The Official WINGS2014 Newspaper
Tea With Brendan
As WINGS2014 draws to a close, read our interview with camp chief Brendan Booth.
Hey Guys Lily, Zoe and Guides from Washington inspire an English / American translation.
Issue 8 Saturday 9th August 2014
As Old As You Feel Meet the oldest and the youngest participants here at WINGS2014.
Thank you We, in the Security team, would like to say a huge thank you to Brian Burden. For those of you who don't know him, Brian has worked tirelessly for the last 18 months to manage registrations and ensure the wrist band system made life as easy as possible of us. The smooth arrivals process was testament to his hard work. Amy and Catherine would like to thank the Splash It! zone for an amazing range of activities to keep them cool in the heat and being particularly smiley, happy people. Party goers make lasting friendships at WINGS2014
Photograph by Matthew Woolley
Shaping Lives By The Vaggmeister General
rom the friends you meet to the skills you gain, Scouting and Guiding can have a huge impact on every aspect of your life. We wanted to know your stories and experiences.
Guiding and camping has also taught them how to live independently: “Coming to WINGS2014 has shown us lots of cultures; Guiding opportunities like this let us see the new faces and places!”
James, Oscar and Joe from 84th Reading, love Scouting: “We’ve been given loads of opportunities including learning to light fires, pitch tents and go camping; many of these we would never have been able to try otherwise”.
Vicki, a staff member, told us how being a Scout leader has shaped her career dramatically. After becoming a Young Leader and learning to work with children she consequently trained to be a primary school teacher. She has also met many international friends through Scouting who have given her the opportunity to travel the world.
Ukrainian Guides Nastya and Polina think that Guiding is a priceless experience that will remain with them throughout their lives. “We love how we can walk through this campsite and shout ‘high 5’ or ‘free hugs’ and everyone responds without any questions being asked! Only Guides and Scouts would do that because everyone is one big family,” they said.
As a result of friendships made at WINGS2009, Claire has continued to meet new people within Somerset Network and their local county: “Guiding and Scouting has helped me with my career too; my boss is a Scout Leader and my CV stood out to him because of my Guiding background.”
Amiele and Lucie of 4th Taplow Hitchin Guides would like to say thank you to the Trabki ZHP unit from Poland who have stayed with them this week, making new friends and being patient when trying to communicate across the language barrier.
Banstead Explorer leaders Phil and Tom have both been a part of Scouting for their entire lives. They told us how it has given them the confidence to go on to other things which they would struggle to do otherwise: “When I became a leader I had to learn to be able to stand up and talk to groups of people which is a skill I now use at work every day,” Phil told us.
Emily and Maia would like to thank their leader Kevin and his team from 101st Odiham Scouts for organising for them to attend WINGS2014 and for giving up a week to bring them to what has been an amazing week.
International events have also been a crucial element of their Scouting lives so far. Tom as an Explorer sailed across the North Sea which he would never have dreamed of doing otherwise. Phil told us that one of his most treasured memories was looking at the view from the top of the mountain at Kandersteg International Scout Centre, “It was really a once in a lifetime opportunity. It’s these Scouting experiences which have given me the motivation to do something special with my life”.
Suomi Scouts from Finland would like to thank everyone for an amazing week but particularly the Technology sub camp team for being friendly and helpful and providing a programme of extra activities for participants. Planning something special?
Let us know and we’ll include it in our ‘Dont Miss’ section.
Thank You All So Much A letter to The Daily Brew
WINGS Weather
Saturday 9th August Midday AM
would just like to thank you all to the WINGS2014 Staff, Troop and Unit Leaders and most importantly - the Guides, Scouts, Senior Section and Explorers, for such a Brilliant WINGS camp again.
I have been to all the WINGS camps, and signed a lot of challenge books during this week! each camp is different and the Scout and Guide County Commissioners of the early 1990’s who had the vision of a joint Scout and Guide International camp, the late Roger King and Janet Shurmer, would be so proud of you all, in achieving so much and giving so much over these past years.
I sat next to the Duchess at tea; It was just as I feared it would be.
I have also been delighted to see so many Young Leaders in both the staff roles and in the Unit and Troop roles, the future of our wonderful movements are safe in their hands.
y friend Rachel and I are doing a blind folded run for the Royal London Society for Blind People. It would mean the world to us if you could help us raise money.
M Fresh News Daily
A special thank you to Brendan and Kate and their teams, Hamish Stout and Jenny King, your current County Commissioners and all their support teams. Also to our Berkshire Trefoil Guilds in their help in staffing roles and daily support roles in the retail shops, and also to the Scout Active Support teams as well. Thank you to all the volunteers here at WINGS2014 and the Brownie and Cub leaders who supported WINGS on Wednesday.
I have also been most impressed with our young members’ behaviour and kindness to their fellow campers, well done! To our International Visitors, it has been a delight to meet so many of you, we must never forget that we are all in a Huge International Family, we wish you a safe journey home to your lands, and please take our special Royal Berkshire good wishes to all your members abroad and in your homes. So see you and many others in 5 years’ time, Go Well and Safely. Jane Bingham , County President, Girlguiding Royal Berkshire and Berkshire Trefoil Guilds.
The run we are doing involves me being blind folded and Rachel guiding me for 10k. To sponsor us please text NRBR79£2 to 70070 or change the £2 to any amount you are will to donate.
Sunday 10th August Midday AM Monday 11th August Midday AM
There is a 78% chance of tea today.
16o 13o 13o
You can track our progress and how our training is going on our page at natalieandrachel. Thank you so much from 1st Dunmow Explorers. Page 1