The 10/40 Window Reporter

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November 2008 Edition

10/40 Window Prayer Focus: Two new prayer networks impact the 10/40 Window International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on November 9, 2008 Praise Report: House churches growing in Iran despite persecution Update on the Bihar, India flood situation 10/40 Window Gateway Partner: CBN

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

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November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

November 2008 10/40 Window Prayer Focus:

Two new prayer networks impact the 10/40 Window


HE Cry Out Prayer Network seeks intercessors for Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq, while the 10/40 India Nepali Prayer Network (INPN) is mobilizing prayer warriors in India and Nepal.

10/40 INPN founder said the genesis for the prayer network started about three years ago when approximately 35 Nepali Christian pastors gathered in New Delhi, India for a church-planting consultation, which he organized. A young American couple, who spoke at the gathering, challenged the pastors to intercede for the 10/40 Window as a world map was laid on the floor before them. “For many leaders it was the first time they heard about 10/40,” recalled the 10/40 INPN founder, who is based in New Delhi. “Each one of us was greatly challenged by the session, which was closed by praying for 10/40 nations.” After the gathering, the pastors prayed “now and then for the 10/40, (but) it wasn’t systematic,” the 10/40 INPN founder told WIN. In July 2008, he felt impressed by God to be more strategic in praying for 10/40 Window nations. “I repented for not praying seriously for those nations and decided to incorporate all our Nepali pastors and Church planters (in 15 states and 22 different cities of India),” the 10/40 INPN founder said. “Our heart .. (is) to pray specifically, strategically and with fasting for the 10/40 Nations. “About 20 Church leaders and pastors gathered on August 15, 2008 in New Delhi,” he added. “We deliberately coincided it with the independence day of India. (We) began 40 days of prayer for the spiritual independence of the 10/40 Window’s unreached people.” 10/40 INPN’s concentrated intercession coincided with the recent violence in India—which has killed at least 36 people, most of them Christians—and destroyed hundreds of churches and homes after Hindu extremists blamed Christians for the killing of Hindu leader Swami Laksmanananda Saraswati. “We don’t want this prayer to be an event for 40 days, but a continuos movement, which will bring God’s salvation to many nations and revival,” the 10/40 INPN founder said. Meanwhile, Cry Out Prayer Network is a clarion call to the body of Christ to join together in a three-year season of focused, intentional, collective prayer and fasting for people and cities in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. Launched September 2007, Cry Out Prayer Network encourages Christians to pray and fast, especially on Fridays. The initiative also wants prayer-walking teams to visit one or more of the four nations to pray on site. Additionally, Cry Out Prayer Network urges Christians to pray and fast during the Muslim holy seasons of Ramadan and Ashura. “For some time, the workers from many agencies in the Near East have been feeling the incredible need to get the worldwide Church to join them in praying for the region,” Graham

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November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Christian World Ne ws CBN, is dedicated to tellin (CWN), a weekly news broadcast by g world, including those na the stories of what God is doing in the tions in the 10/40 Wind ow ute program airs both na tionally and internationall . The 30-miny. Whether it’s Muslims wh o are having dreams an Jesus Christ in the Middle East and North Africa, the d visions of of church growth in Asia, rapid spread or to the poorest of the poor, the work of relief agencies ministering CWN’s coverage is spread of how God is using His ing the word church to change hearts in this crucial region of the world. This year CWN has aired news/383841.aspx), a U. lief efforts to help cyclone victims in Myanmar exclusive reports about reS. ( child prostitutes and sex evangelist preaching the Gospel in the Muslim na slaves in Thailand. http://w tion of Egypt, and ministry to 412.aspx) During the Beijing Olym pics CWN broadcast a on the creative ways the Ho ly Spirit is using His peop special edition about the church in China, focusi ng le to spread the Gospel. These stories are importa nt encouraging the world pray for and seek out ways wide body of Christ to assist the ministries of Christians living in the 10 and mobilizing believers to /40 Window. Unfortunately, in North Af ric a, the Middle East, and some As for its faith. In the past tw ian natio Hindus on Christians in o months, CWN has aired several exclusive storie ns, the church is persecuted India. ( om/cbnnews/455386.aspx s about the attacks by radical ) CWN aims to show the wo rld how Christia the global church will res pond in prayer and a publi ns are bearing up under persecution in the hope s tha c outcry of protest on beha living in the Window. lf of their brothers and sis t ters Christian World News pa rtners with broadcast minis the Window to produce an tries and freelance jou d air stories. We also rely on them to keep us inform rnalists in many regions of those countries and provid ed e their assistance in helping assistance to our reporters on the field. We are ver about what’s happening in us tell the stories of what y God is doing in the 10/40 grateful to our partners for Window! In the U.S. CWN airs at 4:3 0 pm EST on the global church and the we ekly program can be found Trinity Broadcasting Network. Daily updates from the at the web site: www.cwn Prayer points: ✚ That God will raise up a ne partner with us to tell the twork of journalists, producers, and editors in the stories of what God is 10/40 Window who will ✚ That God will guide us to trustworthy partners doing there. in the tell the stories of what’s ha ppening in the 10/40 Windregion who will help our reporters and producers ✚ That God will allow ow. more people to see Chris tian World News through satellite, local stations, the more access to the airwaves Internet, and DVD distri by bution.

November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Download a Powerpoint presentation of the 68 nations of the 10/40 Window to use during prayer sessions in your church or home.

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Wells, who is on Cry Out Prayer Network’s leadership team, told WIN. “So about 16 months ago, a few people from the region and the U.S.A. (met) to talk and pray through what would a prayer initiative look like.”

For more information on Cry Out Prayer Network and 10/40 INPN, contact and, respectively. To order Window International Network’s Praying Through The Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions in the 10/40 Window prayer calendar, visit

Prayer Network and 10/40 India Nepali Prayer Network in praying for the 10/40 Window. ✚ God to bless the intercessory efforts of Cry Out Prayer Network and 10/40 INPN. Pray that God would give the groups’ leaders wisdom and guidance on how to mobilize intercessors. Pray for a harvest of souls and revival as a result of the prayers of the intercessors. ✚ The violence against Christians will cease in India and those responsible will be brought to justice. Pray for God’s protection over Indian Christians, their churches and properties. ✚ Christians globally to ask their governments to look into the mistreatment of Christians in the 10/40 Window, and that the global church will find a way to meet their physical needs. (1 John 3:17–18)

Pray for: ✚ Christians worldwide to stand in the gap with Cry Out

Sourced: Cry Out Prayer Network, 10/40 India Nepali Prayer Network, International Christian Concern

Cry Out Prayer Network’s web site ( and a bi-monthly newsletter features stories and prayer requests from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq.

Current Issue & Archives Online at

November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter


have recently returned from a prayer journey to ancient Persia. Police in the southern Iran city of Shiraz cracked down against known Muslim converts to Christianity, arresting members of three Christian families with charges related to “their faith and house church activities�. They now face the death penalty. Leaving Islam for another religion has long invited reprisals from the Iranian government, forcing converts to Christianity into absolute secrecy. Many practice their new faith in the privacy of their home. The good news is that the house church movement is flourishing in Iran. But the consequence can be seen in the recent arrests. While touring in Iran we were able to bring support and Bibles to the Iranian underground Believers. This month the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad introduced legislation before the Iranian

November 2008

Majlis that would mandate the death penalty for apostates from Islam, a sign that it will tolerate no proselytizing in the country. Contrary to the friendly and hospitable Iranian culture which I experienced, atrocities are committed against religious minorities and other groups including Christians and minority Sunni Muslims. In particular, the hatred of Jews has been severely fostered. It was in Shiraz, Iran, that 13 Jews were falsely arrested, accused, and convicted on charges of spying for Israel in early 1999. Three were found innocent subsequently of

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

»Continued from page 8 espionage charges and released. Ten were sentenced to jail terms between four to thirteen years. While visiting Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles in September last year, the Lord spoke to me about going to support His people in ancient Persia. As I sought the Lord about the journey He opened a door for me to celebrate Passover with the Jewish Community in Iran. I was able to bring a word of encouragement to those who live under the threat of a modern-day “Haman [from the Biblical book of Esther]”, their very own President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Almost daily he threatens to “wipe Israel off the face of the map.” As I prepared for this journey I began to ask the Lord what His destiny is for the beautiful land and people of ancient Persia. Iran once had Godly leaders. King Cyrus the Great made the first declaration of human rights and is referred to in the book of Isaiah as God’s ‘anointed’ and God’s ‘shepherd’. King Darius once prayed, “God, protect my country from foes, famine and falsehood.” In Daniel 6:26-27, the Persian King Darius said, “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For He is the living God and He endures forever… He rescues and He saves; He performs signs and wonders … He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”

President Ahmadinejad will chose to obey the King of Heaven as God reveals Himself to him by His Word and through dreams and visions. In contrast to Bible times, Iran today has no real friends in the East or the West. Currently, however, President Ahmadinejad has been “courting” Russia, Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon, and other Middle East nations to form an evil alliance in preparation for war. As a result of its nuclear policies, Iran could be facing a possible war and devastation in a preemptive strike from Israel or the United States. As we look at the beautiful faces of Iran today, ask God to turn the heart of the king of Iran to do what is right in the sight of the Lord. Those Iranians whom we met on our recent journey were very friendly. Some were also very happy to receive the Bible in their own language of Farsi. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the beautiful people and land of ancient Persia, bringing honor to Jesus, the King of Heaven! This story was written by one of our WIN Prayer Partners. If you have a story or a testimony that you would like to share with our 10/40 Window Reporter readers, please e-mail your voluntary submissions to

I believe God’s Divine destiny for Iran is to bless Israel and the nations as in ancient days. Pray for Iranian President Ahmadinejad. He has received a Farsi Bible and a message encouraging him to search the ancient texts to see how God used the leaders of Persia to change the course of history for good. Pray that

November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Praise Report:

House churches growing in Iran despite persecution


n an answer to prayer, house churches are growing in Iran despite persecution, Assist News Service (ANS) reported.

“The (Christian) faith is not new to Iran,” CBN News International Correspondent Gary Lane said on the web site “The Gospel actually arrived here 500 years before Islam. Persians are believed to have been among those in Jerusalem at Pentecost.” “Less than one half of one percent of the Iranian population is Christian,” said Lane. “There were nearly four times as many Christians just before the Islamic Revolution, but many fled the country because of Islamic extremism,” he said. “Some of those who remain often share their faith with Muslims. As a result, the evangelical house church movement is now growing rapidly.” Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs added: “The Church is exploding in terms of numbers, but it is coming with a price. The people are arrested, they’re harassed, they’re persecuted, and in some cases they are beaten severely. It is not an easy pathway.” Lane said President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has launched an unmerciful crackdown against Iranian house churches. “Just this past summer,” said Lane, “a war veteran and his wife died from beatings they received during a raid on their house Church meeting in the city of Isfahan. “A month earlier, Christian Tina Rad and her husband were arrested and severely beaten,” he added. “Held for four days, they were accused of committing activities against Islam and Iranian national security. Both are former Muslims.” Lane also reported that a house church leader said the crackdown has caused Christians to grow stronger and more serious, ANS reported. “God is testing our faith because he wants us to become more like Jesus,” she said. The house churches are now meeting in smaller groups. According to Window International Network’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Iran is on day 8. Praise for: ✚ House churches growing in Iran. ✚ The boldness of Muslim who convert to Christianity. Pray for: ✚ A strong hedge of protection for Muslim Background Believers. ✚ Muslim Background Believers to remain bold, but have God’s wisdom in sharing their faith regardless of pressure from the secret police, and their families ✚ An immediate end to the raids on house churches. ✚ Pray for true religious freedom in this land. ✚ Pray for that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and all of his advisors, would come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior this year. Sourced: Assist News Service,

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The 10/40 Window Reporter 10

International Day of Prayer

for the Persecuted Church on November 9, 2008


ith the theme “Refined by Fire,” Christians around the world are being asked to remember their brothers and sisters in Christ who are persecuted for their faith during the 13th annual International Day of Prayer (IDOP) on Sunday, November 9, 2008.

Specific prayer requests concerning 36 nations and 46 national leaders plus other resources for targeted praying, are available from the global IDOP web site ( Those using mobile devices can access the materials at, Assist News Service reported. “When the Lord’s children go into the refining fire of persecution, they come out purer with deeper faith and greater strength, more Christ-focused and more unified,” said the Rev. Johan Candelin, who is also the executive director of the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission. “More than 200 million Christians do not have full religious freedom today. The least we can do is the most we can do: pray.” Open Doors USA President/CEO Carl Moeller added: “The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church presents a tremendous opportunity for millions of people to make a difference in the lives of those being persecuted—especially children—for their faith in countries like China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and many more.” Pray for: ✚ The International Day Of Prayer to continue to grow as millions around the world gather in prayer for suffering believers. ✚ North Korea, the No. 1 persecutor of Christians, to allow freedom of religion and release all Christian prisoners. ✚ Muslim Background Believers in such countries as Iran and Iraq to stand strong in their faith against extreme pressure. ✚ The violence against Christians in various states in India to stop and for the Indian government to protect Christian Believers. ✚ Pray for the Kingdom of God to be advanced, with multiplied thousands of new Believers coming to know Jesus Christ as their Savior on November 9, 2008 (which is The International Day of Prayer) Sourced: Assist News Service, Open Doors

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The 10/40 Window Reporter 11

Update on the Bihar, India flood situation


Christian leader in Bihar, India is thanking God after making it through a flood that inundated the region in September.

A breach in the embankment of the river at Kushaha in Nepal has wrought havoc on five northern Bihar districts, Times of India reported. But the Bihar government has prepared an extensive action plan for completing the breach closure work by November 30, 2008 as overall flood situation in the state registered marked improvement with major rivers maintaining receding trends, the newspaper reported. “We praise God who has helped us to serve Him these last days through the flood disaster in Bihar,” the Christian leader in Bihar wrote in an e-mail received by Window International Network. “It has been quite stressful and busy, but with your prayers and help we have made it. Please continue to pray for us as we now step into phase 2 of our disaster response.” According to Window International Network’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for India is on day 1. Praise for: ✚ God protecting Christians in Bihar from the flooding. ✚ Christian Believers have the resources to help others in the aftermath of the flood. Pray for: ✚ God to help Christians to be light and salt in their response to the disaster. ✚ The Lord to show the Believers how to witness to their neighbors during this time of re-building ✚ That the Christians will be known that people can come to the Christians for help and they will be seen as a beacon and people will be drawn to them as they see the light of Jesus Christ in their lives. Sourced: Times of India

November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 12

Eight-year-old Pervez squatted, hunched over his loom. He had already worked 13 hours tying hundreds of knots to make a carpet. His back was so sore he wondered if he would be able to stand once he was unchained from the loom. He had trouble breathing and the cotton dust made him cough. His parents had bonded him to a carpet manufacturer because they couldn’t afford to take care of him. They were paid a small sum for his services. He will most likely die from “captive-child syndrome,” which kills half of Pakistan’s working children by age 12.



Like Pervez, millions of Pakistani children work in carpet factories all over the country. Valued for their small hands and agile fingers, which are perfect for tying the fine knots used to create the patterns, they work up to 14 hours a day with no one to protect or rescue them from this abusive life. • • • •

Pray that the Pakistani government will make laws to protect children against forced labor and slavery. Pray that God will give Pakistani parents creative ways to make a living and support their family. Pray that Christians living in Pakistan will show the love of Jesus to the poor and hurting families. Pray that all children will well cared for and given the opportunity to go to school, and complete their education.

CULTURE CORNER CHAAT INGREDIENTS: 1 banana, 1/4 teaspoon ground, black pepper 1 apple, few drops lemon juice or orange juice 1 pear, 3-4 tablespoons sugar Several strawberries, dash of salt 1 peach, 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 tangerine or orange 1 handful of grapes TO PREPARE: Cut up all the fruit and put in a bowl. Add sugar, lemon/orange juice, salt, cumin, and black pepper. Mix well. Any kind of fruit that is available in season can be used. This recipe serves 4. Read to the class: Parts of Pakistan are famous for their fresh fruits and this is a delicious, popular snack they prepare with their fruit!


Capital City: Islamabad Official Language: Urdu Dear Lord, Religious Freedom? Yes, limited. I pray that you will send your love and protection to Main Religion: Islam Pakistan. Lord, the children there are forced to work to help support their families when they should be playing Fun Fact: The world’s second highest mountain, K2 is here! and learning at school. Please help the parents to find clever and creative ways to make a living so the children will be protected from forced labor. Lord, I pray that the Christians that are already there will be bold and willing to share your love to the poor and hurting families. I pray that you “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the will bring the families freedom that only you can give in Pakistan. In Jesus name, amen. fruit of the womb is a reward.” (Psalm 127:3 NKJV)



November 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 13

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