The 10/40 Reporter June 2010

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June 2010 Edition

Shining Like The Stars Thailand: A Kingdom Divided Slavery In the Window 10/40 Window Watchman Nepal: At The Crossroads WindoWkids™ Indonesia PRAYER POINTS FOR EVERY 10/40 WINDOW NATION

Window International Network Board of Directors

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

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THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : June 2010

shining like the stars

5 Thailand: A Kingdom Divided

6 Slavery In the Window

8 10/40 WindoWatchman


14 Nepal: At the Crossroads

30 WindowKids™: Indonesia

32 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3

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S T«R S “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” the Bible, Daniel 12:3

How is your brightness level? Are you shining at full strength? Few people consider these questions until it’s too late. Once we get to heaven, we will either radiate light like the stars or be dim bulbs. It all hinges on how we invest our time, energy, and finances today.

Are you being wise? Are you winning souls and leading many to righteousness? Will you shine like the stars, forever and ever?

If we are seeking first the Kingdom, engaged in the work of preaching the Gospel in all the earth, then God’s Word promises we will shine. It calls those who are laboring in the harvest fields, going about the Father’s business, “wise.”

By giving to Window International Network, you can answer yes to all of the above. As you donate to WIN, you become a partner in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of God in the 10/40 Window, reaching the unreached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Your prayers and financial support are a practical means of leading many to righteousness. They do not go unnoticed by the Lord.

The Book of Proverbs puts it this way: “…He who wins souls is wise” (The Bible, Proverbs 11:30).

Your reward in heaven will be great, beyond anything you can imagine or hope for.

Turn up your brightness level by making a Kingdom investment. Visit Start shining today! June 2010

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Officially known as the Kingdom of Thailand, this nation is currently a kingdom divided. On one side are the Yellow Shirts – those opposed to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. On the other side are the Red Shirts – suppor ters of Thaksin. Both groups are vocal, even violent at times in communicating their views. But recently, they came to an agreement on one issue: they want the present government to be dissolved. This came to a crisis point when the Red Shirts began staging a prolonged (now into its third month) protest in downtown Bangkok, the nation’s capital. The present turmoil in Thailand comes after a “decades-old separatist struggle,” pitting the majority population against the minority

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A KINGDOM DIVIDED Malay population, erupted in violence in 2004. A bloodless coup in 2006 deposed Prime Minister Thaksin. In 2007, the junta government issued a new constitution and held elections. Present Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva won that election, defeating a Thaksin ally. Abhisit’s Democrat Party then assumed the leadership of Thailand. Upon winning the election, Abhisit stated that his chief goal was to “re-establish national harmony.” Unfortunately, that has proven to be an impossible task. As of this writing, the nation is in danger of being ripped apart by divergent political demands. The precepts of Buddhism – a false religion which presumes to seek enlightenment and end suffering – are not serving Thailand well.

Though the majority of the citizens practice Buddhism, the deep division ce, in Thai society reflects a lack of pea contentment, and love. Instead of removing desire (considered the cause of suffering by Buddhists), a desire for control and to have personal and political desires fulfilled is wreaking havoc in the nation. The government has proposed holding new elections in November 2010. This announcement was made by Prime Minister Abhisit in May 2010 from the safety of a military camp where he has sought refuge. Abhisit said he would not negotiate with protesters and expects them to disperse. “If they don’t go home,” he war ned, “I’m not going to dissolve parliament [with new elections]. I repeat, I am not ng negotiating with anybody… includi the protesters.”

© 2010 Window International Network

June 2010


PRAY FOR the Lord to provide the answers to the complicated problems and deep divisions facing this nation. (The Bible, Job 12:13) leaders to exercise wisdom, caution, and compassion in dealing with protesters and others who are not in favor of their policies and actions. (The Bible, Lamentations 3:22) forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing between political parties and people groups in Thailand. (The Bible, II Corinthians 5:18) this conflict to be used to expose the failings of Buddhism and its false assumptions and goals. Pray for the people of Thailand to develop a hunger for God’s Word and the Gospel. (The Bible, I Peter 2:2) the Lord’s purposes and plans for this nation to be fulfilled. (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11) multitudes of Thais to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4) the Kingdom of God to come to Thailand with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (The Bible, Romans 14:17) Sourced: BBC News, “The Compact Guide to World Religions” (Dean Halverson), Associated Press, VOA News.

June 2010

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Westerners might be tempted to believe owning human beings and treating them like animals or personal property is no longer a problem in the modern world. This cruel, humiliating, and barbaric practice, it is assumed, was abandoned and outlawed hundreds of years ago. Unfortunately, that is not the case – especially inside the 10/40 Window. In many of the countries of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, slavery is not only tolerated, but has become a lucrative industry.

Commonly referred to as human trafficking, it is fueled by greed, sexual perversion, and a demand for cheap labor. “Whether the victims are teenage soldierslaves in Uganda, entire families forced to work in South Asian factories without pay or child prostitutes in Thailand,” reports humantrafficking. org, “human trafficking enslaves 27 million people around the world and generates $30 billion annually. At least half of the victims are children.”

SLAVERY IN THE WINDOW Poverty, prostitution, and corruption are often contributing factors in the trafficking of human beings. In some cultures, debts are settled by “selling” a child into slavery. People seeking work or a better way of life are sometimes duped into indentured servitude or the sex trade. Human Rights Watch notes, “Trafficking flourishes throughout the world, aided by corruption and neglect by states. Seeking better lives and opportunities, trafficking victims migrate only to find themselves trapped in debt bondage, forced labor, and slavery-like conditions. The United Nations has estimated that 700,000 people are trafficked into forced labor and forced prostitution around the world each year.” In Chad, for example, children are sometimes sold to Arab herdsman. Their new “masters” change their names, make them speak a new language, prohibit them from being with members of their ethnic group, and demand that they accept Islam. Similar situations can be found in Mali, 8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

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Mauritania, Sudan, Benin, and other 10/40 Window nations. In Southeast Asia, the sex industry claims untold multitudes through human trafficking. Young girls living in small villages are often promised jobs in cities. Only after leaving home in hopes of helping their family escape poverty do they realize they have been enlisted to be prostitutes. In India, it has been estimated that more than 100 million children are laboring against their will in oppressive and abusive circumstances.

In Senegal, children at madrassas (Islamic schools) become the slaves of marabouts (teachers). They are forced to beg for up to 10 hours each day and must turn their earnings over to the marabouts. Human trafficking takes place around the globe – even in “developed” nations. But it is most prevalent, more tolerated, and often rampant in the nations of the 10/40 Window. This atrocity provides intercessors with yet another reason to target the region with fervent, continued, strategic prayer.

“Millions of workers in Pakistan,” says Human Rights Watch, “are held in contemporary forms of slavery. Throughout the country employers forcibly extract from adults and children, restrict their freedom of movement, and deny them the right to negotiate the term of their employment.”

PRAY FOR the travesty of modern slavery to be exposed and made known throughout the world. (The Bible, Mark 4:22; Daniel 2:22)

the healing of young, damaged souls who have been sold or tricked into slavery and sexual abuse. (The Bible, Psalm 147:3)

governments to take immediate action against human trafficking. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom and new strategies to effectively and swiftly end this practice. (The Bible, Psalm 82:3)

Believers to pray and act against every form of slavery wherever it is found. (The Bible, Proverbs 15:9)

the Lord of Hosts to arise and champion the cause of children and women who are being exploited and mistreated through this criminal and immoral activity. (The Bible, Psalm 146:7)

the success of Christian humanitarian agencies in setting slaves free, teaching them trades to enable them to live independently, and preaching and demonstrating the Gospel of the Kingdom so they can know spiritual freedom. (The Bible, II Corinthians 3:17)

the Lord to transform the hearts of those who are exploiting human beings, oppressing them, and seeking to profit from them. (The Bible, John 6:65) the demand for prostitutes, forced laborers, and exploitive profit to be cut off as the hearts of evil men are turned from sin and wickedness toward the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 5:17) the Kingdom of God to come to the 10/40 Window, healing those who have been victims of this barbaric behavior and providing forgiveness for their abusers. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

Sourced: Integrated Regional Information Networks, Human Rights Watch, June 2010

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The Gambia, officially the Republic of The Gambia, commonly known as Gambia, is a country in Western Africa. It is the smallest country on the African continental mainland and is bordered to the north, east and south by Senegal, and has a small coast on the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The River Gambia flows through the center of the country and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. TERRORISM


Eight Senegalese nationals believed to

The Gambia is 88.8% Muslim. Only

be rebel members of the Movement of

4.1% of the population is Christian.

Democratic Forces in the Casamance

The constitution provides for freedom

appeared in a Gambian court on October

of religion.

2, 2007 in the capital city of Banjul. They were charged with conspiracy to

Challenges for Christians

commit felony, possession of stolen

In April 2007, a group of Muslim

properties, spying on the Republic of

worshippers in Brikama allegedly

The Gambia and unlawful possession of

tried to attack a Catholic priest. The

Gambian identity cards. The men were

incident, which may have been led by a

alleged to have conspired to commit

police officer, took place when Muslims

acts of terrorism against the Republic of

conducting afternoon prayers at the

Senegal between 2004 and 2006 while

police station mosque were disturbed by

residents of the Gambia.

noise from the nearby Catholic Church.

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Prayer Points Pray the Gambia will become vigilant in combating terrorism. Ask the Lord to keep it from becoming a haven for terrorist groups. The majority of Gambians are Muslim, but churches and missionaries have little contact with them. Pray that more Muslims, from all different ethnic groups, will have the opportunity to hear the gospel. Pray that Gambian Christians can be encouraged and trained to lead and disciple others. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors,, The World Factbook

Gambia, West Africa ÌÌ Population: 1,688,359 ÌÌ Political Leader: President Yahya Jammeh ÌÌ Religions Islam: 88.8% Traditional: 6.7% Christians: 4.1% Other: 0.4%

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: None Listed ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: Not Listed ÌÌ Casualties: Not Listed ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 75% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: Not Ranked

ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ranked June 2010

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ess to seek ; a fear of God; a willingn art he ite ntr co d an le mb in every nation REQUIREMENTS: a hu the Gospel to be preached for e sir de a ; art he ur yo m of God the Lord with all on for seeing the Kingdo ssi pa a ; ily fam d an e, gu to every people, tribe, ton th. rist glorified in all the ear established and Jesus Ch ow before the Lord as we lift the 10/40 Wind 10 20 3, er tob Oc ay, nd for this work. Pray with us on Su Window Sunday to apply 0 /4 10 til un it wa to ve re than 2.6 billion of Hosts. But you don’t ha cry out to God for the mo d an ing do e u’r yo at wh Christ. Start today! Stop the Good News of Jesus th wi ed ch rea be to yet precious people who have , small group…. your friends, family, church l Tel r. da en cal r you on 10 of the 10/40 Window. Mark Sunday, October 3, 20 it upon Him for the nations wa d an d Lor the k see to l Let’s answer the cal

12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

June 2010

June 2010

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Points PRAYER June 2010


Believers in India endured a brutal wave of persecution in 2009. According to the Global Council of Indian Christians, there were nearly 200 attacks against Christians in 2009. But that pales in comparison with what is now taking place in Karnataka. Believers in this state have “faced more than 1,000 attacks in 500 days.” Pray for the Lord to comfort all our Brothers and Sisters who have been attacked, had their property damaged, been abused verbally and physically, and lost family members and friends. Ask for these and all who are being threatened and are living in fear to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and empowered to live victoriously, boldly sharing the Gospel throughout India. Pray especially for an end to the extremist violence in Karnataka. Petition the Lord to use even this to honor His name and draw the lost and unreached into His Kingdom. Remember in prayer each day those in the Body of Christ in India and throughout the world, who are suffering for their faith (The Bible, Hebrews 13:3).


Mauritania entered into a series of agreements with Syria in April 2010 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

that are being called “a giant step in the bilateral cooperation between the two countries.” Syria is considered a state sponsor of terrorism and was pleased when Mauritania shut down its Israeli Embassy in 2009. Pray for the government of Mauritania to use wisdom in making alliances with other nations – especially those involved in terrorism – and for the people of this nation to be protected and set free from the growing oppression of Islam. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send workers to Mauritania to proclaim the Gospel and to keep those already laboring in this restricted harvest field safe. Pray that God’s Kingdom will come to Mauritania, driving out the darkness and ushering multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Fighting has begun again in the Darfur region of Sudan, causing more than 70,000 people to flee from their homes. The humanitarian situation is now being described as “dire,” with many women and children stranded in wilderness areas without clean water, food or shelter. Petition the Lord to intervene on behalf of those at risk of starvation and disease. Plead for an end to the fighting and for justice to be carried out by the government of Sudan.

Ask for the Prince of Peace to move in Darfur, bringing His peace to this troubled region. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be preached and demonstrated to those who have been displaced and for them to put their trust in Jesus Christ.


Besides rampant corruption, the government of Afghanistan is also facing a growing problem with drug abuse – among its own members. Police recruits are reportedly abusing opium (4 in 10 are testing positive), and President Karzai was recently accused of being addicted to heroin. Afghanistan is responsible for 90% of the world’s opium and this illegal trade is a major source of funding for the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Pray for corruption and drug abuse to be swept out of Afghanistan and for those in authority to repent of their sin. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring godly sorrow that leads to repentance and salvation, and to expose the criminal, money-making activities of those seeking to engage in terrorism. Pray for the people of Afghanistan to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel.


According to a report released in March

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2010, Kuwait has not taken the steps necessary to stop government corruption and human trafficking within its borders. “The Kuwaiti government has failed to strictly implement a law mandating criminal penalties for official corruption,” the report said, and “trafficking in persons is also a serious problem.” Pray for the leaders of this nation to take these issues seriously and take practical steps to bring an end to government corruption and human trafficking. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of officials, convicting them of their sin, leading them to repentance, and bringing them to salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray for revival to sweep through the government and for the Holy Spirit to draw people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for Kuwait to become an example of honesty, integrity, and justice in the Middle East.


The government of Bangladesh has pledged its support to counter terrorism in South Asia, especially in cooperation with neighboring India. Observers say the partnership between Bangladesh and India is “critical” in order to keep the region secure. “Terrorism is a common challenge for all the countries,” one statesman said. “They should work together to face the challenge.” Pray for the government of Bangladesh to continue its efforts to guard its people and the region from terrorism. Petition the Lord to guide the leaders of this nation and give them the wisdom and discernment necessary to overcome and defend against extremist organizations. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Bangladesh with great power, signs, wonders, and miracles, ushering June 2010

multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In discussing the role of religion in Japan, one journalist recently noted, “Rather than offering freedom to mankind, religion largely has become another tool of repression and fueled wars and conflicts. Instead of beliefs in myths and legends fueling hope for many persons, religion often ruined their lives instead and allowed the powerful to rule over the weak.” Pray for this dissatisfaction with world religions (which seems to be pervasive among the mostly non-religious population of Japan) to be used to draw the Japanese to Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to them and show them that what they are searching for is a relationship not a religion. Pray for a great awakening in Japan as the Kingdom of God comes in tremendous power.


In April 2010, members of the military placed Prime Minister Carlos Gomes, Jr. under house arrest and took the chief of the armed forces into custody. In the same month, western governments accused Guinea-Bissau of being a cocaine hub and said top officers in the Navy and Air Force were involved with drug trafficking. Ask the Lord to bring light to the darkness and confusion that has enveloped Guinea-Bissau. Pray for Him to expose criminal and immoral activities – especially among those in the military and

© 2010 Window International Network

government – and raise up leaders who will serve the people with integrity. Pray for the people to turn to Jesus Christ for Truth and put their faith in Him alone. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to GuineaBissau as it is in Heaven.


In the Book of Acts, persecution served to spread the Gospel beyond Jerusalem. In modern day Bhutan, the same thing is taking place. Driven from their homes by the Buddhist government’s “ethnic and religious purge,” Christian refugees have been proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout their homeland and beyond. As many as 8,000 are now living in refugee camps across the border in Nepal. These Believers have been sharing the love and truth of Christ with 85,000 other displaced Bhutanese, resulting in 18 churches so far. Praise the Lord for extending His Kingdom and bringing hope and joy to the lives of many, even in the midst of acts meant for evil. Give thanks for the faithfulness of our Brothers and Sisters in Bhutan and those in camps in Nepal. Pray for the Lord to strengthen and encourage them, reminding them that He will never forget them or forsaken them. Ask for the 18 churches to become 180 churches… 1800 churches… gatherings of Believes that will spread across Bhutan and throughout this formerly “closed” region. Praise the Lord for bringing salvation to those who have been held prisoner by Buddhism and pray for multitudes of others to be set free to know and follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 15


Concerned about ongoing reports that Iran is actively developing nuclear weapons, the government of Saudi Arabia announced in April 2010 that it will launch a new project to research and apply nuclear technology. The official goal is to experiment with alternative energy sources, but many observers believe it is an attempt to be ready to respond to a “nuclear Iran.” Pray for peace throughout the Middle East region and for the Lord to guide the governments in their decision making processes. Ask the Holy Spirit to move among the people of Saudi Arabia, using this time of uncertainty and anxiety to turn hearts toward the salvation found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Saudi Arabia, reaching every people group with the Gospel and drawing them into relationship with Christ.


In April 2010, interim president General Sekouba Konate removed the leaders of the nation’s Air Force, Navy, and Army in what some are calling a leadership purge. These men were believed to be loyal to former president, Capt. Moussa Dadis Camara, who was driven from office by an assassination attempt. Ask the Lord to restore stability to this nation, giving Gen. Konate wisdom and discernment in choosing leaders and guiding Guinea toward a civilian government, as well as preventing a violent revolution or civil war. Pray for the people to be protected and for Believers to continue sharing the 16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Gospel with their families, friends, and fellow citizens. Petition the Lord to establish His Kingdom in Guinea and fulfill His specific plans and purposes for this nation.


Violent street demonstrations in Bangkok in April 2010 led the government to dispatch military troops, resulting in increased tension. The concern now is that confrontations between demonstrators and soldiers may result in a civil war. Pray for both sides of this political battle to respect life and express themselves in peaceful ways – to use diplomacy rather than violence to convey their viewpoints and bridge their differences. Ask the Lord to provide men and women who will be servant leaders for the opposing sides of the issues, as well as in the government. Pray for peace to prevail and for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated throughout Thailand, bringing true and lasting freedom as multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


A matter of days after Niger joined Mali, Algeria, and Mauritania in setting up a joint-command post to fight al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), a French tourist and his driver were kidnapped. The region where the abduction took place is considered a no-man’s land and a smuggling zone that is to be avoided at all costs. Experts say these kinds of kidnappings – which take place regularly in this area – are often

carried out by local bandits who then turn their hostages over to the AQIM. Pray for the government of Niger to seek the council of the Lord in dealing with the growing threat of the AQIM. Ask Him to expose their hideouts and training camps, and to defeat their attempts to recruit, obtain funding, and launch destructive acts. Pray for the people of Niger to see the evil plans and actions of AQIM and cooperate with the government in defending against them. Petition the Lord to use this example of extremist Islam to turn many hearts toward the true and living way – Jesus Christ.


After being driven from office by protests in April 2010, former president Kurmanbek Bakiyev initially vowed to return to power. After a few weeks out of the country, however, he admitted that he was not planning to “return to Kyrgyzstan as president.” Bakiyev said he left the capital of Bishkek because of the threat of civil war and also because his family was in danger. New presidential elections are now set to be held in October 2010. Ask the Lord to guide this nation forward to become all that He created it to be – reaching the people with the Gospel and bringing God’s Kingdom throughout Kyrgyzstan. Pray for a great awakening and a turning away from Islam, and for the new leadership to respect the citizens and serve them with integrity.


With new sanctions being proposed by the United Nations, Iran is choosing not to halt its

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June 2010

nuclear program and instead is seeking to form new alliances to help it fight back. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Africa in April 2010 in an effort to bolster support. The aim was to evade the impact sanctions will have on Iran, as well as “ease its international isolation and strengthen its economy.” Pray for the spiritual awakening taking place in Iran to continue – for the veil of darkness to be removed from the eyes of the nation’s Muslims and for the Holy Spirit to lead them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Ask the Lord to protect the people from decisions by government leaders that might harm them, oppress them, and cause them to suffer economically. Pray for Believers to be bold, strong, and courageous as they face persecution, testifying to the truth and life found only in Jesus Christ.


Diseases that have been eradicated in the West continue to plague Burkina Faso. In the past few months, outbreaks of meningitis, measles, and polio have been reported. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to have the opportunity and resources to provide medical care and vaccines to put a stop to these preventable diseases. Ask the Lord to open doors for the preaching and demonstration of His Kingdom through these relief efforts and to draw men, women, and children into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.


A French aid worker spent 15 years June 2010

in Mali before being abducted by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). When he was released after a three-month ordeal, he told reporters his kidnappers had beaten him and continually attempted to convert him to Islam. “They are fanatics,” he said, “dangerous fools.” Pray for the protection of expatriates, humanitarian aid workers, and the citizens of Mali. Pray for the government of Mali to use discernment in dealing with and negotiating with AQIM and other groups. Intercede for the people of Mali, asking the Lord to open their eyes to the evil attitudes, beliefs, and actions of the terrorists and turn them away from extremist Islam. Pray for the Holy Spirit to open deaf ears to the Gospel and for the Kingdom of God to come to Mali as it is in heaven.


According to a recent The arrest and detainment of one of Azerbaijan’s most outspoken journalists has been deemed a violation of human rights by the European Court of Human Rights. The court said the government’s treatment of this man was a gross and disproportionate restriction of freedom of expression. Azerbaijan has been accused of “punishing people for expressing their views” and using bogus charges to punish those who voice opposition to the government. Ask the Lord to restore freedom to this nation, liberating the people from oppressive government policies, as well as from the oppression of Islam. Pray for human rights violations to be used to cause Azeris to consider the true authority of the universe, the source of all power, and the One who can enable them to overcome any obstacles: Jesus Christ.

© 2010 Window International Network


According to the World Health Organization, malaria continues to be a serious problem in nations like Benin. Each year it kills between 1.5 and 3 million people, onethird of whom live in areas where malaria was eliminated, but is now returning. Work is currently underway in Benin to provide clean water and destroy mosquito breeding grounds, as well as make treatment readily available. Pray for the Lord to provide the resources in this challenging fight against a preventable disease. Ask Him to give wisdom to authorities in Benin and to ensure that the funds and supplies intended to end malaria are used properly and reach the places and people who need them most. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Benin as it is in heaven, bringing physical, emotional, and spiritual health as the people of this nation put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Three members of Jemaah Islamiah (JI), an Indonesian terrorist group, were killed in a raid near Jakarta in March 2010. Other suspected members were also arrested in the government’s push to eradicate terrorist in the Aceh province. One of the men killed by authorities was identified as Dulmatin, a top ranking JI bomb specialist. Pray for the Indonesian government in their quest to destroy JI and other groups affiliated with al-Qaeda. Pray for these operations to not only result in the arrest and imprisonment of The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Indonesia continued)

terrorists, but cause other militants to panic and flee the region. Plead for JI to be defeated in Indonesia and unable to organize elsewhere. Pray for the protection of the people of Indonesia, for the Gospel to be preached throughout the nation, and for the Kingdom of God to come to Indonesia in power.


Already ranked number nine of the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of worst persecutors of Christians, the government of Laos continues to be diligent in attempting to eradicate Christianity. In April 2010, several watchdog groups reported that authorities in Laos “fear the spread of Christianity” and are arresting house church leaders and detaining them without charges. In one case, a pastor was jailed for six months without a trial. Laos is described by Open Doors as a “Communistrun nation where members of the Christian minority (just over 1% of the population) are viewed by officials as ‘unpatriotic agents of Western political ideology.’” Ask the Lord to be present with Believers in Laos, especially those in prison for their faith, reminding them of His love and providing them with encouragement and hope. Pray for them to stand strong in the Lord and for their faithfulness to be a powerful testimony to their communities, authorities, judges, guards, and their fellow prisoners. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Laos, impacting every level of society and for the Gospel to be preached to every people group, bringing multitudes to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


United nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon stated in April 2010 his “commitment to finding a solution to the 35-year-old conflict” in Western Sahara and said he is “worried about alleged violations of human rights in the resource-rich territory.” Pray for these concerns and promises to translate into action and for the U.N. and many nations throughout the world to work to restore freedom to the Sahrawis and return them to their homeland. Ask the Lord to send laborers to the refugee camps in Algeria and open the doors so they may proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel to this displaced population. Pray for the spiritual, emotional, and physical freedom of the Sahrawis and for God’s Kingdom to come in great power, with signs, wonders, and miracles.


A warning about a possible terrorist attack in the Sinai was followed a week later by a rocket launch in this region. Two rockets hit Jordan, but were thought to be aimed at Israel. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Egypt wisdom, discernment, and new ideas and strategies for combating terrorism inside their borders. Ask Him to protect Israel and to confuse extremist groups who may be plotting to do that nation harm and destabilize the region, resulting in war. Bind the spirits of violence and destruction at work in Egypt and loose the peace of God. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come as it is in heaven, and for the people of Egypt

to hear and respond to the Gospel, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to Forum 18 News, “Uzbekistan continues to jail Muslims and Christians for exercising their freedom of religion or belief.” As examples, the news service sites the recent sentencing of three Muslim women to seven years in a labor camp for participating in an unauthorized meeting, and a Baptist minister’s 10-year prison term for false drug charges. Two other Christians were also arrested and held in April 2010. Pray for an immediate and total transformation of the attitudes and hearts of the leaders of Uzbekistan. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to them, as well as to the many Muslims in this former Soviet nation. Pray for a time of great awakening, revival, and for the Kingdom of God to come in power and glory.


In late April 2010, international observers warned that a “constitutional crash” may be coming to Nepal. After the resignation in May 2009 of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, the coalition government was faced with writing a new constitution. They have until May 28, 2010 to finish it, but Maoists in opposition to the government have been blocking the process. The aim of the Maoists, who staged massive demonstrations and strikes on May Day (May 1), is to “force the government out.”

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(Nepal continued)

Pray for the Lord to set in place the leaders of His choosing and to continue guiding Nepal forward toward the special future He has in store for it. Ask the Lord to pour out the Holy Spirit on this nation, fueling the revival which is already underway, tearing down strongholds of Maoism, Hinduism, and every false philosophy that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. Pray for the people of Nepal to have the Gospel preached to them and for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In April 2010, human rights groups accused the government of the United Arab Emirates of using torture as a means of interrogation. They said police have used electric shock and beatings in order to get confessions from suspects. Pray for the government to take these allegations seriously and to stop any human rights abuses that are taking place. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in UAE, softening hearts and opening blind spiritual eyes to see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. Pray for citizens to hear and respond to the Good News, trusting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The Albanian foreign minister met with the president of Serbia in March 2010 to discuss “the importance of the agreement on cooperation in the fight against organized crime, international drug trafficking and international terrorism.” Despite the ongoing conflict between the two nations regarding Kosovo, they will be signing an agreement aimed at combating these problems. Praise the Lord for moving the leaders of Albania and Serbia to take action against these evil activities. Pray for the leaders to make good on their promises and carry through these ideals, bringing an end to the plagues of crime, drugs, and terrorism. Ask the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the people of Albania, freeing them from the lies of Islam and atheism, and drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Albania and establish righteousness, peace and joy.

MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA In April 2010, the government

of Morocco announced that it has broken up an al-Qaeda cell that was “planning assassinations and acts of sabotage.” The 24-member cell had also been recruiting Moroccan citizens to carry out terrorist activities in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia. Praise the Lord for the apprehension of this group and for keeping those violent acts from taking place. Pray for the government of Morocco to continue to vigilantly seek out and break up any and all other extremist organizations working in the region. Ask for God’s Kingdom to come to Morocco and for the Holy Spirit to be poured out, setting free those held captive by Islam and drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The branch of alQaeda operating in Iraq confirmed in April 2010 that two of its top leaders had been killed in a raid by security forces. The Iraqi government said this “could be a devastating blow to the terror network,” while al-Qaeda spokesmen vowed to keep fighting. Praise the Lord for enabling the troops in Iraq to find and defeat these key terrorists. Pray for more al-Qaeda

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June 2010

members and cells to be exposed, for the remaining members to panic and give up their jihad, and for peace to be established in this war-torn nation. Ask the Prince of Peace to rule and reign in Baghdad and throughout the land, revealing His glory and removing the veil from the eyes of the country’s Muslims so they can see the lies of the enemy and the Truth found only in Jesus Christ.


In April 2010, Sri Lankans had the opportunity to vote for the first time since the end of the long-running civil war. The parliamentary election is expected to allow President Mahinda Rajapaksa to “triumph over a split opposition” with his party taking a two-thirds majority. However, the opposition – led mainly by imprisoned, former army chief, General Sarath Fonseka – is contesting the results. Pray for the government of Sri Lanka to operate in honesty and integrity, serving the people and seeking to do what is best for the nation. Pray for lies, cheating, and scandals to be exposed and dealt with swiftly, and for the people to be protected from attempts to control and manipulate. Ask the Lord to bring His Kingdom in great power and glory, lifting up Jesus Christ and drawing men, women, and children into a saving relationship with Him.


In April 2010, Israeli security forces shot and killed a member of the terrorist group Hamas in the West Bank. The militant was believed to June 2010

be responsible for at least six attacks from 1999-2004. A spokesman for Hamas said that no matter what happens their “will of resistance will live on.” Pray for the Lord of Hosts to intervene in Israel, protecting the people from terrorists who are intent upon eradicating them, giving the government wisdom in dealing with Hamas and other hostile, destructive organizations, and restoring order throughout the land. Ask the Lord to supply supernatural ideas for enabling Israel to achieve and sustain peace with the surrounding Muslim nations, and to be a shield around this nation, keeping the people safe from any and all who would attempt to harm them. Pray for the Lord to open the eyes of the Jewish people to see and receive their Messiah – Yeshua (Jesus) – as Savior and Lord.


The poverty-stricken nation of Tajikistan experienced a polio outbreak in April 2010. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “This is the first importation of polio in the European region since Europe was certified as polio-free in 2002.” An emergency vaccination campaign is being planned and the surrounding nations – especially Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan – have been put on alert to watch for a possible spread of the disease. Thank the Lord for the introduction of medicines and treatments to stop deadly epidemics like this one. Pray for the WHO to act quickly and for the Lord to guide them in keeping the children of Tajikistan (who are most at risk) safe. Pray for the people of this nation to call on the Lord for help and look to Him to solve their financial and health problems. Ask for the Kingdom of God to come to this

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suffering nation and for its citizens to put their faith in Jesus Christ.


China has “stepped up their human rights abuses, targeting both anti-government activists and the free flow of information over the internet,” a new report says. This is in addition to being listed at number 13 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of worst persecutors of Christians. Pray for the leadership of this giant, economically prosperous nation to be set free from the false philosophy of communism by the power of Jesus Christ. Pray for greater freedom of worship throughout China. Ask the Lord to encourage and comfort Believers who are facing great oppression and who have been imprisoned or had loved ones arrested. Pray for prisoners to find their joy in the presence of the Lord and to be empowered to love and witness to their fellow prisoners and guards. Pray for the revival currently taking place in China to spill throughout Asia and for multitudes to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In 2009, 17 nations met in Djibouti to formulate a plan to bring an end to piracy in the waters off the coast of the Horn of Africa. What they came up with became known as the Djibouti Code of Conduct. Signatory participants have agreed to “fully cooperate in the arrest, investigation and prosecution of persons who have committed piracy.” Pray for the success of this initiative and for The 10/40 Window Reporter | 21

(Djibouti continued)

the Djiboutian government to be a frontrunner in the fight against piracy and terrorism. Pray for the government of Djibouti and the other nations to use wisdom and discernment in dealing with this problem. Ask the Lord to thwart the plans of the pirates who desire to hijack ships and take hostages. Pray for the restoration of peace and order to this region, and for the people of Djibouti to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Djibouti and the Horn of Africa with great power, signs and wonders.


In April 2010, the government of Yemen accused the opposition party of being in partnership with “armed elements fighting the state in the north and south.” This new concern, the ongoing threats of rebel resistance and terrorism, and a wave of protests in cities across Yemen in April 2010 have called into question the stability of the nation. Pray for the Lord to bring peace to Yemen and give the government wisdom and direction in dealing with these crises. Pray for opposition forces to use diplomacy and legal means rather than violence to bring change to the nation. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on the people of Yemen, allowing them to see the only answer to their many problems is Jesus Christ.


In March 2010, a Hmong Christian in Vietnam was forced to take his family and hide in the forest after “suffering severe abuse from villagers and 22 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

local Vietnamese officials,” reports Compass Direct. Since his conversion in November 2009, this Believer had been beaten, arrested, and attacked. Unfortunately, this type of persecution is common against Christians in Vietnam, especially those who are members of the Hmong people group. Pray for the Lord to give supernatural strength to these Brothers and Sisters as they face and endure fierce physical and emotional persecution. Ask the Lord to minster healing, comfort, strength, and peace to them, and give them the ability to forgive their persecutors and share the Gospel with them. Pray for a great awakening among the communist establishment in Vietnam – for a softening of hearts and opening of eyes that will lead many to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The president of the Young Women’s Christian Association celebrated World YWCA Day in Taiwan in April 2010, using the event to advocate “peace, justice, human dignity and freedom, as well as women’s leadership” in the island nation. The organization is seeking to empower women and develop leadership in Taiwan and around the globe, and is dedicated to finding solutions to the inequalities faced by women in the 21st century. Pray for the women of Taiwan to rise to this call and for the Lord to establish leaders who will improve the treatment and status of women throughout the nation. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide the process of empowering women to serve, work, and bring about the liberation of those who are being

oppressed, as well as lead the people of Taiwan to the true and lasting freedom found only in Jesus Christ.


The Kingdom of Bahrain joined an organization called the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) in 2008. This group is a NATO initiative aimed at “longterm global and regional security and stability.” Part of this involves an emphasis on counter terrorism, combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and cooperation in border security to prevent the trafficking of drugs, weapons, and humans. Pray for the success of this initiative and for the leaders of Bahrain to employ wisdom and discernment in participating in this league. Pray for the cooperation between ICI nations to help stamp out terrorism. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Bahrain and provide expatriate Believers with opportunities to share with their Muslim hosts. Pray for a great awakening in Bahrain and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The deaths of two Brunei Umrah pilgrims (related to a Brunei imam) on the road to Medina, Saudi Arabia has captured the attention of the nation, causing some to question why Allah would allow such a thing. Many are also wrestling with the issue of death and eternity. Pray for the Lord to use this tragedy as a means of gaining the attention of the Muslim people of Brunei, reminding them

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that death is a reality and drawing them toward the gift of Life He has provided for them in Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to send workers into this harvest field to preach and demonstrate the Gospel with boldness and compassion, seeking to win the hearts of the people. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Brunei in great power, as it is in heaven.


In April 2010, after allegations that Syria is supplying Hezbollah (a Lebanese terrorist group) with missiles and arms, the government of Lebanon announced it was ready for war with Israel. President Michel Suleiman accused Israel of using the arms issue as an excuse for not engaging in peace talks. This dispute has reportedly caused a serious escalation of tension in the Middle East. Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring His rule and reign to this region, conquering hearts and minds, governments and nations. Pray for the people of Lebanon to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and for the Holy Spirit to draw them and enable them to respond, trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.


Arabs living in Qatar say they are “deeply skeptical” the West can achieve any kind of lasting peace settlement in the Middle East. Those surveyed called Western nations “weak” and pointed to Israel’s continued development of Jerusalem as the greatest threat to the region. Pray for the skepticism in Qatar to lead June 2010

Arabs to realize there is no hope for peace or stability outside of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Invite the Lord to reveal Himself to them as the way, the truth, and the life – the solid foundation that will never change or let them down. Pray for this time of instability and political/ military turmoil to become a season of ingathering as the Holy Spirit enables multitudes to enter the Kingdom of God.


In April 2010, United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon called on Turkmenistan to improve its human rights record by fulfilling “all obligations under international human rights law.” President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov responded by renewing his pledge to bring about reforms. Torture and freedom of the press were among the chief concerns. Pray for the U.N. call to be heeded and for the government of Turkmenistan to take immediate action in bringing an end to human rights violations. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of leaders and institute democracy and justice, driving out corruption in every form, as well as brutality, greed, and the desire to control and manipulate. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to this former Soviet republic as it is in heaven, setting the captives free to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ.


In April 2010, a suicide bomb attack in the region between Ethiopia and Eritrea killed five people and injured 20 others. Ethiopian authorities

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believe it was carried out by Eritreans who crossed the border and were attempting to sabotage parliamentary elections. Opposition groups and separatists have been accused of partnering with Eritrea to overthrow the government. Pray for lasting peace to come to this troubled area and for the outcome of elections to be fair and accepted by the public. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will rule with integrity and seek to serve rather than oppress the people of Ethiopia. Pray for a revival among Christians in this nation, greater unity, and for an awakening in the Muslim community that will lead many into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


After declaring that elections would be held in 2010, Myanmar’s junta suddenly resigned from their military positions in April 2010. Rather than giving up control, however, this move was seen as an attempt to make them eligible to run in the upcoming election. According to the new constitution, the military can only have 110 of the 440 seats in the parliament. Prime Minister General Thein Sein and 22 of his ministers were among those who stepped down from their military posts. Pray for freedom to come to this oppressed nation and for the Lord to lead it forward, out from the control of dictatorship and into democracy. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in Myanmar, introducing leaders, government officials, and every citizen to the love and salvation available in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to orchestrate fair elections and maintain peace, bringing His Kingdom to Myanmar as it is in heaven. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 23


Members of the main rebel resistance group in Chad are worried that a decision by the government to cut back United Nations security troops along the border with Sudan will compromise the safety of the hundreds of thousands of refugees living in this area. As many as 200,000 have fled the Darfur region of Sudan since 2003. Without U.N. security forces, the rebel factions believe the entire region will be destabilized. Pray for the Lord to protect and provide for all those who have had to leave their homes in Sudan and take up residence in temporary camps in Chad. Ask the Lord to give the government of Chad wisdom and compassion in dealing with these people, as well as with rebels and threatening forces from Sudan. Pray for peace between people groups and tribes, and an immediate end to the genocide being carried out in this region. Plead with the Lord for laborers to be sent to those who have been displaced and are struggling to survive, offering them physical and spiritual relief as they proclaim and demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ.


According to Operation Mobilization, “Muslims are turning to Christ in what’s being called an amazing move of the Spirit in Northern Algeria.” Despite the passage of new anti-conversion laws that not only keep Muslims from following Christ, but allow the government to regulate Christianity, the Church in Algeria has seen June 2010

amazing growth. With many coming to Christ, disciples are being trained and leaders have a vision for sending them across Algeria, to the surrounding nations of North Africa, and throughout the Arab world. Praise the Lord for the great and marvelous work He is doing in this nation. Give thanks for this amazing display of His power and love. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue awakening the people of Algeria, raising up disciples, training them to go out, and using them to reach the unreached of the Arab world. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in great power to this region, with signs and wonders, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


By failing to invite him to the Global Nuclear Security Summit, Libyan leader, Muammar al-Qadhafi believes Western powers have jeopardized world peace. Al-Qadhafi also said the failure to recognize and compensate Libya for abandoning its nuclear program in 2003 sets a bad example for nations like Iran and North Korea. Pray for al-Qadhafi to have an encounter with Jesus Christ that changes not only his heart, but all of Libya and the entire Muslim world. Pray for him to put his trust in Christ and lead Libyans into relationship with Him. Ask the Lord to open political and spiritual doors, allowing the Gospel to be preached throughout the nation. Pray for a great and abundant harvest in Libya.

MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA In April 2010, the government

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of Malaysia announced it will be setting up a “joint working committee” with Australia, dedicated to fighting terrorism. The decision to join forces was made after the success of a MalaysiaAustralia partnership to fight human trafficking. Leaders in Malaysia point out that the two problems are connected – “human-trafficking activities… created opportunities for terrorists to sneak across borders.” Pray for an immediate end to both human-trafficking and terrorism in Malaysia and the Southeast Asia region. Ask the Lord to protect those who are in danger of being abducted and sold, and to keep the borders of Malaysia safe from extremists. Pray for the people of this nation to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Ask for the veil to be lifted from the eyes of Malaysians and for their hearts to be softened so they will receive the free gift of salvation offered in Jesus Christ.


The United Nations human rights chief recently condemned the treatment of women in Oman, calling it “a stranglehold of powerlessness.” The UN representative said women in the Gulf States should have access to higher education, better jobs, and should no longer be required to have a male escort in public. Praise the Lord for these suggestions and ask Him to speak to those in power, replacing their hard hearts with hearts of compassion. Pray for the freedom of women in Oman and the surrounding nations and an end to Shari’a-type laws that discriminate and oppress women. Petition the Lord to bring His Kingdom to Oman, The 10/40 Window Reporter | 25

(Oman continued)

setting the captives free, encouraging the downtrodden, and taking up the cause of those without a voice. Pray for the people of Oman to respond to the Gospel by putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Kazakhstan is hoping to play a major role in what is being called the Islamic finance market. They are planning to offer Islamic bonds – “debt that complies with Muslim tenets.” Kazakhstan will be joining several Asian nations already “seeking a larger share of Muslim wealth by giving incentives for products that comply with Shariah Law.” Pray for this mostly Muslim nation as it struggles to move forward economically, asking that it will be protected from the growing influence of Islam. Invite the Lord to move powerfully in Kazakhstan, revealing His power and glory, and for the Holy Spirit to remove the veil from the eyes of the Muslims in this nation. Pray for Believers in Kazakhstan and expatriate Christians to be bold in sharing the Gospel, and for more laborers to be sent into this harvest field. Pray for a great harvest of souls as multitudes of Kazaks put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In April 2010, the government of Tunisia released a journalist imprisoned for assault. Known as a prominent critic of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his administration, the man claims his conviction and sentence were politically motivated. President 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Ben Ali, who has been in control of Tunisia for 23 years “tolerates little dissent,” one source reports. Pray for greater freedom in Tunisia – freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. Ask the Lord to move in this Muslim nation, removing the veil from the eyes of the people so they can see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Tunisia as it is in heaven.


Attacking women with acid in revenge for their conversion to another religion or other perceived wrongs is a common cultural practice in some Middle Eastern and Asian nations. India and Bangladesh now have laws that severely punish this practice. Cambodia is following suit. After having dozens of these attacks reported each year, the nation saw a sudden escalation – 11 in two months alone (December 2009/January 2010). Pray for the Lord to protect women in Cambodia and throughout Southeast Asia from these barbaric attacks. Ask Him to minister not only to their bodies (usually the faces) but also their spirits and souls, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for forgiveness, hope, and love to be poured out on both the victims and the perpetrators. Invite God to bring His Kingdom to Cambodia with great glory and power.


After President Bashar al-Assad of Syria threatened to “catapult Israel back to the stone age,” Turkish military forces engaged in joint

operations with Syria. They sent “a worrisome message to Israel.” Although formerly an ally of Israel, Turkey has begun “openly shifting its alliance to radical nations such as Syria and Iran, openly speaking out against Israel.” Pray for peace between Turkey and Israel, and for the leaders of Turkey – especially Prime Minister Erdogen – to use wisdom in dealing with the nations in the volatile Middle East. Ask God to continue protecting Israel and to guide Turkey away from alliances with Islamic radicals. Pray for the Turks (the largest unreached people group in the world) to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


South Korea has accused North Korea of sinking one of its naval ships in an unprovoked act of war. Although the North Korean government has denied these charges, the tension between the two nations is at an all-time high. Nuclear disarmament talks with North Korea have been suspended because of this event. Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to the leaders of North Korea, bringing a great awakening in this closed, communist nation. Invite God’s Kingdom to come in power and glory, drawing multitudes of North Koreans into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for peace between these nations and for the Holy Spirit to continue restraining those who desire to bring war and destruction.


The most powerful militant group in

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Somalia, al-Shabaab (“the youth”), joined forces with al-Qaeda in February 2010. Since that time, foreign fighters have flooded into the country. “With regard to the fighting that’s going on in Afghanistan, in Pakistan and in Yemen,” says Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, “some people are looking for a place to hide and Somalia is a good candidate for that.” Pray for the lawlessness and chaos in Somalia to be driven out and for order to be restored. Ask the Lord to protect the people from groups like al-Shabaab and al-Qaeda and to defeat every attempt to impose Shari’a law and control the nation through violence. Ask for God’s Kingdom to come in great power, bringing peace and hope, and drawing Somalis into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savor and Lord.


Top Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud, reportedly killed in a January 2010 airstrike, is now believed to be alive and living in a Pakistani tribal area. “Mehsud’s survival means that the Taliban has retained its top leader, the architect of a relentless series of suicide bombings and raids on markets, mosques and security installations across Pakistan in the latter half of 2009.” Pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to Mehsud and other leaders of the Taliban, turning their hearts away from a lust for violence and giving them a hunger to seek the true and living God. Pray for the people of Pakistan to be protected from the terrorism being planned against them and for the government to act quickly and decisively in defeating Taliban and al-Qaeda forces lurking in the region bordering Afghanistan. Ask for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will bring unity June 2010

among Believers, boldness in sharing the Gospel, and a great harvest of souls throughout Pakistan.


The horrific violence against Christians in northern Nigeria is not usually associated with terrorism. However, it is being carried out by extremist Muslims and, according to many observers, constitutes yet another form of jihad. “Nigeria’s Christians have experienced violent Islamic extremism over the last decade,” writes Open Doors. “Any response to global terrorism that does not support those facing it on the front lines is strategically and morally inadequate.” Pray for an immediate end to the ruthless, brutal, and deadly attacks Muslims have been carrying out against Christians in Nigeria. Ask the Lord of Hosts to arise and protect His people, giving them the strength to endure, comforting them in their suffering, and enabling them to forgive their persecutors. Pray for the hearts of the attackers to be softened and for them to respond to the Gospel message as a result of seeing the love of their victims. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Nigeria, as it is in Heaven.


Pakistani-based terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), is reportedly “making concerted efforts to carry out attacks” in Maldives, as well as to establish its headquarters in this island nation. The LeT and other jihadists see the Maldives as a perfect place to plan and train

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because of its isolation, spare population, and location near the Indian subcontinent. Ask the Lord to protect this “closed,” Muslim nation from the ideologies and tactics of the LeT and any other terrorists who might be attempting to make it their base of operation. Pray for the people of Maldives to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel and for President Nasheed and other members of the government to encounter Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to transform and set the residents free from the bondage of Islam, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In April 2010, King Abdullah II of Jordan warned that the Middle East could “explode” at any moment. He blames Israel, specifically their continued development of Jerusalem, for the rise in tension. Abdullah said Israel is “playing with fire” and that he expects war in the region by the summer of 2010 if the peace talks are not conducted. Pray for King Abdullah II and the people of Jordan to continue to befriend Israel and act as peacemakers in the Middle East. Pray for his prediction to be wrong – for the Lord to stand between Israel and their enemies and establish relationships that will lead to diplomatic solutions. Ask the Lord for a great awakening among the people of Jordan and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA Children in the impoverished nation of Senegal often resort to begging for food and money. Some of these – at least 50,000 – are actually trained in this practice by their Qur’anic school The 10/40 Window Reporter | 27

(Senegal continued)

teachers (called “marabouts”). Students at these schools, known as Talibes, “live in slave-like conditions and are forced to beg on the streets for up to 10 hours each day.” They then hand over any “earnings” to their teachers. Pray for an immediate end to this practice and for these child-slaves to be set free. Pray for the actions of the marabouts to be exposed and for the schools to be shut down. Ask the Lord to open doors so that Christian organizations can provide the children of Senegal with food, shelter, clean water, clothing, medicine, education, and hope. Pray for the Muslims of this nation to see the lies of Islam and the truth of Jesus Christ, and to choose Life in Him.


According to Open Doors, in April 2010, 25 Christians were arrested by the government of Eritrea. This is merely “another wave” of persecution in a nation that already has thousands of Christians in jails and prisons and detained in metal shipping containers. As Human Rights Watch notes, “Arbitrary arrests and detention, torture, extrajudicial killings, severe restrictions of freedoms of expression and worship, and forced labour are routine.” Pray for the Lord to change this – turning the hearts of leaders away from selfishness, pride, paranoia, and control, toward the freedom found only in Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to be present with Believers as they endure this fierce persecution, reminding them of His love and strengthening them with His joy. Pray for this new wave of persecution to be made known 28 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

throughout the world, for Christians to intercede on behalf of their Brothers and Sisters in Eritrea, and for the international community to pressure the government to stop this abuse immediately.


The Chinese government responded swiftly to the recent earthquake in Tibet that killed more than 2,000 people. Troops and aid were dispatched to the area, President Hu Jintao cancelled an international trip in order to visit the province most affected by the quake, and a national day of mourning was declared. But the region has been under high security since anti-Chinese protests in March 2008 and the Chinese are suspicious of help being offered by Tibetan monks. They also believe the disaster might be used by the Dalai Lama to further incite separatists. Pray for this nation and its suffering people to know the love of God. Ask the Lord to reveal to them His plans and purposes for them, and to lead them to the true freedom found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for peace between Tibetans and the Chinese, and for members of every people group in the region – including the Dalai Lama – to hear the Gospel and put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Iran (specifically the Revolutionary Guard) has reportedly been telling President Bashir al-Assad that Israel is planning a surprise attack against Syria. The government of Syria has also been accused of arming terrorist organization Hezbollah with missiles provided by Iran. In April 2010, Syria proclaimed

their allegiance to Iran in the fight against “Palestine’s enemies” and claimed Israel is supported by “international criminals.” Pray for this name calling and posturing to be held in check and for the Lord to maintain peace in the Middle East. Ask for the Holy Spirit to restrain the violence that is being planned and for the Lord to protect Israel from its many enemies. Pray for President al-Assad and his government to stop supporting terrorism and for the people of Syria to have an opportunity to hear the Good News that Jesus Christ came to die for their sins and rose from the dead.


Calling torture and secret prisons a “global phenomena,” a human rights expert recently told the United Nations that Mongolia was among the nations where human rights abuse was present. “The fact that torture is so widely practiced is surprising,” he said, “but even more surprising for me was that in many countries the general conditions of detention in police lock-ups, pre-trial detention facilities, prisons, psychiatric hospitals and special detention facilities for illegal immigrants amount to cruel and degrading treatment.” Pray for the hearts of leaders and security authorities all over the world – but especially in Mongolia – to be filled with compassion and a value for human life. Pray for a radical change as those in charge of the treatment of criminals encounter Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to transform these “Sauls” into “Pauls” who will begin sharing the love of God rather than seeking to cause suffering and pain. Pray for the people of Mongolia to hear the Gospel and for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation as it is in Heaven.

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June 2010


In April 2010, President RamosHorta of East Timor made a special visit to Thailand to provide Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva with advice and support in dealing with the political violence occurring in that nation. Ramos-Horta is a Nobel peace laureate and a former diplomat. The president warned that if Thailand “spins out of control,” much of Southeast Asia could quickly follow. Pray for the Lord to intervene in this volatile situation, giving President RamosHorta wisdom in, not only advising Thailand, but in leading East Timor. Pray for peace in these nations and for solutions to be found that do not involve violence. Ask the Lord to visit East Timor in power, establishing His Kingdom and drawing multitudes of Timorese into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In an interview in April 2010, a former Gambian ambassador described President Yahya Jammeh as an “enemy of himself” and an “irresponsible dictator.” He expressed his concern that Jammeh is not only destroying himself, but the nation as well. Pray for an end to the corruption that has become rampant in the Gambia and for the Lord to capture the heart of President Jammeh – leading him into relationship with Jesus Christ before he can do further damage to himself or the nation. Cry out for a great awakening in this tiny West African nation, for Gambians to come into June 2010

God’s Kingdom and for this revival to expand to bring a tremendous harvest of souls throughout the region. Pray for every people group, tribe, tongue, and family to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In April 2010, twenty-six members of a Hezbollah terrorist cell group were convicted of smuggling people, weapons, and supplies into the Gaza Strip in order to attack Israel. The group was also planning to “fire on ships going through the Suez Canal.” Praise God for continually exposing and defeating the plans of the enemy to harm Israel. Pray for the people of the Gaza Strip to see the destructive plots and actions of groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, and to choose to have nothing to do with terrorism or hatred against Israel. Invite the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in the Gaza Strip, restoring homes, lives, and hope in the aftermath of wars and ongoing violence. Ask the Lord to establish His Kingdom in this region, filling it with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


Despite the announcement of a new settlement freeze by the Israeli government, violence in the West Bank has continued. Instead of Palestinians confronting Israeli police, Israeli settlers are attacking Palestinians. Settlers have been rioting and engaging in what they call “retibutional violence,” damaging and destroying mosques, businesses, homes, and cars. Pray for the Prince of Peace to make Himself

© 2010 Window International Network

known to Palestinian and Israeli residents of the West Bank territory. Pray for the Lord to restrain violence and move in the hearts of those who are so hateful, reminding them of His love for them and the salvation He has made available in Jesus Christ. Ask for the Kingdom to come to the West Bank as it is in heaven, transforming the region from a caldron of anger and vengeance into a place of safety and hope.

Window International Network

Pray for the staff of Window International Network to be sensitive to the will and ways of the Lord, sharing His heart for the nations of the 10/40 Window and strategically using the resources provided to them for His glory. Invite the Holy Spirit to brood over them as they seek to serve and love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Ask the Lord to give them ideas and opportunities to ignite new movements of prayer and evangelism in the 10/40 Window. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come through this organization and for every nation, tribe, tongue, and family to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, The Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

Despite its reputation as an exotic Shangra-La hidden away in the Himalayas, the nation of Nepal bears little resemblance to paradise. In fact, at the present time, it is in a state of economic, political, and spiritual crisis. Nepal is ranked 144th out of 182 countries on the United Nations Human Poverty Index. More than half of the population lives on less than $1.25 per day and just over three-quarters live on less than $2 per day. Almost half of the people are unemployed and about the same percentage are illiterate. Nearly 50 of every 1000 births result in infant death. 30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

The prevalence of poverty has been a major factor in the rise of political discontent. After functioning for centuries as a monarchy, democracy arrived in Nepal in the 1990s. This was followed almost immediately by a Maoist insurrection that lasted for a decade. It wasn’t until 2006, after more than 12,000 people had been killed and over 100,000 displaced, that a peace agreement was reached.

by an underlying current of spiritual conflict. According to one source, “Hinduism is practiced by a larger majority of people in Nepal than in any other nation.” Nepal is the only country in the world which is officially Hindu. Approximately 80% of the population practices this religion. Just over 10% are Buddhist and about 4% are Muslim.

On May 1, 2010, Maoists staged a massive protest, demanding that the entire government resign. They began calling for Prime Minister Madhav Kumar to step down and launched a general strike that has brought the nation to a standstill. This swelling discontent is driven

The glaring void at the spiritual heart of Nepal is undoubtedly responsible for the ongoing poverty and present social upheaval. So it is especially exciting to hear what God in doing in the nation today. Many ministries and missions groups are seeing new and unprecedented fruit as Hindus, Buddhists and

© 2010 Window International Network

June 2010

+ Muslims turn from their worship of gods and idols to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Hundreds of thousands of Nepalese have reportedly become Believers in recent years. Nepal is at a major crossroads economically, politically, and spiritually. But God clearly has a plan for this nation and its people. He desires to make known to them His love as expressed in the sacrifice of His Son on the cross. His Spirit is moving and He is inviting us to join Him – via prayer – in a great and marvelous work. Sourced: BBC News, Wikipedia, World Factbook June 2010

the lies of demonic philosophies and religions to be cast down and for the Lord Jesus Christ to be lifted up. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4,5) the current political situation to be used to turn minds and hearts toward matters of eternity. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and for government authorities to be given wisdom in dealing with this challenge to their authority. (The Bible, Isaiah 26:3) the Lord to accomplish His work in Nepal, strengthening the young, growing Church, sending workers to this harvest field, and raising up leaders to make disciples – teaching the Word of God without error. (The Bible, Matthew 28:18-20)

© 2010 Window International Network

relief for those who are mired in poverty and see no way out. Pray for an end to the strike and for the Lord to give Believers fresh ideas for businesses and for generating income that will not only provide for them, but be a source of blessing for the entire nation. (The Bible, Isaiah 58:9-11) the Holy Spirit to be poured out on Nepal, setting free those who have been taken captive by Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:6-8) the Kingdom of God to come to Nepal in not just words, but great power. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 31


Please pray for the children of Indonesia to:

I nvite Jesus into their hearts, and that N o child would be mistreated in any way D oors of opportunity will open for the Gospel to be spread O pen their country to more religious tolerance N o one would experience persecution for believing in Jesus E ven government leaders will promote the spread of the Good News S afety for all Indonesian children I n Jesus’ name, all Muslims will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior A ll Indonesian children can have an opportunity to know Jesus at a young age 32 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Š 2010 Window International Network

June 2010

Fathe r, Empo wer us to preach Your Gospe l to the people of Indonesia. We want them all to have the chanc e to hear about Jesus and know Him as Savio r and Lord. We know You love them dearl y and sent Your Only Son to rescue them from their sin. Help us to tell them how Jesus died on the cross to pay the penal ty for that sin and rose again from the grave . Prepa re their heart s to receive this Good News and to respo nd to Your invitation to be forgiven and have etern al life. In the might y name of Jesus, Amen !

Hymie: Hello WindowKids! Today I’d like to introduce you to a land full of beauty, art, and rich tradition. We are going to travel to Indonesia to visit our friend Melati. Melati is going to tell us about Indonesian culture and how God is working within her nation to make sure everyone hears the Gospel. Melati: Selamat siang,

friends! I am so excited to have the opportunity to share my culture with you this month. First, let me tell you a little bit about my home: Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the most populated countries in the entire world! You can find Chinese, Cambodian, French, and even English people living there. Because there are so many different nationalities in Indonesia, our country is a blend of many cultures. One of the fascinating traditions in Indonesia is the wayang kulit June 2010

shadow puppet dance. Wayang kulit was originally created to honor the Hindu gods. Performers use beautiful puppets to cast shadows on a white sheet and tell stories about famous heroes and battles. Although wayang kulit was a part of Hindu worship for many years, when Believers arrived in Indonesia, some decided to use this art form to honor Jesus Christ. You see, just like you, WindowKids, my brothers and sisters here long to see the people of Indonesia come to know Jesus. It has been very difficult

© 2010 Window International Network

to spread the Gospel. We often face persecution and don’t always have enough missionaries to proclaim the Good News. But since God gave us the idea of using wayang kulit to tell stories from the Bible, many have had a chance to hear about Jesus. Seeing these stories acted out with puppets helps people realize that God’s hand is involved in our lives— even our culture! He is not separated from us. He is with us and is actively moving among us. I love to watch the faces in the audience as the stories are acted out. People smile, laugh, cry, and always seem to want to hear more. Through these puppet plays they begin to understand the sacrifice Christ made for us. Please join me in praying for Indonesia. Let’s ask God for the freedom to worship freely and declare the Gospel openly. Let’s pray for God to show us new ways to use other cultural practices to glorify His Name. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 33

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