The 10/40 Reporter December 2010

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December 2010 Edition


Crossroads of Humanity Vietnam: Communist Holdout Corruption: The Corroding Effect Praise Report Afghanistan: Crossroads of Humanity WindoWkids™ India Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation

Window International Network Board of Directors


December 2010 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:......................... Pastor Edward Smith President:.................. Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:................. Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:.................. Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:......... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:......... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:......... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:......... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:.....Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:........................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:............................................Leah Sahhar WindowKidsTM Contributer:.....................................Alysha Kageorgis Website Administrator:...............................................Bill Duggin Design/ Window International Network is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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December 2010

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : December 2010

Praise Report

4 Vietnam: Communist Holdout

6 Corruption: The Corroding Effect

8 10/40 WindoW Watchman



30 WindowKids™: India

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October 2010

Praise Report

“ We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”–The Bible, Psalm 75:1

Algeria Two Christian men were acquitted

of “eating during Ramadan” and “insulting Islam,” in October 2010. The men were arrested for having lunch during Ramadan (the Islamic month of fasting). They were reportedly taken into custody by police who realized the men were Christians. Praise the Lord for this verdict. Give thanks for all that He is doing to bring religious freedom to Algeria. Pray for the protection of Christian Believers and for Muslims in this nation to hear the Gospel and put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

TURKEY In October 2010, a

Iran The wife of an Iranian pastor, arrested

on June 8 and sentenced to life imprisonment on August 3, was set free in October 2010. Her husband, arrested in October 2009, remains in custody, reportedly sentenced to death for apostasy. Praise the Lord for the release of this woman, and continue in prayer for her husband as he faces the death penalty. Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christian Believers as they face fierce persecution.

The Lord’s name is very near, as the following praise reports testify.

court acquitted two Christian Believers of “insulting Turkishness.” The legal battle began four years ago when false witnesses accused the men of spreading their faith. The court acquitted them of these charges, but found them guilty of “collecting information on citizens,” and sentenced them to either seven months in prison or a $3170 fine. Give thanks to the Lord for the court’s decision to drop the charges against these men. Pray for Him to provide them with the funds they need to pay the fines. And continue to pray for greater openness to the Gospel in Turkey – for this

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case to be used to give people a hunger to know more about Jesus Christ.

India Three minors were

rescued from brothels in October 2010 by a ministry that specializes in helping girls escape prostitution. “Human sex trafficking is big business here,” one news source reported, “and is connected with many other rackets operating in other parts of the country.” Thank the Lord for saving these girls. Pray for their emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Intercede on behalf of the countless other victims of human trafficking and ask the Lord to bring a swift end to this destructive crime. Sourced: Compass Direct, Open Doors

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

HELP... The Final Frontier!


magine the scene – two armies locked in mortal combat, the victory hinging on whether or not one man could keep his hands lifted toward God. And because he was merely human, Moses couldn’t keep his arms up. He grew tired. That might be a fitting picture for our situation here at Window International Network. The LORD has assigned us to a critical role in the spiritual war for the souls of men, women, and children in the final frontier of missions: the 10/40 Window. Yet we, like Moses, often grow weary, lacking the strength and resources to keep our arms in the air and win this most critical battle.

We need your help! Just as Aaron and Hur came alongside Moses, positioned him on a rock, and supported his hands so they were “steady until the going down of the sun,” so we need you to come

alongside us. Your prayers and financial support are crucial to this battle. Without them, the Light of the Gospel will not penetrate this dark region of the world and the enemy will take countless people to hell with him. With your donations and ongoing intercessions, we can stand firm in the fight and continue to see a tremendous, accelerating harvest of souls. By investing in Window International Network, you are investing in the work of the Kingdom of God in the 10/40 Window. As Dr. Victor Choudhrie once noted, “There is no provision [in the New Testament] for wasting money on land, property or court cases. … We have to break our money mindedness, socially and racially unjust, miserly and poverty tolerating ‘attitudes,’ before God can break into our lives. We must honor God by offering whatever precious possessions we have, then

watch our curses be broken, wealth multiply and our vats burst with new wine.” (The Bible, Proverbs 3:9,10; 10:22) Now is the time! We can finish the job. And we can see God break into not only our lives, but the lives of multitudes currently sitting in darkness in the 10/40 Window. We just need to break out of our worldly mindsets so that God can accomplish all that is in His heart. Join us today. Make a donation to Window International Network and to the Kingdom of God in the 10/40 Window. Become an Aaron or a Hur and come alongside as we battle for the hearts and minds of billions who have been blinded by the enemy. Invest in their eternal freedom… today.

donate to Window International > ToNetwork, go to www.WIN1040. com/donate.

“And so it was, when Moses held up his hands, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.” (The Bible, Exodus 17:11) December 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 5

Vietnam Communist Holdout

The official title of this nation makes clear the government’s political position: the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It is one of only six communist states remaining in the world today. Once part of China, it gained independence in 938 AD and became known as Vietnam (literally “south of Viet” – referring to its geographical location in relation to China). Like other communist regimes, the government of Vietnam goes to great lengths to control and manipulate its people. Dissent of any kind, including the practice of religion (which they consider a threatening act of treason), is dealt with swiftly and severely. In recent years, leaders have talked about reforms and even promised to institute change. But there has been little evidence of this. As one journalist noted, “Vietnam’s jailing of activists and arrests of bloggers contradicts the country’s commitment to human rights.” According to Open Doors, “significant religious ordinances” have been issued in the last few

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years, bringing greater freedom to the Church. Yet the regime “continues to monitor religious gatherings and interrogate church leaders, and churches must still register.” Christians in rural areas are reportedly more at risk than those in the cities. In recent months there has been an increase in attacks against house churches. Government-backed gangs have also destroyed church buildings and threatened pastors. And security forces have carried out raids on both churches and private homes. Despite this abuse and persecution, the Church in Vietnam is growing.

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

Government-backed gangs have also destroyed church buildings and threatened pastors. And security forces have carried out raids on both churches and private homes. One ministry reports that over the course of the past 14 years there has been a slow but steady opening, “giving a little space of religious freedom in the cities.” This has led to many requests for Bibles and discipleship materials. In March 2010, a Western evangelist met with over 500 pastors in Vietnam. It was believed to be the first time in 100 years that all the Vietnamese churches have come together – with “every single major and minor denomination in the country both registered and unregistered sending representatives.” The Lord is obviously at work in Vietnam. He has great plans for this nation and its people. And no physical, political, or spiritual barrier can keep the King of Glory from accomplishing His plans and purposes. SOURCED: Open Doors, Vietnam Ministries, Wikipedia, the Christian Post

December 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

PRAY for the government of Vietnam to make good on their promises for greater openness and freedom of religion. Pray for key leaders to encounter the living Christ and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1,2) the Lord to soften the hearts of the people of Vietnam. Pray for them to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4) Christian Believers to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit, comforted and encouraged, and to boldly continue worshipping the Lord and witnessing for Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19) the spiritual awakening currently underway to grow. Pray for the light of Jesus Christ to shine into every part of Vietnam and for multitudes to follow Him. (The Bible, I Peter 2:9) God’s Kingdom to come to Vietnam and spread throughout Southeast Asia. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10

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Š 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

“So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter.” The Bible, Isaiah 59:14 The problems facing the nations and people of the 10/40 Window are serious, complex, and involve lifethreatening issues such as terrorism and the deception of false religions. At their core, however, they all have one thing in common: they are spiritual in nature. As the Bible reminds us, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places“ (The Bible, Ephesians 6:12). In order to pray effectively against the forces at work in the 10/40 Window, we must focus our attention on the underlying, spiritual causes – one of which is corruption. Corruption involves dishonest practices and a willingness to break the law for personal gain. When it is at work in a society or culture, it has a corroding effect.

praY fOr

the Lord to give you His heart for the 10/40 Window or renew your passion to intercede for these nations. (The Bible, Colossians 4:2) the leaders of 10/40 Window governments to hear and respond to

December 2010

Like yeast in dough, corruption can work its way into governments and nations, contaminating everything it touches. Greed is often a contributing factor or motivator, and the result is oppression and poverty.

Corrupt leaders are consumed with a desire to gain power and money, and are often willing to steal, embezzle, and engage in illegal activities in order to reach their goals. Corrupt leaders are consumed with a desire to gain power and money, and are often willing to steal, embezzle, and engage in illegal activities in order to reach their goals. This behavior is one of the principle evidences of satan’s work (The Bible, John 10:10) and serves

the Gospel, putting their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:4) the precious people of these nations to be set free from the oppression of corruption, terrorism and false religions. (The Bible, Isaiah 61:1) the Lord to provide solutions to the

© 2010 Window International Network

to strengthen the enemy’s grip on these nations. Ridding the 10/40 Window of corruption means much more than simply eliminating these selfish ambitions, attitudes and actions. It requires the transformation of minds and hearts that only the introduction of the Kingdom of God can bring. Lasting change comes when men and women encounter Jesus Christ and bow to His Lordship. Bringing an end to corruption is part of an ongoing spiritual battle. It requires intercessors who will give God no rest until His Kingdom rules and reigns in the nations (The Bible, Isaiah 62:6,7). This war is fought by faithful prayer warriors who share the Lord’s heart for the 10/40 Window. Have you joined the fight? Sourced: Praying Through The Window 9 Revised

complicated challenges of poverty and political conflict. (The Bible, Proverbs 29:13) the Kingdom of God to come in great power to all the nations, cultures, languages, and people groups of the 10/40 Window. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 9


ingdom K e h y t on iciall f f o d nati , n n i a a l r s i h an Ba is the ain, is t r I h a . ulf of B sian G r tates. e s P b a e r A in th f the o t s e s small ain ha r h a B st ent of errori t m n r d e e v t o iga The g invest d n ave a ved aws h l s obser t i many but g , n s i e t i u t i c activ prose m o r f it kept cts. suspe ’s ahrain B f o jority a e m t s m. Th i l s u The va am is M l s s i I n o t a ati tes th a popul t s hari’a n S o i d t n u it n a Const eligio r l . a i ffic f law o e c the o ur ief so h c a is

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Š 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

Prayer Points

Bahrain, Arabian Peninsula ÌÌ Population: 738,004 bin Isa al-Khalifa ÌÌ Political Leader: King Hamad ÌÌ Christianity: 2.8% ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Shia Islam ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 47th ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 1 ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 18

ÌÌ Casualties: 13 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 43% Not Ranked ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty:

Pray for the government of Bahrain to strengthen its stand against terrorism. Pray for suspects to be brought to justice swiftly. (The Bible, Proverbs 2:6; Isaiah 51:5 Sunni Muslims are the ruling minority. The much poorer Shia Muslims make up the majority. Pray for these two groups to turn away from the lies of the enemy and toward the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for Shari’a law to be abolished. Pray for God’s grace to freely flow through Bahrain and for His Kingdom to come in power. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 32:34) Bahrain has the largest Arab Christian community in the Gulf States. Most are from other countries. Pray for Christians to be creative in sharing God’s love. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give them boldness and discernment in witnessing to Muslims. (The Bible, I Corinthians 15:58)


Though evangelism is not officially permitted, Christians have found many opportunities for “tactful witnessing” in recent years. A Christian bookstore in Bahrain reports surprisingly high annual sales figures. The Muslim population seems not only curious about God, but hungry for Him. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, BBC, The World Factbook December 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

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P O I N T S December 2010


According to one source, there were 106 incidents of persecution in India in the past six months – and 37 of these took place in Karnataka state. Christian Brothers and Sisters in India are asking for prayer for religious harmony to prevail and for the Church to continue to serve the nation. Come into agreement with the Christian Believers of Karnataka and all of India. Petition the Lord to protect them as they seek to know and serve Him, and ask Him to establish true and lasting peace in the hearts of the people. Pray for the Gospel to be made known to every one of the more than 2,500 people groups. Ask the Lord to strengthen His Church and use it to bring glory to His name in India.


Mauritania is among 30 African nations that have seen a decline in human rights. One watch group reports that the nation is among the very worst. The cause has been described as a “leadership deficiency.” Pray for the Lord to raise up men and women who will serve the people of Mauritania with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Ask Him to root out corruption and greed, and be a Champion for those without a 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

voice. Pray for Christian Believers to stand firm in the faith and share the Gospel boldly. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Mauritania as it is in heaven.


With South Sudan preparing to vote on a referendum on seceding from North Sudan (January 2011), members of the government now fear the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA – a violent rebel group based in Uganda) could destabilize the region. Some believe the LRA might even start another civil war between North and South Sudan. Pray for an end to the LRA and their brutal assaults on the people of this region. Ask the Lord to maintain peace between North and South Sudan and bring about a fair vote in the upcoming referendum. Pray for His will to be done and His Kingdom to come to Sudan.


Officials disqualified approximately 10% of the votes from the recent parliamentary elections in Afghanistan. As of this writing, some poling stations still have not finished counting votes and others have yet to be checked for fraud. They also found that some citizens

were denied the right to vote, there were many “logistical failures” during the election, and ballotbox stuffing and bribery may have tainted the vote. Pray for the Lord to raise up honest men and women to lead Afghanistan. Petition Him to accomplish His plans and purposes for this nation. Pray for peace and for the safety of the people, as well as the Allied forces seeking to help them. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be evidenced in Afghanistan with great power, signs and wonders.


The threat from “external aggression that stirs up sectarian violence” remains high, according to Kuwait’s Ministry of the Interior. “The unity of the people is under attack, and we must do what we can to ensure the safety of the citizens.” Praise the Lord for the government’s desire to protect the people of Kuwait. Pray for their efforts to be successful. Ask the Lord to confuse and defeat those groups who are attempting to stir up division, conflict, and fear. Pray for the unity, peace, and love of the Church to be evidenced throughout Kuwait and for multitudes to hear and receive the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation and for God’s Kingdom to come with power.

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010


The nation of Bangladesh has been chosen as the site for a new anti-terrorism training center for South Asia. Experts from the West will train security forces using 1.5 million Euro that has been dedicated to the project. “We have chosen Bangladesh,” an EU representative said, because of “its strong commitment to eliminate all sorts of terrorism.” Give thanks to the Lord for the way He is moving in Bangladesh. Praise Him for the government’s firm stance against terrorism and for this new training center. Pray for the center to be effective in countering the threat of al-Qaeda and other extremist groups operating in this region. Ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit on Bangladesh and for the people to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Japan issued a security alert in October because of an alleged terrorist plot targeting foreigners in Europe. The government warned citizens to exercise caution in travel and to be especially careful in public places and at tourist attractions. Thank the Lord for the information that allowed Japan and other nations to counteract this threat. Thank Him for the Japanese government’s attempts to protect its people. Pray for this and every other plot formed by terrorists to fail. Pray for the safety of the Japanese and all 10/40 Window nations. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Japan in power, with signs and wonders. December 2010


A new program aimed at stopping terrorism in West Africa is calling for more intelligence gathering, greater cooperation between security forces, a crackdown on organized crime and a special effort to defend against kidnappings. Experts estimate al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has between 400 and 800 operatives and is growing in both resources and networking abilities. Praise the Lord for this new program and pray for its effectiveness. Pray for the Lord to rise up against AQIM and bring about their utter defeat. Petition Him to give authorities wisdom in dealing with the wicked schemes being plotted in West Africa. Pray for the safety of the people of Guinea-Bissau and for them to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Intercede for their freedom from fear, Islam, and animism. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea-Bissau as it is in heaven.


In meetings with India’s president, Jigme Wangchuck of Bhutan agreed that while terrorism is being used to destroy and create an atmosphere of fear, there is reason for hope. In their discussions, the two leaders pledged to “ensure that our capabilities to combat terrorism remain a step ahead of those of the terrorists.” Wangchuck stated that there is a bright future ahead for both Bhutan and India. Pray for this to become a reality as these governments continue to seek ways to defeat terrorists. Ask the Lord to give them

© 2010 Window International Network

specific strategies for countering and ending the violence being carried out by extremist groups. Pray for the people of Bhutan to look to the Lord to be their refuge and strength against this ongoing threat. Ask for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


One of the most wanted terrorists in Saudi Arabia turned himself into officials in October 2010. Authorities say this is another victory in their ongoing program to capture Saudi terrorists. “The Interior Ministry asks Saudi terrorists living outside to return to their country and turn themselves in,” one official said. In return, they are promised fair treatment. Praise the Lord for the capture of this dangerous member of al-Qaeda and pray for the program to continue to yield results. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of terrorists, leading them from the demonic desire to destroy toward the peace found only in relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of Saudi Arabia to hear the Gospel and for the Holy Spirit to move in drawing them out from Islam and into the Kingdom of God.


Guinea is part of a coalition seeking to defend against and defeat al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Leaders believe cooperation between nations in West Africa is essential in this battle. Thank God for this strategy and pray for it to be highly effective in countering AQIM. Ask the Lord to give the government of Guinea vigilance in combating this The 10/40 Window Reporter | 13

(Guinea continued)

threat. Pray for greater cooperation between nations and for members of al-Qaeda to become discouraged and give up their plans to cause fear and destruction. Ask the Lord to spread the Gospel throughout Guinea and to bring a multitude of people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In October 2010, Thai military forces joined Chinese forces for l5 days of anti-terrorism drills. The groups shared information, strategies, and techniques, and also conducted exercises in shooting, climbing, and tactical countermeasures. Praise the Lord for this concentrated time of training and for the way the Thai and Chinese governments are targeting terrorism. Pray for this focus to continue and grow, effectively protecting the people of these nations, as well as bringing an end to extremist groups in Asia. Ask the Lord to pour His Spirit out on Thailand, drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to move in power and bring His Kingdom with righteousness, peace, and joy.


Growing tension in Niger’s transitional, junta (military) government led to a coup attempt in October 2010. The government stopped a plan by four military leaders intended to overthrow the leadership. The current junta took power in February 2010 after President Tandja changed the constitution to enable him to stay in office for 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

three more years. Pray for peace to be maintained in Niger and for the leadership to make good on their promises to transition toward democracy. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will govern with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Intercede for the people of Niger, inviting the Lord to pour His Spirit out on this nation and draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Some observers believe Kyrgyzstan is on the verge of a political revolution. With members of the newly elected party advocating a return to a presidential form of government (rather than a parliamentary form), many citizens are expressing their disagreement. Discontent is said to be growing. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in Kyrgyzstan, revealing Himself to the people and showing them that they cannot find hope or fulfillment in manmade institutions, but only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout this nation and ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Kyrgyzstan in power, with marvelous signs and wonders.


In October 2010, Iranian officials “called on the world’s legal organizations to launch an intensive campaign against money laundering, terrorism, and drug smuggling.” This comes as a surprise since Iran is a supporter of terrorism (especially against Israel

and in Iraq) and has also been supplying “bags of money” to Afghanistan (which some believe is being used to pay the Taliban to kill Allied troops). Pray for the Lord to reveal the true motives behind Iran’s words and actions. Ask Him to reveal Himself to the leaders of this nation and to continue to bring a great awakening to the people as they hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move throughout Iran and for God’s Kingdom to come in righteousness, peace, and joy.


Burkina Faso is part of a coalition of African nations that will be boosting counter-terrorism efforts in the coming months. The key, government leaders believe, is cooperation against groups like al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). “Nobody can combat terrorism alone,” one official said. “Without regional cooperation… we won’t be successful.” Pray for the success of these efforts and for the Lord to give the government of Burkina Faso and other West African and North African nations wisdom and strategies for defending against and defeating AQIM. Petition the Lord to protect the people of Burkina Faso and to use the fight against terrorism to turn their hearts to the One who destroyed the works of the enemy: Jesus Christ. Pray for a tremendous harvest of souls in this nation.


Anti-terrorism experts met in Mali in October 2010 to discuss ways

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

to protect the lives of the people in West and North Africa, as well as combat the threat posed by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Pray for these efforts to prove effective in countering the plans of AQIM. Plead with the Lord for the safety of the people of Mali, as well as for members of terrorist groups operating in this nation to encounter the Living Christ. Pray for a dynamic move of the Holy Spirit in Mali and for many to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Azerbaijan is working with Western nations in the fight against terrorism and money laundering. This cooperation is considered essential in order to combat these threats and bring an end to terrorism in Southwest Asia. Pray for continued and growing cooperation in this ongoing battle. Pray for the Lord to give the government of Azerbaijan insight and discernment in rooting out money laundering and in stopping terrorism in and around their nation. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in Azerbaijan, spreading the Gospel and drawing men, women and children into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In August 2010, Benin’s President Yayi Boni was linked to a financial scandal that reportedly robbed an estimated 70,000 people of about $180 million. Fraud victims began protesting, chanting “enough is enough,” and calling for President Boni to be impeached. Pray for an end to corruption at all levels in this small but troubled African nation. Bind the spirits of manipulation, control, and greed, and loose freedom, integrity, and generosity. Invite the Lord to move in Benin, spreading the Gospel throughout this nation, tearing down strongholds of voodoo, and bringing His Kingdom with great power. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.


In September 2010, Muslim extremists assaulted a police headquarters in western Indonesia, “riddling officers’ bodies with bullets.” Experts say this signals a change in the tactics of terrorists. Once focused on attacking Westerners and Western hotels, they are now targeting the


Indonesian government. Pray for the Lord to strike this new and deadly movement, bring it into confusion, and defeat it before it can launch more acts of violence. Ask the Lord to give the government of Indonesia wisdom and strategies in defending against and defeating terrorists. Pray for the people of this Muslim nation to see the lies and deceptions of Islam in the work of these militants and repent – putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In September 2010, the government of Laos once again agreed with its neighbors that “there is a need to combat terrorism, organized crime, and drug trafficking in South East Asia.” Laos is committed to working with India and Cambodia to fight these threats and believes international cooperation is one of the most potent weapons in this battle. Praise the Lord for this stand against terrorism, crime and drugs. Pray for the government of Laos to make good on this commitment and dedicate the funds and tools necessary to keep their nation safe and secure. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Laos,

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(Laos continued)

even among the members of the Communist regime. Invite Him to move in the hearts of leaders, as well as in the citizens, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in Laos as it is in heaven.


The Polisario Front (a group that has been fighting for the independence of Western Sahara for almost 40 years) is now reportedly joining forces with al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to carry out acts of terror. “What al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb has done in the last two years is actually to recruit… Saharawis who are trained fighters to carry out their operations.” Pray for an immediate end to this alliance. Ask the Lord to intervene and protect the Saharawis, opening the door for them to return to their homeland. Pray for the Gospel to be made known in the Algerian camps where many Saharawi are struggling to survive. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls.


Egyptian scholars took part in a huge conference in October 2010, examining the need for greater unity among Islamic nations. They also discussed the current “cultural invasion which aims at introducing Islam to the world as a religion of violence and terrorism.” Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of these men, revealing to them the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for a spiritual revolution in Egypt in which people 16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

turn from false religion and put their faith in Christ. Invite the Lord to bring His Kingdom in Egypt as it is on heaven.


Members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan were killed in October 2010 by Tajik military forces. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which began in 1996, “wants all secular governments in Central Asia to be toppled in order to become Islamic states.” Pray for this organization to be brought into confusion, defeated, and for their members to disband and flee the region. Ask the Lord to give the government of Uzbekistan wisdom and direction in dealing with this threat. Pray for the Gospel to spread rapidly throughout Central Asia and for the people of Uzbekistan to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of the United Arab Emirates is stepping up efforts to battle money laundering and other forms of terrorism financing. Cooperation between international agencies, closing up loopholes in the legal system, and greater enforcement of anti-laundering laws are among the goals. Praise the Lord for this effort. Pray for its success. Ask the Lord to bring a swift end to the financing that supports terrorism. Pray for it to be cut off and for extremists groups to wither and die because of a lack of funds. Petition the Lord to work in the hearts of the people of the United Arab Emirates, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.



Officials in India have accused the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of Nepal of training hundreds of Maoists to carry out terrorist attacks in India. The chairman of Nepal’s Unified Maoists Party claims this is a lie intended to “disrupt the peace process” currently underway in Nepal. Pray for the Lord to expose the true motives of these groups and also expose any and all terrorists operating and training in Nepal. Pray for peace to prevail in this region and for the Lord to raise up leaders who will seek Him and serve Him with integrity. Plead for a great harvest of souls in Nepal and for the Kingdom of God to come in power.

With a music video “praising Osama bin Laden,” Muslim charities actively working to proselytize, and women in some cities now wearing the niqab (fullbody covering that exposes only their eyes), many fear Albania may be falling further under the control of Islam. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lift up a standard against this enemy flood (The Bible, Isaiah 59:19). Intercede for the hearts of the Albanian people, that they will be set free from the lies of atheism and Islam, and drawn to the truth of Jesus Christ. Plead for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation in great power, with miraculous signs and wonders.

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

(Albania continued)


A new human rights report says Moroccan authorities have “instituted a pattern of abuse under the country’s anti-terrorism law, notably by way of detentions carried out by the intelligence service.” Many “suspects” are reportedly held without being charged and are treated poorly or even tortured. Pray for an end to this abuse of the law. Ask the Lord to bring justice in this situation and raise up leaders who will both seek to fight terrorism and uphold basic human rights. Pray for the Light of Christ to shine brightly in this very dark, Muslim nation. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Morocco.


A recent report charges Iraqi security forces with mistreating prisoners in their detention centers. Torture is allegedly a common and tolerated practice in these facilities. Pray for the Lord to bring order to the chaos in this nation. Pray for physical and spiritual peace. Ask the Prince of Peace to arise and do battle for the people of this war-weary land.

Plead for an end to abuse and for leaders to be firm in their stand against terrorism, but fair and just in the treatment of prisoners. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Iraq during this opendoor season and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Sri Lanka has indicted 1,000 former members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) on terrorism charges. The LTTE was defeated in 2010 after almost three decades of civil war. Pray for these trials to be fair, just and to bring healing to the nation. Ask the Lord to pour out His peace on Sri Lanka. Pray for repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation between people groups and for the Gospel to reach each one of them. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Sri Lanka.


In October 2010, the Israeli army was preparing to withdraw from security operations in the West Bank. Plans

had been drawn up to turn over control to the Palestinian National Authority. Pray for this negotiation process to be carried out with honesty and integrity, and result in greater peace in the region. Pray for the protection of the people of Israel as they continue to struggle with threats from enemies on all sides. Ask the Lord of Hosts to protect this nation and to bless them and guide them. Pray for hearts to be open to the Gospel and for many Israelis to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Despite their limited resources (Tajikistan is one of the poorest nations in Central Asia), the government of Tajikistan is joining an international strategy to fight terrorism and extremism. President Rakhmon also stated in October 2010 that he will support Afghanistan as it seeks to establish peace and stability in the region. Praise the Lord for this commitment. Pray for President Rakhmon and the government of Tajikistan to make good on these promises. Petition the Lord to work in their hearts, and in the hearts of all the people, leading them out from the bondage of Islam and into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

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18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

Day 17


The Bank of China is being sued for supporting terrorism. The lawsuit accuses the bank of allowing funds to be used by members of the Islamic Jihad to carry out deadly bombings. Pray for the government of China and the nation’s business leaders to be wise in the way they invest and lend money. Pray for the Lord to expose schemes to finance terrorism and for these to be shut down quickly. Pray for the people of China to be protected from terrorism and for groups operating in this nation and using it to launder money to be exposed and defeated. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout China and for the current spiritual awakening to grow and continue with multitudes putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In October 2010, the government of Djibouti began meetings with the government of Yemen aimed at combating terrorism and piracy. The two nations plan to share training, exchange information, and engage in greater cooperation in the coming months. Praise the Lord for this answer to prayer. Pray for the Lord to use this to bring swift defeat to extremist groups operating in and around Djibouti. Ask for Him to pour His Spirit out on this land, turning hearts from terrorism and allegiance to satan, toward a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Djibouti as it is in heaven.

December 2010


The government of Yemen is “hunting about 400 al-Qaeda suspects, including Yemenis and Saudis.” Recent anti-terrorism operations have proven successful, the situation is now considered stable, and a massive “combing” operation has been launched to track down militants hiding in the mountains. Praise the Lord for bringing this nation back from the brink of chaos. Pray for these efforts to succeed and for the terrorists to be found and apprehended. Plead with the Lord to protect the people of Yemen. Pray for them – as well as the terrorists – to encounter the Gospel and the saving power of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to this nation.


The government of Vietnam is continuing to use anti-terrorism as an excuse for abusing human rights. In October 2010, for example, they charged a woman with terrorism after she took part in a prodemocracy demonstration. Under this alleged violation of the law, she could be sentenced to between 12 and 20 years in prison – or even face capital punishment. Pray for an end to the manipulation and control exhibited by the Vietnamese government. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve the people with compassion and integrity. Pray for a great awakening in this dark land as the Gospel goes forth. Petition the Lord for multitudes of souls to come to Jesus Christ.

© 2010 Window International Network


Taiwan and China have agreed to hold the 6th round of high-level talks in December 2010. The meetings will include discussions of trade and security issues. “Despite disputes over Taiwan’s sovereignty, the two sides have opened direct air, sea, tourism and postal links, and agreed to put aside political differences to seek economic integration.” Praise the Lord for establishing peace between these formerly feuding nations. Pray for it to continue and to grow into a relationship that blesses the people of both Taiwan and China. Ask the Lord to use Christian Believers in Taiwan to spread the Gospel throughout the island. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Twenty-three Shiites were charged with terrorism in Bahrain in October 2010. Hundreds of other Shiites have also been arrested and detained by the Sunni government. Although the majority of the population in Bahrain is Shiite, they continue to face discrimination. Pray for peace between these groups and for all Muslims in Bahrain to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Ask the Lord to prepare their hearts to receive the Word of God and for many to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Bahrain and spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 19

(Bahrain continued)

Day 20


The government of Brunei has agreed to host the next Asian Defense Ministers’ Meeting, scheduled to be held in 2013. The subject of this meeting, as well as many leading up to it, will be strategic cooperation to ensure the peace and stability of Southeast Asia. Praise the Lord for this development and for Brunei’s dedication to fight terrorism. Pray for true cooperation between nations and leaders, and for this to be very effective in combating terrorism. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in Brunei, drawing men, women and children into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Southeast Asia with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


The Hezbollah (Lebanese terrorist organization) is a constant, ongoing threat to stability in the Middle East, according to those involved in peace negotiations. Ending the conflict in this region will take more than words or signed documents, they emphasize. It will require countering Hezbollah’s arms buildup. Pray for an immediate end to the Hezbollah. Ask the Lord to invade this organization and lead its members out from the darkness of terrorism and into the light of Christ. Pray for the people and government of Lebanon to refuse to support Hezbollah. Petition the Lord for true and lasting peace in this region as hearts encounter Christ and put their faith in Him. December 2010


Observers say the nation of Qatar has made significant progress in the last two years in its fight against money laundering and terrorism. The government has cooperated with international organizations in seeking new ways to stop these practices. Praise the Lord for this answer to prayer. Pray for Qatar to remain vigilant in bringing an end to terrorism and terrorism funding. Ask the Lord to discourage extremist groups and cause them to lose heart in their efforts to cause fear and death. Pray for the people of Qatar to see the hand of the Lord working and call on His Name. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Qatar.


International watchdog groups have accused Turkmenistan of human rights violations. While the government claims these accusations are untrue, they have withdrawn from various meetings and summits dealing with human rights. “The Turkmen government is keen to suppress any expression of dissent at home or abroad from its citizens,” one journalist noted. Pray for the leaders of Turkmenistan to respect human rights and govern the nation with integrity and justice. Ask the Lord to intervene on behalf of the people, raising up godly men and woman to serve in government. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be announced throughout Turkmenistan and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

© 2010 Window International Network


In October 2010, one of Ethiopia’s top security official was arrested by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. The official was apprehended after attempting to coerce a woman into bribery by accusing her of terrorism. Pray for the corruption in Ethiopia’s government and military to be rooted out and for leaders to rule with integrity. Ask the Lord to strengthen Christian Believers in this nation and give them boldness to witness to the power and glory of Jesus Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls and for Ethiopia to become a light to the rest of East Africa.


With the first general elections in 20 years scheduled for November, dictator General Than Shwe has not only forced all cabinet members in his junta to resign from the army, but has disbanded political parties and made them ineligible to take part in the voting. This has caused many observers to predict a rigged election. “I would just say that it’s another discouraging sign,” an international leader said, “that elections will be anything but democratic.” Pray for fair and open elections. Petition the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve the people with integrity. Pray for peace in this troubled nation and for the people to be set free from the oppression of the military government. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on Myanmar, softening hearts, opening minds, and drawing many into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 21

Islamic stronghold and for Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ.


The United Nations now estimates that nearly 1.5 million people have been affected by flooding in Central Africa since the start of the rainy season in June 2010. Hundreds have died, hundreds of thousands have been displaced, and the ongoing rains have caused the food crisis to grow worse. Water-borne diseases such as cholera have also killed thousands. Pray for the Lord to provide for those who have lost homes and comfort those who have lost loved ones. Ask Him to send Christian humanitarian aid groups to minister to those who are suffering, meeting their needs for food, clean water, shelter, medicine, and the Gospel. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Chad and move powerfully through Central Africa, drawing thousands, even millions into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In October 2010, the Algerian government vowed to wipe out terrorism. “The struggle against the last strongholds of terrorism will be continued with the same determination and will lead to the total disappearance of this plague in our country.” Pray for this promise to be kept and for the government of Algeria to continue to stand against terrorism. Ask the Lord to give leaders new and inventive ways for finding and capturing militants and extremists. Pray for the safety of the citizens of Algeria and intercede for their salvation. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel known in this 22 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Libya joined other North African nations in October 2010 to discuss ways to fight against terrorism – specifically against al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). By joining forces, they believe AQIM can be wiped out in a matter of a few months. Pray for the Lord to empower these leaders to accomplish this ambitious goal. Ask Him to speak to the hearts of Libyan leader Muammar alQadhafi, as well as leaders within the AQIM. Pray for their salvation. Plead with the Lord for the souls of the people of Libya. Pray for the Gospel to be broadcast throughout this nation and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In accessing the current threat of global terrorism, experts consider Malaysia a “safe haven” for extremists and militants, as well as a nation that has been “instrumental in funding and encouraging such activities.” Pray for the leaders of Malaysia to see and realize that terrorists are using their country to further their violent agendas. Pray for the government to take action against these groups, cutting off their financing and driving them from their region. Ask the Lord to make Malaysia an “unsafe haven” – a place terrorists avoid because of strict laws and enforcement. Plead for the people of

Malaysia to be kept safe and to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel message. Invite God’s Kingdom to this nation, as it is in heaven.


Despite its location and the fact that it is a Muslim nation, Oman is considered “peaceful and proWestern, without the spread of fundamentalism and terrorism.” Give thanks to the Lord for this and pray for Oman to be an example to the other nations of the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for the government of Oman to remain steadfast in their fight against terrorism and continue to stand against extremism. Ask the Lord to strengthen the expatriate Christian Believers and use them to spread the Gospel throughout the nation. Pray for a great harvest of souls and for the Lord to rule and reign in Oman.


In October 2010, Kazakhstan joined several other former Soviet nations in conducting anti-terrorism drills. The exercises were intended to increase cooperation as well as build stability in the region. Praise God for this determination to combat terrorism. Ask the Lord to provide leaders and military forces with wisdom as they seek to defend their countries against this threat. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Kazakhstan. Intercede for the souls of the people and pray for a great awakening as multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

Day 26


Seven men recently convicted of terror charges in Tunisia are believed to have been attempting to join al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) when they were apprehended. Praise the Lord for the capture of these men and pray for this to serve as a warning to AQIM, deterring them from further recruitment in the region. Ask the Lord to give Tunisian authorities wisdom in dealing with this group, and provide them with the resources they need to defeat terrorists operating in North Africa. Pray for the people of Tunisia to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and for their hearts to respond to the Lord’s invitation to life. Intercede on their behalf, asking Him to lead them out of the darkness of Islam, into the light of Christ. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Tunisia as it is in heaven.


Authorities now believe anti-government protesters (Red Shirts) arrested in Thailand were “trained in terrorism and assassination techniques in Cambodia.” Pray for the government of Cambodia to take action against this situation. Ask the Lord to expose training areas and bring confusion and defeat to the terrorist groups involved. Pray for the people of Cambodia to refuse to harbor and support militants and extremists. Petition the Lord to pour His Spirit out on this nation, transforming hearts and drawing people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. December 2010


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Western governments of supporting international terrorists. In a recent speech, Erdogan stated that “Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran have a common future” and “security of one country lies in the security of others….” Pray for the Lord to disrupt and scatter those who may be attempting to join forces in supporting terrorism. Ask the Lord of Hosts to arise and move powerfully in all of these nations – especially Turkey. Pray for Prime Minister Erdogan’s salvation. Intercede on behalf of the people of Turkey, asking for the Holy Spirit to soften their hearts and draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lords.


After sixteen years of dictatorship involving forced famines, gulag prison camps, and nuclear tests in defiance of UN sanctions, Kim Jong Il is transferring power to his youngest son, Kim Jong Eun. But instead of bringing change for the better, many observers fear the future could be even worse for the people of North Korea and its neighbors. Kim Jong Eun is believed to be the “moving force behind a new wave of aggressive actions by the North.” Pray for this troubled, spiritually and politically oppressed nation. Plead with the Lord for the hearts of the North Korean people. Ask Him to shine the light of Christ into this region and deliver those who have had their minds darkened

© 2010 Window International Network

by the god of this age. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to North Korea as it is in heaven.


Analysts are now warning that North Africa could soon be “overrun” by al-Qaeda, allowing the terror network to more easily and effectively launch attacks on the West and Europe. The alQaeda stronghold in this region, from which they are expanding, is Somalia. As one journalist noted, “Large swatches of Somalia are already under the control of al-Shabaab, a Somali al-Qaeda affiliate.” Pray for the Lord of Hosts to arise and do battle for this lawless nation – and the rest of North Africa now at risk of being conquered. Ask Him to bring an immediate end to al-Shabaab and al-Qaeda. Pray for Somalia to no longer be a headquarters and training ground for these groups. Petition the Lord to protect the people of Somalia from the violence, intimidation, and the influence of these groups. Intercede for the political and spiritual freedom of Somalia. Pray for the salvation of key leaders in the terrorist groups and government, as well as for a great awakening among Somalis as they hear the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The remote region of North Waziristan in the nation of Pakistan (on its border with Afghanistan) is considered to be the “epicenter of terrorism.” The 10/40 Window Reporter | 23

ELECTIONS Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people?

Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month: 3 Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. 3 Ask the Lord Himself to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice. 3 Pray for an end to corruption and graft. 3 Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.

December 5 – Egypt (parliamentary) January 9 – Sudan (referendum)

“...[The LORD] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.“ (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)

(Pakistan continued)

Western nations are urging the government of Pakistan to launch an offensive into this area, saying it could be the key to winning the war in Afghanistan. Pray for the terrorists hiding, training, and recruiting in North Waziristan to be flushed out, defeated, and brought to justice. Ask the Lord to bring an immediate end to the evil being plotted there and to transform it from a breeding ground for hatred and violence, into a place of peace – where the Kingdom of God is revealed in power. Intercede for the impoverished, uneducated families living in North Waziristan. Pray for their children to be protected from militants and extremists who are trying to lure them into committing acts of intimidation. Plead with the Lord for the nation of Pakistan and its precious people. Petition Him for an outpouring of His Spirit, for the people to have soft hearts to receive the Gospel message, and for a tremendous harvest of souls.


The House of Representatives asked the attorney-general of Nigeria, along with the minister of justice and several security chiefs to take part in discussions about a newly proposed anti-terrorism bill. The House wants to expand the bill to include kidnapping, abduction, and hijacking, all of which are serious problems in this region. Pray for the Lord to give these leaders wisdom as they attempt to combat the threats against Nigeria. Pray for them to consider the safety of the people above their own selfish desires and agendas. Ask the December 2010

Lord to root out corruption in this nation and raise up leaders who will serve in humility and integrity. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Nigeria – for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout the land and for men, women, and children from every people group, tribe and language to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Maldives has been called an “important South Asia democratic success story” because in a single generation, it went from reporting the lowest to the highest per capita income in the region. A new constitution was drafted in 2004 and in 2008 the first democratic elections were held, followed by a peaceful transition of power. Praise the Lord for blessing Maldives. Pray for the eyes of the people to see He is the giver of all good gifts. Ask the Lord to open the door for the Gospel to reach this closed, Islamic nation. Plead for Muslims in Maldives to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord – and for the Christian Believers to stand firm in the faith and be bold witnesses. Pray for a great harvest as the Kingdom of God comes in power.


According to a recent report, “Jordan’s firm stand against terrorism, sectarianism and chaos [has made it] an easy target to hostile groups, states and individuals.” The report noted that threats to Jordan’s stability come not only across international borders but also through satellite and internet. “Modern battles are

© 2010 Window International Network

fought through the media…” and “Jordan has been on the receiving end of a vicious and hostile media campaign to tarnish its image and reputation.” Thank the Lord for the stand the government of Jordan has taken against terrorism. Pray for Him to help these leaders continue to combat this ongoing threat. Pray for greater cooperation between countries in the Middle East in the war against terrorism. Ask the Lord to pour His Spirit out on this mostly-Muslim nation, leading the people out from the darkness of Islam and into the light of Christ. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Jordan in righteousness, peace, and joy. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA Following the example of terrorist group, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has spread across West and North Africa, using drugs to fund their operations. A key part of this “vast array of connections” is the nation of Senegal. It is a main channel for the drug trade that reportedly helps finance both Hezbollah and AQIM. Pray for the leaders of Senegal to take action against this immoral and illegal operation. Ask the Lord to disrupt this network and bring an end to the flow of drugs, the flow of money, and the support of terrorism. Pray for the hearts of the drug smugglers and militants to be convicted by the Spirit of God and for them to repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the protection of the Senegalese people and for them to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Plead with the Lord for a tremendous harvest of souls in Senegal. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 25

(Senegal continued)


A new report from International Christian Concern says the persecution against Christians in Eritrea is growing more severe. In October 2010, 11 Christian Believers were arrested after the governor of the Southern Zone issued an order to crackdown on followers of Christ. It is estimated that the government has arrested more than three thousand Christians, detaining many of them under horrible conditions. Pray for these human rights abuses to end. Ask the Lord to speak to the hearts of the leaders of Eritrea. Pray for their salvation. Plead for those who are being held in dungeons and metal shipping containers. Ask the Lord to be present with them, encouraging and strengthening them. Pray for those who have had family members arrested and ask the Lord to comfort them. Petition the Lord for a great spiritual awakening in Eritrea that will result in multitudes of people putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Tibet is considered unique because, though occupied by the Chinese, the region has not seen major outbreaks of terrorism or insurgent violence. But that may change as tensions rise and the people of Tibet continue to seek independence. Pray for a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Ask the Lord to reveal His plans and purposes for the nation of Tibet. Pray for leaders to exercise patience and wisdom as they seek answers. 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Petition the Lord to spread the Gospel throughout this dark region, revealing the glory of Jesus Christ and setting free those held captive by Buddhism. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Tibet with signs, wonders, and powerful miracles.


Officials from Syria and Turkey met in October 2010 to pledge their cooperation in the fight against terrorism in the Middle East. Though they discussed ways to guard against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), no mention was made of the Syrian-supported Hezbollah. Pray for the leaders of Syria to do more than just talk about combating terrorism. Pray for them to take a stand against the Hezbollah and to stop financing and otherwise supporting extremist groups. Pray for the swelling revival in Syria to accelerate and grow, drawing men, women, and children out of Islam and into the truth and salvation of Jesus Christ.


After being suppressed by the Communist Party for decades, the people of Mongolia are reportedly reclaiming Buddhism as “an integral part of their national identity.” One religious scholar notes, “Now more people are coming to temples and visiting monasteries. There is also a new interest in meditation among the general public.” Pray for this resurgence of spiritual interest to be used by the Lord to lead people to the truth of Jesus Christ. Ask Him to show the people of Mongolia the futility of Buddhism and the life and salvation He is offering in the gift of

His only Son. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Mongolia as it is in heaven.


After the Bali bombings of 2002, threat alerts for East Timor were increased to the highest levels. Today, nearly a decade later, the level remains at three – “high degree of caution.” President Jose Ramos-Horta has objected to this, stating that his home city is safer than most western cities. Pray for the government of East Timor to remain vigilant in fighting terrorism. Ask the Lord to protect the people of this nation. Pray for leaders to use wisdom in providing security and gauging threats. Intercede for the people of East Timor. Petition the Lord to give Christian Believers boldness in sharing their faith and for the hearts of the lost to be open and ready to receive the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls in East Timor.


The minister of Foreign Affairs for the Gambia addressed the United Nations recently, expressing his concern that drug traffickers in West Africa are holding some nations hostage and providing support to terrorists. The minister asked the U.N. for help in combating terrorism and called for greater cooperation between countries. Pray for the Lord to give leaders in the Gambia wisdom, discernment and new strategies for stopping the flow of drugs,

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

money, and arms that contribute to terrorism. Pray for the safety of the people of the Gambia and for them to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Plead with the Lord for this nation. Petition Him for a great harvest of souls in the Gambia.


A Palestinian militant was killed in October 2010 near the Israeli border. He and another man were reportedly on a “jihadist mission” to attack Israel. The same day, five other Palestinians were arrested on suspicion of terrorism. Pray for the Lord to intervene in this volatile and deadly conflict. Ask Him to give both sides patience, wisdom, understanding, and a willingness to seek peace rather than violence. Pray for the Lord to comfort those who have lost loved ones in the ongoing war, providing for their needs and revealing to them His great love. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this region, drawing men, women and children of all people groups and religions

into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to rumors, the Palestinian Authority (PA) may be planning an attack against Israel. Members of Israel’s military are training and preparing for this possibility, hoping it won’t become a reality. But some fear the PA security forces may transform into a military enemy. Pray for the Prince of Peace to rule and reign in this area, keeping terrorists and militants from carrying out acts of violence. Pray for the hearts of the PA members, as well as the rest of the residents of the West Bank to be softened and ready to receive the Gospel. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this region, bringing lasting peace which results from faith in Jesus Christ.

Window International Network Intercede on behalf of the staff of Window International Network, asking the Lord to enable them

to be self-controlled and alert, resisting the enemy’s efforts to discourage and distract them. Pray for them to stand firm in the faith, enduring every trial, casting their cares on the Lord. Petition the Lord to anoint them with His Spirit, empowering them to be strong and to keep praying on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests for the people and nations of the 10/40 Window. Pray for the peace of God to rest on the WIN office and staff, and for their service to the Lord to result in a great harvest of souls. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Koinonia House

Packed with country Profiles and prayer is the inspiration, this

essential guide to greater awareness and targeted

intercession for the millions of peop le living in the 10/40 Window .

Cooking outside is a necessity in some nations, a tradition in others. In the West, families enjoy barbecuing in the summer months – grilling food in their yard. But like all types of cooking, this requires fuel. If there is nothing to sustain a flame, the meat or vegetables cannot be properly prepared. In some ways this illustrates our situation here at Window International Network. Through prayer and training, we are seeking a great harvest of souls in the nations of the 10/40 Window – perhaps the greatest in all of history. But we cannot do this without fuel. In this case: your financial support.

2 Timothy 1:6-7

Will you help us sustain the flame? Will you pray faithfully and support us regularly with your gifts and donations? Working together, we will see the fire rise as revival sweeps through the 10/40 Window. To partner with us, go to and donate online. You can also order a prayer calendar and begin the awesome privilege of standing in the gap for the final frontier of missions.

December 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

The nation presently known as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has been a crossroads of humanity since ancient times. Located at the intersection of the East, South Asia, and the Middle East, it has been a perpetual warzone. The armies of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Muslim Arabs are among the many groups who have conquered this region. The Afghans (Pushtun tribes) finally gained control in the 18th century and have endured numerous invasions and conflicts. Afghanistan has experienced a nearly-constant state of war since 1979. Today, this nation is the focal point in the war on terrorism. Home to the Taliban (Pashto for “students”), a powerful group of Islamic extremists, its opium crop and resulting illegal drug trade also provide funding for al-Qaeda and other international jihadists.

s d a o r Cross nity a m u H of 30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

The only church building in Afghanistan was bulldozed to the ground in 1973. “The day the church was razed,” one source reports, “the four-decade-long monarchy was toppled in a coup. Chaos has reigned [since then]. Afghanistan is plagued with violence, unrest and despair. It is a land of warlords, hunger, suffering, oppression, illness, addiction, destruction and grief.”

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

great hanistan face fg A in rs ve ie ding Christian Bel t they are stan ye , n o ti u ec rs pe d seeing the opposition and g their faith, an in ar sh , rd o L uence of firm in the continued infl e th f o e it sp “In nderground Church grow. try says, “an u is in m e n o ,” war-torn the Taliban t is grow ing in en em ov m n ia Christ Afghanistan.” t is w idespread nt governmen se re p e th in drive out Corruption estern forces to W y b ts p m te and at have yet to d restore order an an ib al T e th crossroads, n is not only a ta is an h fg A . d appens succee roads. What h ss o cr a ed h ac but has re ks, months this strategically-locate the coming wee in n io d nation to be used by Go f at o n le is p o in th pe e th d ot only as the epicenter of a gre n ct pa im ill w at ha rve st of so uls and years in the rld. East, South Asia, and the t the entire wo Middle East. (The Bible, I this region, bu Corinthians 4:20) ty, er ib L s u io ig el el News, R SOURCED: Jo an end to the oppress ion, intimidation, and law Christian Aid lessness of the Taliban. Pray for the Lord to infiltrate the ranks of this terrorist group – and every other group, includ ing al-Qaeda, operating in Af ghanistan. Ask Him to dra w leaders into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savio r and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 12:5)

Christian Believers to remain strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Pr ay for the Lord to uphold them, empower them, an d give them courage as the y face persecution. Petition the Lord to strengthen His Church. (The Bible, Ephe sians 6:10) the Lord to drive corru ption out of the governm ent. Ask Him to raise up leade rs who will rule with humi lity, integrity, and righteousn ess. (The Bible, Daniel 2:2 1) the Kingdom of God to come to this final frontier of missions, toppling the str onghold of Islam and exalt ing the Lord Jesus Christ. (Th e Bible, Psalm 18:46)

December 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 31

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (The Bible, Job 1:21) Job learned a tough lesson about how fragile life really is. All that he had and held dear was taken from him in the blink of an eye. David echoed this, poetically likening our days on earth to a flower in the field. “For the wind passes over it,” David wrote, “and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more” (The Bible, Psalm 103:15,16). In the New Testament, James expressed the same truth this way: “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (The Bible, James 4:14). The message is simple: Life is short, death is real. For those who have discovered life’s purpose – to know and worship God – there remains the issue of responsibility. How are we expected to use and invest our time, energy, abilities, and resources? K.P. Yohannan once asked a telling question: Where will all of your possessions be in 100 years? Once you have passed from the scene, what will be left behind? What mark is your life making? Will anything you are doing today endure beyond your lifetime? When your days on earth are finished, your bank account will 32 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

be dispersed to someone else. Your clothing – no matter how stylish– will ultimately be thrown out. Your car will eventually be hauled to the junkyard or taken apart to sell for scrap. Your well-kept, tastefully decorated home will one day fall into disrepair and probably be razed.

That’s life! Unless you live for eternity. Living for eternity means doing, going, serving, and giving to the work of the Kingdom. Only God’s Kingdom will endure. If you have accepted the free gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus, you will live forever in heaven. And if you invest yourself in God’s Kingdom now, seeking and saving the lost, others will join you.

© 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

As Job put it, you come into the world with nothing, and you’ll leave the same way. The only exception to this rule is souls. Will you be taking anything – or more accurately, anyone – with you when you leave this life? By partnering with Window International Network, you are making an investment that will not only last beyond your lifetime, but reap rewards in the next. As you join WIN in mobilizing prayer and evangelism in the 10/40 Window, you are choosing to live for something more than temporal concerns. You are living for eternity. Go to and become a WIN partner today.

December 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” (The Bible, Colossians 3:1-3) Sourced: “Living in Light of Eternity,” K.P. Yohannan

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 33

India Hymie: Greetings WindowKids!

This month we are talking to our friend, Jamal in India again. The last time we visited, Jamal told us about the culture and a little about the history of India. He spoke to us about Hinduism, one of the religions practiced in his nation, and also about the beautiful saris the women wear in India. Now, Jamal is going to share with us some of the exciting things happening within the Christian church in India and tell us how we can pray for our Brothers and Sisters. Jamal: Namaste, WindowKids! I am

so pleased to speak with you about the wonderful things that are going on in God’s Church in India. It is truly a miracle to see what the Lord is doing and how He is transforming my country. A few years ago, a group of people came together and prayed, asking the Lord to move in the local home churches of India. After many days of prayer, God spoke to one fellowship of Believers and called them to baptize one million people! Everyone was so excited to think of one million people coming to know the Lord and 34 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

being baptized in His name. However, many were also worried. You see, Friends, India is founded on the principles of Hinduism. So it is very dangerous to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and publicly baptize people. Churches across the country were already being persecuted. Believers are sometimes attacked by the government, as well as by violent Hindus. So some people were worried about what would happen if the government found out they planned to baptize one million people. But God’s people knew that if He called them to baptize one million people and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, NOTHING would stop them. They simply needed to be obedient! And guess what happened… Just as the Lord promised, almost one million people have accepted Jesus into their hearts and been baptized! This happened because people prayed for the Lord to change their country! God has truly blessed India in so many ways.

Hymie: WindowKids, it is so important

to remember that even though we may not live in India, we still need to pray for these © 2010 Window International Network

December 2010

Let’s review what we know about Indian culture... 1. 1. C

2. I 3. 4. 2.

5. P 3.


4. E 5. 7. 6.



1. one of the three major religions in India

1. traditonal Indian meal

2. “Greetings!”

2. one of the three major religions in India

3. places of worship for gods and statues

3. most practiced religion in India

4. conquered India

4. India has the ________ largest population in the entire world

5. Indians desperately need to hear the ____________. 6. conquered India

5. conquered India 6. beautiful dress worn by Indian women 7. the number of national languages in India

Across Answers: 1. Christianity; 2. Namaste; 3. temples; 4. English; 5. Gospel; 6. Mongols Down Answers: 1. curry; 2. Islam; 3. Hinduism; 4. second; 5. Persians; 6. sari; 7. fourteen

churches. It is so hard to face persecution – threats and mistreatment – day after day. But we know that our God is bigger than any problems we may face. He loves us! No matter what happens, He is always by our side and will never leave us. Friends, we need to pray and ask God to keep using the home churches of India to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for Him to protect Believers in their homes, schools, workplaces, and in their communities. We need to plead with God to continue moving in India and to bring more December 2010

and more people into His Kingdom. WindowKids, we need to believe what it says in the Bible in Psalms 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” Sources:, I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 35









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