The 10/40 Reporter September 2010

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September 2010 Edition

Living for Eternity Elections Morocco: Purge of 2010 Targeting Terrorism Korea: A Black Hole WindoWkids™ Mali Prayer Points for Every 10/40 Window Nation

Window International Network Board of Directors


September 2010 Edition

Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Chair:......................... Pastor Edward Smith President:.................. Minister Beverly Pegues Vice Chair:................. Dr. Dora Saforo Secretary:................... Sister Judith Trimble Treasurer:.................. Sister Audrey Beckett Board Member:......... Sister Bindu Choudhrie Board Member:......... Pastor Rodrick Gilbert Board Member:......... Dr. Myles Munroe Board Member:......... Linda Sommer Order WIN Resources TODAY online at Or send a check or money order to:

Window International Network President:.....Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor:........................Christopher Lane WindowKidsTM Editors:............................................Leah Sahhar WindowKidsTM Contributer:.....................................Alysha Kageorgis WindowKidsTM Illustrator:.......................................Kayla Purcell Design/ Window International Network is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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September 2010

THE 10/40 WINDOW REPORTER : September 2010

Living for Eternity

6 Morocco: Purge of 2010

10 10/40 WindoWatchman


14 Targeting Terrorism

32 North Korea: a Black Hole

36 WindowKids™: Mali

38 The 10/40 Window Reporter | 3

PRAY! pRay! PRAY! For the 10/40 Window “ Terrorism and radical world religions are driven by demonic forces. Therefore, we must deal with these spiritual issues in prayer.” — Beverly Pegues

* These definitions are drawn from the Window International Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials. For more information, go to

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© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010

Is it possible to hold a mini-Global Day of Prayer every day of the year? Dr. Victor Choudhrie, a church planting leader in India, thinks so. Which is why he has issued a summons to the Body of Christ to pray in harmony each morning and has even provided an outline to help make it happen. 3@6 invites Believers the world over to spend 3 minutes praying for global evangelism at 6 a.m. every morning. Choudhrie’s suggestions for utilizing this time include the following:

1st minute Pray for the harvest. Ask the Lord to reach the unreached, seek and save the

lost, and for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, among every tribe, tongue, and people. Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into His harvest field.

2nd minute Pray for the fields. Ask the Lord to open doors to closed nations, open hearts

and minds, and remove the veil from the eyes of those in bondage to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and ethnic religions. Pray for tentmakers, undercover missionaries, and members of the underground Church to be protected and encouraged, to have opportunities to share the Good News, and for their efforts to bring forth abundant fruit.

3rd minute Listen. Ask the Lord to reveal His strategies and plans to pray for and evangelize the

10/40 Window. Allow Him to place a specific nation or people group on your heart. Ask Him to show you how to intercede on their behalf and to help you adopt a “watch and pray” attitude that will keep you open to His guidance throughout the day.

It’s an incredibly simple, yet potentially powerful way to finish the task (The Bible, Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20; Revelation 5:9). The question is: Can we spare 180 seconds of our day to see God’s most passionate desire fulfilled?

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (The Bible, Job 1:21) Job learned a tough lesson about how fragile life really is. All that he had and held dear was taken from him in the blink of an eye. David echoed this, poetically likening our days on earth to a flower in the field. “For the wind passes over it,” David wrote, “and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more” (The Bible, Psalm 103:15,16). In the New Testament, James expressed the same truth this way: “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (The Bible, James 4:14). The message is simple: Life is short, death is real. For those who have discovered life’s purpose – to know and worship God – there remains the issue of responsibility. How are we expected to use and invest our time, energy, abilities, and resources? K.P. Yohannan once asked a telling question: Where will all of your possessions be in 100 years? Once you have passed from the scene, what will be left behind? What mark is your life making? Will anything you are doing today endure beyond your lifetime? When your days on earth are finished, your bank account will 6 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

be dispersed to someone else. Your clothing – no matter how stylish– will ultimately be thrown out. Your car will eventually be hauled to the junkyard or taken apart to sell for scrap. Your well-kept, tastefully decorated home will one day fall into disrepair and probably be razed.

That’s life! Unless you live for eternity. Living for eternity means doing, going, serving, and giving to the work of the Kingdom. Only God’s Kingdom will endure. If you have accepted the free gift of forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus, you will live forever in heaven. And if you invest yourself in God’s Kingdom now, seeking and saving the lost, others will join you.

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010

As Job put it, you come into the world with nothing, and you’ll leave the same way. The only exception to this rule is souls. Will you be taking anything – or more accurately, anyone – with you when you leave this life? By partnering with Window International Network, you are making an investment that will not only last beyond your lifetime, but reap rewards in the next. As you join WIN in mobilizing prayer and evangelism in the 10/40 Window, you are choosing to live for something more than temporal concerns. You are living for eternity. Go to and become a WIN partner today.

September 2010

© 2010 Window International Network

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” (The Bible, Colossians 3:1-3) Sourced: “Living in Light of Eternity,” K.P. Yohannan

The 10/40 Window Reporter | 7

intercessors, ed ill sk s, su Je of s er w llo WANTED: fo warriors, businessmen er ay pr ed on as se , rs ve ie new Bel hets, crossop pr , es iv w se ou h s, or st pa and women, s, apostles, er ak tm n te s, er h ac te s, ie cultural missionar rs, evangelists…. doctors, taxi drivers, lawye

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8 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010

ELECTIONS Who will lead the country? Who will write the laws? Who will make the decisions? Will the voting be fair? Will there be violence? Will the outcome reflect the will of the people?

Elections can change the course of nations. As you consider those scheduled to be held this month:

3Pray for fair elections free from rigging and manipulation. 3Ask the Lord Himself to raise up men and women who will serve with integrity, righteousness, and justice.

3 Pray for an end to corruption and graft. 3 Invite the Lord to appoint those of His choosing and fulfill His purposes in the nations of the 10/40 Window.

Turkey – September 12 (referendum) Afghanistan – September 18 (parliamentary) “...[The LORD] changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.“ (The Bible, Daniel 2:21) September 2010

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o c c o r o M T he P ur g e of 2010

The staunchly Islamic nation of Morocco does not allow expatriate Christians to share their faith. In this environment, missionaries must take great care in their work, knowing that at any time they could be discovered and expelled. However, the intensity of the purging that has taken place in 2010 caught nearly everyone by surprise. The action came suddenly and has yet to subside. In March, nearly 100 expatriate Believers, many of them teachers, were suddenly and without warning told to leave the country. Watchdog groups decried this as a blatant disregard for religious freedom. But the government of Morocco claimed those who were deported had been engaging in secret attempts to proselytize and “spreading Christianity among the poor.” A second wave of expulsions began in May, forcing more than 20 other Christians to leave Morocco.

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As the government continues this campaign to remove expatriate Christians from the country, they are also targeting Muslim Background and indigenous Believers. Among them are a Moroccan man and his wife who were arrested and charged with “preaching and proselytizing.”

considerable. Yet they remain faithful to Him. Attempts by Christians to re-enter the country have thus far proven unsuccessful. Public opinion among the Muslim-majority population seems to be against allowing them back into Morocco. “It is out of the question to misuse a school to

According to International Christian Concern, another Moroccan Believer is being held in the nation’s largest prison on “trumped up charges.” His case has been kept hidden from the press, causing many to wonder how many other Brothers and Sisters are imprisoned. The church in Morocco is reportedly experiencing “increased pressure from the government.” For them, the cost of following Christ is

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010


the enemy to fail in his attempts to stop the spread of the Gospel. Pray for this resistance to backfire and cause many Moroccan Muslims to consider Jesus Christ. (The Bible, Matthew 16:18)

convert children,” one politician said. “Foreigners must respect our laws.” The government claims the Believers were deported in order to “foster ‘order and calm’ and avoid a clash between faiths.” They have also stated that those who were ordered to leave were undermining public order.” Sources: International Christian Concern, Christian Science Monitor, Middle East Concern, Reuters September 2010

the veil the enemy has bound over the eyes and minds of Moroccans to be removed and for the glory of Christ to shine brightly in this nation. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:4) the Lord to bring many leaders in the Moroccan government to faith in His only Son. (The Bible, I Timothy 2:1-4) a great multitude of souls to come to salvation in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (The Bible, II Peter 3:9)

© 2010 Window International Network

the protection of Moroccan Believers as they seek to share their faith in a very hostile and dangerous environment. (The Bible, Psalm 91, II Corinthians 5:14) those who have been expelled to be comforted and not be discouraged by these events. Ask the Lord to give them new and inventive strategies for rescuing those in Morocco who are perishing. (The Bible, James 1:2-5) the church in Morocco to stand firm and grow strong in the Lord. Pray for the joy of the Lord to be their strength. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10,11; Nehemiah 8:10) God’s Kingdom to spread throughout Morocco, as it is in heaven. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10) The 10/40 Window Reporter | 11

The State of Brunei, Abode of Peace, is located on the island of Borneo, in Southeast Asia. There is a low threat from terrorism in Brunei. It has participated in anti-terror exercises with navies from other nations in the region.

Praise Brunei is ranked No. 29 among the worst

Christian broadcasting is available in

persecutors of Christians according to

Brunei and Christian literature is allowed

the Open Doors Watch List 2010. Islam

for personal use. Though there are only two

is the state religion and restrictions on

officially recognized churches, the number

Christians are gradually increasing.

of Christian Believers continues to rise.

Prayer Points Pray for the Brunei government to discover new and effective ways to keep terrorism from successfully penetrating its borders. (The Bible, Proverbs 13:6) Muslims are hoping Brunei will become a “pure” Islamic state by 2020. They are offering jobs and houses to those who will help spread Islam. Pray for Muslims in Brunei to meet Jesus Christ through dreams and visions. Pray that the enemy will be put to flight and Brunei will become a Christian state that brings honor and glory to God. (The Bible, Psalm 86:9; Leviticus 26:36) Proselytizing by faiths other than Islam is not permitted. Pray for religious freedom in Brunei and ask the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers into this waiting harvest field. (The Bible, Matthew 9:37,38) 12 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010


BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA ÌÌ Population: 395,027

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: None Listed

ÌÌ Political Leader: Sultan and Prime Minister Sir Hassanal Bolkiah

ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: Not Listed

ÌÌ Christians: 3%

ÌÌ Casualties: Not Listed

ÌÌ Dominant Religion: Sunni Islam

ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: Insufficient Data to Rank

ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 29th

ÌÌ Percent of People in Poverty: Not Ranked September 2010

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The 10/40 Window Reporter | 13

P O I N T S S e pt e m b e r 2 0 1 0


India’s national security adviser met with members of a western government in July 2010 to “discuss counterterrorism, defense cooperation and regional security.” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was also involved in the talks. India is considered crucial to “the fight against extremists in Pakistan and Afghanistan.” Praise God for this cooperation against a common threat. Pray for the success of these talks and for the Lord to give officials ideas and strategies for more effectively combating terrorism. Pray for peace between India and its neighbors, as well as peace in the hearts of the people as they hear the Gospel and respond to the invitation to life in Jesus Christ. Pray for the great awakening taking place in this nation to continue and expand. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to India with even more power and glory.


In July 2010, the government of Mauritania passed a new law that will enable security forces to better defend against al-Qaeda and its affiliates in West Africa. “In general, terrorists strike countries where there is a lack of security or legislation,” a member of the Mauritanian parliament explained. 14 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

This new law is intended to fill the “institutional and legislative gap.” Praise the Lord for the way nations in North and West Africa are responding to the threat of terrorism. Pray for their efforts to be effective in stopping the westward movement of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Ask the Lord to defeat this and every other terrorist group operating in the region. Pray for their funding to dry up, their membership to dwindle, and for their plans to fail. Petition the Lord to make Himself known to the people of Mauritania as JehovahJireh – the Lord who provides. Pray for them to realize His goodness, care, provision, and ability to guard their hearts and minds in peace as they surrender their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The oppressive, Islamic government of Sudan has failed to heed warnings from western governments about stepping up its fight against terrorism. It is, however, using the terrorist label to attack and imprison political opponents and dissidents. In July 2010, three journalists were convicted of undermining the constitution and were also charged with terrorism and espionage. Human rights groups claim this is an attack on

freedom of expression. Also in July, the International Criminal Court charged President Omar al-Bashir with genocide over the ongoing violence in the Darfur region of the country. Pray for President al-Bashir to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to bring a complete turnaround for this nation – leading the government and the people out from spiritual and political bondage, into the marvelous light and freedom of Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to move powerfully throughout Sudan and for God’s Kingdom to come with signs and wonders.


A report issued in July 2010 said that “more than $3 billion in cash has left the Kabul airport since 2007. Most of the money… went to Dubai, a favorite holding spot for wealthy Afghans.” Although some of the money is believed to have come from illegal drugs (used by the Taliban to fund operations), the source of the rest is unknown. The High Office of Oversight and Anti-Corruption will be investigating. Pray for an immediate end to the graft, cheating, stealing and greed that are causing the people of Afghanistan to suffer. Ask the Lord to expose corruption in the government, stop the flow of drugs and money to and from the Taliban, and bring peace to this nation. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout the land

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September 2010

and for multitudes to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


One of the passengers on the flotilla that was attacked by Israel in June 2010 was Dr. Walid alTabatibai, a radical Islamic activist from Kuwait. Al-Tabatibai reportedly signed the Istanbul Declaration – a document attacking Israel, calling for jihad (holy war), and having as one of its goals the liberation of the “Islamic holy places.” Pray for those deceived by radical Islam to have the eyes of their heart enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to stop their attempts to steal, kill, destroy, and otherwise comply with the devil’s schemes. Pray for key Muslims, such as Dr. al-Tabatibai to hear and respond to the Gospel. Cry out on behalf of the people of Kuwait who are being held captive by the enemy and his spiritual terrorism. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Kuwait as it is in heaven.


Since taking office in January 2009, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been instrumental in stepping up anti-terrorism efforts. She has also encouraged greater cooperation with India in fighting crime, militancy and terrorism. Praise the Lord for Prime Minister Hasina’s diligence and pray for her government to remain vigilant in the fight against terrorist groups. Plead with the Lord for the hearts of the people of Bangladesh – that men, women, and children will see His hand at work and give Him the glory for their September 2010

protection and safety. Pray for them to be responsive to the Gospel and to receive the gift of life offered through Jesus Christ. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Bangladesh as it is in heaven.


Japanese security forces performed anti-terrorism exercises in July 2010 in preparation for the APEC summit scheduled to take place in Yokohama in November. More than a thousand government employees also participated in the drills. “The security of this APEC summit is the largest since the G8 Tokyo summit,” a crisis management official said. “We’d like to put all of our resources towards protecting the people of the country.” Praise the Lord for this careful planning and pray for it to be successful in countering any terrorist plots, as well as beneficial to long-term anti-terrorism training and security. Ask the Lord to bring a great awakening in Japan – a spiritual revival that will sweep through the land and spread to surrounding nations. Pray for the veil to be removed from the eyes and hearts of the people, allowing them to see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in Japan.


Military aid to Guinea-Bissau from western nations was cut off recently when the government refused demands that military officers involved in drug smuggling be removed. It is widely believed that “the military has not only

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been bought off by drug gangs, but that the newly appointed head of the army, general Antonio Indjai, is heavily involved in the drug business.” Guinea-Bissau is a transit point for South American cartels smuggling drugs into Europe. Because of this, “West Africa is becoming a new source of income for al-Qaeda.” Pray for the Lord to bring a swift and complete end to this illegal industry. Ask Him to deliver those who are in bondage to drugs and sever the supply of drugs, along with the funds they provide for cartels and terrorists. Pray for members of these groups to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. Plead for their salvation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Guinea-Bissau in power, wiping out corruption and bringing righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


The government of Bhutan recently hosted a regional conference that brought together the prime ministers of India and Pakistan. The focus of the talks was peace and counterterrorism. “How to rein in Islamic militant groups” and keep new groups from forming and growing were among the topics. Praise the Lord for Bhutan’s role in facilitating safety in South Asia. Pray for these and other forms of cooperation to be successful in stopping terrorism. Ask the Lord to expose, root out, and defeat the groups operating in South Asia and provide security to the people of Bhutan. Petition the Lord for a great awakening among the Bhutanese. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout the nation, The 10/40 Window Reporter | 15

(Bhutan continued)

for the strongholds of false religions (especially Buddhism) to be torn down, and for members of every people group to be set free to know and receive the gift of forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ.


Terrorists from alQaeda and other Islamic extremist organizations have been migrating north, into Saudi Arabia from Yemen. Driven south in recent years by Saudi Arabia’s counter-terrorism efforts, many (perhaps more than a hundred) are now moving back into Saudi Arabia in an effort to escape a surge by Yemeni security forces. Pray for the governments of both Saudi Arabia and Yemen to be vigilant in tracking down and eliminating terrorists. Ask the Lord to expose these demonically-motivated groups. Pray for them to have no place to hide. Plead with the Lord for their salvation, along with the salvation of those who are bound up in Islam throughout Saudi Arabia. Cry out for their spiritual freedom. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Saudi Arabia as it is in heaven.


Although the nation of Guinea has been “wracked by existing and emerging challenges, including food insecurity, drug trafficking, and criminal activities,” a new report says it has made “significant progress,” including regional implementation of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Praise the Lord for working miraculously in a country that has been plagued 16 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

with political, social, and spiritual strife. Pray for the people of Guinea to turn to the Lord and call upon Him for help as they face these crises. Ask the Lord to make the Gospel known and for His hand to be evident in meeting the pressing physical and spiritual needs. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The Home Minister of Thailand recently tried to assure citizens that the “infiltration of terrorists groups in luring local university students into joining their networks is not as serious as it appears.” He stated that the government is carefully monitoring militancy throughout the nation. “Whether it is Islamic militants or other forms of militancy,” he said, “every such case comes to my attention.” Pray for the government of Thailand to take the growing rise of terrorism very seriously and be diligent in seeking to prevent recruitment of young people. Ask the Holy Spirit to expose the activities of these groups and defeat every scheme of the enemy. Pray for the people of Thailand to be set free from fear and false religion, and for their hearts to turn to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Thailand and for multitudes to be welcomed into the Body of Christ.


Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) issued a demand in July 2010 regarding one of its kidnap victims – a Frenchman abducted

from northern Niger in April. Unless a prisoner exchange was arranged, an AQIM spokesman said, the man would be executed in 15 days. The group, which calls its members mujahedeen (“holy warriors”) executed the man as promised. They also executed a British hostage in June 2009. Pray for Niger and the surrounding nations to attack these forces and drive them from the region. Ask the Lord to remove every barrier behind which the AQIM tries to hide and bring an end to their demonic reign in West and North Africa. Pray for the safety of the people of Niger and wisdom for the government. Petition the Lord for Niger to be saturated with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening to take place, resulting in a tremendous harvest of souls.


Although violence pitting the Kyrgyz majority against the ethnic Uzbek minority has subsided, Uzbeks in the south of the nation are now being attacked by security forces. Under the excuse of investigating ethnic clashes, police are reportedly “rounding up Uzbeks and subjecting them to beatings and other abuses.” Observers fear this could “further inflame hostilities and possibly provoke new clashes.” Cry out to the Lord on behalf of this nation. Pray for Him to establish peace between warring groups, and bring forgiveness and reconciliation. Pray for the healing of Kyrgyzstan – politically, ethnically, and spiritually. Ask the Lord to deliver the Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, and every other people group from the dominion of darkness and lead them into the Kingdom of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Intercede for our Brothers and Sisters as they face violence and persecution.

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010

Ask the Lord to give them boldness and use them to proclaim the Gospel throughout Kyrgyzstan.


Most of the news coming out of Iran is ominous: reports of the construction of weapons of mass destruction, violence against all who dare oppose the party in power, persecution of Christians…. But God is moving in Iran, performing great and marvelous deeds. In June 2010, an Iranian evangelist reported that “a spiritual awakening of unprecedented magnitude is occurring in this nation. The churches are growing so fast, despite persecution, that they have difficulty coping with all the new converts.” Praise the Lord for this incredible report. Thank Him for hearing our prayers and answering in a way that is beyond all we could hope for or imagine. Ask Him for an even greater harvest – for every man, woman, and child to hear the Gospel and for multitudes to respond, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power to Iran.


Westerners have been evacuated from the northern region of Burkina Faso after a warning was issued regarding a possible terrorist threat. In July, intelligence agencies had reason to believe al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) was about to conduct a kidnapping. Humanitarian workers were among those evacuated from the area. AQIM is known to be active in northern Burkina Faso and is currently holding expatriate September 2010

hostages. Pray for these demonic actions and schemes to be defeated. Ask the Lord to give the government and military of Burkina Faso wisdom, along with the resources they need to fight terrorism. Plead for the hearts and minds of militants and extremists to be set free from the lies of Islam. Pray for their salvation. Pray for multitudes in Burkina Faso to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In July 2010, alQaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) executed a hostage in response to a raid that killed six insurgents. The hostage was kidnapped in Niger in April 2010 while working with a humanitarian aid organization. One European leader vowed that the execution “will not go unpunished.” Pray for governments in North Africa to use wisdom in dealing and negotiating with terrorists. Ask the Lord to give the leaders of Mali insight, discernment, and effective strategies for finding and defeating AQIM. Pray for members of these extremists groups to be exposed and for their attempts to recruit, generate funds, and carry out acts of violence to fail. Plead with the Lord for greater cooperation between nations. Cry out for the salvation of key militants, key officials in Mali, and for the Gospel to reach every people group in this country. Invite God’s Kingdom to come not just with words, but with power.

AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA The proposed construction of

© 2010 Window International Network

an Armenian orthodox church in the contested region of Nagorno Karabakh is being called an act of terrorism. To allow the church to be built, the chairman of the Azerbaijan State Committee on Work with Religious Organizations stated, is to “support Armenian separatism, Armenian terrorism.” Pray for a swift and equitable settlement to this long-running dispute. Ask the Lord to maintain peace and not allow the government or the separatist groups to engage in violence or oppression. Pray for a work of healing and reconciliation between these groups that will draw hearts and minds to the ultimate reconciliation – the restoration of relationship between God and mankind brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening in Azerbaijan.


In a desperate attempt to end crime in Benin, voodoo priests have been called in to curse those who are planning to carry out illegal activities. The nation is considered the birthplace of voodoo and continues to practice and export the satanic religion. Pray for these evil activities to not only fail, but to be used as an opportunity for the Lord to display His great and awesome power. Ask the Lord to protect the people from criminals and the demonic oppression of voodoo. Pray for the captives to be set free by the blood of Jesus Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in Benin, awakening hearts and drawing the people out from darkness, into the marvelous light of Christ. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 17

(Benin continued)


In June 2010, Indonesian antiterrorism forces raided the hideout of a terrorist organization plotting attacks in Jakarta. “At least 60 suspected members of the terror network have been arrested in recent months. Another 13 have been killed.” Praise the Lord for the vigilance of the Indonesian government in combating terrorism. Ask the Lord to provide them with wisdom, insight, discernment, and the resources to continue to fight against and defeat terrorist organizations active in Indonesia. Pray for the people of this nation to see and recognize the hand of the Lord at work on their behalf – maintaining peace, preventing attacks, and protecting them from violence. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel known throughout this nation and for multitudes to respond, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


“Fighting terrorism requires a firm commitment by the international community to act collectively and decisively,” President Pratibha Patil of India stated in July 2010. She was speaking to a group of international diplomats, including an envoy from Laos. Pray for the members of the communist government of Laos to take steps to combat terrorism and to cooperate with other nations in Southeast Asia in eliminating this threat. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom and to reveal to them the salvation found only in His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray 18 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

for a great harvest of souls in Laos. Petition the Lord to protect and provide for Believers in this nation, giving them boldness and strength as they faithfully proclaim the Gospel. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Laos as it is in heaven.


“In countries with less democratic tendencies,” one journalist recently said, “the threat of al-Qaeda is used in… extreme ways, as a smoke screen to suppress dissent or crack-down on internal separatist movements.” As an example, the writer cited Western Sahara. “The Moroccans repeatedly accuse those fighting to liberate Western Sahara as having links with Islamic terrorists.” Pray for an end to the pitiful excuses being used to keep the Sahrawi impoverished, sequestered in refugee camps, and separated from their homeland. Ask the Lord to speed their release from captivity – politically, geographically, and spiritually. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move right now through the camps in Algeria where the Sahrawi are forced to live, opening their eyes, minds, and hearts to the truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for a great harvest of souls as they are led out from the bondage of Islam, into the freedom of life in the Kingdom of God.


Although Egypt is overwhelmingly Muslim, the culture is beginning to change. Men and women still conform to the standards of Islam in appearance (the way they dress and eat) but some are questioning

the meaning of their religion. “There is a lot of pressure on the street [in Egypt] to at least appear pious,” one journalist recently noted. “But that is not how everyone wants to live, not all the time.” Praise the Lord for what He is doing in this nation. Pray for this dissatisfaction with past traditions and rigid, works-based religion to be used to draw people into a relationship with the True and Living God through the death and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to move among Egyptians – especially the younger generation – showing them the emptiness of Islam and the fullness of knowing the Creator of all things. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this nation and for Believers to be bold in sharing their faith. Petition the Lord for multitudes to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


The former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan (approximately 77% Muslim) is continuing to crack down on religious freedom – specifically the rights of Christians. In the past two years, the government has stepped up efforts to eradicate Christianity by raiding church services, detaining and fining Believers, and sending pastors to prison. “Christians in Uzbekistan are among the most courageous in the world,” writes Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo of Barnabas Aid, “as they boldly continue with their ministry and witness despite growing pressure and persecution.” Pray for the Lord to be present with these precious Brothers and Sisters, giving them peace and empowering them to stand firm in their faith. Pray for the joy of the Lord to be their strength.

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September 2010

(Uzbekistan continued)

Ask the Lord to transform the hearts of the authorities and bring many of them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed to every people group and for multitudes to be drawn into relationship with Christ. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Uzbekistan as it is in heaven.


Although a peace agreement was reached in 2006 and Maoists came to power in 2008 elections, the political atmosphere in Nepal has been described as “an awkward and volatile standstill.” In June 2010, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal was forced to resign “after failing to solve the political dilemma, including how to reintegrate the Maoists and their highly trained soldiers into Nepalese life and governance.” Pray for peace in this troubled nation. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders to guide Nepal forward and to restore order and unity. Pray for a great spiritual awakening that will free the people from Hinduism and allow them to enter into relationship with Jesus Christ. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Nepal with power, signs and wonders.


In July 2010, the United Arab Emirates hosted its first-ever international conference on nuclear terrorism. “The conference aims to underline the global responsibility of this small Arab country in the Persian Gulf region to advance its nuclear program.” Pray for the Lord to give the government of UAE wisdom and discernment in developing nuclear power, as well as defending its nation from nuclear terrorism. Intercede on behalf of the people of this nation who are held in bondage by Islam. Cry out for their freedom. Petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls as the Gospel is preached in UAE and throughout the Gulf region. Pray for multitudes to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


A survey of nations by Freedom House found that “corruption continues to be a widespread phenomenon in Albania.” It also noted that “government efforts to tackle

corruption have stalled.” Pray for the Lord to visit this European nation, pouring out the Holy Spirit and drawing hearts to His Son. Cry out for the Gospel to reach every people group and for a great harvest of souls to result. Ask the Lord to strengthen and empower Believers and give them boldness in sharing their faith. Pray for their protection and provision. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Albania as it is in heaven.


After a 2003 terrorist attack in Casablanca, the government of Morocco stepped up its antiterrorism efforts. They have reportedly thwarted a number of attempted terrorist attacks since that time. “Morocco stands out as an exception among other Arab countries,” one journalist noted, “but this cannot be taken for granted. Terrorism is a crossborder phenomenon that can reach anywhere, anytime.” Pray for the Lord to protect this nation and its people from the demonicallyinspired schemes of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and other extremist groups. Ask for the light of Christ to shine into the darkness of this Islamic nation. Plead for the salvation of the many unreached and lost in Morocco. Pray

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September 2010

for missionaries to be allowed inside and for their efforts to be fruitful and lasting. Ask the Lord to establish His Kingdom in Morocco.


According to a recent report by the Iraqi government, “three decades of wars, massacres and sectarian killings have left Iraq with as many as a million widows.” As one widow explained, “Our life has been turned into misery and desperation.” Cry out for this wartorn, wounded and hurting nation. Pray for the Lord to bring comfort and strength to the many widows and orphans. Ask Him to use this pain and suffering as a means of turning hearts toward the hope found only in Jesus Christ. Plead for peace in Iraq. Pray for extremists and terrorists to see the futility of their actions. Petition the Lord to bring godly sorrow that will lead to repentance and salvation. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Iraq and ask the Lord to draw multitudes into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to observers, Israel’s growing isolation from the international community has one principle source: fear. With Iran seeking to develop nuclear weapons and threatening to use them against Israel, and terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbullah using missile attacks against them instead of just suicide bombings, the nation does indeed have reason to be concerned. Pray for this time of uncertainty and anxiety to be used by the Lord to open the eyes and minds of the Jews in Israel. Plead with Him for a great awakening and for Israelis to see and accept Yeshua Ha Messiah. Pray for the protection of Israel, as well as the territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Invite the Lord to establish and maintain peace in the region. Pray for Believers to be bold in sharing the Gospel and for the Kingdom of God to come to Israel with great power, signs and wonders.

between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan finds itself caught in the geographic middle (a thin arm of Tajikistan runs between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan). That narrow piece of Tajikistan is also suspected of harboring Islamic militants, some of whom have sought refuge there from Afghanistan (a neighbor to the south). Pray for this troubled, poverty-stricken, potentially violent nation. Ask the Lord to establish and maintain peace throughout this region, restraining terrorism and genocide, and providing peace and hope for the people of Tajikistan. Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be preached and demonstrated by Believers and for those who are suffering from the effects of war and ethnic hatred to put their hope and trust in Him. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Tajikistan during this critical time, as it is in heaven.


With the outbreak of violence

Chinese President Hu Jintao met with President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan in July 2010, and both leaders vowed to “jointly fight the ‘three forces’ of extremism, separatism, and terrorism.” Their partnership is expected to help both nations maintain peace, stability and security in the region. Pray for the government of China to dedicate itself to the goal of keeping its citizens safe. Ask the Lord to give leaders wisdom in fighting the “three forces.” Pray for the citizens of China – every people and language group – to be awakened from their spiritual slumber and begin to seek the Living God. Petition the Lord to spread the Gospel across this vast nation and

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In July 2010, authorities in Canada determined that a ship heading for their country contained 200 Sri Lankan nationals, some of them suspected to be members of the Tamil Tigers terrorist organization (LTTE). Although the LTTE was officially defeated by government forces in Sri Lanka in 2009, many of them remain at large. Pray for the true and lasting peace of Jesus Christ to be received and experienced throughout Sri September 2010

Lanka. Ask the Prince of Peace to bring an end to the strife and violence between ethnic and political groups that has plagued the nation. Pray for the defeat of terrorism on the island and for the government to rule with integrity, seeking to serve the people. Intercede on behalf of believers, asking the Lord to strengthen them and give them boldness in testifying for Him. Pray for many from every region and group to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


(China continued)

ask for a great harvest of souls. Pray for Believers to be protected and encouraged, and for the joy of the Lord to be their strength. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to China, as it is in heaven.


The government of Djibouti plans to take part in a “conflict-intervention force” currently being proposed by the African Union. Djibouti will also be sending troops to Somalia in an effort to “stem the spread of terrorism.” Praise the Lord for Djibouti’s vigilance in securing the Horn of Africa region. Thank Him for giving the leaders of this nation wisdom and for motivating them to act – despite their small size and limited resources. Pray for these actions to inspire other nations to be similarly determined in the fight against terrorism. Plead with the Lord for the hearts of the Djiboutian people. Pray for their salvation, safety, and for the Lord to provide for their needs. Pray for the Lord to grant Djibouti success in rooting out, confronting, and seeking to destroy terrorism. Ask for a multitude of Djiboutians to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


In July 2010, radical Muslim cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, issued a statement criticizing and warning against western participation in Yemen’s fight against terrorism. The cleric was recently added to a list of “specially designated global terrorists.” Al-Awlaki is believed to be a member of al-Qaeda and is September 2010

presumed to be hiding somewhere in Yemen. Pray for extremists and terrorists in Yemen to be exposed, captured, and prosecuted, and for al-Qaeda in the Saudi Arabian Peninsula to be rooted out and destroyed. Petition the Lord to set free all those in Yemen who are held captive by the false religion of Islam. Pray for their eyes to be opened and their hearts awakened to the Good News that Jesus Christ came, died on the cross for their sins, and rose from the dead so that they could be forgiven and enter into eternal life.


“We don’t consider beating a child to be violence against children,” the director of Vietnam’s child-protection unit stated in July 2010. Unless a minor can “display physical injuries on more than 11% of his or her body,” the law says, no criminal case can be filed. Vietnam doesn’t just need better child protection, one journalist noted, they need to implement protection. Pray for the children who are suffering in this communist nation. Ask the Lord to be their Champion and to rise to their defense. Pray for pressure from the international community to motivate the government of Vietnam to take these crimes seriously and enact laws to put an end to them. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout Vietnam, to every people group, and for multitudes to respond to God’s invitation to life, putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to a news source, “China

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considers Taiwan a renegade province and keeps more than 1,000 missiles pointed at the island. Taiwan stockpiles… weapons to defend itself.” Despite the animosity between the governments of these nations, the people are increasingly crossing the borders. It is estimated that one million Taiwanese live and run businesses in China, and more than 800,000 Chinese have vacationed in Taiwan so far this year. Pray for peace between Taiwan and China, and for the mingling of these cultures to provide opportunities for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout East Asia. Intercede for Believers as they face persecution and discrimination. Pray for the Lord to give them boldness in sharing the Good News. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Taiwan with great power, signs and wonders.


The government of Bahrain recently prosecuted seven men for terrorism, sentencing them to life in prison for their involvement in a murder. Human rights groups claim this is a politically-motivated verdict and have also accused the government of using excessive force against the suspects and their families. The government contends the judgment and the actions leading up to it were warranted because the crime was “designed to provoke terror.” Pray for the Lord to give officials in Bahrain wisdom in dealing with threats to the nation’s security. Ask Him to root out corruption and attempts to control and manipulate. Pray for the countries of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula to be cautious and vigilant in their attempts to combat terrorism. Pray for the safety of the Bahraini people. Invite the Lord to The 10/40 Window Reporter | 23

(Bahrain continued)

pour His Holy Spirit out on Bahrain, freeing the people from the bondage of Islam and leading them into the freedom of life in Jesus Christ.


Brunei is “less vulnerable when it comes to terrorist recruitment and activities compared to other countries,” an Islamic studies lecturer stated recently, “however it should remain vigilant.” Because the government of Brunei closely monitors communication inside the nation, both good and bad ideas are suppressed. “This has probably helped stop the radicalization of Brunei.” Pray for the government of Brunei to seek a way to allow for freedom of religion and expression, while at the same time guarding against terrorism. Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage Believers as they face great challenges to their faith. Pray for Him to give them boldness and for the Gospel to reach every part of the nation. Plead for a great harvest of souls as the people hear the Truth of Jesus Christ and are set free from the lies of Islam. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Brunei, bringing righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.


One of the Islamic advisers for terrorist group, Hezbollah, died in early July 2010. He reportedly had a large following, a wide influence, and a “long history of terrorism and extremism.” He was considered a “specially designated terrorist” by western governments and supported both the Islamic Revolution in Iran 24 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

and the suicide bombings carried out against Israel by Hezbollah. Pray that the legacy of this demonicallyinspired extremist will be quickly forgotten and not impact a new generation of young people. Petition the Lord to raise up leaders in Lebanon who fear Him and will stand up for peace and integrity. Pray for Believers in Lebanon to faithfully share the Gospel and demonstrate God’s love for the people around them. Ask Him to empower them to bless their enemies and pray for those who mistreat them. Pray for multitudes in Lebanon to be set free from Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


Victims of Hezbollah rocket attacks during the Lebanese-Israeli War of 2006 have filed suit against Qatar’s Al-Jazeera television, claiming the network “intentionally provided real-time coverage of the locations of the missile strikes inside Israel.” The plaintiffs say this helped the terrorist group “more accurately aim their missiles at civilian population centers.” Pray for the government of Qatar to use wisdom in dealing with this issue and do everything in their power to hinder rather than support Hezbollah. Ask the Lord to expose and scatter members of this organization, cut off their funding and arms supply, and defeat their attempts to unleash violence and war in the Middle East. Pray for the people of Qatar to see the destructiveness of this and other extremist groups, turn away from the lies of Islam, and embrace the Truth of Jesus Christ. Petition the Lord to make the Gospel known in

Qatar. Pray for Believers to boldly share their faith and for multitudes of Qataris to put their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord.


Western governments have been assisting Turkmenistan in its efforts to guard its borders with Iran and Afghanistan against terrorists. The nation has been plagued by money-laundering and terrorism financing in the past, but is slowly improving its security to counteract these activities. Pray for these efforts to be successful in stopping the flow of Taliban and al-Qaeda members in Turkmenistan, as well as funding for their organizations. Plead with the Lord to give the government wisdom and discernment in fighting terrorism. Intercede on behalf of the people of Turkmenistan, many of whom are Muslim. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this region and for those held captive by Islam to be set free. Ask for a great harvest of souls in Turkmenistan that will spread throughout Central Asia.


The government of Ethiopia joined the international community in condemning the July 2010 al-Shabaab terrorist attack on Kampala, Uganda. Ethiopians were reportedly among the victims of the bombing that killed more than 70 people. Officials in Ethiopia promised to “provide the necessary support to the government and people of Uganda in their activities to fight against terrorism.” Praise

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the Lord for this strong response to an evil act. Thank Him for stirring the leaders of Ethiopia to take action against this rising threat. Pray for the defeat of al-Shabaab – for their recruiting to be ineffective, for members to defect, for funding to dry up, and for their attempts to control and dominate East Africa through violence to fail. Ask the Lord to capture the hearts of key members of this terrorist group and set free those who have been forced to enlist in the organization (especially children). Pray for the people of Ethiopia to see the destructive nature of extremist Islam and refuse to be part of it. Invite the Holy Spirit to come to this nation, reviving Believers and drawing the lost and unreached into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


As Myanmar approaches its first general election in 20 years, dictator General Than Shwe is taking steps to maintain control. All of the cabinet members in his military regime were forced to resign from the Army. While they have retained their positions, some are not pleased with this move. One Burmese news agency reports that “Shwe is facing a mutiny among his subordinates. There are growing signs of discontent.” Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders in Myanmar who will serve the people with integrity and honesty. Ask Him to provide men and women who fear His name and will seek the good of the nation, rather than their own good. Pray for this uncertain time to be an opportunity for hearts and minds to be turned toward eternity. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in Myanmar and for those who hear it to respond, placing their trust in September 2010

Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to this nation, as it is in heaven.


Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir visited Chad in July 2010, despite having a warrant out for his arrest. The International Criminal Court (ICC), which issued the warrant and has accused al-Bashir of war crimes (including rape and torture) and genocide, demanded that the government of Chad arrest him. As a member of the global court, Chad is obligated to take this action, the ICC said. However, Chadian President Idriss Deby met al-Bashir’s plane and welcomed him warmly. Pray for President Deby and the government of Chad to realize their responsibility in this issue and no longer support al-Bashir’s violent and immoral crimes. Ask the Lord to raise up leaders in both nations who will serve with integrity and in the fear of the Lord. Pray for corruption, collusion, and oppression to be rooted out of these governments. Petition the Lord to open the eyes of the people of Chad to this travesty of justice – and also open their eyes to the one true Judge and His offer of forgiveness and salvation. Pray for the Gospel to reach every people group and village in Chad, and result in a tremendous harvest of souls.


An explosion thought to be caused by a home-made bomb planted by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) killed four people in Algeria in July 2010. In late June, five people

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were wounded by another attack near the Algerian city of Tebessa, this time by extremist gunmen. Pray for the AQIM elements hiding, training, and operating in this region to be flushed out and defeated. Ask the Lord to give the government of Algeria wisdom, discernment, and determination in finding these terrorists and eliminating them. Pray for the Lord to move in the hearts of these deceived men, setting them free from the lies of extremist Islam and leading them into relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Intercede for an even greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Algeria – for the awakening that is currently taking place to grow and spill over into the surrounding nations and people groups, and sweep across North Africa. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Algeria.


A human rights monitoring group issued a report in June 2010 stating that human rights abuses in Libya are rampant. Despite efforts by the government to improve the nation’s image on the global stage, the report says, “human rights in Libya are suffering from the same problem that has persisted for decades… the omnipresence and the total power that security forces have.” Pray for a spiritual revolution in Libya. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to leaders (especially Muammar al-Qadhafi) and to every people group in this Muslim nation. Pray for them to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, be set free from the bondage of Islam and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The 10/40 Window Reporter | 25

(Libya continued)


In July 2010, the attorney-general of Malaysia vowed to “curb terrorist financing activities and eradicate all forms of money laundering abuses.” Addressing the International Conference on Financial Crime and Terrorism Financing, the AG stated that legislation in Malaysia is on par with other nations and that he hopes to see the scope of these laws extended. Praise the Lord for the actions being taken by the government of Malaysia. Give thanks to Him for these laws and their effect on terrorism. Pray for them to be successful and for funding to extremist groups to be cut off. Pray for recruiting to fail and for terrorist organizations to find no place to train. Ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit on Malaysia, freeing the people from the terrorism of the enemy, the lies of Islam, and the deception that they do not need a Savior. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed throughout this nation and for multitudes to come to faith in Jesus Christ.


The government of Oman may be called upon to help in a cooperative effort to deter Iran from using nuclear weapons, a new report says. The plan calls for Gulf nations, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Oman to join forces and convince Iran not to launch weapons of mass destruction. However, the report states, the plan may fail because these nations “come up short due to inadequate defense cooperation, a lack of trust with each other, 26 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

and lingering doubts” about the involvement of western forces. Pray for the Lord to give leaders in Oman wisdom in dealing with Iran and other security issues in the Middle East. Ask Him to restrain the forces that desire to steal, kill, and destroy. Pray for war to be averted and for peace – both political and spiritual – to come to the Arabian Peninsula. Petition the Lord to release the people of Oman from the bondage of Islam and introduce them to the freedom found only in His Son, Jesus Christ. Cry out for God’s Kingdom to come to Oman.


An envoy from Kazakhstan was among those who gathered recently to hear India’s President Pratibha Patil discuss the threat of terrorism. “Fighting terrorism requires a firm commitment by the international community,” Patil said, “to act collectively and decisively.” Pray for this call to be heeded by the Kazakh government. Ask the Lord to rid the nation of corruption and raise up leaders who desire to serve the people and are dedicated to keeping them safe. Pray for the threat of terrorism to be used by the Lord to turn many hearts toward the only sure source of safety and stability: the Lord Jesus Christ. Cry out for the Kazakh people. Pray for them to make Christ their foundation. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


The wearing of the Islamic burqa (full veil), recently banned in France,

has been banned for decades in Tunisia (considered a “moderate” Muslim nation). The stated reason for this is the protection of women’s rights. It has also been pointed out that the burqa is not mentioned in the Qur’an, but is a tradition instituted by Saudi Arabia. Pray for the government of Tunisia to continue to stand up for women’s rights and also continue to stand against the rise of extremist Islam. Plead with the Lord for the freedom of all Muslims, but especially those in Tunisia. Ask Him to awaken them and open their blind eyes to see both the lies of Islam and the Truth of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Tunisia.


In July 2010, a western nation said it was “pleased with Cambodian cooperation” in the ongoing fight against terrorism. Both Cambodia and the other nation agreed to work together in the future to maintain security and stop militant groups operating in Southeast Asia. Thank the Lord for the growing commitment to the fight on terrorism. Pray for these efforts to be effective and bring an end to the global jihad. Pray for the safety of Cambodia and its people. Petition the Lord to help the government make good on its promise to combat extremists and cooperate with other nations. Pray for the terrorist groups operating in the region to be defeated, their members arrested and swiftly prosecuted. Ask the Lord to reveal to the people of Cambodia their true source of eternal security: the Lord Jesus Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to move in Cambodia, making the Gospel known and drawing multitudes into relationship with Christ.

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010

30Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

August 11 – September 9, 2010

What’s special about those thirty days? They will be a time of prayer. But not just any prayer – the world’s largest ongoing international prayer focus aimed at Muslims.

draw them into relationship with Jesus Christ. There are l.5 billion Muslims in the world today. And the number is rapidly growing.

God loves Muslims. Which is why it is our privilege and duty to lift them before His throne, interceding for their salvation. From August 11 through September 9, as the Islamic world celebrates the fast of Ramadan, millions of Christians around the globe will be crying out on their behalf, asking the Lord to remove the veil of darkness from their eyes and

September 2010

How can we reach them with the Gospel? The first and most essential step is simple yet costly: prayer. Join the international prayer meeting and petition the Lord for a great harvest of souls in the Muslim world. For more information and a day-by-day prayer guide, go to:

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(Cambodia continued)


In July 2010, a Kurdish teenager was convicted of terrorism after attending a demonstration held by the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK). The young lady was sentenced to nearly eight years in prison. Those defending the girl say she was merely passing through the crowd on her way home. Human rights groups claim the Turkish government is abusing anti-terror laws. Pray for the young people who have been deceived by militant recruitment efforts and have joined groups like the PKK, as well as those who have been falsely accused and imprisoned. Ask the Lord to speak to their hearts and reveal to them the truth and life of Jesus Christ. Pray for the government of Turkey to act with fairness, equity and justice in dealing with ethnic groups and extremists. Cry out for the people of Turkey – Turks (an unreached mega-group), Kurds, and others – who need to hear the Gospel. Pray for their salvation. Invite the Kingdom of God to come to Turkey in great power.


Although North Korea was removed from the list of countries that

actively sponsor terrorism in 2008, the United Nations enacted new sanctions July 2010 in an effort to keep them from selling arms to Syria and other nations. The sanctions are also aimed at discouraging further development of nuclear weapons and stopping the many serious human rights violations taking place in North Korea. Pray for these penalties to be effective in motivating the government of this nation to seek peace rather than war. Pray for an immediate end to their abuse and mistreatment of those they consider threats to security (including Believers). Ask the Lord to provide for and protect the people of North Korea – that the sanctions will convince the government to repent of their evil actions, but not cause the population to suffer. Pray for Believers to be bold in sharing the Gospel, despite fierce persecution. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in North Korea. Pray for His Kingdom to come, His will to be done in this spiritually oppressed nation.


“What happened in Kampala is just the beginning!” This was the warning issued by the leader of al-Shabaab, a terrorist group affiliated with alQaeda, located in Somalia. He was

referring to the bombing in Uganda in July 2010 that killed more than 70 people. Al-Shabaab means “the youth” and is quickly and efficiently stealing away Somali young people and teaching them to hate, kill, and destroy. Pray for an immediate end to this demonic organization. Ask the Lord to empower African Union and United Nations forces to defeat al-Shabaab and the many other extremist groups operating in the lawless nation of Somalia. Pray for terrorist funding to be cut off, recruiting efforts to fail, and for these evil men to have no place to hide or operate. Petition the Lord for their capture and prosecution. Pray for the safety of the Somali people and for the government to restore order. Cry out for God’s Kingdom to come to Somalia and for multitudes now bound up in Islam to be set free and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


With the number of Taliban and other terrorist groups rising in Pakistan (especially in Punjab) the governor of Punjab recently claimed the people of his state despise terrorism. He described the residents as “affectionate, unrivaled in their threshold of tolerance,” and said they “hate terrorism from the bottom of their hearts.” Pray for this to be true and for the people of Punjab and other Pakistani states

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September 2010

to rally together against terrorism. Ask the Lord to make this nation a place that is avoided by terrorists rather than sought out by them. Pray for their financing to shrivel up, their membership to dwindle, and their training areas to be razed. Petition the Lord for their capture and prosecution. Pray for a great awakening in Pakistan that will open blind eyes and sleeping hearts to the reality of Jesus Christ as the only way, truth, and life. Plead with the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this nation.


Adding to the tragedy of homelessness and orphanhood, many street children in Nigeria are being accused of witchcraft. They are usually albinos, the disabled, or the infirmed, often boys between the ages of eight and 14. As punishment for their perceived crime they are beaten, burned, and have gasoline poured into their eyes and ears in an effort to exorcise them. They are sometimes even killed. Pray for this barbaric practice to end immediately. Ask the Lord to send human rights groups and humanitarian aid organizations to help these children and to alert the government to their situation. Intercede on behalf of these precious ones whom the Lord considers dear to His heart. Pray for Christian families and orphanages where these kids can find refuge and learn about the salvation offered in Jesus Christ. Pray for the Lord to be a Father to them, protecting them and providing for them. Pray for Believers to rise up and rescue these children. Cry out for God’s Kingdom to come to Nigeria and for September 2010

multitudes – young and old – to put their faith in Christ.


Officials from Maldives took part in the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) meeting held in Islamabad in June 2010. Along with seven other nations (including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nepal), the representatives from Maldives agreed to work together to combat terrorism. SAARC countries account for approximately 20% of the world’s population and their partnership is considered vital to the fight against terrorism. Praise the Lord for this sorely needed effort to join forces against evil. Pray for the Lord to strengthen this commitment and empower the government of Maldives to remain faithful to it. Ask the Lord to impress upon SAARC leaders the priority of keeping their people and the region secure from extremists. Pray for the people of Maldives to see the Lord’s hand in this – leading them, guiding them, and keeping them safe. Pray for a great awakening in this closed, Muslim nation.


In June 2010, King Abdullah II demanded that Israel end its blockade of the Gaza Strip, calling it “illegal and inhumane.” He also claimed it violates international law and is hindering peace talks. Pray for the Lord to work in this complicated and difficult situation. Ask Him to give King Abdullah II and other leaders in the Middle East wisdom in resolving problems and disputes. Intercede for Israel and ask the Lord to give them favor in the eyes of Jordan. Pray for

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the Lord to work His will in Jordan, strengthening His Body and drawing Muslims into relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA The military forces of Senegal took part in a joint exercise in April 2010 involving the armies of Mauritania, Mali, Burkna Faso, Niger, Nigeria, and Chad. The aim was to bolster defenses and border security in West and North Africa. “Terrorists live in the seams between countries,” one observer noted. Praise the Lord for the development of these exercises and for the cooperation between nations. Pray for this training to be effective in stopping terrorism in this region. Pray for the Lord to protect Senegal and its people from the violence and oppression of extremist Islam. Plead with the Lord for the freedom of the Senegalese people. Pray for the Gospel to be proclaimed in this nation and for members of every people group, tribe, and tongue to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


According to international observers, Eritrea should be added to the “terror blacklist” because of its support for al-Shabaab, a terrorist group linked with alQaeda. “The time to tackle state support of Shebab (credited with the bombing in Kampala, Uganda in July 2010) is now, before this menace becomes even more potent.” Pray for the government of Eritrea to immediately stop supporting al-Shabaab or any other terrorist The 10/40 Window Reporter | 29

(Eritrea continued)

group in the Horn of Africa region. Ask the Lord to speak to the heart of President Afworki. Pray for this leader to encounter Jesus Christ and become a new creation. Pray for the thousands of Believers who are treated like animals by the Afworki administration, transported in trucks “like cattle” and often held in overcrowded cells or shipping containers – simply because they love and serve Christ. Pray for this troubled nation to experience a complete transformation as the Kingdom of God comes in great and awesome power. Ask the Lord for a tremendous harvest of souls.


The world is experiencing a “global political recession,” says one observer. It has gone from a “position of going from one breakthrough to another” into a “sustained period in which we are looking at regressions and setbacks.” As evidence, he points to Tibet and its ongoing struggle for freedom. While still crying out to escape the oppression of China, the people remain captive. Pray for the Lord to provide a solution to this very difficult and complicated situation. Ask Him to impress upon the leaders of Tibet and China the need for people to live with dignity and independence. Pray for the Lord’s plan and purpose for Tibet to be fulfilled – especially for the citizens to escape from the bondage of Buddhism and run to the freeing light of Jesus Christ. Pray for a nation-wide spiritual awakening and for multitudes to put their faith in Christ. Invite God’s Kingdom to come to Tibet.


In July 2010, the government of Syria 30 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

announced that Islamic burqas (also known as “niqabs” – full face coverings) would not be allowed in schools and universities. While use of the hijab (scarf to cover the head) has increased, observers believe the burqa has been banned to keep Syria from being considered an Islamic nation. “While it is a Muslim country,” one journalist points out, “it is not an Islamic country – one where Islam is not only the religion, but the government and law as well. Examples of Islamic countries include Iran and Saudi Arabia.” Praise the Lord for this move by the Syrian government. Pray for greater freedom for the women of this nation and for greater freedom of religion. Ask the Lord to make the Good News of Jesus Christ known throughout Syria and plead for multitudes of Muslims to put their faith in Him as Savior and Lord.


Mongolia will be entering into an agreement with Nepal, Thailand, and Malaysia that seeks to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. By working together, these nations hope to secure the North Asia region and make it undesirable to al-Qaeda and other extremist groups. Praise the Lord for this initiative. Pray for its success. Ask the Lord to continue to help governments be ruthless in rooting out and combating terrorism. Pray for Mongolia to secure its borders and work to ensure the safety of its people. Ask the Lord for a great harvest of souls in this ripe-forharvest field. Pray for His Kingdom to come, His will to be done in Mongolia. Petition the Lord to send workers and make the Gospel known to every people and tongue in this nation.


Australia has proposed creating a refugee center in East Timor. While many in the tiny nation have objected, President Jose Ramos Horta has given the idea his support. “I wouldn’t want TimorLeste to become an island prison for displaced persons,” he said, but “I would never turn my back on people who flee violence.” Pray for the government to use wisdom in developing this idea. Ask the Lord to establish a safe haven for refugees and asylum seekers who are searching for a safer, better life. Petition the Lord to bless President Horta and the people of East Timor, strengthening their economy and combating poverty. Pray for the Gospel to continue to be proclaimed, for Believers to be revived by the Holy Spirit and for the lost to be drawn into relationship with Jesus Christ.


President Yahya Jammeh has reportedly launched a massive campaign to rid his nation of witches. “Why did Yahya Jammeh not deal with such an evil earlier than he did?” one journalist asks. “Not until these witches dared to eat a relative of Yahya Jammeh did [he] get enraged and imported witch hunters from Guinea to eradicate the evil scourge.” Pray for President Jammeh to hear the Gospel and put his faith in Jesus Christ rather than witch hunters. Cry out for the people of the Gambia – those who practice witchcraft and those who follow other false religions – to be set free from these wicked and demonic practices by

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010

the blood of Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening in this West African nation that will flow throughout the region, drawing a multitude of souls into the Kingdom of God.


According to an Associated Press report, “Rival day camps by the United Nations and Gaza’s Islamic militant Hamas rulers compete for the hearts of the next generation, the roughly 700,000 children under 15 who make up nearly half of the Gaza Strip population.” The Hamas camps teach children “anti-Israel doctrine and military-style marching,” while the UN camps use games and fun to “try to instill hope in a better future.” Pray for the hateful propaganda and deceptions of Hamas camps to be exposed and for parents in the Gaza to refuse to send their children to them. Ask the Lord to open new and inventive ways of reaching these kids with the Gospel message. Pray for their hearts to be softened, their eyes opened to the Truth that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and

September 2010

rose from the dead. Plead with the Lord for multitudes of souls – Hamas members, parents, and children – to be drawn into relationship with Christ.


Members of terrorist group Hamas were arrested in July 2010 for the murder of a police officer in what was described as an ambush on his vehicle. Authorities said Hamas is “continuing to try to reestablish its terror infrastructure in the West Bank… Hamas attempts to send its terrorist claws to every corner.” Pray for peace in this troubled area. Ask the Lord to establish good relationships between Palestinians and Jews. Pray for an end to Hamas and their evil attempts to destroy, murder, and manipulate through the use of fear tactics. Lift up Believers in the West Bank. Ask the Lord to protect them and provide for them, giving them boldness in sharing their faith. Pray for many in the West Bank to put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

© 2010 Window International Network

Window International Network Intercede on behalf of the staff of Window International Network, asking the Lord to fill them with His Spirit, empower them to accomplish His purposes, and share with them His vision and heart for the people and nations of the 10/40 Window. Pray for them to be surrendered to the Lord’s agenda and sensitive to His voice. Ask Him to anoint them and use them to mobilize evangelism to and prayer for the lost and unreached living inside the Window. Pray for the Lord to provide them with new ideas and strategies for proclaiming the Good News throughout the “resistance belt.” Pray for them to be faithful servants, persevering in the work they have been ordained and commissioned for, until the veil is removed from the eyes of the spiritually blind so they may see the gospel of the glory of Christ. Sourced: The Washington Post, BBC News, Reuters, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct News, Associated Press, Afrol News,, Assist News, the Jerusalem Post, Mission Network News, China View, Arab Times, Asia Evangelical Alliance, World Bulletin, Gulf News

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g n I t ism

e r o g r r r e t a T

WIN partners have been focusing their prayer efforts on terrorism in the 10/40 Window for the past three years. As we continue to lift this urgent concern before the throne of the Most High God, it might be worthwhile to revisit the subject – to define our target and examine how it has changed since the prayer campaign began. What is terrorism? For the purposes of intercession, we are defining it as “the unlawful use of force or violence against civilians (non-military) persons.” As we note in Praying Through the Window 9 Revised materials, terrorism is demonically inspired and has as its goal the destruction of human life (including families, communities, and entire societies and nations), as well as the promotion of chaos and panic. In addition to the deadly acts carried out by groups such as al-Qaeda, we also consider violence against children and women a form of terrorism. Sexual abuse, slavery, and pedophilia fall into this category. All of these barbaric and horrendous attacks cause fear, and destroy lives, minds and hearts, and are motivated by man’s sin nature, as well as the enemy of our souls. All terrorism grieves the heart of God. It was surely included in the great “wickedness of man” described in Genesis 6 that caused the LORD to be “sorry that He had made man on the earth” (The Bible, Genesis 6:5,6). In fact, sexual perversion was largely responsible for the evil being so great (The Bible, Genesis 6:1-4).

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September 2010


In the days of Noah, “every intent of the thoughts of [man’s] heart was evil continually” (The Bible, Genesis 6:5), and the LORD chose to deal with this by wiping out “both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air” (The Bible, Genesis 6:7). Although we find ourselves in a similar environment, with evil and wickedness rampant, we live in the age of grace – Jesus Christ having given His life and risen from the dead in order to rescue all those who are destined for and deserve eternal destruction.

So we pray… for the hearts of terrorists to be transformed by encounters with the living Christ… for the hearts of victims to be healed and drawn to salvation… for governments and leaders to counteract the vicious attacks of militants and extremists… for nations that are currently under siege to violent, satanic forces to be set free… and for the Kingdom of God to come to the 10/40 Window with great power.

praY fOr the roots of this demonic activity to be severed – false religions, poverty, pride, and a desire to control. (The Bible, Isaiah 14:12-14)

combat, apprehend, and bring to justice those who are wreaking havoc in the service of the devil. (The Bible, Psalm 91)

funding for terrorist organizations to be cut off. Pray for an end to the corruption and crime that make possible organized acts of destruction. (The Bible, Psalm 55:23)

governments to remain vigilant in the long-term fight against these satanically-driven forces. Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom and strategies to effectively combat terrorism. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:12)

recruiting efforts to fail. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of leaders in al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other groups, and to turn potential members away. Ask the Lord to set these blind, misguided minds free to know the Truth of His Son. (The Bible, Matthew 5:44) terrorist schemes to be exposed and for their attempts to harm people to be unsuccessful. Petition the Lord to uncover these groups, their hideouts, and training grounds. (The Bible, Daniel 2:22) troops and security forces to be kept safe as they bravely seek to September 2010

Believers to stand firm, interceding until these groups cease to exist. (The Bible, Ephesians 6:10,11,18) the Lord to comfort victims and the families of those who have been killed and maimed by these acts. Ask Him to enable them to forgive. Pray for the Holy Spirit to use even these wicked actions to draw lost souls to salvation. (The Bible, II Corinthians 1:3,4) the Kingdom of God to come to every nation of the 10/40 Window, driving out terrorism and terrorists, and exalting the Lord Jesus Christ. (The Bible, I Cor. 4:20)

© 2010 Window International Network

Since Praying Through the Window 9 Revised took aim at terrorism in October 2007, we have seen many victories and setbacks in the spiritual war on terrorism. In some nations, separatists have been defeated while in others, jihadists have risen up. The former can be seen in Sri Lanka and Iraq. The latter is exemplified in the expansion of the Taliban and alQaeda – both of which are having an impact on the 10/40 Window nations. The Taliban continues to operate in Afghanistan and is growing in numbers and strength in Pakistan. Al-Qaeda is proving to be resilient, clever, and flexible, often able to outwit national defenses and strategies. It is also quite adept at recruiting and financing. Originally based in Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda now has powerful arms in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, and has carried out terrorist attacks throughout the world. While the names of these groups and their members tend to change from year to year, their objectives and motivation do not. They are aligned with demonic forces and are intent upon stealing, killing, and destroying anything and everything that does not surrender to their will. Like satan himself, terrorists seem to take delight in doing damage to children, women, the defenseless, the voiceless, and the innocent. Surely their punishment will be great. Sources: Window Internaitonal Network Praying Through the Window 9 Revised, BBC News, Associated Press

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YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITHYOU “You can’t take it with you… but you can send it on ahead!” Those who have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord know where they’re headed when they die. Praise God for the salvation He has provided for us in the death, resurrection, and ascension of His only Son! But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t take anything with you to heaven. All earthly treasures will have to stay here when you depart to be with the Lord.

Good news, though:

you can send treasure on ahead! When we pray, serve God, and give our finances to advance His Kingdom, we are adding to our heavenly treasure. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,” Jesus said, “where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:l9,20). It’s like a savings account. We make deposits by being obedient to God in fulfilling the Great Commission and by generously investing in His work. So the next time you’re faced with a decision regarding how to spend your time, energy, or money, consider this: earthly things get left behind; Kingdom things get forwarded to heaven.

How is your eternal account looking? For an opportunity to “send it on ahead,” advance the Kingdom and, most importantly, honor God with your finances, go to and make a contribution to Window International Network. It’s guaranteed to be waiting for you – with untold dividends! – when you reach heaven.


A B l ack H o l e


Satellite photos of North Korea taken at night are quite revealing. Below the nation are the bright lights of South Korea. Above it, the lights of China. In between is a dark void. In both a physical and a spiritual sense, North Korea is a black hole. The oppressive communist regime of dictator Kim Jong Il has worked long and hard to keep the people of this nation cut off from the rest of the world. Information and communication are restricted. The paranoid government views other nations as enemies – especially neighboring South Korea. In March 2010, North Korea attacked and sunk a South Korean naval ship without provocation. When South Korea organized military exercises in response to this flagrant act of war, North Korea threatened to use a “nuclear deterrent” to launch a “retaliatory sacred war.” 36 | The 10/40 Window Reporter

North Korea treats its own citizens with violent disdain. Untold millions (as many as 4 million) have died in famines and 200,000 (.85% of the population) are believed to be held in detainment centers and labor camps. Defectors describe the conditions in these facilities as horrendous. Political and religious prisoners are starved, raped, even murdered on a regular basis. There are also reports of forced abortions. It is estimated that at least 1 million people have been killed in these camps. North Korea also holds the number one position on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010 for worst persecutors of Christians. It is considered the most difficult place on earth to be a Believer.

Because the government of North Korea views religion as a threat to national security, Believers are hunted like animals, arrested, tortured, and killed. Some have even been used as guinea pigs to test the effects of chemical and biological weapons. “There is no other country in the world where Christians are being persecuted in such a horrible and systematic manner,” explains Carl Moeller, president of Open Doors USA. Despite this brutal abuse, the Church in North Korea is growing. There are now at least 400,000 Believers in the nation. Sources: International Prayer Connect and Council, Global Day of Prayer, Open Doors, BBC News

© 2010 Window International Network

September 2010

PRAY FOR the light of Jesus Christ to shine brightly throughout this dark nation. (The Bible, II Corinthians 4:6) the spiritual forces holding North Korea hostage to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully, opening blind eyes and deaf ears to the Gospel. (The Bible, II Corinthians 10:4) the Lord to restrain all those in government who desire to wage war. Pray for peace in this volatile region. (The Bible, Psalm 46:8-10) those who are suffering from poverty, hunger, and abuse. Ask the Lord to provide for them and remind them of the high value they have in His sight. (The Bible, Psalm 22:26) Believers to be protected and encouraged. Plead with the Lord for the release of those in labor camps. Ask Him to be present with our Brothers and Sisters in North Korea. Pray for the joy of the Lord to be their strength. (The Bible, I Peter 4:13,14) the Church to continue to grow and for the Good News to be proclaimed throughout the nation. (The Bible, Acts 2:47; 8:4) a great spiritual awakening in North Korea that brings a tremendous harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God. (The Bible, John 4:35,36)

September 2010

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Mali Hymie: Hello, friends! Can you

guess what part of the 10/40 Window we will be visiting today? Not Asia. Not the Middle East. That’s right: West Africa! I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful Sister named Marie who lives in the nation of Mali. Although the people in this part of the world have many hardships, those who have Jesus Christ in their hearts, like Marie, are filled with joy.

Marie: Bonjour, WindowKids! Many

people are surprised to learn that in Mali, we speak French! Mali was once governed by France and after gaining independence, our country has continued to practice many French traditions. And as you’ll soon see, God has helped Mali many ways! In order for me to explain the miracles that have happened in my nation, I need to tell you a little bit about what happened in Mali about twenty years ago. My family and many others in our town make their living as peanut farmers. This was once a thriving business in Mali. In fact, we produced more peanuts than almost any other country in the world. But things changed in 1992. In that year, Mali had a very bad harvest. There was no rain and there were few peanuts. Because of this, families went hungry and had to find other ways of making money. The people of our town prayed for rain, for the crops to grow, and for ideas to help us during the drought. We also prayed for the families who had lost loved ones because of the hunger.

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my country is still struggling to produce enough food and water, God has richly blessed us in so many ways. WindowKids, you can make such a difference through prayer and obedience. Ask God, today, to restore Mali and the other nations in this region that have been affected by the Sahel Drought. When the people of my town prayed, God answered. And He will answer when you pray too! Pray BIG prayers, WindowKids, because we serve a BIG God. And He likes to answer your prayers in BIG ways! We prayed day and night asking the Lord for a miracle. Then one day, God answered in an unexpected way. Many people began to hear of our problem and started calling it the Sahel Drought. Organizations from around the world came to help feed our people. But God did more than just bring us food, He brought us a new way of living.

Sources: “Mali.” CIA-The World Factbook (2010): n. pag. Web. 20 Jul 2010. publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ml.html. “Dougourakoroni Cotton Producers Co-operative, Mali.” Fairtrade Foundation (2006): n. pag. Web. 21 Jul 2010. dougourakoroni_

Jesus used these organizations to teach us how to take care of our families. You see, friends, some of these groups brought a crop that grows in our hot, dry climate: cotton. They taught the people of my town how to harvest cotton instead of peanuts. The Lord blessed our cotton crops and we were able to care for our families again. Isn’t it wonderful how God answers prayers! Not only did he send His servants to help bring food, but the Lord helped us find a new way to care for our families. And He restored the land that was taken away by drought. Did you know that Mali now produces the most cotton in all of Africa? Although September 2010

I’d love to hear how your prayer groups are going. You can write and tell me at

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