10/40 Window Reporter : June 2008

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Persecution in Somalia

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June 2008 Edition

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK President: Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor: LaTonya J. Pegues WINDOWKIDSTM Editor: Cristy George Design/Layout: John Burton Design | www.johnburtondesign.com

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June 2008

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Four Christian teachers killed for their beliefs in Somalia

Intercessors are needed to pray for Somalia after four Christian teachers were recently killed for their beliefs by Islamist militants, who have vowed to wipe out Christianity in the East Africa nation. According to Barnabas Fund, Daud Assan Ali, 64, Rehana Ahmed, 32, both of Somali origin, and two Kenyans were shot as they slept, by militants who stormed their school in Beledweyne in south central Somalia on Sunday, April 13, 2008.

There are a tiny number of Somali converts to Christianity living in Somalia, many of whom have been murdered in recent years by Islamic radicals who have vowed to wipe out all Somali Christians.

Both Ali and Ahmed lived in the United Kingdom and were converts from Islam to Christianity. The community education project Private English School, where the teachers taught, was only completed about a month before the attack. In his blog to supporters of the school, Ali expressed concern about nighttime raids by militant fighters in his last posting on March 30, 2008. Ali’s wife and several residents of Beledweyne said Ali and his colleagues were singled out because they were Christians and the Islamists feared that they were teaching their pupils about Christianity. Somali’s population is 99.9 percent Muslim. As a result, Islam shapes most aspects of Somali culture. Islamic fundamentalism and jihad groups linked to Al Qaeda have flourished, according to Open Doors. Open Doors’ 2008 “World Watch List” of the top 50 world’s worst persecutors of Christians ranked Somalia No. 4 on the list. There are a tiny number of Somali converts

to Christianity living in Somalia, many of whom have been murdered in recent years by Islamic radicals who have vowed to wipe out all Somali Christians. Recent fighting between Somali Islamic militias and Ethiopia has heightened anti-Christian feelings. There is a long history of conflict between Somalis, who historically have all been Muslims, and Ethiopians, who historically have been majority Christian, Open Doors said. “Somali converts from Islam to Christianity are especially at risk at this moment in time. They need our prayers urgently,” Barnabas Fund International Director Patrick Sookhdeo said. Open Doors declared 2008 to be a year of prayer for Somalia. Since 1960, Somalia has seen little other than war and anarchy. Since 1991, there have been 13 attempts to form a government. Although there is a transitional government at the moment, in reality the country continues to be ruled by warlords. Continued on page 12 ►

June 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Your intercession for WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK and the 10/40 Window is valuable. Please remember to pray today.

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June 2008

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PRAYER Points June 2008

Day 1

Day 4 India – In India the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party in Gujarat state has implemented the “anti-conversion” law passed in 2003, opening the door to false accusations by Hindu extremists and increased persecution of Christians. Pray divine protection for Christians.

Mauritania – Mauritanian Prime Minister Zeine Ould Zeidane resigned May 6, 2008 after just a year in office. Pray that God would give his replacement, economist and former minister Yahya Ould Ahmed Waghf, wisdom, direction, and a heart to serve the Mauritanian people. Day 2 Sudan – Pray for healing and restoration in the villages in North Darfur, as recent bombings have resulted in a number of deaths and injuries. Pray for peace in the strife-torn Sudanese region. Afghanistan – Pray that God will thwart the plans of Al Qaeda as its terrorist attacks in Afghanistan increased 16 percent last year. Ask the LORD to powerfully topple the demonic forces that are using Al Qaeda like puppets so that the people will be set free to worship the LORD. (2 Corinthians 3:17) Day 3 Kuwait – Praise God that Kuwait’s Cabinet has pledged $5 million worth of humanitarian aid for Myanmar’s cyclone victims. Pray that Kuwait will continue to come to the aid of other 10/40 Window nations. Bangladesh – Muslim villagers in Mymensingh district, eager to rid the area of the Christian work being done by a local pastor, gang-raped his 13-year-old daughter on Friday, May 2, 2008. Pray that the attackers would be brought to justice. Pray divine protection for the pastor and other Believers who have received death threats.

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Japan – Pray for the protection of the Japanese people from aftershocks and any threat of tsunamis as a series of strong earthquakes, including one with a magnitude of 6.7, hit the Tokyo area recently. Pray for Japanese Believers to have unique and creative ways to share the Gospel to non-believers in their land. Guinea-Bissau – Praise God that the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, set up to help countries emerging from conflict avoid relapsing into violence, has agreed to provide Guinea-Bissau with $6 million to support the government’s efforts relating to the upcoming legislative elections, security sector reform, the judiciary, the police, and youth employment. Pray that this money will be used wisely, and that Believers will also benefit from the reform. Day 5 Bhutan – The tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan held its first Parliament session on May 8, 2008, marking its shift from absolute monarchy, after elections in March, to a constitutional democracy. Pray that these leaders would make wise and godly decisions to advance this nation. On Saturday, April 12, 2008, two Christian families were attacked and removed from their homes after they chose to follow Christ. Pray divine protection for them and others experiencing similar persecution, and that they would grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Saudi Arabia – Pray for a peaceful resolution between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, as Iranian and Syrian-backed Hezbollah loyalists are involved in a confrontation with Sunni supporters of Lebanon’s U.S. and Saudi-backed government in the eastern Bekaa valley. Pray that there will truly be religious freedom in this nation. Day 6 Guinea – Pray that the announcement of Guinea setting up an emergency stock pile of basic food, especially rice, will help offset the impact of sharp increases in food prices which has stirred social unrest in Africa. Pray that the Believers in this land will witness to others that the Lord is the Bread of Life, and The 10/40 Window Reporter 5

He will provide all of their needs. (Philippians 4:19) Thailand – Praise God that Thailand, the world’s largest rice exporter, dropped the idea of establishing a rice cartel, because such a group could deteriorate the world food supply situation. Pray for godly men and women to obtain positions of influence in Thailand. (Daniel 2:48)

jan this year. Pray for a righteous God-fearing leader and cabinet members to be elected in this Southwest Asia nation. Pray for provision for the majority of Azerbaijanis who are living in poverty. Day 10 Benin – Praise God for the freedom of religion in Benin. One Gideon member went to a Benin police station to seek permission to distribute Bibles in the area and was told by a police officer, “If it’s the Word of God, you don’t need permission to distribute, just do it.” Pray for the Benin people to turn to Jesus Christ as LORD.

Day 7 Niger – The organization, Save the Children, has rated Niger the lowest in its annual report regarding the situation for mothers and their children around the world. In bottom-ranked Niger, girls receive less than three years of education and women only have a life expectancy of 45 years. One Niger child in four does not live to be age 5. Pray for God’s protection over the women and children in this nation, and that they will come to the saving knowledge of our LORD. Kyrgyzstan – Pray for wise leadership to help improve the economy and unemployment, as there are more than 270,000 unemployed people in this nation. Pray that the Christian Believers will have a leading role in the advancement of the nation’s economy, and that the Christians will benefit from every improvement to the economy.

Indonesia – Muslim extremists and local government authorities recently threatened to tear down a church building under construction in North Sumatra, even though church leaders met requirements of Indonesia’s draconian law on worship places. Pray divine protection for the Christians, and for favor regarding construction of church buildings. Pray that the Kingdom of God will be established in this nation. Day 11 Laos – Pray that, as Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia have launched an economic cooperation and development association, the Asia nations will strengthen economic and investment ties with each other. Pray that Believers will benefit from the economic improvements, and that religious freedom will increase in these nations.

Day 8 Iran – Pray that Iran will end their uranium enrichment program, which nations say will lead to the creation of a nuclear bomb. Pray that Iran will be a Christian nation governing by Biblical principles. Burkina Faso – Praise God that 66 children who were being trafficked into the Ivory Coast were recently rescued at the Burkina Faso border. Police arrested six alleged child-traffickers from Burkina Faso. Pray that the trafficking of all children will come to a complete end. Day 9 Mali – Several youths were injured and at least 20 arrested in Bamako, the capital of Mali, when high school students on strike for better class conditions clashed with others refusing to join their protest. A wave of dissatisfaction among students has disrupted classes in Mali schools for several months, with teachers demanding higher salaries, and students demanding better class conditions. Pray that government officials will work to improve the educational system. Pray that young people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as God. Pray that Christian values will be taught in the schools. Azerbaijan – Presidential elections will be held in Azerbai-

June 2008

Western Sahara – The human rights organization, Freedom House, recently released its annual report on the world’s most authoritarian regimes and gravest human rights situations. The report classified Morocco’s presence in Western Sahara alongside more well-known human rights catastrophes like China, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe. The report found that the human rights situation in Western Sahara has not improved in the past 10 years. Pray for Western Sahara’s freedom from the oppressive regime, and that the LORD would show the Saharais the Gospel Message in visions and dreams, and they will receive Him as Savior and LORD. Day 12 Egypt – The Egyptian Parliament recently voted to criminalize protests held in places of worship, imposing a one-year prison sentence and fines on anyone convicted of inciting, participating in, or organizing such an event. Protests in Egypt are illegal without government approval. In practice, places of worship have provided some of the only venues where large groups can assemble without warranting immediate police intervention. Egypt’s The 10/40 Window Reporter 6

Coptic Christian minority has previously used churches to hold protests. Pray for the Egyptian Parliament to reverse its vote. Pray divine protection and wisdom for all Christians. Uzbekistan – Pray for wisdom to spread the Gospel despite the harsh restrictions that the government has placed upon the Church. Praise God for those who are moving forward in the vision that God has given them to plant churches and raise up new workers and disciples.

Sri Lanka – A bomb explosion in a town in eastern Sri Lanka has killed at least 11 people, a day ahead of local elections in the region that were the first in the province in two decades. Pray that God would comfort and heal the families of the slain. Pray also for the salvation of the people in the region. Additionally, pray for peace as the Sri Lanka military attacked rebel positions in the island’s far north on Sunday, May 18, 2008, amidst daily land, air and sea raids, killing 61 Tamil Tiger rebels.

Day 13

Day 16 Nepal – Pray for security and wisdom for the Prime Minister and other government leaders, and that they will rule based on Biblical principles and not corruption. Pray also for their unity and harmony in governing the nation and establishing peace and prosperity for the Nepalese.

United Arab Emirates – Pray that rich nationals, who seem to be only interested in making more money, would become Believers, and receive the revelations that their wealth is to be used to expand the Kingdom of God. Day 14 Albania – In an effort to play a part in international peace-keeping operations, the Albanian government is sending troops to Chad. This nation has also pledged a contingent of peace-keeping troops to serve as a part of the United Nation’s mission into Lebanon and boost Albania’s military presence in Afghanistan. Pray that Albania will continue its peace-keeping efforts, and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be shared in every area of this land. Morocco – Pray for increasing political freedom and real success in combating governmental corruption. Pray that the Moroccans will supernaturally come to the Lord by the thousands. Day 15 Iraq – Pray for the capture of Al Qaeda leader Al-Masri, who also goes by the name Abu Hamza al-Muhajir. The U.S. State Department’s annual terrorism report said that attacks by Al Qaeda in Iraq dipped slightly between 2006 and 2007, but they still accounted for 60 percent of worldwide terrorism fatalities. Pray that Al Qaeda will be thrown into confusion, and will not be able to regroup, recruit, or have the capacity to carry out their agenda. Pray that their leaders will experience conversion to Christianity. (1Timothy 2:1–4)

June 2008

Israel – Praise God for Israel’s 60th anniversary as a nation on May 14, 2008. Pray for the Jewish people and the Church, to come to a greater and more dramatic revelation of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, and the urgency of expanding God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray also for wisdom, integrity, and godliness for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, as he faces a fresh criminal investigation and moves aggressively to forge a peace deal with the moderate Palestinian leadership in the West Bank. Tajikistan – Please continue to pray for the very difficult economic situation in Tajikistan. The people here just survived one of the harshest winters in recent history. More than 200 children were reported to have died of cold exposure this winter. Pray the Lord of the Harvest will visit them and provide every physical need and spiritual need they may have, for His Glory. Day 17 China – Pray for China as it recovers from the Monday, May 12, 2008 earthquake that left thousands dead and thousands more trapped. Pray that survivors buried alive under rubble and landslides will be found and rescued. Pray that thousands of injured survivors will receive spiritual as well as physical healing. Pray that the Church will be able to provide help in an unprecedented way to the nation of China during this crisis. Meanwhile, China has recently been intensifying its campaign against the house Church Christians. Pray for our persecuted Christian brothers in China. Pray for their physical health and that those being held in prison would be acquitted and released immediately. Djibouti – Praise God that Djibouti has launched a joint program with the United Nations Children’s Fund and the U.N. Population Fund to eliminate female genital mutilation (FGM) in the country. According to U.N. estimates, nine out of 10 girls have undergone the harmful practice in Djibouti and some 3 million girls worldwide are at risk of FGM every year. Pray that the Banner of Jesus Christ will be waved over this nation, and that the Kin,gdom of God will be greatly expanded here.

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Day 18

Day 21

Yemen – Pray that Somali refugees will continue to seek safety in Yemen as the number of people fleeing Somalia for Yemen has more than doubled because of fighting in southern and central parts of the east African country. At least 750,000 people have been forced from their homes by fighting that has continued for the past 18 months. Pray for the salvation of the Yemen people and Somali refugees to turn to Jesus Christ as God. Vietnam – Pray that the government will end its persecution of Christians. Pray that the government will rule based on the principles of the Bible. 265 church properties have been confiscated and turned to other uses. Two church buildings were demolished last year, and authorities also destroyed two Bible schools in the Central Highlands after legal recognition of the church in 2001. Day 19 Taiwan – Pray that the Holy Spirit would move in the heart of Taiwan’s new President Ma Ying-jeou, and that he would fall on his knees in complete submission to the Almighty God. Pray that the Church will not be complacent, but will move full speed ahead doing their part to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ boldly in their land. Bahrain – Bahrain has been ranked 45th on the global information and communication technology readiness index. Pray that technology advances in this nation would provide a way to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Arabian Peninsula and the rest of the 10/40 Window. Day 20 Brunei – Pray for the salvation of Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, and that he would be used by the LORD to reach the nations for His Glory. Pray for multiple thousands to come to the LORD this month. Lebanon – Pray peace for this nation as it teeters on a possible full-blown civil war due to escalating fighting between government forces and the terrorist group Hezbollah. The crisis between the Hezbollah-led opposition, backed by Iran and Syria, and Prime Minister Fouad Siniora’s anti-Syrian cabinet, backed by the United States and its Arab allies, has paralyzed the country and left it without a president since November 2007. Lebanon’s Christian minority is divided and gravely threatened. Pray unity and strength for the Church in Lebanon. Pray for the Lord to raise up government leaders who will rule this nation based on the principles of the Bible.

June 2008

Qatar – Pray for the church in Qatar to move forward in unity and wisdom. Pray that they will have creative strategies to expand God’s Kingdom here. Turkmenistan – Some 10 officials from the local Religious Affairs Department, the police, secret police, Justice Ministry and Tax Ministry raided a Bible class. The officials said they wanted to find out how many people attended the classes, who those people were and whether everything was in order with the church’s documents. Pray for religious freedom in this nation, and that the Church will no longer be harassed and persecuted. Day 22 Ethiopia – Pray divine protection for Ethiopian Christians, as judicial authorities have released Hussein Beriso, a prominent local official and house speaker of the Nensebo District Council. Pray for his salvation. He was recently accused of instigating deadly church assaults that left one Christian dead and 17 wounded. Local Christians insisted that Beriso was personally involved in “buying and distributing machetes” for Muslims involved in simultaneous attacks, which occurred during Sunday morning worship services in two village churches. Pray that the Church will continue to grow and multiple thousands will come to the LORD this month. Myanmar (Burma) – Pray for effective relief from the devastation of Cyclone Nargis, and that the LORD will give relief workers a strategy to squash the great potential for 1.7 million people to become ill with disease, as a result of the governments delay in allowing relief workers into the country right after the cyclone hit. Pray for God to work through the affliction caused by the storm to deliver Myanmar from violent, repressive and totalitarian rule. Pray for Christians in Myanmar to be creative in finding ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their fellow countrymen. Day 23 Chad – Eastern Chad has experienced a humanitarian crisis, fueled by a massive influx of refugees from the Central African Republic and Darfur, that has strained the capacity of local environment and basic infrastructure. Pray that this nation will have the resources and capacity to take in as many Darfur refugees as needed. Pray that the Church of Jesus Christ will influence every area of society for the Glory of God. Algeria – Pray for the protection of all Algerian Muslims who convert to Christianity. One Muslim Background Believer has been charged with “printing, storing and The 10/40 Window Reporter 8

distributing” illegal religious material simply for carrying a Bible and personal Bible study books. The conviction is the latest in a wave of detentions and court cases against Algeria’s Protestants and Catholics. Pray for the safety and protection of all Believers who carry Bibles and give them away. Pray also for the release of all MBBs who have been detained or imprisoned. Day 24 Libya – Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi recently accused a “corrupt” government of failing to manage the country’s oil wealth and ordered it to hand out oil money directly to the country’s 5 million people. Pray for a rooting out of all evil and corruption within the government and that the country’s finances will be used for the good of its people. Pray for the salvation of Libya’s long-time leader, and pray for the Kingdom of God to be greatly expanded in this nation. Malaysia – Malaysia’s non-Muslim minority recently expressed serious concern that certain aspects of Sharia law would be applied to non-Muslims as well. Pray for Sharia law to be abolished. Malaysia’s royalty consists of nine hereditary state sultans who perform ceremonial duties including appointing state chief ministers. Pray for their salvation, and that they will make their decisions based on the principles of the Bible. Day 25 Oman – The Sultanate of Oman’s government is one of the most pro-active bodies in the Gulf region in its drive to promote tourism development. Pray that the increase of tourism within the country will open doors for missionaries and other Believers to enter this nation, and spread the Gospel in the Arabian Peninsula and throughout the 10/40 Window. Kazakhstan – There is a new law, that is presently waiting for President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s signature, which will severely hinder religious freedom in Kazakhstan. Pray that this law will not be passed, and that the President will become saved. Pray that religious freedom will flow throughout this nation unhindered. Day 26 Tunisia -President Ben Ali has said, “Tunisia is ranked among emerging countries thanks to the annual growth averaging 5 percent.” He also said that Tunisia’s economy is now integrated into the world economy and, thanks to its competitiveness, it is ranked first in Africa and 32nd internationally out of 131 nations. Pray that this nation will continue progressing,

June 2008

and that it will use its resources to expand the Kingdom of God, and promote religious freedom. Cambodia – Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen recently said that a proposed rice cartel in South East Asia would ensure global food security. Pray that this will not ever happen, because such a group could deteriorate the world food supply. Pray for the Church to find creative ways to provide food for those in need, and pray that the Church would share the Gospel with them. Day 27 Turkey – Three men, one of them armed with a gun, threatened a Protestant church and its pastor. The attempted attack marked the seventh incident in the past four months of threatened violence against Turkey’s tiny Protestant community, most of whom are former Muslims who converted to Christianity. Pray divine protection for Turkish Christians, and that they will be bold in their stand for Christ. Pray that the Church will grow by the thousands this month. North Korea – Former police and security officers in North Korea recently told a U.S. government body that their superiors had instructed them to pretend that they were Christians and infiltrate “underground” prayer meetings in order to incriminate, arrest, imprison and sometimes execute believers in North Korea. Pray that Christians would be able to see through these ploys and would be supernaturally protected. Pray that those pretending to be Believers will experience true conversion to accepting Christ as Lord. Pray for an abundance of food to flow throughout this nation, and that Believers also will be able to freely partake of the abundance. Day 28 Somalia – Pray for Somalia after four Christian teachers were recently killed for their beliefs by Islamist militants. They have vowed to wipe out Christianity in the East Africa nation. Pray for a government to be raised up that will be respected and rule the nation based on the principles of the Bible. Pakistan – Pray for Pakistani Christian workers living in slums in Islamabad. They have appealed to the appropriate authorities to give them ownership rights and have called for access to clean drinking water, electricity and other basic facilities. Also, Al Qaeda has rebuilt some of its pre-Sept. 11 capabilities from remote hiding places in Pakistan. Pray that Al Qaeda will be thrown into confusion and will not be able to regroup, recruit, or have the capacity to be disruptive. Pray for the safety of all Christian workers, and that they will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with wisdom and boldness.

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Day 29 Nigeria – Muslim leaders in northern Nigeria’s Kano state have called for a national law against “blasphemy,” leaving Christian leaders fearful that Islamic law could be used to arbitrarily put Christians to death. Pray this law will not pass. Pray for protection of Nigerian Believers, and the government will rule the country based on Biblical principles. Maldives – Maldives is in the final stages of wrapping up its new constitution, which will pave the way for the nation’s first multi-party elections this year. Pray for God’s hand to be over this entire process, and that Godly leaders will be elected. Pray for the end of the persecution of Believers in this nation. Jordan – A family of Believers from a Muslim Background were charged before a court with apostasy, which means leaving the state religion of Islam. Pray that the Jordanian legal system will be changed to prevent other Muslim Background Believers from being charged. Pray that those being detained will be released unharmed, and become bolder in their ability to reach their nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for their protection, and for Godly wisdom. Senegal – Senegalese ministry of commerce inspectors have fined more than 800 rice sellers for profiteering amid rising food prices over recent months. Pray that the government will continue to control rising prices of food and ensure that all the people of Senegal will have more than enough to eat. Pray that the Church will share the Gospel of our LORD in ways that Senegalese in large numbers will run to receive Jesus as Savior. Day 30

routed forces loyal to the government. Pray for the end of persecution of Believers in this nation. Pray for the salvation of all those in leadership. Mongolia – Pray that missionaries and Christian Believers in this nation would grow strong in their faith and in knowledge of Biblical Scriptures, continually praying and claiming the Word of God over their North Asian nation. Day 31 East Timor – Pray for a greater commitment on the part of other governments to promote justice for human rights violations perpetrated against the people of East Timor during and immediately following the Indonesian occupation. Pray that the East Timor government and security forces will act responsibly and fairly in protecting Christian communities. (1Timothy 2:1-4) Pray that the Church will continue to grow, and disciple new Believers in the ways of our LORD. The Gambia – Praise God that President Yahya Jammeh made an effort to stop traders from profiteering from high world food prices by threatening to lock up those who sold rice at exorbitant prices. Pray that the Church will operate in Godly wisdom and holy boldness, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the non-believers in their nation. West Bank & Gaza Strip – During Israel’s celebration of its 60th anniversary on May 14, 2008, Israel prohibited Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza from entering Israel, fearing attempts by militants to disrupt the celebrations. Pray for peace among these nations. Pray for Godly strategies for the Church to witness to their neighbors, and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Eritrea – Eritrean officials are reportedly forcefully sending ministers of the Eritrean Orthodox Church to military training camps. Pray that Eritrean government officials will stop interfering with the affairs of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, and instead, release all Christians who are imprisoned for their religious beliefs. Pray for the protection of the Believers who are imprisoned. Pray that they will share the Gospel with those who are, or who have been, in jail with them. Tibet – Gross Domestic Product growth has slowed in Tibet, dropping by 6.6 percent in the first quarter of 2008. Pray that the local government will fulfill its promise to stimulate growth and maintain economic development. Pray that Believers will have high-paying wages, and that they will use their abundance to advance the Kingdom of God. Syria – Pray that Syria will halt its support for the militant group Hezbollah after its fighters in the Lebanese capital

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PRAYER ALERT: SOMALIA Can you imagine being taken by a stranger to the airport, flying to another country and then being left by yourself in the middle of a crowded airport? That’s what happened to a little girl named Ilhan. It was during a war between clans in her own country of Somalia. Eventually, a good family in the country of Sweden took her into their home and she has lived with them ever since. Before she was taken out of Somalia, Ilhan’s father and two sisters had been killed. But she left behind her mother and brother, whom she hopes to see again someday.



Sometimes Somali parents pay smugglers as much as $10,000 to take their children away to another country. They do it because they would rather lose their children than see them die in war or starve to death. They allow their sons or daughters to be abandoned by “agents” at airports and railroad stations in Europe and North America. These separated children, some as young as three years old, are given another name and a madeup history. Some of them find themselves in a home where they are cared for, but others end up being hurt by criminals. Prayer by Amanda, Age 10

CULTURE CORNER // INJERA INGREDIENTS: 1 1/4 cups flour • 2 cups warm water • 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt • 1 tablespoon club soda • Nonstick cooking spray TO PREPARE: 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

Put flour, salt, and baking soda in a blender. Add water and blend slowly at first, and then use a higher speed until the mixture is well blended. Make sure the flour isn’t getting stuck at the bottom of the blender. Pour the mixture into a bowl using a rubber spatula to scrape all the mixture out of the blender. Add club soda to the mixture and stir, using a spatula. Place a paper towel on a plate and set it aside. Spray a griddle with nonstick cooking spray and heat to medium. When the griddle is hot, scoop up some batter with a ladle and pour it onto the griddle. Swirl the griddle so the batter covers the surface evenly. Don’t make the injera too thick. Cook until the top of the batter looks dry and the edges start to curl. Use a flat spatula to lift the injera off the griddle. Place the injera on a wire rack to cool and start cooking the next one. While it is cooking, move the one on the rack to the plate with the paper towel. Continue cooking until all the batter is used, placing each cooked injera first on the wire rack to cool, then on the plate. Stack them one on top of the other. Makes about 6.

SOMALIA FACTS Capital City: Mogadishu • Official Language: Somali Main Religion: Islam • Religious Freedom? No Fun Fact: Somalia is the only country in the world where all citizens speak one language, Somali!

FOOD FACTS In Somalia, thin, soft, spongy bread called injera (pronounced in-jeer-ah) Dear Father God, is used as a utensil. A variety of dishes such as spicy meat curry, lentils, and chicken are brought to the table in a large, shallow bowl. Everyone tears off You tell us to ask for the nations and today I ask for Somalia. a piece of injera and uses it to scoop up the food. These are easy to make. I pray that you would help the parents protect their children You can use them to pick up food, wrap around your favorite lunch food, and be able to find food and shelter to keep them safe. I pray or just eat it alone.

that you would show the families how to love each other and find value in their children. Oh Lord, I ask that you soften the hearts of the people of Somalia so they will want to stop fighting and want to have peace. Lord, please raise up good leaders to make a good government that will want to protect its people. We also ask that you will open doors for missionaries to come into the country so the people there can learn about you and that you love them. In Jesus name, Amen

June 2008

M E M O RY V E R S E “And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” (Malachi 4:6 NKJV) The 10/40 Window Reporter 11

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According to WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Somalia is on the 28th of every month. Pray for: • The families of the four teachers who were murdered. • God to use this tragedy to bring the perpetrators to a saving relationship with Christ. • God to raise up God - fearing leaders to govern Somalia based on Biblical principles • Pray that the demonic forces that are using Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups like puppets will be toppled, and that the Somali people will be set free to worship the LORD. Pray that their leaders will experience conversion to Christianity. (1 Timothy 2:1–4) • Encouragement, strength, and provision for the Christians remaining in Somalia. • The Gospel to continue to go forth in Somalia, and that millions of Somalis will come to know the LORD this year. Sourced: Barnabas Fund, Open Doors, Voice of the Martyrs Canada

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Government issues statement on religious freedom crackdown and hardship for Christians


he government of Jordan recently issued a statement on religious freedom in the country following a story by Compass Direct News, which reported that the nation expelled foreigners for illegal missionary activities. On January 29, 2008, Compass reported that Jordan had deported and denied residence permits to at least 27 foreign Christian individuals and families in 2007, Assist News Service reported. On February 20, 2008, Acting Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh told the Jordanian parliament that authorities had expelled missionaries operating “under the cover of doing charitable work,” suggesting that evangelistic activity is illegal in Jordan. Judeh also read a statement by the Council of the Church Leaders of Jordan condemning the Compass report. “While it was unclear what the government considered false in the report, the fact of deportations of Christians was further verified as authorities on February 10, 2008, expelled an Egyptian pastor with the Assemblies of God church in Madaba—one of five evangelical denominations registered with the government,” Compass said. Join WIN and pray for Jordan on the 29th day of every month.

Pray for: • The Jordanian government to allow true religious freedom. • The salvation of Acting Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh and other government leaders. • Christians and missionaries to know the inner peace of Jesus and to live without fear, and to live with purpose and resolve that no matter what, JESUS Christ is their LORD. Pray Psalm 91 and Psalm 27 over our Jordanian Brothers and Sisters. Sourced: Compass Direct News, Assist News Service

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Do you have a story from the 10/40 Window that you believe would be an encouragement to others? Perhaps you have a testimony you’d like to share on how the LORD used you to impact the 10/40 Window through the ministry of Window International Network, or maybe you have a testimony on the power of prayer? Please Write Us Today. We look forward to hearing from you!

WIN@WIN1040.com June 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 14


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More Muslims have converted to faith in Jesus Christ over the past decade than at any other time in human history, according to an Iraqi video (http://doiop.com/winvideo). “A spiritual revolution is underway throughout North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia,” best-selling author Joel Rosenberg told Salem Voice Ministries. “As a result, a record number of ex-Muslims (celebrated Christmas last year), despite intense persecution, assassinations and widespread church bombings.” Rosenberg said he, his wife and children lived in the Middle East for three months. During that time, he interviewed more than three dozen Arab and Iranian pastors and evangelical leaders throughout the region. In Iraq, more than 5,000 Muslim converts to Christianity have been identified since the end of major combat operations, with 14 new churches opened in Baghdad and dozens of new churches opened in Kurdistan, some of which have 500 to 800 members. Also, more than a million Bibles have been shipped into the country since 2003, and pastors report Iraqis are snatching them up so fast they constantly need more Bibles. Thousands of Muslims have also reportedly turned to Christ in Morocco, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Maldives, Salem Voice Ministries reported.

Praise for: • God for the thousands of Muslims who have converted to Christianity. • The Lord’s provision, protection, peace, and discipleship for Muslim Background Believers. • Pray for protection of our new Brothers and Sisters. Sourced: Salem Voice Ministries

View the video: http://doiop.com/winvideo

June 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 15

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INTERNATIONAL Prayer has always been the backbone for our LifeAgape ministries. Partnering with many like-minded organizations such as WIN has given us greater prayer coverage as millions are solicited to lift up the people of North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia before the Throne of Grace. Notably, the Praying Through the Window partnership has ensured tremendous prayer coverage over the years. The LORD in His faithfulness is answering these prayers and millions of people are being exposed to the Gospel on a daily basis. Let me highlight three strategies the Lord has given us:

1. Magdalena

Following the publication of Da Vinci Code, and the film of the same name, in which Dan Brown corrupted the image of our LORD and his relationship with women, and knowing the great need in our area for a film that would truly touch the hearts of women, the LORD helped us to produce, in partnership with the Jesus Film Project, the film Magdalena, Released from Shame. Since the release of this film a little over a year ago, every movie premier showing has proved to be a great blessing, starting with the United Nations in New York and then in many capital cities throughout the region. Just recently the movie premier at UNESCO in Paris drew a crowd of 300, many of them diplomats and people involved in North African women’s organizations. The film was received very positively and many were greatly touched.

2. The Witness

In partnership with the Josh McDowell ministry, we published the first novel of its kind in the region, a thriller and a love story that clearly presents the truth in a way that corresponds to the mindset of the Middle Eastern reader. Already, over 500,000 copies are in circulation in over 20 languages and we are planning to print another 500,000, with translation into 25 new languages, before the end of 2008.

3. MaarifatAllah.com website

This is a new website in Arabic that clearly presents the truth with over 20 testimonies of people who have found salvation in Jesus Christ. At the end of the first year, it had drawn over one and a half million visits by Arabic speakers from 190 countries.

Prayer requests:

1. Pray for the safety of all our national and expatriate staff living and traveling in this region. Over the past 12 months four of our staff have given their lives: two were assassinated and two were killed in car accidents. Pray that God will comfort the bereaved families and protect the rest of the staff. 2. Pray for continued open doors to distribute literature, show the Magdalena film and keep the websites from being blocked. Pray that the Lord will draw millions of people daily to listen to Christian radio programs, watch the programs on satellite television and log on to Christian websites. 3. Pray for peace in this region, especially between Israelis and Palestinians, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur.

June 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 17

Order Praying Through the Window 9 Prayer Calendars Today


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