Mégève Winter 2011-2012

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WINTER 2011 WINTER 2010 - 2012 2011

m a g a z I N E



As has now become an undeniable tradition in Megève, the Christmas tree decorated by Swarovski, will sparkle with its crystal stars in the centre of Megève for the third consecutive year! A natural giant of ten metres high and five metres in diameter, enchantingly adorned, and towards whom all regards will be turned ON THE 3rd December when it is illuminated for the first time this season. A magical spell that will last all winter long. We love it!

editorial These days there is an enormous desire floating in the air to soothe our aching hearts, to hear tender words, to get back to the essential, to quite simply say that we love each other… And where could be better than Megève to do so? With its unique setting, its immaculate snow, its glittering lights and its exceptional ambiance, Megève inspires, makes hearts beat stronger. love is in the air everywhere in the streets… As if by enchantment stories of love have begun here for some, declared themselves or kindled the flame for others… And it’s not only couples who love each other… There are also the people and the places we love. So many passions to fulfil. So, yes! In the latest winter edition of the Megève Magazine, there will be love stories, in all their different forms and expressions, and on all the pages. And yes, we would like to tell you, you who are also in love with Megève, that our village loves you too! The Megève Tourism Team.

official partnership.



+33 (0)4 50 21 05 40


Pamplemousse 04 50 10 2000 - Crédit photos : O. Tops, Atelier du Cyclope.


ThE WoRld of mEgèvE




I lovE my skI slopE


ThE spoRTs club’s 80Th aNNIvERsaRy


foR lovE of EmIlE allaIs


JumpINg INTo coTToN Wool


lovE Was madE To bE shaREd


a lEssoN IN ThE aRT of sEducTIoN




hE dId IT hIs Way




I lovE you Too


ThE lovE of bEauTIful ThINgs


IN lovE To ThE TIp of ThEIR fINgERs


mEgèvE, a cRadlE of lovE sToRIEs


puRE skIINg


fITNEss aT hEaRT



12 20

contents 66

a gREaT dIvE ahEad


lovE hoRsEs To bITs


ThE gRaNd odyssEy


sNoW golf cup








ThE WoRld of mEgèvE lovE aT 1,754 mETERs

Alfred leung chi kin and venus yiu yin ping from Hong kong had a somewhat unusual experience on the ski slopes of Megève. On arrival at the summit of Rochebrune they took part in a photo session. As the photographer was packing his equipment Alfred made a sign for him to wait a moment. He took a little red casket from his backpack before falling to his knees in front of his beloved… to ask for her hand in marriage. Then, looking at the eternal snow, he took her into his arms and they declared, “Next year when we are married we will come back for our honeymoon!” Decidedly on the romantic front the chinese have nothing to envy the French! Béryl Ziegler

WElcomE To ThE uNIvERsE of sTEfaNo foREvER

fRom mId-dEcEmbER To ThE bEgINNINg of apRIl, sTEfaNo foREvER Is back aT ThIs NIghT spoT ThaT has bEcomE a culT, ThE “RouTE du TéléphéRIquE”.

A much awaited and dazzling return at the heart of a sublime atmosphere in a decor of entirely relooked baroque. Bright red and pearly silver for the warmth of these atypical premises where the widely varied entertainment includes artistic productions and fashion shows in the image of an art and dream seller. An excellent cabaret where we can have dinner and a drink, presenting artists from the “cirque du Soleil”, music hall numbers, and an ephemeral boutique upstairs selling objects from the world of Stefano Forever. On the programme this winter, numerous theme evenings including: The thousand and one nights of Stefano, The “cage aux Folles”, “les Femmes”, the Night of Stefano… and even more for unusual and unforgettable nights. Johana Trossat 8


ThE myThIc paRIsIaN cRazy hoRsE TRoupE Is puTTINg oN a shoW aT ThE coNgREss cENTRE, a fIRsT foR mEgèvE.

The evening kicks off on the 3rd December after the illumination of the Swarovski christmas tree. Around 550 people are expected for this prestigious gala dinner with an orchestra, magic show and the dancers from the crazy Horse, paris. A cabaret that, since it was created, has celebrated the beauty and sensuality of women in an intimate and sophisticated atmosphere. And despite being 60 years old, the most avantgarde of parisian cabarets continues to reinvent and inspire our imagination! Many thanks to Gilles chaussinand, who runs IScE consulting, the producer and organiser of this event. Béryl Ziegler

facEbook lovEs mEgèvE

fIvE sTaRs foR ThE alpaga

hoW caN you fINd ouT WhaT’s goINg oN IN ThE vIllagE?

The answer : by connecting to facebook.megeve. com. With 30,000 friends and daily updates, there’s no doubt of the interest shown in the Megève page. Some find out about the quality of the snow, others announce their arrival thanks to the check-ins. you can also find out about the different village events or ideas for going out, look at photos, get the results of sports competitions and of course… comment on everything that’s circulating on the wall. There are also competition games with products to win. In a nutshell, Megève on Facebook is a real link, to visit without further delay!

Béryl Ziegler

Just one year after opening, it has become the third hotel in the village to be awarded five stars. With comfortable chalets in the heart of its hamlet, this luxurious 22-room hotel in an exceptional setting offers a very up market and personalised service. A magnificent hotel complex blending tradition and modernity and offering spacious contemporary areas of wood and stone. Each of the three chalets forming the hotel is independent yet harmoniously linked to the other chalets and annexed facilities : fitness, Turkish bath, spa, bar and restaurant. The concierge services, underground garages, shuttle busses, terraces and balconies underline the majesty and beauty of this site in one of nature’s most generous settings and so close to the village. www.lodgemontagnard.com Johana Trossat

lovE vERTIgo!

The vertigo project is an imagined ephemeral concept, designed and developed by Jérôme Foucaud… facing the Mont-Blanc… in the heart of Megève’s skiing area… on the ski slopes of Mont d’Arbois… a concept that is reinvented and rethought every winter by the happy owner of the premises that have given him the opportunity to express his creativity and inventiveness… to astound and disconcert his guests of a day, or always… to enhance the different ambiances by creating areas with subtle and diverse atmospheres: gastronomic or “bistronomic” restaurants, a terrace, a lounge bar or a reading room… The vertigo project is an ephemeral concept that will cease to exist as we approach 2012, because the aim of this beautiful adventure is the opening of a five star hotel that will be a sign of the best and the unexpected! www.vertigo-hotel.com Alexandre Mollard 9



somETImEs IT’s lovE aT fIRsT sIghT. somETImEs IT dEEpENs WITh ThE passINg of ThE yEaRs. ofTEN, IT’s a loNg sToRy, ThaT lasTs, ThaT Is haNdEd doWN fRom faThER To soN aNd fRom moThER To daughTER… so maNy To lovE IT. ThEy comE fRom so maNy dIffERENT couNTRIEs. loyal, ThEy comE back yEaR afTER yEaR. IT Is NEvER faR fRom ThEIR hEaRTs, ThEy NEvER foRgET IT aNd EvEN lovE To Talk abouT IT. ITs TENdERNEss. ITs ambIaNcE. ITs RomaNTIcIsm. ITs bEauTy IN all foRms. ThEy aRE ThE pEoplE Who lovE mEgèvE!



ski slope! I lovE my

IT’s a WEll-kNoWN facT ThaT ThosE Who lovE ThEm spEak ThE bEsT abouT ThEm! aNd To Talk abouT mEgèvE’s skI slopEs, WhaT bETTER ThaN To ask ThosE Who usE ThEm.

The idea germinated when the GpS tracks of the slopes were put on-line: launch the contest for the best commentary of your favourite Megève ski slope. Around thirty people joined in the game giving a remarkable result. “We were surprised by the creativity and quality of the commentaries!”, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Deputy Mayor for Tourism told us, before adding : “people have an emotional relationship with Megève. At heart, we all have our favourite slopes, but the funny thing is to see how each person is attached to a particular detail!”

The jury, who had a lot of difficulty in separating the winners, finally nominated the author of the commentary of the “Belle d’Arbois” piste. “Now there’s no chance that I will forget the name of this slope that I have always used but never really paid attention to until now”, recalls Jean-Marc Seigneur! And before reading the three finalists, what is your favourite slope? Flora Bornstein

winneR of the contest

Mont d’ARbois

The Belle d’Arbois As the name implies, it is a very special piste… like a pretty woman it has to be deserved and is characterised by its capacity to stand out from the other slopes; it can also be capricious and you can’t approach it whenever you want. But when you are lucky enough to find it dressed in all its white finery, it guarantees you some moments of pure pleasure and ecstasy. A pretty red, it is approached from the start of the slope by the pylons, a gentle start between two hedges of tall fir trees from which you can see the gentle slopes of the pré Rosset and véry in the distance. Then, once you are a little away from everything, it reveals itself completely, the gentle slope giving way to a more assertive character where there is no room for approximation. The succession of short turns in this wall offering a magnificent 180° view from the cote 2000 to the Aravis must be precise, neat and, in a

word, extremely careful. like a dance between you and the slope, your descent is made cheerfully to the exit of the forest, and just before you run out of breath, the rhythm slows down allowing you to join up with the great sloping ledge of the Mandarine piste that leads you gently to the depart of the Mont d’Arbois cable car. A slope with a varied profile, it also changes with the seasons, its southern orientation offering the best snow at the beginning of the season, guaranteeing warmth and light all the time, but sadly refusing you in the spring when the greenery of the pastures takes the upper hand… you have understood, the “Belle d’Arbois” is a unique piste offering all the pleasures of skiing and, as it often feels lonely and forlorn, the pleasure of being alone with it is even the greater.

like a pretty woman it has to be deserved.



The Alpette l’Alpette, c’est un mot au goût d’enfance, charmant, The Alpette is a charming word with childhood flavours That of a little name, light and tasty Short for deceptive flirtatiousness The image of the Alps in miniature Whereas in fact we discover a happy view there Of the high mountains in their purest state I always love climbing up there In the heat and effort of summer, And in the breezes In the heart of winter. The arrival at the summit is well worth this effort As the majestic Mont-Blanc


Waits for me like a gift in gold kindly and ever snow covered. The piste decides, easy or hard Depending on age, confidence or style; powdery, the snow left there On a hillside is much more risky. Everywhere at mid-slope, in the open air, We slide, speed accelerates. And I feel the shivers of freedom Which tell me already at the bottom That I must start all over again…! Claire Grémont


The coq Now here’s one of my favourite ski runs on the Evasion Mont-Blanc skiing area. A real afternoon’s pleasure! After a rapid ascent with the christomet TSD6 (detachable, high-speed 6-seater chairlift), which allows us to admire the black Aigle below, we descend to the right at the summit of the chairlift. There, high up and in the sun, we take the time to contemplate the snowcovered croisse Baulet in the foreground with the Aravis range behind. We get started, peacefully carving this red by little flats and a few broken slopes. The speed

There, high up in the sun, we take the time to contemplate the snow-covered croisse Baulet in the foreground with the Aravis range behind. increases, the wind blows, the snow flies and we continue towards the Frasses. The slope forks off suddenly to the right and goes into the forest. A little schuss welcomes us, we build up speed, faster and faster, no time to brake… and the serious things begin as two long and wide walls succeed one another. Facing the slope and with tight little turns, the snow marches under our feet, no time to catch our breath on the short sloping ledge, and the second wall is already burning our thighs. A few more turns and we are at the bottom, at the foot of the christomet. We can catch our breath, and take just the time to admire our tracks before going up again! What happiness Romain Dubreuil



MegèVe sKiPAss

non-sKieR PAss

altitude 1113 to 2350 m. cable cars and ski lifts will be open from 17th december. (may open 3rd december if enough snow.) cable cars and ski lifts at le Jaillet, princesse and la giettaz will close on 1st april, mont d’arbois on 9th april, 15th april for combloux, Rochebrune and the cote 2000 closure on 22th april. If you do not yet possess a rechargeable hands free pass support, you will need to add €2 to the price of all these passes at the initial purchase. on following stays you will then be able to recharge it on www.skiamegeve.com

(325 km of slopes, 83 ski lifts.) valid on Rochebrune, cote 2000, mont d‘arbois, Jaillet, la giettaz, combloux, saint-gervais and saint-Nicolas. free meg-bus shuttle service within megève.

valid on the ski lifts open to walkers in megève, saint-gervais (Tmb not included) and combloux. 6 days and season for les contamines. 1 day: e 16 6 days: e 65 season: e 218




e 28


e 26


e 28

e 23

e 26


e 36

e 29

e 32

«PoRtes du Mont-blAnc» sKiPAss

eVAsion Mont-blAnc sKiPAss (445km of slopes, 107 ski lifts.) valid on the following areas: Rochebrune, mont d‘arbois, Jaillet, cote 2000, la giettaz, combloux, st gervais, st Nicolas and les contamines. free meg-bus shuttle service within megève. 1 to 16 days skipass available.

1 day





e 39

e 31

e 35,50

2 days

e 74

e 59

e 67

6 days

e 186,50

e 150

e 168

6 days «liberty»

e 210,50

e 168



evasion - season skipass purchased before 15/11/11 or from 05/01/12 children: from 5 to 14 years old.

This information might be modified.


(90km of slopes, 27 ski lifts.) valid on Jaillet, la giettaz and combloux. free meg-bus shuttle service within megève. 1 to 13 days skipass available.




afternoon (11h)

e 25,50

e 20,00

e 23,70

afternoon (12h30)

e 24,50

e 18,90

e 22,60

e 27

e 20,60

e 25

day 6 days

book online: www.skiamegeve.com contact@skiamegeve.com sEm megève ski lift company 220, route du Teléphérique Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 38 39 fax: +33 (0)4 50 21 31 39 Jaillet area Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 01 50 Rochebrune - cote 2000 Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 01 51 mont d’arbois Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 22 07 princesse Tel. +33 (0)4 50 93 00 83 Insurance «carte neige» on sale at the sports club, the ski lifts offices and the ski schools. photo compulsory for passes of 3 days or more (and also for non-skier pass)

e 134,20 e 104,00 e 123,80

Family: - 10 % or the simultaneous purchase of at least 4 evasion skipasses, 6 consecutive days or more (except season) with a minimum of 2 children (under 18 years old).

This winter with the midweek package, give yourself a maximum of pleasure over 4 days. 4 days of unlimited skiing on the 445km of ski runs which make up the Evasion mont-blanc skiing area. 4 days of relaxation without moderation in the swimming pool, sauna, hammam (minimum age 15 years old) and ice rink at megève sports centre. 4 nights (monday to Thursday inclusive) in a hotel or apartment. from € 234 /person in a 2 roomed apartment for 4 people. This exceptional offer is valid from 9th January to 3rd february 2012 and from 12th march 2012 to the end of winter season.

senior: over 60 years old free passes for children under 5 and adults over 80 except free-hand card (€ 2) Written proof of age is required.

mEgèvE lIbERTy

a mountain of activities! 7 nights in a hotel, residence or apartment, 6 days of unlimited skiing on the Evasion mont blanc domain slopes and 6 daysof unlimited access to the swimming pool, ice rink, pingpong, fitness room (15 years old minimum) and medialibrary. from € 324 / person in a 2 roomed apartment for 4 people. This exceptional offer is valid from 7th January to 4th february 2012 and from 10th march 2012 to the end of winter season. more information page 67.

information and booking: +33 (0)4 50 21 29 52 - www.megeve-reservation.com


Megève Sports club team 1952-1953

A celebRAtion in its honouR The sports club is organising a great celebration this year to mark the eightieth anniversary of the creation of the association. Thus, on tuesday 20th december the resort, and in particular the village square will come alive to a programme of festivities concocted by all the club’s members. The aim of the event is to honour the managers, coaches, members and all the top-level sportsmen and women who have been trained there. an event that holds many surprises in store.

ThE spoRTs club WITh 14 sEcTIoNs, NEaRly oNE ThousaNd mEmbERs aNd aRouNd ThIRTy coachEs, mEgèvE’s spoRTs club Is IN ExcEllENT hEalTh dEspITE ITs gREaT agE. WE look back To a hIsToRy of aRdENT spoRTs lovERs.

is 80!

The birth of the Sports club dates back to the beginning of the 1920s. At that time, Megève was just starting its development as a great ski and tourist resort. A handful of keen sportsmen and women decided to create an organisation called the “Megève Sports club”, gaining membership of the French Winter Sports and Skiing Federations and therefore able to organise sporting competitions. Then, on the 17th July 1931, the association made a first declaration at the sub-prefecture of Bonneville. Its objective was to promote the practice and development of physical and sports education, and also military preparation, particularly for Megève’s youngsters. As a coach, competition organiser and events partner, the Sports club was then to experience a fabulous development, based around winter and summer sports. This old, local institution well deserves a beautiful homage. Evelyne Périnet Marquet

AMbAssAdoRs “en Piste”! perhaps you have already run into them on megève’s skiing area or maybe they have already given you their precious assistance. They are the ambassadors; a team of 50 volunteers that was established in 2000, and present in all the resort’s strategic points. armed with kindness and a sense of humour they inform, guide and advise skiers about the quality of the snow cover and the different events and entertainment that create a certain rhythm, highlighting the season. attentive to even the slightest details, they help to make your day’s skiing even more pleasurable. www.megeve-ambassadeurs.com


ski map 18


Émile Allais and Jean-claude killy



For love of

émIlE allaIs

ThERE aRE 100 Ways To WIsh émIlE allaIs a happy bIRThday. hERE aRE hEIghT, addREssEd To hIm by hEIghT pERsoNalITIEs closEly coNNEcTEd To ThE REsoRT’s coNTEmpoRaRy hIsToRy. EvERy oNE of ThEm has a dIREcT lINk WITh ThE advENTuRE of TouRIsm aNd skIINg aNd has had a moRE oR lEss closE coNTacT WITh ThE champIoN. « My Émile, I say “my”, how pretentious! As you yourself know, you belong to no one. On the other hand, you have always been the man who knows how to give and assuredly I, we, can only strive to be like you.» Pierre Margara

«Émile Allais founded the profession of ski patrol and maintenance man. Without him this profession would not exist. He also founded the profession of ski instructor. My grandfather, clovis Duvillard has skied with him. » Nicolas Chambet « It wasn’t until quite late that I learnt of my Dad’s exceptional career. Until that time, he was my hero simply because of his qualities as a father, his deep kindness, patience, his ability to listen, his broadmindedness and so many other reasons.» Karen Allais «Enthusiasm, the spirit of initiative and innovation have animated each of our encounters.» Stéphane Grosset

« I would like to thank Émile Allais for all that he has done, and for the totality of his works. He launched the French skiing method, contributed to its development and promoted its image.» Maxime Tissot


Émile Allais and his family

« Dad is the champion of dads! you have given me so much time, so much love. you have given me a love of skiing, the sea, nature, and the ability to enjoy the simple things in life. But also to have dreams and to see a project through right to the end. Thanks Daddy. Now, you’ll have to keep doing all that with your grandchildren.» Kathleen Allais

« For me Émile will always be the living legend of the first tracks, the first ski slopes and the first medals. A real pioneer in the white gold rush! I never get tired of hearing the story of his life and century. Thank you Émile, thanks for everything » Marc Béchet

« From the first time I met Émile, I keep the memory of a discreet and reserved man who loves to share his experiences. But what impressed me the most is his long-term vision of the future of Megève. » Marithé Crozet


Megève Team Achievement and Promises Season after season the “Megève Team” reflects the successes of Mègevan sportsmen and women in important competitions and the excellence of the training offered by the Sports Club. Formerly reserved for snow sports, the group is now open to Megèvans who ride on two wheels, who fly or run, and a “Promising youngsters” team now puts those whose results are encouraging for future performances into the spotlight. Today the team is the embodiment of the visible part of the resort’s sports knowhow. And it is filling out, which can only be a good sign! For all that, the admission and the “mission” are never the same for any two people. “Within the Megève Team we are very demanding in terms of selection criteria because sportspeople who take part in the World or European Cups are involved. The

“Promising youngsters” team operates more to encourage those youngsters present who are likely to represent Megève in the coming years”, sums up Lionel Burille, Deputy Mayor for sport. Slalom skier Maxime Tissot, member of the Team since 2007, joined the top 30 in the World rankings in his discipline last season. Used to communicating about the resort, he underlines the direct link between his achievement and the resort. “Megève is always behind us and supporting us”. A commission whose members are from the town council and the Sports Club study the entrance applications, the first criterion being membership of the club. This year Maxime Tissot, Anthony Benna, Arnaud Burille and Albert Bedouet have been selected to take part in the World Cup. Pascal Arvin-Bérod






INTo coTToN Wool

Would you lovE To TRy skI JumpINg buT aRE afRaId of huRTINg youRsElf? ThE bIg aIR bag WIll lENd you WINgs! located at the top of the petit Rochebrune chairlift, this inflatable mattress of eight by eleven meters has been specially designed for ski jumpers’ landings. With it everything is possible, even the craziest acrobatic figures! Whether you are a beginner or experienced, skier or snowboarder, this structure is ideal for performing jumps in complete security without worrying about the landing. you just have to build up speed and take off from a two-meter high ski jump on a 55°slope… and let yourself be projected seven meters away. The key being: guaranteed thrills and exceptional performances. “Thanks to the Big Air Bag, I have been able to do figures like the back flip without hurting myself”, testifies a skier who has become a big fan. And he’s not the only one…

Nevertheless, don’t be too relaxed: a helmet and dorsal protection are obligatory to be admitted to the module. Just spend a few minutes near the Big Air Bag to feel how it triggers off your emotions: jump higher and further still and with more rotations in the air! And because it would be a shame to miss out on such a spectacle, this year the Big Air Bag has decided to lend itself to demonstrations. All those who have trained during the day can come back in the evening and perform their favourite tricks to thunderous applause. And lastly a word of advice for fans: Megève’s Big Air Bag has a spot on the Facebook social network. Don’t hesitate to come and post your most extreme videos. And don’t forget to “like” the page. Because the Big Air Bag is loved without counting the cost! Béryl Ziegler

Guaranteed sensations and exceptional performances.

“The Big Air Bag was put into service for the first time last winter. It was a great success with more than 10,000 jumps recorded”, says Stéphane Grosset, who firmly believes that this project would never have seen the light of day without the active participation of ludovic Morand, Technical Director of the Rochebrune ESF. Incorporated into a zone dedicated to freestylers near the Waidzai park and the skier cross, this mattress bearing the colours of coca-cola Zero, is a great hit with teenagers and adults looking for intense sensations. Everyone can jump at their own rhythm under the watchful eye of a technician and instructor specialising in free-style. “They are there to ensure that the module is working well and give optimal advice to users”, Stéphane Grosset informs us. All this in a relaxed atmosphere, as here we jump to music.

PRActicAl infoRMAtion module accessible from 12 years. for younger children, a parental responsibility discharge is required.Tickets can be obtained on the spot. price : €10 for 2 hours opening times outside french school holidays: every Wednesday, saturday and sunday (from 1pm to 3pm). during french school holidays: every day from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 00 97


sNoW spoRTs schools sKi AgencY At MegèVe

an Excellence ski school. professional skiers in megève. private lessons for all standards. personalised upmarket service. your lessons in french, English or spanish. Information and reservations online at: www.agencedeski-megeve.com mobile: +33 (0)6 99 18 52 00

fRench sKi school

Whatever your ski style or your chosen discipline, let the professionals of the Esf (french ski school) share their skills and pleasure of the snow with you. you will find your feet from the first day with private lessons (by the hour or the day, given in french, English, spanish, german and Italian) or group lessons. With the easiest access to the ski slopes: discover the domain, with unattainable perfection and conviviality as a bonus. please book your lessons on line: www.megeve-ski.com

esf - Maison de la Montagne 176, rue de la poste Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 00 97 www.megeve-ski.com Reservation recommended.

All seAson long Private lessons 1 or 2 people - 1 hour: €42 from 3 to 5 people - 1 hour: €54 from 1 to 5 people - The day: €350 handiski mono-ski or bi-ski, 2 hours minimum: €42/hr. material provided by Esf, 3 instructors available. Reservation recommended. 2626

gRouP lessons chRistMAs And winteR school holidAYs

christmas (17/12/11 to 03/01/12) and Winter (11/02/12 to 12/03/12) Reservation recommended. ADUlTS from 13 years old Alpine skiing 2 ½ hrs/day for 5 mornings: €149 caboche only 2 ½ hrs/day for 6 afternoons: €149 lessons in English 2 ½ hrs/day for 5 mornings: €149 noRdic sKiing at the mont d’arbois 2 ½ hrs/day for 5 mornings: €149 ChIlDREN (from beginners to Etoiled‘or level) from 3 to 5 years old 5 mornings or 6 afternoons Esf princesse/ Jaillet/Rochebrune 2 h/day: €128 From 5 to 12 years old 2 ½ hrs/day for 5 mornings: €138 2 ½ hrs/day for 6 afternoons: €138

tRAining couRses Introduction to competition «Etoile d’or» mini level 3 ½ hrs/day for 6 mornings or 6 afternoons: €210 Day racing at the caboche «flèche de bronze» mini level from 10 years old 6 days (9.30am - 5pm): €420 Gold competition at the caboche «flèche de vermeil» mini level from 14 years old 6 afternoons (1.30pm - 5pm): €219 freeski & teenager ski at the mont d’arbois «flèche d’argent» mini level from 14 years old 4 half-days + 1 day: €219 Snowboard from 10 years old 6 lessons of 2 ½ hrs/day: €197 6 lessons of 3 ½ hrs /day*: €275 *snowboard 3 and expert

esf cAboche onlY gRouP lessons out of fRench school holidAY PeRiod And eAsteR holidAYs (from 04/01/12 to 10/02/12 and from 13/03/12 to the end of the ski season) Reservation Recommended. Princesse only group lessons week end from beginners to «Etoile d‘or» level for up to eight pupils 2 half-days of 3 hrs/day: €68 Adults from 13 years old Alpine skiing 3 hrs/day for 5 mornings: €149 nordic skiing at the mont d’arbois 3 hrs/day for 5 mornings: €149 snowboard at the caboche 5 lessons of 3 hrs/day each: €149 childRen (from beginners to Etoile d‘or level) from 3 to under 5 years old 2 hrs/day for 5 mornings: €128 from 5 to 12 years old 3 hrs/day for 5 mornings: €138 week end competition «flèche de bronze» mini level from 10 years old 2 half-days: €85 timed tests With ski open ranking, evaluation of your exact skiing level. Registration for 1 timed test: €12 5 timed tests: €38

inteRnAtionAl sKi school

a team of qualified and multilingual professionals who will do their utmost to satisfy your requirements. Tailored quality: group lessons of 8 children maximum, for beginners to advanced skiers (possibility of competitions), private lessons or days upon request, at megève or elsewhere..., vallée blanche, heliski, hikes. a professional warm and receptive team.

AssociAtion téléMARK MegèVe for information: www.telemarkmegeve.com ou s.seigneur@telemarkmegeve.com

with Megève esi learn at your own pace: Private ski instructor: Intense technique - 1 h personalized technique - 2 h personalized technique with the possibility of discovering the local ski area - 3 h Instruction at your own pace to suit your wishes, morning or afternoon, 4 h a full day 100% at your service, all your requirements met from the moment you step outside your residence: ski passes, equipment, restaurant bookings, routes, etc… group lessons, children: Tailor-made for up to eight pupils. EsI «p’tits groupes»: mouse (beginners), crystal, bronze crystal, silver crystal, gold crystal, 10 am - 12.30 pm or 2.30 pm 5pm. (including test and medals). group lessons, teenagers and pre-teenagers: Teenagers and pre-teenagers kid race and kid ride courses one day and half-day teenage competition course free-ride course from monday to friday, from 10 am to 1 pm (Tests, medal, loan of jacket and meal) ski adventure ski touring (seal skin) day or raid. off-piste skiing: for beginners and advanced in powder snow. discovery of the skiing areas in and around megève: diamant area, chamonix, flaine, The gateway to the sun… White valley heliski: Italy, switzerland and canada. ski guiding/ski excursion seminars company groups and leisure organisation of races timed with a stopwatch. EsI mEgEvE 237, rue de la poste Tel: +33 (0)4 50 58 78 88 www.esimegeve.com

MountAin guides snowshoes: 1/2 day, day and nocturnal; discovery of a natural environment, of wildlife and landscapes. from 10 years. glacier snowshoeing: a day outing, discovery of the “mer de glace” glacier and the “col de géant” (mountainpass). ski excursion: 1/2 day or day; discovery of the region’s skiing areas: megève, “Espace diamant”, chamonix, the grand massif, the aravis, flaine and courmayeur. off-piste skiing: initiation by the 1/2 day and perfection by the day at megève, Espace diamant, chamonix, the aravis, flaine, and courmayeur. the Vallée blanche and its variations: day excursion, the petit Envers, the Rognon, the Envers du plan, the real vallée blanche, the grand Envers.

RéVolution glisse skI & sNoWboaRd a radical new combination of air and snow sports in a school with a difference. a group of free lance, english-speaking instructors and guides, all fully qualified with national certification (bEEs), who offer you a five-star service, in a broad range of activities. see for yourself. a unique and flexible approach for unique experiences. a main objective : - quality, enjoyment and safety for young and old alike. - With our guides, discover the best skiresorts… - a fREE dvd ! you are filmed as you learn so that you can see first hand your own progress and your children’s This dvd will leave you an unforgettable souvenir of your holidays. - private lessons from 6 years ski and 8 years snowboard Tel. +33 (0)6 67 60 89 64 into@revolutionglisse.com www.revolutionglisse.com

fReeRide school

ski instructors and mountain guides. private lessons for all levels. adults and children from 3 years old. personalised upmarket service. off piste skiing, heliski, vallée blanche... champfort sport 188, Route Edmond de Rothschild mobile: +33 (0)6 80 30 68 98 www.ecolefreeride-megeve.

ski touring: excursions of a 1/2 day, day or several days with nights in a mountain refuge. ice falls: initiation by the 1/2 day in the contamines and by the day in othe nearby sites (megève, Notre dame de bellecombe, chamonix). winter Mountaineering: arête des cosmiques, petite verte, Tour Ronde. heliski: Italy, switzerland and canada. climbing and tyrolean: group sessions for children and adults of 1h 30 or individual lessons. Paragliding: 1/2 day or day initiation. maison de la montagne 76, rue a. martin Tél. +33 (0)4 50 21 55 11 www.guides-megeve.com

sKi PRos MegèVe è

very select ski and snow sports school. qualified independent american, french and british instructors. Tuition in English or french. private lessons, company groups, for all levels, of any age to fit everyone. lessons confirmed without delay! your starting point for «skiing better and more». mobile: +33 (0)6 81 61 06 15 www.skiprosmegeve.com


snowboard & ski school summits is an international ski school (micro structure). private lessons for all standards, adults and children from 4 years old. quality group lessons for children and adults, of 6 persons maximum, all levels. handiski: lessons for the disabled. crosscountry skiing - off-piste skiing ski touring - vallée blanche «ski concept» shop Impasse de la Telécabine du chamois Tel: +33 (0)4 50 93 35 21 mobile: +33 (0)6 84 01 26 00 www.summits.fr

27 27

lovE Was madE

to be shared IN mEgèvE WE lovE shaRINg ThE good TImEs. moRE aNd moRE of Today’s gRaNdpaRENTs aRE TakINg ThEIR gRaNdchIldREN To WINTER spoRTs. mEgèvE Is sTIll ThE IdEal holIday dEsTINaTIoN, havINg so maNy aNd vaRIEd acTIvITIEs pRoposEd foR youNgsTERs.


Grandparents and grandchildren have never been as close as they are today. It seems that the generation gap is progressively disappearing. And so the hierarchic relationships that prevailed thirty years ago have given way to more loving and harmonious relationships. We must admit however that today’s senior citizens are dynamic in all situations and are very young at heart. Qualities that allow them to create strong and loving ties with their grandchildren. Many of today’s grandparents enjoy sharing their free time with this new generation of grandchildren thirsty for time and affection. less strict, more available and more tuned in to their needs, grandparents are taking more and more place in their grandchildren’s lives. And for the greatest happiness of all concerned! fRaNçoIsE aNd JacquEs, gRaNdpaRENTs of ThIbaud, 9, maRINE 8 aNd Emma, 5.

Françoise and Jacques, in their early sixties, both active and sporty, have been skiing in Megève for years. A love that they hope to pass down to their grandchildren when they join them for the winter holidays. With 445km of sign posted and groomed slopes Megève is a fabulous playground for adults and children alike. While the youngest is discovering the joys of snow and sliding at the “piou piou” club, the older brother and sister are having skiing lessons with the ESF to attain their 2nd and 3rd stars. But in the afternoon they will devour the slopes with their grandparents. A moment of great complicity between the two generations, but also the opportunity for the children to perfect their skiing by listening to the sound advice of their grandparents. Some afternoons, the children alternate with other equally fun activities. Thibaud loves climbing on the artificial wall at the Sports centre, and also biathlon that he has recently discovered with his friends. He is really happy to go to the beginners’ lesson at the livraz. Marine prefers to relax with her grandmother and little sister at the heated

indoor swimming pool. But their greatest pleasure is to go together to the ice rink to round off the day in beauty. With such dynamic grandparents the children never have time to be bored during their holidays. daNIEllE aNd RENé, gRaNdpaRENTs of Tom, 12 aNd hugo, 11.

Danielle and René, both nature lovers, devote their retirement to hiking, an activity they do both in summer and winter. Quite naturally they take their grandchildren with them as often as possible to enlighten them about the mountain fauna and flora. In Megève there is no shortage of ideas for hiking outings. In winter it is with cross-country skiing that they prefer to cover the mountains at their own rhythm on the tracks of the livraz-cote 2000 site. The children have even had lessons to master the skating technique perfectly. last year they also loved the special family snowshoeing outing organised by the Mountain Guides. This accompanied and commentated excursion allowed them to have a better understanding of the way of life of wild animals in the mountains. But their favourite activity is the dog and sleigh ride on the heights of Megève; even more so because they learned to drive the dog teams themselves under the musher’s guidance. A wonderful adventure! The children’s grandparents have also enlightened them about the mountain farmers’ way of life. They visited a farm in Megève. Not simply another experience for these little citizens to discover goats, sheep, kids… but also to taste the farm produce. To make the visit even more fun, they were even taken there by horse and carriage. Once more the children leave Megève with their heads full of wonderful memories.

Françoise and Jacques have been skiing in Megève for years. A love that they hope to pass down to their grandchildren.

chaNTal aNd bERNaRd, gRaNdpaRENTs of claRa, 8 aNd maNoN, 6.

Newly retired, chantal and Bernard have decided to share the good times in life with their granddaughters. When they were still working



they were not able to spend much time with their own children. But today they have every intention of making up for that! These grandparents especially love cultural and artistic activities. So they often take their granddaughters to the media library to choose the books that they will read together. The girls love the story time for children every Wednesday morning at the youth section. They also love going to the creative workshops. last time, they made little objects such as pencil cases and christmas tree decorations with re-cycled cardboard and

plastic. Their grandparents, history lovers, have also taken them to the Haut val d’Arly museum to explain how the region’s farmers lived in the 19th century. A visit that is both fun and educational. But the girls’ favourite outing must be going to the cinema where they love watching cartoons with their grandparents, giving the latter the opportunity to return to their own childhood for a few moments.

chantal and Bernard have decided to share the good times in life with their granddaughters.

Stéphanie Pioud




club Piou-Piou

«fun school» for children over 3 to 5 years old, introduction to skiing with the Esf (french ski school) ski instructors. snow garden with border-cross and magic carpet. day, half day and week-ends (with or without meal). Reservation in advance is essential. (out of winter season) Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 00 97 www.megeve-ski.com

la cabochE

access from the centre of the village by the chamois’ gondola. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 58 97 65 (from the 15th of december)

moNT d’aRboIs

at the bottom of the mt d’arbois’ cable car. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 65 86


sKi KindeRgARden And dAY nuRseRY. sports, artistic or handicraft activities. Initiation to skiing through games. children are taken to the collective lessons from 3 years old. (school holidays). day or half day, with or without meal. Reservation is required nursery «les p’tites frimousses» from 12 months to 3 years old. at the mont d’arbois’ cable car Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 65 86 (from the 17th of december) Activity centre for the 3 to 12 years old. located next to the sport centre. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 58 77 84 megaccueil.enfance@megeve.fr


for the 5 to 11 years old during school holidays. Exploring different materials and colours, and around varied and original themes, children can create their own unique objects. by reservation only: Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 59 09 megaccueil.activites@megeve.fr


spoRTs MountAin guides’office

Rock climbing, initiation snowshoe trek on Tuesday afternoons, «little laplanders» outing on Thursday afternoons during school holidays. from 8 years old maison de la montagne Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 55 11 www.guides-megeve.com

dog sledding AdVentuRes

a unique adventure in family discover the sport - 1h: €40 for kids of 8 to 12 years old. €30 for kids of 3 to 8 years old. free for children under 3 years old. an adult must come with the child. (for 2 children: prices of a child under 8 years old.) basic principles of dogsled driving 1/2 day: €68 for children of 8 to 12 years old. more information and booking only by mailat: montduvillard@aol.com gift vouchers are available on www.montduvillardnord.com Tel/fax: +33 (0)4 50 21 37 03

group or seminary prices: please ask us. paintball experience just before the altiport take the road on the right Route de la cote 2000 (at the foot of the airfield) mobile: +33 (0)6 09 81 31 17 www.paintballexperience.net

sPoRts And congRess centRe Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 15 71

open air ice rink Animations for children Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 23 77 olympic ice rink 60m x 30m musical animations, late evening openings. skating lessons with laurence austin mobile: +33 (0)6 61 15 83 49 swimming pools heated indoor pool of 25 x 12,50 m. heated indoor children’s pool of 12,50 x 12,50 m. swimming lessons meg’ accueil Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 59 09 diving mobile: +33 (0)6 83 73 96 81

sKi schools

climbing wall artificial structure of more than 200 m2. Equipment not provided. access exclusively for those accompanied by a guide.


indoor tennis court free for children under 5 years old (also for the swimming pool and the ice rinks)

Individual or group lessons helmets required. see pages: 26-27.

an unforgettable experience! from 8 years old 2 paintball sites in the middle of the cote 2000 forest with 7 different game scenarios for 1 to 2 hrs of fun. special equipment from 8 to 12 years old. admission, supervision and equipment: €25/pers. with 100 units. for an extra 100: €5 and €15 for 400. open every day for reservation from 9 am to 10 pm. capacity of 1 to 40 persons.

AdVentuRe PARK

a multitude of activities in the heart of the forest, climb up high, swing from tree to tree and put your body and courage to the test in total security. from 5 to 10 years old special kids level. please book in advance. junior: €17 children: €10. cote 2000 aventure mobile: +33 (0)6 76 29 71 04 www.cote2000aventure.com

Famille Plus


Megève is labeled «Mountain

From 7th January to 4th February 2012 and from 10th March to the end of the season. Your holiday in a 2 room apartment for 4 persons from €1175* Including: Ski passes for 6 days, Ski lessons for the children, 2 Megève Pass (info. page 67).

Family Plus» a label that is given to resorts that privilege a warm welcome and family activities.

* 2 adults and 2 children under 5 years old. Information and booking : www.megeve-reservation.com


Beginners pass for the day: • Mont d’Arbois:................................. €9 Petit Vorassetskilifts and magic carpet of snow garden. • Princesse:........................................ €7 Petit Bois skilift. • Jaillet:............................................. €6 Les Pattesskilift and Prellet chairlift. • Rochebrune:............................. .€11,50 Petit Rochebrune, Grands champs chairlifts, Cabochon, Moutely, Schuss skilifts and access by the Chamois and Rocharbois’ cable cars. • Free magic carpet for beginners at Rochebrune, La Princesse, Le Jaillet and snow garden. If you do not yet possess a rechargeable hands free pass support, you will need to add €2 to the price of all these passes at the initial purchase. On following stays you will then be able to recharge it on www.skiamegeve.com


For the skipasses «Evasion Mont Blanc» and «Jaillet/Combloux/La Giettaz/ Cordon» • -10% for the simultaneous purchase of at least 4 Evasion skipasses, for 6 consecutive days or more (except season) with a minimum of 2 children (under 18 years old*) • Free passes for children under 5* • Reductions for 5 to 14 years old* kids (*Proof of age required)

SNOW PARK AND HALFPIPE At Mont Joux and Le Jaillet.

Waidzai park

Under GrandsChamps chairlift, attractive modules: whoops, pyramids,up-turned bends…

«LA LIVRAZ» CROSS COUNTRY SKIING TRACKS Open every day from 9am to 5pm. Free access by ski bus. • Cross-country skiing: free for children under 6, with easy beginners loop. • Fun beginners’ trail: Snow parks with moguls, ski jumps, upturned bends, from 4 years old. • Secured tobogganing area, free for children. • Trekking by foot or with snowshoes. • Snack bar and picnic area. Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 47 52


Pré Saint Amour, under 6 years old. Areas Cote 2000 and Caboche, from 6 years old.


For 7 to 16 years old. With or without accommodation. Language lessons with ski or surf. CIFEL Jeunes Diplomates Tel: +33 (0)4 79 37 19 78 www.cifel.fr

Haut Val d’Arly Museum The heritage discovery in an old farmhouse. Children: €2.80 (Free for kids under 6 years old). Accompanying notebook for 7-10 years old. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 91 81 00 museehautvaldarly.free.fr


Baby changing tables, picnic areas, pushchairs and baby carrier hire: Information at Megève Tourism. Document «Children’s Paradise» available at Megève Tourism.

THE YOUTH SECTION IN THE MULTIMEDIA LIBRARY The youth section of the media library offers its young visitors a wide selection of comic books, storybooks, DVDs and CDs… to read on the spot or to borrow (after registration). A special “baby readers” area is open to families where tiny tots accompanied by their parents can discover stories, fairy tales nursery rhymes and songs in a cheerful and specially designed environment. Different shows and amusements are also proposed (see diary). Story time: every Wednesday from 10.30 to 11.30 am for children aged 4 and over. Free, no registration necessary. Sport and congress centre Tel: +33 (0)4 50 91 57 70 http://mediatheque.megeve.fr

33 33




a magIcal

Saintvalentine’s mEgèvE offERs WIThouT doubT ThE mosT RomaNTIc sETTINg possIblE foR a saINT valENTINE’s EvENINg. bETWEEN a sTRoll uNdER a sTaRRy NIghT sky aNd a caNdlE-lIT dINNER, youR lovEd oNE WIll NoT bE ablE To REsIsT youR chaRms! hERE aRE a fEW suggEsTIoNs To makE a RomaNTIc EvENINg a REal succEss. IdEa N° 1 suggEsT a RIdE IN ThE lIghT of ThE sIlvERy mooN Not at Maubeuge Horse Show, but through Megève’s village centre! Snuggled together in a pretty sleigh with a soft and cosy blanket around your shoulders, let yourselves be cradled by the rhythmical trotting of the horses while you admire the starry sky. Apart from the village itself, you can also enjoy a beautiful ride on the heights facing the Mont Blanc. There are several itineraries to choose from depending on your desires. And to make the moment even more enchanting, why not sip a glass of champagne along the ride. What better way could there be to begin the evening? IdEa N° 2 aRousE ThEIR TasTE buds To awaken your loved one’s taste buds invite them to one of the many village restaurants. To suit your budget and chosen ambiance, you may opt for a refined gastronomic dinner, or typically Savoyard cuisine in a more rustic setting. It doesn’t matter where you decide to go, magic is always in the air in Megève. Even more so if you choose an altitude restaurant that offers an enchanting wonderland vista over the illuminated village.


IdEa N° 3 a momENT of TogEThERNEss For even more intimacy, you can simply offer yourselves a candle-lit dinner at home, by the fireside. A pretty table will have been set, decorated with taste. As for the meal itself, two options are possible. Astound your guest by preparing a romantic dinner yourself after having had cooking lessons with one of Megève’s great chefs. If you are allergic to the oven however, you can call in a caterer and enjoy the best vintages from one of the village’s wine cellars. The evening is guaranteed to be a success. IdEa N° 4 daNcE ThE NIghT aWay Bring the evening to a perfect ending over a drink, either in a fashionable and lively night bar, or in the lounge of a luxurious hotel if you are looking for a quieter, cosier ambiance. For a wild and frenzied night however, head for the discotheque, where you can beat to the sounds of music on the dance floor until the small hours. With such a programme, you will without a doubt capture your valentine’s heart. Stéphanie Pioud


COOKING LESSONS Flocons de Sel: Cooking lessons with Emmanuel Renaut, 2-star Michelin. Two or three recipes will be presented and prepared during each session, according to ideas suggested by participants. €60 (2 h 30). Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 49 99 www.floconsdesel.com

Casino 50 slot machines. Game tables: English roulettes, Black jack, Texas Hold’em Poker. Open from 11 am. Access to the machines with ID compulsory (Free). Purple Lounge Live Music & Bar. Dinner with a concert. Open from 6.30 pm to 0.30 am Palo Alto Night Club 199, rue Charles Feige Tel: +33 (0)4 50 93 01 83 www.casino-megeve.com www.palo-alto.fr CINEMAS Panoramic - 3 D Chemin des Roseaux Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 29 34 Rochebrune 1 and 2 Rue Charles Feige Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 03 52 Programs: Tel: +33 (0) 892 687 333

BARS and CLUBS Le bar des Alpes Rue de la poste Tél. +33 (0)4 50 93 08 15 Le bar Saint Paul Impasse Saint Paul Tél. +33 (0)4 50 91 93 03 La Calèche Place de l’Église Tél. +33 (0)4 50 58 99 13 Le Cocoon Club Route Edmond de Rothschild Tél. +33 (0)4 50 21 09 91 Le Georges Hôtel Mont-Blanc Tél. +33 (0)4 50 21 20 02 Le Kitschen Café 130, route Edmond de Rothschild Tél. +33 (0)4 50 21 69 33 Le Palo Alto Rue Charles Feige Tél. +33 (0)4 50 91 82 58 Le White Pearl 30, rue Ambroise Martin Tél. +33 (0)4 50 58 71 72 Le bar des Trappeurs Hôtel Lodge Park Tél. +33 (0)4 50 93 05 03 M le vin 50, rue Saint François Tél. +33 (0)4 50 34 41 49 Stefano Forever Allée du Sporting de Rochebrune Tél. +33 (0)4 50 93 39 18

The “Atelier” at the Fermes de Marie: is the dream place to prepare a variety of recipes with the chef: the “Pure Altitude” and “Energy and Vitality” recipes. An inventive, healthy and well-balanced cuisine, blending pleasure and healthy eating and where the local seasonal products are the stars. €100 per person (including 2 hours of kitchen workshop and lunch). Tel : +33 (0)4 50 93 03 10 www.sibuethotels-spa.com Megève, delicious and comfortable alpes Traditional restaurants or exceptional tables: find the best addresses of Megève in the Champérard, the Guide Michelin, the Gault & Millau, the Bottin Gourmand, the Guide Pudlo and the official guide of restaurants. Nature at the corner of the streets, Megève’s market put in place their stands at the «Palais des Sports» and in the Village square. The natural flavors, the grocers and the best traditional products are waiting for you in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

37 37

Nicolas, snow groomer on the Rochebrune skiing area.


victor, croupier at the casino of Megève.


ERIc fRaNcEschI

afTER covERINg ThE NEWs aNd alTITudE of maRsEIllE foR ThE pasT 20 yEaRs oR so, ERIc fRaNcEschI Took To ThE maquIs IN 2008. hE clImbEd ToWaRds ThE mouNTaINs To sETTlE aT aRouNd 800m, IN ThE hauTE-pRovENcE alps, WhERE hE coNTINuEs To phoTogRaph NEWs WhEN IT happENs by. aNd hIs gazE has halTEd hERE IN mEgèvE To makE a sERIEs of poRTRaITs of ThE mEN aNd WomEN Who WoRk IN ThE shadoWs of ThE NIghT. a TWofold REasoN To puT a facE To, aNd alloW a collEcTIoN of phoTogRaphs To spEak abouT ThEsE pEoplE, usually INvIsIblE yET so INdIspENsablE IN ThE lIfE of ThE REsoRT.


Audrey, night receptionist at the Arboisie hotel.

Righthand page: Ayan, DJ at the palo Alto.




hE dId IT…

his way composed at the canada hotel in Megève by his friend Jacques Revaux, exported to the USA by paul Anka, adapted by Don costa and immortalised by Frank Sinatra on the 30th December 1968, My Way reached the top of the charts in April 1969 to become the most reproduced song in the World. The American crooner’s version was just the beginning of a long series… Elvis presley, Nina Simone, luciano pavarotti… they all wanted to sing it their own way! To celebrate the 40th anniversary of this XXth century standard, to seal the friendship that binds him to the composer and the love story that he has maintained with Megève for more than four decades, pierre Margara decided to engrave in bronze and marble these few musical notes of an eternal melody which have never stopped travelling the World, with a sculpture inspired by the words of paul Anka…


WhEN hE composEd a TuNE pRovIsIoNally ENTITlEd For Me IN mEgèvE, JacquEs REvaux haRdly ImagINEd ThaT hE had JusT WRITTEN a soNg ThaT Would bEcomE a gREaT sTaNdaRd - My Way - Today cElEbRaTEd by a sculpTuRE ThaT pIERRE maRgaRa has dEcIdEd To offER To hIs vIllagE by adopTIoN, aNd ThE EREcTIoN of WhIch Is plaNNEd foR 2012.

Fingers poised on a piano keyboard taking off into the skies… a man and a woman symbolising expectation and chance encounters… working of the matter, the hand, music, the couple… this majestic work of art – measuring 10 meters long, 4 meters high and 4 meters wide – unites all the themes to which the artist is particularly partial. presented at the Fer à cheval hotel on the 21st August 2008, then unveiled on the church square on the 12th April 2009, the maquette has since then been metamorphosed into a monumental sculpture. Offered to the village, it will be erected in 2012 in the rehabilitated “5 Rues” quarter, near the famous jazz club bearing the same name, and where musical notes have resounded forever… the wheel has turned full circle… He did it… his way ! Alexandre Mollard

culTuRE aNd hERITagE MediA libRARY

Read the newspapers, a comic book or a hiking guide; consult your e-mails on the web, plunge into a beautiful book of photographs of mountain flowers and plants or listen to music… There are so many different activities possible at the media library with its wide choice of books, cds, dvds, cd-Roms and magazines, not forgetting the multi media area: 11 posts available to subscribers, adults and children alike; Wireless Internet connection free for those with alaptop. press area, multimedia etc… parvis andré mollard 247, route du palais des sports Tel: +33 (0)4 50 91 57 70 http://mediatheque.megeve.fr

bRidge club

le puck, patinoire centrale Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 06 63

eXhibitions And shows

concerts, films, conferences, skating galas, ice hockey matches, painting or sculpture exhibitions in local galleries, at the congress centre and in some of the hotels.

lAnguAge couRses children and adults cIfEl Jeunes diplomates Tel: +33 (0)4 79 37 19 78 www.cifel.fr

PAinting clAss

learn how to draw and paint creatively. The atelier du chat Noir is an association, a place to express yourself, to exchange knowledge with artists. painting lessons from the age of 15.

all year long enrolment. open to everyone, initiation or perfection of your techniques. private lessons on demand. group lessons. Theme lessons 2 or 3 days (portrait, oil painting, travel book, initiation...) atelier du chat Noir mobile: +33 (0)6 63 21 45 53 www.atelierduchatnoir.fr

the «cAlVAiRe»

an unusual calvary, a former pilgrimage site, was built in the xIxth century on the east side of the village. Inside the 14 chapels and oratories, many wooden sculptures depict the scenes of the passion of christ. The calvary in megève, inspired by the one in varallo en valsesia, is the only one of its kind in the Rhône-alps region. It is a European sacred mountain site and has been on the national historic monuments additional list since 1988. following huge restoration work, carried out from 2001, the site has been restored to its former glory. The chapels and oratories have been carefully renovated, both inside and outside, and the surrounding countryside has been landscaped to look as it did in the xIxth when the monument was built.

hAut VAl d‘ARlY MuseuM

discovery of the heritage in an old farm: agriculture, handicraft, daily life, ski and mountain. 50m from megève’s Tourist office. adult: €3.50 - child €2.80 group prices. 88, rue du docteur charles socquet Tel: +33 (0)4 50 91 81 00 mobile: +33 (0)6 03 08 07 73 museehautvaldarly.free.fr

MegèVe MuseuM

The megève museum is temporarily closed due to reconstruction and restoration work.

guides of the «Pays de savoie»

guided tours on reservation, for the following themes: «The historical centre of megève» «The calvaire» «a very present past»: discovery of the rural, religious and architectural heritage of 2 hamlets «The Water». more Information at megève Tourisme.

MegèVe hoRse sleigh Rides

sleigh bells ringing, the clipclop of hooves on the cobbles, a relaxing ride at a gently cadenced rhythm that belongs not to moscow or vienna and even less to the 1900’s, but here to the streets of megève. Every day of the year! place du village Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 30 47 groups: +33 (0)6 62 47 64 70



Getting married IN mEgèvE

a lITTlE vIllagE, a RomaNTIc TREasuRE TRovE NEsTlINg IN a mouNTaINous dEcoR, oNE of ThE mosT bEauTIful laNdscapEs IN ThE WoRld… IT’s NoT suRpRIsINg ThEREfoRE ThaT mEgèvE has ThE 5Th posITIoN amoNg ThE 10 mosT bEauTIful placEs To gET maRRIEd, accoRdINg To a REpoRT publIshEd by ThE famous agENcy REuTERs. afTER haWaII, buT bEfoRE NEW yoRk! ThE INfaTuaTIoN sTRETchEs faR bEyoNd ThE NaTIvEs of mEgèvE oR ThosE Who aRE IN lovE WITh ThE vIllagE. WITh aRouNd 40 WEddINgs IN ThE vIllagE Each yEaR, IT musT bE saId ThaT mEgèvE offERs all ThE facIlITIEs aNd amENITIEs NEcEssaRy To oRgaNIsE aN uNfoRgETTablE occasIoN foR boTh ThE bRIdE aNd gRoom aNd ThEIR guEsTs. ThE laTEsT TRENd Is To oRgaNIsE ThE WEddINg duRINg ThE WINTER. WhITE oN WhITE aNd ThE daNcINg sNoWflakEs caN oNly add To ThE magIc of ThE sETTINg aNd ThE ENchaNTmENT of ThE momENT! WhaT could bE moRE RomaNTIc? WhERE caN WE say, “I do” IN mEgèvE? a look aT ThE cuRRENT TRENds WITh vIRNa aNd lIza lucchIaRI of daylovE EvENT, WEddINg plaNNERs sITuaTEd IN mEgèvE…


The idyllic reputation and magic of Megève have made the village the 5th favourite wedding destination in the World. Megève is the 5th favourite wedding destination in the World, does that surprise you? Not at all! And even less for two people like us totally in love with Megève! The idyllic and magical reputation of this village makes it an undeniably perfect World destination… Somewhere really unique to get married! How do you explain the increasing popularity of winter weddings? Getting married in the winter is still original and quite new. And that is exactly what more and more young brides and grooms to be are looking for. They want to be different and their wedding to be a memorable occasion for their guests. The high-class services that Megève offers become more accessible in the off-season. What are the questions to ask before choosing a hotel for your wedding? First you need to know if the hotel can cater for the number of guests you expect, in terms of both the reception and accommodation. Then you need to find out the conditions regarding the private hire of the premises, closing and licensing hours and of course the service and facilities the hotel offers: catering, wine, accommodation, spa…

What are the different ambiances that Megève can offer future brides and grooms, and what style of wedding? No matter the chosen hotel, by getting married in the winter, under the snow and in Megève, the style of the wedding will inevitably be very romantic and the ambiance enchanting! After that, the tone will vary depending on the star rating of the hotel… Somewhat chic and sophisticated or more relaxed and natural. For a wedding in Megève, what is it that distinguishes one hotel from another? All of Megève’s hotels offer a great comfort and an abundance of up market services. cosy decor for some, authentic for others, with a more intimate setting and wonderful panoramas as a bonus… Menus will vary also from one venue to another, some being quite frankly gastronomic! There are also differences in terms of Spa facilities or the possibility to have Brunch on the morning after the wedding…

afNoR apart from chamonix, megeve Tourisme is the only tourist office in haute-savoie to have been awarded four stars for the quality of it’s facilities. This recognition is the user’s guarantee that the easy access, the welcome given to visitors on the spot, by phone, by postor by email, the layout of the amenities, the freely available information, the helpfulness and competence of the personnel, staff training and visitor satisfaction are all regularly monitored.

And adapted to everyone’s needs: as part of the quality control procedure, megève Tourisme. In partnership with mitra (Rhône-alpes tourism engineering mission) is committed to a voluntarist policy designed to promote the development of tourism adapted to the needs of the disabled. more information on www.megeve.com


Can you describe a typical reception? The evening commences with cocktails and, in some hotels with special heating equipment, this can even be outdoors. Otherwise inside around a cosy open log fire! Then it’s time for the dinner, of a gastronomic excellence, and rarely the more rustic “mountain” cuisine. After dinner the dancing begins with a Dj or band. What else can be organised? A torch lit descent if the cocktails take place in an “alpage” or altitude restaurant.

What’s the most unusual request you have already answered? Organise a wedding facing the Mont-Blanc and with private hire of the Jaillet ski lifts. At night, all the guests in their full wedding attire, wearing snow boots and carrying dainty shoes and wedding slippers! Upon arrival at the restaurant, a quick change of footwear and everyone dressed for the occasion! Then the wedding photographs with the couple beside a snowplough!

The teams lavish the young couple with small gifts and extra special attention

And the suite for the newly weds? The bride and groom’s suite, often the most beautiful on the premises and decorated with flowers for the occasion, is usually offered by the hotel! Most of the time, the hotel teams lavish the young couple with small gifts and extra special attention, such as care and beauty treatments. And the day after? 95% of the time, the newly weds like to offer their guests a brunch, giving them the opportunity to prolong the festivities with their family and friends. This can be organised in an altitude restaurant, offering guests the possibility of an afternoon’s skiing. An other enjoyable idea for the next day: suggest activities such as everyone making a video clip (lip dub) together. Great memories!


Some examples of weddings you have recently organised in Megève? last March we organised a civil wedding with the vows being taken outside in the snow. yet another style: a small wedding in a mountain refuge, for truly sporty types with a fondue and skiing on the menu of festivities!

Is there a particular anecdote that stands out in your memory? Marie and Thomas’ dog and sleigh ride, two hours before the ceremony, to be completely relaxed before saying “I do” Flora Bornstein

I lovE you


“mEgèvE”? IT Is ExTRaoRdINaRy, ThE skI slopEs aRE WoNdERful, WE caN skaTE aNd ThE pEoplE aRE so NIcE! …” ThEsE fEW WoRds could havE bEEN saId Today, aNd yET ThEy aRE foRTy yEaRs old! In 1969 Gilbert le Bescond, at the time the Mayor of Megève, made a speech that seems to be very topical, even timeless. The critics, negative or positive, are identical…the images, real or imaginary, remain intact… the way Megève is perceived is the same. The first magistrate of the village, born in carhaix in Brittany, knows that we must beware of pre-conceived ideas, of prejudices and biased opinions… that those who stigmatize the resort are precisely those “who have never laid a foot in Megève” neophytes who “know nothing about winter sports except by hearsay”. But the mayor of Megève knows that those who have visited Megève, “be it only for a few days”, who have got to know and mixed with the native Mègevans “have left with the impression” of leaving “a second home”.

Gilbert le Bescond knows that Megève was a village before being a resort, and that its history, dating back many centuries, has left traces still visible in today’s landscape… but he also knows that recent history has transformed the village into a capital of the art of living in the mountains, that the “aristocrats who haunt it […] have impregnated the succeeding generations with their class and sense of hospitality”… that real class is not a question of fortune or birth, that “the most modest families mix […] with celebrities” and that Megève’s strength lies in its ability to “offer everyone the possibility to come […] and have a wonderful holiday”… a strength that remains a resolute topicality. Alexandre Mollard






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2 12

The love

of bEauTIful ThINgs

WhaT bETTER sETTINg ThaN mEgèvE To makE you WaNT To say ThaT you lovE Each oThER? so, abovE all, doN’T hEsITaTE To sEIzE ThE momENTs To lovE aNd savouR ThaT lovE, dEclaRE youR lovE foR ThE WoRld To sEE, pRovE youR lovE. hERE Is ouR haRvEsT of dEdIcaTEd IdEas To REap To dEclaRE youR aRdouR, To makE youR lovEd oNE’s hEaRT bEaT fasTER aNd To offER youR oWN bEauTIful lovE sToRy ThE mosT RomaNTIc of dEcoRs. 48




18 20

27 21 16 26




25 13

23 24

1 - aRpIN blaNkET: €225, décoRaTIoN TIssoT NavaRRo. 2 - fuR TRImmEd slIppERs: €77.50, homE sWEET homE. 3 - Roxy skI JackET “ToRa bRIghT”: €245, Roxy. 4 - fRamEd azNavouR phoTo IN muRaNo glass by vENINI: €2,000, galERIE 56. 5 - bEaRbRIck 1000% “dEsIgNER alExaNdER gIRaRd”: €1,500, galERIE luxuRy sTuff & Toys. 6 - oRIgINal paINTINg oN Wood: €800, décoRaTIoN TIssoT NavaRRo. 7 - sET of 2 goblETs: €50, maRIE REd WINE: €10 “domaINE dE maRIE” - ThE fERmEs dE maRIE. 8 - soNIa RykIEl sWEaTER avENuE moNTaIgNE. 9 - WoollEN hEaRT cushIoN: €40, homE sWEET homE. 10 - “chocolaTE” hEaRT boxEs, fouRNIl dE mEgèvE. 11 - sWaRovskI kEy RINg “vINyl & cRIsTal x RougEs: €49, “Thomas sabo” sIlvER bRacElET: €298, bouTIquE chIc alTITudE. 12 - REd hEaRT dIsh: €25, baRoN dE RoThschIld champagNE: €72, domaINE du moNT d’aRboIs. 13 - “kIss mE”, mETal sculpTuRE, aRTIsTE fd63: €1,500, galERIE luxuRy sTuff & Toys. 14 - cRIsTal hEaRT pENdaNTs “apaRTmENT foR RENT”: €95 Each, folkloRE bIJoux. 15 - almoNd macaRooN, fREsh RaspbERRy & bouRboN vaNIlla moussE: pÂTIssERIE - “compToIR du pèRE soTIEu” TEa shop. 16 - cashmERE Rock, coNfIdENcE cachEmIRE. 17 - REd hEaRT: €20, fIocco & fIls. 18 - vEuvE clIcquoT sakuRa pINk champagNE: €45, m lE vIN. 19 - “glIssE aNd lovE” chaRlIE adam: €160, phoTo Tops socquET. 20 - TEa poT: €60 - Jug: €32, poTERIE péNélopE. 21 - slEEvElEss T-shIRT: €95, faITh coNNExIoN. 22 - “sylvIE ThIRIEz” baTh ToWEl: €40, TRèflE vERT. 23 - book “lE RENdEz-vous”, écolE dEs loIsIRs: €11, bécassINE. 24 - RElaxINg aRomaThERapy EssENcE, “dEcléoR” EssENTIal oIl sERum: €52, moIsTuRIsINg mIlk: €23, “fER a chEval” hoTEl. 25 - vah “WoodEN boW & aRRoW”: €24, bécassINE. 26 - hEaRT cushIoN: €85, décoRaTIoN TIssoT NavaRRo. 27 - supERlIghT quIlT JackET, 100% NaTuRal fEaThERs: €329, colmaR. 28 - TERRacoTTa by J.balloNI: €1,900, 1864 aNTIquITés...

Our Thanks TO The “Fer à Cheval” hOTel.





15 - almoNd macaRooN, fREsh RaspbERRy & bouRboN vaNIlla moussE: paTIssERIE - “compToIR du pèRE soTIEu” TEa shop. 11 - sWaRovskI kEy RINg “vINyl & cRIsTal x RougEs: €49, “Thomas sabo” sIlvER bRacElET: €298, bouTIquE chIc alTITudE.






14 - cRIsTal hEaRT pENdaNTs “apaRTmENT foR RENT”: €95 Each, folkloRE bIJoux. 20- TEa poT: €60, poTERIE péNélopE. 16 - cashmERE Rock, coNfIdENcE cachEmIRE. 10 - “chocolaTE” hEaRT boxEs, fouRNIl dE mEgèvE.



of their fingers

IN lovE To ThE TIps

mEgèvE, aN ExcEpTIoNal vIllagE by dEfINITIoN, has a NumbER of spas, bEauTy INsTITuTEs, haIRdREssINg saloNs, pERfumE shops aNd EvEN sEvERal pRofEssIoNals Who comE To youR homE foR TREaTmENTs foR boTh mEN aNd WomEN. hENcEfoRTh a REvoluTIoNaRy dyNamIc WIll ENablE couplEs To folloW ThEIR WEll-bEINg aNd bEauTy TREaTmENTs TogEThER. Advertising campaigns are increasingly showing men that there are a number of products created especially for their skin, and that well-being can also be conjugated in the masculine. They no longer have to content themselves with standard products with slightly feminine fragrances, or to stand by and watch while women care for the needs of their bodies. Esthetical treatments for men are becoming a part of everyday life and no longer represent a niche, but an exponential market. The village’s dozen or so institutions, salons and spas bear witness : “More and more men are asking for facials, muscle relaxation after skiing or well-being treatments”. The days of confusing the genders are over, as taking care of oneself is no longer just a feminine notion… To meet the needs of this growing demand, the professionals no longer hesitate to propose made to measure formulas to this new clientele. Skin cleansing for men, facials based on specific ointments, algae body wrappings, manicures, sport or comfort massages. However the institutes are the first to consider that men need more intense massages : “We do a lot of facial treatments, hair removing and manicures, but we prefer to recommend our clientele to go to physiotherapists for massages”. So ladies and gentlemen, you have heard correctly, it is possible to go to these institutes and spas together and take advantage of “à la carte” treatments, alone or in duo, to get the maximum out of romantic holidays for two in the mountains. Johana Trossat



WELL-BeING ALPAGA Dedicated to well-being and serenity, this intimate spa, entirely in stone, has 2 treatment cubicles, a Turkish bath, a fun pool and a fitness studio ensuring relaxation and pleasure. Hôtel Alpaga 74, allée des Marmousets Tel. +33 (0)4 50 91 48 70 www.lodgemontagnard.com ANTI-AGE TECHNOLOGY THE “PARFUMERIE DE MEGÈVE“ Technology of International repute bringing a flawless service tailored to your needs combined with the know-how that has guaranteed our reputation for decades. The “Parfumerie de Megève”: highly skilled treatments with the most prestigious Carita selection, Crème de la mer, Kanebo, Prairie, Valmont. A privileged moment to pay tribute to the passing years in comfort and pleasure…. Place de l’église Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 25 38 www.parfumerie-megeve.com AQUAFLORÈS HOMESPA A CosySpa moment in your home or one of the registered Aquaflores hotels. Aqua bike hire and Happy’Florès Evenings: VIP Spa bubbles! Health’Sense comes to you: Specialists at your service (physiotherapist, hairdresser, beauty therapist, sports coach). Experience the Biomineralp treatments with the Aquaflorès product line “Glacier Waters”, 100% natural, active and certified organic. Personalised procedures: High performance: slimming, the ultimate technique. Essentials: Massages tailored to your personal requirements from €34, Health’Sense assessment, treatments for the body, face and hair, manicure, hair removal (halflegs + bikini + underarms) from €38*, short haircut from €22… Conditions: upon request. Original: Aqua tennis, NutriBlu, Pilates. 5454

Cures of 2 to 6 days: Back health, Happy Mum and Wedding packages. All year, 7/7 at your home, order our packages and gift vouchers on www.homespa.pro Tel: + 33 (0)6 16 30 16 36 ARBOISIE SPA The latest edition to the Spas of Megève, blending well being and gentleness for moments of intense relaxation. Body and facial treatments, specific programs... Hôtel L’Arboisie 541, route du Gollet Tel. +33 (0)4 50 55 35 90 www.hotel-arboisie-megeve.com BEAUTY WORKSHOP CHALET DU MONT D’ARBOIS The spa at the 5* Chalet du Mont d’Arbois is a unique venue. Chantal and her team offer massages and rituals from different countries all over the World, together with a wide range of astounding and high performance treatments using the Anne Semonin aromatherapy line and the new kéraskin active ingredients. The focus is on slimming treatments. Treatments to measure, based uniquely on high-performance manual techniques of guaranteed efficiency and having a real impact on the body: - The Martine de Richeville body remodelling technique; - The Kéraskin Esthetics morphologist ritual; - The Chalet special to measure with its palpate & roll massage. Our massages from around the World are accompanied by Hatha Yoga, the energy yoga, guaranteeing harmony of the mind and body. The Spa team, with their well-defined specialities will bring you moments of wellbeing and deep relaxation. Possibility of Duo massages. Chalet du Mont d’Arbois Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 09 18 www.domainedumontdarbois.com

CAROLE RAVIER - BEAUTY TREATMENT A professional in beauty and well being who also pampers you with treatments in your home. Personalised and specific treatments, latest generation facials, energetic modeling, reflexology. Tel. +33 (0)6 13 80 73 63 www.megeve-esthetique-etmodelages.com DECLÉOR SPA AT THE FER À CHEVAL Discover aromatherapy the Decleor way and the powers of essential oils on the skin and mind. Unique, with 450 m2, the Fer à Cheval Spa is waiting to pamper you with treatments and massages in 6 treatment rooms, of which 2 are double. Swimming pool, sauna, Turkish bath, fitness room, yoga lessons, aqua bike, coach on request… Hotel Le Fer à Cheval 36, route du Crêt d’Arbois Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 30 39 www.feracheval-megeve.com EN PARALLÈLE Centre for energy-giving treatments, comprising 3 treatment rooms and 4 therapists: Bi-aura therapy, Multi-level healing, Touch body harmony, Plantar reflexology or massage, Reiki des anges, Sophrology. 2, allée du sporting de Rochebrune Tel. +33 (0)6 12 22 80 81 ESPRIT COACH The “Esprit Coach” team bring the spa atmosphere into your home or holiday residence. Massages from around the World, facial and body treatments tailored to your personal requirements, coaching, aqua gym, hairdressing… Exceptional treatments based on organic essential oils regenerate your being thanks to a complete range of personalized services lavished on you by qualified professionals. With 8 years experience in home services, the Esprit-Coach team offers a brand new range of

personalised treatments this year: HotCold slimming massages…the special skier’s massage… treatments from Asia and the Alps. Open throughout the year 7/7 at your home and by appointment. 1592 route de lady Tel. +33 (0)6 28 32 56 93 espritcoachmegeve.fr FLOCONS DE SEL The new “Flocons de Sel” has a Spa offering innovative beauty treatments, reflections of the chef’s gastronomic cuisine. A tribute to the savours and colours of the mountains, the fun themed treatments are inspired by the aromatic ingredients used in the “Flocons de Sel” restaurant 1775, Route du Leutaz Tel.+33 (0) 4 50 21 49 99 www.floconsdesel.com MEG’ACCUEIL Activities department. Good health all year. Gym, Aquagym, Pilates, Stretching and Relaxation. One session rates, or subscriptions from €6,50. Information and reservations: Sports centre Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 59 09 megaccueil.activites@megeve.fr SYLVIE FERRE PILATES METHOD The Pilates Method makes it possible to carry out a sporting activity with gentle, yet efficient graceful movements, combining muscular reinforcement, mobilization, stretching and relaxation. Individual session, possibility of a package of several sessions,

at your home, upon request or at the studio. Sylvie Ferre - Pilates Method coach (Pilate Institute Graduate) Tel. +33 (0)6 09 49 64 37 sylvie.ferre@adeli.biz “LE PRIVILEGE” Thalgo facial and body treatments. LPG-Cellu, M6 Keymodule (2)S latest generation, Body (lipomodeling) and Facial (liftmodelling), Hammam, UV, Balneo, massages, modelling, treatments using hot stones. New: “Memoire Oceane” (Ocean Memory) marine emotion spa ritual: sea salt and seaweed petal scrub and new modelling vital with a mineral pouch and energising massage oil. Déclic weightloss package: €436 Destination beauty week: 5 treatments €177 Package of 3 remineralising treatments: €107 relaxation week: €479 Anti-age treatment: €415 Open all year round. Impasse du Sorbier Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 45 25 www.leprivilege-megeve.com VIEUX MOULIN SPA THE “VIEUX MOULIN” BEAUTY AND WELL-BEING CENTRE “Massage is an art, a sacred dance”. Harmony and serenity in a spa dedicated to the awakening of the senses. Enjoy the benefits of our professionals’ expertise in the realm of well-being and beauty:

Creative massage with organic plant oils, Ayurveda massage, Foot reflexology, Thai, Tibetan ritual. At the “Vieux Moulin”, facial treatments and body cocooning, 100% organic by Vitacology, auto-make up lessons as each woman has their own beauty secrets just waiting to be revealed. Body care, slimming cures, Body hair removal, manicure, feet beauty, Sauna, Balneo-therapy. Hôtel le Vieux Moulin 188, rue Ambroise Martin Tel. +33 (0)4 50 91 90 46 www.vieuxmoulin.com PURE ALTITUDE Spa and range of treatments derived from organic dermacosmetics, based on Edelweiss, Alpine flowers and natural ingredients for intense skin regeneration and a radiant complexion. Personalised and original rituals, rare massages, out of the ordinary procedures: “Radiant Frost” or “Himalayan Rose” facial treatments (from €58): “Mineral Elixir” or “White as Snow” body treatments (from €112). “Energy giving Alpine massage”, Kansu Massage. Programmes from 2 to 6 days, from €358. Body wrappings, Hydrotherapy, Cellu M6 Keymodule, G5, treatments for the hair and body. Les Fermes de Marie Chemin de Riante Colline Tel: +33 (0)4 50 93 03 10 Hôtel Mont Blanc Place de l’Eglise Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 20 02 Le lodge park 100, rue d’Arly Tel: +33 (0)4 50 93 05 03 www.sibuethotels-spa.com www.pure-altitude.com

55 55



mEgèvE, a cRadlE of

love stories

aNd If ThIs hEavENly dEcoR Was JusT madE foR faIRy TalEs aNd lENT ITsElf To WRITINg ThE mosT bEauTIful lovE sToRIEs. aNd If ThIs ENvIRoNmENT, WoRThy of pIcTuRE books, Was To blENd WITh ThE bIRTh of passIoNs.

When dreams and reality merge into one, such was the music score composed in Megève between Francine and Sacha Distel. Born Bréaud, Francine had discovered the joys of skiing in the village during her childhood. It was to Megève that she then came to ski in January. It was also in Megève that she met the love of her life, on the Rochebrune gondola. It is in Megève that we love to believe that everything is possible. As it is in the village that the lovely Francine married Sacha Distel, the show business star who broke the hearts of all the girls. Mind you, from the moment they met in January 1961, he only had eyes for her and she for him! A love story that was to last for over 40 years, for the better and for the worst! They took their vows in January 1963 at the town hall of Megève. The ski champion and the singer wanted to be wed in the utmost discretion but, on leaving, an archway of ski poles and the flashing lights of photographers were waiting for them. The young and naïve bride discovered a world that she would have to learn to get accustomed to.



a RomaNTIc Idyll Was boRN “Our meeting was a real case of love at first sight! Until that moment this feeling had been unfamiliar to me. We had only been together for a few weeks when Sacha had to leave for a tour in Brazil. He asked me to go with him and I accepted, me, the young, well brought up and convent educated young lady, and from then on we were never apart”.

A romantic idyll was born. Megève as the backdrop had really engraved the memory of its heritage. The village had inspired the couple, and then their family, to be loyal to the resort. As Francine feels a profound love for the village that she has transmitted to her three children. Her son, Julien, and his wife live in Megève where their children go to school, a school that Julien and his brother laurent know very well, because they too went there between christmas and Easter when they were young boys. In her book, “l’amour n’est pas simple “ (“love is not simple”), published in 2007 by Jc lattès, Francine Distel recalls the story of her life, her universe, both wonderful and complicated at the same time, and recounts the most beautiful memories of this love. like an invitation to happiness and with much generosity she gives an account of the different strategies that enabled her to preserve her universe despite her sorrows and keep her love intact forever. Johana Trossat


BUSINESS TOURISM Combining the useful, the pleasant, work and detail, Megève with its infrastructure is perfect for organising corporate seminars, meetings and events. ALP’INCENTOUR Maison de la Montagne Tel. +33 (0)4 50 58 66 70 contact@alpincentour.com www.alpincentour.com PKRI Rue d’Arly Tel. +33 (0)4 50 58 39 42 megeve@pk-rivoyages.com www.pk-rivoyages.com RED SKI ORGANISATION 176, rue de la Poste Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 00 97 redskiorganisation@megeve-ski.com www.rso-megeve.com MEGÈVE RÉSERVATION Information Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 57 24 charlottes.nuques@megeve.com www.groupes.megeve.com

BEST OF THE ALPS Chamonix Mont-Blanc, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Davos, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Grindelwald, Kitzbühel, Lech/Zürs am Arlberg, Megève, St. Anton am Alberg, Saint Moritz, Seefeld and Zermatt. Well known tourist destinations, places appreciated for their natural quality, blending perfectly into the surroundings with the splendid association of conserved traditions, and taking progress into account carefully. These twelve alpine sites, rare and precious have joined together.

Why? To be the best winter sport’s champions and summer mountain resorts, to show and guarantee together the greatest tourist quality. Because they are lucky to be situated in the heart of one of the most magnificent landscapes on this Earth, and to benefit from an international recognition. They are the ambassadors of the Alps.


skI TouRINg


skiing WhEN skI TouRINg, you caN foRgET ThE cRoWds aT ThE skI lIfTs aNd ENJoy ThE magIc of ThE mouNTaINs. gREaT, buT hoW caN WE lEaRN ThE plEasuREs of ThIs NaTuRE oRIENTaTEd spoRTs dIscIplINE IN complETE sEcuRITy? JEaN gadolET, mouNTaIN guIdE, INvITEs you To “puT oN youR skINs” aT ThE gaTEWay To mEgèvE. oN ThE pRogRammE: calm, ThE gREaT ouTdooRs aNd a fEElINg of ToTal fulfIlmENT. Ski touring is not only good for the body, but also for the mind… with the stipulation that you start in the best conditions. First recommendation : equip yourself lightly by renting your equipment – skis, shoes, skins, and poles – from a specialist. Not forgetting the irreplaceable and essential trio : “ARvA (avalanche beacon, echo-location device), shovel and probe” which are essential should there be a snow slide. Whenever possible, we don’t hesitate to use the ski lifts before starting our ascent : the descent will be even longer! last point : before leaving, take the advice of a mountain professional to choose an itinerary and always abstain from ski touring if the risk of avalanche is too great.

the centre of Megève, head in the direction of the Rochebrune gondola and take the “Route du Bouchet” to the station. park in the car park that is the starting point of the tour (1,836 meters). put your skis on and follow the snow-covered road that climbs to the chevan “Alpage” passing by the Fontanettes, the Tête, and the Stiard. At chevan (1,620 m) go up southwards to the point marked “1,836” on the map. Then following a quite steep wall (heading east) you reach the final gentle slopes that lead to the summit (2,139 m). After the effort of climbing up, now’s the moment to enjoy the downhill skiing. Two choices: go down by the same route as you came up by or via the chavannes cirque.

Here is a tour without difficulties or dangers with, as a bonus, a lovely reward at the summit: a magnificent view over the Mont-Blanc mountain range. From

Total altitude difference : 720 m Time: 2 h / 2 h 30 IGN Map : 35310T Béryl Ziegler

WINTER favouRITE in need of A snow-shoe tReKKing bReAK?


from €205 per person for a 3 nights in a 2* hotel and 2 half-days of snowshoe trekking with a guide. offer valid from the 7th January to the 4th february 2012 and from the 10th march to the end of the season. Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 29 52 www.megeve-reservation.com

NATURE SENSATIONS MOUNTAIN GUIDES’ OFFICE Ski touring: excursions of a 1/2 day, day or several days with nights in a mountain refuge. Snowshoe hiking on a glacier: Discover the «Mer de Glace» glacier and the «Col du Géant». Snowshoes: half-day and day trek to discover the natural environment, animal wildlife and landscapes; nocturnal hikes and outings under starlight. From 10 years old. Maison de la Montagne 76, rue A. Martin Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 55 11 www.guides-megeve.com

DOG SLEDDING ADVENTURES As a family, with your children or friends, we have several formulas to offer. Discover the sport - 1h*: €60 Basic principles of dogsled driving ½ day*: €110 Night time outing: € 75 Canadian trapper style evening on request (* for adults and children from the age of 12.) More information and booking only by mail at: montduvillard@aol.com Gift vouchers are available on www.montduvillardnord.com Tel/Fax: +33 (0)4 50 21 37 03

ADVENTURE PARK A multitude of activities in the heart of the forest, climb up high, swing from tree to tree and put your body and courage to the test in total security. From 5 to 10 years old: special level. Please book in advance Adult: €25 Junior: €17 Children: €10 Cote 2000 Aventure Mobile: +33 (0)6 76 29 71 04 www.cote2000aventure.com LOPS & TREKS Signposted tracks will guide you through snow-covered fields and fir trees. Tired? The non-skier pass makes your ascension easier thanks to the ski lifts. Hungry? The mountain restaurants are waiting for you during your trek to eat a pela ordiots de Savoie. Map on request at Megève Tourisme.

PAINTBALL An unforgettable experience! 2 paintball sites in the middle of the Cote 2000 forest with 7 different game scenarios for 1 to 2 hrs of fun. Admission, supervision and equipment: €25/pers with 100 units. For an extra 100: €5 and €15 for 400. Open every day for reservation from 9am to 10pm from 12 years old. Capacity of 1 to 40 persons. Group or seminary prices: please ask us. Paintball experience Just before the altiport take the road on the right Route de la Cote 2000 (at the foot of the airfield) Tel: +33 (0)6 09 81 31 17 www.paintballexperience.net

iMegève The iMegève application makes life in Megève even easier, giving your smartphone access to a maximum of themed and geo-localised information: the current week’s events, cultural activities, for families and children, shopping, bars and discotheques, SPA and well-being, local products and produce, partner restaurants and hotels, good deals and reductions… m.megeve.com


cRoss-couNTRy skIINg


at heart

IN mEgèvE WE lovE opEN-aIR spoRTs acTIvITIEs. aNd cRoss-couNTRy oR NoRdIc skIINg Is oNE of ThE bEsT Ways of gETTINg ExERcIsE. bEcausE ThIs ENduRaNcE spoRT Is as good as all ThE caRdIo-TRaININg sEssIoNs IN ThE WoRld. NoT suRpRIsINg ThEN ThaT IT aTTRacTs moRE aNd moRE folloWERs.

For years Alpine skiing has taken the limelight, but cross-country skiing is finally getting its revenge, as Skiers are now rediscovering the pleasures of this winter sport that is coming back into fashion. We have to admit that cross-country skiing has more than one advantage. Open to everyone, it attracts nature lovers as much as sporty types looking for physical effort, or even performance. Endurance, cross-country skiing is in fact one of the most complete sports there is, as it uses every major muscle group. “It is the best cardio-training session that you can do, helping to strengthen the heart, improve respiration and endurance. Not forgetting the good it does for the abdominal muscles, arms, thighs and legs”, explains Thierry porret, cross-country


skiing instructor in Megève. But before throwing yourself onto the prepared trails, it is important not to jump certain stages. Beforehand it is best to prepare physically with running sessions or abdominal exercises. We would even advise beginners to have a few initiation lessons. Once on the tracks it is preferable to start with a relatively easy and short trail, then increase the intensity and the degree of difficulty progressively over the following days. At the end of each session, remember to do a few stretching exercises to relax the muscles and drink a lot of water for an easier recovery. A complex physical sport, cross-country skiing is equally a pleasure sport where there is no room for monotony, as there are several methods of doing

this activity. Other than the traditional technique called “classic” where you progress in parallel grooves or tracks cut into the snow, you can also opt for “skate skiing”, where the skis are in a v position. Not forgetting Biathlon, a combination of skiing and rifle shooting. In Megève all the different versions of cross-country skiing are possible, and on 50 km of trails. The favourite site is still the livraz, which benefits from a good snow-cover and a wide variety of trails. Optimum conditions for embarking on exercise with family or friends! Stéphanie Pioud

nordic ski initiation (free) biathlon discovery and initiation from 5:30 pm to 7 pm at the pré st amour, opposite the bus station. mondays 19th and 26th december 2011 mondays 13th, 20th and 26th february 2012 monday 5th march 2012

cRoss couNTRy skIINg some splendid, skating or classic trails will take you all the way along the resort’s 38 km (24 miles) of marked pistes. odier/plaine d‘arly: 5 km (3 miles) cassioz-praz sur arly: 5 km (3 miles) mont d‘arbois-Encraty: 10 km (7 miles) la livraz-cote 2000: 18 km (11 miles) The mont d’arbois, plaine d’arly and cassioz loops are free of access. cross-country ski pass for sale at the first-aid post. chalet la livraz Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 47 52 Insurance «carte neige» licence for sale at the sport’s club.

Iso 14001 Megève a breeding ground for environmental high quality

bIaThloN: mEgèvE hITs ThE bull’s EyE since the french biathlon team’s victories in bursts in the vancouver Winter games last year, biathlon has the wind in its stern. a very complete sport, it is a combination of physical effort, skill and extreme concentration. moreover, it is still open to everyone, even children from 7 years. There are so many reasons to discover this rather atypical sport. besides, the megève Esf is one of the rare ski schools in france to have two shooting ranges (10 meters and 50 meters) on the livraz site. Initiation lessons are proposed throughout the winter and even during the summer by experienced Esf instructors and the megève cross-country skiing club, where there are lessons for both beginners and the more experienced.

having obtained, since 2007, the Iso 14001 certification, megève Tourisme created the event. megève’s structure can, in effect, boast for becoming the first certified office. zoom into the «environmental service» standard. published in 1996, the standard Iso 14001 is an international standard applied to all types of organisations whatever their size or activity. The concept of this Iso 14001 standard lays on the continued improvements of the environmental performances. The certification includes notably an understanding of environmental activities, the definition of an ecological policy and controlled procedures. These criterias are drastic, but on the other hand, the Iso 14001 standard adds a strong credibility to our partners, accommodation owners and shop keepers. In the offices of megève Tourisme, everyone is already aware of the environmental impact issues. The Iso 14001 standard was firstly felt like a company project and a challenge for all. a reduction in water and energy consumption, ecological light bulbs and insulating doors, possibility of downloading the «megève magazine» on usb keys, reducing printing, recycled paper for all documents... there is no limit to ecological procedures. Béryl Ziegler 63




MEGÈVE COTE 2000 ALTIPORT Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 33 67

Aa Haut Vol Ski, Mountain First flight: €65 Souvenir diploma awarded after the flight. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 46 01 Mobile: +33 (0)6 11 11 95 29

AÉROCIME Discovery and sightseeing flights Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 03 21 www.aerocime.com AÉRO-CLUB Pilot training school, for mountain flying qualification Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 33 67 MONT-BLANC HELICOPTERS Megève Valley (10mn) from €70/pers Chamonix Valley (20mn) from €140/pers Mont Blanc Tour (30mn) from €190/pers Links with airports and other resorts Heli-ski and parachute jump Tel: +33 (0)4 50 92 78 00 www.mbh.fr


BAPTEME PARAPENTE Specializing in Maiden flights for 20 years. A dream come true, for all ages from 7 to 77. Maiden flight: €65 Performance flight: €85 Tandem piloting lessons (3 flights): €180 Family and groups rates. Tel. +33 (0)6 62 13 27 71 www.megeve-parapente.com MOUNTAIN GUIDES‘ OFFICE First Tandem Flight ½ day and day initiation. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 55 11 www.guides-megeve.com

MEGÈVE ADVENTURE PARAGLIDING Three instructors at your disposal to discover tandem flying with 0% «carbon gas emissions», and 100% «thrill emissions». Several different formulas proposed paragliding maiden flight - initiation with dualcontrol (3 or 6 flights). Tel. +33 (0)6 82 01 68 40 www.megeve-aventure.fr

HOT AIR BALLOON FLIGHTS ALPES MONTGOLFIÈRE Open all year round, on reservation. 673, route du Val d’Arly Praz sur Arly Tel: +33 (0)4 50 55 50 60 www.alpes-montgolfiere.fr


weather mouNTaIN

IN hauTE-savoIE ThE Top spEcIalIsT IN mouNTaIN WEaThER Is yaN gIEzENdaNNER. WEaThER foREcasTER foR all ThE mouNTaIN RaNgEs IN ThE WoRld, hE Is also a WEaThERmaN aT ThE chamoNIx foREcasT offIcE, WhERE hE has covEREd ThE ENTIRE dEpaRTmENT’s WEaThER foR 35 yEaRs.

Megève, being an important tourist centre in Haute-Savoie benefits from a specific programme that comes out every six hours giving temperature forecasts for five days. This information is sent to the Tourist Office and village of Megève. pierre Jond from the village’s Technical Services Department measures the temperature, the wind, the rain or snowfall and the cloud cover every day of the year. Nicolas Maboux and patrick Dousset, ski patrol and maintenance men, use probes to find out the depth of the snow cover throughout the winter so that we can be forewarned of avalanches. The weather forecast is indispensable and irreplaceable for those who do mountaineering or hiking sports. In winter it is also useful in other areas. Starting with snow clearing in the streets, the upkeep and maintenance of ski slopes and lifts, and triggering off avalanches. “Weather forecasts make it easier for holidaymakers to choose their activities and get the most out of their stay! yan informs us, “Our forefathers made do but today we like to take maximum advantage of the weather;” If it is true that there is a change in the climate, according to yan it is not irreversible. “We could easily return to the much colder and snowier winters of the past; I am convinced that it is simply a question of weather cycles.” There have always been large variations in the temperatures in Haute Savoie. The good news is that Megève, being situated in a wide and thus sunny, open valley, benefits from a microclimate that also means a special snow cover, with milder temperatures. Marie-Christine Hugonot



dive ahead!

a gREaT

ThE INauguRaTIoN of ThE NEW fITNEss aREa IN apRIl 2011 sET ThE complETE REsTRucTuRINg of mEgèvE’s spoRTs aNd coNgREss cENTRE IN moTIoN, commENcINg WITh ThREE fIRsT sTagEs: RENovaTIoN of ThE INdooR ThEN ThE ouTdooR pools aNd ThE cREaTIoN of a balNEo-fITNEss cENTRE. a hugE pRoJEcT pREsENTEd To us by pascal sIRop, ThE pREsENT maNagER of ThE complEx.

Megève Magazine: How do you present the renovation project of the nautical centre?

Pascal Sirop: During the summer of 2011 the renovation of the indoor nautical centre will allow us, in a short time, to study carefully the different pools fitted with stainless steel 316l, a material that is very pleasant to the touch, easier to look after and will enable us to envisage shorter closing periods and thus gain between three and four weeks each year, allowing us to open for 350 days! The natural pools, overflowing and with the colour of a torrent will be more aesthetic and even more attractive. After renovating the centre we will be able to offer a 25 meter pool, fitted with depth contours or “équiprofondeur” at a depth of two meters along the entire length, quicker and better adapted to sports swimming, and a smaller pool with a zone for aqua gym 1m 30 deep, and a shallow “baby swimmer” zone heated to 32°c. MM: How will the nautical centre operate this winter? Pascal Sirop: This year we are starting something new: a prolonged opening of the outdoor Olympic pool after the summer, throughout the winter, with the water heated to between 28°c and 30°c and accessible by an airlock passage. It is a testing phase that inaugurates the future installations. MM: What are the next stages in the renovation of the Nautical Centre? Pascal Sirop: This first phase precedes a complete restructuring operation of the Sports and congress centre which plans the renovation of the outdoor Olympic pool in stainless steel with varying depths, notably of over 3 meters to make it easier to do an activity that has become very important in Megève: diving. The new pool which will also include a more shallow area for children, will be heated to 28°c in the winter thanks to energy given off when making ice for the skating rink. The restructuring also anticipates the creation of outdoor balneo-fitness pools, the renovation of the beach and a new layout for the Sports Spa: an area of 400 m² which could be accessible independently from the nautical centre. The global idea is to offer sports and relaxation swimming activities throughout the year. Alexandre Mollard


The Megève Pass* Unlimited snow A zero limit ski pass that gives you access to the 445 km of ski runs that make up the Evasion Mont Blanc skiing area. Needless to say, you won’t be bored. Not forgetting that, with the Megève Pass, the pleasure continues after skiing, as it also gives you access, without moderation, to cultural and sports activities at the Sports and Congress centre, including unlimited admission to the swimming pool, ice rink, body building (minimum age 15), table tennis and Media library. With the Megève pass, you have all the pleasure without counting the cost. * Offer reserved for holders of an Evasion ski pass, paying for 6 to 16 days, bought in Megève and only during the period from 8th January to 4th February andfrom 11th March to the end ofthe winter season. On sale at ski lift selling points www.skiamegeve.com

SPORTS AND CONGRESS CENTRE Village Central Open Air Ice Rink Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 23 77 Olympic Ice Rink Dimensions: 60 x 30 m. Musical animation, Nocturnal. Swimming Pools Indoor pool 25 x 12.5 Children’s pool 12.5 x 12.5 Sauna, hammam, lessons. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 59 09 Climbing Wall equipment not provided Access exclusively for those accompanied by a guide. Fitness Centre Indoor Tennis Court Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 15 71 palais@megeve.fr http://palais.megeve.fr

DIVING Diving school at the Sports Centre swimming pool throughout the year and diving into the lake from April. Try a diving baptism and make your first bubbles alone with an instructor: €30 for 30 minutes. Initiation sessions in small groups (max 4 pers), individual lessons-getting back to scratch or perfection, lessons for SSI specialities, rescue and life-saving training sessions and diving in waterproof wetsuits. Professional instructors, SEA centre (Scubapro Education Association), school registered with FFESSM/CMAS, ANMP/ CEDIP and SSI (Scuba Schools International). La Plongée d’en Haut Tel. +33 (0)6 83 73 96 81 www.plongee-megeve74.fr






mEgèvE polo masTERs

lovE hoRsEs To bITs! FROM 19 TO 22 JANUARY, ThE polo masTERs Is a REal lovE sToRy: ThaT of a maN – JEaN-yvEs dElfossE – foR a spoRT; ThaT of a maN foR hIs soNs – maThIEu aNd clémENT – aNd ThaT of aN oRgaNIsER foR a REsoRT – mEgèvE.

On the 19th, 20th and 21st January 1996, Jean-yves Delfosse organised the first “International Snow polo Trophy” in Megève, transposing the know-how and professionalism that had already proved their worth in Saint-Tropez. Megève, the pioneer, thus became the first resort in the French Alps to host such a competition. By transmitting his passion for polo to his sons – young players with impressive winner’s lists – and to the general public, and by remaining loyal to Megève, Jean-yves Delfosse was able to create a convivial and festive event where elegance and sportsmanship are the key words. The polo Masters have become an essential and much awaited rendezvous… a unique show where every match is a real performance… a remarkable and unique tournament where each period is an authentic equestrian jousting match, a sometimes fratricidal duel… an exceptional show that celebrates the beauty of the gesture, the control and precision of the riders, the strength and the spirit of their mounts, the beauty of these Argentinean criollo horses… an event full of thrills and shivers, of discovery, of surprises and the unexpected… a friendly and festive event where sport, emotion, adrenaline and charm are united together for the better and for the style… an annual rejoicing to discover or rediscover with delectation! Alexandre Mollard



ThE gRaNd odyssEy

a sToRy of mEN aNd dogs dog lovERs aRE gIvEN a RENdEz vous oN ThE spoRTs cENTRE EsplaNadE IN mEgèvE oN ThE 12th And 13th JAnuARY To applaud ThE passagE of ThE gRaNd odyssEy savoIE moNT-blaNc. sETTINg ouT fRom ThE gRaNd massIf, ThE coNvoy WIll cRoss ThE mosT bEauTIful skIINg aREas IN ThE alps bETWEEN ThE 8Th aNd 18Th JaNuaRy. “An event is born when the public appreciates it”, Henri kam, president of the Grand Odyssey Savoie Mont-Blanc, confides to us. And for eight years, thousands of spectators have followed this competition that unites men and dogs in a great sporting and friendly adventure. During the race nearly 300 four legged athletes provide the show over ten days or so. At their side, the best mushers in the World guide the teams with kindness. yet the route, the speed, the snow conditions and the weather bring added challenges. “A musher commits 14 dogs, for whom he is entirely responsible, to the competition. He doesn’t want them to come to any harm. These dogs are used to taking part in competitions in the Far North, where climatic conditions are hard, but where the terrain is flat”, explains Henri kam. Here lies the great difference with dog and sleigh racing in the mountains. Here, the climate is less harsh, particularly temperature levels. On the other hand, the topography and the nature of the terrain is a tough challenge for the teams of dogs and their masters. But these latter, who cannot do enough to look after their dogs : visits to the vet, massages, ointments and booties to protect their pads, and of course a profusion of caresses! They are ready to do anything out of love for their dogs, acting like real rescuers. And if a dog is injured, it usually finishes the race on a sleigh! Evelyne Périnet Marquet


sNoW golf cup sNoW golf cup

gREEN vEERs To WhITE, ThE balls spIN RouNd a gENERous golfINg mENu Is aNNouNcEd fRom ThE 2nd to the 12th febRuARY : TEN days of compETITIoN To pRovE, If NEEds bE, ThaT ThERE Is NoThINg ouT daTEd abouT WINTER golf.

Slowly but surely snow golf has imposed itself to become one of the winter season’s much awaited events. Winter golf has gone beyond the stage of being a daring bet and won its place on the competition calendar. In this winter of 2012, that of the twelfth edition, there will be a total of a week and a half of competitions, all to be played on the Mont d’Arbois golf course. The first balls will be hit on the 2nd February during the vacheron constantin Snow Golf cup, a private competition. The under sixteens will then challenge one another in the Snow Golf kids on Sunday, a prelude to the Megève Winter Golf that will beat to the rhythm of several successive events. Finally, the ultimate day of competition will be devoted to the 4th Amateur Snow Golf World championships. Over the ten days some 500 golfing starts are expected, giving the spectators as many opportunities to come and grasp the nuance between green and white. Because the “greens” rechristened “whites” and the coloured balls contribute to the fun aspect but are not everything. With their usual landmarks somewhat blurred, the snow golfer needs to bring twice as much skill into play. Tennis player Nicolas Escudé and rally driver Bruno Saby have already tried out this sports discipline on Megève’s golf course, both with a certain success. Pascal Arvin-Bérod


Essentiel diary 19

3 dEcEmbER fRom saTuRday 3Rd Illumination of the Swarovski christmas tree in the village square. saTuRday 3Rd crazy Horse show Since its creation this cabaret has celebrated the beauty and sensuality of women in an intimate and sophisticated atmosphere. ThuRsday 8Th Echos - liés show

fRom fRIday 6Th To suNday 8Th International curling Tournament. “Sulpice” challenge.

fRom ThuRsday 8Th To suNday 11Th “Restos du cœur” children’s christmas.

ThuRsday 12Th aNd fRIday 13Th The Grand Odyssey Savoie Mont-Blanc. Dog and sleigh race.

moNdays 19Th aNd 26Th Nordic Skiing and biathlon for beginners TuEsday 20Th 80th anniversary of the Sports centre. TuEsdays 20Th aNd 27Th Ice Hockey for everyone. Open-air ice rink. 24Th

saTuRday Arrival of Santa claus through the village streets. ThuRsday 29Th princess Sarah’s christmas. Show on Ice. saTuRday 31sT Grand torch lit processions with the Ski School instructors. 74


fRom ThuRsday 19Th To suNday 22Nd 17th Megève polo Masters. An exceptional event of the utmost elegance and at the height of tradition. suNday 29Th cross-country skiing Grand prix. “la Bûcheronne”. Ski Mountaineering race “la Montée de Megève de l’Allais”vertical race.

2 18

maRch fRIday 2Nd The ESF celebrates its stars. 5Th

moNday Nordic Skiing and biathlon for beginners.


ThuRsday 8Th Theatre, the “clan des Héritiers”.

fRom ThuRsday 2Nd To suNday12Th 12th Megève Winter Golf Trophy The traditional meeting that gathers Snow Golfers has been made even more attractive with 11 days of golf on a course which is as exceptional as it is prestigious: The Mont d’Arbois. This packed 2012 edition has a competition for everyone wishing to test out their clubs.

fRom moNday 5Th To suNday 18Th Alpine Ski – FIS. Men’s – downhill and super G.

fRom fRIday 10Th To suNday 12Th kandahar Masters FIS – Alpine Skiing moNdays 13Th, 20Th aNd 27Th Nordic Skiing and biathlon for beginners TuEsdays 14Th aNd 21sT Hockey for everyone. Open-air ice rink. 22Nd

WEdNEsday young Mogul ski cup

fRIday 24Th The ESF (French Ski School) celebrates its stars.

fRom ThuRsday 8Th To suNday 11Th Megève High-Tech. 2nd edition of new technologies days, sport and well-being products and services. suNday 18Th World cup Freestyle Final Dual Mogul Skiing fRom moNday19Th To ThuRsday 22Nd 59th International Ski Tournament, the 6 Nations. fRom fRIday 23Rd To suNday 25Th 16th Bridge Festival.

13 apRIl TuEsday 3Rd concert by the “pays de Savoie” Orchestra. saTuRday 7Th ESF (French Ski School) alpine ski racing suNday 8Th Sports club alpine ski racing fRom fRIday 13Th To suNday 15Th 6th Sports Dance Open. From the paso Doble to the Rumba, all the standards and latin American dances will be represented over the weekend. suNday 22Nd Skiing at the cote 2000. For the last day of opening on the slopes, the ski lifts are free.

fRom WEdNEsday 28Th To saTuRday 31sT 18th “coq d’or” (Golden cock) Ski Open. 1500 youngsters compete for a place on the national programme, aiming for the highest level.

suNday 26Th French Mogul Ski cup. Snow carnival.


ZÜRICH 350km


PARIS 587km




Access To mEgèvE



le Bourget lake




Annecy lake







by caR - 70km (43 miles) from Geneva - 180km (112 miles) from lyon - 272km (169 miles) from Milan 600km (373 miles) from paris - 760km (475 miles) from lille 1000km (621 miles) from london - calais / paris / Mâcon / Annecy / Sallanches: A26 + A1 + A6 + A40 - lyon / chambéry / Annecy / Sallanches: A43 + A41 + A40 - lyon / chambéry / Albertville: A43 + A430 - Genève / Sallanches: A40 Trafic Information: www.bison-fute.equipement.gouv.fr Covered car parks: 1980 parking places by TRaIN Sallanches station: 12km (7 miles) from Megève (terminus St Gervais les Bains / le Fayet) - TGv train from paris, change at Annecy on weekdays. Direct weekend. - Shuttle Bus service to resort from Sallanches station Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 25 18 sat17@wanadoo.fr www.sat-montblanc.com - Shuttle bus service to resort from Geneva’s bus station (The «dorsière»square) - Borini Bus - www.borini.com Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 18 24 - SNcF info and reservation Tel: +33 (0) 892 35 35 35 www.voyages-sncf.com - SNcF Megève Bus station information and reservation on the spot by TaxIs Station - Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 28 20 Alain Taxi Mobile: +33 (0)6 84 01 23 77 taximegeve@wanadoo.fr www.taximegeve.com


Alpine Taxi Mobile:+33 (0)6 09 41 75 40 contact@alpine-taxi.com www.alpine-taxi.com Devesa Taxi - Tel: +33 (0)6 76 52 61 95 Jo le taxi - Mobile: +33 (0)6 09 42 05 00 Pascal Taxi Mobile: +33 (0)6 09 31 51 30 www.pascal-taxi.com TRaNspoRT aNd vEhIclE RENTal les Transports du Mont-blanc Mobile: +33 (0)6 84 71 02 07 ltmb.megeve@orange.fr - www.ltmb.fr Transports Perinet G Mobile: +33 (0)6 89 33 39 39 perinetgilbert@orange.fr Europcar - Rental of cars, vans and 4x4 Tel: +33 (0)4 50 91 99 28 VIP limousines luxury vehicle, 4x4, and mini bus rental. possibility of a bilingual driver. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 90 84 66 Tel: +33 (0)6 85 66 99 41 www.vip-limousines.fr Palladium limousine luxury vehicle and 4x4 rental. possibility of a driver 590 rue charles Feige Tel: +33 (0)4 50 78 07 80 info@palladiumlimousine.com BORINI Buses - vehicle rental with driver for 2 or more people. Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 18 24 borini@borini.com - www.borini.com SAT Buses vehicle rental with driver for 8 or more people Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 25 18 www.sat-montblanc.com sat17@wanadoo.fr

mEg bus Free shuttles for Rochebrune, Mont d’Arbois, cote 2000, Jaillet, cassioz and except for princesse. by plaNE Annecy’s Airport Tel: +33 (0)4 50 27 30 06 www.annecy.aeroport.fr Geneva’s International Airport Megève: 70km - www.gva.ch Tel Standard: +41 (0)22 717 71 11 France Reception Office Tel: +41 (0)22 798 20 00 acc-france@bluewin.ch www.accueil-france.org lyon - Bron’s Airport Business Aviation Tel: +33 (0)4 78 26 81 09 www.bron-aeroport.fr lyon - Saint Exupéry’sAirport Tel: +33 (0)4 26 00 70 07 www.lyon.aeroport.fr Megève aIRpoRT lINks BORINI buses Tel: +33 (0)4 50 21 18 24 borini@borini.com - www.borini.com Direct coach service by request Mont-Blanc helicopters Tel: +33 (0)4 50 92 78 00 info@mbh.fr - www.mbh.fr















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INdEx sPoRts adventure park ............................. 32-61 altiport ............................................. 64 climbing ...................................... 27-67 cross-country ski .................. 26-27-33-63 day nursery / activity centre ............... 32 diving.......................................... 32-67 dogsledding ................................. 32-61 fitness .............................................. 67 helicopter .................................... 27-64 hiking ......................................... 27-61 hot-air balloon................................... 64 Ice rinks ....................................... 32-67 mountaineering ................................. 27 Nautical centre ............................. 32-67 off-piste ski ....................................... 27 paint ball ..................................... 32-61 paragliding ....................................... 64 ski ..........................................25-26-27 ski lifts ......................................... 16-33 ski schools ...............................26-27-32 ski touring.................................... 27-61 sledges (children) .............................. 33 snowboard .................................. 26-27 snowshoe .................................... 27-61 Telemark ........................................... 27 Tennis ............................................... 67 Waidzai park big air bag................... 33 cultuRe & leisuRe bridge .............................................. 43 casino .............................................. 37 cinema............................................. 37 cooking lessons ................................. 37 heritage ........................................... 43 horse sleigh ...................................... 43 language courses ......................... 33-43 media library ............................... 33-43 museums...................................... 33-43 painting ............................................ 43 spa .........................................54-55-67 78

contacts mEgèvE TouRIsm Open every day from 9 am to 7 pm from the 17/12/ 2011 to the 31/03/ 2012 Open every day from 9 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 6:30 pm in April Open every day, except Sundays and Bank Holidays, from 9 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 6:30 pm in October and November until the 17/12 and in May. During the autumn half-term holidays: open on Sundays 23rd and 30th October and Tuesday 1st November from 9am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 6:30 pm. INfoRmaTIoNs Bp. 24 - 74120 Megève Tel : +33 (0)4 50 21 27 28 - Fax : +33 (0)4 50 93 03 09 megeve@megeve.com www.megeve.com accommodaTIoN - avaIlabIlITy Tel. +33 (0)4 50 21 29 52 www.megeve-reservation.com Accommodation brochure available at Megève Tourisme

Tourism partners

credits EdIToR Megève Tourisme EpIc (établissement public à caractère Industriel et commercial) 70, rue Monseigneur conseil - Bp 24 - 74 120 Megève - France REpREsENTaTIvE Marithé crozet publIcaTIoN dIREcToR Marithé crozet dEsIgN aNd aRTIsTIc pRoducTIoN 360 EuRo Rscg chIEf WRITER Flora Bornstein WRITERs pascal Arvin-Bérod, Flora Bornstein, Evelyne périnet-Marquet, Marie christine Hugonot, Johana Trossat, Alexandre Mollard, Béryl Ziegler, Stéphanie pioud. phoTogRaphERs Tristanshu.com, Daniel Durand/DDD, Agence Zoom, lokigraf.com, Jp Noisillier/Nuts.fr, ludovic di Orio, philippe Gandelin, Simon Garnier, Bionnassayimages.com, Thierry Guillot/le dauphiné, Eric Franceschi, Henri Bureau/Gamma. covER ludovic Di Orio, Robe - Boutique Faith connexion, parure Mauboussin - Boutique chic Altitude INTERIoR ludovic Di Orio, Boutique Avenue Montagne pRINTEd by FOT Imprimerie - 69881 MEyZIEU Issued July 2011 for winter 2011/2012 8 500 copies printed - please do not throw into the nature. This document has no contractual value REspoNsIblE aTTITudE In keeping with Megève’s commitment to protecting the environment, this magazine has been printed with vegetable-based inks, on paper made of 60% recycled pulp and 40% pulp from sustainable managed forests. When you have finished with this copy, please support our efforts by placing it in an appropriate paper recycling bin.

P.L.S BOUTIQUES EXCLUSIVES MEGEVE 29 Arcades du Mont Blanc +33(0) 64 rue Ambroise Martin +33(0)

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