The 10/40 Window Reporter August 2009

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August 2009 Edition

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August 2009

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Cover Photo: Hamed Saber

IRAN “He is your praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.� Deuteronomy 10:21 Photo

Photo by Hamed Saber


His ability to guide nations, and for answering the prayers of His people. PRAY

od has indeed been performing great and awesome wonders in the 10/40 Window.

Among His many praiseworthy acts are the events taking place in Iran. Presidential elections, that looked to be a sure and easy win for incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, turned into a social revolution when the opposition accused the government of rigging the vote. Hundreds of thousands marched in the streets, protesting the outcome. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei deemed the election fair and ordered the opposition to accept the outcome. He then unleashed a wave of violence to enforce this ruling – attacking, detaining, arresting, and even killing demonstrators. The uprising looked to be subsiding until an esteemed group of Islamic clerics chose to defy the Ayatollah’s orders. In a blatant and surprising act of defiance, they called the election “illegitimate.” “The crack in the clerical establishment, and the fact they are siding with the people” said Abbas Milani, director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University, “is the most historic crack of [the unity of the clerics] in the 30 years of the Islamic republic.”

✚✚ Pray for God to continue working mightily in and through the events in Iran. Pray for Him to raise up the man He desires to lead this nation. (Daniel 2:21) ✚✚ Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of the Iranian people, using their dissatisfaction and frustration to draw them into a relationship with Jesus Christ. (II Corinthians 2:14) ✚✚ Pray for this rebellion to swell, reaching beyond the issue of political leadership, into the realm of spiritual leadership. Pray for the lies of Islam to be exposed and for the people to surrender their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:21) ✚✚ Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Iran, bringing an unprecedented harvest that touches all levels of society. Pray for the president, ayatollahs, opposition, and every citizen to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ. (I Timothy 2:1-4) Sources include: BBC News, The New York Times.

Praise God for this sudden and serious change of direction in Iran. Give thanks to Him for the demonstration of

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zerbaijan is located in Southwestern Asia, bordering the Caspian Sea, between Iran and Russia, with a small European portion north of the Caucasus range. In 1991, Azerbaijan was the first Soviet republic to declare its independence. The Azeris have been oppressed throughout history by the Arabs, Persians, Turks and Russians. Recently Azerbaijan tensions with Armenia led to a full-scale war, fighting over who should own the Nagorno-Karabakh region. War and corruption have had a massive impact on the whole country and almost half of the population live in poverty. Local scientists consider the Abseron Yasaqligi (Apsheron Peninsula) (including Baku and Sumqayit) and the Caspian Sea to be the ecologically most devastated area in the world because of severe air, soil and water pollution.

Terrorism: Over the past five years, the government of Azerbaijan has aggressively apprehended and prosecuted members of suspected terrorist groups, according to Country Reports on Terrorism 2007. It has closed organizations that were suspected of supporting terrorist groups and arrested at least 39 persons from three separate terrorist-associated groups, on terrorism-related charges. Since August 2003, Azerbaijan has supported peacekeeping operations in Iraq with an infantry company of approximately 150

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soldiers stationed at the Haditha Dam. A platoon of Azerbaijani soldiers has worked with the Turkish peacekeeping contingent in Afghanistan since November 2002. While Azerbaijan has taken steps to combat terrorist financing and identify possible terrorist-related funding by distributing lists of suspected terrorist groups and individuals to local banks, comprehensive legislation to counter terrorist financing has not yet passed parliament. Religion: According to official figures, approximately 96% of the popula- ©2009 Window International Network

tion is Muslim. Azerbaijan is a secular country, in article 48 of its constitution ensures the liberty of worship to everyone. Everyone has a right to choose any faith, to adopt any religion or to not practice any religion, to express one’s view on the religion and to spread it. Officially there has been “religious freedom” since then, but in reality Christianity is negatively associated with Russians and Armenians. Challenges to Christians: According to paragraphs 1-3 of Article 18 of the Constitution the religion acts separately from the government, each religion The 10/40 Window Reporter 7

is equal before the law and the propaganda of religions, abating human personality and contradicting to the principles of humanism is prohibited. Unfortunately most people think of Christianity as the religion of the Russians or Armenians who have invaded Azerbaijan in its past. Most towns and villages have never heard about Jesus and foreign missionaries aren’t allowed to evangelize.


Prayer Points: ✚✚ Pray for Azerbaijan to continue to take a tough stance against terrorists. Pray that the government of Azerbaijan would remain aggressive in apprehending and prosecuting members of suspected terrorist groups ✚✚ Most Christians in Azerbaijan are Russian speaking. Pray that they would have real sensitivity and wisdom in evangelizing to the majority Muslim population. ✚✚ Pray that Christians in Azerbaijan would be able to reach people who don’t know God. ✚✚ Pray that God will break down these barriers and prejudice so people can open their hearts and minds to Jesus. Sources: 24-7 Prayer, Operation World, CIA Factbook, Wikipedia, International Religious Freedom Report 2007, Country Reports on Terrorism 2007

Azerbaijan, Southwest Asia ÌÌ Population: 8,177,717

ÌÌ Number of Terrorist Groups: 2

ÌÌ Political Leader: President Ilham Aliyev ÌÌ Acts of Terrorism: 6; Casualties: 19 ÌÌ Religions: Islam 83.7%, Non-Reli-

ÌÌ Percent of Corruption: 76%

gious 11.3%, Christianity 4.6%,

ÌÌ % of People in Poverty: 24%

Other 0.4% ÌÌ Persecution Ranking: 22nd August 2009 ©2009 Window International Network

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PRAYER Points August 2009

Day 1

INDIA, SOUTH ASIA- Although the recent election unseated the fundamentalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and was heralded as a victory by Christians, this political change has not yet affected the ongoing violence. There were several attacks against Believers in June 2009 – homes were burned, pastors attacked, and students threatened. All of these are thought to be the work of Hindu extremist groups, such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Maoist rebels have also been active, killing members of the ruling party in West Bengal state. Pray for the new government to rise up and begin to protect Christians from this abuse. Pray for God to give them wisdom in bringing peace to the nation. Pray for Him to work in the hearts of the militants, revealing to them the sin they are committing and leading them to repentance and Salvation. Pray for Believers to remain strong and refuse to give up, no matter what opposition they face. MAURITANIA, NORTH AFRICA- It is estimated that as many as 600,000 people in Mauritania are enslaved. A law was passed in 2007 making slavery illegal. But this has not brought an end to the problem. Pray for God to set these men, women, and children free from the bondage of this barbaric practice. Pray for the hearts of those who desire to control other people and sell them like animals – that they will accept Jesus Christ. Pray for the government to do more than merely pass laws. Pray for them to enforce these laws. Pray for the Muslims of Mauritania, who are enslaved by false religion to see and respond to the Light of Christ. Day 2 SUDAN, NORTH AFRICA- Sudan has postponed its long-awaited presidential election, moving it from February 20l0 to April 20l0. The government stated that the change was necessary in order to complete a national census which will be used for polling. The South of Sudan, which is largely Christian and has been engaged in military and political conflict with the mostly Muslim North, has said that the census is in error. They claim to make up a third of the population while the census shows them to be a much smaller percentage. Pray for this divided nation to be brought together by the blood of Jesus Christ. Pray for forgiveness and reconciliation between North and South. Pray for protection of the Believers scattered throughout the nation and for fair elections next year. AFGHANISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- Western forces have stated that the war in Afghanistan is their top priority. As troops are pulling back in Iraq, more Allied troops are being deployed to Afghanistan. The governments involved have invested extra resources, saying that despite the economic downturn, they are committed to keeping their soldiers safe. Pray for God to give military leaders wisdom and supernatural strategies in fighting the battle against the Taliban and

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other terrorist forces. Pray for good communication and cooperation between the governments involved in the war. Pray for God to protect the soldiers from enemy fire and ambushes, and keep civilians from being injured and killed. Pray for members of militant organizations operating in the region to realize the destructive consequences of their actions, repent, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to the Afghani people and bring much needed healing and comfort. Day 3 KUWAIT, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Like many nations, Kuwait provides for freedom of religion in its Constitution. However, the population is overwhelmingly Muslim, the state religion is Islam, and the government bases much of its legislation on Shari’a (Islamic law). Because of this, there are very few Christians – and most of these are foreign workers. Evangelism is prohibited and any Kuwaitis who choose to follow Jesus Christ are subject to persecution that can take the form of discrimination, loss of job, excommunication from their family, even physical attacks and arrest. Pray for God to bring His Kingdom to this “hard” nation. Pray for the government to truly enforce freedom of religion and to stop following Shari’a law. Pray for expatriate Believers to be bold witnesses to Kuwaitis. Pray for God to give Muslim Background Believers joy and endurance as they serve Him. BANGLADESH, SOUTH ASIA- Cyclone Aila, which hit Bangladesh in May 2009, is now being called the “forgotten disaster.” It has left half a million homeless. Water-borne disease is becoming epidemic. There is a shortage of drinking water, and many levees were washed away by the storm, causing areas to flood with every high tide. Pray for the government to allow aid to reach those affected by this disaster. Pray for humanitarian workers to remind victims they have not been forgotten – especially by God. Pray for Christian organizations to provide them with food, clean water, clothing, shelter, and a visible demonstration of God’s love. Pray for many in Bangladesh to thirst for and be refreshed by Jesus Christ, the Living Water. Day 4 JAPAN, EAST ASIA- One missionary organization estimates that 80% of the Japanese have no religious affiliation. While most follow various social rituals and customs (many of which have roots in the occult, Chinese folk religions, and Shintoism), they do so out of obligation and tradition. Pray for God to move in a new and powerful way in the nation of Japan. Pray for the Holy Spirit to penetrate the veil of secularism and materialism that has bound itself around the citizens of this nation. Pray for Jesus to be exalted above the gods of the occult, folk religions, and Shintoism. Pray for the Lord to draw ©2009 Window International Network

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(Japan continued)

men, women, and children to Himself, and for them to leave behind cultural idols.

citizens, criminals, and officials to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

GUINEA-BISSAU, WEST AFRICA- Former United Nations leader, Kofi Annan, issued a statement in June 2009 telling African nations – including Guinea-Bissau – to “shape up.” He said that corruption is costing the countries of Africa $l50 billion each year. Though Annan is not known to be a Christian, his concern and call for a new approach suggest the coming of the Kingdom of God to Africa in a more powerful way. Pray for this to happen now, in the aftermath of the Global Day of Prayer, as many Believers in Africa continue to intercede for their continent. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come to Guinea-Bissau specifically, changing hearts in government and in the civilian population, rooting out corruption, and bringing solutions to poverty.

THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Speaking out against the government is a dangerous thing to do in many l0/40 nations. In Thailand, a constitutional monarchy, it can result in imprisonment. One woman is currently on trial for giving a speech that was critical of King Bhumipol – who many Thais call the “Lord Upon our Heads” and “Lord of Life.” Pray for this human rights issue to cause the people of Thailand to question the god-like reverence they give to their human leader. Pray for God to reveal to them the King of kings, Jesus Christ. Pray for supporters and dissidents alike to see that there can be no peace without surrendering to His Lordship.

Day 5

NIGER, WEST AFRICA- The Front for the Defense of Democracy, an opposition group, called for President Mamadou Tandja to “step down” from office in July 2009. President Tandja’s term expires in December 2009, but he has been attempting to extend his time in office. One plan is a constitutional referendum that will allow him to remain in power until 2012. When parliament and the constitutional court tried to stop him, he “dissolved” them and assumed “emergency powers.” Pray for God to raise up the man of His choice to lead Niger. Pray for President Tandja to abide by the law and leave office graciously. Pray for a new government that will guide this nation with godly wisdom. Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw the people of Niger into a personal relationship with Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

BHUTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The nation of Bhutan promotes something called “Gross National Happiness.” Started in l972 by King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, it is meant to encourage cultural growth through the values of Buddhism. However, many in Bhutan are not experiencing happiness. In the last few years, the suicide rate has skyrocketed. Among the reasons for this alarming rise are unemployment, depression, alcoholism, anxiety about the economy, and mental illness. Pray for God to use this sense of discontent and despair to draw the hearts of the Bhutanese into relationship with His Son. Pray for the spirit of self-destruction to be bound and rendered powerless. Pray for the people to hunger for, seek, and find the meaning and hope they need in Jesus Christ. SAUDI ARABIA, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Although Islam is sometimes referred to as a religion of peace, the women of this Muslim nation would disagree. They are not allowed to drive, vote, leave their homes outside the company of their husbands, and must be covered from head to toe whenever they are in public. Some have called this a “gender apartheid.” The government bases its policies and laws on Shari’a (Islamic law) which severely oppresses not just women but other minorities – including Christians. Pray for an end to these practices in Saudi Arabia. Pray for leaders to turn from Shari’a law to the Word of God. Pray for God to give the government wisdom in ruling the nation and a compassion for all citizens. Pray for Christians in Saudi Arabia to continue to witness boldly for the Lord Jesus Christ. Day 6 GUINEA, WEST AFRICA- Fighting crime and illegal drugs is a difficult job in Guinea. Leaders there have become so frustrated with this ongoing battle that they are now calling for extreme measures to solve the problem – including killing those caught committing crimes. With the prisons already overflowing, one official suggests burning thieves alive. Pray for the spirits behind these crimes – violence, destruction, lawlessness – to be bound, their grip on the nation broken, and order restored. Pray for God to give the government effective strategies for combating these plagues and the resources to put an end to them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring a revival that will lead innocent

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Day 7

KYRGYZSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In June 2009, the government of Kyrgyzstan agreed to keep allowing Allied forces to use the Manas airbase in their Afghanistan operations. This is the only base in Central Asia open for this purpose and is critical in providing supplies in the ongoing conflict with Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists. Russia and China have voiced concern over its location and in February 2009, Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiyev ordered it shut down. The parliament reversed this decision in June 2009. Give thanks to God for changing the minds of the leaders of the government. Pray for a good relationship between Allied troops and Kyrgyzstan’s leaders. Pray for the base to be used strategically in the battle to end terrorism. Day 8 IRAN, MIDDLE EAST- After the contested presidential elections in June 2009, the oppressive Islamic government of Iran mercilessly cracked down on dissidents, beating and arresting hundreds. At least l7 died in the street violence. Pray for God to continue working in and through this conflict to bring the restless hearts of the Iranian people into a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for Iran’s leadership to have dreams and visions of the Lord and Savior. Pray for them to repent of their destructive ways and choose Eternal Life in Christ. Pray for the protection of citizens – especially Christians. BURKINA FASO, WEST AFRICA- According to the United Nations, Burkina Faso is the third poorest nation in the world. It has been accused of stealing diamonds from Sierra Leone and of supporting insurgents battling the government of Ivory Coast. The name Burkina Faso means “land of honest men,” yet there have been half a dozen coups in recent decades. The nation has also been plagued by epidemics and droughts. Pray for the works of the “thief ” ©2009 Window International Network

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(Burkina Faso continued) (stealing, killing, destroying) to be brought to a swift and complete end in Burkina Faso. Pray for the curse of poverty to be broken and for God to give the government and people a vision for economic growth. Pray for this country to truly become a land of honesty and integrity. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Burkina Faso and bring lasting transformation. Day 9 MALI, WEST AFRICA- Making good on their promise to fight terrorism, the government of Mali sent troops to the Algerian border in June 2009 and destroyed a base used by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM – an extremist group affiliated with al-Qaeda). Several terrorists were reportedly killed in the operation. Pray for God to direct the government of Mali in their efforts to clear the northern region of their nation of terrorists. Pray for the terrorists to see this strike as a sign that their time there is over. Pray for them to flee and find no refuge in other countries. Pray for the hearts of these violent men to be brought into relationship with Jesus Christ. AZERBAIJAN, SOUTHWEST ASIA- The government of Azerbaijan recently announced a “huge increase” in the amount of money they will be investing in their military. Some see this as a sign that they are preparing to go to war against neighboring Armenia. At stake is the highly-contested Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. Pray for God to intervene before violence breaks out, bringing this dispute to a peaceful resolution. Pray for Him to give the leaders of both nations wisdom and patience in working through this difficult situation. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the Azeri and Armenian people, drawing them into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Day 10 BENIN, WEST AFRICA- The “voodoo capital of the world” is also becoming known as the “corruption capital of the world.” The powers of voodoo and corruption are making life for the people of Benin difficult and painful. It is one of the poorest countries in the world, continues to see outbreaks of violence along the border with Burkina Faso, and is home to thousands of refugees from the political conflict in Togo. Pray for the enemy to be bound in Benin and for every sign of his work to be broken by the Power of God – spiritual bondage, economic bondage, political bondage…. Pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to those whose understanding has been darkened. Pray for Benin to become known as the “Kingdom of God capital of the world.” INDONESIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The government has ordered a halt to the flow of Indonesians going to Malaysia as maids and day laborers. There have been reports of these workers being beaten and tortured by employers – abuse which sometimes goes on for years. There are currently over one million Indonesians working in Malaysia, many earning very small wages and being forced to endure long hours. Pray for an immediate end to this injustice. Pray for these “slaves” to be set free from this mistreatment. Pray for them to find favor in the eyes of their employers. Pray for Believers who are in these situations to continue to witness to their employers, praying for and loving them no matter how they are treated. Pray for this

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testimony to bring many Malays to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 11 LAOS, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The Thai Lao Friendship Bridge is being promoted as the first step in recreating the Silk Route – a link between East Asia and Europe. Laos has made trade agreements with Vietnam and Thailand, enabling cargo and travelers to move more freely between these countries. Pray for God to expand this new openness in trade to include a new openness to His Holy Spirit. Pray for the increased communication and travel between these nations to allow for greater evangelism and for the Gospel to spread quickly to each region. Pray for the link to be used to the Glory of God, not for greater access to drugs, human trafficking, and terrorism. Pray for God to give mission agencies creative strategies for using the Silk Route to bring His Kingdom to Laos. WESTERN SAHARA, NORTH AFRICA- The United Nations Western Sahara envoy has been touring North Africa and Spain in an attempt to establish peace in the region. He has expressed optimism about his discussions with leaders and about the future of Western Sahara. Pray for God’s exciting and Kingdom-building purpose to be fulfilled in Western Sahara. Pray for Saharawis to be patient and expectant as they watch Him work. Pray for their eyes to be open to the marvelous signs and wonders of their Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Pray for God to stamp His identity and ownership on this nation and its people. Pray for revival to spread across this land. Day 12 EGYPT, NORTH AFRICA- This nation was the site of a meeting between the Hamas and Fatah terrorist groups in June 2009. The ongoing discussions are a “Palestinian national dialogue” with the goal being to discuss issues facing the West Bank and Gaza territories. Pray that Egypt will not support the work of Hamas and Fatah, but urge these and other militant groups to solve their problems peaceably through diplomacy. Pray for the government of Egypt to honor their own peace agreement with Israel and to encourage other nations to do the same. Pray for Egypt to be used of God to bless Israel and for His Kingdom to come to this violent region. UZBEKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Several people were wounded and a police officer was killed in a May 2009 suicide bombing in Uzbekistan. A trio of men armed with guns and bombs also attacked a checkpoint at a nearby location. Officials believe these terrorists were from Kyrgyzstan and they closed the border as a precaution. The Uzbek government has blamed Islamic extremists, but some have accused them of using this as an excuse to massacre civilians. Pray for God to bring justice to this land, sorting out the lies and the truth. Pray for Him to expose any who are using “freedom” and “security” as a veiled excuse for murder. Pray for terrorists to be held back from the borders of this nation and find no refuge in other countries. Pray for these events to cause citizens to seek and find God, accepting His only Son, Jesus Christ, as their Savior and Lord. Day 13 NEPAL, SOUTH ASIA- In June 2009, the Nepal Defense Fund (NDF), a militant Hindu organization, said it would attack Christians and their homes with bombs if they did not stop sharing the Good ©2009 Window International Network

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News of Jesus Christ. This threat took the form of a letter submitted to several newspapers and, not only called for Believers to quit evangelizing, but demanded that Nepal be officially declared a Hindu nation. Pray for the government to take action against the NDF, protecting the citizens – especially Christians. Pray for God to keep these hateful words from inciting additional violence against Believers. Pray for the Church in Nepal to stand firm and strong, refusing to fear the lies of the enemy and the threats of terrorists. Pray for the Gospel to spread quickly and powerfully, and for all Hindus to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Islam is the official religion in this union of seven emirates. The legal system is based on Shari’a – Islamic law. Evangelism is not allowed and only expatriate Believers may worship and fellowship together. Pray for an immediate end to the persecution of Christians. Pray for the persecutors to be brought to justice quickly. Pray for God to use expatriate Christians to witness – carefully and discreetly – to the citizens of the UAE. Pray for an opening of hearts and minds to the Gospel among the people. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, tearing down strongholds of enemy lies and setting the captives free to know and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 14 ALBANIA, SOUTHEAST EUROPE- Although Albania has been trying for years to be accepted into the European Union (EU), officials with the EU say that the recent election may delay consideration even further. In what has been called a test of the nation’s “democratic credentials,” the election had the Democratic Party up against the Socialist Party – and the Democratic Party won by a slim margin. International observers said that the election did not meet standards and could have involved fraud. Pray for this wandering, formerly Communist nation to be guided by God toward the fulfillment of His purpose. Pray for the hearts of the many atheist citizens to be awakened to the reality of Jesus Christ and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior. MOROCCO, NORTH AFRICA- In June 2009, the Moroccan government arrested four men believed to be members of a terrorist cell. Officials suspect that they were planning terrorist acts against the state, as well as engaging in drug trafficking. Pray for the Moroccan authorities to be given supernatural wisdom and discernment in tracking down and arresting members of terrorist organizations. Pray for the lines of financial supply, such as drug trafficking, to be permanently broken and for the cells to wither and die for lack of funding. Pray for God to move in the hearts of these wayward men and women, removing the veil of Islamic lies from their eyes and leading them into a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Day 15 IRAQ, MIDDLE EAST- With Allied troops pulling back and the Iraqi security forces now beginning to accept responsibility for keeping the nation safe, Iraq faces “difficult days.” In the two weeks leading up to the withdrawal, at least 250 people were killed in civil violence and on the day of the pullback, a car bomb killed 27. Pray for the nation and people of Iraq as they are confronted by many new and dangerous challenges. Pray for

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God to provide the security forces with the resources they need to defend the nation against extremists. Pray for al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups to be driven from the land by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in Iraq, establishing a new season of peace. SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA- Even as the people of Sri Lanka celebrated the end of a decades-long civil war between government forces and the Tamil Tigers, reports began to emerge of civilian casualties and human rights abuses. After being trapped in the northern part of this island nation during the last stages of the war, as many as 300,000 displaced people are now living in primitive refugee camps. Pray for the leaders of Sri Lanka to have compassion on those who have already suffered so much in the war. Pray for an opening of diplomatic channels so that aid will reach those who are in need of food, shelter, and clean drinking water. Pray for God to supernaturally provide for and protect these innocent victims. Pray for this crisis to be used to give the citizens of Sri Lanka a hunger for the Bread of Life and a thirst for the Living Water – Jesus Christ. Pray for them to be satisfied in Him. Day 16 ISRAEL, MIDDLE EAST- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the phrase “Palestinian state” for the first time in a recent speech. However, he also said that Israel’s Islamic neighbors would have to recognize Israel. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak responded to this by saying it “ruins” any chance for peace in the Middle East. Pray for God to supernaturally protect Israel, stationing His warring angels on every border. Pray for Him to give Prime Minister Netanyahu godly wisdom in dealing with the many foes who want to destroy Israel. Pray for Western leaders not to be swayed by the lies of the enemy and to avoid trying to achieve “peace” at the price of Israel’s security. Pray for them to stand with Israel. Pray for these turbulent events and times to be used by the Holy Spirit to awaken the people of Israel and bring them into a personal relationship with Yeshua ha Messiah (Jesus Christ). TAJIKISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- The Church in Tajikistan may have to move “underground” after the passage of a new law restricting their freedom. The law gives the government the right to censor Christian literature entering the nation and forces churches and Christian organizations to register. Those who have been approved in the past will be required to re-register. Pray for this law to be overturned. Pray for God to direct the hearts of the leaders in this Muslim nation away from the controlling lies of Islam and toward the Truth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray for a great awakening among the people and for this law to be seen for what it is: an instrument of the enemy meant to persecute God’s Church. Pray for Believers to persevere in the Faith, no matter what political, social, or spiritual opposition arises. Pray for them to be able to worship freely. Pray for their obedience to the Lord to be a powerful witness to their families, friends, and the other citizens of Tajikistan. Day 17 ©2009 Window International Network

CHINA, EAST ASIA- Nearly 200 Uyghur Muslims have been killed in rioting that erupted in the Xingjiang Autonomous Region of China in July 2009. Uyghurs took to the streets to protest a conflict with Han Chinese that took place June 2009. The small demonstration quickly turned into a riot that spread across the capital city of Urumqi. Hundreds were killed, thousands

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(China continued) injured, and thousands detained or arrested. Pray for the ethnic violence in this region to come to an end. Pray for God to breathe His peace into this situation. Pray for forgiveness between Uyghurs and Hans. Pray for God to give the Chinese government wisdom in dealing with the crisis. Pray for the protection of the people in this region – especially Believers. Pray for God to reveal to these people groups His plans and purposes and for them to be drawn by the Holy Spirit into relationship with Jesus Christ. DJIBOUTI, EAST AFRICA- June 27, 2009 was Djibouti’s National Day. This is a yearly celebration of the nation’s independence from France in l977. The event began at midnight in the capital and included delegations from neighboring counties, such as Somalia. Pray for this tiny yet strategic nation to be used by God to lead the nations of the Horn of Africa into His Kingdom. Pray for the remnant of Believers to grow strong in the Lord and boldly witness and testify to His gift of Salvation. Pray for God to bring true and lasting independence – spiritual independence – to this mostly Islamic nation by introducing them to the freedom found only in Jesus Christ. Pray for revival in this land. Day 18 YEMEN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- Three of nine foreign hostages (believed to be Christians) taken by suspected al-Qaeda terrorists in Yemen have been found dead. The rest remain unaccounted for. Pray for God to move in the midst of this violent event, using it to turn hearts and minds to the Truth of His Son. Pray for protection for all the hostages who are still missing. Pray for God to strengthen them and allow them to share His love with their kidnappers, leading them to Christ. Pray for His comfort to surround their families, as well as those who were martyred. VIETNAM, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Following the example set by China, Vietnam has begun arresting human rights lawyers. In June 2009, authorities took Le Cong Dinh into custody, charging him with “distributing propaganda against the state.” Observers say he was arrested because of his willingness to defend pro-democracy activists. Two other lawyers were arrested in March 2009 on similar charges. Pray for the Communist government of Vietnam to be toppled. Pray for democracy to become the law of the land and for it to usher in a new season of openness to the Gospel. Pray for the people of Vietnam to be set free to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior

and Lord. Pray for all acts of persecution against Believers to end immediately. Day 19 TAIWAN, EAST ASIA- The conflict between Taiwan and China continues to be an issue of great concern. Some observers speculate that it may lead to war. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the longstanding dispute between these two nations. Pray for God to give the leaders of Taiwan wisdom in dealing with China. Pray for democracy to spread from Taiwan into China and for both nations to experience the Kingdom of God. Pray for Taiwan to be filled with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Pray for the people to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. BAHRAIN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- In June 2009, the government of Bahrain ordered one of the nation’s main newspapers to be shut down. Sources say the closure was due to an article the newspaper published about the Iranian election protests. Apparently, the Bahraini government was afraid this might incite the local Shia population. Pray for Bahrain to be protected from the Islamic influence of Iran, but for that same unrest – especially spiritual unrest – to come to their nation. Pray for the people to become dissatisfied with the lies of their oppressive, false religious system and acceptJesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Day 20 BRUNEI, SOUTHEAST ASIA- A new report from the Centers for Disease Control states that the swine flu virus (H1N1) is “here to stay.” It has spread around the globe, killing at least 332 people so far. In June 2009, it took the life of a l2year-old girl in Brunei, confirming fears that the disease has arrived on the island of Borneo. Nearly l00 cases were reported by early July 2009. Pray for God to bring an end to the swine flu’s global sweep immediately. Pray for the government of Brunei to react to this new threat with wisdom. Pray for God to prove the experts wrong and for Him to exterminate this virus rather than allow it to continue its deadly spread. Pray for the presence of this disease to cause the people of Brunei – and the rest of the world – to consider life, death, and eternity. Pray for God to use even this

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(Brunei continued) disease to lead many into personal relationships with His Son, Jesus Christ. LEBANON, MIDDLE EAST- Elections held in June 2009, not only saw a pro-Western coalition rise to power, but were reportedly honest and without violence. This has not been the case in past voting. This election is being called a “new page” for Lebanon. Praise God for His answers to the prayers of His people. Thank Him for guiding this election and for maintaining peace. Pray for Him to continue directing Lebanon and its precious people, drawing those who have yet to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, and strengthening Believers to boldly testify to His Lordship. Day 21 QATAR, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The discovery of oil transformed this section of the Arabian Peninsula into one of the wealthiest nations in the world. It would seem that Qatar hit the jackpot. However, the official religion is Wahhabi Islam (a branch of Sunni) which inflicts Shari’a (strict Islamic law) on citizens. Women are especially oppressed. They may not go out in public without an escort and are prohibited from driving. Wahhabism does not allow Christians to evangelize and Muslims who convert can be arrested. Pray for this barbaric religious system to be permanently banned from the land. Pray for darkened minds and hearts to be set free from Islam by the Light of Jesus Christ. Pray for many Qatari to come to a personal knowledge of His Lordship. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this desert nation in power and glory. TURKMENISTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- In July 2009, the European Union (EU) confronted Turkmenistan over a list of human rights abuses. These included freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press. The EU also expressed concern over this nation’s prison system, use of torture, and justice system. Pray for these bold accusations to be taken to heart and acted upon, and the injustices stopped right away. Pray for God to use the EU’s claims as a means to bring His Kingdom rule to this nation. Pray for it to signal the end of persecution of Believers and the beginning of a new season of openness to the Holy Spirit. Pray for the Turkmen leaders – especially President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov – to respond quickly to these calls for change and place their faith in Jesus Christ. Day 22 ETHIOPIA, EAST AFRICA- The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), a rebel group seeking independence for the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia, has accused the government of human rights abuses. ONLF members claim the Ethiopian military has killed thousands of civilians, including women and children, and hidden their bodies in mass graves. Ethiopian officials say that the ONLF is a terrorist organization and denies any such violence. Pray for peace in this contested area. Pray for God to quickly bring justice to those who have committed war crimes and acts of terrorism. Pray for the Lord of Hosts to give leaders wisdom in dealing with the conflict between these two groups and direction in knowing how to proceed with the Ogaden region. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established among government leaders, the military, the rebel troops, and all of Ethiopia. MYANMAR (BURMA), SOUTHEAST ASIA- Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, has been under house arrest for two

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decades. In July 2009, United Nations Secretary General Ban Kimoon met with Myanmar’s president, General Than Shwe, and called for her release. He also called for the release of all political prisoners (which includes Christians) before elections that are scheduled for 20l0. Pray for the military junta of Myanmar to be set free from the spirits of control and manipulation. Pray for General Than Shwe to meet and accept Jesus Christ as His Savior and Lord. Pray for the immediate release of those prisoners who have been jailed simply because they do not agree with the government’s oppressive policies – especially Believers. Day 23 CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICA- It has been called “Africa’s disappearing lake.” Lake Chad, located along the nation’s western border, was once one of the largest fresh water lakes in Africa. But in just 35 years, droughts and extensive irrigation have caused it to shrink to l/20th of its former size. This could lead to a severe water crisis for the entire region. Pray for God to send rain to Chad. Pray for Him to send His Holy Spirit to rain down on the spiritually thirsty people, leading them into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for the Light of God’s Kingdom to shine into Chad, chasing away the darkness of Islam. ALGERIA, NORTH AFRICA- In June 2009, Islamic terrorists ambushed and killed 24 Algerian policemen as they were providing an escort for a group of Chinese workers. After activating two improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the militants opened fire. They then took weapons from the dead, stole six vehicles, and escaped. Terrorists also killed five policemen in May 2009. Pray for these demonic organizations to be dispersed and for their members to flee from the region. Pray for God to give Algerian leaders wisdom in dealing with terrorism, revealing the schemes of the enemy. Pray for the hearts of the terrorists to be delivered from the bondage of satan and set free by the glorious Power of Jesus Christ. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come in its fullness to Algeria. Day 24 LIBYA, NORTH AFRICA- Muammar alQadhafi, president of Libya and also president of the African Union since February 2009, has a vision for Africa to come together under one government. He calls it the “United States of Africa.” In July 2009, he convinced members of the African Union to create an “African Authority” that will have greater power and influence in international diplomacy, defense, and trade. Al-Qadhafi also envisions Africa as an Islamic continent. Pray for God to guide the nations and events in Africa. Pray for Him to win the heart of Muammar al-Qadhafi – a supporter of terrorism and promoter of Islam – transforming him from a Saul (persecutor) into a Paul (man of God). Pray for the Lord to direct all the leaders of African nations into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. MALAYSIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Authorities captured a “top terrorism suspect” in Malaysia in May 2009. He is believed to be a leader in the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), an extremist group seeking to found an Islamic State in Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia. JI came from Darul Islam (“house of Islam”) in Indonesia and may be connected with the al-Qaeda network. Pray for Jemaah Islamiyah, Darul Islam, al-Qaeda, and all affiliated groups to be disbanded by the mighty hand of God. Pray for their members to be ©2009 Window International Network

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(Malaysia continued) scattered and be unable to plot terrorist acts. Pray for these violent men to be brought to justice. Pray for God to give the Malaysian government supernatural discernment in defending against these organizations. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established in Southeast Asia and for His Holy Spirit to lead hearts into relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 25 OMAN, ARABIAN PENINSULA- The Somali pirates that have been hijacking ships off the Horn of Africa are expanding their territory to include the waters off this nation’s coast. In June 2009, a cargo ship was attacked just 60 nautical miles south of Oman. Somali pirates are believed to be in possession of l4 ships and at least 200 sailors. Pray for these ocean-fairing terrorists to be stopped immediately and permanently. Pray for international efforts to deter them. Pray for the pirates to be captured and the hostages safely returned. Pray for the government of Oman to see the urgency of this growing threat and use its wealth and resources to help keep the Gulf of Aden free of piracy. KAZAKHSTAN, CENTRAL ASIA- Although public demonstrations in Kazakhstan are rare, citizens in this poor, former Soviet state have been driven to protest by an overriding sense of despair. Many are now calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Karim Masimov. Pray for this season of hopelessness to lead many Kazaks to consider God and His amazing love, as displayed in Jesus Christ. Pray for their hope to be restored as they receive Him as Savior and Lord. Pray for the current economic poverty to be eliminated and for God’s Kingdom to come in power. Day 26 TUNISIA, NORTH AFRICA- Tunisian ministers of parliament (MPs) met with a delegation from the West in June 2009 to discuss human rights, political reform, and their willingness to join other nations in the region to promote stability. The government has been very cooperative and seems to be changing direction in regards to its interactions with democratic countries. Pray for this process of change to continue, affecting the way prisoners are treated, as well as how Tunisia reacts to terrorism and terrorist threats. Pray for leaders to rule justly and commit themselves to providing protection for their people. Pray for this change to include a new spiritual openness. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in its fullness to Tunisia. CAMBODIA, SOUTHEAST ASIA- The ongoing border dispute between Cambodia and Thailand has caused some to fear that war between the two nations is inevitable. However, in July 2009, Thai Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan stated that he is “confident” the conflict will not escalate. The zone between the countries, near the Preah Vihear Temple, is claimed by both Cambodia and Thailand. Despite the Defense Minister’s assurances, troop levels are growing in that area. Pray for God to intervene between these nations, breathing His Peace into the situation. Pray for Him to give leaders in Cambodia and Thailand understanding in dealing with the conflict and for the spirit of violence to be bound. Pray for the threat of war to cause many in Cambodia and Thailand to consider the inadequacies of Buddhism and begin to seek and accept the True and

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Living God. Pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to spread among these peoples and be received with joy. Day 27 TURKEY, SE EUROPE & SW ASIA- In July 2009, the Order, Law and Justice (RZS), an opposition group of Bulgaria, blocked the border with Turkey in an effort to keep Bulgarian Turks living in Turkey from voting in parliamentary elections. It is estimated that 300,000 Bulgarian Turks reside across the border in Turkey, having fled their homeland because of oppressive government policies. They have made a practice of re-entering the country to vote in elections since 200l. Pray for God to bring peace in the midst of this volatile situation. Pray for Him to give Turkish leaders direction in dealing with the conflict and for it to be solved with discussions rather than violence. Pray for Turks – no matter their place of residence – to hear the Good News and for their hearts and minds to be open to it. Pray for many thousands of Turks to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. NORTH KOREA, EAST ASIA- On July 4 2009, North Korea launched seven missiles into the South China Sea. The act was assumed to be a reaction to a United Nations ban regarding missile testing and was considered provocative. Several other missiles have been launched in recent months and a nuclear weapon was tested in May 2009. The North Korean government has also stated it is working to “weaponise” plutonium and enrich uranium – a possible sign that it is developing nuclear warheads for its missiles. Pray for the evil, repressive regime of Kim Jon Il to be toppled. Pray for the stronghold of darkness keeping the people of North Korea from seeing the Light of Christ to be cast down and rendered powerless by the Mighty Power of God. Pray for God to give world leaders wisdom, discernment, and godly strategy in dealing with this country. Pray for God’s protection for South Korea, Japan, and other neighboring nations. Day 28 SOMALIA, EAST AFRICA- The terrorist organization Al-Shabaab (“the youth”) now controls much of the southern region of Somalia. They are actively seeking to overthrow the already fragile interim government, and are murdering civilians and humanitarian aide workers at will. An al-Shabaab leader boasted in July 2009 about the “influx of foreign jihadists to the region.” Many of these new terrorists are believed to be from Pakistan. Pray for these groups to become confused, disorganized, and their financing and supply of weapons to dry up immediately. Pray for God to come against them in the fullness of His fury, causing the spirits of violence, chaos, anarchy, and lawlessness to be cast out of the region. Pray for the stronghold of death to become a Fountain of Life as the Kingdom of God comes in Power to Somalia. Pray for Jesus Christ to be exalted above all powers and principalities. PAKISTAN, SOUTH ASIA- The Pakistani military has been attacking suspected Taliban hideouts in the northwestern region of the nation. A number of extremists have reportedly been killed. The government has also been calling on tribal chiefs to form militias to help fight these groups and to drive them into the open so they can be dealt with by the military. Pray for Pakistan to continue its fight against terrorism. Pray for these attacks and strategies to be successful. Pray for members of the Taliban and every other demonically-inspired ©2009 Window International Network

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(Pakistan continued) – to change the direction of his own life, and that of the government. Pray for an end to the repression and violence that has characterized his rule. Pray for him to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and usher in a time of great revival in his nation.

group in Pakistan to have no place to hide or run and be unable to find refuge in any other country. Pray for their campaign of violence, destruction and fear to come to an immediate end. Pray for the Holy Spirit to flood this nation, bring peace, protect the citizens, and draw each one into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Day 29 NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA- The discovery of oil and gas reserves was originally considered a blessing to this nation. Unfortunately, it has become a curse. Rebel groups have targeted oil rigs and gas pipelines for sabotage and have made a practice of kidnapping workers. In July, members of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) threatened to destroy a new $l0 billion trans-Saharan gas pipeline. Pray for these terrorist groups to be captured and brought to justice. Pray for God to bring a swift end to their violent and greedy activities. Pray for Him to protect oil workers and to give the government and military understanding that will allow them to overcome these extremist groups. Pray for the members of MEND and other area militants to have an encounter with Jesus Christ, repent of their evil, and surrender their lives to Him. MALDIVES, SOUTH ASIA- President Mohamed Nasheed has vowed to fight child abuse, drug trafficking, and corruption in the nation of Maldives. In a radio address in July, the president said one of his priorities was ensuring that these issues were dealt with swiftly. Pray for God to empower Nasheed to be successful in this campaign. Pray for an end to the abuse of children, drug smuggling, sales and addiction, as well as government corruption. Pray for the president’s heart to remain soft and be filled with compassion – and be open to the Gospel. Pray for the enemy boundary around this hard, closed, Muslim nation to be broken by the introduction of the Kingdom of God. JORDAN, MIDDLE EAST- In Jordan, the conversion of a Muslim to Christ can result in insults, excommunication from family, loss of job, attacks, even death threats. Pray for those Brothers and Sisters as they undergo these fiery trials. Ask the Lord to sustain them and give them His strength to endure. Pray for His joy to see them through every situation, no matter how painful or distressing. Pray for those who are intent on persecuting Believers. Pray for their hearts to be softened, their eyes opened to the beauty of Jesus Christ. Pray for true religious freedom to be made available in Jordan and for many, many Muslims to come to Christ. SENEGAL, WEST AFRICA- Senegal could be opening up to the Gospel. In July, this Muslim-majority nation hosted a conference involving a variety of spiritual viewpoints, including Christianity and Judaism. Pray for Senegal to become, not merely tolerant of, but hungry for the Gospel. Pray for God to awaken Muslim citizens to the reality of Jesus Christ. Pray for their hearts to be soft, fertile soil for the seed of the Good News to take root and bring forth fruit. Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to Senegal, blessing the people and nation. Day 30 ERITREA, EAST AFRICA- President Isaias Afworki’s regime has been called one of the most repressive in the world. He himself has been referred to as a “strongman” and a dictator. As president-for-life since l993, Afworki has ruled the nation ruthlessly, attacking any who oppose the ideals of the one-party totalitarian government. He has shut down the press and has imprisoned thousands of Believers. Pray for God to “stir” this man’s spirit (Ezra 1:1) and move him to repent

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TIBET, SOUTH ASIA- Fifty years ago, 80,000 Tibetan farmers and shepherds followed their leader, the Dalai Lama, into exile in India. That was when the Chinese occupation of their homeland began. Although a peace treaty in 822 set the borders of this nation, it has been contested by China for centuries. As recently as March 2009, 6,000 Tibetans were arrested, detained, and questioned in a “security crackdown.” The fate of the nation remains uncertain. Pray for God to fulfill His purpose and destiny for Tibet. Pray for His plans to become plain to the people of this conflicted nation – and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be made known to every citizen. Pray for Tibetans to become aware of God as their Creator and accept the Truth that His only Son died to save them. Pray for their freedom from Communist China and from the lies of Buddhism. SYRIA, MIDDLE EAST- After years of hostility, Western nations are beginning to revive their diplomatic relations with Syria. Several issues must still be worked out, including Syria’s relationship with Israel, the government’s support of terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas, and Syria’s role in the Iraqi war. Syria has also been accused by the United Nations of developing a nuclear reactor, which was destroyed by Israeli aircraft in 2007. Pray for this supporter of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction to become a supporter of the Kingdom of God. Pray for God to conquer the hearts of Syrian officials, leading them out of the darkness of Islam and into the light of Christ. Pray for international leaders to be given wisdom in dealing with this nation. Pray for an end to their hatred toward Israel as they awaken to the salvation of the Messiah – Jesus Christ. MONGOLIA, NORTH ASIA- Though Mongolia is large in terms of land size (the 19th largest in the world), it ranks 137th in population. This poses a risk for terrorism. Which is why the government is taking steps to ensure their military is not only well trained, but is part of international anti-terrorism operations and multinational peacekeeping forces. Pray for the safety of Mongolia. Pray for God to guard them from terrorism and from the giant powers of Russia and China. Pray for God to continue His work in this region, reaching unreached people groups and drawing Buddhists and animists into the freeing Truth of His Son. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be preached and demonstrated in Mongolia. Day 31 EAST TIMOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA- Although Indonesia withdrew its troops from East Timor in l999, the scars of their presence remain. According to a United Nations report, Indonesian militias committed a wide variety of crimes against the civilians of East Timor. These included murders, rapes, and torture. Pray for God to cover this island nation with the spirit of reconciliation. Pray for Him to enable the people of East Timor to forgive their neighbors in Indonesia. Pray for the Holy Spirit to heal the many physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds that were inflicted. Pray that throughout this process Jesus Christ will be exalted and many will seek refuge in Him – surrendering to Him as their Lord and Savior. THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA- The head of the Gambian intelligence agency has been accused of overseeing the murder of ©2009 Window International Network

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(The Gambia continued)

several Ghanaians. The lone survivor of these attacks is demanding justice. This comes as the Gambian government continues its crackdown on journalists and all others who voice objections to their oppressive policies. Pray for God to reveal the truth in this conflict and for those who are guilty of crimes to be dealt with swiftly. Pray for corruption to be exposed and swept out of the government of the Gambia. Pray for God to transform President Yahya Jammeh into a man of integrity and righteousness. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the Gambia, opening blind eyes and leading many to personal relationships with Jesus Christ. Pray for this nation to become a river of Life to the rest of West Africa. GAZA STRIP, MIDDLE EAST- A new report by Amnesty International accuses Palestinian militants and the Israeli military of war crimes. The Gaza is still reeling, both physically and emotionally, from the December/January conflict. Businesses are struggling to rebuild and families are grieving the loss of loved ones. The region is also under a blockade intended to keep terrorists from receiving weapons. Pray for God to comfort the many who are suffering in this region – Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Pray for the terrorist organizations responsible for this death and destruction to be defeated and run out of Gaza, out of Israel, and out of the Middle East. Pray for Hamas, Hezbollah, and other satanically-dominated militant groups to lose members and grow weary of doing the enemy’s work. Pray for even their acts of war to be used to make Jesus Christ known to the people of the Gaza and for God’s Kingdom to be established in this hurting land.


WEST BANK, MIDDLE EAST- Because of the many suicide bombings committed by Hamas and other terrorist groups, Israel has had to set up an intricate system of checkpoints around the West


The nation of Mauritania has been in a political crisis since August 2008 when a military coup removed the nation’s first democratically-elected president from power. The takeover was staged by General Mahamed Ould Abdel Aziz. In the chaos following this event, the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States both suspended Mauritania’s membership. Elections scheduled for June 2009 were postponed. The president of Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade, helped mediate between General Aziz and his opposition – the National Front of the Defense of Democracy (FNDD) and the Assembly of Democratic Forces (RFD) – to propose a new election date of July l8.

Bank territory. While these are necessary to ensure the security of the citizens, they cause major delays in traffic and restrict the ability of area establishments to do business. Pray for the Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the region to lose the support of the Palestinian people and government. Pray for citizens to recognize the physical and emotional pain these groups are inflicting. Pray for God to chase these militants from the area with His might angels. Pray for them to be routed and left without support or supply. Pray for Him to give the leaders of the West Bank and Israel wisdom in dealing with these threats. Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established in the West Bank, with a great and abundant harvest of Palestinian souls coming to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Window International Network Pray for the schemes of the enemy to be exposed and for the staff at WIN to be protected – mind, body, and spirit. Pray for the team to be knit together and for God to use them mightily to accomplish His plans and purposes in the l0/40 Window. Pray for the Lord to share with the WIN staff His heart for the nations and peoples of that region and impart to others the passion to pray without ceasing. Pray for the ministry to be used to bring Glory to the Lord, and expand God’s Kingdom rapidly throughout the l0/40 Window. Sources include: The Washington Post, BBC News, The Canadian Press, Christian Science Monitor, Human Rights Watch, Barnabas Fund, IMB, World Factbook, Open Doors, The Voice of the Martyrs, Amnesty International, Compass Direct, Associated Press

fear of the Lord. (Psalm 128:4) ✚✚ Pray for the July election to be held as scheduled, free from dishonesty, corruption, violence, and manipulation. (I Chronicles 29:l7) ✚✚ Pray for the people of Mauritania to vote wisely and be patient as a new government begins to guide the nation.

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Parliamentary elections were held in June 2009 and had the highest voter turnout since the l975-76 war. The election resulted in a shift of power. A “pro-Western alliance” was elected to parliament (7l of l28 seats), and a new prime minister was confirmed – Saad Hariri. Despite these developments, the Hezbollah (a powerful terrorist organization) is demanding to be included in the government. The new parliament also must address “pressing issues” in the nation’s relationship with Syria and Israel. PRAY


✚✚ Pray for a peaceful resolution to Mauritania’s search for a president. (Exodus l8:25) ✚✚ Pray for God to raise up a leader who will serve the people in righteousness and the

(Proverbs 2:6) ✚✚ Pray the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in this land.

Ballot from the Iranian election ©2009 Window International Network

✚✚ Pray for the new Lebanese government to lead with Godly wisdom and discernment. Pray for God to give them direction in steering the country away from terrorism. (Proverbs 1:5) ✚✚ Pray for Prime Minister Saad Hariri to seek God for understanding in how to govern Lebanon. Pray for his heart to

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be turned to accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (I Chronicles 22:12) ✚✚ Pray Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven in Lebanon. (Matthew 6). ✚✚ Pray for Hezbollah to lose influence and all of its members. Pray for all their financing to dry up immediately and for the people of Lebanon to refuse to support them. (Job 34:25)


According to Iranian officials, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected in the June 2009 vote. When this result was made public, many reacted in disbelief. Accusations of election rigging were made, but the government quickly dismissed them. Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and his followers have yet to accept this. Protests, rioting and violent encounters with police and the Basij (a greatly feared militia force) have been taking place in the weeks since the election. The government has arrested many demonstrators and killed dozens of others. They also detained a group of diplomats from a foreign embassy, stating that international interference was helping create an atmosphere of chaos. PRAY ✚✚ Pray for God to continue working in and through this uprising. Pray for His Will to be done in bringing His choice into power. (Daniel 2:21) ✚✚ Pray for the Iranian people to be dissatisfied with the Islamic leadership in their government and religion. Pray for their hearts to be open to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray that each of them would accept Him as their Savior and Lord. (II Corinthians 4:6) ✚✚ Pray for the Holy Spirit to move through Iran, thwarting destructive plans, taking hearts captive, and leading multiplied multitudes into His Kingdom after they receive Salvation. (Job 12:23) ✚✚ Pray for the protection of the Iranian people – especially Believers – who are being abused, assaulted and imprisoned by the evil regime. (Hebrews 13:3) ✚✚ Pray the clerics will continue to outwardly show the division in their organization. Let those who disagree with the outcome of the presidential elections continue to voice their opinions openly. Pray these clerics who are opposing the government will accept Jesus as Savior and LORD. PRAY, as Believers, the clerics will be a part of a Holy Ghost revival in this land where millions upon millions of

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Iranians will accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.


Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his Alliance for Changes (Democratic Party of Albania) won 7l of l40 seats in Albania’s July 2009 election. It is unclear whether or not these seats will enable Berisha to govern independently. The election was a test of the nation’s commitment to democracy – something the European Union watched closely as they continue to consider Albania for membership. Both Berisha and his opponent, the mayor of Tirana, Edi Rama, campaigned on three principle issues: more jobs, a better standard of living, and less corruption in government. The government of Albania has been accused of embezzling massive amounts of public funds. “Corruption is a huge problem in Albania,” one journalist reported. The elections did not meet standards of fairness, international observers said. They were, however, a “marked improvement” over previous elections, which were characterized by rigging and outbreaks of violence. PRAY ✚✚ Pray for the government and leaders of Albania to start fresh, refusing to engage in corruption. Pray for God to enable them to resist the lust for money. (I Timothy 6:l0) Pray the new government will care about the people they are elected to serve. Pray that true religious freedom will forever be allowed in Albania. ✚✚ Pray for unity between the political parties. Pray for the good of the citizens to be valued above the good of individual officials. (Philippians 2:3) ✚✚ Pray for God to move powerfully in this atheist nation. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give Albanians a hunger for God and a thirst for the Living Water: Jesus Christ. (John 7:38) Pray there will be supernatural encounters with Christ, and in dreams and visions. Pray revival will come to this land, where entire cities will accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. ✚✚ Pray for the promises of change in the government to be kept and for God to reveal the promise of Salvation in His Son. ©2009 Window International Network

(Romans 10:9) ✚✚ Pray the Kingdom of God will be established in Albania.


Four months after President Joao Bernardo Vieira was killed by military forces, Guinea-Bissau held an election to fill the presidency. Voter turnout was low in the first round, but the event was peaceful. Ruling party candidate, Malam Bacai Sanha and former president Kumba Yala led in the polls and will face each other in the next round. Both men have promised to bring an end to the drug trafficking and gangs that have plagued the nation, as well as restore peace. PRAY ✚✚ Pray for God to protect Sanha and Yala from attacks and assassination attempts. (Psalm 7:9) ✚✚ Pray for God to give the government of Guinea-Bissau the wisdom necessary to guide the nation toward economic and spiritual growth. Pray for the salvation of all officials and leaders. (James l:5) ✚✚ Pray Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6) ✚✚ Pray for God to choose the next president and guide him in confronting and ending the drug trade and gang activities. (Job 34:25) ✚✚ Pray for this time of instability to be used by the Holy Spirit to turn hearts and minds toward spiritual matters. Pray for many citizens to seek after God and find Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. (I Timothy 2:4)

Sources include: BBC News

China View News,

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“You can’t take it with you… but you can send it on ahead!”


hose who have repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord know where they’re headed when they die. Praise God for the salvation He has provided for us in the death, resurrection, and ascension of His only Son! But that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t take anything with you to heaven. All earthly treasures will have to stay here when you depart to be with the Lord. Good news, though: you can send treasure on ahead! When we pray, serve God, and give our finances to advance His Kingdom, we are adding to our heavenly treasure. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,” Jesus said, “where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where nei

ther moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matt. 6:l9,20). It’s like a savings account. We make deposits by being obedient to God in fulfilling the Great Commission and by generously investing in His work. So the next time when you’re faced with a decision regarding how to spend your time, energy, or money, consider this: earthly things get left behind; Kingdom things get forwarded to heaven. How is your eternal account looking? For an opportunity to “send it on ahead,” advance the Kingdom and, most importantly, honor God with your finances, go to and make a contribution to Window International Network. It’s guaranteed to be waiting for you – with untold dividends! – when you reach heaven.

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lections held in Bangladesh in December 2008 were not only free from violence and considered fair by outside observers, they also brought an increase in religious freedom. The largest Islamic party, the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) was defeated. The JI had been planning to enact a blasphemy law that would have brought additional persecution to the Believers of Bangladesh. Furthermore, the party that was elected – the Awami League – is considered to be “more favourably disposed toward minority rights protection.” The international community is now considering removing the nation from a list of those who violate religious freedoms. Praise For: ✚✚ Give thanks to God for this amazing display of His Greatness, Power, Majesty, and Splendor (I Chronicles 29:ll). ✚✚ Praise Him for arising to defend Christians in Bangladesh. ✚✚ Praise Him for defeating Islamic powers and freeing the nation from the threat of repressive laws. Pray: ✚✚ Pray for God to continue His work in Bangladesh, raising up men and women who will lead the nation with humility and integrity for His glory. (Psalm 25:2l) ✚✚ Pray for the Lord to give them wisdom in guiding the country and provide fairness and justice for all people. (Psalm 11:7) ✚✚ Pray for extremists to be removed from seats of authority

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and for their attempts to bring Bangladesh into bondage to be soundly defeated. (Psalm 92:11) ✚✚ Pray for Believers to rejoice and be glad in all God is doing in their country. Pray for them to be devoted to intercession and to faithfully lift Bangladesh before the Lord in prayer. (Psalm 37:4; Colossians 4:2) ✚✚ Pray for the Kingdom of God to come to this nation in its fullness – exalting Jesus far above Islam, corruption, manipulation, and all other gods and powers. (Philippians 2:9-11) Sources include: BBC News ©2009 Window International Network

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, Over the last few months, we have heard about how God has moved in the hearts of children and unbelievers all around the world. As a “missionary hummingbird,” I have the privilege of seeing God move in so many ways, as children put their trust and belief in Jesus. It never ceases to thrill me as I see their hearts change and I know that they are making a choice to live with Jesus for eternity. I know that you must have thoughts and ideas about what God is doing in the 10/40 Window, or what is happening in different nations right now. Maybe you even know people in 10/40 Window nations—friends or family members—who have come to know Jesus recently. I¸ Hymnie, along with my friends at Window International Network and WindowKids, would love to hear these ideas and stories from you! You can now start emailing me, Hymnie the Hummingbird, when you would like to share something about the 10/40 Window nations and its children. (Of course, if you are under 18 years old, please check with your parents to make sure you have permission to write to me.) Please

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send your emails to Again, we look forward to hearing from you. Again, dear friends, don’t forget to pray for Lebanese children this month! See you again soon, Hymnie the Hummingbird


LEBANESE COOKIE MOLD ©2009 Window International Network

INGREDIENTS FOR COOKIES: 1/3 cup cooking oil 1/2 cup butter, softened 1/3 cup sugar 1 tablespoon orange juice 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups all purpose flour

The 10/40 Window Reporter 25

INGREDIENTS FOR SYRUP: 3/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup honey 1/2 cup of water 1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts TO PREPARE COOKIES: 1. In mixer bowl beat cooking oil and butter until blended. 2. Blend in 1/3 cup of sugar. 3. Add orange juice, baking powder, and soda. Mix well. 4. Add flour, a little at a time, to make a soft dough. 5. Shape dough into 2� ovals and place on an ungreased baking sheet. 6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. 7. Cool pastries on rack. TO PREPARE SYRUP: 8. In a saucepan combine the 3/4 cup sugar, honey, and water. 9. Bring to a gentle boil and cook uncovered for 5 minutes. 10. Dip cooled pastries into the warm syrup. Sprinkle immediately with nuts. 11. Dry on wire rack. Makes 36 cookies. Lebanese meals always end with either fruits or sweets. Enjoy!

o Please rememabneor nt! pray for Leb ord Jesus, we pray that all Lebanese children will know You, ven those who are trained to believe in Allah, the god of Islam. y your Spirit, we pray that hundreds of thousands of children nd their families will believe that You are their Messiah and Savior, and ot one of them will miss the Gospel message. We pray for protection ver the children during war time, and Your Shalom Peace ever to leave them as they trust in You.

August 2009 Š2009 Window International Network

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August 2009 Š2009 Window International Network

The 10/40 Window Reporter 27

Window International Network

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