10/40 Window Reporter January 2010

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January 2010 Edition


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Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window.

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

Pastor Edward Smith Minister Beverly Pegues Dr. Dora Saforo Sister Judith Trimble Sister Audrey Beckett Dr. Myles Munroe Sister Bindu Choudhrie

Window International Network President: Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor: LaTonya J. Pegues WindowKidsTM Editor: Leah Sahhar Design/Layout: John Burton Design | www.johnburtondesign.com

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January 2010

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he word “give” appears 1,345 times in the Bible. Many of these references describe actions carried out by God. For instance, in Genesis, the LORD tells Abram to “Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you” (The Bible, Genesis 13:17). In Joshua, the LORD says He plans to give the descendants of Israel their inheritance. In II Kings, the LORD promises to give a lamp to David and his sons forever. Throughout the pages of His Word, we see God giving. He gives Law, gives His covenant, gives His guidance, gives His protection…. Over and over and over again, God gives. He is, by nature, a giving God. Nowhere is that better illustrated than in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. The Father gave, yet again, this time in a terribly costly, sacrificial way, in order for mankind to receive forgiveness, be redeemed from the power of death, hell, sin and the enemy, and delivered into everlasting Life. In Matthew, we read that the indescribable gift of God (Jesus Christ) had to endure flogging (a form of Roman tor-

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ture), was stripped naked, crowned with thorns, spit upon, mocked, and beaten. He was then nailed to a cross and left to die a slow, cruel death. That’s what giving looks like. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul exhorts us to “be imitators of God” (The Bible, Ephesians 5:1). That can mean many things, but one of the primary ways we can be imitators of God is by giving. We have seen God give His Son, watched Him give us blessing after blessing, been the recipients of untold spiritual and physical gifts. Our response, the Bible tells us, should not only be an ongoing expression of thankfulness, but a lifestyle of giving. We should be looking for ways to give our time, talents, energy, resources, and, yes, finances. Just as the Word encourages us to share our faith – reminding us that it is “wise to save souls” – it also tells us to give to the poor and, especially to the extension of God’s Kingdom. That’s where Window International Network (WIN) comes in. WIN is dedicated to reaching the least-reached people living in the least-reached nations. That’s another way of saying that WIN is focused on the 10/40 Window – the region of the world where the vast majority of Muslims, Hindus, Bud-

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dhists, and animists live; where terrorism is thriving; where corruption is rampant; where lawlessness and violence are out of control; where extreme poverty is the norm; where Believers are routinely persecuted for their faith. God gave to us – and continues to give each day. And He wants us to join Him in this activity, to experience firsthand the joy of giving. He expects us to do so strategically, in ways that will help fulfill the Great Commission and usher in the Kingdom of God on earth. God has given extravagantly to us. Let’s partner with Him now in giving back to His work, to the glory of Christ. Let’s invest the blessings He has given us in reaching the people of the 10/40 Window. “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (The Bible, Acts 20:35) Please give to God’s work through Window International Network TODAY at www.WIN1040.com/donate Thank You!

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ccording to the United Nations, violence against women and girls is not merely an occasional problem or something limited to a few lawless regions of the world. The abuse of women, they say, constitutes a crisis of pandemic proportions. More than one of every three women in the world has been “beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime,” their research has found. This alarming revelation led the UN to designate November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The date was chosen to commemorate the deaths of the three Marabel sisters assassinated by the government of dictator Rafael Trujillo in l960 in the Dominican Republic. The focus of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is to promote public awareness and to mobilize efforts to bring an end to gender-based violence. “Our goal is clear: an end to these inexcusable crimes….” One of the most serious and common forms of violence against women in recent years has been the use of rape as a weapon of war. In places such as the Darfur region of Sudan, military troops routinely instill fear and exert control by murdering men and raping women and girls. As recently as September 2009, rape was used to put down political riots in Guinea. Dozens of women were sexually brutalized in the streets at gunpoint. Even peacekeeping troops have been guilty

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of misusing their authority and power to engage in these immoral, degrading, and destructive crimes. Another alarming trend is a rise in “honor killings.” These are usually carried out by Muslim men who believe their daughters or wives have brought disgrace upon the family. This disgrace can involve a failure to dress properly, refusing to follow parental rules, an unwillingness to abide by Sharia’ law, or even choosing to follow Jesus Christ (considered apostasy). While all acts of hatred are condemned by the Lord, His Word tells us that He is particularly concerned with the plight of innocent, defenseless victims such as women and children. Psalm 10 describes the wicked men who carry out this kind of evil: The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor; Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised. For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire; he blesses the greedy and renounces the LORD. He lies in wait secretly, as a lion in his den; he lies in wait to catch the poor; he catches the poor when he draws them into his net. So he crouches, he lies low, that the helpless may fall by his strength. He has said in his heart, “God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never see.” (The Bible, Psalm 10:2,3,9-11) Recognizing the injustice and degradation of violence against women and girls is necessary. Designating a day to raise awareness of against females is important. But more is needed to bring an end to these atrocities. As the psalmist noted in his petition, God must intervene: Arise, O LORD! O God, lift

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up Your hand! Do not forget the humble. …You have seen, for You observe trouble and grief, to repay it by Your hand. The helpless commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless. Break the arm of the wicked and the evil man; seek out his wickedness until You find none. The LORD is King forever and ever… You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may oppress no more. (The Bible, Psalm, 10:12,14-18) At the start of this new year, let us devote ourselves to standing in the gap on behalf of those whom the LORD desires to uphold. Let us pray fervently for the women and girls who are being violated and abused.

PRAY FOR: • the Lord of Hosts to arise to the defense of women and girls who are suffering at the hands of evil men. Pray for the Lord to be their sun and shield, bestowing favor and honor upon them. Pray for the Lord to be their rock, fortress and deliverer, providing them with safety and security. (The Bible, Psalm 84:11; 18:2) • the righteous Lord to put an immediate end to violence against women and to be a refuge and heal all of the victims. (The Bible, Psalm 7:9,10)

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• the end of violence against women and girls to become a chief issue for governments and leaders. Pray for nations to actively fight against these abuses and quickly call those who are committing these crimes into accountability. Pray for justice to be swiftly served. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 27:19) • the hearts of wicked men to be transformed by personal encounters with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict them of their abominable crimes and lead them towards permanent repentance and salvation. (The Bible, II Corinthians 7:10) • the Church to take up her place on the wall, acting as watchmen who will never be silent day or night, giving the Lord no rest until He intervenes on behalf of the oppressed. (The Bible, Isaiah 62:6,7) • the Lord to share with us His heart for women and girls who are suffering from violence and give us His passion to see such treatment brought to an end swiftly. (The Bible, Psalm 10:17,18)

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hough you might not guess by looking at the nation of Turkey today, it was once the headquarters for a powerful Islamic empire that controlled large parts of three continents. Known

as the Ottoman Dynasty, it lasted from 1299 until 1922. It was controlled by a sultanate or caliphate (titles of rulership) that began with Osman I. When the Ottoman Empire finally fell after World War I, what emerged was a “democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic.” Since that time, the nation of Turkey has befriended western countries and participated in such organizations as NATO and the United Nations. The government has expressed a great desire to become a member of the European Union and currently has “candidate” status. Turkey almost seemed to have forgotten its deep Islamic roots. Until recently. When Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, known as the “Father of the Turks,” established the new republic, he purposefully defined it as a secular nation. He gave women the right to vote and banned the wearing of headscarves in public. The concept of separating religion and politics has become a point of fierce debate in the last few years. Nearly 100% of the population is Muslim (mostly Sunni) and some, including current Prime Minister Racep Erdogen, have begun calling for a return to Turkey’s Islamic heritage. Erdogen himself has tried to reinstate headscarves and introduce shari’a-like bans on alcohol and adultery. According to the constitution, there is no official religion in Turkey. It also promises freedom of religion. However, Christians often face intense persecution. Discrimination and mistreatment are not uncommon, and martyrdom has become increasingly frequent. Turkey is ranked number 39 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009. Gaining acceptance into the European Union (EU) is perhaps the main reason Muslim hardliners have failed in their efforts to impose stricter shari’a-based laws. In order to become a member of the EU, Turkey must maintain democracy and secularism. Recent developments are further cause for concern regarding Turkey’s drift toward extremist Islam. In 2009, the government refused to engage in joint military exercises with Israel (a one-time friend), and then refused to back the new surge of NATO troops into Afghanistan. Their reluctance to train with Israel was a form of protest over Israel’s last attack on the Gaza Strip (Dec. 2008/Jan. 2009). It has yet to be determined why they are now refusing to assist in locating and defeating the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic terrorists. In December 2009, President Abdullah Gul visited Jordan to discuss how the two nations could have closer economic and diplomatic ties. Visa requirements between Turkey and Jordan have been abolished to form a “free trade area.” The stated goal is, to not only make travel easier, but to address the

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Middle East conflict. The “Palestinian issue,” Gul said at the meeting, “is not only a matter of Palestinians but of all Muslims.”

PRAY FOR: • the Lord to sovereignly guide the leaders of Turkey in making decisions that will fulfill His plans and purposes for the nation. Pray for President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogen to hear and respond to the Gospel, putting their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 86:9) • the people of Turkey to be set free from the bondage of false religion. Pray for them to seek and find the salvation offered to them by the Lord. Pray for the Lord to lead them out of the dominion of darkness and into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Colossians 1:13) • the Lord to protect and encourage Turkish Believers. Pray for them to be strong in the LORD and the Power of HIS might, and for the Lord and for the Spirit of glory and of God to rest on them. Pray for the Lord to give them great boldness in sharing their faith. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10, I Peter 4:13,14) • the Holy Spirit to continue restraining Islam and preserve democracy in Turkey. Pray for the Turks (the world’s largest unreached people bloc) to have the opportunity to repent and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Acts 3:19) • Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in Turkey as it is in Heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10) Sourced: BBC News, wikipedia

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urbulent” might be the best word to describe the events that have taken place in Guinea over the course of the past year. In fact, that same term could be used in outlining the history of the nation since its independence. Guinea broke away from France in 1952. Instead of peace, however, this newfound freedom led to violence and poverty. During the rule of the first president, Ahmed Sekou

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Toure, from 1958 to 1984, thousands of citizens were killed and thousands more simply disappeared. His reign was followed by a bloodless coup that allowed Lasana Conte to rise and seize the presidency. Democracy was introduced in l993, but the military rebelled in l996. By 2000, opposition leaders were being imprisoned and rebels were actively seeking to overturn the government. In 2001, President Conte put forth a constitutional referendum to extend his term as president. In 2003, Conte won a third presidential term in an election that was boycotted by opposition parties. Rebels attempted to assassinate him in 2005. A matter of hours after his death in 2008, military forces staged a coup and a junta led by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara took control. With this legacy of political upheaval, dictatorships, and civil violence, it should come as no surprise that when citizens protested Camara’s decision to run for president (after promising not to) in September 2009, they were gunned down in cold blood. More than 150 were killed, thousands injured, and untold numbers of women and girls were raped in the streets at gunpoint. In October 2009, the European Union, African Union, and other nations began to impose sanctions to protest these events. The United Na-

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tions also launched an investigation. Captain Camara’s rule may have come to an end in December 2009 when a member of his own military attempted to assassinate him. He quickly fled the country, but, according to his spokesman, this was only to seek medical treatment. In his absence, Vice-President Sekouba Konate has been in charge. “Analysts say the shooting highlights deep rifts within the junta after the killing of an estimated 157 opposition supporters in September.” At the moment, Guinea is in a state of confusion. We know that while the Lord can use this for His glory, He is not the author of it. He is the author of peace. (The Bible, I Corinthians 14:33). This nation desperately needs the Prince of Peace to bring His Kingdom to Guinea in order to restore both political and spiritual peace.

PRAY FOR: • the LORD to use the confusion and lawlessness being released by the enemy and carried out by wicked men to open doors for the introduction and establishment of His Kingdom in Guinea. (The Bible, Isaiah 59:19) • a stable government that will bring glory and honor to the LORD.

the military government to have their eyes opened to the free gift of salvation available to them by the Lord. Pray for their hard hearts to be softened by the Holy Spirit, for them to hear and respond to the Gospel, and for all of them to surrender to the Lordship of Christ. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4) • for those guilty of criminal activities – murder, rape, corruption – to be brought to swift justice and for order to be restored. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 32:4) • the LORD to raise up the leaders of His choosing to guide Guinea forward, out of turmoil and into His plans and purposes for this nation. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21) • the Kingdom of God to come in power to Guinea, with great signs and wonders, ushering multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Hebrews 2:3-5) Sourced: BBC News

• the people of Guinea to become hungry for the peace available only in Jesus Christ. Pray for them to thirst for the Living Water. Pray for them to seek after and find the LORD, as they search for Him with all their hearts. (The Bible, John 7:38; Jeremiah 29:13) • Captain Camara, Vice President Konate, and the rest of

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he origin of this nation’s name is unknown. Some believe it could mean “land of a million elephants.” Others speculate that it came from an Indian word for “Lava” – the son of the god Rama. Either way, it speaks of the power that was present when the Lan Xang Kingdom (present day Laos) was established. As the story goes, an exiled prince returned to his homeland and conquered the resident powers, eventually becoming king. That was in the 1300s. At that time Theravada Buddhism was introduced to the region. It continues to be the main religion in most of Southeast Asia and is the state religion in Laos today. Among the beliefs of this false system are the concept of Nirvana (“to extinguish” – a heaven-like state of happiness), the pursuit of enlightenment, and an attempt to eliminate suffering. One of its most destructive lies is that “there are many paths to God.”1 Laos gained independence from the French in 1949. This newfound “freedom” was followed by civil war. The Vietnam War spilled over into the nation, and in 1975, Communists seized power. Although it is officially called the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, it remains a Communist state today – one of the few that survived the fall of the Soviet Union. Poverty is an ongoing plague on the nation, contributing to a low life expectancy (57 years) and a high infant mortality rate (nearly 78 of every 1000 births result in death). The general economic situation can be summed up in the word “underdeveloped.” Laos is listed at 130 out of 177 nations on the U.N. Human Poverty Index. PERSECUTION All Christians are subject to persecution in Laos. But the Hmong people group has been the target of some of the worst violence. Like their fellow Believers, they have had their churches and homes destroyed and have endured physical attacks. The Hmong, however, have also been tracked like animals by soldiers and police. Many have fled across borders, only to be held in refugee camps. Some have been returned to face arrest and imprisonment. Open Doors ranked

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Laos as the tenth worst persecutor of Christians in 2009. The nation was also among the ten worst according to International Christian Concern. “Christians continue to be hunted, imprisoned and murdered,” they reported.2 PRAISE Thank God for His faithfulness and the faithfulness of His Church in Laos. Despite restrictions and persecution, the Church in Laos is growing. PRAY ✚✚Pray for the people of Laos

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to be transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. Pray for every resident of this nation to be loosed from the bondage of Buddhism, animism, and communism. Pray these “isms” will be demolished and for the sovereignty of Jesus Christ to Rule and Reign in this land. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4-6) ✚✚Pray for relief for those suffering the effects of poverty. Pray for the spirit of “not enough” to be bound and cast out from the land. Pray for Jehovah Jireh to be lifted

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up and for the Lord to provide abundantly for every physical, emotional, and spiritual need. (The Bible, Psalm 12:5, Philippians 4:19) ✚✚Pray Christians will immediately be able to worship freely in Laos without fear of backlash or retaliation from the government, terrorist, or insurgent groups. ✚✚Pray for Believers to be encouraged, keeping the Faith and running the race to advance the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Hmong and all other Believers in Laos to delight themselves in the Lord, in the midst of trouble. (The Bible, I Timothy 4:7-8, Proverbs 3:5-6) ✚✚Pray for a move of God that would topple every territorial spirit and idol, and for a tremendous harvest of souls to be added to the Kingdom of God daily that will be a testimony to all the world of God’s Majesty and Greatness that would be heard throughout Southeast Asia. (The Bible, Zephaniah 2:11) ✚✚Pray for an immediate end to all forms of corruption in this land.


Sources include: World Factbook, Wikipedia, Open Doors World Watch List 2009, Human Development Reports 1 Dean C. Halverson, The Compact Guide to World Religions, (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1996), p. 62. 2 2009 Praying for the Persecuted Church in Lent, Barnabas Aid, p. 25.

LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA ÌÌ Population: 6,677,534 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Lt. Gen. Choummali Saignason ÌÌ Christians: 1.2% ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Buddhism ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 8th January 2010

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 1 ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 14; Casualties: 3 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 74% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: 31%

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PRAYER Points January 2010

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- A massive “reconversion” was staged in October 2009 in a suburb of Mumbai. A hard-line Hindu cleric led the ceremony in which approximately 800 tribal Christians were converted back to Hinduism. Many Hindu nationals consider all of India’s citizens to be Hindu and have declared a goal of reconverting 100,000 Christians. Pray for this strategy of the enemy to backfire. Pray for this desperate attempt to take back lost territory to cause Hindus to question the power, validity, and motivation of their religion. Pray for the Light of Christ to shine even more brightly in Mumbai and throughout India, driving out the darkness and setting the captives free. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation with great signs and wonders and miracles. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- Three humanitarian workers from Spain were kidnapped in Mauritania in November 2009. The workers were taking aid to a poor area of Nouadhibou when gunmen attacked their convoy. The kidnappers are believed to be affiliated with al-Qaeda (alQaida in the Islamic Maghreb). Pray for the safe return of the three workers. Pray for the safety of other aid groups active in Mauritania – especially Christian organizations. Pray for terrorist groups in Mauritania to be exposed, captured, and quickly brought to justice. Pray for the Lord to provide protection for those in Mauritania who suffer from this violence and the ongoing threat of terrorism. Pray for the Gospel to penetrate the veil that has for so long clung to this nation and its people. Pray for the citizens of Mauritania to hear, respond to, and embrace the Good News of Jesus Christ, receiving Him as Savior and Lord. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- Seven Believers were crucified in Sudan in October 2009 by members of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The LRA is a terrorist rebel group based in Uganda that often crosses the border into Sudan. The terrorists also attacked two churches and kidnapped an unknown number of youth. Pray those who have done wrong will be quickly brought to justice. Pray for the safety of our Brothers and Sisters in Sudan – especially those living in the south. Pray for the Lord to comfort the families and friends of the martyrs, as well as those

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who have had their children kidnapped. Pray for the Lord to plunder the ranks of the LRA, conquering the hearts of its members (including leader, Joseph Kony), and transforming them from men who lust after blood into men who follow hard after God’s heart. Pray for a revival in southern Sudan and an awakening among the lost that will swell and spill over into the North, as well as into Uganda and other neighboring nations. AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- After being re-elected in a vote considered fraudulent (October 2009), President Hamid Karzai has been urged by international colleagues to rid his government of corruption. Despite launching investigations into a half dozen cabinet members and charging them with embezzlement and fraud, many are still skeptical about Karzai’s commitment to clean up his administration. “This is not something that can be swept under the carpet,” one observer noted. Pray for a swift and thorough house-cleaning in which every corrupt official in Afghanistan is publicly brought to justice. Pray for President Karzai’s heart to be softened by the Holy Spirit and for him to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for his salvation. Pray for the rigged presidential election of 2009, to be a turning point in this nation, used by the Lord to usher in a new season of honesty and integrity in this land. Pray for the people of Afghanistan to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ rather than in men. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Pray that the Kuwaiti government would have divine wisdom in their dealings in foreign relations. Pray that the Church will grow, lead their nation to Christ, and that the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in Kuwait. Pray Kuwait’s hearts to be set free from the worship of mammon and become fertile ground for the Word of God to be sown. Pray for an abundant harvest of souls among Kuwaitis with multitudes surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- This already impoverished nation (half of the population survives on $1.25 or less per day) has suffered from countless seasonal disasters (typhoons regularly kill hundreds of thousands). Pray for this successive series of calamities to turn the attention of the people of Bangladesh to eternal matters. Pray for the Lord to comfort those who have lost loved ones and draw their hearts to Jesus. Pray for the Lord to free them from the bondage of Islam and enable them to seek and find salvation in Christ. Pray for relief organizations to have the opportunity to minister to physical,

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(Bangladesh continued) emotional, and spiritual needs. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be preached, demonstrated, and established in this nation. Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- Organized crime is epidemic in Japan. The largest group – the Yakuza – is estimated to have 80,000 members. Police are aware of more than 800 companies run by organized crime organizations in Tokyo alone. The Yakuza is believed to be heavily involved in Japanese financial markets and funded by foreign investors who are unaware of their powerful influence. Pray for an end to this illegal, immoral, and demonic organization. Pray for the demand for their services –drugs, prostitution, and child pornography – to dry up and for the funding that fuels this industry to evaporate. Pray for this infestation of wickedness to disgust the citizens of Japan and lead them towards a revival in the ways of the LORD. Pray for a great awakening in this land, a tearing down of the strongholds of materialism and greed, and for Jesus Christ to be exalted above every idol and every god. GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- Years of political instability in this West African nation have created the perfect atmosphere for crime and corruption. It is now a trafficking hub for drugs – especially cocaine. Cartels consider it a prime transit point for smuggling drugs into Europe. Experts believe that $23 billion of the $70 billion cocaine trade moves through Guinea-Bissau. Pray for an immediate end to this destructive trade. Pray for Believers around the world and inside GuineaBissau to begin praying fervently for traffickers to be captured and for their illegal products to be seized before they can harm people. Pray for resources to be provided so the government can effectively fight every satanic attack in the illegal drug trade. Pray for suppliers in South America, traffickers in GuineaBissau, and buyers in Europe to have life-changing encounters with Jesus Christ. Pray for those who are serving the powers of darkness to be set free and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord today. Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- A delegation from Bhutan attended a Gross National Happiness (GNH) conference in Brazil in November 2009. They found that Bhutan is falling behind in the implementation of this concept – even though it originated in Bhutan. They returned to their homeland determined to make it a place of well being. Pray for the people of Bhutan to realize that true happiness and well being are impossible outside of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to use their dissatisfaction with life to motivate them to seek and find Him. Pray for their hearts to become soft soil for the seed of the Gospel to take root. Pray the lies and fallacies of GNH and Buddhism to be made known and for the truth of salvation in

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Jesus Christ to be proclaimed throughout the nation without restriction, backlash, or retaliation. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to bring an abundant harvest to His Kingdom in Bhutan as it is in Heaven. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The government launched attacks on rebels in Yemen (Huthis – believed to be supported by Iran) in November 2009. It was also the month in which millions of Muslims from around the world made their once-in-a-lifetime trip (hajj) to Mecca, while others come on several occasions. During this year’s rite, rising water which caused floods resulted in the deaths of more than 100 people, and the possibility of a swine flu outbreak caused great concern to health officials. Pray for these events to be used by the Lord to cause Saudis to question Islam, as well as the security of their nation and lives. Pray for the instability and uncertainty to give them a desire to seek refuge in Jesus Christ. Pray for the strongholds of Islam to be torn down and for the birthplace of this false religion to become the focal point of a great awakening to Christ as the Holy Spirit opens spiritually blind eyes and ears to the Good News. Pray for a multitude of Saudis to turn away from works as a means to paradise, and turn toward the grace of the Lord found only in His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come gloriously to Saudi Arabia as it is in Heaven. Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- Military leader Moussa Dadis Camara insists that he seized power in order to save Guinea from a corrupt government and has the right to run for president. Opposition groups are demanding that he step down and be barred from the upcoming presidential election. In September 2009, 150 people demonstrating against Camara were gunned down by the military. In December 2009, Camara was wounded when his own solders attempted a coup. Pray for the Prince of Peace to intervene and bring lasting peace to this troubled nation. Pray for Camara to humble himself and seek the good of the people of Guinea rather than his own good. Pray for the Lord to raise up men and women of integrity, who fear His Name, to lead the country forward. Pray for this turmoil to be used by the Lord to draw many hearts into a personal relationship with Him. THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- To commemorate World AIDS Day (December 1), the government of Thailand staged a number of demonstrations intended to educate the public about “safe sex.” They also gave away 30 million condoms in an attempt to slow the AIDS epidemic. Those infected are mostly youth, the majority having contracted the disease through immoral sexual behavior. Pray for the leaders of Thailand to realize that fighting the symptoms of sin will not bring about a cure. Pray for an immediate end to the trafficking of little boys and little girls and of women in Thailand. Pray for a change of heart among the young people of Thailand to live a life of celibacy– for the Lord to turn their

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attention from the futility of lust and self-destructive behavior toward the Life and satisfaction found In Jesus Christ. Pray that the rise in HIV/AIDS to cause many Thais to consider their mortality and motivate them to prepare for the judgment that awaits them after death. Pray for an end of the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus. Pray for this to be a season of harvest of souls to the Lord in Thailand as the Kingdom of God comes in great power, with signs, wonders, and miracles. Day 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA- The political turmoil in Niger, brought about by President Mamadou Tandja’s desperate and illegal attempts to stay in power without being reelected, is now being called a “constitutional crisis.” In November, the European Union issued a deadline for order to be restored and froze all developmental aid to Niger. The nation is ranked last on the U.N. Human Development Index. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Niger from the irresponsible and unethical dealings of its wayward leader. Pray for President Tandja to hear and respond to the Gospel, surrendering his life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for spiritual transformation that is Christ-centered in Niger that will result in a corresponding transformation in government, education, health care, and living conditions. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in Niger as it is in Heaven. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Throughout the winter this former Soviet republic faces the possibility of severe electricity shortages. This comes as a result of neighboring Uzbekistan’s decision to disassociate itself from the regional power grid. The power lines that supply Kyrgyzstan run through Uzbekistan. Pray the Lord will provide warmth and electricity for and provide all of the felt needs of the impoverished people of Kyrgyzstan. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give leaders new and inventive ideas for supplying power to the nation. Pray for their need for power in the physical realm to be used as a picture of their need to know and depend upon the Lord’s power in the spiritual realm. Pray for multitudes of Kyrgyz to turn their backs on Islam and embrace the marvelous Light of Jesus Christ, accepting Him as their Savior and Lord. Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- According to a statement issued by the government of Iran, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei “cannot be removed from his post because his legitimacy comes from God.” In November, the nation resisted efforts by the UN to inspect nuclear sites. They have vowed to not only continue but expand their nuclear program. The international consensus is that “time is running out” for Iran. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in Iran, shining His unavoidable, unstoppable Light into the

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darkness. Pray for the strongholds of Islam, manipulation, and selfish ambition to be torn down and demolished by the Lord of Hosts. Pray for the Holy Spirit to brood over Iran, setting captives free, giving sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout the land and for the Lord to bring an abundant harvest of souls into His kingdom as Iranians put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- An estimated l00,000 people in Burkina Faso were displaced in devastating and deadly floods that occurred in September 2009. Approximately l4,000 continue to live in temporary camps in the capital of Ouagadougou. The government is now attempting to relocate these survivors and assist them in the process of rebuilding. Pray for the Lord to provide nutritious food, clean water, shelter, health care, and hope for those who have lost homes and family members. Pray for Christian humanitarian workers to be allowed to be part of the restoration process, offering both physical and spiritual relief that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and signs and wonders witnessed throughout Burkina Faso and for Burkinabes to respond by surrendering their lives accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- Approximately 1.7% of Mali’s 12 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS. As one source notes, “the stigma surrounding AIDS is still strong, but a tradition of polygamous marriage adds to the challenge of preventing transmission.” Pray for the Lord to supply medicine for those already suffering from AIDS. Pray for HIV/AIDS prevention education to be made available that will help stop the spread of the virus. Pray for the orphans and widows left in the wake of the disease – for the Lord to provide those in need with food, clothing, shelter, families, and most of all, His Love. Pray for AIDS to be used by the Lord to draw many hearts and lives into relationship with His only Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the eradication of AIDS within the next decade, by 2020. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- Experts say the longstanding conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region may be coming to an end. Negotiators on both sides have reaffirmed their commitment to work towards a resolution. Over one million people were displaced and 30,000 killed before a fragile ceasefire was reached in 1993. Pray for true and lasting peace to come to this region. Pray for the Lord to bring reconciliation between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Pray for those who have been displaced who have lost homes and families. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Nagorno-Karabakh and for Jesus to be exalted far above all other gods and idols. Pray for the Light of the Gospel to dispel all darkness in Azerbaijan and

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(Azerbaijan continued) for multitudes to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- With Somalis wreaking havoc off the coast of East Africa, West Africa is now having to contend with its own pirates. Nigerian terrorists have begun attempting to hijack ships off the coast of Benin. Though pirates have sometimes been active off the shores of Nigeria, they are extending their reach into the territorial waters of Benin. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Benin wisdom in dealing with this threat. Pray for the pirates to be confused and for their efforts to fail. Pray for the spirits of greed and bloodshed to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the pirates, bringing godly sorrow, a conviction of sin, and true repentance. Pray for an immediate end to all acts of piracy. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Benin in power, transforming multitudes of lives. INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- An investigation into government corruption in Indonesia revealed that two anticorruption officials were part of the problem. The case is controversial because some believe the officials were targeted in order to keep them from further exposing other corrupt officials. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has vowed to clamp down on this problem and warned that more resignations and suspensions would be coming. Pray for the Lord to expose the all levels of the corruption and those who are attempting to cover up their illegal behavior. Pray for those guilty of cheating and lying to be swiftly found out and quickly brought to justice. Pray for President Yudhoyono to act with integrity and tenacity in cleaning up his government. Pray for the people of Indonesia to see the wages of sin and choose to turn away from it, embracing the free gift of Life found only in Jesus Christ. Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- According to a United Nations report, the government of Laos excludes Christians and other religious minorities from taking part in the decisionmaking process. The report goes on to say that Christians are not allowed access to higher education or government positions. It concluded that Laos does not practice religious freedom. Pray for the Lord to change the hearts of the government in this nation to allow followers of Christ to be educated at all levels and to have leadership authority in all industries throughout the land. Pray for complete freedom of religion. Pray for Christians to remain bold and strong in their walk with the Lord, despite ongoing persecution and discrimination. Pray for their witness to cause other Laotians to question the motivation of the government – especially the legitimacy of communism, and demand a government that rules by Biblical principles.

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Pray for people to see the results of the UN report to be a starting place from which they see the need for Christ and an on going revival will emerge on the seen. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come powerfully to Laos as it is in Heaven. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- Activist Aminatou Haidar went on a hunger strike in November 2009 to call for the independence of Western Sahara. Having been expelled from Western Sahara by Morocco, Haidar has been trapped in Spain, unable to return home. Pray for the desperate actions of this passionate woman to draw world attention to the ongoing crisis in Western Sahara. Pray for the Lord Himself to establish peace in this nation, fulfilling His plans and purposes for its people. Pray for those who have been displaced and are residing in refugee camps in the hot desert across the border in Algeria to be cared for and for the Lord to give them hope, and supply all their need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Pray for Believers to stand strong and continue to proclaim the Gospel on every side. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, His will done in Western Sahara as it is in Heaven. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- Three churches and several businesses owned by Christians were burned down in Egypt in November 2009. The attacks took place near Assuit, in the Upper Egypt region. Christians were placed on a curfew by authorities and warned to stay indoors until the violence subsided. Pray for the Lord to give officials wisdom in dealing with this situation and discernment in finding and bringing to justice those who committed the hateful acts. Pray for these events to be used to further proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel in this land. Pray for the hearts of the terrorists to be filled with godly sorrow that leads to repentance and brings salvation. Pray for protection of Believers in Egypt as they face ongoing persecution and discrimination. Pray they will be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might. Pray for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In recent months, Believers in Uzbekistan have been fined and arrested by Anti-Terror Police who claim their worship services pose a threat to the nation. The government has been raiding church meetings, seizing Christian literature, and detaining Christians under the guise of public safety. Pray for an immediate end to these violations of freedom. Pray for the Lord to move in the hearts of officials and police, transforming them from “Sauls” into “Pauls” who will proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the land. Pray for Believers in prison to be bold witnesses to fellow prisoners and guards, and for families who have had loved ones arrested to be comforted and provided for. Pray for all Believers who are in prison on false charges to be released immediately. Pray for every act of persecution to be used to bring all

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(Uzbekistan continued) Uzbeks into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- Maoists are continuing to publicly express their dissatisfaction with the government of Nepal. In December 2009, Maoist lead, Baburam Bhattarai staged a demonstration outside the Indian embassy to protest a pact between Nepal and India. Sixteen protesters were arrested and another dozen were detained. Pray for this political unrest to lead to a spiritual unrest in which Maoists, Buddhists, and Hindus begin to seek and find the Truth found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to bring peace to all of Nepal and for individuals to surrender their lives to Christ. Pray for the blood of Jesus to be a bridge that brings unity among Believers and for the Church to grow rapidly. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come mightily in Nepal. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The small, quiet Middle Eastern nation of UAE became the focal point of world news in November 2009 when Dubai (part of the UAE federation) announced that it would delay payment on billions of dollars worth of loans. The global stock market quaked as investors and banks feared the nation might default on the loans. Observers termed it a crisis and are uncertain what effect it will have on recovering economies. Pray for the Lord to work His will and purposes throughout the earth – and use this crisis to remind mankind that He alone is in control and provides for the nations. Pray for the people of Dubai to see the effect their problems are having on the world and for their eyes to be opened to the One who holds all things together (The Bible, Colossians 1:17). Pray for the power of mammon and greed to be broken, along with the bondage of Islam. Pray for Jesus Christ to bring true and lasting freedom to the United Arab Emirates. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- In December 2009, Albania presented its support for the independence of Kosovo

at the International Tribunal of Justice. The Albanian government believes Kosovo’s quest to be a nation is “fully legitimate and under international law,” and has argued this position with great passion. Pray for the Lord to encourage the Albanian leaders as they seek peace in Central Asia. Pray for their desires for Kosovo’s independence to be without selfish ambition or manipulation. Pray for this intercessory role with Albania acting as a gobetween for Kosovo and the international community - to be a picture for the people of Albania of Jesus Christ mediating for their freedom from the bondage of sin and death. Pray for a great and expansive harvest of souls as hearts, minds, and eyes are opened to and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom, and multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- In November 2009, the people of Morocco (nearly 100% Muslim) celebrated Eid AlAdha – the Festival of the Sacrifice. This ritual is practiced by Muslims all over the world in honor of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, “Ishamel”. (The Bible Genesis 22:2-15, Hebrews 11:17) Pray all Muslims will know the truth that Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Isaac- and not Ishmael as has been widely believed by Muslims -and that they will know the Truth found only in Jesus Christ, and the Truth will set them free. Pray for the Lord to use this festival as a bridge to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in Morocco. Pray for Believers and expatriate missions workers in Morocco to be given wisdom and boldness in sharing their faith. Pray for power encounters and divine appointments that will allow them to tell Muslims about the Father God’s willingness to sacrifice His only Son, Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins Pray for the protection of Christians and for complete freedom of religion in this Islamic nation. Pray for the darkness that has settled over the land to be dispelled by the Light of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Morocco in power. Day 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- According to reports issued in November 2009, “al-Qaeda in Iraq has rebounded in recent months and appears to be launching a concerted effort to cripple

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the Iraqi government.” A surge of NATO troops in 2008 sent the terrorists into retreat, but they are now believed to be regrouping with the aim of bringing anarchy to the nation. Pray for this demonic organization to be soundly defeated in Iraq and for every one of its arms groups in other nations to lose support, funding, and be thrown into confusion. Pray for the Lord to give Iraqi and international military forces wisdom and discernment in fighting these terrorists. Pray for the Lord to expose them and cause their plans and strategies to fail. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Iraq from these bloodthirsty men. Pray for Believers – who often face both the threat of terrorism and the threat of persecution – to be guarded on every side and surrounded by the shield of the Lord’s favor (The Bible, Psalm 5:11,12). Pray for God’s Kingdom to come powerfully to Iraq, bringing restoration, peace, and joy as citizens put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- Citizens displaced by violence between government troops and the rebel Tamil Tigers will soon be allowed to leave refugee camps, Sri Lankan officials say. The government has been holding the refugees against their will and approximately 130,000 people are still waiting to be released. Pray for the Lord to provide clean water, nutritious food, shelter, clothing, and hope to those struggling to survive in these camps. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to be allowed to minister to their physical and spiritual needs. Pray for the Lord to give the government wisdom in dealing with homeless people and the desire to support them as they resettle. Pray for this time of crisis to become an opportunity for the Gospel of the Kingdom to be preached throughout Sri Lanka. Pray for Believers to be bold in sharing their faith and to demonstrate God’s love in both their words and actions. Pray for lasting peace in Sri Lanka as citizens accept the Prince of Peace as their Savior and Lord. Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- According to a report issued in November 2009, alcohol use in Israel is rapidly rising. A study found that 75% of boys and 25% of girls attending elementary school drink alcohol. As one observer warned, “Alcohol is killing Israel.” Pray for this trend to end immediately, and that all youth will stop drinking any form of alcohol. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in Israel, transforming the dissatisfaction and desperation of the nation’s youth into a hunger for the true and lasting hope found in Jesus Christ. Pray for this crisis, which the devil intends as a means of stealing, killing and destroying, to become a launching pad for a great revival in Israel. Pray for blind eyes to be opened, deaf ears unstopped and sleeping hearts awakened so that Israelis can see and receive Yeshua ha Messiah (Jesus the Messiah) as their Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord’s sovereign protection over Israel

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and its people. Pray for the enemy’s attempts to harm this nation – whether by terrorism, false religions or the false gods of alcohol and drugs – to be defeated and used by the Lord to bring a great harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God. TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- After Uzbekistan withdrew from the Central Asia power grid, Kazakhstan threatened to do the same, accusing Tajikistan of stealing power from the system. With electricity already inconsistent in some areas of Tajikistan and over half the population living below the poverty level, this could mean many Tajiks will face a winter without heat. Pray for this poor nation and its struggling people. Pray for the Lord to provide them with creative ideas for income, as well as a means of obtaining or generating power. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to be made aware of this coming crisis and will have the opportunity to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the Tajiks. Pray for doors to be opened for the Gospel to be preached throughout Tajikistan and for a great awakening among the people to the ways of the Kingdom of God as they hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for multitudes of Tajiks to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- “Coerced abortions, as well as involuntary sterilizations, are commonplace in China,” reports the BBC. Late-term abortions in which babies survive induced labor and are abandoned and left to die are also routine. Pray for an immediate end to these forms of genocide. Pray for the Lord to arise and defend these innocent children – along with the millions in other nations who are similarly murdered. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give doctors and governmental leaders godly sorrow that leads to repentance and brings salvation. Pray for the protection of mothers who are emotionally wounded and often physically injured during these procedures. Pray for Believers in China to continue boldly witnessing for the glory of Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes of new Believers in China, and for them to be properly discipled into the ways of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and pray God’s Kingdom will come in power to influence every level of society. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- The nation of Djibouti has become a strategic base for fighting Somali terrorism in the Gulf of Aden. An international coalition has been established and the center of operations in Djibouti is considered to be the headquarters. The nation is located inside what military forces call the “arc of stability” that extends from Kenya to the borders of Yemen and is consider vital in fighting not only piracy but alQaeda. Pray for the Lord to continue giving leaders wisdom in rooting out and defeating Somali pirates and Islamic terrorists. Pray for Djibouti to be a place of safety and to be used mightily in bringing an end to these demonic organizations. Pray for the nation to become a spiritual base – a headquarters for the Kingdom of God in the Horn of Africa and a staging area for the Gospel to be proclaimed and demonstrated

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(Djibouti continued) throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Pray for the Lord to establish His rule and reign in and through Djibouti. Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- As of this writing, it has been more than twenty weeks since a group of Believers in Yemen have been kidnapped. No new developments have been reported at the time of this writing, and a call for prayer and fasting has been issued. This special call to prayer seeks to gain concrete information on the status of the hostages within the next 40 days. Pray for intercessors to be given wisdom and insight on how to pray. Ask the Lord to give Yemeni authorities supernatural discernment regarding the whereabouts of the Believers who have been kidnapped and the resources to rescue them without hesitation. Pray for the hostages to be kept safe and strong by the presence of the Lord. Pray for the Lord to comfort the families and remind them of His faithfulness and power. Pray for the kidnappers – whether members of a terrorist group or simply criminals – to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of the evil they are committing and to release these Brothers and Sisters. Pray for many Christians to join in this campaign and for this event to draw the attention of the people of Yemen to Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established in this Islamic land and for multitudes of Yemenis to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Vietnam is the secondlargest exporter of rice in the world. However, its crops are now in danger because of climate change. The government is scrambling to come up with the billions of dollars they believe will be needed to protect and maintain rice production. Pray for strategies to maintain the rice growth in this land, and that the Lord will receive the glory for the miraculous rice growth in the midst of changing climate. Pray for the Lord to enable leaders and people of this communist nation to see and seek Him. Pray for them to stop relying on human effort and turn to Jehovah Jireh to meet their needs. Pray for changes in the weather and the global economy to remind them that life is uncertain and they can only know peace by surrendering their lives to the Prince of Peace. Pray for the people of Vietnam to be awakened to the Truth of Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him as their Savior and Lord. Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- The government of Taiwan announced in December 2009 that they are preparing to establish banks in mainland China. The Chinese are preparing to do the same thing in Taiwan. This is another step in building a peaceful relationship between these two nations. Pray for the Lord to continue guiding Taiwan and China in their quest for peace. Pray for the Taiwanese to be used to influence the communist Chinese

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government in the ways of the Kingdom of God – and not the other way around. Pray for every new development to become an open door for the Gospel to be shared in this region. Pray for the Believers in Taiwan to be given creative strategies for reaching their Chinese neighbors with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power to Taiwan and be enlarged across borders and seas, drawing the multitudes throughout Asia into relationship with Jesus Christ. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The banking crisis in Dubai in late November 2009 is expected to affect the Bahrain economy as well. Bahrain has become very wealthy as a center for investing the oil profits of the Middle Eastern nations. Pray for the Lord to gain the attention of this small but rich Islamic nation. Pray for the people to be reminded that their blessings are from the Lord. Pray for the veil of Islamic darkness to be lifted from their eyes and for these captives to be set free by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord’s Light to shine in Bahrain and for this nation to become a beacon of Light for the Lord in the Middle East – broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ to its neighbors. Pray for Believers to be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord and sharing their faith every time the Lord shows them to without hesitation. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in Bahrain as it is in Heaven. Day 20 BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Attacks and hijackings at sea – piracy – are on the rise in the South China Sea. Brunei and nations such as China, Indonesia, and Malaysia are working to fight this threat. Perhaps motivated by the success of pirates off the Horn of Africa in recent years, these pirates are seeking to control the South China Sea. Pray for good cooperation between governments in combating the seafaring terrorists. Pray for this wave of lawlessness to be stopped by the Spirit of God. Pray for an end to piracy in the South China Sea and throughout the world. Pray for these criminals to be quickly caught and brought to justice. Pray for those considering joining this illegal activity to become discouraged and give up their pursuit. Pray for the people of Brunei to be protected by the Hand of the Lord and for them to appreciate His goodness to them. Pray for many to hear the Gospel and surrender their hearts to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- The new government of Lebanon has taken what observers are calling a “game changing step” in their preparations for the next round in the ongoing war against Israel. Prime Minister Saad Hariri has included terrorist organization Hezbollah in his government and is allowing them to keep their weapons. In response, Israel has stated, “any attack from Hezbollah will be seen by Israel as an attack from the Lebanese state.” Pray for the Lord to protect Israel, stationing His warring angels on every border. Pray for Prime Minister Saad Hariri of Lebanon to realize the identity and objective of Hezbollah. Pray for the Lord to route the

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Hezbollah, disarm them, and completely defeat them. Pray for an immediate end to their arms and supplies (which are believed to come from Iran) and for their hearts to be convicted by the Holy Spirit. Pray for their repentance and salvation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Lebanon and for the population to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Despite financial troubles in Dubai (UAE) that are threatening to stall the global economic recovery, Qatari stocks rose dramatically in early December 2009. Pray for the people of Qatar to realize this is a blessing from the Lord Most High. Pray for them to be thankful for the Lord’s goodness and to begin seeking Him – rather than seeking earthly treasure. Pray for the blindness of Islam to be lifted from the eyes of the Qataris and for the Lord to lead them out of the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Qatar and establish this nation as a lighthouse, shining and spreading the Gospel throughout the Middle East. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- When he was elected to office after the death of iron-fisted dictator Sparmurat Niyazov, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov promised reforms and a new constitution. However, corruption is still rampant and there are reports of a rising “personality cult.” Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to President Burdymukhamedov. Pray for the president to surrender his life to Jesus Christ and begin to serve the people of Turkmenistan with integrity. Pray for a sweeping revival among this nation’s Muslims to accept Christ as Savior. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in every region and for multitudes to be convicted of their sin, see their need for a Savior, and invite Jesus Christ to be their Lord. Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- Somali rebels launched another attack in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia in November 2009. Members of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) reportedly killed a “significant number” of Ethiopian military troops and captured several towns. Pray for peace in this war-weary land. Pray for the rebels and the Ethiopian government to resist the temptation to settle their differences with bullets and bombs. Pray for the Lord to raise up mediators who will work out a ceasefire and a settlement that both sides will accept. Pray for the hearts of those involved to become aware of their own need for a mediator with the Father God, which is Jesus. Pray for Jesus Christ to be made known among them. Pray for Believers in Ethiopia to be protected from this violence and from the ongoing persecution they face from Muslims. Pray all followers of Christ will be strong in the Lord and in the Power

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of His might. Pray for the Lord to rise up in Ethiopia and bring His Kingdom to this nation in power. MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- The Burmese Army continues to abuse its power and authority in the Kachin State region of Myanmar. Villagers are being forced to serve as laborers for the military. As a result, their farms are failing, they have no crops to sell at market, and they are suffering from poverty and malnutrition. Pray for an immediate end to farmers being forced into the military. Pray for the government to protect its citizens and call the military to account for its actions. Pray this corruption will be dealt with swiftly and for the Lord to provide relief to those who are in danger. Pray for the hearts of leaders, soldiers, and farmers to become hungry for the Truth of the Gospel. Pray for fertile hearts that will accept the seed of God’s Word and for lasting fruit to result. Pray for multitudes of Burmese to place their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- Tens of thousands of people in Eastern Chad are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Although there are a number of agencies ready and willing to meet that need, relief efforts have been hampered by criminals and bandits who are wreaking havoc in the region. The UN now considers Eastern Chad to be insecure and has warned aid agencies of an increased risk of kidnapping and possible death. Pray for the Lord to establish peace throughout Chad. Pray for terrorists to be exposed, bandits captured, and rebels defeated. Pray for the Lord to give the government wisdom in fighting these threats. Pray for aid to reach those who are in need, and for enough aid for all those who have needs. Pray for the Lord to supernaturally protect and guide Christian humanitarian workers, guarding them with His angels. Pray for the Gospel to continue to spread rapidly and for multitudes of Chadians to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in the year 2010. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- The government of Algeria is working to change the nation’s image. In an effort to draw tourists, they are emphasizing their Mediterranean beaches and Sahara desert wilderness over their reputation as a haven for Islamic terrorism. Years of conflict between the military and Muslim extremists has left 200,000 dead. Pray for the leaders of Algeria to see the futility of trying to ignore the threat of terrorism. Pray for them to continue their efforts to drive out groups such as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Pray for the Lord to reveal their need for not simply a public relations makeover, but a life makeover as they turn from false religion to embrace the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Light of the Gospel to penetrate the darkness of this enemy-held territory. Pray for the people of Algeria to encounter Jesus in dreams, miracles, radio, television, and personal encounters with Jesus and Believers. Pray for God’s

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(Algeria continued) Kingdom to come gloriously, with great signs and wonders. Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- Just three days after the nation of Switzerland decided to ban minarets on mosques, Libya sent two Swiss businessmen to prison for “violating immigration laws.” The move is believed to be retaliation on the part of Libya’s leader Col. Muammar al-Qadhafi. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict al-Qadhafi of his sins and his need for a Savior. Pray for the Lord to begin in al-Qadhafi an awakening to Himself that will spread throughout Libya, liberating Muslims who have been bound by the darkness of false religion and repressive rulership. Pray for the people of Libya to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for many to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray Believers in Libya will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The Malaysian government is acting as liaison and mediator in the ongoing conflict between the Philippines and the extremist group Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Attacks by the MILF have killed hundreds of civilians and displaced 700,000. Pray for the government of Malaysia to continue seeking peace and playing the role of peacemaker. Pray for success in their efforts to bring an end to terrorism and extremist violence in their own nation, as well surrounding nations. Pray for the Lord to work in settling these disputes and in turning hearts away from bloodshed and control, toward the freedom and surrender of life in Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power and to sweep through the island nations of the Pacific, exalting Jesus as Lord above all other gods. Day 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULAAlthough Oman ended diplomatic relations with Israel in 2000, the government met with members of the Israeli foreign ministry in November 2009. The subject of their meetings was Middle East peace. Pray for Oman to immediately end any support of terrorist groups and for the Lord’s will to be done in and between these two nations. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Oman and for strongholds of Islam to be torn down. Pray those in bondage to false religion will be set free and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for an awakening to the Good News of salvation throughout the Middle East and for the Kingdom of God to come to Oman with great power. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Two Christian men were convicted of “participating in religious worship without state registration” in October 2009. One was deported, the other fined 100 times the minimum wage. In November 2009, a

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Christian woman was deported for having engaged in “missionary activity” without official registration. Pray for the Lord to show His Power in Kazakhstan, showing the authorities they cannot deport Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers to stand firm as they face ongoing and escalating waves of persecution. Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower them to be bold witnesses, preaching the Truth and drawing many into personal relationships with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in Kazakhstan, His will to be done as it is in Heaven. Day 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- Although Tunisian has been cited as an example of good governance in North Africa, human rights groups are concerned about a crackdown on freedom of the press. Journalists who criticize or oppose President Zine El Abdini Ben Ali, they report, are often arrested and sentenced in response to false accusations. One such journalist is now staging a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment on what he claims are fabricated charges. Pray for every strand of corruption to be revealed and removed from the Tunisian government. Pray against unfair practices, unjust verdicts, and attempts to control and manipulate power to be brought to and an immediate end. Pray for the Lord to pour His Spirit out on Tunisia. Pray for a great turning away from Islam and a great turning toward the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for an abundant harvest of souls as prisoners are led out of the bondage of false religion and into the freedom and salvation of a relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Experts have called the current trial of a Khmer Rouge prison director an historic event. Kaing Guek Eav, known as the Comrade Duch, is accused of the systematic torture and execution of l4,000 “enemies of the revolution.” Hundreds of these were children. Pray all those involved in these atrocities will be quickly brought to justice. Pray for the Lord to do a deep work of healing in Cambodia. Pray for those who suffered at the hands of the Khmer Rouge to be empowered to forgive their enemies and persecutors. Pray for Kaing Guek Eav to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel, placing his faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Good News of the Kingdom of God to be broadcast throughout Cambodia and for a great harvest of souls that brings fruit that remains. Pray for Believers to remain steadfast in their love, service, and worship of the Lord. Pray they will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might. Pray for the Holy Spirit to make them witnesses and instruments of blessing. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in power to Cambodia. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- After refusing to engage in joint military exercises with Israel last month, the Turkish government is now saying it is unwilling to send more troops to Afghanistan to help fight Taliban and al-Qaeda forces.

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Pray for the leaders of this Islamic nation to recognize the threat posed by extremists and terrorists. Pray for them to cooperate with the international community in combating the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Pray for the Lord to move sovereignly in Turkey, calling out those who have been in bondage to false religion. Pray for the freedom of Jesus Christ to be made known in the government and throughout the population. Pray for the Gospel to be effectively shared through satellite broadcasts, radio, internet, and by Turkish Believers. Pray for the Lord to protect Christians as they seek to worship Him and to be bold in testifying to His goodness, love, and power to non believers. Pray for a great awakening in Turkey to the way of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Lord to remove the veil from the eyes of Muslims and draw them into the marvelous Light of Jesus Christ. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- Days after engaging in a deadly military exchange with the South Korean Navy, the government of communist North Korea announced that it had produced more weapons-grade plutonium. They also warned they were ready to fight and said South Korea would pay “an expensive price” for crossing into their territory. Pray none of the weapons-grade plutonium will be used in weapons that will be launched, fired, or used in any way, and there will be an immediate end to the production of it. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to leader, Kim Jong Il, transforming his heart. Pray for an end to the threats, abuses and repression that have become routine in his government. Pray for Believers to be protected and provided for. Pray for plenty of nourishing food to reach those who are hungry on a regular basis. Pray for the eradication of hunger and poverty in North Korea. Pray for the Lord Himself to be present with Christian prisoners, giving them joy, hope, and peace and to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might. Pray for reconciliation between North and South Korea and for reconciliation between the people of North Korea and the one True Creator, the Lord God Almighty. Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- “Where is the hardest place in the world to be a Christian citizen?” the Economist magazine asked in October 2009. “North Korea, perhaps? Saudi Arabia? Try Somalia.” As evidence, the magazine cites the relentless campaign by terrorist group, al-Shabaab, to hunt down and eradicate Believers. Pray for an immediate end to this genocide, as well as an end to the groups that are coming up with ideas to kill Believers. Pray for the Lord to set the young members of al-Shabaab (“the youth”) free from the lies of the enemy. Pray for our Heavenly Father to rescue them from the dominion of darkness – specifically the spirits of chaos, bloodshed, control, and destruction – and bring them into the Kingdom of His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to protect Somali Believers and give them strength and endurance and strategies to defeat the enemy as they face

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intense and deadly persecution. Pray for Somali Muslims to see the futility, hatred, and hopelessness offered by extremist Islam and turn away from it. Pray for the Lord to enable them to come to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for the healing of Somalia – the transformation, restoration, and fulfillment of the Lord’s purposes in this war-weary land. Thy Kingdom come to Somalia on earth as it is in Heaven. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- As the Pakistani military seeks out and attempts to defeat Hakimullah Mehsud and his Taliban forces, the nation is seeing an increase in terrorist attacks. One of the groups responsible is known as the Sipahe-Sahaba (“warriors for god”). They are considered one of the most dangerous groups in all of Pakistan. As a concerned prayer warrior suggests: Pray for Hakimullah Mehsud’s group to be restrained. Pray for the offensive against the Taliban in the Warziristan region to be successful. Pray for the Lord to give perseverance to Pakistani troops and for these brave Muslim soldiers to realize that the Lord of Hosts is guiding them, protecting them, and using them to fight evil. Pray for the Lord to bring confusion to the ranks of Sipah-e-Sahaba and end their spree of destruction. Pray for the Lord to continue calling Believers in Pakistan to intercede for their nation. Pray for Christians to stand firm and refuse to give ground to the enemy. Pray for the Lord to cover them in His armor, protect them, and give them courage as they fight the good fight of faith. Pray for a Holy Spirit revival in Pakistan Pray for the Kingdom of God to come mightily to Pakistan. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- Dozens of prominent Nigerian leaders are now calling for the resignation of President Umaru Yar’Adua. The president is being treated for a serious heart condition and many believe he is unable to carry out the duties of his office. President Yar’Adua’s illness, they say, “has created a dangerous situation whereby no-one is in charge of the affairs of state.” Pray the Lord will give President Yar’Adua wisdom and humility in deciding whether or not to step down. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be presented to him and for him to accept the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray for Nigeria to be protected from terrorists and rebels who might see this leadership vacuum as an opportunity to seize control. Pray for the instability to be used to turn the hearts of Nigerians in the Muslim North towards and accept the Truth of Christ Jesus and for multitudes of them to put their faith in Him. Pray for God’s Kingdom to fill the current void in the government, destroying the darkness with the Light of Jesus Christ. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- A recent media headline read: “Maldives Waits for World to Decide on Its Future.” Leaders fear global climate change will not merely affect their nation, but possibly cause the ocean to rise and swallow it whole. Pray for this hard, resistant, unreached Muslim nation to see the impending threat as a wake-up call from the Lord. Pray for

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(Nigeria continued) the Gospel of the Kingdom to be preached throughout the Maldives archipelago. Pray for the Lord to reveal His plans and purposes to the people of the Maldives. Pray for them to realize He has “determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him…” (The Bible, Acts 17:26,17). Pray for a mighty awakening as Muslims turn away from the lies of false religion and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- The nation of Jordan and the nation of Turkey have abolished visa requirements in order to form a “free trade area.” King Abdullah II welcomed Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul to Jordan in December 2009 and the two leaders discussed how closer diplomatic and trade ties between their two nations would help not only “the Palestinian issue,” but “all Muslims.” Pray for the Lord to protect Israel as the surrounding countries continue to join forces against them. Pray for King Abdullah II to remain true to the peace treaties Jordan has with Israel. Pray for him to use wisdom and moderation in dealing with nations like Turkey. Pray for the Palestinians (the largest population in Jordan) and Jordanians to hear and have the opportunity to respond to the Good News that Jesus Christ came to die on the cross in their place, paying the price for their sin and setting them free from the power of death in His resurrection. Pray for multitudes of Muslims to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord in the year 2010. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- Nearly 30% of childhood deaths in Senegal are related to malaria. In response to this sobering statistic, the Global Program on Malaria is launching what it calls NetWorks – a program to distribute “longlasting, insecticide-treated bed nets.” The program will also involve increasing public awareness about the threat and causes of malaria. Representatives working with NetWorks expect to protect a million people in Senegal in the course of the next year. Thank the Lord for this simple, yet effective strategy for combating a deadly disease. Pray for the success of this program and for resources to be provided so that it can expand to other nations in West Africa (malaria kills up to 3 million people annually, most in Africa and most under the age of five). Pray for the Lord to continue giving scientists, business people, and doctors creative ideas for fighting this and other sicknesses. Pray for children throughout Senegal to be protected from malaria. Pray for Christian organizations to assist in distributing the nets and to have opportunities to share the Love of God and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with the families. Pray for the people of Senegal to be drawn to Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- Despite a UN negotiated ceasefire, Eritrea has continued to engage in a border dispute with Djibouti. Djibouti withdrew troops from the region during 2008, but Eritrea has refused to do so. Eritrea is also being accused of supplying arms to terrorists in Somalia. The UN is proposing an arms embargo in order to bring an end to

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this practice. Pray for Eritrean President Afworki to have a powerful, life-altering encounter with Jesus Christ. Pray for his salvation and for a spiritual awakening to sweep through the nation. Pray for Believers who are facing intense persecution to stand strong in the Lord in the power of His Might, and they will put on the whole armor of God. Pray especially for those Christians who have been arrested and tortured for the name of Christ. Pray their witness will impact government officials, prison guards, and fellow prisoners to accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Eritrea in all of its fullness. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- This mysterious, isolated nation has long been the headquarters of a potent false religion known as Tibetan Buddhism. With the rise of globalism, however, even Tibet may be trading spiritual enlightenment for cold, hard cash. In an attempt to lure tourists to their nation, the government plans to issue one million credit cards that will make travel safer and easier for visitors. The cards will be accepted in hundreds of hotels, restaurants, and stores. Pray for the tearing down of the demonic strongholds of Tibetian Buddhism. Pray for the Lord to move in Tibet, guiding the people as they emerge into the modern world. Pray for Tibetans not to be deceived by the god of mammon but to seek after riches that are eternal found through Christ Jesus. Pray for the Lord to give the people of Tibet a hunger for His Truth and a passion for Jesus Christ. Pray for millions to come to Him, accepting Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in this critical transitional time in Tibet’s history. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- Syria has chosen to take the side of Iran in the international dispute over Iran’s quest to develop nuclear weapons. President Bashar al-Assad has risen to Iran’s defense, promising that Syria will cooperate with Iran and support their right to enrich uranium. Syria already supports terrorism, especially against Israel, and harbors several extremist groups (including Hezbollah – believed to be supplied by Iran). Pray for President al-Assad to have a sudden change of heart, refusing to foster terrorism, support Iran, or seek the destruction of Israel. Pray for his heart to be turned by an encounter with Jesus Christ through a dream, vision, or personal encounter with Believers. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated throughout Syria, transforming both terrorists and civilians into citizens of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Lord to protect Believers and Israel from the demonic plans of groups like Hezbollah. Pray the Lord’s Kingdom come and His will be done in Syria as it is in Heaven. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- On November 27, 2009, Muslims in Mongolia celebrated Kurban Ait – the festival commemorating Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son. Though the majority of the population of Mongolia practices a folk brand of Buddhism, Islam is on the rise. The Union of Muslims of Mongolia helped promote Kurban Ait this year, stating they “intend to make a wide introduction

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of the celebration” throughout the nation. Pray for this planned and purposeful introduction of a false religion to fail. Pray for the Spirit of the Lord to move powerfully across Mongolia, freeing those in bondage to Buddhism, Islam, and ethnic religions such as shamanism. Pray for a great revival among Mongols in which multitudes accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in the year 2010 and beyond. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The government of East Timor banned a new film portraying the brutal murder of two journalists by Indonesian soldiers. Officials argued the censorship was justified because the movie was “negative propaganda.” The makers of the film plan to defy the ban. Pray for the truth about the events in question to be sought out and made public. Pray for forgiveness and repentance for those who committed human rights abuses. Pray for healing throughout this land and a restoration of unity. Pray for this film and the controversy surrounding it to be used by the Lord to turn attention toward matters of truth, eternity, and the salvation found only in Jesus Christ. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- Several high-ranking members of the Gambian government completed the Hajj to Mecca in November 2009. They thanked President Jemmeh for allowing them to make the pilgrimage. The leader of the Supreme Islamic Council of the Gambia welcomed the group home, stating that “an accepted Hajj discards one of one’s sins completely.” Pray for this lie to be cast down and for the truth of forgiveness and salvation in Jesus Christ to be proclaimed throughout the Gambia. Pray for the tide of Islam to be pushed back and for those held in bondage by this false religious system to be set free by the Spirit of the Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come powerfully to every corner of the Gambia and for multitudes, including those who went to the hajj in November to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- The power and influence of terrorist group Hamas is reportedly growing in the Gaza Strip. In December 2009, they continued to negotiate a prisoner exchange with Israel. Hundreds of Hamas terrorists could go free in return for the release of one Israeli soldier. Pray for Hamas’ efforts to destroy Israel to be defeated. Pray for their ranks to be plundered by the Spirit of God and for all of their members to repent from their evil ways and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to give Israel wisdom in negotiations with terrorists. Pray for the Lord to protect the Israel soldier now in captivity, as well as the civilians in the Gaza Strip who are suffering at the hands of Hamas. Pray for the Lord to continue to guard Israel’s borders and be their Refuge and Shield. Pray for this time of conflict to be used by the Holy Spirit to draw the men, women

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and children of the Gaza Strip into relationship with Christ. WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- Palestinian Authority Leader, Mahmoud Abbas has threatened to step down when his term of office ends in January 20l0 unless significant progress is made in achieving peace on Palestinian terms. If Abbas, a member of the Fatah party, does leave, “the man constitutionally assured his post is from the rival Hamas faction.” Pray the Lord who appoints the times and seasons in the West Bank, will raise up the president He desires to lead this territory. Pray for the citizens to reject leadership from terrorists. Pray for the ongoing turmoil and lust for power and control to remind them of mankind’s fallen state. Pray for godly sorrow and Holy Spirit conviction to fall on the people of the West Bank, leading to repentance and salvation. Pray for multitudes to accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Window International Network Pray for the Lord to reveal His plans to the staff of Window International Network, empowering them by His Spirit to pray and work toward the fulfillment of His purposes in the 10/40 Window. Pray for them to be ready instruments in His hand and obedient servants at His command. Pray for them to be sensitive to the Lord’s voice and able to clearly discern His Will. Pray for the Lord to give the WIN staff His heart for the nations of the 10/40 Window, His love for every people, tribe, and tongue, and His zeal for seeing them rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News, allAfrica.com, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance

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“AKE-MASHITE-OMEDETOU-GOZAIMASU” “Happy New Year!” Dear Prayer Warriors, Here we are—it is January 2010 and most cultures around the world are celebrating “new beginnings.” Each culture has special traditions for celebrating a new year. Some enjoy yummy treats, many participate in special activities, and others have unique ways of wishing friends and family members the best for the year ahead. Whether the traditions include fireworks, special songs and music, or family festivities, this holiday is celebrated BIG all around the world! New Year’s is also a wonderful time to think about new goals, positive changes and expectations for the next twelve months. Friends, as you celebrate the New Year from where you live, remember the children of Japan and pray for many of them to come to know Jesus in 2010! Sayonara!


Hymnie the Hummingbird How can I pray for Japanese people? Have you ever thought about how other people groups across every continent celebrate the arrival of the New Year? The Japanese culture has very special customs for this event. One important tradition is called hatsumoude. Men and women dress up in their special, traditional dresses called

kimonos. These are one-piece wrap-around garments held in place by a sash called an obi. For several days, Japanese people travel to Buddhists temples and shrines to pray for good things to happen in the year ahead. Let’s pray for Japanese people to come to know the saving love of Jesus this year. Let’s even pray that for their New Year’s Celebration next year in 2011, they will be worshiping Jesus. Pray for Jesus’ blessings over their lives.

Kurikinton (from About.com) Kurikinton is mashed sweet potato with sweet chestnuts (kuri). It’s one of Japanese New Year’s food (osechi). Ingredients: ÌÌ1 lb. sarumaimo (sweet potatoes) ÌÌ1 jar of simmered sweet chestnuts in syrup (8-12 pieces of chestnuts) ÌÌ1 1/2 cup sugar ÌÌ1 tbsp mirin ÌÌ2 kuchinashinomi (Cape jasmine seeds) Preparation: Peel satsumaimo and cut into 1 inch thick slices. Soak satsumaimo slices in water for about 15 minutes. Drain satsumaimo. Wrap crushed kuchinashinomi in a sheet of gauze. Put water, satsumaimo, and kuchinashinomi in a deep pot and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat to medium and simmer until satsumaimo is softened. Drain and remove the kushinashinomi. Mash satsumaimo and add 3/4 cup of sugar and mix well. Strain the mashed satsumaimo and put it back in the pot. Add 3/4 cup of sugar, mirin, 1/4 cup of syrup in the mashed satsumaimo. Stir well on low heat until smooth. Add chestnuts and simmer for a few minutes. Resource: http://japanesefood.about.com/od/japanesenewyearfood/r/ kurikinton.htm

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Pleas e pray fremembe or Ja r to pan!

Otoshidama Otoshidama is a Japanese New Year’s tradition involving something that children are always excited about. Can you guess what it might be? If you said “money,” you are correct. Families distribute crisp paper money, carefully folded in three parts, wrapped in a small envelope called a pochibukuro. They give these gifts to children in their family, or extended families. The amount of money they give depends on how much money they have. Children can expect to receive otoshidama not only when they are young, but even while attending college.

Resource: http://www.ajinomoto.com/traditions/winter_05.html Praying God’s Word over Japanese Children…

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7 NIV)

Resource: http://www.japanguidebook.com/culture/otoshidama-96.html

Takoage: Japanese New Year Kite-flying Have you ever tried to fly a kite? Kite-flying in Japan is not only fun, it is a very special event on New Year’s Day. Children participate in kite-flying contests all across the country. The kite designs vary depending on what region they come from. If the weather and your family’s schedule permit, try flying a kite sometime soon. As you do, remember Japanese children in the 10/40 Window who need Jesus as their Savior.

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