10/40 Window Reporter : May 2008 Edition

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May 2008 Edition

The Top 15 Countries that Persecute Christians*


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*World Watch List

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

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May 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 2

Christian groups issue call to prayer for


China North Korea Christian groups are urging intercessors worldwide to pray for China and North Korea, which are among the worst persecutors of Christians. According to Open Doors’ 2008 World Watch List of the top 50 of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians, China ranks No. 10 and North Korea No. 1 for the sixth year in a row. “If ever there was a moment when North Korea needed prayer, it is now,” said Simon (not his real name), who coordinates the work of Open Doors in North Korea. Simon estimated the number of underground Christians in North Korea to be at least 200,000, and it’s likely that there are as many as 400,000 to half-a-million believers. “In North Korea, it is strictly forbidden to be a Christian,” said Simon. “At least a quarter of the Christians in North Korea are imprisoned for their faith, and very few escape these prison camps alive.” Open Doors is one of the coalition members involved with North Korea Freedom Week, which began April 26, 2008 and ends May 3, 2008 in Washington, D.C., to highlight the human rights abuses of North Korea, Mission Network News reported.

Meanwhile, a coalition of Christian advocacy groups has issued a call to prayer for the persecuted churches of China following a meeting in Zurich on March 28, 2008. The Zurich Statement “reaffirms the solidarity of the international Christian community with the Chinese faithful, especially the persecuted House Church movement,” Bob Fu of the China Aid Association said. “We pray the true religious freedom in China will finally be realized soon.” The members of the Religious Liberty Partnership called upon Christians worldwide to answer the call to prayer of Chinese Christian leaders for the state to grant “full freedom” for Christian Believers “to manifest their faith in China, the release of unjustly imprisoned Chinese Christians and an end to discrimination and persecution of religious believers.” Elsewhere, Korean-American churches staged the first of a series of prayer vigils on April 1, 2008 at Chinese consulates in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., to protest China’s treatment of North Korean refugees months before the Beijing Olympics, The Christian Post reported. The Korean Church Coalition for North Korea Freedom— which includes over 3,000 Korean pastors and millions of Korean-American Christians—have organized the prayer vigils, which will take place every Tuesday at one or more of the six Continued on page 9 ►

May 2008

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PRAYER Points May 2008

Day 1

Day 5 India- Pray that Church leaders will come together and develop God-given strategies for using Kingdom resources to bring the Gospel message to every village, town, city, and state. Pray that God will anoint a Moses to impact every strata of society in India.


Bhutan - Pray for the safety of persecuted Christians in this nation and for more workers in this harvest field. Pray that the recent elections will indeed bring freedom of religion to Bhutan. Saudi Arabia - Pray the Lord will open the eyes of the millions of pilgrims who will visit Mecca during the Hajj from 17 to 21 December, 2008. Pray that the fear of the Lord will come upon the religious police and their evil schemes against Christians will be thwarted. (Deuteronomy 11:25)

Mauritania - Pray against the rise of violence believed to be linked to al-Qaeda. Pray Mark 4:22 that government officials will successfully handle every terrorist plot against Mauritania and terrorists will be brought to

Day 6 Day 2

Guinea- Pray for an effective nationwide literacy program, so that once translated, Christian materials and resources will be widely read. Also pray that the Lord will anoint Christians who can share the Gospel through powerful events that that are recorded in the Bible.

Sudan - Sudan faces many crises. Pray the LORD will anoint and empower His Church with God ideas to transform Sudan for His Glory. Afghanistan - Pray for Godly men and women to obtain positions of influence in this country. (Daniel 2:48) Pray Luke 12:3 over the terrorist groups that are kidnapping innocent people. Pray protection for Christians working in the land.

Thailand - Pray that God will raise skilled teams of intercessors who will be faithful to pray for anointed Christian leaders to take the Gospel to Thailand and the rest of Asia.

Day 7 Day 3

Niger - Pray that God will bring forth a righteous government that will grant freedom to the more than 800,000 slaves in captivity. Once free, pray they will be integrated successfully into society. Pray that these precious people will come to know Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.

Kuwait- Let us pray that every form of corruption and evil within the government and political factions will be exposed, and Godly principles and values will replace the wicked factions. Bangladesh - Pray for the people in Bangladesh as they search for ways to improve the general living conditions in a country that is heavily populated and in need of improved resources in farming and irrigation. Pray for the cost of rice to be lowered so that the working class and the poor can afford to eat.

Day 4 Japan – Pray that God will anoint Intercessors to pray fervently for strongholds to be demolished and the Japanese will receive the Gospel in ever increasing numbers, bringing Kingdom transformation to their land. Guinea-Bissau - Pray for discipleship, leadership, and evangelism training so the Christian Church can expand the Kingdom of GOD. Praise God the Church is open to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Kyrgyzstan- Pray for wise leadership for this nation that will seek the best interests of all citizens. Pray the Church cries out for God to bring Godly transformation to their country. (John 8:32)

Day 8 Iran - Ask God to protect Muslim Background Believers in Iran as they potentially face the death penalty. Pray Psalm 27 over them. Pray for Believers who are discriminated against in education, employment, and property ownership. Some of the discrimination has escalated into violence that includes assault and murder. Pray for Iranian believers as they continue to serve the Lord despite government pressures and persecution. Burkina Faso – Praise God that the new Prime Minister, a born-again Christian, has been working to bring about positive change to the nation. Pray that he will govern with the fear of God, and will serve the people with wisdom and justice.

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Day 9

Day 13 Mali - Pray for converts from Islam, that they will grow Mali - Pray for converts from Islam, that they will grow strong in their Christian faith, be discipled, and reach their communities for Christ. (II Timothy 2:2)

Azerbaijan - Pray for the Lord’s protection and provision for Believers who are judged in court as convicted criminals because of their faith in Christ. Pray for governmental officials to make fair rulings, based on Biblical principles, towards evangelical churches. Pray that the persecution will lead to open doors for the Gospel to be preached all over this land.

Day 10 Benin - Just having had recent elections in April, 2008, pray that the government will gain insight on how to stimulate the economy, create jobs, provide job training, and pay fair wages to the unemployed. Over 30% of this nation lives in poverty. Indonesia - Pray that, in Java and throughout Indonesia, churches will obtain registration and the freedom to operate. Pray that the Lord will teach Christians how to wage war in the heavenlies against the diabolical schemes of the demonic forces. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

Day 11 Laos - Ask God to turn the hearts of world leaders from indifference to indignation regarding the plight of Christian believers, inspiring decisive action. (Proverbs 21:1) Pray for Christians who were arrested in March for holding meetings to be released unharmed and for the Laotian people to have the freedom to openly worship God. Western Sahara - Pray that the Lord will deal with those who have oppressed the Sahrawis, and bring the Sahrawis back to their homeland (Zephaniah 3:19 -20). Pray that the Sahrawis will put their hope in the Lord and will not be discouraged. (Isaiah 35:2-4 and 40:31)

Nepal - Pray over the writing of the new constitution. This pivotal document has the potential to bring stability to the country and put an end to political unrest, bloodshed, social injustice, violence and crime. Pray for healing and reconciliation in Nepal. United Arab Emirates - Pray for the expatriate churches in the UAE to become communities of boldness, clearly reflecting the love of God and the power of Jesus Christ to the surrounding peoples. Pray that the leaders will adhere to the constitution which grants freedom of religion to everyone living in the country. (Daniel 6:26)

Day 14 Albania - Kosovo’s leaders are preparing for the new country’s institutions to take over authority from the United Nations mission soon by signing a new constitution which guarantees protection of the rights of minorities in Kosovo. Pray that the transition from the United Nations mission’s authority, to that of the Albanians, will be without violence. Pray that the new constitution will not only include protection for minorities, but also freedom of religion. Morocco - Pray for the provision of religious education for the children of Christian families. During the United Nations Human Rights Council assessment on Morocco’s rights record last month, Morocco is failing to undertake democratic reforms. Torture is still practiced in Morocco, even though the country said it conformed to international legal standards. Pray that police and security officials will stop torturing prisoners, and pray those who do will be brought to justice. Pray that people will truly be able to change their religion without penalty. Pray for the Moroccan democratic reforms with Biblical principles to be followed.

Day 15 Iraq - Pray that Christians will unite in prayer to defeat every diabolical scheme of satan to bring fear, hatred, violence and strife. Pray for an end to the war. Pray for Iraqi Christians, that they will not be controlled by fear, but will stand strong in their walk with Christ. Pray for the release of untold numbers of people who have been kidnapped over the last several years. Pray for their safety, their speedy release, and for their kidnappers to be brought to justice.

Day 12 Egypt - Pray for vision and resources to equip people for the strategic challenge of reaching Muslims and nominal Christians in the Middle East. Pray that human rights groups will be effective in improving conditions for all Egyptians. (Psalms 82:3-4) Uzbekistan - Pray that God will give Uzbek Christians strength and perseverance in the face of persecution. Pray that the Lord will send Michael and the archangels to overthrow demonic forces causing the persecution of the Church. (Daniel 10:20-21) Pray for Church leaders who are missing, and pray for their safe return, and pray for those causing persecution will be brought to justice.

Sri Lanka - Pray for church leaders, that God will give them wisdom in responding to the current wave of persecution. (Daniel 2:14) The Madhu church is revered by Sri Lankans of all religions, even though it is a Catholic shrine. Pray that all who come to the Madhu Church will come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and King.

Day 16 Israel - Pray that the favor of the Lord and blessings of the Lord to be with the Center for Environmental Diplomacy as they work with both Palestinians and Israelis on projects that will bring environmental awareness and security to shared watersheds of this arid region. Pray that many God ideas will be birthed that will benefit both Israelis and Palestinians. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Tajikistan - Pray that the Christian Church will go to the unreached and bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them.

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Pray that God will raise up mature and anointed Christian leaders, and give them the desire and necessary strategies to see their nation reached with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Day 21 Qatar - Pray for the condition of gifted expatriate pastors of all fellowships, and that they will not be deported. Pray that the new constitution’s provision of religious freedom is interpreted as widely as possible to include respecting an individual’s right to change religion.

Day 17 China - Pray that the Lord will speak to the heart of Chinese President Hu Jintao in his decision on whether to choose dialogue over the hardliners’ repression in Tibet. Pray for Christians being imprisoned for their faith to be released, including children, and for their persecutors to be brought to justice. Djibouti - Pray for Christians to have access to literacy and job training programs so that they can obtain steady work and receive fair wages.

Turkmenistan - Pray for Christian Believers in Turkmenistan who have suffered continuous persecution under the present regime. Even in the midst of severe persecution, pray that the Kingdom of God will be expanded and the church will grow.

Day 22

Day 18

Ethiopia - Many people have come to Ethiopia to escape the violence and bloodshed of Sudan’s civil war. Over 100,000 people live in refugee camps near the border. Pray for their immediate care and health, and for the security of their future. Pray that the newly elected government will halt the persecution of Christians, and bring their persecutors to justice.

Yemen – Pray that church buildings will be permitted across the country as promised in 2001. Pray for the effective restraint of violence across Yemen; there are an estimated three guns for each citizen. Vietnam – Pray that the Good News of Jesus Christ will spread in spite of persecution. Pray for Christians who are being pressured to renounce their faith in Christ and sign a document that would pledge their allegiance to communism and Ho Chi Min.

Day 19 Taiwan – Pray for a spiritual breakthrough for the body of Christ. Pray for power to stand against gambling, entrenched ancestor worship, rising materialism and aggressive opposition from non-Christian religions. Many Christians remain in bondage in these areas. Bahrain - Pray for the Christian Church to move forward in unity and wisdom and that they will understand the times and know how to proceed. Praise God for the Christian bookshops, and pray for appropriately qualified staff, and their protection. Pray for initiatives to massively improve the rights of women.

Day 20 Brunei - The Ministry of Education has sanctioned that all schools under the ministry will be wired for internet access, so that all students, teachers and staff will have greater teaching and learning experience with online resources. Pray that access to websites sharing the Gospel message will not be blocked by the government. Pray that those with internet access will find information about the Lord, and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Lebanon - Because there is more religious freedom in this nation, Lebanon is an important center for Christian ministries across the Middle East. Pray for Christians who are working in these ministries. Pray that indigenous believers residing in Lebanon will not feel the need to emigrate but will stay and minister in their nation.

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Myanmar – The military regime has tried to wipe out the Christian Church, but praise God it continues to grow. Pray that persecuted Christians will stay faithful to God and have courage to share their faith in God with others. Pray that the new Constitution will be fair to all citizens and include freedom of religion and other civil liberties based on Biblical principles.

Day 23 Chad - Muslim nations are sending missionaries in increasing numbers to Chad, and additional mosques are being built. Islam is growing in influence and numbers . Pray that Christians will be equipped to witness to this community. Pray that the regime that murdered and tortured hundreds of thousands will be brought to justice. Algeria - As many as 2.5 million Algerians have left their country and moved to Europe. Pray that they will hear about Jesus Christ, accept Him as Lord and Savior, and share the good news of the Gospel with their friends and families back home. Pray that the government will reopen churches that have been closed, and Christianity will flourish in this land. Pray also for the safety of Christians who are being tricked by undercover police to share their faith, and that the police will become believers in Jesus.

Day 24 Libya - Pray that their will be a change in this country that will lead to a total acceptance of, and better treatment for, Christians. Pray for the current judiciary system, that it will become independent and that the judges and lawyers working in the courts will do what is right and fair according to the principles of the Bible. Malaysia - Thank God that young East Malaysians, Chinese, and Indians are becoming Christians in their schools and universities overseas. Pray that they will receive the discipleship and support they need to grow strong and firm in their faith. There are hints that the Prime Minister of Malaysia Abdullah Badawi will step down and appoint his deputy Najob Razak as the new Prime Minister. Pray that this transition will be peaceful and that the new Prime Minister will follow the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Day 25

Day 29 Oman - Praise for freedom to worship for expatriate Christians. Pray that those excluded from their families because of following Jesus will find nourishing relationships with other Christian believers. (Acts 4:32)

Day 26

Nigeria - Persecution in Nigeria’s northern states has led to the death of thousands of Christians and the destruction of church buildings. Pray that God would comfort all who have lost their families and suffered, and pray that they will be brought to justice who are responsible for the murders.

Kazakhstan - Pray that authorities will cease their harassment of unregistered church communities. Pray that the Church will rise up in its spiritual authority and thwart every diabolical scheme that the devil has planned for their country. (II Corinthians 10:4-5) as planned for their country. (II Corinthians 10:4-5) Tunisia - Pray that Tunisian Christians called to interview with the security police will stand firm in their faith. Pray that the equal economic opportunities and other rights afforded to Tunisian women will be a positive example to other countries in the region, and they will adopt the same rights for women in their countries.

Cambodia - Pray for complete and well-entrenched religious liberty for Christians in Cambodia. Pray against the rise of Buddhist nationalism and that the Christians will be able to freely practice their religion as guaranteed in the constitution. (Psalm 97:7)

Maldives - Pray for a change in the Maldivian constitution to allow for Christians to worship in freedom and peace. Jordan - Pray that God would be a Strong Tower to all who call on His Name, and that they would experience His peace that passes all understanding in the midst of the discrimination they suffer for His sake. Pray for efforts to address honor killing and other Human Rights violations committed against women. Senegal - Pray for Muslim children to be allowed to attend Christian schools, and that young people will have more opportunities to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and accept Him as Savior and King.

Day 30 Eritrea - One-third of the Eritrean population are Tigre, an almost entirely Muslim people group. Pray for the few Tigre who are Christians that they will be powerful witnesses in the lives of their friends, families, and those in their communities. Pray for peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and that the two nations will work together to bring harmony at the adjoining border of their countries.

Day 27 Turkey - While it’s illegal for adults to proselytize anyone under 18, young people do not have this same restriction. Pray that Turkish Christian Youth will boldly share the Gospel with others, and they will receive the training they need to disciple new believers. Pray for an end to discrimination against Christians over jobs. North Korea - Pray for true religious freedom, and that people will be able to worship the one and only True God without restriction. Pray for Christians in North Korea that the Lord will protect them from persecution, that they will remain bold in their faith, and that their persecutors will be brought to justice.

Day 28 Somalia - Believers are at risk when serving Christ in Somalia. Pray for those who are sharing the Gospel, and they would have courage to remain steadfast despite potential persecution. Pray for encouragement and strength for the Christians remaining in Somalia, and for those who have been forced to leave their homes. Pakistan - Persecution and intimidation try to keep Christians living in fear. Pray that they would stand firm in the authority of Jesus Christ, and have the courage to share their faith despite the troubles they face. Jordan - Pray that God would be a strong tower to all who call on His Name, and that they would know His peace, protection, and purpose amidst the discrimination they suffer for His sake. Pray for the church to rise up in her authority, and demand that evangelical Christians would no longer be deported from their country, and that true freedom of religion will be practiced in Jordan.

May 2008

Tibet - Pray for the nation of Tibet as China’s leaders decide whether to respond to Tibetan grievances with increased repression, or dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Syria - Pray that God will grant an expansion of the economy that will provide meaningful employment for all. Tourism has increased over 20%; pray that tourists will inquire about religious freedom in the country and that the government will take heed and bring an end to religious persecution. Mongolia - Pray that the young Church in this nation will be taught the Word of God and that discipleship training will transform their lives, and they will transform their nation preaching the Kingdom of God.

Day 31 East Timor - Pray that the Word of God will take deep root into the lives of both Catholic and Protestant Christians, and that many will become fully devoted, spirit-filled followers of Jesus Christ. The Gambia – Praise God that in this predominantly Muslim country there is friendly protection and accommodation of the Christian minority. Pray that nominal Christians experience revival and a new zeal to reach out to the Muslim majority expanding God’s Kingdom on earth. (Romans 12:11-12) West Bank & Gaza Strip – Ask the Lord to give the “West Bank” (Judea and Samaria) settlers wisdom and strength to present their case to the nation. Give the rest of the nation a heart for the settlers. Pray that Believers will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

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Young Ye-ling sang to the Lord at the top of her small voice. She knew she was to sing quietly, but she couldn’t help herself. God had spared her life! Nine-year-old Ye-ling was the second child to be born into her family. In China, each family was allowed to have only one child. That was all. And it was considered better to have a boy than to have a girl. But the local authorities that made sure each family had only one child never discovered Ye-ling. Just today, she had heard another story of a family whose second baby was killed. This happened again and again. So many mothers in their underground church had been forced to give up their babies. Other families would leave their girl babies somewhere and never come back to get them. Ye-ling had been taught by her father and mother that all children were precious in the sight of God. “Thank you, Lord, for saving me,” she prayed. “Please, Father, save the other children, too.” Please pray that all Chinese children will be considered precious and that Christians will be able to openly worship without persecution.

Prayer by Katyln, Age 11 Dear Father, I pray that Christians will be able to be free with their belief in Jesus and that they won’t have to hide in underground churches any more. I pray that parents won’t have to get rid of their children because they are only allowed to have one child. Lord God, I ask that the government will find a better way to have more space and room for all the people that live in China. I pray that orphanages will be able to get more money to make them a better place for the children that live there. I also ask, Lord, that more people will come to know Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen

May 2008

CULTURE CORNER // NIN GAO (STICKY RICE CAKES) INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups water 2 1/2 cups brown sugar 1/2 cup vegetable oil

4 1/2 cups sweet rice flour (available in Asian markets) 3 dried dates

TO PREPARE: 1. Stir together water, brown sugar, and vegetable oil in bowl. 2. Add the rice flour and mix thoroughly. 3. Transfer the mixture into an 8-inch round pan. Set the dates in the middle. 4. Fill a large pot with 1 inch of water and bring to a slow boil. Carefully set the pan in the water. Cover lightly with aluminum foil, bringing it to a higher point in the middle. This will keep condensation from dripping onto the cake. Gently steam the mixture for about 50 minutes. Be careful not to let the water boil over into the Nin Gao. Let cake cool before cutting and serving. CHINA FACTS Capital City: Beijing Official Language: Mandarin Chinese Religious Freedom? Constitutionally, but in practice it is government controlled. Main Religion: Non-religious Fun Fact: China has more people than any other country!

M E M O RY V E R S E “Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift; the fruit of the womb His generous legacy? Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you; you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep. (Psalm 127:3-5 The Message Bible)

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chinese consulates in the United States until the Olympic Games begin on August 8, 2008. Pray for: • Pray against the statewide enforced idolatry and repression of religious freedom in North Korea. Pray that the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit would, not only be allowed to be spoken again in North Korea, but that it would be mightily glorified. • Pray for the salvation of North Korea leader Kim Jong Il and Chinese highranking officials. • Religious freedom to be allowed in China and North Korea. • God’s strength and power to sustain those imprisoned for their faith. Pray for their release. • Verifiable stories, pictures and video footage to be released exposing to the world the treatment of Christians in both of these countries ruled by tyrannical leaders. • God to use the Olympics to expose the horrific human rights violations of Christians and bring true religious freedom to Chinese Christians. Pray that Chinese Christians globally are vigilant in demanding the freedom of religion in China. • Pray that Christians will be used by God to bring Kingdom transformation to China and North Korea. • God to activate Isaiah 49:24-26 over Christians in these countries who are being terrorized by these ungodly governments. Sourced: Mission Network News, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Open Doors, The Christian Post

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May 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 9

Afghanistan: Prayer needed for increasing number of kidnappings


ministry in Afghanistan said prayer is needed to stop an increasing number of kidnappings.

“Within the past couple of weeks, 25 or so wealthy Heratis and/or their children have been kidnapped,” Umaru, not his real name, wrote in an e-mail to WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK. “The wealthy families have become virtual prisoners in their own homes—afraid to venture out for fear of being kidnapped and held for ransom.

“Families are refusing to pay ransom as a way to curtail or stop all together these kidnappings.” Umaru noted that the government claims they don’t know the kidnappers, so there is nothing they can do to stop it. “The people here don’t buy that argument and so all of the doctors in Herat are demonstrating and have gone on strike and many shop owners have joined them by keeping their

May 2008

shops closed,” Umaru said. “Foreign aid workers are also in danger of being kidnapped. Please kindly stand with us in prayer.” Pray for: • President Hamid Karzi to stand up as a leader of his country and protect all those living in Afghanistan that have been entrusted into his care, no matter their religious believes, nationality, economic or educational status. • President Karzi to be pressured by world leaders, and the government to feel enough pressure to go after the kidnappers and bring them to justice. Pray Mark 4:22 to expose who the kidnappers are and where they are hiding. Pray that the kidnappings will cease immediately. • God to comfort and protect those who have been kidnapped and their families with His peace, love and mercy. Pray that God gives the citizens of Herat the strength they need to demand protection and justice. • Doctors and other locals to remain steadfast in their efforts to pressure the government into action. Pray that God blesses them for standing up for righteousness. • God to protect His servants in Herat from evil and harm. Pray Psalm 35 over the situation. Sourced: Verified not disclosed

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Do you have a story from the 10/40 Window that you believe would be an encouragement to others? Perhaps you have a testimony you’d like to share on how the LORD used you to impact the 10/40 Window through the ministry of Window International Network, or maybe you have a testimony on the power of prayer? Please write us today, We look forward to hearing from you!

win@win1040.com May 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 11

Gateway Partner: Ted Beckett’s ministry, the Center for Environmental Diplomacy (CED, www.CEDsite. org), has been working with both Palestinians and Israelis on projects that bring environmental awareness and security to shared watersheds of the arid region. Ted and his wife, Audrey, were the first donors to support WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK (WIN). “Ted and Audrey Beckett have been friends of WIN for over 10 years,” WIN President Beverly Pegues said. “Ted was a great encouragement for me when WIN graduated from being a subsidiary of New Life Church in 1999. Audrey has accompanied me on prayer journeys to India, Indonesia, Malaysia and the refugee camps in a North Africa country.” Washington, D.C.- based CED was launched in 1997 on one of Beckett’s frequent trips to Israel when the Lord spoke to him: “I’m coming soon, and I’m not coming for a polluted land.” More than 2,500 years ago, God alerted His prophet Ezekiel to the need for water in the region and impending disaster, giving him a unique remedy to save the region. Without having either the vocabulary or understanding of 21st century technology, Ezekiel predicted that a water supply from the Mediterranean Sea (Ezekiel 47:10) would be the answer to saving the Dead Sea. Beckett’s primary focus is to fulfill Ezekiel’s vision by creating what could arguably be called the world’s largest environmental project. Beckett’s insight on a modern day fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy is to drill a tunnel from the Mediterranean Sea into a dam to be constructed in Wadi, about one mile West of Qumran (site of the Dead Sea Scrolls). In five to seven years, the Dead Sea could be revived with a new 80-foot layer of Mediterranean seawater, which Ezekiel says will host a multitude of fish (Ezekiel 47:9-10).

May 2008

Center for Environmental Diplomacy Pray for: • A peace accord between Israelis and the Palestinians, which will be required and monitored by the international funders of the project. • Prosperity to come as thousands of Palestinians and Israelis will be employed. • An endless supply of water for drinking and agriculture to be created out of an unlimited supply of seawater for this arid region. • Thousands of megawatts of electricity to be generated without using a single barrel of petroleum. • Psalm 11:2-3 and Psalm 91 protection over Beckett and his associates as they endeavor to fulfill the vision the Lord has given them. • The success of the CED projects and that God will give Beckett and his associates wisdom and protection as they work in this volatile area.

The 10/40 Window Reporter 12

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