The 10/40 Reporter November 2010

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November 2010 Edition


Tajikistan inside

Where people wear crowns. Aug. Praise Report Japan: Harvest Time? World Religions Tajikistan: Where People Wear Crowns WindoWkids™ India Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation

Window International Network Board of Directors


November 2010 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:......................... Pastor Edward Smith President:.................. Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:................. Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:.................. Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:......... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:......... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:......... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:......... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:.....Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:........................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:............................................Leah Sahhar WindowKidsTM Contributer:.....................................Alysha Kageorgis Website Administrator:...............................................Bill Duggin Design/ Window International Network is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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November 2010

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : November 2010

Praise Report

5 Japan: Harvest Time?

6 World Religions

10 10/40 WindoW Watchman


14 Tajikistan: Where People Wear Crowns

32 WindowKids™: India

34 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3

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Š 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

August 2010

Praise Report

“ We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.”–The Bible, Psalm 75:1

MIDDLE EAST According to new reports

from the Middle East, “Muslims are coming to Christ at an unprecedented pace despite intense persecution of those who leave Islam.” Missions organizations say radio, television, and internet-based ministries have been the key. “Probably in the last ten years,” says one agency, “more Muslims have come to faith in Christ than in the past 15 centuries of Islam.” It is also estimated that more than 3,000 Iranians are putting their faith in Jesus Christ each month. Give the Lord praise for His great and marvelous works. And continue to pray for an even greater harvest of souls in the Muslim world.

SUDAN After being held hos-

NORTH KOREA With the help of a former Western leader, an American imprisoned in North Korea was granted release. The man, who had been teaching English in South Korea, crossed the border on what was believed to be a one-man peace mission. He was then arrested and sentenced to eight years in a labor camp. The pastor of the church the man had been attending in South Korea said he “felt like their prayers were answered.” Thank the Lord for hearing and answering the many pleas and petitions that were lifted up in this man’s behalf.

The Lord’s name is very near, as the following praise reports testify.

tage in the Dafur region of Sudan for 105 days, a Samaritan’s Purse worker was finally released. The woman, who was abducted by eight armed men, was reportedly “exhausted but in good health.” Give the Lord praise for this wonderful answer to prayer.

PAKISTAN A Christian woman accused of

blaspheming the prophet Mohammad in Pakistan was acquitted when the court learned her confession had come as the result of police pressure. Praise the Lord for this development

November 2010

and continue to pray for this woman, her family, and other Christian Believers in Pakistan as they face ongoing persecution.

IRAN A woman sentenced to

death by stoning remains in prison with reports that she may have to serve a 10-year sentence, but that she will not receive the death penalty. Though she confessed to adultery and taking part in her husband’s murder, her lawyer claims this was coerced and that his client is innocent. Thank the Lord for the changes taking place in Iran and pray for the liberation of all citizens as the Gospel is made known and brings true freedom.

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“There is a great need to encourage and mobilize young Christians to be involved in ministry.”

Japan > Harvest Time? The island nation of Japan has a rich cultural history that dates back millennia. Once isolated and mysterious, it is now a major part of the global economy. In fact, despite its relatively modest size (it is ranked 61st in terms of landmass) it now boasts the second largest economy on planet earth. 6 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

What has long been lacking, however, is spiritual life. Even before the arrival of Buddhism, Shinto (“the way of the gods”) was a central part of life. “Shinto is rooted in Japan’s national history,” one observer writes, “and is intricately intertwined with its culture.” This religion emphasizes loyalty to family

and community, along with the concept of duty. Those who practice Shinto are “indebted” or obligated to show loyalty to anyone who gives them something or does something for them. Ancestor worship is part of Shinto and children are expected to venerate (show loyalty) to their parents even after their parents die. A shrine is erected in every home where sacrifices and gifts

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

are presented to gods (kami) and deceased family members. Buddhism was introduced in the sixth century and was quickly blended into the practice of Shinto. Confucianism and Taoism came later and were also mixed in to form a strange blend of false religions. While Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism were generally accepted in Japan, Christianity was largely rejected. The first successful introduction of the Gospel is thought to have come by way of Jesuit priests in the 1500s. It is estimated that there were 100,000 Christian Believers before military leaders decided this was a threat to their control and authority. At that time, they crucified more than two dozen Christians. Since then, there have been small windows of opportunity bordered by seasons in which missionaries have been expelled. The fruit has been minimal. Today, 83.9% of the Japanese follow Shinto, and 71.4% also follow


a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon this archipelago of 6,852 islands. (The Bible, Acts 2:2-4) a tearing down of the strongholds and vain imaginations erected by false religions. Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to be raised up, drawing all men, women and children to Himself. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4,5) those who are in emotional pain and considering suicide to seek comfort and hope in the Lord. November 2010

Buddhism. Despite these statistics, many Japanese are quite secular and worldly. And there is a glaring spiritual void: Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world. Only 2% of the population is Christian, with just 0.5% evangelicals. The Church remains small and many congregations are struggling. The average age of pastors in Japan is between 60 and 70 years. As these men retire, churches are left without leadership. “Bible schools are closing due to lack of students,” one minis-

try reports. “There is a great need to encourage and mobilize young Christians to be involved in ministry.” There is truly a great need in Japan – a need the Lord is ready to fill. But He is waiting for us to join Him by praying, giving, and going to this ancient, white-for-harvest field. The time for Japan has come. Sourced: Dean Halverson (“The Compact Guide to World Religions,” 1996), World Factbook, Operation Mobilization

(The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3,4) the minds and hearts of all who have been seduced by the world and the lust for riches to be open to the Gospel. Pray for them to be set free from the lies of the enemy and to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, I John 2:15) the time of harvest that we have been waiting for – that the Lord Himself is waiting for – to come with great power, signs and wonders. Pray for a tremendous harvest of souls in Japan. (The Bible, John 4:35)

© 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 7

PRAY! pRay! PRAY! For the 10/40 Window “ Terrorism and radical world religions are driven by demonic forces. Therefore, we must deal with these spiritual issues in prayer.” — Beverly Pegues

* These definitions are drawn from the Window International Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials. For more information, go to

8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

Packed with country Profiles and prayer is the inspiration, this

essential guide to greater awareness and targeted

intercession for the millions of peop le living in the 10/40 Window .

November 2010

Š 2010 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 9


D L R O W ac

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f th o y t i jor




s ca n o i elig

A religion is a set of beliefs that answers the ultimate questions: What is ultimate reality? What is the nature of the world? What is the nature of humanity? What is humanity’s primary problem? What happens after death? A religion does not necessarily include a belief in God….

PRAY FOR all who put their trust in folk religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam (man-made attempts to reach heaven) to be set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 8:36) the Good News to penetrate the 10/40 Window as never before, shining the light of Christ into the darkness (The Bible, I Peter 2:9) hearts and minds to be open to hear and respond to the truth that the Lord has made a way for mankind to be forgiven and have relationship with Him: Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 14:6) the strongholds of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam to be torn down and for the people of the 10/40 Window to seek the true and living God (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4,5) a tremendous harvest of souls in the 10/40 Window (The Bible, II Peter 3:9) the Kingdom of God to come to the final frontier of missions in great power and glory (The Bible, I Corinthians 4:20)

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lse a f e c ti

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While there are many different belief systems in the world, and new branches, splinters, interpretations, and philosophies springing up nearly every day, four are of primary concern to us as we intercede for the precious people of the 10/40 Window: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and ethnic or folk religion. These major religions hold in common the denial of Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life – the only way to the Father (The Bible, John 14:6) – as well as the fact that they all originated inside the Window. The majority of those who practice these false religions can also be found in the 10/40 Window. This is no coincidence. The Kingdom of God is at war with the kingdom of satan and billions of souls are in the balance, their eternal destiny at stake. With most of the “unreached” living in the 10/40 Window, practicing these false religions, it should come as no surprise that this region is the focus of a fierce, ongoing spiritual battle. Below is a brief overview of each of the four chief false religious systems. It is intended to assist you in praying more strategically. (You can also find this information in printed form in the Window International Network Praying Through The Window 9 Revised materials.) © 2010 Window International Network

November 2010



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This is the oldest system of religion in the world. It includes a belief that spirits inhabit inanimate objects, and often encourages worship of nature, the sun, moon and stars, and ancestors. The spirits are usually feared and must be appeased by offerings, sacrifices and various rituals. Superstition and “good luck” are part of folk religion. Those who can manipulate these forces to bring healing, favor, or provide direction are revered as witchdoctors or shamans. Many of the ideas involved in folk religion are carried over into the practice of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. This tendency to mix religions together is known as syncretism.

HINDUISM – 1500 BC Begun in India, Hinduism is considered both polytheistic and ritualistic. That simply means that it attempts to serve many gods (polytheism) and does so through legalistic ceremonies. What started out as a rather simple means of relating to the supernatural world quickly grew into a very complex system of priests who perform rituals to satisfy millions of deities. One of the key aspects of Hinduism is karma. This is the belief that good and bad deeds conducted in this life carry over into the next and determine the quality of each reincarnation. There is no understanding or means of obtaining forgiveness in Hinduism. November 2010

BUDDHISM – 563 BC At about the same time the people of Judah were exiled in Babylon, author Dean Halverson points out, Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) was founding this false religion. Seeing the many problems facing mankind, Siddhartha wanted to find a means of easing suffering. Eventually, he decided that suffering could be eliminated through enlightenment. After a deep state of meditation, in which he said he was tempted by “the evil one,” he attained this enlightenment, reached “nirvana” and became Buddha (“the enlightened one”). This works-based religion seeks to right the world’s wrongs through wisdom, moral conduct, and discipline. In this way, Buddhists attempt to not only alleviate suffering, but “become liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth.”

ISLAM – 622 AD In 610 AD, Mohammad received his first “revelation” from an entity he identified as the angel Gabriel. The series of revelations that followed were later compiled into what is known as the Qur’an. While Islam (meaning “submission”) eventually splintered into several branches – the two main sects being Sunni and Shiite – most follow the “five pillars.” In an effort to please Allah and gain heaven, the serious Muslim (meaning “submitted one”) bears witness (stating there is no God but Allah and that Mohammad is his prophet), prays five times a day, gives alms, fasts (especially during the month of Ramadan), and visits Mecca at least once in their life (called the “hajj”). They also engage in jihad or “the struggle” – an internal and external fight against all that threatens Islam.

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Notice what these false religions have in common: a belief that mankind can earn salvation, obtain forgiveness, and gain a better life, even eternal life, through human efforts. We know from Romans 3:23 that the wages of sin is death. To sin even once is to deserve the punishment of eternal destruction (The Bible, James 2:10; II Thess. l:9). We also know from Romans 5:8 that God demonstrated His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus alone is the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to God except through Him. This truth compels us to pray for those who have had their minds and hearts blinded by the enemy and are being held captive by false religions. The Lord wants all men, women and children to be saved and has invited us to take part in this rescue operation through prayer and missions. Sourced: Dean Halverson (“The Compact Guide to World Religions,” 1996), Edward Hoskins (“A Muslim’s Heart”) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 11


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Chad, officially the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in central Africa. It is bordered by Terrorism in Chad has been used by rebel groups a means of opposing the successive dictatorships since Chadian independence in 1960. Chadian President Idriss Déby Itno has said that his ongoing battle against rebels and Janjaweed militiamen based in Sudan is a war against Islamic extremists. In August 2004, United States troops were in Chad training some of the country’s elite forces in how to fight Al Qaeda or any of its allies in the region. 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

Prayer Points

Chad, Central Africa ÌÌ Population: 9,885,661 Gen. Idriss Déby Itno ÌÌ Political Leader: President Lt. ÌÌ Islam: 55% ÌÌ Christianity: 27.8% ÌÌ Traditional: 16% ÌÌ Other: 1.2% d ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: Not Ranke ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 3 ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 12 ÌÌ Casualties: 180 ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 80% 80% ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty:


Chad is home to over 200 different ethnic and linguistic groups. French and Arabic are the official languages. Islam is the most widely practiced religion. Christians make up 27.8% of Chad’s population.

Challenges for Christians

Many Chadian Muslims have been recruited as mercenaries to attack and kill Christians in Nigeria. The country is almost equally divided between Muslim northerners, who are politically more powerful, and increasingly more marginalized Christian/ethnic religion southerners. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, Wikipedia, Country Reports on Terrorism 2006, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Open Doors, BBC, The World Factbook November 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

Pray for the government of Chad to continue to combat terrorism. Pray that the country won’t become a breeding ground for terrorism. Pray for God to thwart any work of Al Qaeda and Janjaweed militiamen in Chad. With 200 people groups and 120 languages, Chad is one of the most unreached countries in Africa and presents a challenge to the Gospel. Pray for laborers to be sent to this harvest field (Matthew 9:37-38). Chad is one of 10 poorest countries in the world. It lies in the heart of the African continent and suffers from low rainfall and severe droughts. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to come and minister in Chad. Thank God that the 2006 elections were peaceful. People from a Muslim background are starting to respond to the Gospel. Pray for Jesus to reveal Himself to more and more Muslims. Pray for continued peace and freedom in all ethnic and religious communities. Islam is growing in influence and numbers in Chad. More and more Muslim nations are sending missionaries to Chad and more mosques are being built. Pray that Christians might be equipped to witness to this community. There are more unreached peoples in Chad than anywhere else in Africa. Pray for ongoing support and protection for missionaries already working here. Pray also that God would call many to dedicate years to learning the languages and building the Kingdom in Chad. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 13

P O I N T S NOVember 2010


Church burned in Punjab… Christian school gutted in Kashmir… Church service disrupted in Uttar Pradesh… All of these violent events took place in India in September 2010. Christian Believers in this nation are calling on the Body of Christ to pray against this persecution and intercede on behalf of those in Kashmir, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh who are being attacked. Ask the Lord to protect His people, surrounding them with a hedge of protection and giving His angels charge over them. Pray for the hearts of those who are carrying out these destructive acts to be softened and for them to encounter Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to alert the government to this abuse. Pray for officials to take action against all forms of persecution. Invite God’s Kingdom to come throughout India and for the Gospel to be preached to every man, woman and child. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


Mauritanian security forces recently raided a terrorist camp hidden in the Sahara Desert. Six members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) were killed. Praise God for exposing the terrorist hideout and for extinguishing this headquarters of evil. Pray 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

for the Mauritanian government to remain vigilant in seeking out these criminals. Ask the Lord to continue shining His light into the darkness of Islam that has enveloped Mauritania. Pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout this nation, and for multitudes of Muslims to repent and turn to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Petition the Lord to bring His Kingdom in Mauritania as it is in heaven.


Although the troubled Darfur region of Sudan has not been in the news lately, it continues to be a place of great violence and suffering. The estimated three million people who are struggling to survive in refugee camps in Darfur are unable to leave, many of them separated from their families. “It’s been seven long years of bombs dropped by camel-back raids,” one news source explains, “displacement, rape, and being robbed of humanitarian aid. … For the orphaned, it’s been as many as seven years without parents to provide or care for them.” Plead for these homeless, trapped and hopeless people. Intercede for the children who have lost mothers and fathers, as well as for the untold numbers of families that have been separated by genocide. Pray for the Lord to minister physical, emotional,

and spiritual healing to those in need. Ask the Lord to give the people of Darfur favor in the eyes of the government and for them to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Pray for their safety and for the Kingdom of God to come to this land in great power.


Despite the efforts of allied forces fighting for the freedom of Afghanistan, the northern region of the nation has been infiltrated by the Taliban. Residents of the once-peaceful north say they are “powerless and terrified, confused by the government’s inability to prevail – and ready to side with insurgents to save their own lives.” Pray for an immediate end to this intimidation. Ask the Lord Himself to rout the Taliban, drive them from Afghanistan, and pursue them, giving them no place to hide. Invite the Holy Spirit to use this time of fearfulness to turn hearts toward the Lord of Hosts. Pray for the people to put their faith in Jesus Christ rather than the government or even the allied troops. Plead with the Lord to bring His Kingdom rule and reign in great power to Afghanistan.

Day 3

© 2010 Window International Network


According to missionaries laboring November 2010

in this nation, the Iraqi invasion of 1990 generated a desire in wealthy Kuwaitis for “bigger, better and more elaborate buildings and houses.” They ask Christians Believers around the world to remember Kuwait before the Lord, praying for the many rich citizens to “see the futility of putting their security in wealth and materialism.” Petition the Lord to reveal that the things of this world are quickly passing, but the Word of God lasts forever. Pray for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated throughout Kuwait and for the name of Jesus to be lifted above buildings and money. Ask the Lord to bring His Kingdom to this nation, set free those held captive by materialism, and draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to Christian aid groups, “a high number” of women and children are drugged and kidnapped each year in Bangladesh in what has become a thriving human trafficking operation. One source reports that as many as 400 young women between the ages of 12 and 16 are abducted each month and forced to work in the sex industry. Plead with the Lord for an immediate end to this destructive and criminal practice. Ask Him to arise and be a Champion for the children and young girls who are stolen and enticed to leave their homes before being enslaved. Pray for the government of Bangladesh to intervene and for the international community to cooperate with this effort. Petition the Lord to reach those who are involved in this industry – transforming the hearts of the wicked masterminds, and comforting and healing the victims. Pray for the Gospel to reach every November 2010

city, town and village, and for the Kingdom of God to come in Bangladesh in great power.


In September 2010, the government of Japan officially apologized for the inhumane treatment of prisoners of war (POWs) during World War II. Among the abuses was the forced march of 78,000 POWs from the Bataan peninsula to a prison camp in which 11,000 men died. Pray for the Lord to provide healing for this nation and those who suffered as POWs. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring genuine, godly sorrow that will lead to true repentance. Pray for this to be a time of considering life, death, and the need for a Savior. Pray for the hearts of the people to be soft, fertile ground for the Word of God and pray for the Gospel to be made known throughout Japan. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


A recent report states that 80 communities in Guinea-Bissau are plagued with anti-personnel bombs (landmines). These deadly hazards were hidden in the earth after the nation gained independence in 1974, and also during the 1998-1999 civil war. “There have been more than 1,200 known casualties” and “tens of thousands of hectares of land are too dangerous to use.” Pray for the efforts currently underway to clear and deactivate these bombs. Give thanks to God for the assistance of western nations. Pray for the protection of children and families, especially those who must farm these dangerous

© 2010 Window International Network

regions in order to survive. Ask the Lord to send Christians to will help speed this work, as well as to preach the Gospel. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea-Bissau, as it is in heaven.


A newly proposed law in Bhutan will make it illegal to proselytize or attempt to convert anyone to Christianity. Missionaries in this region believe this crackdown on religious freedom could mean that “even helping the poor may be seen as an underhanded way to spread the faith.” At present, Christians comprise less than 1% of the population and there are no churches in the nation. Pray for the Lord to move powerfully in Bhutan, toppling the false religion of Buddhism and opening doors for the Gospel to be preached and demonstrated freely. Ask the Lord to send a great awakening to this tiny, hidden land. Pray for a breaking through in the spiritual realm – the tearing down of ancient strongholds and the coming of God’s Kingdom in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


In a strange turn of events, a powerful western government has decided to sell Saudi Arabia $60 billion in arms. Just a few years ago, one reporter notes, “Saudi Arabia was too closely linked with terrorism” for such a deal to take place. Now, however, “arming Saudi Arabia is seen as a way to counter Iran.” Pray for the Lord to give wisdom to all nations The 10/40 Window Reporter | 15

(Saudi Arabia continued)

in the fight against terrorism. Ask Him to reveal the hidden purposes and motives involved in the desire to purchase weapons (The Bible, Mark 4:22). Intercede for the leaders of Saudi Arabia to honor their agreements, continue to seek out and destroy terrorists, and be vigilant in opposing Iran. Pray for the citizens of this Islamic stronghold to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Good News that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead so that they could be forgiven and spend eternity with the Lord in heaven. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of Muslims in Saudi Arabia.

Day 6

free speech at the nation’s biggest foreign press club.” Prime Minister Vejjajiva has refused to schedule elections and is unwilling to lift the state of emergency in the northern region of the nation. Pray for freedom to come to Thailand. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to spread throughout the nation and to set free those held captive by Buddhism and other false religions. Plead with the Lord for a great awakening in this land – for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Ask the Lord to protect Christian Believers, give them boldness, and to bring His Kingdom rule in Thailand.


After the first round of presidential elections in June 2010, the head of the election committee was arrested and found guilty of fraud. This set off violent protests and forced the second round of voting to be postponed. Pray for the Lord to restore order in Guinea. Ask Him to pour out His Spirit in this troubled land and raise up leaders who fear His name and will serve with integrity. Pray for fair elections, free from corruption and scandal. Pray for a great harvest of souls as the Gospel is preached throughout Guinea.


“The government of Abhisit Vejjajiva,” writes one news source, “has tried to put a good face on its continuing military crackdown on pro-democracy advocates.” After killing scores of protesters, the source points out, and silencing the opposition, the Thai government has decided to “curtail 16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Although the threat of malnutrition and famine in North Africa remains great (especially in Chad), the situation is improving in Niger. “We’ve seen the positive impact of timely, wellcoordinated food and nutritional assistance,” an aid representative said. Food prices in Niger are reportedly beginning to fall and malnutrition rates have stabilized. Praise God for this answer to prayer. Ask Him to continue moving powerfully throughout the Sahel Desert region, providing families and children with food. Plead for rain and a good harvest of crops. Pray for this time of crisis to be used by the Holy Spirit to turn hearts and eyes to the Lord. Pray for Nigeriens to seek and call on the Lord for their needs and for the Kingdom of God to come to their nation in great power.


A well-known human rights activist

was convicted and sentenced to life in prison by the government of Kyrgyzstan in September 2010. Rights groups say the trial was “marred by violence and procedural irregularities.” Kyrgyzstan is still considered to be “on edge” after violence between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz displaced approximately 400,000 people. Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring His Kingdom to Kyrgyzstan. Ask the Lord to bring forgiveness and reconciliation between ethnic groups, as well as between political parties. Pray for Christian Believers in Kyrgyzstan to boldly proclaim the Good News that Jesus Christ came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin, and was raised from the dead. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


The office of opposition leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi was raided by Iranian security forces in September 2010. Observers said the attack signaled a “new phase of restrictions” in the government’s attempts to crack down on dissidents. Protests and demonstrations have continued since a 2009 presidential election (considered by some to be rigged) resulted in the re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Pray for an end to the corruption in the government of Iran. Ask the Lord to provide fair elections and to raise up leaders who will serve the nation with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for the stronghold of Shiite Islam to be torn down and for the Gospel to reach every man, woman, and child in Iran. Plead with the Lord for multitudes of Iranians to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010


Officials in Burkina Faso recently announced the formation of an economic commission that will foster cooperation between Burkina Faso and Iran. The Iranian foreign minister stated that “Iran and Burkina Faso lie in two important… regions of Asia and Africa which have experienced changes and occasional crises throughout the decades.” He also said the Red Crescent Society (an Islamic humanitarian organization) will set up clinics in West Africa. Pray for the leaders of Burkina Faso to exercise great wisdom in dealing with Iran. Pray for the Lord to keep this union from becoming a way for Iran to politically and spiritually exert more control in North Africa. Invite God’s Kingdom to come in great power to Burkina Faso. Ask Him to make the Gospel known throughout the land and for many to respond, putting their trust in Jesus Christ.


After years of droughts, Mali has been experiencing a severe food shortage. In some parts of the nation nearly 80% of the population lives off of livestock and agriculture. “With the lack of food and water, cattle die and their owners have no money left to buy basic necessities and grain. Grazing land is dwindling and herders have to cover ever greater distances with their animals to find green land.” Pray for an end to these droughts. Ask the Lord to send rain to this desperately dry land. Pray for the people to turn to the Lord to meet this need November 2010

and call out to Him to provide for them. Intercede for the families and children who are suffering from food shortages. Pray for Christian humanitarian aid groups to help meet the needs for basic necessities – and be able to share the Gospel with the mostly-Muslim population. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Mali as it is in heaven.


Human rights groups are calling for “immediate action against the persecution and abuse of independent media” in Azerbaijan. The government’s treatment of the media has been called heavyhanded, experts say, and does not allow for freedom of expression. Azerbaijan is also number 24 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 of the worst persecutors of Christians. While the constitution supposedly guarantees freedom of religion, Christian churches are forced to register and those who fail to do so are often raided and forcibly shut down. Pray for the Lord to bring greater freedom to Azerbaijan. Ask Him to open the door for expression and worship. Pray for the Gospel to be freely preached throughout the nation and for Christian Believers to have the opportunity to witness and practice their faith without fear of arrest or imprisonment. Plead with the Lord for a great awakening in Azerbaijan that will bring multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Day 10

Yayi Boni was linked to a financial scandal that reportedly robbed an estimated 70,000 people of about $180 million. Fraud victims began protesting, chanting “enough is enough,” and calling for President Boni to be impeached. Pray for an end to corruption at all levels in this small but troubled African nation. Bind the spirits of manipulation, control, and greed, and loose freedom, integrity, and generosity. Invite the Lord to move in Benin, spreading the Gospel throughout this nation, tearing down strongholds of voodoo, and bringing His Kingdom with great power. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to Missions Network News, “Ministry is thriving in Indonesia; lives, communities, and hearts are being transformed.” The Lord is using radio to draw people to Christ and to plant churches. Approximately 3 to 5 people each day put their faith in Jesus, and 1,176 churches have been birthed as a result of 40 radio stations. Praise the Lord for all that He is doing in Indonesia! Give thanks to Him for bringing a harvest of souls in the world’s most populous Muslim nation. Pray for this time of awakening and ingathering to continue, and for the Holy Spirit to move in even greater power, drawing more and more into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In August 2010, Benin’s President

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In September 2010, the government The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Laos continued)

of Laos once again agreed with its neighbors that “there is a need to combat terrorism, organized crime, and drug trafficking in South East Asia.” Laos is committed to working with India and Cambodia to fight these threats and believes international cooperation is one of the most potent weapons in this battle. Praise the Lord for this stand against terrorism, crime and drugs. Pray for the government of Laos to make good on this commitment and dedicate the funds and tools necessary to keep their nation safe and secure. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Laos, even among the members of the Communist regime. Invite Him to move in the hearts of leaders, as well as in the citizens, drawing them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in Laos as it is in heaven.


The United Nations said in September 2010 that attempts to restart a program intended to provide “confidence-building family visits to Western Sahara refugees in Algeria” had failed. The visits had allowed more than 10,000 people to see family members in Algerian refugee camps before being halted in March 2010. Pray for this complicated, long-standing conflict to end. Ask the Lord to give the Sahrawis favor in the eyes of the Moroccan government and for them to be allowed to return to their homeland. Pray for the Gospel to be preached in the refugee camps in Algeria and for the Sahrawi to look to the Lord for their needs. Petition the Lord to provide physical and spiritual freedom for the people of Western Sahara. 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


Despite reports that sexual harassment has “indisputably been on the rise in recent years” in Egypt, the first lady, Suzanne Mubarak, does not believe it is a serious problem. “Egyptian men always respect Egyptian women,” she once told the media, surmising that one, two, or even ten events occur each year, but are mostly the work of “scatterbrained youths.” However, one human rights agency estimates that 83% of Egyptian females and 98% of foreign females have been victims of sexual harassment – with twothirds of Egyptian men engaging in these attacks. Pray for the Lord to intervene on behalf of these women. Ask Him to use this distress and victimization as a means of turning hearts and minds from Islam to the true and living God. Pray for Jesus to be exalted far above all false gods. Plead with the Lord for the protection of women and children, and for the Holy Spirit to convict the men who are committing these acts, bringing them to repentance and salvation. Declare the coming of the Kingdom of God in Egypt.


The persecution of Christians in this former Soviet republic is on the rise. In recent months, Believers have been harassed, detained, and arrested for the “crime” of worshiping Jesus Christ. Unregistered church services have been broken up, Bibles and other materials confiscated and destroyed, and security forces have attacked and beaten those gathered to

celebrate the Lord together. Pray for an immediate end to these abuses of power. Ask the Lord to give Christian Believers in Uzbekistan strength, wisdom, and endurance as they honor Him. Pray for them to have many opportunities to share their faith with friends and neighbors. Petition the Lord to turn the hearts of the authorities away from fear and a desire to control, and toward the freedom found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


The power structure in this South Asian nation is changing. In September 2010, the former king was barred from participating in “religious, cultural and public functions.” Security forces were even sent to his home to ensure that he did not take part in a religious festival held in the nation’s capital. The interim prime minister also stated in September that Maoists will be allowed back into the government within four months if they can adhere to a peace agreement. Pray for the Lord to direct the government of this nation in achieving His plans and purposes. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will guide and rule with integrity. Pray for a great harvest of souls as the Gospel spreads throughout Nepal. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Nepal in power, with signs and wonders.


Citing security concerns, the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) suspended

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the

lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts

and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the

10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire November 2010 fulfilled? © 2010 Window International Network The 10/40 Window Reporter | 19

(United Arab Emirates continued)

email and texting on BlackBerry smartphones. They fear the highly encrypted transmission of information will make it virtually impossible for them to monitor communications. Saudi Arabia has also decided to suspend the devices. Pray for the Lord to give these and other governments in the Middle East wisdom in working out ways to allow for freedom of expression and communication, but also keep their nations safe from terrorism and crime. Pray for the Holy Spirit to clearly communicate to the citizens of the UAE the love of the Father, as expressed in the gift of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Ask for a tremendous ingathering of souls. Pray for lasting fruit as the Gospel is made known through personal witnessing, radio, television, and internet sites.

Day 14

purging served to eject Christians from Morocco, observers say Believers are “in the crosshairs” of the government, still targeted for persecution. Before and after Christians were deported in 2010, many were also harassed, interrogated, and arrested. As one worker put it, “The fact is religious freedom in Morocco simply does not exist.” Pray for an end to this crackdown on Christians. Pray for the Lord to open the door for the Gospel to reach every man, woman and child of every people group in Morocco. Pray for the Holy Spirit to stir hearts and open blind eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ. Plead with the Lord to bring a great harvest of souls in this closed, Muslim nation.



According to a new report, “a radical brand of Islam embraced by al-Qaida and the Taliban is gaining a foothold” in Albania. It notes that while many Albanians are Muslim, most are secular – not practicing their faith very seriously. “But experts are now seeing an increasing radicalization.” Pray against the rise of extremist Islam. Plead with the Lord to rise up and scatter His enemies. Pray for the hearts and minds of young people in Albania to be open to the Word of God. Pray for them to hear and respond to the Gospel, surrendering their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA After several recent waves of 20 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

One news source states there are thousands of children who were born in Iraq during the insurgent violence. Many of these are the sons and daughters of al-Qaeda members and, since they don’t have paperwork, they have no rights as citizens. Without birth certificates, passports or national ID cards, the article reports, they will be unable to get an education or a government job. “These children,” it concludes, “are paying for the sins of their fathers.” Pray for the Lord to call, equip and send laborers into this waiting harvest field. Ask Him to mobilize Christian humanitarian agencies to minister to these children, providing them with the food, shelter, schooling, and training they need to function in society. Plead with the Lord for their salvation. Pray for this to be an opportunity to plunder the enemy’s camp, leading the children

of terrorists into the freedom of Jesus Christ.


The civil war that raged in this island nation for nearly three decades left more than 70,000 people dead. Government forces finally defeated the insurgent terrorist group (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - LTTE) in 2009. The LTTE had reportedly grown quite sophisticated and perfected the use of suicide bombings. In the aftermath of the war, 300,000 Tamils were held for months in primitive refugee camps. Today, the nation has finally entered a period of peace. Pray for this to be a time of restoration, healing, and for ethnic groups to be reconciled. Ask the Lord to bring not only a physical but a spiritual peace to Sri Lanka. Pray for Christian humanitarian groups to be used to bless the people, meeting their needs and providing them with the Gospel. Petition the Lord to establish His Kingdom in Sri Lanka, as it is in heaven.


A recent news article reports that the Israeli government is becoming “increasingly frustrated by the international community’s footdragging regarding Iran’s defiant nuclear program.” A former Mossad chief also stated that if even a limited attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities was launched, “it could buy plenty of time to ultimately prevent the Islamic Republic from obtaining atomic weapons.” Ask the Lord to guide the leaders of Israel, as well as their Western allies, in deciding how

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November 2010

to deal with the threat posed by Iran. Pray for peace in the Middle East, but also for the protection of Israel. Plead with the Lord to send more workers and to make the Gospel known throughout Israel. Pray for a softening of hearts – for their stone hearts to be replaced with hearts of flesh (The Bible, Ezekiel 11:19). Ask the Lord to bring a great harvest of souls in Israel and rise up to be their Champion and Defender.


In September 2010, a military convoy was ambushed near the Afghan border in Tajikistan, killing 25 soldiers. “Observers worry that Afghanistan’s deadly mix of Islamic fundamentalism and drug trading is spilling into Tajikistan, the poorest of the five Central Asian nations.” The borders are reportedly very porous and easy to cross. Pray for the government of Tajikistan to take whatever steps are necessary to stop the entrance of terrorists and Taliban into their nation. Pray for them to successfully enlist the help of other countries. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this region, rooting out extremists and bringing their swift and total defeat. Pray for the Lord to give Tajikistan and their allies creative strategies for fighting against and defeating terrorism. Plead with

the Lord for the salvation of the Tajik people – for the Gospel to be preached throughout the nation and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to an official survey, there are now 23 million Christians in China. “Although that figure amounts to only 1.8 percent of the population, it represents 73 percent of China’s religious population.” Approximately, 70% of those responding to the survey were female. Praise the Lord for the wondrous work He is doing in China. Give thanks for the untold millions who have come to Christ in recent years. Pray for the Lord to protect them, give them strength and courage to share their faith under the threat of persecution, and provide discipleship opportunities. Plead for an even greater harvest of souls and for the Kingdom of God to come in power to China.


A peace agreement between Djibouti and Eritrea established in June 2010 continues to be in effect. “The key to

the limited deal was the withdrawal of Eritrean forces from the two disputed zones on the EritreaDjibouti border. Eritrean forces have not re-entered the zones.” Praise the Lord for this peace treaty and its impact on this region. Give thanks for all the Lord is doing in Djibouti – especially in using this nation as a base of operations for Western forces to fight terrorism in North Africa. Pray for the peace agreement to hold and for efforts to stop groups like al-Shabaab to be successful. Plead with the Lord for His Kingdom to come to Djibouti, providing food and shelter for the many citizens who are suffering in poverty, as well as providing eternal life to all those who put their trust in Jesus Christ.


In September 2010, Yemeni security forces raided a terrorist stronghold in order to cut their supply lines. The operation affected members of al-Qaeda affiliate, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Praise the Lord for this successful retaliatory attack. Praise Him for exposing the terrorists and for enabling the government to cut off their supply lines. Pray for these

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November 2010

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(Yemen continued)

to be the first of many operations against AQAP. Pray for a swift and complete end to this demonicallyinspired group. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout Yemen and for men, women and children from all parts of society to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The minister of public security in Vietnam recently met with the minister of internal affairs from Uzbekistan in an effort to negotiate cooperation between these two nations. One of the chief concerns was the field of national security. Among the issues discussed were “mutual cooperation in the struggle against terrorism, separatism, extremism, drug trafficking and other organized transnational crimes.” Praise the Lord for the growing realization that nations must band together to fight terrorism. Pray for this new partnership to be effective in keeping these nations free from extremism. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in Vietnam. Pray for greater freedom of worship and for Christian Believers to be courageous in sharing their faith. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Vietnam.


Taiwan and China have agreed to hold the 6th round of high-level talks in December 2010. The meetings will include discussions of trade and security issues. “Despite disputes over Taiwan’s sovereignty, the two sides have opened direct air, sea, November 2010

tourism and postal links, and agreed to put aside political differences to seek economic integration.” Praise the Lord for establishing peace between these formerly feuding nations. Pray for it to continue and to grow into a relationship that blesses the people of both Taiwan and China. Ask the Lord to use Christian Believers in Taiwan to spread the Gospel throughout the island. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


A Shia (also called Shiite) Muslim in Bahrain was stripped of his citizenship in what observers are calling a “crackdown” on Shias in the Middle East. Other Shia were arrested and accused of terrorism. Although Shia are believed to be the majority group in Bahrain, the Sunni government is actively oppressing them and many Sunni are taking to the streets to engage in anti-Shia protests. Pray for these two branches of Islam to stop fighting each other. Ask the Lord to turn their hearts away from violence, competition, and control, and lead them into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening of hearts and an opening of minds to the Gospel in Bahrain. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to this tiny nation in power and to spill into the rest of the region, bringing righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


Bruneians expressed relief recently

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when a Western pastor called off a controversial campaign to burn copies of the Qur’an. The citizens of Brunei also said the way to greater understanding of and peace with Muslims is dialog. Praise the Lord for keeping this disastrous event from taking place. Thank Him for using it as an opportunity for discussion and the building of bridges between faiths. Ask the Lord to use this open door to spread the Gospel to the Muslim majority in Brunei. Pray for their hearts to be soft and their minds receptive for the truth of Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to bring His Kingdom to Brunei, setting the captives free to know and serve the true and living God.


A recently report states that a new war between Lebanon and Israel – something experts believe is highly likely – would be “a fateful event for the region.” It describes this conflict as “wider in geographic scope and more destructive” than past wars, and predicts it would “lead to a devastating, Middle-East wide conflict, involving Syria and Iran, Hizbullah’s regional allies.” Plead with the Lord of Hosts to intervene in this escalation of tension and maintain peace in the Middle East. Pray for Him to give officials in Lebanon and Israel wisdom in making policies and responding to threatening events. Ask Him to defeat and destroy terrorist group Hezbollah – the principle instigators of much of this buildup. Pray for the Gospel to reach key leaders and for them to turn away from the religion of violence and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 23

(Lebanon continued)


The government of Qatar recently pledged its support and cooperation for Sri Lanka’s development program aimed at restoring the nation in the aftermath of the long-running war against the Tamil Tiger terrorists. Emir Kalifa Althank congratulated the Sri Lankan president “for wiping out terrorism which dogged Sri Lanka for a considerable period,” and said this was an example for the entire world to follow. Praise the Lord for the growth of anti-terrorism campaigns and for cooperation between nations in the fight against violent extremists. Pray for this sense of urgency to remain high and for wealthy nations like Qatar to invest funds wisely and do what is necessary to make their people secure. Ask the Lord to open doors for the Gospel to be preached in the Arabian Peninsula, presenting the citizens with the opportunity to be set free from fear by the salvation offered only in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come swiftly to Qatar.


The secretary general of the United Nations recently complimented the government of Turkmenistan for its anti-terrorism policies and stated that the nation was helping to strengthen “peace, stability and security in Central Asia and the world.” Praise the Lord for this observation and pray for Him to continue to bring it to pass, assisting Turkmenistan in achieving its goals and in keeping the people of this land safe. Ask the Lord to bless 24 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

efforts to cooperate with other countries in Central Asia and to give them wisdom in rooting out and defeating terrorist groups. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Turkmenistan and for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Recent changes in the administration of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi have some observers worried that he is eliminating threats to his power and moving closer to an absolute dictatorship. While Meles’ party collects millions of dollars for “women’s empowerment,” there is only one woman in his government – his wife. Pray for greater diversity and freedom in Ethiopia. Ask the Lord to protect the people from attempts by the government to manipulate and control. Pray for Christian Believers in Ethiopia to be bold in sharing their faith and for the Gospel to be presented to all people groups. Ask the Lord to bring His Kingdom to Ethiopia with great power, signs, and wonders.


With the first general elections in 20 years scheduled for November, dictator General Than Shwe has not only forced all cabinet members in his junta to resign from the army, but has disbanded political parties and made them ineligible to take part in the voting. This has caused many observers to predict a rigged election. “I would just say that it’s another discouraging sign,” an international leader said,

“that elections will be anything but democratic.” Pray for fair and open elections. Petition the Lord to raise up leaders who will serve the people with integrity. Pray for peace in this troubled nation and for the people to be set free from the oppression of the military government. Ask the Lord to pour His Holy Spirit out on Myanmar, softening hearts, opening minds, and drawing many into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.


After suffering through serious droughts, the nation of Chad is now struggling to survive the worst floods in decades. Approximately 150,000 people have been affected so far, more than half of them already refugees (most of them from Central African Republic). Many have lost crops and homes because of the flooding, and it has also caused a cholera epidemic and an increase in malaria. Pray for the Lord to bring relief to the people of Chad. Plead for food, clean water, and medicine to reach those who have been displaced and left homeless. Ask the Lord to provide for the refugees and use Christian humanitarian groups to preach and demonstrate the Gospel. Ask for a great harvest of souls as the Lord turns this tragedy into an opportunity to extend His Kingdom on the earth.


The government of Algeria recently imposed a media blackout regarding the refugee camps in Tindouf. Sahrawis (citizens of Western Sahara) are struggling to survive

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November 2010

in the camps as they wait to return to their homeland. Two Moroccan journalists have accused the Algerian authorities of trying to hide the dire and disastrous state of the camps and say the Sahrawis are being forcibly detained there. Pray for an immediate end to this long-standing controversy. Ask the Lord to intervene on behalf of the Sahrawis, providing them with food, clean water, medicine, and opportunities for education, along with a chance to hear the Gospel message. Pray for the Algerian government to stop ignoring this problem. Petition the Lord to give the Sahrawis favor in the eyes of the Algerians and the Moroccans (who have annexed Western Sahara). Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Algeria with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


After Col. Moammar al-Qadhafi’s rise to power in 1969, western nations severed relations with Libya. Despite modest reforms, the country and its leader are still viewed with suspicion. One news source reports that Libya will continue to be held back economically because of “erratic application of law, its poor human-rights record, and its recent history of connections to terrorism.” Pray for the government of Libya to see the error of their ways and truly repent. Ask the Lord to bring a social, political, and spiritual revival to this nation. Pray for the Gospel to reach the unreached Libyan Arabs. Plead for Muammar al-Qadhafi to have a personal encounter with the living Christ. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Libya as it is in heaven. November 2010


In September 2010, a Malaysian court ruled that the demolition of a Christian church building by government forces was unlawful. The newly built church was torn down 10 days before Christmas in 2005 because authorities said it was on state-owned land. Though the village where this occurred was small, the decision is being hailed as a victory for “freedom of religion and land rights.” Praise the Lord for this victory. Give Him thanks for this display of His power on behalf of His people. Pray for even greater freedom to worship Jesus Christ throughout this Muslimmajority nation. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel available to every man, woman and child, and for multitudes to put their faith in Christ as Savior and Lord.


President Nursultan Nazarbayev is being suggested for the Nobel Peace Prize. The group promoting Nazarbayev for this award states that “Astana (the nation’s capital) has every right to be called the spiritual capital of the world. Kazakhstan has also continued to play a significant role in the peaceful development of the Central Asian and Turkic world.” Pray for this worldly prophecy to become a spiritual reality. Pray for Kazakhstan to be the epicenter of an awakening that will draw people into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord throughout Central Asia. Ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit on this nation. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power.



Oman and other Gulf nations are ordering western-made weapons “worth some $123 billion in an effort to counter Iran’s military power, one of the largest re-armament exercises in peacetime history.” The object, a new report says, is to deter Iran and enable Oman to protect itself without western help. Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of Oman and other Middle Eastern nations wisdom in dealing with the threat posed by Iran. Ask the Prince of Peace to rule and reign in this region, bringing governments and the people they serve into relationship with the Risen One. Pray for a great harvest of souls in Oman and throughout the Middle East.

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Eight men were arrested, tried, and found guilty of inciting terror in Tunisia in July. The men were convicted of “belonging to a militant Islamist cell and advocating terrorist acts.” In recent years, the Tunisian government has imprisoned about 1,000 people on charges of terrorism. Praise God for the government’s commitment to fight extremism in North Africa. Give thanks for the convictions of those who were planning destructive acts and were attempting to recruit for jihadist groups. Pray for an immediate end to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and all other organizations seeking to intimidate, inflict fear, and bring about destruction. Pray for the people of Tunisia to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus The 10/40 Window Reporter | 25

(Tunisia continued)

Christ. Ask for God to visit this nation, bringing His Kingdom, His rule, and His reign.


Sex workers in Cambodia are not only caught in an immoral and physically hazardous industry, but they report being abused by security forces. “In Cambodia, police frequently and arbitrarily arrest and detain sex workers, harassing them and extorting money from them.” Workers reported being beaten with sticks, fists, and electric batons, as well as raped by authorities. Pray for the Lord to intervene in this travesty, rising up as the Champion for those without voice or power. Pray for the women and children caught in this web of greed and wickedness. Ask Him to send Christian workers and agencies to rescue these victims from the abuse of clients, pimps, and the government. Plead with the Lord for their safety and for their salvation. Petition the Lord to bring a tremendous harvest of souls in Cambodia.

Day 27

their minds and hearts toward the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening in Turkey and for a tremendous harvest of souls.


After sixteen years of dictatorship that involved forced famines, gulag prison camps, and nuclear tests that defied UN sanctions, Kim Jong Il is transferring power to his youngest son, Kim Jong Eun. But instead of bringing change for the better, many observers fear the future may be even worse for the people of North Korea and its neighbors. Kim Jong Eun is believed to be the “moving force behind a new wave of aggressive actions by the North.” Pray for this troubled, spiritually and politically oppressed nation. Plead with the Lord for the hearts of the North Korean people. Ask Him to shine the light of Christ into this region and deliver those who have had their minds darkened by the god of this age. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to North Korea as it is in heaven.


In a recent press conference, President Abdullah Gul stated that one of the priorities of his administration is to eliminate the threat of terrorism. Turkey will do “whatever is necessary towards that end,” Gul said. Praise the Lord for this tough stance against terrorism and pray that it will be carried out in the policies and actions of the Turkish government. Ask the Lord to move powerfully in this Islamic nation, setting the people free from the lies of the enemy and turning 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


After kidnapping a family of Christians, terrorist group al-Shabaab finally released the wife and children, killing the father. But that wasn’t the end of the violence. The children were then forced to convert to Islam and to become child soldiers. “The insurgents are determined to extend Sharia or strict Islamic law across Somalia – and are actively targeting Christians, murdering at least 15 of them last year alone.” Pray for Christian Believers in Somalia to be protected by the Lord – for His

hedge to surround them and for Him to give His angels charge over them. Ask Him to give them His joy in the midst of this persecution and that it will be their strength. Pray for them to stand firm in the faith with boldness. Plead with the Lord for an immediate end to al-Shabaab and their efforts to steal away the young people and rule the nation with intimidation. Pray for them to encounter Jesus Christ and put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord.


In the aftermath of deadly flooding, militant groups such as the Taliban have been rushing to assist victims in hopes of winning their hearts to the cause of extremist Islam. “The Islamists are helping people in areas where even the government has failed to reach.” This could put them in a position to seize political power. “Once the Islamists get in power,” one source noted, “Christians will be targeted as they are associated with Western countries.” Pray for the Lord to protect His people in Pakistan. Ask Him to provide for those who have lost homes and loved ones to flooding, and who are in desperate need of food, clothing, shelter, clean water and medicine. Pray for Christian aid organizations to speed relief to the most devastated areas and be able to both preach and demonstrate the love of God. Pray for this tragedy to be used to bring a great harvest of souls in Pakistan.

Day 29

© 2010 Window International Network

NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA In what is undoubtedly

November 2010

November 2010 ELECTIONS Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people?

Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month: 3 Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. 3 Ask the Lord Himself to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice. 3 Pray for an end to corruption and graft. 3 Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.

November 2010

November 7 – Myanmar Azerbaijan (parliamentary) November 9 – Jordan (parliamentary) November 21 – Burkina Faso (presidential / first round) November 28 – Chad (parliamentary / first round) November – Bahrain (parliamentary) Egypt (parliamentary) © 2010 Window International Network

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(Nigeria continued)

the most powerful and effective type of anti-terrorism campaign, evangelists in Nigeria are taking the Gospel to militants who are spreading violence and recruiting for their organizations. By sharing Jesus Christ with members of the Black Axe, the Brotherhood of the Black Brigade, the Big Eye, and other “clandestine groups that mix African occultism with drugs and violence to spread fear and political instability,” the plots of the enemy are being exposed and defeated. One evangelist reports having more than 400 of these men and women give their lives to Jesus. Praise the Lord for this strategy and for those who are boldly sharing their faith with terrorists. Pray for more open doors for this ministry, as well as more workers who will put themselves at risk for the Gospel. Pray for the spiritual eyes and ears of these terrorists to be open to the message of salvation and for many of them to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The government of Maldives is fighting terrorism by trying to rehabilitate extremists. The idea is to teach hard-core Islamists the “true spirit of Islam.” However, “skeptics say the program is built on Saudi Arabia’s strict Wahhabi version of Islam which foments extremism.” Pray for the Lord to give the leaders of this island nation wisdom in dealing with this very real and dangerous threat. Ask Him to reveal the spirit behind Islam and to awaken citizens to the truth found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for a tremendous harvest of souls in this closed, Muslim nation, and for the Kingdom of God to come in great power. 28 | The 10/40 Window Reporter


The government of Jordan recently joined with Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey “to increase cooperation in fighting terrorism and crossborder crime.” Praise the Lord for this cooperation and pray for it to be effective in combating terrorism and crime. Ask the Lord to protect the people of Jordan from the intimidation and fear campaigns of groups like al-Qaeda. Pray for political and spiritual peace in this region, and for the Gospel to spread throughout the nation. Intercede for those who have been blinded by the enemy and pray for their freedom – ask the Lord to draw them by His Holy Spirit into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran recently stated that Iran will be working with the nations of West Africa to “promote a new world order to replace the current one which has been created by former colonizers and slave masters.” In response, Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade said Senegal shares this desire and that “Africa seeks to expand cooperation with the Islamic Republic.” Pray for the Lord to disrupt this growing network of evil. Pray for the efforts by Iran to exert control and influence over Africa to fail. Intercede for the freedom of the people of Senegal and West Africa – from the lingering effects of colonization and slavery, and the more recent threat of extremist Islam. Pray for the Gospel to be preached throughout Senegal and for the result to be a great harvest of souls for the glory of God.


A new report from the International Crisis Group states that Eritrea is at risk of becoming a failed state. “Internal repression coupled with international military conflict means the country is becoming increasingly isolated in the Horn of Africa.” The report also notes that the government has clamped down on all opposition, filling the jails with political prisoners and Christians. Pray for the president of Eritrea – Isaias Afworki – to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to bring a swift end to the oppression imposed by the government. Pray for the protection of Christian Believers and for the Lord to be present with the thousands who are suffering in prisons. Pray for our Eritrean Brothers and Sisters to be bold in sharing their faith and to continue to stand firm in the Lord. Pray for the transformation of Eritrea as the Kingdom of God comes in great power.


Tibet’s relationship with China is now being referred to as a “frozen conflict.” This term is used to describe long-standing, unresolved disputes that show no signs of change or resolution. Pray for Tibet and China to find a means of waging peace. Pray for an end to this frozen conflict – for the Lord of Hosts to bring down the spiritual and political walls and strongholds that are separating these nations and keeping them separated and at odds. Ask the Lord to soften the hearts and open the minds of the Tibetan

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November 2010

people. Pray for a great awakening as multitudes put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Even as the government of Syria holds talks with neighboring nations aimed at combating terrorism, they continue to support Hezbollah – an Islamist group seeking to destroy Israel. Several shipments of weapons bound for Syria have been intercepted in past months, including seven tons of explosives seized by Italian police in September 2010. Pray for the leaders in the Syrian government to stop supporting terrorism. Ask the Lord to transform the hearts of Hezbollah members and bring an end to their quest to intimidate, cause fear, and bring destruction. Pray for the people of Syria to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Ask the Lord to display His Kingdom rule and reign in Syria.


After being suppressed by the Communist Party for decades, the people of Mongolia are reportedly reclaiming Buddhism as “an integral part of their national identity.” One religious scholar notes, “Now more people are coming to temples and visiting monasteries. There is also a new interest in meditation among the general public.” Pray for this resurgence of spiritual interest to be used by the Lord to lead people to the truth of Jesus Christ. Ask Him to show the people of Mongolia the futility of Buddhism and the life and salvation He is offering in the gift of His only Son. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Mongolia as it is in heaven. November 2010


After the Bali bombings of 2002, threat alerts for East Timor were increased to the highest levels. Today, nearly a decade later, the level remains at three – “high degree of caution.” President Jose RamosHorta has objected to this, stating that his home city is safer than most western cities. Pray for the government of East Timor to remain vigilant in fighting terrorism. Ask the Lord to protect the people of this nation. Pray for leaders to use wisdom in providing security and gauging threats. Intercede for the people of East Timor. Petition the Lord to give Christian Believers boldness in sharing their faith and for the hearts of the lost to be open and ready to receive the Gospel. Pray for a great harvest of souls in East Timor.


As he celebrated the Muslim feast of Eid (to mark the end of the month of Ramada), Gambian President Yahya Jammeh stated that “those involved in terrorism acts are not Muslim but instead use Islam to perpetrate the act of terrorism.” He also stated that many Muslims around the world suffer from Western domination. Pray for President Jammeh to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to transform him and empower him to lead the Gambia with integrity, wisdom, and the fear of the Lord. Intercede on behalf of the people of this tiny nation. Pray for the Gospel to reach every man, woman, and child, and

© 2010 Window International Network

for multitudes to respond, putting their faith and trust in Christ as Savior and Lord.


With rockets and mortars being fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel, some observers believe the conflict is being ignored in order to keep from spoiling the Middle East peace process. One journalist believes western powers are hoping a peace agreement with the West Bank will “prompt the Hamas and the residents of the Gaza Strip to seek a similar deal.” Instead, he speculates, Hamas, backed by Syria and Iran, will only be working to scuttle the peace process. Pray for the Prince of Peace to bring lasting peace to the Middle East. Pray for the hearts and minds of the people of the Gaza Strip – especially members of terrorist group Hamas – to be transformed by the truth and power of Jesus Christ. Intercede for those who are suffering in this ongoing conflict and ask the Lord to provide them with shelter, clothing, food, clean water, medicine, and opportunities for education. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to the Gaza Strip.


Members of Fatah say terrorist group Hamas is planning a coup to seize control of the West Bank. Fatah left the Gaza Strip when a similar event brought Hamas to power there in 2007. “We will not allow for this,” a Fatah spokesman said, explaining that they would be cracking down on Hamas in the West Bank. Pray for Fatah to be successful in keeping this terrorist group from gaining control of the West Bank. Ask the The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

(West Bank continued)

Lord to intervene, giving leaders in Fatah wisdom and strategies for combating this organization. Pray for the protection of the people of the West Bank. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel available to them in a way they can understand and receive. Pray for a great harvest of souls in the West Bank.

Window International Network

Pray fervently for the staff of Window International Network, inviting the Lord to make them vessels of His love to be used for His glory. Ask for Him to empower them by His Holy Spirit to do all that is in His heart – reaching the people and nations of the 10/40 Window with the freeing message of salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray for them to be easily led, open to His instruction, and ready to serve Him in any way He desires. Petition the Lord for a great uprising of prayer throughout the world that will open doors, hearts, minds, and the heavens in the 10/40 Window. Pray for Him to raise up an army of intercessors who will give Him no rest until the Gospel is preached in this resistant region and every group has an opportunity to put their faith in Jesus Christ.

HELP. The Final Frontier!

“And so it was, when Moses held up his hands, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.” (The Bible, Exodus 17:11)

Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News, Koinonia House

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magine the scene – two armies locked in mortal combat, the victory hinging on whether or not one man could keep his hands lifted toward God. And because he was merely human, Moses couldn’t keep his arms up. He grew tired. That might be a fitting picture for our situation here at Window International Network. The LORD has assigned us to a critical role in the spiritual war for the souls of men, women, and children in the final frontier of missions: the 10/40 Window. Yet we, like Moses, often grow weary, lacking the strength and resources to keep our arms in the air and win this most critical battle. We need your help!

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

P... Just as Aaron and Hur came alongside Moses, positioned him on a rock, and supported his hands so they were “steady until the going down of the sun,” so we need you to come alongside us. Your prayers and financial support are crucial to this battle. Without them, the Light of the Gospel will not penetrate this dark region of the world and the enemy will take countless people to hell with him. With your donations and ongoing intercessions, we can stand firm in the fight and continue to see a tremendous, accelerating harvest of souls. By investing in Window International Network, you are investing in the

November 2010

work of the Kingdom of God in the 10/40 Window. As Dr. Victor Choudhrie once noted, “There is no provision [in the New Testament] for wasting money on land, property or court cases. … We have to break our money mindedness, socially and racially unjust, miserly and poverty tolerating ‘attitudes,’ before God can break into our lives. We must honor God by offering whatever precious possessions we have, then watch our curses be broken, wealth multiply and our vats burst with new wine.” (The Bible, Proverbs 3:9,10; 10:22) Now is the time! We can finish the job. And we can see God break

© 2010 Window International Network

into, not only our lives, but the lives of multitudes currently sitting in darkness in the 10/40 Window. We just need to break out of our worldly mindsets so that God can accomplish all that is in His heart. Join us today. Make a donation to Window International Network and to the Kingdom of God in the 10/40 Window. Become an Aaron or a Hur and come alongside as we battle for the hearts and minds of billions who have been blinded by the enemy. Invest in their eternal freedom… today. donate to Window > ToInternational Network, go to

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Tajikistan Tajikistan literally means, “Land of the Tajiks.” The word Tajik is an alternate term for Perisan. It means “crown.” Taken together, Tajikistan means a “place where people wear crowns.” However, this is not an accurate description of this nation or its people. Just months after gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Tajikistan fell victim to a devastating civil war that killed 50,000 people and forced more than 10% of the citizens to flee the country. The economy has yet to recover. Today, Tajikistan is one of the poorest nations not only in the former Soviet Union, but in the entire world. “Because of a lack of employment opportunities,” one source notes, “nearly half of the labor force works abroad.” Sixty percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Infant mortality is high (41.03 deaths for every 1,000 live births) and life expectancy is about 65 years. Tajikistan’s biggest asset is its location. It is situated just north of Afghanistan, making it strategic for both allied forces waging war against terrorism, and extremist groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda. As the battle in Afghanistan continues, insurgents are increasingly taking refuge inside this small, poorlyprotected country. 32 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

Where people wear crowns.

“Tajikistan has been accused by its neighbours of tolerating the presence of training camps for Islamist rebels on its territory.” It is also a popular staging area for smugglers in the opium trade – “the first stop on the drugs route from [Afghanistan] to Russia and the West.” Though the nation is now free from the political influence of Russia, it continues to be held captive by Islam. Approximately 85% of the people are Sunni Muslims. Another 5% are Shia. The number of Christians inside Tajikistan is unknown. But what is known is that of the 46 people groups residing in this nation, 27 are still considered unreached – having yet to hear and respond to the Gospel. Tajikistan is not yet a place where people wear crowns. But the Lord has a plan for the precious people of this region. He desires to transform them into a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people that they may proclaim His praises. He has called them out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Sourced: BBC News, Wikipedia, World Factbook

© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

“...of the 46 people groups residing in this nation, 27 are still considered unreached...”

praY fOr Tajikistan to become a place where people wear crowns in the service of King Jesus. (The Bible, I Peter 2:9) the Lord to provide for the needs of the Tajik people, giving them new and inventive ideas for escaping from poverty. Pray for them to cry out to the Lord for relief and look to

November 2010

Him for help. (The Bible, Psalm 18:6) an end to the terrorist groups using Tajikistan as a hideout and an end to the drug smuggling that funds these organizations and their unholy, global jihad. (The Bible, Psalm 58:6,7) the strongholds of Islam to be torn down through prayer and the preaching of the Gospel. Ask the

© 2010 Window International Network

Lord for a great harvest of souls in Tajikistan. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4,5) the Kingdom of God to come to this nation, transforming the spiritual, political, economic and social atmosphere, and using Tajikistan to impact all of Central Asia for the glory of the Lord. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10

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India Hymie: Greetings, WindowKids!

Last month, we travelled to Mali and met with Marie, our sister in Christ. She spoke about the hardships the people in Mali are facing right now. This month, we are going to travel to Asia to hear some urgent news and updates from a friend in India. His name is Jamal and he is going to share some exciting miracles taking place in his homeland.

Jamal: Namaste, WindowKids! I’m glad

to be here. Today, I want to share with you some of the culture of India. Next month, I’ll be back to tell you about what God is doing inside His Church in India. Friends, did you know India has the second largest population in the entire world? Not only does it have lots and lots of people, but there are also many different religions, languages, and traditions. India has been conquered by many people groups over the course of history – the Persians, the Mongols, the English… These kingdoms brought religions from around the world. Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity are the three major religions of India today. Hinduism is the most practiced of them all. Many temples have been built for people to worship gods and statues. As Christians, we know that these statues have no power – only our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has power. But some people believe they can pray to and worship these idols. Because Hinduism is the largest religion, it has impacted the culture in many ways. One way Hinduism has impacted Indian culture is through the “sari.” This is a

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© 2010 Window International Network

November 2010

Hymie: WindowKids, pray big prayers

beautiful dress worn by the women of India. It was invented years ago when certain Hindu gods were sculpted and made to wear a robe or drape material. This influenced the culture at the time and women began to wear them in the market places and in their homes. Now, saris are not only worn by Hindu women, but all women throughout India.

for our brothers and sisters in India this month. While we are learning new things about this exotic land, let’s continue to pray for miracles to happen and for the Lord to keep Christian Believers safe! Sources: “India: Child Protection.” UNICEF India–The Children (2000): n. pag. Web. 20 Aug 2010. http:// “South Asia: India.” The World Factbook (2007): n. pag. Web. 20 Aug 2010. publications/the-world- factbook/geos/in.html.

We have fourteen national languages in India, interesting architecture, delicious curries, wonderful music and cultural dances. My country is quite beautiful. But one thing we don’t have and we desperately need is the Gospel. Let’s pray for the people of India to be open to hearing and responding to the Good News that Jesus came, died on the cross, and rose from the dead so they could be forgiven and have eternal life with God in heaven. Let’s also pray for children to be cared for and for an end to the extreme poverty, violence, and crime. November 2010

I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

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