The 10/40 Window Reporter December 2009

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December 2009 Edition



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hari’ a means “path” or “way” and encompasses every area of life – from business to family to politics to ethics to economics to personal hygiene. It has been described as a “religious code for living, in the same way that the Bible offers a moral system for Christians.” However, it has very little in common with Scriptural commandments. Unlike the Law given in the Old Testament of The Bible, Islamic Shari’a law is based on the Qur’an and the Sunna (traditions and customs) and is enforced with severe punishments for violations, including amputation of limbs, flogging, beheading, and stoning. Shari’a is a classic example of man trying to legalistically work his way to heaven. As Barnabas Fund notes, “this law expresses the Islamic way of life and – much more than the Qur’an – is the key to understanding Islam.” The implementation of Shari’a serves not only to control and regulate behavior but to segregate society and divide it into classes. “Discrimination on the basis of religion is fundamental to Shari’a,” Barnabas Fund explains. “Islam must be dominant and only Muslims are full citizens, so Muslims are treated as superior to all others.” Non-Muslims are called dhimmis and are often assessed a tax (called jizya) to remind them of their “lowly, inferior state. “ In its most strict form, Shari’a forces non-Muslims to either convert to Islam or die. Further discrimination takes place in Shari’a by means of greatly oppressing women. “Men are regarded as superior,” Barnabas Fund says. “Women are treated as deficient in intelligence, morals and religion, and must therefore be protected from their own weaknesses.” This is worked out practically by enforcing a strict dress code (often requiring women to cover their entire bodies) and requiring the separation of men and women in public, religious services, and in social settings. Shari’a also considers any Muslims who choose to leave the faith as “apostates” and invokes the death penalty. This is a tremendous hindrance to Muslims who hear the Gospel or see Jesus in a vision or dream and desire to accept Him as their Savior and Lord. To do so in a region under Shari’a can result in execution. This Islamic system of law also promotes jihad (“struggle”) as a form of warfare that every Muslim is expected to participate in. Many Islamic terrorists use Shari’a to intimidate and maintain control of the citizens in their region. For instance, exceptionally strict Shari’a has been invoked by alShabaab and they have performed numerous public executions to show and maintain their power in southern Somalia. The motivation behind Shari’a is satanic. Like other forms of demonic oppression, it attempts to force people to behave in certain ways in order to manipulate them. Instead of a path to life, it is a path to death that oppresses Muslims and deceives them into believing they can earn acceptance into paradise.


✚✚ an immediate end to the satanic practice of Shari’a in all nations that currently enforce it. (The Bible, Isaiah 58:6)

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✚✚ no other nations to practice or enforce Shari’a law. ✚✚ the Lord to protect non-Muslims – especially Believers – living in regions ruled by Shari’a. (The Bible, II Samuel 22:2-4) ✚✚ the Lord to strengthen and encourage women who are facing hopeless situations and futures because of the rules and regulations they are forced to live under. (The Bible, Proverbs 23:18) Pray for an immediate end to the oppressive hardship women face because of their gender. ✚✚ Muslim Background Believers to be allowed to worship Jesus Christ without fear of persecution or punishment from the government or insurgent groups. (The Bible, 100:2) ✚✚ freedom for the multitudes of Muslims who are currently suffering under the oppression of these laws and the false religious system of Islam. (The Bible, Isaiah 61:1) ✚✚ the immediate disbanding of terrorist groups who use Shari’a as a means of controlling people. (The Bible, Psalm 12:5) ✚✚ an awakening among Muslims to the life and freedom found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls as they accept Christ as their Savior and Lord. (The Bible, John 14:6) ✚✚ Pray the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in every nation of the 10/40 Window. Sourced: “What is Sharia?” (Barnabas Fund), wikipedia ©2009 Window International Network

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he celebration of the birth of Jesus is a global holiday. Though it is commemorated on different days and in different ways throughout the world, it is one of the most popular of all religious celebrations. Even people who do not know Jesus Christ and have never received the Gospel message enthusiastically participate in this yearly observance. Christmas takes many forms in the 10/40 Window. In Lebanon, for example, one tradition is to plant chickpea (garbanzo bean) seeds two weeks prior to Christmas. When they sprout, they are used to decorate Nativity scenes. Throughout the Middle East, friends and family spend Christmas morning together, sipping coffee and sharing a lunch feast that usually includes rice and meat Kubbeh (a dish incorporating a type of wheat called bulghur).

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In Nigeria, Christmas is a grand event. Despite the presence of numerous cultures and religions, “the whole of Nigeria is illuminated with bright lights and colorful decorations….” The celebration includes singing, special foods, parties and extended-family gatherings. Meals during this season are often made up of rice dishes, soups, and goat or fowl. Christmas in Indonesia, as in other non-Christian nations, defies classification as a Christian holiday. It is a popular celebration throughout this Muslim-majority country, even among animists and Hindus. Some Muslims refuse to participate, but many travel to visit family, and prepare special meals of marinated meats, colorful stews and spicy sauces. While Christmas is observed by people in all of the 10/40 Window nations, it is obvious that not many understand what, why, and Who they are celebrating. Among the ©2009 Window International Network

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multitudes who energetically participate in Christmas traditions, relatively few appreciate the “reason for the season.” Since untold millions (perhaps billions?) engage in Christmas activities each year without being in relationship with Jesus Christ, it is a particularly opportune time of year for sharing our Faith. Conversation tends to revolve around seasonal events, providing us with chances (if we are looking for them – see The Bible, Colossians 4:5,6) to proclaim the Good News. Christmas should also remind us of our Brothers and Sister in those 10/40 Window nations where public celebration – be it secular or religious – is prohibited. Places like North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Eritrea either do not allow or restrict the observation of Christmas. Worship must be con-

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ducted in secret, often behind locked doors, under the constant threat of persecution. Since it is the Lord’s desire for all nations, tribes, people, and tongues to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth, this time of year is a special season for prayer. The Lord wants every people group – especially the unreached in the 10/40 Window nations who have been blinded by the false systems of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, and ethnic religions – to be well represented around His throne in Heaven for all of Eternity. So perhaps the most appropriate activity for the celebration of Christmas is a fresh commitment to intercede and pray for a great harvest of souls coming to Christ in the 10/40 Window. That’s the gift the Lord would most enjoy receiving, as well as giving to us – if we are willing to ask. ©2009 Window International Network

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(Continued from page 7) “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.” (The Bible, Psalm 2:8) PRAY FOR: ✚✚the multitudes throughout the 10/40 Window who will be celebrating Christmas without a personal relationship with Jesus to accept Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to open their blind eyes and deaf ears to see and hear that He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life – no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4; John 14:6) ✚✚Believers to be bold in declaring the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, and for the lost and unreached in the 10/40 Window to put their faith and trust in Christ as their Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Acts 20:21: Ephesians 6:19) ✚✚Christians in closed and oppressive nations to be reminded of the love the Lord has for them – that He promises never to leave them or forsake them. Pray for them to be comforted and strengthened as they face persecution, rejoicing as they share in the sufferings of the Lord. (The Bible, Hebrews 13:5, I Peter 4:13) ✚✚Pray Christian Believers will be able to observe and celebrate the birth of Jesus without any backlash or retaliation from the government, religious or insurgent group. ✚✚every nation, tribe, people, and tongue in the 10/40 Window to have the opportunity to receive the Gospel. Pray for leaders, unreached people groups, and the lost in all countries to be set free from the lies of false religion and led to and enter the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Revelation 5:9, Colossians 1:13,14) ✚✚There will no longer be restrictions in any country on celebrating the birth of our LORD. Pray any government that has not allowed people to celebrate Christmas in the past, will allow the celebration of Christ’s birth from now on without backlash or retaliation from the government, religious or insurgent group. Sourced: World of Christmas, Maps of the World

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ihad (“to strive or struggle”) has been part of Islam since it was founded by Mohammad in 610 AD. It can take the form of a struggle against the flesh, a struggle to better the community (through education, etc.), or a struggle against the enemies of the faith. For extremists, it is a “holy war” against all infidels (non-Muslims). After Muslim armies conquered the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, the religion experienced what is referred to as a “golden age” (750-1258). Like most eras, it did not last. By the 20th century, many Muslim nations were more concerned with financial prosperity and political power (especially in regards to oil) than with the cause of Islam. Concerned by this nominalism and lack of religious passion, imams and clerics around the world began to call Muslims to turn their backs on “Western” values and temptations and return to the faith. A global jihad was declared with the goal of waging a new war against infidels – specifically Christians, Jews, and western democracies. The effects of this new war can be seen in September 11, 2001 attacks on America, as well as countless other deadly suicide bombings and terrorist attacks throughout the 10/40 Window. Coincidentally, during the 20th century, another phenomenon was taking place. Even as militants took up arms and plotted destruction to any who refused to bow to their religious beliefs, Muslims throughout the earth began to have vivid dreams and visions. Some saw angels. Many saw a man dressed in white and recog-

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nized Him as Isa (the Arabic name for Jesus). Among African Muslims, it has been estimated that 42% were drawn into relationship to Christ through a dream or vision. “Globally,” one author explains, “the second most prevalent means of Muslims coming to saving faith in Jesus is through dreams.” As a result, Muslims have been accepting Christ in record numbers. In 200l, a well known Muslim cleric, alarmed by this trend, estimated that “in every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every day, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.” While those statistics may or may not be accurate, one thing is certain: more Muslims have chosen to follow Christ in the past 100 years than in all of the years since Jesus walked the earth – combined. As author Joel Rosenberg noted in April 2009, “more Muslims will celebrate Easter this year than at any other time in history.” Notice the parallels: 1) a dramatic increase in jihadist activity destroying hundreds, even thousands of lives as Islamic terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and al-Shabaab brainwash young people and convince them to sacrifice their lives in the hope of achieving paradise and 2) a dramatic increase in dreams and visions of Jesus Christ in the lives of Muslims – with a corresponding explosion of Muslim conversions to Christianity – setting untold thousands free from the tyranny of a false religious system and an eternity of torment apart from Jesus ©2009 Window International Network

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our Savior and King. The battle for the souls of mankind is intensifying. The enemy is intent upon taking as many people with him to the Lake of Fire as possible. The Lord loves every person on planet earth, no matter their ethnic, political, national, or even religious bent. He wants all men, women and children to be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth, and spend eternity with Him. (The Bible, I Timothy 1:4) Perhaps the most startling part of the conflict currently raging in the spiritual realm is that we are invited and expected to take part in it. The Lord wants us to pray – to devote ourselves to intercession for Muslims (as well as for Hindus, Buddhists, animists…). The dreams, visions, and conversions that are being reported in Islamic nations are undoubtedly the result of years, even decades of fervent, unceasing prayer. This is a war that can only be won on our knees. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:3-6) Let’s encourage other Christian Believers to join us in fervent prayer for the 10/40 Window nations.

PRAY FOR: ✚✚ the Lord to continue pouring His Spirit out on the Muslim world and revealing Himself to people in closed and oppressive nations (the unreached and seemingly unreachable) through powerful supernatural dreams and visions of

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the Gospel Message. (The Bible, Joel 2:28) the an accelerated increase of the multitudes coming to the Lord in North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, where entire families, tribes and clans, villages, cities and countries will come into the Kingdom of God (The Bible, Psalm 72:11; Acts 16:31) the Lord to infiltrate and plunder the ranks of jihiadist terrorist groups, turning this army of “Sauls” into “Pauls” who will carry the Good News of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. (The Bible, Acts 9:1-6; 22:21) Believers throughout the world to awaken to the call to intercede for the lost and unreached – especially the residents of the 10/40 Window who are in bondage to false religions and live in fear of terrorism and angry gods. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4) the Lord to move in all the nations of the 10/40 Window, transforming the darkness with His marvelous Light, establishing His Kingdom, and drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (The Bible, Colossians 1:13,14)

Sourced:, wikipedia, “Camel Training Manual” (Kevin Greeson), “A Muslim’s Heart” (Edward Hoskins), Joel Rosenberg ©2009 Window International Network

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ocated just north of the Horn of Africa, across the Red Sea from the Arabian Peninsula, Eritrea gained its independence from Italy in l94l, but did not formally become a nation until l993.

In ancient times, Eritrea was part of the Land of Punt, which is believed to have included Somalia and Ethiopia, and which meant “land of the gods.” Eritrea means “red land.” From l950 until l974, it was part of Ethiopia. By l96l, the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) had begun to rebel against Ethiopian rule. It was three decades before the vision of an independent nation was realized. Since that time, it has gone to war with both Yemen and Ethiopia. President Isaias Afworki was elected by the national assembly in l993 and has led the country ever since. No elections have yet to have been held after that election and the one-party government is quick to discipline any who questions this. TERRORISM In May 2009, the African Union (AU) asked the United Nations Security Council to enact sanctions against Eritrea for “supporting Islamist insurgents in Somali.” The AU said that Eritrea was supplying terrorist groups al-Shabaab and Hisbul-Islam with arms and insisted that a blockade be enacted to keep arms from flowing across the border. Eritrea responded by suspending its membership in the AU and accused the organization of being a puppet of Western governments. Terrorist Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who is reportedly leading both al-Shabaab and Hisbul-Islam in their attempts to take control of Somalia, has admitted Eritrea’s involvements.

“Eritrea supports us and Ethiopia is our enemy,” Aweys told the Reuters news agency.1 PERSECUTION Despite the small geographic size of Eritrea, the nation ranks 9th on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 for its notoriously brutal treatment of Christians. “The Eritrean Marxist government ordered all independent Protestant church closed in May 2002,” reports The Voice of the Martyrs. “In the past three years, religious repression has escalated further. Worshippers caught disobeying restrictions are arrested and tortured for weeks, months or even years.”2 It is estimated that as many as 2,000 Christians are imprisoned in Eritrea. The government keeps some of them in

metal shipping containers during the hottest times of the year in order to cause them added suffering and convince them to renounce Jesus Christ. PRAISE The Eritrean government has imprisoned thousands of Christians. Some have been confined to metal shipping containers and others have experienced physical abuse. Many have been martyred for refusing to deny their faith. Yet these courageous brothers and sisters continue to testify to the Truth and Power of Jesus Christ with their lives, and some even to the death. PRAY ✚✚ Pray for this “land of gods” to become a Land of the One True and Living God.


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Pray for this “red land” to be washed in the precious blood of the Lamb. (The Bible, I Peter 1:19) Pray for President Afwoki’s heart to be softened and for his eyes to open to the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for God to use Afworki to demonstrate His mercy and compassion to the people of Eritrea. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4; Micah 6:8) Pray for the government to end its support of terrorism. Pray for leaders who fear God to be raised up to serve the people in this land. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21) Pray for the eradication of poverty in Eritrea. Pray for Christians to be able to worship the Lord freely without backlash or retaliation from the government or insurgent groups. Pray the Kingdom of God will come in Eritrea as it is in Heaven. Pray for terrorist groups such as al-Shabaab and HisbulIslam to lose strength and all of its members. Pray for the Spirit of God to move in their ranks, transforming murdering “Sauls” in to bold and passionate “Pauls” who will bring Him glory. (The Bible, Acts 26:14) Pray for the immediate release of all Christian Believers who are in jail for the cause of Christ, and the end of all torture techniques used on Believers, and for all Believers to be released from metal containers immediately. (The Bible, Philippians 4:19) Pray for Believers who are imprisoned and undergoing torture to be comforted by the Lord’s presence. Pray the Lord will give them songs in the night, as He did Paul


and Silas. Pray for their heart to be filled with His joy and for that joy to be their strength. (The Bible, Psalm 16:11; Acts 16:25; Nehemiah 8:10) ✚✚ Pray for an immediate end to all corruption in Eritrea. ✚✚ Pray the Kingdom of God will come in Eritrea as it is in Heaven. Sources include: BBC News, World Factbook, Wikipedia, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs 1 “AU calls for sanctions on Eritrea,” BBC News, May 23, 2009. 2 The Persecuted Church Global Report 2009, The Voice of the Martyrs, p. ll.

ERITREA, EAST AFRICA ÌÌ Population: 5,647,168 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Isaias Afworki ÌÌ Christians: 1.7% ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Islam ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 9th December2009

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 4 ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 5; Casualties: 16 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 71% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: 50% ©2009 Window International Network

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lthough Iran means “land of the free,” there is very little freedom to be found in this nation. Once known as Persia, it became a Shi’ Islamic state in the 1500s. The Iranian Revolution of 1979 transformed modern Iran into an Islamic republic with a “theocratic” constitution and a political/spiritual ruler known as the Supreme Leader. Today, the Supreme Leader is Ayatollah Al Khamenei. The highest elected office is the presidency, currently held by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Although the president signs treaties, plans the budget, and appoints ministers to government, he is subordinate to the Supreme Leader, who controls the military and makes final decisions in foreign policy. President Ahmadinejad is by far the most vocal member of the government. Since his election in 2005, he has repeatedly vowed to destroy Israel and America, and has threatened that “Anyone who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s fury.” Ahmadinejad has also denied the Holocaust and refuses to recognize Israel, referring to the nation as a Zionist enemy. (Ironically, it has been revealed that Ahmadinejad may have a Jewish heritage.) In line with Ahmadinejad’s hate speech, Iran has been actively developing nuclear weapons. The government has refused international inspections and continues to claim that their intentions are peaceful – that they are working towards nuclear power for energy use rather than nuclear bombs. They did, however, test fire missiles in 2009 that are capable of reaching Israel. Presidential elections were held in June 2009. The results, which favored Ahmadinejad, were deemed fraudulent by outside observers. When opposition candidates and their supporters voiced objections, they were beaten, arrested, and imprisoned. In August 2009, Yemen began a campaign against insurgents believed to be backed by Iran. An Iranian boat loaded with weapons was captured by Yemeni forces in October 2009. In November 2009, Saudi Arabia launched air strikes against the rebels in Yemen, engaging in what has been called a “proxy” war with Iran. Also in November 2009, Israel intercepted a ship delivering 500 tons of weapons to the Hezbollah terrorists in Syria for use in their ongoing war against Israel. Both Iran and Syria have

denied any knowledge of this shipment. Perhaps the most distressing aspect of Iranian culture is the fierce but nearly silent persecution of Christians. Because of the oppressive power wielded by the Islamic regime, mistreatment of Believers often goes unnoticed and unreported. But as Open Doors reports, “Christians pay a high price in Iran for their decision to follow Jesus. The Iranian government controls churches and persecutes Muslim Background Believers; arresting them as they commit the ‘crime’ of leaving Islam.”


✚✚ Supreme Leader Ayatollah Al Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be convicted by the Holy Spir(Continued on page 31)

“Anyone who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation’s fury.” December 2009 ©2009 Window International Network

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PRAYER Points December 2009

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- Even as churches are being burned down and Christian Believers brutally attacked, God is building His Kingdom in India. Hundreds of millions of Dalits (untouchables) are hearing and receiving the Gospel Message and, as a result, the Church is growing rapidly. One source recently reported having seen “over 2,800 churches planted among the Dalits in the last 5 years….” Pray for the Lord to continue His great and awesome work in this nation. Pray for the Lord to strengthen and encourage Believers who are facing daily persecution, harassment, intimidation, and violence. Pray for His Kingdom to advance and for the harvest to be fruitful among the Dalits, as well as every other caste, including high-caste Brahmin (priest-class). Flooding in October 2009 claimed hundreds of lives in India and left 2.5 million homeless. Pray for the Lord to comfort and provide for those who have lost family members and property in the flooding. Pray even this tragedy will be used to be used to bring glory to the Lord and draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- Slavery was legal in Mauritania until 2007. Although it is now a criminal offense, “incidences of slavery still persist… especially among the rural populations and on the periphery of big towns.” In November 2009, the United Nations sent a representative to evaluate the effect of the anti-slavery law and examine measures that would provide ex-slaves with financial aid. Pray for the Lord to minister deep healing in this nation, bringing godly sorrow to slave owners and those who have engaged in this illegal and immoral activity in the past. Pray for repentance to sweep through the land and for the multitudes to surrender to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for the Lord to break the power of manipulation and control that is entrenched in Mauritania and set those who are in physical bondage free from their human masters. Pray for the Lord to provide jobs, resources, and hope for those who are released. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- With the International Criminal Court (ICC) still attempting to prosecute President Omar al-Bashir, the African Union (AU) is now seeking to set up a new court that would examine the conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan. The AU suggests a panel that would include Sudanese officials and independent judges. Some human rights groups are concerned that this is an attempt to circumvent the ICC and avoid its investigation. An estimated 300,000 people have been killed in Darfur since 2003, with another 2.7 million left homeless. Pray for justice to be quickly carried out in this complicated, ongoing, and deadly dispute. Pray for the Lord to expose the truth in this matter and for those who are guilty of violating human rights to be swiftly prosecuted. Pray for fairness in these courts

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and for corruption to play no role in the investigations. Pray for the Lord to protect the residents of Darfur who continue to face the threat of attacks, have lost homes, and are struggling to survive in refugee camps – some of which are not safe. Pray for the Lord to provide clean water, shelter, nutritious food, and security to the needy. Pray for humanitarian aid workers to reach them with needed supplies and also have opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them . Pray God’s Kingdom will come in Sudan on earth as it is in Heaven. AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Widespread fraud was found in the August 2009 presidential election. Many votes were discredited and a second round run-off election was scheduled between current President Hamid Karzai and runner-up, Abdullah Abdullah. Expecting more rigging, Abdulllah withdrew from the election and Karzai was declared the winner by the Afghan election commission. Pray for the Lord to expose any corruption present in Afghanistan and bring to justice those involved in trying to manipulate the nation. Pray for the Lord to guide this struggling country and raise up the officials of His choosing. Pray for the government to cooperate with international efforts to rid the land of terrorists and insurgents. Pray for the Lord to give military and political leaders wisdom, strategies, and discernment in defeating those who are opposed to life and freedom. Pray for this tumultuous time to be used to draw the Afghan people into relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Like most nations, Kuwait was impacted by the global financial crisis. The economy experienced a “downturn” and while it is beginning to recover, it continues to face serious challenges. According to the International Monetary Fund, Kuwait is currently experiencing “negative income growth.” Pray for this crisis to turn the attention of Kuwaitis to the subjects of prosperity, blessing, and eternal life. Pray for the Lord to reveal to them His role in providing for them and He allowed them to have the resources and lifestyles they have grown accustomed to. Pray for these difficult financial times to be used to break the power of materialism, greed, and self-sufficiency, allowing the people of Kuwait to see and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- As part of its effort to fight terrorism, the government of Bangladesh has banned Hizb-ut Tahrir from the nation. This Islamic organization was deemed to be a “threat to peaceful life,” by authorities. Hizb-ut Tahrir has been active in the country for the past eight years, especially on college campuses. Twelve possible terrorist organizations are being monitored by the government and four have already been banished. Pray for the government of Bangladesh to continue its strong stand against terrorism. Pray for the protection of the people as some of these terrorist groups launch revenge attacks. Pray for every militant organization in Bangladesh, including Hizb-ut Tahrir, to truly be ©2009 Window International Network

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disbanded both physically and spiritually from this already oppressed nation. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in Bangladesh, quickly restoring peace and order, as well as providing for every need of those in poverty according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.. Pray for the Lord to bring a great awakening in this land – opening eyes that have been blinded by the enemy and leading multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- During the summer of 2009, as Japan struggled to recover from the troubling global economic crisis, Believers in this nation were celebrating l50 years of Protestant Missions. Instead of panic, as some in the financial world were experiencing, these Christians were prayerfully seeking more effective ways to reach out to Japanese society. “…We will live in the words of the Bible,” they told the Lord, “and accomplish our task of evangelism.” Pray for this very secular, technology-rich nation to be powerfully impacted by the witness of those who have abandoned themselves to the Lord and His Kingdom Purpose. Pray for an unprecedented harvest of souls as the Gospel goes forth in every level of Japanese society. Pray for the bondage that may come with physical prosperity and financial worry to be cast down by the liberating Truth of Jesus Christ. He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, visited Guinea-Bissau in October 2009 and was “cautiously optimistic” that democracy was making progress in the nation. Guinea-Bissau is one of the world’s poorest countries and in 2009 saw the assassination of both the president (Joao Bernardo Vieira) and one of the candidates in the election to replace him. Pray for the Lord to bring true democracy and political freedom to this nation ,and the Kingdom of God in great power. Pray for the Lord to establish lasting peace in the hearts of the leaders and the residents. Pray for the government to serve the people with urgency, seeking ways to help them permanently out of poverty. Pray for Guinea-Bissau to be cleansed of corruption and violence as Jesus Christ is exalted and the Gospel is spread throughout the land. Pray for every level of society to hear the Good News and for multitudes to be drawn to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- While the rest of the world has been struggling through a recession, Bhutan has experienced the fastest GDP (gross domestic product) growth rate. A recent article in the Economic Times reported that in the l980s, the nation was “much poorer than India.” Today, Bhutan is “almost twice as rich as India.” Pray for this newfound wealth and prosperity to be used by the Lord to turn the eyes and hearts of the Bhutanese towards the Lord our Creator. Pray for the people to find their peace and joy in Jesus Christ rather than temporal possessions and economic activity. Pray for the Lord to open the door to this hidden, mostly-unreached nation and send “more laborers” to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to penetrate Bhutan and bring a great

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transformation that will be a witness to other nations in the 10/40 Window. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- According to a survey, the global financial crisis has had little effect on the desire of the world’s poor to migrate in hopes of finding better jobs and living conditions. The survey found that 700 million adults (16% of the world’s adult population) “would move permanently to another country if they had the opportunity.” One of the most popular destinations of choice was Saudi Arabia. This is because of the nation’s vast oil and gas reserves and high standard of living. Pray for the Lord to remove the blinding veil of Islam from the eyes of the people of Saudi Arabia and enable them to see and appreciate the physical and spiritual blessings He has given them. Pray for Jesus Christ to be proclaimed throughout this nation, to be glorified as God’s only Son, and to be received with gladness by those who have for so long been under bondage to a false religious system. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power to Saudi Arabia, destroying the dense canopy of darkness and shining the bright and liberating Light of Jesus Christ throughout the Middle East. Pray for Believers to remain strong as they face persecution and for leaders, police, and those who desire to do them harm to see the Lord in their actions and words. Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- Several observers fear Guinea is “slipping into dictatorship.” These concerns grew after the cold-blooded murder of 157 people in September 2009. Troops reportedly opened fire on demonstrators who were reacting to a rumor that junta leader Capt. Camara might run for president in the January election. According to human rights organizations, military forces not only shot, but beat and bayoneted protesters and raped dozens of women in broad daylight. It is believed that the attack was “premeditated and pre-planned at the highest level.” Pray for the criminals who authorized this heinous attack to be brought to justice. Pray for the Lord to swiftly clean house in Guinea, removing corruption and every corrupt leader, and replacing them with men and women of integrity. Pray for the survivors of this assault to experience the healing touch of the Lord. Pray for the soldiers who participated in the murders and rapes to be prosecuted and imprisoned. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea as it is in Heaven – replacing hatred, bloodshed, and rage with righteousness, peace and joy. Pray for the Lord to use that terrible event as a catalyst for a great outpouring of His Holy Spirit and for multitudes to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The nation of Thailand is facing a leadership crisis. With 81-year-old King Bhumibol Adulyadej now hospitalized, many are wondering who will guide the country forward – and where Thailand is going. King Adulyadej has ruled for 63 years, but with his life coming to an end, protesters are taking to the streets to support their candidates. The urban population (largely “yellow shirts”) favors conservatives while the rural (“red shirts”) are promoting former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Pray for Thailand to be guided not by the fickle whims of voters, but by the sovereign hand of the Lord Almighty. Pray for the Lord to raise up and set in place the leaders He desires in order to bring His Kingdom to Thailand in its fullness. Pray for the Gospel to be preached freely throughout this ©2009 Window International Network

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nation and for the multitudes to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA- Ecowas, a West African trading bloc, warned Niger President Mamadou Tandja that if he did not delay parliamentary elections, the nation would face “full sanctions.” President Tandja, who has been desperately trying to maintain power, going so far as to dissolve the parliament and constitution, ignored this warning. As a result, Niger has been suspended from doing business with Ecowas. President Tandja has served five terms and is due to leave office in December 2009. Pray for the Lord to bring an end to the ruthlessness and corruption rampant in the Niger government. Pray for the people to be protected from the power-hungry leadership and not be made to suffer because of the mistakes the government is making. Pray for the rich, natural resources of this nation to become a blessing to those in poverty, rather than a curse. Pray for the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of man, to rule and reign in Niger. Pray for the residents, especially unreached people groups, to hear and respond to the Gospel, receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- While all of the former Soviet republics have experienced recession in the aftermath of the global economic downturn, Kyrgyzstan has one of the highest industrial decline rates. Along with Ukraine and Maldova, Kyrgyzstan ranks in the top five among Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in terms of decline. The nation was listed at 120 (out of 182) on the U.N. Human Poverty Index and may well fall lower as the recession continues. Pray for the Lord to bring relief to this ailing nation. Pray for economic and spiritual recovery. Pray for the Lord to provide the people with hope, as well as nutritious food, shelter, jobs, and a hopeful future. Pray for the Church in Kyrgyzstan to take the lead in ministering to those who are suffering because of poverty. Pray for the Lord to release His Resources in and through this nation to bless all of the CIS. Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted and received by the Kyrgyz people. Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- Political quakes (more protests and violence) as well as physical quakes (a 4.9 earthquake in November 2009) are rocking Iran. These come as leaders in Iran continue to refuse international offers to assist them in developing nuclear power rather than nuclear bombs. Production at the nation’s uranium mine has been accelerated, causing some to believe the government is preparing to build “weapons of mass destruction.” Pray for the Lord to arise, rend the heavens, and visit this nation in power. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a great wave of revival and an awakening to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Iranian leadership to be transformed by dreams and visions of the Living Savior. Pray for protection for Christian Believers and for the Lord to empower them to witness boldly to their Muslim neighbors. Pray for this crucial time in Iranian politics to become an open door for the Kingdom of God to come in power to Iran.

refugees has flooded Burkina Faso, taking up residence in primitive camps. According to a missionary working in the area, many of the Tuareg are arriving with nothing but the clothes on their backs and very little aid has been reaching them. Pray for the Lord to remember the Tuareg – a people created in His Image. Pray for the Lord to provide them with clean water, shelter, clothing, nutritious food, and opportunities to make a new home in Burkina Faso. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to be allowed access to the Tuareg and have the opportunity to minister to both their physical and spiritual needs. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to the Tuareg and for entire families, clans, and camps to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- A Western nation has provided Mali with millions of dollars worth of military equipment to assist them in the fight against terrorist groups affiliated with al-Qaeda. These organizations, especially al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, have been increasingly active in the region. The government of Mali has reportedly taken a “firm stance” against these extremists and “wants to be as effective as possible in combating that problem.” President Amadou Toumani Toure has vowed to wage “total war” against these groups. Praise the Lord for the response of the Mali government to these threats to security. Pray for the military and political strategies to be effective, disbanding al-Qaeda and all other murderous organizations in the region. Pray for continued cooperation between governments and for the safety of the people of Mali. Pray for members of terrorist groups to see the futility and evil of their actions and to repent. Pray for them the turn away from violence and turn towards the Prince of Peace, accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the people of Mali to see the Hand of the Lord protecting them and respond by surrendering their lives to the Lordship of Christ. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- The government of Azerbaijan reacted negatively to news that Turkey and Armenia were signing a peace accord (October 2009), claiming this will “destabilize” the region. It is estimated that more than a million Azerbaijani and Armenian people have been displaced in the dispute over the Nagorno-Karabakh region that began in 1988. Although a ceasefire was enacted in 1994, the region continues to be involved in a “frozen conflict.” Until Armenia withdraws from the area, Azerbaijani officials say, there can be no peaceful relationship between the nations. Pray for the Lord to provide a solution to this difficult situation that will satisfy both sides. Pray for Azerbaijani leaders to be forgiving and seek peace for their nation, as well as their neighbors. Pray for the Lord to give officials humility and patience in working through these issues. Pray for healing and reconciliation between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Pray for a softening of hearts and a changing of laws in Azerbaijan that will result in total freedom of worship. Pray for the Lord to protect and strengthen Believers as they face persecution. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout this nation and for multitudes to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord.

BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- The Tuareg are one of the unreached Muslim people groups living in the north of Burkina Faso. Most of the Tuareg are originally from Mali but fled to this region in the l980s after they staged a rebellion. Recently a new wave of these

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Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- The wife of Benin Senator Francis Okpozo was kidnapped by gunmen in November 2009. Anna Okpozo is a pastor with Christ Embassy Church and was

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reportedly abducted just after praying with her sons in her own home. Her husband, “an outspoken politician,” was traveling at the time. He later received a call demanding a ransom in exchange for her release. Mrs. Okpozo’s kidnapping was the second assault on a politician in Benin in less than a month. Pray for the Lord to bring His peace to this troubled nation. Pray for the protection of those in leadership, as well as their families. Pray for the safe and immediate return of Anna Okpozo and for Believers in Benin to rise to this occasion by devoting themselves to prayer for the Kingdom of God to come in power to their country. Pray for this to be an opportunity for Christians to share the love and Truth of Jesus Christ with their friends and neighbors. Pray for multitudes to hear the Gospel and respond by receiving Christ as their Savior and Lord. INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The most populous Muslim nation in the world is debating the role Islam should play in its future. Other nations – especially those in the West – are watching to see whether an extreme or conservative type of Islam will rise to lead Indonesia. With a population of 240 million, Indonesia is home to “many more Muslims than Egypt, Syria, Jordan and all the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf combined.” Pray for the Lord to guide and direct the future of Indonesia. Pray for His Kingdom to come in Indonesia rather than the kingdom of Islam. Pray for His will to be done rather than the will of imams. Pray for the veil to be removed from the eyes of the Muslim people of Indonesia and for them to be set free from the oppression of this false religious system by the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed on every island in this nation and for the residents to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for Believers to be bold witnesses, empowered by the Holy Spirit to stand firm as they face persecution. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in Indonesia. Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The nation of Laos is preparing to host the Southeast Asia Games (SEA Games) for the first time in the 50year history of this event. Athletes from eleven nations in the region will compete in more than 40 sports. The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party “sees the games as a boost to the regime’s prestige….” It is being heralded as not just a sporting event, but “probably the biggest state extravaganza in the country’s history” since its independence from France in l949. Pray for these games to be an opportunity for the Gospel to be proclaimed in Laos. Pray for Christian athletes to be bold in sharing Christ with competitors from nations throughout South Asia. Pray for the Laotian government and people of Laos to have their eyes opened to the Lord’s free gift of salvation. Pray for the Lord to release a True revolution in Laos that will topple false gods and religion and bring multitudes into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- As the United Nations continues to work on a fifth round of talks between the Polisario Front and the government of Morocco, one European government may be preparing to recognize Western Sahara as an autonomous nation. Another Western power has said they support “autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty.” Pray for the Lord to work mightily in this ongoing dispute. Pray for His plans and purposes for Western Sahara and its unique and precious people to be fulfilled. Pray for the Gospel to reach every region of Western Sahara and be preached to every people group. Pray for multitudes to hear and respond to this Message, surrendering their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Pray for the

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people of Western Sahara to find their identity not in governments or border lines, but in the Lord who created Heaven and earth. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- Believers in Egypt are calling for urgent prayer regarding a sudden surge in persecution. In recent weeks, three churches were burned down, and businesses and cars belonging to Christians have been destroyed. Believers are under a curfew and have been “advised not to go out for their own safety as they may be killed.” Those living in Upper Egypt near Assuit are asking for prayer for their nation – which already ranks 21st on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Egypt wisdom in dealing with this violence. Pray for them to act quickly to protect our Brothers and Sisters. Pray for Christians to find favor in the eyes of the police and other security forces. Pray for Believers to be bold and faithful in witnessing for Jesus Christ and for the hearts of leaders to be moved by their example. Pray for justice and swift prosecution of those who are committing these crimes. Pray for peace to rule the hearts of Christians throughout Egypt and for the Lord to be their hope and strength. Pray for the Lord to provide for those who have lost property and open new places for worship, even house churches, to those whose churches have been burned. Pray for the Lord to turn the “Sauls” who are so intent upon harming the Body of Christ, into “Pauls” who will herald the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power to Egypt. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The government of Uzbekistan is zealously attempting to stamp out Christianity in this nation. Requests to register churches (required by law) are being denied. Homes are being raided and searched, Bibles and any other Christian materials found are being confiscated and destroyed. Those households found with more than one Bible are penalized with a fine that most cannot afford to pay. “On multiple occasions,” one source writes, “during the dismissal of church services, Christians were severely battered, including women and children.” Pray for this abuse to end immediately. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in the government of Uzbekistan, transforming lives and leading the men and women who are behind this persecution into personal relationships with Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers to be protected and provided for. Pray for the Lord to empower them to rejoice as they face persecution and bring Him glory with their words and actions. Pray for the Gospel to be made known at every level and in every region throughout this nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established and for an abundance of fruit to be harvested as a multitude of souls come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- In November 2009, Maoist protesters marched through the streets chanting “down with the puppet government.” They disrupted work and traffic in all 75 districts as they demanded that the recently reinstated chief of the Army, Rukmangad Katawal, be removed. Part of their demonstration involved blocking the Parliament building. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the growing threat of insurrection. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Nepal wisdom in dealing with the demands of the Maoists. Pray for the Lord to remove the ©2009 Window International Network

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(Nepal continued) veil of darkness and blindness from the eyes of the Maoists to see their philosophy can never bring lasting peace or satisfaction – these can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Father to use this time of instability to brush aside the false gods and doctrines of men and reveal the forgiveness available through His only Son. Pray for this to be the time of God’s favor and the Day of Salvation for the nation and people of Nepal. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULA- A United Arab Emirates court sentenced a foreign terrorist to 18 months in prison for “funding and supporting terrorism” against Israel and Iraq. The man was also guilty of being affiliated with Ansar alSunna, an Iraqi extremist group. Thank the Lord for the capture and prosecution of this terrorist. Pray for the Lord to continue making the government of UAE aware of the activities of organizations actively attempting to inflict fear and destroy life. Pray for the heart of this terrorist and his colleagues to be transformed by a personal encounter with the Living Christ. Pray for the people of this Muslim nation to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for a permanent tearing down of the stronghold of Islam. Pray for the protection of Believers and for the Holy Spirit to give them strength and boldness as they share their faith in this hostile environment. Pray for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to be made known throughout UAE and for the citizens to receive Him as their Savior and Lord. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- Hundreds of journalists staged a demonstration in front of Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha’s office in November 2009 to protest harassment by the government. Days earlier, a newspaper editor had reportedly been beaten unconscious. Pray for freedom of speech to be preserved in this nation. Pray for the Lord to move in ministering peace. Pray for the Lord to give Prime Minister Berisha wisdom in dealing with this dispute and the growing unrest. Pray for the people of Albania to become dissatisfied with political answers to the problems in their lives and begin to seek and receive help from the Lord. Pray for the Gospel to reach them and for their ears and eyes to be open to the Truth.Pray the newspaper editor that was beaten will be quickly healed. Pray for the Kingdom

of God to be established in Albania and for multitudes to come to the saving faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- There is fruit of souls being harvested in Morocco. Despite being an Islamic nation that has long resisted the Gospel (Morocco ranks 40th on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009), The Kingdom work is taking place and souls are being harvested here. One organization reports new Believers being added, discipleship taking place, and an increase in “seekers.” The Lord is moving in cities, growing the Body of Christ, and creating a “spiritual openness in the region.” Praise the Lord for His goodness and ability to fulfill His plans and purposes even in “hard” nations. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue moving powerfully throughout Morocco, drawing and enabling multitudes to come to Jesus Christ and receive Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Light of the Kingdom of God to pierce the darkness that has prevailed in this land. Pray for an awakening to the Truth, Life, and Salvation of Christ. Day 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- After 155 people were killed in terrorist bombings in October 2009, the government of Iraq arrested scores of military and security personnel. An investigation will seek to find if the members of these forces were involved in the events or failed to stop them. The suicide attacks reportedly caused “a wave of public anger.” Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Iraq wisdom in dealing with insurgents and terrorists. Pray for members of al-Qaeda and other organizations to be ineffective in this nation and find no support among the people. Pray for peace to be restored in this war-weary land and for the Prince of Peace to be made known to and received by the Muslim population. Pray for protection of Christian Believers who are facing daily threats of violence and vicious persecution. Pray for the Lord to enable them to forgive their abusers, be kind to them, pray for them, and witness to them about the love of Jesus. Pray for a deep healing work of the Holy Spirit in Iraq. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established here in power and glory. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- The United Nations is now considering an investigation into alleged abuses carried out by the government against the people of Sri Lanka. In response, Sri Lankan leaders have proposed a committee to examine “laws-of-war” violations committed by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (a separatist group that waged war against the government for twenty-five years). Human rights groups claim this is a “smokescreen inquiry to avoid

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accountability.” Pray for the truth to be exposed in Sri Lanka. Pray for an immediate end to corruption and manipulation on the part of the government. Pray for the Lord to provide nutritious food, clothing, clean water, shelter, and the hope of a better future to the victims of the conflict who are still struggling to survive in refugee camps. Pray for the growing Church in Sri Lanka to become healthy and strong in the Lord and for many souls to be added daily to the Kingdom of God. Pray for their protection as they face persecution from both Hindus and Buddhists. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Sri Lanka as it is in Heaven. Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- In November 2009, Israeli commandos seized a ship near Cyprus that was loaded with missiles, anti-tank weapons and mortars. Disguised as a mercy ship, the vessel is believed to have been sent from Iran to supply the terrorist group Hezbollah in its ongoing battle to annihilate Israel. The ship was carrying an estimated 500 tons of weapons. Praise the Lord for His goodness and power and that He revealed these weapons. Praise Him for protecting His people Israel – watching over every border and covering the nation in the shadow of His Wings. Pray for His continued watch care over Israel, for angels to be dispatched to war on behalf of this country, and for the people to recognize God’s hand at work on their behalf. Pray for a great awakening in Israel and for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated throughout the land. Pray for many, many Israelis to have their spiritual eyes and ears opened to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes to come to know Him as Savior and Lord. TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Amnesty was granted to 10,000 prisoners in Tajikistan in November 2009. It was the 12th time prisoners had been given amnesty since the nation gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The event marked the 15th anniversary of the creation of Tajikistan’s constitution. Pray for the people of Tajikistan to have the opportunity to hear and receive the Good News that the Father has granted not only amnesty, but justification to all those who will accept His Son, Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for the hearts of those in leadership to be soft and open to the Gospel. Pray for the Lord to work in the lives of the prisoners who have been released. Pray for the Lord to be present with Tajik Believers as they serve Him in a hostile environment (Tajikistan is ranked 34th in the world among the worst persecutors of Christians). Pray for Christians to be strong and courageous, ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of the people around them. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this former Soviet republic that will result in untold millions coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- The Chinese government continues to prove that their ranking at 12th on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 is not only accurate, but perhaps an underestimation of their ongoing efforts to eradicate Christianity from their nation. Among the many recent examples of their abuse of Believers is the case of a group of pastors and leaders who were arrested without warning and detained without charges. One of them, Pastor Yang Rongli was transferred to a high security prison where she is feared to be “in great danger.” A trial was suddenly announced on November 2, 2009, giving the

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families little time to find representation. Observers believe the speedy trial is just for show and a verdict has already been reached. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in China who are standing strong as they encounter daily resistance to their faith. Pray for the Lord to be with them, comforting them, refreshing them, and sustaining them in underground services and in prison. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue moving powerfully, drawing more and more Chinese into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to soften and change the hearts of leaders, bringing godly sorrow that will lead to repentance and salvation. Pray for total religious freedom in China. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- As Somali pirates continue to wreak havoc off the coast of the Horn of Africa, some have begun turning their attention toward the skies. In November 2009, gunmen attempted to hijack an airplane heading from Somalia to Djibouti. Apparently, they were trying to kidnap two German journalists. Their plan failed, but the attempt follows the kidnapping of several journalists, causing many to believe the pirates are expanding their territory into Djibouti and Ethiopia. Pray for the Lord to protect Djibouti. Pray for the immediate disruption and disbanding of any terrorist groups or pirates who are planning to use it as a training ground, headquarters, or a launch site for violent activities. Pray for the Djiboutian government to remain vigilant in fighting against these evil men and their desire to kill, maim and destroy. Pray for those operating off the coast of Djibouti to be captured and prosecuted. Pray for Believers who are caught in the lawlessness that is spilling across the border from Somalia to be protected. Pray for them to preach and demonstrate the love of the Lord and for the Kingdom of God to advance in Djibouti. Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- As of this writing, it has been more than twenty weeks since the abduction of a group of Believers in Yemen. No new developments have been reported and a call for prayer and fasting has been issued. This special call to prayer seeks to gain concrete information on the status of the hostages within the next 40 days. Pray for intercessors to be given wisdom and insight on how to pray. Ask the Lord to give Yemeni authorities supernatural discernment regarding the whereabouts of the Christian Believers who have been kidnapped and all of the resources needed to rescue them. Pray for the hostages to be kept safe and strong by the presence of the Lord. Pray for the Lord to comfort the families and remind them of His faithfulness and power. Pray for the kidnappers – whether members of a terrorist group or simply criminals – to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of the evil they are committing and to immediately release these Brothers and Sisters. Pray for many Christians to join in this campaign and for the event to draw the attention of the people of Yemen and the international community. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be firmly established in this Islamic land and for multitudes of Muslims to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Just weeks after Typhoon Ketsana assaulted Vietnam, killing hundreds, Tropical Storm Mirinae brought even more devastation. At least 23 people were killed and more than l50 homes destroyed. Many farms were also damaged, dozen of fishing boats ruined, and disaster officials expect the death toll to rise. Pray for the Lord to bring relief to Vietnam – and the other nations, like the Philippines – in the aftermath of this powerful series of storms. Pray for aid to reach victims quickly and supply needed shelter, clothing, clean water, medicine, and nutritious food. Pray for ©2009 Window International Network

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(Vietnam continued) Christian humanitarian groups to rise to the occasion and be provided with the resources to care for those who have lost loved ones and property. Pray for these horrific events to remind people in Vietnam that life is precious and uncertain without Christ. Pray Father God will use even tragedy to reveal His Love and mercy in sending His only Son, Jesus Christ to provide a way to live for eternity with Him in heaven. Pray for the people of Vietnam to respond to His invitation to know Him by accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- President Ma Yingjeou issued an apology for the government’s slow response time in dealing with the typhoon that recently ravaged the nation. Hundreds were killed and hundreds more trapped by debris. Military troops were sent to help with rescue efforts and organize shelter for those who had lost homes. “We could have done better and we could have been faster,” President Ying-jeou lamented. Pray for Taiwan as they recover from this deadly storm. Pray for the grieving families and for the government officials who feel partially responsible for some of the deaths. Pray for God to minister healing to this nation and for the intense suffering and need to be an opportunity for His Love to be poured out and received. Pray for many to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through this crisis. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The parliament of Bahrain recently passed a bill banning citizens from involvement with Israel. Although the Muslim nation does not have a diplomatic relationship with Israel, officials from Bahrain made a visit to Israel in July 2009. Western governments have been pressuring Arab states to “normalize” ties with Israel in an effort to bring peace in the Middle East. But the majority of the population in Bahrain is Shia Muslim and the government is ruled by Sunni Muslims, neither of which seem interested in Middle East peace. Pray for the spirit of anti-Semitism to be bound and rendered powerless in this nation. Pray for the government and people of Bahrain to be set free from the lies of Islam. Pray for their hearts to be open to the Gospel. Pray for the Holy Spirit to pour out on this nation, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 20 BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Because of its oil reserves, Brunei is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. It is also one of the most difficult to penetrate with the Gospel. Ranked number 29 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 of worst persecutors of Christians, Brunei is staunchly Muslim. “Islamic Shari’ a law in Brunei supersedes civil law and it regulates all of life,” explains the 30-Day Prayer Network. Pray for this rich nation to become rich in the things and ways of Jesus Christ. Pray for the hard shield of Islam to be shattered and for the eyes of those who have been blinded by false religion to be open to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for missionaries to find creative ways to reach the people of Brunei with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to become known and to flourish in this closed nation.

already been launched on four other occasions in 2009 – including the day before these new rockets were disarmed and confiscated. The previous attacks “sharply raised tension on the volatile Israel-Lebanon border” and Israeli officials described the situation as “grave.” Pray for the Lord to continue guiding the Lebanese military to Hezbollah hideouts and weapons. Pray for an immediate end to the Hezbollah and for members of these groups to have an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for peace between Lebanon and Israel. Pray for the Lord to protect Lebanese and Israeli civilians from these acts of violence. Pray for Believers in both nations to dwell in the shelter of the Most High and for the LORD to be their refuge and fortress. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power to Lebanon. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa al-Thani, ruler (emir) of Qatar visited Iran in November 2009 and met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Together these leaders “called for unity and solidarity” among Muslim nations. Ahmadinejad said that if Islamic countries “stay shoulder to shoulder” they will be better able to defend the Palestinians from the “Zionist regime” (Israel). Sheikh Hamad agreed, assuring the Iranian leader that Qatar would cooperate. Pray for the Lord to open Sheikh Hamad’s eyes to the lies, deceit, and anti-Semitism of President Ahmadinejad and to realize how dangerous an alliance with Iran would be. Pray for the Sheikh to encounter Jesus Christ and be among the first fruits of the harvest of souls in Qatar, leading countless people into the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Gospel to be preached in Qatar in a way that the people can hear, understand, and receive it. Pray for a multitude of Qataris to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The government of Turkmenistan is seeking a diplomatic solution to dispute with other nations regarding the rights of access and use of the Caspian Sea. “Since 1992,” one report explains, “the five Caspian littoral states – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russian, Turkmenistan, and Iran – have actively negotiated the issue….” Officials in Turkmenistan see themselves as “linked historically, culturally, and geographically” with these neighbors. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully and sovereignly in Turkmenistan, separating it from the surrounding Islamic countries, pouring out His Spirit on this nation, and using it to spread the Gospel throughout the region. Pray for the nominal Muslims to hear the Good News and give their lives to Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers to boldly declare the salvation available in Christ and have the opportunity to lead their friends, families and even entire communities into relationship with the Lord. Pray for an end to religious oppression and for the Turkmen to be allowed to worship the Lord freely, without fear of persecution. Pray for the Lord to protect our Brothers and Sisters and add daily to their numbers. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established and advance rapidly throughout Turkmenistan.

LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- In October 2009, Lebanese troops discovered and deactivated a collection of rockets that were aimed and ready to be fired at Israel. Rocket attacks by Hezbollah terrorists had

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Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- A prolonged drought has resulted in another potential famine for parts of Ethiopia. The government has requested emergency aid for 6.2 million people who are currently in danger of malnutrition and starvation. The problem, experts say, is that aid does not help communities in the long run. What

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they need are better farming methods and improved irrigation. Pray for the Lord to provide lasting solutions to the ongoing problems facing Ethiopia. Pray for immediate help – clean water and nutritious food – for those who are suffering and hungry. Pray for Christian humanitarian organizations to provide both short and long-term assistance, teaching farmers how to survive droughts and how to reap greater harvests. Pray for the Believers in Ethiopia to put their faith and trust in the Lord and be witnesses to those who are in need of a Savior. Pray for the Lord to minister healing to this nation and for the people to hear and respond to the Gospel, surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Algeria and poverty has become a significant problem. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in this Islamic nation, freeing the people from the bondage of false religion, as well as from poverty. Pray for the Light of the Lord to shine brightly in this dark land, revealing the only way to life, peace, and satisfaction: Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to protect Believers and give them many opportunities to share the love of God with their families, friends, and neighbors. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established throughout Algeria and spread rapidly across all of North Africa.

MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- Instead of fearing terrorists or military forces from other nations, the citizens of Myanmar live in fear of their own army. The Burma (Myanmar) Army has been accused of raping women and abusing residents throughout Arakan and Chin states. More than 5,000 people have been displaced by their violent rampage, and more than l00,000 villages are currently suffering from famine. Because the region is difficult to reach and because of the presence of the rogue Army, humanitarian agencies cannot provide desperately needed food and medicine to those in need. As one observer noted, the crisis, which is now in its third year, is “leading to the unraveling of the social fabric of life.” Crime has risen sharply and farmers are growing opium in a desperate attempt to generate a profit. Pray for the Lord to intervene on behalf of the people in Arakan and Chin states. Pray for the soldiers committing these travesties to be removed from duty and quickly brought to justice. Pray for Christian aid groups to be allowed access and to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of those who are suffering. Pray for the government to see this crisis and take immediate action, moving to keep their people from being abused, raped, and from dying of starvation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation in power – transforming every level of society, from the president to those farmers who have turned to the drug trade. Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted in Myanmar and for multitudes to cry out to Him and accept Him as their Savior and Lord.

LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- As an outspoken proponent for Islam, President Muammar alQadhafi is now calling on Muslim nations to develop nuclear weapons. He believes even the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip should possess these weapons. “If the Israelis have the nuclear weapons and the nuclear capabilities,” he said in a television interview in October 2009, “then it is the right of the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Saudis to have the same. …Even the Palestinians should have the same….” Pray for these war-mongering statements to have no effect in the Arab world. Pray for peace throughout the Middle East. Pray for the Lord to continue protecting His people Israel. Pray for President al-Qadhafi to have a personal, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ, repenting of his sin and accepting Christ as his Savior and Lord. Pray for the people of Libya, most of whom have never heard the Gospel, to be set free from the oppression of the al-Qadhafi regime and its obsession with Islam. Pray for a great awakening throughout this nation to the Llight and life of Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes of Libyans to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- In November 2009, police chiefs and law enforcement officials from Chad took part in a conference aimed at improving crime fighting efforts throughout central Africa. Other participants included representatives from Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The focus was to find ways to cut down on the importation of stolen vehicles, arms smuggling, drug trafficking, and cyber crime. Among the objectives were increased cooperation between governments and intensified border security. Pray for the Lord to be with these public servants, revealing new strategies for countering evil and sin, and showing them ways to keep their people and nation safe. Pray for the Lord to rid Chad of corruption, lawlessness and crime and establish the Kingdom of God with power. Pray for Christian Believers to be bold and strong in sharing their faith and for the Lord to open the eyes of the lost and awaken their hearts to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- Violence erupted in the capital city of Algiers as the residents of a shantytown began protesting, demanding the government do something about “squalid” living conditions. Demonstrators threw rocks and fire bombs at police, injuring several officers. The rate of unemployment has risen in

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MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The Malaysian government seized 10,000 Bibles in 2009, claiming they contained the word “Allah” and could upset Muslims. The majority of the population is Islamic and officials fear the use of what they consider a Muslim word in the Christian Scriptures could generate conflict. Christians in Malaysia say that “although the word Allah originated in Arabic, Malays have used it for centuries to refer generally to God….” Pray for this incident to draw attention to the One True God- Jesus Christ,.. Pray for Christians to use this dispute as an opportunity to tell curious neighbors and friends what the Bible says about the Lord and the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to protect Christian Believers and there will be total freedom of worship. Pray for members of the government to hear the Gospel and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for Muslims to be set free from the lies of their false religion and find freedom in surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ. Day 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In October 2009, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said met with President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan to discuss cooperation between the two “friendly countries.” Both nations are Islamic and both are listed on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 (Oman at number 28, Uzbekistan at number l0). Pray for total freedom of religion in each of these countries and for this meeting to result in a decrease of persecution and a new openness to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the salvation of Sultan Qaboos and President Karimov. Pray for the people of Oman to be ©2009 Window International Network

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exposed to and receive the Good News and for the bondage of Islam to be permanently broken. Pray for their immediate release from the powers of darkness, and for them to accept Christ as Savior and the Kingdom of God. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In November 2009, the staterun oil company KazMunayGas signed a “cooperation agreement” with an Italian oil and gas group to explore and extract resources from the Isatay and Shagala areas of the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan is currently the 14th largest exporter of oil and gas, but hopes to jump to number 4 in the world as early as next year. Pray for this nation, so rich in natural resources, to be reminded that the Creator of the Universe formed their land, blessed it with oil and gas, and placed them in Kazakhstan for a specific purpose: to know and worship Him. Pray for them to be thankful for the Lord’s gifts and turn their attention from physical wealth, which passes away, to eternal wealth, found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for this mostly Muslim nation to be set free from the burden of Islam and led into the freedom of salvation in Christ. Pray for the Lord to protect Believers, giving them strength, perseverance and boldness as they witness to the Truth of His love. Pray for total freedom of worship and for the Kingdom of God to come in power to Kazakhstan. Day 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- President Ben Ali’s victory in the November 2009 election has been hailed as “brilliant.” Ninety percent of the population participated and President Ben Ali was reelected with 62% of the vote. Ben Ali has been described as a loyal leader who has made judicious choices. In a recent study, Tunisia was found to be the most prosperous country in North Africa. Pray for President Ben Ali to continue leading Tunisia with integrity and to refuse to participate in, condone, or allow corruption in his administration. Pray for this “good” leader to see the goodness of the Lord and to be drawn into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for him to be the first fruits of a powerful, nation-wide revival in Tunisia. Pray for Islam to be revealed as deception – a futile, works-based religious system that does not provide salvation for its followers. Pray for the Truth and Light of the Gospel to shine brightly throughout Tunisia and for the Kingdom of God to come in power. CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- In November 2009, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia appointed the “fugitive” former prime minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra (who was deposed in a coup in 2006), as an economic adviser in the Cambodian administration. Thailand reacted by withdrawing their ambassador to Cambodia. Cambodia responded in kind. Observers say tensions between these neighboring nations are now very high – “the worst they have been in years.” Pray for the Lord to bring peace in this volatile region. Pray for hidden political agendas to be exposed and for the spirits of manipulation and control to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray for the Lord to pour His Spirit out on Cambodia and give the leaders wisdom and patience in dealing with the escalating events. Pray for the sense of unrest to be used by the Lord to turn people toward His lasting peace. Pray for multitudes of Cambodians – and Thais – to seek the Lord and find Him, accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- Although officially secular, the government of Turkey continues to lean in the direction of

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Islam. In November 2009, Turkey excluded Israel from a planned joint exercise. According to the Turkish Foreign Minister, this was in response to Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip in December 2008. Another example of Muslim influence involves the mistreatment of Christians in Turkey. At a recent trial, two Believers were accused of “slandering Turkishness and Islam” (which many consider synonymous). “It’s a scandal,” one attorney said. “It was a plot, a planned one….” Pray for the stronghold of Islam to be torn down in Turkey. Pray for the Lord to arise and set the captives (especially the largely unreached Turks) free from enemy bondage. Pray for leaders such as President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan to encounter and receive Jesus Christ and be used to transform this Muslim nation into a Christian nation that advances the Kingdom of God throughout Central Asia and the Middle East. Pray for Christian Believers to stand firm in the Faith and be bold witnesses of Christ’s love. Pray for the Lord to protect them and to bring absolute freedom of worship in Turkey. Pray for multitudes to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- North Korea’s record on human rights has been described by the United Nations as “abysmal” (appalling or extremely bad). In October 2009, a UN envoy noted that the nation is not poor, but causes its people to suffer with its “military first” policy that places priority on the creation of weapons and the funding of armed forces. Approximately one-third of North Korea’s nearly 23 million people “go hungry needlessly.” The nation is also ranked 2nd on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians. Hundreds of thousands of Believers are thought to be imprisoned in North Korean labor camps. Pray for an immediate and total transformation of this nation. Pray for Kim Jong Il, his family (including his sons, who are possible successors), and his administration to hear and respond positively to the Gospel. Pray for them to repent and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. Pray for a great turning of this nation from Communism, control, and oppression, to righteousness, peace, and joy as the Kingdom of God comes in great power and glory. Pray for Believers to be strengthened and comforted as they face severe persecution. Pray for the Lord Himself to be with them and keep them from loneliness, despair and depression. Pray for their faithful testimony to shine brightly in the darkness of prison cells, and they would lead the jailors to the Lord. Pray for a spiritual awakening in North Korea in which a great harvest of souls comes to embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- The terrorist group, al-Shabaab (“the youth”) is not only murdering the residents of Somalia at will, but actively brainwashing and enlisting young people to join in the mayhem. In the town of Merca in October 2009, hundreds were forced to watch the execution of two people accused of spying. Schools were closed for the event so that children could be present. In the town of Kismayo, young men were given a quiz about Islam. Prizes for passing the test included AK-47 rifles, grenades, and anti-tank weapons. Al-Shabaab representatives are reportedly encouraging parents to “teach their children to handle weapons at an early age.” Pray for this demonic organization to be thrown into confusion and disbanded immediately. Pray for an end to their murderous rampage. ©2009 Window International Network

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Pray for the freedom of those who are currently members. Pray for the Lord to influence the children of Somalia, giving them a desire to serve the Prince of Peace rather than serve the prince of darkness. Pray for the kingdom of the enemy to be permanently defeated in Somalia. Pray for the spirits of lawlessness, chaos, disorder, murder, and pride to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray for the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this hurting land, healing and comforting those who have suffered in the decades-long violence. Pray for Believers to courageously continue proclaiming the Good News and sharing their faith – even at the risk of losing their lives. Pray for the Lord to protect and guard them and for the testimony of the martyrs to turn the hearts of murderers and non believers toward Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Somalia as in Heaven. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The Pakistani military is engaged in a fierce battle against Taliban forces in the South Waziristan region of the nation. Because of the extremely rugged terrain and the fact that the Taliban (as well as al-Qaeda forces) are believed to be headquartered there, some western military advisers have called it “the most dangerous place on earth.” In November 2009, Pakistani forces captured the town of Ladha – a Taliban stronghold considered to be quite strategic. Their current campaign against the Taliban is called the “Path of Salvation.” Pray for the success of the Pakistani military advance. Pray for an immediate end to the Taliban and all those who support these evil forces. Pray for al-Qaeda and other terrorist elements to be flushed from hiding and to be swiftly defeated. Pray for Pakistan to no longer be a safe place for them to hide, plot, and train. Pray for the veil to be lifted from the eyes of the Pakistani people so that they can see the true path of salvation: Jesus Christ. Pray for the Prince of Peace to rule and reign in Pakistan, restoring peace and hope, as the Kingdom of God comes in great power. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- In an answer to prayer, the main rebel group in Nigeria announced an “indefinite ceasefire” in October 2009. The group, who call themselves the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), “claim to be fighting to help local people benefit from the region’s oil wealth, but they fund their activities with oil theft, extortion and kidnapping.” When the government offered amnesty in return for handing over weapons, MEND members complied and gave up grenades, guns, and explosives. MEND also agreed to a new ceasefire and says the government’s “readiness to engage” in talks is encouraging. Praise the Lord for these developments. Pray for the peace process to move forward and not be abandoned by either side. Pray for a lasting solution to the fighting and violence. Pray for the government to repent of and stop corruption, and for rebels to repent of and stop killing. Pray for the protection of Christian Believers in Nigeria, especially in the Muslim north where shari’a law is now in effect . Pray for their witness to draw many Muslims into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord’s purposes and plans to be fulfilled in Nigeria and for His Kingdom and His Will to be done in every area of this nation. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- In October 2009, the Cabinet of Maldives met underwater to punctuate the threat climate changes poses to their nation. President Mohammed Nasheed and 11 of his ministers put on scuba diving gear and held a meeting six meters below the surface of the Indian Ocean, illustrating the fact that their nation might soon be submerged by water if immediate actions are not taken to deal with global warming. Pray for the Lord to preserve

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this nation – wherever and however He desires. Pray for President Nasheed and the government of Maldives to be just as serious about seeking the Lord as they are about saving their country. Pray for them to have their eyes opened to see that salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers in this hard, Muslim nation to be bold and to witness without fear to their families, neighbors, and friends. Pray for the Lord to provide new and inventive ways of reaching the people of Maldives with the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in Maldives and for those enslaved by Islam to be set free forever and to know and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- Prince El Hassan bin Talal and other dignitaries in Jordan are appealing to Middle Eastern nations to seek long-term peace in the region. In November 2009, Prince Hassan stated that he believes the “hatred industry” can be broken by observing what the Bible says in Matthew 7:12 (“…Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them….”). He called the current atmosphere in the Middle East a “human dignity deficit” and warned that by allowing it to continue, “we are actually hothousing, as we speak, with our ineffectual politics, the hatred that we claim we fear….” Pray for these warnings to be heeded by the nations of the Middle East. Pray for the Lord to continue to use Jordan as a voice of tolerance and peace. Pray for the Lord to speak to and through the people of Jordan, reminding them of the One who spoke about treating others with the love and respect we hope to receive. Pray for the leaders of Jordan to stand by Israel and not give in to the lies of the enemy or attempts by terrorist groups to cause war and destruction. Pray for the Kingdom of God to grow and sweep through Jordan, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- Nearly 30% of childhood deaths in Senegal are related to malaria. In response to this sobering statistic, the Global Program on Malaria is launching what it calls NetWorks – a program to distribute “long-lasting, insecticide-treated bed nets.” The program will also involve increasing public awareness about the threat and causes of malaria. Representatives working with NetWorks expect to protect a million people in Senegal in the course of the next year. Thank the Lord for this simple, yet effective strategy for combating a deadly disease. Pray for the success of this program and for funds to be provided so that it can expand to other nations in West Africa (malaria kills up to 3 million people annually, most in Africa and most under the age of five). Pray for the Lord to continue giving scientists and doctors creative ideas for fighting this and other sicknesses. Pray for children throughout Senegal to be protected from malaria. Pray for Christian organizations to assist in distributing nets and to have opportunities to share the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Senegal to be drawn to Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- Most of the world is unaware of the drought and famine currently affecting Eritrea. This is because independent reporting is against the law in this nation and the government is considered “the world’s worst violator of press freedom.” President Afworki and his oppressive regime are also one of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians (this small nation is ranked 9th in the world by Open Doors). As the chairman of Eritrean Global Solidarity recently noted, “Present day Eritrea is starving for all sorts of things. Shortage of justice and rule of law is the obvious one.” Pray for President Afworki and his ©2009 Window International Network

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(Eritrea continued) administration to encounter Jesus Christ, repent, and surrender their lives to Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for humanitarian agencies to be allowed to provide aid for those in Eritrea who are starving and in urgent need of aid.. Pray for the crisis to be made known despite President Afworki’s attempts to keep the problems in his nation secret. Pray for Believers who are suffering greatly – being arrested, tortured, an imprisoned in horrible conditions – for their faith. Pray for the Lord to sustain them and give them hope. Pray for an immediate end to this persecution. Pray for this starving nation to hunger for and receive the Gospel and pray the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in this land. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- Tensions are running high again over Tibet. China claims it as an autonomous region and has stated that the Chinese and Tibetan people are “peacefully co-exiting.” However, in November 2009, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, accused the Chinese government of lying about the situation. The Tibetan people rose up against the Chinese as recently as March 2009, resulting in violence and the execution of two Tibetans. Pray for the Lord to intervene in this conflict. Pray for an end to Chinese oppression in Tibet, as well as an end to the oppression of Tibetan Buddhism. Pray for the Dalai Lama to encounter Jesus Christ and surrender to Him as Savior and Lord, and after he does, he will lead the multitudes into accepting Christ as Savior.. Pray for him to use his influence to lead Tibetans out of the deception of Buddhism and toward the liberating Light of Jesus Christ. Pray for a sweeping awakening to the Gospel of the Good News in Tibet, a toppling of idols and gods, and for the Kingdom of God to come in great power. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- Just days after Israel intercepted an Iranian ship delivering tons of weapons to the Syrian terrorist group, Hezbollah, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated publicly that “conditions in the region are changing in favor of Iran and Syria.” In a television interview, Ahmadinejad said that Syria and Iran “should coordinate for taking big decisions” – especially against “aggressive” western powers. The Syrian Foreign Minister agreed, adding that “relations between Iran and Syria are so strong that no country could damage them.” According to a recent report, Iran is “carrying out a large number of economic projects in Syria.” Pray for this evil alliance to be broken. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel from the violent, destructive schemes of Syria, Iran, the Hezbollah and Hamas. Pray for the financial support for these terrorist groups and governments to dry up immediately and for members to be left without a means of carrying out their wickedness. Pray for the people of Syria to see the deceitful and malicious actions being carried out by their leaders and turn away from sin and toward the salvation found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers to continue standing firm, sharing the love of God in this Muslim nation. Pray for a great awakening of souls and for multitudes to be led out of Islam and accept the Truth of Jesus Christ, accepting Him as their Savior and Lord. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- A new movie tells the story of a family who journeys to Mongolia in the hope of finding a shaman who can cure their son of autism. Unfortunately, seeking out the supernatural powers of shamans continues to be more than just a dramatic tale in Mongolia. Many people in this region of the world continue to believe that men can function as go-betweens, mediating between the “spirit world” and the “physical world.” They are thought to possess great powers and their “healing” rituals usually involve allowing spirits (ongots) to enter their body and take possession of them. This demonic practice is used to exert control not only over the shamans, but over the people they pretend to help. Pray for Mongolians to be set free from the bondage of this false religious system. Pray for the love of Jesus Christ to drive out all fear and for His Power and Glory to be

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displayed from one end of the nation to the other. Pray for those who are possessed by evil spirits to be delivered and come into a permanent relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come with great signs and wonders to Mongolia. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Many of the residents of East Timor who lived through the occupation by Indonesia and the outbreak of violence that led to East Timor’s independence (l999) are crying out for justice. As one human rights group reports, “Many perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity between 1975 and 1999 have still not been brought to trial.” The United Nations is considering setting up an international criminal tribunal. The lack of accountability, some of the survivors say, has “weakened the rule of law in both [East Timor and Indonesia]”. Pray for justice to be done in this nation. Pray for healing and for survivors to forgive those who raped, kidnapped, arrested, and killed their family members and friends. Pray for those who committed these terrible crimes and those responsible for sanctioning them will be quickly brought to justice. Pray for peace in this nation and for reconciliation with Indonesia. . Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established here and for residents to seek and find Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by the multitudes. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- Gambian President Yahya Jammeh recently threatened to kill representatives planning to attend the African National Human Rights Institutions conference held in the capital of Banjul. The Gambia’s human rights record has been described as “dismal” and some human rights groups are concerned that holding the conference in Banjul might appear to be an endorsement of the Jammeh government. Restricting the press, intimidating and harassing opposition, and even torture are among the crimes the Gambian government has been accused of. Pray for an immediate end to this behavior. Pray for corruption, violence, control, and the diabolical desire to maintain power to be broken and for the government to be cleansed of these practices. Pray for the Lord to turn President Yahya Jammeh’s heart away from oppression and toward the freedom found in Jesus Christ. Pray for this deceived leader to have his eyes opened to the Truth and to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. Pray for the people of the Gambia to be set free from the weight of this evil regime. Pray for them to seek help in the Lord. Pray for Believers to be bold in proclaiming the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in the Gambia and to flow into all of West Africa. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- In November 2009, Hamas terrorists test fired a “long-range” rocket. The weapon is reportedly “capable of reaching Tel Aviv” and is believed to have been supplied by Iran. Hamas has lobbed thousands of rockets into Israel since 2001, killing 18 people. Pray for the Lord to put an immediate end to the Hamas organization. Pray for Palestinians to see the evil acts and goals of these terrorists and refuse to support or hide them. Pray for members of Hamas to see the Light of Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel from these ongoing attacks. Pray for shipments of weapons to be stopped and disarmed before they can reach Hamas or any terrorist organization. Pray for the Lord to keep Believers in the Gaza Strip safe and give them opportunities to minister peace, love, and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to their Jewish and Muslim neighbors. Pray ©2009 Window International Network

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for the protection of Believers in the West Bank. Pray for their witness to ignite a great awakening in this region, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

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for multitudes of Palestinians to repent and receive Jesus Christ. WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- “There is a growing grass roots movement in both Gaza and the West Bank that is advocating for peace between Palestinians and Israelis. The movement is made up of Palestinians and Israelis and internationals, as well as Christians, Muslims and Jews, and hundreds of NGOs….” Praise the Lord for this surprising news. Pray for these voices to be heard and heeded by the governments involved in this ongoing conflict. Pray for leaders to see the suffering of their people and work to bring immediate relief. Pray for the Lord to provide food, shelter, medicine, clean water, and hope to those who have lost homes, jobs, and families in the violence. Pray for Christian humanitarian organizations to gain access to the West Bank and Gaza Strip in order to meet the pressing physical and spiritual needs of the people. Pray for the Lord to minister healing to those who have been traumatized by war and terrorist attacks. Pray

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Pray for the Lord to unite the staff of Window International Network to work as an efficient team, performing His work in His timing. Pray for them to be blessed with productivity and for the Holy Spirit to guide their actions and the investment of their time. Pray for the WIN staff to rest in the Lord and allow Him to release His plans and purposes through them. Pray for the Lord to show them His priorities for the 10/40 Window and for them to be open to His ways of reaching the unreached and taking the Gospel to the lost. Pray for WIN to be used mightily to mobilize prayer and evangelism in the 10/40 Window, and for Jesus Christ to receive all the glory. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance ©2009 Window International Network

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*Egyptian Christians need our prayers. Especially those who were once Muslims. When they turn away from Islam and choose to follow Jesus, they often experience persecution. Although Hymnie’s interview below is fictional, “kidnap conversions” are very real. Please pray for the safety and protection of young Egyptian Christians. Greetings, young Prayer Warriors! I want to introduce you to a Believer who is doing amazing things for God’s Kingdom in the 10/40 Window. And she doesn’t even live there! Her name is Sarah and she is finishing school in a nation outside of the 10/40 Window. When you hear her story, I think you’ll want to pray and ask Jesus how YOU can help children inside the 10/40 Window. When I visited Sarah, I got to be a reporter and ask her questions – then write them down for you to read. Here’s how our interview went: Hymnie: Sarah, I want our readers to hear about how you are serving God’s people in the 10/40 Window without actually being in the 10/40 Window. Can you tell me a little about what God has called you to? Sarah: Sure, Hymnie! I believe God has called me to be a Prayer Warrior for Egypt. I prayed and asked God what I could do to help the children of the 10/40 Window and He shared His heart for this special nation with me. Hymnie: Out of the 68 “Window” countries, why do you think He asked you to pray specifically for Egypt? Sarah: Well, for one thing, my family is

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originally from Egypt. But also many of the Christian Believers in Egypt used to be “followers of Islam” which are called Muslims. When a Muslim decides to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, other Muslims are usually very mean to them. Hymnie: What do they do? Sarah: They call them names, treat them like enemies, even beat them up, and sometimes murder them. From time to time, they kidnap new Believers – especially the girls – and try to convert them back to Islam. Hymnie: That’s terrible! Sarah: Yes, it is. And what’s even more terrible is that many of the girls who are kidnapped are forced to marry grown up Muslim men. So they are not allowed to go home again. They just… disappear. Hymnie: It’s hard to believe such awful things are happening. In nations where there is religious freedom, no one would ever think of kidnapping someone to try to convert them. Sarah: That’s true. But in Egypt and other Muslim 10/40 Window countries, it happens all too often. In fact, my cousin was kidnapped. Her name is Fatima and she’s 15-yearsold. Hymnie: What happened to her? Sarah: We don’t know. We haven’t heard from her. We hope and pray she’s safe, but… Hymnie: I’ll pray for her too. Sarah: Thank you, Hymnie. So you can see why I feel so strongly about Egypt. I want to dedicate my life to encouraging Christians in Egypt and to rallying Believers all over the world to pray for the young women in this country. When I finish school, I believe God will send me to Egypt. Hymnie: That is fantastic, Sarah! What are some of the ways you are preparing for this ministry? ©2009 Window International Network

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Sarah: I speak and read a little Arabic, but I’ve been studying hard to learn more. I also spend the Summers with my grandparents, who live in Cairo. That’s helping me better understand the culture. Hymnie: Have any of your friends joined you in this endeavor?

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Sarah: Yes, they have. We get together once a week for an “Egypt Prayer Group.” We meet and pray for the Egyptian children who are at risk of being kidnapped. After praying, we play traditional Egyptian music and make an Egyptian snack. Hymnie: That sound fun. Sarah: It is. I would encourage your readers to try something like that. Ask the Lord to lay a people group or country on their heart. Then round up some buddies and start praying for these people. You’ll be amazed at what God will do. Hymnie: What an AWESOME idea, Sarah! In fact, I think I’ll get some of my fine-feathered friends together to pray. There is nothing more exciting than watching God move in BIG ways. Young Prayer Warriors, you can do it, too! I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

very child who has been the victim of “kidnap conversions” would be returned safely to their families irls would be safe, protected, and secure as they make decisions to walk with Jesus oung people would be encouraged to carefully talk with friends about Jesus arents would allow their children to make a personal decision to become a Christian he Egyptian government will change their laws to allow religious freedom in word and actions December 2009 ©2009 Window International Network

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it with godly sorrow, repent of their sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 7:10; I Timothy 2:4) a new Iranian Revolution in which the Kingdom of God transforms this dark, oppressive nation into a lighthouse of the Lord’s love in the Middle East and Central Asia. (The Bible, Matthew 5:14) the Lord Himself to arise and protect Israel and America from any attempts by the Iranian government to harm or destroy them. (The Bible, Psalm 7:6) an immediate end to corruption and deceit in the government, and to their violent methods of attempting to control citizens. (The Bible, Psalm 64:5-7) the Lord to protect, comfort, and encourage Believes as they face threats, attacks, torture, imprisonment, and even execution. (The Bible, II Timothy 4:17,18) An immediate end to all persecution of Christians.

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✚✚ the Lord’s plans and purposes for Iran to be fulfilled – for multitudes of Iranians to have the veil removed from their eyes so that they can see and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4) ✚✚ Iran to truly become the “land of the free” as Jesus Christ leads the captives out from the prison of Islam and into the Kingdom of God. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:6-8) ✚✚ Pray Iranian government will stop the development of nuclear weapons, and that the government will no longer have the desire to annihilate any nation. ✚✚ Pray for True freedom of religion in this land where Christians will be able to worship the Lord freely without backlash or retaliation from the government or insurgent groups. Sourced: BBC News, Open Doors, Channel News Asia, Wikipedia ©2009 Window International Network

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