10/40 Window Reporter April 2010

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April 2010 Edition


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April 2010

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e serve a giving God. He gave us bodies, breath, and life. He gave us free will, a conscience, and a soul. The Bible tells us that the Father gives “good gifts” (The Bible, Matthew 7:11). In fact, every good and perfect gift is from Him, the Father of lights (The Bible, James 1:17). But the greatest gift – the Indescribable Gift – is His Son, Jesus Christ. God loved the people of this world so much, He gave His only Son so we could know Him and have eternal life (The Bible, John 3:16). Jesus, like the Father, displayed His love by giving. Je-

Spirit gives us as we surrender to Him: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (The Bible, Galatians 5:21,22). We serve a giving God. And He wants us to imitate Him and model our actions after Him (The Bible, Ephesians 5:1; I Peter 1:15,16). That means we need to be givers – people characterized by generosity, hospitality, compassion, and a desire to meet needs of others. The primary need of our day is finishing the Great Commission. We have the technology to accomplish this. The communication technology (in-

would be to meet our Lord when we die and be forced to stutter excuses as to why we didn’t complete the job He gave us; and how embarrassing to tell Him we could have done it, if the resources had been available. In fact, the resources are available. God has given us the funds we need to do all that He has commanded. But it is up to us to release them. Pray for the Lord to stir Believers to open their hearts and offer up to Him that which is His to start with. Pray for Him to show us how to use these gifts wisely and to invest them strategically. Pray for the Holy Spirit

Our Giving God sus gave up His place in heaven, gave up His glory, and came to earth in order to give His life on the cross. When Jesus left earth going back to His Father, He promised the disciples the Father would send the Comforter – the Holy Spirit to man. And the Holy Spirit soon came as a gift to all who choose to believe in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit showers us with gifts: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, distinguishing of spirits, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues… (The Bible, I Corinthians 12). Then there are the fruits the Holy

April 2010

stant and constant through internet, satellite television, and cell phones) and transportation technology (we can now travel to any point on the globe in a matter of hours) are in place, making ours the first generation with the opportunity to reach every nation, people, tongue, and tribe. Matthew 24:14 is doable today: “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Only one thing is lacking: we need to learn to give more. What a terrible thing it

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to guide us in living sacrificially –passionately pursuing Jesus Christ and His purposes in the earth before all and above all else. To give God’s gifts toward the building of His Kingdom, make a donation to Window International Network TODAY. Your gift will result in tangible fruit as it fuels world evangelism in the “final frontier” of missions: the 10/40 Window. www.WIN1040.com/donate Thank you for your donation. Please give Today.


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his nation’s name is actually an acronym: P stands for Punjab, A for Afghans, K for Kashmir, S for Sindh, and the TAN portion (“stan” means “land”) for Balochistan. When it gained independence from Britain in 1947, the acronym was applied in an attempt to describe and unify the great diversity of people living there. It is also referred to as “Land of the Pure.” What these regions and people groups have in common is their allegiance to Islam. Pakistan is the sixth most populous nation in the world and the second largest in percentage of Shia Muslims. It is also the only Muslim-majority, nuclear nation in the world, which is why events in recent years have caused great alarm throughout the world. Not only has Pakistan had an ongoing conflict with its neighbor India (another nuclear nation), but it has become the source of much of the terrorism currently plaguing the world today.

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Pakistanis have trained al-Qaeda groups all over the globe, recruited members for the Taliban and al-Qaeda in person and by way of the internet, and have a system of schools – both public and Islamic – that support and teach violence as a tool for change. One news agency reported that the Pakistani public education system has a “curriculum that glorifies violence in the name of Islam and ignores basic history, science, and math.” Another says that thousands of foreigners have “flocked to conservative Islamic schools in Pakistan.” According to intelligence agencies, ten of the top 44 terrorist organizations are based in Pakistan, and many international attacks carried out in the past few years have in one way or another been linked to Pakistan. Experts also believe the head of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, could be hiding somewhere in western Pakistan, along its porous, desolate border with Afghanistan. Allied forces engaging in

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drone strikes in that region have successfully eliminated two senior Taliban leaders: Baitullah Mehsud and his successor Hakimullah Mehsud. It is their hope that, without these men, the Taliban will lose momentum and confidence, and be more swiftly defeated. Christians living in this part of the world face an unsettled spiritual atmosphere. In the past few years, they have seen a spike in persecution. In the summer of 2009, Christian Believers who had lived in Pakistan all of their lives, many without ever experiencing discrimination, were suddenly the focus of deadly wrath. After a Christian was falsely accused of desecrating the Qur’an, Muslim rioters began destroying houses and churches. Entire families died as they were trapped in their burning homes. (Pakistan is number 14 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of the top 50 nations in the world that are the worst persecutors of Christians.) (Continues on page 7)

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There have been several devastating suicide bomb attacks in 2010. Some of these were carried out against Shia Muslims by Sunni Muslims. Others are believed to be attempts to cripple the Pakistani economy. Seventy-six people were killed in Karachi in January and February of 2010. Many Pakistanis are now fearful. They are afraid of what terrorists might do. They are afraid the Taliban is spilling across the border from Afghanistan in order to escape Allied forces. They are afraid the economy will fail. Shias are afraid of Sunnis. Christians are afraid of Muslims. ful.

The Land of the Pure has become the land of the fear-

send His angels to guard these dangerously destructive weapons, and keep them out of the hands of evil doers. (The Bible, Psalm 91:11) ✚✚pray Believers will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might. (The Bible. Ephesians 6:10) ✚✚the Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of Shias, Sunnis, Taliban, and al-Qaeda members, revealing the futility of Islam and the wickedness of terrorism. Pray for the author of evil to be exposed and for the people of Pakistan to permanently turn away from sin and the devil, and invite Jesus Christ into their hearts to be their Savior and Lord for all eternity. (The Bible, John 8:44)

PRAY FOR: ✚✚the Lord to drive fear from Pakistan with His perfect love, and every Believer in Pakistan will have the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. (The Bible, I John 4:18, II Timothy 1:7) ✚✚an immediate end to the chaos and suffering resulting from hateful acts of violence towards Christian Believers. Pray for the protection of Pakistani civilians and all Christians. Pray for terrorist groups to immediately stop receiving popular support, funding, and members. (The Bible, Psalm 119:50; Psalm 1:5) ✚✚nuclear weapons to permanently be kept from the hands of terrorists. Pray for the LORD to

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is aptly named. Its strict adherence to Shari’a (Islamic) law, zealous oppression of its citizens (especially women), and use of its oil riches to promote Islam around the globe would not be possible in a democracy. It is a kingdom in league with another kingdom...the kingdom of darkness. If the Lord Jesus were addressing churches in the modern world, He might describe Mecca rather than Pergamum as “where Satan’s throne is.” (The Bible, Revelation 2:13) In terms of false religions and terrorism, the birthplace of Islam is in a league of its own. The very word “Islam” means “submission.” From its inception in 610 AD, when Muhammad received his vision from an evil spirit, until the present day, this aggressive, demonic religion has demanded that non-Muslims submit or die. Saudi Arabia’s abundance of the natural resource of oil is one of the chief catalysts for the spread of Islam. After discovering oil in l938, Saudi Arabia accumulated vast wealth. It is now the world’s leading exporter of petroleum. According to one source, oil makes up more than 90% of the nation’s exports and almost 75% of its revenue. It uses this income to build mosques and Madrassas (Islamic schools) all over the world. The government has been criticized for its many human rights abuses – which it claims are simply part of Shari’a law. Women and anyone practicing a religion other

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than Islam face physical and mental abuse and fierce oppression. Public floggings, amputation of limbs, and execution by beheading are part of the criminal justice system. Saudi Arabian women are not allowed to drive or even leave home without a male family member as a chaperone. They are also required to completely cover themselves when in public. If a Muslim female chooses to surrender her life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, her family may excommunicate her, beat her, or, in some cases, murder her in order to restore their honor. These “honor killings” have been carried out by Saudi Arabians not just in Saudi Arabia, but in nonMuslim nations around the world as well. Saudi Arabia is listed as the third (3rd) worst persecutor of Christians in the world by Open Doors. Christian Believers are not allowed to worship in public. This is enforced by secret police, who arrest, detain, torture, and even kill violators. Although the government of Saudi Arabia has taken steps to combat terrorism, al-Qaeda founder, Osama bin Ladin is a product of their society. He was born in the nation’s capital and is a descendant of a Saudi family. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, an al-Qaeda affiliate, has also risen to prominence and power in recent years. As Dore Gole, the 11th Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, noted in 2003, “Saudi Arabia’s past involvement in international terrorism is indisputable.” Despite

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internal attempts to stop al-Qaeda, Gole said, “The Saudis were still engaged in terrorist financing.”

PRAY FOR: ✚✚ Believers living in Saudi Arabia to be anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to, not merely survive, but overcome in the midst of some of the worst persecution in the world, and to be strong in the LORD in the Power of His might. Pray for the Lord to enable them to effectively share their faith, and have divine appointments and power encounters with Him. Pray for the Lord to protect them from the secret police and make a way for them to have opportunities to worship, fellowship, and advance the Kingdom of God. Pray Christian Believers will be both invisible and invincible to the enemy. (The Bible, John 16:33; I John 5:4,5) ✚✚ women and children to be released immediately from the terrible bondage of Shari’a law. Pray for new laws to be passed, that will bring an end to any human rights abuses. Pray for victims to put their trust in the Lord. Pray for an immediate end to the hateful, evil practice of honor killing in every country in the world. (The Bible, Psalm 32:7) ✚✚ those who are oppressed by Islam to seek the freedom that only Jesus Christ offers. Pray for expatriate Chris-

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tians to be bold in sharing the Good News and for radio, television, and the internet to be used effectively to reach the unreached masses of Saudi Arabia with the Kingdom of God. (John 8:32; Acts 4:29) the Light of Jesus Christ to shine into the darkness of this land, breaking down long-standing strongholds and bringing an immediate release to everyone in bondage. (The Bible, Acts 26:23) the Lord to reveal Himself to King Abdullah, the current ruler of Saudi Arabia, through dreams and visions. Pray for the king to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. (The Bible, Psalm 138:4) the Kingdom of God to come in power to this land, and for an immediate end to the spread of Islam in the world and a swift release to those who are imprisoned by the dominion of darkness. (The Bible, Colossians 1:13) a great spiritual awakening in Saudi Arabia and that all Saudis receive the revelation that Jesus is King of Kings. May blind eyes be opened, minds and hearts see Christ as the Holy One , dead hearts revived, and multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:1)

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zerbaijan is located in Southwestern Asia, bordering the Caspian Sea, between Iran and Russia, with a small European portion north of the Caucasus range. In 1991, Azerbaijan was the first Soviet republic to declare its independence. The Azeris have been oppressed throughout history by the Arabs, Persians, Turks and Russians. Recently Azerbaijan tensions with Armenia led to a full-scale war, fighting over who should own the Nagorno-Karabakh region. War and corruption have had a massive impact on the whole country and almost half of the population live in poverty. Local scientists consider the Abseron Yasaqligi (Apsheron Peninsula) (including Baku and Sumqayit) and the Caspian Sea to be the ecologically most devastated area in the world because of severe air, soil and water pollution. TERRORISM:

Over the past five years, the government of Azerbaijan has aggressively apprehended and prosecuted members of suspected terrorist groups, according to Country Reports on Terrorism 2007. It has closed organizations that were suspected of supporting terrorist groups and arrested at least 39 persons from three separate terrorist-associated groups, on terrorism-related charges. Since August 2003, Azerbaijan has supported peacekeeping operations in Iraq with an infantry company of approximately 150 soldiers stationed at the Haditha

Dam. A platoon of Azerbaijani soldiers has worked with the Turkish peacekeeping contingent in Afghanistan since November 2002. While Azerbaijan has taken steps to combat terrorist financing and identify possible terrorist-related funding by distributing lists of suspected terrorist groups and individuals to local banks, comprehensive legislation to counter terrorist financing has not yet passed parliament.


According to official figures, approximately 96% of the population is Muslim. Azerbaijan is a

secular country, in article 48 of its constitution ensures the liberty of worship to everyone. Everyone has a right to choose any faith, to adopt any religion or to not practice any religion, to express one’s view on the religion and to spread it. Officially there has been “religious freedom� since then, but in reality Christianity is negatively associated with Russians and Armenians. Challenges to Christians: According to paragraphs 1-3 of Article 18 of the Constitution the religion acts separately from the government, each religion is equal before the law and the

propaganda of religions, abating human personality and contradicting to the principles of humanism is prohibited. Unfortunately most people think of Christianity as the religion of the Russians or Armenians who have invaded Azerbaijan in its past. Most towns and villages have never heard about Jesus and foreign missionaries aren’t allowed to evangelize.


PRAYER POINTS: ✚✚ Pray for Azerbaijan to continue to take a tough stance against terrorists. Pray that the government of Azerbaijan would remain aggressive in apprehending and prosecuting members of suspected terrorist groups ✚✚ Most Christians in Azerbaijan are Russian speaking. Pray that they would have real sensitivity and wisdom in evangelizing to the majority Muslim population. ✚✚ Pray that Christians in Azerbaijan would be able to reach people who don’t know God. ✚✚ Pray that God will break down these barriers and prejudice so people can open their hearts and minds to Jesus. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, CIA Factbook, Wikipedia, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Country Reports on Terrorism 2007

AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA ÌÌ Population: 8,177,717 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Ilham Aliyev ÌÌ Religions: Islam 83.7%, NonReligious 11.3%, Christianity 4.6%, Other 0.4% ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 22nd April 2010

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 2 ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 6; Casualties: 19 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 76% ÌÌ % of People in Poverty: 24%

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PRAYER Points April 2010

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- India has been the target of terrorist attacks three times in the past twenty months – all of them believed to have been carried out by Pakistani groups. In July 2008, India was hit by the Haqqani network (a Taliban group). In October 2009, it was the Haqqani along with members of Lashkare-Taiba (“the army of righteousness” – one of the largest Islamic terrorist groups in South Asia). In February 2010 a Taliban assault team attempted to assassinate Indian members of non-profit groups working with orphans and widows in Afghanistan. Nine Indians were killed. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of India wisdom in dealing with assaults on their nation and citizens. Pray for the Lord to protect them and to bring an immediate end to groups like the Haqqani network and the Lashkar-e-Taiba. Pray for the Taliban to be defeated in every nation, for their funding to be cut off, and for them to find no support for their terrorist acts from the people. Pray for an immediate end to the bloody rampage of terrorism and for the healing of India. Pray for the great spiritual awakening that has already begun in India to continue, grow, and sweep across all castes and into every corner of the nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to India with great power, signs, wonders, and miracles, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- Mali recently released four members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in response to a hostage demand. Mauritania saw this action as a “flagrant contradiction of judicial co-operation accords and security co-ordination agreements.” The government of Mauritania then recalled their ambassador to Mali to show their disapproval. Pray for the nations of North Africa to see the threat posed by AQIM and work together to conquer this violent and destructive organization. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom and strategies to drive all terrorists out of their countries – and pray for the terrorists to find no safe place to hide. Pray for the people of Mauritania to see the evil AQIM and other militant groups are committing and for the Lord to use this to turn their hearts away from Islam. Pray for multitudes of Mauritanians to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- Just days after a new peace accord was agreed upon by the government of Sudan and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM – the largest rebel force in Darfur), fighting once again broke out in this troubled nation. The battle

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involved the Sudan Liberation Army, a rebel group that did not sign the ceasefire. The leader of JEM is now calling for a postponement of the elections scheduled for April 5-11. Pray for the Lord to bring true and lasting peace to Darfur and all of Sudan. Pray for the conflict between rebels and government forces, and the ongoing dispute between North Sudan (mostly Muslim) and South Sudan (mostly Christian) to be resolved and for the bloodshed to stop immediately. Pray for the Lord to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those who have been driven from their homes and are struggling to survive in refugee camps. Pray for Christians to be protected and allowed to worship freely. Pray for the elections to be fair and for the Lord Himself to raise up leaders willing to serve the people with righteousness and integrity. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Sudan as it is in Heaven. AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Money is leaving Afghanistan at an alarming rate. One observer called it a mysterious “blizzard of bank notes” that is flowing from the nation daily, often “in full view of customs agents.” It is now estimated that more than $1 billion is sent out of Afghanistan each year, most of it directed toward the Persian Gulf states. With billions of dollars being spent to support President Hamid Karzai’s endangered government, the flow of funds – as well as its origin and destination – is a cause for great concern. Pray for the Lord to intervene in Afghanistan, ridding the government of corruption. Pray for the citizens of Afghanistan to receive the aid they need to rebuild their lives. Pray for this money to be kept from the hands of Islamic terrorists. Pray for President Karzai to repent and humble himself before the Lord Most High accepting Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the hearts of leaders in Afghanistan to be transformed by encounters with the Living Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this spiritually, physically, and emotionally needy nation and for the people to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray the Believers will be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His might. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- On February 25, 2010, Kuwait celebrated two special occasions – National Day (marking its statehood in 1961) and Liberation Day (marking the end of seven months of Iraqi occupation in 1990). Liberation Day is an especially important event because during the Iraqi occupation, many Kuwaitis fled to the surrounding Gulf States and lived as refugees. Upon their return they worked together to rebuild the destroyed infrastructure, economy and cultural institutions. Pray for these celebrations to remind the Kuwaiti people they were created by the Lord for a specific purpose: to love and worship Jesus Christ. Pray for them to see the Lord’s

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hand in the foundation of their nation and in its rescue from the oppression of Saddam Hussein. Pray for the protection of Believers in Kuwait and for them to be able to worship freely without backlash or retaliation from the government or insurgent groups. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in Kuwait, revealing Jesus Christ through dreams and visions to the lost. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord today. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- On February 28, 2010, authorities in Bangladesh arrested a terrorist who confessed to being a leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed (“army of Mohammed” – JeM, based in Pakistan) as well as a recruiter for the organization. Four other operatives were also arrested, all of them Bangladeshi citizens. Praise God for the government of Bangladesh was able to find and arrest these terrorist. Pray they will be quickly brought to justice. Pray for the Lord to continue exposing members of terrorist organizations in this nation. Pray for an end to the influence and violence of terrorist groups in South Asia. Pray for the Lord to protect Bangladesh and its neighbors from JeM and other militant groups. Pray for Christians in Bangladesh to boldly proclaim the Gospel and for multitudes of citizens – and terrorists – to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- On February 6, 2010, a 6.6 earthquake hit the islands off the coast of Japan and a tsunami warning was issued. Another quake, this one 7.0 struck on February 26, 2010, requiring another tsunami alert. Then on February 27, the 8.8 quake that rocked Chile cause yet another tsunami warning to be issued in Japan. Pray for the Japanese people to be spiritually awakened to Christ as a result of these earth quake jolts. Pray for the Holy Spirit to use these events to open blind eyes and minds to the reality of sin, death, and God’s plan of salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray for Christians in Japan to be bold in sharing the Gospel. Pray for hearts to be softened and all Japanese will put their hope and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- Drug trafficking in this West African nation has become an international concern. The democratic government of Guinea-Bissau is in danger of losing control, some observers believe, because of “numerous unpunished violations of basic human rights and homicides that leave criminals on the fringes of justice.” The assassinations of former president, Nino Viera, and two other political leaders are believed to have been the result of this weakened justice system. Pray for the government of Guinea-Bissau to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure the safety of its people and permanently rid the land of drugs and drug smuggling. Pray for the Lord to expose the operations of drug traffickers and other criminals, bringing them to justice swiftly. Pray the government will be run by leaders who follow Biblical principles. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea-

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Bissau as it is in Heaven,. Pray for people to be set free as they put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The Buddhist nation of Bhutan purged those practicing other faiths during the l980s and l990s. Thousands of Christians were among those forced to flee across the border into Nepal where they began living in refugee camps. It is estimated that as many as 8,000 Bhutanese Believers are still in these camps. Despite being expelled from their homeland, they are standing firm in the faith and have established 18 churches. Bhutanese Christians living in Nepal and those in Bhutan (their number unknown) continue to face persecution from both of these hostile governments. Pray for the Bhutanese who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to give them strength, hope, and joy as they endure harsh circumstances, and they will be strong in the Lord in the power of His might. Pray for them to share the Gospel in the camps and inside Bhutan. Pray for the hearts of those in government and throughout this nation to be softened and for the Word of God to be planted there, bringing forth fruit that remains. Pray for multitudes of Bhutanese to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- A commissioner on International Religious Freedom recently declared, “There are no Christian nationals in the Gulf.” The commissioner went on to say, “In Saudi Arabia, there are no churches permitted, whatsoever. There are millions of foreign Christian migrants in Saudi Arabia, but they have no rights; they’re not allowed to publicly express their faith and they are jailed or deported if they are caught privately praying in community.” Praise God for the fact that this is not true: there are Christian nationals in the Gulf. Though the number is small and unknown to man, God’s Spirit is moving and many are coming to faith in Christ. Pray for more and more of the men, women, and children spiritually imprisoned by Islam and shari’a law to be set free by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (The Bible, Romans 1:16). Pray for King Abdullah to hear about the sacrifice Jesus made for him on the cross, and HIS resurrection from the dead. Pray for every leader of the oppressive government of Saudi Arabia to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord this year. Pray for the Lord to continue revealing Himself throughout this closed nation through radio, satellite television, the internet, personal testimony, and even dreams and visions. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this Islamic stronghold in great and awesome power, as it is in Heaven. Day 6

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GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- Two military officers, both accused of crimes, were appointed to Guinea’s interim government in February 2010. The move by interim leader, General Sekouba Konate, was called “an outrage.” The men in question are believed to have been part of the massacre of opposition supporters that took place in 2007. Pray for the Lord to appoint leaders in Guinea who The 10/40 Window Reporter 15

(Thailand continued) will truly serve the people, seeking their good and desiring to bless them. Pray for men and women of integrity, who fear the Lord, to be raised into positions of authority. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Guinea from abuse, corruption, and a violent government. Pray for Believers in Guinea to continue standing firm against these injustices, sharing the Gospel boldly as the Lord leads them, and they will remain strong in the Lord in the power of His might. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea, bringing with it a new season of hope and peace. Pray for the people of Guinea to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord this year, and they will have dreams and visions of the Kingdom of God. THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Ex-Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, has vowed to continue his “nonviolent struggle against the government,” despite being convicted of abusing his power while in office. The Supreme Court seized $1.4 billion of Thaksin’s $2.3 billion in assets, ruling that he made his fortune illegally. Pray for this conflict to be resolved peacefully. Pray for the government to be protected from attempted coups and for those guilty of corruption to be punished accordingly. Pray for leaders of Thailand who will serve with integrity and avoid the temptations of illegally gained wealth, corruption, and bribery. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in Thailand, drawing the Thai people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA- According to a number of humanitarian agencies, Niger is “facing its worst food crisis in years.” Although hunger has been a serious problem for quite some time, President Mamadou Tandja was adamant in denying there was cause for concern. Now that he has been removed from office by a military coup, aid groups are rushing to help those who are starving. It is estimated that nearly half of Niger’s population will face food shortages this year. Pray for the Lord to quickly provide for those who are suffering. Pray for nutritious food to reach hunger victims in time. Pray for Christian agencies to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the people – most of whom are Muslim. Pray for the new government to see this great need and take immediate action to keep the people from starving. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Niger and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- A Kyrgyz plane carrying a member of the terrorist group, Jundallah, was forced to land as it crossed Iranian airspace, heading from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan in February 2010. The terrorist was believed to be going to Bishkek to a meet with a senior official of a Western government to discuss “waging an insurgency against the Islamic Republic of Iran.” Pray for the Lord to maintain peace in this highly volatile situation. Pray for the government of Iran not to react out of anger against Kyrgyzstan for its role in this operation. Pray for the Lord to keep Iran from attacking this nation or any other. Pray for the leaders of Kyrgyzstan to exercise wisdom in their dealings with Iran. Pray for the Lord to remove the veil from the eyes of the Muslim people of Kyrgyzstan so that they can see and receive the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Pray for the Lord to draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- In February 2010, Iranian officials announced that their missiles “can reach all of our enemies.” They further noted that they have the power to cut off energy supplies in Europe. Despite international claims, the government of Iran continues to state their nuclear program is for the creation of electricity. They do, however, admit to “making advances in all fields.” Pray this nation will not use nuclear energy to harm or destroy. Pray for Israel and the nations of Europe to be protected from Iran’s erratic behavior and threats of violence. Pray for the current political revolution to bring positive changes to the government. Pray for the Lord to continue His great and marvelous work among the people of Iran, drawing more and more into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to protect and strengthen Believers as they face fierce persecution. Pray for the hearts of the persecutors to softened and for them to put their faith in Christ today. BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- In the aftermath of floods that devastated Burkina Faso in September 2009, the nation is now facing a Meningitis epidemic. In the first two months of 2010 alone, health officials say, there have been more than 1,500 cases, with 246 people dying from the disease. Meningitis usually doesn’t strike until the dry season, they note, so, “We are worried about the expansion of this epidemic.” Pray for the Lord to bring immediate healing to those who are not well in Burkina Faso. Pray for the spread of Meningitis to be stopped and contained immediately. Pray for the Lord to protect everyone from this disease, and to provide treatment and preventative education. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be preached throughout Burkina Faso and for the seeds of the Word to find good, fertile soil. Pray for a great spiritual awakening among the Burkinabe to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord as the Kingdom of God comes with power and glory in this land. Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- In response to demands from al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), who threatened to kill a French hostage, the government of Mali released four AQIM members from custody. Several nations expressed alarm at the move, saying it exposed the rest of North Africa to “enormous risks.” Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Mali wisdom in dealing with terrorists. Pray for members of AQIM and other groups to be exposed, arrested, and quickly brought to justice as a result of their evil operations. Pray for nations of North Africa to work together in ridding the region of terrorist activity. Pray for the Muslim people of Mali to see the destructive acts of militants and question their religion. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to reach them and for

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multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- President Ilham Aliyev has vowed that, “All criminals whose hands are stained with the blood of Azerbaijani people will be punished.” This was in reference to the ongoing and violent dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia. President Aliyev also said he is determined to see justice served in this dispute. Pray for the Lord to bring peace to these feuding nations. Pray for the Prince of Peace to move throughout this region, restoring order. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Azerbaijan as it is Heaven. Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for leaders and citizens to repent, forgive, and seek reconciliation with their neighbors. Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- With the help of the United Nations, the nation of Benin is starting a program called “Africa with Haiti.” The project was expected to officially be launched by President Yayi Boni on March 19, 2010 and will seek to “foster the access to secondary and university education among Haitian pupils and students.” This is an ambitious undertaking, especially given Benin’s economic standing as one of the poorest nations in the world. Pray for the success of this program. Pray for this example of compassion from a povertystricken people to inspire other nations in Africa and around the globe to offer assistance to hurting nations such as Haiti. Pray for the bondage of voodoo in both of these countries to be broken through the power of the name of Jesus, and for people to be set free from every false religion. Pray for blind eyes and minds to be opened to the Light of Christ. Pray for the powers of darkness that have for so long kept Benin in bondage to be demolished and banished, and for the Holy Spirit to bring liberty and life to this land. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Benin as it is in Heaven. INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- A Saudi man is accused of helping finance the Indonesian terrorists who were responsible for the suicide bombings of two Jakarta hotels in July 2009. The terrorist group, Jemaah Islamiah, led by Noordin Mohammad Top, reportedly received money from the Saudi man and used it to plan and execute the attacks. Pray for the funding for Jemaah Islamiah and every terrorist organization operating in Indonesia to be dry up and no longer fuel terrorism. Pray for members of terrorist groups to lose interest, become disorganized, and seek and find Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the government of Indonesia to use wisdom from the Lord in dealing with terrorists and for the courts to bring them to justice swiftly. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of this mostly Muslim nation from terrorism and reveal Jesus Christ to them in powerful ways. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout the land and for Believers to be bold in sharing their faith as the Lord leads them. Pray they will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for multitudes of

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Indonesians to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Thousands of Hmong who have been living as refugees in Thailand are now being forcibly deported back to Laos. The Hmong “gave up their peaceful way of life, their families and their farms” during the Vietnam War in order to help fight the communists. When allied forces withdrew in 1975, the Hmong were left behind. Many fled to Thailand where they have “languished in Thai refugee camps.” Laos is still a communist nation (the government works closely with the government of North Korea) and is expected to persecute the Hmong. Pray for the Lord to work in this complicated situation, and that His Kingdom will come and His will be done in this situation as it is in Heaven. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to the members of the Laotian government and the people of Laos, setting them free from the deception of communism. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to spread throughout Laos and for the people to hear and receive the Truth. Pray the Lord to release them from the bondage of communism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for Believers in Laos to be the fragrance of Christ, preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God leading multitudes to the Lord. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- Hopes were dashed in February when peace talks between Morocco and the Polisario Front (the independence movement of Western Sahara) ended without resolution. Although the two days of discussions “took place in an atmosphere of serious engagement, frankness and mutual respect,” a United Nations representative said, no results were produced. Pray for the Lord to bring peace between Western Sahara and Morocco. Pray for the Polisario Front to find favor with the God and man. Pray for the hundreds of thousands living in exile in Algeria in refugee camps. Pray for the Gospel to be made known to the Sahwaris and for this time of living in refugee camps to be used by the Lord to draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come and for the Lord’s will to be done for the nation and people of Western Sahara as it is in Heaven. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- Although Egypt is officially a secular nation, apostasy from Islam is considered “high treason.” Christians are mistreated, not allowed to hold high positions in the government and often lose jobs because of their faith in Jesus Christ. As one observer noted, “The rise of Islamic extremism is putting increasing pressure on Christians in Muslim countries, who are the victims of murder, violence and discrimination. Christians are now considered the most persecuted religious group around the world.” Pray for the Lord to strengthen and encourage Believers in Egypt and throughout the Middle East, and they will be strong in the Lord in the power of His might. Pray for the Lord to protect them, give them opportunities to worship together safely, and

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(Uzbekistan continued) empower them to preach Jesus Christ without fear or hesitation as they are led of the Lord. Pray for them to have favor with the government of Egypt. Pray for the Lord to remove the veil from the eyes, hearts, and minds of the Muslim people of Egypt, so they can see and respond positively to the Light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Egypt in great power. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- After cracking down on journalists, the government of Uzbekistan is now accusing opposition leaders of murder and plotting a coup. A spokesman for the Independent Human Rights Defenders Group (IHRDG) stated those who have been arrested are facing “100% trumped-up charges.” So far, 200 people have been rounded up in President Islam Karimov’s brash move to eliminate dissent. “This is a state of terror,” the IHRDG says, “that only intensifies over the years.” Pray for the Lord to reveal the motives in this conflict. Pray for innocent people to be protected, fed, and set free and for those who are operating with a desire to manipulate and control to be exposed. Pray for justice and peace in Uzbekistan. Pray for the people to hear and respond to the Gospel, despite the oppression from the government. Pray for the Lord to encourage Believers as they face intense persecution. Pray for the Lord to be present with them in their underground worship services, as well as with the thousands who have been imprisoned for the name of Jesus Christ to have opportunities to witness to their jailors and to have all their need supplied according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Pray for the strongholds of tyranny to be torn down and for the people of Uzbekistan to be set free to know and love Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- The government of Nepal has until 28 May to come up with a new constitution. One news source described the situation as desperate, declaring, “Only a miracle can help the parties.” Pray for the Lord to display His great and marvelous power in Nepal. Pray for Him to perform a miracle – not only in showing the leaders how to finish the constitution, but in opening the blind eyes of the Nepalese to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for a nation-wide harvest of souls to come into the Kingdom of God as the Gospel is preached throughout

the land; and men, women, and children put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Nepal, transforming it into a testimony of the Lord’s transforming power for His Glory. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULABecause of the recent assassination of a top Hamas operative, the United Arab Emirates will no longer allow Israelis into the country. The Mossad (“institution” – Israel’s intelligence agency) is accused of carrying out the murder. Investigators believe a 26-member Mossad team entered the UAE using false passports. Pray for the Lord to give the government of the UAE a sincere desire to guard their borders from terrorists. Pray for members of Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, and every militant organization to also be denied entry. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of the UAE and that they will hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for their hearts to be softened and for the Lord to reveal Himself to them through His Word, radio, satellite television, the internet, Christian witness, dreams and visions. Pray for a great harvest of souls in the UAE as Muslims turn from the false religion of Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as their loving personal Savior and Lord. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPEParliamentary elections held in Albania in June 2009 continue to be contested. Opposition groups have accused the government of fraud and boycotted parliamentary sessions. Prime Minister Sali Berisha did not heed their demands for a recount of the votes. The European Union, currently considering inclusion of Albania, says Albania must clear up this dispute, as well as “solve major challenges like corruption and drug trafficking before being admitted into the European family.” Pray for Prime Minister Berisha to lead the nation forward with integrity and transparency. Pray for him to take whatever steps are necessary to clear up the problems with the election, as well as rid the government of corruption and deal with the problem of drug smuggling. Pray for the Lord to continue working in this nation, using Believers to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom and awakening the people of Albania to the reality that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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(Morocco continued) Pray for multitudes of Albanians to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord today.

attention of Sri Lankans, turn their eyes toward Jesus Christ, and draw them into His Kingdom.

MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- The Islamic government of Morocco is so threatened by the Gospel of Jesus Christ that even helping the poor is considered an act of sedition. One Believer was stopped by authorities as he distributed shoeboxes filled with gifts for the children of a shantytown area. He was told he didn’t have proper authorization for this activity. He was then taken to a government office where he was questioned for more than 3 hours. He was detained again the next day by the secret police. “Please,” he writes, “I want to request you to keep us in your prayers. Ask the Lord to give us wisdom coupled with boldness to keep us safe in His hands.” Pray for the Lord to protect these Brothers and Sisters as they serve Him and declare His Kingdom in a dangerous land. Pray for the Lord to be their shield, fortress, and refuge. . Pray the international media will hear of this man being arrested for helping children, and report it widely that Morocco is against helping the poor and needy. Pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to continue to be proclaimed throughout Morocco and for the Lord to open the ears and hearts of the Muslim people to hear and receive Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to rescue them from the dominion of darkness and bring them into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes of Moroccans to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord today.

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TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Parliamentary elections held in February 2010 in Tajikistan were ruled valid by the election commission. However, the opposition has accused the government of “irregularities,” including multiple voting and vote stealing. The ruling party – the same party that has controlled the nation for nearly two decades – quickly claimed victory. Pray for an immediate end to corruption and fraud in Tajikistan. Pray for the government to take care of the Tajiks, many of whom are suffering in abject poverty.,. Pray for servants to be raised up by the Lord to bless the nation and lead it out of its current economic crisis. There is a growing dissatisfaction with President Emomali Rahmon and his party, and it seems hopelessness has set in, pray this will be used turn hearts to hope and peace available in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Tajikistan great power and for the people of this weary land to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord today.

IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- Three Christians were killed in the Iraqi city of Mosul in February 2010. Community leaders said this could have been related to the March 7 elections. “Minority Christians could be a factor,” some said before the voting. Pray for the Lord to establish and maintain peace in Iraq. Pray for Believes to be protected and for the Lord to give them hope, joy, and love – even for their persecutors. Pray for the families of the martyrs to be comforted during their time of loss. Pray for their witness to lead many Muslims into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the outcome of the elections to be fair and accepted by the people. Pray for an end to hostilities between Shiite and Sunni Muslims. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this war-weary. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- With presidential elections and accusations of fraud apparently behind him, President Mahinda Rajpaska is now seeking to win a two-thirds majority in the April 2010 parliamentary election. The opposition, however, has launched an online campaign “seeking the release of defeated presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka.” Fonseka was arrested and charged with planning a coup in February 2010. Pray for the Lord to raise up the leaders of His choosing in Sri Lanka. Pray for men and women to be elected fairly and to serve Sri Lankans with integrity. Pray for an end to corruption, election rigging, control, and manipulation. Pray for the Lord to use this time of political uncertainty to gain the

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ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- Israeli military forces clashed with Palestinians in Jerusalem in late February 2010. The protests and the arrests that followed were related to violence that erupted in the West Bank a few days earlier in response to Israel’s listing of two highly controversial holy sites as their own. Palestinians accused Israel of doing this for the sole purpose of escalating the conflict. At the heart of this new wave of conflict is the ownership of the Temple Mount and the Muslim shrines currently located there. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be present there and throughout Israel, calling His people back into relationship with the True and Living God. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His preordained plans and purposes in this region – and on the Temple Mount. Pray for the hearts of both Jews and the Muslim Palestinians to be softened and for the Word of God to reach them and take root. Pray for a tremendous harvest of souls in this land as the Gospel is proclaimed and multitudes place their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- Even as China experiences rapid economic growth and prosperity, the government continues to crackdown on Christian Believers. In December, 2009 the largest urban house church in the nation was “eradicated.” Christians who worship outside of the state-approved religious system are subject to raids, detainment, interrogation, arrest, imprisonment, and torture. Pray for the Lord to refresh Chinese Christians in His presence even in the midst of difficult persecution. Pray for the Lord to remind them of His love and encourage them with hope. Pray Believers who are in prison will share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with those who are also in prison and their jailors. Pray for key members of the Chinese government to encounter Jesus

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Christ and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. Pray the spiritual awakening to Jesus sweeping through China to continue and for the Lord to establish leaders who can teach His Word and disciple new believers properly. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to China as it is in Heaven. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- Despite being one of the poorest nations in the world, Djibouti is the West’s “most important African partner in the fight against global terrorism.” Part of this has to do with its location. Situated between Somalia (a nation without a working government that has become a training ground for al-Qaeda groups) and just across the Red Sea from Yemen (another al-Qaeda training and recruitment area), Djibouti is home to the only Western military base on the African continent. “Who would have thought that such an impoverished, mostly desert African nation,” a journalist recently asked, “would emerge as [the West’s] key partner in the fight against global terrorism?” Pray for Djibouti to be a blessing to all the nations who are fighting the war on terrorism, and pray the nations they are working with, will bless them with economic aid and much needed resources for their country. Pray for the Djibouti government to continue cooperating with the West and allow the nation to be a strategic center for anti-terrorism operations. Pray for an immediate end to al-Qaeda and other Islamic extremists who are attempting to take over the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for Djibouti’s cooperation to be rewarded – that the people will receive aid to alleviate their physical poverty, as well as their spiritual poverty. Pray for the needy of Djibouti to cry out to the Lord for help. Pray for a great harvest of souls as Djiboutians put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Several policemen were wounded and some were killed in March 2010 as they encountered separatist rebels in the southern part of Yemen. The government reached a truce with the rebels of the north and is now attempting to defeat the separatists in the south. Dozens of people have been arrested and the situation has been described as “volatile.” Pray for the Lord to give the government of Yemen wisdom in finding, defeating, and quickly bringing to justice the rebels and terrorists plaguing their nation and region. Pray for political and religious differences to be dealt with by diplomacy and discussions rather than violence. Pray for those who are determined to engage in evil acts to be kept from crossing the borders in or out of Yemen. Pray for the threat of terrorism to immediately be contained and stopped inside of this nation. Pray for the people of Yemen to see the brutality and destruction being carried out by these demonically-inspired men and begin to seek the true and living God. Pray for Yemenis to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

Open Doors World Watch List 2010, Vietnam is the 21st worst persecutor of Christians in the world. Pray for the eyes and minds of the leaders of this nation to be opened to and receive the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for an end to the government’s manipulation, paranoia, and attempts to oppress and control the people. Pray for Believers to be encouraged and strengthened by the presence of the Lord. Pray for the Lord to enable them to rejoice even as they endure hardness as good soldiers. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be made known throughout Vietnam and for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord daily. Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- In a move that could make the Chinese government very unhappy, President Ma Ying-jeou announced that he would travel throughout the South Pacific in March 2010, stopping twice in Westernheld territories. Because China still wants to exercise sovereignty over Taiwan, they protest when the West allows the leaders of Taiwan to visit. Pray for these two feuding nations to reach an agreement about the rule in Taiwan according to the will of God. Pray for the Lord’s will for Taiwan to be fulfilled, and for peace to be maintained in this land. Pray for this time of growing independence and favor in Taiwan to be used by the Lord to draw attention to His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Taiwan in great glory and majesty. Pray that daily multitudes of Taiwanese will put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Bahrain is among the nations on the Counter-Terrorism Bureau’s (CTB) list for visitors to avoid during the Passover celebration in 2010 (March 30-April 7). Although this is always a volatile time of year – especially on the Arabian Peninsula – the CTB notes that this year has the potential to be especially violent. They cite the Hezbollah’s threats against Israel, desires by Hamas to avenge the assassination of one of their agents, and Iran’s ongoing nuclear threats and accusation that Israel had something to do with the death of an Iranian nuclear scientist. Pray for peace throughout this region. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel, as well as the people of Bahrain. Pray for terrorist groups and extremists to lack the funds, opportunity, manpower, strategy, and wisdom to carry out successful attacks. Pray for this time of uncertainty and hostility to be used by the Lord to turn the attention of Muslims to thoughts of the true after life separated from the Lord for an eternity. Pray the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin and bring a godly sorrow that will lead them to repentance and salvation as they put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 20

VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The communist government of Vietnam claims it is wrestling against “hostile forces” that seek to “sabotage the country’s revolution.” This statement was made in February 2010 at the 80th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Indochina Communist Party by Ho Chi Minh. The government also issued a statement saying it “guarantees religious liberty.” Yet according to the

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BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- A major Islamic conference held in Brunei in February 2010 brought together Muslim scholars and researchers from around the globe. One of the major themes was the need to clear up misconceptions about Islam and communicate to the world “that Islam is a safe religion, promotes welfare, and peace.” The 10/40 Window Reporter 21

(Lebanon continued) Pray for the veil of spiritual blindness to be removed from the eyes of these Muslim leaders, allowing them to see and receive the Light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. Pray the truth about Islam, violence, death, and deception to be fully exposed and for those who are held in bondage by this religion will be set free by the power of Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Brunei to recognize they are being deceived and that they will receive the Truth – the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their hearts. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in great power to Brunei and for multitudes of Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord on a daily basis. LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- The Hezbollah (a Lebanese terrorist group) announced in March 2010 that security measures must be heightened in order to keep foreign spies from infiltrating Lebanon. “Every Lebanese and Arab must deal with holders of foreign passports as potential spies,” a Hezbollah spokesman said. Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring His Kingdom to Lebanon. Pray every destructive, hateful plans of the Hezbollah will be defeated and demolished in the Name of Jesus. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel (Lebanon and Israel are still in a state of war) and give the government of Lebanon His wisdom on how to proceed. Pray for the Hezbollah to lose popular support, and for the organization to lose all funding, resources, and members. Pray for the people of Lebanon to see the wickedness of this group and for the Lord to use it as a means of softening hearts to hear and receive the Truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Lebanon and for Muslims to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa alThani met with Jordan’s King Abdallah II in March 2010 to discuss ways to develop a “unified Arab approach on common issues and challenges.” Among the issues “expected to be high on the agenda is Israel’s persistent settlement activity, particularly in East Jerusalem.” Recent violence in the Temple Mount area between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters will also be discussed. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel from the hostile Arab/Islamic nations surrounding it. Pray for the government of Qatar to bless rather than curse Israel. Pray for the Lord to give leaders wisdom and discernment in dealing with all of the nations of the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for the people of Qatar to hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for their freedom from the oppression of Islam and for multitudes of Qatari to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord daily. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Turkmenistan seems to be at a crossroads. The government is now facing a need to restructure the prison system, the possible creation of a second political party, and to allow an Israeli ambassador into the nation for the first time. Pray for the Lord to speak to the heart of President Gurbanguly Berdimukhamedow, bringing him into a relationship with Jesus Christ and delivering him from his desire to control and manipulate others. Pray for an immediate end to human rights violations and the abuse of

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power. Pray for democracy and the freedom to elect leaders in Turkmenistan. Pray for improved relations with Israel. Pray for the people of Turkmenistan to cry out to the Lord for relief from the oppression of the current government and they will seek and find Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- In March 2010, a candidate for the Ethiopian parliament was murdered in what authorities believe could be the start of violence in advance of elections scheduled for May 2010. Ethiopian officials claims it was a random act of violence while others say it was carried out by the government. Another opposition candidate was beaten by members of the Ethiopian military just a few days before this incident. Pray for peace in Ethiopia in advance of, during, and after the upcoming elections. Pray for the Lord to raise up the leaders of His choosing and bring an end to the repression and violence that has plagued this nation. Pray Christian Believers in Ethiopia will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and to intercede for their leaders and for a great spiritual awakening to the things of God and revival that will bring the Kingdom of God to Ethiopia with power and authority. MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- According to a recent report by a human rights group, female members of the Karen people group have been murdered, gang-raped, and even crucified by Myanmar troops. “The atrocities, which include beheadings, torture, forced prostitution and slave labor, are often committed as the troops attempt to root out a 60-year-old insurgency by guerrillas of the Karen ethnic minority.” Pray for an immediate end to these brutal acts. Pray the Lord will supernaturally heal the women who have been raped from the pain and agony of the violence towards them . Pray for the Lord to protect the Karen people – especially the women – from the Myanmar military and all acts of terrorism. Pray for members of the military, members of the Karen, and people from every group in Myanmar to encounter and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom and be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord will strengthen the Believers in this land that they will have the mind of Christ as they witness to others and expand God’s Kingdom in this nation bringing physical and emotional healing, as well as forgiveness, reconciliation, and hope. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- A new report issued by counterterrorism officials says that al-Qaeda is rapidly growing “in strength and numbers” in Africa. Of particular concern is the North African arm, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) which has increased its operations in Chad. “The spike in recruiting and training,” the report said, “along with the increase in kidnappings and other crimes, has made the region more insecure and unstable in just a year.” Pray for a swift end to alQaeda and every related organization. Pray for their funding and resources to be cut off immediately, for membership to

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wane, and for hideouts to be exposed and destroyed. Pray for the people of Chad to be protected from both terrorist acts and recruitment attempts of the AQIM or other terrorist groups. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Chad, setting the captives free from the lies and bondage of Islam. Pray multitudes of the people of Chad will put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord daily. Pray all Believers will remain strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM - the North African arm of al-Qaeda) is believed to have started in Algeria in the 1990s as an insurgency group. Unsuccessful in overturning the Algerian government, they joined al-Qaeda after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Though still relatively small, the AQIM has several hundred bases in North Africa and “is beginning to reorganize, recruit and develop,” with the goal of becoming an international threat. Analysts have described the growth of AQIM as “very disturbing.” Pray for the Lord to bring an immediate stop to the expansion, influence, and destructive power of the AQIM. Pray for key leaders to encounter the Gospel and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Algeria wisdom in dealing with AQIM and all terrorist and in keeping the people of Algeria safe. Pray for the citizens of this Muslim nation to become disillusioned with Islam. Pray for the Lord to open their minds and hearts to the Truth and draw them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- In February 2010, Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi declared jihad (holy war) against Switzerland after the Swiss passed a referendum banning the construction of new mosque minarets. Al-Qadhafi’s announcement was considered a stunt by some, but “analysts urged caution and Swiss citizens and politicians expressed alarm.” Pray for the Lord to move mightily in Libya protecting Christian Believers from acts of violence backlash and retaliation. Pray for the Gospel message to reach everyone – from Col. al-Qadhafi, to the working class, to the poor. Pray for the bondage of Islam to be broken and for the eyes, minds, and hearts of the Libyan people to be opened to the Light of Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Libya and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord daily. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Three opposition lawmakers left the government in just two weeks in February 2010 in protest of the use of “Allah” by non-Muslims. The last to leave, Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri, stated that the ruling by the justice system allowing Allah to be published in a Catholic newspaper in reference to God was “insulting the institution of Islam.” Pray for this volatile issue to cause the people of Malaysia (mostly Muslims) to consider who God really is and what worshipping Him means. Pray for them to hunger and thirst for the Gospel of the Kingdom and for Believers to be bold in proclaiming Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord as He shows them how and when to minister to others. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move throughout Malaysia, drawing Muslims

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into relationship with Christ and bringing the Kingdom of God in great power to Malaysia. Day 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Ibadhi Islam is the state religion of Oman. Though it is a relatively moderate sect, it does not allow for apostasy. Expatriates make up the majority of the Church in Oman and any Muslims who choose to convert to Christianity face “severe persecution.” Pray Oman will no longer be a closed, Islamic nation. Pray for more Omanis to hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, choosing to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for Believers to be wise and discerning in sharing the Good News. Pray the Holy Spirit will give them boldness and for the Lord to protect them. Pray Omani Christians to be the fragrance of Christ in their society. Pray for expatriates to have multiple opportunities to proclaim the Lord to non Believers without backlash or retaliation from the government or insurgent groups. Pray Sultan Qaboos and his administration will be reached with the love of Christ and for them to put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord this year. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Kazakhstan continues to mourn its nuclear past, even while placing its hopes in a nuclear future. From 1948 until the fall of the Soviet Union, this former Soviet republic was a testing ground for nuclear weapons. “Many Kazakhs suffer deformities or have died from the radioactive fallout.” Today, however, the global demand for nuclear energy is making Kazakhstan’s uranium reserves an invaluable resource. There are believed to be billions of dollars worth of uranium deposits inside the nation’s borders. Pray for the Lord to minister healing to those who have been affected by nuclear testing. Pray for forgiveness and for the people of Kazakhstan to have hope in Jesus Christ. Pray for leaders to have the wisdom of the Lord as to who to exchange uranium with and to which nations. Pray the uranium will not reach dictators and terrorists who plan to use it to wreak havoc and bring destruction. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Kazakhstan as it is in Heaven. Pray a revival will come to this nation with multitudes of Kazakhs coming to the Lord daily. Day 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- Counter terrorism experts have suggested the formation of something called an “AntiTerror Joint Force” that would combat the growth of terrorist organizations in North Africa. Although Tunisia is already involved in the fight against terrorism in the region, the nation is considering this new cooperative venture. “An Arab joint effort against terrorism is not only beneficial on military and security levels but also and mainly on ideological levels.” Pray for more Muslim nations to join Tunisia in seeking ways to come against extremists and jihadists. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom in planning and implementing tactics that will help to defend against and reduce the influence of al-Qaeda and related groups. Pray for the people of Tunisia to recognize the deception of Islam and seek and find the Truth found only

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(Cambodia continued) in Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Tunisia and for all of North Africa to be transformed by the Gospel. CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Women, youth, and children are being reached with the Gospel in Cambodia by way of radio broadcasts. There is a great hunger for God’s Word, radio ministries say, and, with programs and in-country follow-up, many Cambodians are trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Cambodia. Give thanks for the ideas, technology, and workers involved in radio ministries. Pray for the Lord to continue guiding them, allowing them to sow seeds of the Word and reap a great harvest of souls in the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Gospel to reach every corner of Cambodia and impact every people group. Pray for good discipleship and for the Lord to raise up leaders who will continue to work to expand the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray for multitudes of Cambodians to put their faith in Jesus Christ every day. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- Twenty high-ranking officers in the Turkish military were arrested and charged with planning to overturn the government in February 2010. They are accused of a plot involving the bombing of mosques to “foment unrest.” Since 2007, at least five other expected coups were uncovered. Some observers believe this is a ploy used by the government to increase its control. The ruling “AK Party has its roots in political Islam, and is accused by some nationalists of having secret plans to turn staunchly secular Turkey into an Islamic state.” Pray for Turkey as they face this political and spiritual crossroads. Pray for hidden motives and schemes to be exposed. Pray for the Lord to move among the leadership, drawing officials out of Islam and into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Turkey from military coups and government corruption. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Turkey and for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation as it is in Heaven. Pray the Turkish Believers will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- In January 2010, the government of North Korea “reportedly executed a man by firing squad for making unauthorized phone calls out of the country.” They accused him of attempting to leak news. The public execution was meant to deter other citizens from contacting the outside world. Pray for this closed, politically oppressive, spiritual dark nation to be open and turn to Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to shine His Light into the hearts of Kim Jung Il and his administration. Pray for the Light of the Lord to shine brightly through Believers and the Lord will give them courage and strength to endure persecution, and they will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be preached in North Korea. Pray for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord every day. Pray accurate and truthful news of

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what is happening in North Korea will reach the international news media, and those delivering the news will not be harmed. Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- Chaos and bloodshed continue to plague the nation of Somalia. During the first week of March 2010 alone, more than twenty civilians were killed and almost sixty wounded as African Union troops battled with al-Shabaab Islamic terrorists. Pray for the Lord of Hosts to bring an immediate end to the violence and anarchy that has characterized life in Somalia since the government collapsed in 1991. Pray for President Ahmed and his administration to gain control of the nation and begin to restore order. Pray for al-Shabaab to be defeated. Pray their links with al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations will be shattered. Pray for the Lord to protect Believers as they are surviving in this dangerous region. Pray for the Gospel to reach the people of Somalia and for the Kingdom of God to come in great power, as it is in Heaven. Pray for revival to come this land where multitudes of people will come to the Lord daily. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Despite the efforts of the Pakistani military, this nation continues to be a haven for the Taliban and for al-Qaeda members. Christian Believers face the risk of persecution and citizens find themselves in danger of violence as terrorists respond to government efforts to defeat them. In February 2010, the Taliban kidnapped a group of Sikhs, demanded a ransom, and beheaded two of the men when the deadline was not met. Pray for the Lord to expose and eliminate the Taliban and al-Qaeda swiftly and completely. Pray He will give Believers the strategy on how to effectively pray for the end of every terrorist organization. Pray for the Lord to give the government and allied forces wisdom in overcoming these organizations. Pray for the Lord to lift the veil from the eyes and hearts of the terrorists and reveal to them the salvation available only in Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers in Pakistan to be strengthened and protected by the Lord and to boldly declare the Gospel throughout the land as the Lord leads them. Pray for multitudes of Muslims to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- Christians continue to face persecution in this nation, especially in the mostly-Muslim North. Recent political instability has not helped the situation. Ailing President Umaru Yar’Adua returned from Saudi Arabia in February 2010 where he had been receiving medical treatment. During his three month absence, acting President Goodluck Jonathan and his supporters were reportedly trying to formalize their control. With many citizens uncertain as to whether or not President Yar’Adua was even alive, he “suffered political damage and a massive loss of trust.” Pray for the Lord to lead this nation forward. Pray for the Lord to raise up men and women who will govern with integrity at all levels of government. Pray for a supernatural and immediate end

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to every act of violence in the North. Pray for reconciliation between Muslims and Christians. Pray for the Lord to protect Christian Believers and give them opportunities to show love and proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to followers of Islam. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to the Muslim North of Nigeria and for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord daily. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- Spokesmen for the Taliban and the Afghan government held secret meetings in January 2010 to discuss ways to reach a ceasefire agreement and bring peace to Afghanistan. In order to conduct these discussions in a neutral location, they chose to hold them in Maldives. The nation hosted three days of private talks aimed at bringing an end to the Afghan conflict. Pray for the Maldives to continue to be a peacemaker and work to bring an end to terrorism and war. Pray for this role to expand from the physical to the spiritual. Pray for members of the government – especially President Nasheed – to encounter and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and put their trust in Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Maldives to be set free from the bondage and oppression of Islam. Pray for this nation to be used to minister reconciliation between God and man by proclaiming Jesus Christ throughout the Muslim world. Pray for an immediate end to all acts of persecution against Believers, and pray they will be strong in the Lord in the power of His might. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- Women are the object of numerous human rights abuses in Islamic nations. However, in Jordan, women are protected by law from domestic violence. One watchdog group noted that women’s rights are continuing to improve in Jordan. In Iraq, Yemen, and the Palestinian territories, on the other hand, women are facing an increase in violent treatment. Pray for Jordan to be an example to other Islamic countries to allow rights for Women. Pray for the government to uphold the laws they have passed and work to protect the rights of women. Pray for the Lord to protect women and children from the oppression of Islam. Pray for this “modernization” of the law to result in a new way of thinking that rejects the brutality of shari’a and seeks to treat people with respect and compassion. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be proclaimed and demonstrated throughout Jordan. Pray for the multitudes to grow weary of Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord daily. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- Like several other West African nations, Senegal has recently seen a new outbreak of polio. To combat this, the World Health Organization has launched a massive campaign to immunize children. Enlisting 400,000 volunteers, the goal is to provide the polio vaccine to 85 million children in 19 countries. Pray for the government of Senegal to support this effort and to use its power and resources to protect people from this disease. Pray for the finances, supplies, and manpower needed to fulfill this program, and the Lord will protecting Senegalese and end this outbreak. Pray for the Lord’s hand to be clearly seen in their deliverance from disease, and for residents of Senegal to give Him thanks for His provision. Pray for the Muslims in this nation to be set free from

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Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- “The Eritrean people waged a very vigorous, dreadful and lingering battle for independence,” writes an Eritrean journalist. “Tens of thousands gave their precious lives.” In recent years, however, that quest has gone off course. “The hope of the Eritrean people and friends of Eritrea has been completely shattered.” Much of the disappointment and hopelessness is the result of an oppressive government that has robbed the people of their freedom and is attempting to eradicate Christianity. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in this hurting nation to bring healing and for His Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray for President Afworki to encounter the Lord, repent of his mistreatment of the citizens of Eritrea, and put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray Psalm 91 protection over and comfort for Christian Believers, and they will be strong in the Lord in the power of His might. Pray for the Holy Spirit will strengthen them as they may endure fierce opposition – arrest, imprisonment, torture and possibly death. Pray for a sweeping spiritual awakening Eritreans to the ways of God in this nation and multitudes will choose to follow Christ daily. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- In March 2010, Tibet “celebrated” 51 years of occupation by China. It was in 1959 that the final (to date) Tibetan uprising was put down by the Chinese army, killing 86,000 men, women and children – most of whom were unarmed. Pray for healing in this nation. Pray for the Lord to pour out His Spirit and draw the people of Tibet to His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for a transformation in Tibet as the Kingdom of God comes in power. Pray for reconciliation and forgiveness between the governments of Tibet and China. Pray an end to the violence and repression that has plagued this region. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Tibet and for the people and nation to rejoice as they hear and respond to the invitation to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- Hassan Nasrallah, the head of terrorist group Hezbollah, met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus in February 2010. The three leaders expressed their support for each other and for their common cause: the annihilation of Israel. The meeting came after Western nations called on Syria to distance itself from Iran. Syria and Iran provide Hezbollah with both financial and military support. Pray for an immediate end to the terrorist planning and terrorist acts of the Hezbollah and every terrorist group. Pray for their wicked schemes to fail. Pray for their funding to dry up and for members to leave the organization and live a peaceable life. Pray for President al-Assad to act with wisdom in dealing with Iran. Pray for this evil partnership to be demolished Pray the Lord will protect Israel and the West from the violent and destructive plots being carried out by Syria, Iran, and the Hezbollah. Pray for the Lord to remove the veil from the eyes of the people of Syria, and they will hear and respond to the

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(Mongolia continued) Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes of Syrians to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord every day. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- The women of Mongolia have something in common with the women of Afghanistan: they lack access to health care facilities. In Afghanistan, war and poverty have combined to create the world’s highest infant mortality rate. In Mongolia, the situation is much the same, except the cause is poverty and climate. “The extremely harsh and unfavorable winter conditions across Mongolia are not letting expectant mother reach health care facilities.” Pray for the Lord to provide adequate facilities, personnel, and supplies to meet the needs of the women and families of Mongolia. Pray for Christian organizations to be used to provide healthcare, in order to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the people. Pray the Gospel of the Kingdom of God will be proclaimed in every corner of this difficult-to-reach region as it is in Heaven. Pray for hearts to be softened and for the Good News of salvation to be received. Pray for the people of Mongolia to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA- In March 2010, 24 rebels were convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government and assassinate the president and prime minister of East Timor. The attack, which almost killed President Jose Ramos-Horta, took place in 2008. Most of those sentenced to prison were members of military and security forces. Pray for lasting peace in East Timor. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be present, bringing the Kingdom of God in this nation, as it is in Heaven. Pray for the people of East Timor to cry out to the Lord for help, strength, and relief from ongoing violence. Pray for members of the government to put their faith and trust in Christ. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders who will resist the temptation of corruption and power-mongering, and seek to lead the people of East Timor based on Biblical principles. Pray for the people of East Timor to hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, choosing to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- Greed and bribery are believed to be the motivating force behind President Yahya Jammeh’s recent spending spree. “Mr. Jemmeh is obsessed with fame,” writes a Gambian journalist, “and he would do whatever it takes to dish out millions of dollars to the visiting African American attention seekers to achieve his desired objective – that is to be featured in Hollywood.” Although many of the citizens of the Gambia are severely impoverished, Jammeh is pandering to celebrities by “stealing from our taxpayers.” Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to President Jammeh and show him the responsibility and purpose of his role of leadership. Pray for an end to government corruption and waste of resources in the Gambia. Pray for the Lord to provide for the suffering poor in this nation. Pray for Christian organizations to proclaim and demonstrate the Kingdom of God to Gambians. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord daily.

tiny territory into a “big open air prison, which is extremely depressing for the people who live there.” The blockade was put in place in 2007 after terrorist group Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip government. Pray for the Lord to provide hope to the people of the Gaza Strip. Pray for needed materials for the rebuilding of homes and infrastructure to be allowed inside the territory. Pray for the people of the Gaza Strip to see the effects of terrorism and guerrilla warfare and they will stop supporting Hamas. Pray for the Lord to drive Hamas out of the Gaza Strip. Pray for members of Hamas to have no place to hide. Pray for them to hear the Gospel and respond by repenting of their murderous ways and following Jesus. Pray for the leadership and citizens of the Gaza Strip to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- In February 2010, Israeli police responded to a demonstration on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Palestinian protesters confronted the police and began throwing rocks, resulting in dozens of injuries. The conflict was believed to have been motivated by the approach of peace talks, as well as the inclusion of several controversial locations on a list of sacred sites issued by the Israeli government. Pray for peace in Jerusalem, Israel, and the West Bank. Pray for the Lord to move among Palestinians, turning their hearts from violence and hatred, toward the peace and forgiveness available only in Jesus Christ. Pray for the leaders of both the West Bank and Israel to proceed with wisdom and for the Lord to give them compassion for their people – both Jews and Muslims. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the West Bank, as it is in Heaven. Window International Network Pray for the Lord to direct the staff of Window International Network, revealing His plans and strategies for reaching the lost and unreached of the 10/40 Window. Pray for the Lord to give them new ideas and opportunities to mobilize prayer and evangelism for those who are perishing in 10/40 Window nations. Pray for them to share His heart for the 10/40 Window and His passion for their salvation. Pray for them to be in line with the Lord’s purposes and be used mightily to bring His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News, allAfrica.com, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance

GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- According to the United Nations, Israel’s blockade on the Gaza Strip has turned this

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he has been called the Sahrawi Gandhi. The nickname is fitting because this unassuming woman has managed to alert the international media to the plight of her homeland through non-violent protests. Thanks to Aminatou Haidar, the world’s attention is now focused on the nation of Western Sahara. Into this bitter battle comes Aminatou Haidar. Born in 1966, she is considered the leading “human rights-defender” for the people of Western Sahara. She was sentenced to prison in 2005 after being injured by police during a demonstration. Upon her release in 2006, she stated that her joy was “incomplete without the release of all Sahrawi political prisoners….” In November 2009, Ms. Haidar was again arrested, this time as she attempted to return to Morocco after receiving an international human rights award. Moroccan officials swiftly deported her and she was stranded in the Madrid airport. Her crime? Listing Western Sahara rather than Morocco as the address on her passport. Ms. Haidar responded by declaring a hunger strike. Human rights organizations, foreign governments, and even international celebrities rallied around her, joining their voices to the call for an independent Western Sahara. When the matter became known to the Church, Christian Believers from around the world began to pray. And, as always, the Lord responded. On December 11, 2009, after a 32-day hunger strike,

Ms. Haidar was allowed to return homeShe is, however, on house arrest.

PRAY FOR: ✚✚ the Lord to give Ms. Haidar strength and courage to continue her non-violent, yet effective protests. (The Bible, Psalm 89:21) ✚✚ the entire world to see and champion the cause of the Sahrawi. (The Bible, Proverbs 15:25) ✚✚ this incident to pressure the Moroccan government to release the nation of Western Sahara and the Sahrawi people immediately allowing them to return to their homeland. (The Bible, Psalm 25:15) ✚✚ the Lord to bring hope to the Sahrawi – to remind them of His call and purpose for them and their nation. Pray for this time of conflict to be used to bring many Muslims out from the darkness of Islam and into the marvelous Light of Christ. (The Bible, Romans 5:5) ✚✚ Believers among the Sahrawi to be bold witnesses, preaching and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray they will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10) ✚✚ the Christian revival currently taking place in Algeria to reach the refugee camps where the Sahrawi are living. Pray for the Lord to not only protect and provide for them, but to reveal Himself to them in powerful, life-changing ways. (The Bible, Psalm 41:2) ✚✚ Pray for the immediate release of all Saharawi political prisoners being held against their will. Pray Aminatou Haidar will immediately be removed from the restrictions of house arrest, and be free to come and go as she pleases. If she is not a Believer in Christ, pray for her salvation, and the salvation of those that are her supporters. ✚✚ the Kingdom of God to come to Western Sahara with multitudes of Sahrawi accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Mark 1:15)

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Hi, WindowKids! My name is Ramy and I am from Al Khuwayr, Qatar. My childhood in Qatar was quiet and peaceful. I grew up with my father. He was a hard working fisherman. Most of the men in Al Khuwayr are fishermen. Living by the water, we met people from all around the world as they came to trade their products in Qatar. One day, after many hours of fishing, my father took me to a café. A man sitting at a table near us began to talk with my father. This man was a tourist and asked many questions about Al Khuwayr. The man said he had a son about my age and wanted to bring him along on his next trip to Qatar. I told him that if he brought his son, I would be glad to show him our town and perhaps even take him out on the water. A f t e r speaking to this visitor for several minutes, my father showed Qatari hospitality by inviting him to our home for a shawarma. A shawar-

ma is a delicious sandwich-like meal in which shaved lamb is wrapped in pita bread. I was suddenly very hungry. That was the last thing I remember before waking up in the back of a truck with a dozen other Qatari children. As I blinked at them and wondered where I was and what happened to my father, I began to realize the tourist had been an evil man, and I had been kidnapped. None of the other kids knew where we were going. They all looked as frightened as I felt. When the truck finally stopped and we were told to get out, one thing became clear: we were not in Qatar anymore. After separating us, we were led away in different directions by men we didn’t know. In a matter of hours, I found myself working in a field alongside another boy from the truck. A very mean man was telling us what to do. He threatened to hurt us if we didn’t work fast enough. The other boy’s name was Thomas. He and I became friends. There were other boys there too, but they were from other countries and didn’t speak our language. As we worked each day, I would tell Thomas about my father and how much I missed Qatar. He would always tell me not to worry, and then tell me stories about someone called Jesus. I had never heard these stories before. But Thomas said they were true stories, not fairy tales. Thomas said Jesus was still alive and would help us get back to our homes. All we had to do was ask Him – and keep asking Him. So I began asking this Jesus to take me home. Just about this time a wonderful, colorful hummingbird showed up to keep us company. His name was Hymnie, and he would usually come to us at night and sing us songs.

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After four hard years working for those bad people,

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Pleas e rem pray f embe or Qa r to tar! a group of men came one night to rescue us. They were very kind and told us they had come to take us home. The day that I reached Al Khuwayr and was reunited with my father, I cried and cried. Not because I was sad. But because I was happy! And because it was the answer to all those nights of prayer.

Sources: “Food and Etiquette in Qatar.” Qatar Visitor (2009): n. pag. Web. 23 Feb 2010. http://www.qatarvisitor.com/index. php?cID=412&pID=984. “Qatar.” CIA-The World Factbook n. pag. Web. 11 Feb 2010. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ qa.html.

After many questions, I told my father the story of how I had been rescued. Then I told him Jesus had brought me home to him. My father didn’t say anything at first. But after looking into my eyes, he could see I was telling the truth. Finally, he said, “Tell me more about this Jesus.”

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