10/40 Window Reporter

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November 2009 Edition





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November 2009

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PAKISTAN “The most dangerous nation in the world isn’t Iraq. It’s Pakistan.” That statement was made by an international magazine. The feature article went on to describe Pakistan as the principle hideout for Taliban and al-Qaeda forces, as well as a potential source of nuclear weapons for terrorists. The magazine concluded that this nation is “where the jihad lives now.” While that might have seemed extreme at the time, it has proven to be quite accurate. From the assassination of presidential candidate Benazir Bhutto (December 2007), to the war in the Swat Valley and the resulting waves of refugees, to the new and fierce onslaught of persecution against Christians, the situation in Pakistan has continued to deteriorate. In September 2009, as NATO troops continued their battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan, military leaders expressed concern “about the role of fugitive Taliban leader Mohammad Omar and his council of lieutenants, who reportedly plan and launch cross-border strikes from safe havens around the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta.” Religiously-motivated violence erupted in July and August of 2009, result-

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ing in the deaths of dozens of Christians and the destruction of hundreds of houses and churches. This particular outbreak occurred when Muslims falsely accused Christians of desecrating the Koran – a charge that is being used with increasing regularity in Islamic countries as an excuse to murder Christian Believers. The stated goal of the extremists responsible for these acts was to “destroy Christians,” forcing them to “convert to Islam or die!” Authorities failed to intervene as mobs of angry Muslims attacked Christians and burned their property. According to local Believers, the media either refused to report this violence or “gave the wrong story.” While these events might cause some to despair, they provide Christians with fuel for prayer. God created the people of Pakistan and has a deep and abiding love for them. His heart grieves over the deadly conflicts taking place in this land and the devastation it is causing to so many lives. He is calling intercessors to rise up and stand in the gap for this war-weary nation.

“The most dangerous nation in the world isn’t Iraq. It’s Pakistan.”

PRAISE And even in the midst of tragedy and crises, the LORD has been faithfully

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Spiritual and physical wars are raging in Pakistan.

answering the prayers of His people. The Spirit of God is moving powerfully in spite of, around, and even through the demonic activity taking place in Pakistan. In response to the prayers of WIN intercessors and others, God has exposed the plots and locations of several key Taliban and al-Qaeda leaders. In August 2009, the top Taliban chief, Baitullah Mehsud, was killed by a precision missile strike. Hundreds of other militants have been killed by drone strikes in the past year – 9 in a pair of September strikes. Also in September, five top Taliban commanders were arrested in a raid by the Pakistani military. Among them was Muslim Khan, considered to be one of the “highest ranking Taliban officials in Pakistan.” Another example of answered prayer was the announcement of increased information and communication sharing between India and Pakistan – which have been longtime adversaries. The prime ministers of both nations agreed to “share real-time, credible and actionable” information in order to more effectively counter terrorist plots. God’s Kingdom is advancing in the midst of Believers being martyred for their Faith in Jesus Christ. The house church movement, in particular, is growing rapidly. One ministry reports planting 3,000 house churches. They are believing God for 50,000 more. Spiritual and physical wars are raging in Pakistan. The Taliban and al-Qaeda remain a real threat. Thousands of people have been internally displaced and suicide bombs have almost become part of daily life. Yet God has not given up on Pakistan. And He is inviting us to participate in its restoration by way of prayer. As one intercessor noted, “[We] have the keys (Prayer) to change the whole country.”

PRAY ✚✚ Pray for the spirits of violence, destruction and bloodshed that have for so long ruled this nation to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray the Prince of Peace will release His Peace into Pakistan and for it to flow into neighboring Afghanistan and India. Pray God’s King-

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dom will be firmly established in this land. ✚✚ Pray for the safety of and provision for those who have been driven from their homes, villages and communities by Taliban and other terrorist attacks. Pray for God’s provision for them with clean water, nutritious food, shelter, and hope for the future. Pray Christian humanitarian agencies will have permission from the government to provide assistance in every area, and that they will have every resource needed to help, ant the government will do a great job at meeting the needs of refugees and the internally displaced. ✚✚ Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among the Taliban and al-Qaeda, plundering their ranks and drawing members out from darkness, into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for their eyes to be opened to the suffering they are causing, for godly sorrow to fill their hearts, and for repentance to lead them to salvation in God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. ✚✚ Pray the LORD to continue to give the Allied forces and Pakistani government wisdom, insight, and discernment in their fight against terror. Pray for hideouts to be revealed, plans of the terrorists to be confused and every violent plot discovered ahead of time and aborted. ✚✚ Pray for Believers who are sharing in the sufferings of Christ. Pray for God to be their hope and joy, to remind them each day of His Love, and that they have not been forgotten or forsaken. Pray for the Gospel to spread rapidly, for Christians to be delivered from wicked men, and protected from the evil one. Pray the LORD directs their heart into His Love and Christ’s perseverance (The Bible, II Thessalonians 3:l-5). ✚✚ Pray for the house church movement to spread like wildfire across every region of Pakistan, where entire villages all people groups, tribes and families will enter in the Kingdom of God. Sourced: BBC News, World Christian Ministries, Newsweek

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earing the athan (Muslim call to prayer) for the first time can be an eerie experience. It brings to mind visions of the Middle East – elaborate mosques and minarets, turbans and hijabs (head coverings worn by women), even Aladdin and 1,001 Arabian Nights. But hearing it go forth from the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC is enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stick straight out. As I stood in a small sea of Muslim men, many wearing thobes (traditional Islamic robes), bishts (dress cloaks), and head wraps, I not only felt out of place, but was struck

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by a sense of disbelief. I had flown halfway across the country to be present at this Muslim prayer gathering. Now that I was here, I was finding it difficult to understand how Islam had “suddenly” become so prevalent in American that organizers were expecting 50,000 people would gather to perform the salat (Muslim prayer) in the nation’s capital. The website promoting this event had not only promised a huge turnout (that’s where the 50,000 figure came from), but had declared as its motto: “Our time has come.” Perhaps in the years prior to 9/11, this wouldn’t have drawn much notice or concern. But in this age of worldwide jihad, it had

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startled many Americans, and friends of America. Was this an attempt to take over, to make America an Islamic nation? What the organizers planned for and what actually took place, however, were not the same. The 50,000 turned out to be 3,000 to 5,000 at most. Instead of hearing the athan echo off of every memorial in the mall (as advertised), it was communicated via a rather modest sound system that could hardly reach past the lawn in front of the US Capitol Building. There were no marches. No protests. And, thankfully, no violence. The closest thing to religious conflict was the spirited debate that took place as the participants left the

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area in front of the US Capitol as they were met by a variety of Christian groups. Standing at one of the exits, passing out JESUS Film DVDs and Arabic/English copies of the Gospel of John with another member of our evangelism team, I had the opportunity to greet and speak with hundreds of Muslims. Some were disinterested. A few were disgusted. Others wanted to tell me why Christianity was wrong. Many wanted to convince me that Muslims and Christians worship the same basic God. And

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PRAY ✚✚ Pray for the Church in America to wake up to her responsibility to pray, proclaim the Good News, and reach every people group – including followers of Islam, and lead them to Christ. (the Bible, John 4:35) ✚✚ Pray for lasting fruit to remain from the seeds sown or watered to those who heard about Christ at this event, and for the Holy Spirit to continue working in the hearts of those who received the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ✚✚ Pray the Lord will show us more opportunities to minister to internationals – especially those from l0/40 Window nations. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into these ripe harvest fields. ✚✚ Pray for the satanic powers behind Islam to be bound from the shores of the United States and not allowed to take root in America. Pray any terrorists in America will be dismantled and all of the terrorist funding they send out of the country will cease immediately. Pray the funding they receive from terrorist organizations or countries that support terrorism will end immediately. still others had questions about Isa (Jesus, in Arabic) – who He was and why we served Him. The day had started off cold, with drizzle and fog. By noon, the clouds had begun to part. In the late afternoon, as we engaged Muslims in conversation and presented them with the Good News of Jesus Christ, the sun was shining brightly. In looking back on the event, I am convinced this was a physical illustration of what God was doing in the spiritual realm: pushing back the fog of lies the enemy has used to blind the eyes of Muslims in order to reveal the glorious Light of His Son, Jesus Christ. What organizers hoped would advance the cause of Islam in the United States, and what some Americans – even Christians – felt threatened by, God used as a means of proclaiming Jesus Christ to Muslims who came on Capitol Hill. For me, it was not a time of just a time of outreach or a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity to witness to people held in bondage by Islam, however, it was a launching pad into a new and exciting work of God. The United States is truly a melting pot of cultures. According to Joshua Project, it is now home to 363 people groups – 60 of whom are considered unreached/least-reached. Some of these are from nations that Christians cannot access. Yet God, in His infinite wisdom, goodness, power, and faithfulness, is bringing them to us. When I booked my flight for this trip, I had the distinct feeling that I had been enlisted as a “net-holder.” God seems to be driving the “fish” right at us. All we have to do is man the nets. Where ever you live, I challenge you to take up a corner of the net, witness to others the Good News of the Kingdom of God, and hang on to the net as the fish come to the Lord. The harvest truly is plentiful.

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✚✚ Pray no more terrorist attacks will take place in America. ✚✚ Pray for God’s people to rise up and cry out for revival in this land. ✚✚ Pray America will seek the Lord first again and His Righteousness. (Mathew 6:33) ✚✚ Pray for the United States to be protected from all forms of evil from Islamic extremists and terrorists. Loose the warring angels to war on behalf of the USA, and the angels will be stationed on every border and entrance point of this nation. ✚✚ Pray the US government will not be influenced by Islamic spirits to govern in favor of Islam. Pray the US government will make its decisions based on Biblical principles. ✚✚ Pray for God to share His heart for Muslims with His Church and for Believers to boldly witness to the lost, exalting Jesus Christ above every false god and religious system. ✚✚ Pray the Church in America will remember the Great Commission and begin to reach out the lost in unprecedented ways as never before (The Bible, Matthew 28:1820) ✚✚ Pray for an abundant harvest of souls and for the Kingdom of God to be firmly established in America. Sourced: Wikipedia, IslamonCapitolHill.com If you have a story or an article you would like to share with Window International Network or our WIN partners, please e-mail us at WIN@WIN1040.com

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“Somalia is being hijacked by al-Qaida-linked terrorists,” the Ethiopian Foreign Minister warned in a speech before the United Nations General Assembly in September 2009. “…Sudan could be the next nation to fall under their influence.” This is only the latest in an ongoing series of crises facing Sudan. The residents of the largest nation in Africa have endured some of the most severe suffering on a continent known for extreme hardship. The decades-long civil war that ended (at least temporarily) in 2005, resulted in 2 million deaths and the displacement of an estimated 4.5 million Southerners. In the infamous Darfur region, the government’s genocidal campaign to wipe out “rebels” is believed to have killed more than 200,000 and displaced upwards of 2 million people. President Omar al-Bashir, who assumed power in a military coup (l989), “dissolved parliament, banned political parties and set up and chaired the Revolutionary Command Council for National Salvation.” After forming an alliance with the leader of the National Islamic Front, he imposed Shari’a law throughout the northern region of the nation. President Bashir was re-elected in l996 and l999, but was accused of rigging the vote. He has been named the world’s worst dictator and is currently the only sitting head of state indicted for war-crimes. In March 2009, the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for his arrest, charging Bashir with “murder, extermination, forcible transfer, torture and rape.” There were

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also two counts of war crimes for “directing attacks on the civilian population and pillaging.” As refugees in Darfur continue their struggle to survive, the people of the largely Christian South have been experiencing a fragile, inconsistent peace. Their independence will be brought to a referendum in 20ll, but the ceasefire may not last that long. The Muslim government in Khartoum (the nation’s capital) was recently accused of stealing revenue from southern oil reserves – as much as $600 million worth. Sharing the profits was part of the treaty, which some believe has now been broken. Millions in the South were displaced, their villages, homes and roads were largely destroyed by the civil war. Even in times of peace, they continue to experience persecution. In August 2009, armed men surrounded a fishing camp, opened fire, then killed survivors with spears. “These kinds of attacks are becoming increasingly common in the troubled south,” one source reported. Military troops sent to guard these and other groups have been attacked, as have UN food convoys attempting to provide aid. Many consider the violence an attempt to further destabilize the region so the government can take possession of the oil fields and defeat the upcoming independence referendum. Add to these many dangers and troubles the new threat of al-Qaeda terrorists migrating over from Somalia, and the situation becomes an urgent call to pray for Sudan.

PRAY: ✚✚ Pray for the atmosphere of death and genocide to be cast out of Sudan, for freedom and liberty to flow in this land, and for the Lord’s presence to be felt by ever Sudanese. Pray for the darkness that breeds to be cast out from the

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land and the Light of the Living Christ to pierce every bit of spiritual darkness in Sudan.

✚✚ Pray for God to penetrate the hardened hearts of the Muslims of the North, and they will receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray especially for President Omar al-Bashir – that he will repent of the evil he has fostered for decades and turn his life over to Jesus Christ. ✚✚ Pray for the millions who have lost homes and family members in both Darfur and in the South of Sudan. Pray for their restoration. Pray for aid to reach those in need at the refugee camps along the border with Chad. Pray for those who are sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in these camps, that they will be bold in their Faith, and lead the multitudes to Christ. ✚✚ Pray for the Christians in the South as they face not only the challenge of rebuilding their homes and lives, but the threat of renewed war with the North. ✚✚ Pray Christians will be able to freely worship the Lord without retaliation from the government or insurgent groups. ✚✚ Pray the North will stop stealing oil revenues from the South. ✚✚ Pray all terrorist training camps will cease to exist in Sudan. Pray all terrorist financing to dry up, and that insurgent and terrorist groups will no longer have weapons or

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resources to do bad things to people. ✚✚ Pray God’s Kingdom to come and his will be done in Sudan as it is in heaven. ✚✚ Pray the Love of God will be felt and received by followers of Islam, and revival to break out in Sudan. Pray the multitudes will accept Christ as Savior and King. ✚✚ Pray for an immediate end to religious intolerance and greed. ✚✚ Pray those responsible for the planning and implementation of the genocide in Sudan will be quickly brought to justice. ✚✚ Pray those family members who have lost loved ones in the genocide will be comforted by the Holy Spirit. ✚✚ Pray for Christian Believers to endure and prosper, remaining faithful to their Lord and Master no matter the cost. Pray for the Holy Spirit to make them effective witnesses. ✚✚ Pray for the tide of terrorism to be stopped at the border and for al-Qaeda members and terrorist groups to be unable to find a place to train, plot, or even rest inside the borders of Sudan. Pray for them to be rejected from the land and unable to operate anywhere. ✚✚ Pray for the Kingdom of God to come powerfully and gloriously to Sudan, and for the people to be drawn to and put their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Sourced: BBC News, Sudan Tribune, UPI.com

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urkmenistan, also known as Turkmenia, is a Turkic country in Central Asia. Until 1991, it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic. It is bordered by Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the southwest, Uzbekistan to the northeast, Kazakhstan to the northwest, and the Caspian Sea to the west. Over 80% of the country is covered by the Karakum Desert. The center of the country is dominated by the Turan Depression and the Karakum Desert.

Terrorism: While the government of Turkmenistan strictly controlled access into and passage through Turkmenistan at official border crossings and along main roads, clandestine passage could not be eliminated because of the extended border through mountainous and desert terrain, as well as the small size and uneven quality of Turkmenistan’s border guard, customs service, and law enforcement agencies. The military-style counterterrorism unit with hostage rescue

and explosives threat management capability was inaugurated in 2005. The government supported humanitarian assistance related to the U.S. War on Terror and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The government entered the names of individuals and organizations on terrorist financing lists into its banking system. Religion: Muslims make up 91.8% of Turkmenistan’s population, while Christians comprise

only 2.7%. Turkmenistan government officials exert stringent security control over the country. The government strictly controlled religious expression, and radical or extremist forms of Islam were not tolerated. Challenges for Christians: Turkmenistan is ranked No. 14 among nations that are the worst persecutors of Christians based on Open Doors 2007 “World Watch List.” The constitution provides for freedom of religion and does

not establish a state religion. However, in practice the Government continued to restrict all forms of religious expression. The government prohibits foreign missionary activity and foreign religious organizations; however, the law does not restrict the worship choices of foreigners.


Prayer Points: ✚✚ Pray for the Turkmenistan government to continue its tough stance against terrorists. ✚✚ Turkmenistan has a single-party system and was ruled by President for Life Saparmurat Niyazov until December 21, 2006, when he died of cardiac arrest. Presidential elections were held on 11 February 2007. Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow was declared the winner with 89% of the vote. He was sworn in on February 14, 2007. Pray that Berdimuhammedow would be saved. ✚✚ Persecution against Christians is on the increase―with leaders getting beaten up and any foreign Christians being forced to leave the country. Pray that Christians would stand firm in what they believe and speak out against injustice. ✚✚ Pray for freedom of religion in Turkmenistan. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, The World Factbook

Turkmenistan, Central Asia ÌÌ Population: 5,097,028 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov ÌÌ Religions: Islam 91.8%, Christianity 2.7%, Other 5.5% ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: No. 14 November2009

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: None Listed ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 1; Casualties: 1 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 78% ÌÌ % of People in Poverty: 58%

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PRAYER Points November 2009

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- Nearly every day, Believers in India are discriminated against, beaten, tortured, and even killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. Yet the Gospel continues to be proclaimed. According to Mission Research South Asia (MRSA), l2 of the 29 states in India are less than l% Christian. “Another l2,” they report, “have less than 5% Christians. These 24 States, MRSA points out, “should get top priority in the Great Commission concern because they are unreached.” Give thanks to the Lord for the incredible awakening that is taking place throughout India. Pray for the faithful martyria (those willing to die for Christ) who are sharing the Good News in dangerous, spiritually hostile parts of the nation. Pray for God to protect them and for His Word to go forth like fire, burning away the veil of darkness that keeps people from knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- After accusations of “massive fraud” in the July 2009 presidential election, the official in charge of Mauritania’s election commission resigned. Opposition leaders accused General Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz of rigging the election, which he won with 52% of the vote. General Abdelaziz denied the charges and the Constitutional Court confirmed him as the winner. Pray for corruption to be rooted out in every level of Mauritania’s government. Pray for God to move in the hearts of those who are attempting to manipulate the system and the citizens for their own gain. Pray for Mauritanians to see the shortcomings of man’s government and rulership – and seek the government and rulership of Jesus Christ. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- Although observers have seen “positive signals” in Sudan, the nation continues to be listed as a sponsor of terrorism. The government’s genocide in Darfur has decreased but not stopped, and the peace treaty with the South is being threatened by ongoing outbreaks of violence. Pray for God to work mightily in the hearts of President Omar al-Bashir and his administration. Pray for their eyes to be opened to the pain and suffering they are causing. Pray for repentance and for each of them to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for the refugees in Darfur and the Christians in the South to be protected from further violence. Pray for aid groups to be able to provide them with clean water, shelter, and food. Pray for the people of Sudan not to lose hope, but put their trust in the God of all comfort (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3).

in August 2009 was rigged. President Hamid Karzai – who was reelected in that vote – claims there was no fraud. Pray for this deeply troubled nation to be transformed by the Kingdom of God. Pray for the war and resulting displacement to be used as an opportunity to get the Gospel to those who have never heard it. Pray for Allied leaders to be given wisdom, discernment, and supernatural insight into the problems they face. Pray for safety for their troops. Pray for President Karzai to be honest and to lead the nation with integrity. Pray for fairness to be upheld in all matters of government. Pray for God to do a deep work of healing in Afghanistan, and for it to result in an abundant harvest of souls. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In August 2009, six members of an al-Qaeda cell group were arrested as they were planning to bomb a military camp and an oil refinery. While this is cause for thanks and praise to God, experts believe the threat of additional terrorist activity remains high in Kuwait. Pray for those who are plotting violence to be exposed, arrested, and swiftly brought to justice. Pray for protection for Kuwaitis and expatriate workers in that nation. Pray for God to put hooks in the mouths of al-Qaeda members, turn them around, and lead them away from violence and into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for Kuwaitis and other Middle Eastern people groups to see God’s hand at work in these arrests – that this will testify of His goodness, love, and power. Pray for many to come to faith in Jesus Christ. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- Acting in response to complaints from Muslim leaders, authorities in Bangladesh arrested and tortured a team of Christian evangelists. According to Compass Direct News, a pastor and two other team members were blindfolded and held in separate rooms while they were interrogated, beaten, and told to renounce their faith. One policemen promised, “We will teach you… to forget your Chirst.” Pray for the Believers in this mostly Muslim nation. Pray for God to remind them of His love, power, and faithfulness. Pray for Christians to remain strong and rejoice as they share in the sufferings of Christ. Pray for their testimony to cause police, officials, and government leaders to repent and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening in Bangladesh and for God’s Kingdom to come in power, with marvelous signs and wonders.

AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Allied leaders are questioning their strategy in the war in Afghanistan – as well as their chances of success. Observers have complained that the presidential election

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Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- Yukio Hatoyama and his Democratic Party won an “overwhelming victory” in the August 2009 parliamentary elections. This will put an end to more than fifty years of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) rule. Voters were clearly dissatisfied with the LDP, and hopes are high that

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(Japan continued)

the new leadership will bring positive change. Pray for God to work powerfully during this transition in Japan. Pray for the Japanese people to realize that Jesus is responsible for changing the seasons and for raising up new leaders (The Bible, Daniel 2:21). Pray for them to put their hope not in men but in the Lord. Pray for this new era to be the day of God’s favor and a time of salvation for the Japanese (The Bible, II Corinthians 6:2) GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde candidate, Malam Bacai Sanha took the majority of the vote in the second round of presidential elections aimed at replacing assassinated President Joao Bernardo Viera. Since independence in l974, Guinea-Bissau has been controlled by a revolutionary council (until l984), and seen numerous military coups. Pray for God to bring lasting peace to the government and hearts of the people of this troubled land. Pray for an end to corruption, manipulation, and greed. Pray for the righteousness, peace, and joy of the Holy Spirit to fill Guinea-Bissau as God’s Kingdom is established here. Pray for the Gospel to be made known to every people group and made available in every language. Pray for a great awakening that will bring many into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The prime minister of Bhutan described the 6.l magnitude earthquake that struck his nation in September 2009 as “one of the biggest disasters in recent times.” As of this writing more than a dozen people have died and thousands of homes were reportedly damaged. Rescue teams are continuing to search for survivors. Pray for the God of all comfort to comfort those who have lost houses and family members. Pray for the Father to use even this horrible tragedy as a means of exalting His Son, Jesus Christ – displaying His unfailing love to a people who have been kept in darkness by Buddhism. Pray for Christian aid groups to be allowed to assist in rebuilding and providing shelter and supplies to the victims. Pray for this to become an open door for the Gospel to be proclaimed in the “Land of the Thunder Dragon.” SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Although the government of Saudi Arabia is vigilant in its efforts to fight terrorism, it has also been accused of being abusive. One source reports that more than 9,000 people have been detained without trial since the new and more severe counterterrorism program was enacted in 2003. “Saudi Arabia’s response to terrorism for years,” says Human Rights Watch, “has been to lock up thousands of suspects and throw away the key.” Pray for King Abdullah and his administration to remain alert to terrorist threats and zealous in fighting extremist groups – but to also respect the rights of citizens. Pray for those who have been arrested (some of whom are, no doubt, Believers) to be set free. Pray for the King to be released from the bondage of Islam and led into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Saudi Arabia to be delivered from the power of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of God (The Bible, Colossians 1:13). Pray for Saudi Arabia – the birthplace of and protector of Islam – to be transformed by the power of Almighty God into a source of Light and Life as Jesus

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Christ is exalted and pray for multitudes to come into relationship with Him. Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- Guinea is again in a state of political turmoil. Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, who forcibly took power after the death of President Lasana Conte in 2008, is now refusing to step down as promised. In September 2009, protesters demanded that he relinquish control of the nation. Riots resulted and more than l50 were killed as troops opened fire. Soldiers reportedly raped women in the streets. Pray for the spirits of bloodshed, murder, mayhem, and control to be bound and cast out of this nation. Pray for God to arise and for His enemies to be scattered. Pray for an outpouring of His Holy Spirit that will transform the broken lives of the citizens and bring relief from years of corruption and greed. Pray for honest men and women to be raised up by God to rule with integrity in Guinea. THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- On the anniversary of a coup that removed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, protests by proThaksin “red-shirts” turned violent as thousands of troops attempted to disperse them. Mr. Thaksin is living in exile after being convicted in absentia of corruption. At the same time as “red-shirts” were marching, “yellow-shirts” (supporters of the new government) were holding their own demonstration. Both groups battled riot police and several people were injured. Pray for peace to come like rain to this conflicted nation, extinguishing the flames of hatred, division, and political rivalry. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in Thailand, turning hearts from violence to love and drawing great numbers into relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA- In his scramble to remain in power, President Mamadou Tanja has dissolved Niger’s parliament and supreme court, and changed the constitution. Now he is charging his political opponents of corruption and having them imprisoned. Tanja was supposed to step down after his two terms in office, but absolutely refused to do so. Pray for God to speak to President Tanja’s heart. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to this dishonest leader through powerful signs and wonders – as He did to Pharaoh when leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. Pray for justice to reign in Niger, for men and women of integrity to be established in leadership, and for the citizens to see God’s hand at work. Pray for this largely-Muslim nation to turn away from the lies of Islam and toward the Truth of Jesus Christ, accepting Him as their Savior and Lord. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Once part of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan is now one of the poorest independent nations in Central Asia. It has the world’s only working mercury mine, but the mine is now at risk of being shut down because of international concern over safety issues. According to one report, mine workers have not been paid in months. Another cause for distress is the current water shortage – especially since water power is responsible for 90% of the nation’s electricity. Pray for God to provide another source of electricity and to bring hope to the desperate residents of this poverty-stricken nation. Pray for Christian organizations to see and meet the pressing needs of the Kyrgyz, and be given opportunities to

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proclaim the Gospel. Pray for the people of Kyrgyzstan to realize the Lord is their provider – Jehovah Jireh. Pray for this time of suffering to lead them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as they see the love of God in action. Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- In October 2009, government officials agreed to discuss the nation’s nuclear program, even allowing U.N. inspectors to visit their uranium-enrichment facilities. Yet just days earlier, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations, denouncing Israel and their western allies. Iran also performed a missile test in September 2009. Pray for the erratic leaders of Iran’s government to have an encounter with the Living Christ. Pray for President Ahmadinejad to be delivered from his demonic delusions, repent of his sin, and surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to blanket Iran in peace and restrain the government from attacking Israel. Pray for the people of Iran to see the evil of Islam and turn to the leadership of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Pray for a great awakening in this nation to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- The worst rains since l9l9 have turned Burkina Faso into a flood zone. More than l50,000 are now homeless, roads and bridges have been washed out, an electrical plant destroyed, and aid organizations are having trouble reaching survivors. Pray for the quick restoration of this nation – both physically and spiritually. Pray for aid to be provided for those who have lost homes and property and for God to use the flooding as a means of opening hearts to the Truth of the Gospel. Pray for many Burkinabes to hear the voice of the Most High and respond to His call, submitting their lives to Jesus Christ. Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- A law intended to increase the rights of women in this mostly Muslim nation is facing great opposition. The president, who was originally in favor of the law, now refuses to sign it. Tens of thousands have protested in the streets, demanding the proposal be defeated. “Muslim leaders have called the law the work of the devil and against Islam.” Women’s groups and activists, who have spent more than l0 years trying to enact these changes, are very disappointed. Pray for changes of heart in the leadership of Mali, as well as the citizens. Pray for decisions and laws that favor women’s rights. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come and for citizens to bow their knees to Jesus Christ. Pray for respect to be offered to people of all ethnic groups, genders, ages, and religions. Pray for peace to prevail as these important issues are examined and dealt with. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- The latest amendments in a series of changes to the religion laws of Azerbaijan could negatively impact Muslims. One report even suggests that many mosques will be closed and demolished. The two amendments enacted previously affected Christians. The United Nations has objected to all of the changes, charging that “both sets of amendments flagrantly break Azerbaijan’s international human rights commitments.” The goal seems to be not only government involvement in religious activities, but government control of religious activities. Pray for freedom of religion to be restored in Azerbaijan. Pray for the Lord to move in

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the hearts of leaders, reminding them that they have a responsibility to govern fairly. Pray for the increased persecution to cause Believers to shine even brighter, sharing the Light of Christ in this dark nation. Pray for these attempts at control to be the starting place for revival among citizens and government officials. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come, His will be done in Azerbaijan. Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- God is working in the “voodoo capital of the world,” advancing His Kingdom and setting people free from the bondage of witchcraft and demonism. Reports continue to come in from indigenous missionaries working with ministries like Christian Aid Mission and Every Home For Christ, telling of the transforming power of the Gospel. Voodoo is not only being defeated deep in the jungles, but in the cities, where it is a part of daily life. “Even people who attend a local church may still practice certain tenets of their traditional religion,” one harvest laborer explains. Pray for God to place a hedge of protection around His workers as they seek to set the captive free by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the evil spiritual forces behind voodoo and witchcraft to be rendered powerless. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established. Pray for those who have been sitting in darkness to see and embrace the Light of Jesus Christ. INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- A powerful, 7.6 earthquake struck near the island of Sumatra on September 30, 2009. The next day, a 6.8 quake hit close by. The death toll as of this writing is more than l,000 with thousands still trapped in rubble and others unaccounted for. Pray for aid to reach the victims quickly and for them to be provided with clean water, food and shelter. Pray for God to protect the survivors from disease and to comfort them as they grieve. Pray the Christian humanitarian workers as they seek to minister to those whose lives have been devastated. Pray for the hearts of the people of Indonesia to be open to and receive the Gospel as they endure and begin to rebuild. Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Christianity was officially banned from a village in Laos in July 2009. According to Compass Direct News, authorities in Katin village called a special meeting to inform residents Christianity was no longer allowed and that they should “revert to worshiping local spirits.” Any who violated this, they warned, would lose rights, privileges, livestock, and homes. Pray for God to display His Might and Power in great signs and wonders in this village. Pray for the demonic spirits who have ruled Katin for so long to be bound and cast out, replaced by the overwhelming glory of God’s presence. Pray for the chief and officials in Katin – and throughout Laos – to encounter the Risen Christ and for their hearts and lives to be transformed. Pray for an awakening in this village that will spread throughout the nation, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for true religious freedom in Laos. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- In August 2009, the United Nations sponsored talks between Morocco and the Frente Polisario concerning the future of Western Sahara. Both sides agreed

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(Western Sahara continued)

to “continue negotiations.” The UN also began touring refugee camps where people from Western Sahara have been seeking shelter from the ongoing conflict. Thank God for these developments and for the attention being given to the refugee camps. Pray for adequate aid to reach these areas – especially clean water, shelter, food and clothing – and for Christian humanitarian workers to be given opportunities to share the Gospel. Pray for the Lord to guide those in positions of authority as they discuss the future of Western Sahara. Pray for His love for the people of this nation to be displayed and for them to be reminded of how valuable they are to Him. Pray for them to receive His love and salvation. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- The government of Egypt continues to play the role of peacekeeper, setting up meetings among such groups as the Palestinians, Israel, and the Sudanese. In September 2009, Egyptian officials announced another conference involving the Hamas and Fatah (political/terrorist groups ruling the Gaza and West Bank territories). The intention is to bring unity among the Palestinian leadership and deal with the ongoing crisis with Israel. Pray for these talks to be constructive and to be used to diffuse the rage and hatred currently plaguing that region. Pray for the Lord to guide the discussions and keep these groups from plotting violence against Israel. Pray for Egypt to be wise in dealing with these groups and to avoid fostering more terrorism. Pray for members of Hamas, Fatah, and the government of Egypt to encounter the Gospel and surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. Pray for an end to Hamas and Fatah – for their membership to dwindle and their financing to dry up. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Christians in this former Soviet nation are reportedly “suffering great persecution for their faith.” Tolerance for Christianity has been withdrawn, replaced by a growing effort to eradicate Believers and their fellowships. The government has refused to allow churches to register (which is required by law) and has begun assaulting, arresting, fining, and severely punishing those caught worshiping. Pray for and end to the persecution and for this wave of repression to be used by God to bring glory to His Name. Pray for the faithfulness of Believers to impact officials, policemen, and guards, enabling them to see the Light of Jesus Christ. Pray for Christians to be empowered to persevere. Ask God to help them to forgive those who are abusing them. Pray for His protection to surround them and keep them, and for His hope to fill their hearts. Pray for the restrictive laws of this nation to be quickly overturned and for the Kingdom of God to come to Uzbekistan, setting free those held captive by Islam and political repression. Pray for all Uzbeks to come to Christ, accepting Him as their Savior and Lord. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- The terrorist believed to have masterminded a church bombing in Nepal was arrested in September 2009. Ram Prasad Mainali is the head of the Nepal Defense Army, an extremist group which has carried out acts of violence against Christians and insists that Hinduism should be the national religion. Thank God for Mainali’s capture and pray for him to be brought to justice. Praise God for helping the authorities find him. Pray for the government to continue to be vigilant in seeking out terrorists and to stop violence

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against Christians. Pray for God to protect the Body of Christ in Nepal, giving them courage and hope. Pray for them to be bold, even in the face of persecution, sharing their faith in Jesus Christ. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Assist News describes a Pakistani man who went to UAE in search of work to support his family. The man lost his job and with nowhere to sleep, stumbled upon a group of people gathered around a radio. They were listening to a program about Jesus. The man soon gave his life to Christ. Praise God for His love for us. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue seeking and drawing those who have been displaced, who have lost jobs and families, who have nowhere to turn for help or hope. Pray for Believers in UAE – and throughout the l0/40 Window – to be alert to what God is doing and ready to share the Gospel with those He brings to them. Pray for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ in UAE. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- Reports from Believers inside Albania say human trafficking continues to be a major problem in that nation. “Albania became a centre for human trafficking in the l990s,” one website explains. Although authorities have been cracking down on this illegal activity, each year “countless” women and girls are taken across the border into Greece to be used as prostitutes. Pray for an immediate end to this practice and the many crimes and problems associated with it – drugs, slavery, violence, corruption, sexually transmitted diseases…. Pray for God to intervene on behalf of the victims who are being forced into this humiliating, degrading, and damaging underworld industry. Pray for the healing of hearts, minds, bodies and emotions of the women and girls who are being abused. Pray for the demand to dry up – for men to be convicted of their sin, repent, and renounce their participation in prostitution. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Albania and for a great harvest of souls to come to this atheist nation. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- Missionaries are not allowed into this Islamic nation. Evangelism is not tolerated and those who engage in it are expelled. Yet the Lord has not left Morocco without a witness. Teams of expatriate Believers are sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ as tentmakers. God is also raising up indigenous Christians to serve as His ambassadors. One couple, for instance, who studied at the Arab Baptist Theological School, is now running a house church where new followers of Christ can be discipled and encouraged. Pray for the Light of Jesus Christ to continue to shine into this dark, Muslim country. Pray for the strongholds of the enemy to be broken and torn down by the prayers of the Saints and for the Holy Spirit to move freely, softening hearts and leading men and women to salvation in Christ. Day 15

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IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- According to a report from Mission Network News, the situation for Christians in Iraq is growing more and more dangerous. This was confirmed recently when Iraqi church leaders called on the prime minister to help protect Believers from “continuing attacks.” These leaders said that “efforts to curb violence were insufficient and more needed to be done….” Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Iraq. Ask God

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(Iraq continued) to protect them and give them peace even in the midst of dangerous circumstances. Pray for the Iraqi government to take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of Believers. Pray for the Lord of Hosts to move in Iraq, casting down strongholds of violence, bloodshed, and war, and ushering in His Kingdom with powerful signs and wonders. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Iraq. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- Western observers have accused Sri Lankan troops of using rape as a weapon in the conflict with the Tamil Tigers (the rebel group only recently defeated). The government has also been accused of failing to properly care for the 250,000 civilians who are in refugee camps, waiting to return to their homes. They need food, water, shelter and sanitation, and continue to struggle with both the emotional and physical wounds of war. Suicide is a growing risk as people give up hope. Pray for the government of Sri Lanka to operate in a godly fashion – admitting failures and taking action to remedy the refugee situation. Pray for rapists to be brought to justice quickly and punished accordingly. Pray for healing for those who have been abused, who have lost homes and loved ones, and for the entire nation as it faces a new season in the aftermath of war. Pray for the door to be open for the Gospel to penetrate Sri Lanka and for the Kingdom of God to be established and advanced throughout the island. Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- As Israel faces threats from Iran, the Hezbollah, and Hamas, the government is also trying to deal with an outbreak of crime – especially murder and suicide. In August 2009 alone, the tiny nation saw a television star hang himself, a mother and daughter slaughtered, a man beaten to death by a gang in front of his family, and a woman stabbed in her apartment. “Undoubtedly,” said a professor at Hebrew University, “this will be remembered as bloody August.” Pray for the Lord to protect His people from the spirits of destruction that are active in the international community, as well as inside of Israel. Pray for the growing stress of war, terrorism and crime to turn hearts toward Jesus Christ and His salvation. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be exalted throughout this land and for Jews to recognize Him as the Messiah and put their faith and trust in Him.

making her the deputy minister of foreign affairs. This move follows similar appointments in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Pray for God to appoint the officials He desires to run the government of Tajikistan (The Bible, Daniel 2:2l). Pray for President Rahmon and his colleagues in other nations to serve with humility and a willingness to step aside when the time comes. Pray for God to work in their hearts and bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for their example to be the start of a revival that will sweep through Central Asia. Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- The Communist government of China has “vowed” to respond to any further protests in the Xinjiang province with swift justice. Over the summer, violence erupted in this region between Uyghur Muslims and Han Chinese. The government blamed the conflict on separatists and now promises to “effectively prevent and resolutely crack down on ethnicity-related separatist activities.” Pray for peace to reign in this troubled area. Pray for the government to use restraint in dealing with the people groups involved. Pray for the Communists not to use the conflict as an excuse to commit human rights violations. Pray for President Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping (the man who may succeed Jintao) to hear and respond to the Gospel and be the first fruits of a great harvest of souls in the Chinese government. Pray for an end to Communism and for the Kingdom of God to come in great power. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- In September 2009, the United Nations representative from this tiny East African country told the General Assembly that the UN Security Council “must take steps to solve the border dispute between Djibouti and Eritrea.” Troops from the neighboring nations fought in June 2008 over an “undemarcated area.” In January 2009, the UN demanded that Eritrea pull its military away from the border, but they refused to do so. Their actions, Djibouti claims, have “demonstrated a pattern of military aggression….” Pray for both sides of this conflict to humble themselves and step back from war. Pray for God to move between these forces and ensure a peaceful resolution. Pray for the people of

TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Like the kings of old, the rulers of several nations of Central Asia are consolidating power and going to great lengths to ensure that it stays in the family. President Emomali Rahmon is the latest to appoint a daughter to a position of authority,

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Djibouti and Eritrea to repent of their ethnic hatred and nationalism. Pray for them to accept Christ as their Savior.

opportunities to witness with words and actions to members of the Bahraini government.

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YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In October 2009, Shiite rebels claimed they shot down a Yemeni fighter jet as it was attacking their strongholds. The government issued a statement saying the plane “crashed because of technical problems.” The Shiites, who call themselves Huthis, have been the target of a seven-week offensive by Yemeni forces. According to a UN estimate, 55,000 people have been forced to leave their homes. Pray for the rebels to be rooted out of Yemen. Pray for an end to the fighting and for citizens to be allowed to return to their homes. Pray for the Holy Spirit to brood over this Islamic nation, piercing the darkness with the Light of Christ. Pray for the Father to draw and enable many to come to faith in Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 6:44,65). Pray for a spiritual awakening that will spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, setting captives free and leading people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Because of its oil reserves, Brunei is one of the wealthiest nations in the world. It is also one of the most difficult to penetrate with the Gospel. Ranked number 29 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 of worst persecutors of Christians, Brunei is staunchly Muslim. “Islamic Shari’a law in Brunei supersedes civil law and it regulates all of life,” explains the 30-Day Prayer Network. Pray for this rich nation to become rich in the things and ways of Jesus Christ. Pray for the hard shield of Islam to be removed and for the eyes of those who have been blinded by false religion to be opened to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for missionaries to find creative ways to reach the people of Brunei with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to become known and to flourish in this closed nation.

VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Typhoon Ketsana hit the nation in late September 2009, causing massive flooding that drove residents from their homes. More than l00 were killed and the number continues to rise. Many more are missing. The disaster is considered one of the worst to hit Vietnam in recent years. Pray for the survivors as they try to repair their homes and grieve the loss of loved ones and property. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to provide clean water, food, shelter, as well as hope in the form of the Gospel. Pray for their actions, attitudes and words to demonstrate God’s Kingdom in such a way that many will accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for the Body of Christ to remain strong in the faith. Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- President Ma Yingjeou issued an apology for the government’s slow response time in dealing with the typhoon that recently ravaged the nation. Hundreds were killed and hundreds more trapped by debris. Military troops were sent to help with rescue efforts and organize shelter for those who had lost homes. “We could have done better and we could have been faster,” President Ying-jeou lamented. Pray for Taiwan as they recover from this deadly tragedy. Pray for the grieving families and for the government officials who feel partially responsible for some of the deaths. Pray for God to minister healing to this nation and for the intense suffering and need to be an opportunity for His Love to be poured out and received. Pray for many to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through this crisis. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Despite the fact that Bahrain is a Muslim nation, the government has agreed to “donate a plot of land for the construction of a new church compound to house a range of congregations and fellowships.” This announcement comes after some churches were “facing the possibility of being closed down” because they were not registered.” Pray for the government to honor this decision and commitment. Pray for further changes in the attitude of the authorities and for revisions in the laws to allow more fellowships to register and worship legally. Pray for God’s Spirit to give Believers wisdom in how to proceed and to be given

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LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- Although pro-Western politicians were voted into power in the June 2009 election, they have been unable to form a government. Some observers believe Syria – especially the terrorist organization Hezbollah – is to blame. “…By virtue of its location,” a Lebanese official noted, “Syria has greater influence in Lebanon than other countries.” Pray for Hezbollah, Syria, and other terrorist-related powers to be driven out of Lebanon. Pray for those voted into office in Lebanon to be given supernatural wisdom in forming a government that will serve and benefit the people of this nation. Pray for the Lord to continue working in hearts and drawing more and more Arabs and Muslims into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for Lebanon to be a beacon of Light in the Middle East, blessing their neighbors and extending the Kingdom of God in every direction. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Qatar’s request to build a hospital in the Gaza Strip has been approved by Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu. The deal was mediated by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and will involve transporting materials into the region that are not usually allowed for fear they might be used to make weapons. Pray for Qatar to continue to use their vast oil wealth to bless other nations. Pray for their involvement in the Palestinian conflict and their work in Israel to give them a new attitude toward Jews and Christians. Pray for this project to benefit those in the Gaza Strip who have been injured in the ongoing conflict – and not as a covert means of assisting Hamas or other terrorist groups. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in Qatar, and that Muslims will surrender their hears to Jesus Christ. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Turkmenistan, Central Asia’s largest producer of natural gas, will become a primary supplier for Europe with the construction of a new pipeline. Another pipeline to China is almost finished. After a series of natural gas discoveries last year, Turkmenistan’s reserves now rank as the fourth largest in the world, surpassing even Saudi Arabia. Pray for these economic changes to be a blessing to this nation without corruption and greed. Pray for the Lord to raise up men and women who will

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(Turkmenistan continued) handle the profits with integrity and use them to benefit the people of Turkmenistan. Pray for these developments to open new doors for the Gospel to be proclaimed in this region and for Turkmenistan to become wealthy in the things of the Lord. Pray for His Kingdom to rule and reign throughout Central Asia. Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- Although Ethiopia is not an Islamic nation and supposedly values religious freedom, a Christian was arrested in September 2009 for the “crime” of distributing Bibles. Bashir, a Muslim-background Believer, is credited with helping to open dialogues between Christians and Muslims. Members of his family and tribe had him arrested in hopes of keeping him from “spreading Christianity in the region.” As of September, he had not been formally charged and was expected to be moved to a jail near the Somali border so friends could not visit him. Pray for Bashir’s immediate release and for God to give him strength and boldness to be a witness to his guards and fellow prisoners while in jail. Pray for this case to cause Ethiopians to consider and receive the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for members of his family and tribe to be convicted of their sin, repent, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. Pray Islam will not penetrate Ethiopia and for the Gospel to go forth in power, drawing hearts and bringing freedom to all those who have been blinded by the enemy. MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- Believers in Myanmar are reporting both increased persecution and increased fruit for the Kingdom of God. In July 2009, the Burma Army attacked another town in northern Karen state, sending 500 people fleeing into the jungle and leaving several dead. Heavy rain made their survival difficult. Yet people are still accepting Christ. As one Brother explained, each week, more and more are coming to receive the Lord, then returning to their village with “fire in their hearts to share with those around them.” Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Thank the Lord for building His Church in spite of satan’s attacks. Pray for Believers in Myanmar to be strong in the Lord and the power of His Might. Pray for the protection of the Body of Christ. Ask the Lord to be present with them, refreshing and encouraging them. Pray for soldiers, Buddhists and others who are opposed to the cross of Christ to be convicted by the love and forgiveness demonstrated by Christians. Pray for God’s Kingdom to keep advancing in Myanmar. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- In response to rebel infiltration, the government of Chad is attempting to move at least one of the many refugee camps located on its eastern border with Sudan. The camp consists of 28,000 people. One of the many challenges will be providing a source of fresh water for this group. Another is safety. “Security is also an issue in an area where aid workers and the population continue to face attacks by armed forces,” reports allAfrica.com. Pray for the government of Chad to continue working to protect these and other refugees living in camps along the border. Pray for the Sudanese rebels to disband and give up their violent campaigns. Pray for the humanitarian agencies serving these groups to be allowed to assist in providing adequate water, food, shelter, and security. Pray for the

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refugees to know they are loved by God and to have the opportunity to hear and receive the Gospel. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- Ten years ago, President Abdel-Aziz Bouteflika launched a campaign to combat terrorism and related violence. Although there are still occasional attacks from al-Qaedarelated groups, Algerians now live in relative peace. With this has come a demand for better jobs and higher pay. “Peace is back now,” one man said, “but we want jobs, houses for our young, and we also want better services.” Observers believe insurgent violence could soon eclipse terrorism as the biggest threat. Pray for the peace to continue – for terrorists and their plots to be consistently repelled by the Algerian government. Pray for the current discontent with the economy to be used by God to bring about a discontent with Islam. Pray for this season in Algeria to lead people to surrender to Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout the land and for the Kingdom of God to come in power. Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- Although Libya has accepted responsibility for the Pan American flight l03 bomb attack that took place in l988, the August 2009 release of one of the men involved in the terrorist act (Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi) angered many of the families of the victims. Some, however, expressed forgiveness and were invited to meet with Col. Muammar Gaddafi. The Libyan leader said he was very sorry for the loss, and stated that “terror in all its forms is a common enemy to all of us.” Pray for God’s comfort and healing for the families who lost loved ones in this event. Pray for this meeting with Col. Gaddafi to have a lasting effect on him. Pray for Col. Gaddafi’s heart to be softened and for the Gospel to be planted and grow in his life. Pray for his salvation and for a great awakening in Jesus Christ in Libya that will influence the entire Arab Muslim world. Pray for the protection of the Body of Christ in Libya. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- According to Shari’a (Islamic) law, drinking alcohol is prohibited. However, this is seldom enforced in Malaysia. So it was surprising when a woman was arrested for drinking a beer at a hotel in 2007. When she demanded to be punished publicly, her case became an embarrassment for this moderate Muslim nation. Many now fear her punishment – which includes six strokes of the cane – could “damage Malasia’s reputation abroad.” Pray for this incident to be used to bring an end to the oppression of Shari’a law. Pray for the government to understand and appreciate the suffering it imposes. Pray for Muslims to begin to question their faith and to seek the Truth found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for darkness of false religion to be driven out of Malaysia by the Light of Jesus Christ. Day 25

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OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In October 2009, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said met with President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan to discuss cooperation between the two “friendly countries.” Both nations are Islamic and both are listed on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 (Oman at number 28, Uzbekistan at number l0). Pray for greater freedom of religion in each of these countries and for this meeting to result in a decrease of persecution and a new openness to the

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Gospel. Pray for the salvation of Sultan Qaboos and for President Karimov. Pray for the people of Oman to be exposed to and receive the Good News and for the bondage of Islam to be broken. Pray for their release from the powers of darkness and for them to come running into the Kingdom of God.

forgiveness, and restoration so they can move forward. Pray for God to intervene, bringing peace and opening the hearts of both Turks and Armenians to the power and glory of His Son. Pray for an abundant harvest of souls to result from these efforts to bring political reconciliation. Pray for the Believers as they face persecution.

KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In an answer to prayer, this poor, former Soviet nation is experiencing a record grain harvest. After a severe drought devastated crops in 2008, they have seen the situation turn around. Officials now hope bread prices can remain level and expect wheat exports to increase by l/3 this year. Thank the Lord for ending the drought and blessing the crops in Kazakhstan. Give the Lord praise for bringing an abundant harvest – and pray He will do the same thing in the spiritual realm, bringing a great and abundant harvest of souls into His Kingdom. Pray for President Nursultan Nazarbayev to be drawn to Jesus Christ and for the people of Kazakhstan to come from all directions, remembering the Lord and turning to Him in salvation. Pray for every family in this nation to worship before Jesus Christ (the Bible, Psalm 22:27).

NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- In September 2009, the government of North Korea announced that it was on the verge of “the completion stage” in its drive to develop nuclear warheads. Despite efforts by the international community to pressure North Korea to suspend its uranium enrichment program, the nation appears to be determined to develop nuclear weapons. Pray for God to restrain the violent and controlling spiritual forces that are pushing North Korea toward a face off with the rest of the world. Pray for Kim Jong-Il and his sons to encounter the Living Christ. Pray for their salvation and for an end to their legacy of isolation and hostility. Pray for the people of North Korea to cry out to the Lord for His grace to endure oppression. Pray for Believers to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to stand strong and be bold witnesses in the face of extreme persecution.

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TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- Tunisia was recently ranked number one in Africa in terms of “good governance.” The nation was praised for its strength in human development, transparency and rule of law, and climate of security. According to the “Strengthening African Governance” report, the “best governed African countries are those which are well led, provide their citizens with the best services, hold free and fair elections and are the least corrupt.” Give the Lord thanks for the work He is doing in Tunisia. Pray for the integrity and justice being evidenced in this nation to spill over into the surrounding nations. Pray for the Lord to do a deeper work, pressing beyond governmental morality, into issues of spiritual Truth. Pray for the people of Tunisia to appreciate their government and to begin to hunger for the salvation found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Body of Christ in Tunisia as they face persecution. Pray for an end to their suffering and for greater freedom to worship the Lord.

SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- In October 2009, President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed issued an urgent call for help. “The people fighting us are affiliated with al-Qaeda,” he said. As the government struggles against a number of insurgent terrorist groups, including al-Shabaab and Hizbul-Islam, citizens continue to fear for their lives. Christians in particular are being targeted in deadly attacks. In August 2009, four Believers working in an orphanage in southern Somalia were kidnapped and beheaded when they refused to renounce their faith. Another Christian who was active in evangelizing this largely unreached nation was murdered by al-Shabaab in September 2009 when the terrorists discovered Bibles in his luggage. Pray for the Prince of Peace to come in His glory to restore order, rid the land of chaos and bloodshed, and establish the Kingdom of God in Somalia. Pray for the Lord to plunder the terrorist organizations, rescuing members from the dominion of darkness and leading them into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Pray for Christians to stand firm, covered in the armor of God and abiding in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be present, comforting them and give them the courage and strength to proclaim the Gospel in this dangerous region. Pray for Believers to be invisible and invincible to the enemy and for an immediate end to this violence.

CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Devastating Typhoon Ketsana hit the Philippines and Vietnam, then began to batter Cambodia. Although typhoons usually weaken over land, this storm was still very dangerous, killing several people and destroying many homes. Pray for the victims of Typoon Ketsana. Pray for God to comfort those who are grieving the loss of loved ones and lost property. Pray for aid to reach them quickly and for Christian agencies to use this as an opportunity to preach and demonstrate God’s love. Pray for this tragedy to be used to extend the Kingdom of God and bring a great harvest of souls to the Lord. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- Many Turks and Armenians are upset by a new agreement that would “establish diplomatic ties between Armenia and Turkey and reopen their common borders.” These two nations have been estranged since l9l5 when a genocidal campaign of violence took the lives of l.2 million Armenians. The Turkish government continues to deny this event and refuses responsibility for it. Pray for healing between these two nations. Pray for repentance,

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PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- In the recent outbreak of violence (July and August 2009) Muslim extremists made their intentions known. “They have made up their minds to crush Christianity,” one Pakistani resident explained. Another man who witnessed the attacks said, “They want to destroy Christians.” After the murders and the destruction of property, Believers who survived were left homeless. “We have nothing left,” one man said. “We are trying to face this in the name of Jesus Christ.” Pray for these brave Brothers and Sisters who have nothing left – yet have everything left in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to draw them close, comfort them, and provide for them and give them favor. Pray for God to give them the grace to forgive and to demonstrate His love and mercy to the extremists. Pray for multitudes of Muslims to be drawn to Christ and accept Him as their Savior. Pray for these communities of Believers as they rebuild their homes and lives, still facing the threat of persecution. Pray for their faithfulness to be the flame that produces a great awakening in

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(Pakistan continued)

Pakistan. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come dramatically in this land. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- More than 700 Christians were killed and six churches destroyed by Boko Harem, the Muslim terrorist organization that went on a violent rampage in Northern Nigeria in July 2009. Just as they were beginning to recover from these attacks, Believers were hit by deadly windstorms that “devastated 40 villages.” Muslims celebrated the destruction of mission facilities and offered to help villagers rebuild. Pray for northern Nigeria – a battlefield of spiritual forces. Pray for the Lord to arise and scatter every demonic enemy in this region. Pray for the Lord to show Himself powerful and to defend His people. Pray for Muslims to see and hear the love of Jesus Christ in the lives of their Christian neighbors. Pray for forgiveness and healing from the murders, and for God to supply the resources to rebuild their homes, churches, and missions bases free of corruption. Pray for the Body of Christ in northern Nigeria to be strong and courageous in the face of these tremendous challenges. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established and prosper throughout Nigeria. Pray for an immediate end to Shari’a law. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- In July 2009, President Mohamed Nasheed sought help from Dr. Salman Bin Fahd Al-Ouda, a religious expert from Saudi Arabia, in addressing what he believes are the two most serious problems facing the people of Maldives: religious divide and drug abuse. Pray for President Nasheed to hear the Gospel and surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Pray for him to begin seeking help for Maldives from the God who created the universe. Pray for the people of Maldives to be set free from the tyranny of Islam – for their blind eyes to be opened to see and receive the Light of Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bridge the “religious divide,” enabling citizens to turn away from the lies of Mohammad and toward the Truth. Pray for the power of the risen Christ to free those addicted to drugs. Pray for the Hope of Nations to become the Hope of Maldives. Pray for the Kingdom of God to shatter the darkness over these closed and resistant islands and bring forth a great and abundant harvest of souls for Jesus Christ. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- King Abdullah II of Jordan recently warned Israel that the Arab Peace Initiative would not be valid forever. The Initiative, created in 2002 by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, is an attempt to bring “peace” to the Middle East by calling for Israel’s withdrawal from “occupied territories (including East Jerusalem)” and their settlement of the “Palestinian refugee crisis.” Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in l994. Pray for King Abdullah II and Jordan to remain faithful to Israel and keep their part of the treaty. Pray for God to give Israel favor in the eyes of Jordan’s leadership. Pray for Jordan’s friendship with Israel to bring a blessing to the nation. Pray for the Lord to continue working there, building His Church, turning hearts away from sin and toward the salvation found only in Jesus Christ, and demonstrating His Kingdom in great power, with signs and wonders following. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- In October 2009, rebel forces killed six members of the Senegalese military. The attack took place in the Casamance region, known as a haven for separatists. It is believed that the Casamance Movement of Democratic Forces (MFDC) was responsible for the deaths. Pray for the Lord to establish peace in the Casamance region, disarming rebels with His love and transforming

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them in the power of His grace. Pray for the political conflict in Senegal to cause residents to question their spiritual allegiance and the reality that they will one day die and face judgment. Pray for many Muslims to awaken to and receive the Truth of the salvation offered only in Jesus Christ. Pray for Senegal to become a fountainhead of God’s Kingdom, spreading righteousness, peace and joy throughout West Africa and the 10/40 Window. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- A Western government warned that it will “take action” if Eritrea does not stop its support of terrorism in Somalia. Eritrea has been accused of providing training and weapons for al-Shabaab – an extremist group now wreaking havoc in the Mogadishu region. President Afworki has stated that he will continue to oppose the current Somali government and has called the Somali president a “stooge” of the West. Afworki also makes no attempts to deny the fact that Eritrea practices “modern slavery and torture.” Pray for the heart of this evil man to be made new – for him to be born again as he encounters Jesus Christ. Pray for his salvation to bring complete transformation to this nation. Pray an immediate end to their support of terrorism and their horrific treatment of Christians. Pray for those held prisoner for their faith to be set free immediately. Pray fo the protection of the Body of Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Eritrea and for every demonic power to be banished from the land. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- Nepal is deploying troops along its border with Tibet in an effort to make it more secure. Dozens of Tibetans were arrested recently in violence that erupted in the Nepali city of Kathmandu. Some have accused Nepal of acting with China to keep the people of Tibet contained. The government of Nepal has voiced its support for China’s “One China” policy that considers Tibet to be part of China, not an autonomous nation. Pray for the people of Tibet who are trapped inside their own country, as well as expatriates in China and Nepal. Pray for their safety and for the Lord to remind them that they were fearfully and wonderfully made for a specific purpose: to know and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for peace to be poured out upon this region and for the government of China to release the Tibetan people from the bondage of Communism and control. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, His will be done in Tibet as it is in heaven. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia visited Damascus to meet with Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad in October 2009. It was the first time the two have met since the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Saudi Arabia’s “strongest ally in Lebanon.” Al-Ashad’s regime was believed to be behind the killing. In the four years since then, Syria and Saudi Arabia have been at odds politically and diplomatically. Pray for Syria to completely end its support of all terrorism and terrorist groups. Pray for President Al-Ashad to turn from his murderous ways and accept Jesus Christ as His Savior. Pray for recent evangelical events (such as the showing of the film “Damascus”) in Syria to plant seeds in the hearts of Muslims and to bring a great harvest of souls for Jesus Christ. Pray for peace between Syria and Saudi Arabia, and throughout the Middle East. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- Although this large, landlocked nation appears to be a vast wilderness – from the Gobi Desert (the fifth largest desert in the world) to the mostly uninhabited mountains

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of the north – it is very rich in natural resources. This was evidenced in October 2009 when an agreement to work the Oyu Tolgoi gold mine was signed, earning Mongolia $4 billion. Pray for the people of this beautiful, wealthy land to realize they were created by the Lord. Pray for their resources to be used to benefit the people and for the government to be free from corruption. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself throughout Mongolia, opening blind eyes and awakening sleeping hearts to the Truth of Jesus Christ. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA- According to the United Nations, the quality of life in East Timor is deteriorating. The nation fell from l50 to l62 on the UN annual Human Development Index. The new 2009 ranking is based on information from 2007 – “a year after East Timor descended into chaos as police and army forces battled in the streets….” Approximately l5% of the citizens were displaced and lived in refugee camps. Pray for the continued healing of this troubled nation. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders of integrity who fear His Name and will govern justly. Pray for those who lost property and loved ones to be comforted and supplied with what they need to rebuild. Pray for the untold numbers who are struggling to survive in abject poverty to be provided with resources. Pray for the Lord to guide this nation, leading the people toward the special future He has planned for them: eternal life in His Son, Jesus Christ. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- A recent review by UNICEF noted that the Gambia is the “best performing country when it comes to protecting children from malaria.” However, the review found that Gambian women face a very high death risk when pregnant. UNICEF also encouraged the Gambia to use this time of “relative peace and stability” to work toward socio-economic progress. Pray for peace to prevail and become the norm, rather than the exception in the Gambia. Pray for the continued blessing of health on the children and for God to be their Father and Defender. Pray for better medical care to be provided in this nation and for expatriate medical teams to be dispatched to serve the people – preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- Hamas is finding it increasingly difficult to govern the Gaza while waging an ongoing war of terror against Israel. “After two years as the sole authority in the Palestinian enclave,” writes BBC News, “Hamas is not doing particularly well on either front.” Discontent in the Gaza Strip is believed to be responsible for a gun battle at a mosque in August 2009 that killed 22 people. One cleric went so far as to declare his neighborhood an Islamic emirate. Pray for Hamas to continue to fall to pieces – fighting and bickering and becoming more dissatisfied with the state of the Gaza and their goal of harming Israel. Pray for the protection of the people of Gaza who are innocent victims in the conflict. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully, pouring His Spirit out in this region and drawing the citizens out from the darkness of Islam, into the Light and Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to be boldly proclaimed and gladly received in the Gaza Strip. WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- Historians call the Palestinian uprising against Israel in l987 the First Intifada (intifada means “shaking off”). The Second Intifada took place in 2000. Some are referring to the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip as the Third Intifada. As the stretches of peace between intifadas bring a return of stability and the promise of a better future, many residents of the West Bank

claim to be ready to end the centuries-long struggle against the Jews. “We support peace between the Palestinians and Israel,” one West Bank farmer said. However, he noted, “the people who benefited from the last Infitada are pushing again. Going back to square one will ruin everything.” Pray for the victims who are caught in the crossfire of terrorism and war. Pray for the Lord to protect them and to use the challenges and even suffering to turn their hearts toward Jesus Christ. Pray for them to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the people of the West Bank to see the evil of Hamas and Hezbollah, and realize that terrorism only brings death and destruction. Pray for Jesus Christ to be proclaimed throughout the West Bank and for the Holy Spirit to move, bringing a great harvest of souls to Jesus Christ. Window International Network Pray for the Lord to give the staff at Window International Network creative ideas and strategies for mobilizing prayer for the 10/40 Window. Pray for the Lord will give them continued passion for the lost and unreached in the 10/40 Window. Pray for strategies from the Lord on how the WIN staff can share with WIN partners how to pray against the strongholds of false religion, terrorism, and wickedness that have been keeping people bound in darkness. Pray the Lord will call forth His harvest of souls, bringing forth abundant fruit, and use Window International Network to bring His Kingdom on earth a it is in Heaven. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News, allAfrica.com, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News

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any of the peoples and nations of the 10/40 Window have grown accustomed to hardship. For some, wars, drought, poverty, and even famine have become a part of life. However, according to experts in the fields of economics, meteorology, and agriculture, things may be taking a dramatic turn for the worse. The changes they see coming include an increase in world hunger, an increase in the displacement of people groups, an increase in poverty, and an increase in wars. The principle causes, they explain, are the global financial crisis, and climate change. The effects of these events can already be seen. According to the United Nations, in 2009, the number of people suffering from hunger reached 1 billionfor the first time in history. Most of these live in South Asia where three-quarters of the population (approximately 1.2 billion people) “live on less than $2 a day.” This situation is a direct result of the financial downturn. While the relatively wealthy in the West scramble to salvage investments, many residents of the l0/40 Window are struggling simply to survive. “The silent hunger crisis – affecting one-sixth of all of humanity,” explains the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, “poses a serious risk for world peace and security.” A lack of money means not only a lack of food, but a lack of education, a lack of health care, a lack of clean water, a lack of shelter…. All of these problems, already rampant in some l0/40 nations, are exacerbated by the current financial crisis. And when desperation sets in, the UN warns, there will be more crime, child labor, internal conflict, slavery, and illegal immigrations as people frantically fight for life. Climate change is also negatively impacting the nations. The typhoons and hurricanes battering much of the l0/40 Window in recent years may be part of this. But those studying the situation warn that even greater “megadisasters” could be on the way. “We are going to see more disasters and more intense disasters as a result of climate change,” the UN Under Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs stated in June 2009. According to the Red Cross, “natural and man-made disasters killed nearly a quarter of a million people in

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2008.” Nine out of ten of the disasters were “weather-related.” One of the greatest dangers, experts say, is to the world’s super cities – those home to l0 million or more. (It should be noted that for the first time in history, more of the earth’s people live in cities than in rural settings, with more migrating to urban environments each day – a trend that is expected to continue.) Many of these are “highly exposed” in coastal areas and could be devastated by storms. “Risks of megadisasters in some of these megacities are rising all the time,” the UN stated. Each time a “megadisaster” occurs, their scenario suggests, people will be left homeless, clean water will be unavailable, and disease will be epidemic. It is a vicious circle. Poverty forces people to live on the very edge of survival. They teeter there, trying to get by. In some cases, then a storm comes and takes what little they have. Or a drought robs them of crops. Or flooding ruins their fields. Or a typhoon steals their home or business. Or world markets decline further and their products are of little or no value. Food prices rise. The poor fall deeper into poverty. Crime rises as parents sell their children into prostitution or begin to steal or cross the border to live illegally in another country. If the experts are correct, what we are experiencing today is only the beginning.

PRAY: • Ask the LORD to provide everyone of the felt needs (food, water, and shelter) of those He so dearly loves – the men, women, and children of the l0/40 Window nations. • Pray for an end to every strategy of the devil, every disaster, plague, or wave of poverty coming to the 10/40 Window. • Pray for a great harvest of souls that will be properly discipled in the way of the Kingdom of God. • Pray for the Wisdom of the Lord to be with those in authority who are responsible for making decisions that will effect climate change. • Where there is drought and famine, pray for rain and an abundance of crops and food that will truly reach

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all of those in need –especially Christian Believers, without intervention by terrorist groups or those opposed to Christianity. Pray for resources in the West to be loosed into the l0/40 Window. Pray for Christian and other humanitarian organizations to be provided with the funding and all of the resources they need to care for those who are suffering. Pray for relief efforts to reach those who are truly in need and for the Gospel to be proclaimed and received by all who hear it. Pray for the end of drought and food shortages. Pray every one will have multiple nutritious meals everyday, as well as clean water for drinking and bathing. Pray for governments to cooperate, collaborate and receive godly wisdom in meeting these growing challenges. Pray for leaders to share God’s compassion for the citizens who are struggling to survive. Pray for the end of greed and corruption that would keep the people from receiving the goods they need to survive. Pray for new industries to rise up that would stimulate the economies of those countries that are the poorest in the world. Pray the governments will allow Christians and women to actively and freely participate in the marketplace. Pray for God to mercifully supply rain, good harvests, clean water, food, shelter, education, medicine, and hope to those who have – and who may – face poverty, hunger, natural disasters, drought, and famine. Pray for the Church worldwide to awaken to her role to pray, give, and go to the nations of the l0/40 Window to preach and demonstrate God’s love and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Sourced: United Nations, World Bank, Unicef, BBC News The 10/40 Window Reporter 27


ear Friends, I have so much to tell you about my recent trip to Indonesia. What a whirlwind of activity and events, especially for a tiny hummingbird!

Many of you have heard about the natural disasters in Indonesia—the earthquakes and tsunamis that hit this collection of l7,000 islands that stretch across the Indian Ocean. The disasters left great destruction and caused many deaths. But even though what happened was very sad, we must remember, friends: God is still in control. I was there and I want to share with you some of the miracles God performed for the little kids – especially on the island of Sumatra. One beautiful, warm evening, I was visiting an orphanage. It was supervised by Christian missionaries, Rachmad and Nuri Rahardjo. They were having a birthday party for a boy named Langgeng who had recently lost his parents in a fishing boat accident. Langgeng was turning seven years old. He had no brothers or sisters and he missed his parents very much. Langgeng felt very alone. The party helped Langgeng forget about his sadness for a little while. He laughed and cheered as all the children played games on the beach. When it got dark, the missionaries, the Rahardjos, built a fire and began to tell stories to the other kids about what Jesus was doing all over the world.

The Lord Jesus had spoken to the Rahardjos too – He had told them exactly what to do. They quickly directed the children to hide under their beds. Just as the last child slipped under his bed, the ground beneath them began to shake and roll, as though the earth had turned to water. Windows rattled and lamps fell. Outside there were loud crashes and booms. Some of the younger children were afraid, and began to cry. A tree fell against the building and a window shattered. Glass flew across the room. I started singing a hymn and slowly, the children joined in – even as the world around us continued to tremble. When the earthquake finally stopped, we all thanked God and praised Him for keeping everyone safe. We sang more songs and prayed, waiting to see if there would be any aftershocks. When we finally slid out from under the beds and followed the Rahardjos outside, we were amazed to see that many of the house and buildings around the orphanage had collapsed. Fallen trees were blocking the roads, some cars were crushed under the trees. Along the hillside, there were several small fires and a cloud of dust and smoke covered the sky. People began coming of their homes. Some yelled and ran around frantically. Others cried. Still others began sifting through the rubble.

Langgeng had a wonderful time and just when he thought he couldn’t be any happier, the Rahardjos presented him with a special Bible. Tears filled his eyes when he saw his own name engraved on the cover. The children gathered around Langgeng and prayed a special birthday blessing for him before they went to bed.

The Rahardjos led the children back inside the orphanage and we began to pray for their neighbors.

It was a quiet, calm night. But I knew that something was about to happen.

Just as I was thinking about this, I heard Langgeng praying out loud: “…And God, please comfort everyone who doesn’t have a family anymore. Be a Father to boys and girls who have lost their fathers, and a Mother to those who have lost their mothers. Be a friend to boys and girls who lost their friends.”

Very early in the morning, the Lord Jesus clearly told me to wake everyone up. So I obediently flittered through the house, calling, “Get up! Wake up! Get out of bed!”

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I knew it would take a long time to clean up the village and rebuild the homes. I also knew that some families had lost mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers!

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I joined Langgeng in prayer, and the other children in praying this. I knew he was right: God does comfort those who lose their family and friends. He has a plan for our lives that is bigger than we know. And He loves us more than we can imagine. He will never leave us or forget us. He will always be our Shield and Protector.

Pleas pray fe rememb or Ind er to onesi a!

Please remember to pray for the people of Indonesia as they recover from these natural disasters. What a great opportunity for Christians around the

n Jesus’ Name, pray for a swift recovery from the earthquakes in Indonesia

world to reach into the 10/40 Window with the love of Jesus in practical ways. This story is fictional, and is based on true events that occurred across the islands of Indonesia in early October 2009.

o weapon formed against them shall prosper in Jesus’ Name onors to generously give of their resources to help Indonesians recover ne by one, each village and city will be reached with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God like never before o more persecution of Christians in Indonesia very administrator, leader and government official will allow True freedom of religion afety for Christians and Christian missionaries

slamic evangelism (asking people to become Muslims) to be stopped ll children will come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord November 2009

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he 10/40 Window is not only where a staggering 95% of the world’s unreached peoples live, but it is the birthplace of Islam and home to the majority of the world’s Muslims. Despite being targeted in prayer for decades, the influence of Islam in this region remains well-entrenched. In fact, in some respects, it is expanding. A number of years ago, the Lord revealed to Window International President, Sister Beverly Pegues, that in order to effectively defeat the schemes of the enemy, we must fight him while he is far off. Otherwise, we will end up having to engage in close, hand-to-hand combat with him. Perhaps the day of hand-to-hand combat has come. Although the recent Muslim prayer gathering in Washington, DC was a disappointment to organizers in terms of the number of people who participated, it was a wake-up call to Christian Believers in America and throughout the world. Combined with global jihad, it serves to remind us that the devil does not rest and is intent upon using terrorism and false religious systems to steal, kill and destroy – leading as many souls to hell as possible. The enemy is clearly on the move and bringing the battle to the front door of the Christian nation of the United States of

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America; which represents freedom of religion. Being aware of this tactical maneuver is the first step in defending against it and overcoming this scheme of the wicked one. The second is to re-double our efforts in prayer, especially for the nations of the 10/40 Window, and believe God for the salvation of the multitudes who are bound and imprisoned by Islam. Another very important means of countering the tricks and attacks of the enemy is to join with Window International Network in informing, mobilizing, and equipping the Body of Christ globally to strategically pray for the salvation not only of Muslims, but the lost and unreached in every people group and religious system in the 10/40 Window. We urgently need your help in this battle. As you partner with us, you are contending against the diabolical plans of satan and bringing about the freedom of untold millions. Please make your online investment in the completion of the Great Commission at www.win1040.com/donate TODAY.

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