The 10/40 Window Reporter March 2010

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March 2010 Edition


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The 10/40 Window Reporter

Pastor Edward Smith Minister Beverly Pegues Dr. Dora Saforo Sister Judith Trimble Sister Audrey Beckett Dr. Myles Munroe Sister Bindu Choudhrie

Window International Network President: Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor: LaTonya J. Pegues WindowKidsTM Editor: Leah Sahhar Design/Layout: John Burton Design |

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March 2010

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hen Jesus Christ, the Son of God, says, “Take heed…” in Luke 12:15, we need to stop and listen carefully. Other translations render His words, “Watch out!” or “Beware…” Everything Jesus has to say is important, but His “listen up!” should stop us in our tracks. In this case, Jesus was teaching His disciples about money and its effect on our hearts and lives. “Take heed,” Jesus said, “and beware of covetousness.” The word covetousness basically means greed. To covet is to long or yearn for something, to desire it. Jesus warned against this because “one’s life does not consist

Jesus goes on to illustrate this with a story about a rich man whose thoughts and energies were all focused on his things. The man was so busy thinking about what to do with all his things he didn’t realize his life was about to end. He apparently had never even considered this possibility. Perhaps he assumed he was immortal. For whatever reason, death took him by surprise. This is strange since 10 out of every 10 people die. The death rate is, has been, and always will be (until the Lord returns!) 100%. Not thinking about eternity takes effort. It involves purposeful denial. After the man died sud-

we rich toward God? Our prayer at Window International Network is that by mobilizing prayer and interceding for the people and nations of the 10/40 Window and empowering effective evangelism in that region, we will be rich toward God. Please join us in this mission. May your Kingdom account be credited with something even more precious than material things: souls! Partner with WIN Today by making your Kingdom –size investment at

As you give and pray, you will be going against the flow of the world, avoiding covetousness, and walking in obedience to the

Be Rich Toward God in the abundance of the things he possesses.” Unfortunately, in today’s world some people judge their lives by the things they have: the size, newness the cost or their things, and how many things they possess. Jesus’ intention here was to keep us from making this mistake. Instead of doing what everyone else was doing – coveting, wanting, accumulating, stockpiling, hoarding, and gauging success by our things – we are called to live differently. As members of God’s Kingdom, we follow a protocol that in no way compares to the world’s kingdom.

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denly, the Lord called him a fool. “Whose will those things be which you have provided?” Another truth about dying is that we cannot take anything with us, except Kingdom fruit. None of our things will go with us. So why bother storing things up? What good does that do us or anyone else? J e s u s concluded by explaining that anyone “who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” is foolish. We all know we will die sometime. We just don’t know when. Given that our lives could end at any moment, we need to ask ourselves the question: Are ©2010 Window International Network

Master’s wishes as described in John 3:16. “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” (The Bible, Daniel 12:3) Please give to WIN by visiting

and make your partnership donation to Window International Network TODAY.

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he situation in the Gaza Strip today could accurately be described as a crisis. Residents of this tiny territory (just 25 miles long and between 4 and 7.5 miles wide) lost homes, businesses and loved ones in the short but devastating December 2009 war with Israel. With very limited resources and approximately 80% of the population living below the poverty line (it ranked 165th in the world in 2008 in terms of per capita income), many people in the Gaza Strip are struggling to survive, some without adequate food, shelter, clean water, or medical care. Much of the trouble is the result of the Palestinian Authority (PA) control that began in1994. The PA’s hostile relationship with Israel has led to blockades, economic sanctions, and has done great damage to the infrastructure. The rise of the terrorist group, Hamas (“Islamic Resistance Movement”), to political power in the Gaza Strip in 2007 only made things worse. Their suicide bombings and missile attacks against Israel are what led to the December 2009 invasion. After the recent assassination of a Hamas operative, Hamas vowed to retaliate by hitting Israeli interests abroad. In January 2010 alone, Hamas pounded southern Israel with dozens of missiles. Israel responded with airstrikes that killed 3 militants. Experts now warn “a second Gaza War is brewing.” Despite these discouraging developments and the rather desperate state of affairs in the Gaza Strip, the Lord is at work here. His love for the people of the Gaza – Muslims, Jews and Christians – is so great that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to die on a cross so that they could be forgiven of their sins, have relationship with Him, and enter into everlasting life. He wants peace in the Gaza Strip: physical peace, political peace, ethnic peace, religious peace. And most of all, He wants peace between the residents of the Gaza Strip and Himself. Not only is the Lord dispatching workers to this dangerous harvest field and bringing many Muslims and Jews to salvation, but He is moving through a “growing grass roots movement” committed to bringing an end to the deadly conflict that has for so long plagued the region. “This movement,” reports one observer, “is focused on justice, peace, and reconciliation between three faiths and two peoples. This movement is non-violent and does not agree with violence as a response to the occupation. I believe this is a movement that should be supported by prayer so that it continues to grow and gain momentum.”

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PRAY FOR: • the Lord to use His people in the Gaza Strip as peacemakers, sowing seeds of peace and reaping a harvest of righteousness. (The Bible, James 3:18) • the Holy Spirit to refresh the people in the Gaza Strip and guard them from depression and isolation. Pray for the Body of Christ worldwide to intercede for and support these precious Saints. (The Bible, Hebrews 13:3) • the Lord to move in the hearts of Palestinian leaders, turning them away from corruption, violence, and terrorism. Pray for an immediate end to Hamas and all those obsessed with hatred and death of Christian Believers. (The Bible, Proverbs 21:1) • fresh vision and hope for the people of the Gaza Strip. Pray for the Lord to give Christians wisdom and bold strategies for seeking reconciliation and restoration between people groups, as well as between the lost and their Savior. (The Bible, Proverbs 24:14) • Christian humanitarian agencies to have access to those who are suffering. Pray the Lord will provide the people of the Gaza Strip with all the nutritious food, shelter, clean water, and medical care they need. Pray children will have schools to attend with qualified teachers to teach them. Pray for Christian Believers to demonstrate God’s love and share the Gospel, meeting both physical and spiritual needs. (The Bible, Hebrews 13:16) • the Kingdom of God to come to the Gaza Strip, bringing the necessary resources to rebuild both the infrastructure and the society. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10) • the Lord to move in healing physical and emotional wounds. Pray for the quick and safe rebuilding of homes and businesses that were destroyed in the war. Pray for the safety of civilians, families and children. Pray for the people to refuse to engage in or support terrorism as a means of attaining what they desire or in any way. (The Bible, Psalm 141:10) • this ongoing crisis to cause multitudes of Muslims and Jews to realize their need for the Messiah and to turn to Jesus Christ accepting Him as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 18:46) Sourced: BBC News, World Factbook ©2010 Window International Network

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MALAYSIA “Land of the Malay”

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n December 2009, when the High Court of Malaysia ruled the word “Allah” could be used by nonMuslims to refer to God, Muslims reacted violently, destroying nearly a dozen churches with firebombs. Although “Allah” has been used by Christians for centuries as a translation for “God,” the government- in the past had forbidden this, deeming it a strictly Islamic word. Since more than 60% of the 27,379,000 people are Muslims, it should come as no surprise that Christian Believers in Malaysia face resistance as they practice their faith and share the Gospel. Malaysia is not currently listed on the Open Doors World Watch List of the top fifty countries that persecute Christians. However, that may change if the current climate of intolerance continues. The nation has also been rocked by public scandals and accusations of government corruption. In February 2010, the main opposition leader and former deputy prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, was charged with sodomy. Anwar claims he is innocent and says the charges are part of a government conspiracy to keep him from attaining political office. He was imprisoned in the l990s for corruption and sodomy. As one news source noted, “To many observers it is not just Anwar who is on trial, but the integrity of the judiciary and police.” Also in February 2010, Prime Minister Najib’s special aide was forced to resign after making derogatory and racist statements about an ethnic minority. Yet another serious problem facing Malaysia is terrorism. When it was struggling for independence from the British in the 1950s, the Malaysian Communist Party began to employ terrorist guerrilla tactics. In recent years, however, Islamic extremists have been the source of violence and fear. The principle group is the Jemaah Islamiya – “Islamic Congregation” – an organization affiliated with al-Qaeda. Teachers at Malaysian Islamic universities are believed to be broadcasting Jamaah Islamiya rhetoric throughout Malaysia and the world. In January 2010, 10 terrorists were arrested in Malaysia. The government stated the men were “internationally linked” and had been discovered and apprehended with the help of international intelligence organizations.

PRAY FOR: ✚✚ the Lord to arise and take action in and for this troubled nation. Pray for His love, Gospel, and Kingdom to be spread throughout Malaysia. (The Bible, Psalm 7:6) ✚✚ the people of Malaysia – no matter their ethnic background – to see in the corruption and terrorism plaguing their country the need for a Savior. Pray for them to realize the emptiness and powerlessness of Islam,

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turn from this false religion, and cry out to the Living God. (The Bible, II Samuel 22:2-4) ✚✚ the Lord to raise up men and women of integrity to lead Malaysia. Pray for corruption to be rooted out at all levels of the government and society. Pray for young people who fear the Lord and to walk in holiness to be lifted to positions of leadership. (The Bible, Proverbs 29:4) ✚✚ an immediate end to the fear and terror being spread by the Jemaah Islamiya and other groups. Pray for members of these organizations to encounter Jesus Christ, turn from their wickedness, and become instruments for the spread of the Gospel as they place their trust in Him. (The Bible, Acts 9:15) ✚✚ the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon Malaysia. Pray as Christians can now legally use the word “Allah” to refer to God, that there will be no backlash or retaliation from any insurgent group or government agency. Pray for the Church to grow and become passionate in sharing the Good News and making disciples. (The Bible, Acts 4:29-3l) ✚✚ more laborers to be sent into this ripe-for-harvest field. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to prepare the hearts of the people to hear and receive the message that His Only Son, Jesus Christ, is the way, the truth and the life. (The Bible, Matthew 9:37,38; John 14:6) ✚✚ the Lord to sovereignly protect His people, surrounding them with His angels and sustaining them by His Spirit as they face persecution. Pray for Him to encourage and strengthen them, reminding them of His faithfulness and presence. (The Bible, Psalm 91; Hebrews 10:25, 13:5,6) ✚✚ a great awakening among the Muslims, followers of ethnic religions, Hindus, and Buddhists. Pray for their eyes to be opened to the lies of the enemy, they will receive the Truth found in Jesus Christ, and for the Lord to reveal the glory of His Gospel. (The Bible, Acts 26:18) ✚✚ the Kingdom of God to come to Malaysia in great power, with signs, wonders, dreams, visions, and mighty miracles. Pray for a tremendous harvest of souls as the people of Malaysia put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Acts 2:43) Sourced: BBC News, World Factbook, Joshua Project ©2010 Window International Network

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March 2010

prayer in the Spirit, to be watchful, and to persevere in prayer for all the saints. He wants us to pray! And He has gifted us with new and unusual tools for this activity. In the past century alone, we have seen unprecedented advances in travel and communication. Paul, the writer of the book of Ephesians, would have never imagined that we ©2010 Window International Network

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could go anywhere in the world in a matter of hours or send prayer concerns around the globe at the speed of light. One of the most powerful tools for advancing His Kingdom in the 21st century is the internet. While it can be used for a myriad of evil purposes, it is also a mighty weapon in the hands of Christian Believers. At Window International Network, our desire is to utilize cutting-edge technologies under the inspiration and direction of the Holy Spirit to impact the 10/40 Window with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Visit www. and you will find a virtual library of information about the 10/40 Window and the 68 nations there. We are now excited to announce our presence on Twitter and Facebook. These will allow you to play a larger role in our work. You can see what’s happening at Window International Network, find late-breaking prayer alerts, send us prayer requests, offer testimonies of how God is moving in the 10/40 Window, and share what you hear the Holy Spirit saying about advancing the Kingdom of God in the Window. Our mission is to inform, equip, and mobilize strategic networks of prayer and leadership that will foster effective evangelism, church

March 2010

growth, and discipleship in the 10/40 Window. Facebook and Twitter will help us do that even more effectively – and we invite you to join us in fulfilling this great mission.

• Pray always. • Pray with all kinds of prayer and supplication. • Pray in the Spirit. • Pray watchfully, with perseverance. • Pray for all the saints. • Pray for and with Window International Network. • Pray for the people and nations of the 10/40 Window. • Pray with all kinds of technology. • Pray using Facebook and Twitter. • But above all else: PRAY!


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oughly the same size as Egypt, the nation of Mauritania occupies a substantial amount of northwestern Africa. Most of the land, however, is buried beneath the smothering sands of the Sahara Desert. Dust storms assault the region as many as 200 days each year and the encroaching dunes have made the construction of roads nearly impossible. Mauritania was once the home of nomadic herdsman – Arab Bedouins and Berbers who drove their camels and cattle across the dry, barely inhabitable landscape. As recently as 1960, nearly 80% of the population was engaged in this wandering lifestyle. That number fell dramatically to just 5% by 2004 as persistent droughts forced the nomads to take refuge in cities. The result was the sudden appearance of shanty towns along the coast. According to author Charles Cutter, at least 40% of Mauritania’s population now lives in these slums. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, as it is formally known, has been a Muslim stronghold for 1000 years. It sits on the dividing line between the Islamic North and black West Africa. The government enforces laws that punish apostasy with death and severely punishes any attempts to spread or even listen to the Gospel message. Along with this heavy spiritual darkness has come an oppressive cloak of poverty. Mauritania is listed at 140 out of 179 nations on the Human

Development Index (a U.N. ranking system that takes into account life expectancy, literacy, education, and standards of living). Infant mortality is high (63 of every 1000 births result in death), as is illiteracy (48%). A recent World Bank assessment of the nation was quite grim: “The living conditions of most Mauritanians have worsened, and, more important, their vulnerability to poverty has increased and the threat of poverty looms persistently in the background.”1 As a result of this condition, the people are suffering from various diseases, as well as simple hunger. “One third of the children are malnourished,” explain Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk, “and when there is enough food, it is often too expensive for the poor to afford.” TERRORISM Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM – an organization based in Algeria and affiliated with al-Qaeda) has been active in this region. Although the Mauritanian government

has attempted to cooperate with international efforts to fight this and other groups, it has been hampered by lack of resources. PERSECUTION Mauritania is ranked 18th on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009. The nation jumped from number 24, not so much because of an increase in violence against Christians, Open Doors reports, but because of a realization that the situation was worse than expected. Believers in Mauritania have been threatened with death and the nation’s media has portrayed Christianity as an evil religion. In 2009, a courageous Believer was martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ. PRAISE ✚✚ Praise God for recent amendments to the Constitution that benefit Christian Believers and for increased freedom of expression under the current government. PRAY ✚✚ Pray the Holy Spirit to turn back the smothering winds

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of Islam. Pray for the Living Water of God to rush into this dry and thirsty land, turning the desert into an oasis of His love, and for the beginning of a revival in this land that will spread to the surrounding nations. (The Bible, John 20:22; 7:38) Pray for true religious freedom to be practiced in this land without fear of backlash or retaliation from the government, terrorist groups, or insurgents. Pray for the ancient stronghold of Islam to be broken in this land, loosing all of those in bondage to find freedom and Salvation in the Son of the True and Living God. (The Bible, Romans 8:2) Pray for every terrorist group to be disbanded and for potential new members to become disinterested and not join any terrorist group. Pray for Muslims to experience Christ through dreams and visions that will give them a passion to follow Him and accept Him as Savior and Lord no matter what the cost. (The Bible, Joel 2:28) Pray for the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be broadcast across Mauritania, via satellite and short wave radio reaching every people group. Pray for Christian Believers to joyfully take the Gospel throughout and beyond the Sahara desert. Pray for their feet to be beautiful as they proclaim peace and the Lord’s Salvation to the lost. (The Bible, Isaiah 52:7)


Sources include: Joshua Project, “Africa 2004” (Charles Cutter), “Operation World” Johnston and Mandryk. 2001), World Factbook, Open Doors USA, Human Development Report 2008 1 Mauritania: Poverty Assessment, The World Bank,, 2009.

MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA ÌÌ Population: 3,364,940 ÌÌ Political Leader: General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz ÌÌ Christians: <1% ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Islam ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 18th ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 3 March 2010

ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 9; Casualties: 40 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 69% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: 40% ©2010 Window International Network

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PRAYER Points March 2010

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- A partial list of major incidents of violence against Christians in India during 2009 noted 152 separate acts. A report released in December 2009 also ranked India “second only to Iraq in social hostility and religious bias perpetrated by individuals and groups.” Pray for the Lord’s work to continue unhindered by this resistance. Give thanks for the wonderful things He is doing – expanding the Kingdom of God by drawing countless men, women and children into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for Believers in India to be strengthened, encouraged, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Lord to move the hearts of government leaders to take action against this persecution. Pray for this plan of the enemy to be used by the Lord to bring multitudes of Hindus and Muslims into His Kingdom. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- Mauritanian President Mohamad Ould Abdel Aziz went to Tehran to meet with Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei in January 2010. The Supreme Leader praised Mauritania for cutting off diplomatic ties with Israel and said the “Zionist regime is a great danger to the world of Islam.” Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to President Aziz and show him the error of aligning his nation with Iran. Pray for the Lord to continue protecting Israel from their many enemies. Pray for the people of Mauritania to be set free from the bondage of Islam and for the Lord to bring them out of darkness and the shadow of death, breaking their chains in pieces (The Bible, Psalm 107:14). Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Mauritania as it is in heaven, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- Although violence in the Darfur region is on the decline (there are now more deaths from disease due to malnutrition and waterborne illnesses than from war), the South has seen an increase in deadly attacks. In December 2009, 140 were killed in an ethnic clash. In that same month tribesmen raided a Christian base, burning buildings and shooting at missionaries. Pray for the Lord to arise in Sudan, bringing peace between the Muslim North and Christian South, between tribes, and between ethnic groups. Pray for the Prince of Peace to comfort Christian Believers, protecting them from

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their enemies and bringing godly sorrow and repentant hearts to their persecutors. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Sudan that will transform the governmental, cultural, and spiritual atmosphere from one of open hostility to one of faith, hope, and love. Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted above all other gods and for Christian Believers to boldly proclaim the Good News of His death, burial, and resurrection throughout the land. Pray for all the people of Sudan to put their faith and trust in Christ Jesus as their Savior and Lord. AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- For many months, President Hamid Karzai has been vowing to crack down on corruption. Yet a recent study found that an estimated $10 million is being smuggled out of the country each day. The Finance Minister of Afghanistan stated publicly that he is so embarrassed by this that he does not admit to being an Afghan when he travels. Pray for an immediate end to the cheating, lying, stealing, manipulation, extortion, and greed currently plaguing Afghanistan. Pray for those guilty of these crimes to be exposed and brought to justice. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders of integrity. Pray for God’s Kingdom to reach every region in this troubled land and for people from every group to be brought into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Sheikh Khalid bin Abdul Rahman al-Husainan, an imam in Kuwait, has become a leader in the global Islamic jihad. He recently rallied terrorists worldwide by stating, “Happiness is the day of my martyrdom.” Pray for the influence of al-Husainan to be countered and overcome by the Biblical reality that those who commit murder for the cause of Islam will face judgment and everlasting destruction apart from the Lord (The Bible, Hebrews 9:27; II Thessalonians l:9). Pray for the lies and errors of Islam to be revealed and for those who have been deceived to be set free by the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the government of Kuwait to take quick action against terrorists inside their nation. Pray for a transformation of hearts as the Kingdom of God comes to Kuwait in power – opening blind eyes and leading the captives out from the prison of Islam, into an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- The five men convicted of assassinating Bangladesh’s founder, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, were executed in January 2010. Their punishment came nearly 35 years after the murder. “Maybe it is delayed,” said a leader of the Awami league party, “but any person committing crime ©2010 Window International Network

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in the society of Bangladesh will be found out and will be brought to justice.” Pray for this to be a time of new beginnings as His Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of citizens. Pray for the justice in punishing these crimes to be a picture of God’s justice, reminding people that the Lord will judge all sin. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Bangladesh: the Good News that the Father has provided a pardon for breaking His Law in the gift of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes of Bangladeshis to accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- The impact of the global financial downturn has caused the Japanese government to become more and more vigilant in enforcing immigration laws. Unlike some Western nations, “Nationality in Japan is based on blood and parentage, not place of birth.” So many, who were born in Japan and have lived there for years – even decades, are now being ordered to leave the country. Pray for those who have been forced to leave their “home” and are now refugees. Pray for the Lord to use this seemingly unjust system to display His love and compassion toward “aliens,” providing them with what they need (The Bible, Deuteronomy 10:18). Pray for the mostly unreached people of Japan to realize they are made in the image of God and have been placed in their homeland for a purpose: to worship Him. Pray for the Lord to bring a great spiritual awakening to Japan, drawing men, women, and children into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord. GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- In the hopes of securing the nation, the UN is planning a new anti-crime facility in Guinea-Bissau. After the long and devastating civil war ended in the l990s, Guinea-Bissau became a haven for organized crime. Today it is a hub for drug trafficking. The new crimefighting center will train police and law enforcement members and is expected to help stabilize the nation. Pray for this tactic to be effective. Pray for men and women of integrity to be recruited to serve in the law enforcement ranks. Pray for the Lord to move in ending the drug trade and every evil arm of organized crime in or effecting Guinea-Bissau. Pray for the Lord to bring deep and lasting healing of the societal wounds left over from the civil war. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea-Bissau in great power, with signs and wonders following. Pray for the people to look to the Lord for help, placing their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The reclusive Buddhist nation of Bhutan made the transition from monarchy to democracy in 2009. The newly crowned King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk, has made it his goal to increase trade. One of his first efforts to achieve this is the construction of a railroad linking Bhutan with India. Bhutan did not

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have telephones or roads until the l960s and finally allowed television in 1999. Nearly 20,000 of the 635,000 citizens are monks. Pray for King Jigme’s drive to modernize the nation to be used by the Lord to open new ways for the Gospel to reach the people of Bhutan. Pray for missions agencies to be alert to opportunities to enter this formerly closed field. Pray for the hearts of the Bhutanese to be soft, fertile soil for the Word to be sown. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed throughout Bhutan and for the Lord to bring in a tremendous harvest of souls in this land. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states have been purchasing arms from Western nations in an effort to bolster their defenses against terrorist acts, as well as a possible attack by Iran. Of special concern are their oil terminals. With Iran refusing to cooperate with the United Nations, Saudi Arabia is purchasing additional warplanes and antimissile systems in preparation for a possible war. Pray for His hand to restrain any attempts by Iran to launch nuclear strikes. Pray for the Lord to use this time of uncertainty and anxiety to cause Saudi Arabian citizens to question their religion and their eternal security. Pray for every scheme of the enemy – Iran’s pursuit of violence, Islam’s smothering attempts to control, etc. – to become a means of drawing lost hearts into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in great and awesome power to the land where Islam was founded. Pray for Saudi Arabia to become a beacon of the Light of Christ. Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- A new prime minister was sworn in on January 27, 2010. Described as “one of the fiercest critics of Guinea’s military ruler” (Capt. Moussa “Dadis” Camara, who came to power in a coup and was removed from power in the same way), newly elected Prime Minister Jean-Marie Dore vowed to restructure the army and lead the nation into true democracy. Pray for this to be a new season in Guinea. Pray for healing from the turbulent past. Pray for Prime Minister Dore to make good on his promises. Pray for the Lord to speak to Dore’s heart and guide him in cleaning up the government and military. Pray for not only true democracy, but the Truth of Jesus Christ to become a reality in Guinea. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be preached and demonstrated throughout this nation. THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The armed forces of Thailand conducted military exercises with five other nations in February 2010. They were reportedly the largest cooperative exercises in the world and were intended to focus on peacekeeping and disaster response. The Thai military also recently intercepted a plane loaded with weapons flying from North Korea to Iran. Pray for the Lord to continue guiding the Thai government in seeking to maintain peace in Southeast Asia. Pray for the Lord to expose every attempt by nations like North Korea and Iran to launch attacks and start wars. Pray for Thailand and the other nations in this region to be ready to combat acts of terror ©2010 Window International Network

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(Thailand continued) and military aggression, as well as respond to disasters. Pray for the Prince of Peace to make Himself known throughout Thailand, revealing the lies of false religions and the Truth of the forgiveness and eternal life offered only in Jesus Christ. Day 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA- Ten men were killed as soldiers and armed bandits fought near Niger’s border with Mali in January 2010. A few weeks earlier, security forces arrested three Saudi Arabian men involved in an attempted kidnapping. Three others were killed in a shoot-out. This took place in a region where Tuareg rebel forces and al-Qaeda cells are believed to be operating. Pray for the Lord to move in Niger, ridding the nation of criminals, terrorists, and rebels. Pray for the Lord to protect Believers in this region and give them opportunities to share the Gospel. Pray for a transformation in Niger as the Kingdom of God is established and hearts are changed in this land. Pray for multitudes from every tribe and tongue in Niger to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The local leader of the terrorist organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir (“party of liberty”) was arrested in the Osh Region of Southern Kyrgyzstan in February 2010. Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international Islamic group that was founded in 1953 with the goal of uniting Muslim nations into a single state or caliphate. Thank God for this development and pray for more members of Hizb ut-Tahrir and every terrorist organization to be apprehended and brought to justice. Pray for an immediate end to Hizb ut-Tahrir. Pray for an end to new members being recruited , for funding to dry up, and for their leadership to encounter Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Kyrgyzstan to be protected from terrorism and set free from the bondage of Islam. Pray for the Lord to rescue them from the dominion of darkness and lead them to the Kingdom of God through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord. Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- A former military commander published an article in January 2010 describing the damage the government of Iran could inflict if they chose to do so. The list included disrupting Persian Gulf shipping lanes, attacking Saudi Arabian oil refineries, unleashing suicide bombers in Iraq and Afghanistan, activating Hezbollah sleeper cells, and launching nuclear weapons against Israel. All of these actions would have global implications. Thank the Lord for restraining the evil that has been at work in Iran. Pray for His continued protection over Israel and the Middle East. Pray for the Lord – the Lord of Hosts (The Bible, I Samuel 17:45) – to orchestrate and direct events in this nation. Pray for the Lord to continue holding back the government’s desire to destroy and wreak havoc. Pray for Christian Believers in Iran to be protected by and abide in the Lord’s mighty

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shadow (The Bible, Psalm 91:1). Pray for the people of Iran to see the wicked actions and plans of Islam and choose to find their hope in the Living God. Pray for multitudes to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- An estimated 100,000 people in Burkina Faso were displaced in devastating and deadly floods that occurred in September 2009. Approximately 14,000 continue to live in temporary camps in the capital of Ouagadougou. The government is now attempting to relocate these survivors and assist them in the process of rebuilding. Pray for the Lord to provide food, shelter, health care, and hope for those who have lost homes and family members. Pray for Christian humanitarian workers to be part of the restoration process, offering both physical and spiritual relief. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated throughout Burkina Faso and for Burkinabe to respond by surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- The North African division of al-Qaeda – al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) – is currently holding a French hostage and demanding the release of an Islamic militant from a Mali prison. The AQIM “poses an extremely acute threat,” the French foreign minister said. The AQIM was created in 2006 when the Salafist Group for Call and Combat joined with al-Qaeda. Pray for the safe release of all hostages and for an end to these barbaric tactics. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Mali wisdom in rooting out and defeating the AQIM. Pray for terrorist funding sources to be cut off and for their membership to dwindle. Pray for the ties between the AQIM and al-Qaeda to be broken. Pray for the safety of the people of Mali, as well as expatriates (who are often targeted for kidnapping). Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in power to Mali, driving out every instrument of evil and wickedness. Pray for the people to turn to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- In January 2010, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogen blamed Western governments for failing to solve the problem in the NagornoKarabakh region. The Armenians living inside this area – located in southwest Azerbaijan – are considered by the government of Azerbaijan to be illegally occupying the territory. The dispute has the potential to erupt into another war. Pray for a resolution to this difficult situation. Pray for the Lord to be a Champion to those who are without a homeland (The Bible, Deuteronomy 10:18). Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation over the issues of genocide and occupation. Pray for an immediate end to the manipulation and selfishness being exhibited by these governments. Pray for the Lord’s will to be done in Azerbaijan and for His plan for the Nagorno-Karabakh area to be revealed and fulfilled on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray for the Gospel to be preached to Azers, Armenians, and Turks, and for multitudes to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. ©2010 Window International Network

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their trust and hope in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- Benin is ranked 161 out of 182 nations on the United Nations Human Poverty Index. Despite President Thomas Yayi Boni’s campaign to fight corruption and stimulate the economy, the nation remains underdeveloped. More than a third of the population lives below the poverty line. The life expectancy rate is only 59 years and approximately 65 of every 1000 births results in death. Pray for the people of this troubled nation. Pray for the Lord to set them free from the longterm economic and spiritual effects of voodoo. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Benin and for a great harvest of souls to come into the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Lord to give President Yayi and the other government leaders wisdom in leading the nation out of poverty. Pray for an end to corruption. Pray for Christian Believers to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom of God in Benin. INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The government of Acehese (the Indonesian territory of Aceh) has been accused of human rights abuses in their implementation of strict Shari’a (Islamic) law. The Acehese punish various offenses with caning and have also been accused of applying these laws selectively – toward the poor but not the wealthy. “The Islamic law seems to apply only to common folk,” one activist said. Pray for an immediate end to Shari’a law in Aceh and the rest of Indonesia. Pray for this Islamic nation (the largest by population in the world) to be set free from the crippling social and spiritual bondages of this false religion. Pray for controversies such as the practice of caning to be used by the Lord to spiritually awaken people from the deceptions of Islam. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Indonesia and for men, women, and children to have their eyes and minds opened to the Truth of Jesus Christ, placing their trust in Him as Savior and Lord. Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Human rights organizations are pressuring Laos President Choummaly Sayasone to protect some 4,500 Hmong who have been driven out of Thailand. The Hmong were seeking asylum, but the Thai army forced them back across the border into Laos. This “forcible repatriation” has placed the Hmong in great danger of persecution. Pray for President Syasone to be compassionate and for the Lord to give the Hmong favor in his eyes. Pray for the Lord to protect the Hmong and bring an end to the long-standing bitterness between ethnic groups in Laos. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout the region and for people of every background to respond to God’s invitation to Life, putting

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WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- In January 2010, Morocco accused Algeria of hindering peace talks with Western Sahara. At about the same time, human rights groups began calling for an end of Morocco’s ban on Saharawi travel. As fingers are pointed and blame shifted, the Saharawi continue to live in refugee camps. Having been displaced for decades, they are waiting to return to their homeland. Pray for the Lord to intervene on behalf of the Saharawi, displaying to them His great love and opening the door for them to go home. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the refugee camps, calling hearts into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for a swift and peaceful resolution to this long-standing dispute. Pray for an end to the pride and posturing of governments. Pray for humility to reign and for justice to be swiftly served. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to North Africa with such power that Western Sahara, Morocco, and Algeria bow their knees to the risen Christ, declaring Him to be Lord, to the glory of the Father. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- Persecution against Christians in Egypt is heating up. As one Christian Believer reports, “Muslims try to kill us and will if they find us.” Some Christians have been forced to keep changing places of worship and even change their residence – moving from one apartment or house to another in order to avoid being attacked. One source says several religious fatwas have been issued, calling for the spilling of Christian blood. Pray for the Lord to be with our Brothers and Sisters in Egypt, standing by their side and giving them strength and His wisdom to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom in this land. Pray for the Lord to rescue them from evil and bring them safely into His heavenly Kingdom (The Bible, II Timothy 4:17,18). Pray for the government to intervene on behalf of Believers and uphold their right to worship freely. Pray for the persecutors to be set free and know the love of God. Pray for the faith and perseverance of Christians to be a powerful vehicle for drawing many Muslims to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In January 2010, the government of Uzbekistan continued its practice of arresting and harassing reporters. The crackdown began in 2005 when journalists were accused of being involved in a revolt in the town of Andizhan. Government forces opened fire on the Andizhan protesters, killing hundreds. They also began a wave of arrests that has resulted in thousands of political prisoners being jailed. The international media is no longer welcome in Uzbekistan, and Uzbeks who provide information to the outside world are swiftly punished. Pray for the Lord to bring a peaceful resolution to this escalating conflict. Pray for the government to respect the freedoms of the people and to stop using intimidation and force to maintain control. Pray for the Lord to give both sides wisdom and patience as they seek an answer to this problem. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on this mostly Muslim nation, ©2010 Window International Network

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(Uzbekistan continued) igniting a great, sweeping awakening in which multitudes of Uzbeks surrender to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

to be opened to the Gospel of the Kingdom. Pray for them to see and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

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NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- Maoists are once again seeking to take control of the Nepalese government. In an effort to make progress on a stalled 2006 peace initiative, Pushpa Kamal Dahal (the former prime minister, also known as Prachanda) called for the formation of a Maoist-led coalition government in January 2010. Currently, the Maoist party has approximately 40% of the parliament seats. Pray for the Lord to appoint the men and women of His choosing to lead Nepal forward. Pray for the Lord to protect the Nepalese from the destructive and oppressive policies of Maoism. Pray for the revival that has been brewing in this nation to continue, grow, and swell to engulf the entire region – including neighboring China, India, and Bhutan. Pray for the Lord to capture the hearts of President Ram Baran Yadav, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, and Maoist leader, Prachanda, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for Believers to be bold in sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and stand firm no matter who is in charge of the nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Nepal as it is in Heaven.

ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- The government of Albania is currently debating a “lustration law” that seeks to purge former communists from state offices. Some have seen this as a strong move toward greater democracy, while others are concerned it will result in human rights violations. Pray for the Lord to direct the leaders of Albania to govern with integrity and justice. Pray for direction and discernment in dealing with the nation’s past ties to communism. Pray for the Lord to rid Albania of the lingering effects of this philosophy, as well as the oppression of Islam and atheism. Pray for the people of Albania to be set free forever from the chains that have for so long held them in darkness. Pray for the Light of God to shine into this nation and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULAOne of the top operatives of the terrorist organization, Hamas, was assassinated in January 2010 in the United Arab Emirates. Though Israel was initially blamed, an investigation suggested the crime was the work of rival Arabs – specifically members of the Palestinian Authority. Pray for the government of the United Arab Emirates to respond appropriately to this event. Pray for them to be more diligent in keeping terrorists out of the UAE and to cooperate with other nations in fighting groups such as Hamas. Pray for the Lord to use the current turmoil to cause Muslims to question the religion to which they have chosen to submit. Pray for their blind eyes and their deaf ears

MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- The Islamic government of Morocco remains vigilant in its efforts to oppress the Church of Jesus Christ. In December 2009, fourteen Believers from a Muslim Background (MBBs) were arrested, along with four expatriates, as they studied the Bible. Authorities raided the meeting, confiscated Bibles and cell phones, and took those present to the police station in the dark of night. The expatriates were deported. The MBBs were questions and later released. Pray for the Lord to show the Muslim leaders in Morocco that it is impossible to prevail against His Church (The Bible, Matthew 16:18). Pray for our Christian Moroccan Brothers and Sisters to be encompassed by the peace and presence of Jesus Christ Himself. Pray for the Lord to strengthen their faith. Pray for doors to be opened for the expatriates to return and for more missionaries to enter Morocco sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom. Pray for this “closed” Muslim nation to become a fountainhead for the Kingdom of God, spreading His love and glory throughout North Africa. Pray for total religious freedom in Morocco and for those carrying out the persecution to stop doing so immediately

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(Morocco continued) see the love of Jesus in the words and actions of Christians. Day 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- The tug of war between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness continues in Iraq. While there have already been a number of deadly suicide bombings in 2010, it has also been reported that prayer is now being lifted up twenty-four hours a day in Baghdad. Praise the Lord for the work He is doing inside this troubled but ripe-forharvest nation. Pray for the presence of the Prince of Peace in every Iraqi city groups bringing terror will be defeated (such as al-Qaeda) and will immediately stop inflicting violence and terror on the innocent. Pray for Believers to continue seeking the Lord with great passion and to stand in their gap for their nation. Pray for the Lord to encourage and empower them as they take up positions as watchmen and watchwomen on the walls of Iraq. Pray for a great transformation in this nation as the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of Muslims, leading them out from the dominion of darkness and into the Kingdom of God as they place their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- After the results of the January 2010 election were rejected by opposition leader, General Sarath Fonseka, incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa began his new term by dismissing an entire group of senior military officials, then arresting General Fonseka. President Rajapaksa claimed they presented a threat to national security. He also said there had been assassination plots against him. Pray for peace and justice to come to this beleaguered nation. Pray for wounds from the decades-long civil war to be healed. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation between the Tamils (minority) and the Sinhalese (majority). Pray for Believers to be protected from the violence that continues to erupt – standing strong in the Lord in the power of His might and fearlessly proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom . Pray for Buddhists to hear and receive the Good News, surrendering their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- In January 2010, in a speech given to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the release of Jews from the Auschwitz prison camp in Germany, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “declared to the people of Europe and the world that the prophecies of Ezekiel 37 have been fulfilled.” He referred to the Holocaust as the “dry bones” and said the nation of Israel had been resurrected, just as predicted by the prophet Ezekiel. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in keeping His promises, and for making His great and marvelous work evident to Israel’s prime minister. Pray for the Lord to now finish the fulfillment by the Holy Spirit hovering over Israel, restoring them to life spiritually (The Bible, Ezekiel 37). Pray for the

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minds and hearts of the Jewish people to be open to and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for them to recognize Jesus as the Messiah and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to continue protecting Israel from the many enemies surrounding the nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Israel in such great power that the entire world would look and know that the Lord is indeed sovereign over all. TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- With the first round of parliamentary elections still more than a month away, most Tajiks are either ambivalent or worse, despairing that any change will come. Many believe the nation is still being run with the same Soviet-style policies as before its independence. Words like “hopelessness,” “stagnation,” “discontent,” and “poverty” are being used to describe both the present situation and the future. Pray in this time of despair the Holy Spirit will reveal the hope available in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to bless this economically, emotionally, and spiritually depressed nation with His Light and Love. Pray for Believers to be filled with holy boldness in sharing the Gospel and they will preach and demonstrate the Kingdom of God with zeal and passion. Pray for a great awakening in Tajikistan that will lead multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- Immediately after it was announced that Western arms would be sold to Taiwan, China not only denounced the agreement but test-fired its new array of “missile interception” weapons. The Chinese government warned the western nation providing the arms and demanded the sale be called off. China reportedly has more than a thousand missiles aimed at Taiwan. Pray for the Lord to work miraculously in this on-going feud. Pray for the government of China to recognize the autonomy of Taiwan and release its attempts to control that nation. Pray for the leaders of China to see the Lord’s hand orchestrating events and for them to be reached with the Gospel. Pray for salvation to come to the Chinese government as they respond to the invitation of life provided by the Father in Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of China to put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- Located just to the north of the troubled nation of Somalia, Djibouti has remained largely unaffected by the terrorists roaming that land. However, as al-Shabaab and other al-Qaeda affiliated groups have expanded their reach and influence, it has become necessary for the country of Djibouti to get involved. In January 2010, they announced that 450 Djiboutian peacekeeping troops would be dispatched to Mogadishu. Praise the Lord for the insight of the Djiboutian government and their wiliness to help. Pray for the Lord to provide them with the finances, equipment, personnel, and training necessary for these troops to make an impact. Pray for the Lord to continue to protect Djibouti from terrorism and to keep al-Shabaab far from its borders. Pray for the Lord to minister aid to the impoverished people of Djibouti and ©2010 Window International Network

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for them to find their hope in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 18

to bring war and use this conflict to bring His Kingdom to Taiwan. Pray for the people to call on the Lord for protection and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The Yemeni government announced that the leader of an al-Qaeda cell was killed by security forces in January 2010. Other members of the cell were arrested. Pray for the Lord to give President Ali Abdullah Salih and his administration wisdom and strategies for defeating every terrorist element in the region. Pray for them to be provided with the equipment and forces necessary to rout them. Pray for the protection of the innocent people of Yemen. Pray for those in bondage to Islam (the vast majority) to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for the unreached groups who are being held captive behind the Islamic veil of darkness. Pray for the Holy Spirit to penetrate the shadows of Yemen with the Light of Christ, liberating prisoners and leading them into relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord.

BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In February 2010, a Bahraini official called for greater cooperation between the Persian Gulf States and Iran. Both economic and political support were recommended. The official also called on Bahrain to be more active in the region’s security. He blamed the current “weak role” on the presence of Western powers. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Bahrain wisdom and discernment in their dealings with Iran. Pray for them not to be deceived or fall victim to false promises and lies. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Bahrain from the influence of radical Shiite Islam (exported by Iran) and keep terrorists out of this nation. Pray for the government of Bahrain to continue to align itself with Allied forces in the fight against al-Qaeda. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Bahrain, bringing light to those living in darkness.

VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The communist government of Vietnam claims it is wrestling against “hostile forces” that seek to “sabotage the country’s revolution.” This statement was made in February 2010 at the 80th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Indochina Communist Party by Ho Chi Minh. The government also issued a statement saying it “guarantees religious liberty.” Yet according to the Open Doors World Watch List 2010, Vietnam is the 21st worst persecutor of Christians in the world. Pray for the eyes and minds of the leaders of this nation, who have been blinded by the enemy, to be opened to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for an immediate end to the government’s manipulation, paranoia, and attempts to oppress and control people. Pray for Believers to be encouraged and strengthened by the presence of the Lord. Pray for the Lord to enable them to rejoice even as they endure suffering. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Vietnam and for multitudes to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- In February 2010, Brunei was showcased by a western, religious-freedom organization as an example of how “people of different religions can co-exist and produce ‘positive outcomes’ through inter-faith collaboration.” The report said many nations are seeking ways for people of different religions to live together in peace and that Brunei is a model for this kind of tolerance. Pray for Brunei to truly be a land of religious freedom. Pray for the people of this nation – and every nation – to avoid the mistake of believing all religions are equal and lead to heaven. Pray for this lie to be exposed and countered with the reality that there is only one Way, one Truth, and one Life: Jesus Christ. Pray for the strongholds of Islam to be torn down in Brunei and for those held captive by this false religion to be set free to know and worship Jesus as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Brunei and for it to become an example of the power of God to transform this nation.

Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- In its struggle to gain total freedom, Taiwan has been placating China with trade agreements and offers to cooperate on economic terms. However, the recent decision to accept weapons from a western nation may be a setback. China “expressed fury” at this agreement. Since China continues to seek reunification with Taiwan and “has not renounced the use of force to bring the proudly democratic island under its control,” some believe the conflict could escalate to war. Pray for peace in this situation. Pray for the Lord to move in the hearts of the Taiwanese and Chinese leadership. Pray for this struggle for autonomy to become a relationship that benefits both nations. Pray for reconciliation between people groups and political parties. Pray for the Lord to restrain those who want

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LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- In a new strategy in its war against Israel, terrorist group Hezbollah has relocated its arsenal of rockets away from the border of southern Lebanon, deep into the northern region of the country. The effect, observers believe, will be to broaden any military exchange. Instead of merely a border dispute or attack, the two enemies will be engaging in a war that involves – and puts at risk – the people and government of Lebanon. Pray for the safety of the Lebanese people. Pray for the government to take whatever steps are necessary to wipe out the Hezbollah immediately. Pray for the funding and support for these terrorists to be cut off and for them to disband right away. Pray for their plans and schemes against Israel to backfire and fail. Pray for the Lord to sovereignly protect Israel. Pray for Believers in Lebanon to be strengthened by the joy of the Lord. Pray for the people of Lebanon to see the evil works of Hezbollah, realize the lies of Islam, and ©2010 Window International Network

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(Lebanon continued) put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Anyone interested in visiting this Persian Gulf nation will find an array of online warnings. “There is an underlying threat from terrorism in Qatar,” one site cautions. It goes on to explain that such attacks are random, yet frequently target hotels and sites where foreign travelers are present. A “high level of security awareness” is recommended. Pray for the scourge of terrorism that has engulfed the Middle East and is quickly expanding to encompass the globe to be quickly halted by the Lord of Hosts. Pray for God to arise and scatter these wicked men and organizations. Pray for the people of Qatar – especially Believers – to be protected by the Lord’s warring angels. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Qatar wisdom in countering the schemes of terrorist organizations and keeping their nation secure. Pray for groups like al-Qaeda to become frustrated, lose focus, and begin to disband. Pray for the Lord to capture the hearts of terrorists, turning them away from sin and wickedness, and toward a saving relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Human rights groups have denounced Turkmen President Gurbangly Berdymukhammedov and his administration for multiple violations of the rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion. Turkmenistan’s record in these areas has been described as “abysmal.” Pray for the members of the Turkmen government to repent of their oppressive treatment of their citizens. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in bringing greater openness, transparency, and exposing corruption in this land. Pray for the Turkmen people to be protected from abuses of power. Pray for the Lord to bring His Kingdom to Turkmenistan with great signs and wonders, drawing multitudes to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- Among the victims of the Ethiopian airliner that crashed into the Mediterranean Sea in January 2010 were 23 migrant workers who were returning home. Like many Ethiopians, they were driven from their homeland by poverty and had been working to help support families they left behind. Untold numbers of Ethiopians live in the Middle East where they endure poor living conditions, have no legal rights, and are often exploited. Pray for this poverty-stricken nation. Pray for the Lord to transform hearts and, as a result, the social, political, and economic climate of Ethiopia. Pray for Him to provide for those who are struggling to survive, and for all to have nutritious food and clean water. Pray for a revival among

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Believers and a great awakening among the lost. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Ethiopia as it is in heaven. MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- The relationship between military-ruled Myanmar and China is becoming increasingly difficult. Business people, farmers, and prostitutes are reportedly flocking from Myanmar into “booming China” to take advantage of the growing economy. The Chinese resent this and the people of Myanmar who live along the border view their Chinese neighbors in contempt. Pray for peace between these nations. Pray for the Lord to move in Myanmar, softening the hearts of the military leadership and leading them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the increasing flow of people across the Myanmar-Chinese border to be used as a means of making the Gospel known to every nation, tribe and tongue. Pray for Christian Believers to be bold in proclaiming their faith. Pray for the Lord to give them creative ideas for reaching the lost and unreached. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Myanmar and overflow into all of its neighbors, bringing blessing, love, and hope. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- Three members of Chad’s education ministry were arrested in February 2010 on charges of embezzlement. The officials allegedly misappropriated millions of dollars that were supposed to be used for school books and supplies. Pray for this and any other corruption to be rooted out of the government. Pray for President Deby to be vigilant in exposing criminal behavior and for the Lord to empower him to lead the nation with integrity. Pray for the Christian Believers in Chad to walk in godliness and holiness. Pray for them to be a good example for their families, neighbors and communities of the righteousness, peace, and joy found through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move throughout Chad and for the Gospel to be preached to every people group. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in this nation and for multitudes of Chadians to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- The revival talking place in Algeria seems to be expanding. One Brother recently reported that the Gospel is being preached in many regions and “people are really thirsty.” However, the Islamic government poses a major challenge. Persecution is severe. Believers request prayer for God to strengthen and encourage them. Pray for the Lord to move in the government, touching the hearts of officials and bringing them to salvation. Pray for freedom of religion in Algeria. Pray for the Lord to protect Christians from Muslims who have threatened to burn and destroy churches – and have already done so. Pray for supernatural end to the fatwa issued against Christian Believers. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Algeria and for countless ©2010 Window International Network

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millions to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

and be set free to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.

Day 24

KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Rights groups are condemning Kazakhstan’s decision to “ban media from publishing material critical of the president’s powerful son-inlaw.” This has been denounced as a gag order and a violation of freedom of speech and the press. The man at the center of this controversy is Timur Kulibayev, whom many believe will succeed his father-in-law, Nursultan Nazarbayev, as president of this former Soviet republic. Pray for corruption, nepotism, and oppression to be driven out of the Kazak government. Pray for the leaders to repent of any and all attempts to manipulate and control for their own purposes. Pray for the Lord to give public servants humble hearts that seek to honor and bless the people. Pray for the salvation of Kazak officials, as well as the people they are serving. Pray for Christian Believers in this mostly Muslim nation to be strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit and for Christ to dwell in their hearts thorough faith (The Bible, Ephesians 3:16,17). Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Kazakhstan, His will be done in this nation as it is in Heaven.

LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- The arms race that fueled the “cold war” between the world’s super powers seems to have been rekindled. Western powers have agreed to provide Taiwan with weapons, enraging China, while Iran and North Korea are speedily developing their nuclear capabilities. Now Libya has signed a $1.8 billion deal with Russia. Included in this agreement are 20 attack aircraft, several dozen tanks, and one of the most advanced air-defense missile systems in the world. Pray for the Lord to continue restraining the powers that are obsessed with war. Pray for Libyan leader, Muammar al-Qadhafi, to have a personal encounter with the living Christ. Pray for his life to be transformed and for the oppression of Islam in Libya to be broken. Pray for the Light of Jesus Christ to shine in this dark land, leading Libyans into an eternal loving relationship with Him as Savior and Lord. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Three churches were bombed by Muslim extremists in January 2010. The attacks came in response to a court ruling that allowed the word “Allah” to be used in reference to God in non-Muslim publications such as the Bible. Believers all over the world are being called upon to pray and to appeal to the government of Malaysia to maintain peace, protect the property of its citizens, and uphold freedom of speech. Write to: Prime Minister of Malaysia, Honourable Najib Tun Razak, The Prime Minister’s Office of Malaysia. Pray for the Lord to prepare this man’s heart for the arrival of thousands of appeals. Pray for the government to act to ensure the safety of its people. Pray for the Father to turn the hearts of Muslims away from the emptiness and evil of this violence and draw them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord. Pray for Believers to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and for the Lord to give them hope, strength, and encouragement as they face persecution.

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Day 25

TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- A new report by an election monitoring agency gave the Tunisian election of October 2009 high marks. Not only was the polling deemed fair, but there was an “absence of any form of violence” and no formal complaints were registered. Praise God for hearing the prayers of His people and keeping this election fair and without incident. Pray for those who have been elected to serve in humility, recognizing the honor it is to be chosen to lead the people of Tunisia. Pray for the Lord to speak to the hearts of those in government and set them free from the bondage of Islam. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move throughout Tunisia, bringing the Light of Christ into every dark place and releasing the people from the chains of false religion. Pray for multitudes of Tunisians to hear and receive the Gospel message, choosing to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The government of Oman has been pursuing diplomatic relations with the government of Azerbaijan. Cooperation between the two nations is reportedly progressing “at a very rapid rate.” They have promised to open embassies in each other’s countries and are now working to promote direct airline travel from Oman to Azerbaijan. Pray for this new and mysterious relationship to be used for God’s purposes rather than those of the enemy. Pray for this new “friendship” to benefit both nations economically and become an open door for the Gospel to be proclaimed in Oman. Pray for the Lord to keep this relationship from being used to foster and expand terrorism. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Oman in miraculous ways that can only be credited to the glory and power of Jesus Christ. Pray for Omanis to see the lies of Islam

CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The government of Cambodia has lodged a complaint against Google, accusing them of creating a “radically misleading” map of the disputed Thai-Cambodia border region. The dispute revolves around an 11th century temple that was formally awarded to Cambodia in 1962. This was never fully accepted by Thailand and Thais continue to use the temple. In the past three years, both nations have built up their military presence in this area. Pray for peace between Cambodia and Thailand. Pray for the lies and false teaching of Buddhism that are practiced in Cambodia and at this temple to be exposed and for worshippers to be set free from the dominion of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for a great spiritual awakening throughout Southeast Asia in which millions are rescued from the enemy’s schemes and led into the Kingdom of God. Pray for more laborers to be sent to Cambodia and for the Gospel of the Kingdom to be proclaimed throughout the land. Pray

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(Cambodia continued) for Jesus Christ to be lifted high above all other gods, and for His Kingdom to be firmly established in Cambodia. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- The government of Turkey is continuing to distance itself from Israel. After refusing to engage in joint exercises with Israel and denouncing Israel’s military operations in the Gaza Strip, Turkey recently took offence when their ambassador was publicly rebuked. Turkey has been described as “an increasingly strident critic of Israel.” The Turkish government says it “no longer sees its relationship with Israel as a priority.” Pray for this Muslim nation to have a great spiritual awakening to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for blind eyes and deaf ears to be opened to the Good News and for them to see the Light of the Gospel and the glory of Christ. Pray for the Lord to protect Israel from Turkish aggression and for the leaders to encounter the Lord and be transformed as they choose to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come powerfully to Turkey as it is in Heaven. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- North and South Korean military forces again exchanged fire along their disputed ocean border in January 2010. The government of North Korea claimed the artillery shots were part of a drill, but they were aimed at South Korean naval ships. This border has been called “a constant source of military tension” and has resulted in three deadly exchanges in the past ten years. Pray for peace between these feuding nations. Pray for the government of North Korea to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray pride and a quest for dominance will yield to humility and compassion. Pray for the people of North Korea to worship the Lord freely without backlash or retaliation from the government or insurgent groups. Pray for the Lord to be present with Believers, encouraging and strengthening them as they face intense persecution. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to North Korea with great signs, wonders and miracles. Pray for an abundant harvest of souls in the Kingdom of God as North Koreans put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- In January 2010, Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab (“the youth”), which is affiliated with alQaeda, formally confirmed that they are aligning themselves with al-Qaeda’s global campaign of terror. A spokesman for alShabaab said the “jihad of Horn of Africa must be combined with the international jihad led by the al-Qaeda network.” Pray for an immediate end to al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda, and every organization that has as its aim the imposition of Islam by way of violence and murder. Pray for the plans of these organizations to fail. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Somalia from these threats. Pray for the transitional

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government to be given the wisdom they need by the Lord to lead the nation out of chaos and into peace. Pray for the Lord to encourage and strengthen Believers in Somalia, comforting them in hardship and giving them boldness to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Somalia with great power, signs, wonders, and miracles. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- In February 2010, an Allied drone strike in Pakistan killed Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud. Mehsud took over in August 2009 when another drone strike took out Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. As one analyst put it, Hakimullah Mehsud’s death could be a “fatal blow” to the Taliban in Pakistan. Praise God for giving military forces the intelligence and ability to effectively fight the war on terrorism. Pray for the hearts of the remaining Taliban members to consider the fate of their past two leaders and repent of their evil deeds, and accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Holy Spirit to rescue them from the dominion of Islam and lead them into the Kingdom of the Son of God. Pray for the death of the terrorist leaders to be a decisive blow to the Taliban in Pakistan. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom to be proclaimed freely and gladly throughout this nation and for Muslims to turn away from the lies of this false religion, surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to guard and protect Believers and give them open doors to share the love and Good News of Jesus. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- Another wave of violence against Christians broke out in February 2010 in the Nigerian city of Jos. Muslims murdered hundreds of Christian Believers (some estimates put the figure at more than 600), displaced thousands, and burned many churches. One report claimed the attack was a “well planned jihad” that involved 3,800 fighters who had been trained in Sudan. Pray for the Lord to arise and come to the aid of His people. Loose His warring angels to guard the Christians of Jos and other settlements in the mostly Muslim north. Pray for the government to intervene to keep Christian Believers safe and to bring the murderers to justice quickly. Pray for the onslaught of extremist Islam to be stopped and driven out of Nigeria. Pray for Muslims to see the vicious nature of Islam and choose to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for those families that lost loved ones in Jos. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come and bring transformation to this troubled nation. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- The government of Maldives has stated it “will not allow terrorists to operate in the country.” This was publicly proclaimed after Pakistani terrorist organization LeT announced it was considering using the islands as a base for training. Maldivian leaders vowed to guard against groups that might be planning to harm neighboring nations such as India and Pakistan. Praise God for this strong stance. Pray for the government to make good on this promise. Pray for the Lord to give them the wisdom and resources to fight groups ©2010 Window International Network

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like LeT. Pray for this Muslim nation to see the work of Islamic terrorists and begin to question the validity of their religion. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Maldives. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in every sphere of public and social life, drawing people to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- Fearing Palestinians in Jordan might soon become a majority (nearly half of the 6 million population is Palestinian), the government has been stripping them of citizenship. Some believe this practice is also motivated by Israeli proposals that Jordan should be the Palestinian state, rather than the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Pray for the Lord to give the government wisdom in this very intricate and involved situation. Pray for Palestinians to be able to work and live freely. Pray for Jordan to seek ways to preserve democracy and keep their nation from being taken over. Pray for peace in the entire Middle East. Pray for the people of Jordan – both Jordanians and Palestinians – to have the opportunity to hear and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom. Pray for them to respond by putting their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Jordan as it is in Heaven. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- Rebel forces in Senegal launched a new wave of attacks, driving hundreds of people from their homes. In early February 2010, members of the Casamance Movement of Democratic Forces (MFDC) began moving through villages, looting, stealing, and burning houses. Pray for those who have been displaced and who have lost their homes, and for the Lord to provide for them. Pray for the government to use its resources to protect its people from the MFDC and any other groups operating inside the borders of Senegal. Pray for the Lord to convict the hearts of the rebels, bringing godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Pray for Believers to care for and show God’s love toward those who have been victimized. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to meet both physical and spiritual needs of the people. Pray for the eyes of the Muslims in Senegal to be opened to salvation found in Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord today. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- According to BBC News, “Thirty elderly women have been arrested in Eritrea while praying together.” This type of persecution is common in Eritrea. The government routinely raids Christian homes, confiscates Bibles, arrests, detains and tortures Believers. Though the elderly women posed no threat to the security of Eritrea, they are yet another example of the government’s intolerance and hostility toward Christians. Pray for President Isaias Afworki to meet Jesus Christ and surrender his life to Him and receive Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the transformation of attitudes and policies of the government of this nation. Pray for the Lord to give them compassion for the people of Eritrea. Pray for total freedom of religion and for Believers to be bold in sharing their faith, even in the face of this terrible persecution. Pray for the immediate release of Christian Believers who are

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being held against their will, and for an immediate end to all acts of torture or future acts of persecution. Pray the Holy Spirit will be with those in prison and who are being or have been tortured. Pray for His Mighty Power to give Christian Believers the strength to endure and overcome. Pray for them to be reminded of His love and His promise never to forget or forsake them (The Bible, Hebrews l3:5). Pray for the lost to see the love of God in the words and actions of our Brothers and Sisters and for the lost to surrender their hearts to Jesus Christ, accepting Him as Savior and Lord. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- Five Tibetans were arrested in India after they entered the country illegally to hear the Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama, speak. Nepal and India are cracking down on both resident Tibetans and those trying to enter the country. Many in Tibet are desperate to leave and others are hoping to see the Dalai Lama return and free their nation from China. Pray for the eyes and minds of Tibetans to be opened to the reality that freedom is available to them in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to reveal the Dalai Lama as a man who has no power to set the captives free. Pray for the Dalai Lama and all of his followers to hear the Gospel and respond to the invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the people of Tibet to be delivered out of the dominion of Buddhist darkness receive Christ as Savior and Lord,and led by the Holy Spirit into the Kingdom of God. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- The government of Syria issued a statement in February 2010 saying they are “ready for peace or war” with Israel. They also said they believe Israel has no desire to seek peace and will follow the “path of destruction.” Pray for supernatural peace in this region. Pray for the government of Syria to truly prepare for peace, seek it, and do whatever is required to secure it. Pray for a change of heart in Syrian leadership – for them to stop their campaign to destroy Israel and stop backing Islamic terrorism immediately. Pray for the Lord to protect Believers in Syria, giving them discernment and opportunities to share their faith with Muslims. Pray for power encounters and divine appointments to witness to non believers. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself through His Word, teaching, dreams, visions, and mighty signs and wonders. Pray for Muslims to have the scales removed from their eyes so they can see the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- According to the United Nations, a harsh winter has resulted in the deaths of 1.7 million livestock in Mongolia this year. They predict as many as 4 million could die by spring. The unusually cold and snowy weather has put 21,000 families at risk of “food insecurity.” In the most effected areas, piles of dead animals litter the ground. Pray for the people of Mongolia to cry out to the Lord for relief. Pray for this tragedy to move them to prayer to the Lord. Pray for them to turn from Buddhism and animism and put their trust in the Living God – Jesus Christ – as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in Mongolia, showing His love and ability to provide their every need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in every town, village and city. Pray for the ©2010 Window International Network

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(Mongolia continued) Kingdom of God to come to Mongolia as it is in Heaven. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIAConcerned that corruption is causing the people of this nation to suffer, President Jose RamosHorta recently appointed an anti-corruption commissioner. The commissioner “faces a huge task to root out corruption in this country.” Many members of the government have already been accused of waste and mismanagement. Pray for President Ramos-Horta’s efforts to be effective. Pray for the Lord to give him wisdom and empower him to clean house, removing those officials who are serving themselves rather than the people. Pray for the suffering and poverty in East Timor to be alleviated permanantly. Pray for a fair distribution of public funds and for the implementation of programs that truly help the citizens. Pray for the Lord to pour His Spirit out on East Timor, to minister healing and reconciliation to restore the years the locusts have eaten through war (The Bible, Joel 2:25). Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to East Timor in power, drawing multitudes to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- In February 2010, President Yahiya Jammeh began to dismantle his administration in hopes of staving off a coup and restoring public confidence. He dismissed four ministers, saying, “There will be no compromise for nonperformance and there will be no room for complacency.” Pray for the Lord to order the government in The Gambia. Pray for the Lord to move in President Jammah’s heart, drawing him into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for corruption in The Gambia to be exposed and dealt with and for the leaders in this nation to serve the people in the fear of the Lord. Pray for Muslims to be set free from the lies of Islam and they will respond to Kingdom of God as it comes in power to The Gambia. Pray for the Lord to transform this nation into a source of blessing in West Africa, proclaiming the Gospel and bringing the Light of Christ to the entire region. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- Terrorist group Hamas has vowed revenge against Israel for the death of one of its members. A spokesman for Hamas said they will not only strike back, but will target Israeli interests abroad. They have also stated they will join with Hezbollah (a terrorist organization in Lebanon) in the next war against Israel. Pray for an immediate end to this militant organization. Pray for the leaders to lose focus, members to lose interest, and for funding to dry up. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of the Gaza Strip from these terrorists and their deadly schemes. Pray for healing between Palestinians and Israelis. Pray for the Lord to provide sorely needed food, clean water, clothing and shelter to those who were displaced by the war of 2008. Pray for the eyes of the people of the Gaza Strip to be opened to see the Light of Jesus Christ. Pray for multitudes to come to faith in Him as Savior and Lord today.

Palestinian attacks in 2010 when compared with the same period in 2009. “Insurgency strikes… have increased sharply in the West Bank,” the report said. Approximately 75% of the attacks were firebombs thrown at Israeli soldiers and civilians. Pray for this destructive, hateful and deadly behavior to stop immediately. Pray for the Lord to soften hearts in the West Bank, setting the Palestinians free from the bondage of the enemy. Pray for an immediate end to terrorist attacks. Pray for the terrorists to run out of weapons, opportunities, practical plans, and be divided against themselves. Pray for the people of the West Bank to withdraw all support and approval of these activities. Pray for the Father to draw them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the West Bank and all Middle East in great power, as it is in Heaven. Window International Network Pray for the Lord to give the staff and volunteers of Window International Network fresh vision as they serve Him in 2010 and throughout the new decade. Pray for His passion to fill them and His zeal to drive them forward, into the work He has ordained for them to do. Pray they will be sensitive to His voice, Spirit, and guidance. Pray He will lead them and they will faithfully obey Him. Pray for the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans for reaching the unreached in the 10/40 Window with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God(The Bible, Jeremiah 33:3). Pray for His special anointing on them as they seek first His Kingdom, deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow after Him (The Bible, Matthew 6:33; Matthew 16:24). Pray the Lord will provide all the necessary finances to advance His Kingdom though Window International Network on earth as it is in Heaven. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance

WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- According to the Israel Security Agency, there has already been a 57% increase in

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Hymnie: Hi, WindowKids! I have a special friend I would like you to meet this month. Her name is Amina. She comes from the east African country of Somalia in the 10/40 Window.

Amina: Maalim wanaqsan! That means “hello” in my language. I am so glad that I can tell you my story. My father was a professor at the university in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. My mother stayed home to care for my two brothers and me. When I was little, I would run to the market and buy ginger for my mother so that she could prepare my favorite Somali tea. Our tea is naturally very sweet and sometimes my mother would add the ginger to the tea to make it even better. Everyday my father would come home from the university and he would sit down at the table with my brothers and me for a cup of tea. He would tell us about the countries he was teaching his students about. But, my father was often tired and sad when he came home. You see, my family is different because we are Christians. Most Somali families are Muslims and I never met another Somali family with our beliefs.

Before I was born, my father was a devout Muslim. In his first year of teaching, however, he began to study other religions and became intrigued by Christianity. At first, he was merely curious, but before long he realized that Jesus (or “Isa” as we called Him in Somalia) is the Way, the Truth and the Life and he shared this with my mother. She too met Jesus and together they began raising my brothers and me in the Christian faith. It was hard for my father because he wanted to tell his students the Gospel message – that Jesus came to earth, died on the cross for our sins, and was raised from the dead - but he knew it was against the law and would put our family in danger. After a while, he began to talk about Christianity as he taught history and the culture of the western world. One day, he told us to hurry and pack up our belongings because we were going to my aunt’s home in Kenya. As we were getting ready to leave, I overheard him telling my mother that one of his students had become suspicious and had accused him of being a Christian in front of the entire class. My mother was very worried. But my father told her everything would be okay and that he would soon join us in Kenya. The year was 1991. That was the last time I ever saw my father. Shortly after this, the very students my father had been teaching broke into the houses of Christian families and beat them. They ransacked our house, took everything we had left behind, and burned it to the ground. One of the students told our neighbor, “This is what happens to those who oppose Allah.” That’s why we left Africa. It was very hard, but after we moved, my brothers and I managed to make friends who loved Jesus at our new school. My mother still makes us tea after school each day. Instead of talking about far away lands, we talk and pray for the country we once called home – Somalia. We pray that the Lord will provide the people with enough

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to eat, that people will stop fighting with each other, and for Christian families to be kept safe. I still have hope for my country. One day, I hope to return to my beloved hometown of Mogadishu, buy ginger from my favorite market, and make a cup of tea. * *There are lots and lots of reasons why we need to keep the Somali people in our prayers. Many Somalis do not have enough to eat. Somali Christians live in great danger of persecution and most are very poor. Also, government leaders are often dishonest. Although Hymnie’s interview above is fictional, Amina and her family represent those who have suffered horribly in this 10/40 Window country. WindowKids, please keep Somalians in your prayers! Sources: Abdullahi, Mohamed Diriye. Culture and Customs of Somalia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. Print. Hussein, Ikram. Teenage Refugees from Somalia Speak Out. New York, NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, 1997. Print.

Pleas prayefrememb or So er to malia Somali Tea ! Ingredients ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚

2-3 black tea bags 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon ginger 1 cinnamon stick 4 cups hot water green cardamom pods

Directions ✚✚ Boil desired amount of water in tea pot. Add tea bags using a good tea to water ratio. ✚✚ Smash green cardamom pods and add to tea. ✚✚ Then add grated ginger and 1 cinnamon stick ✚✚ Let steep for about 10-15 minutes in pot. ✚✚ Serve with milk and sugar to taste. Source:

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