The 10/40 Reporter May 2010

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May 2010 Edition


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ccording to the “2020 World Muslim Population,” there are currently about 300 million Muslims living in Africa. That is approximately one-third of the population of the entire continent. About one-third of the Muslim population lives in West Africa. Mauritania, which is considered part of West Africa, is listed as 100% Muslim. This is expressed in the nation’s formal name – the Islamic Republic of Mauritania – and its flag, which contains a yellow crescent and star against a green background. The crescent and star are the symbols of Islam and green is its official color. Situated on the western coast of Africa, Mauritania bridges the gap between the staunchly Muslim north and the increasingly Muslim sub-Saharan Africa. Islam is on the move throughout the continent – migrating south with great determination and ferocity. Counterterrorism experts say this nation also “plays a key role in maintaining peace and security” in the SahelSahara region. It has become a headquarters for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Originally from Algeria,

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the group joined al-Qaeda in 2006 and has been expanding throughout North Africa since that time. One journalist described the spread of terrorism in North Africa as follows: “The terrorism that Tunisia experienced in the 1980s erupted in Algeria in the 1990s. The wave of terrorist activity later spread west to Morocco. Then in 2005 Mauritania to the south became engulfed in the political violence sweeping north Africa.” Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Mouloud recently observed, “We can’t say that poverty is a cause of terrorism because Mauritania has long been a poor country just like many Arab countries. But we have never seen this phenomenon before.” Because the population is nearly completely Muslim and because terrorism is on the rise in Mauritania, the remnant of Believers in this country faces great persecution. “Freedom of religion,” says Voice of the Martyrs, “is non-existent in this one-party state where Islam has dominated for 1000 years.” Christian materials are outlawed and choosing to follow Jesus Christ is punishable by death. Even showing an interest in Christianity can result in arrest, torture, and execution. ©2010 Window International Network

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The only hope for Mauritania is Jesus Christ. As His Kingdom comes to the hearts of the people of this nation, Islam and terrorism will be defeated.

PRAY FOR: • the stronghold of Islam, that has for a millennium kept the people of Mauritania bound in chains of false religion, to be destroyed. Pray for the Light of the Gospel to shine into and penetrate every area of this dark nation. (The Bible, John 8:12) • the Holy Spirit to stir hearts, giving Mauritanians a hunger for the One True Living God. Pray for soft fertile soil where the seed of the Word will be well received and bear fruit in the hearts of the lost. (The Bible, Matthew 13:3-9) • the lies of Islam to be exposed and for the Truth of Jesus Christ to prevail in this land. (The Bible, John 10:10)

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You may not recognize the name Druk Yul. It means “land of the thunder dragon.” That’s what the people of Bhutan call their nation. The modern name – Bhutan – is believed to have been derived from Sanskrit. It means either “highlands” or “at the end of Tibet.” Both are accurate since the nation is located at the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains, directly below Tibet.


he early history of Bhutan remains a mystery thanks to a fire that destroyed many of the written records in 1827. What is known is that Buddhism and Buddhist monks had a powerful impact on the formation of this nation. This false religious system arrived in the 7th century AD, was promoted by a variety of Mongol warlords, and was used by a Tibetan lama as a means of achieving unity. One legend says that hundreds of Buddhist temples were built throughout Tibet/Bhutan in an effort to subdue a demoness. After national demarcations were mapped out, only two of these turned out to be within the Bhutanese borders. The temple in Bumthang is considered one of the most sacred in the region. The other, at Paro, includes a famous cliff-side monastery known as “Tiger’s Nest.” Despite the passage of time and the introduction of technology (television, radio, internet, phones…) in the second half of the 20th century, Bhutan continues to be dominated by a form of Tibetan Buddhism mixed with primitive folk religions that involve occult practices. As one observer notes, this nation “represents one of the world’s most remote and spiritually darkened lands.” Yet God is at work in Bhutan. In answer to untold numbers of prayers, age-old demonic strongholds are beginning to fall. Though it is still officially Buddhist – and closed to missionary work – the Gospel is spreading through the land. The number of those who have chosen to receive the Good News and put their faith in Jesus Christ is growing. Believers face a daunting threat of persecution (loss of government benefits, education and jobs, as well as mistreatment by family and friends), but are courageously declaring their faith and refusing to compromise.

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Bhutan is ranked number 12 on the Open Doors 2010 World Watch List of worst persecutor of Christians in the world. PRAY FOR: ✚✚ the stronghold of Buddhism to be demolished in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Pray for the Light of the Gospel to shine brightly throughout Bhutan. Pray for those held captive by false religion and demonic bondage to be immediately released and quickly receive the deliverance, freedom, and salvation found only in Jesus Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4) ✚✚ the “dragon” this nation takes its Bhutanese name from, as well as the “demoness” responsible for the two principle temples, to be dethroned and for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in this land. Pray for the Lord of Hosts to war on behalf of this spiritually imprisoned land, bringing freedom to the captives and sight to the blind. (The Bible, Psalm 24:7-10) ✚✚ the people of Bhutan to hear and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for missionaries to use new and inventive ways of communicating the Truth of Jesus Christ to this isolated nation. (The Bible, II Thessalonians 3:1) ✚✚ multitudes of Bhutanese to be set free from demonic influences and oppression. Pray that the Bhu- ©2010 Window International Network

tanese will turn from the deception of satan and believe the reality that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead to secure their salvation. Pray for the people of Bhutan to deny Buddhism and fully put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I John 3:8) ✚✚ the Kingdom of God to come in great power and splendor to this nation. Pray for God’s Kingdom rule and reign to come in Bhutan as it is in Heaven. (The Bible, Psalm 145:120) Sourced: “Strongholds of the 10/40 Window” (George Otis, Jr.),, Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, Wikipedia.

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un, sand and sea, a thousand islands, massive lagoons with different depths and infinite shades of blue and turquoise, dazzling underwater coral gardens….”1 This description from the Visit Maldives website makes the nation sound like paradise. Pictures confirm this is very close to reality. Located southwest of Sri Lanka just above the equator, Maldives is an archipelago of 1,190 islands. Two hundred and two of these are inhabited and 87 are “resort islands.” The islands have been populated for thousands of years, first by Buddhists, then Muslims, then the Portuguese and Dutch. They became a British protectorate in 1887, gaining independence in 1965. Although it stretches across 511 miles of the Indian Ocean, Maldives is the smallest nation in three categories: Asian population, Asian land size, and among Muslim nations. It also boasts the lowest high point above sea level – just 2.3 meters. The main source of income in this nation is tourism. However, that may soon change. Because of rising sea levels, it is possible that the islands will soon be totally underwater. Some estimate a massive rise in sea level could take place by 2100. This has motivated President Mohamed Nasheed to begin actively looking for a new homeland for his people in places like India, Sri Lanka, and Australia. It is interesting to note that the islands get their name from the Arabic word mahal, which means “palace.” Given the Muslim influence in this nation, it could be considered a palace (or seat of power) of Islam. TERRORISM In 2007, intelligence experts discovered evidence that Ansar Al Mujahideen, a terrorist organization believed to be associated with al-Qaeda, was

operating in Maldives. They were believed to be recruiting by means of the internet. Maldivian terrorists have also been arrested in other nations. “The reported expansion of Al Qaeda’s arc of jihadi operations to the Maldives should be of concern to India, Sri Lanka, the US, Singapore and the international maritime community,” wrote Indian government official, B. Raman. “The Maldives have many uninhabited islands, which could be used by Al Qaeda, not only for training jihadi terrorists, but also for mounting a major act of maritime terrorism….”2 PERSECUTION Despite its beautiful appearance, the Maldives is one of the most spiritually oppressed nations in the world. It is a Muslim stronghold that continues to stubbornly resist the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The citizens are isolated on islands and tourists visit only briefly. So far, there has been no prolonged proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Maldives. Islam is the official religion and evangelism is prohibited. “All citizens must be Muslim or lose citizenship,” re-

ports The Voice of the Martyrs. “…Islam is the basis of all law in the country and all parliamentary members must be Muslim.”3 Any tourists caught sharing the Gospel are expelled and Maldivians who choose to convert from Islam to Christianity are arrested. A new translation of the Koran is due to be released soon, and the president has promised that every resident will receive a copy. PRAISE While evangelism and missions outreach are strictly prohibited, Christian radio broadcasts in Divehi (the Maldivian language) are now beginning to reach the population with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. PRAY ✚✚ Pray for the smothering cloak of Islam to be rendered powerless, and for the Maldivians to have their eyes opened to the glory of and to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Isaiah 9:2) ✚✚ Pray in the Lord will open doors that will allow people to freely tell others about

and lead them to a relationship with Christ Jesus. Pray the government will immediately lift the restrictions and ban any laws that would prevent Christians from practicing and sharing their Faith with others. Pray the government will allow tentmakers and missionaries to enter the country, and pray they will not be persecuted. (The Bible, Colossians 4:2,3) ✚✚ Pray the Lord will show the Maldivians how to seek a safe physical home that will not be flooded by rising sea levels. Pray they will also seek their eternal home and they will choose to spend it with Jesus.. (The Bible, Philippians 3:20) ✚✚ Pray the Lord will give the governmental leaders wisdom on a solution to have a safe place for the Maldivians to live that is high enough above sea level that they will be able to continue as a country. ✚✚ Pray for the eradication of poverty in the Maldives. ✚✚ Pray for organizations such as al-Qaeda and Ansar Al Mujahideen to be driven from the islands, through the coastlands, and find no rest. Pray for them to be quickly be brought to justice and for their hearts to be turned to God. (The Bible, Proverbs 2:12-15) ✚✚ Pray for Believers to stand strong in the Faith and boldly witness the Good News of the Kingdom of God – even under the threat of arrest or deportation. Pray for God to be with them as they share Jesus Christ with their Muslim neighbors and friends. Pray

they will be both invisible and invincible to the enemy. (The Bible, I Corinthians 16:13,14)


✚✚ Pray for this tropical paradise to become known as a place where citizens and visitors can come to receive Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, John 3:16) Sources include: World Factbook, BBC News, Wikipedia, The Voice of the Martyrs, IntelliBriefs 1 “Maldives: the sunny side of life,” www.visitmaldives. com/ 2 B. Raman, “Al Qaeda in Maldives – International Terrorism Monitor,” IntelliBriefs, November 19, 2007. 3 The Persecuted Church Global Report 2009, The Voice of the Martyrs, p. 18.

MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA ÌÌ Population: 396,334 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Mohamed “Anni” Nasheed ÌÌ Christians: <1.00% ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Islam ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 6th

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ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: None Listed ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 1; Casualties: 0 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: Insufficient Data to Rank ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: 21% ©2010 Window International Network

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PRAYER Points MAY 2010


INDIA, SOUTH ASIA - Human traffickers are disguising themselves as missionaries and evangelists in Northeast India in order to exploit children. In January 2010, 70 children were discovered in Manipur and Nagaland. They had been kidnapped, were undernourished, and some had been molested and abused. “Families… are reportedly sending their children off into the hands of traffickers who promise them an education or employment.” Pray for the Lord to move on behalf of these children. Pray for them to be protected from those posing as missionaries and for the Lord to give parents wisdom in recognizing these wicked people. Pray for unity among Believers and for them to keep watch over the children together. Pray for the Body of Christ throughout India to proclaim and demonstrate God’s love to their neighbors, friends, and even their enemies. Pray for the Kingdom of God to continue expanding and advancing through this nation. Pray for many multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA - In March 2010, Mauritania engaged in talks with other North African nations aimed at bringing an end to terrorism in the region. The Mauritanian Foreign Minister joined representatives from Algeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya, Mali, and Niger to “hammer out a joint plan of action for tackling the growing threat from al Qaeda insurgents.” Without peace and security, the participants agreed, there can be no development. Praise the Lord for the way He is working in these nations, bringing unity against the common threat of terrorism. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom in planning defensive and offensive measures and for their efforts to be effective. Pray for al-Qaeda related organizations (such as alQaeda in the Islamic Maghreb) to be defeated and driven out of North Africa and end all acts of terrorism. Pray for the safety of Mauritania and for the people to see the evil perpetrated by these extremists and begin questioning the validity and truth of Islam. Pray for world events to be used by the Father to give them a hunger for and to receive His Son. Pray for the people of Mauritania to be rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

DAY 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA - In April 2010, Sudan held its first multi-party elections since 1986. While the government claims voting

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went well, observers have reported that the election was plagued by “serious irregularities.” Opposition leaders also accused the government of stuffing ballot boxes- and produced a video to prove it. The National Elections Commission has dismissed the video as a fake and is refusing to investigate. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders in this divided, war-torn nation who will seek healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation between people groups and regions. Pray for the election results to be fair and accepted without violence. Pray for protection for Christians from those who hate them and desire to eradicate them. Pray that Believers will love their enemies and pray for those who mistreat them. Pray for Muslims throughout Sudan hear and respond positively to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA - The Kandahar Province of Afghanistan (located in the southeast of the nation) is reportedly “sliding into lawlessness” after a powerful Taliban offensive forced Afghan troops to pull back. The killing of the provincial minister of information and culture in February 2010 was believed to be a statement by the Taliban, warning the government that no one is safe. “Bombings and assassinations,” the Associated Press reported, “have left the government largely isolated behind concrete barricades and blast walls.” Thirty people were also killed in Kandahar in a February suicide bombing. Pray for the Lord to intervene in the war in Afghanistan. Pray for Him to give the leaders of Afghan and Allied troops wisdom in combating and defeating the Taliban. Pray for Taliban supply lines of arms and financing to be cut off and for their ranks to diminish and waste away. Pray for the people of Afghanistan to be protected from the demonic destruction of terrorism. Pray for this time of relative openness to be used to reach the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Afghanistan in great power, as it is in Heaven.

DAY 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA According to a report released in March 2010, Kuwait has not taken the steps necessary to stop government corruption and human trafficking within its borders. “The Kuwaiti government has failed to strictly implement a law mandating criminal penalties for official corruption,” the report said, and “trafficking in persons is also a serious problem.” Pray for the leaders of this nation to take these issues seriously and take practical steps to bring an end to government corruption and human trafficking. Pray for the Lord to move in the hearts of ©2010 Window International Network

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officials, convicting them of their sin, leading them to repentance, and bring them to salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray for revival to sweep through the government and for the Holy Spirit to draw people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. Pray for Kuwait to become a Godly example of honesty, integrity, and justice in the Middle East. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA - Human rights groups have accused the government of Bangladesh of ignoring the plight of thousands from Myanmar who have taken refuge within their borders. The Rohingya people, who left Myanmar to escape persecution, are now being left to starve in Bangladeshi refugee camps. The government has reportedly prevented necessary aid from being delivered to the Rohingya, and has conducted “arbitrary arrests, illegal expulsions, and forced internment.” It is now estimated that 200,000 Rohingya are living in camps described as “open-air prisons.” Pray for the Lord to move in the hearts of the Bangladeshi government, giving them compassion and mercy to immediately release these people from prison. Pray the Lord will provide nutritious food and clean water for them. Pray the Believers of Bangladesh will reach out to the Rohingya, ministering to their needs and sharing the Gospel with them. Pray for all aid needed to enter the camps on a regular bases and to reach the people in time. Pray for this displacement and suffering to be used to glorify God, drawing multitudes of Bangladeshi and Rohingya into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

DAY 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA - On February 6, 2010, a 6.6 earthquake hit thYet another strong earthquake rocked Japan on March 14, 2010, the third in just over two months. The 6.6 quake was centered off the eastern coast and shook buildings through much of the country, including Tokyo. Japan is considered one of the most “earthquake-prone” nations in the world. Pray for this succession of earth movements to speak to the people of Japan of God’s sovereignty and their need for a Savior, and pray they will be awakened from worldliness and materialism. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move throughout this nation, softening hearts, convicting of sin, and drawing multitudes of Japanese into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA - After weathering political assassinations in 2009, the nation of Guinea-Bissau now seems to be entering a new season. In March 2010, a United Nations representative called it a “window of opportunity” and said, “Current conditions bode well for progress towards peace and prosperity.” Pray for lasting stability in Guinea-Bissau. Pray for leaders who will serve sacrificially, seeking the good of the people and God’s Kingdom. Pray for the Prince of Peace to rule and reign in hearts, establishing true lasting peace. Pray for Christian Believers to share the Gospel with boldness as they are led of the LORD and for aid agencies to help those who are suffering from poverty—ministering to their physical and spiritual

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needs. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Guinea-Bissau as it is in Heaven.

DAY 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA - Though Bhutan is now a constitutional monarchy rather than an absolute monarchy, it continues to be the only nation in the world that is officially Buddhist. Calling itself “the Buddhist Kingdom,” it depends upon monks to encourage and enforce the policy of Gross National Happiness. The people of Bhutan (or at least, the rulers) believe Buddhism is the key to wholeness and to people’s contentment. Pray for this demonic deception to be exposed and for the people to be set free to know true and lasting joy which is found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for this isolated, enemy-held territory to be invaded by the Kingdom of God. Pray for the remnant of Believers to be protected and share the Gospel with boldness when prompted by the Holy Spirit. Pray for the veil covering Bhutan to be demolished by the Blood of Jesus. Pray for the Lord to open the minds of multitudes of Buddhists to see and receive the Light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA - As the government of Saudi Arabia slowly moves away from some of its time-honored Islamic practices, it is meeting great resistance from Islamic traditionalists. The latest point of contention is the subject of child marriage. The practice was made popular by Muhammad himself who had dozens of wives, some as young as 6 yearsold. “The lives of thousands of little girls are being destroyed,” one journalist observed. “For centuries, clerics on the Arabian peninsula have been issuing execution orders for religious ‘crimes;’ women have been marginalized and punished to protect male malefactors; parents have sold littler girls, too young to ride a bike, to elderly men.” Pray for the Lord to convict the hearts of the Saudi Arabian people—especially Islamic traditionalists—and cause them to realize how barbaric their customs and the rules of Shari’a law really are. Pray for children and women to be immediately protected from any and all further acts of human rights abuse. Pray for the bondage of Islam in Saudi Arabia to be demolished in the name of Jesus, and for every Saudi to accept Christ as their personal Savior and LORD.

DAY 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA - In March 2010, Guinea’s new leader, General Sekouba Konate issued a “solemn warning” to any members of the army who might be planning to interfere with the nation’s transition to a civil government. Aware that officers have been holding secret meetings, Konate said he “will not allow the military to undermine plans for a return to constitutional rule with a new election scheduled for June.” Pray for General Konate to keep his pledge to restore order and democracy in this land. Pray for him to be protected from anyone who might be plotting a ©2010 Window International Network

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(Guinea continued) coup, and any plans that are not of the Lord will not come to pass. Pray for stability to this nation and provision for the people. Pray for an immediate end to corruption and violence in this government. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA - In March 2010, an estimated 100,000 people demonstrated in the streets of Bangkok, demanding that the Parliament dissolve and new elections be held. The protesters, dressed in red, were members of the Red Shirt party who want to see former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra reinstated as the nation’s leader. Shinawatra was driven out by a coup in 2006 for “alleged corruption and abuse of power.” Pray for peace and stability in this nation. Pray for the Lord to raise up the leaders of His choosing to lead Thailand. Pray for the Holy Spirit to awaken hearts and give the people of Thailand a hunger for the presence of the Lord. Pray for Believers to boldly share the Gospel and take it to the streets with as much passion as those who are demonstrating for political issues. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Thailand with great signs and wonders, and for the people of Thailand to put their faith and trust only in Jesus Christ.

DAY 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA - Niger’s President Mamadou Tanja was driven from power by a military coup in February 2010. The junta now in control has assured the people of Niger, as well as the United Nations and African Union, that it will “soon restore democracy.” Citizens celebrated the coup by crowding in the streets. There were reportedly thousands of demonstrators, many with signs expressing their support. Pray for immediate political stability to be restored in Niger, and for all corruption from any government to no longer exist and be replaced with integrity and a heart for service for the people. Pray for the junta to deal fairly with the people and step aside when officials are elected. Pray the Lord’s choice of government to rule Niger. Pray for this new political season in Niger to become a new spiritual season as well. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open blind eyes and lead multitudes to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA - Violent protests in April 2010 resulted in more than 80 deaths and forced Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiev from office. Angered by what they perceived as excessive corruption and repression, rioters drove Bakiev out of the capital of Bishkek. Though Bakiev claims to have retained power, an interim government is gaining the support of regional leaders. Pray for peace in Kyrgyzstan. Pray for the corruption and repression to be brought to an end. Pray for men and women of integrity to be given positions of authority. Pray for stability and Believers to be protected from violent retaliation, and for revival in this nation and renewal in the Church. Pray for the

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Gospel to reach and be received by every ethnic group and for the people of Kyrgyzstan to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.

DAY 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST - Persecution against Christians in Iran continues to escalate. Since the start of 2010, dozens of Believers have been arrested, some of them detained. In many cases, bail is set so high, it cannot possibly be met and those in jail are not allowed to contact family members. Pray for those who are now imprisoned to experience the presence of Jesus Christ, and receive His Wisdom on how to witness to others who are in jail and guards. Pray for their families to be comforted and provided for, and all Believers in Iran to live without fear, trusting in the power and love of the Lord. Pray for the immediate release of those who have been arrested, and for Believers to be allowed to meet and worship together freely without back lash or retaliation from the . Pray for the authorities to encounter Jesus Christ and for a great harvest of souls in Iran to come to the Lord today. BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA Hostages kidnapped by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and held in Burkina Faso were released in March 2010. The AQIM took the hostages in December 2009, demanding the release of members imprisoned in Mauritania. “The threat posed by terrorist groups in the Sahel is being taken very seriously,” one report said, after AQIM killed a British hostage in June 2009. Pray for an immediate end to the AQIM. Pray for their funding, resources, arms, and their ability to train and recruit others to come to nothing, and for every plan of the AQIM to fail. Pray for the wisdom of God to flow through the government of Burkina Faso and other North African nations for strategies to be put into action to defeat terrorism in this region. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Burkina Faso, to every people group, and for multitudes of Burkinabe to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

DAY 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA - A French aid worker spent 15 years in Mali before being abducted by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). When he was released after a threemonth ordeal, he told reporters his kidnappers beat him and continually attempted to convert him to Islam. “They are fanatics,” he said, “dangerous fools.” Pray for the protection of expatriates, humanitarian aid workers, and the citizens of Mali. Pray for the government of Mali to use discernment in dealing with and negotiating with AQIM and other groups. Pray for the people of Mali to see the evil in the attitudes, beliefs, and actions of the terrorists and turn away from extremist Islam. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open blind eyes and deaf ears to the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Mali as it is in Heaven. ©2010 Window International Network

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AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA According to a recent news report, “nearly a quarter of Iran’s population is ethnically Azeri and many of them claim their rights are being trampled on by Tehran, increasing tension between Iran and Azerbaijan. “ The Azeri are the largest minority in Iran and actually outnumber the Azeri in Azerbaijan—who make up 90% of the population there. Pray for peace between these nations. Pray for the Gospel to be preached to the Azeri (classified as an unreached people group) in both Azerbaijan and Iran. Pray for the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on this part of the world, drawing multitudes of Azeri into His Kingdom. Pray for Jesus Christ to be proclaimed and exalted in Azerbaijan and throughout Central and Southwest Asia.

DAY 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA - With the help of the United Nations, the nation of Benin is starting a program called “Africa with Haiti.” The project was officially launched by President Yayi Boni and seeks to “foster the access to secondary and university education among Haitian pupils and students.” This is an ambitious undertaking, especially given Benin’s economic standing as one of the poorest nations in the world. Pray for the success of this program. Pray for this example of compassion from a poverty-stricken people to inspire other nations in Africa and around the globe to offer assistance to hurting nations such as Haiti. Pray for the bondage of voodoo in both of these countries to be demolished and for people to be set free from this false religion. Pray for blind eyes and minds to be opened to receive the Gospel of Christ. Pray the powers of darkness, that have for so long kept Benin in bondage to permanently loose their hold off of this nation and banished into the abyss, and the presence of God will remain in this land . . . Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Benin as it is in Heaven. INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA - A Saudi man is accused of helping finance thThree members of Jemaah Islamiah (JI), an Indonesian terrorist group, were killed in a raid near Jakarta in March 2010. Other suspected members were also arrested in the government’s push to eradicate terrorists in the Aceh province. One of the men killed by authorities was identified as Dulmatin, a top-ranking JI bomb specialist. Pray for the wisdom of God to be with the Indonesian government in their quest to eradicate JI and other groups affiliated with al-Qaeda. Pray for these operations to, not only result in the arrest and imprisonment of terrorists, but cause other militants to panic and flee the region., and for the JI to be defeated in Indonesia and unable to organize elsewhere. Pray for the protection of the Christian Believers in Indonesia and for the Gospel to be preached and received throughout the nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Indonesia and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

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DAY 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA - According to human rights groups, Hmong refugees expelled from Thailand are being mistreated by the Laotian government. The Hmong are reportedly “confined in isolated villages inaccessible to international news media and rights groups.” Pray the government of Laos will allow aid to reach the refugee camps immediately. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to minister to their physical and spiritual needs. Pray for Believers among the Hmong to be bold in sharing their faith as the Lord leads them. Pray the joy of the Lord to be their strength. Pray for the Gospel to be made known and received throughout Laos and for leaders, citizens, and every people group to have the to positively respond to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA Pressure is mounting for Morocco to allow the Sahrawi to return to their homeland. The European Union recently joined in the “demands for more rights progress” on behalf of the Sahrawi. Yet Morocco considers Western Sahara “part of Morocco socially, historically, economically and in language.” Pray for the immediate release of Western Sahara from the control of Morocco. Pray every Sahrawi will receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully among the Sahara living in the desert. Pray for a great awakening to the things of God as Sahrawi’s put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

DAY 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA - Although Egypt is officially a secular nation,After six Christians and one Muslim were gunned down in southern Egypt in January 2010, mobs demonstrated in the streets, wreaking havoc and damaging businesses and homes. Three suspects were arrested and charged with the murders. They appeared in court in February 2010, pleading not guilty. Pray for those who have lost loved ones in the ongoing violence between religious groups to be comforted and strengthened, and accept Christ into their hearts. Pray for them to forgive the killers. Pray for the hearts of those responsible for these and other similar attacks to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and repent of their evil ways Pray the Lord will reveal Himself to Muslims throughout Egypt through dreams, visions, and the bold witness of Believers. Pray for the Kingdom to come to Egypt, as it is in Heaven. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA - The Uzbekistan government’s oppression of Christians continued in January 2010 with the arrest of a church leader and two female Believers. Authorities interrupted their prayer meeting in a private home, searched the house and took the three Christians into custody. The leader was then beaten and ©2010 Window International Network

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(Uzbekistan continued) the two women were stripped and tortured with electric shocks. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Uzbekistan. Pray for the immediate release of every Christian Believer being held for the cause of Christ. Pray for the Lord Himself to be present with them giving them strength, hope, and His wisdom to persevere against fierce persecution, and them to be reminded that He will never leave them or forsake them. Pray as they suffering for Christ it will be a powerful testimony to the authorities in Uzbekistan. Pray for leaders in the government, policemen and prison guards to encounter Jesus Christ and be transformed forever. Pray for an immediate end to the ongoing oppression of Believers. Pray the testimony of the persecuted will be a seed that will bring forth a great harvest of souls that will be harvested throughout every part of this nation. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

DAY 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA - In the aftermath of the collapse of the Maoist government (2009), General Chatraman Singh Gurung, the head of the military in Nepal, is refusing to accept a large group of Maoist guerrillas (multiple thousands) who are attempting to enlist. Though willing to consider them for positions in other security forces, he will not allow them into the military en masse. As one journalist noted, “Gurung’s statement is bound to trigger Maoist anger.” Pray for peace in this volatile political environment. Pray for the government of Nepal to have the wisdom of the Lord in dealing with every opposition group. Pray for the Maoists to resist the urge to react in anger or stage a coup attempt. Pray the Father God will soften their hearts and draw them into relationship with His Son. Pray the revival in Nepal to grow, swell, and spread across ethnic and political lines, setting free those held captive by enemy lines. Pray for the Kingdom to come in Nepal as it is in Heaven. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULA - In March 2010, the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced that they will “respect any international sanctions that could be imposed

by the UN Security Council on Iran.” Though still hopeful that diplomacy will prove effective, the minister expressed concern about Iran’s nuclear program and implored Iran to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Pray for the leaders of the UAE to use wisdom in dealing with terrorists’ threats in the Middle East. Pray for the UAE government to be resolute in refusing to foster or contribute to the destabilization of the region by nations like Iran. Pray for softened hearts among Muslims to receive Christ, and pray for deaf ears and blind eyes to see hear and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for Believers (mostly expatriates) to have opportunities to share Jesus Christ with the people of UAE. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord today.

DAY 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE - The Albanian foreign minister met with the president of Serbia in March 2010 to discuss “the importance of the agreement on cooperation in the fight against organized crime, international drug trafficking and international terrorism.” Despite the ongoing conflict between the two nations regarding Kosovo, they will be signing an agreement aimed at combating these problems. Praise the Lord for moving the leaders of Albania and Serbia to take action against these evil activities. Pray for the leaders to keep their promises and carry through with them. Pray for an end to the plagues of crime, drugs, and terrorism. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the people of Albania, freeing them from the lies of Islam and atheism, and drawing them into a permanent relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Albania as it is in Heaven. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA - In March 2010, the government of Morocco expelled several expatriate Christian Believers. Sixteen workers operating a home for orphaned and unwanted children were abruptly ordered out of the country when authorities began to suspect they were proselytizing. The act was considered “part of a nationwide crackdown against Christians living in

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January 2010 Edition




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(Morocco continued) Morocco.” Pray the Lord will be the Caretaker of every orphan or unwanted child providing them with food, shelter, families, education, and medicine. Pray for those who have been expelled to put their trust in the Lord. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the leaders of Morocco, revealing Jesus Christ, and allow those who have been expelled from the country to be able to come back and continue their good works. Pray every people group will hear and receive the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

DAY 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST - The rise of violence before, during, and after parliamentary elections were held in March 2010 has been terrifying to the people of Iraq. Christians have been specifically targeted. At least a dozen were murdered in the span of a few short weeks. Despite attempts by insurgents to undermine the elections, voting went well and the results have been accepted by the general public. Praise God for protecting this nation from the actions of wicked, destructive men. Pray for Iraq to be led forward, out of war and bloodshed, into a new season of life and peace found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for a widespread revival in Iraq as Muslims hear and respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for terrorists to be driven out of Iraq and find no place to hide, and no longer terrorize others. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA - Dismissing accusations from foreign governments that Sri Lanka is continuing to violate the human rights of its citizens, President Mahinda Rajapaksa says he plans to form a committee to study possible conflicts between ethnic groups. Rajapaksa had opposition leader, Sarath Fonseka, arrested following the January elections. “There is no democracy since there is no room for dissent,” said a former chief justice. Pray for corruption and manipulation to be rooted out of Sri Lanka, and officials will run the government based on Biblical principles. Pray for the Lord’s justice and righteousness to be established in the government and for leaders to serve the people with integrity. Pray for deliverance of Christians and other groups who are being oppressed and mistreated. Pray the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be proclaimed and received by everyone in Sri Lanka. Pray each one serving Buddha will be set free from Buddhism and permanently place their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

DAY 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST - The relationship between Israel and Western powers is at an all time low, according to an Israeli diplomat. This comment was made after an announcement about Israeli construction in East Jerusalem shocked and angered Palestinians and Western governments. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for friendly nations to remain loyal to Israel. Pray for the people of Israel— Jews and Muslims—to see, recognize, and receive Yeshua ha

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Messiah as Lord. Pray for a great spiritual awakening to the things of the Lord and for multitudes of Israelis to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA - After being ruled valid by one election committee, voting held in March 2010 is now said to have been “marred by widespread fraud.” International monitors issued a statement claiming the elections “failed on many basic democratic standards.” The watchdog group said they had discovered evidence of ballot stuffing, proxy voting, and other irregularities. Pray for the Lord to move in Tajikistan, ridding the government of corruption and raise up leaders of His choosing. Pray the Holy Spirit will keep convicting the people of their sin and draw them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for Believers to be bold in proclaiming the Gospel as the Lord leads, and for every people group to receive salvation in Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Tajikistan as it is in Heaven.

DAY 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA - China has “stepped up their human rights abuses, targeting both anti-government activists and the free flow of information over the internet,” a new report says. This is in addition to being listed number 13 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of worst persecutors of Christians. Pray the leadership of this giant, economically prosperous nation to be set free from the false philosophy of communism by the power of Jesus Christ. Pray for complete and total freedom to worship Christ throughout China. Pray the Lord will encourage and comfort Believers who are facing great oppression and who have been imprisoned or had loved ones arrested. Pray for prisoners to find their joy in the presence of the Lord and to be empowered to love and witness to their fellow prisoners and guards. Pray for the immediate release of all Christians who are in jail for the cause of Christ. Pray the revival currently taking place in China will go throughout Asia and multitudes accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA - In 2009, 17 nations met in Djibouti to formulate a plan to bring an end to piracy in the waters off the coast of the Horn of Africa. What they came up with became known as the Djibouti Code of Conduct. Signatory participants have agreed to “fully cooperate in the arrest, investigation and prosecution of persons who have committed piracy.” Pray for the success of this initiative. Pray the Djiboutian government will continue to be a frontrunner in the fight against piracy and terrorism. Pray for the government of Djibouti and the other nations to have the wisdom of the Lord and discernment in dealing with problems. Pray all pirates to fail in their attempts to hijack ships and take hostages. Pray for peace and order in this region. Pray the people of Djibouti will hear and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Djibouti and the Horn of Africa with great power, signs, and ©2010 Window International Network

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wonders as it is in Heaven.

DAY 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA - A leader in the Yemen division of al-Qaeda, who was believed to have been killed in an army attack on a terrorist stronghold, emerged from hiding in late February 2010. In an internet message, he threatened to attack Western targets. “You have attacked us in the middle of our household,” the terrorist said, “so wait for what will befall you in the middle of yours.” Pray for this threat to be turned back upon the al-Qaeda cells operating in Yemen. Pray for them to be discovered and disbanded, the members arrested and imprisoned Pray terrorists will be convicted of their sins and repent. Pray for the ongoing battle between the military and terrorist groups in Yemen to be used by the Lord to turn Muslims away from Islam and to accept the love, peace, and salvation found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Yemen and for the people to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord today. VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA - In March 2010, Father Nguyen Van Ly was released from a Hanoi prison after three years in solitary confinement for “disseminating antigovernment propaganda.” Father Ly has spent more than 15 years in prison since 1977 and suffered two strokes in his most recent imprisonment. Praise the Lord for Father Ly’s release. Pray for his compete and total healing and for his body and mind to be strengthened by the power of the Lord. Pray for the immediate release of every Christian Believer who is imprisoned for the cause of Christ. Pray the Lord will comfort them and keep them. Pray they will be bold in sharing the Gospel with their fellow prisoners and guards as the Lord leads them. Pray for the leaders of the government of Vietnam to encounter Jesus Christ, and pray there will be a great spiritual awakening to the things of God., and the people of Vietnam will be set free from the lies and oppression of communism and Buddhism. Pray the Kingdom of God will come to this land on earth as it is in Heaven.

DAY 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA - Although Taiwan has been excluded from the United Nations since 1971, young people in the nation recently joined students from UN nations to discuss terrorism, nuclear proliferation, climate change, and other pressing global issues. Pray for China and other UN members to reconsider accepting Taiwan back into the association of nations. Pray for the leaders of Taiwan to use wisdom in dealing with China and in planning the future of the country. Pray the government will follow the example of the young people and pay great attention to terrorism, and look for ways to eradicate it. Pray for the enthusiasm of the youth to go beyond social and political issues. Pray they will hunger and thirst for Jesus Christ. Pray the people of Taiwan will hear and respond positively to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as

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Savior and Lord today. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA - The Kingdom of Bahrain joined an organization called the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) in 2008. This group is a NATO initiative aimed at “long-term global and regional security and stability.” Part of this involves an emphasis on counter terrorism, combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and cooperation in border security to prevent the trafficking of drugs, weapons, and humans. Pray this will be a successful initiative. Pray that the leaders of Bahrain will have the wisdom of God and discernment in participating in this league. Pray for the cooperation between ICI nations to help stamp out terrorism. Pray the Gospel of the Kingdom of God will be proclaimed throughout Bahrain, and expatriate Believers will share the Word of God with their Muslim hosts as the Lord leads them. Pray for a great spiritual awakening to the things of God and for multitudes of Bahrainis to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

DAY 20 BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA - Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaeda, has been operating in Southeast Asia with the goal of unifying Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia into a single Islamic nation. They intend to destabilize the existing governments by destroying property and lives. Pray for an immediate end to the JI. Pray for the leaders of Brunei and the other targeted nations to be wise in dealing with this real and urgent threat, and for every plot of JI to fail. Pray to the JI will be thrown into confusion, and the people of Brunei to see the evil in the actions of the JI and immediately choose to no longer support them. Pray for their funding and arms supplies to be cut off. Pray the Muslims in Brunei and throughout Southeast Asia will turn from Islam and everyone will put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Brunei as it is in Heaven. LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST - The Druze of Lebanon are asking Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to renew relationships between the two countries. In 2005, the Druze accused al-Assad of being involved in the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. They also labeled Assad the “dictator of Damascus,” and called him a savage, an Israeli product, a liar, and a criminal. Pray for peace between Lebanon and Syria. Pray both of these nations will immediately stop supporting and funding terrorism. Pray both nations to stop attacking Israel. Pray Lebanon will turn away from extremist Islam and that the people will hunger and thirst for Jesus Christ. Pray for blind eyes and minds to be opened to and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray the ongoing violence and hatred will no longer exist and for the people of Lebanon to turn from their false religion and seek and find the True and Living God through a personal relationship with Christ as Savior and Lord. ©2010 Window International Network

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DAY 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA - In February 2010, Qatar entered into a security agreement with Iran. According to the terms of the agreement, the two nations will “exchange technical delegations, expand bilateral training projects and promote counter-terrorism cooperation.” Pray for the true motivations behind this agreement to be exposed, and the Lord will be glorified in the midst of these talks. Pray this region of the world will truly be free from terrorism. Pray the Holy Spirit will draw Muslims in Qatar out of extremism and into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for expatriate Believers to be bold in their witness and share the Gospel as they are led by the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Qatar with signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA Persecution of Christians in Turkmenistan is increasing in frequency and intensity. In late January, for instance, a private birthday celebration was raided by police who accused a church leader of praying at the party. The leader and his mother were detained and interrogated for hours. This kind of treatment is routine in Turkmenistan, where Christian gatherings are regularly raided, Bibles and other materials confiscated, and Believers forced to sign statements recanting their faith or promising not to gather for worship. Pray the Believers in Turkmenistan will remain faithful to the Lord and remain strong and encouraged as they fight the good fight of faith. Pray for the hearts of governmental authorities to be softened, and key leaders to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray there will be complete and total freedom to worship Christ and for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be proclaimed throughout Turkmenistan and that the multitudes will receive Christ in their hearts today.

DAY 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA - A candidate for parliament was assassinated in early March 2010. Opposition leaders are accusing the government of being involved in the murder. The killer confessed and has already been sentenced to 15 years in prison. Some claim the man was either hired to perform the act or confessed to it in order to cover up those who were involved. Pray for conspiracy and corruption to be rooted out of the Ethiopian government. Pray men and women of integrity will be raised into positions of leadership. Pray protection over the Believers in Ethiopia from attempts by the government to manipulate and oppress them, and they will witness fearlessly, proclaiming the Gospel throughout the nations as they are led of the Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Ethiopia as it is in Heaven. MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA - For the first time in twenty years, the

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military government of Myanmar has passed laws to allow elections. The elections have not yet been scheduled and prodemocracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, recently released from detention, will not be allowed to participate. “The international community is condemning Myanmar’s leaders,” a report said, calling the new election laws “oppressive.” Pray for the people of Myanmar to be able to elect their leaders free from any corruption or acts of violence. Pray the Lord will soften the hearts of the military government and reveal to them the glory of Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Myanmar to be set free from the oppression of the junta, and more importantly, set free from the oppression of the enemy of their souls. Pray the Holy Spirit will open their eyes and minds to the truth of Jesus Christ and for multitudes to put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord today, and that God’s Kingdom will come powerfully to all of Myanmar.

DAY 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA - With the first multi-party elections since 1986 scheduled to be held in April 2010 in Sudan, the government in Khartoum “normalized relations” with Chad. In the past, Chad has provided refuge for rebels seeking to overthrow the government of Sudan. But in February 2010, Chad’s President Idriss Deby shook hands with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, agreeing to a “non-aggression pact” between the two nations. Pray for this pact to be more than just a means of maneuvering and scheming. Pray for true and lasting peace between Chad and Sudan. Pray for an end to the rebellion, violence, death, genocide, and bloodshed that has plagued this region. Pray for cooperation between these two nations and for the leaders to seek ways to be a blessing to the people they serve. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to President Deby. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Chad, and for a great spiritual awakening to the things of God as Chadians put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA - Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM -An Algerian man was arrested in Ireland and charged in a plot to assassinate a Swedish artist who created an image of Muhammad that many Muslims considered blasphemous. Al-Qaeda put a $100,000 bounty out for the cartoonist, seeking his death. The Algerian was arrested with five other Muslims involved in the plot. Pray for an immediate end to the threats, bloodshed, destruction, and intimidation of al-Qaeda and affiliated terrorist groups. Pray for a powerful move of God in Algeria, and members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb will cease to be in operation. Pray these evil men will find no nation where they can hide, find support, or obtain funding and arms, and that members would lose heart and give up. Pray the revival that has begun in Algeria will spread throughout the land, and that Believers will boldly proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God throughout North Africa. Pray for a great harvest of souls as thousands upon thousands of Muslims are set free from Islam by putting their faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord. ©2010 Window International Network

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DAY 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA - In March 2010, Libyan leader, Muammar al-Qadhafi, advocated the dividing of Nigeria into two separate nations. Recognizing that the current problems in Nigeria are the result of a “deep-rooted conflict of a religious nature,” he is calling for a radical solution. The nation should split into a Muslim state (the north) and a Christian state (the south), al-Qadhafi said. He believes nothing will stop the bloodshed between Muslims and Christians, and just a month earlier called for a “holy war” against Switzerland for their ban on the construction of minarets. Pray for the people of Libya to hear the truth in the statements of their leader—that there will never be physical or spiritual peace between followers of the lie of Islam and the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for them to realize the violence inherent in Islam and in the many “holy wars” (jihads) being carried out by Muslim extremists throughout the world. Pray the veil will be removed from their eyes so that they can see the Light of Christ. Pray the Kingdom of God to come to this Islamic stronghold and for multitudes to be set free from enemy oppression as they put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA - Malaysia and other nations in Southeast Asia raised their security threat levels after a warning was issued that terrorists may be planning to strike ships in the Malacca Straits. Oil tankers are reportedly being targeted. The Malacca Strait separates Malaysia from the Indonesian island of Sumatra and is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. “If there is an incident in the Malacca Straits,” an international terrorism researcher said, “it can have a very significant impact on global trade and commerce.” Pray this will never happen. Pray the terrorists will become confused, all of their plans to fail, and each one will be exposed and quickly brought to justice. Pray for this strategic area to be protected and for this and other terrorist operations to come to be unsuccessful. Pray the government of Malaysia will have the wisdom of the Lord and discernment in fighting every terrorist threat. Pray the Malaysians will turn away from Islam and toward the hope and eternal security found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Malaysia as it is in Heaven.

DAY 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA - NATO is urging Oman to join the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI). Launched in 2004, the ICI is a multi-nation effort to establish and maintain “long-term global and regional security.” Pray for the success of this initiative—that it would truly bring peace among nations. Pray the Omanis will know the Lord’s Will as they considering this offer. Pray the leaders of Oman will continue to be pro-active in combating terrorism and standing against extremist Islam. Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to be proclaimed

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in Oman. Pray for every people group to have the opportunity to hear and respond positively to the receive eternal life found only in Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to soften hearts and open blind eyes in the Muslim population to receive Christ. Pray for Believers (mostly expatriates) to be bold in sharing their faith as the Lord leads them. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Oman with great power, signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA - The government of Kazakhstan is hoping to play a major role in what is being called the Islamic finance market. They are planning to offer Islamic bonds—“debt that complies with Muslim tenets.” Kazakhstan will be joining several Asian nations already “seeking a larger share of Muslim wealth by giving incentives for products that comply with Shari’a Law.” Pray for the eradication of Shari’a Law, and that it will no longer be used as an incentive for financial gain. Pray for this mostly Muslim nation as it struggles to move forward economically, and pray Central Asia to be protected from the growing influence of Islam and this new strategy of placating Shari’a Law with special bonds. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in Kazakhstan, revealing His power and glory, and exposing the lies of Islam. Pray the veil will be removed from the eyes of the Muslims in this nation, immediately setting them free from the bondage of the enemy and they would find Life in the Kingdom of God. Pray for Believers in Kazakhstan and expatriate workers to be bold in sharing the Gospel as they are led by the Holy Spirit. Pray for ready laborers to be sent into this harvest field and for a great harvest of souls to enter the Kingdom of God as multitudes of Kazaks put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

DAY 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA - In March 2010, interior ministers from throughout the Arab world met in Tunisia “to discuss ways to eliminate terrorism in the region.” The aim was to accelerate efforts to secure nations against the rising threat of terrorism and implement the latest technologies and methodologies in this ongoing battle. Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali spoke at the conference, stating that this kind of cooperation will “help increase the efficiency of fighting all types of crimes, and protect the society from all risks and scourges.” Praise God for the way Tunisia is taking the lead in counterterrorism. Pray for continued wisdom of the Lord as they deal with acts of violence and destructive plots being carried out by extremist Islamic groups. Pray for an open doors in Tunisia for the Gospel to be preached throughout the land, and pray Muslims will be rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ today. ©2010 Window International Network

CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA Representatives from seventeen indigenous Cambodian people groups are formally urging the government to suspend their policy of awarding land to foreign companies The 10/40 Window Reporter 23

(Cambodia continued) without consulting the local people. The aim of the government concessions is to attract new business from China, Vietnam, and South Korea. But the sudden introduction of rubber factories, mines, and new hydroelectric dams has resulted in great disruption and, in some cases, mass evictions from areas leased to companies. Pray for the government of Cambodia to become aware of the needs of the people. Pray for the Lord to help them find ways to both stimulate the impoverished economy and be a blessing to the indigenous population. Pray for those who have been rudely displaced to be have Godly provision hearts and minds to seek Him, reach out to Him, and find Him. (The Bible, Acts 17:26,27). Pray the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout Cambodia and for the Kingdom of God to come to this land as it is in Heaven.

DAY 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA - After the arrest of dozens of military leaders, some observers are calling Turkey a “Republic of Fear.” This is just the latest step in a progression, they say, as the government moves toward authoritarianism. “Since coming to power in 2002,” one journalist notes, “the ruling Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the ultra-conservative Fethullah Gulen Movement have gained leverage over police and media.” The military was considered the last means of keeping the government in check. Many Turks now fear they are living in a police state. Pray for this nation. Pray for this season of unsettledness to be a time of spiritual awakening to Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to speak to the hearts of the leaders of His ways of governing the land. Pray multitudes of Turks will receive Christ as Savior and Lord today. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA - According to a recent report, North Korea has increased its arsenal of missiles by 25% in the past two years. Among the 1,000 weapons the nation now possesses are missiles capable of hitting South Korea, Japan, and nearby Allied targets. Pray for the government of North Korea to restrain from using these weapons of destruction. Pray for Kim Jong-il to have an encounter with Jesus Christ. Pray for Lord to move in his heart, and in the hearts of other leaders, and they will all accept Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray especially for Christian Believers who are facing intense persecution. Pray for the Lord to be present with them and for His joy to be their strength. Pray for the oppressed and largely impoverished people of North Korea to hear and respond positively to the Gospel. Pray for the Light of Christ to shine in every corner of this dark land. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come and bring a tremendous harvest of souls to this nation today.

DAY 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA - In a desperate attempt to restore order to this lawless nation, Somali’s interim government signed an agreement in March 2010 with a

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“powerful militia.” The agreement calls for members of the militia to assume high-ranking positions in the government. In return, the militia will support the nation’s military “during a long-planned offensive against an Islamic insurgency.” Pray for both parties to honor this agreement. Pray for an immediate end to al-Shabaab, Hizb-ul Islam, and every terrorist group operating in this nation. Pray for the Lord to restore peace and stability to Somalia. Pray for the safety of families—especially children—as they flee violence in Mogadishu and take up residence along roads and in primitive refugee camps. Pray for the Gospel message to be made known to the Somalis living inside the borders, as well as those in Northern Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and the Diaspora in Western nations. Pray for God’s love, hope, peace, and Kingdom rule to come to this nation, and that multitudes of Somalis will accept Christ as Savior and Lord today. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA - The Taliban threatened to carry out 3,000 suicide attacks if the government of Pakistan did not call off its offensive in March 2010. As a means of punctuating their threat, multiple bombs were set off in just hours in the city of Lahore. A Christian humanitarian organization was also attacked, leaving six workers dead. Pray the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and every terrorist group operating in Pakistan to be exposed, defeated, and quickly brought to justice. Pray for an immediate end to the terrorism and terrorists being bred and trained in this region. Pray Christians to be protected from these destructive acts and for the government to use the wisdom of the Lord in combating the threats and violence. Pray for Believers to keep their hope in the Lord and for Him to be their refuge and fortress. Pray for the Muslims in this nation to be set free from the lies of Islam and have their eyes opened by the Holy Spirit to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Pakistan, bringing righteousness, peace, and joy. Pray for multitudes of Pakistanis to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today.

DAY 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- Nearly four hundred people (many of them women and children) were hacked to death with machetes by Muslims in March 2010. Just days later, another attack resulted in the deaths of more than ten people. The city of Jos, which sits between north (Muslim) and south (Christian) Nigeria, “used to consider itself a melting pot… because of the unique composition,” but has now had at least six major “bloodlettings” in the past 13 years. Approximately 1,500 (most of them Christians), have been murdered during that time. Pray for Believers to be protected from the actions of extremist Muslims. Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften the hearts of those seeking to destroy human lives, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Nigeria wisdom in brining a solution to this ongoing, bloody conflict. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in great power, restoring peace and bringing a great harvest of souls in this nation. Pray for ©2010 Window International Network

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revival in the majority Muslim North in this land. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA - In March 2010, the government of Maldives agreed to cooperate with India in meeting “the challenges of terrorism and radicalization of societies.” They will also begin to work more closely on issues such as climate change (a priority for the island nation of Maldives). Pray for the continued cooperation of nations against the common threat of terrorism. Pray all acts of terrorism and all terrorist organizations will be stopped immediately. Pray all the funding and supply of weapons for these evil activities to be exposed and cut off. Pray protection over the Maldives from attempts to be intimidated or destroy its citizens. Pray for the heart of President Rasheed to hunger for and receive Jesus Christ. Pray for the Muslim people of Maldives to hear and respond positively to the Gospel, putting their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord today. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST - As one blogger recently noted, in Jordan, “there is a larger Christian presence in the Middle East” than most people realize. The blogger further explained that Westerners tend to think all Arabs are Muslim. “While the vast majority of Arabs are Muslims,” the writer observed, “there are still Christian communities in this part of the world.” Praise God for the work He is doing—often behind the scenes and even in secret churches—in Jordan. Pray for every Christian Believer to be filled with the Holy Spirit and share their faith with boldness as they are led by the Lord. Pray for the Muslims of Jordan, and the entire Middle East, to hear the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Jordan and the Middle East today. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA - In March 2010, Senegal and neighboring Mauritania agreed to begin reinforcing the security of their borders and working together to fight against international crime and terrorism. Pray for success in this joint venture. This part of West Africa has become a transit point for illegal migration, drug trafficking, and terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Pray for the leaders of both Senegal and Mauritania to use wisdom and discernment in fighting terrorism and crime. Pray for the people of Senegal to be set free from the bondage of Islam and receive life as found only in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ to shine brightly into every corner of this nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Senegal as it is in Heaven.

DAY 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA - Thousands of Christians are believed to be imprisoned in the oppressive, authoritarian state of Eritrea. Countless numbers have been arrested, detained, tortured, and held in metal storage containers. Many have been martyred. One of the most recent was a 41-year-old woman who refused to renounce her faith and was placed in solitary confinement. She reportedly

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“endured beatings with an iron rod” and was left to face additional punishment in her cell. She eventually died. Pray for an immediate end to this mistreatment and every act of persecution to Christian Believers, and that all jailed Christians will be released immediately. Give praise to God for His many brave followers who, like this woman, have laid down their lives for His glory. Pray for their words and actions to be a powerful witness to fellow prisoners, guards, authorities, and the citizens of Eritrea. Pray those who are imprisoned, tortured, and suffering will feel the presence of the Lord at all times Pray for President Afworki to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation, demolishing every enemy stronghold and loosing righteousness, joy, and peace. Pray for a great harvest of souls as multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA - After meeting with Western leaders in March, the Dalai Lama addressed a crowd of university students to discuss Tibet and the subjects of terrorism and war. “Many of the world’s problems today,” he said, “are essentially our creation.” Pray for the exiled leader of Tibet and the Tibetan people to know the Truth and receive Christ as Savior and Lord, and to know that man’s sin is indeed at the root of many of the world’s problems and Jesus is the solution to the sin problem Pray the Dalai Lama and all of his faithful followers to be set free from the lies of Buddhism and for their eyes to be opened to and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move throughout Tibet, setting the captives free and drawing them into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to this nation as it is in Heaven. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST - After a visit from Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinejad in February, one Syrian journalist called the alliance between Syria and Iran a “blessing in disguise for the international community.” Syria is assuming the role of mediator between Iran and the West and has called its relationship with Iran a partnership “based on mutual interests and vision.” Pray for this unholy alliance to be demolished. Pray both nations to be thwarted in their attempts to destroy Israel. Pray for the Lord to confuse and defeat their efforts to support terrorism. Pray the Holy Spirit to stir hearts throughout Syria, turning Muslims away from the lies of Islam and toward the Truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray for a great multitude of Syrians to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord today. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA - Calling torture and secret prisons a “global phenomena,” a human rights expert recently told the United Nations that Mongolia was among the nations where human rights abuse was present. “The fact that torture is so widely practiced is surprising,” he said, “but even more surprising for me was that in many countries the general conditions of detention in police lock-ups, pre-trial detention facilities, prisons, psychiatric hospitals and special detention facilities for illegal immigrants amount to cruel and degrading treatment.” Pray for the hearts of leaders and security authorities all over the world—but ©2010 Window International Network

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(Mongolia continued) especially in Mongolia—to be filled with compassion and a value for human life. Pray for an immediate end to human rights abuses, and for a radical change through Christ as those in charge of the treatment of “criminals” encounter Him. Pray for these “Sauls” to be transformed into “Pauls” and for them to begin sharing the love of God rather than seeking to cause suffering and pain. Pray for the people of Mongolia to hear the Gospel and receive it. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation as it is in Heaven today.

DAY 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA President Jose Ramos-Horta called on Indonesia to apologize to East Timor for the 24-year occupation that led to the deaths of more than 200,000 people. Although a human rights commission found that “gross human rights violations were committed by Indonesian forces,” they did not recommend additional trials or arrests. Pray for reconciliation and healing between East Timor and Indonesia. Pray for Believers to repent for their nations and for Christians in East Timor to spiritually release those who committed crimes and injustices. Pray for Believers to speak and demonstrate love to their enemies. Pray for the lost and unreached of East Timor to hear and receive the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Southeast Asia, transforming people, governments, and nations. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA - According to human rights advocates, abuse of citizens by the ruling party (the Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction) is rampant and severe. These include government involvement in abductions, the torture of detainees and prisoners, poor prison conditions, arbitrary arrest, denial of due process, violence against women, human trafficking, child prostitution, child labor…. Pray for an immediate end to the corruption in the Gambian government. Pray for the Lord to change the hearts of those in leadership, turning them from selfishness, greed, and a desire to cause suffering- towards the love of Jesus Christ. Pray for the innocent and defenseless— especially women, children, and the poor—to be protected. Pray Psalm 91 protection over every Christian Believer, and pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation in power. Pray for the people of the Gambia to put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by the multitudes today. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST - Hundreds of Palestinians amassed along the Gaza StripIsrael border, demonstrating against the recent announcement that Israel is planning more construction in East Jerusalem. They were also protesting the “no-go” zone—a 300-meter wide area along the border intended as a buffer against terrorist activities. Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring peace to the hearts of the people of the Gaza Strip. Pray for an immediate end to Hamas and other terrorist groups whose actions are causing citizens of the Gaza Strip to suffer. Pray for aid to reach those in need of

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clean water, food, shelter, and clothing. Pray for medicine, education, and jobs to be created and available to Believers in the Gaza Strip. Pray for the Lord to rescue the people of this war-torn area from hatred and poverty. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the Gaza Strip as it is in Heaven with the multitudes accepting Christ as Savior and Lord today. WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST - Violence has continued to erupt after the announcement that Israel will go forward with construction in East Jerusalem. Palestinian, Israeli, and even Western diplomats have been unable to keep rioters from taking to the streets and attacking security forces with rocks and burning debris. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem as well as the West Bank territory. Pray for those involved in the dispute over land and rights—especially youth—to hear the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Pray they will be rescued from the dominion of darkness and receive the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His will in His timing in this volatile region. Pray for Believers to be protected and for the Holy Spirit to give them boldness in preaching and demonstrating the love of Christ. Pray for multitudes of Palestinians, other Muslims, and Jews to put their trust in Christ as Savior and Lord today.

Window International Network Pray for the Lord to guide the staff of Window International Network.,. they will be sensitive to His voice. Pray for their efforts to mobilize prayer and evangelism among the lost and unreached of the 10/40 Window to be used by the Lord to bring a great harvest of souls every day. Pray for them to share His heart for every 10/40 nation, city, people, tribe, and tongue. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give them insight, discernment, and the strength to persevere in the assignment they have been given. Pray they will seek the Kingdom of God first and foremost, and glorifying the Lord in all things. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, The Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance ©2010 Window International Network

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ike most major religions, Buddhism both accepts and rejects Jesus Christ. While Buddhists concede the fact that Jesus lived, even agreeing He “was a good person” or “a great teacher,” they refuse to believe He is the risen Savior and Lord. The concept of a personal Savior is foreign to Buddhists. Buddhism fails to see human sin or the need for repentance and forgiveness. The goal of Buddhism is simply to be liberated from suffering and reach enlightenment. Buddhists do not believe they will stand in judgment before God and therefore see no need for a Savior. As one Bible scholar noted, Buddhism accepts “a more convenient Jesus.”

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This is true not only of Buddhism but of most false religions and philosophies, including secularism, humanism, materialism, and atheism. Nearly all “-isms” will admit Jesus existed on planet earth some 2000 years ago. But none of these believe He came to seek and to save that which was lost. They do not recognize His sacrificial death and resurrection (often denying one or both). Buddhists in particular do not feel they need a Savior. They believe they can earn or work their way to heaven, paradise, nirvana, and enlightenment. The Bible challenges this misconception by stating plainly that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (The Bible, Romans 3:23). It also explains that when we die, we will face God in judgment (The Bible,

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Hebrews 9:27). If we are found guilty of breaking God’s Laws, we will be sentenced to “everlasting torment” apart from His presence (The Bible, II Thessalonians 1:9).

will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” (The Bible Romans 10:9-10)

This bad news—that every human being is bound for hell because of their sin—makes the Good News a

Buddhism, however, misleads followers into thinking they can reach a state of enlightenment through their own

THE GOAL OF BUDDHISM IS SIMPLY TO BE LIBERATED FROM SUFFERING AND REACH ENLIGHTENMENT. reason to rejoice: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (The Bible, Romans 5:8). Jesus Christ is God’s gift of salvation to the world. “…If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you

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efforts. In considering Jesus just a “good person” or “great teacher,” they ignore His many specific and exclusive claims, such as: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (The Bible, John 14:6) ©2010 Window International Network

Pray for the world’s 366,611,000 Buddhists (the vast majority of which live in the 10/40 Window), asking God to convict them of their sin and cause them to realize their need for a Savior. Pray for them to experience godly sorrow that will lead to repentance and bring salvation, leaving no regrets (The Bible, II Corinthians 7:10). Pray for Jesus Christ to be revealed to them in truth and power. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Buddhist nations and people groups. “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.” (The Bible, John 8:24) Sourced: “The Compact Guide to World Religions” (Dean C. Halverson), “Buddhism”, Joshua Project

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make it very difficult on Believers.

Hi, WindowKids! This month we are traveling to the Far East—to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is a beautiful island nation located just below India. Many exciting things are happening in the Church in Sri Lanka and now, more than ever, they need our prayers. This month, I want to introduce you to my friend, Dayani. He’s going to give us an update on how one local Sri Lankan Church is doing.

Dayani: Greetings, WindowKids! My name is Dayani and I want to tell you a story about how prayer can impact an entire nation. My father is the pastor of our church and loves bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to our city. You see, most people in my city are Buddhists and have never heard the Gospel before. My parents both know that this must change, so they started a church right in the heart of the city. At first it was just our family and one other neighboring family. But we kept praying that God would open up opportunities for others to come and praise Jesus with us. And the Lord answered our prayers, bringing family after family. It was amazing! People were so hungry to hear the Message and were eager to ask Jesus into their hearts. As the church grew, some people became displeased. Although we have the freedom to choose our religion, the government and some of the Buddhist extremists

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We began hearing about churches being threatened and forced to shut their doors. My father even received threats like this. But he and my mother and all of the people of our church continued to pray. For a while, we thought perhaps the government and the extremists would leave us alone. Then one night, a group of men came and started breaking the of our house. They poured oil on my faand set it on fire. The smell of burnt and metal together made me sick for days

windows ther’s car rubber afterward.

Our church continues to meet even after this and other persecution. We never stop praying for our country. We pray for true religious freedom, for poverty to end, and for other Christians around Sri Lanka to continue to share the Good News of our Lord. We also pray for the other nations of the 10/40 Window. It amazes me that persecution seems to make God’s people stronger. Despite the violence and hardship we face, Christianity is growing in Sri Lanka. Please remember to pray for us. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace,” Jesus said. “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” “Asia: Sri Lanka.” Persecuted Countries (2009): n. pg. Web. 5 Mar 2010. <>. “Mob Attacks Church.” Voice of the Martyrs Canada (2009): n. pg. Web. 5 Mar 2010. <>. “South East Asia: Sri Lanka.” CIA The World Factbook (2010): n. pg. Web. 5 Mar 2010. < ce.html>. The New International Version Holy Bible, Dr. Bruce Barton. New York; Jul 2004. ©2010 Window International Network

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Pleas pray fe rememb or Sr e i Lanr to ka!

Sri Lanka is a wonderful nation of lovely people and interesting culture. There are many outdoor activities to enjoy on this island nation. The following sports are common activities there. See if you can find them in the Word Search below:

Trekking Canoeing Kayaking

May 2010

Rafting Hiking Rock climbing Š2010 Window International Network

Paragliding Ballooning

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