10/40 Window Reporter : September 2008

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September 2008 Edition


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The 10/40 Window Reporter

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September 2008


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September 2008 10/40 Window Prayer Focus: Volatile situation in Pakistan as president resigns, Christians targeted by Taliban

Concentrated prayer is needed for Pakistan after President Pervez Musharraf resigned on Monday, August 18, 2008 to avoid impeachment charges by the nation’s ruling coalition. Meanwhile, Pakistani Christians reportedly face Taliban terror and Islamic terrorists are training teenagers to fight NATO troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan’s political uncertainty adds to an already volatile situation in Pakistan. Ten days of fighting in a tribal region near the Afghan border in mid-August killed hundreds and displaced more than 200,000, the Associated Press (AP) reported. It was one of the bloodiest episodes since Pakistan deployed troops along the border in support of the war on terror nearly seven years ago. Musharraf, whose rivals won February parliamentary elections, would have been the first president to be impeached in Pakistan’s turbulent 61-year history, according to the AP. The party of ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who Musharraf ousted in a 1999 coup, has even suggested Musharraf be tried for treason, which carries a maximum penalty of death. Sharif ’s party is a partner in the ruling coalition, the AP reported. Musharraf dominated Pakistan for years after seizing power in the bloodless military coup, gaining favor from the U.S. for backing the war on terror. He gave up his role as army chief last year, but had already become very unpopular. Many Pakistanis blamed rising violence on his alliance with the U.S. against the Taliban and al-Qaida. Musharraf ’s popularity hit new lows in 2007 when he ousted judges and imposed emergency rule in bids to avoid challenges to his presidency, according to the AP. Musharraf ’s departure from office seemed likely to unleash new instability in the country as the two main parties in the civilian government jockey for his share of power, The New York Times reported. Meanwhile, police negotiated the release of 16 kidnapped Christians from the Peshawar area in July, CBN News reported. According to the Voice of the Martyrs, Taliban militants seized the Christians, who were in prayer at a child dedication service held in a former Madrassa Islamic school. Some of the Christians were beaten. Cell phones, money and personal possessions were stolen from them. The Taliban abductors demanded that the group’s pastor convert to Islam, but he refused, according to CBN News. Pakistan is ranked No. 17 on Open Doors’ 2007 World Watch List of nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Continued on page 13 ►

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PRAYER Points September 2008

Day 1 India – There are more than 160 million Muslims in India, and 98 percent of them have never heard the Gospel. Pray for at least 100,000 Christian workers to be sent to evangelize these precious souls, and pray protection over each and every one. (Psalm 91) Mauritania – Mauritania’s Prime Minister Yahya Ould Ahmed Waqef was released as junta leaders bowed to international pressure after a coup attempt on August 6, 2008 by Gen. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, who was fired by President Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi along with the country’s other top three generals in an increasingly bitter standoff between the president and the army. Pray that government officials will work together to serve the Mauritanian people. Pray also for unity among Mauritanian churches Pray for true religious freedom in the Mauritian constitution, and that there will be multiple thousands of new Believers here this month alone. Day 2 Sudan – The International Criminal Court plans to seek an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir for genocide and crimes against humanity in Darfur. Pray that there will be peace and stability in Darfur. Pray also for the Lord to protect the Church in northern Sudan from persecution, and that He will supernaturally provide food and shelter for the Sudanese Church. Afghanistan – Over 9,500 people displaced from their homes by conflict in southern and central Afghanistan have received food and non-food assistance from the International Committee of the Red Cross. Pray that the displaced people will become hungry and thirsty for the Lord, and receive Him as Lord and Savior. Pray that revival will break out in Afghanistan, and that the Kingdom of God will be established here. Day 3 Kuwait – Kuwait activated its Emergency War Plan in mid-August after an armada of U.S. naval battle force headed for the Persian Gulf for a possible confrontation with Iran. Pray for peace in the region. Pray that God’s blessings on Kuwait would lead many into repentance. (Romans 2:4) Pray also that God would bless and anoint the National Evangelical Church’s projects and ministry, and that they would make great strides in advancing the Kingdom of God.

brought to justice and that God will change their hearts and open their blind eyes to receive the Gospel. Day 4 Japan – Japanese annual wholesale price inflation jumped to 7.1 percent in July, a 27-year high and well above expectations, adding to fears that high energy and commodity costs are pushing the economy into recession. Pray that God would use the situation to turn the hearts of Japanese people to Christ, and that they would look to Him as Jehovah Jireh (Gen 22:14). Guinea-Bissau – Guinea-Bissau foiled an attempt in August by the head of the country’s navy to overthrow President Joao Bernardo Vieira. The alleged coup comes amid political turmoil in Guinea Bissau. The president has dissolved parliament, a month after one of the three main parties quit the government. Pray for peace and order in Guinea-Bissau. Pray for this nation to know our Lord as Jehovah Rophe – the Lord who heals (Exodus 15:22-26) Day 5 Bhutan – Bhutan said it was ready to resume talks in August with Nepal over the repatriation of over 100,000 refugees who have been languishing in this Himalayan republic for nearly two decades. Pray for the refugees to be able to return to their own homeland. Pray for the newly elected government to be sensitive and tolerant to Christianity and for the mission work of Christian groups to be highly effective in advancing God’s Kingdom in this tiny Himalayan kingdom. Pray also that there will be an immediate and permanent halt to Christians being persecuted in Bhutan. Saudi Arabia – Saudi Arabia continues to crack down on Christians within its borders, contrary to a policy espoused by King Abdullah. Fifteen Christians were arrested recently and were expected to be deported as they were worshiping at a private house in Taif—not far from the capitol city of Riyadh. Pray also for wisdom and protection of Christian Believers. Saudi Arabia is ranked No. 2 on Open Doors’ 2007 World Watch List of nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Pray for religious freedom in both word and deed, and for religious freedom to be permanently included in the Saudi Arabian constitution.

Bangladesh – Muslim militants raided and destroyed a house church in the village of Buglegari, Bangladesh as part of an operation to expel Christians from the region. The pastor of the church was beaten up during the August 1, 2008 raid. Pray for wisdom and protection of Christian Believers. Pray that the attackers will be

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Day 6 Guinea – The small country with a population of some 600,000, ruled with an iron fist since 1979 by President Teodoro Obiang Nguema has a booming economy after the discovery of oil and gas. Yet almost 77 percent of the population still struggles to make ends meet on less than $1 a day. Life expectancy stands at 47 while under-

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five child mortality is the seventh worst in Africa. Obiang’s regime has been accused of both human rights abuses and suppressing political opposition. Pray that government officials will work together to best serve the citizens of this West African nation. Pray for revival to break out in this land, and that multiple thousands will come to know the Lord this month. Thailand – Thailand’s ex-prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, and his wife jumped bail on August 12, 2008 and returned to exile in Britain, escaping prosecution on corruption charges. Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej recently announced a cabinet reshuffle, a widely expected move seen as an attempt to fend off growing calls for his resignation. Pray for God to bring peace and political stability to this Asian nation. Pray that the Church will see exponential growth in this country in the next thirty days.

items. Pray that the people in this land will hunger and thirst for Righteousness. (Matthew 5:6) Azerbaijan – An Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe election official has called for October’s presidential election in Azerbaijan to be free of government interference, sharply criticizing the last election in 2003. Pray for a free and peaceful election. Day 10 Benin – Food and fuel prices have continued to rise in Benin despite the implementation of a series of measures to contain the situation. Pray that the government will have wisdom and godly direction to meet the needs of the citizens of this country, which is also one of the poorest in the world. Pray also that Jehovah Rophe will bring His Healing to this land both physically and spiritually. (Exodus 15:22-26)

Day 7 Niger – Niger recently began building its Kandadji dam, a project to boost power generation and farming in the landlocked African country. Niger, a uranium-producing desert nation, often faces food shortages and imports 90 percent of its electricity from neighboring Nigeria, which itself suffers frequent power outages. Pray for the government to have wisdom and direction to bring relief to the citizens of Niger. Pray that the people will come to know Jesus as the Light of the world, and they will take his Light and bring His Light to others. (Matthew 5:14 – 16)

Indonesia – About 1,000 Christians in Papua, Indonesia held a rally on August 5, 2008 to protest against an implementation of Islamic Sharia law in their province. Pray that God will divert the plan to implement Sharia law in Papua and nearby provinces. Pray that Christians and Muslims will find ways to live in peace in Papua and other areas of Indonesia. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move over Indonesia and reveal the truth of the Gospel to the Muslims in Indonesia. Day 11

Kyrgyzstan – A new bill on “freedom of religious practices and religious organizations” is being actively discussed within the Kyrgyz government. The bill introduces harder requirements for registering religious organizations, including evangelical groups. Pray that the bill will not become law. Pray also that house churches will develop in Kyrgyzstan. Pray that there will be an unprecedented and explosive growth in the Church in Kyrgyzstan.

Laos – Authorities in Laos have detained or arrested at least 90 Christians in three provinces, including an arrest on August 3, 2008 of a pastor and two other believers from a house church in Boukham village, Savannakhet province. Pray for the immediate release of the Christians from the unjustified arrests. Pray for God’s divine protection over His children in Laos. Pray that this nation will know the Lord as the Bread of Life. (John 6:35)

Day 8 Iran – A Christian couple has died after being beaten in August by secret police who raided their house church. Some 12 Christians were also reportedly detained after they attempted to travel to Armenia through Tehran. Pray the government to end its hostility towards Christians. Pray that God would raise up a strong leader in the government who will spur growth and unity. Pray also for the growth of Farsi-speaking Churches in Iran.

Western Sahara – Pray for a military solution to the long-running dispute between Morocco and neighbor Algeria over the disputed Western Sahara region. Pray that the Church will have all the resources it needs to advance the Kingdom of God, and that multiple thousands will come to know the Lord in the next 30 days. Day 12 Egypt – Egyptian Christians are reportedly facing new pressures. An Egyptian monastery was recently ransacked, monks were kidnapped, whipped, beaten and ordered to spit on a cross and Christian jewelry stores were robbed. Pray that those who are persecuting Christians would be brought to justice. Pray that other democratic nations will move to hold Egyptian authorities responsible for the many human rights abuses perpetuated against Christians throughout Egypt.

Burkina Faso – Pray for the first ever Discipleship and Prayer Conference planned for September 22-26, 2008, which is expected to draw about 700 people. Praise God for the progress in the preparations of this gathering, and pray that His Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) Day 9 Mali – Despite high global food prices, conflict in the north, and the onset of the lean season, which lasts from July to September, the food security situation looks positive this year in Mali. Pray that the government will continue to stabilize the price of rice and other food

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Uzbekistan – The liberalization of judicial-legal system in Uzbekistan has stimulated the reduction of crime in this country, according to a recent international seminar on the implementation of Habeas Corpus in the Uzbek capital. Pray that crime would


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continue to decrease, and that every one in this nation will know Jesus, the Prince of Peace, as Savior and Lord. Day 13 Nepal – Militants from the Hindu nationalist Nepal Defense Army murdered an Indian missionary, who was a Catholic priest and principal of a school in Sirsiya on July 1, 2008. They left pamphlets stating their belief that Nepal should be a Hindu Kingdom. Pray that God will protect all Christian workers and institutions in Nepal from terrorism, so their Gospel message and service can continue in liberty and security. Pray that God will complete what he has begun in Nepal. Pray also that may the masses would reject Hindu nationalism and for Christ to build his Church in Nepal. United Arab Emirates – Tourists in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been warned to exercise caution after the British Foreign Office raised the risk of terrorism to its highest level. Pray that all acts of terrorism being planned in the UAE will be discovered and not one will be carried out. Pray for protection of the Believers in this nation, and that the Church will grow by multiple thousands this month. Day 14 Albania – Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha recently condemned the opposition for allegedly trying to block electoral reforms. Under the new rules, voters no longer cast ballots for candidates of their choice but only for parties, which then nominate their representatives to parliament. Pray that electoral reforms would be passed that are fair and just for all Albanian citizens, and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this nation. Morocco – A Moroccan man was recently given a life prison sentence and his associate received 10 years in jail for organizing an Islamic terrorist group and planning attacks. Pray that any terrorist groups planning to carry out attacks in Morocco would be discovered and not be carried out. Pray that all terrorist would be brought to justice. Pray for the safety of Muslim Background Believers. Pray for Christians to have freedom to worship- who are only 0.1 percent of the population compared to 99.8 percent Muslim. Day 15 Iraq – A non-Iraqi military organization recently detained nine people suspected of involvement in Al-Qaida in Iraq. One of the detainees was the alleged head of a bombing cell of the Sunni extremist group. Pray for God to expose and defeat the plans of Al-Qaida. Pray also for God’s protection from Satan’s attacks against the new Churches in northern Iraq. Pray for Christians who are committed to staying in Iraq to stand strong in their faith, and for wisdom to lead others to Christ. Sri Lanka – The South Asia Human Rights Index 2008 recently revealed that Sri Lanka is the worst human rights violator in South Asia. Pray that Sri Lanka’s government will give protection and freedom to Christians so they can worship the Lord without attacks and threats. Pray that all acts of human rights violations

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will be stopped. Pray that Christians will share the Gospel with Sri Lanka’s citizens, who are 71.9 percent Buddhists. Day 16 Israel – Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced one July 30, 2008 that he won’t seek re-election in his Kadima party’s Sept. 17, 2008 primary. Olmert, who helped orchestrate Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and is working towards a peace deal with both the Palestinians and Syria, said he will step down once the party selects a new leader. Pray for God to raise up leaders in Israel who would support His end-time purposes for the Jewish people. Pray for every decision, action or plan to pressure Israel to give up land or evacuate its people from any territory would be frustrated and abandoned. Pray for the revelation of Jesus as Messiah in the Middle East and for “the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122) Tajikistan – A Protestant church was recently threatened with destruction by authorities. Pray for religious freedom to be allowed in this Central Asian nation, and pray that those who are persecuting Christians will be saved. Pray for the Kingdom of God to be established here. Day 17 China – Nearly 700 Protestant leaders who are not registered with the government have been placed in custody in the past year, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recently reported. Pray that the world would speak out on the issue of China’s human rights violations, and that the Church would not be silent to speak up on behalf of persecuted Christians. Fast, wail and cry out to God, so that government officials will put a stop to the mistreatment of Christians, and bring the persecutors to justice. Pray that God will break the stronghold of persecution and corruption in China. Pray for divine protection for persecuted Christians and provision as they face opposition, arrest, detention and violence from government security forces. Djibouti – Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki has ruled out a dialogue with Djibouti over a frontier dispute behind recent clashes that left nine soldiers dead in the Ras Doumeira area at Djibouti’s northern border. Pray for peace to come to this land, and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this nation. Pray for God’s protection for Christians in Djibouti, which has a population of 93.9 percent Muslim. Day 18 Yemen – The establishment of a religious police force comprised of 42 clerics was recently announced at a meeting hosted by Sheikh Abdul Majid Al-Zindani. The force is tasked with enforcing religious norms both in the public and private square. Pray for religious freedom in this Arabian Peninsula nation. Pray for God’s protection and His wisdom and grace for Christian workers. Vietnam – Two Montagnard Christians were recently arrested and murdered by Vietnamese security police after taking part in a peaceful protest for the release of three Christians who had been


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arrested on April 9, 2008. Pray for religious freedom to truly be allowed in this nation, and pray for protection of Believers, and pray that those who persecute them will be brought to justice. Day 19 Taiwan –Taiwan and China recently agreed to set up their first ever offices in each others’ territories, as they began historic talks aimed at forming dramatic cordial relations and building trade ties. Pray for the relationship between China and Taiwan to remain peaceful, and for ties to improve between the two countries. Pray that Believers in both countries will be able to share their faith openly in China. Bahrain – Tens of thousands of Shiite Bahrainis recently held a protest against remarks deemed offensive made by a Sunni official against the country’s leading Shiite cleric. Last December, clashes broke out between police and protesters at an opposition rally in a Shiite area of Bahrain after the death of one of the demonstrators. Pray for the salvation of Shiite Bahrainis. Pray also that the Lord would use the Church to be a blessing and an encouragement to this Arabian Peninsula nation. Pray that there would be multiple thousands of new Believers here in the next thirty days. Day 20 Brunei – Oil-rich Brunei recently raised petrol and diesel prices opening the door for foreigners to rein in mounting fuel subsidies. Oil and natural gas are the mainstay of Brunei’s economy. Pray that the government would have wisdom in handling its oil and natural gas resources, and make sure that all Brunei people have access to education and health care. Pray that the Kingdom of God will be established in this land where 64.4 percent of its population is Muslim. Lebanon – Lebanon recently announced a 30-member national unity government tasked with resolving the country’s worst political crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war. Pray that the Lord’s peace would prevail in this Middle Eastern nation, which recently came close to a possible full-blown civil war due to escalating fighting between government forces and the terrorist group Hezbollah. Pray for Hezbollah to lose the support of the Lebanese population through the group’s continued violence. Pray for God to defeat Hezbollah’s goal to create an Iranian-style Islamic republic in Lebanon and removal of all non-Islamic influences from the area. Pray for Lebanese Christians to be protected from harm and that the Gospel may be heard and received by all. Pray that the drive to institute stricter Islamic law would be blocked and equal treatment for all faiths would prevail. Lebanon is still the only nation in the Middle East where people are free to decide to change their religion. Pray that this freedom of religion would be maintained. Day 21 Qatar – Real estate officials say 500,000 families are expected to move to Qatar by 2012. Pray that God would turn the hearts of the people of Qatar to Christ. Pray for newly established Churches to be a great blessing to this Arabian Peninsula nation. Pray that the Gospel will be preached freely here, and that among the new families moving to Qatar, there will be many

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who are missions minded Believers. Turkmenistan – Efforts to curb illegal trafficking and drug use are failing to thwart this growing problem in Turkmenistan, a report recently said. A law went into effect in July, banning the possession and use of “nasvay,” a kind of chewing tobacco, which is common in Central Asia and is regarded as a mild narcotic. Pray that the government would have wisdom in dealing with this situation. Pray that the Lord will be magnified in this land, and that His Kingdom will be established here. Day 22 Ethiopia – A mob of Islamic extremists recently stoned two Christians in Jijiga, a city bordering Somalia. It was the latest attack against Christians in Ethiopia, where the spread of radical Islam is fueling the persecution of Christians. Pray that the terror of the Lord will fall on those who persecute Christians and that the Angel of the Lord will protect Christians. (2 Corinthians 5:11 NKJV) Pray for church leaders—that God will give them wisdom in responding to the current wave of persecution. (Daniel 2:14) Pray for the salvation of Islamic extremists. Myanmar – Thousands of Christians are among 2.4 million people still suffering in Myanmar in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis that devastated parts of the Asian nation in May. Nargis left 138,000 dead or missing. Pray for Myanmar’s government to accept foreign humanitarian aid, and for Christian churches to have the means and ways to bring help to the survivors of the cyclone. Pray that the Lord will appear to the people in dreams and visions, and that multiple thousands will come to know Christ in the next thirty days. Day 23 Chad – Corruption is reportedly big business in Chad. Roadblocks are manned by Chadian soldiers, and seem to be officially sanctioned. Pray for corruption to end in this Central African nation, and pray that Christians will be able to freely serve the Lord. Pray for godly men and women to obtain positions of influence in Chad. (Daniel 2:48) Pray that the government and security forces will act responsibly and fairly in protecting the Christian community. (1 Timothy 2:1–4) Algeria – Christian churches are under massive attack in this north African nation comprised almost totally of Muslims. Since early 2008, Algerian authorities have closed half of the Protestant churches in the country, according to Open Doors USA. If the trend continues, the Algerian Protestant Church could be nonexistent by the end of 2008. Pray for the government to halt its campaign of targeting Christians. Pray for the Christians whose churches have been closed to keep their faith in the Lord, and that they will find other places to worship Him. Pray for the remaining Algerian churches to be able to stay open, to preach the Word, and pray for the salvation of the Algerians. Pray for true religious freedom to be allowed in this North African country.


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Day 27 Libya – Pray that this North African country will not mass deport hundreds of Eritrean refugees. According to international rights organizations, thousands of young Eritreans attempt to leave their country every year. Pray also for the salvation of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi. Pray for the salvation of the Eritreans as well as the Libyans. Pray for the Kingdom of God to firmly be established here.

Malaysia – Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Abdullah bin Ahmad Badawi, recently announced he will step down in mid-2010 and hand over power to his deputy, Najib Razak. The president of the ruling United Malays National Organization, which leads the Barisan National Coalition, is traditionally the prime minister. Pray for the salvation of Badawi, Razak and nine hereditary state sultans. Pray also for Sharia law to be abolished in this Southeast Asian country, and that Believers here will go to their surrounding countries and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their neighbors. Day 25 Oman – Oman has experienced generally impressive economic performance, characterized by high real Gross Domestic Product growth of 5.3 percent, low inflation, and budgetary surpluses. Pray that the government would have wisdom in further boosting its economy, and that all of the people of Oman will benefit from the growth. Pray also that the Lord would bless the work of Christians in this Arabian Peninsula nation to advance His Kingdom here. Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan, which already places burdens on religious organizations, will substantially increase restrictions on expressions of faith if new legislation becomes law, according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Pray that the new law, which will severely hinder religious freedom in this Central Asian nation, will not be signed by President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Pray for the salvation of the President, his cabinet, and the law enforcement agencies in this land, and that they will rule according to Biblical principles. Day 26 Tunisia – Pray for freedom of the press in Tunisia, where President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has jailed more journalists than any other Arab country since 2001. Pray that journalists would have the ability to make known to the world the corruption going on in this nation, and pray for an end to terrorism in Tunisia. Pray for protection for the journalist, the Believers here, and the salvation of the president. Pray for multiple thousands of new Believers to come to the Lord in the next thirty days.

Turkey – There was a recent decision by the Constitutional court to overturn a ban on headscarves. Pray that tensions arising as of a result of this decision between the “secularists” and the pro-Islamist AK Party in Turkey will be mitigated. Pray that the Lord will show Believers wise and unique ways to spread the Gospel during this time in Turkey. North Korea – North Korea recently lashed out at the South Korean defense chief for labeling the communist state an enemy. South Korean Defense Minister Lee Sang-hee told parliament that the country’s military views North Korea as “a present enemy” and threat. The North Korea Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said that the comment was an “unpardonable provocation” against the North. Pray for peace between North Korea and South Korea. Pray for the safety and release of an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 Christians who are imprisoned for their faith—about one in four Believers has been imprisoned. Pray for underground Believers to keep their faith in God while under extreme scrutiny. Pray for the salvation of Kim Jong-Il and all other North Korean leaders, and all prisoners and guards, and for all torture camps to be permanently closed down. Day 28 Somalia – Islamic extremists shot and killed a Muslim convert to Christianity on July 10, 2008 in Afgyoye, a town 18 miles away from Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital. He was the fifth Believer martyred in Somalia in the last 11 months. Pray for persecuted Muslim converts to Christianity —for the alleviation of their suffering and for an end to the violence carried out against them by Islamic extremists. (Psalm 119:114) Pray that Somali Christians who choose to follow Christ will know how to live safely in the midst of the threat of persecution. Pray that God will surround Christians with His shield of protection and will send angels to minister to them as heirs of salvation. (Psalm 29:11*, Hebrews 1:14) Pakistan – Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf ’s rivals are trying to impeach the former army chief and remove him from office. Musharraf ’s popularity has eroded under the weight of nearconstant political and economic crises. Meanwhile, Pakistani Christians reportedly face Taliban terror and Islamic terrorists. Pray for peace and order for Pakistan’s government. Pray for the salvation of Pervez Musharraf and other Pakistani leaders. Pray that the demonic forces that are using the Taliban and Islamic terrorists like puppets will be toppled, and that the people will be set free to worship the Lord. Pray that their leaders will experience conversion to Christianity. (1 Timothy 2:1–4)

Cambodia – Pray that the Gospel will be preached freely in this Southeast Asian nation, and that the Cambodians will come to know the Lord in large numbers. Pray for the salvation of Prime Minister Hun Sen and all of the government leaders.

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Day 29 Nigeria – Under Islamic law, a non-Muslim father cannot be a custodian to his children if the mother of his children is Muslim or if the deceased mother’s relatives are Muslim. Pray for an end of “legal” abductions of children whose parents are Christian. Pray that those children who have been abducted from their parents will be returned to them safe and unharmed, and that they will be open to receive the Kingdom of God.

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Maldives – Pray for this nation as it prepares for its first ever multi-party presidential elections before President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom finishes his sixth consecutive term in office on November 11, 2008. Pray that President Gayoom, Asia’s longest ruling dictator, having power over 30 years, will neither delay the election nor rig the results. Pray that religious freedom will be acknowledge by the newly elected regime, and that the Kingdom of God will be established in this land. Jordan – Pray that Christian Believers in Jordan seeking asylum in other nations would be able to escape. Pray for full freedom of religion in Jordan, and that Christians living in this nation will know the inner peace of Jesus and live without fear. Pray that multiple thousands of new Believers will come to know Christ as Lord and Savior in the next thirty days. Senegal – One in four women suffers domestic assault and battery in Senegal yet most suffer in silence. 27.5 percent of women are subject to physical violence from their partners. Pray for the precious women in this nation, that they would know the love and protection of the LORD Almighty. Pray for justice for these women, and that the government would disallow this abuse, and punish the men who are abusive. Pray that Jesus would appear to this nation in dreams and visions, and that they would accept Him as Savior and Lord. Day 30 Eritrea – Several pastors have been in Eritrean prisons after being arrested years ago. Pray that the Eritrean government officials will release the estimated 2,000 Christians who remain in prison. Pray for these men of God and other Christians as they suffer for the faith, and especially that their faith will be strengthened under these circumstances. Pray also for their wives and families, that they also will stand strong in their faith in Jesus. Pray that the spirit of evil will be lifted from Eritrea, that all false charges placed against Christians will be dropped, and that all people of faith will be released from prison. Pray that the Kingdom of God be established here.

Day 31 East Timor – Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta, and East Timor Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao recently expressed deep regret for violence surrounding Dili’s 1999 independence vote after a joint probe blamed state institutions for “gross human rights violations,” according to Reuters. Pray that all of those who were responsible for committing the atrocities will quickly be brought to justice. Pray that the Lord will bring psychological and complete healing to those who were victimized. Pray for the salvation of President José Ramos Horta and all government leaders in this nation. The Gambia – As Gambian and Vietnamese government officials meet to learn strategies to cultivate rice to ensure better food security from the Vietnamese, pray that these two 10/40 Window nations will also discuss ways to expound on the freedom of religion which is in both countries constitutions. Pray also for multiple thousands of new Believers to come to Faith in Christ in the next thirty days. Pray that President Yahya Jammeh and all government leaders in this West African nation would receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. West Bank & Gaza Strip – Pray for God’s protection from persecution for Christians in the West Bank and Gaza. Pray that the Lord would encourage Believers here, and pray that He will show them how to share the Gospel with others. Pray for revival in this land.

Tibet – Pray that there will be a major breakthrough in talks and negotiations between China and Tibet. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all Tibetans, and there will be an outbreak of multiple thousands of new Believers in this land in the next thirty days. Syria – Pray for an end to the sex trade in this land. Pray that the over 1.5 million refugees in this nation will find decent and humane ways to make a living, and that they will not have to result to any type of immoral work in order to survive. Pray that the national Church would plant new churches in the unreached areas of Syria, and that multiple thousands of Syrians will come to know the Lord as their Savior and King in the next thirty days. Mongolia – Pray for the salvation of President Nambaryn Enkhbayar and the other government leaders in this nation. According to the Associated Press, election fraud allegations were originally centered on two districts in the capital of Ulan Bator that were awarded to the ruling party but were contested by two popular members of the Civic Movement party. Pray that there will be a peaceful transition of power, and that the Parliament will be able to come to an agreement regarding the number of seats that each party will have. Pray for revival to break out in this land, and that the ruling party will allow true religious freedom in this land.

September 2008

W I N Pray for the Asia Summit on the 10/40 Window taking place this Fall in Thailand. Pray the training the Lord has pre-destined before the foundations of the earth for the Asia Summit, will be manifested on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray that He will provide every resource needed for the Summit. Pray that God’s presence will meet the delegates there, and His Divine Purpose and Plan will prevail.


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“May I go to school today, Mother?” Singhe pleaded. She had seen children dressed in their neat school uniforms on their way to classes where they would learn wonderful things like how to read and write. Ten-year-old Singhe lives in a shanty on the outskirts of India’s capital city, Delhi. She is part of the Hindu system, which divides people into groups called castes. Each caste has a certain kind of work they do. She and her family are Dalits. The higher caste people such as priests, businessmen, and military consider Dalits to be “untouchable.” The only people who will speak to Singhe and her family are other untouchables—garbage collectors, sweepers, and butchers. “You know you must help your father and me to finish the carpets for the temple priest,” her mother warned. “We do not want the gods to become angry at us.” Singhe reluctantly sat down to begin her work. She had a long day of work ahead of her—she would not get to rest or eat until sundown. “Maybe someday I will get to go to school,” she told herself. She wanted a better life, but she knew that if you were a Dalit, you would always be a Dalit. At least she should be thankful to the gods that she had a home— thousands of people all over India lived on the streets. Pray that: • Hindus would turn from millions of gods to the one and only true God. • All children will be allowed to go to school. • The caste system in India will be torn down in Jesus Name and that all people will be treated equally.




14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk 12 ounce carton Cool Whip 24 ounce jar of Mango

TO PREPARE: 1. In food processor, combine milk, mango, and Cool Whip. 2. Puree until all ingredients are well blended. 3. Put in container and freeze for about 8 hours. This is a very easy, yummy Indian-type treat. Any other pureed fruit can be substituted. *Make this treat the day before you want to eat it.

INDIA FACTS Capital City: Delhi Official Language: Hindi Main Religion: Hinduism Religious Freedom? Yes, Limited. Fun Fact: There are 1,652 languages spoken in India!

Dear Lord: I pray that all children in India will be able to go to school. I pray that all people will be treated equally and the Governor will see that the caste system is not fair and make sure that everyone is treated fairly. In Jesus’ name. Amen. PRAYER BY LYDIA, AGE 8

September 2008

M E M O RY V E R S E “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord, because they called you an outcast saying: This is Zion; no one seeks her.” (Jeremiah 30:17 NKJV)


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► Continued from page 3

Elsewhere near Peshawar, teenagers are being trained by terrorists in camps for fighting NATO troops in neighboring Afghanistan, www.Thaindian.com reported. The number of such camps has increased in the past year as the Pakistan government has taken a more conciliatory approach to the militants in the hope of securing peace. According to W I N’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Pakistan is on day 28. Pray for: • God to bring peace and political stability to this South Asian nation. • The salvation of former President Pervez Musharraf. Pray for God’s wisdom for political leaders, so they may make decisions according to God’s biblical principles. • Moderates to unite to build a secular, tolerant, moderate Pakistan in the face of growing militant Islam. • The nuclear arsenal in Pakistan will neither be launched nor deployed. • Pray that God would protect Christians and other religious minorities during this turbulent time. • Christians from a Muslim background to stand firm in their faith. • The threat of Talibanization in Pakistan to be defeated. • The demonic forces that are using the terrorists like puppets to be toppled, and the recruitment of teenagers by terrorists to end, and that the teenagers who have been recruited will be able to peaceably withdraw from the terrorist groups, and find their God-given purpose. Sourced: the Associated Press, The New York Times, CBN News, Voice of the Martyrs, Thaindian.com

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September 2008


The 10/40 Window Reporter 14

India: Fasting and Prayer Summit attracts hundreds, persecution of Christians intensifies More than 250 pastors, Christian leaders and Believers were expected to gather for the Fasting and Prayer Summit, held August 23, 2008 at the Presbyterian Church hall in Siliguri, India. More than 30 churches from the region were represented during the prayer summit, a Christian leader wrote in an e-mail to W I N. Meanwhile, Christians continued to be persecuted in India. In Karnataka state, about 100 Hindu extremists belonging to the Bajrang Dal accompanied by police disrupted a pastors seminar and seized their property on June 17, 2008 in Varna village, Compass Direct News reported. The Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) said that the extremists stormed the building where 70 pastors were in training, accusing them of forcible conversions. Police officers took Bibles, books and vehicles belonging to the pastors. With the intervention of the GCIC, the seized materials were returned to the pastors, Compass reported. Elsewhere, police on June 12, 2008 arrested about 40 pastors on charges of fraudulent conversion and for conducting prayer services in a Hindu temple area of Bhadrachalam, Khamman district, located in Andhra Pradesh state. The pastors were released on bail with the aid of pressure from politicians, according to the GCIC, Compass reported. India is ranked No. 29 on Open Doors’ 2007 World Watch List of nations where Christians are persecuted for their faith. According to W I N’s Praying Through The Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for India is on day 1. Pray for: • The prayer summit to bear fruit. • Unity for churches and Christian Believers in Siliguri, India. • The persecution of Christians to stop. • Persecuted Christians to openly forgive their Hindu attackers, thus showing them what it truly means to follow Christ. • Hindu extremists will be brought to justice and that God will change their hearts and open their blind eyes to receive the Gospel. • The Holy Spirit to allow the Word of God to flow in India and create an unquenchable thirst for the Lord. Sourced: Compass Direct News, International Christian Concern

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Praise Report:

Hamas leader’s son declares faith in Christ

In an answer to prayer, the son of a prominent leader in the Hamas terrorist organization has publicly declared his faith in Jesus Christ, Baptist Press reported. Masab Yousef, who now prefers to be known as Joseph, is the oldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a political leader of the Hamas organization in the West Bank and one of the movement’s most popular public figures. He gave his life to Christ in 2004, four years after a friend invited him to a Bible study and he began to read the Christian scriptures for himself. “At this stage I was still a Muslim and I thought that I would remain one. But every day I saw the terrible things done in the name of religion by those who considered themselves ‘great believers,’” Yousef told the Haaretz news organization. “I studied Islam more thoroughly and found no answers there. I re-examined the Koran and the principles of the faith and found how it is mistaken and misleading. The Muslims borrowed rituals and traditions from all the surrounding religions.” His father, who is not involved with the military arm of Hamas, is a moderate who does not support the use of terror to further the cause of a Palestinian state, Yousef said. “I invite all the people, including the terrorists among them, to open their hearts and believe,” he told Haaretz. “Now I’m trying to establish an international organization for young people that will teach about Christianity, love and peace in the territories, too. I would like to teach the young people how to love and forgive.” According to W I N’s Praying through the Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for West Bank is on day 31.

Watch a Fox News video interview: http://tinyurl.com/winvideohamas

September 2008

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Praise for: Masab Yousef ’s salvation. Christians in the West Bank who are witnessing to Muslims.

Pray for: Pray that the demonic forces that are using the Hamas terrorists like puppets will be toppled, and that the people will be set free to worship the Lord. Pray that their leaders will experience conversion to Christianity. (1 Timothy 2:1–4) Sourced: Baptist Press


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Praise Report: Resurgence of Israeli Jews who believe in Jesus a ‘miracle’

In a significant answer to prayer, a resurgence in the number of Israeli Jews who believe in Jesus is being called “a real miracle,” Assist News Service reported. “Many leaders say it’s the strongest growth since the time of Jesus and that the messianic movement could be on the brink of a great revival,” Wendy Griffith, CBN News senior reporter, said in a story for The 700 Club. Messianic leader Asher Intrater told Griffith: “This is the first time where we’ve seen Israeli society in general being so open to consider who Yeshua is. This is a real miracle, and there’s beginning to be grace and favor with us in the land.” Griffith added: “Although nobody knows for sure how many Messianic Jews live in Israel, it’s believed there are about 120 congregations now and 10,000-15,000 Jewish believers in Jesus. That may not sound like many given Israel’s nearly six million Jews, but it’s a far cry from 10 years ago when there were only about 3,500 Jewish believers and 80 congregations.” Tel Aviv pastor Avi Mizrachi said: “I believe with all my heart … (that) we are seeing the Lord, the Holy Spirit, is removing the veil from the eyes of the Jews and more and more Jews are realizing.” According to W I N’s Praying through the Window 9 prayer calendar, the day of prayer for Israel is on day 16. Praise for: • Israeli Jews coming to Christ in record numbers. • The increase of over 40 congregations in Israel in the last 10 years Pray for: • God’s protection and peace for Messianic Jews from a recent wave of persecution. • Pray for unity among the Messianic Jews to remain strong. (Psalms133:1) Sourced: Assist News Service, The 700 Club

September 2008


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