The 10/40 Reporter November 2011

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November 2011 Edition


Floods Return To Pakistan

United Arab Emirates: A Thriving Oasis? Women’s Rights and Islam The Search For Significance Indonesia: 2011 WIN Leadership Summit Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation WindoWkids™ Gaza Strip

Window International Network Board of Directors


November 2011 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:............................... Pastor Edward Smith President:...................... Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:.....................Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:...................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:...................... Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:........... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:........... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:........... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:........... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:............Beverly Pegues

The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:...............................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:.........................................................Leah Sahhar

WindowKidsTM Contributor:...............................................Alysha Kageorgis Website Administrator:........................................................Bill Duggin

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November 2011

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : November 2011

United Arab Emirates: A Thriving Oasis?

6 10/40 WindoW Watchman

8 Women’s Rights & Islam


12 Floods Return to Pakistan

32 Indonesia Leadership Summit

36 WindowKids™: Gaza Strip

38 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3

Nov 2011

Praise Report

“ We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”–The Bible, Psalm 75:1

Turkey In August, the government of

world. Give praise and thanks to God for this.

Turkey issued a decree regarding property

Pray for it to continue. Ask the Lord to draw

confiscated from religious groups. Despite

more and more Iranians into relationship

limitations, Christians in this nation believe

with Jesus Christ.

this is a positive development. They ask us to join them in praying for prompt and

PAKISTAN In August, a court in Punjab

efficient implementation of the law. They

Province released a Christian accused of

also ask for prayer that the compensation and restoration process will be fair and that there will be increased religious freedom in Turkey. Iran Despite intense persecution, the church in Iran is

The Lord’s name is very near, as the following praise reports testify.

blasphemy. The man, who suffers from a psychiatric disorder, was sought by a Muslim mob after supposedly



about Islamic holy men. According to Compass Direct, the man was allowed to return home after negotiations with local clerics.

growing. “The government is cracking down

Give thanks to God for this and pray for the

on Christians, fearing the rapid, unstoppable

“hundreds languishing in jails for years on

growth of the underground church,” reports

blasphemy chargers” in Pakistan. Ask the

SAT 7. Yet, “even in the nation’s leading cities,

Lord to comfort and strengthen them. Pray for

religious leaders are coming to faith in Jesus.”

greater religious freedom in this nation.

According to “Operation World,” Iran has the fastest growing evangelical population in the

4 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Sources: SAT 7, Compass Direct.

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people? Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month: Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. Ask the Lord to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice. Pray for an end to corruption and graft. Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.


THE GAMBIA — Presidential / Nov. 24 MOROCCO — Parliamentary / Nov. 25 EGYPT — Parliamentary (tentative) / Nov. 28 MAURITANIA — Subnational / Legislative

“...[The LORD] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.“ (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)

United Arab Emirates

a Thriving

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November 2011


ocated on the northern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is made up of seven political territories called emirates. Each emirate is ruled by an emir (high-ranking sheikh). These consist of: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain.

The UAE is a modern, financially prosperous nation, which remained peaceful when unrest swept across the Arab world in the spring of 2011. “Why should the Emiratis protest?” one resident commented. “It’s a country that has been transformed by its rulers from a desert into a thriving oasis.” While it is an economic oasis, the UAE is spiritually dry. Islam is the official religion and Christianity is not tolerated. Only expatriates are allowed to worship. Evangelism is prohibited. It is ranked number 34 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2011 of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians. There is, however, a small, growing fellowship of Muslim Background Believers in the United Arab Emirates. Sources: Open Doors, Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula,

Voice of the Martyrs

Pray for the strongholds of Islam to be torn down. Ask the Lord to arise and do battle for those who have been deceived by this false religion. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4,5) Christians in the UAE to have opportunities to share their faith.

November 2011

© 2011 Window International Network

Pray for the Lord to give them boldness. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:9) Muslims to hear and respond to the Gospel, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 10:13) a great harvest of souls in the UAE as God’s Kingdom comes in power. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 7


ted in a c lo , r of Nige n o i t a poorest The n e h t f o is one , a c i r f A ld. western he wor t n i eveloped d t s a y and le vered b o c s i d ts lan i f o % Over 80 Desert. a r a h the Sa

The actions of the Niger Movement for Justice (MNJ) have been described as “terrorism aimed at instilling insecurity and fear among the population.� Rebel activity in the northern region of the country has included kidnappings, murderous attacks on travelers, and the placing of anti-tank mines. 8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Š 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

Prayer Points

Niger ÌÌ Population: 15,878,271

er Mahamadou Danda ÌÌ Political Leader: Prime Minist ÌÌ Christianity: 0.1% m ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Isla nked ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ra 1 ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: lties) ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 1 (0 casua ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 77% 63% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty:

4 Pray for the unseen demonic powers operating behind the Niger Movement for Justice to be defeated and forced to release their grip on the rebels. Pray for the leaders of this group to experience the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Psalm 68:6) 4 Pray for the Lord’s favor on the land of Niger. Pray for Him to do a miracle in counteracting the food shortages caused by droughts and locust infestations. (The Bible, Psalm 146:7) 4 Pray for the supernatural release of the thousands who are still living in slavery, despite the 2003 ban on this centuries-old practice. Pray for God to display His power and bring justice for these precious ones. (The Bible, Psalm 142:7)

Although Niger is predominantly Islamic, many Muslims have shown a willingness to consider the Gospel.


In an astounding response to prayer, God has been opening doors for the preaching of the Gospel and the establishment of churches in this spiritually dormant region. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on

Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, BBC, The World Factbook November 2011

© 2011 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 9


“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds….” (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4)


n September 2011, King Abdullah announced that women will be allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia. They will even be allowed to run for local offices. “The timing of this royal decree is telling,” writes the Christian Science Monitor. “It comes nine months after the start of the Arab Spring, which has so far toppled three dictators; six months after the killing of Osama bin Laden, whose goal was to control the holy sites in Saudi Arabia; and three months after

10 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

an embarrassing protest in which dozens of Saudi women defied the fatwas of conservative clerics by driving cars.” This is a major shift and could signal a change in the direction of the Islamic establishment in Saudi Arabia. Give thanks to the Lord for this development. Sources: Christian Science Monitor

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

PRAy for the strongholds of Islam to be completely torn down. Pray for the freedom of all those being held captive by this false religion. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4) the Gospel to be proclaimed to the people of Saudi Arabia. (The Bible, Matthew 24:14) a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, John 4:35

November 2011

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 11

P O I N T S November 2011 North SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA


Transparency International reports that more than 75% of the people in India have paid a bribe in order to get things done in public office. “Nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, ‘including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder.’” Pray for the government to be free from corruption. Pray for a change in the mindset and behavior of the people regarding bribes and payoffs. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation. Pray for a great harvest of souls in India as God’s Kingdom comes in power. (The Bible, Psalm 14:3)


The Church in Mauritania is still in the early stages of development due to civil unrest. There is a desperate need for Christians to be discipled. Most of the expatriate Christians have left the country. Pray for God to raise up workers to train the Church in strategic level prayer, discipleship, leadership development, evangelism, and church growth. (The Bible, Matthew 28:19)

Day 2 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

According to a New York Times, Sudan continues to be filled with conflict. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, associated with the new government in South Sudan, warned that Sudan’s National Congress Party will answer for the severe aggression against civilians in the Blue Nile State. “All summer long, the Sudanese military has been relentlessly bombing the Nuba Mountains, driving villagers to seek shelter in mountaintop caves.” Please pray for the government of Sudan to cease their attack on civilians. Pray that the fear of God will fall on Sudan’s leadership. Pray for the people to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray that the Spirit of Adoption will fill the land. (The Bible, Luke 19:10)


Now that independence has been achieved, South Sudan must deal with the aftermath of years of war and violence. “Child soldiers, now grown up,” writes Standard Media, “have only known the gun and defence as their first line towards livelihood. If demobilized they need first to go to school, to be given skills to begin a new life.” Pray for the Lord to give the government of this new nation wisdom in dealing with this and other problems facing South Sudan.

Ask Him to raise up leaders who fear Him and will lead the nation in integrity. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


The summer season has been filled with high profile assassinations in Afghanistan including Pres. Karzai’s half-brother, his senior aide, and former president and the chairman of Afghanistan’s High Peace Council, Mr. Burhanuddin Rabbani. This offsets the momentum towards peace and reconciliation amongst the locals. Please pray for the workers laying the Kingdom foundation in that country – courage and joy over these brethren and that God’s love would saturate the hearts of those inflicting the violence on others. (The Bible, Joshua 1:9)


It was reported that $92 million was transferred into the accounts of two members of Parliament. The National Bank of Kuwait and the Kuwait Finance House alerted the public prosecutor, who decided to open an investigation into the suspicious deposits. Pray against the polluting effects of bribery, kickbacks, lust for power and mammon on those who are placed

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

in positions of trust. (The Bible, I Chronicles 29:17; Nehemiah 7:2)


Christian rights activist William Nicholas Gomes, who fled his native Bangladesh after serious threats from Islamic extremists and police harassment, now lives in Hong Kong. According to an article in Worthy News, Gomes is a former Muslim who converted to Christ and was tortured for his new Christian faith. He refused to be quiet and “sings the songs of David.” Gomes goes on to say, “I was naked but Jesus Christ clothed me with His love.” His family still lives in Bangladesh and a recent court decision has ordered the police to stop harassing his family. Please pray for William and his family. Pray for their protection. Pray that all believers in Bangladesh will be granted more favor to present the Gospel. Pray for the government to enforce its rulings to protect families from harassment. (The Bible, Colossians 1:9-12)


The whole world watched as Japan was hit with a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and the 10-meter tsunami. Those two natural disasters set off nuclear reactor explosions. In addition, there have been aftershocks that are traumatizing survivors. Pray that the people will be released from fear, and they will trust in God. Continue to pray for the rebuilding of homes and lives in northeast Japan, where the earthquake and tsunami hit. Continue to pray for the people November 2011

in areas like Tokyo, Sendai, and Fukushima. Many are still without shelter. Ask the Lord to have mercy on Japan. (The Bible, Psalm 27:7)


According to the United Nations, in recent years Guinea-Bissau has become a hub and transit point for smuggling illegal drugs. Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Junior has called for international cooperation to fight drug trafficking in his nation. Pray for the government of Guinea-Bissau to be successful in bringing an end to this destructive and deadly industry. Ask Him to set free those bound by drug addiction. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Guinea-Bissau. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)


Indigenous Christians are taking up their place in the Great Commission and taking the Gospel to the people of this Buddhist nation. Pray for God to continue to raise up and protect brave evangelists who will take the Gospel to people in the plains and the highest mountains of Bhutan. Pray for these evangelists to be effective in reaching surrounding 10/40 Window countries. (The Bible, Rom 10:15, Gal 6:2)


“While the facade of Islam looks in control [in Saudi

© 2010 Window International Network

Arabia],” says one Middle Eastern source, “the god of Materialism reigns in the people and their culture.” Pray for Saudis to find Christ and be set free from materialism. Pray for King Abdullah to put his faith in Christ and lead his people into relationship with the Lord. Ask the Lord to strengthen Saudi Christians and for the Gospel to flow to their families. Pray for their homes to become centers for worshipping the true and living God. Ask the Lord to provide Christians with fellowship and find mates for single Christians. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Saudi Arabia with great power. (The Bible, Philippians 4:13)


The nation of Guinea has been experiencing political upheaval and violence since independence in 1958. It is also home to 29 unreached people groups. Pray for political stability in Guinea and wisdom for the head of state in ruling the country. Pray that doors that are opening to the Gospel in the villages will remain open and evangelism efforts will yield fruitful results. Pray for local workers to be trained for the work in Guinea. (The Bible, Romans 10:15)


This year’s monsoon season in Thailand has killed more than 200 people and affected at least 2 million. The country’s dams and water systems are now at a dangerous capacity, threatening villages and valuable farm land. The conditions The 10/40 Window Reporter | 13

Thailand continued)

are the worst they have been in over 50 years. The Prime Minister has ordered an increase in relief operations. Please pray for those currently affected. Pray that Christian relief operations will have an open door to bring assistance. Pray that Christians in Thailand will find opportunities for outreach and be able to bring true hope to the Thai people. Pray for the government to grant more favor to Christian workers in their country. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4)

Day 7

ranks Kyrgyzstan at number 46 on the World Watch List 2011 of the worst persecutors of Christians. Pray for new restrictions on Christian literature currently being considered by the government to be turned down. Pray for Christians to stand strong in the Lord and continue to share the Gospel with boldness. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Kyrgyzstan as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)



The nation of Niger is facing many problems, the most pressing being the fact that most residents have been deceived by Islam. Many people groups remain unreached. Pray that the plan to reach seven unreached districts around Mayayi town, targeting one district every two weeks, will be possible and lead to churches being planted. Ask God to bless the preaching of the Gospel to the Hausa community through two radio stations. Ask God to provide the missionaries working with prisoners in Niger with finances to meet the physical needs of the prison inmates they are reaching. Pray that God will grant spiritual vitality and strength to missionaries in Niger who often go through spiritual attacks that weaken their strength. (The Bible, Psalm 146:7)


The repressive government of this former Soviet republic continues to persecute Christians. Open Doors 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

World leaders now believe “time is short” before Iran obtains nuclear weapons. When this happens, experts say, Israel and the entire Middle East will be at risk of attack. Pray for the Lord to restrain the leaders of Iran from using weapons of mass destruction. Pray for the salvation of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the ayatollahs. Ask the Lord to continue to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation. Petition Him to protect Christians from the intense persecution in Iran. Pray for them to be strong and courageous, faithfully sharing the Gospel. Invite the Kingdom of God to rule and reign in Iran. (The Bible, Psalm 7:9)


Burkina Faso has become a major transit for cocaine trafficking. This nation, along with several of its neighbors, is now being referred to as part of the “Cocaine Coast” rather than the Ivory Coast. Pray for an immediate end to this illegal and destructive practice. Pray for the government to take action to stop the flow of cocaine through

Burkina Faso. Ask the Lord to send Christians to share the Gospel with the people of this nation – especially the youth who are caught up in drugs. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Burkina Faso. Invite the Kingdom of God to come in power. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:6,7)


Mali’s partnership with Mauritania in the fight against terrorism is proving to be effective. In July 2011, a joint military operation killed at least 15 members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) near the border between the two nations. Thank the Lord for this cooperation and pray for it to be successful in bringing an end to AQIM and every other terrorist group operating in this area. Ask the Lord to bring defeat to AQIM. Pray for their funding to be cut off and for their recruitment efforts to fail. Petition the Lord to send laborers to this harvest field to boldly and faithfully proclaim the Gospel. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 10:15)


International observers stated recently that the terror threat in Azerbaijan is high. Officials in Azerbaijan claim this is unsubstantiated and say their nation is stable and secure. Pray for leaders to take action to ensure that Azerbaijan truly is stable and secure. Pray for the plots of terrorist groups to fail and for these groups to be exposed and defeated. Ask

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

(Azerbaijan continued)

the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Azerbaijan. Pray for Muslims to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Plead for a great harvest of souls in Azerbaijan. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in great power and glory. (The Bible, Psalm 12:7)


Piracy off the coast of Benin is on the rise. In October 2011, for instance, pirates hijacked a fuel tanker and its crew. The government of Benin is now joining with the government of Nigeria to begin joint patrols in the region. Pray for an immediate end to the piracy taking place in the waters off of West Africa. Pray for the success of government strategies to defend against these threats. Ask the Lord to set the people of Benin free from corruption and false religions. Petition Him to bring a great harvest of souls in this nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in great power and glory. (The Bible, Psalm 9:16)


Although Indonesia is the largest Muslim

nation in the world, there are villages and even entire cities that are mostly Christian. Persecution is an ever present threat. Pray for Christians in Indonesia to be strong and courageous. Pray for the Lord to protect them and give them strength to endure and overcome. Ask Him to use them powerfully to proclaim the Gospel throughout Indonesia. Pray for the hearts of Muslims to be soft, fertile ground for the Word. Plead with the Lord for multitudes of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 13:33)


The nation of Laos is part of what is known as “the Golden Triangle” – a center for drug production and trafficking. According to a United Nations report, the production and use of synthetic drugs like amphetamines is widespread and growing in this region. Pray for the Lord to bring an end to this illegal industry. Pray for Him to set free all those who are addicted to drugs and minster healing to them. Pray for their salvation. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout


Laos and bring forth a great harvest of souls. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 142:7)


The Nigeria Labour Congress has launched an advocacy and awareness campaign for the freedom of Western Sahara. Their goal is to “sensitize Nigerians on the need” for Saharawi freedom, ultimately creating a movement which will pressure the Nigerian government, the UN, and finally the Moroccan government to decolonize the Western Sahara. Pray for these efforts and others like them to bring peaceful independence to the Saharawis. Ask the Lord to turn the ears, hearts, and minds of leaders in this region to the plight of Saharawis both in Western Sahara and the refugee camps of Algeria. Ask the Lord to call missionaries to the Western Sahara and for both their physical and spiritual needs to be met in Jesus Christ. Pray for the entire Saharawi people group to hear and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, forsaking all other religions. (The Bible, Matthew 9:38)

Day 12

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Following the Arab Spring protests and demonstrations earlier this year, Egypt has undertaken trying several of its former leaders for illegal actions taken while still in power. Anas al-Fekky, previously information minister, has been sentenced to seven years in prison while former president Hosni Mubarak has been charged for murders of demonstrators during the protests that swept the nation. Pray for this nation to surrender to the Lord’s plans and purposes during the upcoming 28 November elections. Pray for a spirit of righteousness and truth to fall heavily on Egypt. Pray for a complete end to corruption. Ask the Lord to establish His Kingdom in Egypt. Pray for the Christian Church to boldly proclaim the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for a tremendous multitude to come into the Kingdom of God in Egypt. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19)


Although Uzbekistan completed a two-year initiative begun in 2008 to combat human trafficking, women and children sold for labor and sexual exploitation has still increased during that time. Many Uzbek victims are forced to work in cotton fields in Uzbekistan and others are sexually exploited both in Uzbekistan and in surrounding countries. Ask the Lord to arise and defeat this debase, immoral, and perverted industry in Uzbekistan. Pray for the Lord to change the nation of Uzbekistan to be a nation of freedom for all its citizens. Ask God to crush the corruption of November 2011

human trafficking in this nation. Pray that every person entrapped in the modern-day slave trade will be freed both physically and spiritually. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Uzbekistan to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Isaiah 42:6-8)


A series of three earthquakes, the most severe with a magnitude of 6.9, shook Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, and the Indian state of Sikkim on 18 September. Monsoon rains have made rescue efforts difficult. Initial estimates of 50-80 people dead have jumped as more reports from the remote Himalayan regions have trickled in. Pray for comfort for the families of those who have lost family and friends in Nepal. Pray for the Nepalese Christians to rise up and offer the hope found in Jesus Christ to their hurting neighbors. Ask the Lord to use for good what satan meant for evil. Pray for many people to come into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ in the midst of this difficult time. (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3-4; Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28)


Elections took place on 24 September for the second time in the nation’s history, an act inspired by the protests Middle Eastern countries have witnessed during the spring and summer. A little over a fourth of the 129,000 voters chosen by the United Arab Emirates selected one woman and

© 2011 Window International Network

19 men to fill 20 of the 40 seats of the Federal National Council, an advisory council which holds no legislative powers. Pray that these new members will draft laws that agree with the wisdom and truth of God in Christ Jesus. Ask the Lord to send dreams and visions to these new legislators and for the ruling families in this nation to listen to their advice. Pray for the government in the UAE to govern with righteousness and justice. Pray these new officials will influence this nation toward religious freedom so that the Christians may worship and evangelize openly, and for many people to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Luke 3:6)


A recent study of 65 nations ranked Albania in the top three for nations whose teenagers read most outside of school requirements. Over 90 per cent of Albanian youth enjoy reading for pleasure. Pray the Lord turns the hearts of these youths to reading His words in the Bible, so that they may know Jesus Christ who is the only Truth and called the Word. Ask the Lord for the young people of Albania as our inheritance in Christ. Pray for the Christian Church to bring the Gospel to the children and young adults in Albania, refuting the lies of false religions such as Islam and atheism. Ask the Lord to send His Holy Spirit as a fire in the existing Christian Church in Albania to ignite a fresh passion and love for Jesus Christ. Pray they will reach their nation and the region for Jesus Christ. (The Bible, John 1:1, 14:5; Psalm 2:8) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Morocco continued)


Praying Through The Window 9

Global Terrorism and World Religions Prayer Calendar

You prayed and the Lord is answering. God is moving powerfully in the 10/40 Window. Terrorists are being apprehended and subdued. People who have been blinded by false systems of religion are seeing the Light of Jesus Christ. The harvest is accelerating. Much of the 10/40 Window is in turmoil. Change is in the air. Governments have fallen. Others are in jeopardy. Nations are being birthed. Which is why we have produced the new, 2011 Praying Through the Window 9 (PTTW9) calendar. We haven’t changed our focus – we are still targeting the issues of global terrorism and world religions inside the 10/40 Window. But we have updated the information to help you pray more accurately and strategically.

Go to to order your new PTTW9 calendar today! 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

(Albania continued)


In mid September over 3,000 demonstrators in Casablanca tried re-igniting the dissatisfaction and protests Morocco witnessed during the spring of 2011. While earlier protests in this primarily Islamic monarchy gained unprecedented promises from King Mohammed VI to limit his power and reform the government, opposition parties say these efforts are not enough and ineffective. Pray for the dissatisfaction of Moroccans to spread to their spiritual lives. Ask the Lord to ignite a fire of desire for Jesus Christ in the hearts of the Moroccan population. Pray that many souls will be stirred in a new wave of transformation in Morocco – this time a spiritual transformation and thirst for righteousness. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done in Morocco. (The Bible, Matthew 5:6)

Day 15


Reuters reports that “more than two years have passed since Sri Lanka’s 25-year-old conflict ended. Mental health experts say thousands of survivors are living in torment… haunted by memories of the final months of fighting between the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and government forces.” According to a Western aid worker, “The horrific, abrupt end to the war saw people witnessing their family die, but most could do nothing but run, forced to abandon the bodies of their loved ones… haunted by flashbacks, hallucinations, nightmares, suicidal thoughts and anti-social behaviour.” Pray that Sri Lanka will truly experience healing and that the Body of Christ there will reach out with the Good News to those who are suffering. (The Bible, Luke 4:18)


The Associated Press reported on August 2 that a car bomb exploded outside a church in Northern Iraq wounding 23. Security Forces disabled vehicles packed with explosives outside two other churches. A new report says only between 400,000 to 600,000 Christians are left in Iraq – down from a prewar level of 1.4 million. A leader of one of the targeted churches stated, “The terrorists want to make us flee Iraq, but they will fail.” Pray that the victims of these attacks will be healed. Pray that many more believers in Iraq will obtain the same courage and November 2011

faith as this leader. (The Bible, Matthew 16:15-19)


Security has always been a major issue for Israel. After the Arab Spring (revolutions in many North African and Middle Eastern nations), Israel’s peace agreements with neighboring Egypt, Jordan, and Syria are uncertain. If radical Islamic groups seize power in these nations, it will present a greater threat of violence. Reports warning that Iran could be as close as a few weeks away from developing a nuclear weapon only compound the dangers for Israel. Please pray for Israel and its safety. Pray that the Christians in Israel will

© 2011 Window International Network

focus on the security God promises in His Word. Pray that God will protect all the innocent people in Israel, whether they are Jews, Arabs, or other people groups living there. Pray for them to witness the peace that only a relationship with Jesus can provide. (The Bible, Psalm 121)


Islam is on the rise in Tajikistan after decades of enforced secularism. The people in this former Soviet republic have been returning to their traditional religion with zeal. The government is worried. Spooked by the fears of Islamic radicalism and the challenges posed by increasingly influential religious leaders, the Tajik authorities have been working fervently to curb religious expression. Please pray that measures planned by the government to hinder the influence of Islam do not stop in the spread of the Gospel. Pray for Christians to be bold in their witness. Pray for open doors for the Good News. Pray for God’s protection for all the Christians and those seeking the Truth. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:18-19)


The Church in China is growing at an astounding rate. According to a BBC News report, many are putting their faith in Christ because of “rampant capitalism.” This growth is occurring predominately in the “house church movement” and among the young. “We have 50 young professionals in this church,” one new Christian said. “Everyone is so busy working, you don’t have time to socialize… but in The 10/40 Window Reporter | 19

(China continued)

church people feel warm, they feel welcome… they feel people really love them so they want to join the community.” Please pray that many more will find the Lord in China and experience His community and rest. (The Bible: Matthew 11:28-30)


Because of a worsening situation in Somalia, refugees have been pouring into this tiny nation. This is causing security problems and a shortage of food and water. Humanitarian organizations state that the drought is also complicating matters, especially in refugee camps. Because the country is so small, it has received very little media attention. Please pray that the Church around the world will lead the way and come to the aid of this tiny state. Also pray for an end to the drought that has ravaged this region of Africa. Pray that the believers in Djibouti will be strong and witness God’s miracles in their country. (The Bible: Psalm 107:4-9)

Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA According to BBC News, the UN

Human Rights Council sent a team of investigators into Yemen in July 2011. The council found numerous violations and abuses. The report stated that children are among those being killed and tortured. The UN Report called for Yemen’s government to end attacks against civilians by security forces and stop using live ammunition on crowds. In another report, a Christian group working in Yemen tells of their failed attempts to flee Yemen. Please pray for this small group of Christians that they will find wisdom, safety, and a way out of Yemen. Pray for the Lord to protect all the innocent people affected by the turmoil. Also pray that during this unrest God’s plan for the people of Yemen will emerge. (The Bible, Psalm 34:15)


On July 7, 2011 Vietnamese security forces attacked a crowd of worshippers in the village of Buon Kret Krot, kicking and beating the attendees. International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that security forces warned Christians, “If anyone worships like this, we will return to arrest you all and place you in prison for five years.” Twelve men and four women were beaten. Please pray for Christian in Vietnam

to remain strong. Pray that the Lord would grant them wisdom and cover them with His wings of protection. Pray also that the citizens will witness God’s presence and turn to His salvation. (The Bible, Romans 8:35)


In a new pact, Taiwan has agreed to work with Cambodia to combat money laundering and terrorism funding. This is the 18th nation Taiwan has agreed to cooperate with. Thank God for this diligence and pray for these efforts to be successful. Pray for an end to terrorism in East Asia. Pray for young people to hear the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus Christ instead of being seduced by extremist groups. Pray for the Church in Taiwan to be strong in the Lord and witness boldly. Pray for many men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10)

BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA A local leader recently made this

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November 2011

strong and insightful observation and plea concerning Bahrain: “We believe that God is grieved by the deep and complex divisions in our society, which bring to mind some images of the civil rights struggle in the USA, while complicated by the close relationship members of the Sunni and Shia communities have with neighboring Saudi Arabia and Iran. There is little this small country can do on its own to resolve the current conflict due to the influence born by outsiders. The gulf between the parties is sufficiently broad and deep that it is likely only the lack of access to weapons in the Shia community that keeps the country from a state of civil war. Please pray for freedom from the bondage of hate, which traps many as they respond to the instances of brutality they have witnessed. Please pray for the King that he would rule the country with wisdom and pursue a path that would lead to healing and reconciliation, not retribution.” Pray that in the midst of conflict, those who are genuinely seeking God would find their hope in Jesus. (The Bible, Mark 3:1-5)


Brunei is one of the wealthiest nations in Asia. Although their constitution guarantees the free practice of all religions, Islam is the state-recognized religion and therefore dominates public life. According to Operation World, “Other religions are often infiltrated by government agents for monitoring purposes.” Pray that the government will adhere to its constitutional provision for freedom to worship as one pleases. Pray November 2011

that God will expose and convict those who refuse to support the free openness of walking his or her faith. Pray that Christians will be bold in their witness and receive God’s protection. Pray that those in the Royal Family will be fair in their dealings and be open to receiving Christ. (The Bible, Proverbs 21:1-3)


Because of many internal and external influences, including Iran, Lebanon is politically fragile. Despite this, Lebanon has openings for the advancement of the Gospel. In the area of education, especially, there is tremendous opportunity. With the current unrest in neighboring Syria, Prime Minster Najib Miqati expressed his need to stay completely disconnected from the conflict. The Prime Minister stated, “We are trying our utmost to distance Lebanon from regional developments, especially those in Syria.” Pray that the leaders in Lebanon will recognize the need for change and move in a positive direction that opens the country up for the Good News and that is favorable to the Christian community. Pray for the Church in Lebanon to be bold in their witness. Also pray that those opposing the Gospel will fail. (The Bible, I Samuel 14:6 )


Qatar is a very small country on the Arab Peninsula. The majority of the population is made up of expatriates. According to Operation World, “The strict Wahhabi

© 2011 Window International Network

form of Sunni Islam is the state religion. Proselytism of Muslims is forbidden, but expatriate Christians are allowed to practice their faith.” The ability of the few believers to meet together is limited by government policies and the high cost of renting adequate meeting facilities. Please pray for a true birthing of the Qatari Church. Pray that there will be unity among Christians and that they will succeed in God’s purpose for the Church there. Pray that the government will relieve its restrictions on Christians in Qatar and that those in authority would be saved. (The Bible, Mark 10:27)


“From the clubs in the capitol to the impoverished ranks of its state workers and inmates in the prisons, heroin use has permeated post-Soviet Turkmen society,” states The New York Times. One western diplomat adds, “The accepted understanding is that in every extended family there are at least one or two addicts.” There are even reports of entire families using heroin. One young man who formerly held a government position stated, “The authorities extort bribes from smugglers and dealers and later shake them down in prison or make their families pay for their release from prison.” Please pray against widespread corruption in the government. Pray that God would raise up godly leaders. Also pray for those families affected directly or indirectly by drug use. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, His will to be done in Turkmenistan. Please pray that Christians will see this as an opportunity to share God’s hope with a nation in bondage. (The Bible, John 10:10) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 21

(Chad continued)

Packed with country Profiles and prayer is the inspiration, this

essential guide to greater awareness and targeted

intercession for the millions of peop le living in the 10/40 Window .

PRAY! pRay! PRAY! For the 10/40 Window “ Terrorism and radical world religions are driven by demonic forces. Therefore, we must deal with these spiritual issues in prayer.” — Beverly Pegues

* These definitions are drawn from the Window International Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials. For more information, go to

November 2011

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Day 22


The government of Ethiopia recently arrested several opposition politicians and journalists, accusing them of plotting terrorist acts. Human rights groups believe the arrests were politically motivated and are a misuse of anti-terrorism laws. Pray for terrorist plots in Ethiopia to be exposed and defeated. Ask the Lord to bring an end to abuse against opposition parties. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Ethiopia. Pray for a revival in the Orthodox Church. Petition the Lord to give Christians opportunities to share the Good News. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Ethiopia. (The Bible, Psalm 80:18)


The authoritarian government of Myanmar is showing signs of easing up in its oppression of the people. Although it has aggressively restricted access to the internet, in September it began allowing access to previously banned news websites. Praise the Lord for this development. Ask Him to continue to work in the hearts and minds of government leaders. Pray for this growing openness to be an opportunity for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Myanmar. Pray for every people group to hear and respond to the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Myanmar in power. (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

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Experts say AlQaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is now operating in Chad and has developed intricate networks for smuggling arms. They are believed to be in possession of weapons stolen from Libya when the al-Qadhafi regime fell. Pray for this terrorist organization to be exposed and defeated. Ask the Lord to give the government of Chad wisdom and new strategies in fighting this threat to the nation’s security. Pray for the minds of Muslims in Chad to be opened to the Light of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to revive His Church in this nation and use Christians to make the Gospel known. Pray for men, women, and children in Chad to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4)


Members of the United Nations Security Council met in Algeria in September 2011 to discuss ways to counter terrorism in the Sahel region of North Africa. Observers say the situation has reached crisis level after reports that Libyan weapons fell into the hands of terrorist groups. Pray for this meeting to be instrumental in combating terrorism in the Sahel. Pray for every extremist group operating in North Africa to be exposed and defeated. Ask the Lord to the direct government of Algeria in securing their nation. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and for multitudes of people to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 1:6)


Despite the disappearance of leader Muammar al-Qadhafi, fighting between rebel forces and pro-Qadhafi troops continued in September. The Transitional National Council, recognized by the United Nations as the “legitimate provisional representative of the Libyan people,” refused to set a date for new elections until the nation is fully liberated. Pray for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes in Libya. Ask Him to raise up leaders of His choosing. Pray for this time of unrest and political upheaval to be an opportunity for the Gospel to be proclaimed in Libya. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Daniel 2:21)


Financial institutions in Malaysia have begun working to “monitor and crackdown on the source of financing for terrorist networks and activities.” Their goal is to cut off money trails in order to weaken terrorist groups. Pray for these efforts to be effective. Ask the Lord to expose terrorist organizations and sever their funding. Pray for their efforts to intimidate the people of Malaysia to fail. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on this nation. Pray for a revival in the Church and for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Malaysia. Pray for every man, woman, and child to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Malaysia with great power and glory. (The Bible, Matthew 11:5)

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

(Tunisia continued)

Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute

Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute

Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute

Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the 10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire fulfilled?

Day 25


Oman is listed as a Tier 2 nation in terms of human trafficking. This means it does not “fully comply with the minimum standards” set by the international community to combat forced labor and sex trafficking. Pray for the government of Oman to take this illegal and destructive activity seriously. Ask the Lord to help leaders combat human trafficking in this nation. Pray for those who are victims of forced labor and sexual exploitation. Ask the Lord to set them free and bring healing to their lives and hearts. Pray for a great spiritual awakening in Oman that will result in multitudes putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 146:7)


The government of Kazakhstan is stepping up efforts to counter terrorism in Central Asia. Extremist websites are being shut down, religious tolerance is being promoted, extra funds have been set aside for anti-terrorism efforts, and the government is cooperating with other nations – such as Pakistan – to combat extremist groups. Pray for these activities to be effective. Ask the Lord to expose and bring to defeat all terrorist groups operating in and around Kazakhstan. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout this Muslim nation. Ask the Lord to draw men, women, and children into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Luke 4:18) November 2011


The twelve main political parties in Tunisia agreed on a plan for completing the nation’s transition to democracy in September 2011. Elections are now scheduled for 2012. Pray for the Lord to guide Tunisia through this process. Ask Him to give leaders wisdom, and to raise up new leaders who will rule with integrity and the fear of the Lord. Pray for this time of transition to be an open door for the Gospel to be preached throughout Tunisia. Petition the Lord to open the hearts and minds of Muslims, leading them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7)


“Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime on the planet,” one source reports. And one of the most notorious nations in the world is Cambodia. According to human, “Cambodian men, women and children are trafficked for sexual and labor exploitation.” Pray for an immediate end to this immoral and destructive practice. Ask the Lord to minister healing and provide hope for those who are being trafficked. Pray for the salvation of the people who are profiting from the exploitation of others. Petition the Lord to strengthen His Church in Cambodia and empower Christians to spread the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, Psalm 74:21)

© 2011 Window International Network

Pray today. Your intercession for Window International Network and the 10/40 Window is valuable. Please remember to pray today. Window International Network

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Day 27


The nation of Turkey is being hailed as a “model for change” in the Arab world. Some observers say it is an example of democracy and pluralism. However, the government of Turkey continues to limit internet access, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press, and has a “troubled” human rights record. Pray for this Muslim nation to be penetrated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on Turkey, removing the veil from the minds and hearts of the people and drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for a great harvest of souls as the Kingdom of God comes in great power. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:3)


A new report suggests that North Korea and Iran may be planning to share nuclear weapon technology and information. “The potential for Iran and North Korea to secretly exchange nuclear weapon-relevant systems, substances and expertise,” says Reuters, “is a matter of concern.” Pray for the Lord to expose and defeat these plans. Pray for the nations of East Asia to be protected from attempts by the North Korean government to employ nuclear weapons. Ask the Lord to shine the Light of Christ into this spiritually dark nation. Pray for the Gospel to be made known to the people of North Korea. Petition the Lord to draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:6) 28 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


According to the United Nations, Somalia has the world’s highest mortality rate for children under the age of five. Internal conflict, the presence of terrorist groups, and reoccurring drought and crop failures, have all contributed to this crisis. “Even before this current crisis,” the UN reports, “one in six children was dying before their fifth birthday.” Pray for the Lord to intervene on behalf of these children. Ask Him to open the door for Christian humanitarian groups to provide aid to the families and children living in this dangerous nation. Pray for the Lord to bring defeat to all terrorist groups operating in Somalia. Plead for the salvation of the many Muslims living there. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will bring forth a great harvest of souls. (The Bible, Psalm 72:4)


Pakistan was recently called the “epicenter of global terrorism” and described as a nation that breeds, trains, and equips terrorists. Pray for this to end immediately. Ask the Lord to give the government of Pakistan wisdom, strategies, and a determination to defeat terrorist organizations in their nation. Pray for these groups to be exposed, their funding cut off, and their plans to fail. Petition the Lord to strengthen Christians in Pakistan and give them boldness in sharing the Gospel. Pray for the millions of Muslims in this nation to hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Plead

with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Pakistan. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:19)


According to a spokesman for Nigerian terrorist group, Boko Haram, the aim of the organization is “to spread Islam all over Nigeria.” In August 2011, Boko Haram stepped up attacks, including a suicide bombing at the UN headquarters in Abuja. Pray for the immediate defeat of this group. Pray for their funding to be cut off and for their efforts to recruit and carry out acts of violence to fail. Ask the Lord to give Christians the strength and boldness they need to share the Gospel with their Muslim neighbors. Pray for the hearts of Muslims to be open to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Nigeria. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 31:6)


New “religious unity” regulations in Maldives require Islamic teachers to refrain from preaching in a manner that “creates hatred towards people of any other religion.” These new laws do not, however, allow for religious freedom. “It remains illegal to propagate any other religion other than Islam.” Pray for the strongholds of Islam to be torn down in the Maldives. Ask the Lord to open the blind spiritual eyes of those who have been deceived by this false religion. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in the Dhivehi language. Petition the Lord

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

for a multitude of men, women, and children to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the Maldives in power, with signs, wonders, miracles, dreams, and visions. (The Bible, Acts 2:17)


According to the Associated Press, “Members of Jordan’s powerful Islamist opposition [the Muslim Brotherhood] have taken an oath to continue peaceful protests until their demands for political reform in the kingdom are met.” King Abdullah II has promised that reforms are coming soon. Pray for the Lord’s plan and purposes for this nation to be accomplished. Pray for the salvation of King Abdullah II. Ask the Lord to move during this time of unrest. Pray for the Muslim Brotherhood to be defeated. Ask the Lord to disrupt their plans and keep them from seizing control of Jordan. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out on this nation and for Muslims to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Petition the Lord to give Christians a passion to share the Good News. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Jordan, with signs and wonders following. (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11)


Protests erupted when President Abdoulaye Wade began attempting to change the constitution to allow himself to remain in office past his term. In September, Wade cancelled demonstrations planned by opposition parties. Pray for the Lord to work powerfully in this nation. Ask Him to use this time of political strife to draw the lost November 2011

into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Senegal. Petition the Lord to make the Good News known to every man, woman, and child. Plead for their hearts and ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Senegal. (The Bible, Matthew 24:14)


According to International Christian Concern, “Thousands of Christians have been arrested for practicing their faith in Eritrea – and some have been tortured, even to the point of being tortured to death. …Eritrean Christians are imprisoned under very difficult situations.” Pray for the Lord to encourage and strengthen Christians in Eritrea. Ask Him to comfort those who are being persecuted, as well as those who have had friends and family members imprisoned. Pray for Christians to love their enemies and be used as witnesses to prison guards and fellow prisoners. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on this nation, softening hard hearts and drawing men, women, and children into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3,4)


The Dalai Lama (spiritual leader of Tibet) met with religious leaders in September 2011 to discuss his reincarnation. The Chinese government is so disturbed by the possibility that the Dalai Lama will return in the form of some other person that they passed a new law banning reincarnation

© 2011 Window International Network

without government approval. Pray for the people of Tibet to be set free from the lies of false religion. Petition the Lord to tear down the strongholds of Buddhism. Pray for the salvation of the Dalai Lama and other religious leaders in Tibet. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4)


Protests continued in September 2011, despite the violent crackdown by the al-Bashir regime that has resulted in 3,000 deaths. International pressure is growing with the European Union announcing new sanctions intended to bring an end to the “continuing brutal campaign.” Pray for an immediate end to the government’s attacks against Syrian citizens. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve the people with humility, integrity, and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for everyone in this nation to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Syria. (The Bible, Psalm 9:16)


The government of Mongolia has been stepping up efforts to combat terrorism. In September 2011, Mongolian military forces joined with Russian troops to conduct anti-terrorism exercises. Pray for these efforts to be successful in defeating terrorist groups operating in this region. Pray for the people of Mongolia to be set free from the bondage of Buddhism. Ask the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit on this nation. Pray for Christians to be bold in sharing their faith. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

(Mongolia continued)

Petition the Lord for multitudes of Mongolians to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Romans 8:15)


The nation of East Timor is considered to be an example of freedom of religion. It is an example of a country whose constitution protects “the right of every religion to express its beliefs in the public sphere.” Praise the Lord for this. Pray for Christians in East Timor to take advantage of this freedom. Pray for them to be bold in sharing their faith in Christ. Ask the Lord to bring revival to the Church in East Timor. Pray for a great harvest of souls as the Lord establishes His Kingdom in this nation. (The Bible, John 8:36)


According to a Gambian journalist, “Getting killed in Gambia has become a norm.” As killings have risen in number, citizens have begun calling on President Yahya Jammeh to take action. Pray for an end to this violence. Pray for President Jammeh’s salvation and for the Lord to give him wisdom in dealing with the rise in murders. Pray for Christians in the Gambia to share their faith with zeal and enthusiasm. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this nation, pouring out His Holy Spirit and

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drawing multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, Psalm 111:10)


The Gaza Strip is being called the “missing link” in the Palestinian bid for statehood. Although Islamic terrorist group Hamas (which controls the Gaza Strip) is now in partnership with Fatah (in control of the West Bank), they are not involved in the statehood bid. “Hamas, allied with Iran and openly committed to Israel’s destruction, does not support the U.N. move.” Pray for the people of the Gaza Strip who are suffering from the effects of this long-standing conflict. Ask the Lord to meet the needs of those in poverty and minster healing to those who have been physically and emotionally damaged in the war. Pray for Christians in this region to be strong and courageous, sharing their faith in Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls in the Gaza Strip. (The Bible, Psalm 72:4)


In September 2011, Mahmoud Abbas, president of Fatah (the Palestinian Authority), “submitted an application for U.N. recognition of Palestinian statehood.” The Security Council will now consider the proposal and is expected to take weeks or months to issue their decision. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully during this waiting

period. Ask Him to draw the people of the West Bank into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for peace in this region. Pray for Christians to love their enemies and pray for those who mistreat them. Petition the Lord to bring His Kingdom to the West Bank in great power and glory. (The Bible, Matthew 5:44)

Window International Network Ask the Lord to use the WIN team to bring glory to His name in the 10/40 Window. Pray for them to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and in step with the Lord’s plans and purposes for this region. Petition the Lord to advance His Kingdom in the 10/40 Window through WIN. Pray for team members to share God’s heart for the lost and unreached in this part of the world and be instruments in reaching them with the Gospel. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

Sources: The Washington

Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Malay World Prayer Fellowship, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Koinonia House, International Christian Concern

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

The Search for


“We are wired to make an impact for all eternity.” –Mike Bickel

“Knowing we have limited time in this life,” writes Mike Bickel,

“we all long to make a difference that will last far beyond our moment in time, confirming that our lives have meaning beyond the end of our days of flesh and blood.”

James puts it like this: “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (The Bible, James 4:14).

We all understand what Bickel is talking about. Something inside us seeks to make an impact. We want the world to be different – better – because we were here.

We don’t just want to live our little “vapor” and vanish. We want something to remain. We want our lives to be significant – noteworthy, having meaning, making a difference. The only way to make a significant impact that lasts beyond our days on earth is to invest in God’s Kingdom. It is eternal. God’s Kingdom is advancing today in the 10/40 Window. The harvest is ripe and workers are bringing it in. And you can be part of it – making

November 2011

© 2011 Window International Network

an impact that will last for eternity. Go to partnershipinvestment today to start making a difference that will last beyond your own lifetime. Sources: “The Seven Longings of the

Human Heart,” Mike Bickel

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 31

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November 2011

Floods Return To Pakistan This summer, the floods returned. Monsoon rains “left the southern region under several feet of water.” As of the end of September, 350 people had died and more than eight million had been affected.

“Malaria, diarrhea, skin disease and snake bites were among the health problems facing two million people across 23 Sindh districts,” the Pakistani National Disaster Management Authority said. There has also been an outbreak of dengue fever. The floods created a breeding ground for mosquitoes which carry the virus. The disease is further spread by poor hygiene, experts say. Dozens of people have died and more than 6,000 cases have been reported in the past few months. According to the World Health Organization, “There is a desperate shortage of clean drinking water in the south which has also triggered outbreaks of acute diarrhea and other waterborne diseases.” November 2011

The United Nations and government of Pakistan have issued an appeal for emergency funds. Sources: AFP, eTurboNews

Pray for

Christian humanitarian aid groups to supply flood victims with clean water, medicine, and shelter. (The Bible, Psalm 9:9) the Lord to comfort those who have lost loved ones. Pray for them to call out to Him for relief. (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3,4) the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this Muslim nation. Pray for blind minds to be opened. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4) the strongholds of Islam to be torn down. Ask the Lord to shine the Light of Christ into Pakistan. (The Bible, II Peter 2:9) Christians to be strengthened and empowered to serve faithfully. Pray for them to love their enemies and bless those who curse them. (The Bible, Matthew 5:44) the Kingdom of God to come to Pakistan. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

© 2011 Window International Network

Floods devastated Pakistan in the summer of 2010. Heavy monsoon rains resulted in onefifth of the nation being underwater. At least 20 million people were directly affected and nearly 2,000 died. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 33

YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITHYOU “You can’t take it with you… but you can send it on ahead!” Those who have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord know where they’re headed when they die. Praise God for the salvation He has provided for us in the death, resurrection, and ascension of His only Son! But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t take anything with you to heaven. All earthly treasures will have to stay here when you depart to be with the Lord.

Good news, though:

you can send treasure on ahead! When we pray, serve God, and give our finances to advance His Kingdom, we are adding to our heavenly treasure. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,” Jesus said, “where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:l9,20). It’s like a savings account. We make deposits by being obedient to God in fulfilling the Great Commission and by generously investing in His work. So the next time you’re faced with a decision regarding how to spend your time, energy, or money, consider this: earthly things get left behind; Kingdom things get forwarded to heaven.

How is your eternal account looking? For an opportunity to “send it on ahead,” advance the Kingdom and, most importantly, honor God with your finances, go to and make a contribution to Window International Network. It’s guaranteed to be waiting for you – with untold dividends! – when you reach heaven.

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November 2011


hey joined hands, formed a circle, and prayed: some thirty pastors from all over the nation. It was the first time they had done anything together. But it was not the last. Shortly after praying, they washed each other’s feet. Then they agreed to meet once a month for prayer and discuss mission strategies.

summits have been held in places like Turkey, India, Nigeria, and Malaysia. The 2011 summit took place in Indonesia.

That is just one of many amazing things the Lord did during the 2011 WIN Leadership Training Summit.

Those who attend also gain a new understanding of the importance of prayer and have the opportunity to experience the power of interceding for the nations of the 10/40 Window.

Every year, WIN hosts a summit inside the 10/40 Window. Past

Pray for

a lasting impact from the 2011 summit. Pray for delegates and all who attended to respond to the challenge to go, send, and pray. (The Bible, Romans 10:14,15) Christians in Indonesia to reach their nation with the Gospel. Pray for a great

November 2011

The purpose of these summits is to raise up leaders, equip them to take the Gospel throughout the 10/40 Window, and teach them to disciple new believers and plant churches.

harvest of souls in this nation. (The Bible, John 4:35) the WIN team as they organize follow-up trips to this region and also begin to plan the 2012 summit. (The Bible, Proverbs 1:7)

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Gaza Strip

seemed to be falling right on our roof. As we sat waiting for the next explosion, my grandmother prayed, “Lord Jesus, protect us. Send Your angels to keep the missiles from hitting this home.” Suddenly there was a flash and a tremendous blast caused the entire house to creak and groan. “Grandmother…!” “We have lost friends and family in the war,” my grandmother said in a calm voice, holding my hand tightly. “But we will never lose hope. Because we have Jesus.”

“Save us, Tata!” My grandmother opened her mouth to say something, but another bomb exploded and the entire house shook. I started to scream, but she held up her hand, and even with the dust coming down from the ceiling, I could see the peace in her eyes. “Jesus is here,” she whispered. “Jesus is here.” I knew my grandmother was right. I knew Jesus was with us. But the bombs were so loud. They 38 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

She looked me in the eye. “Hatem, we have a promise from the Lord that He will never leave us or forsake us. So we must choose to believe Him and to pray.” I nodded. Our family prayed every night. We always asked for Jesus to protect us and to bring peace to our home – the Gaza Strip. “We must choose to believe Jesus and pray,” Tata repeated. “Do you believe Jesus, Hatem? Will you pray with me?” I nodded and together Tata and I began to pray.

© 2011 Window International Network

November 2011

You might be wondering, “ What can I do to help the people of the Gaza Strip?” Good question! We can pray for our friends there! Let’s pray for:

G God will continue to protect the Christians in the Gaza Strip A All Christians to be filled with hope in Jesus and to share that hope with their friends and neighbors Z amaZing signs and wonders of God to come to the Gaza Strip, causing many people to put their faith in Jesus. A A wave of God’s peace and hope to wash over the land of Gaza.

WindowKids, the Lord has protected my family so many times! Every night, we thank the Lord for once again keeping us safe. We do not pray for revenge. Our prayer is for hope and peace. We pray that Jesus will bring lasting hope and peace to the Gaza. We pray for the hope and peace of Jesus to come upon our city and into the hearts of the people. I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

Hey there, WindowKids! Do you know what the flag of the Gaza Strip looks like? Do you know what colors are on their flag? Print out this outline copy of the flag, and color your Gaza flag. Whenever you see this flag anywhere, you can remember to pray Psalm 91:1 over the WindowKids in the Gaza Strip! Psalm 91:1 is a great Scripture verse to memorize as you pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in the Gaza Strip.

“ He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 Top stripe - black; Middle stripe - white; Bottom stripe - green; Triangle - red

November 2011

© 2011 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 39


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