The 10/40 Reporter August 2010

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August 2010 Edition

Great and Marvelous Works 30 Days of Prayer The Call: Imprisoned by Lies Syria: Expecting War Kyrgyzstan: Explosion of Violence WindoWkids™ SE Asia Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation

Window International Network Board of Directors


August 2010 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:......................... Pastor Edward Smith President:.................. Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:................. Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:.................. Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:......... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:......... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:......... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:......... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:.....Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:........................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:............................................Leah Sahhar WindowKidsTM Contributer:.....................................Alysha Kageorgis WindowKidsTM Illustrator:.......................................Kayla Purcell Design/ Window International Network is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Visit to Financially Partner with WIN to IMPACT the 10/40 Window. Your online gift will help give much needed hope to the billions of people in the 10/40 WINDOW.

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Window International Network P.O. Box 49127 Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9127 Phone: (719) 522-1040 Fax: (719) 277-7148 Email: Website:

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : August 2010

Great and Marvelous Works!

4 30 Days of Prayer

7 Imprisoned by Lies

8 Syria: Expecting War


14 Kyrgyzstan: an Explosion of Violence

32 WindowKids™: se Asia

34 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3


aging through the morning paper, watching CNN, and scanning the news online, you’d never know an unprecedented movement of God is underway in the earth. According to secular sources, it’s bad news as usual – oil spills, terrorist attacks, wars, poverty, crime, natural disasters…. Doom and gloom is the order of the day. 4 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Look behind the headlines, however, and you will see a harvest of souls unequalled in the history of mankind. And the lion’s share is taking place in what was once known as “the resistance belt” – the 10/40 Window. One of the many examples of what God is doing inside the Window comes from India. “The

last decade has seen a great escalation of disciple making and church planting,” reports Dr. Victor Choudhrie, leader of a church planting movement in that nation. What does he mean by “a great escalation? Between Pentecost 2009 and Pentecost 2010, Choudhrie’s ministry saw one million baptisms. That’s a one followed by six zeros!

© 2010 Window International Network

August 2010

As is true of any revival or great awakening, this didn’t just happen. It wasa sovereign work of the Holy Spirit ignited by the prayers of God’s people. “This was made possible because of an avalanche of prayer,” Dr. Choudhrie explains. “Both praying through the Spirit and praying through the mind. Holy Spirit-guided, informed strategy resulted in a huge harvest that we could not think or imagine.” What began with prayer is also being sustained by prayer. It has produced lasting fruit, Choudhrie says, because instead of “shotgun” evangelism aimed at anyone and everyone, this harvest of souls has been intentional and focused. “Every leader took ownership of his region and worked with a goal-oriented mentality of reaching the lost.” The obvious question is: can God do the same thing in other nations of the 10/40 Window? The answer is a resounding: “Yes!” He is great and powerful, desiring that “all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4). As the prophet Isaiah reminded

the people of Israel: “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear” (The Bible, Isaiah 59:1). The Lord is already at work, bringing tremendous harvests in places commonly associated with spiritual darkness, oppression and barrenness. Throughout the Middle East and North Africa, for instance, Muslims are accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in numbers dwarfing all past centuries combined. In China, untold thousands are putting their faith in Christ each day and some estimate the number of Believers to be more than one hundred million. The keys to seeing even greater harvests in “hard places” such as Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, and Afghanistan, Dr. Choudhrie says, are prayer and discipleship training. Prayer tills the ground, softens hearts, and removes the veil from the eyes of the lost and unreached. As the Holy Spirit draws them into relationship with Jesus, it is then critical to teach them to follow Him. That means

communicating to them the urgency and responsibility of the Great Commission. “Go and make disciples of all nations,” Choudhrie says, repeating the words of Jesus. “Equip and send them on to do the same.” It is a mistake, he emphasizes, to simply seek to save souls. We were not commanded to simply proselytize. We were told to make disciples. “Post harvest operations are just as important as reaping the harvest,” Dr. Choudhrie explains. It is also essential that all believers be involved in the task. “The need of the hour,” Choudhrie says, “is to get Christians unglued from the pews and sent out as harvesters into the marketplace, government, schools, hospitals, work places, police, banks, homes and neighborhoods and plant the Kingdom. “The harvest is ready and plenty and waiting… but the laborers are few.” Sourced: Dr. Victor Choudhrie, CrossFeed Religious News

PRAY FOR the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into His harvest field. (The Bible, Matthew 9:37,38) Christians to take seriously the role of prayer in global evangelism. Ask the Lord to stir His Church, mobilizing Believers to pray consistently, fervently, and strategically. (The Bible, Colossians 4:2,3) the Gospel to be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. (The Bible, Matthew 24:14) August 2010

spiritual eyes and ears to be opened, blind minds to be made to see the Gospel of the glory of Christ. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4) disciple-making rather than just convert-making. Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders who will train Believers in the Word and release them to disciple others. (The Bible, Acts 2:42-47) Christians to take ownership of the Great Commission – praying,

© 2010 Window International Network

sending, giving, and going as the Lord leads, without hesitation or argument. Pray for members of the Body of Christ to die to self and live for the glory of their Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 16:24) the harvest of souls already taking place to grow, swell, and explode, sweeping across nations and entire continents until the whole earth is filled with the glory of the Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 57:11) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 5

intercessors, ed ill sk s, su Je of s er w llo WANTED: fo warriors, businessmen er ay pr ed on as se , rs ve ie new Bel hets, crossop pr , es iv w se ou h s, or st pa and women, s, apostles, er ak tm n te s, er h ac te s, ie cultural missionar rs, evangelists…. doctors, taxi drivers, lawye

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6 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

August 2010

30Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

August 11 – September 9, 2010

What’s special about those thirty days? They will be a time of prayer. But not just any prayer – the world’s largest ongoing international prayer focus aimed at Muslims.

draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ. There are l.5 billion Muslims in the world today. And the number is rapidly growing.

God loves Muslims. Which is why it is our privilege and duty to lift them before His throne, interceding for their salvation. From August 11 through September 9, as the Islamic world celebrates the fast of Ramadan, millions of Christians around the globe will be crying out on their behalf, asking the Lord to remove the veil of darkness from their eyes and

August 2010

How can we reach them with the Gospel? The first and most essential step is simple yet costly: prayer. Join the international prayer meeting and petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in the Muslim world. For more information and a day-by-day prayer guide, go to:

© 2010 Window International Network

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August 2010

prisoner sits across from a minister of the Gospel in the visiting area of a highsecurity prison. Listening to the invitation to eternal life in Jesus Christ through the thick glass barrier, the prisoner shakes his head in refusal. The minister inquires as to what could possibly be holding this man back from accepting the free gift of God.

We have readily answered the call to be rescued from everlasting destruction apart from God (The Bible, II Thessalonians 1:9), yet we are not convinced the call to preach the Gospel to all creation is for us. In fact, we are often told this requires a “special” call.

Does the prisoner believe in heaven and hell? Certainly. Is he convinced of his need for a Savior? Yes. However, the prisoner explains, following Jesus comes at too great a cost – he would have to give up too much.

Like the prisoner, we are not willing to accept the cost of following Jesus. We do not want to give up our way of thinking.

Dumbfounded, the minister points out that the prisoner has been convicted and sentenced to death. He is confined, his days quite

Relieved of our missionary duties, we can breathe a sigh of relief and pursue our own ambitions and dreams – while still attending church, reading our Bibles, and praying.

The world and the enemy have infiltrated our minds and hearts with insidious lies. “You can follow Jesus and have your own way,” their voices assure us. So we celebrate Jesus as Savior (Oh, how we need

“The question isn’t if we are called to reach the world with the Gospel, but rather, how?” literally numbered. What is it that he will have to give up? The prisoner considers this, finally answering, “My way of thinking.” Perhaps this sad story is an illustration of the Church today. Not in terms of salvation, but responsibility. Though we say we believe Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again from the dead, we tend to balk at His command to “Go into all the world and make disciples” (The Bible, Matthew 28:18-20). It would require us to give up too much. August 2010

Him!), but refuse to bow to His Lordship. In the end, we are no better off than the man behind bars, held captive by false philosophies.

own business, to have a nice time all their lives, to choose the soft places, to make money, and to gratify their own ambitions.” The question isn’t if we are called to reach the world with the Gospel, but rather, how? What is our role in accomplishing this task? For you and me, and every other Believer who is not currently engaged in cross-cultural missions, that translates into giving our time, efforts, abilities, prayers, and finances toward reaching the unreached. Since the vast majority of those still waiting to hear the Gospel reside in the 10/40 Window, giving to Window International Network (WIN) is a strategic, wise, and Biblical means of accepting the responsibility of our call. A donation to WIN not only helps mobilize evangelism and prayer in regions of the world where the task remains unfinished, but it enables us to be faithful in our service to the Lord. “Let us lay aside all double-dealing, all moral subterfuge, all those shuffling evasions by which the devil is attempting to persuade us to escape from our duty,” Speer encouraged, “and let us get up like men and look at it and do it.”

“There is a general obligation resting Don’t allow yourself to remain a prisoner to worldly thinking. Give to upon Christians,” wrote missionary WIN today. Robert E. Speer (1867-1947), “to see that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached to the world. You and I need no special call to apply that general call of —Jesus, The Bible, John 14:15 God to our lives. If men are to have special calls for anything, they ought Sourced: “A Missionary Call,” to have special calls to go about their Robert E. Speer

“If you love me, keep My commandments.”

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 9

YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITHYOU “You can’t take it with you… but you can send it on ahead!” Those who have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord know where they’re headed when they die. Praise God for the salvation He has provided for us in the death, resurrection, and ascension of His only Son! But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t take anything with you to heaven. All earthly treasures will have to stay here when you depart to be with the Lord.

Good news, though:

you can send treasure on ahead! When we pray, serve God, and give our finances to advance His Kingdom, we are adding to our heavenly treasure. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,” Jesus said, “where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:l9,20). It’s like a savings account. We make deposits by being obedient to God in fulfilling the Great Commission and by generously investing in His work. So the next time you’re faced with a decision regarding how to spend your time, energy, or money, consider this: earthly things get left behind; Kingdom things get forwarded to heaven.

How is your eternal account looking? For an opportunity to “send it on ahead,” advance the Kingdom and, most importantly, honor God with your finances, go to and make a contribution to Window International Network. It’s guaranteed to be waiting for you – with untold dividends! – when you reach heaven.



War in the Middle East is not a matter of if but when, according to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Although he claims his government is working to keep the peace, he also admits there is no chance of a peace agreement in the current climate. 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

“When you don’t have peace,” he says, explaining Syria’s current military activity, “you have to expect war every day, and this is very dangerous.” Syria’s recent past can be characterized by one word: terror. In fact, the nearly thirty years in which Hafez al-Assad (Bashar al-Assad’s father) ruled the nation (1971-2000) are referred to as the “Years of Fear.” During that time, thousands of citizens reportedly disappeared, their murdered bodies deposited in secret mass graves. When Hafez died in 2000 and was replaced by his son, Bashar, many hoped the oppression and intimidation would come to an end. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Although many political prisoners were released during the transition of power, the government maintained a tight rein on its people and continued to supply weapons and financing to militants and insurgents operating in the region.

© 2010 Window International Network

August 2010


the spirits of fear, terror, oppression and control to be bound. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon Syria, bringing peace, joy, prosperity, and love.

International sanctions were leveled in 2004 in an effort to stop Syria’s “support for militant groups operating in Lebanon, Iraq and the Palestinian territories.” President alAssad has repeatedly stated that his government does not arm members of the Hezbollah. Western governments are now asking Syria to distance itself from Iran. The relationship between the two nations has been described as a “long-term strategic alliance.” Both countries are staunch enemies of Israel and both have invested heavily in terrorism. Syria is also facing pressure to provide greater internet freedom and freedom of expression and of the press within its borders. Under Bashar al-Assad, those who challenge the government or its policies are often charged with “weakening national morale” and sentenced to prison. “Arrests of prodemocracy activists are common in August 2010

serve with integrity and be peacemakers in the region. Believers who are experiencing persecution. Petition the Lord to give them boldness, strength, encouragement, and hope as they seek and serve Him.

President al-Assad to have a personal, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Pray for this modern-day Saul to be transformed into a Paul and used mightily to extend the Kingdom of God in Syria.

the Gospel to be preached throughout Syria. Pray for breakthroughs such as the “Damascus” film to be used to plant seeds and bring forth a great harvest of souls.

corruption and lies in the government to be exposed and expelled. Ask the Lord to provide leaders in this nation who will

the Lord to add to His Church in Syria daily. Pray for God’s Kingdom to advance with power, signs and wonders.

Syria,” reports BBC News, “where several prominent political activists and writers remain imprisoned.” Watchdog groups have listed Syria as one of the most repressive regimes in the world. It is also number 41 on the Open Doors World Watch List of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians in the world. While all of the above is true and a genuine cause for concern (fuel for fervent prayer), there is good news. The Lord is moving in Syria – just as He is throughout the 10/40 Window. One of the many exciting evidences of the work of the Holy Spirit in this Muslim nation took place in 2009, when a Christian movie about the life of the apostle Paul premiered in the capital city of Damascus. According to Joel Rosenberg, “More than 1,100 senior Syrian government officials, journalists, business leaders and religious

© 2010 Window International Network

leaders” were in attendance. “It is unheard of in the Middle East to have a major Christian film about the events of the New Testament debut in a Muslim-majority country run by the secular Ba’ath Party,” Rosenberg noted, “much less have the premiere supported and attended by senior government officials.” Even as the enemy strives to steal, kill and destroy, blanketing Syria with fear and terror, the Lord is building His Church and Kingdom. Which force will triumph? As Jesus assures us: “…I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (The Bible, Matthew 16:18). Give the Lord thanks and praise for the great and marvelous works He has performed, is performing, and will perform in Syria. Sources: Open Doors, “The Compact Guide to World Religions” (Dean Halverson), Wikipedia The 10/40 Window Reporter | 13

P O I N T S August 2010


Despite hundreds of acts of violence against Christians in India over the course of the past year, the Lord is moving powerfully. One ministry reported baptizing more than one million people between Pentecost 2009 and Pentecost 2010. Praise the Lord for this amazing work and for the faithfulness of His servants who are laboring in this dangerous harvest field. Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to move in hearts, drawing Hindus and Muslims into relationship with Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to protect our Brothers and Sisters as they face intense and growing persecution, giving them courage, strength, wisdom, and the boldness to proclaim the Gospel without fear or hesitation. Pray for the incredible awakening in India to grow and spill into Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the other nations of South Asia. Invite God’s Kingdom to come, His sovereign will to be done in India as it is in heaven.


In response to the growth and activity of terrorist groups in North Africa, the government of Mauritania is attempting to secure its borders for the first time. “These measures are prompted by the need to contain 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM),” explains one news source, “which has claimed responsibility for several spectacular terror attacks in Mauritania in the past few years.” Thank the Lord for Mauritania’s attention to this threat and for the government’s diligence in fighting militants and protecting its people. Pray for these efforts to be successful and for AQIM and all other terrorist organizations operating in this region to be unable to move freely, recruit, obtain funding, or carry out acts of violence. Ask the Lord to not only keep the citizens of Mauritania safe from terrorism, but set them free from the bondage of Islam. Pray for the veil to be lifted from their eyes and hearts, for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout the nation, and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Representatives of the mostly-Muslim North and mostly-Christian South are asking the United Nations to oversee a referendum vote that will determine the future of the Abyei region. This area, located between the North and South is currently in limbo and is closed to industry and development. On the same day the referendum is scheduled to be voted on, the South will be voting to decide whether to remain part of

Sudan or become an independent state. Pray for the Lord to guide and direct the two governments residing in this single nation. Ask for His will for the future of Sudan. Pray for leaders to be given wisdom and discernment in choosing how to govern the country and for elections to be free from rigging and violence. Cry out for those people groups who are unreached and need to hear the Gospel message. Pray for this time of uncertainty to be used by the Lord to turn hearts and minds to Jesus Christ. Plead for peace in Sudan. Ask for the Lord to keep believers safe and bring Muslims to a saving knowledge of Christ.


The government of Afghanistan was recently described as “corruptionridden.” It has also been accused of being lenient and/or afraid of the Taliban forces operating throughout the nation. This comes after a sudden spike in attacks – more than 50 allied troops were killed in the first half of June 2010. Pray for the Lord to give key leaders wisdom and new strategies in dealing with the corruption, terrorism, and deadly violence plaguing this nation. Ask Him to bring the reign of the Taliban to an end, driving them from their strongholds and hiding places, exposing their plans, and bringing them to defeat. Pray for the protection of allied troops, as well as Afghan police, military, and security

© 2010 Window International Network

August 2010

forces. Pray for the Lord to give them victory over the demonic schemes of every militant group operating in this region. Pray for the freedom of the Afghan people and for the Gospel to be made known throughout this country. Ask the Lord to speak to hearts, open blind spiritual eyes, and draw the citizens of this wartorn nation into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


A prince in the ruling family of Kuwait was murdered by his uncle in June 2010. The government is investigating what they are calling an “unprecedented killing” inside the royal family. The man accused of the act was not only related to the prince, but was a military intelligence officer. Pray for this event to cause citizens in Kuwait to see the effects of sin, the wicked heart of fallen mankind, and realize their need for a Savior. Ask the Lord to comfort the family of the prince, using this tragedy as an opportunity to reveal His love and power. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in Kuwait, awakening the mostly-Muslim population to the lies of Islam and the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come with great glory to this strategically positioned nation.


Western governments are offering their support as Bangladesh seeks to establish democracy and fight terrorism. This assistance in promoting economic growth and engaging in counter-terrorism August 2010

efforts is considered essential to the survival of the nation. Praise God for the way in which He is guiding Bangladesh out of corruption, poverty, and unjust rule, toward a new and hopeful future. Pray for the people of this young nation (which gained independence from Pakistan in 1971) to see the hand of the Lord directing and blessing Bangladesh. Ask the Lord to bring relief from poverty and hardship, and, as the Gospel is proclaimed, relief from spiritual oppression. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to preach and demonstrate the love of God and for many Bangladeshis to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Japan recently began questioning the usefulness of western military bases and forces located strategically throughout East Asia. Japanese leaders even implied alliances with western powers might be unnecessary. As one journalist noted, however, “Japan has territorial disputes with all of its neighbors, including both China and Taiwan, as well as Korea and Russia.” The military presence is “there to make any belligerent country think twice before making an aggressive move.” Pray for the government of Japan to exercise great wisdom and caution in choosing whom to be friends with and how to defend its borders. Cry out for the Lord Himself to be their defender and to reveal to the people of Japan that He is responsible for the blessings they enjoy. Pray for a great awakening as the Kingdom of God comes to Japan and the

© 2010 Window International Network

Gospel is preached throughout the nation. Ask the Lord for an abundant harvest of souls in Japan.


The atmosphere in this West African nation is being described as tense and unstable – on the verge of plunging into chaos. After an April 1, 2010 military coup, Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior fled to Portugal. He returned recently under heavy security and is now facing a groundswell of calls for his resignation. Pray for the Lord to establish peace in this troubled nation: political peace that will provide hope to the people, and spiritual peace that will provide eternal salvation. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve Guinea-Bissau in humility and integrity. Pray for an end to the ongoing cycle of power-struggles and coups. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to this nation, bringing righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


The resettlement of Bhutanese refugees who have fled to Nepal is now being called the largest UN resettlement program in the world. More than 32,000 Bhutan refugees have been sent out from Nepal to a variety of western nations. Tens of thousands remain in Nepal in camps that have been their home for almost 20 years. Pray for the diaspora of Bhutanese to be exposed to the Gospel message in their new homelands. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send workers to minister to the Bhutanese in Bhutan The 10/40 Window Reporter | 15

(Bhutan continued)

and Nepal, as well as those scattered throughout the world, proclaiming to them the Good news. Pray for the people of this nation to be set free from Buddhism and other false religions and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Out of more than one hundred Saudi terrorists released from a western detention center and put through a rehabilitation program in Saudi Arabia, at least 25 have returned to al-Qaeda. The rehabilitation program was initiated after a series of attacks inside Saudi Arabia between 2003 and 2006. Despite having 20% of the participants “relapse,” Saudi Arabia is now planning five more rehabilitation facilities. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of this nation wisdom and discernment in their handling of dangerous militants. Ask Him to reveal Himself to members of the Saudi government, as well as al-Qaeda, through dreams, visions, and personal testimonies. Pray for their hearts to be softened and for them to respond to the Gospel, putting their faith in Jesus Christ. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it is in heaven.


In the months leading up to this nation’s first free election in 50 years (June 27, 2010), western troops were brought in to train Guinea’s presidential guard. The goal was to “ensure that there is a professional, capable, and impartial presidential guard for the newly elected president of Guinea.” Pray for this strategy to effectively keep corruption and manipulation from continuing to contaminate the government of Guinea. Ask the Lord to work powerfully in raising up leaders who will serve this nation in righteousness and the fear of the Lord. Pray for the Believers in Guinea to intercede for their homeland with great passion and tenacity during this important period. Pray for a smooth transition of power. Cry out to the Lord for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Guinea, to every people, tribe, and tongue. Pray for a great harvest of souls.


After two months of violent antigovernment demonstrations resulted in the burning of more than 30

buildings, 88 deaths, and nearly 2000 wounded, the government of Thailand is attempting to move forward. However, the economy and the political atmosphere remain volatile. The nation has experienced 10 coups in the past forty years and the last coup (2006) is still being questioned and challenged. Pray for this very unstable nation. Ask the Lord to use this time of uncertainty and anxiety to turn hearts toward the only true and sure foundation: Jesus Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in opening blind spiritual eyes to the reality that lasting peace cannot be found in politics or brought about by force. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be revealed to the Thai people and for multitudes to put their faith and hope in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


With nearly 7 million people in Niger facing food shortages, hunger, and even starvation because of crop failures, some are choosing to illegally cross the border into Nigeria in search of relief. “Many women and children from Niger are seeking shelter with local families. There are also reports of women going from

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16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

August 2010

house to house begging for food.” Pray for the Lord to open doors for Christian humanitarian agencies to minister to the needs of the hungry and suffering in Niger and Nigeria. Ask for opportunities for the Gospel to be presented along with desperately needed food and clean water. Pray for the Lord to provide for the needs of the Nigeriens and enable them to see His love in these acts and be open to receiving the eternal life offered in Jesus Christ.


Ethnic violence continues to plague this nation with at least two regions having declared a state of emergency. “Clashes between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks that began June 10 [2010] in Osh and Jalalabad have killed an estimated 2,000 people, and have led nearly 400,000 ethnic Uzbeks to cross into Uzbekistan or mass near the border.” Pray for the Lord to intervene in this crisis, stopping the conflict and restraining the opposing groups from further violence. Cry out for the Uzbek women who are reportedly being raped at gun and knifepoint by Kyrgyz gangs. Plead with the Lord to restore order to this quickly disintegrating nation. Pray for the Kyrgyz and Uzbeks to look to Jesus Christ for help, hope, and peace. Ask the Lord to protect our Brothers and Sisters in Kyrgyzstan and use them as His lights to drive out the darkness. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to this nation.

Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST The government of Iran executed a rebel leader in August 2010

June 2010 after a revolutionary court found him guilty of 79 charges. Among the charges was his connection to western and Israeli intelligence agencies. He also founded a militant antigovernment organization that Iran considered a terrorist group. Pray for the motives of the government to be made clear – whether this was indeed a punishment for crimes, or yet another excuse to dispose of a member of the opposition. Ask the Lord to move among the leadership of Iran, especially in the hearts of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Pray for a great awakening in this nation as the Gospel is proclaimed to every people group. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls and for His Kingdom to come, His will to be done in Iran.


With meningitis already spreading, the nation of Burkina Faso is now facing a food shortage. Like Niger and other West African nations, Burkina Faso has been experiencing a drought and resulting crop failures. An estimated 10 million people are in danger of severe hunger and malnutrition. Pray for the Lord to supply the needs of the people in Burkina Faso and throughout West Africa. Pray for this to be an occasion for them to turn to Him and cry out for help. Ask for Christian aid groups to be allowed to provide the food and clean water these people need and enabled to share the Gospel in both their actions and words. Pray for the restoration of this nation – physically and spiritually. Cry out for the Lord to send healing rain that will bless the land and draw many Burkinabes into His Kingdom.

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The military forces of this West African nation are continuing to train in response to the growth and increased activity of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). According to recent reports, the terrorist group has doubled in size (from 200 to 400 members) in just one year. Analysts believe AQIM is linking with drug smugglers and also enlisting help from the region’s nomadic tribes. “As the extremists get stronger and wealthier,” the Associated Press reports, “they are attracting more recruits among local youth and Muslims in sub-Saharan Africa.” Pray for the Lord to protect the young people of Mali and other West and North African countries from the deceptions and lies of AQIM. Ask Him to cut off their funding sources, cause their recruiting efforts to fail, and defeat their attempts to carry out jihad. Pray for the government of Mali to remain diligent in fighting this threat and to allocate the resources necessary to keep its people and borders safe. Ask the Lord to use the fear of terrorism as a means of directing people’s attention to eternity and their need for a Savior. Pray for His peace to blanket the land as the citizens hear and respond to the Gospel, putting their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The nation of Azerbaijan has been classified as a “poor performer” in terms of human rights by a various watchdog groups. The ongoing trial of a journalist who wrote a series of articles “critical of government” The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Azerbaijan continued)

is a good example. Though the European Court ruled in April 2010 that the writer had been falsely accused simply to silence him, the government of Azerbaijan has no plans to suspend the trial. Pray for the corruption, manipulation, and control being carried out in Azerbaijan to be exposed and dealt with swiftly. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will lead the nation in integrity, seeking to serve the people rather than abuse them. Petition the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on Azerbaijan, opening hard hearts and liberating those who are in bondage to Islam. Pray for a great awakening in this nation and for multitudes to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Day 10

terrorism and has developed an “elite Detachment 88,” antiterror squad to respond quickly and decisively to threats. (The squad is named in honor of the 88 Australians who were killed in the 2002 bombings in Bali.) While some human rights organizations have questioned the tactics of the unit, it has been highly effective in countering terrorist plots. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Indonesia wisdom in this ongoing struggle against demonic activities. Ask the Lord to protect the people of Indonesia and allow them to see His love displayed in Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening in Indonesia and a tremendous harvest of souls as the Gospel is proclaimed throughout this nation.


In a desperate attempt to end crime in Benin, voodoo priests have been called in to curse those who are planning to carry out illegal activities. The nation is considered the birthplace of voodoo and continues to practice and export the satanic religion. Pray for these evil activities to not only fail, but to be used as an opportunity for the Lord to display His great and awesome power. Ask the Lord to protect the people from criminals and the demonic oppression of voodoo. Pray for the captives to be set free by the blood of Jesus Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in Benin, awakening hearts and drawing the people out from darkness, into the marvelous light of Christ.


Indonesia is serious about fighting 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Ranked number nine on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of worst persecutors of Christians, the government of Laos has also been given another dubious award: one of the world’s worst violators of human rights. According to a report released in June 2010, Laos is among the 17 nations “where human beings suffer from some of the most severe and systematic human rights abuses in the world.” Pray for Believers living in this oppressive country to be strengthened by the joy of the Lord and bold in sharing their faith, despite the very real threat of persecution. Ask the Lord to be present with them, surround them with His love and comfort, and enable them to proclaim the Gospel throughout Laos, to every people and tongue. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to this nation, transforming

the hearts of communist leaders, members of the military, and those who practice Buddhism and ethnic religions. Cry out for the Spirit of God to move in Laos, setting the people free from the lies of the enemy and leading them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In June 2010, the leaders of South Africa and Algeria called for an immediate end to human rights violations in Western Sahara and for a referendum that would lead to the nation’s independence from Morocco. The men “condemned the violation of human rights” in this region and issued an “urgent appeal” to the United Nations to protect Sahrawi rights and provide Western Sahara with autonomy. Praise the Lord for this bold stand. Pray for the government of Morocco and for the United Nations to not only listen to this appeal, but respond swiftly, bringing a stop to the violations and seeking to set the Sahrawi free to return to their homeland. Ask the Lord to speak to the hearts of the Sahrawi as they continue to struggle to survive in refugee camps in Algeria. Pray for this time of homelessness to be an opportunity for them to cry out to the Lord and find their true hope and home in relationship with Jesus Christ.


Although Egypt is overwhelming Muslim, the culture is beginning to change. Men and women still conform to the standards of Islam

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in appearance (the way they dress and eat), but some are questioning the meaning of their religion. “There is a lot of pressure on the street [in Egypt] to at least appear pious,” one journalist recently noted. “But that is not how everyone wants to live, not all the time.” Pray for this dissatisfaction with past traditions and rigid, worksbased religion to be used to draw people into a relationship with the True and Living God through the death and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to move among Egyptians – especially the younger generation – showing them the emptiness of Islam and the fullness of knowing the Creator of all things. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this nation and for Believers to be bold in sharing their faith. Petition the Lord for multitudes to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


With Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks clashing in Kyrgyzstan, thousands of Uzbeks are fleeing to their homeland. “Mostly children and elderly people are staying in the 47 camps in seven separate regions in Andijan, the closest city of Uzbekistan to the border with Kyrgyzstan.” Pray for these refugees. Ask the Lord to provide them with food, shelter, and clean water. Pray for Christian humanitarian agencies to gain access to these camps and minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the people. Plead with the Lord for a peaceful resolution to the violence in Kyrgyzstan and for His protection over the Uzbek people. Pray for those who have left their jobs, homes, and families to find a new life in Uzbekistan – and new life in Jesus Christ. 20 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


A resident of Nepal recently called the political atmosphere in this troubled nation “crazy.” He went on to describe the demonstrations by Maoists in Kathmandu and the union strike a recipe for disaster. If the strife between the government and Maoists doesn’t end soon, he warned, “many are going to die… the situation will be worse.” In another blow to stability, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal resigned in June 2010. Pray for the Lord to intervene in Nepal. Ask Him to lead the two opposing sides to a diplomatic and peaceful settlement of their differences. Pray for this time of instability to be used to turn hearts and minds toward the sure foundation of Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to protect Believers in Nepal and use them to make the Gospel known to the leaders, Maoists, Buddhists, and Hindus throughout the nation. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Nepal with great power, signs and wonders.


In June 2010, the government of the United Arab Emirates closed 40 businesses that were in violation of the UN sanctions against Iran. According to a Gulf News report, “These companies have been dealing in ‘dual-use and dangerous materials banned under UN resolutions and the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.’” Officials also said any other companies found to be ignoring the UN ban will be immediately shut down. Praise God

for this courageous stand against terrorism and the development of weapons of mass destruction. Pray for the Lord to give the government wisdom in dealing with nations like Iran and in continuing their stand against terrorism in all forms. Ask the Lord to pour His Spirit out upon this key, strategicallylocated Arab and Muslim nation. Pray for a spiritual awakening and a great harvest of souls. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to the UAE as it is in heaven.


Members of the Socialist Party (SP), a group in opposition to the current government in Albania, staged demonstrations in May 2010. Thousands of people marched in the streets in protest of the June 2009 elections, which they claim were rigged. Pray for the Lord to restore order to this nation, ridding the government of corruption and also keeping those in opposition from resorting to violence in order to present their case. Ask for the Holy Spirit to use this time of turmoil and distress to open blind eyes and deaf ears to the message of the Gospel. Pray for the people of Albania to seek something more significant and lasting than a political fix. Petition the Lord to move in great power, bringing His Kingdom to Albania with righteousness, peace, and joy.


In recent months, Morocco has begun cracking down on Christians, expelling missionaries and others they believe might be proselytizing.

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In March 2010 alone, 40 expatriate Believers were deported. In a press release, the interior minister claimed that those who had been ordered to leave were “guilty of trying to undermine the faith of Muslims.” Pray for those laboring in this difficult harvest field, as well as the multitudes of Moroccans who are being held captive by Islam. Ask the Lord to provide open doors for the Gospel to be preached to every people group in this nation. Pray for the hearts of Moroccans to be softened and their blind eyes opened to see and receive the truth of Jesus Christ. Plead with the Lord for the protection of indigenous Believers and for the Holy Spirit to move, drawing more and more to salvation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in great power to Morocco.


The war and ongoing terrorism in Iraq are taking a great toll on the people. “More and more Iraqis are seeking medical treatment for trauma-induced illnesses, and the medical community is unable to keep up. “Many people selfmedicate,” BBC News reports, “and prescription drug abuse is now the number one substance abuse problem in Iraq.” Cry out on behalf of this troubled nation and its hurting people. Pray for the Lord to minister healing to their damaged minds, hearts, and souls. Ask Him to use Christian organizations as His hands and feet to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of the Iraqis. Pray for an end to the violence, an end to al-Qaeda, and a new season of restoration for this nation. Invite God’s Kingdom to come and ask the Lord to bring August 2010

many to a saving knowledge of His Son, Jesus Christ.


The United Nations has appointed a panel to investigate accusations of human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. Until now, the government of Sri Lanka has “rejected calls for an international probe into possible war crimes committed during the country’s war with the Tamil Tiger rebels.” Pray for Jehovah Rophe to bring healing and reconciliation in the aftermath of this nation’s 25-year civil war. Petition the Lord to bring justice and for past wrongs to be dealt with and forgiven. Plead for this to be a new season in Sri Lanka – a time of awakening in which the Gospel is proclaimed, reaches every people group, and is received by multitudes. Pray for Sri Lankans to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


“Isolation” is the word being used to describe not only Israel’s position in the world today, but the feelings of many Israelis. Their unwillingness to give up Jerusalem and the recent, deadly attack on an aid flotilla headed for the Gaza Strip, have caused many nations – including some of Israel’s friends – to turn against them. While the government seems to be standing firm in its approach to criticism, the citizens are increasingly concerned. “There’s nothing they fear more,” writes one historian, “than being alone in the world.” Cry out for the peace and safety of Jerusalem and Israel. Ask the Lord of Hosts to be their ever-

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present help in this time of trouble. Pray for the Israeli people to realize they are not alone but are greatly cared for and sought after by the King of kings. Pray for spiritual eyes and ears to be open to the Gospel and for the Jewish people to recognize and receive Yeshua ha Messiah.


With violence escalating between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan is caught in the geographic middle – a thin arm of Tajikistan runs between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. That narrow piece of Tajikistan is also suspected of harboring Islamic militants, some of whom may have sought refuge there from Afghanistan (a neighbor to the south). Pray for this troubled, poverty-stricken, potentially violent nation. Ask the Lord to establish and maintain peace throughout this region, restraining terrorism and genocide, and providing peace and hope for the people of Tajikistan. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be preached and demonstrated by Believers and for those who are suffering from the effects of war and ethnic hatred to put their hope and trust in Him. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Tajikistan during this critical time, as it is in heaven.


Just two weeks before the anniversary of the violence in Xinjiang (hundreds died and thousands were injured as Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese clashed), the government of China announced that it had cracked a major terrorist The 10/40 Window Reporter | 21

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cell in the region. Officials say separatists and terrorists are active in this area, which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pray for honesty and integrity in the Chinese government’s efforts to counteract terrorism. Ask the Lord to grant them wisdom in fighting militant groups and attempting to protect their citizens. Intercede on behalf of the residents of this and other areas of China where ethnic violence and persecution are an ongoing threat. Pray for the Lord to protect our Brothers and Sisters as they boldly make the Gospel known throughout this vast nation. Plead for the souls of the lost and for the spiritual awakening that has been going on in China to continue and grow.


The tiny nation of Djibouti is considered the front line in the current war on global terrorism. It is not only strategically located at the mouth of the Red Sea, but is home to the only major western military base in subSaharan Africa. Pray for Djibouti to be used mightily to fight against and defeat jihadists and extremists. Ask the Lord to protect this nation from both military and spiritual retaliation. Invite the Holy Spirit to move throughout the land, drawing the lost and unreached into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Djibouti as it is in heaven.


Yemeni security forces acted quickly after a “spectacular attack” on their headquarters in Aden, arresting August 2010

a terrorist believed to be the mastermind and also suspected of being a member of al-Qaeda. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Yemen from al-Qaeda and other terrorist and insurgent groups roaming the nation. Ask Him to impart wisdom and understanding to the government in their attempts to counter these groups and their deadly attacks. Pray for terrorists to be exposed, their funding cut off, their organizations thrown into confusion, and for their recruiting efforts to fail. Plead with the Lord for the lost and unreached of Yemeni to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, respond to it, and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In June 2010, Vietnam was added to a watch list of nations guilty of human trafficking. It was accused of “failing to prevent women from being forced into prostitution.” Pray for an immediate end to this degrading, criminal practice. Ask the Lord to transform the hearts of those who use and abuse others for profit. Cry out for the victims – women and children – who are forced or enticed into slavery and often suffer violence and poverty. Ask the Lord to work mightily in this nation, giving Believers boldness to proclaim the Gospel under the threat of fierce persecution, and opening the spiritually blind eyes and deaf ears of the lost to realize their need for a Savior. Pray for multitudes to trust in Jesus Christ.


More than 50% of the Taiwanese

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people believe life is worse under the leadership of President Ma Ying-jeou. Two years after Ma was elected, most citizens see poverty growing worse and 58.6% of those surveyed said they are dissatisfied with his policies. Pray for the Lord to give President Ma direction in guiding the nation of Taiwan forward. Ask Him to provide new ideas and strategies for addressing the problem of poverty. Pray for the dissatisfaction the people are experiencing to motivate them to seek fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord for a great and widespread spiritual awakening that will lead multitudes into relationship with Christ as Savior and Lord.


Security forces in Bahrain arrested 14 people attempting to enter the country on forged passports in May 2010. They also caught two Iranians with forged British passports. The fake passports were detected because of increased security levels and updated equipment intended to prevent smuggling and terrorism. Praise the Lord for enabling authorities to catch those seeking to commit crimes and engage in acts of violence. Thank Him for the technology, expertise, and opportunities to stop these activities. Pray for Bahrain to be an example to other governments in being vigilant in securing their borders and in apprehending international criminals. Ask the Lord to reveal to the people of Bahrain that He is the ultimate source of their security and safety. Pray for the veil to be removed from their eyes and for those enslaved by Islam to be set free. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Bahrain. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 23


In June 2010, the Brunei navy participated in joint counterterrorism exercises with Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The exercises included tracking and boarding ships suspected of being used for criminal and terrorist activities, as well as securing ports. Pray for these and other drills to be a deterrent to extremists groups. Intercede for the governments of Brunei and their Southeast Asian neighbors to be prepared to respond to terrorism and be diligent in attempting to keep their citizens safe. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this Muslim nation, removing the veil of Islam from the eyes of every people group and drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In the aftermath of Israel’s attack on a flotilla of ships attempting to break through the Gaza blockade, Lebanon is warning that incidents of this nature will be considered acts of war. The government has announced repeatedly that it is ready and willing to engage Israel in battle. As one journalist put it, “A Lebanon-Israel conflict is a matter of when, not if….” Pray for the Prince of Peace to move powerfully in the Middle East, maintaining peace and guiding the actions of the Lebanese government. Ask Him to give them wisdom, patience, and restraint. Pray for an end to Hezbollah and other terrorist groups operating in Lebanon. Petition the Lord to establish His Kingdom in this nation, bringing 24 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Pray for multitudes of Lebanese to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


“Qatar is unlike many of the other Arab countries that support the Palestinians,” a news source noted recently. The comment was in reference to Qatar’s investment in constructing a new city in the West Bank. “The Palestinians should be doing more of this,” the report said, “building Palestine and switching gears from the confrontationalstyle politics of Hamas, Hizbullah, Iran….” Pray for the government of Qatar to continue this positive work in the West Bank and abstain from supporting terrorism. Ask the Lord to use these efforts to bless those who have lost homes, jobs, and even families in the ongoing conflict in this region. Pray for the Lord to move in softening the hearts of the leaders and people of Qatar, freeing them from the darkness of Islam and leading them into the light of Jesus Christ.


Turkmenistan has the third or fourth largest natural gas reserves in the world (depending on the source of information). It also borders Iran and Afghanistan. These two facts give it great value in the global economy, as well as making it a very strategic nation in terms of the war on terrorism. Pray for the leaders of Turkmenistan – especially President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow – to encounter the Living Christ. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom

in dealing with neighboring countries and in securing their borders against terrorists. Plead for a great harvest of souls in this important nation and ask the Lord to give Believers boldness and opportunities to share the Gospel. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Turkmenistan in great power.


Opposition leaders claim elections held in Ethiopia in May “failed to implement the electoral law signed by both parties.” The ruling party (EPRDF) won by a wide margin. Members of the opposition say they were physically attacked and voters were forced to support the EPRDF. They are calling the outcome “unfair, biased, and undemocratic.” Pray for peace in this troubled nation. Pray for justice to be served, manipulation and corruption exposed and rooted out. Ask the Lord to give the government wisdom and courage in moving the nation forward, acting with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for a great awakening in Ethiopia – a revival among Believers and for multitudes of the lost and unreached to respond to the Gospel, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


With Myanmar’s first elections in two decades scheduled to be held sometime this year (no date has been set), the government is preparing to restrict political activity, opposition, and the threat of violence during the voting. They have banned marches, flag waving, and chanting.

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International observers have already stated the election will be a sham and will lack legitimacy. Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of the military leadership of this nation. Ask for men and women of His choosing to be appointed to guide this nation, serving the people in honesty and integrity. Pray for a new season in Myanmar as the Kingdom of God comes and the people of every ethnic group respond to the Gospel, putting their trust in Christ.


The drought, crop failures, and the resulting food crisis have stretched from West Africa, all the way to the Central African nation of Chad. “The situation here,” says a United Nations representative, “is desperate. There is not enough food in the country, over 2 million people here are not getting enough.” Pray for the Lord to provide relief for the people of Chad and the rest of the nations where people are experiencing severe malnutrition and famine. Cry out for Christian humanitarian agencies to be empowered with the resources and opportunities to distribute food and clean water. Pray for rain in this drought-stricken region and for the Lord to receive the credit for this blessing, demonstrating His love for the people and drawing many into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.


A human rights monitoring group issued a report in June 2010 stating that human rights abuses in Libya are rampant. Despite efforts by the government to improve the nation’s image on the global stage, the report says, “Human rights in Libya are suffering from the same problem that has persisted for decades… the omnipresence and the total power that security forces have.” Pray for a spiritual revolution in Libya. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to leaders – especially Muammar al-Qadhafi – and to every people group in this Muslim nation. Pray for them to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, be set free from the bondage of Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

attempts to implement economic reforms, they are being met by a “growing assertiveness” and resistance by the majority Malay Muslim population. Two of the nation’s political parties (the United Malays National Organization and the Pan Malaysian Islamic Party) are pressuring for stronger adherence to Shari’a (Islamic) law. This has non-Muslims (especially Christians) worried about being further persecuted and marginalized. Pray for the Lord to protect our Brothers and Sisters in Malaysia as they face strong opposition. Ask the Lord to strengthen them and give them boldness in witnessing to the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the strongholds of Islam to be torn down in Malaysia and for the prisoners to be liberated by the Gospel. Plead with the Lord for members from every people group in this nation to be represented before His throne in eternity. Invite His Kingdom to come in Malaysia as it is in heaven.


As the government of Malaysia

Believers laboring in Oman report that the fields are ripe for harvest. But one thing is lacking: workers. They are praying for English teachers and other tentmakers, as well as “more workers in Oman in general.” Praise the Lord for the move of His Holy Spirit in this closed, Muslim nation. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send more laborers into His harvest field. Ask the Lord to penetrate every city, suburb, and region of Oman: Muscat, Muttrah, Ruwi, Sidab, Al Seeb, Bowshar, Quiryat, Al Bustan, Al Qurum, Qantab, Bahla, Nizwa…. Pray for blind spiritual eyes to be

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Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), an affiliate of al-Qaeda, is now well-entrenched in Algeria and Mali. The group is growing in size August 2010

and has constructed “very protected shelters” intended to shield them from air raids. Analysts say the terrorists are elusive, well organized, and highly mobile, thriving in the expansive Sahara desert. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Algeria wisdom in fighting and defeating AQIM. Plead for the safety of the people in this and other West and North African nations. Ask the Lord to expose and scatter the ranks of AQIM and every other terrorist and extremist group hiding in Algeria. Pray for the revival taking place in this nation to continue and spread as the Holy Spirit sets Muslims free from religious bondage and introduces them to life in Jesus Christ.


(Oman continued)

opened to see the Light of the Gospel, deaf ears made to hear the Truth of the Gospel. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Oman and ask Him to bring a great harvest of souls.


Anti-terrorism police in Kazakhstan have been cracking down on religious minorities rather than terrorists. In April 2010, police working with the Department for Kazakhstan’s Fight Against Extremism, Separatism and Terrorism raided a Baptist ordination service, demanding that the church register with the government. In June 2010, police with the same organization raided an evening service at another Baptist church. The government stated they view “unlawful religious meetings as a threat.” Pray for the Believers in Kazakhstan to stand strong and firm as they encounter increasing resistance and persecution. Pray for the Lord to be present with them, filling them with joy and peace, and giving them boldness in testifying to the truth of Jesus Christ. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Kazakhstan with power, signs, and wonders. Cry out to the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation.

Day 26

Pray for the leaders to continue to combat Islamic extremist and deal with it swiftly and decisively. Cry out for the people of this Muslim nation to have the opportunity to hear the Good News that Jesus Christ has provided a way for them to be forgiven of their sins and spend eternity with the Lord. Pray for multitudes in Tunisia to put their faith in Christ.


The government of Cambodia is taking steps to ensure that another genocide does not occur in their nation. Banners and slogans are being posted in schools to encourage students to learn about the murderous Khmer Rouge regime. According to studies, “Many young Cambodians are unaware that up to two million people died through overwork, starvation and execution under the brutal regime.” Pray for the healing of this nation. Ask the Lord to bring forgiveness and reconciliation between people groups. Pray for the salvation of Cambodia’s leadership. Petition the Lord to make Himself known and for the Gospel to be preached throughout this land. Pray for a mighty harvest of souls as the Kingdom of God comes to Cambodia.


In May 2010, the government of Tunisia imprisoned 11 men, charging them with funding terrorism and recruiting members for a terrorist organization. Approximately 2,000 people have been arrested on terrorism charges since 2003. Praise the Lord for Tunisia’s stand against terrorism. 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


When Israel’s attack on the flotilla in June 2010 resulted in the deaths of nine Turkish citizens, Prime Minister Erdogan reacted with “unbridled anger and fierce hostility.” Erdogan issued a statement saying Israel was guilty of state terrorism and a bloody massacre. The Turkish foreign

minister compared the incident to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers: “This attack is like 9/11 for Turkey.” Pray for peace to prevail throughout the Middle East and especially in Turkey. Ask the Lord to restrain the demonic forces that are seeking to bring violence and destruction to the region. Pray for Prime Minister Erdogan to hear the Gospel and for his heart to be pierced by the Good New. Pray for multitudes of Turks to come to faith in Jesus Christ during this critical time.


According to an expert in East Asian politics, “There’s little chance that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il was unaware of his country’s attack on the [South Korean] warship.” He goes on to say that Jong-Il had to have been intimately involved in the planning and execution of the attack. Tensions between North and South Korea are high and the possibility of war between these nations is considered likely. Pray for the Lord to intervene in North Korea, calling Kim Jong-Il and his administration out from enemy darkness, into the light of Jesus Christ. Plead for a great awakening in this nation and for the Lord to stand with Believers who are being persecuted and imprisoned. Cry out for the people of this closed nation to be set free to know and love the True and Living God.


Child soldiers are now common in Somalia. Not just among the marauding bands of Islamic extremists such as al-Shabaab and

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(Somalia continued)

Hizbul-Islam. They are now being enlisted by the government to help fight insurgents and terrorist groups. Boys as young as eight are being issued rifles and posted at dangerous checkpoints, charged with performing security duties. The United Nations lists Somalia as one of the “most persistent violators” in the world of using child soldiers. Plead for this nation. Cry out for the Lord to bring an end to the violence and chaos, restoring order and peace. Intercede on behalf of the child soldiers, as well as the refugees – many of them widows and orphans – who are struggling to survive in primitive and dangerous camps. Petition God to be an Advocate for those with no voice. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this land with great power and for many to put their faith and hope in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Membership in the Pakistani Taliban is growing with new splinter groups of terrorists rising up all over the country. One of them, the Punjabi Taliban, is considered an “expanding terror menace” and is reportedly preparing to launch massive and deadly attacks throughout Pakistan. Pray for the Lord to protect the people of Pakistan from this new threat. Ask Him to root out and destroy every arm of the Taliban and every terrorist organization operating in the country. Pray for them to be exposed and driven from their hiding places, their funding cut off, and their ability to recruit and carry out attacks curtailed. Intercede for our Brothers and Sisters as they spread the Gospel in this very dangerous environment. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed to all people groups 28 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

and for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


This already troubled nation (rife with poverty, terrorist threats, and persecution against Christians) is now dealing with rampant corruption among its lawmakers. In June 2010, a meeting of the Nigerian parliament actually degenerated into a brawl after 11 members were suspended and accused of corruption. Among those under investigation is Speaker Oladimeji Bankole, who has allegedly embezzled millions of dollars. Pray for a revival to sweep through Nigeria, refreshing Believers and turning the hearts of the lost to the Lord. Pray for scandals in the government to be made public and for justice to be served. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will govern with integrity, honesty, and righteousness. Petition the Lord to strengthen and comfort His Church as they face intense and deadly persecution. Pray for the Gospel to reach every people group and result in a great harvest of souls.


The Maldives has been added to the watch-list of the world’s worst human traffickers. A new report states that the nation has failed to “investigate or prosecute traffickingrelated offenses or take concrete actions to protect trafficking victims and prevent trafficking in Maldives.” Pray for the leaders of the Maldives to take notice of the accusation and begin to fight against this

criminal activity. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom in stopping human slavery, forced labor, and prostitution within their borders. Ask Him to be present with the victims, encouraging them and providing them with a means of escape. Pray for the widows and orphans to be cared for. Petition the Lord to send more workers to this Muslim nation and for the Gospel to be preached to every people group. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to the Maldives.


In June 2010, King Abdullah II demanded that Israel end its blockade of the Gaza Strip, calling it “illegal and inhumane.” He also claimed it violates international law and is hindering peace talks. Pray for the Lord to work in this complicated and difficult situation. Ask Him to give King Abdullah II and other leaders in the Middle East wisdom in resolving problems and disputes. Intercede for Israel and ask the Lord to give them favor in the eyes of Jordan. Pray for the Lord to work His will in Jordan, strengthening His Body and drawing Muslims into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM – a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaeda) is reportedly attempting to expand into Nigeria in order to establish itself in West Africa. One of the organizations goals is to reach and put down roots in Senegal so that it can dominate not only the Sahara, but the Sahel desert region and the coast. Pray for the Lord to stop this rampage across North Africa. Ask Him to supply

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the government of Senegal with the resources and training they need to protect their nation from AQIM. Pray for the defeat of AQIM – an immediate end to their financing, recruiting, and operations. Pray for the people of Senegal to put their trust in the Lord. Petition Him to be their refuge and fortress against this and every other force of evil. Ask for a tremendous harvest of souls in Senegal.


Since the authoritarian government closed independent churches in 2002, Believers in this nation have faced deadly persecution. Tens of thousands of citizens have been arrested and tortured, many of them Christians. It is estimated that 3,000 Believers are currently detained and imprisoned for their faith. Pray for the Lord to be present with these precious Brothers and Sisters, providing them with comfort, strength, encouragement, and joy. Ask for Him to use them as His ambassadors to witness to their fellow prisoners and guards. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in Eritrea, softening hard hearts and opening blind eyes. Pray for a great awakening as the Gospel is preached throughout the nation and for a tremendous harvest of souls as the lost put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In June 2010, police in neighboring Nepal attempted to forcibly repatriate (send back) “a group of sick Tibetan refugees, some of them children.” The group was among August 2010

the thousands of Tibetans seeking asylum in Nepal. According to human rights groups, hundreds flee Tibet every year to escape political and religious repression. Pray for this isolated, Chinese-controlled nation. Plead with the Lord for the health, protection, and future of the Tibetans inside and outside of Tibet. Ask Him to remind them daily of His great love for them and make known to them the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the Tibetans to realize their unique place in God’s creation and for the Lord to enlighten the eyes of their hearts to know the hope to which they are being called (The Bible, Ephesians 1:18). Invite God’s Kingdom to come and ask for a great harvest of souls in Tibet.


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad recently stated that “Israel is not a ‘partner for peace.’” Because of this attitude, al-Assad feels the necessity to prepare his nation for conflict. “When you don’t have peace,” he said, “you have to expect war.” In the aftermath of Israeli’s attack on a blockade-busting flotilla, Syria has continued to align itself with Iran and Turkey. Pray for the salvation of President al-Assad. Cry out for the people of Syria, asking the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation and draw the Muslim people into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for peace in the Middle East and for Syria to use wisdom in choosing allies. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Syria as it is in heaven.


Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin

© 2010 Window International Network

Elbegdorj was one of several leaders who met in Istanbul, Turkey in June 2010 to discuss securing Asia against terrorism. The goal of the talks was not only to discuss counter terrorism efforts, but to develop cooperation between nations in the fight against global jihadists. Pray for the Lord to give President Elbegdorj and his colleagues wisdom and strategies in defending against and defeating terrorist groups. Plead for the physical safety of the people of Mongolia, and for their spiritual awakening. Ask the Lord to draw them and enable them to come into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for people from every tribe and tongue in Mongolia to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.


The nation of East Timor is one of only two nations in Southeast Asia considered “predominantly Christian.” In actuality, much of the population practices a syncretistic mixture of ethnic religions and Catholicism. “Many lack a strong biblical foundation,” Mission Network News reports, “which makes them susceptible to false doctrines and the acceptance of Islamic influence.” Pray for efforts currently underway to train leaders and strengthen ministry to children in East Timor. Ask the Lord to give the people of this nation a hunger for His Word and a thirst for His presence. Pray for a great and awesome move of His Holy Spirit in which Believers are renewed and refreshed in the Lord and the lost come into relationship with Jesus Christ. Cry out for the people of East The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the

lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts

and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the

10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire fulfilled?

(East Timor continued)

Timor to be protected from the lies of the enemy brought to them by members of cults, and those who engage in false religions. Invite God’s Kingdom to come in East Timor.


Gambian President Yahya Jammeh admits that his nation has become a hub for drug trafficking. In a speech in June 2010, Jammeh pledged to rid the Gambia of drug smugglers. “If you know you are a drug dealer,” he said, “the best thing for you is to leave this country or else I will deal with you very well.” Just weeks before this, Gambian authorities seized over two tons of cocaine. Pray for President Jammeh to keep his word – seeking out drug traffickers and prosecuting them swiftly and severely. Pray for the Gambia to no longer be considered an open and easy transit point for South American cartels. Ask the Lord to protect the people of the Gambia from illegal drugs and the corruption that surrounds their sale and use. Plead for the hearts of Gambians to be soft and open to the Gospel. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in the Gambia.


In June 2010, the Israeli government decided to ease its blockade of the Gaza Strip and begin allowing more

food and construction materials into the area. The new policy will, for the moment, allow for “any sort of supply which is not arms and cannot be used to manufacture arms.” Praise the Lord for this development. Pray for desperately needed supplies to reach those who are struggling to survive in the Gaza Strip. Ask the Lord to move powerfully, using Christian organizations to meet the need for food, clean water, and shelter, and to offer the Gospel message. Pray for the special people in this special region to be reminded of God’s love in all of these actions. Petition the Lord to remove the veil from their eyes and reveal to them the indescribable gift: Jesus Christ.


Tension continues to mount in the West Bank as Palestinians watch and wait for the hope of an independent homeland and Israeli security forces attempt to keep the peace. Clashes in recent weeks resulted in a number of arrests, including a Fatah intelligence officer. Four other men, members of terrorist group Hamas, may be deported from Jerusalem – a move that West Bank President Mahmoud Abbas says sets a “very dangerous precedent.” Pray for the Prince of Peace to maintain peace in this volatile region, restraining the many forces that are seeking to bring violence and destruction. Cry out for the Lord’s Kingdom to come,

His will be done in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Pray for the salvation of President Abbas. Ask the Lord to provide wisdom to the leaders of the West Bank and Israel as they engage in talks. Pray for an awakening of hearts among Palestinians and Jews. Ask for a multitude of West Bank residents to come to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Window International Network Cry out to the Lord on behalf of Window International Network. Ask Him to protect the staff from any and all schemes of the enemy that would divide, destroy, discourage, or defeat their efforts to serve His purposes. Pray for unity and for the Holy Spirit to guide them in accomplishing all that is in His heart. Petition the Lord to give them vision and discernment. Pray for their time and efforts to be invested wisely and be fruitful for the Kingdom of God. Ask for the Lord to anoint them, strengthen them, and give them the grace to be His instruments in bringing the Gospel to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people of the 10/40 Window. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Missions Network News

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August 2010

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 31

Altho Kur m ugh it for Apr il anbek Ba mally beg Kyrg y 2010, th kiyev was an when P e zstan f has b ethnic cle orced from resident a e en sim ns of This mer in ing now t fice in since nation ha a g kin for m Sovie independ s exper ien any y g place in ears. leade t Union. I ence from ced tur m r t o , s t il Ask he first Akay ev wa ar s dr iv from en p prote ower by st issue s ignited b s of p over t y cor ru ya p were tion. Elect nd c i and A onsidered ons r igge kayev d Presid ’s suc c e restor nt Bakiye essor, v e instit full confi , “failed to ution dence s.” in sta te Conc er n o ve r B of the ak r ights media and iyev’s repr e ousti and civil l attacks on ssion iber ti ng, b ut als es led human stand Disputes over housing and the arrival o i t (appr ng tension allowed fo o his of Uzbeks fleeing violence in Andijan, o r s ethni ximately 7 between longUzbekistan in 2005 finally erupted c K 0 popu Uzbeks (a % of the yrg yz into violence, leading to 2000 p lation p ) to b proximat opulation deaths thus far. Kyrgyz gangs have ely 15 ) oil ov er. % of t and been assaulting ethnic Uzbeks, he burning buildings, and brutally murdering the elderly, women, and children. 32 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

August 2010

PRAY FOR an immediate end to this demonically-inspired violence. Pray for the Lord to defend Uzbeks and provide them with a safe place of refuge. (The Bible, Psalm 9:9) Christian humanitarian groups to find favor with the government and meet the escalating and desperate needs of those who have fled their homes. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 10:18) the spirits of violence, slaughter, destruction, and genocide to be bound. Pray for the Lord to release His peace into this troubled nation, bringing forgiveness, healing and reconciliation between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz. (The Bible, Matthew 16:19; II Corinthians 5:18)

Spirit to comfort them, give them discernment, and empower them with boldness to bless the lost and share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Philippians 2:1-3; Ephesians 6:19) the Lord to raise up leaders in Kyrgyzstan who will serve the people with integrity. Pray for corruption, greed, and manipulation to be swept from the government. Invite the Lord to work at all levels of society, bringing His Kingdom to this nation with power. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21; I Corinthians 4:20)

tes stima ed e s n o c i d Nat ere displa e t i n this crisis to be used to bring a The U 0 people w at one 0 h great harvest of souls. Pray for 300,0 2010 by w ed as “an b multitudes of Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, e i r in Jun ency descr , slaughte and every other people group in ce ag news n of violen e total Kyrgyzstan to put their faith in o h i s explo truction.” T en from Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Believers to be reminded of the r iv es and d of those d e star t of (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4) Lord’s presence. Ask the Holy er th numb mes since ore than o m their h flict is now n the co 0. will be forgotten and alone in this 0 crisis,” one writes, “w ith no e c n e l 400,0 io one coming to our aid. People have v e h t ‘tasted blood’ with no g, w r itin w long the nows. consequences and will not stop the s i h t f k o killing.” As o ipated. H t, no one n a i s r s s a i a has d calm w ill l e humanit lly if aid Another believer adds: “Our heart e v i t a th n, especia rom h t relat r a f e e cry is that a [spiritual] harvest will is cl deep have fled But it uld easily o h come through this.” w se co cr isis t reach tho as o cr isis the does n mes. e h Sourced: International t o cr ibed hor ror of l s e their h d Rescue Committee, al tan the yrg yzs o imagine or ting a sm K n i Turkish World nic ble t y rep iever A Bel is impossi ews is onl n. It is eth y doing Outreach, Crosswalk. n It dl go dire: “ n here! The tually goin are repor te com, Assist News s io ac situat of what is cur ity force s. Service, BBC News ck n se h g por tio g.…” And op the atta u o th in st feel as we t cleans nothing to c i l f r that y con little o deadl are afraid s i h t e in aught r isoned. “W c s n a p ti Chr is ve been im a they h August 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 33

Southeast Asia Hymie: Hello, WindowKids!

These past months have been very exciting. We have explored Southeast Asia from Sri-Lanka all the way to Burma and have met many friends along the way. This month we are going to remember our friends and pray for the countries we have visited. I have a game to help us think about our friends from Southeast Asia. We’ll explore each country again, but this time leave out letters from certain words. You can fill in the missing letters to answer the questions.

34 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Do you remember when we met Dayani from Sri Lanka? She was telling us about the churches in her nation. Dayani told us Believers in Sri Lanka need prayer for s _ _ _ _ _ to meet in public. She also asked for people to pray for f _ _ _ and w _ _ _ _ for the members of local churches. Our next stop was Cambodia. In Cambodia we met our friend Rithisak. Rithisak is from S _ _ _ R_ _ _ , Cambodia. Rithisak told us a story about his brother and other children who have been hurt by l_ _ _ m _ _ _ _.

Š 2010 Window International Network

August 2010

Our last stop on the tour was Myanmar. It has a violent history. But our friend, Sai Thet, told us about some of the miracles going on in Myanmar. This nation used to be called B_ _ _ _. When the country changed its name, the capital city became R _ _ _ _ _ _. Myanmar is known for its beautiful buildings and also for children being forced to become s _ _ _ _ _ _ _. We need to pray for families who have had their children taken away.

August 2010

When we pray, God does miracles! Answers: 1.) Safety 2.) Food and Water 3.) Siem Reap 4.) Landmines 5.) Wayang Kulit 6.) Burma 7.) Rangoon 8.) Soldiers

Next, we went to Indonesia to visit Melati. Melati described some of Indonesia’s oldest traditions and told how Believers are using these traditions to tell the story of the Gospel. Do you remember the beautiful puppets called W _ _ _ _ _ K _ _ _ _ ? They have been a part of Indonesia’s culture for thousands of years, and for the first time these puppets are being used to tell about Jesus and His miracles!

Asia is home to some of the most beautiful countries in the entire world. We need to pray for our friends in these countries, as well as the lost and unreached – the people who have never heard about Jesus!

I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 35









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