The 10/40 Window Reporter July 2009

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WindowKids™ ISRAEL

July 2009 Edition

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WindowKids™: ISRAEL


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“In the middle of Nigeria there is an imaginary line drawn. The forces behind it have spiritual roots.”


o the north of this line, the knowledge of Christ is almost nil. From the line south, amazing church growth has occurred.”* Despite the fact that this assessment was written fifteen years ago, it continues to be true. In fact, if anything, the line has become less imaginary

July 2009

– there appears to be a territorial border in the heavenlies that continues to be the focal point of violent conflict and has become more evident. The nation of Nigeria is comprised of thirty states. It is further divided by the “imaginary line” mentioned above, which separates it into a Muslim ©2009 Window International Network

north and Christian south. As spiritual warfare has raged over this region there has also been a significant physical and religious battle. In May 2009, a commission on international religious freedom reported that Nigeria is a “country of particular concern” because of the government’s The 10/40 Window Reporter 5

willingness to allow “systematic, ongoing” violations of religious freedom. Much of the problem can be traced to the introduction of Shari’a (Islamic law) in the northern states of Nigeria in l999. What followed was an escalating storm of violence as radical Muslims attacked Christians, destroyed churches and homes, and killed many. In December 2008, 40 churches were razed, 25,000 people displaced, and 500 murdered (including six pastors). As recently as March 2009, eleven others were killed and l500 forced to leave their homes during a Muslim rampage in Bauchi state. In April 2009, Christians celebrating Resurrection Day were attacked by a mob of Islamic extremists. Twenty-five people were injured and three churches were burned. According to the commission’s report, Libya, Saudi Arabi, and Sudan have all helped fuel this deadly persecution of Believers by investing money to build mosques and religious schools that perpetuate radical Islam in Nigeria. Despite the deaths of countless Believers and the destruction of their property, the government of Nigeria has failed to intervene. The nation was rated 26th on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 of worst persecutors and its northern region is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. Of the 522 people groups in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, the Ninzo are few in number. They are an average-sized people (approximately l00,000) with 35% of them naming Christ as Lord The current ruler of the Ninzo people is not a Believer. Somewhat of a reverse of the confrontation between God and Baal on Mt. Carmel (The Bible, I Kings l8), this leader challenged Christians to start not only a Bible translation but a literacy project. Perhaps he thought starting these projects this would prove their God was not real. Or maybe he thought they would fail. The Almighty God, however, would allow for neither. In April 2009, the Seed Company announced that the translation team was in the final stages of completing the New Testament in the Ninzo language. “Every Monday,” the Seed Com-

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pany reports, “an average of 25 people or more gather to review or just listen to the Ninzo New Testament books in their language. They love it. Praise God that his Word is resonating with local speakers….” Source: The Seed Company Prayer Focus, April l6, 2009

PRAY ✚✚ Pray for the principalities and powers controlling northern Nigeria to be soundly routed, driven back, and cast out of the nation. Pray for the intruding and controlling spirits of Islam, Mohammad, Allah, destruction, and deception to be bound and banished from the land. ✚✚ Pray for the Muslims in the north to be set free from the tyranny of their false religious system. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open their blind eyes, give them ears to hear, soften their hearts, and awaken them to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to them in ways they would not expect – through dreams, visions, signs, and wonders. Pray for God to lead them to repentance and a very strong relationship with Him that cannot be broken. ✚✚ Pray for Believers in the south to be in fervent in prayer for their Brothers and Sister in the north. Pray for God to give Christians outside Nigeria His heart to stand with the Body of Christ in places like Kano, Bauchi, and Kwara (northern Nigerian states), interceding for them “as if you yourselves were suffering” (Heb. l3:3). Pray for Believers in the north to stand firm against the enemy’s schemes, put on the full armor of God, be alert, and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests (The Bible, Ephesians 6:13-18).

move on the heart of President Umaru Musa Yaradua, giving him the courage and wisdom to act in bringing justice and peace to the region. ✚✚ Pray the spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12) will be dethroned and the LORD will reign supreme in this land and that His Kingdom will be firmly established in every area of Nigeria. ✚✚ Praise GOD the Ninzo People have the New Testament Bible translated in their language. ✚✚ Pray the New Testament Bible in the Ninzo language will be printed in large numbers without any hindrances, and that every person who speaks Ninzo language will receive a Ninzo Bible. ✚✚ Pray for the salvation of the current Nino ruler, and that he will rule according to Biblical principles. Sources include: International Christian Concern, Open Doors, Voice of the Martyrs, World Factbook, *“Praying Through the l00 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window”

✚✚ Pray for the government of Nigeria to be awakened from their slumber and arise to the defense of Christians who are being abused, assaulted, and murdered. Pray for God to ©2009 Window International Network

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ali, the largest country in West Africa, is bordered by seven other nations. Algeria lies to the north and northeast, Niger to the east, Burkina Faso to the southeast and the Ivory Coast to the south. Senegal and Mauritania

border Mali on the west. Mali is shaped a bit like a butterfly, leaning to the northwest, with a much smaller left than right wing. The larger northwestern region of the country, which extends into the Sahara, is almost entirely arid desert or semidesert. In the central region, known as the Sahel, life follows the Niger River’s annual flood cycle, with high water between August and November. In the southwestern area, rainfall and rivers are more plentiful, and this region is marginally more lush than the rest of the country. Mali’s single most important geographic feature is undoubtedly the great Niger River, which traverses both the Sahel and the southeastern section of the country. The Niger, like the Nile, is both a critical source of sustenance and a major transportation artery and in this latter capacity it is an excellent venue for boat travel.

Terrorism: Inadequate resources continued to hamper the Malian government’s ability to control its long and porous borders, thus limiting the effectiveness of military patrols and border control measures, according to Country Reports on Terrorism 2007. Mali is currently more threatened by tribal insurgencies than by terrorist threats, but cooperated with United States counterterrorism efforts, and remained one of the largest recipients in the sub-region of military training and assistance through the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership and other United States assistance programs.

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Northern Mali served as a potential safe haven for terrorists, traffickers, and smugglers due to the region’s remoteness, harsh desert climate, and size. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) maintained a regular, small-scale presence, moving essentially without hindrance in the northern part of Malian territory, although it did not maintain any permanent facilities and was constantly on the move. Religion: Islam, the predominant religion in Mali, came to the country as a result of trans-Sahara trade. In the 13th century, Islam began to penetrate western Sudan. Af- ©2009 Window International Network

ter Sundjata, the founder of the Mali Empire, most of the rulers of Mali were Muslim. Islam was introduced by traders who brought not only material goods but also a new religion. Muslims comprise an estimated 90% of the population; the vast majority of Muslims are Sunni. Approximately 1.9% of the population is Christian, and the Christian community is roughly twothirds Catholic and one-third Protestant. Mali’s constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the government generally respected this right in practice. Challenges for Christians: A United Nations report has listThe 10/40 Window Reporter 8

ed Mali as the fourth least livable country in the world for 2003. One reason for this notorious status is because Mali has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world at 119 infant deaths per 1,000. Mali is also on the United Nations’ list of least developed countries based on a Gross Domestic Product below $900 per capita, a low quality of life and its economic vulnerability. According to a Christian missionary in Mali: “Muslims have a certain negative idea of the word ‘Christian’ based on what they’ve been taught and based on what they know of the history of Muslim/ Christian relations. They do, however, have a positive view of Jesus. For this reason, the handful of Christians north of Kayes in Mali goes by the name of “followers of Jesus.” Prayer Points: * Pray that Mali would have the resources necessary to protect its borders and to monitor movement of terrorists. Pray that Mali would continue to coop-

erate with other nations in counterterrorism efforts. Pray for God to thwart the plans of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Pray for the Malian government to have wisdom and resources to stop the work of the terrorist group. * Pray for God’s protection and healing over Mali’s innocent children, who because of many nomadic practices often do not follow any set inoculation schedules and miss many vaccinations. Pray for healing from the many diseases that take these young lives. * Pray that the Muslims of Mali will see Jesus is as so much more than a profit who had great healing power, but as God’s only Son who died for their sins so that they might live, and whose grace they desperately need. * Pray for economic favor and increased prosperity in this devastatingly poor country. Pray that families will find enough food to survive, and that somehow, they realize every good thing comes from God. * Pray for the Christian missionaries who work tirelessly to reach the lost with


the truth of the Gospel. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, CIA Factbook, Wikipedia, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Country Reports on Terrorism 2007,,, The Luke Society

Mali, West Africa ÌÌ Population: 12,324,029

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 1

ÌÌ Political Leader: President Amadou

ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 2; Casualties: 0 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 72%

Toumani Touré

ÌÌ Religions: Islam 87%, Traditional 11%, ÌÌ % of People in Poverty: 36.1% Christianity 1.9%, Other 0.1% ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ranked July 2009 ©2009 Window International Network

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PRAYER Points July 2009

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- India’s recent elections awarded 262 parliament seats to the Congress Party. They also resulted in the reelection of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The fundamentalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), expected to dominate the voting, was largely defeated. Observers credited these events to a mysterious “X Factor.” But the cause was no mystery to Believers. “God does hear prayer and delivers,” explained Dr. Richard Howell of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. Praise God with our Brothers and Sisters in India for this mighty display of God’s goodness, faithfulness, and power. Pray for Him to enable the newly elected officials to govern with Godly wisdom and integrity. Pray for His righteousness to prevail throughout India. Pray for God to use Prime Minister Singh and his administration to extend His Kingdom and accomplish His purposes. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- Pray for the protection of missionaries working in this nation. Pray they will not be afraid in the midst of recent threats and acts of violence that has recently been directed towards missionaries. Pray the Christian workers will remember the Greatness of our God, and that they will minister to the lost from a position of strength that comes from Christ Jesus Himself. (The Bible Philippians 4:13) Pray for the family and friends of those martyred for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this land. Pray Bibles will safely be distributed, and those giving out the Bibles will be free from harm and danger. Pray for an ongoing revival in this land where multitudes of people will come to know the Lord every month, and to be properly discipled in the ways of Christ.. Pray God’s Kingdom will be firmly established in this land. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- The government of neighboring Chad has admitted to conducting military operations inside of Sudan in order to combat groups of “mercenaries” believed to be seeking to destabilize the country. Sudan has accused Chad of numerous air raids and of taking prisoners from inside its borders. Pray for this ongoing conflict to be brought to a peaceful resolution. Pray for the governments of Chad and Sudan to find common ground in their fight against rebels and terrorists, working together to keep their nations safe. Pray for God to move in softening the hard hearts of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, banishing the spirit of genocide and replacing it with His Holy Spirit.

the Taliban make this situation even worse. Another matter for prayer is the ongoing battle against these forces. Pray for God to provide health care professionals to assist in these births, enhancing the life of both the mothers and babies. Pray for His love to be demonstrated in this ministry. Pray for rural families to be protected from the effects of war and to have access to the help they need. Pray for the safety of mothers and their newborns. Pray for wisdom for those leader military operations against the militants and extremists. Pray for the supernatural protections of each soldier. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- This seemingly isolated nation on the Arabian Peninsula was recently the source of an outbreak of swine flu. Though only l8 people were diagnosed and treated, the cases evidence the disease’s unique ability to reach every corner of the world. Air travel and increased urbanization (for the first time in history, more people now live in cities than in rural locations) now enables swine flu and many other dangerous viruses to travel quickly around the globe. Pray for God’s supernatural protection over Kuwait. Pray for Him to use this frightening event to lead Kuwaitis to consider their mortality – the fact that they will someday die and need a Savior. Pray for the Gospel to be spread throughout Kuwait and for Muslims to see the life-giving power and truth of Jesus Christ. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- The December 2008 elections in this nation resulted in the defeat of the largest Islamic party (Jamate-Islami). The JI had been planning to enact a blasphemy law that would have brought additional persecution to Believers. But “all the main leaders of JI lost their seats.” Give thanks for God’s greatness, power, majesty, and splendor (I Chron. 29:ll). Pray for God to continue to work in Bangladesh, rooting out extremism in the government and ushering in His Rule and Reign. Pray for events like this to remind Believers in this nation that He is in control and faithfully answers the prayers of His people. Pray for Christians in Bangladesh to be bold and strong, and for the Lord to protect them as they share His Gospel. Day 4

AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Afghanistan has the second highest maternal mortality rate in the world. That means that Afghan women die in childbirth more than almost any other women – l in every 8 deliveries. According to UNICEF, one province recorded the highest maternal mortality rate every reported. This is because of a lack of doctors (only l4 in l00 deliveries is overseen by a skilled health worker), hospitals, and prenatal care. The presence of terrorism and

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JAPAN, EAST ASIA- Like most of the world, Japan is experiencing a serious “financial downturn.” In the first three months of 2009, the Japanese economy (the second largest in the world) decreased at its fastest rate ever. Though some experts are saying the worst may be over, consumers and investors are nervous. Pray for God to turn attention from the temporal things of this world to the things which matter most – Jesus Christ and His eternal Kingdom. Pray for

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(Japan continued)

this secular, materialistic and mostly unreached society to be open to the Gospel, and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord.

up to serve Guinea in humility and the fear of the Lord. Pray for God’s candidate to be elected to the presidency.

GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- The first round of GuineaBissau’s election to find a replacement for President Joao Bernardo Vieira (assassinated March 2009) began on June 28. How the nation will proceed after this tragic event will hinge on who takes office and how they choose to address the nation’s many problems – one of the most devastating of which is extreme poverty. Pray for God to move in and through the election process and place in office those leaders He desires to guide Guinea-Bissau forward in justice and righteousness. Pray for servant leaders who will resist the temptation to engage in corruption and seek new and inventive ways to meet the needs of the nation. Pray for aid and ingenuity that will help relieve the poverty afflicting the people of Guinea-Bissau. Pray for God to provide unique opportunities for new industries and businesses that will support and sustain the people of this nation.

THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- In recent years, Hmong believers in Laos and Vietnam have been the specific targets of brutal violence. Arrests, torture, and deaths have resulted as police and military personnel have hunted them down like animals. Many Hmong Believers have fled across the border to Thailand, seeking asylum. But in May 2009, Laos soldiers began to track them in Thailand, closing down house churches and forcing many to return to Laos. Pray for the protection of our Hmong Brothers and Sisters. Ask God to demonstrate His power and show forth His strength (Psalm 68:28) on behalf of these, His suffering children. Pray for the government of Thailand to stand up for the Hmong. Pray for Laotian soldiers and officials to see the love demonstrated by these brave Christians and surrender their hard hearts to the Lord.

Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Called Druk Yul by its citizens, the nation of Bhutan has been known for centuries as the “Land of the Thunder Dragon.” Hidden away high in the Himalayan Mountains, Bhutan prides itself on controlling its people and their culture. There is a dress code for all citizens and Buddhism is promoted as the national religion. This has led to the rise of several rebel groups who are intent upon achieving independence. These include the Bhutan Communist Party, the Bhutan Tiger Force, and the United Revolutionary Front. Pray for God to break the grip of the enemy in this beautiful but oppressed land. Pray for His Light to shine into the darkness, binding every demonic power. Pray for His voice to thunder throughout Bhutan, turning the attention of Buddhists and rebels to the glory of His Son. Pray for the people of this nation to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The government of this staunchly Islamic nation has taken offense to claims that its leader, King Abdullah, met with Israeli President Shimon Peres in 2008. Saudi Arabia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel and resents even the implication that a dialog has taken place. Pray for the birthplace of Islam to become the birthplace of an explosive awakening to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray for God to break the hold that satan has on the people of Saudi Arabia and embrace them with His saving Love. Pray for King Abdullah’s heart to be softened toward the Gospel and for the Holy Spirit to work miraculously in drawing him into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for an end to the persecution of Christians in this nation and for God to meet all of their needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- Captain Moussa Dadis Camara has changed his mind again, this time stating that he will not run in the presidential elections planned to take place in December 2009. Camara led a military coup that took power after the death of President Lasana Conte in December 2008. In April 2009, two army officers were arrested on charges of planning a coup against Camara. Pray for God to bring peace throughout this nation by transforming sinful hearts. Pray against the spirits of greed, corruption, pride, manipulation, and the lust for power. Pray for men and women of righteousness to be lifted

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Day 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA- The Niger Movement for Justice (MNJ) and the Niger Patriotic Front (FPN), the nation’s two principle rebel groups, have agreed to a ceasefire. Praise God for His answers to our prayers. Despite this positive development, President Mamadou Tanja is being accused of “trying to turn the government into a dictatorship.” This comes after he dissolved the parliament for refusing to extend his term of office. Pray that as a result of the ceasefire, the Truth of Jesus Christ would be revealed to these Islamic groups. Pray for the spirit of destruction to be bound and rendered ineffective. Pray for God to speak to President Tanja’s heart and give him wisdom in leading the nation with justice and equity. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Though it isn’t listed on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009, Kyrgyzstan is hostile to Christianity. Freedom of religion, guaranteed in the Constitution, does not include leaving Islam to embrace Jesus Christ. Muslims who choose to follow Jesus are often beaten, excommunicated from their families, and even exiled from their communities. In the recent past, churches have been forcibly closed and Believers imprisoned. Despite this growing persecution, members of the Church in Kyrgyzstan testify to its continued growth. Pray for God to continue extending His Kingdom in this enemy-held territory. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give Kyrgyz Brothers and Sisters boldness in worship and in sharing their faith with their Muslim friends and families. Pray for protection as they press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called them heavenward in Christ Jesus. Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- Iran successfully tested another mid-range rocket in May 2009. The reach of this particular weapon includes Israel and parts of southern Europe. Although the government claims this missile and others like it are “solely for scientific, surveillance or defensive purposes,” many observers disagree. Pray for God to orchestrate the actions of the Iranian government. Pray for the spirit of destruction to be bound and removed from this nation. Pray for God to continue to defend Israel and surround it with a hedge of protection. Pray for European and Western leaders to be given wisdom and effective strategies for dealing with the Iranian threat. Pray also for God to work in and through the turmoil of the recent ©2009 Window International Network

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(Iran continued) elections, accomplishing His will and leading both dissidents and government officials to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

prince of the air and led into a personal relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior.

BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- Though birth certificates have been available in the past, the cost of these documents has made them a luxury most citizens cannot afford. Without birth certificates, people are not allowed to vote, attend school, access health care, and obtain other government services. Children who lack these official papers are more vulnerable to the slave and sex trade. At the present time, one of every three children in Burkina Faso lacks a birth certificate. A government program is currently being developed that could offer free birth certificates to all citizens. Pray for God to provide the funds for the government to make this basic necessity available to the people of Burkina Faso – especially the children. Pray for the Lord to use this “loss of identity” as a means of revealing to the Burkinabe their true identity: people created in His Image for the purpose of exalting Jesus Christ.

INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- In an answer to prayer, the influence of the most radical of the Islamic political parties has “declined significantly.” This seems to reflect a national rejection of extremist views and activities. It has also been reported that many Muslims are coming to know Christ. Pray for God to use this atmosphere of political moderation and spiritual hunger to draw many to His Son. Pray for leaders to be raised up who will help Indonesia become a place of freedom and safety. Pray for many more Muslims to be drawn to Christ and for effective discipleship for new Believers.

Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- Mali and Algeria are teaming up to combat Islamic groups linked with al-Qaeda. This joint operation may also include military forces from Niger and Mauritania. The president of Mali, Amadou Toumani Toure, is attempting to rally Western African nations to cooperate and drive Islamic militants from the region. Give thanks to God for President Toure’s vision and courage in standing against alQaeda. Pray for unity as the governments of these countries join forces to fight terrorism. Pray for God to protect Mali and the surrounding nations and for al-Qaeda to be destroyed. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia is seldom mentioned in the media, but has been going on for decades. A ceasefire was signed after a three-year war resulted in the deaths of 30,000 people. This bloody campaign left a group of ethnic Armenians “stranded” in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Armenia has even declared Nagorno-Karabakh to be independent. Not unlike the situation faced by the Kurds in Northern Iran and Southern Turkey, the Armenians of Azerbaijan are a people without a country. Pray for peace between these feuding people groups. Pray for a fair settlement based on Biblical principles that will benefit both the nation of Azerbaijan and the Armenians who now call Nagorno-Karabakh home. Pray for God’s set times and places for these nations to be made known and to lead the Azeris and Armenians to seek Him and find Him (Acts l7:26,27) Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- Harvest workers in this West Africa nation known as the “voodoo capital of the world” testify to the value of prayer. One native missionary admits to spending two hours each morning, an hour at lunch, and two more hours each evening before God’s throne in petition, praise and intercession for Benin. As a result of his prayers – and yours – the Kingdom of God is advancing in this dangerous mission field. The powers of darkness are being pushed back and those in bondage are being set free. Pray for that same devotion to prayer for the nations to be evidenced in the Western Church and throughout the l0/40 Window nations. Pray for God to give us a passion for His Presence and strengthen our faith to take hold of Him, giving Him no rest until He brings His Kingdom on earth. Pray for the people of Benin to be delivered from the power of the

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Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The situation of the Hmong who have fled from this nation into Thailand seeking refuge is characterized by fear. Laotian police and soldiers are actively pursuing them. Many Hmong have lived in the mountains and forests of Phetchabum province, Thailand, while others have been herded like cattle into strictly controlled detention and refugee camps. Some are being returned to Laos. Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort the Hmong during this time of severe trial. Ask Him to strengthen Believers and empower them to be His witnesses to those who are suffering. Pray for a peaceful solution to this ongoing ethnic conflict. Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften the hearts of Laotian and Thai officials, using this disturbance as an opportunity to extend His Kingdom in these nations. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- Hundreds of thousands of Saharawi continue to wait to see what the future of their homeland will be. Many have fled to neighboring Algeria where an entire generation has grown up in refugee camps. Give thanks to God for His great plans for this nation. Pray for His purposes to be fulfilled. Pray for this time of waiting and uncertainty to cause the people of Western Sahara to consider the reason for their lives and their place in history. Pray for them to realize God’s plan for salvation. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move, awakening them to the reality of eternity and God’s Indescribable Gift: Jesus Christ. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- In Egypt, it is illegal to change your religious affiliation. That means if a Muslim encounters Christ and surrenders his or her life to Him, the government will not recognize this spiritual rebirth. Beyond that, if the Muslim Background Believer witnesses to others their new relationship with Jesus Christ, they can be arrested and imprisoned. Pray for those Believers who are currently on trial for their faith and for those in prison to be released. Pray for God to give them strength, endurance, and boldness as they share in the sufferings of Christ. Pray for justice to prevail, despite the injustice that some are trying to enforce. Pray for healing of prisoners who have been abused and tortured, and for comfort and provision for their families. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Tensions continue to rise in this former Soviet nation. In 2005, a confrontation between police and protesters resulted in the deaths of hundreds. This was followed by a jail riot that led to a massive demonstration. In May 2009, three terrorists launched a suicide attack against a police checkpoint, killing one officer and wounding several others. The government has ©2009 Window International Network

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(Uzbekistan continued)

stated its intention to fight Islamic extremism, but some have charged President Islam Karimov with actually “fueling extremism” in the region. Pray for peace to triumph in this rapidly escalating situation. Pray for God to turn the heart of President Karimov to Himself and give this leader the wisdom he needs to protect Uzbekistan and its people. Pray for God’s supernatural covering to be over the citizens, keeping them from the enemy’s attempts to steal, kill, and destroy. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be firmly established in Uzbekistan. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- In a shocking turn of events, Nepal’s Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, was forced to step down after attempting to remove the chief of the nation’s military. His replacement, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, has publicly stated that he intends to unify Nepal. Observers fear this sudden change of leadership could plunge the nation into chaos and might reignite the long-running civil war. Pray for God to give Prime Minister Nepal the wisdom, courage, and vision he needs to lead this nation forward in peace. Pray for all sides of the political conflict to be patient and consider the welfare of Nepal and its people. Pray for the spiritual awakening that has been taking place to continue and for the door to remain open for the proclamation of the Gospel. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULA- A woman involved in a custody battle for her children has been accused by her husband of adultery. This has resulted in her arrest and will lead to a court trial. The legal system in United Arab Emirates is based on Shari’a – Islamic law. Under strict interpretations, this can mean the death penalty in such cases. Pray for an end to this barbaric practice. Pray for the bondage of Shari’a to be destroyed – decisively and completely. Pray for God’s Sovereign protection of the nation’s women and children. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation which is an Islamic stronghold, opening prison doors and setting free those who have been held captive by the enemy. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- With most of the surrounding nations having already either joined or made public their intention to join the European Union, Albania is finally following suit. The government started the formal process back in 2006 and has been hampered by its failure to “fight against corruption and organized crime.” But the head of the EU says that Albania has undergone “tremendous positive changes.” Pray that the changes taking place in Albania will truly be positive – especially in the spiritual sense. Pray for leaders to take seriously their need to fight corruption and organized crime. Pray for a great awakening in this Muslim majority nation that will explosively spread throughout this land. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- The Kingdom of Morocco, as it is officially called, broke off diplomatic relations with Iran in March 2009. The move came after Iranian Interior Minister Ali Akbar Nateq referred to the nation of Bahrain as Iran’s “l4th Province.” This was interpreted as a claim of sovereignty over Bahrain. Pray for the leaders of Morocco to continue distancing themselves from Iran and radical Islam. Pray for the Lord to open wide the door to this long-closed nation, allowing missionaries to enter and evangelize the

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unreached population. Pray for Freedom that only Christ can give for the citizens of this spiritual dark, Muslim nation. Day 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- After months of assuring the world their own police and military could maintain order in this nation, Iraqi leaders are now concerned that the absence of Coalition forces might destabilize the region. Working to assure citizens of the government’s commitment to maintain peace, arrest warrants were issued in May 2009 for nearly l000 officials who are accused of corruption. Pray for God to give Iraqi leaders wisdom and discernment in rooting out corrupt officials, as well as terrorist groups and cells. Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring His Kingdom to this war-torn land and establish lasting order and justice. Pray for the enemy’s desire to inflict fear, suffering, division, and death in Iraq to be overcome by the establishment of God’s Kingdom. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- Praise God the government forces of Sri Lanka have defeated the Tamil Tigers and brought an end to the 26-year conflict. However, there has been much destruction. Many citizens remain homeless and in need of humanitarian aid. Pray for a swift restoration to this island nation – not only a physical rebuilding but a spiritual renewal and revival. Pray for the thousands of internally displaced people to be cared for and shown the Love of God, and receive His Salvation. Pray for the protection of Believers who are ministering to those in refugee camps. Pray for government leaders to be given direction and understanding in leading the nation forward into a new era of peace. Pray for unity in the Body of Christ and a new and passionate commitment to pray for Sri Lanka. Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- With international pressure growing, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is faced with a very difficult situation. Foes and friends of Israel are calling for the creation of a Palestinian state. Pray for God’s will to be fulfilled for Israel. Pray for His wisdom to be given in abundance to Prime Minister Netanyahu. Pray for Netanyahu to stand firm in doing what must be done according to God’s plan for the protection and survival of Israel – no matter who does or does not support his decision. Pray for this to be a time of spiritual awakening in Israel. TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- According to a recent survey, almost 50% of this nations citizens are under the age of l4. The dominant religion continues to be Islam, but given the population, that may well change in the coming years. Pray for a wide scale awakening among the children and youth of Tajikistan. Pray for sons and daughter to come to Christ by the multitudes, and bring with them their fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents into the Kingdom of God. Pray for the riches of God’s grace to sweep through this poverty-stricken nation, lifting hearts and minds from hopelessness and depression to hope joy and peace from the Holy Spirit. Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- Praise God for the harvest taking place in this atheist nation. It is now estimated that l0,000 people come Christ each day in China. While this is cause for celebration, it also brings up what Open Doors calls a “miraculous problem.” With ©2009 Window International Network

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(China continued) this tremendous ingathering comes a “desperate need for leadership training.” Pray for God to continue His amazing work in this land, drawing more and more hearts into His Kingdom. Pray for new Believers to be discipled in the Faith, strengthened, and protected from enemy attempts to lead them into error. Pray for anointed leaders to be raised up and to boldly set themselves to war on behalf of the growing Church, teaching and encouraging Believers, and praying for this great and awesome work of God.

Christians has resulted in the nation being listed on the Open Doors World Watch List for a number of years. Pray for Vietnam’s financial prosperity to lead to an increased political and spiritual openness, and that all persecution of Believers will stop immediately. Pray for other nations and governments doing business with Vietnam to influence them in providing freedom for their citizens. Pray for Believers to continue in prayer, holding fast to the faith, and courageously witnessing for Jesus Christ even in this dangerous atmosphere leading multiplied thousand to the Lord every month.

DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- Wars and rumors of wars continue to swirl around this tiny, East African nation. In October 2008, President Omah Guelleh vowed to attack Eritrean forces that had crossed into Djiboutan territory. The United Nations intervened in January 2009, giving Eritrea five weeks to remove its troops from the region. But Eritrea has ignored the U.N., claiming the area in question belongs to their country. Pray for the leaders of Djibouti and Eritrea to engage in talks that will clear up this disagreement before it leads to violence. Pray for the spirit of destruction and pride to be banished from both nations and for God’s Spirit to move in protecting the citizens.

TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- It has been called “one of the world’s most dangerous flashpoints.” This refers to the relationship between China and Taiwan. While China considers Taiwan to be a “breakaway province,” the Taiwanese are enjoying democracy and a strong economy. China has hundreds of missiles aimed at Taiwan and wants to exercise control over the nation, by force, if necessary. Pray for the spirits of control and manipulation currently at work in the minds of the Chinese leaders to be bound and rendered powerless, and loose the mind of Christ in these leaders. Pray for God to protect the Taiwanese people and give them rest even in the shadow of war. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to both nations, replacing fear and pride with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Despite the celebration of “Unity Day” in Yemen, May saw the rise of disunity in the form of protests and violent demonstrations. Unity Day is the anniversary of Yemen’s unification in l990. But those who are suffering from poverty and discrimination see it as an opportunity to voice their complaints. A greater conflict is brewing and fears of a civil war are rising. The nation also experienced a terrorist act in June – nine foreigners were kidnapped. Three of the victims have been found dead. Pray for the families of those murdered. Pray for God to intervene in establishing and maintaining true peace in Yemen. Pray for the safety of the remaining hostages and for their safe and immediate release. Pray for His Son to be lifted up above every false god and for His salvation to be made known to each of the 28 people groups who live together in this Muslim nation.

Day 19

BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In May 2009, the government of Bahrain said kafala – a labor system which resembles slavery in many aspects – would be changed to allow foreign workers greater freedom. Kafala, used to recruit cheap labor, especially from India, has allowed employers to hold worker passports and use them to detain workers, as well as extort money from them. Praise God for the end to this evil system. Pray for Bahrain leaders to further address human rights issues such as the end of human trafficking and the sex industry. Pray for expatriate workers to be used to bring the Gospel to this Muslim nation and for their freedom to be protected. Day 20

VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Despite having one of the healthiest economies in Southeast Asia, the government of this nation continues to be accused of serious human rights violations and religions persecution. Vietnam is one of the few communist states that survived the fall of the Soviet Union. Their treatment of

BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The Constitution of Brunei guarantees freedom of religion. However, the state religion is Islam and anyone choosing not to practice it faces restrictions. Christian literature is often confiscated as it enters the country, conversion from Islam to Christianity is prohibited, and Bibles cannot be imported. Pray for an immediate opening of this

Current Issue & Archives Online at February 2009 Edition




10/40 WindoW Prayer Focus: THe iMPacT oF TerrorisM on cHiLdren

Praise rePorT: s iran- cHrisTian raLLy in suPPorT To oF converTs oPPose aPosTasy LaW

Praise rePorT: orissa- suPreMe courT orders ProTecTion oF cHrisTians in orissa sTaTe

July 2009

WindoWKids™: seneGaL- HyMnie’s Prayer requesT For God’s cHiLdren in seneGaL

For Prayer PoinTs every 10/40 WindoW naTion ©2009 Window International Network

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(Brunei continued) closed, Muslim nation. Pray for the heart of Sultan Hasanal Bokiah to be transformed by a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers to persevere as they face challenges to their Faith and to their attempts to worship the only True and Living God. Pray the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in this land. LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- The Hezbollah (“the Party of God”) terrorist group based in Lebanon has long been backed and financed by the radical Islamic governments of Syria and Iran. Though they consider themselves to be a “force of resistance,” the region, the Hezbollah has as its goal the destruction of Israel and the imposition of strict Islamic law. Pray for the wickedness driving this group to be cast out of the Middle East. Pray for key leaders to be won to Christ this year. Pray for the government and people of Lebanon to refuse to tolerate the evil and violent activities of the Hezbollah. Pray for the darkness of radical Islam to be rendered powerless as the Light of God’s Kingdom shines into Lebanon. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- This nation hosted an Arab summit in March 2009 that included Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and Libyan President Muammar al-Qadhafi. These leaders, some of whom have been accused of war crimes and supporting terrorism, were greeted “with hugs and kisses” on a red carpet at the airport. Pray for God to open the eyes of the leaders of Qatar to the violence these men promote and continue to commit. Pray for their hearts to be set free from the dark bondage of Islam and for the Love of Jesus Christ to flow through this tiny nation, impacting every citizen and bringing a truly great Kingdom harvest. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- This former Soviet state is working with Russia to provide natural gas for export. The arrangement gives Russia greater control of Central Asia and was agreed largely to keep Turkmenistan in the good graces of Moscow. Pray for greater political and religious freedom for Turkmenistan. Pray for this nation and its neighbors (especially Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) to be protected from Russia’s attempts to control the region and even reunite the Soviet Union. Pray for God to work powerfully and swiftly during this open door season in Central Asia, spreading the Gospel to the largely Muslim population.

either silence or repression. Myanmar refused to accept international aid after devastating Cyclone Nargis and has not provided assistance to victims. According to Amnesty International, the government has “continued campaigns against minority groups which involved forced labour, torture, and murder.” Pray for God to speak to the hearts of the military junta controlling Myanmar. Pray for General Than Shwe and all of those who report to him to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ, and begin leading this nation in a way that blesses the citizens rather than oppresses them. Pray for aid to reach those who are struggling to survive right away. Pray for Believers to be provided for and to demonstrate God’s Love through their words and actions leading the multitudes to Jesus Christ. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- The government of Chad has accused Sudanese rebels of breaking a truce agreement by crossing the border. Chad says the forces have been defeated and turned back while the rebels (the Union of Resistance Forces) claim to be advancing. Pray for both sides of this conflict to be set free from the spirits of war, pride, and control. Pray for God to move in the hearts of Chad’s leadership, giving them eyes to see the need for peace, as well as the need for and that they will accept the Salvation of Jesus Christ. Pray for revival to break out in this land with multiplied multitudes accepting Jesus As Savior and Lord. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- The Algerian government is partnering with Mali in an attempt to seek out and destroy al-Qaeda terrorists training and hiding in the Malian desert. Algeria hopes to include Niger and Mauritania in the operation. Pray for God to bless this joint effort to cleanse the region of those who are being used by satan to bring fear, suffering, and death. Pray for the success of this operation and for greater cooperation between the nations of North Africa. Pray for an end to al-Qaeda and for every cell in this demonic organization to be exposed and destroyed this year. Pray God’s Kingdom will be established in this nation. Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- The Italian government is enlisting Libya in its efforts to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into Italy. Libya is a popular staging area for people from Egypt and other African nations seeking to enter Europe illegally. They will be engaging in joint operations to patrol the Mediterranean Sea. Pray this route will be a channel for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to reach the Libyans.

Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- The government of Ethiopia has refused to name 35 individuals who were arrested and accused of “plotting to overthrow the government” in April 2009. It isn’t known whether this is a genuine issue of national security or an attempt to cover something up. Pray for the leaders of Ethiopia to operate in integrity and honesty, seeking the good of their nation and its people. Pray for justice to prevail in this situation through fair trials, or for the case to be thrown out of court and the arrested will be released. Pray for God’s ongoing protection over Ethiopia, permanently guarding it from terrorists and insurgents. Pray revival will break out in this land whose inhabitants have known Christ since the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ.

MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Hundreds have taken to the streets and dozens have been arrested in response to an ongoing debate over who controls the Malaysian state of Perak. The controversy erupted into violence when three members of the opposition party defected to the ruling party earlier this year. Prime Minister Najib Rayzak, elected in April 2009, has yet to restore order. Pray for God to give the prime minister discernment in how to deal with this volatile situation. Pray for both sides to find ways other than violence to settle their differences. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in, around, and during these protests and public displays of dissatisfaction. Pray

MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- The global economic crisis is having a negative effect on human rights. Not only are the impoverished people of nations like Myanmar facing an even greater struggle to survive, but their appeals for help are being met with

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(Malaysia continued) for all the Malayan people to find their true and lasting satisfaction in Jesus Christ accepting Him as Savior and Lord. Day 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Oman is considered a “restricted nation.” Islam is the state religion. Although expatriate Christians are allowed to worship, Muslims are not permitted to convert. Though it doesn’t appear on the Open Door World Watch List 2009, Oman is not an easy place to be a Believer. Muslim Background Believers are often the victims of discrimination and can be denied legal rights. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in this Islamic nation to be strong and courageous, sharing their faith and honoring the Lord. Pray the Lord will give them supernatural strategies to lead others to Him. Pray for an end to the spiritual oppression that keeps Muslims from knowing about and accepting Salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Although public demonstrations in Kazakhstan are rare, citizens in this poor, former Soviet state have been driven to protest by an overriding sense of despair. Many are now calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Karim Masimov. Pray for this season of hopelessness to lead many Kazaks to consider God and His amazing love, as displayed in Jesus Christ. Pray for their hope to be restored as they receive Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the current economic poverty to drive citizens toward the riches of God’s Kingdom found in Jesus Christ. Day 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- The Tunisia government has agreed to allow human rights organizations to visit prisons in order to assess conditions. Despite this promise, however, they have continued to refuse outsiders this opportunity. This problem has been occurring since 2005 and shows no signs of changing. Pray for Tunisian officials to make good on their agreements and allow their prison system to be examined. Pray for the protection of those who are being held there and for justice in each of their cases. Pray for a progressive opening of political, social, and spiritual doors that will lead all the people of Tunisia into the Kingdom of God. CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Already one of the poorest nations in the world, Cambodia is now dealing with the threat of a new malaria epidemic. In a frightening development, doctors have found that certain strains of malaria are developing a resistance to standard treatments and drugs. Pray for God to bring supernatural healing to this nation – physically, economically, and in regards to the deep wounds of its violent past. Pray for the people to turn to Him and be saved. Pray the Lord will reveal to scientists how to protect the people and to create vaccinations and drugs to successfully fight these new and resistant strains of malaria. Pray God’s Kingdom will come and His will be done in Cambodia as it is in Heaven.

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this Islamic nation, the Believers continue to stand firm, worshiping God together, fellowshipping, sharing their Faith, and planting more churches. A prayer movement is also emerging, giving birth to “houses of prayer” aimed at transforming Turkey for God’s Glory. Praise God for His goodness and faithfulness. Pray for Him to continue to empower Turkish Christians, filling them with His Spirit and enabling them to “persist.” Pray for the spread of the Gospel and for Muslim hearts to be open to and accept the Truth of Jesus Christ by the multitudes this year. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- The long-range missile test conducted by this nation in April 2009 was followed by an underground nuclear test in May 2009. When the international community objected to these events, North Korea stated that it will consider any opposition an “act of war.” This was demonstrated when a North Korean cargo ship thought to be carrying weapons was approached by an allied warship. The government of North Korea reacted by threatening to fire missiles against Western nations. As Believers suffer severe persecution and many citizens face starvation, the repressive regime of Kim Jung Il continues to be obsessed with control. Pray for God to move in the heart of this misguided leader, turning his attention away from destruction and paranoia, towards accepting the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for a swift, safe, and peaceful end to the nuclear program, and for Godly wisdom in the diplomatic process. Pray for God to direct international leaders in interacting with North Korea. Pray for the Lord to give strength to His Children who are being imprisoned and being tortured for believing in Him. Pray for Him to show His Power and Love in providing physical and spiritual food daily for the hungry people of North Korea . Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- With terrorists groups now controlling a large section of the south, the nation of Somalia finds itself on the brink of all-out war. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, leader of the Islamic Courts Union and head of the Hisbul-Islam extremist group has returned after a two-year exile in Eritrea. He is working to overthrow the already fragile transitional government. Pray for the spirits of lawlessness, chaos, and anarchy to be bound and banished from the Horn of Africa. Pray for God to breathe His Peace in this region, restore order, and provide the suffering citizens with relief. Pray for aid to reach those who have been displaced right away, and that emotional healing will be poured out upon those who have lost family members and friends in the ongoing violence. Pray God’s Kingdom will be firmly established in this land. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The government has finally taken up the challenge to fight the Taliban and related terrorist groups hiding in the borderlands between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pray the government will be successful. Pray victory for government forces and the utter defeat and demise of the Taliban. Pray for protection for the civilians caught in the midst of this conflict. Pray for aid to reach them swiftly and for a restoration of peace in their lives. Pray for this difficult and dangerous time to be used by God’s Spirit to set them free from the lies of Islam and lead them into the Kingdom of the Son and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Day 27

Day 29

TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- “He who persists wins.” This saying, which finds its basis in Scripture (I Cor. l3:7; Heb. l0:36; James 5:l0, ll) is the motto of many Turkish Believers. Though they comprise only .l2% of the population of

NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- In May 2009, Nigeria celebrated its l0th anniversary of democracy. As one observer pointed out, “things can only get better.” Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa and has many deep religious and ethnic divisions. Christians in the north (largely Muslim) have been brutally persecuted and killed in ©2009 Window International Network

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(Nigeria continued) recent years. Violence has also been ongoing in the valuable oil fields, where workers are often abducted or murdered. Pray for an end to the greed, hatred, and bigotry that has plagued this nation. Pray for stable political leadership. Pray for God to protect President Umaru Musa Yar’adua and his administration from coup attempts and terrorism, and that they will rule based on Biblical principles. Pray every Nigerian will receive the Salvation that only comes from Christ Jesus. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- This tiny island nation and popular tourist resort is home to just over 300,000 people. Yet almost every one of them is Muslim. Five of Maldives’ ten people groups is considered “unreached.” This shows no signs of changing based on strict laws regarding conversion, and the state religion is Islam. Pray for immediate open doors for tentmakers and other Believers to take the Good News to these desperate people. Pray for the Light of Christ to shine brightly and undeniably into the darkness of these islands, penetrating every enemy stronghold and rescuing those who are being led toward an eternity apart from God. Pray the tourists who come to the Maldives on holiday will demand that the government allows Believers to worship Christ freely, and to lead others to Christ openly. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- The treatment of Believes in Jordan mirrors that of many Middle Eastern Arab nations. The conversion of a Muslim to Christ can result in insults, excommunication from family, loss of job, attacks, even death threats. Pray for those Brothers and Sisters who are currently going through these fiery trials. Ask the Lord to sustain them and give them His strength to endure. Pray for His joy to see them through every situation, no matter how painful or distressing. Pray for those who are intent on persecuting Believers to stop immediately. Pray for their hearts to be softened, and to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for true religious freedom to be made available in Jordan and for multitudes of Muslims to come to Christ every month. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- The nation of Senegal has promised to hold Hissene Habre, the former dictator of Chad, until his trial for human rights abuses. Habre fled to Senegal in l990 after President Idriss Deby rose to power. According to BBC News, he is accused of “killing and torturing tens of thousands of opponents during his eight-year rule.” Pray for justice to be served quickly in this case. Pray for Senegal to take seriously their pledge to hold this violent man and ensure that he is tried and punished according to his crimes. Pray for the government of Senegal to operate without corruption or collusion and to usher in a fresh season of integrity across its land. Pray for God’s Kingdom to spread freely and powerfully throughout Senegal. Pray for a revival that cannot be stopped in this land. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- According to Compass Direct, three Christians have died in military prisons over the course of the past year in Eritrea. There are believed to be more than two thousand Believers imprisoned in this small but oppressive nation. Some are held in metal shipping containers and many are being tortured. Medical attention is routinely denied to those who are ill. Pray for President Isaias Afwerki’s heart to release all Believers who are imprisoned immediately. Pray for God to move, transforming this callous, cruel man into a humble, contrite follower of Christ. Pray for an immediate end to the campaign of violence against Christians. Pray for Believers to be held in the Savior’s arms, supernaturally sustained

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and encouraged by the presence of the Lord of Peace. Pray the Lord will feed, provide, and keep His Body of Believers in a supernatural bubble keeping them from the extreme heat of the prison areas. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- The “territory” of Tibet is a land of political and spiritual confusion. Officially governed by China, it considers itself to be independent. While the government claims to be committed to freedom of religion, it continues to fiercely persecute not only Christians but Buddhists. Pray for the Living God to bring clarity, vision, insight, and understanding to the people of Tibet regarding His Salvation. Pray for Him to demolish the fog of lies that has been hovering in this region for centuries. Pray for peace between Tibetan and Chinese leaders, between various religions groups. Pray the Tibetan people will accept the sacrificial death of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the spirit of reconciliation to fill this land. Pray revival will break out in Tibet with multitudes of Tibetans accepting Christ every month. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- In the past few years, Syria has begun to pursue relationships with not only its neighbors but former opponents. Islam is no longer the state religion and Shari’a is, for the most part, only practiced in personal matters. These developments may signal a change of direction for the nation, although it remains committed to Iran as an ally and continues to view Israel as an enemy. Pray for the leaders of Syria to have a Damascus Road experience. Pray for an encounter with Jesus Christ to transform them from Sauls to Pauls and turn them into Kingdom builders rather than instigators of violence and terrorism. Pray that all Syrians will receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- The candidate for the opposition party won the May 2009 election. President Nambaryn Enkhbayar, in office since 2005, conceded defeat, congratulating Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj on his narrow victory. After last year’s parliamentary elections, there were accusations of fraud that led to protests. So far there have been no reports of rigging or violence in the aftermath of this election. Pray for the newly elected President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj to remain humble and open to God’s leading. Pray for the Lord to guide his decisions and help Mongolia break free from the curse of poverty and despair. Pray for peace to be maintained and for this change of direction to be a true blessing to the nation and its people. Pray the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in this land. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Along with poverty and hardship, the 25-year Indonesia occupation of East Timor and the bloody war for independence has left in its wake a multitude of orphans and widows. Although the fighting formally ended in l999, many families are still searching for lost children. The town of Kraras has become known as the “Village of Widows.” Pray for God to be a Father to the fatherless and a Husband to the husbandless in this still traumatized nation. Pray for His Holy Spirit to bring deep healing and a restoration of hope to lives that have been devastated by loss and continue to face debilitating poverty. Pray for God’s will to be in done in East Timor on earth as it is in Heaven. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- Opposition leader, Halifa Sallah, who ran against President Yahya Jammeh in the last election, has been arrested and is being accused of spying, sedition, and illegal assembly. Human rights groups have accused the government of using these charges to “stifle political opposition and crack down on press freedom.” Pray for God to cleanse the government of The Gambia ©2009 Window International Network

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(The Gambia continued)

of all corruption, political manipulation, and attempts to maintain control and power by violence. Pray for Him to raise up men and women who will honor and fear Him, walking in righteousness and serving the people in humility. Pray for the salvation of President Jammeh, the members of his administration, and opposition leaders such as Halifa Sallah. Pray for Sallah’s trial to be used to expose wickedness and darkness. Pray Jesus Christ will be exalted in this land. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- Already tight border security has become a virtual blockade since Israel’s January 2009 retaliation for Hamas attacks. Aid is supposedly being allowed to enter the region, but even humanitarian organizations report being denied access. Pray for the Palestinians, Jews, and Christians who live inside the Gaza Strip. Pray for God to provide them with the food, clean water, and supplies they need to survive and rebuild their homes and lives. Pray for God to bring a swift end to the Hamas and other terrorists who are being used to cause suffering in this area and in Israel. Pray for wisdom as world leaders continue to discuss ways to establish lasting peace in the Middle East. Pray for God’s Plans and Purposes to be fulfilled in this land. WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- Abed al-Majid Dudin, a Hamas (terrorist organization) leader believed to be responsible for planning and carrying out several bombings in Israel, was killed by Israeli forces in May 2009. Dudin was reportedly the chief in charge of the armed division of Hamas – Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. Pray for the families of Israelis and Palestinians who have lost fathers, sons



ow, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. (The Bible, Acts 4:29,30) Pakistan is officially, and in all practical terms, an Islamic republic. Shari’a law has been imposed in parts of the country. Open Doors ranks it number 13 in terms of its persecution of Christians. An ongoing civil war has resulted in countless civilian casualties and the displacement of thousands of innocent people. In May 2009, a bomb blast in the city of Lahore killed dozens and injured hundreds more. “Newsweek” magazine has called it “the most dangerous nation in the world.” And yet this is specifically where God has chosen to work! On Pentecost Sunday, just days

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and brothers to terrorism. Pray for God to comfort them and speak His Truth in the midst of their tragedy. Pray for the members of Hamas to be set free from the spirit of fear and destruction, and satan’s attempts to use them to inflict violence and death on Israel will not occur. Pray for Israel’s protection – that God will keep His warring angels posted at every border, wall, entrance and exit of the nation, to actively defend against enemy assaults. Window International Network Pray for God’s strategies to be revealed to the WIN staff. Pray for them to be sensitive to His guidance and filled with His Wisdom. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give them discernment in knowing how to rally prayer for the l0/40 Window and what to pray for, and a clear, keen understanding of His Kingdom Purposes. Pray for this ministry to be used to fulfill the Great Commission and exalt Jesus Christ in every nation of the l0/40 Window. Pray the Lord will supply all of WIN’s needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Sources include: Evangelical Fellowship of India, World Christian Ministries, The Washington Post, BBC News, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct

after the Lahore bomb blast, with people still sifting through the debris, the Holy Spirit gathered 2000 Believers to pray, praise, and worship God. “In these days fear of terrorism is spread all over the country,” one of the pastors at the event explained. “Terrorists are targeting where they see gatherings of large people. But thanks to God, the spirit of terrorism failed and thousands of people gathered to worship the most high God….” ✚✚ Praise God for His goodness in drawing and protecting these Believers to the large outdoor meeting on the Day of Pentecost. Praise Him for the display of His power and greatness in the midst of bloodshed and destruction. Praise Him for His ability to turn even war, persecution, and terrorism into an opportunity to glorify His Son, Jesus Christ. ✚✚ Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Pakistan. Pray for God to place a hedge of protection around them, guarding their coming and going. Pray for Him to cover them in His love and clothe them in His armor to defend against every physical and spiritual attack. ✚✚ Pray for the Holy Spirit to give Paki- ©2009 Window International Network

stani Believers boldness to witness for Jesus Christ. Pray for them to speak His Word and for great signs and wonders to be displayed. ✚✚ Pray for all of Pakistan to be shaken by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the coming of the Kingdom of God. ✚✚ Pray for God to protect Believers and new Believers as they live for Him in this land, and that He will provide all of their need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus (The Bible Philippians 4:19). ✚✚ Pray for the salvation of those who have been and are plotting terrorist attacks. Pray all of their wicked deeds will be exposed and come to an immediate halt. (The Bible Mark 4:22)

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“The resources must be released to finish world evangelism.”


hat was the bottom line in a recent conversation between Christian brothers and sisters regarding the Great Commission and the l0/40 Window. There’s a snag, they agreed, a hold-up… a delay in carrying out our Lord’s command (Matthew 28:18-20). One obstacle involves a lack of harvest workers. Which is why we ask the Lord of the Harvest, as Jesus directed, to send out more workers (Matthew 9:38).

The resources are there, they just aren’t “available.” In other words, they are being invested in things that are secondary to God’s Kingdom purposes. K.P. Yohannan, founder and president of Gospel for Asia, once boiled down the financial decision-making process to two simple questions. When faced with an opportunity or desire to spend money (whether a great amount or just a little), he advised holding the situation up against a Biblical, two-fold grid: l) does what I am thinking of doing with my finances help to fulfill the Great Commission? and 2) will what I plan

Another involves satanic strongholds that are keeping people bound in darkness. Which is why we pray, asking God to tear them down and shine His Light into every corner of every nation to reach every people group. Beyond these hurdles is yet another, perhaps even more substantial, barrier that keeps the Church from finishing the task. It is also the most tragic, because it could be overcome in the blink of an eye – just as quickly as a heart can change from seeking self-fulfillment to seeking first the Kingdom of God. The finances necessary to fulfill our Lord’s Commission are already in place. God is, after all, the source of all wealth and the ruler of all things (I Chron. 29:l2). He promises to meet all (not some or part – but all) of our needs, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:l9)

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vant!”? Or will He greet us like a parent who must discipline His child for being wasteful and wayward? God has given us an assignment. The resources are there. But they must be released. Consider these statistics: • The Global Church has over $l5 trillion US in annual personal income (and untold trillions in assets) • less than l.8% of this income is given to Christian causes each year • less than 0.l% goes to foreign missions • there are still l.8 billion unevangelized people in the world • at the current rate of population growth, there will be 2.2 billion unevangelized by 2025 • missions is going backwards! (Source: Lusanne Committee for World Evangelism)

to purchase help to bring God’s Kingdom? If the answer is yes, we can confidently move forward. If the answer is no… Perhaps more prayer is needed to determine and adopt God’s heart in the matter. Our stewardship now will determine how we will one day be welcomed by our Lord. When Christ returns or, if He tarries, we go to be with Him, what will His first words to us be? Will we hear, “Well, done good and faithful ser- ©2009 Window International Network

Pastor and author John Piper summed it up this way: “...It isn’t for lack of money that there are l,568 peoples with no missionaries… The comforts have made us soft and cautious and fearful and indulgent and self-protecting, instead of tough and risk-taking and bold and self-controlled and self-sacrificing.” We must devote ourselves to prayer, repenting of our selfishness and asking God to bring us into line with His desires and wishes. PRAYER • Pray for God to move in the hearts of His people, unleashing a river of generosity and a fresh wave of effective stewardship that will flow freely in the least reached area of the The 10/40 Window Reporter 22

world, the 10/40 Window, providing the necessary support for world evangelism. • Pray for an immediate release of resources to reach the 10/40 Window with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. • Pray for the Church to see and fully accept Her ownership of the Great Commission. Pray for every Believer to realize their place in God’s Kingdom work and to pray, financially give, send, and go in obedience to the Master’s command. • Pray for Christians to live sacrificially, with a selfless passion to reach the unreached and unevangelized in this generation. • Pray for God’s Spirit to turn Churches and Believers into channels of His Love and Power to bless, heal, and bring Salvation to the nations. If God is speaking to your heart about investing in the fulfillment of the Great Commission, please partner with WIN. Your financial gifts will be instrumental in bringing His Kingdom to the 10/40 Window on earth as it is in Heaven. To join us in a work that is impacting eternity, make your donations TODAY at

Global Day of Harvest of Souls -

India D

o you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. (The Bible, John 4:35 NIV) One of Window International Network’s (WIN) ministry partners encouraged international mobilization of prayer before the day of Pentecost in the year 2009, and was a part of an internet prayer meeting hosted by WIN, and this ministry partner was believing GOD to baptize 100,000 people during this season. When the Kingdom of GOD comes to earth as it is in Heaven it probably looks like what was witnessed in India on Pentecost Sunday, 2009. On the Day of Pentecost which was also the Global Day of Prayer, this same ministry alliance in India reported they bap-

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tized 253,206 people, which also means in India that these precious ones made their decision to follow Christ; which is formalized through baptism. Hundreds of thousands were welcomed into the Kingdom of GOD on that one day. Praise the Lord! As we united our hearts, hands, and voices to cry out to GOD for a harvest of souls, your faithful and fervent prayer partnership brought forth this fruit. The Word of GOD says there is more joy in heaven over one sinner repenting than over ninety-nine righteous people (The Bible, Luke l5:7). What happens when 253,000 sinners repent?! And that was just in India… on one day!

fire through the l0/40 Window, burning through enemy strongholds and penetrating “closed” nations and unreached people groups. ✚✚ Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (The Bible, Matthew 9:38 NIV) ✚✚ Pray for Jesus to be exalted far above every god, idol, false religion, and manmade philosophy. Pray for demonic lies, arguments and pretensions to be torn down and cast aside. Pray for every knee to bow, every tongue to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. AMEN!

The Harvesting of the Harvest of Souls is Greatly Accelerating! ✚✚ Pray for GOD to continue this explosive move of the Spirit in India and throughout the 10/40 Window, drawing millions more to His Son. Pray for the Kingdom of GOD to enlarge, grow, and advance across ethnic lines, religions, and national borders, engulfing the entire subcontinent. ✚✚ Pray for the Harvest to blaze like ©2009 Window International Network

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KingdomSite Ministries

Window International Network (WIN) would like to introduce you to our most recent Gateway Partner, KingdomSite Ministries, founded by Steve Steele. This non-profit organization has developed new web based products: • •



in are significantly worth more than $1.25 USD.

address four main issues many ministries face:

KingdomSite Ministries was created in order to help accelerate the Great Commission. First, to create top quality tools and resources, like www. After operational costs have been met, any additional funds generated by KingdomBook will be used to help fund strategic ministries working towards completing the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).

1. Lack of accessibility to the best tools from trusted resources used by ministries around the world; including prayer training, fund raising, Church planting, leadership development and evangelism tools that are needed to accelerate the advancement of the Kingdom of God. (Eph 4:11-13) is a social learning system that includes a prayer module. The goal of KingdomBook is to help

2. Ideas on how to train millions of Believers at a time to do the work of the LORD to build His Kingdom, and not just hundreds or thousands

WIN is looking forward to working with KingdomSite Ministries for several reasons; including using their new realtime translation software that supports 43 languages at www.KingdomTranslate. com. If several people (users) are online in different countries at the same time, For example: Sudan, Burkina Faso, and Uzbekistan. If someone writes a prayer request in English, the prayer point will be translated to the users computer in Sudan in Arabic, the users computer in Burkina Faso in French, and to the users computer in Uzbekistan in Russian. Each time one of the users adds to the existing and ongoing prayer in one of the 43 languages supported by KingdomTranslate software, the prayers keep translating automatically in the language supported by the computers browser! This system costs each user only $1.25 USD per month, and it supports Christian Ministries all over the world. The Learning Classrooms and resources

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at a time. (Matt 24:14, Acts 1:8) 3. Connecting Prayer Networks with implementation movements such as Church planting, evangelism, and leadership development. (Eph 6: 10-15) 4. How the ministry can financially become more self sustainable. (Matt 25: 14-29) KingdomSite Ministries believes that using technology is an efficient way of sharing training tools; connecting prayer networks with implementation networks, and helping Christians communicate effectively by using real - time

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language translations. The use of technology is effective in equipping the Body of Christ with access to needed training tools and reaching the lost with the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your ministry is encouraged to join KingdomBook here: invite=WIN By doing so, you will let KingdomBook know you were referred by Window International Network. Š2009 Window International Network

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irzah and her friends were having a wonderful time racing each other under the warm sun. It was recess and they were glad to have a break from their morning lessons. “You may play for 10 minutes, children,” Mrs. Shalev had announced. “Stay close to the building, and make sure you can always see one of the teachers!” All morning Mrs. Shalev had seemed worried. As she let the class go out to play, she looked even more concerned. Tizrah thought this was rather strange. Mrs. Shalev was such a peaceful person and their village was a such peaceful place. What was there to worry about? Everyone knew everyone else. Everyone seemed to care about each other. It had been that way for many years. The children played safely in the streets – even after dark – and people left their cars and homes unlocked. They lived in complete safety. At least, that’s the way it had been up until a few weeks ago. That was when Israel had been attacked by a neighboring country. Lately, loud sirens had been blaring, alerting them that missiles and bombs might be coming. The enemy had missed Tizrah’s village so far. But some of the adults said that was going to change. Giggles and laughter filled the air as Tirzah and a dozen of her classmates ran around the schoolyard. Even though some of the grown-ups said they were living in dangerous times, Tizrah and the other children were not concerned. Not at that moment, anyway. They were too busy having fun. What she and her friends didn’t realize was that before the day ended, their world would change forever. That’s why I was there. My name is Hymnie. I’m a hummingbird, and I sing hymns. And, more importantly, I’m a messenger for Jesus. On this particular day, I was on a mission. As soon as I reached Tizrah and the other children,

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I knew it was time to deliver my message. “Tirzah!” I called out. She was so happy playing her game that she didn’t hear me. So I buzzed in closer. “Tirzah!” Tirzah turned her head, glanced at me, but then went back to her game. I guess she wasn’t expecting to meet a talking hummingbird. “Tirzah! I have an important message for you,” I said. She finally stopped and blinked up at me. “Gather your friends and go to the shelter. Right now!” She squinted at me with a puzzled expression. “Hurry!” I told her. “You’re a… a hummingbird,” she said. “And you’re… talking.” “Yes,” I said, trying to be patient. “Now please do as I say – go to the shelter!” Tizrah opened her mouth as though about to ask another question, but then shouted to the other children, “Go to the shelter!” The other children stopped playing and looked at her. Suddenly the siren began to sound. “Go to the shelter!” Tizrah repeated. “Go to the shelter… everyone!” Having practiced this many times, the children began to run to the shelter. No one talked, or screamed, or made a fuss. They filed in quietly. Just as the last child entered, something bright – almost like a shooting star! – streaked across the sky. Then came the explosion: BOOM!! Safely inside the shelter, the children looked at each other with wide eyes. They knew this was no drill. It was the real thing. Their village was under attack. Tizrah saw me and shook her head. “How did you know?” “Jesus sent me to warn you. He knew the enemy was going to shoot missiles at your village today.” “Who’s Jesus?,” she wondered. The other children were watching and listening now. “Jesus,” I told them, “is God’s only Son. God sent Him to earth over 2000 years ago to die on a cross for you and for your classmates… and for every person who has ever lived ©2009 Window International Network

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or will ever live on planet earth.” The children were interested in this, but a few didn’t seem to believe me. “How come we’ve never heard of this Jesus person?” one of them asked. “I don’t know,” I said, “but He was a Jew – just like you. And more than that: He’s the Messiah.” “Messiah?!” someone gasped. They were all familiar with the Messiah – the Anointed One. “Yes, Jesus is the Messiah.” I paused, waiting for them to think about that. Then I said, “He sent me to keep you safe and to tell you how much He loves you.” Tirzah’s eyes brimmed with tears. “Thank you, Hymnie. Thank you for protecting us from the enemy and for telling us about Jesus the Messiah.” “I’m just a messenger,” I told her. “Jesus is the One you should thank.” “Thank You, Jesus,” Tizrah prayed. “Thank You, Jesus, the Messiah.” The other children all began to give thanks to Jesus, the Messiah. Just then, the door burst open. “Children!” Mrs. Shalev shouted. “Are you alright?! Is everyone here? I was so worried!” Tirzah wiped the tears from here eyes. “We’re more than alright. Hymnie told us to go to the shelter….” “Hymnie…?” Mrs. Shalev said. “Who’s….?” “…And then he told us about Jesus the Messiah.” Mrs. Shalev’s face suddenly filled with joy. “Jesus is the One who kept us safe!” “Yes,” Mrs. Shalev nodded, smiling. “Yes, He is.” “Then you know about Jesus the Messiah?” one of the other children asked. Mrs. Shalev’s smile grew even larger. “He is my Lord and Savior.” “Can you tell us more about Him?” Closing the door, Mrs. Shalev sat down with the children. “I would love to tell you about Jesus.” More missiles fell from the sky and there were explosions that shook the small shelter. But the children barely noticed. I barely noticed! I found a comfortable spot on Tizrah’s shoulder and listened right along with everyone else as Mrs. Shalev told stories about Jesus.

o Please rememrbaeerl!t pray for Is sraeli children to be kept safe and succeed in everything they do oldiers to be protected and have God’s favor in battledo

ain to fall on the farmer’s crops and for the harvest to be plentiful ll Jews to know Jesus as their Messiah and accept Him as Savior and Lord very Christian to pray faithfully for the “peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122) eaders from other countries to bless Israel, and stopp all the violence and every military attack

July 2009 ©2009 Window International Network

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Window International Network

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