February 2022 Windsor Matters Newsletter

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Police and Fire Departments Urge Residents to Exercise Caution Near Ice In recent weeks, there has been an increase in the number of people near the ice on Windsor Lake. Windsor has great access to lakes and the Poudre River for summer activities. In the winter, however, we need to remind residents and visitors to stay off the ice. By participating in ice fishing or simply walking on our frozen lakes or rivers, you are putting your life at risk. In Windsor, it simply does not get cold enough for long enough to reliably freeze local bodies of water. Ice thickness, particularly at our temperature and elevation, can be inconsistent and the ice in this region is unstable and unsafe. Snow on the ice is not an indicator that the ice is thick. In fact, the snow can act as a natural insulator that often covers the thin ice. Ice may look safe, but it isn't. This also means ice is unsafe for dogs. Remember to keep your pets on a leash when enjoying Windsor’s parks and trails. Should a person or animal fall through the ice, don’t walk out on the ice, even to rescue them. Call 911 immediately and wait on the shore for first responders to arrive. Play it smart, play it safe, and stay off the ice!

Windsor Severance Fire Rescue personnel conduct an ice rescue training session at Windsor Lake. Although firefighters routinely train for ice rescues, they are very dangerous, both for first responders and those being rescued.


For more information about the Windsor Police, visit windsorPD.com. For more information about Windsor Severance Fire Rescue, visit wsfr.us.

Snow? How Should You Handle

Don't shovel snow into the streets or over sidewalks.

Always keep streets and walkways clear.

Did you know that Windsor residents are required to shovel the sidewalk in front of their home within 24 hours of the end of a storm? Not only is it a courtesy to neighbors, but it reduces chances of injury from slips and falls. Here are a few reminders for at home snow removal: • When shoveling, take it slow and use caution. Use your legs rather than your back when lifting snow. • Give grass and landscaping much needed moisture. Place shoveled snow in yards. • When using ice melt on sidewalks, please follow the directions on the bag. Applying excess materials can harm our local waterways.

Don't cover fire hydrants or storm drains.

Shovel the snow away. Leave them clear and accessible.

FREE FRIDAY FITNESS at t he Communi t y R ecrea t i on Ce n t e r !

On the first Friday of every month, the Community Recreation Center opens its doors for non-members to join a fitness class, enjoy the pools, hot tub, basketball court, weight room and any fitness activity offered with a regular membership.

For more information, visit recreationliveshere.com. FREE!

Come play in nature! Trees recycled through the town's Christmas Tree Recycling program will be available for families to build a forest, forts, kingdoms, castles and more.

Saturday, Feb. 19 | 12 - 3 p.m. EASTMAN PARK SOUTH North of Treasure Island Demonstration Garden 970-674-3500 | recreationliveshere.com |


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