10/40 Window Reporter September 2009

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September 2009 Edition

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Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window.

Chairman: President: Vice Chairwoman: Secretary: Treasurer: Board Member: Board Member:

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Pastor Edward Smith Minister Beverly Pegues Dr. Dora Saforo Sister Judith Trimble Sister Audrey Beckett Dr. Myles Munroe Sister Bindu Choudhrie

Window International Network President: Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor: LaTonya J. Pegues WindowKidsTM Editor: Leah Sahhar Design/Layout: John Burton Design | www.johnburtondesign.com

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September 2009

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10/40 WindoWatchman


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WindowKids™: IRAQ


NORTH KOREA “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” (Psalm 14:1)


he president of North Korea does not believe in God. The only religions the “Dear Leader” Kim Jong Il allows are Juche (the philosophy of self-reliance) and the worship of his late father, Kim Il-Sung.

Christians in North Korea must worship in underground churches and are always at risk of exposure. Secret police roam the land, searching for these fellowships, often posing as “seekers” interested in following Christ. When caught, Believers are arrested, tortured, and sometimes executed. In July 2009, for instance, a woman was put to death for distributing Bibles. Those who survive are often banished to hard labor camps where they die slow, painful deaths. Some sources believe the Church in North Korea numbers as many as 500,000. It is also estimated that 100,000 to 250,000 of these Christians are currently in prison. Believers caught attempting to escape across the border into China are returned to the North Korean authorities for punishment. Jong-Il does, however, believe in repression as a means of government. He controls North Korea with a vice-like grip and is largely responsible for the fact that most of the nation remains cloaked in spiritual darkness. It has been an enemy-held territory for multiple decades. During World War II, Japan occupied Korea. After their defeat by Allied forces, the region was divided in half. The North was handed over to the Soviet Union, the South to the United States. This heavily influenced the destiny of both nations. South Korea progressed toward democracy while North Korea fell into Communism. The demonic quest to conquer and destroy, which is central to Communism, drove the North to attack the South in l950. Known as the Korean War, it quickly escalated into a conflict involving the Communist Chinese and the United States. A ceasefire was achieved in l953, but only after two million people had died in the war.

personality,” reports BBC News. It has also resulted in famines that have killed millions of its citizens. As part of its desperate effort to dominate the people of North Korea, the government has resorted to a host of human rights violations. These have been aimed at any and all they consider a threat to State control. Unfortunately, Christians are part of this group. Along with political activists and opposition groups, Believers have been targeted for severe and devastating persecution. While much of the world fails to notice or condemn this abuse, many Western governments have become alarmed about North Korea’s military programs. The nation not only boasts the fourth largest standing army in the world, but claims it successfully tested a nuclear weapon in 2006. In 2009, North Korea test fired missiles capable of delivering these weapons to international targets. It also conducted more nuclear tests, refused to engage in negotiations with the United Nations, and warned that attempts to intervene would be taken as acts of war. North Korea is ranked No. 1 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009 of worst persecutors of Christians.

PRAY: ✚✚ Pray for Believers in North Korea to stand firm in their faith. Pray for them to be reminded daily that God will never forsake them or leave them. Invite the Holy Spirit to rest on them, comforting them and empowering them to be witnesses – even in these hazardous circumstances. (The Bible, Hebrews 13:5; Acts 1:8) ✚✚ Pray for all sorts of desperately needed aid to reach those who are suffering because of the oppression of Communism. Ask God to use their need and His provision as a means of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 74:21) ✚✚ Pray government leaders around the world will rise up in one voice openly condemning North Korea’s terrible treatment of Christians causing North Korea to completely (continued on page 22)

Since that time, North Korea has become a highly secretive nation. Not only is it one of the last remaining Communist states in the world (along with China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam), but it has kept its people imprisoned behind well guarded borders. Access into and out of North Korea is highly restricted. “Decades of this rigid state-controlled system have led to stagnation and a leadership dependent on the cult of

September 2009

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Calling all P r a y e r



ctober 2009 is the time for intercessors, “gap-standers,” watchmen on the wall, and prayer warriors to arise and take up their positions for a unique and powerful prayer effort, Praying Through The Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions. This October 4 is 10/40 Window Sunday, and Window International Network (WIN) is targeting this day for Believers and their congregations to pray specifically for the nations and people in the 10/40 Window. Not only will there be one day of targeted prayer, but the entire month of October is designated as a time for lifting the 10/40 Window before the Lord of Hosts. As opposed to sending The 10/40 Window Reporter to WIN’s partners in the month of October, every day in October WIN will be emailing detailed 10/40 Window country profiles to assist you in crying out to the LORD in prayer for the salvation and discipleship of the lost in the 10/40 Window. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in praying through the country profiles, and that He will draw your prayer time to the needs of each country and its people. Our God is an awesome God. His deeds are truly marvelous. He is faithful to answer our petitions and we are expecting Him to move in a great and might way. As you pray, e-mail us testimonies of vast numbers of people coming to the LORD and answers to prayer as it relates to the 10/40 Window at win@WIN1040.com. In future months we plan to share praise reports regarding how the LORD moved in the 10/40 Window as a result of Praying Through The Window 9: Global Terrorism and World Religions.

As opposed to sending The 10/40 Window Reporter to WIN’s partners in the month of October, every day in October WIN will be e-mailing detailed 10/40 Window country profiles...

Order your New revised prayer calendars TODAY at www.WIN1040.com/resources

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An opportunity to make an eternal impact in an area of the globe where most of the people have yet to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “10/40 Window Sunday” is designated as the first Sunday of every October (4 OCT 2009) and is an opportunity for local churches around the world to receive a special missions offering that is targeted toward the 10/40 Window and Window International Network (WIN) There is no other region of the world where there is more spiritual, geopolitical, and terrorist activity than the 10/40 Window. It is indeed the “final frontier” of global missions.



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Order Prayer Calendars and distribute to your Pastor, Church and Prayer Partners. www.WIN1040.com/resources Pray! And ask your family, friends, small groups, and Church to Pray Through The Window using the Window International Network prayer calendar. Have Your Congregation Receive a Special Financial Offering for Window International Network. www.WIN1040.com/donate Sign Up Today! To receive strategic prayer points and information about the 10/40 Window. www.WIN1040.com/news.htm

September 2009

The 10/40 Window… • • • • • • •

Sunday, October 4, 2009 •


The 10/40 Window is the region between l0 degrees and 40 degrees north latitude that encompasses North Africa, the Middle East, and Central and Southeast Asia. It has been called the “resistance belt” because of its stubborn resistance to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Prayer can transform this region into the “righteousness belt.”

Contains 44 of the 50 world’s worst persecutors of Christians The birthplace of the world’s major religions Home to the majority of Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists Has a population of 4.5 billion Mostly unevangelized Where eight out of ten of the world’s poor live Includes five of the six nations that actively sponsor terrorism Diseases that have long had a cure, run rampant here

10/40 WINDOW SUNDAY is both a starting place for a fresh wave of prayer and a mile marker in an ongoing movement of intercession for the people of this region.

As Window International Network president, Beverly Pegues explains, “Prayer moves the hand of God. Once there is sustained, strategic, and informed prayer in the 10/40 Window, we will witness massive numbers of unreached people coming to Christ. Pray that it will happen in our generation.”

cessory prayer during the month of October. With over 40 million people who have participated in one or more of the nine worldwide prayer campaigns. Praying Through The Window is recognized as the pioneering global prayer initiative regarding world missions. In addition to intercessory prayer, it is essential that individuals and Churches renew their commitments concerning financial giving, especially from those who are Kingdom-minded. Please join untold millions of Christians as we pause, humble ourselves before the LORD, and cry out on behalf of the people in the 10/40 Window on Sunday, October 4, 2009. Thank you for standing strong with the Vision of our LORD for the 10/40 Window and challenging other Senior leaders to do likewise within your sphere of influence. Together as a team, we can do more for the Kingdom of GOD and multiply the financial seed sown into WIN. Thank you for standing with the people in the 10/40 Window. Your reward in Heaven will be great. Visit www.WIN1040.com/resources or call +1(719)522-1040 for resource materials, prayer points, and more information about how you and your church can be part of this powerful, exciting, and desperately needed move of God. Forward To All who Want to See the Great Commission Accomplished in our Lifetime!

Since the inception of Praying Through The Window in October of 1993, our LORD has granted special grace for inter-

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he Maldives (or Maldive Islands), officially the Republic of Maldives, is an island nation consisting of a group of atolls in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives is located south of India’s Lakshadweep islands, and about 435 miles southwest of Sri Lanka. The Maldives’ twenty-six atolls encompass a territory featuring 1,192 islets, roughly two hundred of which are inhabited by local communities. The Maldives holds the record for being the flattest country in the world, with a maximum natural ground level of only 7½ feet.

Terrorism: Maldives extended strong support to U.S. efforts to combat terrorism and terrorist financing in 2001-02. On September 29, 2007 a bomb exploded in the capital Male injuring 12 foreign tourists. Religion: Maldives is comprised of 99.4% Muslims and only 0.1% of the population are Christians. The smallest Asian

country in terms of population, Maldives is also the smallest predominantly Muslim nation in the world. The 1997 Constitution designates Islam as the official state religion. Challenges for Christians: Maldives is ranked No. 5 among nations that are the worst persecutors of Christians based on Open Doors 2007 “World Watch List.” Is-

lam is the only recognized religion and all other religions are totally forbidden. Prayer Points: Pray for the Ethiopian government continue to combat terrorism and terrorist financing. Pray that tourists and the tourist industry (which often brings in a sizeable amount of the country’s GDP) will put pressure on the governments to allow freedom of religion.

Pray that the international community will not tolerate outbreaks of injustice and violence against Christians and will flood the U.N., U.S. Congress and European Union leaders with millions of letters crying out for justice for all citizens. (Amos 5:24)


The few Christians in the Maldives are continually watched; they can’t meet together and have to secretively read the Bible. Pray that their faith would be strong and that their relationship with God would be blessed. No Christian missionaries have ever been allowed into the Maldives. In 1998, 50 Maldivians suspected of being Christian were imprisoned and tortured. Pray for God to open the door for harvest workers to be allowed into the Maldives. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, The World Factbook

Maldives, South Asia ÌÌ Population: 369,031 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom ÌÌ Religions: Islam 99.4%, Buddhism

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: None Listed ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 1; Casualties: 0 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption:

0.5%, Christianity 0.1%

Insufficient Data to Rank

ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: No. 5

ÌÌ % of People in Poverty: 21%

September 2009

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PRAYER Points September 2009

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- In July 2009, a church was forcibly closed by authorities and five pastors were arrested in Karnataka; a worship service was disrupted in Madhya Pradesh; Christian homes were burned in Orissa; a pastor was attacked, students threatened in Andhra Pradesh…. Unfortunately, that is not an exhaustive list of the persecution taking place in India. These and other violent acts are being carried out against Believers on a daily basis. Pray for the new government to step in and end these acts of terrorism against Christians. Pray for Hindu and Maoist extremists to see the Love of Christ in those they are persecuting. Pray for their hearts to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for God to strengthen Believers and give them the supernatural ability to persevere. Pray for them to proclaim their faith with boldness and forgive those who are opposing them. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- Presidential elections held in July 2009 are being called a “charade.” Challengers to President Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz – who won the vote with 52% – are demanding an investigationng. The head of the electoral commission resigned in protest, saying the results were unreliable. “Massive fraud” has been alleged. Pray for God to bring justice in this situation, exposing any dishonesty and providing a peaceful solution. Pray for His choice of leadership to be victorious and guide the nation forward, out of corruption. Pray for the people of Mauritania to be patient with the government, yet expect truth and uprightness to prevail. Pray for God’s Kingdom rule to come to Mauritania. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- In August 2009, hundreds were killed when violence erupted between two tribes in South Sudan. Many of the victims were women and children. According to the United Nations, more people have died in South Sudan than in the troubled Darfur region in recent months. South Sudan President Salva Kiir has accused the North of hiring militias to perform these attacks and says they have a “diabolical strategy” to retake the region. Many now fear a return to full-blown war. The previous conflict, which ended in 2005, resulted in more than 2 million deaths. Pray for God to intervene in Sudan, establishing a peace that will endure. Pray for His Son – the Prince of Peace – to be exalted throughout this nation. Pray for the leaders in Khartoum to have a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God to be established in the Muslim North. Pray for the Believers in the South to be protected and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

in production in just one year. While this is wonderful news for those engaged in fighting the drug trade and the terrorists, who draw their funding from drug trafficking, it has resulted in poverty for many farmers. Though they were promised jobs if they stopped growing poppies, these jobs have never materialized. Pray for authorities in Afghanistan to be given wisdom in dealing with this complicated problem. Pray for new and inventive ideas for those in rural areas to make a living. Pray for the reduction in opium to deeply and terminally wound terrorist groups, causing them to disband and fall to pieces. Pray for the poverty situation to be an opportunity for Christian humanitarian organizations to demonstrate God’s love to Muslim farmers and bring them the Good News of Jesus Christ. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Like many nations, Kuwait provides for freedom of religion in its Constitution. However, the population is overwhelmingly Muslim, the state religion is Islam, and the government bases much of its legislation on Shari’a (Islamic law). There are very few Christians – most of them foreign workers. Evangelism is prohibited and any Kuwaitis who choose to follow Jesus Christ are subject to persecution that can take the form of discrimination, loss of jobs, excommunication from their family, and even physical attacks and arrest. Pray for God to bring His Kingdom to this “hard” nation. Pray for the government to truly enforce freedom of religion and to stop following Shari’a law. Pray for expatriate Believers to be bold witnesses to Kuwaitis. Pray for God to give Muslim Background Believers joy and endurance as they serve Him. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- Thousands were left homeless and hundreds died when Cyclone Aila assaulted Bangladesh in May 2009. Among those affected were Christians. “Many have lost their homes, crops, and animals,” one missionary reports. “Along with the rest of the survivors, Christians are also suffering due to the food crisis.” Poverty and disease, already a problem in the denselypopulated nation, reached crisis levels after such disasters. Pray for Jehovah Jireh to show Himself Powerful, supernaturally providing food, shelter, and clean water. Pray for Christians to remain strong in the faith, placing their trust in God. Pray for this catastrophe to be used to turn eyes and hearts to Jesus Christ. Pray for hopelessness to be banished by the glorious establishment of God’s Kingdom.

AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- In an answer to prayer, the opium poppy industry of Badakhshan province has seen a 95% drop

September 2009

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Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- According to one estimate, 80% of the population of Japan has no religious affiliation. In a strange coincidence, the rate of suicide in this society has reached epidemic proportions. Operation Mobilization reports that more than 35,000 people take their own

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(Japan continued)

lives each year in Japan. The majority of these are young people and the motivation is attributed to mental illness, depression, and stress. Pray for God to reveal to the Japanese people the hope that can be found only in His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the spirits of despair and self-destruction to be bound and for the peace of God that passes understanding to be unleashed and flow like a river through this sophisticated but mostly godless culture. Pray for past suicides to point survivors toward forgiveness and salvation in Jesus Christ.

were notified and suspects in the plot were arrested. Pray for God to protect the people of Guinea from these criminals and their murderous attacks. Pray for the government to be given wisdom in stopping the flow of drugs through the nation. Pray for the drug cartels to be captured and brought to justice. Pray for the demand for drugs to dry up. Pray for all of these violent events to cause Guineans to consider eternity and put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- Guinea-Bissau has been called a nation “deeply rooted in instability and drug trafficking.” It has seen numerous coups and assassinations, including that of President Jaoa Bernardo Vieira in March 2009. In the second round of elections aimed at finding a replacement for Vieira, the two candidates – Malam Bacai Sanha and Koumba Yalla – both promised to bring change and an end to the ongoing violence. Pray for God’s mercy to be poured out upon this hurting nation and its people. Pray for His grace to overwhelm them and for them to realize that He is the only One who always keeps His promises and will never fail them. Pray for the new leader to govern wisely and to turn to God for help in breaking the cycle of violence.

THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Speaking out against the government is a dangerous thing to do in many l0/40 nations. In Thailand, a constitutional monarchy, it can result in imprisonment. One woman is currently on trial for giving a speech that was critical of King Bhumipol – who many Thais call the “Lord Upon our Heads” and “Lord of Life.” Pray for this human rights issue to cause the people of Thailand to question the god-like reverence they give to their human leader. Pray for God to reveal the King of kings, Jesus Christ, as the true Lord of Life. Pray for supporters and dissidents alike to see that there can be no inner peace without surrendering to His Lordship.

Day 5 BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The nation of Bhutan promotes something called “Gross National Happiness.” Started in l972 by King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, it is meant to encourage cultural growth through the values of Buddhism. However, many in Bhutan are not experiencing happiness. In the last few years, the suicide rate has skyrocketed. Among the reasons for this alarming rise are unemployment, depression, alcoholism, anxiety about the economy, and mental illness. Pray for God to use this sense of discontent and despair to draw the hearts of the Bhutanese into relationship with His Son. Pray for the spirit of self-destruction to be bound and rendered powerless, and for the spirit of encouragement to be released upon the land. Pray for the people of Bhutan to hunger for, seek after, and find the meaning and hope they need in Jesus Christ. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The “Hajj,” one of the pillars of the Islamic faith, is the trip to Mecca that every Muslim is expected to make at some point during their lifetime. However, this year some will not be allowed to make the Hajj. Because of concerns over the swine flu, the elderly (over 65) and the young (under l2), as well as any who are sick, will not be allowed to visit Mecca. Pray for this disruption in the annual ritual to cause many Muslims to question the value of the pilgrimage – as well as the value of their faith. Pray for the Holy Spirit to remove the blindness that has been placed over their eyes by the enemy and enable them to see, understand, and respond to the Gospel. Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself in power, through vivid dreams and visions, to imams, mullahs, marabouts, and other Islamic leaders. Pray for the bondage of Islam to be broken and for the people under its control to be set free to worship Jesus Christ.

Day 7 NIGER, WEST AFRICA- President Mamadou Tanja’s desperate attempt to remain in office for a third term (prohibited by the current constitution) has “undermined a decade of good government,” one observer says. The United Nations and the African Union have stated they are “deeply concerned” over Tanja’s refusal to step down when his term expires December 2009. Tanja has ignored public protests and recently declared, “I won’t let anyone prevent me from achieving a useful goal for the people of Niger.” Pray for God to speak to this rebellious leader’s heart. Pray for Tanja to surrender his ego and selfish ambitions to Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Niger to place their hope in God rather than men. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation with great signs and wonders. KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The July 2009 presidential elections in this nation have been described as “illegitimate,” “falsified,” and “fraudulent.” President Kurmanbek Bakiyev won a landslide victory, but the chief opposition candidate withdrew, claiming the election was rigged. In a statement issued by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the event was said to be “marred by many problems and irregularities, including ballot box stuffing, inaccuracies in the voter lists and multiple voting.” Pray for the corruption plaguing this former Soviet state to be exposed and dealt with swiftly. Pray for God to raise up righteous men and women who will lead the nation in integrity. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the criminal and ethical compromises surrounding this election. Pray for deceit and manipulation to be overcome by the power of God and for the people to turn their eyes and hearts to Jesus Christ. Day 8

Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- In July 2009, the government of Guinea put the military on “high alert” because of a rumored attack by drug cartels. The nation is a “key transit point” in trafficking drugs to Europe and America. Border patrols

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IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- Dissention continues to simmer in the aftermath of the contested presidential elections of June 2009. Protesters are demonstrating in the streets, despite the violent response of police and militias. Even the leadership is now divided over the issues of whether or not the elections were fair and how the people of Iran should be treated. Pray for God

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(Iran continued) to use this time of upheaval to set Iranians free from the bondage of Islam. Pray for their eyes to be opened to the satanic lies of their religion and for God to draw them to His Son. Pray for this crisis to be a second revolution – this time for the glory of God with His Kingdom coming to Iran in great and awesome power. Pray for the protection of Believers as they persevere in a very volatile, dangerous political and spiritual atmosphere. Pray for the two Iranian Believers who were arrested for “anti-government” activities and are being held in prison. Pray for them to remain strong and faithful even as they are relentlessly questioned and “pressured to recant their faith.” Pray for God to supernaturally sustain them and empower them to be His faithful witnesses.

of voodoo and corruption are making life for the people of Benin difficult and painful. It is one of the poorest countries in the world, continues to see outbreaks of violence along the border with Burkina Faso, and is home to thousands of refugees from the political conflict in Togo. Pray for the enemy to be bound in Benin and for every sign of his work to be broken by the Power of God – spiritual bondage, economic bondage, political bondage…. Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to every person in Benin. Pray for Benin to become known as the “Kingdom of God capital of the world.”

BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- According to the United Nations, Burkina Faso is the third poorest nation in the world. It has been accused of stealing diamonds from Sierra Leone and of supporting insurgents battling the government of Ivory Coast. The name Burkina Faso means “land of honest men,” yet there have been a half a dozen coups in recent decades. The nation has also been plagued by epidemics and droughts. Pray for the works of the “thief ” (stealing, killing, destroying) to be brought to a swift and complete end in Burkina Faso. Pray for the curse of poverty to be broken and for God to give the government and people a vision for economic growth. Pray for this country to truly become a land of honesty and integrity. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Burkina Faso and bring lasting transformation.

INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- After peaceful, seemingly legitimate, presidential elections were held in July 2009, the results were called into question. One of the main opposition candidates, Megawati Sukarnoputri, challenged the outcome, citing “unresolved legal issues.” The Indonesian agency charged with ensuring the election was fair has admitted “there were many violations.” Pray for God to work His Will in this situation. Pray for peace to be maintained and for the candidates involved to seek truth rather than political advantage. Pray for God to expose any corruption and shine His Light into Indonesia – showing Muslims their need for a Savior. Pray for His Holy Spirit to sweep through this nation like a wave of fire, burning away all false religion and birthing a great revival.

Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- In a new strategy to fight terrorism, Mali has enlisted the help of an “ex-rebel” group. Tuaregs, who were once at odds with the Mali government, are now assisting the military in fighting the North African division of al-Qaeda (al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb). As BBC reports, “Tthe Tuareg know how to operate in the desert perhaps better than anyone else and could be the government’s best hope of beating al-Qaeda in the region.” Thank God for this innovative strategy. Pray for it to be successful and drive every form of al-Qaeda from the region. Pray for ongoing cooperation between military forces and rebel groups, as well as for this operation to give birth to similar ideas and projects in neighboring nations. Pray for God to give Believers favor in the sight of Tuareg troops. Pray for Him to keep Christians safe and be their refuge in this dangerous environment. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- Two new amendments to the Religion Law were approved in July 2009, both of which serve to extend and solidify government regulation of religion in Azerbaijan. Though they aeffect Muslims most directly, these and other proposed changes are signs that President Ilham Aliev and his administration do not plan to relinquish control of religion in this nation. Pray for Believers to continue boldly sharing their faith. Pray for Christ to be exalted above the false gods of Islam. Pray for Christians to be protected from government abuse and find ways to worship with other Believers. Pray for the growth of the Church and for the authorities to have their hearts transformed by personal encounters with Jesus Christ.

Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Laos is ranked at 1l30 (out of 1l77) on the United Nations Human Poverty Index. This means the standard of living is very low, the level of poverty very high. This problem was made even worse in 2009 as a plague of rats destroyed most of the nation’s rice harvest. Hundreds of thousands of people are now in desperate need of food. Pray for God to supply the needs of these poverty-stricken people. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to demonstrate His love through both physical and spiritual aid. Pray for this crisis to be used to alert the people of Laos to their greatest need – that of a Savior from sin: Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- In an answer to prayer, the United Nations has given one million euros in emergency aid to assist Saharawi refugees living in Algeria. Close to 90,000 of these Western Sahara citizens are struggling to survive in Algerian refugee camps. Poverty, malnutrition, and infant mortality rates in the camps are very high. Thank God for this relief effort. Pray for the money to be used wisely and to reach the people who need it most. Pray for the Saharawi to be led by the Holy Spirit and reminded each day of God’s love for them. Pray for harvest workers to be sent to proclaim the Good News – that Jesus Christ gave His Life so they could be forgiven and spend eternity with God. Day 12

Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- The “voodoo capital of the world” is also becoming known as the “corruption capital of the world.” The powers

September 2009

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EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- In June 2009, Egypt was the site of a meeting between Hamas and Fatah terrorist groups. In July, the nation hosted Sudan President Omar al-Bashir to discuss the conflict in Darfur. The government has also been attempting to negotiate a settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. President Hosny Mubarak has initiated most of this, making many

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(Egypt continued)

compromises, and earnestly seeking to be a peacemaker. Pray for God to capture this Islamic leader’s heart. Pray for the Prince of Peace to reveal Himself to Mubarak. Pray for Mubarak to make peace between himself and God, and to be used to lead all of Egypt into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for Egypt to be the epicenter of a great spiritual awakening and for the Kingdom of God to move from Cairo, out into Northern Africa and the Middle East. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In May 2009, the director of religious affairs in the Karakalpakstan region of this nation outlawed the Bible. He also placed a ban on hymnals, children’s Bibles, and Christian study materials. The new censorship was accompanied by a series of raids by secret police that confiscated these types of materials from Believers. Christian literature and media of all types is officially “banned for import, distribution, or use in teaching.” Pray for these oppressive restrictions to be lifted immediately. Pray for greater freedom of worship in this nominally Islamic nation. Pray for officials – especially the director of religions affairs in Karakalpakstan – to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Pray for the door of evangelism to be opened wide and for Uzbekistan to become the focus of an intense spiritual revival. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- In May 2009, Nepal celebrated Republic Day – the first inauguration of the abolition of the nation’s monarchy. After 240 years of life under a king, Nepal is now a democracy. However, many Believers have yet to see the evidence of these changes. On May 23, 2009, a bomb killed two Christians and injured others who were worshipping at the Assumption Catholic Church in Kathmandu. The National Defense Army (a terrorist group striving to reinstate Hinduism as the national religion) took credit for the deadly blast. Pray for God to guide this struggling nation toward greater political and religious freedom. Pray for the National Defense Army and other militant groups to be defeated and for their members to turn over their lives completely to Jesus Christ. Pray for God to give the government wisdom and understanding in combating these groups and protecting the people. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Nepal in its fullness. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Islam is the official religion in this union of seven emirates. The legal system is based on Shari’a – Islamic law. Evangelism is not allowed and only expatriate Believers may worship and fellowship together. Pray for an immediate end to the persecution of Christians. Pray for the persecutors to be brought to justice quickly. Pray for God to use expatriate Christians to witness – carefully and discreetly – to the citizens of the UAE. Pray for hearts and minds to receive the Gospel. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, tearing down strongholds of enemy lies and setting the captives free to know and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- After parliamentary elections held in June 2009 failed to meet international standards and reportedly “could have involved fraud,” the nation is facing a crisis of leadership. It is also facing an ongoing economic crisis. The recent global financial downturn has caused a number of very serious problems. In July 2009, the government

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responded by freezing all investments. According to the Central Bank of Albania, “economic growth this year is expected to be minimal….” Pray for God to raise up leaders who guide the nation forward in honesty and integrity. Pray for Him to provide them with the wisdom necessary to keep the economy from failing. Pray for those who are already in poverty and lack food, jobs, and shelter – that all of their needs would be met. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Albania, transforming hearts and minds, and unleashing a river of blessings that will meet the needs of the people. Pray for this time of crisis to cause multitudes of Albanians to turn from atheism and respond to the invitation to Life in Jesus Christ. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- In July 2009, the justice system sentenced Abdelkader Belliraj to life in prison for his involvement in a terrorist network. Thirty-four other members of the organization were also found guilty and sentenced to prison. Praise God for the capture and prosecution of these violent men. Thank Him for giving the government of Morocco wisdom in dealing with their crimes and bringing justice. Pray for the hearts of Belliraj and his fellow terrorists to be filled with the godly sorrow that leads to repentance and salvation. Pray for this case and its verdict to serve as a warning to other extremist groups. Pray for the physical safety of the people of Morocco, as well as their spiritual safety. Pray for them to be drawn to Christ, placing their trust in Him as their Savior and Lord. Day 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- The defeat of Saddam Hussein’s repressive regime has ushered in a greater freedom in Iraq. But there are still insurgents engaged in acts of terrorism, and Christians continue to be the target of persecution. In April 2009, three Believers were murdered in Kirkuk. In May 2009, l2 people were killed and 25 injured in Dora, a Christian neighborhood of Baghdad. Untold thousands of Christians have fled to Syria and other nations where they are now living as refugees. Pray for God to bring lasting peace to this warweary nation. Pray for the insurgents to be soundly defeated, for their members to give up, and for their supply of equipment and financing to be cut off. Pray for the protection of Believers living in Iraq and for God to give them boldness to be His witnesses. Pray for Christian refugees struggling to survive in camps under difficult living conditions. Pray for God to supply all their needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Pray for God’s Kingdom to be revealed and demonstrated powerfully in Iraq. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- The end of decades of civil war between government forces and the Tamil Tigers is cause for celebration. However, hundreds of thousands have been displaced and many are living in temporary refugee camps which lack clean water and adequate food. “Our country is in huge suffering,” reports Lal Vanderwall of Gospel For Asia. “We are praying for God to intervene so that many more will not die in the aftermath of the surrender.” Pray for God to do just that – intervene powerfully to rescue those who are suffering the effects of war. Pray for healing of emotions, hearts, bodies and minds. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to be allowed to meet the needs of refugees. Pray for Believers in the camps to share God’s love with those around them. Pray for this new season in Sri Lanka to be a time of reconciliation

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(Sri Lanka continued) and peace.

Pray for the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- International and Palestinian leaders are continuing to pressure Israel to create a Palestinian state and stop Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank. Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, however, has refused to concede. In July 2009, he stated, “We cannot accept the idea that Jews will not have the right to live… in all parts of Jerusalem. …What would happen if… Jews could not live in certain neighborhoods in New York, London, Paris or Rome[?] There would certainly be a major international outcry.” Pray for God to bless and keep His people, Israel. Pray for the Jews to see and appreciate His watchful care, give thanks, and for their hearts to be open to Yeshua ha Messiah (Jesus the Christ). Pray for the Lord to protect them on every side, along every border, guarding against terrorists and enemy governments. Pray for God to give His angels charge over Israel and to establish His Kingdom among His people. TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The Church in Tajikistan may have to move “underground” after the passage of a new law restricting their freedom. The law gives the government the right to censor Christian literature entering the nation and forces churches and Christian organizations to register. Those who have been approved in the past will be required to re-register. Pray for this law to be overturned. Pray for God to direct the hearts of the leaders in this Muslim nation away from the controlling lies of Islam and toward the Truth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening among the people and for this law to be seen for what it is: an instrument of the enemy meant to persecute God’s Church. Pray for Believers to persevere in the Faith, no matter what political, social, or spiritual opposition arises. Pray for them to be able to worship freely always. Pray for their obedience to the Lord to be a powerful witness to their families, friends, and the other citizens of Tajikistan. Day 17 CHINA, EAST ASIA- Words like “farce” and “mockery” are being used to describe China’s recent denial of human rights violations. When confronted by the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Chinese government claimed there was no censorship, torture, or any form of crackdown on religious and human rights

groups. Their reaction to the Uyghur uprising, as well as their ongoing mistreatment of Believers, is testimony to the fact that the Communist government will not allow dissent or freedom of religion. Pray for God to continue to confound the manipulative, controlling leaders in China, by causing His Church – already growing rapidly – to grow explosively, drawing people of every race, people, and tongue into His Kingdom. Pray for the United Nations and other international groups to put pressure on China to end its abuse and torture of Christians immediately. Pray for Believers to rejoice as they see God performing great and marvelous works, accelerating the harvest of souls and exalting His Son. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- The derailment of a freight train in southern Djibouti in July 2009 killed l3 people and injured another 24. The train was transporting livestock near Holl-Holl, a town between Djibouti and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, when it left the tracks. The people who died were “hangers-on” – travelers who “hang on” to trains because they cannot afford to be formal passengers. Pray for God to move in this tiny, poverty-stricken nation, comforting those who are suffering. Pray for Him to reveal to the people of Djibouti His high calling for their lives – that they are not merely “hangers-on” in life, but were created in His image with a purpose. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Djibouti in power and for many to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Intelligence officials have announced that while they have not recovered the bodies, they believe all nine of the foreign hostages kidnapped in June 2009 are dead. This violent act has been attributed to al-Qaeda terrorists. One observer noted that “al-Qaida is intensifying things. We should prepare ourselves for additional deaths.” Pray for God to comfort the families of those who are confirmed dead, as well as those who continue to wait and hope for the return of their loved ones. Pray for investigators to be given wisdom and direction in tracking the terrorists. Pray for those who have committed these brutal crimes – be they al-Qaeda or some other organization – to be brought to justice. Pray for the protection of other Believers in this region and for God to give them supernatural boldness in sharing their faith. Pray for this event to be used by God to turn hearts and minds to accept the Truth of Jesus Christ. VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- In June 2009, the government sent police to shut down a church in the Hung Yen Province.

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(Vietnam continued) Worshippers were assaulted and the pastor, along with one of the elders, was arrested. Both men were later beaten savagely by gangs of police. This is yet another example of the brutal persecution Vietnamese Believers face on a daily basis. However, as one Christian Brother stated, “persecution is often a sign that the Lord is at work.” He also said that the Church in Vietnam is not discouraged, but rather is expanding quickly, their faith growing and maturing. Thank God for His work in Vietnam and for His faithfulness to His people. Pray for the healing of those who have been abused and for Believers to continue to be encouraged and strengthened by the Lord’s presence. Pray for authorities and police to see the love of Christ in them and repent from their evil actions. Pray for this persecution to be the beginning of a great and abundant harvest of souls in Vietnam. Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- Experts say Typhoon Morakot, which hit the nation of Taiwan in August 2009, is the “worst storm to strike the island in more than 50 years.” Winds reached 87 miles per hour (1l85 km/h) and heavy flooding caused massive mudslides – one of which wiped out an entire village, burying hundreds of people. As recovery work continues, authorities believe the final death toll could climb to more than 500. Pray for the people of Taiwan as they face a series of these devastating storms. Pray for God to comfort those who have lost family members and friends, as well as homes. Pray for aid to reach the victims of these destructive storms – food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and clean water. Pray for the safety of workers who are hurrying to find those who may still be alive beneath tons of mud. Pray for this horrible event to cause people in Taiwan to turn to their Creator and put their faith in His only Son, Jesus Christ. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Despite the fact that Bahrain is a Muslim nation, the government has agreed to “donate a plot of land for the construction of a new church compound to house a range of congregations and fellowships.” This announcement comes after some churches were “facing the possibility of being closed down” because they were not registered. The government recognized that some of these were operating independently (without registration) simply because they could not afford to own or rent buildings. Give praise to God for this development. Pray along with Bahraini Believers for the government to keep its promise. Pray for unity among Believers as they share the new facility. Pray for this to expose Bahraini officials to the Gospel and for their hearts to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 20 BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Brunei recently announced that it will be sending a representative to the 4th Hasyimiah Government International Memorisation. This event, held annually in Amman, Jordan, is a competition involving the recitation and interpretation of the Koran – the main Islamic holy book. “This is a responsibility and trust,” explained an official with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, “to shoulder the vision the country has as a zikir nation….” A “zikir” nation is one that is “developed, well-administered, and protected.” Pray for God to remove the veil from the eyes of the Muslims in Brunei, revealing His Word and His Son – Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Pray for Him to give the people of Brunei a new,

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redeemed vision for the future of their nation that involves His Kingdom and purposes. Pray for the Holy Spirit to protect Brunei from the lies and spiritual death the enemy continues to sow. Pray for a powerful revival in this nation and for thousands – even millions – to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- In July 2009, the Lebanese army successfully stopped a terrorist plot to attack United Nations peacekeeping troops in Lebanon. The cell of Islamic extremists has been linked to al-Qaeda and was smuggling militants into the country to launch an assault. The terrorists were apparently also planning to attack targets abroad, as well as create additional cells. Praise God for the defeat of this group. Pray for other cells connected to this one to be exposed and, dismantled, and for members to be arrested. Pray for organizations affiliated with alQaeda to meet with ongoing, debilitating defeat. Pray for God to give the governments of Lebanon and other Middle Eastern nations wisdom in defending their nations, along with the resources necessary to bring an immediate end to terrorism in this region. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- More than a dozen Christian workers were recently ordered to leave the country within two weeks. The government did not provide a reason for this. The organizations and companies employing the workers have been unable to convince the authorities to allow them to remain in Qatar. Pray for God to keep the door to this small but strategic nation open. Pray for workers to remain hopeful and, trusting in the Lord to provide them with ways to continue sharing the Gospel in Qatar. Pray for an increased hunger among the Qatari – that they will seek and follow hard after God. Pray for His Kingdom to be preached and demonstrated throughout the Arabian Peninsula. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In what is being called one of the world’s largest construction projects, the government of Turkmenistan is attempting to create a “desert sea.” The plan is to channel water into the Karakum Desert depression to form a massive lake – dubbed the Golden Age Lake. President Berdymukhamedov has assured citizens that the lake will make the desert bloom. Experts say the project is destined to fail and will result in an ecological disaster. Pray for President Berdymukhamedov to have his spiritual eyes opened to the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of all things. Pray for leaders to see that Jesus Christ is the Living Water and He alone can transform the desert-like souls of mankind into streams of Life. Pray for the citizens of Turkmenistan to surrender their grand plans to the Sovereign Lord and for the Kingdom of God to come in power to this nation. Day 22

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ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- In July 2009, Bashir Makhtal, a member of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF -─ an extremist organization seeking independence for the Ogaden region) was convicted of terrorism. According to Makhtal’s lawyer, the decision is a “travesty of justice.” Makhtal has been in jail for 2½ l/2 years, during which time he denied any connection with terrorism. He is, however, the grandson of one of the founding members of the

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(Ethiopia continued) ONLF. Pray for God to bring peace to Ethiopia – especially in the disputed Ogaden area. Pray for the ONLF terrorists to be captured and imprisoned. Pray for the truth in Makhtal’s case to be exposed and for justice to be properly served. Pray for the government to use wisdom and to wield its power and authority properly, without abuse or corruption. MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- Myanmar is home to the world’s longest running civil war. The Karen people have been fighting the military government of Myanmar in a quest for independence for 60 years. A total of 500,000 Karen are believed to have been displaced during this long-running conflict. In recent weeks, more than 4,000 have sought refuge across the border in Thailand. They have joined an estimated 1l00,000 Karen who are already “confined to squalid camps” – some of whom have lived there for a decade. Pray for God to provide relief to the Karen. Pray for a peaceful dialogue with the Myanmar junta and for a solution to be worked out that will satisfy both sides. Pray for God’s people to witness boldly to the Myanmar leaders, as well as to the Karen refugees. Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted above this dispute and for His love and sacrifice to serve as a bridge to bring an end to the conflict. Pray for forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration in Myanmar. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- Sudan rebels have been visiting refugee camps in Chad in search of refugees from the Darfur region. They are heavily armed and have reportedly killed both people and animals. An estimated 250,000 refugees from Darfur are living in Chad. Though international law prohibits armed troops from entering the camps, the Sudanese rebels continue to do so. Some have accused the Chadian government of giving them permission to be there. Pray for God to supernaturally protect and provide for the refugees in the camps. Pray for the rebels to be turned away and lose their passion for violence and destruction. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among both the refugees and the rebels, turning hearts and minds to Jesus Christ. Pray for Christian workers and indigenous Believers to be encouraged and strengthened as they serve His Kingdom in this dangerous area. Pray for God to move, displaying His compassion among the people and establishing His Kingdom in Chad. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- In a strange show of unity among international terrorists, extremists in Algeria are believed to be plotting revenge for the deaths of Uyghur Muslims in China. The government of China issued an alert, warning citizens of the danger in Algeria. According to news reports, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb “threatened to target Chinese workers in North Africa.” Approximately 50,000 Chinese are currently working in Algeria. Pray for God to give the government of Algeria wisdom in dealing with these threats. Pray for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to be defeated and for their resources and membership to dwindle and fail. Pray for the Algerian people, as well as the rest of the world, to see these evil organizations as instruments of satan and for their violent acts to cause many to seek God as their refuge, and Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

promoter of extreme Islam, is seeking to open his nation to tourists. “In the past year,” reports the BBC, “Muammar Gaddafi has traveled the world, signing profitable oil and gas deals that will help transform Tripoli into the new Mediterranean destination – or so they hope – for an influx of adventurous tourists.” This “opening” may well provide an opportunity to reach one of the world’s least-reached nations with the Gospel. Pray for God to use al-Qaddafi’s ambitions to further His Purpose and Kingdom in North Africa. Pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of the people of Libya for the proclamation of the Gospel and for the seed of the Word to be well received. Pray for workers to be prepared and sent into this ripe-for-harvest field. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- A controversial government policy gives special treatment to Malays. Although Malays make up the majority of the population in this nation, there are also large Chinese and Indian minorities. Although these groups have been in Malaysia for centuries, “some Malays still regard them as foreigners.” Pray for this discrimination to end. Pray for the Blood of Jesus Christ to be the bridge between these groups and provide lasting peace in the Malaysian society. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come among the Malays, Chinese, and Indians, and for unity in the Body of Christ. Pray for Malaysia to become an example of the Power of God and His ability to bring harmony between races. Day 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The Somali pirates that have been hijacking ships off the Horn of Africa are expanding their territory to include the waters off this nation’s coast. In June 2009, a cargo ship was attacked just 60 nautical miles south of Oman. Somali pirates are believed to be in possession of l4 ships and at least 200 sailors. Pray for these ocean-fairing terrorists to be stopped immediately and permanently. Pray for international efforts to bring them to justice. Pray for the pirates to be captured and the hostages safely returned. Pray for the government of Oman to see the urgency of this growing threat and use its wealth and resources to help keep the Gulf of Aden free of piracy. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in Oman. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- An anti-corruption campaign launched in this former Soviet republic has resulted in nearly one thousand investigations, as well as cases against “a number of senior government officials.” Besides high-ranking authorities, the program has also targeted police, customs service workers, and the justice system. Pray for this campaign to be used to cleanse the nation of bribes, dishonesty and greed. Pray for government extortion and theft to be exposed, and for guilty individuals to be removed from office immediately. Pray for this sweep to be followed by an introduction and acceptance of the Kingdom of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to rush in and fill the void left by the expulsion of evil. Pray for the people of Kazakhstan to hunger and thirst for the Truth of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Savior and Lord.

Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- In an interesting and God-ordained development, Muammar al-Qaddafi, a sponsor of terrorism and

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Day 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- Nine terrorists were captured by Tunisian police and are being held on charges of planning to murder members

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(Tunisia continued) of foreign military services. They are also accused of stealing weapons. In the years since the September 11, 2001 attacks, Tunisia has cooperated with international efforts to fight Islamic extremism, imprisoning an estimated 1l000 people on charges of terrorism. Pray for Tunisia to continue its quest to rid North Africa of terrorists and terrorism organizations. Pray for God to protect the nation from these violent militants. Pray for the hearts of the Tunisian people to be increasingly open to receive the Gospel. Pray for the Word to be made known to them and for Muslims to be set free from the lies of Islam so they can trust and receive the love of Jesus Christ. CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Cambodia has suddenly become the site of what some are calling “an epidemic of land grabbing.” Huge pieces of land are being snatched up by private corporations in what the government says will “speed development.” However, accusations of corruption have already been made regarding who is getting the land and how they are obtaining it. Some say government officials are benefiting the most from the deals and that those living on the land are “being evicted without compensation.” Pray for corrupt officials to be exposed, their evil motives and schemes defeated. Pray for the people of Cambodia to reap the rewards of the financial gains of these deals. Pray for the changes taking place in the society and economy of Cambodia to result in a greater hunger for eternal things – for the citizens to seek God and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- Open Doors ranks Turkey at number 39 on its 2009 list of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians. Though the government is secular, the majority of the people are Muslim and followers of Jesus are often mistreated. In July 2009, a Christian businessman was stabbed to death as he left church. The murderer explained that, when he woke up that morning, he simply decided to kill a Christian. This same satanic hatred (John 10:10) motivated a group of young men to torture and kill three Believers in 2007. Pray for the spirits of death and destruction to be bound in Turkey. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the Muslim people, removing the veil of darkness and hatred from their eyes and revealing the power, love, and glory of Jesus Christ. Pray for God to place a hedge of protection around Turkish Believers and give them the strength to continue in worship, fellowship, and evangelism. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this Islamic stronghold, tearing down false idols and exalting Jesus Christ above all other gods. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- The government of North Korea continues to commit heinous human rights violations and to zealously persecute Christians. In July 2009, Ri Hyon, a 33-yearold wife and mother, was executed for the “crime” of distributing Bibles. Another North Korean mother recently told of her attempt to escape to China with her 1l4-year-old daughter. The two were separated and the woman later learned that her daughter had been captured by Chinese security guards and returned to North Korea – where she was beaten to death by border guards. Pray for the Lord of Hosts to arise on behalf of the women, children and families who are suffering in North Korea. Pray for an end to the brutality and conscienceless violence of the regime of Kim Jong-Il. Pray for God to stop Kim Jong-Il from his demented, murderous ways – just as He did Saul in the New Testament of the Bible. Pray for this evil man

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to be transformed by an encounter with Jesus Christ and used as an instrument to bring God’s Kingdom to North Korea. Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- In July 2009, Somalia provided a vivid illustration of satan’s work on earth – al-Shabaab murdered Mogadishu’s police chief; more families and children fled violence in the southern region of the nation (where thousands already live in primitive refugee camps and along the roads); the number of orphans increased as children lost parents to gunfire, disease, and displacement; the number of child-soldiers grew as warlords and terrorists forced boys and girls into the ranks of their armies; at least seven Believers were beheaded because they chose to remain faithful to Jesus Christ rather than bow to Allah. Pray for the spirits of lawlessness, chaos, anarchy, and destruction to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray for God to pour out His Holy Spirit, releasing peace, hope, joy, and life to the suffering people of Somalia. Pray for the Lord to send His warring angels to strike al-Shabaab, Hizbul-Islam, and every other demonic organization striving to shed blood in this land. Pray for God to provide food, shelter, clothing, medicine, and clean water for refugees. Pray for the sudden, powerful, unstoppable invasion of the Kingdom of God to Somalia. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- As the Pakistani military continues its battle against Taliban forces, the government has outlined an agreement with India to step up the fight against terrorism. The two nations will “increase communication and information-sharing in an effort to prevent terrorist attacks.” This is a new and welcomed development that may signal an end to the “bitter blame game” Pakistan and India have engaged in since the Mumbai attacks in 2008. Thank God for this new attitude of cooperation in the war on terror. Pray for Pakistan to continue seeking out and eliminating Taliban forces. Pray for Pakistan and India to form a barrier to keep terrorists from training, recruiting, and organizing attacks in this region. Pray for the prevention of future acts of terrorism. Pray for the common front against terror to be used to reveal the need for spiritual security and peace with God. Pray for His Kingdom to be established in Pakistan, India, and throughout Asia. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- In July 2009, Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist group, went on the rampage across the northern region of Nigeria. Hundreds were killed, untold numbers injured and scores were arrested. The militants barricaded themselves in the city of Maiduguri where Nigerian military forces engaged them in battle. The leader of Boko Haram, Mohammed Yusuf, was captured and died in custody hours later. Pray for this rogue terrorist group to be defeated and for surviving members to be brought to justice swiftly. Pray for God to give the Nigerian government wisdom in dealing with this and other extremist organizations seeking to destroy lives and inflict Shari’a law on the region. Pray for comfort for those who have lost family members in the violence. Pray for Believers to be protected from this and other extremist threats. Pray for Christians

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to be a source of love, forgiveness, and a visible demonstration of the Kingdom of God as the nation recovers from these attacks. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- President Mohamed Nasheed has vowed to fight child abuse, drug trafficking, and corruption in the nation of Maldives. In a radio address in July 2009, the president said one of his priorities was ensuring that these issues were dealt with swiftly. Pray for God to empower President Nasheed to be successful in this campaign. Pray for an end to the abuse of children, drug smuggling, sales of and addiction to drugs, as well as government corruption. Pray for the president’s heart to be filled with compassion – and open to the Gospel. Pray for the enemy boundary around this hard, closed, Muslim nation to be broken by the establishment of the Kingdom of God. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- Tribunals on the issue of “honor killings” began in this nation in July 2009. These crimes involve the murder of a woman by a family member (usually a brother, husband or father) for behavior that is considered to be disloyal to or to bring shame to the family. In some Islamic nations, these acts go unpunished. According to reports, the tribunals in Jordan will “focus exclusively on suspected perpetrators of honor crimes in an effort to speed up the legal process and bring killers to justice.” Praise God for the wisdom He has given the government of Jordan regarding this subject and for their willingness to bring these crimes to justice. Pray for the continued protection of women in this and other Middle Eastern nations. Pray for the bondage and violence of Shari’a law to be broken and discarded. Pray for His Kingdom to come in Power, setting free those held captive by Islam and leading them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- The number of “clandestine migrants” (secret travelers) using Senegal as a departure point for illegal entry into other nations has dropped dramatically since 2006. At that time thousands of people were leaving Dakar each year to smuggle themselves into Europe. These immigrants included, not only people in search of better jobs, but criminals, drug traffickers, and terrorists. Thanks to an agreement between Senegal and various European nations, the number of “clandestine migrants” has been cut significantly. Praise God for this answer to prayer. Pray for the Senegalese to continue their vigilant watch on the borders of this nation. Pray for terrorists and criminals to become discouraged, lose heart, and grow weary of doing evil. Pray for the people of Senegal to look to Jesus Christ as their refuge and receive Him as their Lord and Savior. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- “Christianity in Eritrea is very hard,” an Eritrean refugee explained recently to Open Doors. “All the senior pastors are in prison, with no attempting to bring them to court for any reason. And all the Christians in Eritrea are suffering.” Believers are being tortured and killed on a regular basis. An estimated 1l60,000 Eritreans have fled to Sudan, another 20,000 to Ethiopia. As many as 500 attempt to leave the nation each week, reports Release International, some “risking the dangers of minefields, crocodile-inhabited rivers and border guards who’ve been ordered to shoot to kill.” Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Eritrea to be strengthened by the joy of the Lord even in these desperate circumstances. Pray for the enemy’s grip on the government of Eritrea to broken and for President Afworki and his repressive administration to encounter Jesus Christ,

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submitting to Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for God to comfort the families of prisoners, provide for them and protect them. Pray for the Lord Himself to be present with those who are being tortured and asked to renounce their faith, comforting and strengthening them. TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- The Dalai Lama, the exiled Buddhist leader of Tibet, was honored in Poland in July 2009. The city of Warsaw lauded the Dalai Lama for “striving for freedom and sovereignty for his nation.” Nobel Peace laureate, Lech Walesa, expressed his certainty that freedom would soon come to Tibet. Pray for God to capture the Dalai Lama’s heart. Pray for the lies and darkness of Buddhism to be removed and for the Light of Jesus Christ to shine into his life. Pray for his acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to be used to lead all of Tibet into the Kingdom of God. Pray for lasting peace to come to this nation and for Tibetan freedom to be found in the Most High God. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- The government of Syria arrested human rights lawyer, Mohannad al-Hussani in July 2009. Al-Hussani was called in by State Security and has not been seen since. No chargers have been filed. “Arbitrary arrests in Syria are common,” an international human rights organization told Reuters news agency, “and it is common for detainees to remain in jail for months before facing any charges.” Pray for these abuses of freedom to end immediately. Pray for the Syrian authorities to realize their responsibility before God to govern justly. Pray for them to abandon their support of violence in the form of corruption, repression and terrorism. Pray for the people of Syria to see the evil ways of their government and turn to Jesus Christ. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in this nation as men, women, and children of every people group accept Him as their Savior and Lord. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- Ranked at number 137 in the world in terms of population, the nation of Mongolia is nonetheless planning to send troops to Afghanistan to assist in the war on terrorism. This is the result of something called a “third neighbor policy,” which encourages cooperation with nations other than China and Russia. “It is one of the best ways to show that Mongolia is not only thinking about itself,” one of the military leaders said. Praise God for this godly attitude (Matt. 22:39). Pray for this unselfishness to spread throughout the region – to China and Russia. Pray for God to honor the intentions of the Mongolian government and people, and begin opening their blind eyes to the Truth of Christ. Pray for them to be set free from the bondage of alcoholism, poverty, and hopelessness. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to come like fire to this isolated nation, burning away the wickedness and drawing every Mongolian into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Members of an insurgent group that staged a coup attempt in February 2008 are now on trial. Though unsuccessful, the rebellion involved the attempted assassination of both the president and prime minister. It resulted in the death of a rebel leader and the declaration of a state of emergency. Pray for God to breathe His peace over this war-weary nation. Pray for the trial to go smoothly and for the people of East Timor to accept the outcome without violence. Pray for justice and for the Holy Spirit to lead the rebels to a personal

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THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- According to watchdog group, Reporters Without Borders, the Gambia is guilty of the worst attacks on the press in West Africa. In June 2009 alone, seven journalists were arrested and detained after writing articles that were critical of the government. President Yahya Jammeh and his administration are accused of “using threats, arbitrary arrests and torture” to control the press. Pray for this manipulative behavior to end. Pray for President Jammeh to surrender his heart and life to Jesus Christ. Pray for corruption and control to be replaced by honesty and justice. Pray for the Gambia to be open to the freedom of the Holy Spirit (II Cor. 3:17) and the coming of the Kingdom of God. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- The Red Cross reports that as many as 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are “trapped in despair.” These civilians are caught up in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and the Israeli military. Many have lost homes, jobs, and even family members. They are also suffering from the effects of an Israeli blockade intended to stop the flow of resources to terrorists. According to the Red Cross, “residents lack adequate shelter… basic medicines… and the water supply is patchy, sanitation on the point of collapse.” Pray for God to care for these innocent victims of war. Pray for Him to provide clean water, health care, and food for families who have been impacted by violence. Pray for God to enable Christian humanitarian agencies to share His love in both word and deed. Pray for an end to Hamas – for their supply sources to be effectively cut off and for their membership to dwindle to nothing. Pray for lasting peace between Palestinians and Israel, and for Jews and Muslims to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

Strip) are competing for control of the region. Instead of working together to achieve their goal – namely, the destruction of Israel – they are making accusations against each other and even holding members of the rival group in detention. Praise God for this answer to prayer. Pray for Him to continue to confuse these violent organizations, pitting them against each other and keeping them from cooperating against Israel. Pray for members of both Fatah and Hamas to be set free from the lies of the enemy, rescued from the dominion of darkness, and brought into the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Window International Network Pray for God to reveal His plans and purposes for reaching the nations and peoples of the 1l0/40 Window. Pray for Him to answer as the WIN staff calls to Him and to show them great and mighty things (Jer. 33:3). Pray for the new work He is doing to be made plain (Is. 43:19) and for WIN to be a weapon in the hand of the Lord of Hosts – for the pulling down of strongholds and the casting down of arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God in the 10/40 Window (II Cor. 10:4,5). Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct, Associated Press

WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- The leaders of Fatah (the terrorist group in the West Bank) and Hamas (the terrorist group in the Gaza


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cease to torture, persecute, or execute anymore Believers. ✚✚ Pray that China immediately will no longer send escapee North Koreans back to North Korea who flee to China seeking refuge from the extremely harsh conditions in their nation. Pray the Chinese will give asylum and refuge to the North Koreans who are brave enough to escape. ✚✚ Ask God to remove the physical, political, and spiritual veil of darkness from North Korea. Pray especially for Kim Jong Il. He was recently diagnosed with cancer and may soon

die. Pray for the Lord to soften this tyrant’s heart and bring him to salvation while there is still time. (The Bible, Colossians 1:13) ✚✚ Bind and cast down the spirits of manipulation, domination, and control. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a great revival to take place on this dry and thirsty land. (The Bible, Joel 2:28,29) ✚✚ Pray for secret police to hear the Gospel and be drawn into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which would cause them to change their evil ways and be transformed by the


“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work….” II Thessalonians 2:7a


awlessness hangs like a banner over Somalia. The nation has been without a central government since l99l and attempts to restore order have failed mis-

erably. Somalia’s ongoing crisis, however, predates the fall of the government. It was a land of deadly clan disputes long before the arrival of European forces in the l9th century. But after gaining independence from Britain and Italy in l960, all sense of law fell away as warlords launched a long, deadly battle for control of the region. In l969, the president was assassinated and a coup brought General Siad Barre to power. Barre had members of his own cabinet murdered in order to maintain his grip on the government. In l976, the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party was formed. It was later overthrown by a combined effort of opposing organizations. In the late seventies, Somalia went to war against Ethiopia over the disputed Ogaden region. At the same time, civil war broke out and “the moral authority of the Somali government collapsed.” For the next decade, the nation was plagued by

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Lord Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Ephesians 1:13,14) ✚✚ Ask God to bring His Kingdom to North Korea and accomplish His Will and Purpose there. Pray for the enemy’s attempts to execute destruction and mass violence to be defeated and for this nation to become a beacon of Light for Christ in the Far East. (The Bible, I Peter 2:9,10) Sourced: BBC News, Wikipedia, Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, Barnabus Fund

shortages of food and fuel, and by debilitating inflation. In l99l, President Barre was finally driven from office and the formal government was dissolved. Anarchy followed as clans fought for control of territory and citizens began to wield guns in their struggle to survive. As one observer noted, there is a “competition for water, pasturage, and… cattle. It is a competition that used to be fought out with arrows and sabers… Now it is fought with AK-47s.” On the heels of this chaos came a famine that killed an estimated 300,000 people. It also gave rise to Islamic terrorism. Without a functioning government to maintain law and order, a number of extremist organizations started operating inside Somalia. Al-Qaeda began training insurgents, as well as sending personnel to lead Somali terrorists. Al-Shabaab (“the youth”) and Hisbul-Islam, both affiliated and supported by al-Qaeda, now dominate most of the southern half of the nation. Somalia has also become infamous for its pirates. Armed thieves now roam the seas along

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Hello, Prayer Warriors! I just returned from Iraq – the famous “Babylon” of the Bible. While I was there, two children came to know Jesus! If only you could have been there too. Let me tell you about it. One morning, I was resting in a little garden in the back of an old apartment building. I could tell the garden had once been large and beautiful, with flowering trees and bushes. But the war had destroyed most of it. As I was enjoying a drink from one of the blossoms growing on a surviving tree, I saw a boy and his little sister. They had made a fort along the low, garden wall and were peering out through a crack. They seemed to be expecting someone to come looking for them. Watching them from my comfortable spot high in the tree, I suddenly realized that it was mid-morning on a weekday. Why aren’t they in school? I wondered. I fluttered down to get a better look at them. The quickness of my wings and the whirring sound they make startled them. “I’m sorry, little ones,” I said. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” The children looked at each other with wide eyes, then looked back at me.

plained. “Just until things are safe again.” “They said we can play back here,” Layla said. “As long as we’re careful.” “What about learning to read and write? What about math and science?” I asked. “Those are very important things.” Both children nodded. “But… it’s too dangerous,” Ali said. “And we’re scared,” Layla admitted. “I understand,” I told them. “Would you let me pray for you?” “We already pray – five times a day,” Ali said. “To Allah,” Layla chimed. “But it doesn’t help,” Ali sighed. “I pray to Someone who can help,” I assured them. “He knows you’re afraid and can take away your fears.” They were both curious. “Who do you pray to?” Ali asked. “His name is Jesus,” I told them. “Jesus…?” Layla said thoughtfully. She looked at her brother. “Isn’t he the prophet Uncle Ibrahim told us about?” Ali nodded. “But our parents don’t like him talking about Jesus.” “Would you like me to tell you about Him,” I offered. They both said, “Yes!” So I explained to them who Jesus is – that He is much more than just a prophet, that He is the Son of God, sent to die on a cross and rise again to life, so that we could be forgiven of our sins and be with God forever.

“My name is Hymnie. What are your names?”

When I finished, Ali and Layla were quiet for a moment. Then Ali said, “Can we pray to this Jesus?”

“I’m Ali,” the boy answered. “And this is my sister, Layla.”

“Will he really help us not be afraid anymore?” Layla asked.

“It’s nice to meet you both,” I said, landing on the wall. “I’m just visiting your country, but I know you have schools. Why aren’t you two in school today?”

“Yes,” I said. “Yes, you can pray to Him. And yes, he will answer and take away your fears.”

Ali shrugged. “We… uh…” “We’re afraid to go,” Layla said. “We’re not afraid!” Ali argued. “Yes, we are,” his sister said. “Last week one of the buses was bombed. Some of our friends were killed.” “And my teacher,” Ali said sadly. “We’re afraid that will happen to us,” Layla said. “So our parents let us stay home.” “For a while,” Ali ex-

And guess what happened.

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Then I led them in this prayer: “Dear Jesus, thank You for dying on the Cross for Ali and Layla. Thank You for loving them so much. They want to know You. Be their Savior and Lord. Please take away their sins. And take away their fears. Help them to feel safe and give them brave hearts so that they can go to school. Protect them, their parents, their friends and their teachers. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

Jesus did a miracle! The very next morning, Ali and Layla were dressed in their crisp uniforms, books and lunches in arms. Their hearts were full of courage and they were ready to get back to school.

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Those are just two of the many precious children in Iraq. Now they are God’s precious children – Believers who have made Jesus Christ their Savior and Lord. It is very dangerous for Muslims to become Christians in Iraq. So I prayed for Ali and Layla and kept an eye on them for several days. I asked Jesus to watch over them. Before long, their Uncle Ibrahim learned they had prayed to accept Jesus. He came over and began to teach them from the Bible. At first, their parents were not very happy about this. But as they listened to Ibrahim, they also saw their need for a Savior. One night, they too prayed and asked Jesus to be the Savior and Lord of their lives. Now the whole family believes in Jesus! That’s just one small example of what God is doing in the 10/40 Window. Keep praying for the children in the Window who need to know about Jesus. God hears you when you pray and promises to answer. If we pray, many more Alis and Laylas will know Jesus this year!



In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

o Please remembaqer! t pray for Ir

HAND PAINTED TILE Many Islamic countries such as Iraq have their own style of building designs. They often build with beautifully hand-painted tiles, which are designed with vibrant colors and flowers. Today we will design our own tile to help us remember to pray for the Iraqi people. MATERIALS NEEDED: ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚ ✚✚

6” x 6” white ceramic tile (or any small size), 1 per child Piece of felt the size of the tile, 1 per child Glue Flower stencils Permanent markers in various colors Rubber gloves (to cover hands while using markers, optional) Masking tape Black permanent marker for outlining Newspaper to cover tables

DIRECTIONS: Glue felt piece to the back of the tile. Position the stencil on the tile and secure with masking tape. Color over the open areas of the stencil using the colored markers. Allow the marker to dry, then outline design with a black marker. Write “Pray for Iraq” around the flower design with a black pen. Turn it over and sign your name and the date on your work of art. Your tile makes a great coaster!

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y your Spirit, we pray that hundreds of thousands of children

n Jesus’ Name we believe for a

adical move of God’s Spirit to wash over Iraq.

ll persecution of Christians must stop in Jesus’ Name; Lord please uiet the voices of those who discourage others from knowing You.

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the Horn of Africa, hijacking ships and holding their crews for ransom. Their weapons are believed to be supplied by the nation of Yemen. Many now live lavish lifestyles thanks to the multiple millions of dollars they have extorted from shipping companies. “They have money; they have power and they are getting stronger by the day,” one local said. The capital city of Mogadishu is now a virtual ghost town. Hundreds of thousands of citizens have fled the violence and are now living in primitive refugee camps across the border in Kenya and Ethiopia, as well as in the open along the sides of roadways. The common factor among the groups wreaking havoc in Somalia is their militant zeal for Islam. They’re goal is to inflict fear and death on the general population of Somalia. They have also imposed strict Shari’a (Islamic law) on their victims. Because of the atmosphere of lawlessness and the presence of bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists, being a Christian in Somalia is very dangerous and can often be deadly. In the last few years, extremists have vowed to exterminate all followers of Jesus Christ. They have made good on this promise by seeking out and executing Muslims who convert to Christianity as well as any Believers who dare to share their faith. In July 2009, for instance, alShabaab members beheaded seven Believers. According to Open Doors, “public executions, floggings, and amputations have reportedly increased in areas controlled by Al-Shabaab.” Another recent incident involved the murder of two young boys. When their father refused to provide information about a church leader the terrorists were looking for, they dragged the man’s sons from the house and beheaded them. Somalia is ranked No. 5 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2009. It would probably be even higher if there were more Christians. But nearly all Somalis are Muslim. Most Believers have either fled or fallen victim to the persecution. “We have nowhere to run to,” a Somali Believer told Open Doors. “The al-Shabaab are on our heads, while Muslim brothers are also discriminating against us. Indeed even here in the refu-

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gee camp we are not safe. We need a safe haven elsewhere.”


✚✚ Cry out to God on behalf of Somalia. Pray the LORD to arise and scatter the enemies that have overrun this nation – lawlessness, chaos, anarchy, destruction, murder, bloodlust…. (The Bible Psalm 3:7) ✚✚ The LORD will supernaturally protect and provide food and shelter and every need of the Believers and refugees according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. (The Bible, Philippians 4:19) ✚✚ Invite the Holy Spirit to move powerful among the members of al-Shabaab, Hisbul-Islam, and the transitional government. Pray for key leaders to repent of their sins and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-3) ✚✚ Ask God to pour out His healing mercies on this ailing land. Pray for reconciliation between clans, peace between people groups, and a return to stability in the government, and a government that will be run on Biblical principles. (The Bible, II Corinthians 5:18,19) ✚✚ Declare God’s Sovereignty over Somalia and ask Him to protect the citizens. Pray for the immediate fall of every terrorist group and the rise of the Kingdom of God in this land. (The Bible, Psalm 96:10) ✚✚ Call for the Lord’s protection over His people. Pray that He will make ways of escape, provide hope, and be their safe haven in times of distress. (The Bible, II Samuel 22:3) ✚✚ Pray for the lawlessness and corruption in this land to be transformed into a heaven-on-earth where Jesus Christ is honored, glorified and worshipped above all other gods. (The Bible, Hebrews 1:1-4) Sourced: BBC News, Wikipedia, World Factbook, Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, Barnabas Fund

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