10/40 Window Reporter

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February 2010 Edition


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The 10/40 Window Reporter

Pastor Edward Smith Minister Beverly Pegues Dr. Dora Saforo Sister Judith Trimble Sister Audrey Beckett Dr. Myles Munroe Sister Bindu Choudhrie

Window International Network President: Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor: LaTonya J. Pegues WindowKidsTM Editor: Leah Sahhar Design/Layout: John Burton Design | www.johnburtondesign.com

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February 2010

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Contending in the Window



8 10/40 WindoWatchman


12 WindowKids™: ISRAEL



Contending in the Window


ore than 1.5 billion people in the world belong to a religion that believes every human being must submit to their god or face death. The religion is, of course, Islam (which means “submission”). It was founded in Saudi Arabia, deep in the heart of the 10/40 Window. Today, the vast majority of the nations in the 10/40 Window consider themselves Islamic. Some studies suggest that, in a matter of a few decades, the majority of the populations of England, France, Germany, and much of Europe will be Muslim. Many of the l.5 billion Muslims bow to worship Allah five times every day. Will Christians stand by and watch as these precious but deceived souls are led toward an eternity apart from Jesus Christ? Or will followers of Christ take action – bowing ourselves in prayer to the One True and Living God, and seeking

February 2010

to penetrate the darkest regions of the 10/40 Window with the Light of the Gospel of the Glory of Jesus Christ?

held captive in the 10/40 Window. Will you join us in this fight? We urgently need your partnership. Please send your online partnership investment of $10, $25 or $50 TODAY at www.WIN1040.com/donate. Your generous gifts make it possible for us to research the 68 countries in the 10/40 Window, and mobilize prayer for 10/40 Window nations and unreached people groups. Your strategic partnership also allows us to keep you and others in the body of Christ informed about critical prayer needs and events impacting the 10/40 Window.

Window International Network exists to contend against the strategies of the devil and mobilize prayer and evangelism – rescue operations! – targeting Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists

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Thank you for making a Kingdom-size partnership investment to impact the lives of those living in the 10/40 Window Today.


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February 2010

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hey are among the world’s most enduring refugees – some of them homeless for more than 30 years. Often called the “forgotten people” because of their status as perpetual residents of a no-man’s land in the desert, they are nevertheless a precious people whom God greatly prizes.

They are the Sahrawis.

The Sahrawi struggle for a homeland began in 1975 when Spain relinquished control of what was then called Spanish Sahara. In November of that year, General Franco signed a secret treaty (known as the “tripartite agreement”) dividing the province in two and assigning it to Morocco and Mauritania. Instead of shared rule, however, both governments scrambled to take control. Morocco annexed the northern two-thirds and Mauritania annexed the southern third. The Polisario Front, a movement seeking independence for Western Sahara, opposed this treaty and by 1979 convinced Mauritania to withdraw. Morocco then took control of the entire territory. What followed were years of conflict that forced hundreds of thousands of Sahrawis to flee into Algeria. Remembering back to the day they fled for their lives, A Sahrawi man vividly described bombs being dropped on Western Sahara and the people fled from wherever they were towards the borders of Algeria. Tears filled his eyes as he told the story of the Sahrawis leaving everything they had to run to safety with only the clothes they had on their backs. They were suffering the desert heat- by day, and the cold desert temperature by night, No blankets, no coats, no food- nothing. They have struggled to survive in refugee camps ever since. The camps are located in Tindouff, where between 180,000 to 200,000 people are still waiting to return to their homeland in Western Sahara. Though exiled, the people of Western Sahara have a democratically elected government. The Sahrawi Arab De-

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mocracy Republic (SADR) includes a parliament and president – all living in the refugee camps. Life for Sahrawis stranded in the Algerian desert is not an easy one. Temperatures in the summer reach 57 C (135 degrees F) and can dip below freezing in the winter. In 1981, the Moroccan government began erecting an elaborate set of barriers to keep the Sahrawi who remain in the occupied territory in Western Sahara from traveling into or out of Morocco. This massive system of berms, often referred to as the “wall of shame,” is approximately 2,700 kilometers (1,678 miles) long and two meters (6 feet) high. It incorporates fortress outposts, bunkers, trenches, fences and even landmines. Though a ceasefire was reached in 1991, the war continues to rage politically, and spiritually. Many of the Sahrawi men have been killed in battle. Those who survived are often stationed on the frontlines of the ongoing quest for independence. Women were largely responsibly for setting up the refugee camps back in the ‘70s are very involved in the difficult task of keeping them running from day to day. Shortages of food, drinking water, and other basic necessities are common. Despite gaining independence from Spain in l975, Western Sahara has yet to experience freedom. It has been called “Africa’s last colony.” Morocco has vowed not to give up control of the territory and the fight has been deadlocked for more than three decades. Western Sahara remains an unrecognized nation with many of its citizens unable to return to their homeland. To this day, Morocco has claimed Western Sahara as part of its territory. King Mohammed VI of Morocco has even vowed: “We shall not give up one inch of our beloved Sahara, not a grain of its sand.” Has God abandoned the Sahrawi? Has He forsaken the people of Western Sahara? The answer to both questions is, of course, no. Just like all the people of the world the LORD created them, loves them dearly, and established Western Sahara for His purpose. He set the boundaries for the Western

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Sahara and placed the Sahrawis in the land. (The Holy Bible, Acts 17:26) The Sahrawi are waiting for resolution and liberation. They are also waiting to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Joshua Project classifies them as an unreached people group with few known Christian Believers. God may well be waiting for His people to ferverently seek Him in prayer, on behalf of the Sahrawis. Let’s continue to do so, and let’s pray for the Sahrawi’s now. PRAY FOR: ✚✚ the Lord to bring conviction to the hearts of Moroccan leaders. Pray for the situation with the Sahrawi to be used to ignite a powerful spiritual awakening among the Sahrawis and the Moroccans that will lead millions of Muslims to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Holy Bible, II Corinthians 7:10) ✚✚ Godly justice to rule on every hand in this difficult and complex situation. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 140:12) ✚✚ the Lord to protect the Sahrawi living in refugee camps. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 140:12) ✚✚ ✚✚ A large number of the Sahrawi children who are malnourished. Pray for them to be provided with nutritious food, clean water, shelter, education, medical care and everything they need. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 111:5, Philippians 4:19) ✚✚ the Holy Spirit to be poured out in the isolated and lonely desert, bringing joy and hope to the Sahrawis as they learn to put their faith in Christ. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 65:8,9) ✚✚ a swift and Christ-like resolution to the ongoing conflict between Morocco and Western Sahara. Pray for peace,

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reconciliation, and healing between these nations. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 34:14) ✚✚ the Lord to accomplish His Will and purpose in both the Moroccans and the Sahrawis on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray for the immediate restoration and restitution of the Sahrawi to their homeland to be a powerful testimony to all nations that Jesus Christ is the King of kings LORD over the nations, and He sets the boundaries for the nations. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 96:4) ✚✚ the Lord to give Sahrawi leaders wisdom in dealing with their situation. Pray for patience, forgiveness and reconciliation to flow freely among all involved. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 37:30) ✚✚ International leaders who have promised to bring a resolution to the plight of the Sahrawis will be reminded of their promises, and quickly act to move forward to resolve the issues. Pray the Sahrawis will not be forgotten by the international community and they will not become political pawns. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 15:4) ✚✚ the last colony on the earth to be liberated and set free to live in the land allotted to them by God (The Holy Bible, Acts 17:26) ✚✚ the Kingdom of God to come to North Africa with great signs and wonders, with multitudes of Muslims coming into a saving knowledge and enter into a wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Holy Bible, Psalm 13:5) Sourced: Wikipedia, The World Factbook, arso.org, bythefault. com, The Forgotten People (YouTube)

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AIDS in the Window


he statistics are startling. Since the beginning of the pandemic, approximately 25 million people have died of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), nearly 60 million have been

infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and 33.4 million are currently living with HIV. Although this is clearly a global crisis, 67% (22.5 million of the 33.4 million people living with HIV) reside in sub-Saharan Africa. Sixty percent of these (13.5 million) are women and 91% of all new infections in this region are among children. Of the sub-Saharan nations inside the 10/40 Window, those most affected by AIDS live in Benin, GuineaBissau, Mali, and Nigeria. All of these countries report that more than 30% of their sex industry workers are living with HIV. Djibouti and southern Sudan have

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seen the number of pregnant mothers infected with HIV rise to above l%. ORPHANS Perhaps the most heartbreaking aspect of this crisis is the host of orphans left in the wake of parents who have died because of the AIDS virus. At present, more than 15 million children have lost one or both parents to the disease. As World AIDS Orphans notes, that is approximately the same number of people as the populations of New York City, Paris, and Bangkok combined.

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Studies have shown that these orphans not only experience the emotional trauma of loss, but are “less likely to receive healthcare, schooling and other needed services.” They become “easy prey for many forms of exploitation: forced labor, prostitution and child soldiering.” Only less than 1% of the world’s AIDS orphans are currently receiving external support. GOOD NEWS There is good news in the midst

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of these sobering statistics. The LORD has not turned His back on those affected by this epidemic. He has raised up many Christian humanitarian organizations to minister to those living with HIV, as well as care for those orphaned and widowed by AIDS. New medicines are in development and healthcare is being made available to help alleviate some of the suffering and extend lives. Still, the battle is fierce and the need for a cure is truly great. Thankfully, our God is greater than the needs caused by the disease, and able to overcome every foe – including HIV. He is the Victor and He has the power to heal any disease or virus. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 20:4; II Chronicles 20:15; Proverbs 21:31). As Patrick Johnstone once wrote, “It is a mystery that our loving Father has somehow limited His omnipotence to teaming up with His redeemed people so that His actions in the world are inextricably linked with prayer. When we pray, God works.” So while medical, government and humanitarian intervention is certainly necessary, the first and most necessary place to continue confronting this problem is through prayer. At the beginning of this new decade in the year 2010, let’s join our voices in a fresh plea for Jehovah Rophe (the LORD our healer) to arise and act on behalf of the sick, afflicted, voiceless, hopeless, infected, hurting, parentless, lonely, and isolated – those without anyone to champion their cause. May the LORD be their Champion and Defender, as we stand in the gap and pray for those with needs. (The Bible, Psalm 68:5, Philippians 4:19).

✚✚ protection for the children in AIDS-ravaged areas. Pray for the LORD to be their Father and keep them safe from abuse, discrimination and neglect. (The Bible, Psalm 68:5) ✚✚ Every orphaned child to be adopted. ✚✚ an immediate end to the belief that if an infected person has sexual relations with a virgin, that person’s HIV or AIDS will be cured. (The Bible, Psalm 71:2) ✚✚ governments to respond quickly and appropriately to this crisis. Pray for compassion and love to motivate their actions and decisions. (The Bible, Psalm 116:5) ✚✚ a change of heart that will bring about a change of behavior, turning young people away from immoral ways and choose instead to honor God with their bodies and lives. (The Bible, Galatians 5:16-24) ✚✚ an abundant harvest of souls to enter the Kingdom of God as those living in the danger zones – both victims and survivors – are convicted of their need for a Savior. Pray for millions upon millions to seek God for salvation in this pandemic, placing their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD. (The Bible, Psalm 18:46) Sourced: Reuters, worldaidsday.org, worldaidsorphans.org, “Operation World: 21st Century Edition”

PRAY FOR: ✚✚ an immediate eradication of AIDS and the HIV virus. Pray those who are infected with the virus or have fullblown AIDS to seek the LORD, receive His salvation, and be healed from this plague. (The Bible, Exodus 15:26) ✚✚ the Christian ministries and organizations currently caring for the children and women who have been left orphaned and widowed in the wake of AIDS. Pray for every needed resource to be provided by the LORD and doors opened to ensure that they will reach those in need. (The Bible, Genesis 22:16) ✚✚ the LORD to raise up more agencies, organizations, churches, and individuals who are willing to work on behalf of these precious people whom God so dearly loves. Pray for the LORD of the Harvest to send more capable laborers into this harvest field to lead the multitudes to Christ. (The Bible, Isaiah 58:10; Matthew 9:38) ✚✚ all medicine that is needed to reach everyone who needs treatment for HIV/AIDS – especially in nations where war, terrorism, poverty, and government oppression make this difficult or nearly impossible. (The Bible, Isaiah 58:8) ✚✚ the LORD to reveal to scientists and doctors the technological innovations they need to provide a cure for this devastating plague. Pray the cure will be shared fairly, and those responsible for pricing and distributing the medicines will not be motivated by greed. (The Bible, Daniel 2:22)

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he name of this nation is thought to mean “brave.” It covers a large region between Siberia and China in Central Asia. Mongolia is the 19th largest country in the world by land size, but the 140th (out of 223) in terms of population. Mongolia is a vast and largely uninhabited nation that includes the Gobi desert. More Mongol people actually live in China than in Mongolia. And at least a third of the population of Mongolia lives in the city of Ulan Bator. For its entire history, this area has been home to nomadic people groups. The most famous were the Mongols. Led by Genghis Khan, they took over nearly all of Asia in the 1200s. In 1557, Altan Khan was introduced to the Dalai Lama and in just a few years Tibetan Buddhism was sweeping through Mongolia. The Manchu conquered the region in the 1600s and China began to rule the nation. It was not until 1911 that it gained independence. Despite this event, the Chinese government continued to claim it as a territory (similar to their attempts to control Tibet and Taiwan). In 1924, with the help of Russia, the Mongolian People’s Republic was birthed. After the fall of Communism, the nation drafted a new constitution and in 1992, and modern Mongolia came into being. Buddhism is still practiced today, but it is less popular than simple animism (the worship of various spirits of nature and the elements) and a belief in the power and ability of shamans. It has been said, “…demonic influence and possession are not uncommon. Accordingly, those who would minister successfully in this land must have confidence in the delivering power of God.”1 TERRORISM The Mongolian govern-

ment has cooperated in the “war on terror,” going so far as to deploy troops in Iraq. They have worked to keep an open dialog with the Muslim minority in their nation in order to avoid problems with extremism. However, they have been accused of allowing terrorism to “flourish” in their naval fleet by “selling a ‘flag of convenience’ to ships with possible terrorist connections.”2 As one observer noted, “…Mongolia appears to have no problem renting out its flag to weapons proliferators, criminals and other shady figures….”3 PRAISE In a tremendous answer to prayer, Christianity is growing rapidly. The door has opened for missionaries in recent years and there are estimated to be 4,000 laborers in this fruitful harvest field. PRAY ✚✚ Pray for the “land of the brave” to become a “land of

the saved” and pray multitudes of Mongols will come to Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 80:19) ✚✚ Pray for rural nomads and city-dwellers alike to have their blind eyes opened to and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray the Holy Spirit’s presence will move in this vast region, destroying the influence and power of Buddhism leading Mongols into the Kingdom of God. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:6,7) ✚✚ Pray for Mongolians to refuse the counsel of shamans and to no longer practice or believe in sorcery, but to have a personal relationship with the one True Living God, Jesus Christ. Pray the binding influence of these demonic practices to be broken, and for the Kingdom of God to be established in this land. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:12) ✚✚ Pray for an immediate end


to all corruption in Mongolia. ✚✚ Pray for the government of Mongolia to realize the potential danger of exchanging their national flag with terrorists for financial gain, and pray they will stop “renting” their flag to terrorists immediately. Pray the terrorists who are trying do bad things using the Mongolian flag as a cover will be captured and quickly brought to justice. (The Bible, II Thessalonians 1:6) ✚✚ Pray for the eradication of poverty in this land. ✚✚ Pray the Body of Christ in Mongolia will continue to grow and mature in the Lord. Pray for more equipped Christian laborers be sent to the harvest fields of Mongolia, a multitude of churches to be planted, and every Christian properly discipled in the way of the Kingdom of God. (The Bible, Colossians 1:10) ✚✚ Pray for revival in this land where multitudes will come to receive Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord. Sources include: World Factbook, BBC News, Wikipedia, AsiaNews.it 1 George Otis, Jr., Strongholds of the 10/40 Window, (Seattle, WA: YWAM, 1995), p. 171. 2 Dr. J. Peter Pham, Stephen Tucker, “Mongolian Ships a Terrorist Threat…,” Foundation for Defence of Democracies, May 7, 2008. 3 Ibid.

MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA ÌÌ Population: 3,041,142 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Nambaryn Enkhbayar ÌÌ Christians: 0.5% ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Buddhism ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ranked February 2010

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: None Listed ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 1; Casualties: 1 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 72% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: 36.1%

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PRAYER Points February 2010

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- In December 2009, the government of India announced a major overhaul of its security in an effort to prevent attacks like the one in Mumbai in 2008. Hundreds of thousands of police will be trained and a national counter-terrorism center is planned to be built. The Mumbai bombing resulted in more than 170 deaths. Also in December, two men, believed to have been involved in these bombings, were captured and are now facing 86 charges, including murder, possession of explosives, and waging war on India. Praise God for the arrest of these men, as well as for India’s diligence in making sure such terrorist attacks do not happen again. Pray for the Lord to protect the nation from militants inside and outside of India. Pray for missions organizations operating in India to have an open door to share the Gospel and for multitudes of Hindus and Muslims to be set free from false religion by placing their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- The al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), has taken credit for the kidnapping of two Italians in Mauritania. A spokesman for AQIM said the couple was abducted in response to “Italy’s crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.” Pray for an immediate end to AQIM and for their efforts to cause fear and panic through violence to be unsuccessful. Pray for the safe return of these captives. Pray for this act of retribution to fail. Pray for the governments of Mauritania and other North African nations to be diligent in fighting terrorism. Pray for Muslims to see the evil carried out by AQIM and be led to turn from the lies of Islam. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Mauritania and for those who have been sitting in darkness to see the marvelous light of Jesus Christ, accepting Him as Savior and Lord. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- A new referendum adopted by the Sudanese parliament will allow citizens in the oil-rich region of Abyei (Southern Sudan) to decide whether they want to be part of North Sudan, or the independent south. It is seen as a step forward in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Also in January 2010, 140 people were killed in a South Sudan cattle raid as a result of a tribal dispute. Praise God

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for the slow but steady movement toward peace between North and South Sudan. Pray for lasting peace between these regions and for the Lord to accomplish His purposes in this nation. Pray for the Lord to comfort those who lost loved ones in the cattle raid. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation between tribes and clans. Pray for protection for Christian Believers in Sudan, as well as for the salvation of all Muslims. Pray for the peace agreement to become a reality. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in both North and South Sudan. AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- As the war against the Taliban continues, more and more Afghans are fleeing their homes to seek refuge in other regions and nations. Violence and lawlessness in the north has driven over 3,600 into neighboring Tajikistan since 2008. In other areas, years of unrest and fear have stunted development and kept rebuilding efforts from being realized. Pray for the healing of this war-weary nation. Pray for the Taliban influence to be destroyed and for their forces to be defeated permanently, and for the people of this land to enter into the Kingdom of God . Pray for the Lord to minister hope and peace to the people of Afghanistan. Pray for this time of uncertainty and difficulty to be used by the Lord to turn hearts away from Islam and toward the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray that now will be a season of harvest in Afghanistan and multitudes will accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Sheikh Khalid bin Abdul Rahman al-Husainan, an imam in Kuwait, is quickly becoming a leader in the rise of Islamic terrorism. He recently rallied the warriors of the global jihad by stating, “Happiness is the day of my martyrdom.” Pray for the influence of al-Husainan to be countered by the Biblical reality that those who commit murder for the cause of Islam will face judgment and everlasting destruction apart from the Lord (The Bible, Hebrews 9:27; II Thessalonians 1:9). Pray for the lies and errors of Islam to be revealed and for those who have been deceived to be immediately set free by the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the government of Kuwait to take swift action against terrorists in their nation bringing them quickly to justice. Pray for transformation of hearts towards the Lord, as the Kingdom of God comes to Kuwait in power, opening blind eyes and leading the captives out of the prison of Islam and into a

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personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- Death warrants were issued in January 2010 to 12 former Bangladesh army officers. The men were found guilty of murdering Sheikh Mujibur Raman. Sheikh Raman and 16 other people (including his family) were killed in l975. Pray for forgiveness in this longstanding conflict. Pray for justice to be served swiftly to all involved who are guilty, and will be quickly captured (six are still unaccounted for). Pray for this crime and its sentence of death to be a reminder to the people of Bangladesh that the Lord is just and will not allow those guilty of any kind of sin to go unpunished (The Bible, Nahum 1:3). Pray for the Lord to bring godly sorrow to Bangladesh that will lead to repentance and result in salvation (The Bible, II Corinthians 7:10). Pray for multitudes in this mostly Muslim nation to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord this year. Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- As the city of Nara, Japan celebrates its 1,300th anniversary as the imperial capital, the nation is experiencing its worst recession since World War II. Countless people were laid off in 2009 and many soon became homeless. Thousands now live in shelters while many have also had to move to “capsule hotels” – hotels created for businessmen which offer nothing but a plastic bunk in a 6 ½ by 5 foot, coffin-like space. Pray for the people of Japan to see the Lord moving in this economic downturn, calling their attention away from material and temporal things to focus on Him and things eternal. Pray for the Lord to draw them and enable them to come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for this to be a time of a great harvest of souls in Japan as the Kingdom of God comes to Japan in power. GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- Rear Admiral Bubo Na Tchuto, who failed in a 2008 coup attempt against former President Joao Bernardo Vieira, has returned to Guinea-Bissau from exile in the Gambia. Though he issued a statement saying he was coming in peace, Bubo Na Tchuto arrived in a canoe, having disguised himself as a fisherman. Pray for peace in this unstable region. Pray for the government to respond to this rebel’s return with Godly wisdom. Pray for an end to the ongoing struggle for power and control in Guinea-Bissau. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve the people with integrity based on Biblical principles. Pray for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ today, as Savior and Lord, and for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in Guinea Bissau as it is in Heaven. Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The reclusive Buddhist nation of Bhutan made the transition from monarchy to democracy in 2009. The newly crowned, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk has made it his goal to

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increase trade. One of his first efforts to achieve this is the construction of a railroad linking Bhutan with India. Bhutan did not have telephones or roads until the l960s and finally allowed television in 1999. Nearly 20,000 of the 635,000 citizens are monks. Pray for King Jigme’s drive to modernize the nation to be used by the Lord to open new ways for the Gospel to reach the people of Bhutan. Pray for missions agencies and Christian Believers to be alert to creative ways to enter this formerly closed field, and have every resource they need to effectively minister to every Bhutanese. Pray for the hearts of the Bhutanese to be soft fertile soil for the Word of God to be sown. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed throughout Bhutan and for the Lord to bring in a tremendous harvest of souls from this nation. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In January 2009, al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia joined forces with terrorists in Yemen to form al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The group is led by one of Osama bin Laden’s former aids and has dedicated itself to attacking “oil facilities, foreigners, and security forces as it seeks to topple the Saudi monarchy and Yemeni government, and establish an Islamic caliphate.” Pray against this new and evil group as they serve “that serpent of old” (The Bible, Revelation 12:9). Pray for their plans to fail, their strategies to be defeated, and their resource and supply lines to be cut off. Pray for their lines of communication to be shut down. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully throughout the Arabian Peninsula and especially in Saudi Arabia, setting free every one held in bondage by the lies of Islam. Pray for an immediate end to the abuse and violence against women carried out by Muslims in this region, as well as the protection of Christian Believers from those who seek to harm them. Pray for God’s Kingdom to invade Saudi Arabia, dispelling the darkness with the Light of Jesus Christ. Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- One year after Capt. Moussa Dadis Camara seized power in the aftermath of President Lansana Conte’s death, Camara had to flee the country when he was wounded in a coup attempt. He is still in Morocco and the nation remains mired in economic and social turmoil, waiting to see if he will return. Though Camara promised to step down after elections and pledged to use his time in power to rid the nation of corruption, injustice, and tribalism, he has been seeking ways to remain in control and has been accused of numerous human rights violations – including a massacre of civilians in September 2009. Pray for the Lord to return stability to this troubled nation. Pray for free and fair elections to be scheduled and for the results to be free from corruption. Pray the Lord will send leaders of His choosing who will guide the nation out of its cycle of violence. Pray for the restoration of political peace, as well as spiritual peace, as the Gospel is preached

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(Guinea continued) and people put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The Lord is moving in Thailand. In November 2009 a city-wide prayer gathering was held in Chiang Mai, the largest city in northern Thailand. Approximately 2,500 people came to worship, pray, and stand in the gap for the city. In 2010, Believers will launch a “nation-wide endeavor to spread the good news of Jesus Christ through television broadcasts.” Pray for the Lord to remove the veil from the people’s eyes so they can see the Jesus the Light of the World. Pray for Christians to faithfully and boldly shine that Light throughout Thailand. Pray for the Lord’s plans and purposes for Thailand to be fulfilled. Pray for the leaders and citizens of Thailand to come to know and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 7

(June 2009), the government of Iran refuses to back down or consider new elections. Instead, government leaders have used violence to silence protesters. They have also ignored pressure from other nations to stop their nuclear program and allow the United Nations to inspect their facilities. Reports in December 2009 indicated Iran was attempting to import 1,350 tons of purified uranium ore from Kazakhstan to help reach its nuclear goals. Pray for the Lord to work His will in Iran, capturing the attention of leaders and opposition parties. Pray for His purposes to be accomplished. Pray for Christian Believers who are facing fierce persecution to stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for them to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to boldly share the Gospel with wisdom and clarity. Pray for this time of political turmoil to become a time of spiritual revolution with multitudes of Muslims leaving the false system of Islam and become followers of Jesus Christ, accepting Him as Savior and Lord.

NIGER, WEST AFRICA- Ten men were killed as soldiers and armed bandits fought near Niger’s border with Mali in January 2010. A few weeks earlier, security forces arrested three Saudi Arabian men involved in an attempted kidnapping. Three others were killed in a shoot-out. This took place in the same region, where Tuareg rebel forces and alQaeda cells are believed to be operating. Pray for the Lord to move in Niger, and pray for an end to criminal, terrorist, and rebellious acts in this land. Pray for the Lord to protect Christian Believers in this region and He will show them when to share the Gospel. Pray for a transformation in Niger as the Kingdom of God is established here and hearts and souls receive Christ . Pray for multitudes from every tribe and tongue in Niger to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- An estimated 100,000 people in Burkina Faso were displaced in devastating and deadly floods that occurred in September 2009. Approximately 14,000 continue to live in temporary camps in the capital of Ouagadougou. The government is now attempting to relocate these survivors and assist them in the process of rebuilding. Pray for the Lord to provide nutritious food, clean water, shelter, health care, and hope for those who have lost homes and family members. Pray for Christian humanitarian workers to be allowed to be part of the restoration process, offering both physical and spiritual relief. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated throughout Burkina Faso and for Burkinabe to respond by surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and will live with Him throughout eternity.

KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Independence from the Soviet Union has proven difficult for this Central Asian nation. As one journalist notes, since breaking free in 1991, Kyrgyzstan “has suffered through numerous agricultural disasters including drought, locust infestations, hail storms and spring frosts.” Because of the global financial downturn, the already poor nation is now also experiencing extreme poverty. One-third of the population is “food insecure” and one-fifth is at high risk of malnutrition. Pray for this to be an opportunity for Christian humanitarian agencies to demonstrate and proclaim the Gospel. Pray the Lord will open doors for reaching those who are hungry and hurting, and quickly bring the people much needed relief. Pray for adequate nutritious food, clean water, shelter, clothing, education, and medicine for the people of Kyrgyzstan. Pray for an opening of minds, eyes and hearts as the Good News is shared and for Muslims to turn away from Islam and towards Jesus Christ, accepting Him as Savior and Lord. Day 8

MALI, WEST AFRICA- “A shadowy group called al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has busily set up shop in northern Mali, “a recent military report says, “passing easily through the porous borders of Mali, Algeria, Mauritania, and Niger to carry out kidnappings of foreign aid workers and tourists.” Malian counterinsurgent troops are being trained to defend their nation against AQIM, but their numbers are small compared to the threat and size of the territory they must patrol. Pray for the Lord to provide the government of Mali with the resources they need to fully protect their citizens, foreign aid workers, and tourists. Pray for the evil plans of AQIM to fail miserably. Pray for their supply lines to be cut, for financing and resources to dry up, and for recruitment to become impossible. Pray for terrorist hideouts and training camps to be exposed and brought to justice swiftly. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established throughout Mali and the surrounding nations, bringing the people of the Sahara to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- As demonstrators continue to fill the streets, protesting what they believe was a rigged presidential election

AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- Azerbaijan joined with Turkey to gain control of the disputed Nagamo-Karabakh region (where a war was fought between Azerbaijan and a

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group of ethnic Armenians from 1988 to 1994). Turkey has also had an ongoing conflict with Armenia and closed its borders with that nation in 1993. Azerbaijan is asking Turkey to keep the border closed until this complicated scramble for power is resolved. As many as one million people are believed to have been displaced in this conflict. Pray for swift justice for those who are being oppressed in the Nagamo-Karabakh region. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation between races and nations. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Azerbaijan wisdom in dealing with the Armenians. Pray for an end to the violence and war in this disputed area. Pray for the Gospel to reach the people of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Armenia, transforming hearts and drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- With Somali pirates wreaking havoc off the coast of East Africa, West Africa now has to contend with its own pirates. Nigerian terrorists have begun attempting to hijack ships off the coast of Benin. Though pirates have sometimes been active off the shores of Nigeria, they are extending their reach into the territorial waters of Benin. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Benin wisdom in dealing with this new threat. Pray for Him to protect the ships sailing in these waters. Pray for the pirates plans to be confused and for their efforts to fail. Pray for the spirit of violence to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the pirates, bringing godly sorrow, a conviction of sin, and true repentance. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Benin in power, transforming the multitudes. INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Abdurrahman Wahid (known as Gus Dur), the first democratically-elected president of Indonesia, died in December 2009. Though removed from office after only two years, he is credited with establishing Indonesia as a tolerant Islamic state. “Wahid visited East Timor to apologize for Indonesian abuses, worked for peace with secessionists and embraced ethnic minorities.” Pray for the Lord to raise up other men who, like Walid, will lead with fairness and kindness. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue moving in Indonesia, turning more and more hearts away from Islam and guiding them toward an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the defeat of all Islamic extremist elements trying to influence Indonesia. Pray for this Muslim nation (the largest Muslim nation by size in the world) to be transformed by the establishment of the Kingdom of God throughout this land. Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- More than 4,000 Hmong seeking asylum in Thailand have been returned to Laos where they are expected to face great oppression. Laos has been accused of a number of human rights

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violations in their treatment of the Hmong people. The Hmong fought in the Laotian Civil War (1953-1975) and when the Communists took control of the government of Laos in 1975, tens of thousands fled to Thailand. Pray for the Lord to protect the Hmong from abuse and unfair treatment. Pray especially for Believers among the Hmong – that they will be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might, and that they will stand strong in the face of persecution. Pray for the government of Laos to relent in their evil vendetta to punish the Hmong (Please explain- keep in mind we have an audience that English may be there 2nd or 3rd language). Pray for Laotian leaders to encounter the risen Christ and, in turn, lead countless multitudes of people to know Him as Savior and Lord. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- Despite the widely publicized hunger strike by Western Sahara activist Aminatou Haidar, the Moroccan government has refused to allow her to return to her country and shows few signs of relenting in their annexation of Western Sahara. Hundreds of thousands of Sahrawis are still living in refugee camps in the Algerian desert, waiting to return to their homes. Pray for the Lord to remind the Sahrawi they have not been forgotten or forsaken. Pray for the love of the Lord to be made known to them and for Him to provide for their physical needs. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully to reestablish the Sahrawi in their homeland. Pray for His plans and purposes for Western Sahara to be fulfilled. Pray for the Gospel to be preached with clarity throughout the region, in every camp and settlement, and for multitudes of Sahrawi to come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord this year. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- In November 2009, a Christian television channel aired a program about the abduction, rape, and forced Islamization of Christian girls to an audience of approximately 60 million Arabspeaking viewers in Egypt and around the world. It exposed what is considered a taboo subject and accused the Egyptian government of funding and supporting the work of an “Islamization Mafia.” Pray for this program to help bring this heinous, criminal activity to an immediate end. Pray for the Lord to convict the hearts of all who are involved in forced Islamization, and that they will stop doing so right away. Pray for those who had been unaware of these violent acts to be disgusted and to see the evil inherent in Shari’a law and extremist Islamic practices. Pray for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing of all of the Christian girls who were abducted and raped. Pray they will not fear to call upon the Lord and reclaim their faith in Christ. Pray for a great move of the Holy Spirit throughout Egypt where multiplied multitudes of Egyptians will receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. Pray for the veil to be removed from the eyes of all leaders and citizens and for them to also see and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The parliamentary election held in Uzbekistan in December 2009 was deemed the first fair election since its departure from the Soviet Union. Experts

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(Uzbekistan continued) speculate this is largely because the “country has no opposition parties and most pro-democracy figures are in jail or in exile abroad.” President Islam Karimov is expected to maintain control. When asked about the voting, one citizen explained that the people of Uzbekistan do not care and are not interested in who might win. Pray for a great awakening among these apathetic and oppressed people. Pray for the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on Uzbekistan, setting them free from hopelessness and fear. Pray for Uzbeks to experience the joy of salvation in Jesus Christ and they will accept Him as Savior and Lord. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- Ram Prasad Mainali, the leader of the Nepal Defense Army terrorist group and one of the men responsible for a 2008 church bombing that killed two people, has repented of the crime. Mainali told Compass Direct that being around Christians in prison led to this change of heart. “Although I bombed a church,” he said, “Christians come to meet me everyday. No rightwing Hindu has come to meet me even once.” Pray for the Christian Believers of Nepal to continue sharing and showing the love of Jesus Christ to all – even their enemies. Pray for the Gospel to spread across the nation, through the prisons, and into every region of this land. Pray for this report to inspire Christians around the world to praise the Lord and to be bold and diligent in sharing their faith. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULAAs Dubai continues to face extreme financial troubles, some analysts are concerned that these struggles may spread to other nations. “Darkness is falling,” they warn, and it “could well be the tip of the iceberg….” Pray for the Lord to prepare Christian Believers in UAE and around the world for the possibility of another wave of economic failures. Pray for nations to take appropriate steps to counter these events and protect their citizens. Pray for Dubai’s economic problems to awaken citizens in UAE to the reality that money is a temporary possession. Pray for the Lord to open their eyes to the certainty of eternity and their need for a Savior, and they will accept His salvation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power

to Dubai, reaching across borders and throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- Prime Minister Sali Berisha of Albania is being heralded as the most successful leader in all of Europe. This assessment is based on the economic advancements Albania has made during his tenure. According to one report, “Albania’s economic growth over the last four years has been higher than any time in the last 100 years.” Pray for the people of Albania to realize where this blessing comes from and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness. Pray for it to be used to turn their attention to the Lord. Pray for atheism, greed, and corruption to be driven out by the introduction and establishment of the Kingdom of God in this land. Pray for Albanians to find hope, peace, and strength in knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- On January 3, 2010, King Mohamed VI stated that the government will be forming an Advisory Council on Regionalization. According to one analyst, this committee would “present a practical plan for the implementation of a modern and a democratic system of regionalization, allowing the Moroccan people from Tangier to Lagweera to govern themselves.” Some believe this could signal a step forward in the Sahrawi quest to gain independence for their homeland of Western Sahara. Pray for the Lord to continue moving in the heart of King Mohamed VI. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His will and purpose in Morocco and Western Sahara. Pray for the changing political climate to also signal a change in the spiritual climate. Pray for Muslims to see the Lord’s hand at work and His power evidenced in these negotiations and events. Pray for a great awakening and for multitudes to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord this month. Day 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- The moral climate in Iraq is once again moving toward strict Islamic standards. After years of war and chaos, the government is adopting a very conservative

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(Iraq continued) tone and beginning to impose standards on behavior – especially in the areas of alcohol and sexual behavior. While some of these are positive, the motivation behind them is a desire to control others. Pray for this religions spirit to be defeated by the presence and power of the Lord. Pray for Christian Believers in Iraq to be lights shining in this dark land, liberating those who have been blinded by the lies of Islam. Pray for this time of opening to continue, allowing the captives to be set free. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established in Iraq and for people of every ethnic group and religious background to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- With the decades-long civil war finally over and the rebel Tamil Tigers officially defeated, elections in Sri Lanka have again set the stage for civil conflict. The majority Sinhala and minority Tamil remain “polarized” and the job of reelected President Rajapakse will be to bring peace between these people groups. Pray for the Lord to bring healing and reconciliation between Sinhalas and Tamils. Pray for unity and for lasting peace. Pray for the Lord to move throughout this island nation, restoring hope, providing every need for those who have been left homeless by war, and strengthening Christian Believers. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Sri Lanka with great power, signs, wonders, and miracles to the Glory of God the Father. Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- As international pressure mounts for the creation of a Palestinian state, the government of Israel continues to resist such efforts. A twoyear timetable for achieving this, which was suggested in January 2010, has been called an unrealistic goal. “We need to begin direct talks,” the Israeli foreign minister said, “without committing to any timeframe. In the past, timetables were set and not met and this led to violence.” Pray for the Lord to bring peace to Israel. Pray for His protection over this nation. Pray for the remnant of Christian Believers to fearlessly share their faith with wisdom from God and persevere if they face persecution and discrimination. Pray for this to be a year of great awakening as God’s chosen people see and receive Yeshua ha Messiah as their Savior and Lord. TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- A moderate earthquake (5.3 on the Richter scale) struck this poor, former Soviet republic on January 4, 2009. The quake left at least 20,000 homeless. Hospitals, schools, and public buildings were destroyed. Even small earth movements can cause great damage in this nation because much of the construction work is of poor quality – many homes and buildings are made of mud. Pray for the Lord to provide for and comfort those who have lost their houses. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to be allowed access to the victims of the earthquake and have the opportunity to minister to both their physical and spiritual

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needs. Pray for the Lord to move throughout Tajikistan, setting captives free from the bondage of Islam. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in this nation, just as it is in Heaven. Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- Despite the government’s human rights abuses and intense persecution, the Church in China is growing at an explosive rate. So quickly, in fact, that there are not nearly enough trained pastors to lead the new Believers. In one region, it is estimated there is only one pastor for every 40,000 Christians. Pray for the Lord to continue pouring His Holy Spirit out on China. Pray for young Believers to be discipled and mature in their faith in the Lord. Pray for them to be strong and stand firm against government opposition. Pray for the Lord to raise up more pastors to properly disciple His people. Pray for the Gospel to spread rapidly throughout China, and for millions and millions more to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord this month. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- In November 2009, a Somali terrorist attempted to board a Djiboutian Daallo Airlines flight bound for Dubai. In January 2010, after another attempted plane bombing (on a flight bound for Detroit), Djibouti’s Daallo Airlines tried to reassure customers that its flights were safe and secure. But since Daallo services Mogadishu, where several terrorist groups are known to operate, passengers and foreign governments are voicing concerns. Pray for Djibouti to take steps to avoid becoming a gateway for terrorists to access the rest of the world. Pray for the safety of the Djiboutian people and for the Lord to protect their nation from militants and extremists. Pray for jihadists and their bomb plots to be exposed and to fail, and for travel to do evil will be impossible. Pray for them to be cornered, disarmed, arrested, and imprisoned. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Djibouti, bringing hope to an economically impoverished, and mostly spiritually blind people. Pray for their eyes to be opened and their hearts filled with joy as they see and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Almost a decade after the infamous bombing of a western warship, terrorists operating in Yemen are back in the news. During those years, al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia merged with al-Qaeda in Yemen to form al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a powerful organization intent upon wreaking havoc throughout the region and beyond. Pray for an end to this demonically-inspired group and its violent, deadly crimes. Pray their funding will dry up. Pray for the roots of their organization and the leaders who are fueling their hate-filled activities to be no more. Pray for the hearts of members to be convicted by the Holy Spirit with godly sorrow leading to repentance and their salvation. Pray for the

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Lord to give international forces and governments wisdom in dealing with this terrorist organization. Pray for the actions of AQAP to cause the Muslims of Yemen to realize the lies of Islam and turn to the truth of Jesus Christ accepting Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in power, and shine the Light of Christ into this dark nation. VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- According to a report from Compass Direct News, history was made twice in Vietnam in December 2009. On December 11, 40,000 Believers gathered to worship the Lord in Ho Chi Minh City. Then on December 20, 12,000 Christians gathered to worship Him in Hanoi. Each event broke previous records in terms of participants. “One can hardly overestimate the importance of such an event,” one source said. Praise the Lord for this display of the boldness of the Christian Believers and His protection over them in Vietnam! Pray for the Lord to continue moving, drawing more and more of the lost into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for Believers to be strengthened in their faith and continue to be bold witnesses for the Lord being both invisible and invincible to the enemy. Pray for unity in the Body of Christ. Pray for Christians to continue to demonstrate the love of God throughout Vietnam. Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- The use of the word “area” in a proposed economic agreement with China is causing the people of Taiwan great concern. As trade negotiations continue, many Taiwanese are objecting to what appears to be China’s refusal to recognize them as a nation. Pray for the Lord to bring peace in this situation and guide leaders as they seek to cooperation from both nations. Pray for His purposes for Taiwan to be fulfilled and for the Holy Spirit to move in this nation, revealing the identity and destiny He has ordained for the Taiwanese. Pray they will be drawn to the LORD and into a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In January 2010, a Middle Eastern doctor criticized a property guardianship law in Bahrain that is at odds with science. Based on Shari’a law, it speaks of a condition known as “hidden pregnancy” that can last for up to four years. “The important question,” the doctor said, “is whether the notion of ‘hidden pregnancy’ is confined to religious legal texts and is acknowledged only in [Muslim] theocracies, or has [also] found its way into the laws of non-theocratic [Muslim] states that have been terrorized [into submission].” Pray for the Lord to raise up more men like this doctor who will speak the truth and point out the lies and deceptions of Islam. Pray for an end to the manipulation and abuse carried out in the name of Shari’a. Pray for the people of Bahrain to be set free from the terror of Islam and receive the freedom of life in the Kingdom of God. Pray for the veil of deception to be removed from their eyes and for

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multiplied multitudes to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 20 BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Attacks and hijackings at sea – piracy – are on the rise in the South China Sea. Brunei and nations such as China, Indonesia, and Malaysia are working to fight this threat. Perhaps motivated by the success of pirates off the Horn of Africa in recent years, these pirates are seeking to control the South China Sea. Pray for cooperation between governments to effectively combat the seafaring terrorists. Pray for this wave of lawlessness to be stopped by the Spirit of God. Pray for an end to piracy in the South China Sea and throughout the world. Pray for these criminals to be quickly caught and brought to justice. Pray for those considering to joining this illegal activity to become discouraged, loose their funding and resources, and give up their pursuit of criminality. Pray for the people of Brunei to be protected by the hand of the Lord and for them to appreciate His goodness and protection. LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- In November 2009, a ship transporting hundreds of tons of weapons from Iran to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon was intercepted by Israeli forces. This was a reminder that Iran has been supplying Lebanese terrorists with bombs and missiles in order to launch a first strike against Israel and/or to strike back from close range if Iran is attacked. Pray for the Prince of Peace to arise in this land and for His enemies to be scattered in the Middle East. Pray for the Hezbollah organization to no longer be relevant, pray for confusion in their communications, for all of their resources to be no more, for their weapons to malfunction and all of their cells and organizations to be located and quickly brought to justice. Pray for the government of Lebanon to refuse to cooperate with terrorists or give them any room to operate inside their nation. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel and other countries who may be targeted by the Hezbollah – including western nations. Pray for the international community to take whatever steps and actions are necessary to counteract any threats from the Hezbollah and bring peace to the region. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in the hearts of the Lebanese people, even as the enemy is hard at work trying to destroy them. Pray for salvation and transformation in Lebanon as families, people groups, and even members of the government and the Hezbollah accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 21

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QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Qatar has joined Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain in seeking a common currency for the Arabian Peninsula. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is working with banks to create a single monetary unit and establish a regional bank, similar to the European Central Bank. Oman and UAE are expected to agree to this if it “proves to The 10/40 Window Reporter 19

(Qatar continued) be as successful as the Euro.” Pray for the Lord to orchestrate events in Qatar and the nations of the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for these dealings to be free from corruption. Pray that the proposed changes will in no way make terrorism easier – but instead will make it more difficult and to the point of nonexistence. Pray for the hidden supply lines and funding for terrorist organizations in Qatar to be made public, dealt with swiftly, and for these kinds of activities to be barred from the nation. Pray for the Lord to bring His Kingdom to Qatar in great power, revealing Himself to Muslims in dreams and visions. Pray for a tremendous harvest of souls and every one will put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Turkmenistan announced the opening of a new natural gas pipeline on January 6, 2010. The pipeline was a joint project between Turkmenistan and Iran which will serve to meet Iran’s gas needs, as well as expand their trade influence and options. Already other nations in the region are considering trade agreements with Iran, despite the threat of international sanctions in response to Iran’s nuclear program. Pray for the government of Turkmenistan to realize who they are doing business with. Pray for them to refuse to partner with a nation that supports terrorism, wants to destroy Israel, and has refused to cooperate with the United Nations. Pray for Turkmenistan to be protected from the influence of Iran and avoid Iran’s efforts to manipulate and control them. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Turkmenistan, setting the captives free from the bondage of Islam and they place their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- With a drought threatening to cause yet another famine in Ethiopia, the leaders of this poverty-stricken nation have denied warnings of impending disaster. A new Famine Early Warning System report says parts of Ethiopia are “extremely food insecure – one level below that of a famine” because of a lack of rain. The Disaster Prevention Minister of Ethiopia, however, claims “there is no hunger, no famine.” Pray for the citizens of Ethiopia who are facing great hardship. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to reach them with aid and demonstrating the principles of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Lord to give Ethiopian authorities His wisdom in dealing with famine, poverty, and improving their economy. Pray for the people to turn to the Lord and cry out for Him to end the drought and provide the food they need, and the international community will provide food and resources needed to feed the Ethiopian people. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself as Jehovah-Jireh – the God Who Provides. Pray for multitudes in Ethiopia to repent, confess their sin, and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

when they go to the polls. Claiming he is leading the nation toward democracy, Shwe insisted that his government’s plan is necessary and must be supported by the people. His words were considered a threat by many listeners. Pray for true democracy to come to Myanmar. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve the people rather than continue to oppress and threaten them. Pray for an end to the human rights violations of the Shwe military junta. Pray for Gen. Shwe to meet and surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Pray for a spiritual awakening in Myanmar and for the Kingdom of God to be powerfully established in this land with a great harvest of souls. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- Two Red Cross workers abducted in the fall of 2009 are still being held. They were kidnapped while doing humanitarian work in the dangerous Darfur region. “In remote areas of Darfur and eastern Chad where very few organizations can go,” the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says, “ the ICRC had been involved in a range of activities such as making clean drinking water available and helping people support themselves through farming and herding. The fact that we have been forced to curtail our field presence means that we now provide fewer of these services.” Pray for the safe return of the Red Cross workers. Pray for the Lord to protect them and make His love for them known. Pray for those suffering from poverty and the effects of war in Chad and Darfur to be cared for – even in remote areas. Pray for these areas to be open and free from attacks so that much needed aid can reach the people there. Pray for the abductors to encounter Jesus Christ and place their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for an end to the violence in this region. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation between people groups and political parties. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Chad, bringing restoration and healing to this land and its people. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- The nation of Algeria is experiencing a revival as citizens hear the Gospel and place their faith in Jesus Christ. One pastor reported seeing churches grow as much as 802% as Muslims with no Christian background crowd worship services. “I have never been to a church in the west or anywhere in the world,” he said, “where the church is already packed 2 l/2 hours before the meeting.” Praise God for this powerful move of His Spirit. Pray for the harvest of souls to continue coming into the Kingdom of God- and to accelerate. Pray for leaders to be raised up who will disciple Christian Believers in the faith. Pray for all Muslims in Algeria to be reached with the Good News and to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for this awakening to spread throughout North Africa as the Light of Christ dispels the darkness.

MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- With elections scheduled for sometime in 2010 (no specific date has been set at the time of this writing), Myanmar’s military president, Gen. Than Shwe is warning citizens to make the “correct choices”

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Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- According to a new report from Human Rights Watch, the The 10/40 Window Reporter 20

human rights record in Libya has seen “limited improvements” over the past decade, including “greater freedom of expression.” However, abuse by security forces remains the norm and dissent is swiftly suppressed with force. Torture and wrongful imprisonment are still a central part of the government’s effort to maintain control. Pray for the trend of openness and freedom to continue. Pray for greater spiritual freedom and for the door to open for the Gospel of the Kingdom to be preached in this closed nation. Pray for the Lord to reveal creative strategies to missions groups and ministries, enabling them to breach the barriers of political oppression, religious control, and spiritual blindness. Pray for multitudes of Libyans to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- In January 2010, nearly 44,000 citizens demonstrated after a court declared a Catholic publication could use the world “Allah” in reference to the Christian God. Angry Muslims used Facebook to rally against the ruling, drawing up to 1,500 supporters per hour. The name Allah, the protesters said, should not be used by non-Muslims. Pray for this divisive ruling to be used by the Lord to make His true name known: Jesus Christ. Pray for the protection of Christian Believers as they face retribution in the aftermath of the court decision. Pray there will be no violent acts as a result of the decision. Pray for the veil to be removed from the eyes of Muslims so they can see that they worship a false god. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself in great power and glory throughout Malaysia. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation, drawing multitudes of citizens into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In October 2009, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said met with President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan to discuss cooperation between the two “friendly countries.” Both nations are Islamic and both are listed on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 (Oman at number 28, Uzbekistan at number l0). Pray for total freedom of religion in each of these countries and for this meeting to result in a decrease of persecution for Christian Believers and a new openness for all to receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the salvation of Sultan Qaboos and President Karimov and his advisors. Pray for the people of Oman to be exposed to and receive the Good News and to be free from the bondage of Islam, and for every bondage to be permanently broken, and the Will of God to be done in their lives and in Oman as it is in Heaven. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The government of Kazakhstan has denied allegations that it was considering a secret agreement to provide purified uranium ore to Iran. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the accusations “groundless” and confirmed the nation would continue complying with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards and regulations. Pray for the Kazaks to refuse any offers from Iran to buy their uranium. Pray for a reversal of policy – if the charges

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are true – or a confirmation of IAEA compliance – if the charges are false. Pray uranium ore will not be sold to organizations that support terrorist acts. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of this mostly Muslim nation wisdom, drawing key officials into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for an abundance of spiritual fruit that will remain- in Kazakhstan as the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached throughout the land. Pray for a softening of hard hearts and an opening of blind eyes that will result in a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. Day 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- According to the Tunisian Institute of Statistics, the unemployment rate in Tunisia rose from 14% in 2007 to 21.67% in 2008. The numbers reached even higher in 2009 as the result of the global financial crisis. Lawmakers are now scrambling to find a solution. Pray for this downturn to be used to reveal to the citizens of this Muslim-majority nation the Truth about the God who created the heavens and the earth, and who can provide for every need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Pray for them to call out to the Lord, rather than depend on the government, economy, or the rituals of their false religious system for help. Pray for this to be a time of awakening to the Kingdom of God in Tunisia. Pray for the Spirit of the Lord to be poured out on this nation, delivering citizens from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God. CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Until recently, many prisoners in Cambodia were forced to find drinking water from underground sources to prepare meals, wash, and for sewage disposal. Thanks to a new United Nations initiative, they are now being supplied with clean water on a daily basis. Praise God for this development and for the willingness of the Cambodian government to make this improvement for prisoners. Pray for improvements in the areas of human rights violations, corruption, and torture that will be based upon Biblical principles. Pray for the Lord to speak to the hearts and minds of those in leadership, sharing with them His compassion as expressed in the death and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for members of the government to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and for the multitudes to have a personal relationship with Him. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- A recent survey found that more than half of the population in Turkey is opposed to non-Muslim religious meetings. It also found that almost 40% of the people have a negative view of Christians. The study concluded: “No non-Muslim religious gathering in Turkey is completely ‘risk free’.” Pray for the protection of Christian Believers in this mostly Muslim nation. Pray for them to stand firm, keep the faith, and continue boldly proclaiming the Gospel of

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(Turkey continued) the Kingdom. Pray for a change of heart (repentance) in the Muslim population. Pray for their blind eyes to be opened to and receive the Light of Christ and for multitudes to cry out to Him, surrendering their lives to Him as Savior and Lord today. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- In November 2009, the government of North Korea claimed to have completed “the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel rods to extract weaponsgrade plutonium.” Some analysts believe North Korea now has enough weapons-grade plutonium to produce about six nuclear bombs. Pray for the Lord to intervene in North Korea, transforming the hearts of those in leadership to a relationship with Him. Pray for Kim Jong Il and his administration to turn away from their obsession with mass destruction and turn toward Life found in Jesus Christ. Pray for Christian Believers in this oppressive nation to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom of God throughout the land – even from inside prison cells. Pray for a sweeping, spiritual awakening that will reach every level of society and for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in North Korea. Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- Desperately needed aid is no longer reaching Somalia. Though much of the population is struggling to survive in the midst of severe poverty and hunger, terrorists groups such as al-Shabaab are preventing humanitarian agencies from reaching them. Long after many organizations had pulled out of this dangerous region, the World Food Programme finally announced in January 2010 that it too would be suspending operations because of “’unprecedented and inhumane attacks, threats and demands” by Islamist groups. Pray for the Lord to supernaturally provide for those who are on the verge of starvation with clean water and nutritious food. Pray for key members of al-Shabaab and other jihadist organizations to encounter the living Christ and be transformed from “Sauls” to “Pauls.” Pray for an opening of political and spiritual doors that will allow aid to reach the people of Somalia. Pray for the safety of Christian Believers and aid workers as they seek to alleviate suffering. Pray for the Lord to heal the land of Somalia and bring His Kingdom throughout the Horn of Africa with great signs, wonders, and miracles. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Allied airplane drone attacks along the Afghan/Pakistani border are continuing to meet with success, taking out terrorist leaders hiding in the region. But as forces fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, more and more militants are seeking refuge in Pakistan. At the same time, terrorists inside Pakistan are reacting to army efforts to subdue them by launching suicide attacks in major cities, such as Peshawar and Karachi. Pray for the Lord to intervene in this hive of evil. Pray for an immediate end to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Pray for every place they are hiding to be exposed and for the terrorists to be completely defeated. Pray for them to run out of money and supplies. Pray for the protection of Allied and Pakistani troops as they wage war against these

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emissaries of evil. Pray for the protection of the citizens of Pakistan as terrorists attempt to destroy them. Pray for Christian Believers to be a source of God’s Light, life and hope in this atmosphere of darkness and violence. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Pakistan in power, and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- According to one human rights group, police in Nigeria are “killing at will.” Using national security as an excuse, they are “carrying out a shocking level of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances.” Murder, abduction, torture, and cold-blooded shootings are increasing at an alarming rate, as police attempt to fight against well-armed criminals and terrorists. Pray for these travesties to stop immediately. Pray for the Nigerian government to invest in better training for their security forces. Pray for justice and an end to corruption and reckless bloodshed in Nigeria. Pray for the Lord to move in restoring peace. Pray for criminals, terrorists and rogue police to be dealt with swiftly and punished accordingly. Pray for the Lord to give the people of Nigeria – especially Believers – renewed hope and vision for the future. Also, pray about the situation of the Muslim president who has not been to work in over three months, because of illness. The vice-president, who is a Christian, was to have been put in power as president, but the Muslims are delaying the transition of power, and as a result the country has no official Head of State leadership at this time. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders who fear Him and will serve the people with honor and faithfulness. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the mostly Muslim north of Nigeria in power. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- A recent media headline read: “Maldives Waits for World to Decide on Its Future.” Leaders fear global climate change will, not merely affect their nation, but possibly cause the ocean to rise and swallow it whole. Pray for this hard, resistant, unreached Muslim nation to see this impending threat as a wake-up call from the Lord. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout the Maldives archipelago of islands. Pray for the Lord to reveal His plans and purposes for the people of the Maldives. Pray for them to realize He has “determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him…” (The Bible, Acts 17:26,17). Pray for a mighty awakening to the Lord as Muslims turn away from the lies of false religion and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- The suicide bomber responsible for the deaths of eight international agents in Afghanistan in January 2010 was Jordanian. He was reportedly working with the Jordanian intelligence service, offering information to assist in finding Ayman al-Zawahiri (second-in-command in al-Qaeda), when he committed this act of terror. Pray for the government of Jordan to act with wisdom from the Lord and discernment how to move forward to swiftly serve justice in the

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aftermath of this crime. Pray for the Lord to give intelligence agencies in Jordan and around the world insight on how to locate, capture and defeat elements of al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. Pray for the countless families who have lost loved ones to both murderous attacks and the seductive lies of Islam. Pray for each suicide bombing to be a public acclamation that Islam is a false religion of violence rather than a religion of peace. Pray for every murder and killing perpetrated by terrorists to be used by the Lord to expose this demonic system and to turn eyes, hearts and minds toward and receive the Truth: that Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, died on the cross and rose again from the dead in order to provide eternal Life to all who will receive Him and surrender to His Lordship.

China was upset recently when the movie, “The Sun Behind the Clouds: Tibet’s Struggle for Freedom,” was included in an international film festival. Chinese filmmakers boycotted the festival in protest. The film reportedly follows the activities of those seeking Tibet’s independence. Pray for an end to this longstanding dispute. Pray for the Lord’s will to be done in Tibet – for His plans and purposes for this nation to be fulfilled. Pray not only for political and national independence, but for Tibetans to find spiritual freedom in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Dalai Lama and all of his followers to be set free from the kingdom of darkness and led by the Holy Spirit into the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Buddhist majority to hear the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and put their faith and trust eternally in Christ.

SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- President Abdoulay Wade ignited a religious firestorm in December 2009 when he defended a controversial new statue by comparing it to statues of Christ found in churches and stated that Jesus Christ “is not a God.” Wade later apologized, but not before hundreds of Christians protested in the streets. Pray for this statement to be an opportunity for Christian Believers to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God throughout Senegal. Pray for Wade’s remarks to cause Muslims to question their religion and begin to seek after and accept the One True God. Pray for this religiously tolerant, yet mostly Islamic nation, to have a revival led by the Holy Spirit. Pray for a time of great awakening that will lead multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Pray for Christians to be strong in the Lord in the power of His might. forgiving and to demonstrate God’s love to their Muslim friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Pray for Jesus to be lifted up above Muhammad and glorified above all other gods.

SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- In January 2010, the government of Syria expressed public support for Iran’s nuclear program. They also claimed the goal of the program was purely peaceful. Syria is expected to continue to cooperate with Iran on international issues, they stated, and “enemies of the Muslim world are doomed to failure.” Pray for the Lord to change hearts in Syria, turning their focus from the world domination of a false religious system, toward the Truth and Life of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel from every demonically-inspired power. Pray for the international community to act with wisdom and discernment in dealing with Syria. Pray for a great awakening among the people of Syria and for the multitudes to put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Pray for the support, resources, and financing of terrorism in Syria and Iran to dry up immediately. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the Middle East with great power, signs and wonders.

Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- Persecution against Christian Believers in Eritrea continues to be fierce and persistent. In December 2009, another group of Christians was arrested while in a private home. Although they do not pose a risk to the government, one Eritrean said, Believers are routinely arrested, mistreated, and tortured. “…There are cases where Christians were tortured to death.” Pray for Eritrean President Isaias Afworki to have an encounter with Jesus Christ. Pray for his heart to be changed as he surrenders his life to Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for Believers to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for them to boldly proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and demonstrate the love of God toward their persecutors. Pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and encourage those in prison, and comfort and provide for families who have had loved ones arrested or martyred for the cause of Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Eritrea, bringing a transformation towards Biblical principles at every level of society. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- The conflict between Tibet and China has spilled over from the political arena into the realm of art.

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MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- In January 2010, Mongolia became one of the first developing nations to receive donated H1N1 vaccines. According to Reuters News, six drug companies in 14 developed nations have donated 190 million doses of vaccine for use in 95 developing countries. Pray for the protection of families – especially babies and the elderly – in Mongolia as this epidemic may make its way through the region. Pray for the Lord to show His goodness in that land and that all medical care for the needy will be properly administered to all that need it. Pray for the spiritual awakening that has begun in Mongolia to flourish and grow as the Holy Spirit moves, softening hearts and opening blind eyes to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Mongolia in such power and glory that it becomes a testimony to the nations of the world of the goodness of the Lord. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIAProtestors are calling for the police in East Timor to be disarmed after another suspicious, shooting death. Human rights groups note that violence against the public and even between police and soldiers is common in East Timor. One report claims that “serious disciplinary or criminal charges” are currently pending against 250 police still on active duty. Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring political, social, and spiritual peace to this

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(East Timor continued) nation. Pray for an end to the turmoil, hatred, and lingering unforgiveness driving this violence. Pray for the Lord to comfort the families who have lost members to police brutality and military abuse. Pray for the Lord to give the government wisdom in dealing with and coming up with solutions to this ongoing crisis, and for all who were involved to be quickly brought to justice. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to East Timor, transforming hearts to the ways of His Kingdom, as citizens put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- Instead of being “guided by the principles of truth, justice, honesty, and fair-play,” a Gambian newspaper stated, the administration of President Yahya Jammeh (and the Ministry of Justice in particular) is made up of people who are a disservice to the Gambia and her people. The newspaper gave President Jammeh himself a failing grade on his performance in 2009. Pray for the Lord to rid the Gambian government of corruption, the lust for power, manipulation, greed, and control. Pray for the Lord to bring key members of the Jammeh administration into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the people to be protected from the abuses of the government and for the Lord to reveal Himself to them, and bless them with great signs and wonders. Pray for the Gambia to be transformed into a river of Living Water that will bless all of West Africa and usher multitudes out from the dominion of darkness and into the Kingdom of God. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- Israeli airstrikes on Palestinian terrorists have reportedly caused many Gaza residents to believe violence is on the rise again. The deadly airstrikes took out militant members of the Popular Resistance Committees – a coalition of Palestinian forces aimed at destroying Israel by attacking both soldiers and civilians. Pray for peace in this warweary region. Pray for the lies of the enemy to be rejected by the people of the Gaza Strip and for them to stop supporting the PRC, Hamas, Fata, and all other terrorist groups. Pray for the evil actions of these groups to testify to the ultimately demonic goals of extremist Islam and be used by the Lord to turn many from this false religion toward the One True and Living God. Pray for the Lord to protect the civilians on both sides of the disputed border and for the plans and purposes of terrorists to fail, be found out, and swiftly be brought to justice. Pray for the Lord to watch over and keep every Christian Believer living in the Gaza, and for multitudes of unbelievers to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

war. Pray for the Lord to protect Christian Believers as they face both persecution and terrorism on a daily basis. Pray for the Lord to strengthen them and help them persevere as they are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Pray for all residents of the West Bank to have clean water, medical care, education, and the ability to worship God freely without backlash or retaliation from the government or insurgent groups. Pray for the Lord to work healing in those who have been traumatized by violence and enable those who are bitter and angry to forgive. Pray for peace to rule in this land His Kingdom to be firmly established in the West Bank. Window International Network Pray for the staff of Window International Network to continue to call on the Lord, seeking Him with all their heart. Pray for the Lord to answer their cries and show them great and mighty things – fenced in and hidden things – which they do not know (The Bible, Jeremiah 33:3). Pray for the Lord to reveal to them deep secrets in order for them to serve Him strategically and effectively. Pray for the Light of the Lord to shine in them and through them, illuminating the 10/40 Window and reaching the unreached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for them to be used mightily to fulfill the Great Commission, usher in God’s Kingdom, and ensure that the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached in the 10/40 Window as a testimony to all nations (The Bible, Matthew 28:18-20; 6:10; 24:14). Pray WIN will have all of the resources needed to effectively and efficiently serve the people of the 10/40 Window. Pray the Lord will bless the WIN staff in their personal lives as well. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News, allAfrica.com, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance

WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- According to Christian Believers living in the West Bank, there is “a growing grassroots movement… advocating for peace between Palestinians and Israelis.” Amazingly, the movement is a combined effort of Jews, Muslims and Christians, as well as hundreds of nongovernmental organizations. Pray for this effort to gain the attention of President Abbas and the West Bank government. Pray for the veil of blindness to be removed from their eyes and for them to see the futility and cruelty of their actions and goals. Pray for the lies of the enemy to be exposed and for the Lord to bring godly sorrow leading to repentance and salvation to all who are hungering for bloodshed and

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Israel and Purim

and risk losing not only her status as queen, but her life!

Shalom, Prayer Warriors! I hope you are doing well as we are one month into the New Year - 2010! Actually, not everyone in the world follows our calendar. In fact, there are several cultures that follow different calendars. The 10/40 Window nation of Israel, for instance, follows the Gregorian calendar. They hold special feasts throughout the year that correspond to that timetable.

What would you do if you had to make that choice? Esther made the right decision, standing up for God’s people, and said, “If I perish, I perish.” She revealed her Jewish heritage to King Xerxes and told him about Haman’s wicked plan. The king responded by ordering Haman to be executed. In the end, Mordecai was honored by the King, Esther was still the queen and the Jews were spared.

In the next several weeks, Jews will celebrate a feast known as Purim. This holiday is a time to remember God’s love and care for the Jewish people.

The Feast of Purim reminds the Jewish people that God is always at work, even if it is sometimes “behind the scenes.” Our God is faithful and He loves his people very much.

What is Purim all about?

“Greggers”- a Purim Tradition and Craft

The story of Purim comes from the Old Testament Book of Esther. Interestingly, God’s Name is not mentioned in Esther. Not even once! Yet it tells of God’s faithfulness to the Jews.

One common tradition of Purim is to create noisemakers called “greggers.” These loud toys are used whenever the name of Haman is spoken during the reading of the story of Esther.

In Esther, we are introduced to a man named Haman. Haman hated the Jews. He was a leader in Persia who served under King Xerxes and came up with an evil plan to wipe out the entire Jewish race.

Why do you think the Jews cover up the name of Haman with noise? In the Bible, we learn that Haman’s ancestors, the Amalekites, were the enemies of Israel. God cursed the Amalekites hundreds of years before Esther and Mordecai’s time. In fact, God said the name Amalek would be cursed forever (The Holy Bible, Exodus 17:14, 16).

A Jewish man named Mordecai was one of the main reasons Haman devised the plan to kill the Jews. Mordecai helped his teenage cousin, Esther, become the Queen of Persia. When Mordecai learned about Haman’s plot, he asked Esther to do something – to speak to the king on behalf of the Jews. Queen (Esther had to make a difficult decision. She could either stay silent and protect her position, or she could talk to the king

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Part of the Purim celebration is to make sure Haman’s name is never heard again!

Israel Today Friends, praying for the nation of Israel is not just a good idea. It is a Biblical idea and a commandment of God. (The Holy Bible, Psalm122) So let’s obey God by praying for the peace of Jerusalem and protection for God’s people. Let’s also pray for Messianic Jews (Jews who believe Jesus is the Messiah) living in Israel and other places in the 10/40 Window. Violence towards Messianic Jews has been increasing. So pray for God’s supernatural covering and comfort for these Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Pray for the Lord to give them boldness and opportunities to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God with their families and neighbors.

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Purim is a great time to think about God’s protection and care for His people. He is faithful and loving and He watches over us like a shepherd watching over a flock of sheep. He is our Good Shepherd. Resource: “Such a Curse: A Messianic Look at Purim,” January 1, 1993, http://jewsforjesus.org/ publications/issues/8_7/suchacurse

Recipe for Hamentaschen ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚

2/3 cup butter or margarine 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg 1/4 cup orange juice (the smooth kind, not the pulpy) 1 cup white flour 1 cup wheat flour (DO NOT substitute white flour! The wheat flour is necessary to achieve the right texture) ✚✚ 2 tsp. baking powder ✚✚ 1 tsp. cinnamon ✚✚ Various preserves, fruit butters and/or pie fillings. Blend butter and sugar thoroughly. Add the egg and blend thoroughly. Add orange juice and blend thoroughly. Add flour, 1/2 cup at a time, alternating white and wheat, blending thoroughly between each. Add the baking powder and cinnamon with the last half cup of flour. Refrigerate batter overnight or at least a

February 2010

Pleas e pray fremembe or Isr r to ael! few

hours. Roll as thin as you can without getting holes in the batter (roll it between two sheets of wax paper lightly dusted with flour for best results). Cut out 3 or 4 inch circles. Proper folding of Hamentaschen

Put a dollop of filling in the middle of each circle. Fold up the sides to make a triangle, folding the last corner under the starting point, so that each side has a corner that folds over and a corner that folds under (see picture at right). Folding in this “pinwheel” style will reduce the likelihood that the last side will fall open while cooking, spilling out the filling. It also tends to make a better triangle shape. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15-20 minutes, until golden brown but before the filling boils over! Traditional fillings are poppy seed and prune, but apricot, apple butter, pineapple preserves, and cherry pie filling and even Nutella all work quite well. The number of cookies this recipe makes depends on the size of your cutting tool and the thickness you roll. Resource: http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday9.htm

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