Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 2

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December 2014

Issue 2 FREE


時光 樂 歡 大 十

TOP 10 Happry Hou Wine Bars

Retief “The Goose” Goosen at the 19th Hole 喝一口南非「鵝」

So you want to work in



Enjoy a glass of Warmth 感受酒紅色的暖

Drink Up, Hong Kong! 香港飲勝!

Ali Nicol Founder of Wine Times Hong Kong


A local Hong Konger who has been working in the wine business for over 15 years. Obviously loves wine and wants to share all the lovely wines with everyone.

am sure we are all getting excited about the upcoming Christmas season but there are still a few weeks of December to get through first so I hope this second issue will give you a little inspiration as to what to drink in the run-up to the most festive holiday of the year. This month, we have taken some of our favourite Spanish wines and paired them in our readers tasting panel with some excellent Cantonese food in Happy Valley. Also this month we have the best public wine fair of the year from December 5th to 7th at the Central Waterfront. Of course, I am talking about Wine HK and this year, Wine Times Hong Kong is the media partner so we will be there for three days working on getting you (yes you!!) photographed and into the third edition of our illustrious magazine! So make sure you are there and come and see us on our booth! We will have some Champagne for you to taste along with other fun and interactive tastings – plus get in front of our camera and get yourself onto our social media page in real time! It wouldn’t be another issue of Wine Times without our food pages of course! Check out where Stephy has been and who she has been seeing! One of us has headed back to Macau to give you another review of one of our favourite places to eat and drink in the former Portuguese colony and of course we have our informational stories about those in the wine industry who give 2

their time and advice to those who are considering a career in wine. On the whole, November was a tough month with Wine and Dine and the International Wine and Spirits Fair – yes, we saw many of you there! So many wines were tasted and a lot of food was tried so we are now thinking about how to lose all that weight we have put on through our indulgence! December looks to be another exciting month full of pre-Christmas wine parties, wine tastings and dinners so make sure you check out our website www.winetimeshk. com to find out all about what is going on in the best city in the world for wine! May I take this opportunity to raise a glass to all our readers and say “thank you” for supporting us as we grow from a website into both a website and a magazine! Of course, I would also like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas – may all your dreams come true and may you be happy and cherish all that you receive this festive season. Have a great December and see you for our third issue in January 2015! Cheers!

相信每個人都期待着聖誕節日及假期的 我 來臨,趁着還有數星期去計劃如何歡渡 節日,我希望讀者們能在第2期的WTHK雜誌 中,找到想與親友共享的美酒,於排名第二最 具節日氣氛的聖誕節裏暢飲達旦。我們於「飲 食擂台」專欄中,與讀者分享了我們喜愛的西 班牙葡萄酒,並將其配以有質素的廣東菜,於 跑馬地的佳餚美饌餐廳宴請我們親愛的讀者。

十二月不僅只有聖誕節,全城最佳開放予公眾 的品酒節同樣於十二月舉行。沒錯,我說的就 是Wine HK,我們Wine Times Hong Kong也 是本次活動的合作媒體,希望在本月5至7日 於中環海濱看到你!(沒錯,是你!)讓我們在 場拍攝訪問時可以留下你的倩影,更有機會刊 登在第3期的雜誌中!記緊把握機會到訪我們 的攤位,跟我們打聲招呼!我們準備與讀者一 起品嚐香檳,將會是次有趣互動的品酒活動, 千萬不要錯過啊!我們會將活動的情形實時上 載到社交網絡,希望你也會在當中出現! 如果WTHK不談美食的話,第2期根本不可能 出版呢!Stephy為讀者們拜訪了某人,並搜 羅了有關美食的資訊,不要忘記看看她的傑 作!我們也去了澳門一趟,介紹另一間值得讀 者一試的葡萄牙餐廳,當然也不忘訪問行內的 專業人才,為有志投身酒業的朋友提供資訊性 的內容。 總結剛過去的十一月,對我們而言是個忙得頭 昏腦脹的月份,先有香港美酒佳餚巡禮(Wine and Dine),緊接其後便是香港國際美酒展 (International Wine and Spirits Fair),很可 能與你曾經在兩個展覽碰過面呢!飲飽食醉過 後,大概不能再放縱自己,是時間計劃「修 身」了。不過,看來十二月也是充滿着一個接 一個的派對、試酒會及晚宴……記緊要多加瀏 覽我們的網站,掌握 香港各類酒品的最新資訊! 在此,我想向讀者們舉杯致謝,感激你們一直 以來的支持,使我們由網站發展到雜誌同步成 長。當然,也要祝各位聖誕快樂,願望成真, 感恩並珍惜所擁有的,與親友共渡一個愉快的 十二月。讓我在此擱筆,於明年一月出版的下 一期再談!乾杯! (Christie Chan譯)

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Contents 目錄

p29 Miravelous@Room One

2 Drink Up, Hong Kong!

Hello Wine World 4 走進酒世界

7 Have a Gander at Goose Wines

So you want to work 13 in wine sales?




17 The Wine Doctor:

Countdown Bubbles: Demi-Sec

酒博士專欄:除夕夜倒數 倒杯Demi-Sec

“Join us for Tasting” 19

Panel: Canton vs. Spain 飲食擂台:廣東 對 西班牙

24 Australia: Three Regions; Three Winemakers

¡Hola amigos! 28 Get to Grips with Spain 認識產自西班牙的葡萄酒

29 Top 10 Happy Hour Wine Bars

Get Your Sommelier “To Go”! 35 「私人上門」侍酒師


p19 Seafood Paella@Fofo by el Willy

41 Macau Clube Militar:

Whine-On: 44 Ask us whatever you like! 讀者專欄:想問就問!


36 Enjoy a glass of warmth

Chef Chat with Stephy 38 當Stephy遇上主廚


A Colonial Oasis amongst the Macau Melee 澳門陸軍俱樂部:城市中的隱秘綠洲

48 Recruitment in the wine business 行業人才招聘


p7 Retief Goosen’s the Goose 3


o my favorite month November has been and gone and the festive December is upon us. For wine people, November and December are always a “love and hate” thing since there are loads of tasting and events (from 9 in the morning to 12 midnight). That somehow made my birthday month November a bit less Stephy Poon loveable, but thanks to all my lovely PR Executive 公關 friends, I had a wonderful birthday that was full of different celebrations and surprises. I am really thankful for what they prepared and did for me. They had definitely made this hectic November more colorful and meaningful. One of the “best” things about being a Wine Gal is that my friends actually do think I’m “super-drinker” and won’t get drunk at all! For my first birthday dinner and drinks celebration my friends brought me 12 bottles of wine including champagne, red, white and dessert wine! So did nine of us finish all of them? Obviously we could hardly finish them in a 2.5 hour dinner and I was lucky that I could still “survive” sober throughout the dinner while the other birthday boy was already half drunk. However, sobriety “left the building” once the drinking and dancing started! I ended up sitting on the street for an hour before I could get a taxi home and ended up leaving at 5am! Having countless champagnes, red wines, white wines, vodka Redbull’s and more; getting completely drunk till I passed out on the street was definitely one of the most memorable scenes over the last 23 birthday years! When was the last time I was that drunk? Probably 5 years ago on my 19th! With another year almost coming to an end, maybe it’s time to “tidy up” your mind and prepare to start a new chapter in life - move on, keep your head up and good things will come for you. But before that, get ready to party this festive month! You better get started as Christmas and New Year are coming soon! 着令我又愛又恨的十一月已經悄悄地離開了…還未 隨 正式加入WTHK工作時,十一月的確一向是我最 愛的月份,因為整月都會充滿着不同的慶生活動,盡情 地吃喝,高呼「又老了一歲」。但結束了學生身份後, 加入葡萄酒大家庭後才知道,十一月是這行業最忙碌最 瘋狂的時候,品酒午宴,晚宴等排山倒海的來(早上 9時至凌晨12時…),之後還得不斷趕稿。但最搞笑的 是,當自己凌晨時分回到家,爸媽看到喝至微醺的我, 以為我「又去邊到蒲」… 哈哈!其實是「有苦自己知」! 不過感謝好友們的疼錫,給我生日準備了一系列的慶祝 活動,為忙得不可開交的十一月添上色彩。要數到最難 忘的一幕,莫過於生日前的一晚,好友們「提供」了香 檳、紅白酒、甜酒總共十二枝酒在晚飯時喝!連餐廳老 闆看到都不禁說「會不會太多?!」結果?晚飯我成功 「逃脫」,仍然可以保持清醒,但之後在蘭桂坊就真的 「難逃一劫」。凌晨五時的我,醉至要坐在馬路邊一小 時才可以登上的士離開! 嗯,大了一歲,2014年又快將過去,是時候放慢腳 步,重新整理自己的思緒,放下一些不值得你憂心的人 和事,好好迎接新一年的來臨。 4


ere comes Issue 2 of WTHK and I would like to thank our readers, wine friends and families for their unlimited support. Without the helping hand and love you all generously gave, it would have been a much more difficult way to have this magazine in your hands. November has amply been a busy month, not only in the wine world, but also for my social life as quite a lot of my close friends have just had their birthdays (the girl on the left of this page) and I had my graduation. Back to the wine business, I am glad that I have taken part in my very first Wine and Dine because it was simply fun. It was like an outdoor party for all ages! People partied hard when they drank, and even harder when they drank more. It might be not fair to wine retailers to say that, but watching people drink was kind of pleasure for me, at least they all seemed to be happy. I would like to conclude that drinking is happiness. Haha! Wine and Dine and International Wine and Spirits Fair were obviously the major wine events for public, while many bars and restaurants were holding tastings, luncheons and dinners for Christmas promotions. Yes, my favourite old fat guy wearing red is coming to town and I am looking forward to it. I simply can’t resist all the Christmas carols and I just want to sing along when they are played everywhere. I wish all our readers and my friends and family enjoy the holidays as much as I do and don’t forget to be grateful and send some love to the people around you. Merry Christmas everyone!

二期WTHK雜誌出版了!在此,我想對讀者們、 第 酒界的朋友和親友表示感謝,如沒有你們不吝嗇 地支持、幫忙及關心,今期雜誌不可能順利出版,並到 達你們的手中,讓你們細閱。

十一月對我來說,無疑是個「社交月份」,在工作上參 與了香港美酒佳餚巡禮(Wine and Dine)及香港國際美 酒展(International Wine and Spirits Fair),而個人上 也忙着出席朋友們的生日派對(本頁左邊的女孩就是其 一),以及大學畢業的大日子也過去了。今年是我首次 參與美酒佳餚節,雖然是因為工作關係才有份參與, 但我的感受是:不錯去!這根本就是個大型的戶外派 對,參與者的年紀更無分老、中、青!大家都樂於一飲 而盡,我不得不承認我喜歡看到別人暢飲的畫面。舞台 上的DJ播着節奏強勁版本的《愛情陷阱》,台下的人 「聞歌勁舞」,大家都玩瘋了!我大概可說酒精是開 心的催化劑吧,哈哈!(雖然零售商不太樂於看到這樣 的情景) 除了美酒佳餚節和國際美酒展是十一月份的大型品酒活 動,也有不少餐廳及酒吧也忙於舉行大大小小的試酒 會、午宴及晚宴,為聖誕節的宣傳作 好準備。沒錯,全年的節日中我最喜 歡的聖誕節快到了,到處都播着聖誕 歌的時候,我不其然會很想跟着唱, 也認為聽着聖誕歌時,四周會洋溢着 歡樂的氣氛。我希望WTHK的讀者、 我的家人和朋友們,能像我一樣享受 歡欣愉悅的節日,同時不要忘記對身 邊重要的人表達感恩,為他們送上愛 Christie Chan Editor 編輯 和祝福。祝各位聖誕快樂!


Have A Gander at Goose Wines 喝一口南非「鵝」

It’s not every day one gets to meet one of their heroes but recently we here at Wine Times Hong Kong spent the afternoon and evening with one of the golfing world’s biggest stars who is also a winery owner – South Africa’s Retief Goosen. We found more about his Goose wines after the evening of “Brai” (South African Barbeque), and of course we would be more than delighted to share the highlights of the night with our readers. Text by Ali Nicol Images: Goose Wines 大人物通常都是「只聞其名,不見其人」的,但 WTHK有幸訪問到高爾夫界的南非藉明星Retief Goosen,並與他享受南非式燒烤「Brai」。他不僅是高球 好手,同時也是位酒莊莊主,就讓我們邊享美食,邊 了解這隻來自南非的「鵝」—The  Goose葡萄酒。當 然,也要跟親愛的讀者分享我們的所見所聞呢。 譯文:Christie Chan

Retief Goosen 7


tief became a professional golfer in 1990 and quickly won universal acclaim for his prowess on the golf course. After a quiet first five years up to 1995 Retief then went into overdrive and from 1995 to 2000 won a golf competition somewhere in the world each year. The culmination of his success was the winning of the US Open in 2001 after defeating American Mark Brooks in a dramatic 18hole play-off. Retief then emulated the same achievement in 2004 and won his second US Open – the third non-American player to have ever won the tournament more than once – by two shots over legendary left-handed golfer Phil “Lefty” Mickelson. Now, as much as we here love golf, we also love wine – which is something we have in common with Retief! So, after an afternoon of talking golf and having a few glasses of wine, it was time to get down to the business of what we do best and something that Retief himself has taken to since setting up his partnership in 1999 with friend and business partner Dr. Werner Roux. The Goose Wine Estate is based in the unique Upper-Langkloof valley, nestled just behind the Outeniqua


Mountains on the picturesque Garden Route of South Africa. The name on the Farm’s Title Deed is “Ganzekraal”, which means “Goose Closure” or “Goose Enclave”. The farm and the surrounding area were given the name over a century ago when wild geese from the area flew down during the day to rest in the cattle and sheep closures. Whether coincidence or fate, Retief “The Goose” Goosen and Dr. Roux took over ownership of the estate, where the planting of the first six hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon took place in 1999 and which were followed up with a further six hectares of Shiraz in 2000. Wanting to express the quality that Sauvignon Blanc can show from South Africa, the pair then planted a further 6 hectares of the white grape – which at the time was seeing unparalleled success around the world in markets such as Great Britain and the United States. Catching up with Retief at Hong Kong’s Pier Bar/The Pier Bar before heading off to the golf club at Discovery Bay for dinner, we had a glass of his The Goose Sauvignon Blanc – which was very nice, well rounded and not like other new world Sauvignon Blanc’s (it almost had a Chardonnay style to it). We asked Retief if owning a winery was a dream

1990年正式開始了職業高球手生涯後, 在 他在高球場上展現實力,數年間得到廣 泛的認可。由1995到2000年間,他每年分

別於世界不同地方贏得大獎,而他職業生涯 的巔峰便是於18洞賽中擊敗了美藉選手Mark Brooks,贏得2001年度的美國高爾夫球公 開賽(US Open)。Retief以實力梅開二度,於 2004年再次贏得同項賽事,以兩桿之差擊敗 左撇子Phil “Lefty” Mickelson,成為第三 位非美藉選手兩度獲得此項殊榮。 我們對葡萄酒的熱愛,並不會少於高爾夫球運 動,這是我們與Retief相投之處!聊過他在高 爾夫球場上的彪炳戰績後,暢飲同時更要把酒 談!他在1999年與朋友及生意伙伴Dr. Werner Roux合資買下酒莊,開展了他的葡萄酒 事業。 The Goose Wine Estate位於南非南部的Upper-Langkloof的山谷,正正處於靠近Outeniqua Mountains(奥特尼夸山脈)、風光明媚 的Garden Route(花園大道)。這塊土地在地 契上的法定名稱為「Ganzekraal」,意思就 是「養鵝場」或「鵝的領域」。名字的由來顯 然而見,早在百多年前,野生鵝群經常聚腳於 這塊土地及周邊地區,與牛群及羊群一同在 日光下休憩。或許是命運巧合的安排,名字 同樣離不開「鵝」的Retief “The Goose” Goosen和Dr. Roux獲得了這莊園的擁有權, 並於1999年開始種植佔地6公頃的Cabernet Sauvignon,接下來在2000年種植另6公頃的 Shiraz。當時,在看到Sauvignon Blanc在世 界各地的市場取得無比的成功後(例如英美兩 國),兩人也希望向世界展示南非也能種出優 良的Sauvignon Blanc,於是又種植了另外的 6公頃。

he had always had as a boy growing up in South Africa. “You know it wasn’t originally until a buddy of mine in the property business in South Africa and I started talking about wineries. He’s a big lover of wine and his dad is a big wine collector. So we started discussing the idea and looking at wineries but wineries are expensive”, says the enthusiastic Retief on reminiscing about the past. “We then looked at the idea of buying land and planting a winery but then you have to wait around 5 years before you can actually make a wine. Eventually we bumped into a guy called Morne Jonker that owned a small winery near George which is in the coolest climate in the country for a vineyard – it’s about 450km up the coast from Stellenbosch. Morne’s wines had just won the best wines in South Africa so we knew he had a good farm; so we ended up buying it! Our first vintage as The Goose was in 2005 with a very limited run. More major production then started from 2007 onwards.” Retief’s “The Goose” wines are not for show or for marketing as he’s passionate about being a part of the production. It’s not just something he puts his name to (like many other celebrities do), but something he takes an active role in and naturally wants the best product they can produce. Many of South Africa’s sportsmen have wine labels with their name on such as David Lloyd and Ernie Els (both also golfers). Just for a bit of fun we asked Retief who makes the better wine, himself or Ernie!

ness, wineries that are owned by golfers are few and far between; there are only three in fact and they are owned by Retief himself, Ernie and superstar Australian golfer Greg Norman.

“Well I know it’s me! We have a little bit of a competition on that you know! Like I say, wines are a product that some like and some don’t – some will like my wines and some will like his wines!” said a laughing Retief. “I know the winery he bought as it used to be a friend of my dad’s winery and I know they have good fruit there…but of course I am going to say mine is the better one!”

“A bit of everything really. I personally struggle with old world wines. French wines I find a bit hard, a bit dry and I struggle to drink a glass of red wine without a meal. I prefer the modern style of wine from California, New Zealand and Chile. Chile would be my go-to wine if there is nothing else and I love their whites, especially the Chardonnay’s”.

We are sure that there is friendly competition between the two South African powerhouse golfers and winery owners – friendlier on the wine side than the golf side we expect! But in all serious-

Being a winery owner must mean you love wines but, considering how late in life (compared to people in Britain for example) Retief started drinking wine, we wanted to know what kind of wines he liked to drink when he’s relaxing away from the golf course.

People would be forgiven for assuming that all people who like golf are avid wine fans too. Do all golfers drink and if they do, what do they drink? We quizzed Retief on who drinks what on the tour, hoping to dig up some dirt on our other favourite stars – but

在碼頭等候乘船往愉景灣的高爾夫球會 時,Retief和我在The Pier Bar嚐了一杯釀自 他酒莊的The Goose Sauvignon Blanc。這 酒不像其他新世界的Sauvignon Blanc,香氣 味道方面都較為配合,幾乎像Chardonnay的 風格一樣。Retief在南非長大,當問到他的兒 時夢想是否就是擁有屬於自己的酒莊,他這樣 回答:「也算不上是兒時夢想,碰巧我與一位 從事房地產業的朋友談到酒莊,才知道他是個 葡萄酒的狂熱分子!他的父親也非常熱愛葡萄 酒,是個葡萄酒收藏家。因此我們慢慢有了買 下酒莊的想法,也不時尋找投資酒莊的機會, 但酒莊的價值實在高昂。」Retief在緬懷過去 時臉帶微笑。 「我們也就萌生了買地自行建立莊園的想法, 但唯一的短處是要等上5年時間才能釀造出第 一枝酒。最後我們遇上了一個小酒莊的莊主 Morne Jonker,他的酒莊位於George(喬治) 附近,其葡萄園處於全南非氣候最清涼的地理 位置──距離Stellenbosch(史鐵倫布什)的海岸 線約450公里。Morne所釀的葡萄酒當時獲得 獎項,比某些最好的南非葡萄酒還要優勝,反 映他擁有一塊優良的土地去種植葡萄,所以我 們便把它買下了!我們釀製The Goose的第 一個年份便是2005年,屬於限量釀製,而自 2007年起便開始更大規模地生產。」 Retief釀造The Goose葡萄酒並非為了炫耀或 商品化其品牌,也不是為了使他個人的聲名大 噪(不像其他名人般),卻正正是因為他對釀造 葡萄酒抱有熱誠,享受參與釀酒過程,所以自 然也希望釀出品質優良的葡萄酒。許多南非藉 的職業運動員也擁有自家品牌的葡萄酒,例如 9

Retief was far too diplomatic for that! “The youngsters Charl (Schwartzel) and Louis (Oosthuizen) tend to drink wine more so they don’t really drink beer. Ernie likes a bit of everything but probably more so beer. But in general the guys are pretty healthy drinkers. Golf is a professional sport and the guys know the importance of staying in shape these days”. Staying on the theme of golf rather than wine, we wanted to know whether winning the US Open for the first time in 2001 was the best day of his life up to that point. “Up to that date it was definitely my best one yes, but the one that always stands out is your first pro win as a professional. My first professional win in South Africa was in 1991 beating John Bland on the first hole. Then the following year I beat Nick Price and Vijay Singh in South Africa. These two definitely stick in my mind but as does winning my first European major in 1994/1995. But of course the US Open win in 2001 was the one that changed things for me”. 10

So what did the best golfer drink that night to celebrate the win? “Funnily enough in 2001 – you know I messed up on the last hole and we had to finish on the Monday – my wife was back in England and so, literally right after the play off I got a private jet to the nearest international airport and took an overnight flight with British Airways back to London. It was rather strange; I’ve just won the US Open and I’m sitting on a plane all by myself with a glass of wine saying “well played”! But the captain was a golfer and he came up on the PA and said “we’d just like to congratulate Retief Goosen on winning the US Open” to all the other travellers on the flight – but everybody was probably asleep by then! The following day all my friends were there waiting for me at the airport which was great”. Ever the consummate professional, Retief takes as much pride in his wines as he does in his golf. Currently, the winery produces a Sauvignon Blanc and a Reserve “T-Box” Sauvignon Blanc alongside The Goose Shiraz, The Goose Pinot Noir, The Goose Cabernet Sauvignon and a beautiful wine

同為高球手的David Lloyd和Ernie Els。我們 逗趣地問Retief,究竟他和Ernie Els之間,誰 釀造的酒較為出色。 「我知道是我!我和Ernie Els在這事上也會互 相競爭的。就像我曾說的,人人對葡萄酒的喜 惡不同,所以有些人會喜歡我的葡萄酒,有 另一些人則會喜歡他的葡萄酒!」Retief笑着 說。「他從我父親的朋友手上購入他現有的酒 莊,因此我知道那裏也能種出優質的葡萄…… 但我也一定要說我的葡萄酒比他的好吧!」 在這兩個南非藉的高爾夫球好手及酒莊莊主之 間,必然存在着友好的良性競爭,不過在葡萄 酒上該比在球場上的較勁更要「友好一點」 吧!在世上擁有酒莊的職業高球手並不多,只 得三位,除了Retief和Ernie外,還有澳洲藉高 球明星Greg Norman,而他們酒莊的位置也 相距不短。 作為酒莊莊主,愛喝葡萄酒是肯定的事,但 Retief並非早早就愛上葡萄酒的(相比起英國 人),而我們想知道他放鬆時喜歡喝哪種葡萄 酒。「所有種類的葡萄酒我也喜歡。個人來 說,我對舊世界的葡萄酒較為抗拒,難以在不 進餐下飲用法國的葡萄酒,其味道口感十分乾 澀,連喝一杯也太難了。我較喜歡新世界風格 的酒,例如加州、紐西蘭及智利的葡萄酒。如 果沒有其他選擇,我的首選會是智利的酒, 我喜歡上產自當地的白酒,尤其是Chardonnay。」

called The Goose Expression – an eclectic blend of Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon. Wines are available in Hong Kong from local importer Essential Fine Wines. More information can be found on their website or contact Colin Sim by email at colin@ 在許多人的思維中,喜歡高 球的人通常也相當熱衷於葡 萄酒,這也難怪他們有如此 的假定。是否所有高球手也 愛喝酒嗎?如果是,他們喜 歡喝甚麼種類的酒?我們問 了問Retief,想要「八卦」 一下高球明星們都在喝些甚 麼,又或是在賽時期間會否 大喝一場,可是他的公關技 巧太強了,並沒有講出甚麼 驚為天人的秘密。

我便乘私人飛機到最近的國際機場,乘搭了英國航空的一班通宵客機返回倫 敦。其實確是怪怪的,剛贏得了美國高爾夫球公開賽大獎,我卻獨自一人乘 坐飛機,喝着一杯酒,對自己說:『打得好!』碰巧該班航機的機長也是個高 球手,他向所有乘客進行廣播,說:『我們在此恭喜Retief Goosen贏得美國 高爾夫球公開賽大獎』,可是機上的絕大部分乘客正在美夢之中,根本聽不到 呢!但我在隔天早上下機時,看到許多朋友一早來到機場等候,恭賀我取得佳 績,這真的是個美好回憶。」 擁有精湛球技的Retief不僅對在高球場上感到自豪,釀造出美酒同樣使他感到 值得驕傲。釀自他酒莊的The Goose Shiraz、The Goose Pinot Noir,以及 The Goose Cabernet Sauvignon,本地進口商Essential Fine Wines均有代 理,詳情可瀏覽,或電郵到與Colin Sim 聯絡。

「較為年青的Charl (Schwartzel)和Louis  (Oosthuizen)喜 歡多喝一點,所以他們不太會 喝啤酒。Ernie也算是甚麼都 喜歡,但他更喜歡喝啤酒吧。 不過總的來說,他們都是適量 喝酒的,高爾夫球是職業運 動,保持身形及體格也十分重 要的。」 繼續談高球而暫不談酒,我 們 問 Re t i e f 在 2 0 0 1 年 摘 下 美國高爾夫球公開賽大獎的 那天,是否他當時的人生中 最美好的一天。「在當時來 說,無疑是的。但是每每回 憶舊時,首先想起的總是第 一次贏得的職業賽。在1991 年,我於第一個洞便擊倒了 對手John Bland,是我第 一次在南非贏得的職業賽。 之後的那一年,我同樣在南 非擊敗了Nick Price及Vijay Singh。對我而言,這兩場 賽事深深地印在我腦海中, 另外在1994或1995年首次贏 得歐洲賽事,其印象也很深 刻。但無可否認,2001年贏 得美國高爾夫球公開賽大獎 為我帶來很大的改變。」 那麼,我們的高球好手於獲 獎當晚喝了些甚麼來慶祝捷 報呢? 「回想當時真的很好笑。我 在最後一洞打得很差,而賽 事在平日的星期一完結;另 一邊廂,我的太太又已經身 在倫敦,所以賽事一完結, 11

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So you want to work in wine sales?



ine has become one of Hong Kong’s biggest assets in the years since the dropping of import taxes in 2008 but without the workforce that drives the products there would be no way of getting the wines into the hands of either the consumers, restaurants or shops. Working in wine sales has become big business and there is a stable and exciting career ahead of anyone who should choose to go into the trade. Most wine sales people work on a salary plus commission basis so, the more you sell the more you earn! This is a great incentive to become the best salesperson you can be and in going about your job you meet and make friends with many different and diverse personalities along the way. It’s also a great way to learn about the products on the market from both your employer and the sommeliers, shopkeepers and restaurant managers you work with whilst going about your job.

2008年政府取消葡萄酒入口 自 稅起,葡萄酒便成為香港重要 的銷售商品之一。葡萄酒能夠成功 從世界各地落到香港的消費者、餐 廳及店鋪手中,酒業的營銷人員實 在功不可沒。從事這個行業猶如找 到一份「筍工」,工作穩定而又具 挑戰性,對求職者而言確是十分吸 引。絕大部分葡萄酒營銷人員均屬 「多勞多得」的薪金機制,也就是 底薪再加上佣金,酒賣得愈多,賺 得愈多。除此之外,你也可以透過 這份工作接觸到不同個性的人,擴 闊個人社交圈子,同時又可以從僱 主、品酒師、餐廳經理或其他營銷 人員身上,學到有關葡萄酒的專業 知識。

葡萄酒營銷行業經常缺乏人手,即 使你不諳酒類知識(當然懂得一點點 會更有優勢),大部分僱主都會提 供在職培訓,讓你能一邊學習一邊 工作,對許多工作經驗不多的求職 者而言是個喜訊。今期WTHK訪問 了兩位年輕的葡萄酒營銷人員,分 別就職於酒零售商Links Concept 及Macro Asia Wine and Spirits的 Angel Yung和Nicolas Zozoula, 與讀者分享他們入職以來的親身感 受及經歷。Angel在同一間公司工 作了10年,而Nicolas從小已投身 葡萄酒行業,來港工作之前更曾在 多個國家工作過。究竟是甚麼令他 們對這份工作抱持熱誠?來看看他 們第一身的意見,可能會為希望入 行的你帶來一些啟發呢。

Text by Ali Nicol Photography by Stephy Poon

攝影:Stephy Poon 譯文:Christie Chan

The great thing about the job these days are that there are plenty of people looking to hire wine sales people and, with on the job training there is not necessarily the need for a vast amount of wine knowledge prior to starting your career in sales (although a little is always beneficial!) Wine Times Hong Kong met up with two young people in the industry – Angel Yung of Links Concept and Nicolas Zozoula of Macro Asia Wine and Spirits – to talk about their experience in the business. Angel is a local girl who has been in the industry for 10 years working at Links while Nicolas has been in the industry his whole working life all around the world before settling in Hong Kong a few years ago working with Macro. Listen to what advice they have to give you this month as anyone aspiring to get into the industry would do well to get some first-hand advice from those in the business… 13


So how did you get into the wine sales industry? AY: I got into sales through a referral by a friend. I used to work in the restaurant business – in the first Harlan’s in the IFC. I worked there for about half a year and my intention was to leave for an office job! Then my manager introduced me to the boss at Links Concept as he was looking for someone to work in their office. I thought ‘OK, let’s give it a try’! I worked as an assistant and on the order desk and this is how I learned about wine – eventually I moved up into the sales side and here I am 10 years later! NZ: It’s a very long story – but I’ll make it short! I am from the wine region of Bordeaux and my family is a big epicurean family so we always had wines at each meal which gave me the opportunity to taste a little bit. My godfather was in the wine industry and he took me under his wing, exposing me to many wines and the ability to try them. After sommelier school I worked as a sommelier for 9 years around the world but the opportunity came up in wine sales in Hong Kong so I switched from being a sommelier to working in sales.


AY:我透過一個朋友介紹下開始營銷工作,本來我是 從事餐飲業,在當時還是位於IFC的Harlan’s多國菜餐 廳工作半年後,一心想轉要轉變工作環境,決定在辦公 室打工。於是,與我同任職同一餐廳的經理便介紹我與 Links Concept的老闆認識,他的公司正缺人打理辦公 室事務。我想:「好吧,去試試看!」然後我就當上了 這間公司的辦公室助理,負責處理客戶訂單,我亦從中 開始接觸及認識葡萄酒,最後當上了葡萄酒營銷人員, 現在才能在這接受訪問! NZ:這個故事確是「一匹布咁長」!但我會試着長話 短說的。我是從波爾多葡萄酒區來的;從家裏學到「今 朝有酒今朝醉」,因為在家裏吃的每一餐幾乎都會喝上 葡萄酒,在充滿着享樂主義的氛圍下成長,我有着許多 機會嚐各種葡萄酒。在品酒學校畢業後,我自然也就當 上了品酒師,在世界不同的地方工作了9年後,偶然得 到來港發展的機會,便由品酒師轉為葡萄酒營銷員。

Did you have any wine knowledge prior to working in wine sales? 在從事葡萄酒營銷工作前,你具備任何有關葡萄酒的知識嗎? AY: I only knew very little but I learned on the job from my boss. I also studied hard at home to teach myself more about wine. When I went for my first interview at Links I was shaking I was so nervous!

NZ: I have a sommelier diploma from Bordeaux – so yes, you could say I had a little bit yes! But ‘drinking is the key to knowledge’, so the more you taste the more you learn too.

What do you like most about working in wine sales? AY: Well, I like wine for sure! I like the social interaction you have with you clients and you need to go and visit them in their restaurants most days. It’s great that you get to meet so many different people on your journey too and you can increase your network – it’s not the same as working in restaurants. NZ: I have had a big passion for wine since I was about 13 years old – that’s when I first really started tasting wine. I love meeting new people and wine is a good intermediary for meeting new people, not just from Hong Kong but from all over the world. You can travel the world and spend hours discussing your passion because it never gets boring. Working in the industry makes me happy. 14

AY:在開始這份工作之前,我對葡萄酒只有少量認識, 但我入職後從我的老闆身上學到很多,我也會在家自 學,學多一點、記多一點有關葡萄酒的種種知識。我還 記得第一次到Links Concept面試時,我緊張得全身發 抖呢! NZ:我曾在家鄉波爾多修讀過品酒學校的文憑學位── 是的,我在這之前算是有一點點認識吧!但我很認同「 喝酒是開啟品酒知識的鑰匙」,喝得愈多才會學得愈多 呢。

作為葡萄酒營銷人員,有甚麼令你最有滿足感? AY:我肯定我是愛酒的!我喜歡與顧客之間的互動,也 喜歡上門拜訪他們的餐廳,可以從工作上遇到許多不同 的人。而且,工作同時也可以加強自己的人際網絡,這 與餐廳工作並不一樣。 NZ:我大約13歲開始品嚐葡萄酒,慢慢對葡萄酒產生 濃厚的興趣。我喜歡結識新朋友,不論在香港或世界各 地,葡萄酒可謂「交際催化劑」,可使朋友間交流彼此 對葡萄酒的興趣,是個可以聊上一整天的話題呢!這份 工作真能令我感到開心滿足。

What are the hardest parts of doing the job?


AY: One of the hardest things is having to work many times on your day off. Some customers only work late night so you have to be on call a lot of the time. I do always answer the phone, even if it’s midnight – but it’s not something I enjoy! But this is all part of the service and we are really in a service industry so we have to do it. You also have to work weekends sometimes so your brain is always running – this doesn’t happen in many other industries so it can be hard to relax at times.

AY:其中一個難處就是經常需在假日工作,有些顧客的 工作時間通宵達旦,因此我也要24小時隨時接聽他們的 電話,即使在午夜時分,這我可不享受!但接聽客人電 話也是服務的一部分,而我們作為服務性行業,的確需 要忍受這些難處。有時候,我也需在周末工作,所以腦 子整天都在圍繞工作而轉,身處這行業有時令身心難以 真正放鬆。

NZ: For me the negative things are especially cold calling. I don’t like walking into a place unannounced and sometimes you meet people who really don’t know what they really want. In the wine business there are a lot of people with minimal knowledge and you have to deal with them almost every day – this is tough. Another tough part is convincing people to spend a little more on a better bottle of wine; a $10 difference in the price of the bottle can make a huge difference in the quality of wine – but so many people are only looking at price.

NZ:對我來說,推銷電話工作(cold calling)是比較負 面的。我也不喜歡隨意走進一個地方,然後便推銷我的 產品,有時候更會遇到棘手的顧客──就是根本不知道 自己想要些甚麼的人。我每日都需面對對葡萄酒幾乎具 「零知識」的人,有時對牛彈琴實在不好受。另外,說 服客戶花多一點錢去購買更優質的葡萄酒也有其難度, 僅十元的分別已在酒的質素上有着巨大的差異,但仍有 不少人以價錢為首要考慮。

Do you think online wine sales will be a danger to the way you do your job? 你認為葡萄酒零售商發展網上購物業務,對你的工作構成危機嗎? AY: I cannot say it will be a danger to my job – not yet anyway! But online sales in Hong Kong are not easy and it is really only for private customers. In Hong Kong private customers want to meet the sales person more than they want to buy on line. Buyers want to see the bottle and hold it in their hand before they buy so this is an inhibiting factor to online sales at the moment. I think online sales are an important part of the future of wine sales, but at the moment it hasn’t yet taken off.

AY:我不能說這會對我的工作構成危機,至少暫時還 未!但網上購物在港並不容易,大部分顧客均是個人消 費者,而他們大多想親身聽到我們的講解,也想親眼看 到想買的葡萄酒,並將其捧在手裏,這也解釋了為何網 上購物在香港並不流行。我認為網上購物對未來的葡萄 酒行業發展是一個重要的部分,但現時來說,它還未成 氣候。

NZ: In Hong Kong? Not really as yet. It’s a small city and people may have a difficult time trusting online companies. Although we have a great online presence, most clients still contact the sales person directly – they rarely go randomly to a website to buy wines, they use it to find wine and then contact us sales people. It’s more a platform to showcase wines at the moment so I don’t see any danger to the wine sales jobs these days.

NZ:在香港?目前還不會。香港地方小,顧客可直接 到零售商店購買葡萄酒,而且許多人仍認為網上零售店 不可靠。雖然很多零售商的線上業務配套相當不錯,但 絕大部分的客戶仍會親自聯絡營銷人員,他們甚少隨意 瀏覽一個網站並購買葡萄酒,反而會利用網站找到想要 訂購的酒品,再聯絡營銷人員購入。網上購物暫時只是 一個展示平台,顧客只會從人中取得酒品資料,因此我 不會將其視之為可見的危機。

What advice would you give to young people aspiring to work in wine sales? 對於有意投身這個行業的年輕人,你會給予甚麼建議? AY: You need to be passionate and patient! You need to be honest and build up good and long-standing relationships with your clients. You have to understand the needs and wants of different clients as no two are the same. Being able to speak English is a part of the job so you must have some English knowledge and also having confidence is important too. But importantly, you have to keep learning – learn from anyone and everyone you can in order to better your knowledge. That’s a very important part of the job.

NZ: You have to remember that just because you like wine, you are not guaranteed to be able to sell it. The word ‘sales’ is more important than the word ‘wine’ actually – it’s the business of wine. You don’t spend your days drinking or getting drunk; you have to sell – you need to have a lot of connections and persevere with it. You have to knock on every door and sometimes this is not easy to do. You have to have a little bit of knowledge so get curious, buy some bottles of wine now and again and the understanding will come. But remember that personality makes a big difference; if you are shy it will be difficult because it’s a competitive market. It really helps if you can find a mentor that will help you out in learning all parts of the sales business.

AY:你需要有熱忱和耐性!你也要誠實地與客戶建立良 好而長遠的關係,了解他們所想要的和他們所需要的, 因兩者是不同的。能說英語是工作要求的一部分,自信 亦同樣很重要,然而最重要的是,你需要謙虛地一直學 習,從任何所有人身上學習,那麼自己的知識才能更長 進,這真的十分重要。 NZ:要記得一點是,你喜歡葡萄酒,不代表你也能銷 售葡萄酒。「銷售」始終比「葡萄酒」來得重要,因為 這是葡萄酒的生意。你不能整天都在喝酒,甚至喝得 醉醺醺──銷售才是你該做的。你需要建立大量人際關 係,然後再用心維繫。有時候你需要逐家逐戶去敲門, 這並非易事。你需要具有葡萄酒知識,並燃起你的好奇 心,買幾枝酒後再買幾枝酒,喝了也就懂了。請緊記, 個性很重要,如果你是個害羞怕事的人,在這個充滿競 爭的市場或會把你淘汰。如果找到一個行內人作為你的 導師,願意指導你在工作上的一切,相信對你在這行業 發展一定有莫大的幫助。 15


THE WINE DOCTOR: Countdown Bubbles: Demi-Sec 酒博士專欄:除夕夜倒數 倒杯Demi-Sec by Maurizio Galli

A passionate wine aficionado and educator who believes in a non-pretentious approach to wine. Having a soft spot for obscure and exotic wine regions, he quickly gained a reputation of wine nerd under Red Mill’s umbrella.


must confess that I’m a sucker for bubbles, especially Champagne and that being said I can’t wait to indulge on some during the upcoming Christmas celebrations and New Year’s Eve countdown. For me and probably many of you, Champagne is my first choice during these celebrations, although good quality Cava and even Prosecco do have their place as worthy and sometimes cheaper alternatives. I won’t discuss here which method or region you should pick as for all I care you can use your own home made wine, carefully plugged in to the soda-stream machine; weirdo! Instead let’s talk about sugar and my favorite style for the New Year’s Eve Countdown: The Demi-Sec.

Coupes were created to emulate shape of Marie Antoinette’s breast, Champagne was almost always sweet as it was often drunk as dessert to accompany a slice of cake at the end of a meal which explains at least partially why it was preferred with a higher content of sugar. It is believed that the style was close to what today we call Demi-Sec. The demise of this sweeter style in favour of the drier Brut style only occurred in late 20th century when the trend of drinking Champagne moved to aperitif rather than with dessert. The trend was encouraged by more and more producers as they started to focus on the Brut style whose fresh acidity was perfect to awaken the appetite.

Sugar Content in Sparkling Wine When choosing a bottle of bubbles you come across these different names printed on the labels: Brut nature, Extra Brut, Dry, Extra Dry, Sec, Demi-Sec and Sweet. These words are strictly used for Champagne and other sparkling wines and are often confusing, leaving inexperienced wine lovers quite intimidated. To keep it short all these words refer to the amount of sugar added to the wine; thus the level of sweetness in the wine, which is regulated in the final stages of production before final corking by the addition of the liqueur d’expédition, a liquor made by the producer using the base wine, whose primary function is to balance the high acidity in Champagne and other sparkling wines.

So why choose the out of fashion Demi-Sec for your countdown celebration? You may think that Demi-Sec is out of fashion but let’s try to follow the logic mentioned above and adapt it to the Countdown context: a count-down is no longer an aperitif but rather a late night drink that traditionally follows a plethora of different courses all the way to dessert. On New Year’s Eve, if you are spending it at home or in a hotel and not in a lousy night club, by the time you reach 11:59pm - given that you are not already passed out on the floor – you’re ready for your favorite ice cream, your 11th piece of fruit tart, or... chocolate-strawberries if you’re having one of those lucky New Year’s Eve’s. All this being said, you need to pair and balance all these components and this is where Demi-Sec wins: a dessert friendly wine that is happy and easier to drink at the later hours of the night. Why you say? Well, first of all the sugar in the wine has the ability to balance the acidity making its perception milder and more enjoyable, particularly after a huge feast. Second of all, the balance between sweetness and acidity of the Demi-Sec is in better harmony with the sweetness of the desserts, whereas a Brut style could leave behind a nasty bitter after taste.


Sugar content (grams per litre)

Brut Nature (no added sugar)


Extra Brut




Extra Dry, Extra Sec, Extra seco


Dry, Sec, Seco


Demi-sec, Semi-seco


Doux, Sweet, Dulce


Brut is today the most common and popular style. Why? During the 19th century, at a time when it’s rumored that Champagne

Well now let’s lift the Champagne Coupe – no not the plastic cups! Ten-Nine-Eight-Seven-Six-FiveFour-Three-Two-One-Happy New Year!!

人說我急不及待聖誕節及新年的來臨,屆 有 時可以不停狂飲氣泡酒,是的,我必需承 認我超喜歡氣泡酒,尤其是香檳。儘管市面上有 許多優質的Cava及Prosecco,其價格或許更便 宜一點,但相信許多人和我一樣,香檳仍然是節 日的首選。我不會在此討論何種釀法或是何產地 的氣泡酒更好,若你夠怪的話,更可以自行在家 釀酒,然後再用以機器為酒打入氣泡,沒有人會 阻止你的。不如就讓我為大家介紹,氣泡酒的糖 分分類以及我最喜愛在除夕夜倒數時享用的氣泡 酒:Demi-Sec。

當你挑選氣泡酒時,大概會從酒身標籤上看到以 下的名稱:Brut nature、Extra Brut、Dry、Extra  Dry、Sec、Demi-Sec或Sweet。這全都是 氣泡酒的專用名詞,經驗不足的飲用者可能會因 而感到混淆或被嚇怕。長話短說,這些名詞分別 代表氣泡酒有着不同的糖分含量,也就是代表酒 的甜度(見本頁左下方列表)。釀酒師會以酒本身 釀造出liqueur  d’expédition,在釀酒過程的 最後一環把其加入,用以控制氣泡酒的甜度及平 衡其酸度,最後才能封瓶。 現在比較受大眾歡迎的香檳是Brut,為甚麼? 在19世紀期間,有傳當時流行的香檳杯(Champagne Coupes)是按瑪麗皇后(Marie Antoinette)雙乳形狀而造的,而香檳在當時就像甜品 一樣,人們喜歡在飯後配上蛋糕享用,這段歷 史解釋了為何以往的人喜歡甜味較重的香檳, 其甜度估計與我們現在所指的Demi-Sec相近。 不過,甜味較重的香檳於20世紀後期變得不再 那麼受歡迎,取而代之的是相對較乾澀的Brut, 原因在於人們視香檳為開胃酒多於甜品酒,其新 鮮的酸度可以令人胃口大開。釀酒商也大量生 產Brut風格的香檳,使這個潮流趨勢一直持續至 今。 那麼,為何要在除夕夜喝上被潮流淘汰的DemiSec呢? 可能你會覺得Demi-Sec是不合時宜的,但暫且 以上述所提及的作為基本邏輯,然後再幻想現在 就是除夕倒數夜:倒數也就是將近深夜的時分, 此時你不會想喝開胃酒,因在吃過一道接一道的 菜後,快要吃到最後一道甜品了。如果你在家 裏或酒店渡過除夕夜而非在夜店狂歡倒數,時間 到達11點59分的那一刻,再假設你還未醉倒地 上,你應該已經準備好吃你最愛的雪糕、第11 件水果撻,或是沾滿巧克力的士多啤梨(吃到將 會是幸運的除夕夜)。這時,你需要喝的是可以 平衡及配合所有甜品的香檳,Demi-Sec便會在 眾多香檳中取得十拿九穩的勝算──適合在深夜 與甜品一起享用,同時較易入喉也能令人感到開 心。為何這樣說?首先,香檳中的糖分可平衡其 酸性,使酒變得更中性及溫和容易入喉,特別在 吃過豐富的大餐後飲用。第二,Demi-Sec的甜 度與酸度,跟各類甜品的甜度較能配合,而Brut 則可能會留下苦澀而不討喜的餘味。 舉起你典雅的Champagne Coupe香檳杯來,絕 對不能是沒品味的膠杯!來倒數吧……10-9-87-6-5-4-3-2-1-新年快樂! (Christie Chan譯) 17


“Join us for Tasting” Panel: Canton vs. Spain 飲食擂台:廣東 對 西班牙 Let’s rock wine tasting in a way other than with the “professionals”. Here we present to you our “keep it real” tasting panel, where we invite our readers to join us to taste wines and give real honest feedback. Each month, we will take wines from a particular country and take you out for dinner with your friends and all you have to do is tell us and our readers what you think of the wines and simply enjoy a delightful dinner! Spanish wines are not overly popular among locals in Hong Kong but its popularity has increased in recent years. So this month we have picked Spanish wines to pair with local Cantonese food at Gastronomic Passion restaurant in Happy Valley. Ready to read our readers’ thoughts about the wines? Just flip the page.

有別於一貫刻板的專業酒評,WTHK每期的飲 食擂台將邀請讀者與我們一同嚐盡美酒佳餚, 讓他們寫下最真實的感受及酒評,並親身告 訴所有讀者。我們每月會挑選一個國家的葡萄 酒,宴請讀者和朋友們邊享用晚餐邊品嚐美 酒,並即席寫下和分享對酒品的想法。 西班牙葡萄酒一向並非香港人的至愛,但 所以本月我們挑選了其葡萄酒,讓讀者自行判 斷是好是壞。我們請來了幾位讀者,到位於跑 馬地的廣東菜餐廳佳餚美饌餐廳一同吃喝,來 讓我們看看他們的第一身意見! 圖文:Christie Chan & Stephy Poon

Photography & Text by Christie Chan & Stephy Poon From the left 左起:

1. Castano Macabeo Chardonnay 2012, Yecla 2. Puerto Salinas Bianco 2013, Alicante 3. Dido Venus la Universal Blanc (white) 2012, Montsant 4. Castano Vino Rosado 2012, Yecla 5. Salinas Monastrell 2012, Alicante 6. Marques de Murrieta Reserva 2008, Rioja 7. Dido Venus la Universal 2011, Montsant 8. Tinta Figuero 12 Crianza, Ribera del Duero

Retailer Contacts 零售代理商:

1&4: Vinspiration Hong Kong. Contact Paul Smith at 2&5: Finessa HK Ltd. Contact Thomas Egloff at 3&7: Vinoshare Com. Ltd. Contact Matthew Chan at 6: Jebsen Fine Wines. Contact Florence Luk: 8. Kedington Wines. Contact Monica Cheung at 19

♛TOP 1

Dido Venus la Universal 2011, Montsant Color: Pinkish light red colour Aroma/Smell: Fresh and fruity Taste: Dry, strong and fruity. No “sour” after taste. Easy to drink Why do you like it? It’s not spicy and the fruity taste is strong. I really like the after taste – fruity taste with a hint of sweetness. Best food pairing: Red meat like the fried beef from the menu 顏色:帶有粉紅而清澈的紅色 香氣/氣味:清新的果香 味道:味道乾澀而烈,但同時也帶有果味。沒有酸酸的餘味,容易入喉 為何喜歡?這酒不太辛烈,而且果味濃郁,我很喜歡其帶點果甜的餘味。 最佳食物配搭:紅肉,如今晚所吃的炒牛肉

♕TOP 2

Dido Venus la Universal Blanc (white) 2012, Montsant Color: Light yellow Aroma/Smell: Sour smell Taste: Very rich floral taste Why do you like it? The taste of this white is very special. It’s floral yet also with a little hint of wood. Best food pairing: Oysters with a lighter taste 顏色:淺黃色 香氣/氣味:酸味 味道:濃郁的花香味 為何喜歡?這酒十分特別,既帶花香,但卻隱藏着一點木香 最佳食物配搭:味道較淡的生蠔

Nicola Lau

Bar Manager 酒吧經理 ♛TOP 1

Puerto Salinas Bianco 2013, Alicante Color: Light clear gold Aroma/Smell: Really pleasant smell, crisp and strong grape smell Taste: First impression: strong after taste with bitterness. It starts off sweet then it goes to bitter Why do you like it? This wine gives me something more. I like the depth of the taste. Best food pairing: Cooked seafood, salmon, white cod or lobster. It’s also good to pair with the Braised Fish with Ginger and Spring Onion in Clay Pot we had tonight.

♕TOP 2

顏色:淡而清澈的金色 香氣/氣味:令人愉的香味,清新而濃郁葡萄果香 味道:第一感覺:餘味濃而帶苦。這酒是先甜後苦的 為何喜歡?它給我的感覺多於一般白酒,我喜歡它的味道之深。 最佳食物配搭:煮熟的海鮮,如三文魚、鱈魚或龍蝦。它也適合 配以今晚吃到的豉椒炒蜆

Dido Venus la Universal 2011, Montsant Color: Dark-burgundy with dark violet Aroma/Smell: Strong smell of bitterness Taste: Dry and rich Why do you like it? I like red wine that’s dry and crisp, and this is it. This is more like a “Man’s Wine”. Best food pairing: Hot food with really strong flavor or sauce, like Spare Ribs in Strawberry Sauce we had tonight. 顏色:深酒紅色;紫羅蘭色 香氣/氣味:強烈的苦澀氣味 味道:口感乾澀而豐富 為何喜歡?我喜歡口感乾澀而爽口的紅 酒,這酒便是如此。它就是一枝「男人之酒」。 最佳食物配搭:熱哄哄、濃味或配以濃汁的菜式,就如桌上士的多啤梨骨



Management Information Systems


♛TOP 1

Dido Venus la Universal Blanc (white) 2012, Montsant Color: Light yellow Aroma/Smell: Light Taste: It is smooth with good acidity and a rather full body. It’s like drinking some tiny little pieces of lemon skin. Why do you like it? Less sweet whites are my alltime favourite and here it is one. And I think this white is the Joker in the poker cards – it fits any occasion and food. Best food pairing: The Spare Ribs in Strawberry Sauce we just had 顏色:淺黃色 香氣/氣味:香氣較淡 味道:第它的口感順滑,酸度適中,酒體較為豐盈。喝它就像 喝下一塊塊極細小的檸檬皮 為何喜歡?我任何時候也喜歡較不甜的白酒,它就是這麼的一 枝酒,就是啤牌中的小丑—任何食物的「百搭」。 最佳食物配搭:剛吃的士多啤梨骨

♕TOP 2

Castano Vino Rosado 2012 Color: More like orange than Rosé Aroma/Smell: Aromas of citrus fruits Taste: It has a stronger taste with higher acidity and short length, but doesn’t reveal the existence of citrus fruits. Why do you like it? I like the contrast between the aroma and taste of this wine and I think that makes it an interesting one. Best food pairing: Seared fatty fish with herb topping

Christie chan

WTHK’s Editor


顏色:比一般Rosé更偏向橙色 香氣/氣味:柑橘類果香 味道:口入口較烈,有着較強的酸性,但味道在瞬間揮 發,同時也喝不出任何柑橘果味 為何喜歡?我喜歡這酒的味道與香氣之間的對比,因此我 認為它是枝有趣的酒。 最佳食物配搭:香草煎煮脂肪較多的魚類 21

♛TOP 1

Tinto Figuero 12 Crianza, Ribera del Duero Color: Maroon Aroma/Smell: Oaky smell Taste: Gives a “warm” feeling. Smooth with a strong after taste Why do you like it? I like how smooth this wine is. It’s very easy to drink. It can be a good dinner wine. Best food pairing: Main courses with stronger flavors like the Spare Ribs in Strawberry Sauce or the Stir-Fried Beef we had tonight 顏色:棗紅色 香氣/氣味:橡木氣味 味道:這酒給人一種溫暖的感覺,順滑但帶強烈的餘味 為何喜歡?我喜歡它的整體順滑感,是枝很易入喉的酒,也是枝好 的餐酒。 最佳食物配搭:濃味的主食,如今晚所吃到的士多啤梨骨及炒牛肉

♕TOP 2

Alan chan

Corporate Real Estate Advisor 企業投資物業顧問

Castano Macabeo Chardonnay 2012, Yecla Color: Light golden Aroma/Smell: Light aroma Taste: Mild tropical fruity flavor Why do you like it? I tend to enjoy wine that is light. This one is light and it’s good as a welcome drink before dinner! I can easily finish it. Best food pairing: Cold appetizer, may be prawns cocktails. 顏色:淺金色 香氣/氣味:淡淡的香氣 味道:既不濃又不淡的熱帶果香 為何喜歡?我較喜歡酒體輕盈的酒,這枝酒正正是這樣,最適 合作為餐前喝的酒,更可以輕輕鬆鬆把它喝光 最佳食物配搭:開胃冷盤,例如大蝦拼盤

♛TOP 1

Dido Venus la Universal 2011, Montsant Color: Dark purple; Maroon Aroma/Smell: Strong and bold, smoky oak, fruity and liquorice after smell Taste: Sweet and fruity compared to the smell; mild sweetness lingering after taste Why do you like it? It has the pleasant ripe fruits flavors. The smokiness of the wine added something to the wine to make it even better. Best food pairing: Can enjoy by itself or just pair with a steak 顏色:深紫色;棗紅色 香氣/氣味:深而重的煙熏橡木氣味、果香及甘草香氣 味道:相對其香氣而言,它有着較甜的果味,餘味也是帶甜的 為何喜歡?它的熟果甜味令人很喜歡,而且其煙熏感更使它豐富了這酒,變得更可口。 最佳食物配搭:可以只品嚐這酒而不配以食物,也可以配食牛扒

♕TOP 2

Puerto Salinas Bianco 2013, Alicante Color: Light gold Aroma/Smell: Strong aroma Taste: Noticeable acidity with a stronger after taste Why do you like it? This white has a more intricate taste and more complex compared with other whites I’ve tried. Best food pairing: Pasta or seafood in a creamy sauce 顏色:淺金色 香氣/氣味:濃烈的香氣 味道:可以嗅到它的酸性,餘味較濃 為何喜歡?這枝白酒的味道及口感很獨特,比其他我嚐過的 白酒都更為複雜。 最佳食物配搭:以奶油醬汁煮的意粉或海鮮


Pansy Chu

Business Sales Executive 營業代表

♛TOP 1

Tinto Figuero 12 Crianza, Ribera del Duero Color: Ruby red Aroma/Smell: Ripe berries aroma Taste: Very pleasant berries and plums flavors Why do you like it? I like its ripeness and richness. It’s a wine that most people won’t say no. It’s easy to drink and has its complexity. A good bottle for dinner! Best food pairing: Can enjoy by itself or with some roasts 顏色:寶石紅 香氣/氣味:熟透的莓果類果香 味道:討人喜歡的莓果味及梅子果味 為何喜歡?我喜歡它的熟透感及豐富感,順滑入喉同時又 具結構,相信沒有人會對它說不,是很好的餐酒之選! 最佳食物配搭:可以只品嚐這酒而不配以食物,也可以配 食烤肉

♕TOP 2

Salinas Monastrell 2012, Alicante Color: Dark purple Aroma/Smell: Hint of pepper and mushroom Taste: Spicy, pepper and some red fruits on the palate with medium tannins. Why do you like it? It’s nice and elegant with a good length. It’s something between a Girls’ wine and a Guys’ wine. I think this bottle could please both since it has the fruitiness and the spiciness. Best food pairing: Spicy Chinese food, such as Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil. 顏色:深紫色 香氣/氣味:帶有胡椒和蘑菇的氣味 味道:這酒味道就像胡椒和紅果類,比較辛辣,甘味適中 為何喜歡?它是香氣味道優雅地配合的酒,其餘味也在口中停留很久。 這枝中性的酒,就像介乎於男性和女性之間,我想兩者也會喜歡果味濃 而帶點辛的酒。 最佳食物配搭:味辛的中菜,例如辣椒酒香煎魚塊

Stephy Poon

WTHK’s PR Executive

WTHK公關 23


ustralia is a big country for sure. It measures 4000 kilometres from East to West which is roughly the same distance is it is from Hong Kong to India or as far as it is from London to Baghdad, Iraq. So what, you say? Well, put simply Australia’s climate is as diverse as it is between London and Iraq and the mass generalisations that are attributed to Australia are, on the whole incorrect. What are these generalisations then? Well, for one; “Australia is a hot country” is true to an extent, but there are plenty of regions that are cool climate that make lovely wines. Secondly; “Vintages don’t matter in Australia” is incorrect as with a diverse climate there will always be vintage variation in well made, hand crafted wines. Lastly; “Australia has no terroir” is wrong as with such an expanse of land that ranges from low to very high altitude will always have differing soils and micro climates. WTHK caught up with three artisanal winemakers from three different regions to taste their wines and gain a valuable insight into how wines differ from region to region and to see which grapes work better in different regions; Nigel Gallop (NG) of Margaret River’s Fraser Gallop winery, Barnaby Flanders (BF) of Garagiste winery in Mornington Peninsula and Peter Schell (PS) of the Barossa Valley’s Spinifex. Margaret River, located in Western Australia south of Perth is known best for its Semillon / Sauvignon Blanc blends and Cabernet Sauvignon - and there are fewer names in the region bigger than Fraser Gallop. Located in Wilyabrup the philosophy of the winery is to “let the wines speak for themselves” and through minimal intervention and the use of traditional winemaking techniques they strive for a pedigree wine that is expressive of the region and, in particular to the terroir of Wilyabrup. Garagiste winery is located in the south eastern state of Victoria in the prime wine region of Mornington Peninsula whose regional speciality is Pinot Noir. Established in 2006, winemaker Barnaby Flanders is one of the new generation 24

of young winemakers striving to reverse the wrongs of the previous generation of Australian winemakers who (in our words) were overall detrimental to the Australian wine business as a whole by manufacturing wines rather than crafting wines that are true to the regions that they came from. Garagiste specialise in cooler climate grapes such as Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Barossa Valley has garnered a rather bad reputation by large bulk producers giving the region the stigma of producing big, over extracted, jammy wines from Shiraz that, honestly, no one really wants to drink. Peter Schell, another young enthusiastic winemaker is trying to reverse public opinion of the Barossa by making delicate wines that are crafted from predominantly southern French grapes such as Mourvedre, Shiraz, Grenache and Cinsault from his winery Spinifex who also produce elegant white wines from Ugni Blanc, Semillon, Marsanne and Rousanne – a wine style that we have truly fallen in love with! The three regions could not be more different and suited to a wide variety of different grape varieties. However, the thought processes involved and the philosophies of all three men are remarkably similar – they all want to produce wines that are indicative of the region that they are made in. Note how each winery specialise in different grapes because, simply put, different varieties work better in different regions of Australia – so the notion of terroir and “sense of place” is very much alive in this vast country (if it weren’t the case, all wines would taste the same and be made from the same grape no matter where they were made). For more information go to their website: www.sarment. hk or call them on (+852) 2187 3290.

洲無疑是個幅員廣大的國家,從東邊到西 澳 邊長達4,000公里,大約是香港與印度間的 距離,又或是倫敦與伊拉克巴格達的距離。那又 如何?澳洲不同地區的氣候差異,就如倫敦與伊 拉克之間的氣候差異一樣,不過許多人卻對澳洲 氣候作出不少錯誤的概括陳述。 怎麼樣的概括陳述?第一點:澳洲是個炎熱的國 家。在某程度上來說,這是真的,但澳洲也有許 多氣候清涼的地區,適合種植葡萄並釀造出優良 的葡萄酒;第二點:產自澳洲的葡萄酒其年份並 不重要。這是錯誤的。在不同的氣候下,不同年 份以人手種植及釀造的優質葡萄酒,也一定存在 着差異。最後:澳洲並無適合種植葡萄的風土。 這是錯誤的。澳洲佔地甚廣,有低地,也有高 原,其土壤種類以及微氣候也不大相同,其中當 然有適合種植葡萄的風土。 WTHK有幸與三位來自澳洲不同區域的手藝釀酒 師對話,並嚐到他們釀造的葡萄酒,發現在不 同區域出產的葡萄酒各有不同,而且得知那個地 區較適合種植那種葡萄。他們分別是:位於西澳 Fraser Gallop winery的Nigel Gallop (NG)、位 於維多利亞Garagiste winery的Barnaby Flanders (BF)、以及位於南澳Spinifex winery的Peter Schell。 Garagiste winery位於南澳的東南邊,正正處於 摩寧頓半島(Mornington Peninsula)的主要葡萄 酒產區,以盛產Pinot Noir而廣為人知。該酒莊 由Barnaby Flanders於2006年建立,作為較年 輕的釀酒師,他銳意扭轉過往的釀酒師為澳洲葡 萄酒塑造的形象──以工廠式生產的葡萄酒,而 非以細緻手工釀造的葡萄酒。這種情形對澳洲葡 萄酒業發展不利,同時也扼殺了澳洲葡萄酒應有 的地區特色。Garagiste專注於在氣候較冷下生 長的葡萄,如Pinot Noir和Chardonnay。 巴羅莎谷(Barossa Valley)的葡萄酒往往劣評如 潮,原因在於不少大型生產商大量釀造高強度、 過度提取的Shiraz紅酒──老實說根本沒有人喜 歡這樣的酒,這才導致其臭名遠播。年輕樂觀 的釀酒師Peter Schell,努力嘗試改變大眾對巴 羅莎谷葡萄酒的固有印象,主要以法國南部的 葡萄如Mourvedre、Shiraz、Grenache及Cinsault,精心釀造出細緻手工的葡萄酒。他的酒 莊Spinifex也釀造Ugni Blanc、Semillon、Marsanne及Rousanne,都是會令人愛上的優雅葡 萄酒! 這三個區域間的差異大得不能再大,而各區域也 生長着各樣種類的葡萄。然而,他們三位釀酒師 的思考模式及背後理念卻相類似──就是希望釀 造出能讓人識別、具當地特色的葡萄酒。他們的 酒莊位於不同區域,也種植釀造不同的種類的葡 萄,因為他們知道不同區域的風土,適合不同的 葡萄種類生長,只有挑選種植最適合當地生長的 葡萄,才能釀出最好、最地道的葡萄酒。(否則 不論葡萄酒釀自何地,只要是同種類的葡萄,便 會有着同樣的味道) 零售商Sarment均有代理Fraser Gallop、Spinifex及Garagiste的葡萄酒,如欲詳情,可瀏覽 www.sarment.hk或致電(+852) 2187 3290。

Australia: Three Regions; Three Winemakers 澳洲:三個區域,三位釀酒師

So, we put a couple of questions to all three men in an attempt to get a better idea of their winemaking vision and help you learn something about what these winemakers think you should consider about Australian wine: 難得可與三位釀酒師暢談他們在釀酒上的理念,WTHK跟他們作了訪問,希望讀者可從他們身上,認 識到更多關於澳洲葡萄酒的知識。 WTHK: Can you sum up Australian wine in a few words? 你可以在寥寥數字內總結澳洲的葡萄酒嗎? BF: Go a step further and explore! It’s exciting, it’s the best that it’s been that I can recall for quality and there’s a lot of passion behind the wines. PS: Dynamic, diverse and progressive! NG: I would ask people not to think of Australia as a great wine producing country but to think about Australia as containing many great wine producing regions. BF:踏出一步去探索吧!這很令人興奮,因為現在澳洲葡萄酒是最光景的時間,我可為其品質作保 證,你更可喝到充滿熱誠的葡萄酒呢。 PS:具活力、多元化和漸進的! NG:我希望人們想到澳洲時,會認為它有着許多好的葡萄酒產區,而非認為它是個出產佳釀的國家。 WTHK: Do you have a favourite grape to drink? 你有最喜歡的葡萄種類嗎? BF: I think something like Gamay – I am really enjoying drinking these styles of wine right now. PS: I can’t afford the Chardonnay’s I want to drink so I think I would go for Gamay as well! NG: I drink Cabernet Sauvignon 90 per cent of the time! BF:我想我喜歡與Gamay差不多的種類,現在我頗喜歡這種風格的葡萄酒。 PS:我喝不起我喜歡的高檔Chardonnay,所以我也選Gamay吧! NG:九成時間我也在喝Cabernet Sauvignon。 WTHK: Do the levels of alcohol matter in a wine? 你認為葡萄酒中的酒精含量會影響其味道嗎? BF: Yes they do! They matter in regard to balance in the wine. I want ripe flavours but balanced levels of alcohol with regard to flavour. PS: In the physical sense the balance should be right between fruit and alcohol. NG: Alcohol levels should be appropriate to the taste of the wine – but it’s not something we focus on in isolation. BF:一定有影響!酒精含量會影響葡萄酒整體的平衡。我喜以熟果釀酒,但需要好好控制酒精含量, 使之達到合適水平,才可釀出想要的味道。 PS:在物理上而言,葡萄酒的平衡點就在果味及酒精的中間。 NG:酒精含量應該恰到好處,配合葡萄酒的整體味道,但這並非我們特別注重的一點。 WTHK: Any advice you can give to young aspiring wine lovers regarding Australian wine? 對於澳洲葡萄酒,你想對年輕愛酒的朋友說些甚麼呢? BF: Keep searching and keep exploring! PS: Go ahead and ask questions to knowledgeable wine people. NG: Don’t be afraid to trust your own palate! BF:不斷探索及嚐試! Text by Ali Nicol PS:對擁有葡萄酒專業知識的人放膽問問題。 NG:要相信自己的舌頭! 譯文:Christie Chan

Nigel Gallop

Barnaby Flanders

Peter Schell 25

Region: 地區

Rias Baixas 蓬特韋德拉

Top Grape Vari- Albarino eties: 著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Rias Biaxas is known mostly for its white wines. 90% of wines produced in the region are white wine made from the Albarino grape. Located along the coastline, wines are made under coastal climate and so there’s lots of fresh seafood which make the perfect pairing for the style of wine in the region. 產自蓬特韋德拉的白酒比較有名氣,此區 出產的葡萄酒中,有90%均為白酒,而且 都是以Albarino葡萄釀造。此產區為沿海 地區,在海岸氣候下種植及釀造的白酒, 十分適合與當地的海鮮一同享用。

Top Producers: Bodegas Martin Codax 著名酒莊

Region: 地區

Ribera del Duero 日貝拉德爾德羅

Madrid 馬德里

Top Grape Vari- Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot eties: 著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Located on the Duero/Douro River this region is on the whole largely flat - although some of Vega Sicilia’s vineyards are the highest in Spain. Wines produced in the region are almost all red wines. On the whole, wines from Ribera are meant for long term cellaring - so look out for older vintages. 西班牙其中一條主要河流斗羅河(Duero/ Douro River)位於此產區,大部分地勢較 為平坦,但酒莊Vega Sicilia在此區卻擁 有着數個全西班牙最高地勢的葡萄園。此 產區幾乎只出產紅酒,整體而言,這裏釀 造的葡萄酒十分適合長期窖藏,所以較陳 年的葡萄酒會更佳。

Top Producers: Vega Sicilia, Pesquera, Dominio de Pingus, 著名酒莊 Bodegas Alion

Region: 地區

La Mancha 阿爾曼薩

Top Grape Vari- Tempranillo, Garnacha, Viura, Chardonnay eties: 著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

The home of the legendary masterpiece Don Quixote is the largest continuous vine growing region in the world and is located in central Spain. It is believed that vines were introduced by the ancient Romans but it’s more known these days for wines made by cooperatives making affordable everyday wines. 阿爾曼薩是鉅著《唐吉訶德》的發源地, 位於西班牙中部,也是全球最大的持續葡 萄種植區。相傳此區的葡萄品種是由古 代羅馬人傳入,現在更揚名於釀造價格相 宜、可供每天飲用的葡萄酒。

Top Producers: Finca La Blanca, Bodegas Romero de Avila 著名酒莊


Region: 地區

Jerez (Jerez de la Frontera) 赫雷斯(赫雷斯德拉弗隆特拉)

Top Grape Vari- Palomino, Pedro Ximinez, Moscatel eties: 著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Sherry is one of the most complex fortified wines made in Spain. It is made entirely from aging white grape wine in a system called Solera. The wines can be bone dry (Fino) all the way up to super sweet Sherries made from and named after the grape Pedro Ximinez or PX. Great wines to go with local Cantonese food. 此產區為澳洲其中一個歷史最悠久的葡萄 酒產區,由早期到此定居的德國人建立, 也是澳洲最先釀造加烈酒的地區。該區炎 熱的大陸性氣候使釀造出來的葡萄酒較具 力量及結構。

Top Producers: Gonzalez Byass, Lustau, Javier Hidalgo, 著名酒莊 Osbourne and Co.

Region: 地區

Rioja 里奧薩

Top Grape Vari- Tempranillo, Macabeo (Viura), Garnacha eties: 著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Three major areas: 1. Rioja Alta which has a higher elevation making more rustic ‘old world’ style of wine. 2. Rioja Alavesa has a poorer climate and soils so produces more full bodied wines. 3. Rioja Baja is a hot, Mediterranean climate making full bodied wines with high alcohol levels. 這產區可劃分為三個地區:1. 里奧薩阿 爾塔(Rioja Alta)的地勢較高,所出產的 葡萄酒較具舊世界的鄉村風格;2. 里奧 薩阿拉韋薩(Rioja Alavesa)的氣候阪土壤 質素較差,因此所出產的葡萄酒酒體較 豐盈;3. 里奧薩巴哈(Rioja Baja)是個炎 熱的地區,屬於地中海氣候,釀造出酒 體豐盈而酒精含量高的葡萄酒。

Top Producers: Marques de Riscal, Bodegas Muga, Bero著名酒莊 nia, CVNE, Bodegas Roda

Barcelona 巴塞隆拿

Region: 地區

Penedès 佩內德斯

Top Grape Vari- Garnacha, Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvieties: gnon, Xarel Lo, Macabeo 著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

The region is most famous for the production of Spanish sparkling wine – Cava. Located in Catalunya (where Barcelona is) the region is known more for its white wine and sparkling wine production although red wines are becoming more and more popular to produce these days. 此產區最著名出產的便是西班牙氣泡酒 Cava,同樣與巴塞隆拿位於Catalunya 省份。雖然此區以白酒及氣泡酒而聞 名,但現在愈來愈多當地酒莊也釀造紅 酒。

Top Producers: Maset, Jean Leon, Pares Balta, Torres, 著名酒莊 Freixenet

Region: 地區

Priorat 貝利奧拉特

Top Grape Vari- Grenache, Grenache Blanca, Carignan, eties: Cabernet Sauvignon 著名葡萄品種 Known For: 產區特色

Region: 地區

Montsant 蒙特桑特

Top Grape Vari- Grenache, ‘Hairy’ Grenache, Carignan, eties: Chardonnay, White Grenache 著名葡萄品種 On the whole wines from this region are Known For: big and powerful. Located adjacent to its 產區特色 more famous neighbour Priorat, the wines are of similar structure and power, but keep your eye on this region as it is one of the top up-and-coming boutique regions of Spain. 總的來說,釀自此產區的葡萄酒均具力量 及強烈。雖然毗鄰更具名氣的產區貝利奧 拉特(Priorat),同樣出產相差無幾的葡萄 酒,但此產區出現愈來愈多頂尖的精品酒 莊,值得留意。

Many small boutique winemakers moved into the area in the 1990’s which was then made a DOQ (Denominació d’Origen Qualificada, the highest category in Spanish wine law) in 2003 by the Catalan authorities. The region is a hot and rugged one, but these days arguably produces some of Spain’s very best red wines made from Grenache (Garnacha). 自1990年代起,許多規模小的精品釀酒 師進駐此產區,加泰隆尼亞政府(西班牙 自治區政府)於2003年正式將此產區立為 DOQ(西班牙酒法中的最高等級)。此產 區氣候炎熱,地勢崎嶇,卻可說是釀造 出一部分西班牙最好的Grenache紅酒。

Top Producers: Portal del Priorat, Clos Mogador, Clos 著名酒莊 Martinet, Casa Gran del Siurana, Rene Barbier

Top Producers: Vinyes Domenech, Alfredo Arribas 著名酒莊 27


TOP 10 Happys Hour Wine Bars

十大 歡樂時光酒吧 Boqueria Hong Kong

“Secret Garden” at Mira Moon Hotel

Address: 3/F, Mira Moon Hotel, 388 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Opening hours: Monday to Sunday: 6:30am to 12am Tel: 2643 8888

地址:銅鑼灣謝斐道388號 問月酒店 營業時間:星期一至日: 下午6時半至凌晨12時 電話:2643 8888

Head up to this cozy, romantic open air bar in Causeway Bay’s hippest new hotel for two for one happy hour offers on more than 20 wines by the glass including white, red, rosé and champagne. Experienced, friendly and knowledgeable staff will advise you depending on the style of wine you like and there are snacks available as well as Shisha Sticks. This tranquil garden will make you forget you are in the centre of town and, if you’re feeling like celebrating take advantage of their Perrier Jouet offer for just $348 per bottle (+10% service charge). Chill out to smooth grooves while you enjoy one of the most peaceful happy hours from 4pm to 9pm in the territory and on Monday’s all main courses are buy one get one in their adjacent restaurant Supergiant. Tuesday’s are free corkage night so what better way to further indulge after an evening of Happy Hour savings.

秘密花園位於熱鬧繁華的 銅鑼灣,環境清新寫意。 超級歡樂時光每天下午4時 至晚上9時提供買二送一 優惠。以杯計的餐酒選擇 多達20種,包括白酒、紅 酒、玫瑰紅葡萄酒(rosé) 和香檳。即使你不太熟悉 餐牌上的酒,也不用擔 心,因為秘密花園的員工 對葡萄酒有一定認識,也 很樂意解答你的問題和給 予建議。除了有葡萄酒供 應外,亦有售輕擕式水煙 (Shisha sticks),給愛吃 水煙的你。白色雕塑、黑 色的燭臺,配上正值推廣 期的Perrier Jouet($348 一枝,另收加一),將會令 你暫時忘記自己身在繁忙 的都市。凡於星期一光顧 的客人,可享有所有主菜 (Supergiant餐廳)買一送一 的優惠;星期二則享免收 開瓶費。

Address: 7/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 12nn to 2:30pm & 6pm to 11pm; Saturdays & Sundays: 12nn to 4pm & 6pm to 11pm Tel: 2321 8681

地址:中環雲咸街33號LKF Tower 7樓 營業時間:星期一至五: 中午12時至下午2時半;下 午6時至晚上11時;星期 六、日:中午12時至下午4 時;下午6時至晚上11時 電話:2321 8681

‘La Hora Barcelona’ is the famous Happy Hour at this chic, iconic Hong Kong Barcelona style restaurant which runs from 6pm to 8pm Monday to Saturday (Sunday’s is free corkage night!) with free flow Spanish Sangria and Estrella Damm draught beer. Additionally to free flow freshly prepared Sangria there is an unlimited buffet of market tapas (such as Serrano Ham, Tortilla, Olives, Cheese and Patatas Bravas), Pintxo and Basque style tapas. The crowd is hip, beautiful and young with more ladies than gents frequenting the bar after work. Get in there early each day to take advantage of the 2 hours free flow and buffet and all of this can be yours for just $188+10% service charge.

「La Hora Barcelona」 是富有巴塞隆納風格餐廳 Boqueria的歡樂時光時 段的名稱,由星期一至星 期六的晚上六時至八時( 星期日免收開瓶費),兩 小時內任飲西班牙桑格利 亞汽酒(Sangria)和Estrella Damm生啤。除了任 飲的酒精類外,也有無限 加添的西班牙小食(tapas) 供應,例如薄玉米餅,西 班牙火腿,芝士和橄欖 等。光顧歡樂時光的客人 打扮都很時尚和年輕,大 部分也是下班後到此輕鬆 一下,而且以白領女士居 多。早點到這酒吧便可盡 享兩小時任飲加小食自助 餐,$188一位,另收加一 服務費。 29

Sugar at East Hotel

Top 10 Happy Hour Wine Bars

Address: 32/F, East Hotel, 29 Tai Koo Shing Road, Island East, Hong Kong Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 5pm to 2am Tel: 3968 3738

地址:太古城道29號東隅 酒店32樓 營業時間:星期一至六: 下午5時至凌晨2時 電話:3968 3738

Located in the heart of the business district of Tai Koo Shing this ultra chic rooftop bar boasts the best place for after work drinks on Island East. DJ’s play funky tunes as you stare out over the harbour with their 270 degree views of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Happy Hour is called “Sundonwner” and runs from (5pm to 7pm) and during that time you can enjoy classic cocktails, glasses of wine or a chilled artisanal beer seated on one of their balcony sofas or one of their high top tables. Their wines by the glass are just $50 for Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot or Pinot Noir and at this time of the year you can get a great deal on one of Pete’s winter cocktails – Mulled wine, Buttered Rum and Mint Hot Chocolate (with a dash of Brandy) are what we’re drinking as the weather cools – but remember, this is definitely the best place in Island East so make sure you head over for a quick sundowner before heading home!

鄰近商業地標太古城的 Sugar,地理位置優越, 位於東隅酒店頂層,下班 後來歡樂時光,可以飽覽 270度的維港景色,更有 DJ打碟炒熱氣氛,所有令 你不快的事情都可一掃而 空。歡樂時光「Sundonwner」的供應時候是下午 5時至晚上7時,在兩小時 內你可以在舒適地坐在露 台上的沙發,呷著它們的 經典雞尾酒,紅白酒和手 工啤酒。以杯計的Sauvignon Blanc、Merlot和 Pinot Noir價格一律$50。 而在冬季時間,當然不要 錯過所有Pete調配的雞尾 酒,例如香甜熱香料葡萄 酒(Mulled wine),熱奶油 朗姆酒(Buttered Rum)和 薄荷熱朱古力(加少量白蘭 地),為寒冬加點暖意!


Club@28 at The Crown Plaza Address: 28/F and rooftop, The Crowne Plaza Hotel, 8 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Opening hours: Sunday to Thursday: 9am to 12am; Fridays, Saturdays, public holidays and eve: 9am to 2am Tel: 3980 3900 Living or working in Causeway Bay? Nowhere to go for a drink after work these days? Head to the Club@28 in the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Leighton road from 5pm to 9pm for two for one wines by the glass you will just really enjoy drinking. One of the better wine by the glass lists in Causeway Bay for sure with some excellent whites, reds and sparkling by the glass, this chilled out and stylish environment will help you relax after a long day at work. Check out the views of the harbour from one side and the Happy Valley Racecourse from the other side whilst you can sit and chill on the open air terrace next to the rooftop pool. Spending Happy Hour here will make you forget the hassles of the day for sure and, as long as you have a head for heights will relax you to the point that you won’t want Happy Hour to end!

地址:銅鑼灣禮頓道8號銅 鑼灣皇冠假日酒店28樓 營業時間: 星期日至四:早上9時至凌 晨12時;星期五、六、公 眾假期及前夕:早上9時至 凌晨2時 電話:3980 3900 在銅鑼灣居住抑或上班? 然而下班後想不到去哪裏 享受歡樂時光?位於禮頓 道的銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店 的Club@28,可能會是一 個好選擇。每日下午5時至 晚上9時的歡樂時光時段 中,這酒吧提供買二送一 優惠。它們的紅酒、白酒 和氣泡酒的選擇,可以說 是銅鑼灣區數一數二,加 上型格設計、跑馬地馬場 景緻及頂樓的泳池景,都 令Club@28的歡樂時光來 得更加吸引,令人流年忘 返!


Shelter Italian Bar and Restaurant at Hysan Place

Address: Shop 718-719, 7/F Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Opening hours: 12nn to 2am Tel: 2778 8398

Dada’s Bar + Lounge at The Luxe Manor Address: 2/F, The Luxe Manor, 39 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Opening hours: Sunday to Thursday: 4pm to 1am; Fridays & Saturdays: 4pm to 2am Tel: 3763 8778

地址:尖沙咀金巴利道39 號帝樂文娜公館2樓 營業時間:星期日至四: 下午4時至凌晨1時;星期 五至六:下午4時至凌晨2 時 電話:3763 8778

If you like checking out some special decorations besides having some wine for Happy Hour, Dada’s Bar + Lounge in The Luxe Manor Hotel will not disappoint you. Its baroque Dadaism interior design with comfy sofas provides a relaxing and chic environment for you to enjoy while chit-chatting with friends. Happy Hour promotions are available all week from 4pm to 9pm with all house red, house white, house spirits ($80/glass) and beer ($68/bottle and $75/draft) buy 1 get 1 free offer. For house white (Chardonnay, Chile) and house red (Cabernet Sauvignon, Chile), they do the daily Happy Hour promotion at $85 per glass. If you come on a Friday or Saturday and stay a bit longer after 9pm, there will be a live band playing some jazz music as well. Wine list is not dominated by the Old World Wines from France, Germany and Italy but with 60% of the New World Wines from New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, USA, and Australia.

歡樂時光當然是想喝兩 杯,輕鬆一下緊張神經, 如果加上一些特別的設計 和裝飾主題,又會否更錦 上添花?位於尖沙咀帝樂 文娜公館的Dada’s Bar + Lounge,所有座椅、沙 發、燈飾等等都用上華麗 的巴洛克風格的達達主義 (Dadaism),令人很有置身 於17世紀的歐洲的感覺。 設計獨特的環境,輕快的 爵士音樂,加上每日下午 4時至晚上9時,精選紅白 酒、啤酒、烈酒等飲料的 買一送一優惠,吸引不少 上班一族和年輕人來「把 酒談天」。每日精選買一 送一優惠紅白酒分別是智 利的Cabernet Sauvignon 和智利的Chardonnay,優 惠價$85一杯。餐牌上來 自新世界的的葡萄酒,如 紐西蘭、澳洲、智利、阿 根廷和美國大約佔六成, 比舊世界如法國、德國和 意大利的葡萄酒多,提供 不一樣的選擇。如果你有 時間,可以在週末的星期 五和六待久一點至晚上九 時,欣賞現場樂隊演奏。

Shelter is the latest outdoor offering in Causeway Bay and, much like others in the area realise that opening on the ground floor in this area is a sure way to close down fast! So, up on the 7th floor of Hysan Place is Shelter – although we think it would be better called Sanctuary rather than shelter as it’s a world away from the chaos of the streets of Causeway Bay and, with a five and a half hour happy hour (4pm – 9:30pm) there is plenty to be happy about. Champagne Mumm is 2 for 1 at $160 a glass which is exceptional value and there are 7 whites (from France, Germany, New Zealand and Italy) plus 5 reds (from Spain, Italy, Chile and New Zealand) all available by the glass and for you ladies out there, they even do a La Spinetta Moscato d’Asti on 2 for 1 during happy hour. Surely one of the best deals out there in Causeway Bay so head on down and take a look!

地址:銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500 號希慎廣場7樓718-719號 舖 營業時間:中午12時至凌 晨2時 電話:2778 8398 位於希慎廣場7樓的Shelter,是銅鑼灣區近來其中 一家最火熱的露天餐廳酒 吧。有不少人曾經開玩笑 說,Shelter應該改名作「 避難所」(Sanctuar y), 因為它很有「避世」的感 覺,尤其是在這個吵鬧喧 囂的銅鑼灣,Shelter的歡 樂時光時段(下午4時至晚 上9時30分),確是下班後 來「避難」的好地方。香 檳Mumm有買二送一優惠 ($160/杯),還有7款白酒( 法國,德國,新西蘭和意 大利)和5款紅酒(西班牙, 意大利,智利和新西蘭) ,全部都有以杯計算的優 惠。如果是女士的話,La Spinetta Moscato d’Asti 亦有買二送一優惠!Shelter的歡樂時光,絕對最適 合在銅鑼灣區活躍的你。 31

Top 10 Happy Hour Wine Bars Tapas Bar at Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel

Room One at Mira Hotel Address: 118 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening Hours: Sunday to Thursday: 3pm to 1am; Fridays & Saturdays: 3pm to 2am Tel: 2368 1111

地址:尖沙咀彌敦道118號 營業時間:星期日至四: 下午3時至凌晨1時;星期 五、六:下午3時至凌晨2 時 電話:2368 1111

Are you an aficionado of purple? If yes, you can have to get a chance to visit Room One at Mira Hotel. Most girls would like its mix of glamorous and modern style, as well as its spacious seating. Its purple gives it a rather mysterious atmosphere, which makes it a place for secret talking. On the menu, the cocktail part is more excellent than the wine part. Cocktails are categorized by flavours, feelings, timing and occasions, which allows non-frequent drinkers to pick their drinks more easily. And many of the cocktails are originally mixed by their own bartenders and you cannot have them at any other bars. There are whiskeys from all around the world and more than enough reds, whites, sparkling to pick. As for order by glass, there are 9 wine choices. Room One keeps adjusting their menu so their customers can try something new time to time. The snacks they provide is not similar to other bars’ peanuts and chips, instead they prepare their own gourmet cones with various flavours to please guests. After its 5pm to 9pm Happy Hour section expect Mondays and Tuesdays, their music live band with awarding artists from abroad will heat up the place till late.

你是個紫色狂迷嗎?那你 一定不能錯過美麗華酒店 內的Room One 酒吧! 女孩子必定會喜歡它華麗 而時尚的格調,而且座位 的佈局寬敞而不乏隱密 感覺,是個適合與友伴傾 吐心事的地方。酒單上的 雞尾酒部分比葡萄酒更加 出色,其分類以口味、心 情或時間區分,讓不常喝 酒的顧客較容易挑選到合 自己口味的雞尾酒,當中 更有不少特色雞尾酒是由 店內的酒保親自創作,口 味獨特;威士忌也有許多 來自不同地區的選擇;至 於葡萄酒方面,不論紅白 酒、氣泡酒或玫瑰紅酒也 有充分的選擇,以一杯點 叫的葡萄酒也有9個選擇。 值得一提的是,Room One會不時更新酒單,務 求令顧客可以品嚐到世界 各地不同的美酒佳釀。他 們所提供的佐酒小吃也非 如一般酒吧的果仁、花生 或薯片,而是精心炮製不 同口味的脆桶。於下午5時 至9時的歡樂時光完結後( 星期一、二除外),設有樂 隊現場表演,更不時邀得 在各地贏得歌唱比賽的歌 手作客席表演。


Address: Lobby, Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, 64 Mody Road, Kowloon Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 3:30pm to 1am; Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays: 12nn to 1am Tel: 2733 8756

地址:尖沙咀麼地道64號 九龍香格里拉大酒店大堂 營業時間:星期一至五: 下午3時半至凌晨1時;星 期六、日及公眾假期:中 午12時至凌晨1時 電話:2733 8756

Wines, tapas and the stunning views of Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong Island from Tapas Bar at Kowloon Shangri-La is no doubt a delight for wine lovers. Tapas Bar’s Happy Hours for weekdays start early at 3:30pm and ends at 7pm, for weekend and public holidays it starts even earlier at 2:30pm. Buy 1 get 1 free promotion is available for all wine by glass (78-$188/glass), house spirits and cocktails. They don’t really have “house wine” but they have 69 wines by the glass of which 32 are red wines, 32 white wines and five sparkling wines. To keep surprising the guests, they change their wine list every two months. Aside from the typical “mainstream” countries, their wines also covered somewhere less common like, Canada, Greece and Austria. Along with a bigscreen TV for sports fans, and some savory tapas plates, Happy Hour at Tapas Bar couldn’t be any better.

Tapas Bar的葡萄酒,國際 小吃和醉人的維港美景, 絕對是愛酒人士歡樂時光 的熱點。Tapas Bar歡樂時 光全星期通行,每位客人 都可享「論杯計算」(wine by glass)美酒買一送一優 惠:周一至周五,下午三 時半至晚上七時;周末及 公眾假期,下午二時半至 七時。Tapas Bar論杯計算 的優惠美酒選擇繁多,包 括紅白美酒各三十多款和 五款有氣酒,總共六十九 款。為了讓客人可以品嚐 到 更 多 的 葡 萄 酒 , Ta pa s Bar會定期每兩個月更新 一次酒牌,而當中更有機 會邀請客人參與和給予意 見。新世界和舊世界的葡 萄酒比例相約,來自十二 個國家,其中也包括了某 些較非主流國家的葡萄酒 出現,如希臘、奧地利、 加拿大等。無論是在酒吧 內觀賞大銀幕上的足球賽 事,又或是座在露天雅座 欣賞維港美景,吃著可口 的國際小吃,Tapas Bar總 會滿足到你的需要。

十大歡樂時光酒吧 Chin Chin Bar@Hyatt Regency Hotel

Address: 3/F, Hyatt Regency Tsim Sha Tsui Hong Kong, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening Hours: Sunday to Thursday: 5pm to 1am; Fridays, Saturdays, public holidays and eves: 5pm to 2am Tel: 3721 7722 The outdoor terrace of Chin Chin Bar at Hyatt Regency Tsim Sha Tsui is definitely a cool spot to relax and escape from the bustling city. Happy Hours are available daily from 5pm to 9pm with a 2-for-1 offer for selected drinks (house red, house white, beer and house spirits). There are mainly 3 to 4 selected house red and house white respectively for guests to choose like, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. Prices start from $120 to $130. Besides the selected Happy Hour promotion reds and whites, there are 8 more red and 8 more white (both available in by glass or by bottle) for guests to choose. If you are looking for something more to enjoy during Happy Hours, its modern Chinese style indoor area with live entertainment from 6:30pm to 8:30pm would be your choice.

地址:尖沙咀河內道18號 香港尖沙咀凱悅酒店三樓 營業時間:星期日至四: 下午5時至凌晨1時;星期 五、六及公眾假期前夕: 下午5時至凌晨2時 電話:3721 7722 請請吧的室外露台環境開 揚舒適,是尖沙咀區「抖 氣」和歡樂時段的不二之 選。請請吧的歡樂時段是 每日下午5時至晚上9時, 精選飲料(包括各款葡萄 酒、烈酒、啤酒)買一送 一優惠。每日精選優惠的 紅白酒各有3至4款,包括 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)、莎當妮(Chardonnay)、雷司令(Riesling)和 黑品諾(Pinot Noir),每杯 價錢由$120至$130。除了 買一送一優惠的精選紅白 酒外,酒牌上還有另外8款 紅酒和8款白酒(每杯計和 每瓶計)給客人選擇。若天 氣不太好,可以選擇請請 吧的室內座位,裝潢富中 國色彩,加上每晚下午6時 30分至8時30分均設有現 場樂隊演奏,更有味道, 是客人輕鬆消閒的理想酒 吧。

Where Bar & Lounge

Address: 4/F, Century House, 3-4 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 5pm to 3am; Saturdays: 7:30pm to 4am; Sundays: 9pm to 4am Tel: 2135 9999

Located in a commercial building in Tsim Sha Tsui, Where Bar & Lounge is kind of hidden, yet popular for its comfy and chilled out Thai-style decoration outdoor terrace drinking area. Happy hours available from Monday to Friday at 5pm to 8pm with an offer of $100 for 3 glasses of house red, house white and house spirits mixers. But just one thing to remember, it cannot be shared and you need to request to do it per person. There are two house reds and two house whites from Italy or New Zealand for guests to choose from. The price is for sure a good deal for the convenient location and the nice outdoor terrace with long sofas which attracts people to come after work for a few glasses of wine. Wine list included wines from both New World and Old World like, France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Argentina, Portugal, Chile, USA and Germany. After all, it’s Happy Hour, and in a hidden and cozy place like Where Bar & Lounge you can’t go wrong!

地址:尖沙咀河內道3-4號 世紀商業大廈4樓 營業時間:星期一至五: 下午5時至凌晨3時;星期 六:晚上7:30至凌晨4時; 星期日:晚上9時至凌晨4 時 電話:2135 9999 地點有點隱蔽的Where Bar & Lounge,位於尖沙咀 一棟商業大廈,它的室外 環境富有泰國色彩。闊長 的舒適沙發和太陽傘有令 人置身熱帶地方的感覺, 很有異國風情,是它其中 一個吸引之處。星期一至 五,下午五時至八時均設 有歡樂時光優惠,$100 可享用三杯精選紅白酒, 烈酒或雞尾酒。但這個優 惠是按人頭計算,不可以 兩人分享三杯精選優惠美 酒。Where提供精選紅 白酒各兩款,多數是來自 意大利和紐西蘭。雖然 Where Bar & Lounge的 歡樂時光優惠美酒選擇不 多,但酒牌上的葡萄酒選 擇也不少,包括新世界和 舊世界,紅酒有九款,白 酒八款和白檳八款,加上 相宜的價錢和舒適的室外 環境座位,確是吸引到不 少人下班後來歡樂時光, 喝兩杯,呼吸一下室外的 空氣。 33

Get Your Sommelier “To Go”! 「私人上門」侍酒師


here are so many ways to learn about wine such as attending a tasting or completing an educational course. Both however may be not entertaining enough or they may be too serious to confidently ask simple wine questions which in turn may make new wine lovers lose their interest fairly easily. But being WTHK’s readers you have nothing to worry about! We are going to introduce you to a brand new and cool idea which allows you and your friends to discover and learn about wine in the comfort of your own home – introducing the ‘Sommelier At Home’. The whole idea of the Sommelier At Home is to gather together a small group of wine lovers to taste, discover and learn about wine and find out something beyond just the bottle – the history, the notion of terroir, the culture and the people behind it. Sommeliers create their own wine list for you to choose from online each month and all wines are from small producers and small vineyards; 90% of which are French wine and the remaining 10% are from the New World. You can head to the ‘Sommelier at Home’ website to check out the schedules and wines before the Sommelier and expert visits your home to introduce you to your ‘wine experience’. You can also request a particular Sommelier and choose specific wine regions for the wine

discovery courses in advance. Throughout the wine course, you can listen to your Sommelier introduce five different wines to you in private without any interruption. Besides explaining the reasons for choosing each wine and vintage, your Sommelier will also interact with you and your guests to heighten the overall experience. Food and wine pairing courses are also available where five wines will be paired with five different food courses - prices will be quoted according to the wines and food that guests have chosen. “There’s nothing better than sitting at your own place with a group of friends while trying some wines and listening to the stories behind each wine. We would like to make it more educational yet in a fun, interesting and engaging way. We hope our guests feel comfortable and relax. The most important thing is that within the two hour course, our Sommeliers are exclusively there for the group of guests. They are free and welcome to ask any questions and make any comment. We do hope our guests learn something from our Sommelier and then later re-produce it again at home,” says Kévin Davy, Founder of Sommelier At Home.

Text by Stephy Poon 撰文:Stephy Poon

個特別的品酒體驗。 與在餐廳吃飯品酒不同的地方是,侍酒師會在 不打擾的情形下,在客人的家中詳細地向他們 介紹當天酒單上的五款葡萄酒,講解選擇每枝 葡萄酒的原因,解答客人的問題,有充足的互 動時間。另外,他們亦供應和葡萄酒搭配食物 的餐單,其價格將會因應客人要求的葡萄酒和 食物而作出調整。 「沒有什麼比安坐自己家中,和朋友們一起品 嚐葡萄酒,安靜地聽着侍酒師講解每枝酒背後 的故事,來得更舒服寫意。我們希望整個體 驗課程有趣之餘,客人也會學到一些葡萄酒的 知識。我們最特別之處是,在兩小時的品酒課 程中,我們的侍酒師只會專門為當晚指定的客 人服務,他們可以盡情發問和給予意見。我們 最終希望客人可以在侍酒師身上學到有關葡萄 酒的知識,之後再在家中與其他朋友『重辦』 品酒課堂。」Kévin Davy,Sommelier At Home負責人說。

For more information, please visit www.sommelierathome. hk or email to kevin.davy@

萄酒這門易學難精的課題,想認識和了解更多,有不少 葡 方法,例如參加品酒會和報讀品酒課程。但對某些人來 說,以上兩者的性質可能比較嚴肅,不太輕鬆,令初學者卻

步,甚至很快就失去興趣。但一個創新的品酒意念扭轉了這個 現象,讓你和好友可以安坐家中舒適地學習葡萄酒的知識,輕 鬆地發掘品酒的有趣之處—Sommelier At Home。 Sommelier At Home是個品酒體驗課程,其意念是集合一班 愛酒之士,在自己的安樂窩中去品嚐,發掘和學習有關葡萄酒 的知識和背後的故事—歷史、地理位置、文化和人物。酒單上 所有的葡萄酒均來自生產數量少的小型酒莊和葡萄園,以法國 為主,佔九成,另外一成來自新世界。每位侍酒師會每月會編 寫屬於自己的酒單給客人選擇。客人可以根據自己的喜好,瀏 覽該網站查看每月不同侍酒師的酒單和時間表,請來合適的侍 酒師「上門」。如果希望侍酒師替自己和朋友「度身訂造」一 晚與別不同的國家或地區的酒單,又或是指定某位侍酒師到府 上,他們都可以因情況作出相應的配合,務求客人們在家中有 35

enjoy a glass of warmth 感受酒紅色的暖

text by Christie Chan 撰文:Christie Chan


hen the hours of daytime become shorter and sunshine becomes more precious, you can tell winter has just swirled in. Putting on a coat after you put on your sweater, you may want a hot drink as well to keep you warm. Hot coffee, tea or chocolate could be your usual choice of drinks, but what about a glass of warmed or heated wine? Let WTHK tell you more about the European wintertime favourite – mulled wine. In general, red wine is drunk at room temperature while white wine is drunk at a chilled temperature. For warmed or heated alcohol drinks such as Sake and Huadiao (Chinese “yellow wine” made from glutinous rice/sticky rice) would be the most popular but many seldom know about mulled wine. “Mulled” literally means heated and spiced, so mulled wine is basically a natural flavour-added wine. In ancient times it was believed that mulled wine was a healthy drink. Indeed, it helps maintain the human body temperature in the harsh cold 36

winter. Many believed that it was safer to drink mulled wine than water from the river at that time as sanitation was inefficient and poor making drinking mulled wine even more beneficial. Its origins can be traced back to the Romans in the second century; later it was brought to Northern Europe through Roman conquering and trade. Thus, mulled wine has different recipes and names all over Europe, such as “Glühwein” in German, “Glögg” in Nordic countries and “Vin Chaud” in French. Similar to cooking, there are plenty of mulled wine recipes as every chef or recipe writer has different styles and tastes. Some prefer keeping the alcohol in it and some don’t, on the other hand some prefer fortifying the beverage by adding brandy or Port. Nonetheless, the soul of mulled wine is cinnamon sticks, which blends in an extra aroma to the drink. Germans like to spice up their mulled wine with cloves, star anise and citrus fruit, while the Nordic people like to add in cardamom, ginger, cloves, and bitter orange. And of course there is sugar or honey to

照在不知不覺間變得短暫,這是冬日來 日 臨的證明。穿上毛衣,再添上厚厚的外 套,你或許想多喝一杯熱飲,使你的身體變得

更加暖和。熱奶茶、熱咖啡或熱巧克力可能是 你一向的選擇,那麼,溫熱的葡萄酒呢?就讓 我們為讀者介紹為冬日而設的熱香料葡萄酒 (mulled wine)。 一般而言,紅酒以室溫飲用,白酒以冷卻低溫 飲用,大部分人對可以溫熱飲用的酒,大概就 只認識日本清酒和花雕酒。顧名思義,熱香料 葡萄酒就是加入香料並加熱的葡萄酒(紅酒), 相傳被古代人認為是有益身心的飲料,不僅可 以在嚴寒的冬季保持身體溫和,甚至比當時的 食水更清潔。這個源自第二世紀古羅馬的傳統 飲料,後來傳入歐洲,因此在歐洲各國也有着 不同的名稱和製法,例如在德國及奧地利名為 Glühwein,在北歐地區名為Glögg,在法國 則名為Vin Chaud。 與烹飪一樣,不同地方的熱香料葡萄酒食譜各 有出入,有的製法會盡量保留葡萄酒中的酒 精,有的製法卻會使之全揮發掉,更有的製法 會加入白蘭地或砵酒加烈酒精。雖然其製法看 似五花八門,但其實熱香料葡萄酒的靈魂就是 肉桂棒(cinnamon sticks),使這飲料更帶着 一份本不屬於葡萄酒的香氣撲鼻。至於其他香 料方面,德國人喜歡加入丁香、八角和柑桔類 水果,而北歐人則喜歡加入丁香、小荳蔻、生 薑和苦味重的橙。除香料以外,當然也少不了 加入糖分或蜜糖,製成酸酸甜甜的暖脾飲品。

make us happy. So what kind of red wine to pick when you plan to prepare some mulled wine this winter? Most recipes suggest a dry and rather cheap red, more like a Bordeaux-style such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Rhonestyle Syrah as sugar or honey are part of the ingredients too. But we have to remind our readers again and again – taste is personal. There’s nothing wrong making mulled wine with a fruity red wine if you really can’t get enough of the sweetness and fruity aromas. Not only is mulled wine a wintertime favourite drink, but

also a must-have party drink during the Christmas holidays. Originally it had nothing to do with Christmas, but it is said that British eminent writer Charles Dickens put a hook on each of the two by simply setting a scene of drinking mulled wine in his classic piece A Christmas Carol, and now it becomes one of the most Christmassy elements.

這個冬天打算調製熱香料葡萄酒嗎?那麼要 挑選一枝怎樣的葡萄酒呢?絕大部分製法食 譜建議,以口感較乾澀及價格相對較低的紅 酒調製,例如波爾多(Bordeaux)風格的Cabernet Sauvignon,或是羅納(Rhone)風格的 Syrah,原因是還需另外加上糖分或蜜糖,所 以酒本身不宜太甜。然而,我們再三向讀者們 指出,口味是很個人的,如果你對甜味及果香 毫無抵抗力,以一枝果味濃郁的紅酒調製,也 是無何不可的。

So now pick a red wine and all the spices that you like, or you can simply look at the following recipe approved and chosen by us, and make some mulled wine for a heart-warming Christmas for your beloved family and friends.

熱香料葡萄酒除了是冬日暖暖的熱飲,更是聖 誕佳節不可缺少的派對飲料。它本來與聖誕節 並無直接關係,但有人說是因為英國大文豪查 爾斯.狄更斯 (Charles Dickens)在他的名著 《聖誕頌歌》(A Christmas Carol)中,提到聖 誕節享用熱香料葡萄酒,使它漸漸成為了增加 節日氣氛元素之一。

Mulled wine recipe (4–6 servings) 熱香料葡萄酒食譜 (4-6人份量)


1. Slice the ginger and peel the orange. 2. Pour the wine into a large pot and put all ingredients in over a low heat. 3. Slow cook for 20-25 minutes. Stir occasionally to ensure the honey is completely dissolved and avoid any burning. 4. Take the pot away from the fire when the wine starts steaming. Sieve everything out of the wine. 5. Pour your mulled wine into a glass with a handle. Put “the soul” (boiled cinnamon stick) back into the wine in each glass. 6. Sit back and enjoy! 調製步驟

1. 將生薑切片,削掉橙皮 2. 整枝紅酒倒中大鍋中,加入所有食材 3. 以慢火煮20至25分鐘,並不時拌勻所有食材,確保 蜜糖完全融入酒中 4. 當酒開始冒煙將其離火,篩走所有食材 5. 將酒倒進有耳的玻璃杯,把「酒的靈魂」(已煮過的 肉桂棒)放回杯中 6. 坐下來並慢慢享用!

現在就挑選一枝你喜歡的紅酒,以及所有你適 合你口味的香料,去調製屬於自己的熱香料葡 萄酒吧!或者也可以簡單地跟着由我們千挑萬 選並得到認可的食譜,為摰愛送上一份暖透心 的熱香料葡萄酒。

Ingredients 所需食材 Red wine 紅酒 Brandy 白蘭地 Cinnamon sticks 肉桂棒 Cloves 丁香 Star anise 八角 Ginger 生薑 Orange 橙 Honey 蜜糖

One bottle (750ml) 1枝 (750毫升) 1/4 cup 1/4杯 4 8-10 8-10 3 slices 3片 One 1個 1/4 cup 1/4杯 37

Chef Chat with Stephy 當Stephy遇上主廚

Text by Stephy Poon Photography by Ali Nicol

攝影:Ali Nicol 撰文:Stephy Poon


f course I love wine, but as you may know from my previous articles for Wine Times Hong Kong that I’m also a foodie. Wine and food is just something that is better together! Being our Wine Times Hong Kong readers, we won’t let you down, so starting from this issue I’ll feature a chef each month from one of our favourite restaurants in Hong Kong, learn how to make dish and ask for their wine pairing recommendations. So who’s the first one and what’s the recipe for this festive December? Let’s check it out!

December’s Chef: Alex Martinez Fargas, Head Chef of Fofo by el Willy Dish-to-teach: Seafood Paella What is Paella (paella de marisco)? Paella is for sure one of the most signature and well-known Spanish dishes which has a long history that can be traced back to the 19th century. There are some different stories for 38

the origins of the name, one of them is that the word ‘paella’ actually comes from old Valencian (similar to Catalan) and it’s the word for the cooking pan rather than the dish. Another saying is the word ‘paella’ comes from the Arabic word “Baqiyah”, which means ‘leftovers’ since it was a common dish cooked by the farmers and workers over a wood fire with rice, and anything that was around the fields e.g., beans, onions, rabbit and saffron. As time went by, paella recipes have adopted more exciting variations; and in Asia here one popular style is with seafood. Why Seafood Paella? Chef Alex: “In this festive month, I think Paella is very suitable for a group of friends and family to share. You may add any kind of seafood based on your preferences. It’s simple yet delicious and filling. I always like to cook Paella with my kids too. This is definitely one of my favorite traditional Spanish dishes. I hope you guys will like it as well!”

果讀者們曾閱過我以往所寫的文章,應 如 該會略知我愛美酒之餘,也饞嘴,愛美 食。食物和酒兩者如果配搭得宜,就有如煙火 絢麗浪漫。由今期WTHK開始,我會和不同的 廚師合作,請教他們的獨家食譜和葡萄酒配搭 建議,從中「偷師」。

12月「煮」廚:西班牙餐廳Fofo by el Willy的總廚Alex Martinez Fargas 「煮」廚食譜:西班牙海鮮鍋飯 西班牙鍋飯是甚麼? 西班牙鍋飯(Paella)是西班牙當地其中一道最 傳統和知名菜式,有說它是源於19世紀的瓦 倫西亞(Valencia),歷史悠久。有關它的名字 「paella」由來,存在不同的說法,其中一個 是源於西班牙巴塞羅和瓦倫西亞周邊地區的用 語,字面意思為「鍋」;另一個說法是起源於 阿拉伯語「Baqiyah」,意指「剩飯菜」。據 說,當時的農民愛在農田附近找來一個大平 鍋,就地取食材和米飯烹煮,例如兔子、蔬 菜、豆類、洋蔥和番紅花等,久而久之流傳下 來便成了地道的西班牙菜式。隨着西班牙米飯 的普及,西班牙鍋飯的煮法也開始演變,當中 以海鮮作主要食材的煮法最受香港人所熟悉。 「煮」廚推介原因 總廚Alex:「在這個節日氣氛濃厚的十二月, 西班牙海鮮鍋飯是一道很適合與好友家人分享 的菜式。海鮮方面,可以隨意根據自己的喜好 自行加減,既簡單美味,又飽肚。其實這道菜 並不複雜,我經常和我的小孩一起親子下廚。 這道很能夠代表西班牙,絕對是我個人對西班 牙菜式的不二之選,希望你們也會喜歡!」

Seafood Paella 西班牙海鮮鍋飯 Ingredients 所需食材 Squid 魷魚 Lobster 龍蝦 King Prawn 大蝦 Clam 大蜆 Mussel 青口 Bomba rice 西班牙米 Saffron 番紅花 Lobster stock 龍蝦高湯 Mixed vegetables with green beans, bell peppers, onions 雜菜 (青豆、燈籠椒、洋蔥等) Diced garlic 蒜茸 Lemon 檸檬 Salt 鹽 Olive oil 橄欖油 Alioli (Spanish Garlic Mayonnaise) 西班牙蒜茸蛋黃醬 Paprika 匈牙利紅椒粉

Before you cook

1 Small 1小隻 1/2 半隻 4 4 4 100g 100克 1-2 teaspoons 1-2茶匙 200-300g 200-300克 100g 100克 1 teaspoon 1茶匙 1/2 半個 1 teaspoon 1茶匙 3-4 tablespoons 3-4湯匙 2-3 tablespoons 2-3湯匙 One 半茶匙

1. Wash and chop the seafood 2. Prepare a flat, round and shallow steel pan


1. 洗淨和切好海鮮 2. 預備一隻圓平底鐵鍋


1. Heat the paella pan with the olive oil. 2. Pan-fry the lobster until it turns a pinkish colour. Take out the body parts first before they are overcook. Keep the lobster head in the pan. 3. Add the squid and garlic. Stir fry a bit. 4. Add the vegetables. 5. Add the rice, safroon and paprika. Stir fry a bit to mix all the ingredients. 6. Add the lobster stock. Wait for it to boil; cook for 12 minutes 7. Add the rest of the seafood and salt, then cook for another 3-4 minutes. 8. To ensure the rice is crispy enough (sucarrat), make sure to check 3 things: 1) Sound: to listen if the rice is “dancing” and making the “clicking” sound 2) Smoke: to see if there is some white smoke coming out 3) Smell: a little bit of burnt rice smell 9. When the above steps are done, let it rest for a few minutes to cool down 10. Serve with lemon and Alioli


1. 燒熱鐵鍋和橄欖油 2. 煎香龍蝦至轉粉紅色。為免過熟,先取出身體部 份,保留龍蝦頭 3. 加入魷魚和蒜茸並炒香 4. 加入雜菜 5. 加入米飯、匈牙利紅椒粉和番紅花,邊炒邊拌勻 6. 倒入龍蝦高湯,煮滾後再煮12分鐘 7. 下鹽和餘下的海鮮同煮3至4分鐘 8. 確保米飯有飯焦脆口感,要留意以下三點: 1) 聲音:米飯在鍋中放出「咯咯」聲 2) 煙:鍋中出現微微白煙 3) 氣味:點點焦香味 9. 觀察到以上三點後熄火,讓其在爐上閒置數分鐘 10. 隨鍋配上檸檬和西班牙蒜茸蛋黃醬,一同起菜

Wine Pairing Recommendations 葡萄酒搭配建議 Chef Alex: “For me, Seafood Paella is quite “wine-friendly”. I would suggest pair this Seafood Paella with Albariño, a white wine came from the northwest Spain (in the Rias Baixas region) which has a nice acidity and freshness for the dish, or some light red like Rioja.” 總廚Alex:「對我來說,西班牙海鮮鍋飯是很容易搭配 不同的葡萄酒。我認為Albariño白酒會是不錯的選擇, 是一種主要生長在西班牙西北部的葡萄(加利西亞的Rias Baixas地區),因為它酸度高和個性清新。另外如果想配 以紅酒,酒體較輕身的Roija紅酒也可以考慮。」 39

• A 100% natural • A light and • Contains only energy drink that refreshing lychee natural sources of contains no taurine, flavoured drink caffeine including preservatives or made with crushed guarana synthetic ingredients grapes and lime juice 採用具有提神功效的 100%純天然能量飲品, 不含牛磺酸,防腐劑 或人工添加成份

清新荔枝口味融合葡 萄及青檸汁

Pussy Drink Hong Kong

• Also contains milk • Great on its own or thistle which can compliments a wide help detox the liver range of spirits 並含有乳薊可幫助肝 臟排毒

可直接飲用或配搭各 種烈酒調製成雞尾酒





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Macau Clube Militar:

A Colonial Oasis amongst the Macau Melee 澳門陸軍俱樂部:城市中的隱秘綠洲

Text & Photography by Ali Nicol 攝影:Ali Nicol 譯文:Christie Chan


any of you might have never noticed the bright pink building situated opposite Stanley Ho’s latest monstrosity (The Grand Lisboa), but nestled behind the casino and futuristic hotel is a quiet little colonial oasis called Clube Militar de Macau. Built in 1870 by three hot-blooded adventurous Portuguese officers for the purposes of a meeting point, it also originally acted as a library that could hold military, scientific and other books as well as newspapers, army games and other pastimes allowed by law at the time. These days the Club is a hangout for what’s left of the Portuguese population of Macau but it also houses one of the most authentic Portuguese restaurants in the former Portuguese colony with regular visits from overseas chefs that leave their mark not only on the diners there but on the menu itself too. Each visiting chef must teach and train the resident chefs of the Club to be able to recreate typical Portuguese dishes that feature prominently on their menus.

Walking into the bright pink building you are almost automatically transported back in time to an era when clubs such as this were frequented by pipe and cigar smoking gentlemen that drank more Douro red wine and Port than they did beer and vinho verde! The opulent surroundings are a reminder of days gone by and hark back to a time when gentlemanly conduct was the norm! The ceiling fans and window slats give the place a purely authentic feel and, sitting in the restaurant it would be easy to forget that you’re in the 21st century and that the other surrounding buildings have changed greatly in the last 144 years. Staff in the Clube Militar are friendly, knowledgeable and always happy to help. When you are seated you will be seated by a well dressed maitre d who is adorned, much like the other staff in the building, in a traditional black and white waiters’ suit and the uniformity of it all add to the allure and mystique of the place. The menu is typically Portuguese

Clube Militar de Macau 澳門陸軍俱樂部

Address: 975 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau 地址:澳門新口岸南灣街975號 Tel 電話: +853 28714000 王何鴻燊旗下的澳門新葡京酒店建築外 賭 形非常搶眼,吸晴程度令遊人幾乎無法 望到賭場後方,有一處隱密而自成一角的地 方,座立着一粉紅色外牆粉紅色的建築物— 澳門陸軍俱樂部。

這個地方由三位熱血愛冒險的葡萄牙長官於 1870年建立,除了作為當時的一個聚腳點 外,它更是一所圖書館,館藏主要為關軍事及 科學的書藉,也存放報紙、軍事遊戲及其他當 時法列允許的娛樂設施。時至今日,這地方依 然是少數居於澳門的葡國人喜愛的消閒好去 處,更是世界各地廚師常到訪之處—建築物 內藏着澳門其中一間最正宗的葡國餐廳。廚師 們不僅到此用餐,更在餐牌上「留下筆跡」, 因每位到訪的廚師均需指導該餐廳現職廚師, 如何將新穎的煮食意念加到經典葡國菜式之 上,使餐牌上的菜式經多番創作而歷久常新。 踏進這座建築物,彷彿回到舊年華似的,不難 想像當時的紳士們嘴裏吮着煙斗或雪茄,昂首 闊步地走進這個俱樂部,喝上的Douro紅酒或 砵酒比啤酒或vinho verde紅酒還要多!俱樂 41

and when we were there the whole restaurant was full of local Portuguese diners giving it a feeling of firstly, being in Lisbon but additionally, if the locals eat at the Club they must be doing something right. Cod is a major staple in Portugal and it features heavily on the menu here too. Dried and salted cod is called Bacalhau and is aplenty on almost all Portuguese menus. We had the crocante de Bacalhau com tomate fresco em infusao de azeite (codfish and potato puree crunch with fresh tomatoes in olive oil infusion $108) which is usually washed down with a glass of red wine in Portugal but seeing as how we were having vieiras braseadas comespargos e reducao de malvasia e lima (braised scallops with green asparagus and a white wine reduction with lime - $118) we opted for a white; a Portuguese Alvarinho from Palacio da Brejoeira. The wines on the wine list are super affordable and there is a great selection of both red, white and rosé from Portugal alongside the regular Champagnes from France. Pairing Portuguese food with Portuguese wine is all part of the

fun and the Alvarinho was a lovely pairing and as it opened up in the glass left hints of honey and sweet summer flowers that was a real pleasure to drink with the starters. Looking down the list of main courses it becomes seriously difficult to just choose one as they all seem very appealing and appetizing. So, the best thing to do is order two or three per couple and share everything ‘family style’. This gives you the opportunity to savour a wide range of dishes and gives the palate a mouthful of excitement each time you taste each dish. We opted for three main courses: filete de robalo corado com a bras de caranguejo e espargos verde (seared sea bass fillet with crab meat and green asparagus “a Bras” style - $198), Borrego assado no forno prensado com batatinhas e quiabos (pressed roasted lamb served with potatoes and lady finger vegetable - $198) and naco de novilho frito ao alhinho com arroz de cogumelos e legumes (fried beef tenderloin in garlic with mushroom rice and vegetables - $198). The fish was beautifully

部內華麗的佈置像在提示時光不再,現在離往 日已遠,難以回到當紳士風度仍是種社會規範 的日子。天花上的吊扇和舊式條板木窗給人古 色古香的感覺,靜靜坐在這裏,容易令人出神 而記不起自己正活在廿一世紀,尤其當旁邊大 量的建築物在這144年來被折卸,然後再重新 建成宏偉的建築群。 餐廳內工作的侍應生待客有禮,樂意服務顧客 之餘,還有問必答。客人上座時會由衣着精細 正統的餐廳領班帶到位子上,餐廳上的所有員 工均身穿傳統的黑白色侍應西裝,這種統一性 更為其添上了幾分誘惑力及神秘感。餐牌上的 全是葡萄牙文,也符合當時的情境—幾乎餐 廳內的所有人都是葡國人,給人一種置身於里 斯本的錯覺(當然,在場的澳門人到這裏來用 餐,反映他們甚有品味)。鱈魚是葡國菜的主 打,這餐廳也不例外,餐牌上有不少菜式均 以鱈魚為主。馬介休(Bacalhau)也是鱈魚的一 種,其製法為先曬乾並用鹽醃,是葡國餐廳餐 牌上最常見的菜式。我們點了鮮茄馬介休夾餅 (crocante de Bacalhau com tomate fresco em infusao de azeite - $108),本來一杯葡萄 牙紅酒與這道菜十分配搭,但我們同時也點了 蘆筍白酒帶子(vieiras braseadas comespargos e reducao de malvasia e lima - $118), 最後挑選了產自葡萄牙Palacio da Brejoeira 的Alvarinho白酒。 酒單上的酒價格非常相宜,當中除了有選擇範 圍甚廣的葡萄牙紅白酒、玫瑰紅酒外,還有些 產自法國的香檳。以葡萄牙的葡萄酒配襯葡國 菜是件好玩的事,而剛剛所挑的Alvarinho是 枝很搭的白酒,它充滿着蜜糖及夏日花朵的香 甜味,十分適合與前菜一同使我們開胃大開。 看了看餐牌上的主菜,真的難以僅僅選一道 菜,皆因所有菜式都令人垂涎欲滴,恨不得可 以每道菜也嚐得到。所以我們決定以「一家親 分享」的形式進餐,就是每兩個人點叫兩至三 道菜,然後互相分享各人碟上的美食,那麼人 人都可以一償口腹之慾,每道菜也可為味蕾帶 來不同的刺激。我們點了三道主菜:蟹肉鱸 魚扒伴青蘆筍(filete de robalo corado com a bras de caranguejo e espargos verde $198)、烤羊扒伴薯仔秋葵(Borrego assado no forno prensado com batatinhas e quiabos - $198),以及香蒜煎牛脊肉伴蘑菇飯及 蔬菜(naco de novilho frito ao alhinho com arroz de cogumelos e legumes - $198)。 鱸魚扒味道賣相均佳,與為前菜而點的白酒 很搭,同時也與剛點的兩枝紅酒映成相趣。 這兩枝紅酒分別是Wine on the Rocks Lolita 2011及Platanos Tou Noir 2010,特別為了 主菜中的「大塊肉」而配襯的。肉質嫩滑多汁 的羊扒與Tou Noir可謂絕配,是混合了里斯 本的Touriga Nacional及Pinot Noir的紅酒。 牛扒煎得剛好五成熟,其肉感一流,配以較 烈的Wine on the Rocks紅酒—產自Quinta da Popa混合了12種葡萄的紅酒,令我印象深刻。 一餐正規的葡國菜絕不能沒有甜品,所以我們 點了葡國特式甜品(Prato variado de doçaria


cooked and really worked well with the remnants of the white wine but also went nicely with the 2 red wines that we ordered – Wine on the Rocks Lolita 2011 and Platanos Tou Noir 2010. But the wines were really reserved for the meat dishes which were delicious. Tender and juicy lamb made for an excellent pairing with the Tou Noir – a blend of Touriga Nacional and Pinot Noir from Lisbon. The beef was cooked excellently to medium and paired with the more powerful Wine on the Rocks – a field blend of 12 different grape varieties from Quinta da Popa – made for a memorable experience. A Portuguese meal is never complete without a dessert so we opted for the Prato variado de doçaria conventual Portuguesa (assorted traditional Portuguese dessert platter $48) which we paired with a stunning 1999 Madeira from Justino’s winery. Many think Port is a great post-meal drink and we do too – but Port is better for after dinner as it’s slightly heavier than Madeira – but the lightness, sweetness and wicked acidity in the Madeira not only worked perfectly for the time of day (lunchtime) but also went exceptionally well with the super sweet traditional delights.

The wine selection overall is not only excellent but also extremely affordable. They have wines by the bottle for as little as $99 and wines by the glass for just $20! Unimaginable in Hong Kong, Macau is certainly a great place for not only value for money, authentic Portuguese food but also for superb value for money wines (we are still scratching our heads as to why the price of Portuguese wines is still so high in Hong Kong as compared to Macau). The waiting staff at the club are also exceptionally well trained with many of them studying WSET at Macau’s IFT (tourism school) so ask for help if you are unsure as to what to drink with what you want to eat. Overall, the club is well worth a visit and will certainly not break the bank. Although situated in the heart of ‘casino country’ in Macau central, it proves that culture is not dead in Macau and that there are still some excellent remnants of colonial times. It’s easy to get to – just take the free shuttle bus to the Grand Lisboa and cross the road…so if you do decide to hit the slots after your meal, at least you know Mr. Ho is paying for your travelling expenses to and from the ferry!

conventual Portuguesa - $48),再為它配上 釀自Justino’s酒莊的1999 Madeira砵酒一 同享用,這配搭為這頓午餐劃上完美的句號。 我們與許多人一樣有着相同的意見,認為砵酒 是不錯的餐後酒,但砵酒比較適合於晚飯後享 用,因為它稍稍比Madeira「重身」,而Madeira酒體、口味較輕,其甜度及酸性也較適 合大白天喝,更出其不意地與糖分高的葡國傳 統甜點十分搭配。 餐廳酒單所提供的葡萄酒整體未算得上為出色 的選擇,但其價格範圍卻極為大眾化,例如僅 為99元一枝或20元一杯的葡萄酒,實在不得 不為此而感到驚嘆!相對之下,澳門的餐廳比 香港的性價比高得多,就連葡萄酒也一樣,難 以想像香港有任何一間餐廳會提供價格如此低 的酒品(我們抓破頭皮,也找不到為何於香港 有售的葡萄牙葡萄酒,比澳門同樣有售的價格 高昂得多的原因)。另外,餐廳大部分餐組人 員均受過專業訓練,當中不乏曾於澳門旅遊學 校IFT修讀WSET葡萄酒課程的侍應生,所以 顧客可向他們問問有關美食與酒配搭的專業意 見。 總的來說,這俱樂部的確值得一試,而且並不 會使你的銀包「大出血」。雖位於澳門賭場的 中心地帶,但它的存在說明了舊歷史並未被時 間巨輪所淘汰,還有點點滴滴可留傳下來。餐 廳位置容易到達,你可以由碼頭乘搭免費穿梭 巴士到新葡京酒店,下車地點與餐廳只有一條 馬路之隔。在你到賭場試試運氣之前,賭王先 生就已為你付過車費了……這也算是幸運吧! 43

Whine-on: Ask us whatever you like! 讀者專欄:想問就問!

Have any doubts or questions about wine? Send us an email at or leave a message on our Facebook page at and we will bust the answer for you! 你有任何關於酒的疑問嗎?請寄電郵到md@winetimeshk.com或在我們的 Facebook 專頁留言,隨便發問!我們樂意為你解開 每個疑難! Q1: How much can I drink before I get too drunk? – Gigi Ma; Happy Valley 究竟喝多少才會醉呢?—Gigi Ma;跑馬地

Answer: There’s no such thing as being too drunk Gigi! LOL! No seriously, drunkenness depends on a number of factors including your body mass, the level of alcohol, whether or not you have eaten anything prior to drinking and state of mind. Essentially, when you start thinking that you have lost a certain degree of control of your thoughts and bodily functions you have drunk too much! Of course, men and women generally get drunk after drinking different levels of alcohol; the level of drunkenness depends on how fast your body can break down the alcohol in your system. If you’re thinking about heading out on a big night out then you’d best eat a decent meal first (or you can eat lard; an old wives tale says that it lines the stomach making the alcohol enter the bloodstream slower allowing you to drink more without feeling the effects of drunkenness!)

答: 醉是甚麼意思?這個字根本不存在啊(大笑)!不是的, 喝醉與否視乎多個因素,包括個人體質量、體內酒精 含量、喝酒前有否進食,以及個人意志等等。基本 上,你認為自己身體上及意識上開始控制不了自己, 那你便算是喝太多了!當然,人人的酒量不同,不論 男性或女性,醉的程度視乎其生理系統能否在短時間 內分解酒精。如果想喝個盡興,就先吃一頓正餐吧。( 或者你可以選擇吃豬油,相傳豬油可以保護胃部,令 酒精較慢地進入血管,那你便可以多喝幾杯而不覺得 醉!)

Q2: Is Champagne better than sparkling wine? – Horace Wong; Sheung Wan 香檳比氣泡酒好嗎?—Horace Wong;上環

Answer: Well Horace, to start off with, Champagne is a sparkling wine – it’s only called Champagne because that is where it comes from. Sparkling wines from other regions or countries around the world are not allowed to call their sparkling wines Champagne due to laws made by the French to protect their provenance. Sparkling wines from Spain are generally called Cava, sparkling wines from Italy are Trento DOC, Prosecco, Franciacorta while other countries just call them sparkling wines. Sparkling wines from other French regions are, on the whole called Cremant – but are not allowed to be called Champagne. Champagne may have the most prestigious name, but they do not make the best sparkling wines in the world – it depends on that what you like and what your taste in wine is. We feel that there are better bargains drinking sparkling wine from outside of Champagne as there is no ‘brand’ association with them – but don’t get us wrong! We love Champagne also…as long it’s not one of those commercial, rubbish Champagnes that you see advertised on the MTR! 44

答: 首先要知道的是,香檳其實就是氣泡酒—香檳被稱為 「香檳」,只因為香檳(Champagne)是法國著名的 葡萄氣泡酒產區,也就是說該產區生產的氣泡酒便稱 為香檳。香檳是專屬該產區的名字,法國就此立法行 保護政策,規定產自世界其他產區的氣泡酒並不可稱 為香檳。至於其他地區的氣泡酒,產自西班牙的稱為 Cava,意大利的分別稱為Trento DOC、Prosecco及 Franciacorta,而其他地區的則簡單統一為氣泡酒。 產自法國境內的氣泡酒稱為Cremant,但同樣不可稱 為香檳。香檳這個名字確實是專有高尚,但這並不代 表香檳就是世上最好的氣泡酒,一切只視乎個人喜好 及口味。我們認為,性價比香檳更高的氣泡酒大有選 擇,因為香檳總是帶着品牌效應,價格自然較高。不 過,這並不是指我們不喜愛香檳!只要不是那些商業 化的劣質香檳(出現在地鐵車廂廣告的那些)!

Q3: People say sulphites are bad but they occur in all wines. Are they really bad for you? – James Smith; Mid-Levels  聽說葡萄酒中的亞硫酸鹽對人體有害,這是真的嗎?—James Smith;半山區

Answer: Good question James as many people believe that the sulphites in wine are the cause of headaches in the morning. This is yet to be proven however. Sulphites occur naturally in wines but their presence is increased by the use of sulphur in vineyards and wineries. Sulphur is a preservative that allows the wine to stay longer on the shelf without going bad. There has in recent years been the ‘Natural Wine Movement’ that promotes making wines with no additives in them, so if you are concerned about sulphites (which you really should not be) then you can ask your sommelier to give you a Natural Wine next time you are out drinking.

答: 這個答案太簡單了:不是。雖然在香港最為普遍飲用 的葡萄酒還是產自法國,但澳洲及意大利的葡萄酒亦 在急起直追。高檔的法國葡萄酒品質極佳,卻不屬於 日常飲用的葡萄酒。酒瓶上的標籤寫上的「Bordeaux AOC」(波爾多法定產區),並非葡萄酒品質的指標。當 然,法國人會認為法國的葡萄酒是最好的,但公平點 來說,所謂各花入各眼,一切只視乎個人口味。如果 想知道哪個國家的葡萄酒對自己來說是最好的,可以 試試比較來自不同產地但葡萄品種相同的葡萄酒,試 出個人的「最好」吧!

Q4: What exactly does vintage have to do with the wine? – Marco; Shau Kei Wan 葡萄酒瓶上的年份代表甚麼?—Marco;筲箕灣

Answer: The vintage is the year that the grapes were harvested to make the wine Marco. Thus, vintage is a big deal because a good vintage (or a bad vintage) is determined by a multitude of factors – but none more so than the weather in the build up to harvest. Too much rain and the grapes will be too fat and too full of diluted juice, thus making a bad vintage. In Bordeaux they only have “classic” (translate that as bad or, on the whole not good) or “excellent” (translate that as ‘we are putting our prices up’!) vintages, so you have to take what they say with a pinch of salt. On the whole, vintage is what in the end sells the wine and influential critics can make or break a winery’s sales depending on the vintage quality.

答: 葡萄酒酒瓶上所標明的年份代表收成葡萄並把其釀造成 酒的年份,是十分重要的資訊。年份有好壞之分,孰 好孰壞最主要由天氣因素決定,如太多雨水會令葡萄果 內的水分增加,其果汁味道也會因而變淡,因而釀不出 好酒來。在法國波爾多地區,葡萄酒的年份分類只有兩 種:「Classic(經典)」及「Excellent(優秀)」。不過, 兩者的正確解讀該是,前者為「差劣,或整體上不太 好」,後者則為「價錢可以再提升多點!」,你也只能 抱着懷疑地相信吧。總而言之,葡萄酒的年份是葡萄酒 的重要元素,酒品能否熱銷往往也在於其年份。

Q5: Is wine really good and healthy for you? – Mandy Ko; The Peak 葡萄酒真的對健康有益嗎?—Mandy Ko;山頂

Answer: Well start off with, is good!! As to whether it is healthy or not is up for debate but doctors have found that a glass of wine a day is good for you. There is evidence to show in Europe that wine, as part of a balanced diet can extend life expectancy - just look how long the French, Italians and Greeks live for! Alcohol can reduce harmful cholesterol and boost good cholesterol by 20% according to doctors. Also, as it speeds up your metabolism you are less likely to gain weight by drinking wine (as opposed to beer). It’s also been found that moderate alcohol intake can boost women’s brain power!

答: 我們會答這是真的!葡萄酒對人體有益或有害,是個 值得辯論的題目,但無可否認曾有醫學報告指出,每 日喝一杯葡萄酒是對健康有益的。歐洲有研究指,葡 萄酒作為均衡飲食中的其中一部分,有助延長平均壽 命—法國人、意大利人及希臘人都擁有較長的平均壽 命呢!酒精有助降低壞膽固醇,同時增加20%的好膽 固醇;喝葡萄酒也會加速新陳代謝,使你較不易變胖( 與啤酒相反)。還有研究指出,女性適量喝酒可變得更 聰明!

Q6: If a wine tastes like chocolate does it mean they have put chocolate in it? – Kylie; Yuen Long 味道像巧克力的葡萄酒,成分真的包括巧克力嗎?—Kylie;元朗

Answer: We could only laugh when you asked us this Kylie as it’s maybe one of the most hilarious questions we have ever been asked! Although we say there are no stupid questions when it comes to wine, this is most certainly close to the mark! No, of course there is no chocolate in the wine – that’s called chocolate milk; not wine. What you may think tastes of chocolate is just your memory trying to put a taste to what you are drinking – same as when wine writers talk of blackberry and cherry; there’s no berries or cherries in the wine, it’s just what their memories tell them it tastes like. Wines that taste of chocolate, on the whole, are full bodied wines and quite possibly have been fermented in American oak which gives the wine hints of vanilla.

答: 哈哈哈哈哈!這可能是我們收到「最爆笑」的問題 呢!雖然我們會說任何有關葡萄酒的問題都不會是愚 蠢的,但這也真的太愚蠢了吧。葡萄酒中當然沒有巧 克力成分!大概只有巧克力奶才有巧克力成分吧。你 喝到葡萄酒中有巧克力的味道,是因為你的味蕾喚起 你吃巧克力時的記憶,正如酒評人所寫某紅酒具有藍 莓及櫻桃果味,其實它們不屬於葡萄酒的任何成分, 只是在喝該酒時喚起了吃該些水果的記憶。大部分味 道似巧克力的葡萄酒,其酒體都比較豐盈,也很可能 在美國橡木桶裏進行發酵,令酒帶有雲呢拿的香味。 45

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- Wine events marketing & sales, and fine wine sales to Private and Corporate Clients - Wine-related holidays and tours for high-end private clients and Corporates


- Know the wine industry, chateaux, regions and luxury sector - Have advanced skills at PowerPoint and excel - Speak and write/type fluent Cantonese, English and Mandarin - Have minimum 2 years successful career in the relevant field Telephone (852) 3488 9565 if you are the best in your field, send your CV + current remuneration + referrals to and only fully-documented applications will be considered.

Fine Wine Advisor 葡萄酒顧問 Vins Rares Asia Limited


- A minimum of 3 successful years experience in the sales of French Fine Wine in Hong Kong, Macau and China through all distribution channels - Fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese (as well as written) - Passionate about rare French wines Please send your resume with mention of your present and expected salary We are offering motivating packages for the right candidates.


市場推廣經理 (高級葡萄酒) Sara Beattie Appointments

- Review Company positioning and brand – refine and develop a marketing strategy to build brand and reinforce market positioning - Raise external brand awareness through PR & journalist management - Establish CRM (Customer Relationship Management) System - Assist Sales Director / senior team in agency selection, wine procurement and wine pricing - Sales team training – tasting / theory / market trends / innovations (product specific and general wine industry) - Support services to wholesale clients – training / staff education - 5-8 years of marketing experience and over 2 years of experience in China - Previous exposure in wine industry is an advantage but not necessary - Good command of both written and spoken English; Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin preferred but not essential) - Mature, able to work independently and under pressure, resourceful and self-driven with a strong sense of commitment - Proficient in Microsoft Office, including Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, Power point and Chinese word processing - Good interpersonal and organizational skills Ability to prioritize multiple assignments and meet deadlines - Responsible and detail-minded, with a mature personality - Strong organizational, analytical, detailed planning and project management skills - Strong intellectual capacity – a continuous learner, highly analytical, good conceptual thinking skills - Detail-oriented while not losing track of the big picture Candidates with less experience will be considered in junior positions. Interested applicants, please send full resume to & Please include your current and expected salary and available date. Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. We regret that only the shortlisted candidates will be notified. Should you be interested in the above position please contact sean@ directly.

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