The 10/40 Window Reporter August 2008 Edition

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August 2008 Edition


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Our Mission is to Inform, Equip, and Mobilize Strategic Networks of Prayer and Leaders Around the World to Empower Effective Evangelism, Church Growth, and Discipleship in the 10/40 Window.

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Pastor Edward Smith Minister Beverly Pegues Dr. Dora Saforo Sister Judith Trimble Sister Audrey Beckett Dr. Myles Munroe Sister Bindu Choudhrie

The 10/40 Window Reporter

W I N President: Beverly Pegues The 10/40 Window Reporter Editor: LaTonya J. Pegues WKTM Editor: Cristy George Design/Layout: John Burton Design |

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August 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

AUGUST 2008 10/40

This month’s edition of The 10/40 Window Reporter will look at the amazing progression of converts to Christianity in the 10/40 Window.

Millions of Converts

In a major answer to prayer, several sources report that millions of Muslims, Hindus and non-religious people have become Christians in one of the least evangelized areas of the world, the 10/40 Window.

in the 10/40 Window

For example, the Internet site recently published an interview with Ahmad Al Qataani, a well known Islamic cleric who said: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity.”


to Christianity

“Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, six million Muslims convert to Christianity.”- Al Qataani, president of the Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya

Al Qataani, president of the Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, an institution specializing in graduating imams and Islamic preachers, added: “Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, six million Muslims convert to Christianity.” Meanwhile, according to an Iraqi video, more Muslims have converted to faith in Jesus Christ over the past decade than at any other time in human history. “A spiritual revolution is underway throughout North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia,” best-selling author Joel Rosenberg told Salem Voice Ministries (SVM). “As a result, a record number of ex-Muslims (celebrated Christmas last year), despite intense persecution, assassinations and widespread church bombings.” In Iraq, more than 5,000 Muslim converts to Christianity have been identified since the end of major combat operations, with 14 new churches opened in Baghdad and dozens of new churches opened in Kurdistan, some of which have 500 to 800 members, SVM reported. Also, more than a million Bibles have been shipped into the country since 2003, and pastors report Iraqis are taking them up so fast, that they constantly need more Bibles to keep up with the demand. Thousands of Muslims have also reportedly turned to Christ in Morocco, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Maldives, SVM reported. Although there are no statistics on how many Iranians have converted to Christianity in recent years, officials at such Christian television stations such as SAT-7 PARS say that in the past two years they have received a flood of e-mails and thousands of telephone calls from Iranians, Chronicle Foreign Service reported. With the advent of satellite television, Christianity is on the rise, with some Iranians even undergoing clandestine [secret] conversions at Assyrian churches, said the communications manager at SAT-7 PARS’ Cyprus headquarters.

View the video online at:

August 2008

“Certainly across the entire region many people are spiritually thirsty. Iranian Christians themselves often have very little access to teaching materials that can help them in their spiritual growth,” the communications manager told Chronicle Foreign Service. “Satellite television provides a means through which Iranians, who have often never had the opportunity to enter a church or even to know a Christian, to learn more about this Faith.” Continued on page 13 ►

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Your intercession for WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK and the 10/40 Window is valuable. Please remember to pray today.

PRAY today

August 2008

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PRAYER Points August 2008

Day 1 India – There are more than 160 million Muslims in India, and 98 percent of them have never heard the Gospel. Pray for at least 100,000 Christian workers to be sent to evangelize these precious souls, and pray protection over each and every one. (Psalm 91) Mauritania – Mauritanian President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi has asked Prime Minister Yahya Ould Ahmed Waghf to form a new cabinet after the premier resigned with his government over a parliamentary revolt. Pray that government officials will work together to serve the Mauritanian people. Pray also for unity among Mauritanian churches Pray for true religious freedom in the Mauritian constitution, and that there will be multiple thousands of new Believers here this month alone. Day 2 Sudan – The International Criminal Court plans to seek an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir for genocide and crimes against humanity in Darfur. Pray that there will be peace and stability in Darfur. Pray also for the Lord to protect the Church in northern Sudan from persecution, and that He will supernaturally provide food and shelter for the Sudanese Church. Afghanistan – Pray for women who are being educated in this nation. Pray that they will become hungry and thirsty for the Lord, and receive Him as Lord and Savior. Pray that as women are being educated they that they will have the desire to read the Bible, and that the Lord will provide Bibles for them to read. Pray that revival will break out in Afghanistan, and that the Kingdom of God will be established here. Day 3 Kuwait – Riding on record global oil prices, Kuwait recorded it highest revenue earnings in the second quarter of 2008 in July. Pray that God’s blessings on Kuwait would lead many into repentance. (Romans 2:4) Pray also that God would bless and anoint the National Evangelical Church’s projects and ministry, and that they would make great strides in advancing the Kingdom of God.

impoverished country of about 140 million people are unlikely to fall soon. Pray for the government to have wisdom and direction to bring relief regarding mounting food prices, and that the Lord will provide for all of the needs of the Believers in this Nation. (Philippians 4:19) Day 4 Japan – Japanese consumers in June became the most pessimistic they’ve been in at least 26 years as higher gasoline prices and food costs eroded their spending power. The sentiment index dropped to 32.6 last month from 33.9 in May, the Cabinet Office said, the lowest since the government began compiling the figures in 1982. Pray that God would use the situation to turn the hearts of Japanese people to Christ, and that they would look to Him as Jehovah Jireh (Gen 22:14). Guinea-Bissau – Cholera which first broke out in Guinea Bissau in May in the southern region of Tombali has now broken out in the capital Bissau killing four people and infecting 214. Pray for the cholera epidemic to be contained and for the afflicted to recover. Pray for this Nation to know our Lord as Jehovah Rophe – the Lord who heals (Exodus 15:22-26) Day 5 Bhutan – Pray for the newly elected government to be sensitive and tolerant to Christianity and for the mission work of Christian groups to be highly effective in advancing God’s Kingdom in this tiny Himalayan kingdom. Pray also that there will be an immediate halt to Christians being persecuted in Bhutan. Saudi Arabia – Thousands of domestic workers in Saudi Arabia endure beatings, starvation and other abuses, a Human Rights Watch report said. Pray that worker abuse would end immediately. Pray also for wisdom and protection of Christian Believers. Saudi Arabia is ranked No. 2 on Open Doors’ 2007 World Watch List of nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Pray for religious freedom in both word and deed to be permanently included in the Saudi Arabian constitution.

Bangladesh – The double-digit inflation has put rice beyond the reach of low-income families, and prices in the

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

Day 6 Guinea – President Teodoro Obiang Nguema has appointed Ignacio Milam Tang as new prime minister after calling the preceding government “one of the worst ever,” National Radio reported. Pray that government officials will work together to best serve the citizens of the West African nation. Pray for revival to break out in this nation, and that multiple thousands will come to know the Lord this month.

His Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) Day 9 Mali – Despite high global food prices, conflict in the north and the onset of the lean season, which lasts from July to September, the food security situation looks positive this year in Mali. Pray that the government will continue to stabilize the price of rice and other food items. Pray that the people in this land will hunger and thirst for Righteousness. (Matthew 5:6)

Thailand – Thailand’s Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama has resigned in a bid to defuse political tension as a raft of court cases and street protests batter the country’s 5-monthold government. Pray for God to bring peace and political stability to this Asian nation, and for His choice of Prime Minister to be placed in office. Pray that the Church will see exponential growth in this nation in the next thirty days.

Azerbaijan – An Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe election official has called for October’s presidential election in Azerbaijan to be free of government interference, sharply criticizing the last election in 2003. Pray for a free and peaceful election.

Day 7

Day 10

Niger – Around 30,000 people recently marched through Niger’s capital Niamey to protest against the high cost of living and electricity blackouts caused by disruptions in power supplies from neighboring Nigeria. Pray for the government to have wisdom and direction to bring relief to the citizens of Niger, and that they will come to know Jesus as the Light of the world, and they will take his Light and bring His Light to others. (Matthew 5:14 – 16) Kyrgyzstan – There about 40 percent of Kyrgyzstan’s approximately 5 million people living either under the poverty line, or near it. However, Kyrgyzstan has developed into an economic innovator in Central Asia. The country is currently a leader in providing microcredits to would-be entrepreneurs who qualify. Individuals wanting microcredits form groups with others, and this has helped build stronger communities, and social bonds. Pray that house churches will develop out of these small groups, and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be shared within the groups as well as with the people who will do business with the entrepreneurs. Pray that there will be an unprecedented and explosive growth in the Church in Kyrgyzstan in the next thirty days.

Benin – Catholic Relief Services recently launched the largest home-based malaria care campaign in the history of Benin. Some 3,000 children die everyday of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. Pray that effort will be successful in preventing malaria and caring for victims. Pray that Jehovah Rophe will bring His Healing to this land. (Exodus 15:22-26) Indonesia – Local authorities accompanied by an Islamist mob attempted to demolish two buildings in a church compound used by three congregations in Jatimulya village, West Java province on June 14, 2008. Pray divine protection for Christians and God’s Kingdom to be established in this nation. Pray that those responsible for mobilizing the mob will be brought to justice. Day 11 Laos – The Laotian government plans to establish a National Rice Reserve soon in order to ensure that the local people will have sufficient rice in the months and years ahead. Pray that the effort will be successful in preventing any food shortage. Pray that this nation will know the Lord as the Bread of Life. John 6:35

Day 8 Iran – Iran recently launched medium- and long-range test missiles, raising concerns of Iran’s capability to strike Israel and other areas in the Middle East. Pray the government to end its hostile approach to Israel. Pray that God would raise up a strong leader in the government who will spur growth and unity. Pray also for a growing Farsi-speaking church in Iran.

Western Sahara – Pray for a military solution to the longrunning dispute between Morocco and neighbor Algeria over the disputed Western Sahara region. Pray that the Church will have all the resources it needs to advance the Kingdom of God, and that multiple thousands will come to know the Lord in the next 30 days.

Burkina Faso – Pray for the first ever Discipleship and Prayer Conference planned for September 22-26, 2008, which is expected to draw about 700 people. Praise God for the progress in the preparations of this gathering, and pray that

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

Day 12 Egypt – Egypt recently sent 400 police to bolster security at its Rafah border terminal with the Gaza Strip ahead of a planned Palestinian protest. The officers were deployed around the crossing point, the sole Gaza frontier post that bypasses Israel. The crossing was closed on July 2 after thousands of Palestinians stormed the border in a bid to flee the impoverished territory which has been under a crippling Israeli blockade since Hamas seized power more than a year ago. Pray for peace and stability at the Egyptian border. Pray that those who are persecuting Christians would be brought to justice. Uzbekistan – The liberalization of judicial-legal system in Uzbekistan has stimulated the reduction of crime in the country, according to a recent international seminar on the implementation of Habeas Corpus in the Uzbek capital. Pray that crime would continue to decrease, and that every one in this nation will know Jesus, the Prince of Peace, as Savior and Lord. Day 13 Nepal – The impoverished Himalayan nation has effectively been without a proper government since May 28, 2008 when a newly-elected constitutional assembly voted to remove the unpopular king Gyanendra, abolish the 240-year-old monarchy and proclaim a republic. The first president of the newly-declared republic of Nepal, Ram Baran Yadav, has been sworn into office. Pray that he will wisely choose the person who will be the Prime Minister of Nepal. Pray that the new leader will allow true religious freedom to be practiced in this nation, and pray that the Kingdom of God will expand rapidly in this land. United Arab Emirates – Tourists in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been warned to exercise caution after the British Foreign Office raised the risk of terrorism to its highest level. Pray that all acts of terrorism being planned in the UAE will be discovered and not one will not be carried out. Pray for protection of the Believers in this nation, and that the Church will grow by multiple thousands this month. Day 14 Albania – Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha recently condemned the opposition for allegedly trying to block electoral reforms. Under the new rules, voters no longer cast ballots for candidates of their choice but only for parties, which then nominate their representatives to parliament. Pray that electoral reforms would be passed that are fair and just for all Albanian citizens. Morocco – A Moroccan man was recently given a life prison sentence and his associate received 10 years behind bars for organizing an Islamic terrorist group and planning attacks.

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Pray that any terrorist groups planning to carry out attacks in Morocco would be thwarted. Day 15 Iraq – The U.S. military recently detained nine people suspected of involvement in AlQaida in Iraq. One of the detainees was the alleged head of a bombing cell of the Sunni extremist group. Pray for God to expose and defeat the plans of Al-Qaida. Pray also for God’s protection from Satan’s attacks against the new churches in northern Iraq. Sri Lanka – At least four civilians were recently killed and 25 were injured in southern Sri Lanka when a civilian bus was attacked by a group of Tamil Tiger rebels. The (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam rebels has been fighting against the government since the mid-1980s to establish an independent homeland for the island’s minority Tamils, which led to the death of more than 70,000 people. Pray for God to bring peace between Tamil Tiger rebels and the government. Pray that Christians will be able to witness to the Tamils and lead them to Christ. Day 16 Israel – Israel hinted that it would not hesitate to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities after Iran recently carried out ballistic missile tests. Pray for God to bring peace between Israel and Iran. Pray that the Jews would know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Tajikistan – A Protestant church was recently threatened with destruction by authorities amid a crackdown in Tajikistan. Pray for religious freedom to be allowed in the Central Asian nation, and pray that those who are persecuting Christians will be saved. Day 17 China – Pray for numerous imprisoned Christian Believers, including the owner of a Chinese Christian bookstore who has been held in prison without charges longer than the legally permissible amount of time. Pray for their positive physical health, protection, and that imprisoned Christians would be found innocent and released immediately. The World will be watching China as the Olympic Games will be played out here. Pray that human rights violations in this country will not only be exposed, but will also come to a screeching halt. Pray for those who will be praying at and around the events of Olympic Games, for God to give them wisdom and a keen strategy on how to expand the Kingdom of God while they are in China. Djibouti – Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki has ruled out a dialogue with Djibouti over a frontier dispute behind recent clashes that left nine soldiers dead in the Ras Doumeira area at Djibouti’s northern border. Pray for peace to come to this area, and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this nation.

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Day 18 Yemen – Yemeni political security forces in Hodiada province had arrested a “missionary cell” of seven people and charged them with promoting Christianity and distributing the Bible. Christian groups were concern that the arrests may herald a new era of persecution in Yemen. Pray for God’s protection and His wisdom and grace for Christian workers in this Arabian Peninsula nation. Pray that He will give Believers Kingdom strategies to win their persecutors to Christ. Vietnam –Vietnam is ranked No. 8 on Open Doors’ 2007 World Watch List of nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith, even though religious freedom is clearly stated in the Vietnam constitution. Recently Christians were murdered by the police as they were on their way to pray. Pray for religious freedom to truly be allowed in this nation, and pray for protection of Believers, and pray that those who persecute them will be brought to justice. Day 19 Taiwan –Taiwan and China agreed on Thursday, June 12, 2008 to set up their first ever offices in each others’ territories, as they began historic talks aimed at forming dramatic cordial relations and building trade ties. Pray for the relationship between China and Taiwan to remain peaceful, and for ties to improve between the two countries. Pray that Believers in both countries will be able to share their Faith openly in China. Bahrain – Tens of thousands of Shiite Bahrainis recently held a protest against remarks deemed offensive made by a Sunni official against the country’s leading Shiite cleric. Last December, clashes broke out between police and protesters at an opposition rally in Shiite areas of Bahrain after the death of one of the demonstrators. Pray for the salvation of Shiite Bahrainis. Pray also that the Lord would use the Church to be a blessing and an encouragement to this Arabian Peninsula nation. Pray that there would be multiple thousands of new Believers here in the next thirty days. Day 20 Brunei – Oil-rich Brunei recently raised petrol and diesel prices for foreigners to rein in mounting fuel subsidies. Oil and natural gas are the mainstay of Brunei’s economy. Pray that the government would have wisdom in handling its oil and natural gas resources. Pray that the Kingdom of God will be established in this land. Lebanon – Lebanon recently announced a 30-member national unity government tasked with resolving the country’s worst political crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war. Pray that the Lord’s peace would prevail in this Middle Eastern nation, which recently came close to a possible full-blown civil war due to escalating fighting between government forces and the

August 2008

terrorist group Hezbollah. Pray for protection of Christians here, and that they will be both wise and bold as they share the Gospel with non-believers. Day 21 Qatar – Real estate officials say 500,000 families are expected to move to Qatar by 2012. Pray that God would turn the hearts of the people of Qatar to Christ. Pray also for new established churches to be a great blessing to this Arabian Peninsula nation. Pray that the Gospel will be preached freely here, and that the among the new families moving to Qatar there will be many who are missions minded Believers. Turkmenistan – Efforts to curb illegal drug use and trafficking are failing to tackle this growing problem in Turkmenistan, a report recently said. On July 8, 2008, a law came into effect tightening up the law banning the possession and use of “nasvay,” a kind of chewing tobacco which is common in Central Asia and is regarded as a mild narcotic. Pray that the government would have wisdom in dealing with this situation. Pray also that the Lord will be magnified in this land, and that His Kingdom be established here. Day 22 Ethiopia – Praise God that an Ethiopian court recently sentenced three Muslim men to life imprisonment for a deadly machete attack on two churches on March 2, 2008 that killed one and injured 17. Pray for their salvation, and pray that there will be no more attacks on churches. Myanmar – The U.N. aid chief recently called on world governments to donate $300 million more to help Myanmar to recover from the effects of a cyclone that devastated parts of the Asian nation in May. Pray for world governments to respond and for Christian churches to have the means and ways to bring help to the survivors of the recent Cyclone Nargis. Pray that multiple thousands will come to know Christ in the next thirty days. Day 23 Chad – Corruption is reportedly big business in Chad. Roadblocks are manned by Chadian soldiers, and seem to be officially sanctioned. Pray for corruption to end in this Central African nation, and pray that Christians will be able to freely serve the Lord. Pray for the Church members whose churches have been destroyed by Islamist extremist. Pray the Lord will show them how continue to share the Gospel with others, and advance His Kingdom in Chad. Pray that those who are persecuting Christians will be brought to justice. Algeria – Two Algerian Muslim converts to Christianity were recently due to appear before an Algerian criminal court accused of proselytizing. The government in February

The 10/40 Window Reporter

2006 passed a controversial law that requires non-Muslim congregations to seek permits from regional authorities. Pray for true religious freedom to be allowed in this North African country. Day 24 Libya – Pray that this North African country will not mass deport hundreds of Eritrean refugees. According to international rights organizations, thousands of young Eritreans attempt to leave their country every year. Pray also for the salvation of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi. Pray for the salvation of the Eritreans as well as the Libyans. Malaysia – Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Abdullah bin Ahmad Badawi, recently announced he will step down in mid-2010 and hand over to his deputy, Najib Razak. The president of the ruling United Malays National Organization, which leads the Barisan National coalition, is traditionally prime minister. Pray for the salvation of Badawi, Razak and nine hereditary state sultans. Pray also for Sharia law to be abolished in this Southeast Asian country, and that Believers here will go to their surrounding countries and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their neighbors. Day 25 Oman – Oman has experienced generally impressive economic performance, characterized by high real Gross Domestic Product growth of 5.3 percent, low inflation, and budgetary surpluses. Pray that the government would have wisdom in further boosting its economy. Pray also that the Lord would bless the work of Christians in this Arabian Peninsula nation to advance His Kingdom here. Kazakhstan – The Catholic bishops of Kazakhstan have made an appeal for a new religious law that will recognize and protect the fundamental liberty of all believers, the Fides news service reports. Pray that the new law, which will severely hinder religious freedom in this Central Asian nation, will not be signed by President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Pray for the salvation of the President, his cabinet, and the law enforcement agencies in this land. Day 26 Tunisia – Pray for freedom of the press in Tunisia, where President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has jailed more journalists than any other Arab country since 2001. Pray that godly journalists would have the ability to make known to the world the corruption going on in this nation and pave the road for an end to terrorism in Tunisia. Pray for protection over all of the journalist, the salvation of the President, and for multiple thousands of new Believers to come to the Lord in the next thirty days.

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Cambodia – Pray fervently for the nation of Cambodia as they hold general elections on July 27, 2008 when Prime Minister Hun Sen is expected to extend his decades-long grip on power. Pray that God will place the person He has predestined to be President of Cambodia at this time in history. Pray the Gospel will be allowed to be preached freely in this nation under the next government administration. Day 27 Turkey – There was a recent decision by the Constitutional court to overturn a ban on headscarves. Pray that tensions arising as of a result of this decision between the “secularists” and the pro-Islamist AK Party in Turkey will be mitigated. Pray that there will be unique ways to spread the Gospel during this season in Turkey. North Korea – Pray fervently that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il will keep his word regarding nuclear disarmament. Pray that every hidden agenda of the devil would be revealed. (Mark 4:22) Pray for divine wisdom and discernment for political leaders worldwide in pursuing these talks with North Korea. Pray for the Church to grow exponentially in the midst of persecution. Pray the Lord will provide consistent food for those who are without . Day 28 Somalia – Pray for the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Somalia, as the nation has suffered three years of drought, food prices are astronomically high, there’s instability leading to a very large displaced population, and a rash of abductions and killings of humanitarian workers has occurred. Pray for rain, and for crops to grow quickly. Pray that the Lord will shower Somalia with His presence, and that multiple thousands will accept Him as Lord and Savior in the next thirty days. Pakistan – Pray for an end to a pattern of church attacks in which perpetrators apologize after the fact to avoid facing charges. Muslims who attacked a Pakistani church and declared religious war against Christians from mosque minarets have apologized for their actions. Pray that the attackers would truly repent, and that justice would be appropriately served. Pray the attackers would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that once they are saved, they would win others to Christ.

Day 29 Nigeria – Under Islamic law, a non-Muslim father cannot be a custodian to his children if the mother of his children is Muslim or if the deceased mother’s relatives are Muslim. Pray for an end of “legal” abductions of children whose parents are Christian. Pray that those children who have been abducted from their parents will be returned to them safe and unharmed. The 10/40 Window Reporter

Maldives – Pray for this nation as it prepares for its first ever multi-party presidential elections before President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom finishes his sixth consecutive term in office on November 11, 2008. Pray that President Gayoom, Asia’s longest ruling dictator, having power over 30 years, will neither delay the election nor rig the results. Pray that religious freedom will be acknowledge by the newly elected regime, and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this land. Jordan – Pray that Christian Believers in Jordan seeking asylum in other nations would be able to escape. Pray for full freedom of religion in Jordan, and that Christians living in this nation will know the inner peace of Jesus and live without fear. Pray that multiple thousands of new Believers will come to know Christ as Lord and Savior in the next thirty days. Senegal – One in four women suffers domestic assault and battery in Senegal yet most suffer in silence. 27.5 percent of women are subject to physical violence from their partners. Pray for the precious women in this nation, that they would know the love and protection of the LORD Almighty. Pray for justice for these women, and that the government would disallow this abuse, and punish the men who are abusive. Pray that Jesus would appear to this nation in dreams and visions, and that they would accept Him as Savior and Lord. Day 30 Eritrea – Pray that the Eritrean government officials will release the estimated 2,000 Christians who remain in prison. Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort, provide for, and give them strategies to expand His Kingdom while the Eritrean Christians are imprisoned.

for revival to break out in this land, and that the ruling party will allow for true religious freedom in this land. Day 31 East Timor – Last month Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta, and East Timor Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao expressed deep regret for violence surrounding Dili’s 1999 independence vote after a joint probe blamed state institutions for “gross human rights violations,” according to Reuters. Pray that all of those who were responsible for committing the atrocities will quickly be brought to justice. Pray that the Lord will bring psychological and complete healing to those who were victimized Pray for the salvation of President José Ramos Horta and other government leaders in this nation. The Gambia – As Gambian and Vietnamese government officials meet to learn strategies to cultivate rice to ensure better food security from the Vietnamese, pray that the these two 10/40 Window nations will also discuss ways to expound on the freedom of religion which is in both countries constitutions. Pray also for many new Believers to come to Faith in Christ in the next thirty days. Pray that President Yahya Jammeh and other government leaders in this West African nation would receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. West Bank & Gaza Strip – Pray for God’s protection from persecution for Christians in the West Bank and Gaza. Pray that the Lord would encourage Believers here, and pray that He will show them how to share the Gospel with others. Pray for revival in this land.

Tibet – As the Olympic Games will be taking place in China this month leaders of various countries are continue to raise awareness of China’s treatment of Tibet. Pray that there will be a major breakthrough in talks and negotiations between these two nations. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all Tibetans and that there will be an outbreak of multiple thousands of new Believers in this land. Syria – Pray for an end to the sex trade in this land. Pray that the over 1.5 million refugees in this nation will find decent ways to make a living, and that they will not have to result to any type of immoral work in order to survive. Pray that the national Church would plant new churches in the unreached areas of Syria, and that multiple thousands of Syrians will come to know the Lord as their Savior and King in the next thirty days. Mongolia – Pray for the salvation of President Nambaryn Enkhbayar and the other government leaders in this nation. According to the Associated Press, Election fraud allegations were originally centered on two districts in the capital of Ulan Bator that were awarded to the ruling party but were contested by two popular members of the Civic Movement party. Pray that there will be a peaceful transition of power, and that the Parliament will be able to come to an agreement regarding the number of seats that each party will have. Pray

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W I N: Pray for the 2008 Asia Leadership Summit on the 10/40 Window taking place this Fall in Thailand. Pray the training the Lord has pre-destined before the foundations of the earth for the Asia Leadership Summit will come to pass. Pray that God’s presence will meet the delegates there, and His purpose and plan will prevail.

The 10/40 Window Reporter

August 2008

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Khin left kindergarten when he was six because his parents were poor farmers and couldn’t afford to send him to school any longer. After leaving school, he sold ice cream at the railway station and several bus stops for three years. When he was nine, Khin went to work for a restaurant as a knife holder, which means he cut up vegetables. Two years later, he became a construction worker, and then at fourteen, Khin went to Yangon looking for an easier job. One day, while Khin was sitting at the train station, a couple of army men kidnapped him. He was only a young teenager when forced into military training where he would be taught how to use guns, how to take over and burn villages, and how to kill people. Myanmar is believed to have about 400,000 child soldiers, more than any other country in the world. Some young people join because they cannot find any other way to make money, but most of them are kidnapped, just like Khin, and are under the age of fifteen. Children are easy targets for the army in Myanmar because so many of them work on the streets trying to earn a living for their family.

INGREDIENTS: Nonstick cooking spray 2 cans coconut milk (13 1/2 oz ea) 1 can evaporated milk (5 oz) 1 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup butter or margarine (2 sticks)

2 cups semolina Water as needed 2 eggs beaten 4 ripe soft bananas, mashed 1 tablespoon poppy seeds

TO PREPARE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Please pray: • • •


Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 9-inch square baking pan with nonstick cooking spray and set the pan on a foil-lined baking sheet. Roast the semolina in a dry skillet over medium heat, stirring, until the color changes, 10 minutes. Combine the coconut milk, enough water to fill 1 coconut milk can, evaporated milk, eggs, sugar and bananas in a large pot and heat over medium heat until barely simmering, about 4 to 5 minutes. Slowly pour in the roasted semolina, mixing well to avoid lumps. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick. Add the butter or margarine while stirring. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 1 hour, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean and the top is evenly golden brown. Sprinkle the top with the poppy seeds. Place under the broiler and broil 2 minutes. Cool to room temperature, cover and let stand overnight. Cut into diamonds to serve. The cake will be moist, not fluffy. Refrigerate any leftovers. Reheat to room temperature before serving.

For a new government that will value and protect children Serves 6 to 10. Read to class: Shwe gye is Burmese for semolina! That the use of children in the military will stop. That Buddhists will be visited by Jesus Christ and turn MYANMAR FACTS away from Buddhism to a personal relationship with Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Capital City: Yangon (also called Rangoon)

Official Language: Burmese Main Religion: Buddhism Religious Freedom? No I pray that you will show yourself to the president of Myanmar Fun Fact: Myanmar is also called Burma

Dear Jesus,

and that he will protect children, or be replaced with a new president that will protect children. I pray that children will no longer have to be soldiers anywhere in the world. Please visit Buddhists in their dreams and show them who you are, and that they will accept you, Jesus, into their hearts. In Jesus name, Amen.

August 2008

M E M O RY V E R S E “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” (Daniel 2:21 NIV)

The 10/40 Window Reporter 12

August 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter 13

AUGUST 2008 10/40 WINDOW PRAYER FOCUS: Millions of Converts to Christianity in the 10/40 Window Even though satellite dishes have been officially banned in Iran since 1995, they crowd city rooftops and the government seems unable to control what Iranians watch at home, many observers say, Chronicle Foreign Service reported. ► Continued from page 3

Elsewhere, the Dalits in India, the former “untouchables” relegated to the bottom of the Hindu caste hierarchy, have become secret converts to Christianity, The Wall Street Journal reported. But there is a catch: Any Dalit caught abandoning Hinduism for Christianity or Islam loses their privileges, and can be fired from jobs gained under the quota. Much to the dismay of Hindu nationalist groups, including the Bharatiya Janata Party, the number of India’s secret Christians has climbed in recent years to an estimated 25 million people, which is about the size of the Christians officially registered in the population of India, The Wall Street Journal reported. Christianity is flourishing in China, the Kingdom of God is being established there, and this movement is posing a challenge to the atheist ruling Communist Party. By some estimates, Christian churches in China, most of them underground, have roughly 100 million members. A growing number of those Christians are, in fact, Communist Party members. The Chinese government counts 21 million Catholics and Protestants—a 50 percent increase in less than 10 years—though the underground Church population is far larger. The World Christian Database’s estimate of 70 million Christians amounts to 5 percent of the population, second only to Buddhists, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Praise for: • God for the millions of Muslims, Hindus and non-religious people who have converted to Christianity. • The spiritual revolution of Christianity is underway throughout Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. Pray for: •

• • •

New Christian Believers who find it difficult to be delivered from the societal and spiritual bonds of their former religions. Pray they will be trained in the Word of God and stand firm in their new found faith. (2 Corinthians 3:14–18) The Lord to continue to intervene so that legislation in the governments of 10/40 Window nations will not be passed which would make it illegal to convert from the dominant religion to Christianity. (Daniel 7:25–26) Converts facing real pressure to renounce their faith in God. Ask that He would give them strength to stand firm in their faith in the face of great hardships. Exponential growth of the Church, and for it to continue to abound greatly in the 10/40 Window nations. God’s Kingdom to be firmly established in the 10/40 Window.

Sourced:, Salem Voice Ministries, Chronicle Foreign Service, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times

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August 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Praise Report:

Historic ruling for Christian Jews in Israel In a significant answer to prayer, Israel’s Supreme Court after a two-anda-half-year legal battle ruled on April 16, 2008 that Messianic Jews should receive equal treatment under the law of return, granting them automatic citizenship just as Jews who do not believe Jesus is the Messiah, Baptist Press reported. The case was brought by 12 applicants who had been denied citizenship primarily because they were Jewish Believers in Jesus. Most of them had reportedly received letters saying they would not receive citizenship because they “commit missionary activity,” Baptist Press reported. According to W I N’ Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Israel is on day 16. Praise for: • Israeli Supreme Court ruling that says Messianic Jews must receive equal treatment under the law of return. Pray for: • God’s protection and peace for Messianic Jews. • The Church to grow by multiple thousands in the next thirty days. Sourced: Baptist Press

August 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

Praise Report:

Bhutan prime minister vows corruption-free politics

In an answer to prayer, the premier of the Himalayan nation of Bhutan, which ended its absolute monarchy in March, 2008 has vowed to keep politics free of corruption that is otherwise rampant in South Asia, according to Agence France-Presse. Prime Minister Jigmi Y Thinley, who led his party to power in the landmark elections, pledged stern action against lawmakers if they were found guilty of graft [bribery], Bhutan’s national newspaper Kuensel recently reported. Parliamentarians must “be guided by a clear code of conduct and morals and the ethics committee would be responsible to review and look into their background and credentials,” Thinley was quoted as saying. “Should there be any discrepancies, measures will be taken to remove them from their positions.” According to W I N’ Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Bhutan is on day 5. Praise for: • Jigmi Y Thinley’s vows for corruption-free politics. • Bhutan ending its absolute monarchy. Pray for: • The newly elected government to be sensitive and tolerant to Christianity and missions work. • Religious freedom to be allowed in the new political regime. • The Kingdom of God to be established in this nation. Sourced: Agence France-Presse, Kuensel

August 2008

The 10/40 Window Reporter

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