10/40 Window Reporter- July 2008

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July 2008 Edition

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The 10/40 Window Reporter

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hristian groups in Algeria need urgent prayer because Christian churches are under massive attack in the North African nation comprised almost totally of Muslims.

Over the last six months, Algerian authorities have closed half of the Protestant churches in the country, according to Open Doors USA. If the trend continues, the Algerian Protestant Church could be non-existent by the end of 2008. Open Doors’ 2007 “World Watch List” of the top 50 of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians ranked Algeria No. 31 on the list.

regulations are unclear, churches are closed and services are forbidden. Expressing the Christian faith in a church service, by worship and prayer, has become almost impossible. Earlier this year, an Algerian Christian was detained five days for carrying a Bible and Bible study books. He was fined $460 and handed a year suspended prison sentence, Compass reported. On April 29, 2008, a court charged the Muslim Background Believer with “printing, storing and distributing” illegal religious material. Algeria’s official state religion is Islam, and religious minorities are seen as a threat to the government’s

July 2008 10/40 Window Prayer Focus: Christian Churches in Algeria are under Attack Algerian officials have closed 26 Algerian churches by either written order or verbal warning since November 2007, Open Doors USA said. Ranging in size from several dozen to more than 1,000 members, 32 congregations in Algeria belong to the Protestant Church of Algeria, while another 20 small fellowships exist independently. With a population of 33 million people, Algeria is home to at least 10,000 Protestants. Religious Affairs Minister Bu’Abdallah Ghoulamullah has called on Christian groups in Algeria to re-register according to Algerian associations’ law. But Algerian Christians have claimed that the government has blocked them from carrying out the required re-registration of their churches, Open Doors USA said. Nevertheless, authorities require the certificate to show that a church is in line with the March 2006 law governing non-Muslim places of worship, Compass Direct News reported. But because these

internal affairs. Anyone found trying to convert a Muslim to Christianity could receive a sentence of two to five years imprisonment and given a fine up to $15,430. Christianity has been compared to terrorism, and Muslim schools and mosques have been encouraged to continue the attack that threatens to wipe out the Christian community in Algeria. Abu Amrane Chikh, head of the Algerian government-appointed Higher Islamic Council, said Protestant evangelicals are secretly trying to divide Algerians to colonize the country, Reuters reported. “This is a new form of colonization that is hidden behind freedom of worship,” said Chikh, whose body regulates religious practice in the former French colony, according to Reuters. “The (evangelism) movement is characterized by a secret activity that violates the Koran and the Sunna in one way or another.” Continued on page 13 ►

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Your intercession for WINDOW INTERNATIONAL NETWORK and the 10/40 Window is valuable. Please remember to pray today.

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PRAYER Points July 2008

Day 1 India – Pray that Christians would have the boldness and the strength of the Lord to continue meeting to worship. Hindu extremists have been threatening Christians, accusing them of forcible conversion, and they have been ransacking and desecrating churches and homes. Mauritania – Pray that the government of Mauritania will choose to support Western Sahara, as the country continues to remain neutral over the final status of Western Sahara, a neighboring desert territory that has been fighting for autonomy from Morocco since 1975. Day 2 Sudan – Pray that Sudanese officials will no longer turn a blind eye to the massive suffering occurring in this nation, and that they will provide protection for all the people of Sudan. Pray that all corruption in the Sudanese government will be rooted out completely, and that there will be true freedom of religion in Sudan. Afghanistan – Pray for a complete end to terrorism in this nation, as terrorist incidents in Eastern Afghanistan were 50 percent higher in April 2008 than they were the same time last year. Al-Qaeda uses bases in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region to train, re-arm and plan attacks against troops in neighboring Afghanistan. Pray that the terrorist bases will be brought to complete ruin. Day 3 Kuwait – Pray for the Kuwaiti government to make wise decisions for the good of the nation as it battles to curb record inflation. Pray for the Church in Kuwait, and that they will actively share the Gospel message (without being persecuted) with their neighbors, family members, and in their various spheres of influence.

more than 18,000 people in 11 days, is actually to improve security ahead of the December elections. Pray that those in authority will make their decisions based on Biblical principles. Day 4 Japan – Pray that this nation would play an integral part in securing stability in Afghanistan. Pray that the government officials will all come to know Christ, and will govern according to Biblical principles. Guinea-Bissau – Praise God that GuineaBissau’s economy has improved this year as a result of the production of various agricultural products, including cashew nuts. Pray for wisdom as the country seeks to boost rice production and has abolished import tariffs on the staple food of rice to ease the impact of surging global prices. Day 5 Bhutan – With oil prices rising steeply in India (from where Bhutan imports all its petroleum products) Bhutanese have ended up paying the most for fuel, even as the possibility of a ripple effect this might have on consumer items including food looms large. Pray for God’s hand to lessen the impact rising fuel prices will have on the nation of Bhutan. Pray for a revival in this land, and that multiple thousands will come to the Lord this month. Pray that the Kingdom of God will be established here. Saudi Arabia – Pray for divine wisdom for the Crown Prince Sultan, as he guides Saudi Arabia’s efforts to stabilize the international oil market to protect the interests of both producers and consumers, and ensure the continuity of global economic growth, particularly in developing countries. Pray for true freedom of Religion in Saudi Arabia, and for the release of Christians who have been imprisoned because of their faith.

Bangladesh – Pray for God to place men and women of integrity into positions of authority to replace Bangladesh’s former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia, who was arrested last year for alleged corruption. Pray that the crackdown on crime, in which Bangladesh police have detained or arrested

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Day 6 Guinea –With half of the world’s known bauxite reserves, Guinea’s mining sector is seen as the country’s most important engine of growth. Pray that the hundreds of thousands of dollars companies should be paying in taxes to support development in villages on mined land will get through to the right people, and pray for an end to corruption in this land. Thailand – Pray for divine wisdom for Thailand’s government authorities as they strive to intervene to slow the baht’s fall and continue to defend the currency if it remains volatile. Pray that Christians will obtain jobs with fair wages. Day 7 Niger – Pray Niger’s political leaders will have God-given wisdom and guidance as they negotiate oil deals. Pray that the decisions made will not result in violence or exploitation, but for the good of the nation. Pray that the Lord will provide for the 63% of the nation that is living in poverty. Kyrgyzstan – Pray fervently for economic and social restoration for the whole nation of Kyrgyzstan. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in this nation. Day 8 Iran – Pray fervently for the hand of God to sweep across this nation and wipe out violent extremists and the prospect of nuclear capability. Pray for a halt to Christians being persecuted in this nation. Burkina Faso – Pray that training of rice farmers in this nation will be effective and will result in reduced dependence on imports, which currently represent up to 75 percent of the rice needs of Burkina Faso. Pray that the economy will greatly improve, that the people in this nation will have jobs with decent wages, and that so many will no longer live in poverty. Day 9 Mali – Pray for the peace of God to reign in this conflict-ridden nation. Pray for an end to the violence and corruption that storms this land. Pray for key strategies for the Church in Mali to evangelize the whole nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

enforced for a free and fair vote in the upcoming October 15, 2008 presidential election. Pray for protection of those Christians who are being persecuted for the cause of Christ. Day 10 Benin – In Benin, solar power and the use of sunlight is being used to grow crops, even in the dry season. This technology could greatly help the growth of food in underdeveloped nations. After a one year test, farmers are finding that the use of solar technology and water pumps has helped them grow flourishing crops during the dry season. Pray that this and other sources of technology will be put in place to help reduce the poverty level in Benin. Pray there will be such an abundance of growth from the farmers’ crops, that this nation will be able to export goods to other countries at a profit, and that there will be no corruption in the transactions. Indonesia – Islamic extremist groups and local governments in Indonesia closed 110 churches from 2004 to 2007. Radical Muslim groups coerced local governments to send letters to churches prohibiting any activities. When churches did not comply, they were burned or otherwise damaged. Pray for divine protection over Christian churches in Indonesia, and that people would come to Christ in record numbers, even through this time of persecution. Day 11 Laos – Thailand’s Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej ordered Thai Third Army troops to use tear gas and pepper spray to force hundreds of Lao Hmong refugees onto eleven buses to repatriate them back to the communist regime in Laos that they fled. Pray that Thailand would grant asylum to some 8,000 Hmong refugees and not force them back to Laos. Pray for an end to the persecution of Christians in this land. Western Sahara – Pray for the protection of 90,000 to 160,000 Sahrawi refugees that have fled to Algeria to escape the tangled, nearly forgotten, conflict between Morocco and a Sahrawi rebel group, the Polisario Front, that has dragged on for more than 30 years. Pray that these precious people know God has not forgotten them. Pray for clean water and for creative ways to grow nutritious food in the hot desert.

Azerbaijan – Pray that the proper preparations and amendments will be

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Day 12

Day 15 Egypt – At least 300 Egyptian Christians have applications in progress with the court to change their Identity Cards to state their religious registration as Christian. Cases in lower courts during 2006 and 2007 resulted in some Christians being denied the right to revert and some being granted. Pray that all applications will be approved soon, and that the registered Christians will not be persecuted.

Uzbekistan – Pray that Uzbekistan would make huge advances and progress on the betterment of human rights, and that the government would release Christian prisoners who are being held because of their beliefs. Pray for an expanded role of non-governmental organizations to help the country, freedom of the press, and true freedom of religion. Day 13 Nepal – Pray for a government that would bring about stability in the country and an end to political unrest, bloodshed, social injustice, violence and crime. Pray for healing and reconciliation in this precious nation. Pray for an end of the persecution of Christians, and for all acts of terrorism to end.

Iraq – Pray for the Iraqi government, as they have signed defense pacts with Iran and the U.S. and must play a mediating role while maintaining good relationships with both nations. Pray for those Christians who have not fled the country as a result of the war. Pray for strength, protection, and strategic ways for them to share the Gospel message with their Muslim neighbors and co-workers. Sri Lanka – Pray that the government will find a Godgiven, peaceful solution to the civil war between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers terrorist group—as the slaughter of civilians continues to increase. Pray that the Kingdom of God will be expanded despite the persecution. Day 16 Israel – Pray for the hand of God to move on the Prime Minister of Israel and in the Israeli government, and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this land.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) – Pray that the UAE will supply more oil to deter the rising cost of fuel, as this nation claims oil is plentiful and unrelated to the spikes in prices. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in this land.

Tajikistan – Pray for God’s provision for the 1.5 million people, about one-fifth of the population, who are threatened by a chronic lack of food, and the tens of thousands who go entire days without eating anything at all. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization listed Tajikistan as among 22 nations that are particularly threatened by the global food crisis. Pray the Lord will provide food for those who are hungry, and that people will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ by the thousands.

Day 14

Day 17 Albania – Praise God that Albania will send 62 soldiers to Chad and the Central African Republic— as part of a European Union mission to protect refugees from Sudan’s Darfur region. Pray that Albania will continue to take a stand in this effort and make an effective impact in Darfur. Pray that the Lord will provide for those living in poverty.

Morocco – Pray for the women of Morocco, that domestic violence would end, that they would advance in education, and that women would have the ability to participate in politics. Pray that God will raise up Christian women to advance this cause, and lead these women to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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China – Pray fervently for those Christians who have been arrested for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for publishing and distributing Bibles. Pray that more workers will be raised to continue the work of God in this nation. Pray for wisdom for the government as they provide for the needs of those who were displaced, and as they rebuild parts of China that were destroyed in the earthquake last month. Djibouti – Pray for peace amidst border conflicts between Djibouti and Eritrea. A recent clash was the first since tension between the two neighbors escalated two months ago and raised fears of an all-out military confrontation that would plunge the already restive region into further chaos. Pray that all persecution of Christians will stop.


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Day 18

Day 21

Yemen – Praise God that the government of Yemen is cracking down on terrorism. A Yemeni security court on Monday convicted 13 Shiite rebels of plotting terrorist attacks and having formed a terror cell to attack government facilities, assassinate military leaders, and poison water supplies feeding army camps. Pray that more terrorists will be captured and their plots foiled. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be expanded in this nation. Vietnam – Pray that Christians will remain strong in their faith as the Vietnamese government continues to confiscate church properties, interfere in church affairs, and discriminate against Christians. Pray that the Church of Jesus Christ will grow rapidly – even in the midst of persecution. Day 19 Taiwan – Pray for Taiwan’s newlyinaugurated president, Ma Ying-jeou, that he would hear from God as he resumes international relations with the U.S. and China. Pray that a revival will break out in Taiwan, and that Taiwanese will come to the Lord by the thousands. Bahrain – As Bahrain is one of the poorer oil-producing nations in the world, pray that the government will make wise decisions for the good of its citizens. Praise God that the nation is planning to increase spending on subsidies for food and fuel, explore plans to set up an import company to stockpile food to ease shortages, and publish lists of thousands of citizens eligible for aid sponsored by the state. Day 20 Brunei – Pray for a stirring in the hearts among the people in Brunei, which is comprised of 64 percent Muslim. May Jesus reveal Himself to them through dreams and visions, and may they accept Him as Lord and Savior. Lebanon – Praise God that civil war was recently averted as a peace deal was reached, ending fighting between the government and the terrorist group Hezbollah. Thank God that President Michel Suleiman was also sworn in on May 25, 2008. Due to the conflict between the government and Hezbollah, the presidency has been vacant since November 2007. Pray for the centralized power of the Lebanese government to be established, and that all acts of terrorism would stop.

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Qatar – People are drawn to Qatar from different places because they can earn substantially higher wages in Qatar, working in the oil industry. There are small groups of Christians in several nationalities working there. Pray that they would be able to share their faith with others, and that revival would break out in Qatar. Turkmenistan – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recently said that Turkmenistan merited inclusion in its annual report. Pray that the Turkmenistan government will stop its police raids and harassment of religious groups. Pray also that repressive laws would not be retained, and that there would be true religious freedom in this land. Day 22 Ethiopia – Muslims now constitute half of Ethiopia’s population, many observers foresee a more aggressive Islam. Pray that radicals will not be successful in any attempts to institute Shariah law, and that the Kingdom of God will be firmly established in Ethiopia. Myanmar – With the Burmese government’s recent decision to open its doors to foreign aid workers in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, pray that Christians in Myanmar and worldwide will have an open door to share the Gospel, and for many lives to be transformed by the power of God. Pray that this month, the people of Myanmar will come to know Jesus by the tens of thousands. Day 23 Chad – Chadian rebel forces recently fought government troops for control of N’Djamena after battling their way into the capital, using armed pickup trucks. The last time the rebels attacked N’Djamena was in 2006. Pray that this nation will experience peace and order. Pray for strategic ways for people living in Chad to be free from the spirit of poverty. Over 80% of the people in Chad live in poverty. Algeria – Algeria has begun a crackdown on Christian missionary activity and conversions from Islam to Christianity. Authorities have closed churches and Christians have been charged for distributing Christian literature. Pray that the remaining Algerian churches will be able to stay open and preach the Word, and multiple thousands of Algerians will be saved this month.


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Day 24

Day 27 Libya – Pray for the salvation of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and that he would rule Libya based on Biblical principles. Pray for revival to break out amongst the Libyans and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this land.

Malaysia – Malaysia’s non-Muslim minority recently expressed serious concern at talks that certain aspects of Sharia law would be applied to non-Muslims as well. Pray that Christians would not be subjected to Sharia law. Pray that Muslim Background Believers would lead their neighbors and family members to Christ. Day 25 Oman – Pray for the salvation of Prime Minister Qaboos bin Said Al-Said and other government leaders, and that they would make their decisions based on Biblical principles. Pray that all persecution of Christians would stop. Oman is ranked 36th on the Open Doors World Watch list of top nations that persecute Christians. Kazakhstan – A draft of a restrictive religion law in Kazakhstan was due to reach parliament recently. It called for penalties for unregistered religious activity to be stepped up, and 50 adult citizen members will be required in order to register local religious communities. Pray that this law will not be passed. Pray there will be true religious freedom in this nation. Day 26 Tunisia – President Zine al Abidine Ben Ali has come under local and foreign pressure for more political openness in Tunisia. Pray for the salvation of Ben Ali, and that he would govern according to Biblical principles. Pray for revival in this land and that multiple thousands will accept Christ this month. Cambodia – Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen recently announced that an export ban on rice has been lifted. Pray that this will help improve the world food supply situation. Pray that the Kingdom of God will be established in this nation.

Turkey – Turkish Christians are in distress over their relationship with the large Muslim majority. Out of the 71 million inhabitants of Turkey, it is estimated that less than 200,000 are Christian, who have been targeted with religiously motivated violence. Pray for Turkish church leaders—that God will give them wisdom in responding to the current wave of persecution, and that millions will come to Christ during this time. (Daniel 2:14) North Korea – North Korea recently reasserted its opposition to terrorism. Pray for the salvation of dictator Kim Jong-Il and other government leaders. Pray that all persecution of Christians will stop. North Korea is ranked number 1 of nations that persecute Christians. Pray that the North Koreans and the Christian believers will be allowed to have access to food to regularly feed themselves and their families. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in this land. Day 28 Somalia – Four Christian teachers were recently killed for their beliefs by Islamist militants, who have vowed to wipe out Christianity in the East Africa nation. Pray that the demonic forces that are using Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups like puppets will be toppled, and that the people will be set free to worship the Lord. Pray that their leaders will experience conversion to Christianity, and order a halt to the persecution of Christians. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Pakistan – Pakistan authorities recently seized three bombladen vehicles and arrested three suspects, uncovering a plot for a suicide attack near the capital, Islamabad, just days after an assault on the Danish Embassy. Pray that militant, extremist organizations will be held with increased accountability for their intolerant actions, and that all acts of terrorism would halt. (1 Peter 4:5) Day 29 Nigeria – Islamists under the auspices of a paramilitary force recently destroyed six churches to protest a police rescue of two teenage Christian girls kidnapped by Muslims in a Bauchi state town. Pray for justice to be administered to the militants. Pray that terror of the Lord will fall on those who persecute Christians, and that the Angel of the Lord will protect Christians and provide all their needs. (2 Corinthians 5:11 NKJV) (Philippians 4:19) Maldives – The Maldivian government has promised a multi-party election later in 2008

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(Maldives continued) when the mostly Islamic country goes to the polls to choose its next president. Pray for a free election and that there would be no civil unrest, and pray that true religious freedom will be included in the Maldivian constitution.

Day 31 East Timor – East Timor is struggling to achieve economic and political stability despite being rich in oil and gas resources. Asia’s youngest nation celebrated six years of independence in May following decades of harsh Indonesian rule. Pray for East Timor’s economic and political stability. Pray also for the salvation of President Jose Ramos-Horta, and that he will make his governing decisions based on Biblical principles.

Jordan – Jordan’s King Abdullah II recently warned Israel against launching military operations in Gaza, saying it would hinder peace efforts and endanger regional security. Pray for peace in the region and for the salvation of King Abdullah II. Pray for revival in this land and that multiple thousands will come to the Lord this month. Senegal – Iran officials recently met with Senegalese Senate President Pape Diop to expand cooperation with the West African country. Pray for wisdom for Senate President Diop and Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade as they are deciding if and how to collaborate with Iran. Pray for their salvation, and that they would make their decisions based on Biblical principles. Pray that the 54% of people living in poverty would be able to live above the poverty level and earn living wages. Day 30 Eritrea – Eritrea’s repressive regime reportedly plans to press formal charges of treason against several Protestant pastors jailed for the past four years. Pray that the pastors would be released, and those responsible for imprisoning them will be brought to justice. Pray that freedom of religion, as is stated in the constitution, would be enforced in Eritrea. Tibet – Talks between Tibetan envoys and Chinese officials set for June 11 have been postponed due to the devastating earthquake in China last month. Unrest and arrests have continued in Tibet months after anti-Beijing demonstrations turned violent in Lhasa, prompting the government to flood troops into the region. Pray for peace in Tibet, for revival to break out in this land, and for the salvation of the Dalai Lama.

The Gambia – Female genital mutilation is legal in the Gambia. President Yayah Jammeh endorses the practice, and says it is an important part of local culture. Pray for this practice to end, and for it to become illegal as early as this year. Pray for the women who have suffered as a result of this brutal ritual. Gaza Strip – Unknown assailants detonated a bomb outside a Christian school in Gaza City’s Zaitoon Quarter at 2 a.m. Saturday, May 31, 2008. The attack caused no injuries, but it sparked fear among the strip’s tiny Christian minority. Pray for protection and safety for the small number of Christians in Gaza. Pray for peace in Gaza and freedom for all religions. West Bank – According to the Associated Press, Israel’s army ordered the confiscation of land in the northern West Bank to build a new military base. In an order distributed to 12 residents of the northern district of Tubas, Israel’s army commander for the West Bank said the military would take control of 92 acres of land until the year 2012. Pray that acts of violence will be minimized during the land confiscation, and that acts of terrorism would halt.

Syria – Israel and Syria were set to hold a new round of indirect peace talks in June. Pray for peace between Israel and Syria. Pray for the salvation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and pray that the Kingdom of God will be established in Syria. Mongolia – A sudden snow storm accompanied by hurricane winds of 144 kilometers per hour caught many unaware in the Hentii Province of Mongolia on May 27, resulting in 31 deaths including 11 children. Pray that families will be comforted and receive help. Pray also for an open door for the Gospel to be received by Mongolians. Pray for revival in this land, and that multiple thousands of Mongolians will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ this month.

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W I N – Pray for us as we continue to advance the Kingdom of God with intercessory prayer for the 68 nations of the 10/40 Window. Your prayers and financial support accelerate the expansion of the 10/40 Window ministry as we strive to reach the unreachable. Join the 10/40 Window family, and partner with us financially at www.WIN1040.com/donate.


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PRAYER ALERT: IRAN Shahla works very hard even though she is only twelveyears-old. Each day she stands at a busy intersection of north Tehran, the capital city of Iran, and waits for the streetlight to turn red. She then bolts out into the traffic, pressing her dirty face against the car windows. She calls out to the drivers in Farsi. “Gum? Would you like to buy some gum?” Most of the annoyed drivers just stare at her, but every now and then she gets a sale. Shahla earns about 55 cents for a day’s work, which according to her mother, “is better than nothing.”


PRAYER ALERT: IRAN CULTURE CORNER SHARBAT-E TOOT-FARANGI (STRAWBERRY SYRUP) INGREDIENTS: 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 cup finely chopped strawberries, washed, stems removed 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract TO PREPARE:

1. Put sugar and water in saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat, and mix well. Reduce heat to simmer and cook for about 5 minutes, until thick. 2. Add strawberries and vanilla extract and, mixing continually, increase heat to medium-high. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer, cook for 5 to 10 minutes until syrup thickens, and Iran’s own newspaper, the daily Dowran Emrooz remove from heat. reports that the city of Tehran has 25,000 to 30,000 children 3. Strain and pour into a jar with lid and refrigerate. who are forced by adults to live and beg on the streets or to work as slave laborers in shops. The death rate among the Pour over crushed ice to make snow-cones or use as a topping for children is very high, about 100 to 150 a month. Some die ice cream. because they do not get enough healthy food to eat. Others die from diseases they get by living in dirty conditions. With Other fruits may be substituted. little protection, these hungry and hurting children are victims of all kinds of troubles. Serves 4 to 6. Please pray: • • •

IRAN FACTS Capital City: Tehran That all children will get to go to school free of charge, Official Language: Persian or Farsi regardless of their religion or place of birth. Main Religion: Islam That laws forbidding child labor will be enforced. Religious Freedom? In the constitution but not in practice That Christians will come along side the government to Fun Fact: Iran was known as Persia in the Bible! help provide safe homes for these children.

Dear Jesus, I pray that all children in Iran will get to go to school no matter what. I pray that children will not have to work hard to support the family. Please provide homes and a safe place for all children who live in Iran. In Jesus name, Amen.

July 2008

M E M O RY V E R S E Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6 NKJV).


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July 2008 10/40 Window Prayer Focus: Christian Churches in Algeria are under Attack ► Continued from page 3

According to W I N’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Algeria is on day 23. Pray for: • The government to halt its campaign of targeting Christians. The terror of the Lord to fall on those who persecute Christians, and that the Angel of the Lord will protect all Christians. (2 Corinthians 5:11 NKJV) • The remaining Algerian churches to be able to stay open without restriction, preach the Word, and many Algerians will be saved and do their part to expand the Kingdom of God. • The courts to be fair to Christians. • Those arrested to be released, and for those who arrested them to be brought to justice. • The churches that were closed to be re-opened and that the Church will experience rapid growth. Sourced: Open Doors USA, Compass Direct News, Reuters, Assist News Service

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Police Arrest Muslim Background Believers


n a growing crackdown on religious freedom, Iranian police reportedly have been rounding up people they suspect have converted to Christianity, Fox News reported. On May 11, 2008, police arrested eight people in the southern city of Shiraz, according to Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller. Two jailed Iranian converts to Christianity—Mojtaba Hussein, 21, and Hamoyon Shokohie Gholamzadeh, 58—have been released by authorities, who demanded valuable property deeds as bail collateral, Compass Direct News reported. Under Iran’s strict Islamic laws, it is illegal to proselytize Muslims, and any Muslim who converts from Islam to another religion can be executed. A draft law before the re-elected Iranian parliament would make the death penalty mandatory for “apostates” who leave Islam.

July 2008

Under the past three decades of Iran’s Islamist regime, hundreds of citizens who have left Islam and become Christians have been arrested for weeks or months, held in unknown locations and subjected to mental and physical torture, Compass reported. According to W I N’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Iran is on day 8. Pray for: • The Iranian crackdown on Christian Believers to end. • Muslim Background Believers to keep the faith under immense pressure, and for them to lead those persecuting them to Christ • Protection for Muslim Background Believers.. • The salvation of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other government leaders. Sourced: Fox News, Compass Direct News, Open Doors USA


The 10/40 Window Reporter 14

Rules of Engagement : by Dr. N. Cindy Trimm

In Rules of Engagement, you will learn how to pray effectively and fervently. You will discover the keys to success in prayer, that unlock God’s promises as you come before the Lord with your petitions. You will reap the rewards of walking in your God-given authority as you apply the Word of God in prayer.


July 2008


The 10/40 Window Reporter 15

Praise Report: Civil war in Lebanon avoided— thanks to peace agreement

In a major answer to prayer, a peace deal has been reached ending fighting between the government and the terrorist group Hezbollah that recently pushed Lebanon to the brink of civil war. President Michel Suleiman, former army chief, was also sworn in on May 25, 2008, Reuters reported. Due to the conflict between the government and Hezbollah, the presidency has been vacant since November 2007. “I am very glad to report to you that the fighting in Lebanon has stopped, and our leaders have reached an agreement in the Doha summit,” a Christian leader wrote in an e-mail to W I N. “Hallelujah. Beirut is back to life again…” “This is an amazing miracle,” the leader added. “Most of the Lebanese people, including me, are very surprised that a consensus had been reached… Only a few days ago, everybody was talking about another civil war. It is amazing what will happen when we pray, the sky is our limit and everything is possible by the grace of God.” “Leaders of Hezbollah decided to hold talks about their arms,” the leader continued. “Now this by itself is a major miracle. Let us continue to pray for that issue as we still need to see the centralized power of the Lebanese government, and that there would be no other military power in this nation other than the Lebanese Army. … Finally, thank you for your prayers, Support and standing with us.” According to W I N’s Praying through the Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Lebanon is on day 20. Praise the Lord for: • • •

Filling the presidential seat which has been vacant since November 2007 Averting a civil war between the Lebanese government and Hezbollah The “amazing miracle” of God moving the country from the brink of civil war to a peace agreement between warring factions

Sourced: Reuters

July 2008


The 10/40 Window Reporter 16

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