught two Iranians with forged British passports. The fake passports were detected because of increased security levels and updated equipment intended to prevent smuggling

According to a Malaysian university professor, Brunei is vulnerable to money laundering. “Money launderers are very clever people,” she warned. “These people… will find different means and methods to penetrate a country that is relaxed and not prepared. This is a global phenomenon. You never know if you are living with a terrorist or money launderer. You do not know where the money comes from and where it goes.” Pray for the leaders of Brunei and other vulnerable Southeast Asian nations to take action against this insidious form of corruption. Ask the Lord to expose those who are involved in money laundering and cut off the flow of funds benefiting drug smugglers, human traffickers, and terrorists. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Brunei, shining the light of Christ into every dark corner, revealing sin, and bringing repentance that leads to salvation.

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The communist government of Vietnam continues to fight anything it considers a threat to its power. This includes Christians and anyone who promotes democracy. In May 2010, three activists were convicted of attempting to overthrow the government. “The judicial process for political prisoners in Vietnam,” writes one human rights group, “is usually a road to nowhere. The long sentences stand as testament to the lack of tolerance.” Pray for increased tolerance in the Vietnamese government – greater freedom July 2010

of expression and freedom of worship. Pray for Believers to continue serving the Lord with boldness, preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God. Invite the Lord to pour His Spirit out on this resistant nation, opening blind eyes and deaf ears to the truth of His Son, Jesus Christ.



Rumors of war continue to circulate in the Middle East. Israel is not only preparing for war with Iran, but also with Lebanon – one of the nations that support the terrorist group Hezbollah. Reports speculate Israel may be planning to attack convoys transporting weapons from Syria to Lebanon to arm Hezbollah. Pray for the Lord to reveal the evil and destructive nature of Hezbollah to the leaders of Lebanon and convince them to stop encouraging and allowing their attacks against Israel. Ask for an end to the alliances Lebanon has forged with Syria and Iran. Pray for the salvation of President Michel Suleiman. Invite the Holy Spirit to sweep through Lebanon, opening blind eyes and minds to the love of God and drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Qatar has tried on two occasions in recent days to re-establish diplomatic relations with Israel. Both times they were rejected because the offers included a demand that Qatar be allowed to engage in “massive reconstruction” in the Gaza Strip. Qatar and Israel broke off relations after the Israeli assault on Gaza in 2008. Pray for peace between these nations and for the motivations behind Qatar’s overtures to be without guile. Ask the Prince of Peace to rule and reign in this region, establishing the Kingdom of God in Qatar and the entire Arabian Peninsula. Petition the Lord to lead multitudes of 22 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Muslims to Jesus Christ.


In April 2010, United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon called on Turkmenistan to improve its human rights record by fulfilling “all obligations under international human rights law.” President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov responded by renewing his pledge to bring about reforms. Torture and freedom of the press were among the chief concerns. Pray for the UN call to be heeded and for the government of Turkmenistan to take immediate action in bringing an end to human rights violations. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of leaders and institute democracy and justice, driving out corruption in every form, as well as brutality, greed, and the desire to control and manipulate. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to this former Soviet republic as it is in heaven, setting the captives free to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ.


Although Ethiopia held parliamentary elections May 23, 2010, the outcome was being called into question even before the first vote had been placed. In an effort to prevent the riots and accusations of rigging that plagued the 2005 elections, the ruling party nearly eliminated opposition and ran a non-stop propaganda campaign. Pray for peace in the aftermath of the elections, along with fair and accurate results. Ask the Lord to root out corruption and expose attempts to control and manipulate. Pray for

leaders to be raised up who will govern the people with equity and justice. Ask the Lord to send revival to the Church of Ethiopia and give Believers boldness in sharing the Gospel. Pray for repentance and salvation as God’s Kingdom comes to this nation.


After refusing to register for the upcoming election, the main opposition party in Myanmar (the National League for Democracy) was forced to disband. The leader of the group, Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi, is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and has been under house arrest for nearly 20 years. The military junta currently ruling Myanmar announced that elections would be held in 2010, but has yet to specify a date. Pray for an end to the military rule that has oppressed this nation since 1962. Ask the Lord to provide fair, democratic elections, raising to power those of His choosing who will lead Myanmar with integrity. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in this Buddhist nation, tearing down strongholds of lies and deception and setting the people free to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Myanmar and for Jesus Christ to be exalted above all other gods.


A new film about the civil conflicts in Chad premiered at the Cannes Film festival in May 2010. “This war,” the filmmaker said, “is in fact perpetrated by men, it’s not women who wage war. It’s a kind of history handed down from father to son…

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and from generation to generation.” Pray for a breaking of this deadly, traumatic, demonic cycle of violence in Chad. Ask the Lord to transform the hearts of key members of the rebel and government forces engaged in this ongoing battle. Pray for the restoration of families and for the Lord to comfort those who have lost loved ones. Petition the Lord to strengthen Believers and give them opportunities and boldness in sharing the Gospel throughout Chad. Pray for peace in this war-torn land as the Kingdom of God comes in power.


In May 2010, a North African sociologist accused Algeria of supporting the Polisario (independence movement of Western Sahara) merely as a means of controlling the region. The aim, he said, is to create a “dependent state” and eventually rule the entire Sahel. Pray for an end to the battle for control in this area – the desperate and obsessive attempts to dominate people and nations. Ask the Lord to protect and sustain groups like the Saharawis who are being bullied by various governments. Pray for the leaders in Algeria to champion the cause of Western Sahara for no other reason than because it is the right thing to do. Plead with the Lord to send workers into this Muslim harvest field and for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout the land. Ask for His Kingdom to come and His will be done in Algeria.

Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA Despite “well documented July 2010

ties to terrorist organizations and an abysmal human rights record,” Libya was elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council in May 2010. One of the dissenting nations called this development “problematic” and said it undermined the purpose of the Human Rights Council. Pray for this to be a wake up call for Libya, alerting its leaders (especially President al-Qadhafi) of the need to change the course of this nation, choosing to pursue justice and righteousness rather than support terrorism and human rights abuse. Petition the Lord to remove the veil from the eyes and minds of the Libyans. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Libya, and for multitudes of citizens to respond, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


After setting up a joint working committee with Australia to counter terrorism in April 2010, Malaysia announced in May 2010 that a partnership with Indonesian police is helping them fight the abuse of immigrants. “Malaysian employers,” the report said, “who committed offences such as physically abusing their [Indonesian] maids and not paying their salary” had been apprehended and charged. Praise the Lord for the steps the government of Malaysia is taking to end terrorism and human trafficking abuses. Pray for these efforts to be successful and for those who are planning these crimes to be deterred and convinced that their plans will fail. Ask the Lord to be an Advocate for those who have left their homeland to seek a living in Malaysia, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ and giving them strength and encouragement. Pray for the love

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of the Lord to be lavished on these “aliens” and for the government to look on them with favor. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Malaysia as it is in heaven.


Believers laboring in Oman report that the fields are ripe for harvest. But one thing is lacking: workers. They are praying for English teachers and other tentmakers, as well as “more workers in Oman in general.” Praise the Lord for the move of His Holy Spirit in this closed, Muslim nation. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into His harvest field. Ask the Lord to penetrate every city, suburb, and region of Oman: Muscat, Muttrah, Ruwi, Sidab, Al Seeb, Bowshar, Quiryat, Al Bustan, Al Qurum, Qantab, Bahla, Nizwa…. Pray for blind spiritual eyes to be opened to see the Light of the Gospel, deaf ears made to hear the Truth of the Gospel. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Oman and ask Him to bring a great harvest of souls.


Although its leader has been labeled a dictator and one human rights group has bluntly described Kazakhstan as “not free,” the nation was nevertheless elected to chair the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for 2010. Observers have criticized this choice, stating Kazakhstan has failed to help bring peace to neighboring Kyrgyzstan (Kazakhstan merely closed its borders when Kyrgyzstan’s president was deposed), continues to oppress opposition, and has not The 10/40 Window Reporter | 23

(Kazakhstan continued)

made necessary democratic reforms. Pray for this troubled country. Ask the Lord to give President Nursultan Nazarbayev wisdom in leading his nation – a heart that fears God and seeks to bring righteousness and equity rather than simply maintain control. Pray for corruption to be banished from the government and for the Holy Spirit to bring an awakening that will affect every level of society. Ask the Lord for a tremendous harvest of souls in Kazakhstan.


In the years since it gained independence in 1956, Tunisia has “quadrupled its gross domestic product while raising life expectancies in the country on par with the developed world.” In keeping with this progressive attitude, the nation partnered with the European Union in the 1990s and, in May 2010, announced a global campaign to promote international trade and business. “Tunisia is a peaceful, Islamic country,” the campaign states, “and an important ally… in combating global terrorism. It has a terrific story to share with the world.” Pray for the people of Tunisia to be reminded that every good and perfect gift they are now enjoying is from the Father of the heavenly lights (The Bible, James 1:17). Ask the Lord to use these blessings to turn their hearts toward their Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer: Jesus Christ. Pray for Tunisia to experience an explosive revival that will spread throughout North Africa, delivering Muslims from the dominion of darkness and leading them into the Kingdom of God. 24 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


With national elections scheduled for 2013, the ruling party in Cambodia is attempting to document the political preferences of its entire population. According to a Cambodian newspaper, “People would be classified as white, gray or black, depending on their affinity to the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP).” The goal is to determine what motivates the grays and blacks (those who do not support CPP) and turn them into whites. Pray for the paranoia that runs rampant in this and other regimes to be driven out by the love of God. Ask the Lord to bring members of the government into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers in this nation to be strengthened and encouraged as they face persecution. Plead with the Lord to spread the Gospel to every people, tribe, and tongue. Invite the Kingdom of God into Cambodia.


The nation of Turkey is now being described as a “leading member of a new premier league of emerging global powers.” As such, the government has agreed to a “uranium swap” with Iran that it hopes will halt UN sanctions against that nation. One journalist noted this “reflects a more fundamental and widening disagreement over how the world should be run in the 21st century.” Pray for God’s will to be done in Turkey. Pray for the hearts of President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan to be softened and their eyes opened to the Truth

found only in Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to give them great wisdom and discernment in dealing with Iran and in choosing how to align themselves among the global powers. Plead with Him for the souls of the millions of Turks who are held captive by the lies of Islam. Pray for their freedom and for multitudes of them to come to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In May 2010, the South Korean foreign minister stated it was “obvious” that North Korea was responsible for the sinking of a South Korean ship in March 2010. The government of North Korea has denied this accusation. The situation between the two nations is now being described as tense, sensitive, and volatile. Pray for peace to be maintained, even as the truth about this event is made known. Ask the Lord to intervene, speaking to the hearts of the North Korean leaders – especially Kim Jong-Il – and bringing them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for an end to the secrecy, paranoia, and oppression of the North Korean government and for the blanket of spiritual darkness smothering this nation to be removed. Ask the Lord to shine the Light of Christ throughout the nation and bring a great harvest of souls into His Kingdom.


One journalist recently described Somalia as “the perfect failed state.” The nation has been without a central government since 1991 and

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has descended into total chaos as Islamic terrorists vie for control of the capital city and carry out their versions of Sharia Law – which include amputations and public executions for perceived crimes. The Red Cross calls the nation “the world’s most worrying humanitarian crisis because of the scale of the needs there and limited scope of relief due to insecurity.” Thank the Lord that He is bigger than any humanitarian crisis and can meet any need – no matter the scale. Pray for Him to arise and do battle for the people of Somalia, ending the siege of evil and defeating the terrorist groups. Pray for the protection of Somalis living inside the nation, as well as those who have been forced to flee to refugee camps across the border in Kenya and Ethiopia. Ask the Lord to provide them with clean water, food, shelter, medicine, and, most of all hope – the Good News that He loves them and sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to make a way for them to be forgiven and enter into eternal life. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Somalia as it is in heaven.


In just one weekend in May 2010, gunmen killed 17 people and abducted seven others in three different states of Nigeria. Three of those kidnapped (all of whom were expatriates) were later rescued by police. As of this writing, “no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.” Pray for a restoration of order and for the Lord’s peace to blanket this nation. Plead with the Lord for the lives of Believers, Muslims, and foreign workers who are being targeted by Islamic extremists, rebel groups, and terrorists. Ask Him to comfort those who have lost homes and loved ones in the spate of massacres. Petition the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on His Church in southern Nigeria, giving them a heart to pray for and care for the suffering Body of Christ in northern Nigeria. Pray for these events to turn the minds of the lost to thoughts of death, judgment, and God. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Nigeria and for people from every tribe and tongue to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

Council. “The eyes of the world will be on the Maldives Government,” the UN noted, “both as a guarantor and protector of human rights in the country, as well as to act as a role model in the international community.” Pray for this high calling to become a reality. Ask the Lord to make the Maldives an example of quality human rights and freedoms, and to use this nation to help enforce these ideals in the world. Ask Him to capture the heart of President Nasheed, leading him into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of this closed, Muslim nation to expand their focus from human rights to eternal rights – seeking to be forgiven of their sins and enter into the Life being offered to them in Christ. Pray for the Lord’s light to shine brightly in the spiritual darkness of this nation.


Maldives was recently elected to the United Nations Human Rights

In May 2010, the United Nations called for an investigation into “numerous and credible allegations that police and prison authorities routinely torture detainees” in Jordan. They also accused the nation of allowing “honor killings” (murders in response to apostasy or “shameful behavior” – such as a woman choosing to leave Islam and follow Christ) to go unpunished. Pray for the government of Jordan to take immediate action to bring an end to these abuses. Pray for the issues of torture and honor killings to be dealt with openly and for those responsible to be prosecuted. Ask the Lord to champion the cause of the women, children, and poor who are being targeted with these crimes. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in Jordan, softening hearts and bringing compassion for human beings. Pray for the salvation of the many

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Several Pakistani men, some living abroad and some in Pakistan, were arrested after being linked to an attempted terrorist attack on a western nation. Among them was a major in the Pakistani army. The Pakistani Taliban claimed credit for the bombing attempt. Pray for the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and every other terrorist and extremist group in Pakistan to be revealed, defeated, and disbanded. Ask the Lord to guide authorities to cells and members, enabling them to arrest them and bring them to justice. Pray for an end to their funding July 2010

and for their efforts to obtain weapons and new recruits to fail. Invite God’s Kingdom to come in power to Pakistan, reaching the disenchanted, dissatisfied, and desperate with the message of hope: Jesus Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Pakistan.


(Jordan continued)

different people groups in Jordan. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA Western military forces are training Senegalese soldiers to fight branches of al-Qaeda that are quickly moving across North Africa. Senegal is being encouraged to join with the governments of surrounding nations to form a united front to this threat. Experts say the jihadists are attempting “to turn the vast ungoverned spaces in the Sahara into a sanctuary from which to launch large-scale attacks while operating with narcotics smugglers and other criminal elements based in the unpoliced desert wastes.” Pray for the government of Senegal to cooperate and partner with other African nations in defending against and defeating the al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and every other terrorist group operating in this region. Ask the Lord to give leaders and authorities wisdom, discernment, and insight in this ongoing battle – new ideas and strategies for combating extremism, stopping the flow of funding, and countering their efforts to train and recruit. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Senegal, setting the people free from every form of spiritual and physical oppression. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Senegal.


Another Eritrean Believer gave her life for the glory of Christ in April 2010. According to Open Doors, the 28-year-old woman had been detained for two years for the 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

“crime” of attending a Bible study. Held in a military prison camp, she died when she contracted malaria and was denied medical treatment. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Eritrea to be comforted by the presence of the Lord. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be with them, encouraging them, comforting them, and strengthening them. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of the leaders of Eritrea, turning them from “Sauls” to “Pauls.” Invite God’s Kingdom to come to this nation, empowering Believers to stand firm and share the Gospel boldly. Pray for countless numbers to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


China is “cracking down on Tibetan intellectuals and artists” who are calling for the independence of their nation. According to one news report, “more than 30 men and women, including writers, bloggers, singers and environmentalists, have been detained or imprisoned, mostly after sharing views or information about conditions in ethnic Tibetan areas.” Pray for the Chinese government to allow Tibet to be what the Lord has called it to be and for the Lord to fulfill His purposes and plans for this nation. Pray for an immediate end to oppression and attempts to control with violence. Ask the Lord to deliver this nation and its people from political and spiritual bondage, ushering them to true freedom as they receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Tibet as it is in heaven.


With Syria officially at war with Israel

and actively supporting Hezbollah (a Lebanese terrorist group), the government announced a deal to buy billions of dollars worth of advanced jet-fighters, air defense systems, and anti-tank missiles from Russia. “The sale of these weapons,” said the Israeli foreign minister, “does not contribute to building an atmosphere of peace.” Pray for the Prince of Peace to foster and maintain peace in Syria by changing the hearts of the leaders. Ask Him to draw President Bashar al-Assad into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among the members of the Hezbollah, bringing an end to this demonic organization. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Syria – and the entire Middle East – and for multitudes of Muslims to put their faith in Christ.


According to a new report from Asian Pacific News, there is a revival taking place in Mongolia – a revival in Tibetan Buddhism. After years of oppression by the Soviet Union, this false religion is once again on the rise. “Mongolia is one of the three main centres of Buddhism,” one monk explained. “There’s a lot of interest to revive Buddhism.” Pray against this attempt by the enemy to recapture lost territory. Intercede on behalf of the Believers in Mongolia and ask the Lord to continue the spiritual awakening that has led many to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the lies of Buddhism to be exposed and for those bound up in this demonic religion to be set free to know true life in Christ. Invite God’s Kingdom to come in Mongolia, as it is in heaven.

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010


Along with advising Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva during Thailand’s recent political crisis, President Ramos-Horta of East Timor is also seeking to champion the rights of refugees. In an article published in May 2010, he questioned the indifference some governments show toward immigrants – especially those seeking asylum from persecution. “The fabric of our nation is such the vast majority of us come from refugee stock… due to poverty, war, famine, diseases and more. We have made a nation that should be most tolerant, open and welcoming to refugees.” Pray for this attitude of compassion and acceptance to be evidenced throughout East Timor – between people groups and across ethnic lines. Pray for Believers in this nation to be gifted with hospitality and a willingness to care for strangers, aliens, the homeless, and refugees. Ask the Lord to make East Timor a haven for those who are without homes. Pray for His Kingdom to be preached and demonstrated there, revealing the love of Jesus Christ to all who are hurting and hopeless.


The health department of the Gambia launched a bold new campaign in May 2010 aimed at eliminating the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). A recent poll showed that 87% of families in the Gambia actually want their girls to undergo FGM. The new campaign will attempt to educate the people about the dangers and health risks involved in this, portraying it as a “harmful traditional practice.” July 2010

Pray for the success of this program. Pray for the Lord to protect the girls in the Gambia from FGM. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open blind eyes and deaf ears to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and, as a result, give people an enlarged compassion for women and girls. Pray for an end to mistreatment, abuse, and “harmful traditional practices.” Petition the Lord to move powerfully in this nation, transforming it into a river of life that will bless all of West Africa.


Dismissing pleas for leniency, the Hamas-led government of the Gaza Strip executed three Palestinians who had been convicted of murder. The executions were the first since 2005 and were described by Hamas as “a response to popular demand to impose law and order.” Pray for true law and order to come to the Gaza Strip – the rule and reign of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to guide the government and draw the hearts of leaders into relationship with His Son. Intercede on behalf of those who are suffering in the aftermath of war and under the ongoing sanctions and blockades. Pray for the Lord to provide them with clean water, food, medicine, educational opportunities, and the supplies they need to rebuild their homes. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in the Gaza Strip, opening the eyes of those who have been blinded by the enemy and setting them free to know life in Jesus Christ.


Palestinians have begun boycotting products from Jewish factories located inside the West Bank. In just a few months, the boycott has

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been instrumental in closing 17 businesses. Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas signed a law in April 2010 making it a crime to sell Jewish “settlement products.” The PA has also “confiscated and destroyed $5 million worth of settlement products.” Pray for peace between these feuding groups. Ask the Lord to provide alternatives to war, terrorism, and economic boycotts that will allow the Palestinians and Jews to live in this region without conflict. Pray for the Lord’s will to be done, His Kingdom established in the West Bank. Petition Him for a great harvest of souls in which Muslims see and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Window International Network Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage the staff of Window International Network as they seek to honor His heart for the nations of the 10/40 Window. Pray for them to be sensitive to His desires, timing, and plans, and to be open to His creative ideas for reaching the unreached and lost inside the Window. Plead for new and more effective strategies for proclaiming the Gospel in this resistant area and for the veil to be removed from the eyes of those trapped by Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for the captives to be set free and for Window International Network to be a tool in the hand of the Lord of Hosts to draw all men, women, and children to His Son, Jesus Christ. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance The 10/40 Window Reporter | 27

Senegal: Under Seige

After more than half of a century under French rule, the nation of Senegal gained independence in 1960, only to enter a period of poverty and violence that has extended to the present day. Despite the introduction of “ambitious economic reform program” in 1994, Senegal continues to be one of the poorest nations in the world. It is ranked 166th out of 188 on the United Nations Human Development Index. The average life expectancy is only 59 years and about 59 of every 1000 live births results in death. Nearly half of the people are unemployed and 54% live below the poverty line. Besides poverty, the people of Senegal must deal with ongoing strife. Separatist rebels have been

wreaking havoc since a violent uprising in the 1980s. Tens of thousands have been displaced and untold numbers are now suffering from “the post-traumatic stress of being injured by landmines, seeing relatives raped or killed and living in constant uncertainty.” As one young boy explained, “We are constantly scared.” Muslim extremists are responsible for destroying schools throughout Senegal in an effort to keep girls from being educated. According to their interpretation of the Qur’an, girls should not attend school.

to economic, physical, Senegal is under siege and spiritual oppression. 28 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

At present, the government is seeking “new ways to get and keep girls in school” and attempting to eliminate “gender inequality.” One of the most potent threats to the welfare of the people of Senegal is a spiritual threat. Islam has been practiced in this nation for more than a thousand years. During French rule, Senegal became a secular state. Since independence, it has remained officially secular. However, Islam has great influence on all areas of life. It is estimated that 94% of the population is Muslim, with the majority practicing a mystical Sufi version of the religion. This involves

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010

they are educated in the ways of Islam. These boys, called Talibes, are often forced to beg, turning their collected earnings over to the marabouts.

PRAY FOR the Lord to provide relief to those who are suffering from poverty and unemployment, as well as the children forced to beg on the streets. (The Bible, Genesis 22:14)

“…At least 50,000 children attending residential Quranic schools live in slave-like conditions and are forced to beg on the streets for up to 10 hours each day. …The children are beaten with electric cables, clubs or canes if they bring home less than their teachers demand.”

membership in brotherhoods and a system of “marabouts” (Islamic teachers and leaders). Part of this system requires boys to attend madrassas (Qur’anic schools) where

Christian humanitarian agencies to have the opportunities and resources to minister to those in need, preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God. (The Bible, Mark 16:14)

Senegal is under siege to economic, physical, and spiritual oppression. Yet God is at work in this nation and among its people. In the past ten years, members of previously unreached people groups have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. As Missions Insider puts it, “Through the intervention of the gospel, change is coming.”

the people of Senegal to look to the Lord to satisfy their economic, physical, and spiritual needs. (The Bible, Psalm 120:1)

Sourced: VOANews, United Nations, Youth with a Mission, Back to Jerusalem

the government of this secular nation to take action against the inhumane treatment of Talibes by marabouts. Pray for these boys to be set free and for them to have the chance to hear the Gospel. (The Bible, Isaiah 61:1) the work of the Lord to continue, bringing liberation to those in bondage to Islam and transformation to Senegal as the Kingdom of God comes in power. (The Bible, Colossians 1:13)

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Myanmar Hymie: Hello, WindowKids! This

month we are going to Myanmar. Also known as Burma, this nation is located just below India in Southeast Asia. Inside Myanmar we will find a mixture of culture and old traditions, but also tragedy. I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Sai Thet. Sai is going to tell us how we can pray for Myanmar.

Let me tell you my family’s story and how we came to rely on the Lord Jesus Christ. My father designs buildings in Rangoon, our capital city. He used to take my brother and me into the city to look at all the beautiful shapes and colors of the buildings. I was always surprised that my father had helped to create these buildings. My brother dreamed of following in my father’s footsteps. He wanted to design buildings just like the ones that my father made. However, something happened that threatened to keep that dream from becoming a reality. A little more than ten years ago, when the government could not find enough soldiers, they began training children to fight in the army. These kids would be taken from their homes and were often not even allowed to see their parents or friends.

Sai Thet: Greetings, WindowKids! Thank you for joining me in my country of Myanmar. Although the Burmese people have suffered in many ways, my family always looks to Jesus for hope and justice. 30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

One day, when my father, brother, and I went into the city to eat kyazangi kaukswe (rice noodles with curry), a man in a military uniform came up to us. He demanded that my brother join the army. My father refused, but the soldier insisted and took my brother away. My father and I didn’t know what to do.

© 2010 Window International Network

July 2010

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs on your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” (The Bible, Matthew 10:29). When I saw this verse in the Bible, I knew God was taking care of my brother. No matter where he was, Jesus loved and cared about him. I was sure I would see my brother again. Then one day, after many weeks, as we were all gathered together praying, there was a knock at the door. We were both scared. We wondered what they would do to my brother and if we would ever see him again. So we started to pray. We prayed right there in the street and all the way home. Then we prayed with the rest of my family and some of our neighbors who also follow Jesus. That day, we decided that we would not stop praying and asking for God’s help until my brother came home safely. We also decided to pray for all the children who had been taken into the army, as well as their families. This difficult time taught me an important lesson: God is faithful. Always. He cares about us. As Jesus said:

July 2010

My mother went to answer it. Suddenly she began to shout. We rushed to see what had happened. And there was my brother! God had answered our prayers. He had brought my brother home!

Hymie: Remember, WindowKids: God always hears our prayers. He always knows when we are hurting, sad, and need His help and comfort. Jesus hears and answers your prayers, Friends. So when you pray, tell Him about the children of Myanmar – especially those forced to be soldiers. Ask Him to be with them, keep them safe, and show them His love. Sourced: “Burma Army Recruiting Children.” BBC News (2007): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. “Burma.” CIA-The World Factbook (2009): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. “Burma: World’s Highest Number of Child Soldiers.” Human Rights Watch (2002): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. “Country Profile: Burma.” BBC News (2010): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010.

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 31

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