The 10/40 Reporter February 2011

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February 2011 Edition



Communism Can’t Stop the Gospel

New Year’s Resolution Persecution: The Suffering of the Saints China: Communism Can’t Stop the Gospel Iraq: Christians Not Welcome Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation WindoWkids™ China

Window International Network Board of Directors


February 2011 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:......................... Pastor Edward Smith President:.................. Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:................. Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:.................. Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:......... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:......... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:......... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:......... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:.....Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:........................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:............................................Leah Sahhar WindowKidsTM Contributer:.....................................Alysha Kageorgis Website Administrator:...............................................Bill Duggin Design/ Window International Network is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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February 2011

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : February 2011

New Year’s Resolution

10 Persecution: The Suffering of the Saints

12 10/40 WindoW Watchman




34 WindowKids™: China

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February 2011

Praise Report

“ We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”–The Bible, Psalm 75:1

ALBANIA God is at work in Albania. Despite its reputation as an atheist and Islamic stronghold, the Holy Spirit is softening hearts, drawing the lost to Jesus, and strengthening the Church. One missionary recently described an outreach event by saying, “God moved upon people’s hearts and many tears were shed as God spoke into people’s lives. Could this be the next step of the fulfillment of God’s promises…?” Give thanks to the Lord for all He is doing in this nation. Pray for the Lord to use His laborers and servants to shine the Light of Christ in Albania – and throughout the Balkans. Petition Him for a breakthrough that will lead Muslims and atheists to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Oman “Prayer is what opens

The Lord’s name is very near, as the following praise reports testify.

the door for the entrance of workers and God’s Word into closed communities,” reminds a ministry laboring in Oman. The Lord has stirred them to launch a new initiative that aims to enlist 100,000 intercessors to pray for four Omani towns per day throughout 2011. “In dire times as this,” they write, “we need to unite in prayer to see the supernatural happen in the Arab World.” Praise the Lord for this ambitious project. Pray for the Holy Spirit to stir hearts and unite the Church in this effort. Plead for the people of Oman and all of the Arab World to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls.

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THAILAND The Lord recently shared His plan for this nation through one of His prophets: “My dancing hand is moving across Thailand. I am liberating My people from north to south. I am raising up a new troop of worshipers from east to west. As My hand dances across the land, the people’s feet will now begin to dance across the land. Thailand will be known as the land that danced with the Lord!” Praise God for this powerful word. Pray for it to be fulfilled swiftly in Thailand. Ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit on this land, setting the hearts of Christian Believers on fire for Him and drawing the lost and unreached into His Kingdom.

ALGERIA One source reports there are “conservatively 10,000 converts to Christ among the Kabyle people of northern Algeria.” (The Kabyle are a Berber people group previously considered unreached.)

Israel The number of Jewish followers of Jesus in Israel has risen to more than 15,000. MIDDLE EAST “Muslims are coming to

Christ at an unprecedented pace despite intense persecution,” missions organizations say. In Iran, for instance, more Muslims “have become followers of Jesus Christ in the last 31 years than the past 1400 combined.” Sourced: Joshua Project

© 2011 Window International Network

February 2011

PRAY! pRay! PRAY! For the 10/40 Window “ Terrorism and radical world religions are driven by demonic forces. Therefore, we must deal with these spiritual issues in prayer.” — Beverly Pegues

* These definitions are drawn from the Window International Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials. For more information, go to

February 2011

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In December 2010, a pastor on trial for apostasy was sentenced to die by hanging. “Judges agreed to a death sentence this summer, but for months security officials delayed the delivery of the official verdict.” In a letter written in June 2010, the pastor said, “What we are bearing today is a difficult but not unbearable situation, because neither He has tested us more than our faith and our endurance, nor does He do as such. And as we have known from before, we must beware not to fail, but to advance in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and consider these bumps and prisons as opportunities to testify to his name.” Pray for this young pastor to remain strong in the Lord. Ask the Lord to use him mightily to share the Gospel to His fellow prisoners and guards.

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February 2011


Someone once said that when persecution comes, it means the Lord is moving. This is true in India today. Even as millions are being baptized and house churches are spreading like wildfire, Christian Believes are facing great opposition. In the past few weeks alone: a family business was boycotted by Muslims in an attempt to convince recently converted Christians to go back to Islam (West Bengal) a pastor was arrested on false charges and assaulted (Uttrakhand) a church was demolished by Hindu extremists (Karnataka) four Christians were arrested after a mob of Hindus broke into their prayer meeting and took them to the police – accusing them of forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity (Karnataka)

Christian Believers in India have asked the Body of Christ around the world to speak up on behalf of our Brothers and Sisters by not only praying, but also sending emails to the Chief Ministers of the states in which these events took place: Buddhadev Bhattacharya, West Bengal – Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal, Uttrakhand – Shri B. S. Yediyurappa, Karnataka – Shri Hans Raj Bhardwaj –

Sourced: Smyrna Ministries, Compass Direct, Present Truth Ministries February 2011

© 2011 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 7

Packed with country Profiles and prayer is the inspiration, this

essential guide to greater awareness and targeted

intercession for the millions of peop le living in the 10/40 Window .

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February 2011

Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people? Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month: Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice. Pray for an end to corruption and graft. Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.


parliamentary/first round


presidential/second round

“...[The LORD] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.“ (The Bible, Daniel 2:21) February 2011

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 9


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© 2011 Window International Network

February 2011

Some people have already given up on their New Year’s resolutions – if they made any at all. They may have vowed to get into better shape in 2011. They may have promised themselves they’d get organized. Or maybe they decided to get up early every day to read the Bible. But then life happened and the next thing they knew they were back to being overweight, disorganized, and climbing out of bed just in time to go to work. Resolutions can be helpful, but they often fail because they are based on will power. You have to grit your teeth, ball up your fists and will them to happen with sheer human determination. But there’s one resolution that isn’t like that: a decision to begin sowing into the Kingdom of God in the 10/40 Window. The reason this pledge is different is because it lines up with God’s purposes. While He may or may not want you to have the body of a movie star, rest assured He wants you to take part in the Great Commission in the 10/40 Window. He will give you the strength and finances to do it – if you’ll ask Him to. It’s not too late to make 2011 a year for lining up with God’s plans in the earth. He is zealous to make disciples of every nation. And the countries of the 10/40 Window are the “final frontier” of this task. That’s where most of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists live, along with majority of the unreached and unevangelized people groups, and the poorest of the poor.

Stop right now and prayerfully make this one resolution:

I will intercede for and invest in the Kingdom of Godinthe10/40Window. To get started, go to and find out how you can be involved on a daily basis throughout the New Year. You’ll find plenty of prayer concerns and information to fuel your intercession, along with opportunities to make a monthly pledge or provide a one-time gift to Window International Network.



Make this a truly joyous New Year for the people of the 10/40 Window.

One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

February 2011

(The Bible, Philippians 3:13,14)

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eaning m ( a s mo s For a n w kno Taiwan , ) ” d Also n sla ia off iful i s t u A a t e s “b Ea hina, C ed in t d a n c a o l is l s f main o t island s n a i o a c m e the of th t s e w south pan. of Ja ber a mem t o n is as aiwan T , it h s h n g o u i o t Th Na United e y with h l t p m o of c to ed to t p lating m e e r s att n ist tio terror esolu r d . n a N . U sm errori t r e t n cou sues. s i g n i financ

12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2011 Window International Network

February 2011

Prayer Points

Taiwan, East Asia

ÌÌ Population: 23,046,177 Ying-jeou ÌÌ Political Leader: President Ma ÌÌ Christianity: 2.7% ddhism/Taoism) ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Chinese (Bu d ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ranke ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 2 ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: Not Listed ÌÌ Casualties: Not Listed ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 41% Not Ranked ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty:

Pray for the Malaysian government to continue to carry out counterterrorism measures and work to keep terrorists from congregating in their nation. Pray for the Jemaah Islamiyah Kumpulan to be rendered powerless by the sovereign hand of God. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 3:24) Pray for the relationship between China and Taiwan to remain peaceful, and for ties to improve between the two countries. (The Bible, Psalm 37:7) Pray for the government to continue its opposition to terrorism. Pray for Taiwan to be shielded by the LORD and for His hope to spread across the land. (The Bible, Psalm 33:20) The people of Taiwan have been slow to respond to the Gospel. Ask the Lord to raise up watchmen who will cry out for their salvation day and night, giving Him no rest until the Kingdom is established throughout the nation. (The Bible, Isaiah 62:6)

Most of Taiwan’s population follows a Chinese religion that mixes Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The Constitution provides for freedom of religion and authorities generally respect this right.


On June 12, 2008, China and Taiwan began historic talks aimed at building trade ties. Both sides said reopening this dialogue (which China suspended a decade earlier) would serve as a platform for further relations. Praise God for these developments. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, BBC, The World Factbook February 2011

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February 2011

“ The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”–Tertullian A deadly bombing at a church in Baghdad... the kidnapping and execution of Christians by terrorist group al-Shabaab… the imprisonment of a pastor for operating an unregistered house church in China.. All of these and many, many more incidents of persecution take place in our world on a daily basis. It is obvious violence against Christians is on the rise – especially inside the 10/40 Window. If we consider this an obstacle to the advance of God’s Kingdom in the earth, a hurtle that must be overcome or even avoided in order to preach the Gospel in every nation, then we should certainly be praying against it. But what if Tertullian was right? What if the surge in persecution we are seeing today is a sign that the Church is growing – that the Lord is on the move? What if persecution is essential to the completion of the Great Commission? That’s easy enough for Western Christians to say. Most do not experience anything more serious than mild discrimination. For a mother of five in Pakistan, however, who finds herself on death row, falsely charged with blaspheming Islam simply because she is a Christian… it’s a different story. God can and does use the oppression of His children to bring Himself honor and to establish His rule and reign in the hearts of the lost. As one theologian suggests, sometimes it is a “necessary means for the worldwide application of Christ’s great redemptive accomplishment.” February 2011

Another writer is even more emphatic: “The Bible makes clear that persecution will accompany proclamation of the gospel in a world hostile to a Christian witness and will be used of God to advance His Kingdom. Persecution may represent a temporary setback, but it is a necessary force in the cosmic battle against the kingdom of darkness.” Assuming this to be true, does it mean we should no longer pray for those Brothers and Sisters who are facing persecution? Of course not! In fact, as they faithfully endure abuse – everything from attacks to detainment to torture and death – it is our responsibility to stand with them, lifting them before the Lord. The author of Hebrews put it this way: “…Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” (The Bible, Hebrews 13:3 NIV). The persecution and death of His children is precious in the Lord’s eyes. Those who are tried and punished for their faith have the unique opportunity to share in the sufferings of our Savior. It is an honor and brings with it joy and blessing. (The Bible, Psalm 116:15; Philippians 3:10; I Peter 4:13,14) “The greatest challenge to Christians living under tyranny and oppression,” says Open Doors, “is isolation – from God’s Word and from the Body of Christ.” Multiple testimonies from members of the underground church in closed nations request prayer – not for deliverance from persecution, but for courage and strength to endure it and bring glory to the Lord. “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers

© 2011 Window International Network

and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (The Bible, Ephesians 6:18 NIV). Sourced: Open Doors, Voice of the Martyrs,, “Spiritual Warfare and Missions” (Rankin and Stetzer, 2010)

the Saints suffering for the Lord in the 10/40 Window to be reminded of His presence throughout each day. Ask the Lord to fill them with hope. Pray for the joy of the Lord to be their strength. (The Bible, Psalm 89:15; Proverbs 23:18; Nehemiah 8:10) the families of prisoners and martyrs to be cared for and provided for. Petition the Lord to rally the Body of Christ to comfort and walk with them through their grief. (The Bible, John 13:34; Romans 12:10; Galatians 6:2) the Gospel to spread rapidly as our Brothers and Sisters endure hardship. Pray for them to be delivered from wicked people and protected from the evil one. (The Bible, II Thessalonians 3:2,3) the Lord to direct their hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. (The Bible, II Thessalonians 3:4) the Lord of peace Himself to be with them at all times and in every way. (The Bible, II Thessalonians 3:16) the nations and cultures where persecution is taking place to experience the kindness of God through the words and actions of His children. Pray for abusers and oppressors to repent and call out to the Lord for mercy. (The Bible, Romans 2:4; Romans 12:20) for the faithful testimony and witness of the saints of God to bring forth a great harvest of souls in the 10/40 Window. (The Bible, Matthew 5:16; John 4:35) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 15

P O I N T S February 2011


Although more than two years have gone by since Hindu extremists brutally attacked Christians in Orissa, India – burning homes and churches, raping women, and assaulting and killing Christians – the situation has not improved. “There is no sense of relief among survivors in India’s Orissa state,” reports Compass Direct. “Many [Christians] are still ostracized and pressured to ‘return’ to Hinduism.” Pray for healing and reconciliation in this region. Ask the Lord to give His people the ability to forgive those who are persecuting them. Pray for His love and kindness to be demonstrated through them and for the Hindus to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to give Christian Believers throughout India boldness and wisdom in sharing the Gospel. Pray for the great spiritual awakening already taking place to spread and grow. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in India as it is in heaven.


Seven activists who called for the release of two young girls (9 and 13) from slavery have been arrested. They were charged with conducting a violent protest and attacking 16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

security forces. The leader was reportedly injured by authorities. Although Mauritania officially outlawed slavery in 1981, it continues to be a serious problem. Pray for an immediate end to this barbaric practice. Ask the Lord to arise on behalf of those who are being abused and oppressed by slavery. Pray for the hearts of the “slavemasters” to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and for them to repent of their sin. Pray for leaders to uphold the laws of Mauritania and protect those who are being bought and sold as property. Intercede on behalf of the Muslims of this Islamic nation – plead for their salvation. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Mauritania.


The government of Sudan has been called a “terrorist smuggler” and a “puppet of the nuclear rogue Iran.” One report found that a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps recently went to Sudan to supervise the transportation of weapons into the Gaza Strip. Pray for the terrorism, manipulation, and corruption present in the Sudanese government to be exposed. Ask the Lord to bring a halt to the smuggling of arms and the support of groups like al-Qaeda and Hezbullah. Pray for the salvation

of Omar al-Bashir and other key leaders in Khartoum. Petition the Lord to maintain peace in Sudan – especially between North and South – and to draw Muslims into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


While Western forces have had some success in their fight against insurgents in Afghanistan, the opposition continues to grow – especially in the northern regions of the nation. “You have the whole fabric of the militias,” the Red Cross reports. “There are groups that collect money, and they collect it from civilians and by doing kidnapping and bold actions against internationals.” Known as “arbekais,” these militias also protect the drug trade. Living in fear of these groups, and having given up hope in the government, many citizens are turning to the Taliban for help. Pray for the Lord to give the allied forces wisdom and new strategies for liberating Afghanistan from the hands of terrorists. Ask Him to protect the people from the intimidation of the arbekais, as well as from the Taliban. Pray for them to look to the Lord for hope and help. Petition the Lord to lead members of these violent groups into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for peace to blanket Afghanistan as the Kingdom of God comes with power.

© 2011 Window International Network

February 2011


In December 2010, the government of Kuwait deployed security forces to disrupt a “diwaniya” (informal political gathering). “Kuwait’s brutal breakup of a political meeting that included parliament members and professors is a new low in the government’s refusal to respect the right to peaceful assembly. Kuwait has grown increasingly comfortable throwing international protections out the window….” Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of government officials, leading them to Jesus Christ and giving them a desire to serve and bless the people of Kuwait. Pray for freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and for religious freedom in this nation. Plead with the Lord for the Gospel to be made known throughout Kuwait and for the stronghold of Islam to be torn down. Ask for a great harvest of souls that will draw Muslims from all over the Arabian Peninsula into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The Harakat-ul Jihad al Islami (“Islamic Struggle Movement”) of Bangladesh was recently designated a terrorist group because it has “committed various terrorist acts, including the indiscriminate killing of civilians.” Banned from Bangledesh in 2005, it has continued to operate in South Asia, and is believed to have had direct assistance from Osama bin Laden, as well as an affiliation with the Talban. Pray for an immediate end to the Harakat-ul Jihad al Islami. Petition the Lord to bring leaders of February 2011

this organization into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for members to experience the conviction of the Holy Spirit and repent from their evil thoughts, plans, and actions. Pray for the protection of the people of Bangladesh. Ask the Lord to give Christian Believers boldness in declaring the Gospel in this Islamic nation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Bangladesh as it is in heaven.

wisdom in defending against this threat. Pray for the links between drugs and terrorism to be broken and for the funding of AQIM and other organizations to be cut off. Invite the Lord to move powerfully in Guinea-Bissau, setting the people free from drugs, crime and false religions. Pray for Christian Believers to be bold in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Day 5


The government of Japan issued a new defense policy in December 2010. The National Defense Program Guidelines took into account the rise of China’s military power, North Korea’s threats of using nuclear weapons, and global terrorism. The new policy is expected to improve the nation’s ability to respond to security challenges. Thank the Lord for this effort to protect the citizens of Japan and pray for its success. Ask for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on this nation and for people to look to the Lord for their security. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Japan. Plead with the Lord for a tremendous harvest of souls.


According to an international assessment, the drug trade in Guinea-Bissau is “becoming institutionalized.” It is well established, growing, and is believed to be a means of funding for terrorist groups in the region – especially al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Ask the Lord to give the leader of Guinea-Bissau great

© 2010 Window International Network


“Religion is very much a part of Bhutanese life,” writes one missionary. “It rules and governs how they live. From childhood, young boys are trained and taught the teachings of the Buddha….” Anyone offering an alternative to the false religion of Buddhism is dealt with swiftly and severely. As an example, a Christian missionary was recently sentenced to three years in prison for “attempting to promote civil unrest” after he showed a film about Jesus Christ. Pray for the freedom of this nation and its people. Ask the Lord to destroy the stronghold of Buddhism and liberate the Bhutanese, leading them out from darkness, into the light of Jesus Christ. Pray for Christian Believers to continue to stand firm in the faith, preaching and demonstrating the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Bhutan with great power, signs and wonders.


A new report states that “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Guinea continued)

(Saudi Arabia continued)

groups worldwide.” The news source also found that “militants often slip into Saudi Arabia disguised as holy pilgrims then proceed to create front companies that can launder money from governmentsanctioned charities.” Pray for the leaders of Saudi Arabia to take action against these criminal activities. Ask the Lord to give them strategies for stopping the funding of terrorist groups and to keep extremists from entering their nation. Pray for the light of Christ to shine brightly throughout this dark, Islamic stronghold. Pray for expatriate Christian Believers and Muslim Background Believers to be bold witnesses and for the Gospel to also be preached in Saudi Arabia by way of satellite television, radio, the internet, dreams and visions. Petition the Lord for a great spiritual awakening in this nation as the Kingdom of God comes in power.


Guinea and other nations of West Africa are quickly becoming “user” nations, according to a recent news report. Latin American cartels are using them as a “corridor” to transport drugs into Europe – and many of the citizens are getting addicted. Pray for this demonicallyinspired industry to be exposed and brought to an immediate halt. Ask the Lord to arise and protect Guinea from the cartels, as well as the terrorist groups who often depend on drug money for funding. Pray for this corridor to be shut down and for the people of Guinea to be set free from drugs. Pray for them to be set free from false religions also. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel February 2011

known throughout this nation and for multitudes of Guineans to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


A state of emergency continues in Thailand in the aftermath of violent clashes between Red Shirts (supporters of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra) and government troops in May 2010. The government has also issued arrest warrants for five Red Shirt leaders on charges of terrorism. Pray for the Lord to bring peace to this very volatile situation. Ask Him to intervene, drawing leaders from both sides of the political conflict into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the people of this mostly Buddhist nation to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come during this time of instability, bringing righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


The kidnapping of expatriate (usually Western) workers is becoming more and more frequent in Niger. Observers believe this is because the nation is strategically located “where commercial interests intersect with banditry and terrorism.” Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is said to be growing in influence and power in the region. Pray for the leaders of Niger to take action against these crimes. Ask the Lord to give them the wisdom and resources they need to not only combat, but defeat AQIM and other terrorist

© 2011 Window International Network

groups operating in the Sahel. Pray for the salvation of the members of these organizations, as well as the salvation of the people of Niger – most of whom are Muslim and quite poor. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Niger.


According to a new United Nations report, “Vigilance and measures that have tightened security in Central Asia have helped keep the threat of terrorism at bay, but extremists, criminal groups and instability in the wider area mean the region is still vulnerable.” The UN is attempting to help Kyrgyzstan establish a regional counter-terrorism plan. Pray for the government of Kyrgyzstan to take the threat of terrorism serious and be vigilant in defending against it. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom and new strategies for an effective regional plan. Pray for the people to look to the Lord for their defense and seek Him for deliverance. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Kyrgyzstan and all of Central Asia, setting hearts and minds free from Islam and other false religions and leading them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to human rights groups, “Iran is second only to China worldwide in the number of people it executes every year.” Most of the executions take the form of hanging and are the punishment for such crimes as political opposition, drug-trafficking, homosexuality, and adultery. Even juveniles have been

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(Iran continued)

executed. Pray for an end to Islamic law in Iran. Ask the Lord to continue moving in this nation, transforming lives through the Gospel. Pray for justice and mercy to reign in and through the government. Petition the Lord to protect those who are being persecuted – especially Christian Believers. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Iran with signs, wonders, dreams and visions.


President Blaise Compaore, who seized power in a violent coup in 1987, was re-elected in November with 80% of the votes. The opposition, however, claims the election was rigged. Pray for peace in this nation. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will rule with integrity and humility. Pray for an end to the violence, accusations and corruption. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes for Burkina Faso. Plead for the souls of the people, petitioning the Lord to pour His Spirit out on this nation and draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The dramatic surge in crime in Mali is being called “terrorism’s new front.” The nation has become a supply route for cocaine, arms and illegal migrants being shipped to Europe, as well as a haven for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). The AQIM operation in this region is described as “agile, well armed and well financed.” Pray for the Lord to expose this hive of evil and sin, 20 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

bringing criminals and terrorists to justice. Pray for the government to deal with these threats swiftly and decisively. Ask for the salvation of the members of AQIM, along with drug and human-traffickers. Pray for the victims being taken advantage of by these groups. Intercede for the people of Mali, asking the Lord to keep them safe and reveal to them how they can be set free from the lies of Islam and enter abundant life in Jesus Christ.


After forcibly shutting down a church service, a member of the security forces explained, “You don’t need a license to talk about chess or football, but you do [to talk about] religion.” Pray for Christian Believers to remain bold and strong in the Lord, refusing to fear or give up. Pray for the Lord to give them favor with the government. Ask for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Azerbaijan and for multitudes to respond, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Day 10

necessary to defend against terrorism. Petition the Lord to give Christians opportunities to spread the Gospel throughout West Africa, capturing the hearts and minds of leaders, citizens, and even the members of terrorist groups. Pray for the Lord to pour His Spirit out on Benin and for His Kingdom to come with righteousness, peace and joy.


A radical Muslim imam was recently charged with inciting terrorism and could face the death penalty. He is accused of helping to build a training camp for jihadists in Aceh, and is believed to be linked with Jemaah Islamiah – an affiliate of al-Qaeda. Praise the Lord for the capture of this criminal and pray for the demise of Jemaah Islamiah and al-Qaeda. Invite the Lord to move in Indonesia, ridding the nation of terrorism and freeing the people from false religions. Ask Him to strengthen and encourage Christian Believers and use them to preach the Gospel throughout Indonesia. Plead for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


The United Nations recently urged Benin and other West African countries to step up their efforts to promote peace and keep the region secure. The UN called for greater cooperation and agreement among these nations to combat “violent conflicts, political instability and terrorism” that “continue to impose untold hardships on millions.” Pray for this warning to be heeded by the government of Benin and for the Lord to provide the resources


Three people were arrested recently as they attempted to enter Laos using fake passports. Security forces at the border “found a link to terrorism and also to credit card fraud, arms trafficking, human trafficking and illegal immigration.” Give thanks to the Lord for this discovery and arrest. Pray for the government of Laos to continue carefully and diligently guarding its borders. Ask the Lord Himself to protect the

© 2011 Window International Network

February 2011

people and be their refuge. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Laos. Petition the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on this nation, leading the people out from the darkness of communism and false religions, into the light and life of Jesus Christ.


Demonstrators took to the streets of Madrid, Spain on November 13 to protest the November 8 massacre of Sahrawis in Laayoune, Western Sahara. Moroccan security forces reportedly killed dozens and injured more than 4,000 people. Pray for the Sahrawis to be liberated – allowed to return to their homeland and live in freedom. And intercede for their spiritual freedom, inviting the Lord to move powerfully among them, pouring out His Holy Spirit and drawing many into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Western Sahara and for the Lord’s plans and purposes for this nation to be accomplished.


The international community is calling on leaders in Egypt to “allow international monitoring of upcoming parliamentary elections.” The government has been accused of rigging the election by “stopping candidates from campaigning and arresting” hundreds who support the opposition. Pray for fair elections and for the Lord to raise men and women of His choosing into positions of leadership. Plead for the hearts of Muslims and ask the Lord to bring a great harvest of souls in Egypt. Pray February 2011

for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


The governments of Uzbekistan and several other Central Asian nations are concerned about the growth of a terrorist group known as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU). “The IMU is a radical Islamist military group that formed shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the populous and strategic region of the Fergana Valley in Central Asia.” Their goal is to create an Islamic state and they have attempted to overthrow the Uzbek government to achieve this. Pray for an immediate end to this demonically-inspired organization. Petition the Lord to infiltrate their ranks, drawing key members into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the leaders of Uzbekistan and other affected Central Asian nations to be vigilant in fighting the IMU. Pray for the Uzbek people to see the violence inherent in Islam and turn away from it – toward the light and life of Christ. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Uzbekistan.


Maoist extremists in Nepal are now believed to be linking with Naxalites (Maoists militants in India) and members of Pakistan’s Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). Together, these groups are reportedly planning increased “armed resistance” in South Asia. Pray for the Lord to bring confusion to this movement and keep these groups from carrying out their evil

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plans. Plead for the people of Nepal – for their physical safety, as well as for their spiritual freedom. Ask the Lord to move in this Hindu land, setting the captives free and leading multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


A report by a Western news source found that the United Arab Emirates is among the top terrorism financing sources in the world. Pray for the Lord to expose the trail of money being used to fund militants and extremists. Pray for it to be severed and for the terrorist organizations to wither and die. Ask the Lord for the salvation of terrorists in UAE, as well as bankers, government officials, and the many Muslim citizens who are trapped by the lies of their false religion. Petition the Lord for a great move of His Holy Spirit in UAE. Ask Him to give expatriate and Muslim Background Christian Believers the courage to endure persecution and the boldness to witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. Invite the Kingdom to come to the United Arab Emirates as it is in heaven.


“Huge amounts of weapons of all kinds” are reportedly being smuggled from Albania into Europe. The buyers are criminal rings, drug barons and terrorists. Pray for this illegal operation to be shut down immediately. Ask the Lord to guide security forces in Albania to the places where these arms are being shipped. Pray for the The 10/40 Window Reporter | 21

(Albania continued)

apprehension of all those involved in smuggling the guns, as well as those receiving them. Pray especially for terrorist groups in this region to be discovered and dealt with swiftly. Plead for the hearts and minds of the Albanian people. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in which multitudes of men, women and children put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Morocco rejected a call for an independent United Nations probe into the violent attack by Moroccan security forces against a Western Sahara refugee camp. Officials refused “any role by the UN mission in the territory in the question of human rights.” Pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to come upon the leaders of Morocco. Pray for them to repent of their mistreatment and abuse of the people of Western Sahara, as well as their denial of wrongdoing. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in bringing peace between these two nations. Pray for the people of Morocco to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls as multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


“Since the horrific siege at a church in Baghdad in October,” writes Barnabas Aid, “murderers have continued their relentless campaign against Christians, targeting them in their homes and workplaces.” Hundreds of Christian families have fled the country in this new wave of violence. Those who 22 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

remain, one church leader reports, “are living behind locked doors… It is as if they are in prison… Fear rules over all situations and in all places.” Pray for the spirit of fear and intimidation to be bound and for the Christians in Iraq to be strengthened with the spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Pray for the peace of God to rest on them and for the Lord to guard their hearts and minds. Ask for a great spiritual awakening in Iraq as Christians share the Gospel and love their enemies. Pray for the salvation of those who are committing acts of violence. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Iraq as it is in heaven.


Reports surfaced recently about the possible resurrection of the Liberation Tiger of Tamil Elam (LTTE). Though defeated by Sri Lankan military forces in 2009, “certain ex-cadre of the LTTE, who escaped the wrath of Sri Lanka’s Security Forces [are] attempting to regroup in India.” Pray for a complete end to the LTTE. Petition the Lord to give the government of Sri Lanka wisdom in fighting this terrorist group. Pray for the salvation of LTTE leaders and members. Ask the Lord for a great outpouring of His Holy Spirit in Sri Lanka. Pray for people from every group and religion to receive the Gospel message and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Israel has been asked by India to “enhance cooperation in combating

terrorism.” The request comes as India faces an increasing threat from Maoist extremists. Indian officials say their nation could “benefit from the Israeli homeland security systems which are based on advanced technology.” Praise the Lord for protecting Israel and providing them with technology that is sought after throughout the world. Pray for the government to use wisdom in partnering with other nations and for this cooperation to give strength to their efforts to prevent and end terrorism. Ask for the hearts of the Israeli people to be softened, their minds open to the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


The government of Tajikistan is very concerned about the decision to withdraw coalition forces from Afghanistan. When troop levels are reduced, President Emomali Rahmon says, “the Tajik government will have to increase spending to strengthen the border with Afghanistan.” Rahmon added, “All of Central Asia should be worried about the decision as it also concerns security from terrorism, extremism, illegal drugs and weapons trafficking.” Pray for the nations involved in Afghanistan to use wisdom and caution in their work in that nation. Ask the Lord to protect Tajikistan and other Central Asia countries from the growing threat of terrorism. Pray for the Lord to provide Tajikistan with the resources they need to secure their borders and stop the trafficking of illegal drugs, weapons, and humans. Invite the Lord to move in Tajikistan, drawing the people into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord.

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February 2011


In December 2010, the government of China decided to “strengthen communication and coordination” of their antiterrorism efforts with Pakistan. The two nations “reaffirmed their resolve to cooperate… to fight terrorism, separatism and extremism.” Give the Lord thanks for this partnership. Pray for it to be a powerful deterrent to terrorism in East and Central Asia. Pray for both governments to do more than just talk about these important issues – pray for swift and strategic action. Ask the Lord to give Believers in China courage and strength as they face great persecution. Pray for the Gospel to spread throughout this nation and for the harvest that has already begun to become even greater and more far-reaching. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in China as it is in heaven.


“Although Djibouti is a nation of less than 900,000 people,” reports one news source, “it sits in a location critical to potential terrorist training. The region is pretty unstable since

it’s right across the Red Sea from Yemen.” Pray for this strategic nation to be used of the Lord to fight the threat of terrorism. Ask the Lord to give leaders in Djibouti the wisdom and insight they need to protect their people and effectively counter attempts by extremist groups to operate in the region. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout East Africa and for many Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


A top Yemeni official recently stated that “Yemen alone can fight and root out terrorism on its soil without foreign intervention.” Although Western nations have repeatedly requested to join the fight against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemeni government has turned them down. Ask the Lord to open the eyes of the leaders of Yemen to see the threat they are facing and also realize the need for international cooperation. Pray for terrorist elements to be driven out of this nation and for it to no longer be a haven for terrorists. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit in this Islamic stronghold. Pray for a great harvest of souls

as Muslims hear and receive the Gospel, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Two Christian evangelists were recently sentenced to six years and four years in prison for “undermining national unity.” Both Christian Believers were detained in custody for 10 months without being charged. Pray for the Lord to give our Brothers and Sisters in Vietnam strength, courage, and joy as they face these violent and intimidating obstacles. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of the security forces, prison guards and governmental leaders. Pray for the people of Vietnam to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Vietnam in power.


If North Korea is successful in developing nuclear weapons, experts say, the result will be an arms race in East Asia – and Taiwan will be among the nations hurrying to

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February 2011

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(Taiwan continued)

obtain the bomb. Pray for peace in this region. Ask the Lord to guide the leaders of Taiwan as they seek to respond to threats from other nations, as well as from terrorism. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Taiwan that will lead many to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Petition the Lord to pour His Spirit out on East Asia and bring a tremendous harvest of souls.


The foreign minister of Bahrain recently stated that “Middle Eastern nations aren’t coordinated in the war on terror.” He noted the increasing threat of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and said it threatens the entire gulf. Pray for this warning to be heeded and for Bahrain and the other nations in this region to partner in combating AQAP. Ask the Lord to defeat AQAP. Pray for the people of Bahrain to see the results of Islamic extremism and begin to consider the Truth of Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for a great harvest of souls as Muslims put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Strong winds that knocked out power and damaged property in Brunei Darussalam in December were considered “a trial from Allah.” Officials urged residents to say their prayers and look on the events as a test of patience affecting those who have sinned. Pray for the Lord of Hosts to arise and show Himself 24 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

powerful in Brunei, dethroning any false gods that are trying to steal His glory. Pray for the eyes of the people of Brunei to be opened and for them to see and receive the Light of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord for a tremendous harvest of souls in this nation.


If the situation in Lebanon escalates, an al-Qaeda leader recently said, al-Qaeda will promptly have a stronghold in it. “Al-Qaeda cannot settle in a politically stable country,” he explained. “In fact, al-Qaeda wouldn’t have been able to exist and operate anywhere if it weren’t for the availability of fertile ground for training under tribal and sectarian protection.” Pray for Lebanon to remain stable and for the government to defend against the influence of al-Qaeda. Ask the Lord to bring an end to support of groups such as Hezbullah. Pray for the people of Lebanon to turn away from extremist Islam and have the opportunity to hear the Truth of Jesus Christ. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


In December 2010, Qatar was listed as one of the world’s leading terrorismfinancing sources. Pray for the Lord to bring an immediate end to this situation. Ask Him to expose those businesses that are fronts for funding al-Qaeda and other extremist groups. Pray for the trail of money to be severed and for terrorist groups to wither and die. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on

Qatar. Pray for expatriate Christians to be bold in witnessing and for the Gospel to be preached throughout this Muslim nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in great power and glory in Qatar.


International leaders recently called Turkmenistan an “important member of the Central Asian Republics,” saying it plays a critical role in the stability of the region. Pray for the government of Turkmenistan to realize their strategic position in the fight against terrorism in Central Asia. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom and provide them with the resources they need to keep their nation safe. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be broadcast throughout Turkmenistan – by Christian Believers, satellite television, radio, the internet, dreams and visions. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Turkmenistan, as it is in heaven.


Although Ethiopia is supposedly a Christian-majority nation, the persecution of Christian Believers is on the rise. A team showing the JESUS Film was recently assaulted by men with guns. Two policemen stepped in and one of them was shot and killed. In another incident, a Christian man was arrested on charges of “defacing the Qur’an.” He spent three months in jail before being sentenced to three years in prison. Christians in the area claim the accusations are false. Pray for this troubled nation. Ask the Lord to

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(Albania continued)

(Ethiopia continued)

send revival to the Church and use His people to share the Gospel with Muslims. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be present with Christian Believers as they face opposition. Petition the Lord to come in power, bringing the Kingdom of God to Ethiopia.


Military forces in Myanmar continue to oppress, abuse and kill villagers in their attempts to silence pro-democratic forces. Hundreds have fled their homes, many have been wounded and some killed in the violence. Pray for peace in this dangerous situation. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will restore order, respect the citizens, and serve rather than try to control the people. Pray for the stronghold of Buddhism to be torn down and for minds to be set free from the lies of this false religion. Pray for the Gospel to be presented clearly and for multitudes to receive it, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


“One of the major developments marking the year 2010 in Africa,” writes one news source, “[was] the escalation of anti-terrorist war.” The fight, the article notes, is primarily in the Sahel-Sahara region, incorporating Chad and several other Central and West African nations. The principle opponent is al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Pray for this battle to be successful. Pray for the defeat of AQIM and every other terrorist organization operating in Africa. Ask the Lord to protect the 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

people of Chad from these threats. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself as greater than the gods of Islam, hate, and violence. Pray for the citizens of Chad to hear the voice of the Lord calling them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Chad as it is in heaven.


An Algerian bombmaking expert with links to al-Qaeda was deported from Italy, back to Algeria in December 2010. The man was believed to be part of a terrorist cell, as well as active in illegal immigration and providing “logistical support” to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Give thanks to God for the capture of this criminal. Pray for the rest of his cell to be exposed and arrested. Ask the Lord to continue breaking down these networks, bringing an end to their illegal, destructive, and evil plans. Pray for the Lord to open the spiritual eyes of the people of Algeria to see the lies of Islam. Pray for their hearts to be soft, fertile soil for the Word of God to take root and grow. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Algeria.

politicians, and discrimination against women.” Pray for the salvation of Muammar al-Qadhafi. Petition the Lord to root out abuse and oppressive mistreatment in Libya. Pray for the truth to prevail and for the Gospel to be made known throughout this Islamic nation. Plead for God’s Kingdom to come in Libya and for multitudes of Libyans to respond to the invitation of life in Christ.


The government of Malaysia has begun closely monitoring Shiite Muslims in an attempt to stop the spread of terrorism. Activities and teachings are monitored to ensure they do not include material that could incite Muslims to violence. Praise the Lord for this effort to combat terrorism. Pray for the Lord to expose and root out groups plotting violence. Ask the Lord to bring their schemes to confusion. Pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached and demonstrated throughout Malaysia. Petition the Lord for multitudes of Muslims to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Proclaim the Kingdom of God in Malaysia.

Day 25


In a presentation to the United Nations Human Rights Council, victims of torture and terrorism said Libyan leader, Muammar al-Qadhafi is covering up “well-documented practices of torture, violations of freedom of religion, attacks on migrants and refugees, oppression of journalists and opposition


Despite its location and the fact that it is a Muslim nation, Oman is considered “peaceful and pro-Western, without the spread of fundamentalism and terrorism.” Give thanks to the Lord for this and pray for Oman to be an example to the other nations of the Arabian Peninsula. Pray for the government of Oman to remain steadfast in the fight against

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February 2011

terrorism and continue to stand against extremism. Ask the Lord to strengthen the expatriate Christian Believers and use them to spread the Gospel throughout the nation. Pray for a great harvest of souls and for the Lord to rule and reign in Oman.


In December 2010, Kazakhstan hosted a summit to discuss the issues of terrorism and the drug trade. Western leaders, along with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Afghan President Hamid Karzai were among those in attendance. Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev called on the nations represented to work together to achieve stability and security in Central Asia. Give thanks to the Lord for this summit and pray for these efforts and cooperation to be effective in combating terrorism and the drug trade. Pray for Kazakhstan and the other nations to be diligent in seeking ways to keep their people safe. Ask the Lord to enable them to be faithful to their promises and to provide them with the resources they need to do the job. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Kazakhstan. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation and to draw the people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Tunisia signed a security accord with Mauritania in December 2010. The goal is greater cooperation against the North Africa affiliate of al-Qaeda (al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb – AQIM). Pray February 2011

for the success of this strategy. Give praise to God for the way leaders are beginning to realize the need to work together against terrorism. Pray for their cooperative effort to drive AQIM from the region. Ask the Lord to move in the hearts of government officials and terrorists, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, His will be done in Tunisia, as it is in heaven.


Prime Minister Hun Sen has launched an investigation into allegations that terrorists are hiding out on Cambodian territory, training and plotting attacks against neighboring Thailand. He has also agreed to begin joint military work with Thailand to secure the borders. Pray for the terrorists operating in this region to be exposed and defeated. Ask the Lord to dry up their sources of financing and cause their recruiting efforts to fail. Pray for Christian Believers in Cambodia to stand firm in the Lord as they face persecution and be bold in sharing the Gospel. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


Turkey hosted an international conference on anti-terrorism in December 2010. The main focus was on the need for international cooperation and the use of prevention tools. Praise the Lord for this conference and for Turkey’s leadership in fighting terrorism. Pray for it to be more than show or an attempt to gain entry into the

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European Union. Ask the Lord to give the government of Turkey and the other nations in the region new ideas and strategies for accomplishing their ambitious goals. Pray for the people of Turkey to be set free from the lies of Islam. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in this nation in which every people group hears and responds to the Gospel. Ask the Lord to rule and reign in Turkey.


Although the government of North Korea was warned by the international community to stop their aggressive actions against South Korea, they have continued to threaten nuclear war. North Korea promised to attack if South Korea engaged in drills with western forces. However, the attack never came. Praise the Lord that this situation, though volatile, has not gotten out of hand. Ask Him to continue restraining the North, keeping them from making impulsive and evil choices. Pray for the Light of Christ to penetrate this dark, spiritually blind nation. Plead with the Lord for the salvation of Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong-un, and other key leaders. Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage Christian Believers as they endure intense persecution. Pray for a great harvest of souls in North Korea.


The Islamic party of Somalia (Hiz bul Islam) merged with extremist terrorist group, al-Shabaab in December 2010. “We, the Islamic party,” a spokesman announced, “have decided to join al-Shabaab The 10/40 Window Reporter | 27

Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the

lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts

and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the

10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire fulfilled?

(Somalia continued)

both militarily and principally… to combine our force and fight against the forces of the transitional government….” Pray for the Lord to send confusion and disunity into the midst of these groups, causing them to fight each other. Pray for their funding sources to dry up and for their members to quit. Ask the Lord to disrupt their plans to overthrow the government. Pray for the protection of the people of Somalia. Petition Him to keep them safe in the midst of this chaos. Intercede on behalf of Christian Believers who are risking their lives to follow Jesus. Pray for the witness of their words and actions to turn many Somalis toward the Lord. Proclaim God’s Kingdom over the spiritual darkness of Somalia.


“In recent years,” states a new report about Pakistan, “many new terrorists groups have emerged, several existing groups have reconstituted themselves, and a new crop of militants has emerged, more violent and less conducive to political solutions….” The links between older groups and new groups is creating an atmosphere of “stable terrorism.” Pray for this hive of terrorism to be torn open and for those involved in recruiting and financing to be arrested and dealt with swiftly. Pray for justice in Pakistan. Ask the Lord to empower Christian Believers to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom of God without fear. Pray for the Lord to give them boldness and endurance to run the race to win. Pray for the people of Pakistan to hear the Gospel. Plead with the Lord for their salvation. Ask for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a tremendous harvest of souls. February 2011


The government of Nigeria has installed state-of-the-art anti-terrorism machines in the Lagos airport. The machines will reportedly detect bombs, arms, and smuggled materials. Pray for these machines to be successful in catching terrorists and other criminals, as well as in deterring them. Ask the Lord to visit the people of Nigeria, drawing them by His Holy Spirit into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Intercede on behalf of our Brothers and Sisters in this nation, asking the Lord to empower them to be bold witnesses and stand firm as they face persecution. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Nigeria.


The Maldives is 1,800 miles from the dangerous coast of Somalia, where piracy is common. Still, the Maldives National Defense Force is working with the Indian Navy to patrol their territorial waters. This is part of an ongoing collaboration to “prevent terrorist acts.” Thank the Lord for the Maldivian government’s attention to this rising threat. Pray for the success of these efforts and for the area around the Maldives to be kept free from terrorists and pirates. Ask the Lord to bring a breakthrough in the Maldives, tearing down the strongholds of Islam and persecution, and leading citizens into the Kingdom of the Son. Pray for a great harvest of souls in the Maldives.


The government of Jordan is shielding its

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biggest bank from lawsuits claiming it is involved in terrorist funding. In the past the same bank has been penalized for financing terrorists and possible money laundering. Pray for the government of Jordan to seek the truth and do what is necessary to stop any terrorist activities. Ask the Lord to expose terrorist groups in Jordan and throughout the Middle East. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be made known in this nation and for many Muslims to put their faith in Him. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Jordan in great power.


The African Centre for Terrorism Studies and Research is calling upon Senegal and other nations in the Sahel to “commit to fight against terrorism” and realize the importance of international cooperation. Senegal is increasingly being used as a point of transit for drug trafficking – a main source of funding for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Pray for the government of Senegal to see the importance of taking action against terrorism. Ask Him to provide them with strategies and resources for countering extremist groups, as well as cutting off their funding. Pray for the hearts of the Senegalese people to be open to the Gospel. Plead for the Kingdom of God to come to Senegal not just in words, but in power.


According to a leaked security document, “Eritrea trained over 30 rebel groups… near the Sudan border and graduates infiltrated into Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia to enhance instaThe 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

(Eritrea continued)

bility.” Pray for this secretive terrorist training post to be dismantled and for the government to stop participating in this activity. Ask the Lord to rally other nations and leaders to pressure President Afworki to quit supporting terrorism. Pray for Christian Believers in Eritrea who are suffering under the oppressive government. Ask the Lord to be present with them, comfort and strengthen them. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Eritrea. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to this nation, as it is in heaven.


Over the past 30 years, more than 85,000 Tibetans have crossed the border into India. According to one estimate, 2,500 to 3,500 refugees arrive from Tibet in a typical year. Yet instead of trying to settle in India, “most return to Tibet ‘after receiving an audience with the Dalai Lama.’” Pray for the freedom of this nation and its people. Ask the Lord to give them a hunger for His presence – a desire to seek an audience with Him. Pray for the salvation of the Tibetan people, especially the Dalai Lama. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Tibet that will spill into China and India. Invite God’s Kingdom in this nation.


The government of Syria “strongly condemned” terrorist attacks in Iran in December 2010. Authorities said they support Iran in their fight against terrorism and fully condemn acts of violence that take innocent lives. Pray for this state sponsor of terrorism to make good on its word. Ask the Lord to capture the hearts of leaders and draw them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated 30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

throughout Syria. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Syria.


Mongolia joined India in military exercises during December 2010. The cooperative drills were intended to develop counter-terrorism skills and plans. Pray for the success of these efforts. Ask the Lord to bless the cooperation between these nations and keep this region free from terrorism. Pray for the people of Mongolia to be set free from the ultimate terrorist – the evil one who is behind all terrorism. Plead with the Lord for their liberation from darkness and ask Him to lead them into the Light of Christ. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Mongolia as the Kingdom of God comes to this nation in power.


People smuggling is a major problem in East Timor. Even the trafficking of children, reports say, is increasingly common. Pray for an immediate end to this destructive and illegal practice. Ask the Lord to expose all those involved in human trafficking. Pray for the government of East Timor to take this problem seriously and act decisively to capture and prosecute those involved in it. Pray for the safety and freedom of slaves – especially children. Ask the Lord to be present with them, comforting them and protecting them. Pray for Him to heal their minds, hearts, and emotions. Petition the Lord to give Christian Believers opportunities to share the Gospel with slavemasters and slaves, as well as be instrumental in bringing justice to these situations. Pray for

the Kingdom of God to come to East Timor and all of Southeast Asia.


President Yahya Jammeh recently called for “urgent action” in response to the rapidly growing problem of drugs and drug trafficking in the Gambia. The target of these illegal activities, he noted, is “mainly the youth population.” Pray for the Lord to intervene in the Gambia, protecting young people and drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the disruption of the drug trade – for smugglers to be caught and sellers to be arrested. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on the Gambia. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


The ongoing battle between the Palestinians and Israel can be seen in conflicting reports of the same event in December 2010. Palestinians claimed the Israeli Air Force launched an unprovoked attack, targeting and terrorizing civilians. Israel, on the other hand, reported that Palestinian militants were firing mortars and had wounded an Israeli civilian. Pray for lasting peace in this tense, often escalating situation. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be present, transforming hearts and lives. Ask the Lord to use this dangerous atmosphere to cause people in the Gaza Strip to consider eternity. Pray for militants, civilians, and leaders to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

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Palestinian authorities recently February 2011

arrested a Hamas cell operating in the West Bank. The group was believed to be planning an attack on Israelis, as well as an assassination attempt on the mayor of Nablus. Praise the Lord for the capture of these terrorists. Pray for them to be brought to justice swiftly and for other extremists to realize the consequences awaiting those who seek to intimidate and manipulate by means of violent acts. Ask the Lord to root out other terrorists in the West Bank before they can carry out their demonicallyinspired acts. Pray for the people of the West Bank to see the futility of terrorism and of extremist Islam. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel known in this region and ask Him for a great harvest of souls.

Window International Network At the beginning of this new year and decade, pray for the staff of Window Int ernational Network to be in step with the Holy Spirit – sensitive to His leading and responsive to His timing and direction. Ask the Lord to give them new ideas for reaching the people and nations of the 10/40 Window with the Gospel. Pray for new strategies for intercession and for the Lord to stir the hearts of Christian Believers all around the world to pray without ceasing for the final frontier of missions. Ask the Lord for an even greater harvest of souls in the 10/40 Window during 2011. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Koinonia House February 2011

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a n i h C unism m m p Co o t S t ’ n Ca ospel G e h t

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© 2011 Window International Network

February 2011

Being a Christian in China is no simple thing. It comes with a price and is not only very dangerous, but can be deadly. For years, the Communist government has attempted to eradicate Chr istianity from their nation. They have arrested Chr istians, beaten them, imprisoned them, tortured them, and sent them to “reeducation through labor” camps. But instead of dying out, the Lord’s Church in China is growing at an incredible rate! Even as we were prepar ing this article, news of yet another crackdown on house churches was being reported. ChinaAid notes, “Official persecution and harassment has been prolonged, on-going and is a simple fact of life….” The latest wave of persecution is being called “Operation Deterrence.” Viewing God’s people as a threat to security and control, and house churches as “cults,” author ities are responding with swift, severe action.

February 2011

The government only recognizes one church in China – the ThreeSelf Patriotic Movement. (Known as TSPM, it was named for its three main principles: selfgovernance, self-support, and self-propagation.) The TSPM was founded in 1951. But from 1966 to 1976, the government completely outlawed all religious life. This caused Chr istians in China to go “underground,” eventually leading to the house church movement. Today, estimates of Chr istians in China range all the way from

PRAY for

40 to 100 million, with most of these being underground. Some observers predict “within three decades there may be nearly 400 million Chr istians in China.” The future of China is not in the hands of the Communists. It is in the hands of God. He has great plans for this nation and its people. And He is calling the Body of Chr ist around the world to par tner with Him in accomplishing those pur poses through prayer. Sourced: ChinaAid, Open Doors, Voice of the Martyrs, Guardian News

underground Christians in China to enco urage each other and be encouraged by the Lord. Pray for them to remain faithful and for leaders to be raised up who will proclaim the Word of God. (The Bible, Colossians 2:2,3; II Timothy 4:2) the house church movement to continue growing and spreading. Ask the Lord to give Christian Believers boldness in sharing the Gospel and courage to face persecution. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19,20) greater freedom of religion in China. Plea d for the salvation of Communist party leaders and government officials. (The Bibl e, I Timothy 2:1,2) the current wave of persecution to be used to draw multitudes of Chinese into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Colossians 1:24) the Kingdom of God to come to China with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (The Bible, Romans 14:17)

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Iraq 34 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

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February 2011

Christians Not Welcome Since the start of the war in 2003, more than half of the Christians in Iraq have fled to the surrounding nations. Some, no doubt, were simply attempting to escape the danger that comes when two opposing forces collide. But many were also seeking to avoid persecution.

February 2011

The steady flow of Christian refugees rose to a rush in 2008 when a wave of murders caused 12,000 to leave Mosul. In 2010, 4,000 left the area after 10 Christians were killed. “When violence ebbed after each exodus,” one news source reports, “many returned to their homes and jobs, though not all, leaving fewer and fewer Christians.

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By one estimate, only 5,000 of the 100,000 Christians who once lived in Mosul remain.”

Religious freedom, though supposedly guaranteed by the Iraqi Constitution, is not being enforced by officials. The latest acts of persecution have

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Iraq PRAY for

specifically targeted Christians and seem to have as their goal their eradication from the nation. On October 31, Islamic extremists attacked a church in Baghdad, killing 51 people. Since then, there have been “dozens of shootings and bombings in Baghdad and Mosul. At least a dozen more Christians died.” The Islamic State of Iraq, a terrorist group working with alQaeda in Mesopotamia, claimed responsibility for several of the massacres and stated they will continue killing Christians “wherever they can reach them.” “What happened has been done repeatedly and systematically. The message is very clear: to pluck Christians from the roots and force them out of the country.”

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And it is working. Thousands of Christian Believers have been intimidated and have left their homeland – “many of them in a panicked rush, with only the possessions they could pack in cars.” Perhaps it is reckless, even foolish to remain. But some courageous Brothers and Sisters believe it is where God has called them to be at this time in history. If everyone leaves, they say, Iraq will become a spiritual black hole – void of Christian testimony. Therefore, they are committed to shining the light of the Gospel in this war-torn, terrorist-infested land, no matter the risk to life and limb. The Lord has not given up on Iraq and a hearty band of Christian Believers hasn’t either. They are faithfully preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God despite intense and deadly persecution. Sourced: Compass Direct, Assist News Service, NY Times, Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East

Christian Believers in Iraq to consider it “all joy” as they encounter various trials that test their faith. Pray for the physical and spiritual opposition they face to produce patience. (The Bible, James 1:2-4) the Holy Spirit to remind Christian Believers that as they suffer for what is right, they are blessed. Ask the Lord to give them courage and help them not to be afraid. (The Bible, I Peter 3:14) those who have fled from their homes to find a place of refuge and for the Lord to protect them, providing them with food, shelter, and jobs. (The Bible, Psalm 5:11; 25:3) the government of Iraq to enforce the laws and use their resources to stop the mistreatment and murder of Christians. Pray for greater freedom of religion in this nation. (The Bible, Romans 13:1-3) the Gospel to be preached with words and deeds by Christian Believers. Petition the Lord to cause His love to flow through them, enabling them to forgive and even bless their enemies. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19; Matthew 5:44) the Light of Christ to continue shining in Iraq through God’s people and His church. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in great power, setting Iraq free from bondage to violence and Islam. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, I Peter 2:9; II Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:13)

© 2011 Window International Network

February 2011

. k s a T e l e b i h t poss Im

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Go to and join us in watching God make this great, seemingly “impossible” challenge possible.

February 2011

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 37

China Hymie: Hello, WindowKids!

February is an exciting month for us because we are traveling to China to visit our friend, Tai-Yu. Tai-Yu is going to tell us about the Chinese culture and the Christian church in China. Tai-Yu: Ni Hao, WindowKids! I am so

honored to share with you about my country and my people. Did you know China has the largest population of any country in the entire world? It is filled

with fascinating history, art, nature and traditions. This month, I want to tell you about one of China’s oldest traditions - the celebration of the New Year! The day of the Chinese New Year is different every year. This year, we will celebrate the holiday on February 3, 2011. Chinese New Year lasts for fifteen days. On the fifteenth day, we have another celebration called the Lantern festival. It is beautiful to see. When I was growing up, our family would decorate our house with red paper and put a red lantern outside the door for the New Year. Our neighbors would have the same decorations in their houses. For many Chinese people, the celebration of the New Year is a way of honoring different gods and even family members who have passed away. It is different for my family, though, because we are followers of Jesus. For us, the New Year is a time to rejoice and praise our Lord. We have fireworks and red lanterns, like our neighbors, but we also gather with our church to give thanks to God. Chinese New Year is one of my favorite holidays! My brother and I spend hours

38 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

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February 2011

decorating our house and helping my mother cook traditional food like Peking duck with rice, vegetables, and jasmine tea. My father brings home candles and we sit around the table and tell each other what we are thankful for. We reflect on what God has done in our lives during the past year. Members of our church come over and we play games and tell stories about what God has done for us. My father and mother are very careful when the families from our church come to visit us. You see, WindowKids, being a Christian in China can be dangerous. When we come together to celebrate our Lord and Savior, we make sure we are not too loud. We cannot invite everyone from the church at the same time to our home because it would draw too much attention. This New Year, as we celebrate, we will also be praying for our nation. We will pray for the Lord to keep churches around China safe. We will also pray that our Christian February 2011

brothers and sisters who are in jail for sharing the Gospel will know that God loves them and He is taking care of them. We will also pray for the Good News to continue to spread across China.

Hymie: Remember, WindowKids, God

does not want us to fear, but to have hope in Him. We must pray for the power of the Gospel to transform the hearts of those hurting Christians. Next month, Tai-Yu will be sharing more about China and how we can pray for Christians in that country. Until then, please pray for our Chinese friends in the 10/40 Window! Sources: “Best Food in Beijing.” (2003): n. pag. Web. 26 Dec 2010. www.chinaculture. org/gb/en_chinaway/2004-02/18/content_46026. htm. “Chinese New Year 2011.” Holiday Spot (2010): n. pag. Web. 26 Dec 2010. www.theholidayspot. com/chinese_new_year/. “East & South East China.” CIA-The World Factbook. Web. publications/the-worldfactbook/geos/ch.html.

I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

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