10/40 Window Reporter April 2009

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April 2009 Edition

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

Window International Network President: Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor: LaTonya J. Pegues WindowKidsTM Editor: Leah Sahhar Design/Layout: John Burton Design | www.johnburtondesign.com

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Though Christianity is not forbidden in Syria, evangelizing and conversion are strongly frowned upon, and Syrian Christians have often been treated as second-class citizens. Christians here are obligated to keep their faith private or fear persecution from the Muslim majority. This is why it is unusual for the Syrian government to be giving so much attention and approval to an overtly Christian film. This attitude of respect and openness, and the opportunity for this important story from the New Testament to be told in the Muslim world, are important milestones in the attempt to reach the Middle East with the message of Christ’s love. After the movie premiere, the film will hopefully go on to be released throughout Syria and the Muslim world. Join us in praying for tremendous fruit that will remain as a result of this film being shown, and for the Salvation of each person that sees or is told the story of the film.

Praise for: ✚✚ The amazing openness and support shown by the Syrian government in allowing this film to be shown. ✚✚ The courage and determination of the Arab Christians who made the film despite the culture of religious repression in Syria.

Pray for: ✚✚ Pray that the leaders of Syria would continue taking steps toward greater freedom for its people and that they would completely renounce terrorism in all its forms. ✚✚ Pray that Muslim Syrians would learn to embrace and respect their Christian neighbors and would be willing to listen to them and treat them as equals. ✚✚ Pray that the people of Syria would be moved by this film and that many Syrians would be brought to Christ because of it. Pray that there would be no backlash from militant Muslims against the people involved in making the film. ✚✚ Pray that each person who sees or hears about this film will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray that each one will be properly discipled in the ways of the Kingdom of God. ✚✚ Pray that the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in Syria Source: Persecution.com

Syria Hosts Premiere of Christian Film


n an incredible victory for the Gospel in response to years of prayer for this part of the world--the Syrian capital of Damascus is playing host to the movie premiere of the Arab Christian-made film,“Damascus,” a documentary/drama that tells the story of the conversion of the apostle Paul found in the Bible. This event marks an astounding change in the attitude of the Syrian government, which for years has been criticized for its authoritarian ways and its support of terrorist organizations. Not only is it remarkable that a major Christian film is being allowed to debut in this mostly Muslim nation, but the movie premiere is also being attended by a group of 1100 senior government officials, business leaders, journalists, and religious leaders.

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o commemorate the Resurrection season, Window International Network’s (WIN) 10/40 Window Reporter will review the growth of Christianity in the 10/40 Window based on statistics compiled by Patrick Johnstone from two publications, The Future of World Evangelization and Operation World as well as calculations by Global Mapping International.

The data revealed several positive findings regarding the growth of Christianity in the 10/40 Window. Beginning with the evangelical percentage of the 10/40 Window, population increased from 2.5% in 1990 to 4.7% in 2005. The general population grew at 1.5% annually, totaling approximately 4.3 billion people, while the evangelical population grew at 5.4% annually totaling approximately 205.2 million Christians. Other encouraging findings include: the research revealed that the percentage of growth of evangelical Christianity from 1990 to 2005 in Mongolia, Nepal, Algeria, Albania and North Korea was estimated at more than 300%. Additionally, during the same time period, the percentage of growth of evangelical Christianity in China, Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Benin was estimated at 200% to 299%. Meanwhile, the percentage of growth of evangelical Christianity from 1990 to 2005 in India, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Yemen, Azerbaijan, Niger,

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Mauritania and United Arab Emirates was estimated at 100% to 199%. Additionally, the population of some nations in the 10/40 Window had a high percentage of Christians in 2005. Evangelicals comprised 10% to 25% of the population in Chad, Sudan, Nigeria and Ethiopia, while Christians represented 5% to 9.9% of the population of China and Myanmar. Opportunities to pray more ferverently, believing GOD for breakthrough, are areas where less than .1% of the population—including Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Yemen, Iran and Iraq—were comprised of evangelical Christians.

Praise For: ✚✚ The overall growth of Christianity in the 10/40 Window. ✚✚ The phenomenal growth of evangelical Christianity in Mongolia, Nepal, Algeria, Albania and North Korea.

Pray For: ✚✚ God to continue to cause the Gospel to go forward throughout the 10/40 Window, and that those who have not yet heard the Gospel would hear and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. ✚✚ The 1.2 billion Muslims in the 10/40 Window, most of whom have no ac-

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cess to the Gospel, to have dreams and visions of the message of Salvation. The transformation of the lives of the people in the 10/40 Window by the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask God to convict people in the Window of the idolatry that is a barrier to the entrance of the Gospel. Pray The Bible, Exodus 20:3-5 (NIV). Pray against fear. Many unreached peoples in the 10/40 Window continue to live in fear of spirits and demon powers. Pray for the binding and overthrow of the powers of darkness which hold them captive. Pray that people will know that Jesus is more powerful than all demonic powers. Pray The Bible, Colossians 2:9 (NIV). The protection of Believers. Pray The Bible, Psalm 91 (NIV) over Believers in the Window. Ask God to bless them with divine favor, protection, and boldness to spread the Gospel even to those who are culturally and socially different. The women and children in the 10/40 Window. Ask God to continue to protect the children and women in the Window, many of whom live under extremely


oppressive conditions, such as genital mutilation, denial of education, and slave-like working conditions. Pray The Bible, Isaiah 54 (NIV). Pray for the intervention of the authorities in breaking up criminal rings exploiting children in pornography, prostitution and child labor. ✚✚ The salvation of leaders. Pray that political and religious leaders of the 10/40 Window countries will encounter Christ through dreams, visions, Scripture, and contact with Believers. Pray The Bible, 1 Timothy 2:1-3 (NIV). Pray for integrity in government and for leaders to rule in reverence of God and to care for the people they are serving and governing. ✚✚ God to continue sending forth laborers in great numbers into the harvest field of the 10/40 Window. Pray for the JESUS film, Christian literature distribution, and Christian television and radio efforts to penetrate new areas and people groups in the Window. Source: Patrick Johnstone, Global Mapping International, Open Doors USA, International Christian Concern, World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission, 24-7 Prayer, Operation World

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PRAYER Points April 2009

Day 1 India – Over the last year, India has seen a dramatic upsurge in attacks against Christians and movements to put restrictions on Christianity, such as enacting anti-conversion laws. Pray this slide toward oppression and violence end immediately. Pray there will be an end to these injustices and those in authority would open their eyes to receive the Truth of the Gospel. Pray that the government stops the misuse of laws like the anti-conversion laws, which are often used to falsely condemn Christians. Pray for freedom of religion and justice for Believers in India. Mauritania – Pray that the government of Mauritania will stop seeing conversion to Christianity as a threat to society. Pray the Christians and allow the spread of the Gospel Jesus as thier Lord and Savior. Pray for revival in this land, and that their will be multiple thousands of new Believers here within the next thirty days. Pray the Lord will open the door for Believers to freely have access to religious education books and Bibles in order to grow in the Knowledge of Christ. Day 2 Sudan – Sudan has expelled numerous aid agencies after an international court issued a warrant for the arrest of Sudan’s president for war crimes related to the Darfur crisis. Pray the Sudanese government does not eject any more aid agencies, and pray those that have been expelled will be able to return to Sudan within the next month. Pray justice will be served to those who committed genocide in the nation. Afghanistan – Pray the Taliban terrorists seeking to destabilize this country would fail and be defeated. Pray the new government seeks to protect Christians and forbids attacks on them. Pray for the safety of Christians and also for the safety of girls trying to go to school, all of whom are special targets of the Taliban. Fervently pray that the Taliban’s truce with Pakistan will not allow them to gain a foothold there. Day 3 Kuwait – Pray that the Kingdom of God would be established in Kuwait. Pray God demolishes the demonic strongholds that are trying to keep the Kuwaiti people from receiving Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray the government changes its oppressive stance against letting Christianity into its nation. Pray that any Kuwaiti who

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wants a Bible will be able to have them without being persecuted by Muslims or Government officials. Bangladesh – Pray God opens the door for major spiritual revival in Bangladesh. Pray Psalm 91 protection over the oppressed Christians in this country, who are often discriminated against by Muslims. Pray His power will transform their lives so they can live as shining examples of Christlikeness and love in the eyes of their neighbors. Pray for their families and homes to be safe from attacks by Muslims trying to stop them from spreading the Gospel. Day 4 Japan – Pray for the upcoming elections in the Lower House. Pray God raises up Spirit-led leaders to win the elections. Pray the Japanese people turn away from political leaders who are deeply connected to Shintoism. Guinea-Bissau – The country of GuineaBissau is in turmoil after the assassination of the President and the subsequent killing of its chief army general. These events have left a dangerous leadership vacuum in the country. Pray for God to raise up good and righteous men to fill that vacuum. Pray that the assassinations would not lead to further violence. Pray the leaders of this land that the Lord has pre-destined since the foundations of the earth was lain to be put in power. Day 5 Bhutan – Pray God would bless the underground church in Bhutan with amazing growth. Pray Christians would be safe from persecution by the Buddhist majority. Pray the new democratic government and the young King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck would respect and uphold the human rights of Christians. Saudi Arabia – Pray for the hope and courage of the Christians who live in this country where proseletizing is illegal. Pray God would protect them in their daily lives from the Saudi Arabian government. Pray for revival in this land with multiple thousands of new Believers coming to Christ in the next thirty days. Day 6 Guinea – Pray the military junta that is currently ruling Guinea holds free elections soon. Pray the military will not engage in any human rights violations or abuse its position of power. Pray God raises up leaders for this country who can help to heal its


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wounds and care for the many AIDS orphans and refugees here. Pray the military rule will not provide an opportunity for human trafficking to flourish. Thailand – Pray for an end to the kidnapping and selling of girls in Thailand. Pray that the slave trade would be crushed and the kidnappers brought to justice. Pray God shows the people who are involved in the slave trade their sins, and they will repent and accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray God raises up new, Godly leaders in this country that is plagued by corruption. Pray especially that the corrupt police officials would be replaced by policemen who will refuse bribes and uphold justice and protect the rights of the people. Many hidden sins in the country are coming to light in the news these days. Pray that they would continue to be uncovered and that they would be dealt with justly and righteously, rather than covered up or brushed away as they were in the past. Pray also for an end to legalistic Christianity in Thailand. Day 7 Niger – Pray for peace in this country that is struggling with attacks by militants, rebels groups, and terrorists. Pray for an end to the battle between the Niger government and theTuareg rebel groups. Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world. Pray God provides economic opportunities and business opportunities for the people of Niger. Pray the government keeps the peace and stops the attacks against the people, so the country can grow and develop out of its terrible poverty. Kyrgyzstan – Pray courage for Christians in Kyrgyzstan, where the practice of the Christian faith is now heavily restricted by the government. Pray that Believers would be shielded from persecution. Demonic forces in this part of the world try to prohibit the Gospel and bring persecution to Christians. Pray for the defeat of these demonic strongholds. Pray that all the laws restricting religious freedom are found to be unconstitutional and are overturned. Day 8 Iran – Pray recent efforts by other nations to seek Iran’s help in bringing stability to Afghanistan are successful. Pray Iran establishes friendly and helpful diplomatic relationships with its neighbors like Iraq, Israel, Syria, and Afghanistan. Pray Iran does not seek to use its increasing nuclear capabilities to build bombs. Pray Iran eases its restrictive laws and open its borders to Christianity. Also, pray Iranian Muslims continue to convert to Christianity in great numbers and that they are safe from being tried for apostasy when they convert.

would find people who will love them and take care of them. Pray also for the end to human trafficking. Pray the authorities continue to root out kidnappers and return children to their homes. Pray the Kingdom of God will firmly be established in this land. Day 9 Mali – Pray for the children of Mali, where hunger, lack of education, and the practice of female genital mutilation are still major problems. Pray for economic alliances with other countries and innovative advances in farming techniques to help provide food for the people in this land. Azerbaijan – The government of Azerbaijan continues to be hostile to Christianity, especially groups of Christians that are not approved by the state. The police continue to conduct raids on church meetings and arrest Christians on false charges. Pray the leaders of Azerbaijan come to Christ. Pray the church continues to grow in Azerbaijan despite the restrictions placed on it by the government. Pray for the corruption in the police and judicial systems to halt, and that Godly justice will prevail. Day 10 Benin – Pray for an end to drug trafficking in Benin, and for people to no longer want to use drugs. Drug trafficking is becoming a major problem, especially in Edo state. Pray law enforcement officials will be able to find and stop the drug operations, and the people using the drugs will give up their addictions and turn to Christ. Pray the people of Benin are shielded from the negative effects of having such a destructive illegal trade running through their country. Pray those addicted to using drugs will be made free in the powerful Name of Jesus. Indonesia – Pray for revival among the many different ethnic groups of Indonesia. Pray the growth of Islam is halted and militant Muslim groups stop attacking Christians and Christian churches. Pray the plan to have Indonesia totally Islamitised would not occur, and pray that all of Indonesia will be saved. Pray the upcoming presidential elections would be a turning point in that struggle for this country. Pray the elections will be peaceful, and pray the president the Lord has pre-destinated will be in office. Day 11

Burkina Faso – Pray for the health of the people of Burkina Faso, where AIDS has had a terrible impact on families, and the number of orphans in this nation is on the rise. Pray for them to get the medical care they need, and pray the orphans

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Laos – Pray the oppression of Christian churches would end in Laos, and pray the government would open up its official recognition of churches to include more than the three it currently recognizes. Ask God’s blessing for new opportunities to spread the Gospel and increase the number of churches in Laos. Pray that attacks on Christians by

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Buddhists would end immediately. Pray the Kingdom of God will be established in this land. Western Sahara – Pray the people of Western Sahara and international leaders would create a just government and a peaceful future for this land. Pray they would build their nation on a foundation of righteous principles based on the Bible, and that the Gospel would spread quickly without resistance in this country. Pray for innovative strategies for the Sahawai people to grow nutritious vegetables in the desert, and in extremely hot conditions. Day 12 Egypt – A group of Muslim lawyers arguing against the case for a Muslim’s conversion to Christianity recently submitted memos declaring that Christianity is inferior to Islam and that Christians who protect converts from Islam do so at their own peril. Pray this would not discourage the Egyptian Christian community. Pray this challenge would result in an even greater effort by Christians to protect the rights of converts. Pray these Christians and the converts would be protected from reprisal attacks by Muslims. Pray the Egyptian people would come to see that Christianity is NOT inferior, but is the one and True God. Uzbekistan – Take time to pray especially for Christians who are being wrongfully oppressed in Uzbekistan. Human rights violations, especially false arrests, are common in this country. Uzbekistan is one of the two most authoritarian states of the former Soviet Union. Pray the government changes its oppressive ways and grants true freedom to its people. Pray for an immediate end to the ban on proselytizing. Pray for revival in this land with multiple thousands of new Believers coming to Christ in the next thirty days. Day 13 Nepal – There are concerns over an increase in troops by Nepal’s army, and the Maoist rebels, who recently signed a peace agreement. Pray the increase in troop size does not lead to new hostilities. Pray these concerns would not dull the hope of the people of Nepal for a new and more peaceful future. Pray for the salvation of all Nepalese leaders and that they will make governing decision based on Biblical principles. United Arab Emirates – Pray for a massive change in the religious repression that has a tight hold over this country. Pray that God will open the door for a flood of conversions, and that God will be glorified. Pray that the laws restricting spread of the Gospel would be completely eliminated. Pray the laws that restrict women and violate human rights will be abolished. Day 14 Albania – Albania is attempting to join the European Union. Pray for open doors for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached to every Muslim in this country. Pray the budget

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deficit Albania is suffering would not cause hardship for the people of Albania and that during this difficult economic time multiple thousands will accept Jesus as Savior and Lord on a monthly basis. Morocco – Pray for five missionaries that were recently abducted by the police. Pray for their safety, and that the Church in Morocco will grow exponentially. Pray the Believers in Morocco will hunger for the deep things of God, and they will disciple new Believers in the ways of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the leaders of this country to allow the Gospel to be preached freely, and they would accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Pray for an end to the abuse of women in Morocco, where the Union for Women’s Action has launched a campaign to try raise awareness of this problem. Pray that the campaign encourages women to speak out about their abuse without being retaliated against. Pray for an immediate end to the human rights violations of women. Day 15 Iraq – Pray the government will protect the human rights of Christians, allow them to buy Bibles, read them, and worship the Lord freely in this land without retaliation. Pray Iraq’s leaders be given a clear vision for the future of their country. Pray the Lord will give them His plan for their nation. Pray that the planned exit of foreign troops will not provide insurgents with the chance to cause further harm to the country. Sri Lanka – The prayers of Christians have been answered as the Sri Lankan government has backed down on its push to pass an anti-conversion law. The voices of Christians raised enough opposition that the debate has been deferred. Though this delay is only temporary, it gives time for more Christians to speak out against the bill and time for potential changes. Pray that Christians and leaders worldwide speak out against the bill. Pray that it does not pass. Pray that the bill will be declared unconstitutional. Pray that government leaders won’t bow to pressure to bring the bill back. Day 16 Israel – Pray that the new president, Benjamin Netanyahu, would be able to form an effective unity government for Israel. Pray this country’s government, which is often divided, will come together and make wise decisions about the many difficult situations it faces being surrounded by hostile countries and terrorist groups that want it destroyed. Pray the Jewish people are protected from attacks by Hamas and they make peace with the Palestinian people. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in this land. Tajikistan – Tajikistan’s president recently decreed that government officials respond to media criticism of their actions. Though this could lead to increased accountability, it could also lead to abuse on the part of both the media and the officials. Pray this decree will not restrict the media’s ability


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to speak out about unjust actions. Pray the decree will lead to increased government accountability and greater awareness of human rights violations in this land.

complete religious freedom and upholding human rights, and not be won over by hard line Muslims.

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China – The Chinese government recently arrested a number of church leaders who were attending a seminar. The pastors were later released, thanks to international pressure and the prayers of the saints however other foreign pastors were ejected from the country. Pray the government continues to respond to international pressure to stop persecuting Christians. Pray that pastors from outside China will be able to get into the country to help train local church leaders on strategies to spread the Gospel. Djibouti – Pray for the conversion of Djibouti leaders and government officials to Christianity. Pray for the few Christians in Djibouti to be accepted as a part of society and not treated as outcasts. Pray God blesses Believers with success in their work and that others would be able to see God’s blessing upon them, and they will be encouraged to come to the Lord. Pray for revival in this land with multiple thousands of Believers coming to know the Lord in the next thirty days.

Brunei – The Brunei government continues to resist all attempts to bring Christianity into this country. Witnessing is outlawed, and it is illegal to import religious books or materials. Pray for Christians to be gifted with new ideas on how to spread the Gospel in this hostile environment. Pray Christianity will flourish despite the strong anti-Christian sentiment of the government. Lebanon – Pray for peace between the different religious groups in Lebanon. Pray the Muslim majority stops militant groups that want to attack Israel from carrying out their plans. Pray the law requiring non-Muslims who marry Muslims to convert to Islam is repealed. Pray the government continues to respect freedom of religion and the new leaders being elected this Summer will be strong supporters of freedom of religion Day 21

Day 18 Yemen – Pray for every Muslim to come to Christ in Yemen, despite the pressure against conversion from the government. Pray that Christians find new ways to reach the people of Yemen with the Gospel. Pray the freedom of religion that Yemen claims to have will be enforced by the government. Pray Believers will be able to access and read Bibles without retaliation from the government or others. Vietnam – Pray the house church movement in Vietnam continues to flourish. Pray for official recognition to be granted for all church groups, from the government of Vietnam. Pray the persecution of Christians and attacks on churches, particularly in the central highlands of the country, stops immediately. Pray the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in this land. Day 19 Taiwan – Pray for a revival of Spirit-led Christianity in Taiwan, where it has been said that many Christians do not take their faith seriously in this land. Pray the Gospel will spread to the unreached including the working class. Pray during the economic downturn, people turn away from materialism and toward heavenly values. Bahrain – Bahrain is becoming more important as a financial center in the Middle East. Pray as more international commerce comes to this nation that business leaders doing business in Bahrain will insist that Bahrain allow true religious freedom for its people. Pray Bahrain will lead the Middle East in setting an example in the Middle East of

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of God.

Qatar – Qatar is still struggling to accept Christian churches operating openly in this almost completely Muslim nation. Pray the Christian Believers find favor with God and Man accept foreign Christians among them and open their hearts to hear the Gospel message. Pray for revival in this land and that multiple thousands will come to know the Lord within the next thirty days and they will be discipled in the ways of the Kingdom

Turkmenistan – Pray the human rights abuses in Turkmenistan end immediately. Pray the government stops harassing Christians and others protesting their oppressive actions. Pray the governemt will respect and defend their human rights. Pray the Gospel would be able to spread freely in Turkmenistan and that every one of them will know the Lord as their Savior. Day 22 Ethiopia – Ethiopia is struggling with attacks by a rebel group that wants independence for the Somali-speaking Eastern part of the country. The Ogaden National Liberation Front recently attacked and captured the town of Mustahil, killing at least 80 Ethiopian soldiers. Pray the attacks would end, and that God would bring peace to this country and this region. Insurgent attacks combined with drought have caused a famine that may soon become a major crisis. Pray there will not be a drought or famine in this land. Myanmar (Burma) – Pray for the ongoing efforts of the Myanmar government to combat human trafficking. Pray they would be successful in breaking up the trafficking gangs. Pray their efforts would not be held back by corruption among


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government or police officials. Pray the victims of this terrible trade in human life would be set free and restored to their homes. Pray for living wages for families so they will be able to provide for their families. Pray the government will completely support freedom of religion and human rights. Day 23 Chad – The government of Chad is concerned about the possibility of retaliatory strikes in its territory in response to the arrest warrant issued against its Sudan’s president. Peacekeeping forces are on high alert, but there are already too few soldiers to handle the huge numbers of refugees that have fled into Chad from the Darfur conflict. Pray the peacekeepers will be granted extra resources they need to help them cope with the crisis. Pray there is no increase in violence as a result of the arrest warrant. Pray God provides for the physical and spiritual needs of the refugees, and that God will minister to these displaced people. Algeria – Pray for an end to the attacks by militant Muslims in Algeria. Recently, the country suffered from a suicide bombing at a guard post and an attack on a policeman, who was killed. Pray the government roots out these criminals and brings them to justice. Pray these attacks and the attempt to create fear will not affect the upcoming presidential election. Pray for God’s will to be done in the election, and for righteous leaders to be raised up to lead this country. Day 24 Libya – Pray for a radical change in the government of Libya. Pray the repression of Christianity ends so the Gospel can be preached openly in Libya. Pray for a complete transformation of this country from a closed country to an open country. Pray for women who are put in prison for false reasons. Pray for their children who are sometimes raised in orphanage - type facilities with limited supplies like blankets. Pray the women would be released and able to take proper care of their children. Pray they will receieve Jesus as Lord, and that revival will break out in this land in the next 30 days.

neigbors without retaliation from them or the government. Kazakhstan – There was a draft religion law sent to President Nazarbaev advanced to be reviewed by the Constitutional Council. Give thanks that the council has decided that the law violates the constitution. If the law went forward, it would put a ban on unregistered religious activity and impose harsh controls on witnessing and religious literature. Pray that the government upholds the council’s decision. Pray the draft of the religion law would be dropped. Pray that Christians will be able to live out their faith without state supervision and controls. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in this land. Day 26 Tunisia – Pray the government of Tunisia eases its stringent laws restricting nonIslamic religions and political dissent. Pray the small Christian population in Tunisia continues to grow and is strengthened and encouraged. Pray that Tunisian Believers are able to find good work and education opportunities in spite of the strong prejudice against Christianity. Pray multiple thousands of Tunisians will come to know the Lord in the next thirty days. Cambodia – Pray for job stability for the people of Cambodia, especially Believers, who are suffering through a recession. Cambodia also recently hosted a peace seminar for Southeast Asia. Pray that God brings great fruit from this seminar and that the nations of Southeast Asia will work together to promote peace, fight terrorism, uphold human rights, uphold religious freedom, and fight human trafficking. Pray the many prostitutes and AIDS victims living in this country get proper treatment and pray the Lord will heal them and they will come to know Him as Savior and Lord. Day 27

Day 25

Turkey – Despite positive changes over the last few years as Turkey tries to integrate itself into the European community, Turkey is still a difficult place to be a Christian. Many of the people have not even heard the Gospel. Pray that Christians would find ways to spread the Gospel without being accused of insulting Islam. Recent repeated attacks on a Christian bookstore are in line with the general belief that Christians are undesirable and are trying to undermine Muslim society. Pray Christians are protected from attacks on their families and businesses. The Turkish elections are currently taking place. Pray for the leaders God has chosen to be elected. Pray the ruling Justice and Development Party would not be won over by leaders who want to make Turkey into an Islamic nation.

Oman – Pray for greater freedom for Christians in Oman. Pray the government stops trying to restrict the spreading of the Gospel. Pray the government allows Christians to meet freely buy and read Bibles and shar the Gospel with their

North Korea – An annual report recently released listed North Korea as one of the eight most repressive societies in the world. Intercede on behalf of the people of North Korea, who suffer under an oppressive regime where they live in fear of

Malaysia – Pray for an end to the increasing Islamisation of Malaysia. Pray the laws restricting conversions are overturned. Pray for an increase in the number of Christian books and resources translated into Malay and that the Malaysian people could obtain these texts, despite the government’s desire to prevent Muslims from reading Christian texts. Pray the church in Malaysia will strategize on how to reach its nation and neiboring nations with the Word of God. Pray the Kingdom of God will be established in this land.

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punishment by the government and are unable to enjoy basic freedoms. Christians in particular have long been persecuted by the Korean government. No one is certain how many North Korean Christians are imprisoned, but it may be as many as tens of thousands. Pray for God to bring hope to the Christian prisoners in North Korea, and pray that everyone who has been wrongfully imprisoned is released immediately. North Korea has also warned that it is at full-combat readiness in response to tension between it and South Korea and the US. Pray peace will be maintained between these countries and its leaders find a path to reconciliation. Day 28 Somalia – Rebel groups in Somalia recently formed an alliance, combining to form an even greater threat to the struggling government of this troubled nation. The chairman of the alliance has vowed to continue attacks against the African Union peacekeeping mission in an attempt to topple the current government. Pray God brings peace to this war-torn nation. Pray the rebel alliance would be broken apart and that the rebels would not be able to unify. Pray the government is given the heavenly strength to stop the attacks and rampant lawlessness that is harming the entire country. Pakistan – Pray the truce the government of Pakistan has agreed to with the Taliban will not lead to further violence and instability in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pray the declaration of Islamic law in the tribal region will not lead to increased violence against Christians and oppression of women. Pray the declaration of Islamic law will be canceled. Pray for the total defeat of the Taliban and an end to their attempts to establish radical Islamic law. The Ministry of Human Rights has put on hold a bill in the National Assembly to establish a National Commission for Human Rights. The bill has been forwarded to the parliamentary committees for discussion and changes. Pray that a truly autonomous and independent commission would be established that would have power to report and put to an end to human rights abuses across the nation. The bill has provisions requiring that the commission would have

Christian representation, and that it would help to stop the growing abuse of blasphemy cases. Day 29 Nigeria – The economy of Nigeria is rapidly decaying, and the Naira, Nigeria’s currency, is steadily losing value. Pray Nigeria’s leaders make wise decisions to help their country using Biblical principles. Pray God provides food and work for the financial and physical needs of the people of Nigeria. Pray for the victims of an outbreak of violence against Christians by Muslim mobs that resulted in nearly a dozen deaths, the burning of dozens of homes, and the displacement of about 1500 people. Pray the attacks on Christians ends immediately, and the anger over the violence in Bauchi and Jos would not result in more violence between Muslims and Christians. Pray for forgiveness and unity among the people. Pray God provides shelter for those who lost their homes in the recent attacks, and that He would provide all of their needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Maldives – The Christian population in Maldives is growing, yet small. The government is actively seeking to prevent their numbers from greatly increasing. Pray for revival in this land, and that multiple thousands of new Believers will come to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray the government’s restrictions on Christian literature and Christian websites would be abolished immediately. Pray all of the government leaders of Maldives come to Christ and will not make restrictions on the Gospel being preached here. Pray the Lord will protect the Believers in this nation, and that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. Jordan – Pray for all Jordanians would come to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray that Christians will effectively share the Gospel with the Iraqi refugees, Sri Lankan, Indian factory workers. Pray radical Islam does not take root in Jordan. Pray for unity among Church leaders to work together to strategically reach their nation for the Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in this land. Senegal – Pray for stability in Senegal, whose Casamance region has long been troubled by a separatist struggle for independence. Politics in their region are heavily influenced by Guinea-Bissau, whose president and Army Chief of Staff were

Current Issue & Archives Online at www.WIN1040.com/reporter February 2009 Edition




April 2009


10/40 WindoW Prayer Focus: THe iMPacT oF TerrorisM on cHiLdren

Praise rePorT: s iran- cHrisTian raLLy in suPPorT To oF converTs oPPose aPosTasy LaW

Praise rePorT: orissa- suPreMe courT orders ProTecTion oF cHrisTians in orissa sTaTe

WindoWKids™: seneGaL- HyMnie’s Prayer requesT For God’s cHiLdren in seneGaL

For Prayer PoinTs every 10/40 WindoW naTion

The 10/40 Window Reporter 14

recently assassinated. Pray the instability of Guinea-Bissau will not further endanger the stability of the Casamance region. Pray the government would be successful in its efforts to fight the drug trafficking trade, which is in this part of the world. Pray the new leaders of Guinea-Bissau would work with the Senagalese government to help promote peace between them and in the Casamance region. Pray the Church in Senegal will be effective in reaching Senegalese with the Gospel, and they will have all the resources needed to lead each one to Christ. Day 30 Eritrea – Pray for the believers of Eritrea, who are openly persecuted by the government. Pray God would strengthen their bodies and encourage the hearts of those who have been imprisoned for their faith. Pray for the many Christians who are being held without trial. Pray they will all be released immediately. Pray the leaders of the Church in Eritrea use Godly wisdom to effectively teach, encourage, and win multiple thousands of new souls for the Lord in the next thirty days. Pray they continue to grow in their faith, and the Church will experience tremendous growth in the midst of the persecution they have been experiencing. Tibet – Tensions have been high surrounding the anniversary of the failed Tibetan uprising. The increased restrictions put on foreign travel into Tibet make it even harder for Christians and Christian organizations to reach this country. Pray God opens up new doors for Christians to reach the Tibetan people. Pray that the culture, which is extremely Buddhist, would learn to accept Christians and not treat them as outsiders.

for unity between different ethnic groups, and for them to work together to advance the Kingdom of God. The Gambia – The leader of Gambia’s main opposition party was recently arrested. Amnesty International reports that members of the opposition party are often subjected to rights violations; such as unlawful arrest and even torture. Pray for Godly justice in Gambia and those who are wrongfully imprisoned are released immediately. Pray for a spiritual revival in Gambia that would transform its leadership, and all Gambians would be saved. Pray the Lord will show His people innovative ways to reach the Muslims, and lead them to the saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ. West Bank & Gaza Strip – The people of Gaza are still struggling to recover from the Israeli assault. Pray for God’s provision for the physical needs of the people of Gaza. Pray the important infrastructure for basic services that were destroyed, is restored quickly. Pray fervently for the success of the new attempts to make peace with Israel. Pray the resignation of the Palestinian Prime Minister paves the way for new unity in the government for the Palestinian people, and that the Lord will bring peace and healing to this land. Window International Network Pray for WIN as we are updating and revision the Praying Through The Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions prayer calendar, developing a prayer booklet for PTTW 9 along with a prayer calendar booklet for WindowKidsTM.

Syria – Syria’s president recently said that peace with Israel is, in fact, possible. Pray for lasting peace to be settled between these two countries. Pray militants who don’t want peace would not be heard by the Syrian government. Pray Syria takes a bold stance against terrorism as a tool for political change. Pray Christians, who are often in the position of second-class citizens, will be granted the same rights, privileges, and freedoms the majority of the people. Pray those who watched the Damascus film last month, will accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Pray the government will continue to allow Christian films to be shown, and that people can come and watch them without being retaliated against. Mongolia – Pray for an increased acceptance of Christians and Christianity in Mongolia. Pray Christians will no longer be persecuted. Pray for government officials who will govern using Godly principles. Pray the persecuted people from North Korea who find refuge in this land will not be turned away, and they will be ministered to by Mongolian Believers. Pray for revival in this country. Day 31 East Timor – Pray there would be peace between different denominations in East Timor, where people converting from one Christian denomination to another often face discrimination from their friends and families. Pray the people of East Timor are united as they try to restore their country after years of civil war and crippling economic hardship. Pray

April 2009


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Praise Report: Ministry leader says tribal house churches are now allowed in Vietnam


hristian Aid Mission (CAM) has revealed a praise report from a ministry leader in Vietnam.

“As you may remember, the Vietnamese government has been consistently ranked as harshest persecutors of Christians in the world,” the ministry leader told CAM. “During the past year, the government made a sudden change to its policy in certain areas. In most areas, tribal house churches are now allowed.

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“But in order to become legal, they must register with the government,” the ministry leader added. “A listing of the names of all church members must also be registered. And the churches have to get prior approval from the government for specific activities. This allows the government to closely monitor the churches.” Nevertheless, the ministry used this time of “freedom” for traveling into remote areas, according to CAM. “One of my most gratifying experiences was the ability to speak in areas previously prohibited from worshiping God at all,” the ministry leader said. According to Open Doors’ 2009 World Watch List (WWL) of nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith, fewer Believers were harassed in Vietnam in 2008. As a result of the prayers of the Body of Christ making a difference, in 2009 Vietnam was listed lower to No. 23 on the WWL; in 2008 it was ranked No. 17, and in 2006 it was No. 8. According to Window International Network’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Vietnam is on day 18.

Praise for:

✚✚ Tribal house churches are now allowed in Vietnam. ✚✚ Fewer Believers being harassed in Vietnam.

Pray for:

✚✚ Persecuted Vietnamese Christians—for the end of their suffering and for an end to the violence carried out against them by those in authority. Pray The Bible, Psalm 119:114 (NIV). ✚✚ Vietnamese Christians not to compromise what they believe, and continue to stand firm in their faith. ✚✚ Pray that it would be easier for missionaries to work in Vietnam, and that more Christians would be called to dedicate their lives and their service to Vietnam. ✚✚ Pray for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in this land and with the lives of Vietnamese throughout the world. Source: Christian Aid Mission

April 2009


The 10/40 Window Reporter 17

NORTH KOREA top persecutor again on Open Doors’ 2009 World Watch List April 2009


or the seventh year in a row, the oppressive, isolated country of North Korea, headed by dictator Kim Jong Il, was ranked No. 1 on Open Doors’ 2009 World Watch List (WWL), which annually ranks countries by the intensity of persecution that Christians face for demonstrating their faith. WWL, which brings attention to the world’s top 50 persecutors, showed persecution worsening in Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq. Following North Korea in the top 10 spots were Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Maldives, Yemen, Laos, Eritrea and Uzbekistan. The border between China and North Korea is almost closed. Everything and everyone going in and out of North Korea are monitored closely. Executions are held in secret. The number of people sentenced to labor camp or prison has increased compared to 2008. Christians are persecuted constantly. Genuine religious freedom doesn’t exist at all; no one is allowed to be a Christian in North Korea. Open Doors encourages Christians take part in an on-going prayer campaign for North Korea, especially during North Korea Freedom Week, scheduled for April 25-May 2, 2009. The Wahhabi Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was ranked No. 2, while Iran was ranked No. 3. Sharia law rules both countries. Persecution continues unabated in Saudi Arabia. Five months after the daughter of a member of Saudi Arabia’s religious police was killed in 2008 for writing online about her faith in Christ, Saudi authorities reportedly arrested a 28-year-old Christian man for describing his conversion and criticizing the kingdom’s judiciary on his Web site, according to Compass Direct News.

Two new countries entered the top 10—Somalia and Eritrea. For Eritrea, the total of overall points to determine its persecution rank didn’t change compared to last year, but other countries dropping off the top 10 list made it go up. Besides North Korea, Eritrea was the only dictatorial country in the 10 highest countries on the list. In Somalia, the number of incidents against Christians increased dramatically in 2008, explaining its rise from No. 12 to No. 5. In seventh place was Yemen, which was No. 6 in last year’s WWL list. There was no major change in the lack of religious freedom for Christians in Yemen in 2008. There was also no real change to the status of religious freedom in Laos, which maintained its No. 8 ranking on the list. Overall, the status of religious freedom for Christians deteriorated in 2008 in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan (No. 13), Iraq (No. 16), Mauritania (No. 18), Algeria (No. 19), India (No. 22), Northern Nigeria (26), Indonesia (No. 41), Bangladesh (No. 43) and Kazakhstan (No. 50 and new on the top 50 list). For years, India was ranked No. 30 on Open Doors’ persecution index. This year it moved to No. 22, primarily because in the third quarter of 2008 there was the worst outbreak of religious violence on record for Christians in India, especially in the state of Orissa. The number of incidents regarding arrests, physical harassment, abductions and church attacks remained high all over India. China (12) and Bhutan (11) were countries that dropped out of the top 10. However, there was still a lot of pressure on Christians in China in 2008. The government shut down house churches, and arrested and physically harmed Christians.

In Iran, a major crackdown on house churches occurred and a large number of Christians were arrested, marking 2008 as one of the toughest years regarding Christian persecution since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Islam is the majority religion in seven of the top ten WWL 2009 countries—Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Maldives, Yemen and Uzbekistan. Two of the countries have communist governments—North Korea and Laos. Afghanistan rose from seventh to fourth place. According to Open Doors, the country moved up on the list as a result of the increased pressure from the Taliban movement during 2008.


The 10/40 Window Reporter 18

On the other hand, the situation in 2008 for Christians was better than previous years. There were no reports of Christians being kidnapped or murdered because of their faith, which happened in 2007. According to Open Doors, persecution in Bhutan mainly comes from the family, the community and the monks who yield a strong influence on the society. Cases of atrocities (such as beatings) decreased in number. The year 2008 brought major changes to Bhutan, including the implementation of a new constitution, which was suppose to guarantee more religious liberty. Open Doors USA President and CEO Carl Moeller said that, in almost every country that was listed, there was a huge revival going on in the Church. “So, this unique interaction between persecution and revival continues today,” Moeller said. “We see it in the book of Acts, and throughout church history. Wherever the church grows dramatically, resistance from the enemy comes out and persecution takes place, especially in those places where Christianity is not a dominant religion.”

April 2009

Pray for: ✚✚ The countries on the World Watch List to stop persecuting Christians and allow true religious freedom as soon as this year. ✚✚ North Korea to worship the one, true God instead of leader Kim Jong-Il. ✚✚ God to protect the Muslim Background Believers in Iran who meet in secret. Pray that members of the underground church have wisdom to know how and where to meet. Pray that they find creative ways—“God ideas”— to safely share their faith in a hostile environment. Pray The Bible, Psalm 112:6-8 (NIV). ✚✚ Hindu extremists to halt their persecution of Indian Christians, especially in the state of Orissa. ✚✚ The terror of the Lord to fall on those who persecute Christians and that the Angel of the Lord will protect Christians everywhere. Pray The Bible, 2 Corinthians 5:11 (NKJV). Source: Open Doors USA


The 10/40 Window Reporter 19


April 2009


The 10/40 Window Reporter 20

April 2009


The 10/40 Window Reporter 21

Praise Report: Abducted pastor from undisclosed 10/40 Window

country released and recovering


n an answer to prayer, a pastor from an undisclosed 1040 Window country has been released after being abducted.

“Thanks [for] your prayer[s] for pastor,” said an e-mail recently received by Window International Network (WIN) from a leader in an undisclosed 10/40 Window country. “God gave him new life, but they beat him very badly. I have no words to explain. But again he is ready to teach and preach to Christians and non-Christians (as to) how the Word of God changed his life.”

Praise for:

✚✚ The abducted pastor’s release and recovery. ✚✚ God answering the prayers of Christians around the world.

Pray for:

✚✚ All abducted pastors in the 10/40 Window to be released. Pray for the kidnappings to stop. ✚✚ If 10/40 Window pastors or leaders are kidnapped, any information that they may have on them (cell phones with names and number in them, address books, Christian documents, computers, etc.) will not be used to find other Believers. Pray that Believers’ names will not be placed on any “hit list,” and that kidnappers will not hurt or discourage Believers. Pray also that all personal information about Believers will be unseen by the captors, and that all information from those kidnapped will be invisible to the enemy. ✚✚ Pray The Bible, Psalm 91 (NIV) protection and covering for all abducted pastors. ✚✚ The manifestation and encouragement of The Bible, Psalm 27 (NIV) for all kidnapped ministers. ✚✚ All pastors in the 10/40 Window to be protected, and that they will be able to serve, lead others to Christ and disciple Believers according to the Word of God. ✚✚ Justice for the pastors’ kidnappers. Pray for authorities to act against those who are abducting pastors. ✚✚ Christians across the 10/40 Window to be able to meet for fellowship, worship, teaching and prayer without being harassed. ✚✚ God to give wisdom to church leaders in response to rising pastor kidnappings. Pray The Bible, Daniel 2:14 (NIV) Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, International Christian Concern

April 2009


The 10/40 Window Reporter 22

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