Customer Service Skills Master Class by Cadillac: MUST Have Lessons for Online Business Owners

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Customer Service Skills Master Class By Cadillac | MUST Have Lessons For Online Business Owners by Gary Miller |

Amazing learning opportunities are everywhere if we’re paying attention. This morning on an otherwise normal errand to drop off my wife’s SUV for service I experienced a customer service skills masters class. It was given courtesy of Cadillac. Little disclaimer here. Talking about dropping of my wife’s Cadillac at the dealership is not some marketing bling play. We got it because our family is growing quickly. We bought it used, paid it off quickly. Nuff said. Back to the customer service skills master class I just witnessed. Great customer service skills are rare things these day. We’ve all become so accustomed to horrible service that when we experience a brand or its

representatives with solid customer service skills we’re floored. In the digital economy that we live in, our customer service skills are showcased inside our emails, sales pages, blog posts… they are everywhere. If you’re an online marketer of any flavor one sure way to stand out among the crowd is to have exceptional customer service skills.

Cadillac’s Jedi Customer Service Skills Run Down

1) Great Customer Service Skills Means Making It Easy For Your Audience To Know Where To Go and What To Do The complex that I dropped off our car at is huge. It’s also right off a busy major freeway interchange. If the signage wasn’t clear and concise I would’ve been turned around, lost, and then ten shades of annoyed. There were two simple signs that took me right where I need to go. It couldn’t have been easier. Does your blog, website, emails, sales pages, make the journey easy for your audience or do they get lost in clunky, over stuffed, mess? A key here is remember the RULE OF MULTIPLES.

If you give viewers too much to choose from, they are likely to not choose anything at all. Try 1-2 fantastic images or opt ins in the sidebar of your blog, not 10. Just because you can add a bunch of things to your pages, don’t mean you should. A key element in great customer service skills is making the initial experience a great one when someone “drives” into your website. First impressions matter! 2) Great Customer Service Skills Means Making Every Interaction Personal The dealership I dropped off at had what seemed like a zillion employees and a clear assembly line system that ran in the background to get customers in and out fast. Here’s how Cadillac brought great customer service skills to that process. Every staff member I met and shook hands with addressed be my name and made each step personal. Are you connecting personally with your audience online? Automation is a great aspect of your business but it should be in the background. When visitors come to you site do they see you? Is your face anywhere? Connectivity is everything. There are plenty of other options for customers to chose from. Phenomenal customer service skills means standing out. An incredibly easy way to do that is to be visible. Social media, websites and blogs, should at a minimum have a picture of you. Even better customer service skills means telling your story in a real way and connecting that to your audience.

Are you being yourself? DO NOT FORGET, traffic equals real people with real lives, challenges, and dreams. Connect with that and you’ll be using fantastic customer service skills. 3) Great Customer Service Means Putting Your Best Stuff Up Front When you drive by a car dealership do you see the older models first or the newest and best? When I drove in this morning my dealership had the absolute best stuff out front.

Attention span online is crazy short. We’re all guilty of it. Most people will scan, scroll, and move off a site very quickly even if they really like it. Is your best stuff up front for people to see? If not, get it there. Here’s the best way to make sure you always have your best in front of your audience. Before you hit the publish on a post or send on an email to your list, ask yourself, “Does this add real value?” If it doesn’t, rework it. Jedi customer service skills means always being on the lookout to add value. Let’s face it, a lot of the criticism towards internet marketer is fair because a large swath of people in this business do not add value.

Great Customer Service Skills Equals More Leads, More Sales, More $$$ The impact of great customer service skills adds up. There is absolutely no question that when I’m in the market for a new vehicle where I’m going to go. It’s a no brainer. Interestingly enough I don’t have the first clue how they stack up against their competing dealerships. I don’t care because I’ve already been blown away by their great customer service skills. That’s what we want for our internet audience. We want them absolutely spellbound by their experience with us. We want to help them get where they want to go in an easy and enjoyable way. Give these Cadillac customer service skills lessons a try in your business and get ready to have thrilled customers. Do you want to learn how to share your stories and ideas with others and actually get paid for it? Crazy huh? Click Here, enter your email, and I will show you the goods. Also, connect with me on Facebook here. I look forward to meeting you! ~ Gary Miller Jr.

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